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Dipartimento ricerca, didattica e relazioni

Area Relazioni Internazionali
Settore IV – Mobilità Internazionale Studentesca
Piazza Umberto I, n. 1 - 70121 BARI

Premio di studio GLOBAL THESIS



(Receiving Institution)

WHEREAS on the basis of this programme, outgoing UNIBA students enrolled in specialization degree
courses have the possibility to study abroad, for a minimum of three months;
WHEREAS selected students will be admitted to prestigious foreign Universities and research centres for
their thesis preparation;

WHEREAS the programme offers the opportunity to invite professors from foreign universities to attend
the final thesis disputation at the University of Bari Aldo Moro;


1. The Parties agree to co-operate in the co-tutorship of degree thesis activities for the
student as specified in Art. 2. The participation in this programme does not imply a
joint academic degree.
2. In respect of the rules in force in their respective countries and Institutions, the Parties
agree to organize jointly a co-tutorship of the degree thesis to be prepared by the
student ___________________________________(name and family name), born in
________________________________ on ______________ (dd/mm/yyyyy) enrolled
for the academic year________/_________ at the University of Bari Aldo Moro,
Department/School of _______________________________in the degree programme
in _______________________________________.
3. The student will prepare his/her thesis from (dd/mm/yyyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyyy), under
the direction of two co-tutors:
Professor: _____________________________________________
of the University of Bari Aldo Moro ( Sending Institution) and
Professor: _____________________________________________
of the University/Institution ____________________________(Receiving Institution),
The thesis activity will concern (short description of thesis activity)

4. The above mentioned co-tutors will each carry out duties of guidance and the
overseeing of the student’s work. The student will be granted access to facilities,
libraries and laboratories.
5. The student - as specified in Art. 2 - will discuss his/her thesis at the University of
Bari Aldo Moro in the following language: ___________________________________
6. The student will pay enrolment fees at the University of Bari Aldo Moro only; in
principle no fees are required from the student by the Receiving Institution.
7. The student’s accident insurance will be guaranteed by the University of Bari Aldo
Moro according to the norms and regulations in force. Additional health insurance
coverage, when required, will be provided by the student at his/her own expenses.
8. The duration of this agreement is limited to the period of stay as indicated in Art. 3.
9. This agreement is non-binding and is intended only to provide the general principles
and key terms for the co-tutorship of the degree thesis. The Receiving Institution is not
committed for direct financial support of this initiative.

Sending Institution: Receiving Institution:


Palazzo Ateneo
Piazza Umberto I, n. 1
70121 Bari (Italy)
(please indicate: name, address, postal

Thesis tutor’s Professor: Thesis tutor’s Professor:

__________________________________ __________________________________
(name and family name) (name and family name)

Signature: _________________________ Signature: _________________________

Seal of the Institution: Seal of the Institution:

Date: Date:

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