Extended Ed For Epicor - ERP

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Day Time Title Description

May 20 - 08:00 AM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional $275 fee to attend this session.
Sunday - 12:00 Introduction to C# REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspx
PM for Epicor C# is the underlying language used to develop screen customizations, BPM’s and is also used in other Epicor tools such as the
Customizations product configurator. This course focuses on introducing C# to users with little or no experience programming but do have a fair
knowledge of IT from the perspective of a business analyst, developer or other IT related responsibilities. It also introduces the
Epicor customization tools, wizards and extended properties for users with little or no exposure to the customization layer in Epicor.
It provides an overview of navigation, feature functionality and terminology used when developing Epicor customizations.
This course will provide an overview of terminology and definitions used when developing in the C# language. It also includes
examples of program structure and C# syntax shown in the context of building embedded customizations.
• Understand the basic terminology and definitions for the various components involved with developing in C#.
• Understand the basic code structure of a C# class or program and general rules for naming conventions.
• Know what the most commonly used data types are for variables.
• Know how to build condition logic such as ‘switch’ and ‘if’ statements.
• Become familiar with creating new customizations for Epicor screens.
• Add custom variables and programming methods to a C# program class.
• Display a message when the form initializes.
• Simple refactoring of your C# code.
• Add a controls and event handlers to customizations.
• Understand the basics of how the custom script manager (csm) works.
• Know how to launch the Visual Studio debugger and evaluate program elements while running your code.
• Understand basic system architecture.
• Understand the basic terminology and definitions for the various components in the customization interface.
• Understand the basic navigation between the tools and wizards.
• What the most commonly used features of the customization interface are.
• Use the built in Object Explorer to browse methods, properties and data objects.
• Build condition formatting using the rule wizard.
• Adding foreign key tables.
• Change display formats using extended properties.
• Export Customizations.
• Import Customizations.
• Deploy Customizations.
-System Administrator
-IT/Technical Staff
Required Courses: Navigation
This session will be of benefit to customers running Epicor 10.x
PROGRAM LEVEL: Intermediate
FIELD OF STUDY: Computer Science

May 20 - 08:00 AM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional $275 fee to attend this session.
Sunday - 12:00 Modifying Epicor ERP REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspx
PM Without Coding: The Business Process Management (BPM) tools offer a wide array of options for altering or extending how business processes flow
Business Process in the Epicor. This can be done through the development of BPMs via a graphic interface and largely without the writing of a single
Management line of code. By implementing a few easy-to-create BPM methods, you can prevent inconsistent data, set default value and alert
specific users about important data requirements among a few things. In this session, we will open the BPM tool box and try out
fundamental BPM techniques. The session will explore how to find the database tables you wish to monitor and then create the
corresponding BPM alerts and validation methods. The session will also explore how you export and import a group of BPM methods
for use by other departments in your organization. This session will help you take the first step to applying BPM to your business
-Understand the functionality of Epicor Business Process Management (BPM).
-Use the BPM Wizards.
-Gain a working knowledge of available conditions and actions.
-Create beginning method directives.
-Possible workshop scenarios may include creating required fields, validating a field, and creating and using a hold type.
This course will appeal to the following audience:
-Business analysts
-Power users
-System administrators
-Technical staff
Required Courses: Navigation
This course will be of benefit to customers running Epicor ERP 10.x.
FIELD OF STUDY: Computer Science
Day Time Title Description
May 20 - 08:00 AM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional $275 fee to attend this session.
Sunday - 12:00 Customizing REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspx
PM Standard Reports This session introduces Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) reports and their implementation in Epicor ERP. Microsoft
and BAQ Reports SSRS is a server-based reporting platform that provides comprehensive reporting functionality to generate reports from SQL Server
with SSRS databases.
To create the custom reports, the first workshops use Microsoft SQL Server Report Builder, a report authoring tool. Report Builder
utilizes a Microsoft Office style environment, so its familiar interface makes it ideal for developing most custom reports. Then to
develop more enhanced reports, this course next explores Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools. Through this report authoring
environment, you create or edit SSRS reports in Microsoft Visual Studio.
• Use the SSRS Report Builder to edit standard Epicor reports.
• Add custom SSRS reports to the Epicor ERP menu and display them during runtime.
• Create a BAQ report.
• Use the Report Builder to design the BAQ report layout.
• Add custom BAQ reports to the Epicor ERP menu and display them during runtime.
• Use SQL Server Data Tools to create custom SSRS reports.
• Use SQL Server Data Tools to edit standard Epicor reports.
• System Administrator
• IT/Technical Staff
• Report Writers
• Business Analysts
• Understanding of the Epicor ERP interface
• Knowledge of report authoring programs
• Knowledge of relational database concepts such as table relationships, records, and field types
• Understanding of business activity query (BAQ) functionality
PROGRAM LEVEL: Intermediate/Advanced
FIELD OF STUDY: Computer Science
May 20 - 08:00 AM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional $275 fee to attend this session.
Sunday - 12:00 The NEW USERS REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspx
PM Introduction to Are you new to Epicor ERP? This introductory course provides a high-level overview of the data flow through Epicor ERP system
Manufacturing from quote through shipment. During this four hour extended education session, we will demonstrate how the major areas of
Processes, from functionality work together, allowing the student the opportunity to follow the flow of data in a manufacturing environment.
Quote to Shipment Students will work through a scenario to create and engineer a quote, convert that quote to a sales order, fill the order across
production planning and purchasing and shipment to the customer.
- Create and engineer a quote, then provide a price estimate using the Quote Worksheet.
- Follow an sales order through the job planning and creation process.
- Make buying decisions based on the use of PO Suggestions for materials.
- Complete inventory transactions to receive purchased items, move materials to and from a job, and process shipments.
This session will appeal to the following NEW Users:
- Operations
- Purchasing
- Sales
- Shipping & Receiving
- System Administrator
Basic Knowledge of the Epicor ERP Navigation
Applicable Products:
Epicor ERP
This session benefits those customers in a Services environment running Epicor ERP.
Program Level: Basic
Field of Study: Manufacturing
CPE Credits: 4.0
Day Time Title Description
May 20 - 08:00 AM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional $275 fee to attend this session.
Sunday - 12:00 Inbound Supply REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.asp
PM Chain Mgt. - Efficient and timely purchasing, procurement and management of inbound materials for replenishment purposes is critical to the
Purchase Contracts profitably of your distribution and manufacturing operations. Epicor ERP provides a wealth of Supply Chain Management tools to
and Landed Cost help automate purchase contract, purchase order, landed cost and inventory replenishment tasks. This functionality provides
significant time, accuracy, and efficiency benefits that help you better manage processing of inbound replenishment materials.
In this session, you will learn how to use the Purchase Contracts Management module to automatically generate periodic delivery
schedules for specific suppliers from which you regularly purchase materials. You will use the Purchase Management module
functions to create, approve, monitor and receive purchase orders. You will also learn to use the Landed Cost functionality to
calculate and analyze landed costs for received items.
- Create purchase delivery schedules and approvals.
- Set up periodicity codes, maintain parts and part schedules.
- Manage purchase contracts, generate and then approve purchase schedule suggestions.
- Create, approve, and receive purchase orders.
- Utilize the Landed Cost functionality to calculate and analyze landed costs for received items.
-Purchase Management Staff
-Warehouse Manager
-Shop Floor Employees
- Cost Accountants and AP Clerks
-IT/Technical Staff
-System Administrators
Required Courses: Navigation, Purchase Management, Inventory Management and (optionally) Advanced Material Management.
This session will be of benefit to customer running Epicor 9.05 and Epicor 10.00.
PROGRAM LEVEL: Intermediate
FIELD OF STUDY: Production
May 20 - 08:00 AM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional $275 fee to attend this session.
Sunday - 12:00 Have You Gone REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspx
PM global? Expand Your The Multi-Company functionality encompasses the Epicor ERP features which share data across different areas within your
ERP Solution with organization. Leverage these features to share global master records like customers, parts, and suppliers, coordinate expenses
Multi-company between your divisions, consolidate financial data, and other internal data sharing activities. You configure this functionality to
match the internal structure and needs of your organization. Your environment can be set up either externally through separate
databases, or internally through multiple companies on a single database. Come to this session and learn how to configure your
ERP as a global solution.
Required courses: General Ledger, Accounts Payable
- Identify the important external system and company integration steps
- Startup tasks, and server processes necessary to work in a multi-company environment
- Create global records for customers, suppliers, and parts
Maintain multi-company general ledger accounts
- Create and use multi-company allocation templates
- Process multi-company journals
- Allocate AP expenses to another Company
Set up and process central payments
- Consolidate gl transactions to a parent company
This session will be of benefit to customers running any Epicor ERP10.
PROGRAM LEVEL: Intermediate
Day Time Title Description
May 20 - 08:00 AM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional $275 fee to attend this session.
Sunday - 12:00 Improving Shop REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspx
PM Floor Performance This extended session introduces the theory of scheduling and the use of the scheduling tools in the Epicor application.
with Scheduling with The objective is to provide a foundation using the application to achieve realistic production schedules and load estimates that can
Epicor ERP be used to help control the shop floor and aid in delivery promises. The Scheduling course focuses on creating job schedules,
computing resource loads, and communicating this information to stakeholders.
• Discuss scheduling in a manufacturing environment.
• Describe scheduling configuration and setup options.
• Increase your scheduling capacity using Capabilities.
• Identify the building blocks for scheduling.
• Describe scheduling tools available in the Epicor ERP application.
• List five scheduling reality factors.
• Paint the true picture of constrained materials using Capable to Promise.
• Understand the Non-time Constraints available at the Resource level.
-Production Controller
-Material Planner
-Operations Manager
Required courses: Navigation
Recommended knowledge of computer and internet navigation basics.
This session will be of benefit to customers running any Epicor ERP version.
FIELD OF STUDY: Production

May 20 - 08:00 AM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional $275 fee to attend this session.
Sunday - 12:00 Performance Tuning REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspx
PM Tips and This session focuses on some of the standard evaluation and testing processes that Epicor representatives follow to find and
Troubleshooting possible resolve potential sources of slow performance. Epicor has developed these processes to more quickly identify and resolve
Techniques – performance issues.
Lessons from the We’ll first begin by explaining common patterns for slow performance. These patterns are situations customers typically experience,
Field such as everything is slow, specific users have slow performance, one program is slow, and so on. We’ll discuss what often is the
cause for these patterns and describes how you can test the issue.
We’ll then detail the sources of poor performance. The rest of this session mainly explores the step by step testing process Epicor
representatives (consultants, technical support technicians, and partners) must follow to identify the source(s) of performance
issues. Because customers often state ""everything is slow"" on their system, this methodical testing process gives Epicor
representatives a base from which to analyze issues. This section of the course describes the specific metrics to gather and the
hardware/software items to evaluate before making recommendations.
Likewise if you are a network administrator, IT technician, and/or department manager responsible for performance at your
customer organization, understanding what data to provide during this standard testing process will make better use of your time
and resources. You can then more efficiently analyze whether the recommendations from the Epicor representative are cost
effective for your organization.
The Performance Tuning course concludes by exploring some client and server testing scenarios. Use these scenarios to evaluate
various aspects of a system to pinpoint what is causing slow performance.
Please note these scenarios are intended as a place to start; more performance techniques may be required.
- Review common performance patterns and their potential solutions.
- Become familiar with the available performance tuning tools and resources.
- Learn the metrics testing process to efficiently evaluate system performance.
- Use the Performance and Diagnostic Tool to evaluate various areas of performance.
- Run baseline performance tests.
- Learn both client and server testing scenarios.
-Network Administrators
-Managers responsible for exploring ways to improve efficiency of applications and network systems.
Required Courses: None
Recommended to have knowledge of network hardware, network and client software, and database management.
This session will be of benefit to customers running any Epicor ERP version.
PROGRAM LEVEL: Intermediate
FIELD OF STUDY: Computer Science
Day Time Title Description
May 20 - 01:00 PM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional $275 fee to attend this session.
Sunday - 05:00 Using Visual Studio REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspx
PM to Customize the The Epicor customization layer leverages the C# .NET development toolset to modify existing, and add new functionality to the
Epicor ERP Interface Epicor user interface. This session will focus on demonstrating how .NET developers can leverage Visual Studio and its tools such as
IntelliSense, real time error checking, quick action corrections, correct and continue while debugging and more. We will review how
the Epicor implements application extensions and the corresponding directory structures used to deploy the application.
This course demonstrates how to setup Visual Studio solutions with the necessary assembly references and directory structures to
build and configure Visual Studio test harnesses that are used for rapid proto typing of UI form customizations. It will also review
how to instantiate UI transactions and Epicor Sessions to perform live testing of method code using an existing Epicor install.
• Identify the required assembly references needed to prototype Epicor Customizations using Visual Studio.
• Setup a Visual Studio project with the ideal directory structure to build and easily maintain a development environment.
• Understand some basic recommendations for coding practices that will facilitate testing processes.
• Initialize an Epicor Session and subsequent UI Form Transaction from within a Visual Studio solution that can be used to test your
custom code.
• Use the Customization wizard to create a customization template.
• Move code snippets from Epicor UI customizations into Visual Studio solutions.
• Use Visual Studio code snippets to add pre-defined, reusable code blocks into programs.
• Step through your custom code blocks inside a Visual Studio project using the debugger.
• Work with drop down combo boxes populated with custom data that gets filtered based on values selected in other dropdowns.
• Understand how to work directly with the business object implementation for external process integration.
-.NET developers
-IT/Technical Staff
Tools Courses: Customizations, BPM
Must have experience using Visual Studio
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: This session will be of benefit to customers running Epicor 10.x

May 20 - 01:00 PM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional $275 fee to attend this session.
Sunday - 05:00 Advanced Business REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspx
PM Process Management This session focuses on advanced techniques users can leverage within Business Process Management (BPM). Epicor BPM identifies
for Epicor ERP and improves processes to make customers business more efficient, more disciplined, and better able to adapt to change. BPM
technology enables organizations to automate and streamline business processes for continuous improvement.
The BPM functionality is available on nearly every business process in the system and it activates using the Epicor Server. Whether
the transaction originates from the Epicor Client or Epicor Web Services, the BPM results are the same. For this reason, Business
Process Management is often the best toolset for system modifications. For example, making a field mandatory is easier to set up
and maintain through a BPM method than a client customization.
The course presents a series of workshops that demonstrate the functionality available in BPMs.
- Distinguish between Method directives and Data Directives
- Distinguish between pre-processing, post-processing and base processing method directives
-Distinguish between standard and in-transaction data directives.
- Create an email template and use BPM to send notifications.
- Use the directive to default data in a newly added records.
- Create BPM forms invoked by method directives.
- Use Data Directives to initiate actions when updates to specific tables occur.
-Use the Invoke BO Method action to call Business Object (BO) methods from within a directive.
-Retrieve additional information outside the current dataset to populate custom fields.
- Learn how to create and call Custom External Methods.
- Manage method directives.
System Administrator
IT/Technical Staff
- Understanding of database concepts
- Dashboard Knowledge
- Basic BPM knowledge or Introduction to Epicor ERP Business Process Management extended session
PROGRAM LEVEL: Intermediate/Advanced
FIELD OF STUDY: Computer Science.
Day Time Title Description
May 20 - 01:00 PM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional $275 fee to attend this session.
Sunday - 05:00 Using Breaking and REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspx
PM Routing Rules on This course focuses on creating routing rules that determine how SSRS report output generates, prints, and distributes. Routing
Epicor ERP Reports rules streamline reporting for specific business needs. They can be simple rules that define alternate report styles for printing
reports through unique formats. They can also be complex rules that divide report runs into multiple rendering workflows. Even
though a report process runs once, you render multiple reports based on audiences, business requirements, and other needs.
For example, you can set up a rule condition to send each rendered report to a specific client or server printer. Make one report
version print for a specific department, and then cause another version to print in a different department. Routing rules can also
make it easier to conduct international business. You create a routing rule for an AR Invoice report style that prints a specific format
for each country. When users run this report style, the routing rule generates invoices using the format linked to each customer's
By designing routing rules that address business flows unique to your organization, you will generate targeted documents for
customers, suppliers, and internal users. Routing rules significantly improve how reports communicate information. This course
compliments the Customizing Standard SSRS Reports session offered in the morning, but it is not required.
• Create a routing rule that generates and sends a report to a specific internal email address
• Create a routing rule that automatically sends reports to external email addresses
• Develop a routing rule that generates a report when a record passes a deadline
• Set up a routing rule with conditions that evaluate data, such as countries, to build unique reports containing targeted data
• Use both routing rules and Business Process Management (BPM) so that database changes automatically generate specific reports.
• System Administrator
• IT/Technical Staff
• Report Writers
• Business Analysts
• Understanding of the Epicor ERP interface
• Knowledge of relational database concepts such as table relationships, records, and field types
• Knowledge of report authoring programs
• Understanding of Business Process Management (BPM) functionality
PROGRAM LEVEL: Intermediate
FIELD OF STUDY: Computer Science
May 20 - 01:00 PM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional $275 fee to attend this session.
Sunday - 05:00 Create End User REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspx
PM Procedures with Successful training strategy is a vital component of any organizational change from the implementation of a new ERP package to the
Epicor Knowledge introduction of improved operational workflows. It is also essential to ensure compliance with already established practices therefore
Mentor contributing to higher quality outputs and increased customer satisfaction. The Epicor Knowledge Mentor product suite offers a cost
effective way of creating a custom-, interactive training environment for any screen-based software application. It also allows you to
create role-based repeatable educational tracks, and follow the progress of employees all the way from onboarding to successful
Upon successful completion of this session you will be able to:
- Design a training for the software product of your choice
- Capture screens of a role-based walkthrough and quickly convert that into a state-of-the-art video course.
- Annotate screens for greater impact
- Generate printable materials with ease
- Create certification exams
- Establish role-based agendas for employees
- Print a certificate of completion
This course will appeal to the following audience:
- any professional working in the field of corporate education
- CEOs, corporate decision makers
- Implementation project owners, sponsors
- Heads of Departments, Team Leads responsible for onboarding and educating co-workers
- Quality Management staff
Basic computer navigation skills. Involvement in digital training programs as a student or trainer is a plus.
All products
PROGRAM LEVEL: Intermediate.
FIELD OF STUDY: Computer Science.
Day Time Title Description
May 20 - 01:00 PM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional $275 fee to attend this session.
Sunday - 05:00 Tracking Your Costs REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspx
PM in Manufacturing - The purpose of this session is to help you understand how the Epicor ERP application processes job costs. As the job moves
Watching Every through the system, Epicor ERP examines the components and calculations the application uses to create estimated costs; actuals
Penny are then accrued through the manufacturing process. The session describes the job process, evaluates where job estimates are
established, and then demonstrates how actual costing data is accumulated through methods of manufacturing to arrive at the final
costs for each job record.
• Comprehend the flow of a job through the manufacturing process.
• Identify the costing components and calculations used in a method of manufacture.
• Demonstrate the impact of material issue and labor transactions on job costing.
• Explain how costing data is accumulated to determine the final cost on each job record.
• Describe the impact of material receipts on job and inventory costing.
• Monitor costs using the Production Detail, Work in Progress and WIP/Inventory Reconciliation reports through the entire
production-to-inventory cycle.
This session will appeal to the following audience:
• Cost Accountant
• CFO/Controller
• Engineer
• Job Planners
Navigation, System flow, Job management, GL, Engineering
PROGRAM LEVEL: Intermediate
CPE Credits: 4.0
May 20 - 01:00 PM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional $275 fee to attend this session.
Sunday - 05:00 Outbound Supply REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspx
PM Chain Mgt. - Order Efficient and timely order fulfillment is among the most critical business tasks you perform on a daily basis. A key program you use
Fulfillment, Material to perform these tasks in Epicor ERP is the Fulfillment Workbench. You use it to reserve or allocate material to sales orders, job
Queue, Pick, Pack, orders, and transfer orders. This functionality is valuable when you want to use jobs or stock in a sequence that matches the
Stage and Ship allocation priorities assigned to your customers to satisfy material quantity demand.
The Advanced Material Management module contains functions you can use to produce electronic requests for materials, dispatch
those materials, and track inventory movements. These provide you with the ability to electronically process move requests
between inventory and shipping staging, or from receiving to inventory. In this session, you will explore specific aspects of this
functionality in detail.
This session is designed as a companion to the Inbound Supply Chain Mgt. - Purchasing, Purchase Contracts, Landed Cost and
Inventory Replenishment Extended Education session but it is not required to attend in order to benefit from this session.
-Browse open sales orders based on a series of comprehensive user-specified search criteria.
-Reserve material quantities for selected sales orders.
-Allocate inventory to sales orders using pre-defined allocation templates or using manually entered ad-hoc allocation parameters.
-Automatically generate cross-docked transactions.
-Release selected allocated orders to the Material Queue for order-based picking in the warehouse.
- Perform Pick, Pack, Stage and Ship transaction processing.
-Order Entry Staff
-Sales Manager
- Warehouse Manager
- Shipping/Receiving Personnel
-Shop Floor Employees
-Cost Accountants and AR Clerks
-IT/Technical Staff
-System Administrators
Required Courses: Navigation, Order Management, Inventory Management. (Optionally) Advanced Material Management, Order
Fulfillment and Manufacturing Execution System (MES).
This session will be of benefit to customer running Epicor 9.05 and Epicor 10.00.
PROGRAM LEVEL: Intermediate
FIELD OF STUDY: Production
Day Time Title Description
May 20 - 01:00 PM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional $275 fee to attend this session.
Sunday - 05:00 Extending Epicor REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspx
PM ERP with Epicor During this session, you will get hands on with the Epicor ERP REST Services and learn how you can much more quickly and easily
REST Services than ever before build integrations with Epicor data in a wide variety of scenarios from connecting data to off the shelf applications
like Microsoft® Excel® and PowerBI® to writing completely custom applications in the programming language of your choice. We
will start from the ground up and show you how to enable the services, find and test the service calls you need, and ultimately
create a simple custom application that interacts with Epicor data.
- Explain when and why you should use ERP REST Services
- Understand how to enable ERP REST Services in Epicor ERP 10.1.500+
- Locate ERP REST Service Methods and try them with interactive documentation
- Test and generate sample code to call ERP REST Services with Postman, a REST Service Testing Utility
- Create simple OData Queries to filter data from REST Services
- Integrate ERP Data into OData Applications such as Microsoft Excel
- Create a basic custom application that integrates ERP Data via REST
- Generate Custom REST Services from BAQ
-System Administrator
-IT/Technical Staff
-Software developers
Understanding of Epicor ERP navigation
- Basic Familiarity with Epicor BAQ Queries
- Basic Scripting / Programming Knowledge
This session will be of benefit to customers running Epicor ERP 10.1.500 or later
PROGRAM LEVEL: Intermediate
FIELD OF STUDY: Computer Science

May 21 - 08:00 AM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional $275 fee to attend this session.
Monday - 12:00 Advanced Business REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspx
PM Activity Queries in The Advanced Queries class covers functionality a step above the basics of building a simple queries in Epicor. Topics included are
Epicor ERP the Intercept and Except queries that can be used to determine differences between 2 sets of data. The class also goes beyond
using subqueries for aggregation and shows how to use subqueries for record selection. Aggregating data into row and column
matrices is explored using the PIVOT functionality in BAQs. Using queries to display hierarchical data is covered using the Common
Table Expression (CTE) and recursion. Finally functionality that allows looking at data in databases outside Epicor while within Epicor
is explored in an External Business Activity Query section. The course is designed for those with some Epicor BAQ familiarity that
want to take that knowledge to the next level.
-Create an except business activity query
-Create an intercept business activity query
-Create subqueries for selecting records
-Understand how to use PIVOT table functionality in BAQs
-Use the Common Table Expression to display hierarchal data
-Create an external business activity query to reference non Epicor data
-System Administrator
-IT/Technical Staff
Required Courses: Navigation, Business Activity Queries (BAQs)
This session will be of benefit to customers running Epicor 10.x
PROGRAM LEVEL: Intermediate
FIELD OF STUDY: Computer Science
Day Time Title Description
May 21 - 08:00 AM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional $275 fee to attend this session.
Monday - 12:00 Customization to the REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspx
PM MAX This extended education session is ideal for advanced developers, IT professionals, and custom programmers. Learn about the tools
that Epicor internal developers use to turn Epicor ERP into a leading edge, totally customizable product. Gather deeper
understanding of the user interface architecture, learn how to customize user-defined (UD) tables, and gain knowledge about
launching custom forms. You will also discover how to tap into specific events that trigger when users make a change on a form or
activate a custom button or field element. You will also find out how to develop custom code through the Script Editor.
Upon completion of this session you will:
-Understand the UI architecture, specifically the user interface terminology, common business objects, and extended properties.
-Gain a better understanding of general .NET events and specific Epicor ERP events.
- Leverage typical customizations such as context menus, custom toolbars, integrations, and other customizable items.
- Use the embedded customization toolset to create enhanced Quick Sales Order Entry Form.
- Advanced developers
- IT professionals
- Custom programmers
- Basic customization knowledge.
This session will be of benefit to customers running Epicor 10.
PROGRAM LEVEL: Intermediate.
FIELD OF STUDY: Computer Science.

May 21 - 08:00 AM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional $275 fee to attend this session.
Monday - 12:00 Analyze Your Data REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspx
PM Using Epicor This extended education session is ideal for Power users who have a need for greater visibility of Epicor data. Dashboards are the
Dashboards - The primary tool to display the output of queries in a menu-accessible format. Their ability to show related data in multiple panels and
Basics to offer the user parameters to slice and dice the data makes them more flexible than the conventional report. This session should
leave you well equipped to build a basic dashboard to display related data provide parameters for selecting subsets of that data and
augment the display via charts and rules. To continue learning how to leverage Dashboards even more, attend the afternoon
session titled Extended Education: Improve Productivity with Epicor Updatable and Mobile Dashboards.
• Explain the general purpose and functionality of dashboards.
• Identify the authorization requirements to design and modify dashboards.
• Build a dashboard from pre-existing queries
• Use the properties of the query, data grid and tracker elements to alter the display and operation of the dashboard.
• Use publishing and filtering to interrelate multiple queries in a dashboard.
• Add a tracker panel to allow users to further filter query results.
• Highlight query data via rules
• Add a chart to visualize numeric data.
• Export and import dashboard definitions.
• Build and deploy dashboards to the Main menu and to the Favorites bar.
• Group, summarize and or filter data in the data grid
• Copy data out of a dashboard
-COO/Operations Manager
-Production Manager
-Account Manager
-Sales Representative
-System Administrator
-IT/Technical Staff
FIELD OF STUDY: Computer Science.
Day Time Title Description
May 21 - 08:00 AM Extended Education: COST: There is a cost of $275 to attend this session.
Monday - 12:00 Understand the REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspx
PM Flexibility of Epicor In this extended education experience, familiarize yourself with the flexibility and freedom of Epicor’s posting process; a unified,
ERP Posting Rules multi-stage process that collects business transaction data and sends transactions to the General Ledger (GL) via user-defined
posting rules. Although modifications of the posting rules that install with Epicor ERP are optional, after taking this session you will
be able to decide for yourself if your company should take advantage of certain financial capabilities the application offers. Explore
several GL transaction types and observe as we intricately break down the structure of their posting revision and rule algorithms
and learn to troubleshoot transactions using the Review Journal and the Posting Engine.
-Manage a flexible, rule-based posting mechanism.
-Differentiate between standard and extended posting rules.
-Understand the anatomy of a GL transaction type and System Functions that are included within the application as part of each GL
transaction type.
-Modify specific posting rules to post to dynamic segments.
-Create transaction text rules to setup default values in GL Journal Details.
-Troubleshoot transactions using the Review Journal and the Posting Engine Log.
This session will appeal to the following audience:
-Experienced Epicor ERP users (Financial Modules) looking to change their current financial structure.
-Project managers
Note: this is technical and may not appeal to those at the data entry or executive level.
Required Courses Navigation, General Ledger, Accounts Receivable
This session will benefit customers running Epicor 10.x
PROGRAM LEVEL: Intermediate.

May 21 - 08:00 AM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional $275 fee to attend this session.
Monday - 12:00 CRM Manage your REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspx
PM Opportunities, Learn how the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) provides straightforward, effective tools for managing common sales and
Tasks, and marketing processes. This module assists you with marketing activities by helping you develop effective marketing lists, campaigns,
Marketing Programs and campaign events, while providing powerful metrics that allow your organization to make the most of these activities.
in Epicor ERP This course begins with a review of the CRM system configuration and maintenance program setup. The emphasis of this course is
directed toward the main features of the module, including marketing, management, and the complete sales process. It also
introduces the new Epicor Mobile CRM, and how it enables your salesforce to complete the quote-to-order process on the road.
Hands-on workshops give you the opportunity to experience the power of CRM.
• Understand Configure CRM module options and CRM maintenance programs.
• Define marketing campaigns and events.
• Generate marketing lists for marketing events.
• Manage the sales process by establishing quotas, and territories.
• Understand how to add, modify, and use Tasks and Task Sets.
• Track a sale from the initial opportunity, or quote to the order in the ERP Desktop application or on your mobile device.
This session will appeal to the following audience:
• Sales Manager
• Order Entry Staff
• Customer Service Representative
• Sales Engineer/Pre-Sales
• Account Manager
• Sales Representative
Required courses: Navigation
Understanding of the Quote to Cash flow within Epicor ERP.
This session will be of benefit to customers running Epicor ERP.
PROGRAM LEVEL: Intermediate
FIELD OF STUDY: Computer Science; Production
Day Time Title Description
May 21 - 08:00 AM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional $275 fee to attend this session.
Monday - 12:00 Creating Configure- REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspx
PM to-Order Items with A configurable product has characteristics, which can have attribute values such as various colors, sizes, or add on options. In use,
Epicor ERP Product when you choose a configurable product in the sales order, the Configurator displays the possible characteristics and can use rules
Configurator to provide appropriate options based on the pre-defined imitations of the product being ordered. Therefore, the Configurator
simplifies the process of ordering, pricing, and engineering of items with complex requirements. The configurator can be designed
to be used in quotes, sales orders, purchase orders, jobs or demand orders.
This course provides a foundation for developing and testing a configured product using a rules based set of configurator inputs. It
will explore how to apply the inputs that are specified by the customer to automatically create a manufacturing Job ready for
production, even when the product being manufactured is unique and a first time build. The main workflow of Product Configurator
is the same between Epicor 9 and Epicor 10 but the major change is a move to C#. No matter if you are using Epicor 9 or Epicor 10
you will learn how to manage your complex parts with this module.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Describe the basic concepts of the product configurator and how it interfaces with other Epicor modules such as Quotes, Sales,
Jobs, Engineering and Demand orders
- Understand the basic tools such as:
o Configurator Entry for editing Document rules which can update the sales order or quote with the results of the configurator
o Configurator design for defining the rule based inputs and options
o Configurator Method Rules for defining how the inputs relate to the BOM/BOO of the product
o Lookup tables for storing options
o Configurator images to display input choices in graphic form
- Define an entire rules based product configurator that can be used while creating a quote, sales order, purchase order, job or
demand order. Explain module features and their usage to define unique product configurations.
- Understand how the configurator can be “Deployed” to Epicor Commerce Connect (ECC) website for customers to configure their
own products.
- Utilize the Configurator Import/Export function
This session will appeal to the following audience:
- System Administrator
- Sales Managers
- Production Managers
- Product Engineers
Required Courses: Navigation
This session will be of benefit to customers running Epicor 9.05 or Epicor 10.
FIELD OF STUDY: Production

May 21 - 08:00 AM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional $275 fee to attend this session.
Monday - 12:00 Introduction to SQL REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspx
PM Server Management SQL Server Management Studio is one of the most important tools you’ll use with SQL Server. It provides a user interface for
Studio® common database tasks. Attend this class to get familiar with this vital tool and learn how to perform basic functions through it.
- Navigating the SSMS environment
- Using the Object Explorer
- Review Windows options
- Creating databases
- Designing tables and views
- Reviewing existing database objects
- Creating and running simple queries
- Understand and create Views
- JOINs – understand and construct simple INNER JOIN statements
This session will appeal to the following audience:
- System Administrator
All products
FIELD OF STUDY: Computer Science
Day Time Title Description
May 21 - 08:00 AM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional $275 fee to attend this session.
Monday - 12:00 Lean UP not down, REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspx
PM How To Leverage Lean business operations have become integral to profitability in today’s competitive marketplace. Defining and driving value for the
LEAN In Your customer through simplified pull systems reduces cost and improves quality throughout the organization. Join Brad Vance, Principal
Organization To Consultant who holds a Masters of Industrial Distribution from Texas A&M to learn more about Lean methodology. This course
Increase Efficiency delivers an introduction to Lean methodology and provides you with practical tools that can be immediately implemented to reduce
and Profits waste in your organization. At the end of the this extended education session you will have a strong understanding of core lean
techniques and be able to relate these practices to your common everyday business scenarios. You will learn to recognize Muda, or
waste, in the business through Value Stream Mapping and select the proper Lean metrics to measure operations.
Upon successful completion of this session you will be able to:
- Understand the importance of implementing Lean techniques in your business
- Learn how to correctly define Value in the business through the Voice of the Customer
- Understand the importance of Pull systems in Lean organizations
- Identify examples of the 7 deadly wastes in your business and techniques for eliminating them
- Produce Value Stream Maps that clearly communicate process flows in your business
This course will appeal to the following audience:
- Operations Managers
- Project Managers
- Shop Floor Supervisors
- Warehouse Managers
- Safety Managers
- Information Technology professionals
- Finance managers
- Purchasing Managers
- Engineering Managers
- All individuals interested in understanding Lean methodologies in production environments.
Basic to intermediate knowledge of manufacturing and distribution operations and best practices
Prior experience in implementing process changes in a business environment.
Students that would like to be best prepared will read:
- Lean Thinking by James P. Womack
- Learning to See by John Shook (Spiral-bound)
This course will be of benefit all customers and prospects.
PROGRAM LEVEL: Intermediate.
FIELD OF STUDY: Production.
May 21 - 01:00 PM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional $275 fee to attend this session.
Monday - 05:00 Extreme BPM for REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspx
PM Authorization The Epicor Business Processes Management (BPM) layer interfaces with the Epicor business logic layer allowing you to insert custom
Workflows logic into BPM requests. The BPM toolset leverages several pre-defined BPM action items that perform a variety of functions with
little or no C# programing. The BPM layer also supports adding custom C# code action items as well. This session will focus on
demonstrating how to use both available BPM action items as well as leveraging Visual Studio and its tools such as IntelliSense, real
time error checking, quick action corrections, correct and continue while debugging and more. We will also review the system
generated code created when a BPM is built and debugging BPM’s while running the Epicor application.
This course will demonstrate one approach for setting up work flow authorization control data for business processes using Epicor
user defined (UD) tables. We will then build BPM workflows that monitor documents moving through these authorization steps that
enforce business rules. This will entail leveraging BPM data forms which we will apply user interface (UI) customizations to enforce
data integrity and provide an enhanced user experience.
• Use UD tables to maintain workflow authorization steps and their related business requirements.
• Build and customize BPM data forms.
• Use the needed BPM action items to build a validation workflow.
• Define and use workflow variables leveraging the new object types available in version 10.1.600 and higher.
• Using the custom C# code action item, develop LINQ statements using Visual Studio to proto type and test the code before
adding it to the C# custom code action item.
• Review the server side BPM code and use Visual Studio to debug while running the ERP user interface.
-.NET developers
-IT/Technical Staff
Customizations, BPM courses
Experience using Visual Studio is recommended
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: This session will be of benefit to customers running Epicor 10.x
Day Time Title Description
May 21 - 01:00 PM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional $275 fee to attend this session.
Monday - 05:00 Improve Productivity REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspx
PM with Epicor Dashboards are a powerful tool for making Epicor data accessible to see, add, and change. This session will leave you well equipped
Updatable and to extend the basic dashboard to a level of moderate complexity. This session will introduce the updatable dashboard that allows
Mobile Dashboards users to centrally edit and enter data that would otherwise require repeated navigation to various forms. We will use the dashboard
tool to create mobile dashboards for displaying live Epicor data on tablets and phones. You also will learn how to customize the
Dashboard tracker panel to provide additional functionality. This education session builds on the foundation of the Analyze Your
Data Using Epicor Dashboards - The Basics session and introduces more advanced functionality, or come in to this session if you
already have a base level of Dashboard knowledge.
• Customize a tracker panel to allow search criteria that span a range.
• Add a dashboard browse to search for records.
• Create an updatable dashboard using updatable queries.
• Configure the dashboard to set default values when entering new items in the updatable dashboard.
• Use Excel uptake to import multiple records to an updatable dashboard.
• Create a url Query Phrase Subscriber to display images associated with query data
• Add a URL to a dashboard.
• Add a process link to a dashboard.
• Build a dashboard for display on mobile devices
• Deploy a dashboard to the mobile menu
- Power Users
- IT professionals
- Custom programmers
- Business Activity Queries.
-Intro to the Dashboard or equivalent experience
This session will be of benefit to customers running Epicor ERP 10.
PROGRAM LEVEL: Intermediate.
FIELD OF STUDY: Computer Science.

May 21 - 01:00 PM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional $275 fee to attend this session.
Monday - 05:00 Use Epicor XL REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspx
PM Connect 7 to Get Epicor XL Connect 7 is a business reporting and analytics solution that provides secure access to your Epicor data from Microsoft®
More Out of Your Office Excel®.
BAQs and Other In this session, you will see how the Excel reporting and analytics solution can quickly generate the answers you need from your
Datasources information with our intuitive XL Connect 7 reporting solution.. Learn how to leverage your BAQ's and other data sources as new
connections for XL Connect 7, changing the way you manage Epicor ERP and iScala reporting.

- Creating new XL Connect 7 connections from your ERP and BAQ data
- Import data from any platform
- Leverage your existing spreadsheets
- Drag-and-drop report creation
- Refresh reports on your own
- Multi-dimensional drill-down
- Automatic creation of PivotTables™ for detailed analysis
- Excel capabilities combined with Epicor XL Connect 7
PREREQUISITES: Required courses: General Ledger, Accounts Payable

APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: This session will be of benefit to customers running any Epicor ERP 10
PROGRAM LEVEL: Intermediate
Day Time Title Description
May 21 - 01:00 PM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional $275 fee to attend this session.
Monday - 05:00 Planning and REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspx
PM Processing Jobs with This session is designed to introduce the primary functions of the Material Requirements Planning (MRP) module. The session also
Material covers the use of MRP planning tools to both estimate potential demand and propose the supply that answers this demand. Review
Requirements of forecasts and master production schedules as a demand source will be addressed along with other demand sources: inventory
Planning (MRP) requirements, and orders. This session begins with a review of the MRP system configuration and the part maintenance file setup.
The emphasis of the course is on the process of MRP, running MRP on a scheduled basis, review of the MRP Jobs, and firming up
those jobs for production.
-Identify factors that affect material requirements planning.
-Describe setup requirements.
-Describe Part Maintenance setup details that affect MRP.
-Create a forecast for a part.
-Create a master production schedule.
-Process MRP using different scenarios.
-Review the results of a corresponding MRP run.
-Use Job Status Maintenance.
-COO/Operations Manager
-Shipping and Receiving
-Production Manager
-Purchasing Staff/Buyer
Required Courses: None
This course will be of benefit to customers running any Epicor ERP10.
FIELD OF STUDY: Production
May 21 - 01:00 PM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional $275 fee to attend this session.
Monday - 05:00 Create Your Own REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspx
PM Training! A Hands Have you ever wondered what it takes to build the video training you’re seeing all over the internet these days? Are you interested
on Learning in learning, hands-on, how to develop training for your organization? If so, this class is for you! From new hires to newly enacted
Experience policies, it seems there’s always a need and opportunity for training in your organization. You can purchase training from outside
vendors for much of it, but every business has its own details that deserve attention. You can rely on internal knowledge, tasking
knowledgeable employees with teaching others, but what if there were a way to deliver that training that minimized the disruption
to your workforce? There is: elearning.
Attend this session to learn both the theory and practice of creating effective instructional video. You’ll come away with an
understanding of the components that make a good elearning lesson: language, visual scripting, clear and engaging audio, and the
principles of visual design. Our presenters will talk about each of these individually, as well as show you have they come together
throughout the process to form a superior product at the end. Along the way we’ll also demonstrate the various tools, hardware and
software, that we use to produce educational material inside Epicor and provide tips on how to get the most out of them.
Once everyone has a grasp on theory, we’ll move on to doing. You and a team of your fellow attendees will take what you learned in
the first portion of the class and apply it to create a short training of your own. We’ll view the results collectively and discuss each
team’s work. This discussion is the perfect time to bring up any quirks or helpful tips you discovered in your workflow or tools as
well, so you can get immediate help and feedback on your first foray into instructional design.
• Able to identify the most important parameters in designing effective elearning material.
• Familiar with some of the tools available on the market for elearning development.
• Capable of creating a high-performing elearning development workflow.
• Learning administrators
• Anyone involved in employee training
Required Courses: None
This session benefits anyone running Epicor products, regardless of platform.
FIELD OF STUDY: Computer Science
Day Time Title Description
May 21 - 01:00 PM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional $275 fee to attend this session.
Monday - 05:00 Optimizing System REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspxThis
PM Performance with class first explores common patterns of poor performance and their potential sources. You will review the Performance and
Tuning and Testing - Diagnostic Tool (PDT), the premiere performance evaluation tool developed by Epicor. The course explains how you set up both
get hands on with client trace logs and server trace logs, describing how you use the Performance and Diagnostic Tool to evaluate these log results.
the Performance During this class you will also set up the PDT to automatically capture and gather both server and client logs. You then explore how
Diagnostic Tools to use the PDT to check your system configuration and evaluate network performance.
Deadlocks and locking/blocking are frequently the causes of poor performance. A deadlock occurs when two users or sessions have
locks on separate business objects, and each business object process tries to establish a lock on the business object in use by the
other user/session. Locking and blocking occurs when two or more database connections try to simultaneously access the same
piece of data. This course details how you test for both performance conditions and evaluate the results.
To complete this course, you review the Support Checklist. This key checklist, developed by Epicor’s Performance Tuning specialists,
details what system information and logs to pull together before you submit a call to Epicor Technical Support.
Note: This session will be conducted using the Epicor 10 version of the application. For previous versions of Epicor ERP, some
workflows may be different in your current environment.
- Understand the common patterns of poor performances and their potential sources.
- Learn how to install the Performance and Diagnostic Tool.
- Set up client trace logs through a client or a user account.
- Review client trace logs in the Performance and Diagnostic Tool.
- Set up server trace logs through the Epicor Administration Console.
- Review server trace logs in the Performance and Diagnostic Tool.
- Automatically capture logs and place them in a common directory.
- Run the Config Check and review the CPU test.
- Run the Network Diagnostics test.
- Learn about application deadlocks and how to detect them.
- Understand the causes of locking and blocking and how to track for this database condition.
- Review the Support Checklist to more efficiently submit Epicor technical support calls.
-System Administrator
-IT/Technical Staff
Expected Knowledge: An understanding of how SQL Server interacts with Epicor ERP
This session will be of benefit to customers running Epicor 9.x and 10.x.
PROGRAM LEVEL: Basic to Advanced
FIELD OF STUDY: Computer Science

May 21 - 01:00 PM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional $275 fee to attend this session.
Monday - 05:00 SQL Server REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspx
PM Management You may know your way around SSMS, but do you utilize its full power and make it work for you? Are there things it can do for you
Studio® – Taking it that you aren’t taking advantage of? Attend this course to fully leverage the features of this tool. Designed for those who use SSMS
to the Next Level to perform basic tasks, but are interested in taking their proficiency to the next level, this course reviews advanced concepts and
tasks available through SSMS, such as:
-Constructing more advanced SQL statements
-Common system objects to help with daily functions
- Derived Tables
-Table Variables and Temporary Tables
-Maintenance of databases
-SQL Profiler
- Become familiar with the advanced functions of SSMS.
- System Administrators
- DBAs
Basic proficiency in SSMS
PROGRAM LEVEL: Intermediate.
FIELD OF STUDY: Computer Science
Day Time Title Description
May 21 - 01:00 PM Extended Education: COST: There is an additional cost of $275 to attend this session.
Monday - 05:00 Creating High REGISTRATION: Click this link to register for this session: http://www.epicor.com/Customers/Insights/Pages/Registration.aspx
PM Performance to Creating High Performance answers the two questions that all companies struggle with:
Achieve 1. What is it that we must improve as a company to achieve breakthrough financial, service, and growth performance in our
Breakthrough business?
Financial, Service, 2. How do we actually go about improving our company’s performance to create sustainable results that really matter?
and Growth Companies who successfully manage the transition from a sales/product dominated environment to a process execution oriented
Performance environment are the companies who have strong financial performance, are the service leaders in their markets, and grow faster
than their competitors. Yet, the majority of companies struggle with this critical transition to process execution. The challenges in
this transition range from misaligned strategic effort (the what); through to individual improvement efforts that have little real
impact (the how).
Improving performance is a process that can be both strategically aligned and tactically delivered. Join Brad Vance, Principal
Consultant, who holds a Masters of Industrial Distribution from Texas A&M to learn how to create high performance in your
Upon successful completion of this session you will be able to:
- Understand the relationship between high performance metrics and the processes that deliver that performance.
- Introduce a complete process to implement sustainable performance improvements that generate results that matter to your
business and improve business value.
- Align your business’ improvement effort with business goals.
- CEOs
- COOs
- CFOs
- Operations Managers
- Purchasing Managers
- Project Managers
- Sales Managers
- Warehouse Managers
- Rising Stars
- Operational Excellence
- None
All customers and product lines would benefit from this session.
PROGRAM LEVEL: Intermediate.
FIELD OF STUDY: Computer Science.

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