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Problem Analysis

No Resource Man Days Effort ManDay IDR

1 Project Manager 1 3 100 Rp 415,151
2 System Analyst 1 3 100 Rp 365,151
Subtotal Rp 2,340,906

Requirement Analysis
No Resource Man Days Effort ManDay IDR
1 Project Manager 1 3 100 Rp 415,151
2 System Analyst 1 3 100 Rp 365,151
Subtotal Rp 2,340,906

Database Design
No Resource Man Days Effort ManDay IDR
1 Project Manager 1 2 100 Rp 415,151
2 Designer 1 1 2 100 Rp 306,818
3 Designer 2 1 2 100 Rp 306,818
4 Designer 3 1 2 100 Rp 306,818
Subtotal Rp 2,671,210

System Design
No Resource Man Days Effort ManDay IDR
1 Project Manager 1 7 100 Rp 415,151
2 Designer 1 1 5 100 Rp 306,818
3 Designer 2 1 4 100 Rp 306,818
4 Designer 3 1 7 100 Rp 306,818
Subtotal Rp 7,815,145

System Implementation
No Resource Man Days Effort ManDay IDR
1 Project Manager 1 0 0 Rp 415,151
2 Quality Assurance 1 9 100 Rp 365,151
3 Developer 1 1 5 100 Rp 281,818
4 Developer 2 1 6 100 Rp 281,818
5 Developer 3 1 4 100 Rp 281,818
Subtotal Rp 7,513,629

No Resource Man Days Effort ManDay IDR
1 Tester 1 1 3 100 Rp 265,151
2 Tester 2 1 3 100 Rp 265,151
3 Tester 3 1 2 100 Rp 265,151
Subtotal Rp 2,121,208

No Resource Man Days Effort ManDay IDR
1 Project Manager 1 3 100 Rp 415,151
2 Developer 1 1 3 100 Rp 281,818
3 Developer 2 1 3 100 Rp 281,818
4 Developer 3 1 3 100 Rp 281,818
Subtotal Rp 3,781,815

No Resource Man Days Effort ManDay IDR
1 Project Manager 1 4 100 Rp 415,151
2 Developer 1 1 4 100 Rp 281,818
3 Developer 2 1 4 100 Rp 281,818
4 Developer 3 1 4 100 Rp 281,818
Subtotal Rp 5,042,420

No Resource Man Days Effort ManDay IDR
1 Developer 2 1 15 100 Rp 250,000
Subtotal Rp 3,750,000

Overhead Cost 1
Problem Analysis and Requierement Analysis
Man Days Plane Hotel Room Hotel Allowance
2 6 3028000 Rp 2,573,886 1 Rp 3,000,000

Overhead Cost 2
Deployment and Training
Man Days Plane Hotel Room Hotel Allowance
4 7 6056000 Rp 6,005,734 1 Rp 7,000,000

Catatan : Mandays -> outcome itu apa sih, apakah termasuk uang makan, premium motor

Perhitungan ManDay
No Resource Income /Month
1 Project Manager Rp 11,500,000
2 System Analyst Rp 10,000,000
3 Designer Rp 8,250,000
4 Developer Rp 7,500,000
5 Tester Rp 7,000,000
6 Quality Assurance Rp 10,000,000

Margin Summary Software Implementation

20% Problem Analysis
Requierement Analysis
PPN Database Design
10% System Design
System Implementation

Summary Overhead Cost

Overhead Cost 1
Overhead Cost 2

Summary Post Go Live Support


Grand Total


premium motor
Perhitungan ManDay
Outcome /Month Income /Day Outcome /Day Manday
Rp 700,000 Rp 383,333 Rp 31,818 Rp 415,151
Rp 700,000 Rp 333,333 Rp 31,818 Rp 365,151
Rp 700,000 Rp 275,000 Rp 31,818 Rp 306,818
Rp 700,000 Rp 250,000 Rp 31,818 Rp 281,818
Rp 700,000 Rp 233,333 Rp 31,818 Rp 265,151
Rp 700,000 Rp 333,333 Rp 31,818 Rp 365,151

Summary Software Implementation

Analysis Rp 2,340,906
ment Analysis Rp 2,340,906
Design Rp 2,671,210
esign Rp 7,815,145
mplementation Rp 7,513,629
Rp 2,121,208
ent Rp 3,781,815
Rp 5,042,420
Subtotal Rp 33,627,239

Summary Overhead Cost

Rp 8,601,886
Rp 19,061,734
Subtotal Rp 27,663,620

Summary Post Go Live Support

Rp 3,750,000
Subtotal Rp 3,750,000

Total Costs
Software Implementation Rp 33,627,239
Overhead Cost Rp 27,663,620
Post Go Live Support (1 Month) Rp 3,750,000
Total Rp 72,516,307
Grand Total Rp 79,767,937

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