Welcome: Peterborough South Bank Carbon Challenge

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Peterborough South Bank Carbon Challenge

Thank you for taking the time to attend our second Community Engagement Event
for the South Bank Carbon Challenge today.

We are the pPod Consortium and we have been named as preferred developer for
Peterborough’s South Bank Phase One.

The 7ha (17-acre) site was brought forward for the Carbon Challenge - a government initiative to help the
housebuilding industry respond to climate change - by landowners Homes and Communities Agency,
the East of England Development Agency and Peterborough City Council. The development will be assisted
locally by Opportunity Peterborough.

The Carbon Challenge programme aims to accelerate the housebuilding industry’s

response to climate change by fast-tracking the creation of a number of zero-carbon
communities. Its objective is to raise the environmental performance of new
communities while still delivering quality and high standards of design.

We would like to hear your views and comments about our vision which we unveiled in January 2009.We have
spent the last 12 months gathering views and feedback about our initial proposals and refining our designs.
Today we would like to show you our evolving ideas for the redevelopment of Peterborough South Bank Phase
One, find out what you think about our refined vision and hear your views about what should be developed on
the site. We hope you like what you see and are as excited about the development as we are.

If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to

contact a member of the Community Engagement Team.
Peterborough South Bank Carbon Challenge
About the pPod Consortium and its 2009 Vision
The pPod Consortium was formed in 2007 in response to the launch of the competition
to develop the South Bank Phase One site - the former headquarters of Elliott Group.

The pPod Consortium - a partnership comprising Morris Homes, Gentoo Homes and
architects Browne Smith Baker - brings to Peterborough a partnership an ethos of creating
sustainable communities where people want to live.

We are excited and committed to the principles of the Carbon Challenge and regard South
Bank Phase One as a place where a sustainable lifestyle-based development has real po-
tential with a great setting and local services within easy walking distance.

We have developed a proposal to create a development of 363 highly sustainable and

environmentally-friendly new homes - 35 per cent of which will be affordable. The mixed-use
development will also include a ‘green-spine’ with open spaces, orchards and allotments, and
canopy walkways along with 650m2 for shops and commercial units, and 614m2 of space for
the proposed community centre and health spa. Food production will be encouraged by the
inclusion of an edible garden concept and a community cafe that will sell locally-produced goods.

We think we have a strong, realistic and deliverable scheme. Please have a look and tell us
what you think.
Peterborough South Bank Carbon Challenge
South Bank Phase One: The Site
Peterborough South Bank Carbon Challenge
Masterplan and Landscape Detail
Peterborough South Bank Carbon Challenge
Prototype: Plot M, The Hamptons (House Type 24)
Peterborough South Bank Carbon Challenge
House Types Referencing
Peterborough South Bank Carbon Challenge

Thank you for taking the time to attend our Community Engagement Event today.

We hope you have found this event interesting and informative, and are as excited about this development as
we are. We believe Peterborough South Bank Phase One offers an opportunity to create truly environmentally-
friendly and sustainable homes. Together, we will create real homes for real people.

We have created our vision by adopting an integrated and inclusive approach, and with an awareness of the
benefits of early engagement with all of the different influences on housing design. This iterative design process
does take time, but it is important that we find out the views from as many people as possible.

To continue the relationships we are building, we would like to hear from you what you think about what you
have seen and heard today. Please ask us your questions, challenge our vision and tell us what you think.

We have provided Feedback Forms for your comments and would appreciate you spending some time
answering the questions and handing the form to a member of the pPod Community Engagement Team or by
returning it to the address on the Form. Electronic versions of the Feedback Forms are also available.

If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact a member of the pPod Community
Engagement Team here today or by emailing ppod@brownesmithbaker.com .

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