Improving MIMOS Ystemsperformances by Concatenating LDPC Decodertothe STBC and MRC Receivers

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Improving MIMO systems performances by concatenating LDPC decoder to the STBC

and MRC receivers

Conference Paper · September 2015

DOI: 10.1109/WSCNIS.2015.7368281


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5 authors, including:

Elies Ghayoula Mohamed Haj Taieb

Laval University Laval University


Ridha Ghayoula Jean-Yves Chouinard

University of Tunis El Manar Laval University


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Improving MIMO Systems Performances by
Concatenating LDPC Decoder to the STBC and
MRC Receivers.

Elies Ghayoula1,2 , Mohamed Haj Taieb2 , Jean-Yves Chouinard2 , Ridha Ghayoula2 and Ammar Bouallegue1
Sys’Com Laboratory, National Engineering School of Tunis, ENIT, EL Manar University
Tunis, Tunisia
Email: and
Departement of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Laval University
Quebec, Quebec G1V0A8, Canada
Email:, and

Abstract—Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems transfer rate, coverage, security and the overall performance
are commonly used in wireless communications to ensure high of radio networks.
bit-rate and high capacity transmission. Space time block coding
(STBC) is a technique used in MIMO to provide transmit Space-time block coding (STBC) introduced by Alamouti
diversity in communication over fading channels. Although STBC [8] is the space-time transmit diversity technique for high bit-
has full diversity gain, the coding gain need to be improved by rate and high capacity transmission in wireless communica-
using channel coding such as low density parity check (LDPC) tions. Tarokh et al. generalized this technique to more than
codes or Turbo codes. This paper evaluates the performance of two transmit antennas by using the orthogonal designs [9]. In
MIMO systems and the improvement obtained by concatenating these techniques. information symbols can be restored without
LDPC codes. MIMO are based on spatially separated multiple
transmitting and receiving antennas to provide diversity. This
a reduction of the transmission rate by using the simple linear
helps combatting the effect of multipath fading in wireless chan- processing. Since the STBC can obtain not the coding gain but
nels. For single-input multiple-output (SIMO) schemes, maximum the diversity gain, the concatenation scheme of STBC codes
ratio combining (MRC) receiver are used to handle redundantly and ldpc codes (STBC-LDPC) was proposed to improve the
the same information-bearing signal over two or more fading error rate performance of the STBC.
channel. The output of this receiver consist on soft decision
metrics that can be fed to LDPC decoder for error correction. For In this paper, we study different types of transmit or/and
MIMO and multiple-input single-output (MISO) systems, space receive diversity techniques according to the number of N
time block codes (STBC) are used to generate orthogonal signals TX (transmiting) and M RX (receiving) antennas. We begin
to avoid interference between signal streams. These signals are with the classical Maximum Ratio Combining (MRC) receiver
transmitted at slightly different times to benefit from temporal used for SIMO schemes (1 TX , M RX ). For these schemes,
diversity. LDPC codes are used in conjunction with STBC to the receiver sees several copies of the signal corrupted by
improve the error capability. This paper investigates diversity different channels and the MRC is used since it is the best
coding for MIMO systems combined with LDPC soft decoding.
diversity-combining technique in terms of link performance.
Performances of the proposed scheme in terms of bit error rates
are reported. For transmission scheme with multiple transmit antennas
(N ≥ 2 TX , M RX ) [8], space time block code (STBC)
need to be used [10], [11], [12]. In fact, when using multiple
I. I NTRODUCTION transmitting antennas the signal can interfere with itself and
orthogonal/quasi-orthogonal codes are required.
To address the growing need for high data rate, MIMO is
one of the most attractive techniques in wireless communica- The common point between MRC decoder and STBC
tion. It uses multiple antennas at both transmitter and receiver decoder is that they process channel observation to produce
ends to improve communication performance and to insure soft values. Hard decision can be done at this point, but instead
high-speed transmission with a minimum quality of service by using a channel code such as LDPC, decoding iteration
degradation [1], [2], [3], [4]. Moreover, MIMO systems are able can be applied to these soft values to enhance the correction
to enhance the capacity of the radio channel without investment capabilities of the system.
of additional frequency resources. The intense research activity This paper is organized as follows. Section II is a brief
on MIMO systems was inspired by seminal works by Telatar introduction to LDPC codes. Section III presents the MRC
[5], Foschini and Gans [6] that showed a dramatic linear receiver and its applications for the (1 TX , M RX ) model
increase in channel capacity with the number of antennas [7]. using LDPC decoding. Section IV describe the space time bloc
The idea of using multiple antenna configurations instead of code to ensure transmitting and receiving diversity. Before con-
a single one has proven to be successful in enhancing data cluding, section V presents a BER performance comparisons
978-1-4799-9907-1/15/$31.00 2015
c IEEE for the different coded and uncoded schemes.
v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 WITH LDPC CODING

Maximal-ratio combining (MRC) is a method of diversity

h26 combining in which the signals from each channel are added
together. Maximal-ratio combining is the optimum combiner
h12 for independent AWGN channels. This classical approach of
diversity involves multiple antennas at the receiver to improve
signal quality.
c1 c2 c3
Let the message to be transmitted be m1 , . . . , mk . Each
Check nodes block of k message bits are fed to an LDPC encoder with rate
R = k/K resulting on K-length codewords s1 , . . . , sK . These
Fig. 1: Tanner graph for the LDPC code. LDPC codewords are then transmitted to the M receiving


Low density parity check (K, k) codes are linear error The resulting received baseband signals rm at antenna m ∈
correcting block codes characterized by a (K − k) × K sparse {1, 2} are given by:
parity check matrix H. These codes are generally called
capacity approaching codes because system capacity using r 1 = α1 s1 + η 1
these codes is close to Shannon’s capacity limits [13]. LDPC r 2 = α2 s1 + η 2
encoding algorithm can be represented by bipartite graph
called Tanner graph [14] as shown in Fig. 1Tanner graph The channels are assumed to be flat (non frequency selective)
for the LDPC code.figure.caption.1, it consists of variable fading channels with path gains for the receive antenna m
nodes vj , which represents transmitted symbols or bits and the defined as αm . The estimated signal by the maximal ratio
parity check nodes ci , which represent the check equations. If combining receiver is:
Hi,j = 1, it means an edge is placed between variable node
vi and check node ci . Thus the corresponding parity check s̃1 = α1∗ r1 + α2∗ r2
matrix to the Tanner graph of figure 1Tanner graph for the = α1∗ (α1 s1 + η 1 ) + α2∗ (α2 s1 + η 2 ) (5)
2 2
LDPC code.figure.caption.1 is given by, = (|α1 | + |α2 | )s1 + α1∗ η 1 + α2∗ η 2

  It can be noticed from this latter equation that the contribution

1 1 0 0 1 0 0 of the receiving antennas can be added constructively together
H= 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 (1) using MRC receiver. The desired signal s1 is enhanced by a
0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 2
positive factor of (|α1 | +|α2 | ) while the noise is added either
constructively or destructively depending on the path gains α1
In regular LDPC codes, all nodes of same type will have and α2 .
same degree. For irregular LDPC codes, degrees of each set
of nodes are chosen according to some distribution. Thus,
irregular LDPC codes are characterized by two polynomials B. MRC for SIMO (1 TX , 4 RX )
as shown below. The resulting received baseband signals rm at antenna m ∈
{1, . . . , 4} are given by:

λ (x) = λi xi−1 (2)
r1 = α1 s1 + η 1
r2 = α2 s1 + η 2
r3 = α3 s1 + η 3

r4 = α4 s1 + η 4
ρ (x) = ρi xi−1 (3)
Similarly to SIMO (1 TX , 2 RX ), the estimated signal by
Where, λi is fraction of edges in bipartite graph that are the MRC receiver is:
connected to variable nodes of degree i and ρi is the fraction of s̃1 = α1∗ r1 + α2∗ r2 + α3∗ r3 + α4∗ r4
edges in the same graph that are connected to check nodes of 2 2 2 2
= (|α1 | + |α2 | + |α3 | + |α4 | )s1 (7)
degree i. The maximum degrees of variable and check nodes ∗ 1 ∗ 2 ∗ 3 ∗ 4
+α1 η + α2 η + α3 η + α4 η
are dv and dc , respectively. Irregular LDPC codes have better
error correction capabilities than regular LDPC codes. The
LDPC codes can be decoded by using probability propagation Here the desired signal s1 is enhanced by a postive factor
2 2 2 2
algorithm between the variable nodes and the check nodes. of (|α1 | + |α2 | + |α3 | + |α4 | ) thanks to the four chan-
This algorithm is known as sum-product algorithm (SPA) [13] nels contributions. However the undesired noise component is
or belief propagation [15]. obtained by adding four independant random variables.
M Receive antennas

+ r1
m1 , m2 , , mk s1 , s2 , , sK K1 s1 , s2 , , sK mˆ 1 , mˆ 2 , , mˆ k
encoder + r2 receiver decoder


+ rM

Fig. 2: Maximal ratio combining receiver with LDPC code.

IV. S PACE TIME BLOCK CODING WITH LDPC with LDPC code.figure.caption.3 is able to decode the trans-
mitted sequence without inter-symbol interference. The space
The spacetime block coding (STBC) techniques provide time block code used for the MISO 2 × 1 scheme to ensure
full spatial diversity in the context of collocated MIMO sys- orthogonality at the reception is defined by the following
tems to ensure reliable wireless communications at high rates. matrix:
Consider a MIMO wireless communication system with
N transmit antennas and M receive antennas [11], [16] as    
n=1,2 c11 c21 s1 s2
shown in figure 3Space time block codes diagram with LDPC C= [cnt ]t=1,2 = = (9)
code.figure.caption.3. c12 c22 −s∗2 s∗1

After LDPC encoding the message packets of length k,  ∗

codewords of length K are generated. These LDPC codewords s̃1 = α1∗ r1 + α2 r2
are STBC encoded using the matrix C and fed to the N    ∗

= α1∗ α1 s1 + α2 s∗2 + η 1 + α2 −α1∗ s2 + α2∗ s1 + η 2

transmitting antennas. At each time slot, 1 ≤ t ≤ T , signals
2 2
cnt , n = 1, 2, . . . , N are transmitted simultaneously from the = |α1 | + |α2 | s1 + α1∗ η 1 + α2 η 2
N transmit antennas. The channels are again assumed to be (10)
non frequency selective (flat) and the path gains from transmit
antenna n to receive antenna m are defined as αn,m . The B. STBC for MIMO (2 TX , 2 RX )
wireless channel is assumed to be quasi-static such that the
path gains are constant over a time frame of length l, but vary As for the MISO 2 × 1 scheme, the STBC matrix used for
from one frame to another. At time t, signal rtm , received at MIMO 2 × 2 scheme is as given in (9STBC for MISO (2 TX ,
antenna m, is given by: 1 RX )equation.4.9).
The received signals are:

r11 = +α1,1 s1 + α2,1 s2 + η11
rtm = αn,m cnt + ηtm (8)
r12 = −α1,1 s∗2 + α2,1 s∗1 + η21
n=1 (11)
r21 = +α1,2 s1 + α2,2 s2 + η12
r22 = −α1,2 s∗2 + α2,2 s∗1 + η22
Here, the noise samples ηtm are assumed to be indepen-
dent samples modelled as a zero-mean complex Gaussian The STBC decoder provides the following signals:
random variable with variance N/(2 × SN R) per complex
dimension. The LDPC decoder then determines the code word

that minimizes the sum in (8Space time block coding with s̃1 = α1,1 r11 + α2,1 (r21 )∗ + α1,2

r12 + α2,2 (r22 )∗
LDPCequation.4.8). (12)
s̃2 = α2,1 r1 − α1,1 (r2 ) + α2,2 r12 − α1,2 (r22 )∗
∗ 1 1 ∗ ∗

Substituting (11STBC for MIMO (2 TX , 2 RX )equation.4.11)

A. STBC for MISO (2 TX , 1 RX ) in (12STBC for MIMO (2 TX , 2 RX )equation.4.12) leads to
Since the transmitter uses two antennas, a space time

2 2 2 2
block code need to be used to ensure orthogonality at the s̃1 = |α1,1 | + |α2,1 | + |α1,2 | + |α2,2 | s1

 ∗  ∗
reception. The orthogonality means that the combiner (STBC +α1,1 η11 + α2,1 η21 + α1,2 ∗
η12 + α2,2 η22
decoder) shown in figure 3Space time block codes diagram (13)
Channel Matrix
m 1,, M
ª¬D n ,m º¼ n 1,, N
1 1
c c 1
1 , 2,, T c r11 , r21 ,  , rT1
Kt1 s1 , s2 , , sK
m1 , m2 ,  , mk s1 , s2 , , sK mˆ 1 , mˆ 2 ,  , mˆ k
c c 2 2
c r12 , r22 ,  , rT2
STBC + decoder decoder
encoder matrix C


+ r1M , r2M ,  , rTM

c1N , c2N ,  , cTN
N Transmit M Receive
antennas antennas

Fig. 3: Space time block codes diagram with LDPC code.

2 2 2 2
s̃2 = |α1,1 | + |α2,1 | + |α1,2 | + |α2,2 | s2 the receiver from 2 (1TX , 2RX ) to 4 (1TX , 4RX ), leads to a
 ∗  ∗ significant performance improvement with an SNR reduction
−α1,1 η21 + α2,1 ∗
η11 + α1,2 η22 + α2,2 ∗
(14) of 12 dB for a BER = 10−5 .
C. STBC for MIMO (4 TX , 4 RX ) No diversity (1 Tx, 1 Rx)
MRRC (1 Tx, 2 Rx)
The space time block code used for the MIMO 4×4 scheme −1
10 MRRC (1 Tx, 4 Rx)
to ensure pseudo-orthogonality at the reception is defined by MISO (2 Tx, 1 Rx)
the following matrix [10],[17]: −2
MIMO (2 Tx, 2 Rx)
10 MIMO (4 Tx, 4 Rx)
Bit error rate (BER)

⎛ ⎞
+s1 +s2 +s3 +s4 −3
n=1,...,4 ⎜ −s2 +s1 −s4 +s3 ⎟
C= [cnt ]t=1,...,4 =⎝
−s2 ⎠
−s3 +s4 +s1
−s4 −s3 +s2 +s1 −4

At time t, signal rtm , received at antenna m, is given by: −5



rtm = αn,m cnt + ηtm
(16) 10
−10 0 10 20 30 40 50
n=1 SNR (dB)

The STBC decoder selects the codewords that minimize Fig. 4: Comparison between the different diversity schemes.
the following decision metric:

4  4 
 m   The (2TX , 2RX ) MIMO scheme gives an improvement
 rt − αn,m cnt  (17)
  over the MISO system (2TX , 1RX ) and the SIMO (1TX ,
t=1 m=1 n=1
2RX ) of 12 dB and 8 dB respectively at a BER = 10−5 .
V. S IMULATIONS RESULTS However, SIMO (1TX , 4RX ) provides an improvement over
the (2TX , 2RX ) MIMO scheme of 3 dB. The 3−dB penalty
A. Performances with transmit and receive diversity is incurred because in the simulations we assume that each
transmit antenna radiates half the energy in order to ensure
Fig. 4Comparison between the different diversity
the same total radiated power as with one transmit antenna.
schemes.figure.caption.4 gives the simulation BER results
of the different antenna arrangements discussed earlier. It In traditional communication systems, there were only one
is clear that increasing the number of receiving antennas transmitting antenna and one receive antenna. Now the future
does improve the system performance. For instance, at an wireless mobile communication services require higher data
SN R = 20 dB, the SISO system (1TX , 1RX ) gives a transmission rates (increased transmission capacity). Thus, to
BER = 3 × 10−3 while the SIMO system (1TX , 2RX ) gives increase capacity and meet these demands, the bandwidths
a BER = 2 × 10−5 . Increasing the number of antennas at of these systems and the powers to transmit need to be
significantly increased. However, the use of multiple transmit 10
(1 Tx, 1 Rx) Uncoded
and receive antennas in MIMO systems allows the increase in
(1 Tx, 1 Rx) LDPC
data transmission rates without increasing either the bandwidth (1 Tx, 2 Rx) Uncoded
of the receiving antenna or signal transmission power. In fact, −1
(1 Tx, 2 Rx) LDPC
by further increasing the number of antennas (4TX , 4RX ), 10 (1 Tx, 4 Rx) Uncoded
an improvement of 5 dB is obtained compared to the scheme (1 Tx, 4 Rx) LDPC

Bit error rate (BER)

(1TX , 4RX ) as it shown in Fig. 4Comparison between the
different diversity schemes.figure.caption.4. −2

B. Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes

Instead of taking hard decision at the output of the MRC
receiver and the STBC decoder, these soft values are further 10
processed at an LDPC decoder module. For these simulations,
we consider a (510, 384) LDPC code with degree distribution:
λ (x) = 0.0019608 + 0.098039x + 0.0019608x2 −4
+0.89804x3 (18) −10 −5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
ρ (x) = 0.15079x14 + 0.33333x15 + 0.51587x16 SNR (dB)

The rate of this code is, Fig. 5: Improvement obtained by adding LDPC decoding to
the MRC receiver.
k 384
R= = = 0.753 (19)
K 510
C. Maximum ratio combining receiver with LDPC (1 Tx, 1 Rx) Uncoded
(1 Tx, 1 Rx) LDPC
The MRC receiver with LDPC given in figure 2Maxi- (2 Tx, 1 Rx) Uncoded
mal ratio combining receiver with LDPC code.figure.caption.2 −1
(2 Tx, 1 Rx) LDPC
is implemented and the results are given in figure 5Im- 10 (2 Tx, 2 Rx) Uncoded
provement obtained by adding LDPC decoding to the MRC (2 Tx, 2 Rx) LDPC
Bit error rate (BER)

receiver.figure.caption.5. Three SIMO antenna arrangement:

SISO (1 TX , 1 RX ), SIMO (1 TX , 2 RX ) and SIMO −2
(1 TX , 4 RX ) are investigated. The uncoded scheme is 10

compared to the LDPC scheme and the reported improvement

at BER = 2 × 10−4 are as follow:
• SISO (1 TX , 1 RX ): 20 dB improvement is reported −3
by using LDPC coding. For low SNR, the use of
channel coding is not efficient and the energy allocated
to transmit the LDPC generated parity bit should
instead be used for transmitted the data bits. For high 10
−10 −5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
SNR, few bits remain incorrect in the uncoded data SNR (dB)
stream. Since no code is used each bit is decoded on
its own and the correct bits does not help decoding Fig. 6: Improvement obtained by adding LDPC code to the
the incorrect ones. However, by using LDPC code STBC decoder.
each codeword is decoded as a whole and soft channel
likelihood values are processed through many iteration
leading to high error correction capability.
in figure 6Improvement obtained by adding LDPC code to
• SIMO (1 TX , 2 RX ): 10 dB improvement is reported the STBC decoder.figure.caption.6. The uncoded scheme is
by using LDPC coding. compared to the LDPC scheme and all reported improvement
• SIMO (1 TX , 4 RX ): 7 dB improvement is reported are noticed at BER = 2 × 10−4 . These improvement for the
by using LDPC coding. This scheme with LDPC code MISO (2 TX , 1 RX ) and MIMO (2 TX , 2 RX ) schemes are
is able to insure a reliable communication even if the 9 dB and 7 dB, respectively.
noise level is equivalent to the signal power (SN R =
In this paper, we have attempted to provide a clear overview
D. Space time block code with LDPC
of the effect of using multiple antennas on the diversity and
The MISO (2 TX , 1 RX ) and the MIMO (2 TX , 1 BER performance of wireless communication systems. Sim-
RX ) systems are based on STBC to insure orthogonality. The ulation results show the relationship between the number of
use of LDPC to process the output of the STBC decoder antennas and the BER. Our results illustrate, as expected, that
as shown in 3Space time block codes diagram with LDPC increasing the number of transmitting and receiving antennas
code.figure.caption.3 is implemented and the results are given for a wireless MIMO channel does indeed improve the BER
performance that can be obtained. Afterwards, LDPC codes
are used in conjunction with the MRC receiver and with the
STBC decoder to further exploit the soft values at their output.

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