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INTL 725 Group Project Summer 2018

A key outcome of this course is that students be able to identify and evaluate international trade opportunities based
on research information. With this in mind groups are challenged to complete a market analysis, prepare a report of the
analysis and present their findings to the class. This project is worth 15% of your course grade.

Due Date:

Topic Choice Week 8 Sign-up in class, no duplications permitted

Report (10%) Week 12 Printed (hardcopy) due at beginning of class AND Uploaded to e-centennial digital
dropbox prior to class. Include the grading rubric with your hardcopy.
Presentation (5%) Week 12 PPT slides uploaded to e-centennial digital dropbox prior to class.
Presentations take place in class.

Late work will be penalized 10% per day. Failure to turn in the presentation or report will result in a zero (0)
on the assignment.

Imagine your team has been contracted to conduct some market research on behalf of Black Oak Brewing Company
( The company is quickly growing and looking at new markets.

The company has requested that the market research report contain the following information:

 Description of Market Environment

o Political Stability
o Ease of doing business
o Currency risk
o CA trade relationship (both general and product specific)
 Target market identification (demographic information)
 Competitor Analysis
 Recommendations
o Market Entry
o Local adaptations (4Ps)

Groups can refer to the questions in Table 8.1 (FITT Chapter 8) as a guide for some of the questions they should seek to
answer (bear in mind that the table is not exhaustive).

Instructor: Melissa Jimeno

INTL 725 Group Project Summer 2018


Division of Labor & Research Objectives – On a single page document groups should broadly identify what each member
will contribute to the project. In addition, each group should write three clear research objectives. Their project should
seek to answer the objectives identified.

Presentation – Assume the audience is a group of company representatives. You are not presenting all of the
information you researched; make the business case for or against market entry.

o 12-15 minute in-class professional presentation.

o Reference research sources throughout the presentation
o All group members must speak, but the length of speaking time can vary
o PPT should be in outline form


o 12-15 pages
o Should include
 Cover Page
 Executive Summary (no more than 1 page)
 Table of Contents (With group members’ contributions identified).
 Introduction with Business Opportunity clearly explained
 Research Objectives
 Data Presentation/Analysis
 Recommendations
 Conclusion
 References
o APA Formatting (for citations and referencing as well as overall organization)
o Correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, flow of thought, clarity of ideas and creativity

The report and presentations should seek to integrate research from these sources:
o CIA World Fact Book (
o Country Watch (
o The World Bank (
o Canadian Trade Data Online (
o EDC (

Reports much include a minimum of 15 reputable sources

Anytime you refer to ideas that are not your own, you MUST refer to the source both in text and in the reference page
at the end of your essay.
Use APA referencing style when you write up your paper. Ensure that your paper contains a page for references. Refer
to or for more information
about proper citation.

Instructor: Melissa Jimeno

INTL 725 Group Project Summer 2018


Each group will meet with me in week 10 to discuss their project. By this time each group should have identified key
aspects of their fictional Canadian company as well as which countries they are investigating. Each group should also
have a plan with regard to how work is to be divided.

Grading Rubric (Presentation)

Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)
. Powerpoint is of Powerpoint quality is fairly Powerpoint could be more
Slide Powerpoint is of amateur
professional quality and is professional and is professional. Some aesthetic
Professionalism quality.
aesthetically pleasing. aesthetically pleasing. problems.

Powerpoint Powerpoint is well organized Powerpoint is well organized Powerpoint is organized, but Powerpoint is poorly
Slide Content with no errors with1-2 errors with 3-5 errors organized with many errors
Body of presentation is
Body of presentation is
Body of presentation is well mostly organized, is
Flow somewhat organized. Needs Body of presentation is
organized, is interesting and interesting and easily
additional practice and disorganized
easily followed. followed. Room for
Speaking style is fairly
Speaking style is strong, with Speaking style is fair; need to Speech lacks clarity, fails to
Style strong, with decent pace and
good pace and clarity. improve pace and clarity. communicate main ideas.

Professionally dressed and Professionally dressed and

Professionally dressed and
maintains somewhat maintains a somewhat
maintains professional Not professionally dressed,
Comportment professional composure professional composure
composure both while fails to maintain professional
while speaking and while while speaking. Looks
speaking and while group composure.
group members are disinterested while group
members are presenting.
presenting. members are presenting.

Mostly proper use of APA in- Decent use of APA in-text

Proper use of APA in-text Fails to properly use APA in-
APA use text citations on slides (1-2 citations on slides (3-4
citations on slides. text citations on slides.
errors) errors)
Sources are incorporated
Sources are used evenly and
Sources are used evenly and into the document, but
Research appropriately throughout Sources are not incorporated
appropriately throughout there is a lack of consistency
the document. Sources into the presentation.
the document with the presentation of
enhance presentation
Shows exceptional
Shows some consideration
consideration of the
of the relationship amongst
relationship amongst the Does not fully demonstrate Fails to demonstrate any
Analysis the research, weighs
research, weighs different an understanding of the understanding of the
different vantage points or
vantage points or opinions, research. research.
opinions, and shows some
and shows outstanding
balance in utilizing sources
balance in utilizing sources

Fails to demonstrate any

Personal knowledge well Personal knowledge Level of personal knowledge
Knowledge understanding of the
demonstrated somewhat showcased. unclear.
content being presented.
Timing Less than or over specific Less than or over specific Less than or over specific
12-15 minutes
time by one minute time by two minutes time by three minutes

Total mark

Instructor: Melissa Jimeno

INTL 725 Group Project Summer 2018

Grading Rubric (Report)

Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor
Highlights reports most important
Highlights reports most important Notes some key points. Repetitive No executive summary
Executive points in a concise and clear
points. Repetitive and wordy. Less and wordy. Less than one page in included, or the summary fails 5
Summary manner. Less than one page in
than one page in length length to provide a clear summary.
Provides relevant information to General and inadequately introduces
Adequately introduces the topic but The introduction is off-topic
introduce the topic. Avoids a the specific topic. It veers off topic
Introduction is weak, rambling, or inappropriate entirely or reads like a history 5
summarization of generic and doesn’t flow with the overall
for the flow of the essay. lesson.
information. report.
Opportunity/ Research objectives are SMART and . Research objectives are SMART Research objectives are unclear and Failure to present identifiable
Research well justified. and somewhat justified. not well justified. research objectives.
Data is well integrated in to the Data is integrated in to the Data is not well integrated in
Data is not well integrated in to the
document. Tables/graphs and document. Tables/graphs and to the document.
Data Presentation document. Tables/graphs and charts 5
charts are used appropriately and charts are used appropriately and Tables/graphs and charts are
are poorly explained.
well explained. somewhat explained. not explained or are unclear.
Recommendations are made, but Recommendations have no
Recommendations are clear and Recommendations are clear and
Recommendations may not connect well with the issues relationship with issues 10
well justified. somewhat justified.
at hand. presented.
All of the sources that are used
Most of the sources used support,
support, extend, and inform, but do Neglects important sources.
extend, and inform, but do not Uses relevant sources but lacks
not substitute the writer’s own Overuse of quotations or
substitute the writer’s own variety and/or a skillful combination
development of idea. The report paraphrase to substitute
Use of Sources development of idea. The report of sources. Quotations and 10
combines material from a variety of writer’s own ideas. (Possibly
doesn’t overuse quotes, but does paraphrases may be too long and/or
sources and doesn’t overuse uses source material without
not always confirm to the required inconsistently referenced.
quotes. APA citation properly acknowledgement).
APA format.
The conclusion is strong and leaves The conclusion is recognizable and The conclusion is vague and does not
the reader with a solid leaves the reader with some provide the reader with a clear
understanding the author's understanding of the author’s understanding of the author’s
There is no conclusion or
position. Effective restatement of position. The author's position is position. The author's position is
Conclusion veers off topic – the paper just 5
the position statement begins the restated within the first two restated within the closing
closing paragraph. The conclusion sentences of the closing paragraph. paragraph, but not near the
wraps up the essay in a thought- The conclusion wraps up the essay beginning. The conclusion doesn’t
provoking way. adequately. wrap up the essay adequately.
Solid support and justification of Some support for research Unclear organization and/or
Some signs of logical organization.
Organization and research objectives. Logical objectives. Transitions are mostly the structure don’t justify
May have abrupt or illogical shifts 10
structure sequence of ideas. Transitions are appropriate. Sequence of ideas research objectives. No
and ineffective flow of ideas.
effective. could be improved. transitions.
There are 3 or 4 minor errors in There are major errors in
There are 1 or 2 minor grammatical,
Conventions and There are no grammatical, spelling punctuation, grammar and/or punctuation, grammar and/or
spelling or punctuation errors that 5
Format or punctuation errors. spelling which do not break the flow spelling which interrupt the
do not interfere with meaning.
for the reader. flow for the reader.

Total Marks 60

Instructor: Melissa Jimeno

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