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MultiMedia Tools

Lesson Idea Name: The Three Branches of Government

Content Area: Social Studies
Grade Level(s): 4th
Content Standard Addressed:
SS4CG3 Describe the structure of government and the Bill of Rights. a. Describe how the three branches of
government interact with each other (checks and balances and separation of powers), and how they relate to
local, state, and federal government

Technology Standard Addressed:

6- Creative Communicator

Selected Technology Tool:

☒ Movie (list application): iMovie
☒ Audio (list application): Audacity
☐ Other: (list)
URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☐ Remembering ☐ Understanding ☒ Applying ☒ Analyzing ☐ Evaluating ☐ Creating

Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level): (Select the best level)

☐ Level 1: Awareness ☐ Level 2: Exploration ☐ Level 3: Infusion ☒ Level 4: Integration
☐ Level 5: Expansion ☐ Level 6: Refinement

Universal Design for Learning (UDL):

MultiMedia tools are extremely useful and effective within the classroom. For instance, teachers have the
capability to simply create videos or edit audio files to extend student learning. iMovie is a simple movie
maker application that is easily used by Kindergarteners. Some videos like tutorials or presentations can be
additional help for various types of students. It provides a visual for visual learners, Ell’s, or those who are
hearing impaired. Most students enjoy creating movies as a project because of the creativity that is available.
Another MultiMedia tool is an audio editing software called Audacity. Audacity allows the user to manipulate
an audio file’s volume, length, or conversion. Then the file can simply be attached to a presentation or video.
This may be especially useful for auditory learners, Ell’s, or visually impaired students.

Lesson idea implementation:

At the beginning of the lesson, I would place the students into three groups. Then, I would assign each
group one of the three branches of government. Before playing my video, I want the students to discuss and
predict the purpose of their assigned branch. I would tell the students to dissect their branches name and
observe if they notice anything familiar with the word. After students make their prediction, I would have
them take notes on their designated branch. Then, I would play my iMovie as an introduction to the three
branches of government. My video includes a short educational video selected from the website My video is less than two minutes, so it makes a simple introduction.
After my video, I would hold a discussion about what each group discovered about their branch and if their
prediction was correct. I would then have each group tell the class what their branches intention is within our
government. I would write their responses on a sheet of chart paper using a bubble map format. Students

Spring 2018_SJB
MultiMedia Tools
would copy that chart for their own notes. Afterwards, I would implement a Jigsaw exercise that makes the
members of each group an “expert” on that branch. Then, I would re-group students so that each new group
would include someone from the Legislative, Judicial, and Executive Branch. These groups would be assigned
to create their own project on the three branches of government. Each group would be graded using a rubric
that is similar to the checklist each group will receive. I also would check-in with groups to make sure they
understand the purpose of the project and check progress.

Importance of technology:
A multimedia tool is not required for this project, but it would increase student participation, creativity,
and interest. I would allow students to pick from a variety of project types: video, presentation, podcast, or
hand drawn storyboard. The multimedia tool accommodates for a variety of students.

Inspiration (optional): I thought the topic of the three branches of government would be an easy topic that
could be converted into a movie.

Internet Safety and Student Privacy:

Students would be aware of the school’s district Internet policies and understand Internet safety.
Unfortunately, not all websites can be used by students because of terms and conditions, or search engines
may provide inappropriate content. So, I would have students use which filters searches to be
school appropriate. Also, before posting their projects onto the classroom blog, I would make sure that all
students have parental permission, and that there is no personal information attached. When students are
working on their projects, I will be monitoring their searches and images.

Reflective Practice:
I will grade students using the rubric, but I would also have the students grade their own project and group
members. The students must self-assess themselves on what could be improved, what they learned, what
component was the strongest, etc. As an extension to the group’s projects, I would post them on the
classroom’s blog, so parents have access to view their child’s work. I could also involve opinionated writing by
assigning students to pick which branch they believe is the most important and provide evidence on why they
chose it. Students would have to apply the knowledge they learned individually after working with a group. I
could assess student understanding based on their essay.

Spring 2018_SJB

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