9 RSCP Draft 7 Year

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Regional Strategic Cross Sector Partnership Strategy 2008-2014

Regional Strategic Cross sector Partnership for the Third
Geographical area: South East
Lead Body: Accountable Body is RAISE

Contact Details:
Carol McKinley,
Acting Chief Executive, RAISE
Berkeley House
Cross Lanes

Tel: 01483 500770

Fax: 01483 574439
Email: carol@raise-networks.org.uk

The role of the SE Regional Strategic Cross Sector Partnership is unique
in England. Unlike the regional consortium, it is a group set up with the
purpose of being a cross sector regional and national influencing group
on polices affecting the Third Sector. It seeks to influence these policies
as they are devised and implemented and to monitor their impact on the
Third Sector. It will link to the work of Capacitybuilders, ChangeUp and
infrastructure development, but its remit is wider than this. It is
anticipated that this influencing and advocacy role will provide long term
benefits to infrastructure and frontline organisations and because it will
support the development of a strong Third Sector and a positive
relationship with statutory bodies, to government and its agencies as

Capacitybuilders has asked us to use this template to outline our plans

and activities, rather than devise a separate one especially for this
Partnership. In some sections there is not an exact fit between what is
asked for and the role of this group, but we have explained where this is
the case.

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Partnership Vision / Mission Statement:

Vision: A strong and thriving Third Sector in the South East which has an influential
role with Government and other strategic organisations in the public and private

Mission: To champion and support the Third Sector to develop a strategic, influential
role with public sector partners which promotes the benefits, contribution and
aspirations of the sector and their ability to deliver social, economic and environmental
outcomes, and to support the role of the Third Sector in the South East.

To support Government and its agencies in developing positive and enabling policies
and strategies for the Third Sector to deliver social, economic and environmental
outcomes across the region.

What are the key changes that the Partnership aims to make over the next
6 years?

• An effective relationship developed between Third Sector and public agencies

across the region.

• Public agencies positively support and appropriately resource development of

robust third sector support services across the region.

• Third Sector services across the region demonstrate increased effectiveness,

efficiency and sustainability, benefiting from shared good practice, strengthened
advocacy and voice and a positive relationship with statutory agencies.

Please state why you feel these aims are the right ones: (please reference any
research, consultation or other data you feel is relevant)

Evaluations of both the ChangeUp programme 1 and of the Regional Consortium2

which consulted with all sectors and levels of those involved with ChangeUp,
evidenced strong feeling about the need for a representative cross sector regional body
which would have a cross sector influencing role with a focus on the Third Sector.
This type of body was seen as essential in order to provide the glue, translation and
connectivity between local, regional and national policy and implementation and

ChangeUp in the SE: An evaluation. Gordon Morris & Claire Nichols July 2006
Evaluation od thr ChangeUp Regional Consortium. LinG Consulting July 2006

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provide the ‘Think Tank’ and ‘ Voice’ function that both statutory and Third Sector
organisations felt was needed.

The joint Treasury and OTS document “ The future Role of the Third Sector in Social
and Economic Regeneration” and Capacitybuilders’ “Destination 2014” which were
informed by extensive consultation with the Third Sector highlight the importance of this
kind of influencing work. The development of new Local Area Agreements, the Sub
National Review of Economic Development and Regeneration, the Regional Economic
Strategy, the review of the Learning and Skills Councils, Job Centre Plus and the
Strategic Review of Department of Health Funding of Third Sector Organisations will
all have a significant impact on the role, delivery and funding of the Third Sector and its
relationship with government and its agencies.

The aims and objectives previously outlined will inform the Partnership’s role in
addressing the impacts of these policies and reviews on the Third Sector whether
frontline or infrastructure organisations and will support the development of an effective
relationship between the two sectors which results in a strong and effective Third
Sector and robust service delivery.

It is anticipated that the Partnership’s cross sector influencing and advocacy role will
provide long term benefits to both infrastructure and frontline organisations and
because it will support the development of a strong Third Sector there will also be
positive benefits for government and its agencies.

What are the main implications of this Development Strategy for the
Partnership (e.g. finance, staff, volunteers, geography, skills and

The role of the SE Regional Strategic Cross Sector Partnership is unique in England. It
is a group set up with the purpose of being a cross sector regional and national
influencing group on polices affecting the Third Sector. It seeks to influence these
policies as they are devised and to monitor their impact on the Third Sector as they are
implemented. It will link to the work of Capacitybuilders and ChangeUp, which supports
the provision of robust support services to frontline organisations, but its remit, as
outlined above, is wider than this.

The implication of this, is that the Partnership has set itself a task which is complex,
both in the number of issues it seeks to address and in the complexity of the SE

The SE is geographically large, contains 19 Infrastructure Consortia, approximately

34,000 Third Sector organisations and has 74 Local Authorities as well as the
Regional Government Office, Regional Development Agency and Regional Assembly,
Strategic Health Authorities, Job Centre Plus and the Learning and Skills Council. It is a
time of change and review for all of them. However this environment of change
provides opportunities to build new relationships and gives a positive strategic role for
the Partnership, which has drawn its membership from across all these groups at
regional, county, district/borough level and across government agencies. It is this wide
level of representation and breadth of skills and knowledge which underpins the
strength of the Partnership and its ability to influence.

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Resources for the Partnership are limited. It has financial support from Capacitybuilders
and although ‘in kind’ support is given through Partnership members, it is initially
unlikely to receive financial support from other partners, although this may change in
the long term as its benefits can be demonstrated.

Total Cost for Consortium Development Work

27,000 pa
For the present, financial resources available to us will provide:
• 1.5 days per week of staff time for Secretariat & administration
• Travel expenses for Third Sector organisations to attend meetings
• 4 meetings of the Partnership per year - room hire etc
• Basic support to 4 focused sub groups of Partnership pa – room hire etc
• marketing and communication budget

However, through supporting future bids to the Capacitybuilders’ Modernisation

Programme from RAISE, to the Big Lottery Fund’s (BIG) Basis Programme from
Partnership members RAISE and SERCC around regional support services, and from
the Partnership directly to Capacitybuilders’ Learning and Innovation Programme for
some research and freelance support, we are proposing to undertake joint projects
through the Partnership, which will offer some ‘transformational’ activity at local,
regional and national levels.

Please outline the roles of key people/organisations in delivering the

Partnerships Strategy:

All members of the RSCP are seen as key to delivering the strategy as it is the
collective voice of the cross sector partnership which is its strength, together with the
interaction and dialogue between a wide range of partners and stakeholders. Each one
has a role to play in delivering the strategy, whether through contributing to Partnership
activity as a whole, activity in a partnership sub group, attending a meeting with
government officials or communicating messages to colleagues in the region.
Therefore roles in this partnership may differ from local consortia .

Requirements for Strategic Partnership members are:

• Ability and enthusiasm to help shape the relationship between the Third Sector
and Public Agencies and support the development of robust Third Sector
support services across the region
• To bring a perspective to the meetings that will help develop a collective voice
to move work forward and not to merely represent or further the interests of
their own organisation
• Responsibility for and ability to communicate information about the RSCP work
to and from the groups they reflect in the region and if appropriate, nationally
• Contribute to work of partnership sub groups and other activities as

While all members of the Partnership are seen as key to delivering its Aims and
Objectives, overall strategic management of the Partnership will be offered jointly by

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RAISE, which is the accountable Body, SERCC which Chairs the Partnership and
GOSE as the government in the region.

The role of secretariat for the partnership will be supported by RAISE which will
organise quarterly meetings and offer ongoing admin support and communication

Specific roles and membership of the existing sub groups are outlined in the annexe to
the business plan. Since the role and composition of these groups will change to meet
need over the next six years it is more appropriate to list them there.

Membership of the Partnership is listed below.

Social Enterprise South East Network

SE Public Health Group
White Lodge Centre ( Front Line)
Making Music South East (Frontline)
Job Centre Plus
Bracknell Forest Local Consortium
South East Coast SHA
East Hampshire District Council
Brighton & Hove Local Consortium
East Sussex County Council
Basingstoke Borough Council
Kent County Council
Big Lottery Fund
SE Employers
Southampton Local Consortium
Peoples Voices ( Frontline)
Bucks Local Consortium
UNI ( regional BME Network) Learning
& Skills Council
South East England Faith Forum
Any local consortium may attend a
meeting if they wish to.

What are the timescales, key steps, and process for reviewing the
Infrastructure Development Strategy?

The strategy will be reviewed twice a year to ensure that the RSCP is not
deviating from its mission and that progress is being made. Review will occur at
the RSCP meetings and will coincide with a review of the Terms of Reference.
This will also allow for any discussion around membership changes if

All papers from the RSCP meetings are shared with local consortia contacts,
who also have the opportunity to comment on the Partnerships work through the

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consortia co-ordinators group. Papers will also be on the RAISE website to
ensure the work of the Partnership is available to all and offer a transparent and
accountable process. Comments will be invited and after year one or two,
there may be scope to send a short survey to RSCP members, national and
regional stakeholders, local consortia and the wider third sector, most likely
through RAISE, to assess the progress and impact of the RSCP.


Name of Consortium: Regional Strategic Cross–Sector Partnership

Lead body signature:      

Date signed: 14/01/08

Date signed off by Consortium: 14/01/08

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South East Strategic Cross-sector Partnership for the
Third Sector


A South East Strategic Cross-sector Partnership for the Third Sector currently
financially supported by ChangeUp. The partnership will focus not only on ChangeUp
but also on developing a strategic influential role with public sector partners. It will
provide the opportunity for the Third Sector and Public Agencies to meet together for
mature debate and strategic dialogue. It will reflect the benefits, contribution and
aspirations of the sector and champion and support the role of the Third Sector in the
South East.


• To strengthen regional cross-sector partnership working to maximise available

resources and ensure effective delivery.
• To ensure regional stakeholders, including perspectives from the Third Sector,
statutory sector (especially local authorities and health), and specialist sectors
are appropriately reflected and represented.
• Understand and take account of the social and political content and structures
which impact on the Third Sector and the constantly changing environment in
which we work.
• Develop intelligence about the Third Sector role and impact.
• Understand and influence the sector’s role in engaging with the public policy
agenda at a national, regional and local level; and sector links to local
• Where appropriate to consider and support Regional Infrastructure Organisation
(RIO) priorities for the development of regional Third Sector support services in
the region.
• Ensure that these regional plans are integral to other regional strategies,
support Local Infrastructure Development Plans and that the principle of
subsidiarity applies as appropriate.
• Ensure that this strategic approach is reflected at all levels and in all agencies
in the region.
• Support the Third Sector relationship with Capacitybuilders and advise on
Capacitybuilders strategic priorities in the region
• Explore opportunities, where appropriate, that exist through European funding
to support the Third Sector in the South East
• To develop a Partnership Business Plan and review progress and outcomes of
this Plan.
• To ensure that Good Practice is shared across the region.


• Chaired by Third Sector representative, agreed by partnership members.

Secretariat to be provided by RAISE

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• Regional Organisations: GOSE, SEEDA, Big Lottery Fund, RAISE, SERCC,
UNI (BME network) SEVSFF, LSC, SEERA, Job Centre Plus, Strategic Health
• Local Authorities: to be represented at county, district, urban, rural and unitary
• Local Voluntary and Community Sector Consortia representatives, represented
at sub regional level.

Membership will be reviewed regularly and at least annually to ensure that it remains
representative of the sector and wider stakeholders.

Requirements for consortium members are:

• Ability and enthusiasm to help shape the relationship between the Third Sector
and Public Agencies and support the development of robust Third Sector
support services across the region
• To bring a perspective to the meetings that will help develop a collective voice
to move work forward and not to merely represent or further the interests of
their own organisation
• Responsibility for and ability to communicate information about the SRP work
to and from the groups they reflect in the region
• Ability to commit up to half a day per month on consortium business and for at
least one year.
• A good grasp of the needs and challenges of the SE region
• Respect for issues of confidentiality in conducting Partnership business
according to the Conflict of Interest document


• Meetings to be held quarterly and an annual conference.

• Decisions will be consensus based.
• The Chair, in consultation with other members and the Secretariat, will agree all
agendas. All papers for discussion and minutes of meetings to be made
available, where possible, to an agreed timeline, as agreed by the partnership
• Minutes will be available on the Secretariat’s web-site
• Members will agree to any necessary ‘declarations of interests’ in the conduct
of the partnerships affairs.

November 13th 2007

GOSE-Government Office for the South East, SEEDA-South East Economic Development Agency,
RAISE-regional Action and Involvement in the South East, SERCC-South East Rural Community
Councils, SEVSFF-South East Voluntary Sector Funders Forum, LSC-Learning and Skills Council,
SEERA- South East England Regional Assembly

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Attachments: Conflict of Interest



The Strategic Regional Partnership’s procedures need to be open, honest and

transparent. To this end we acknowledge the importance of the Seven
Principles of Public Life established by the Nolan Committee. These are:


Holders of public office should take decisions solely in terms of the public
interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other material
benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends.


Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other
obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might influence them in the
performance of their official duties.


In carrying out public business, including making public appointments, awarding

contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, holders of
public office should make choices on merit.


Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the
public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their


Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions
and actions that they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and
restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands.

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Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to
their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that
protects the public interest.


Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by

leadership and example.

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