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Dufy Atelier des Musicians & Artists proudly presents

(六Sat) 8pm

$280 ($180*)
不設劃位 Free Seating
門票現正於城市售票網發售Tickets now available at URBTIX 信用卡電話購票熱線Credit Card Tel Booking:2111 5999
網上訂票Online Booking: www.urbtix.hk 票務查詢 Ticketing Enquiries: 37616661 節目查詢Programme Inquiry: 60927015
流動購票應用程式My URBTIX (Android 及iPhone/iPad 版)購票
Mobile Ticketing App My URBTIX (Android and iPhone/iPad versions) Booking
Discounted tickets $180 available for full-time students, senior citizens, people with disabilities and the minder and Comprehensive Social Security
Assistance (CSSA) recipients.
Fred Hersch 24 Variations on a Bach Chorale
Chen Yi Variations on Awariguli
Twinkle collection
Dominik Gadjos Hong Kong
Matthew Orlovich Twinkle Twinkle little Star Ferry
Julian Yu Scintillation: Scintle Scintle little star
Antanas Kucinskas Anton Little Boogie
Ada Nga-Ting Lai Space Travel to the Twinkling Stars
Piano duet
Ross Carey 9 Variations on a Balletto
~And more~

Stanley Wong 會帶來當代不可多得的傳奇作曲家 Fred Hersch 24 首艱深的巴赫聖詠變奏曲,以及揚名作曲界、
全球樂壇知名度最高的華人女性作曲家陳怡美妙絕倫的阿瓦日古麗變奏曲。而紐西蘭鋼琴家 Ross Carey 會演
包括一首名為「香港」的作品,作曲家來自捷克,創作時只有 10 歲;另一首為澳洲作曲家 Matthew Orlovich
乘坐完香港天星小輪後寫下的「一閃一閃『小天星』小輪」 。Stanley 與 Ross 更會合奏一首 Ross 創作的四手聯
彈變奏曲。而嘉賓 Yuki Fung 則會演奏改編版的土耳其進行曲。這些精湛的傑作,旨在為觀眾帶來鑒賞家級別
“Variations•PRIVATE COLLECTION” showcases unique and rare masterpieces of piano variations which are
mostly Hong Kong premiere. Pianist Stanley Wong will present legendary composer-pianist Fred Hersch’s epic,
virtuosic “24 Variations on a Bach Chorale” and the sparklingly inventive variations based on the Chinese folk song
“Awariguli” by Chen Yi, one of the most distinguished and leading Chinese women composers in the world. New
Zealand pianist Ross Carey will perform a diverse cornucopia of stylistic arrangements on the tune “Twinkle Twinkle
Little Star” by plenty of worldwide contemporary composers. Combining the frivolous to the frenetic, the fragile to
the fragrant, the popular to the profound, every composer has responded with good humor and imagination.
Preciously including a piece titled 'Hong Kong' by Dominik Gadjos from the Czech Republic. The composer wrote this
piece when he was just 10 years old. Another one is 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star Ferry'
by Matthew Orlovich from Australia depicting a journey by Star Ferry across
HK harbour! The concert also features the premiere of Ross Carey’s Variations
on a Balletto for piano four hands. And Guest pianist Yuki Fung will perform
a transcription of Mozart’s Turkish March. Discovering the gems of piano
variations in the “Private Collection” is a privilege. Only very few concerts
would offer these treasures.
More details 更多詳情:
Our Concert aims to provide life-changing and unique artistic experiences to as wide an audience as possible

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