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Guidelines for writing an Internship Report

The Internships are an integral part of all engineering programs and should provide students with
valuable insights into the professional and industry-oriented engineering in practice. In order to meet
the academic requirements of the internship the students are required to submit an internship report
corresponding to the following requirements and recommendations.

1. The required components

The internship report has to contain the following Charters / Parts:

1.1. Structures of the company and department in which the student performed the internship;
1.2. The main business of the company, goods and /or services produced by the company;
1.3. Equipment and technologies used by the company;
1.4. A description of the work performed by the student in the company;
1.5. A discussion of specific business / engineering issues related to the internship;
1.6. References;
1.7. Appendices.

2. Recommendations

The items 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 can be brief, and they can be included into the introduction of the report.

The major focus of the report should be on item 1.4 and 1.5 and this part of the report has to be as an
analytical component relating academic knowledge to practical experience. Its purpose is to help the
students to develop analytical and written skills; the students have to interpret, organize and present
the gathered information clearly and understandably. The internship report should allow examining
aspects of the project and contain practical benefit to the employer.

Item 1.6 should list all books, journals and web pages to which the students refer in the report.
Materials from other authors, drawings and diagrams not drawn in the report should be acknowledged
when they are first used.

Item 1.7 should provide the reader with supporting information.

3. Required size of the report

Internship duration, weeks 2 4 6 8

Minimum size of the report, words 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500

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