Energy Efficiency in Finland A Competitive Approach

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Energy efficiency in Finland

4 A pioneer in energy saving

6 Industry leads the way in energy efficiency

8 Municipalities can set an example

9 Costs under control with the management of energy use in buildings

10 Everyone can make a difference

12 Cutting down energy consumption in transport is everyone’s business

13 Communication boosts energy saving

14 Internationally competitive innovations from Finland

TOTAL ENERGY Energy consumption in Finland End use of energy in Finland by

CONSUMPTION by energy source in 2005 consumption sector in 2005

Total energy consumption 1,358 peta-

joule (PJ) or 377 terawatt hours (TWh)

Electricity consumption 84.9

terawatt hours (TWh)

Total energy consumption has

doubled and electricity consump-
tion has quadrupled since 1970.
Coal 10% Industry 48%
1 TWh = 1,000,000,000 kWh Oil 27% Space heating 22%
The energy consumption of a medium- Peat 5% Transport 17%
sized single-family house is about 20,000 Wood fuels 20% Other*) 13%
kilowatt hour (kWh) a year. One tera- Hydropower 4%
watt hour is enough to provide energy for Nuclear power 18% *) Use of electricity and fuels by households,
Natural gas 11% the public and private service sector, agricul-
50,000 single-family houses for one year. ture and forestry, and construction.
Net import of electricity 5%
Source: Statistics Finland,
Other 2%
Preliminary Energy Statistics 2005
In energy conservation,
every kilowatt hour counts!
Cold climate Long distances

High standard of living Energy intensive industry

Finland is a cold and sparsely populated northern country, where energy is consumed in heating,
transport, maintaining a high standard of living, and in the energy intensive industry.

In Finland, efforts have been made for decades to produce goods and services with
as little energy as possible. In industrial use of energy, we are among the most energy
efficient countries in the world.
Energy generation and consumption are the source of 80 per cent of all carbon
dioxide (CO2) emissions in Finland. Climate change can be curbed efficiently with
rational and economical use of energy.


Capital Helsinki

Area 338,000 square kilometres.

Population 5,2 million, 16 inhabitants per one square kilometre.

In other European countries population density is six times higher on average.

Mean temperature in February is –5 °C in Helsinki and –14 °C in Lapland.

The energy need for space heating is 20–25 per cent higher in Lapland than in southern Finland.

On the darkest days of the year, the sun rises in Helsinki at 9.30 and sets at 15.15.
In Northern Lapland, the sun does not rise at all for 50 days between November and January.
Parliament House.

A pioneer in energy saving

The bases for Finland’s energy and about 6.1 terawatt hours, which equals

he targets and obligations of Fin-
land’s energy saving are main- the annual consumption of electricity
climate strategy are improving competi-
ly based on EU directives. The and thermal energy of more than 300,000
tiveness, ensuring energy availability average-sized single-family houses in
purpose of the national energy and cli-
and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Finland.
mate strategy is to ensure that Finland
Energy saving aims to halt or decrease will achieve the targets set for reducing
the growth of energy consumption. greenhouse gas emissions in accordance Excellence in energy
with the Kyoto Protocol. audits in Finland
Companies and communities who have
Energy efficiency joined energy efficiency agreements
agreements play a key role commit themselves to carrying out ener-
In Finland, energy efficiency agreements gy audits or analyses in their properties
play a key role in implementing energy and production plants.
METHODS OF STEERING In an energy audit, the site’s energy
efficiency and achieving climate targets.
ENERGY EFFICIENCY use is examined, and its energy saving po-
The agreements cover some 60 per
Legislation, regulations and guidelines cent of Finland’s total energy consump- tential and measures to increase the effi-
tion. In 2006, there were eight energy ef- ciency of energy use, including a calcula-
Financial steering methods: tion of profitability, are presented.
ficiency agreements signed by ministries
energy taxes and subsidies Finland has acted with initiative in
and various sector associations.
Energy efficiency agreements The results speak for themselves: international development work relat-
by the end of 2004, the total impact of ed to energy audit activities. Our exper-
Education and communication tise in energy audits is highly esteemed
saving measures in the agreement com-
panies and communities amounted to throughout the world.
Finland’s energy production Scenario of the development of Finland’s greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)
is versatile and efficient
Mt CO2 eq
The strength of Finland’s energy pro- Level of 1990 90
curement is founded on versatile energy 80
Kyoto commitment
production. More than one-fourth of the 70
GHG total, statistics
country’s energy consumption is based 60
on renewable energy sources. Estimated GHG emissions 50
with measures
Finland is one of the leading coun- 40
tries in the world in the utilisation of 30
combined heat and power (CHP) gen- 20
eration. More than one-third of the 10
country’s electricity is generated in con- 0
Source: Ministry of Trade and
nection with the production of district Industry, Energy Department 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2010 2014 2018
heat in communities and process heat in
industry. Almost half of all Finns live in a
house connected to district heating.
About 70 per cent of Finland’s pri- Coverage of energy efficiency agreements in Finland at the end of 2005
mary energy is imported. Future chal-
lenges include maintaining the avail- Industry Of the energy used in industry 85%
ability of energy supply and raising the Electricity generation Of the electricity generated in power station sector 91%
degree of energy self-sufficiency.
District heating Of the sales of district heating 68%
The target of Finland’s energy policy
Electricity transmission Of the electricity distributed 81%
is to maintain a versatile and decentral- and distribution
ised energy system also in the future. Municipalities Of the building stock in the municipal sector 58%
Property and building sector 23% Of building stock in the private service sector and state owned properties
Promoting the use Buses and coaches Of the bus and coach stock *) 45% 5
of renewable energy Housing properties 15% Of the stock of residental apartment buildings and terrace houses
The renewable energy sources used in
Finland are hydropower, wind power, geo- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 %
thermal and solar energy and, above all, )
* In addition to the bus and coach sector, the action plan on energy efficiency for pub-
bioenergy, which includes wood-derived lic transport, signed in 2005, also includes the local services of the national railways,
tram services, and the underground. The coverage of these is 100 per cent of the sector’s
fuels, field biomasses, biogas and the bio- energy use in Finland.
degradable part of recycled fuels.
Renewable energy sources constitute In addition to the energy efficiency agreements presented in the diagram, there is an energy effi-
about one quarter of all energy consump- ciency programme concerning truck and van transport, covering almost 70 per cent of truck and
tion in Finland, when it is in Europe six van deliveries, and the Höylä II energy efficiency programme for oil-heated properties covering
per cent on average. Finland has set a tar- more than 15 per cent of energy used on heating residential, service and agricultural buildings.
get to increase the total use of renewable Source: Motiva Oy
energy by at least a quarter by 2015 and
at least by 40 per cent by 2025.

Finland involved in
EU energy programmes
The European Commission has raised
energy efficiency as one of its key
themes. Finnish companies and research
institutes promote energy efficiency
by developing new innovations in EU
energy programmes. Finland is also an
active participant in the preparation of
EU regulations and international projects
that promote energy efficiency.
Industry and the energy sector

Industry leads the way

in energy efficiency
Industry uses about half of the electricity n Finland, energy efficiency agree- energy need of about 260,000 single-
and more than 40 per cent of the fuels
consumed in Finland. Energy is also a
considerable cost factor for the economy.
I ments have given an excellent boost
to energy saving, especially in industry.
With an energy efficiency agreement, a
family houses. These savings have re-
quired an investment of about EUR 220
million by these companies.
company can improve the efficiency of
For example, in the forest industry, energy use and thus reduce carbon diox- Energy analyses on the increase
energy costs constitute about 15 per cent ide and other emissions. Energy efficiency agreements have sig-
of turnover. Industrial energy efficiency agree- nificantly increased the number of ener-
ments cover about 85 per cent of indus- gy audits and analyses, especially in the
trial energy use, with almost 200 indus- energy intensive industry in Finland.
trial companies and about 350 places of The trend is similar in the power
business having signed an agreement. plant business. The power plant analysis
DID YOU KNOW? The results are excellent. With in- method designed especially for the ener-
vestments made in 1998–2004, the com- gy sector has considerably increased the
Electric motors consume more than two- panies participating in the agreement number of analyses. Many energy compa-
thirds of all electrical energy in industry. have saved 4.4 terawatt hours of fuels and nies also provide sustained guidance and
0.8 terawatt hours of electricity per year. feedback on their customers’ electricity
The total energy saved equals the annual consumption.
Results of the energy efficiency agreements
‘Energy analysis
indicated saving areas’
Savings, heat and fuels, cumulative Borealis Polymers Oy, which manufactures
6 Savings, electricity, cumulative polyethylene and polypropylene-based plas-
Savings, electricity, heat and fuels, combined
5,0 tic products, is taking part in the industrial
5 5,01
4,4 energy efficiency agreement. As part of
the agreement, an analysis carried out at
4 4,10
3,2 Borealis indicated that greatest savings can
be achieved in the use of steam.
2,4 The energy analysis of Borealis Polymers
2 is one of the most extensive ones carried
1,3 2,02
out in the process industry in Finland so far.
1 0,19 0,76 0,86 A total of 80 energy-boosting measures
0,5 0,55
0,43 having an impact on the units’ processes
0,54 0,01 0,11
0 were presented in the analysis. With the pro-
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
posed measures, the need for steam would
Energy efficiency agreements cover more than 60 per cent of total energy consumption in Finland. fall by 40 per cent and the need for cooling
Cumulative energy saving impact of saving measures reported as implemented by the industrial, water would be reduced by seven per cent.
energy, municipal, and property and building sectors in reporting years 1998–2004. Overall, the plants could save a total of 10
per cent of energy.
Source: Motiva Oy
‘The company made a big investment in
the energy analysis, and the results are sig-
Audit activities provide results ures and investments in the client com- nificant’, says Energy Expert Matti Marttila.
Finland is one of the leading countries in pany, and the ESCO company (Energy Borealis Polymers has already imple-
the world in the utilisation of energy au- Service Company) is responsible for the mented some of the changes in respect
dits and analyses. More than two-thirds of increased efficiency of energy use. of operational technology proposed in the
industrial energy use has been audited. The European Commission regards energy analysis, and the first investment
As a result of the actions detected and im- ESCO service as one of the future busi- projects have been approved. The saving
plemented in the energy audits, heat con- ness areas and promotes it actively. The areas brought up in the analysis are part
sumption in industrial SMEs has dimin- Ministry of Trade and Industry has sup- of the company’s energy plan for long-term
ished by more than 10 per cent and elec- ported ESCO activities in Finland since development of energy efficiency. 7
tricity consumption by almost 5 per cent. the late 1990s as a key method of promot-
ing energy efficiency.

Industry and the energy sector

Savings through ESCO services
In the ESCO project, an outside energy ‘New area for a district
expert implements energy saving meas- heating company is an
example to others’
A set of equipment has been designed and
built for a building material factory and a local
district heating company to utilise waste heat
from the flue gases of the gravel furnace in
the local district heating network.
‘We sell heat that we could not utilise
before, while bringing the emissions from the
use of recycling fuels under control ’, states
Jari Mukkula, Factory Manager of maxit’s
Leca gravel factory in Kuusankoski.
An active initiator of the project was
Kuusankosken Aluelämmitys Oy, a local
district heating company, which is owned by
the City of Kuusankoski, and its Managing
Director Reijo Matikka.
‘I believe that our example of co-
operation between a commercial enterprise
and a municipal actor can also be applied
elsewhere’, explains Mukkula.
The project was implemented as an
ESCO project.
City of Tampere

Municipalities can set an example

Municipalities still have many opportuni- Municipal energy and ipal sector, the average saving potential
ties to promote energy efficiency, utilise climate agreement is 13 per cent in heat and electricity, and
The energy and climate agreement is a tool seven per cent in water.
renewable energy sources, and that way
for developing municipal energy and envi-
reduce carbon dioxide emissions. A mu-
ronmental efficiency. The agreement con- Energy efficiency in
nicipality operating in accordance with cerns the energy consumption of munici- public procurement
sustainable development achieves cost palities’ own operations, which mainly con- Municipalities and municipal federations
savings, is an example to companies and sist of the heat and electricity consumption are significant procurers. The products
8 of municipal buildings. Some 58 per cent of and services they use always have a direct
creates an opportunity for its residents to
the buildings in the municipal sector are cov- or indirect impact on the environment.
save energy in their everyday activities.
ered by the energy and climate agreement. With energy efficient procurements, mu-
Municipalities and municipal federations

nicipalities and federations of municipali-

unicipalities can act in an energy Municipal buildings are audited ties achieve cost savings and reduce envi-
efficient and pro-climate way in In Finland, municipal buildings have been ronmental load.
the planning, construction and actively audited: in 1992–2005, a total of al- In Finland, the Ministry of Trade and
improvement of new urban form, build- most 3,350 buildings were audited, which Industry has given recommendations on
ings and infrastructure. A progressive equals about 56 million cubic metres. energy efficiency in public procurement.
municipality can be a trend-setter in the Some 80 per cent of the buildings in sev- Suitable tools to evaluate the energy effi-
use of renewable energy. eral larger towns in Finland have already ciency of procurements are currently un-
District heating is a suitable form of been audited. der development in co-operation between
heating in densely-populated areas. In In the audited buildings in the munic- various parties.
Finland, more than 75 per cent of dis-
trict heat is produced efficiently by com- ‘Long-term work for energy efficiency’
bined heat and power generation. Envi-
Helsinki, the capital of Finland, has actively monitored the energy consumption of public build-
ronmental emissions are reduced by 30
ings for almost 30 years.
per cent compared with separate heat
‘In the energy saving of public buildings, it is essential to minimise unnecessary use. This
and power generation. applies to air-conditioning, heating, lighting, and office equipment. However, energy savings are
not carried out at the expense of, for example, indoor air quality or sufficient lighting’, states Ulla
Soitinaho, Development Manager, City of Helsinki Public Works Department (PWD) Construction
DID YOU KNOW? Helsinki was the first city in Finland to test the suitability of the energy efficiency agreement
for the municipal sector. Helsinki had reliable information about the energy consumption of all its
Municipalities can have an impact on energy buildings dating back to the early 1980s, which facilitated the signing of the agreement.
efficiency with their procurements. For ex- The real estate stock of the service buildings of the City of Helsinki comprises 13 million cubic
ample, on average, a laptop uses only about metres of buildings. The energy consumption of these buildings in relation to costs are compared
one-tenth of the energy consumed by a tradi- with life-cycle cost calculations. The City of Helsinki PWD Construction Management Division has
tional tabletop PC. prepared planning instructions for day nurseries, schools and health centres with a view to energy
saving and consumption.
Costs under control with the management
of energy use in buildings
Finland has a long tradition in building has gained results in the improvement ‘Energy efficiency agree-
regulations and guidelines that comply of energy efficiency. The agreement cov- ment has improved energy
with sustainable development. The con- ers a significant part of the private serv- consumption monitoring’
ice sector and state-owned buildings. The
trol of these regulations provides guidance Kesko Group, a provider of services in
improvement of energy efficiency plays a
in energy-efficient construction. the trading sector in the Baltic Sea region,
key role in the practical implementation 9
signed the energy efficiency agreement for
of companies’ environmental and social
the property and building sector in 1999.
According to Real Estate Manager Ari Mäki-

anagement of energy use in The Housing Estate and Constructor

Property and building sector

nen, the agreement has been one of the
buildings reduces electricity, Association ASRA has an energy efficien-
engines in the development of Kesko’s energy
heat and water consumption, cy agreement for non-profit and munici-
consumption monitoring system and has
and related costs and environmental im- pal housing properties. The agreement
helped allocate saving measures to correct
pacts. Efficiency in energy use can be in- aims to reduce specific energy consump-
and worthwhile subject entities.
creased in connection with building con- tion and bring into practice everyday
‘Almost all of our most significant build-
struction, use and improvements. energy efficiency operation models for
ings are remotely monitored in respect of
Nevertheless, energy must not be companies and communities.
their electricity, heat and water consumption.
saved in buildings at the expense of in- An energy programme for farms is
Consumption variations have been specified
door air quality, which must be taken in- under preparation, with the aim of pro-
for the monitoring, and they can also be used
to account in sustainable construction moting the introduction of renewable
for detecting deviations in specific consump-
and rational use of energy. energy sources and increasing farms’
tions from a large number of buildings as well
self-sufficiency in energy matters.
as for defining the correct energy consump-
Energy efficiency agreements
tion level for each location. In order to find
and programmes in the property Energy performance
the correct consumption level, simulation
and building sector certificates for buildings
calculations are used for calculating the an-
In Finland, the energy efficiency agree- The EU directive on the energy perform-
nual energy consumption estimate for each
ment in the property and building sector ance of buildings will be implemented
building type ’, explains Mäkinen.
fully by the end of 2009. The new energy
Kesko has carried out a total of 73
certificate will enable to compare the en-
energy audits since 2001, 54 of which have
ergy efficiency of buildings and estimate
been within the efficiency agreement. In
energy costs. The objective of the legisla-
DID YOU KNOW? 2004, Kesko ordered a PROMISE environ-
tion is to improve the energy efficiency of
mental classification for three locations, in
You save 10 per cent of heating energy by re- buildings in a cost-effective way.
which the awareness and quality of environ-
ducing the room temperature by two degrees.
mental matters in buildings were examined in
a comprehensive way.

Everyone can make a difference


In Finland space heating accounts for

he amount of electricity used in ances. The objective is to direct house-
approximately half of household energy Finnish households is constantly holds to favour appliances that consume
demands, while water heating takes up increasing: currently it is about 10 less energy and considerably reduce their
terawatt hours. This is due to the rising electricity consumption.
one-fifth. Electric appliances and light-
number of electric appliances – the aver-
ing consume the rest, i.e. one-third of the
age electricity consumption of new appli- Build an energy efficient home
energy used by a household. ances is decreasing. Of electric applianc- In Finland, there are one million single-
es, refrigerators and freezers are the big- family houses with a total annual ener-
gest consumers of electricity – more than gy bill of EUR 1-1.5 billion. Today, house
one-fourth – and lighting takes up almost builders and renovators have a sufficient
as much electricity. The share of enter- amount of information about low ener-
tainment electronics is growing. gy building.
Every household can reduce its elec- Energy efficient building includes
tricity consumption by choosing energy- good thermal insulation, energy effi-
efficient appliances and avoiding unnec- cient windows, efficient and appropriate
essary use of appliances or lighting. ventilation equipped with heat recovery,
building tightness, as well as expert and
DID YOU KNOW? Energy labels for easier choice careful planning and construction.
Electric appliances, such as refrigera-
Energy saving light bulbs use 60 per cent less
tors and washing machines, current- More information about
energy and last up to ten times longer than
ly have compulsory energy labels based the climate change
ordinary incandescent light bulbs.
on EU directives. They provide reliable The Finnish Climate Change Commu-
and comparable information for con- nications Programme was launched in
sumers to make a choice between appli- 2002. The programme aims to increase
Sales of fridge-freezers by energy
efficiency class in 1997–2005
‘Energy awareness in ‘Targets of the energy effi-
% housing with energy ciency programme of oil
100 expert activities’ heated properties exceeded’
An energy expert is an active resident In Finland, the renovation of ageing
90 who wants to promote a pleasant living oil-heated properties has achieved annual
environment and energy saving. VVO, which savings of 120 million litres of heating oil.
80 provides residential services, has embed- The Höylä energy efficiency programme
ded energy awareness in its tenants with is carried out by oil and gas sector, the Min-
energy expert activities. istry of Trade and Industry and the Ministry
‘Energy experts have, for example, of the Environment, with the key energy
methodically checked the plumbing facili- saving method being the replacement of
60 ties in the apartments. Any faults have been ageing oil-heating appliances.
repaired and that way unnecessary water ‘The renovation of the system provides
consumption has been removed. Energy a saving of 10-30 per cent in the consump-
consumption is a difficult area to perceive, tion of heating oil, depending on the prop-
but the energy expert activities have helped erty. House-specific savings may amount to
40 us to interact with residents in energy hundreds of euros a year. Furthermore, the
saving matters’, says Real Estate Manager new oil-heating systems are almost care
30 Tapio Matila of VVO’s technical unit. free compared to the old ones. When the
In training events and campaigns appliances function well, there will definitely
aimed at energy experts, VVO has provided be enough heat even on the coldest of win-
20 extensive information about energy use and ter days ’, emphasises Marketing Manager
its impacts on, for example, the climate Eero Kourula of the Oil Industry Service
10 change. Centre.
According to Matila, consensus among In Finland, there are about 260,000
residents on more efficient energy use has oil-heated single-family houses, which is
97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 increased considerably. one-fourth of the total number of single-
Energy class The energy expert activities are part of family houses. At the beginning of 2006, it
A B C D E VVO’s resident co-operation. VVO’s houses was estimated that the oil heating systems
have a house committee appointed by the of 80,000 houses need to be replaced in 11
Purchasing of appliances that use less energy has
residents, with a chairman, an energy and the next few years.
been promoted in Finland mainly with educa-
environmental expert and home security ex- Finns are interested in utilising solar
tion and marketing. The Finnish authorities also
perts as members. They organise voluntary energy in oil-heated houses. According to a

monitor that the energy labels are displayed in
work and other events where it is easy to survey carried out in February 2006, some
an appropriate way and that the information is
distribute information about energy matters. 110,000 oil heaters would be prepared
to adopt solar energy in addition to oil
Source: Survey for the members of the Association of Elec-
tronics Wholesalers

citizens’ awareness of the climate change, Consumers’ willingness to act in an environmentally friendly way
its impacts and mitigation. The pro-
Sort and
gramme has funded dozens of communi- recycle waste
cation projects for target groups: energy Save energy
and waste companies, communities and Heat with
municipal actors, teachers, and entrepre- renewable
energy sources
neurs in agriculture and forestry.
Use public
In 2006, the European Commission transport
implements a climate change awareness Reduce driving
campaign aimed at citizens simultaneous-
Buy eco-labelled
ly in all of the EU countries. The Finnish electricity
Climate Change Communications Pro- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 %
gramme supports this campaign with na- Very willing Not very willing
tional measures. Fairly willing Not at all willing
May not do/may do I don’t know

A study on the citizens’ views on climate change investigated what the Finns are willing to do in order
to curb climate change.
Source: Market reseach company, Taloustutkimus Oy, Finnish Climate Change Communications Programme
Cutting down energy consumption in transport
is everyone’s business
Transport uses some 17 per cent of The objective of the energy efficien-
the energy consumed in Finland each cy programme of truck and van sector is
year. Most of it is used in road transport. to promote efficient energy use in truck ‘Savings in fuel costs’
and van transport and to reduce fuel con-
sumption in transport and traffic by five Transport company Kuljetusliike R. Sten-
12 vall Ky has provided training in economical

f the carbon dioxide emissions per cent from the 2005 level by 2010.
caused by road transport, 70 per The focus areas of the truck and van driving for two years. All of the company’s
cent comes from passenger cars programme are environmental training 35 drivers have taken part in the training
with excellent results.
Tr a n s p o r t

and the rest mainly from heavy vehicles. in the transport industry, co-operation
with customers and interest groups, and ‘We have achieved savings of 5–10
Action plan on energy efficiency research, development and monitoring. per cent in fuel costs with very simple
in transport sector An energy audit procedure for trans- measures. The annual carbon dioxide emis-
The action plan on energy efficiency in port has been prepared. It is possible to sions of our entire fleet have fallen by more
transport sector cover bus and coach reduce costs, energy use and carbon diox- than 140 tonnes’, says Managing Director
transport, underground and tram servic- ide emissions by improving the efficiency Raimo Stenvall.
es, and the local services of the national of the operation of transport chains. ‘Drivers should under no circumstances
railways in Finland. The action plan aims drive against the speed limiter of their ve-
to reduce energy consumption in trans- Energy savings with economical hicle. Wind resistance increases with more
port and improve the efficiency of other driving speed, in which case fuel consumption
transport related energy use by five per Private motorists can follow the example rises considerably.’
cent from the 2000 level by 2010. of professional drivers and considerably ‘All of our drivers monitor their vehicle’s
Energy savings in public transport reduce their fuel consumption and the fuel consumption on a monthly basis.
are sought, for example, by prucuring ve- resulting carbon dioxide emissions with Eco-driving also improves road safety and
hicles that use less energy and are envi- economical driving habits. Anticipatory is less wearing for the vehicle’, Stenvall
ronmentally friendly, by monitoring their driving also improves road safety. reasons.
energy consumption and by increasing In Finland, economical driving is Stenvall’s transport company has
the use of transport telematics. taught annually to some 50,000 people estimated that one year’s economical driv-
as part of their driving lessons. More- ing can save enough money to pay for one
over, since 1996 almost 15,000 passenger vehicle’s fuel for 1.5 years.
car drivers, more than 8,000 truck driv-
ers and 6,000 bus and coach drivers have
With an economical driving style, you get been trained in economical driving.
every seventh tankful of petrol free.
Communication boosts ‘Energy Agency helping
energy saving ‘The Energy Agency of Southwest Finland
has carried out long-term work and gained the
Habits in energy use can be seen at home, The Energy Agencies promote energy role of an expert. Municipalities, schools and
at work and in leisure time. Information efficiency and the use of renewable energy the media know how to contact us in energy
sources. They serve the companies, commu- saving issues’, Anne Ahtiainen, Director of the
and attitudes have an impact on consumer
nities and consumers in their area in a ver- Agency explains.
habits. In Finland energy saving is pro-
satile way, and carry out co-operation in var- The Energy Agency of Southwest Finland 13
moted with communication by distribut- ious energy projects. In Finland, there are provides guidance, training and information
ing basic information about consumption eight local and regional Energy Agencies. related to energy saving, renewable energy
levels and by providing various target

Communication, awareness raising and networks

sources and the climate change. The key
groups with examples of good practices. Publicity with campaigns target group is the municipal sector.
Various communication campaigns and ‘The most important achievement of our

ctors in the energy industry pro- events are organised each year to promote work is the fact that eleven municipalities and
vide information in various forms energy saving. two municipal federations have signed the
for different targets groups. Con- The objective of the annual national energy and climate agreement. Municipalities
sumers need information, for example, Energy Awareness Week in Finland is to have also carried out energy saving measures,
about household issues and construc- increase awareness of rational energy use. such as energy audits, and 16 municipalities
tion, as well as when choosing a heating During the week, companies and commu- have joined the climate campaign for munici-
system or a car. In order to support their nities organise individual campaigns to palities’, Ahtiainen states.
decision-making, companies and com- improve their energy use or to increase In addition to municipalities, the Energy
munities need information that activates their customers’ awareness of efficient en- Agency of Southwest Finland focuses on
to energy savings and energy efficient ergy use. As part of the Energy Awareness comprehensive schools and polytechnics.
activities. Week, a campaign for second form prima- Ahtiainen tells enthusiastically about a project
The first steps of energy saving are ry school pupils has taken place for sev- that focused on increasing energy saving
taken as early as in pre-school years and eral years. The campaign is supported by awareness among the personnel of an entire
in basic education for schoolchildren. about a hundred energy companies and school.
With their own actions, parents and communities throughout Finland. ‘We managed to gather the teachers
teachers can have an impact on the way The European Commission has de- and maintenance staff of the school round
children and young people adopt envi- clared 22 September to be a European the table. In these common meetings, the
ronmental values. Car Free Day. With the initiative, it wants representative of the municipal real estate de-
Making energy use more efficient to draw attention to the environmental partment told the schools how much energy
means co-operation with various actors in hazards of increasing traffic and to the de- and water was being consumed and where it
the energy industry. Networking is a good velopment of public transport. The Car was used. This was an rewarding experience
way of utilising the best available expertise Free Day, which concludes the European because the information made the schools
and obtaining information and distribut- Mobility Week, has been organised in Fin- change their consumer habits’, Ahtiainen says.
ing good practices in an efficient way. land since 2002 in several localities.
Energy efficiency in
paper industry processes
Ecopump Oy supplies technical process
and equipment solutions for the paper
industry throughout the world. The vacuum
and dewatering monitoring systems for
paper manufacturing processes developed
by Ecopump achieve considerable runnabil-
ity benefits and savings in water and energy
consumption. Due to Ecopump’s measurement
equipment supporting process management,
it has been possible to increase the running
speed of the paper machines and minimise
production interruptions.
Ecopump’s latest innovation, vacuum
pump Ecopump Turbo, saves both energy and
water. It has extensive options to regulate its
properties to adjust to the conditions at the
customers’ paper mill.
‘The vacuum pump in paper machines
consumes a lot of energy. We consult our
customers in order to gain an optimal pump-
ing capacity: only the necessary amount of
vacuum pumping is carried out on the paper
machine. Furthermore, our turbo blower system
is more energy efficient than the conventional
water-packed pump because all the energy is
Internationally competitive used in air transfer,’ states Ecopump’s Manag-
ing Director Jyrki Uimonen.

innovations from Finland Replacing a conventional pumping system

with Ecopump’s vacuum pump has brought
client companies savings of 30–70 per cent.
The development of energy efficient and innovative technology into a commercial According to Ecopump’s estimates, the repay-
14 ment period of a new pumping system is two
product and the funding of research and development operations are the key meth- to three years.
ods of achieving the national targets in the Finnish energy and climate policy. In
Finland, energy related research and development is funded each year with some
Development of energy technoloigy

EUR 60 million. Frequency converters save

energy and equipment
In Finland, there is significant exportable

inland’s long-term research and de- State funding of the development technology know-how in power electronics.
velopment in energy technology has of energy technology is mainly allocated These include frequency converters that
brought to the market new solutions through the activities of Tekes, the Finn- improve energy efficiency for stepless speed
on combined heat and power generation, ish Funding Agency for Technology and control of squirrel cage induction motors,
industrial and decentralised energy pro- Innovation. It is also planned that the in- which are a common electric motor solution
duction, and efficient use of energy. novation activities will be linked with en- in industry.
ergy efficiency agreement activities. Frequency converters provide consider-
able savings in energy consumption. As more
Development of Finland’s energy than 65 per cent of electricity in industry is
technology exports in 1994–2004
New business activities through
consumed by electric motors, accurate speed
climate change mitigation regulation of motors with a frequency converter
billion euros In the ClimBus technology programme, can reduce the electricity consumption of
3,5 launched by Tekes in 2004, cost-effec- conventional electric motors by as much as
3,0 tive solutions for reducing greenhouse 30–70 per cent. As a result of the reduced
gas emissions are being developed. The energy consumption, the investment pays itself
projects within the programme improve back very quickly.
2,0 and create new opportunities for compa- The most typical application areas for
1,5 nies operating in Finland to succeed in frequency converters are pumps and fans.
the climate change mitigation business. Other applications include cranes, lifts, paper
1,0 machines, air-conditioning equipment, winders,
0,5 compressors, and winches.
ABB Ltd, Vacon Plc and Verteco Ltd are
0,0 currently the main exporters of Finnish fre-
94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04
quency converter technology.
Source: Statistics Finland
Key actors


Ministry of Trade and Industry
PO Box 32 Motiva Oy
FI-00023 Government PO Box 489
Tel. +358 9 160 01 FI-00101 Helsinki
Fax +358 9 1606 3666 Tel. +358 9 8565 3100 Fax +358 9 8565 3199


Ministry of the Environment
PO Box 35
FI-00023 Government Tekes, Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and
Tel. +358 9 160 07 Innovation
Fax +358 9 1603 9545
PO Box 69
FI-00101 Helsinki
Tel. +358 10 60 55000
Fax +358 9 694 9196
Ministry of Transport and Communications
PO Box 31
FI-00023 Government ENERGY SUPPORT
Tel. +358 9 160 02
15 regional Employment and Economic
Fax +358 9 1602 8596
Development Centres 15


Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

PO Box 30
FI-00023 Government
Tel. +358 9 160 01
Fax +358 9 1605 4202

Produced by: Motiva Oy.

Text: Teonsana Oy and Motiva Oy.
Layout: Graafinen suunnittelutoimisto Pentti Järvinen.
Translation: Audipek Translation Agency
Photography: ABB, Comma Image, City of Helsinki photo archives,
Ingram Publishing (UK), Kuvaario, Motiva, Stora Enso, VTT
Printed: Erweko Oy, 07/2006
Printed on environmentally friendly paper, Galerie Art Silk
Circulation 4.000
Finland is energy efficient.


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