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The faith is believing in one Allah and believing in his messengers, his books, believing
in unseen worlds, angels, paradise, hell, pleasures in graves and tortures in graves, merits
for deeds, rewards for good deeds and punishment for evil deeds, believing in judgement
day-the day in which every body is accountable for his/her faith and deeds. This also
includes raising from the graves to proceed to judgement day.

As seen above, if one thing out of the above is disbelieved, ones faith is lost and will be
considered as a disbeliever or a qafir.

Now, it is very important to believe in all prophets that they were sent by Allah to
mankind and jinns for guidance on this earth. Also, believing in all the prophets, one
must obey laws and rules of shariat brought by last Prophet and messenger.

What is meant by believing in the Prophets?

To illustrate this, consider the case of purchasing wooden chair. We want a wooden chair.
How do we recognize wooden chair? If some one brought plastic chair, would we accept?
No. Why? Because, we want a wooden chair and not a plastic chair. For purchasing a
wooden chair, we must know the qualities/properties/attributes of the wood and then we
must know the qualities/properties/attributes of a chair.

To recognize wood, we must know about wood. Wood’s color, smell, outer appearance
are the properties we will inspect first. Then we will see whether it is cut by hacksaw or
not. Next we will see if it can be burnt or not. Like that and so on.

Similarly, to believe in Prophets implies us to see the qualities/properties/attributes of the

Prophet. Quran has guided us to see the attributes and qualities of Prophets, the truthful,
the martyrs and the saalehin (Auliya Allah-friends of Allah). Quran has told these group
as Allah’s group in Surah Al-Nisa. If any of the required qualities or attributes are not
believed, it will be said as not believing in Prophet or friend of Allah, ultimately results in
disbelief (qufr).

What are the qualities of Prophets, Martyrs and Friends of Allah?

(1)Martyrs are alive and Provided food (Rizk) in their graves. This is according to Quran
verse 169 of Surah Aale Imran. Prophets are leaders of Martyrs. So Prophets are alive.
There are true hadis available which stated that the earth are forbidden to eat bodies of
Prophets in the graves. They are safe in their graves.

(2)Prophets, Martyrs, Truthful and saalehin belongs to group of Allah according to Quran
in Surah Nisa Verse 69.
(3)Prophet Isa (AS), Idris(AS), Ilyas (As) are alive. Khwaza Khidar (Khizar-AS) is alive
like alive humans of this world and helps in guiding the believers.

Now, this attributes are enough to understand the status of Prophets and Friends of Allah.
When they are alive, we can ask for their help by installing contacts with them. We know
that there are Radio, TV, Mobile Phone signals available in our area but we can establish
contacts with proper instrument and technology. Similarly, we can establish contacts with
graves of friends of Allah and then we can obtain help from them.

There is a verse in Quran which says that Allah offers salaam to Yahya (AS) at his birth
day, the departing day from this world and the day when he will be raised from the grave.
This implies us the importance of birth days, departing days of the friends of Allah. Allah
celebrates these days by giving salaam. We should celebrate these days by praising these
friends of Allah and offering salaam to them on these days. Only one group of Islam is
doing this and undoubtedly, that group is the only right group of Islam.

Some bad aqidah groups argued not to make graves as a place of prayer. This is true only
for a common people. Common peoples’ faith status is undefined. If they died without
faith due to deceived by satan, how could their grave become place of prayer? Now a
day, the system of checking the status of the dead body in the grave is adopted in which
the grave of a saint/friend of Allah is reopened after 40 days, six months, a year or in
some cases two to three years after the demise. If the body is found in tact, the grave is
constructed with bricks masoned or a dome built on the grave to mark the place as a
symbol of Allah. The symbols of Allah must be respected to obtain taqwaa(piety)
according to quran surah Al-Hajj verse 32.

Also Quran orders to make Makaam-e-Ibrahim Musalla-a place for prayer(sajadaa). This
Makaam-e-Ibrahim is a stone upon which foot marks of Prophet Ibrahim (As) are
engraved. This supports to make graves of friends of Allah as a place for prayers. When
foot marks of Prophet (As)can have the value to be considered as a place for prayer,
undoubtedly the Prophet(AS)’s grave has higher value than his foot prints. This is the
reason that Mosques are built near the shrines. In Madina, Majid-e-Nabavi is attached to
shrine of Prophet Mohammed (sav).

So, even today, the shrines of Auliya Allah and Prophets(As) and Martyrs guide us to
differentiate between the True and False groups. Those not believing in graves of friends
of Allah considers them as dead which is against Quran and hence those groups of Islam
are Hidden Qafirs or Munafiqs. Beware of these groups. Do not make them your Imaam
of your prayers.

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