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Subject: Spanish Grade: 9

Date: December 4, 2017 Duration: Variable
Lesson Overview
In this lesson, students will learn vocabulary related to school supplies and review personal pronouns and
uses and conjugations of Ser (to be) and Tener (to have).

Class Profile
This lesson was designed for a specific group of Spanish learners in grade 9 and it incorporates the elements
of the new curriculum (draft) for Spanish in British Columbia, Canada. Nevertheless, it can be easily adapted
for other grades.

Big Ideas
1. We can have meaningful conversations about things that are important to us in Spanish.
2. Acquiring Spanish provides opportunities to explore our own cultural identity from a new perspective.

Curriculum Competencies Content Literacy Objectives

Exchange ideas and Students are expected to After completing this lesson, students will
information using complete know an increasing range of be able to:
sentences, orally and in commonly used vocabulary 1. Identify school supplies in Spanish.
writing: and sentence structures for 2. Indicate school supplies needed to do
 Ask and respond to conveying meaning: certain actions.
questions on familiar  Simple needs in the 3. Read short paragraphs that contain
topics context of school. personal information and information
 Express simple needs in related to school supplies.
familiar situations 4. Ask and answer short questions related
(school) to school (Written and orally).

Materials and Equipment Needed for this Lesson

Board, markers, computer, speakers, projector, internet connection, worksheets, realia (student’s school
supplies) and the video from Youtube called “Spanish for Kids - School Supplies - Útiles Escolares”.
( The video shows a female clown singing and doing
some mimics to represent the objects she mentions (“la mochila, el lápiz, el libro, el papel, el borrador, la
crayola, el pegamento, la regla, la pluma, las tijeras”).

Este obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.

Lesson Stages Learning Activities

Before class Board preparation: Write on the upper left side of the board a summary of the class
(list the main stages). For example:
Clase de hoy
 Saludo
 Presentación del tema
 Práctica, etc.

Material preparation: Make sure the materials and equipment are ready for the class
(test the markers, arrange the worksheet on the desk, make sure the internet connection
works and the speakers are set in the right volume).

Classroom organization: Organize tables or desk in “U” shape.

Introduction Greeting: Greet students enthusiastically and ask them how they are doing today.

Introduction to new topic by playing hangman: Tell students that they are going to
learn a new topic, but they will have to discover it by playing hangman. Immediately,
write on the board one line for each letter. Then, invite students to say letters of the
alphabet to discover the topic. This game will serve not only as an introduction for the
topic, but as a review of the alphabet.

Sharing the plan and purpose of the class: Confirm the topic and point out the main
activities of the class based on the plan previously written on the board. Also, explain
the importance of learning vocabulary of school supplies.

Main activities Brainstorm to diagnose previous knowledge: Ask students to place 3 of their school
supplies on their desk/table and to tell you how those school supplies are called in
Spanish. Write the words on the board under the title Útiles escolares.

Learning vocabulary through a video: Explain students the importance of increasing

vocabulary when learning a second language and motivate them to watch the video.
Then, present the video “Spanish for Kids - School Supplies - Útiles Escolares” and
invite students to pay attention to the words and the gestures made by the clown.
Watch the video a second time. Ask students to tell you the words they remember from
the video and make the gesture shown in the video. Write those words on the board to
complete the list of Útiles escolares.

Vocabulary in context: Ask students to read the following paragraph in silence:

¡Hola! Soy Karla García Porras. Soy de Costa Rica. Tengo 15 años. En
Canadá, soy estudiante en “University Hill Secondary”. Yo tengo una mochilla
grande. En mi mochila tengo un lápiz, un borrador, dos plumas, dos libros y un
cuaderno. Yo necesito el lápiz y las plumas para escribir en mi cuaderno. Yo
necesito los libros para leer en mi clase de inglés y español. Yo tengo suficientes
útiles escolares para mis clases.

Este obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.

After reading: Ask students to underline the 6 school supplies mentioned in the text
and to answer the following questions: ¿Cuál es el nombre de la estudiante? ¿De
dónde es la estudiante? ¿Cuántos años tiene la estudiante? ¿Cómo se llama la escuela
secundaria de la estudiante? ¿Qué tiene la estudiante en la mochila?

Checking answers and review: Ask for a volunteer to write the answers on the board.
Check the answers with the whole group. Use the information from the text to review
personal pronouns and uses and conjugations of Ser (to be) and Tener (to have).

Introduction to new sentence structure (deduction method): Ask students to

identify the 2 sentences from the text that contain new structures:
 Yo necesito el lápiz y las plumas para escribir en mi cuaderno.
 Yo necesito los libros para leer en mi clase de inglés y español.
Ask questions in such a way that lead students to discover the new structures:
Necesitar + school supply + para + infinitive

Grammar explanations: Explain the conjugation of Necesitar. Call the attention on

the meaning of the preposition para (in order to) and help students to notice the use of
infinitive after this preposition (…para escribir. / …para leer).

Fixing and building more vocabulary (writing): Ask students to find a partner to
work on a worksheet (See page 5). In this worksheet, students will need to:
1. Identify 6 school supplies in a picture.
2. Associate school supplies-action. They will be given two columns. In the left
column, they will have a list of school supplies. In the right column, a list of
actions commonly associated with these school supplies. For example, they
will have to match Lápiz (pencil) with escribir (to write)
3. Complete sentences with the name of a school supply and its use. For example:
“Victor necesita _______ para_______.” Check the answers.

Oral practice: For each part of this section, the teacher will model first to help
students to understand what they are required to do. After presenting the instructions,
teacher will clarify doubts and questions related to instructions. If any new words come
out during this oral practice, write the vocabulary and its translation on the board.
a. What do you have on your desk/table? Ask students to place some of their
school supplies on their desk/table. Then, move around and ask students: “¿Qué
tienes en la mesa?” Students are expected to answer: “Tengo _____ y ______.”
What does your classmate have on the table? Ask students what their
classmate (on their right or left) have on the table. This student will answer the
question and the student who possesses the objects will show them to class as
he hears them being mentioned.For example:
Teacher: Rachel, ¿qué tiene Frank en la mesa?
Student: Frank tiene un lápiz, un cuaderno, un libro y una pluma.
(Frank will show these objects as soon as he hears them being mentioned).

Este obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.
b. What do you need the… for? Increase the difficulty level by asking students:
¿Para qué necesitas el lápiz / la calculadora / el borrador / etc.? (What do you
need the pencil / the calculator / the eraser / etc. for?). Students will need to
give answers, such as: Yo necesito el lápiz para escribir (I need the pencil to
write) or Yo necesito las tijeras para cortar. (I need the scissors to cut).
c. What do you need to…? Change the type of question. Ask students what they
need to cut, write, study, write on the board, etc. For example:
Teacher: ¿Qué necesitas para cortar papel? (What do you need to cut
Student: Necesito las tijeras (I need scissors).
d. Mixed questions: explain students that in this part you will continue to ask
questions, but this time the questions will be mixed (you will use all the
structures from exercises b – d).

Changing roles: Ask students to pair with another classmate to ask 3 questions using
the structures and vocabulary studied in this lesson.
Closure 1. Summary of the lesson: Teacher will ask students what did they learn in this

2. Final clarification: Ask students if they have any question or comment about the

3. Assign homework:
a. To build two lists with the vocabulary they learned in the class: one of school
supplies and the other one of the new verbs (in infinitive form).
b. To answer the following questions: ¿Cuál es tu nombre?, ¿Cuántos años
tienes?, ¿Cómo se llama tu escuela secundaria?, ¿Cuáles útiles escolares
tienes generalmente en tu mochila?

4. Good-bye: Indicate that the class is finished and wish students a great day.
Assessment/ Diagnostic: This type of assessment will occur in specific moments of the lesson to
Evaluation of find out the student’s previous knowledge and if modifications of the plan are needed.
Students’ The brainstorm during the warm-up and reading activity are two concrete examples of
Learning diagnostic assessment in this lesson.
Formative: It will be throughout the lesson by observation (paying attention to the
written and oral production of the students, and their gestures and facial expressions).
Also, by asking students for doubts or questions as the lesson progresses.
Summative: It could be focused on vocabulary and sentence structure. For example,
students could name various school supplies presented in pictures and answer
questions in complete form, using the vocabulary studied during this lesson and the
grammar they reviewed.
Adaptations for 1. Constant checking for understanding.
English 2. Using pictures and gesturing to represent information visually.
Language 3. Writing key vocabulary on the board.
Learners 4. Reducing grammar complexity and keeping sentences short, while keeping the
logical structures and meaning.
5. Allowing students to ask questions to clarify doubts.
Este obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.

Clase de español
Nombre de estudiante: _________________________________________ Fecha: __________________

A. Foto
Instrucciones: Identifique mínimo 6 útiles escolares en la siguiente foto:

1. ________________ 5. _________________
2. _________________ 6. _________________
3. _________________ 7. _________________
4. _________________ 8. _________________

B. Útiles escolares y usos

Instrucciones: Asocie los útiles escolares con sus usos
1. Las tijeras ( ) es para escribir notas
2. El cuaderno ( ) es para borrar notas
3. El pegamento ( ) son para cortar
4. El borrador ( ) es para medir
5. Las crayolas ( ) es para leer información
6. La regla ( ) son para colorear
7. El libro ( ) es para pegar

C. Útiles escolares y usos

Instrucciones: Asocie los útiles escolares con sus
Juliana necesita ____________
para _____________. Alberto necesita ____________
para _____________.
Diego necesita ____________
para _____________.
Karla necesita ____________
para _____________.
Lucía necesita ____________
para _____________.
Marco necesita ____________
para _____________.

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