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Anthropometric details of special spaces

Submitted By: Aman Tripathi

Scholar Number: 141110229

Eighth Semester B. Arch.

Subject Coordinator:





APRIL 2018

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This dissertation, entitled THESIS TOPIC is being submitted in subject in ‘ARC 426, Research Principles
and Dissertation’ as part of requirement for eighth semester of Bachelor of Architecture by the
undersigned for evaluation.

The matter embodied in this dissertation is either my own work or compilation of others’ work,
acknowledged properly. If, in future, it is found that the above statement is false, then the institute may
take any action against me as per rules.


Scholar Number: 141110229

APRIL 2018

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Knowledge is expression of experience gained in life. It is the choicest possession that should be
happily shared with others.

In this regard I feel great pleasure in submitting this dissertation on “DISSERTATION TOPIC”.
During this project I received a lot of help, advice and co-operation from our esteemed faculty and
other distinguished persons. I wish to express my profound sense of gratitude to PROF SONIA
TANEJA for their valuable guidance through the course of project without whose encouragement
the project wouldn’t have been a success.

I am grateful to my parents for their support and all those who have directly or indirectly helped
me during the dissertation report.




APRIL 2018

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Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 6
History of Anthropometry......................................................................................................................... 8
Anthropometric History ............................................................................................................................ 9
Case Study ................................................................................................................................................... 10
Australasian Transport Research Forum 2013 Proceedings ................................................................... 10
2 - 4 October 2013, Brisbane, Australia .................................................................................................. 10
Case Study ................................................................................................................................................... 19
Validation of the Hadrian system with a train station design case study............................................... 19
Educational spaces case study .................................................................................................................... 26
An analysis of anthropometric data on Iranian primary school Student................................................ 26
INFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................ 28
Discussion of results and recommendations for the improvement of the automated HADRIAN protocol
................................................................................................................................................................ 31
Anthropometric Dimension of the Students .......................................................................................... 32
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 41
References .................................................................................................................................................. 43

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We immediately have an accurate idea of the size of an object when we see a man (real or
imaginary) next to it. It is a sign of our times that pictures of buildings and rooms presented in our
trade and professional journals are too often shown without people present in them. From picture
alone, we often obtain n a false idea of the size of these rooms and buildings and are surprised how
different they appear in reality - frequently, they seem much smaller than expected. One of the
reasons for the failure of buildings to have cohesive relationships with one another is because the
designers have based their work on different arbitrary scales and not on the only true scale, namely
that of human beings. Architects and designers must be shown how these thoughtlessly accepted
measurements have developed and how they can be avoided. They have to understand the
relationship between the sizes of human limbs and what space a person requires in various postures
and whilst moving around. They must also know the sizes of objects, utensils, clothing etc. in
everyday use to be able to determine suitable dimensions for containers and furniture. Using the

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metric scale, architects have to try to create a mental picture that is as accurate and as vivid as
possible. Architects should familiarize themselves with the size of rooms and the objects they
contain so that they can picture and convey the real size of yet-to-be designed furniture, rooms or
buildings in each line they draw and each dimension they measure.
In addition, architects and designers have to know what space humans
need between furniture - both in the home and in the workplace - as well as how the furniture can
best be positioned. Finally, architects and designers must know the dimensions for minimum space
requirements for people moving around in, for example, railways and vehicles.


1.1 Anthropometry refers to the measurement of the human individual. An early tool of physical
anthropology, it has been used for identification, for the purposes of understanding human physical
variation, in paleoanthropology and in various attempts to correlate physical with racial and
psychological traits. Anthropometry involves the systematic measurement of the physical
properties of the human body, primarily dimensional descriptors of body size and shape. Alphonse
Bertillon (1853–1914) is considered to be the father of anthropometry because of his many
contributions to the field, including what we know today as the “mug shot.”
Today, anthropometry plays an important role in industrial design, clothing design, ergonomics
and architecture where statistical data about the distribution of body dimensions in the population
are used to optimize products. Changes in lifestyles, nutrition, and ethnic composition of
populations lead to changes in the distribution of body dimensions (e.g. the rise in obesity), and
require regular updating of anthropometric data collections.

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In this study, up-to-date technical options are included to the fullest extent and common standards
are taken into consideration. Description is kept to the absolute minimum necessary and is
augmented or replaced as far as possible by drawings. Creative building designers can thus obtain
the necessary information for design in an orderly, brief, and coherent form, which otherwise they
would have to collect together laboriously from many reference sources or obtain by detailed
measurement of completed buildings. Importance has been attached to giving only a summary; the
fundamental data and experiences are compared with finished buildings only if it is necessary to
provide a suitable example.

By and large, apart from the requirements of pertinent standards, each project is different and so
should be studied, approached and designed afresh by the architect. Only in this way can there be
lively progress within the spirit of the times. However, executed projects lend themselves too
readily to imitation, or establish conventions from which architects of similar projects may find
difficulty in detaching themselves. If creative architects are given only constituent parts, as is the
intention here, they are compelled to weave the components together into their own imaginative
and unified construction.

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History of Anthropometry

Anthropometry is the longest-used measure of human variation, and since it measures surface
morphology, is intuitively understood at the elementary level. By standing in any major junction
of any major city on Earth, one can easily marvel at the range of human physical diversity: short,
tall, thin, fat, long-legged, stumpy; native wit provides the face validity for the study of
anthropometric variation and its application Ideas of biological difference between human
populations are of great antiquity but only became quantitatively formalized in the nineteenth
century, with early attempts at doing so having taken place in the eighteenth century. Prior to
innovations that could identify variation at microscopic levels, including physiological,
biochemical, endocrinological, and genetic ones, morphology was the prime means of
classification of nature. The strength of anthropometry as a measure of human variation is its
relative cheapness and simplicity of application, although accuracy is another issue. It is no
surprise that anthropometric methods have changed little since the nineteenth century. However,
the meaning and interpretation of anthropometric variation has changed with new understandings
of how human variation is generated and maintained. With changing meaning has come change in
usage: from racial classification to international public health and anthropometric history.

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Morphology may be measured in many ways, and different anthropometric measures have gained
and lost primacy as the pressing issues of the day have dictated the measures of importance. These
have ranged from head and body breadth and length dimensions informing studies of racial
affinities in the nineteenth and early twentieth century to stature affecting likely physical
productivity in army, navy, and slave recruitment during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries,
and from use in public health in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries to measures of weight,
stature, circumference, and skinfold thickness in identifying environmental influences in child
growth and nutritional status in the second half of the twentieth century and into the twenty-first.

Anthropometric History
The concern of economic historians in the 1970s was to extend the existing indices of living
standards back in time, to illuminate debates about living conditions of workers during the
Industrial Revolution, and to provide indices where none existed. For example, conventional
measures of money income do not exist for subgroups of society such as housewives, children, or
self-sufficient peasants, and anthropometry can shed light on the welfare of such groups. Economic
historians have need for alternative measures of welfare when conventional indicators are
unavailable, and cliometricians introduced biological measures, including physical stature, as
complements to conventional indicators of well-being (Fogel 1994; Steckel 1995). The analysis of
historic anthropometric data created new understandings of the impact of economic processes on
humans. From the Laboratory to the Field of long cycles in physical stature, brought about by
demographic growth, urbanization, changes in relative prices, market structure, income,
inequality, and climate, as for example, in the Austro-Hungarian Empire between 1730 and 1910.
It has also revealed shorter cycles in height associated with business cycles. Only in the twentieth
century have these cycles become attenuated due to improvements in medicine, increases in labor
productivity, and a substantial decline in the relative price of food. Historical anthropometry has
been useful in identifying changing welfare during industrialization. In the preindustrial world,
remoteness from markets tended to confer a distinct advantage for human welfare, because farmers
or peasants not able to sell their products tended to consume all they produced (Cuff 2005; Craig
and Weiss 1998; Haines 1998). Thus, Irishmen were taller than Englishmen, and Northerners
in America were shorter than Southerners. Once this circumstance changed, such people traded
away their nutritional benefits. Thus, when self-sufficiency declined with industrialization, heights
decreased as well.

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Area of Study
Each project is different and so should be studied, approached and designed afresh by the architect.
Only in this way can there be lively progress within the spirit of the times. However, executed
projects lend themselves too readily to imitation, or establish conventions from which architects
of similar projects may find difficulty in detaching themselves. If creative architects are given only
constituent parts, as is the intention here, they are compelled to weave the components together
into their own imaginative and unified construction. This paper will consist anthropometric detail
of following spaces.
1 Spaces in public transport
3 Educational spaces

Case Study
Australasian Transport Research Forum 2013 Proceedings
2 - 4 October 2013, Brisbane, Australia
Within railway station design it is accepted by operators and governing bodies that the interface
between train and platform, ‘the gap’ is a major impediment to accessibility compliance. It remains
problematic in achieving ‘unassisted’ access in ‘boarding from, or alighting to’ the platform
surface particularly for passengers with impaired mobility.
Using Melbourne’s Metropolitan rail network as a case study it is revealed that there are several
contributing factors which do not enable independent access from the platform to the train. This is
evident in current industry practice of driver assisted boarding, multiple rolling stock designs and
the impact of a station design legacy throughout Melbourne’s rail network. The station as public
architecture is fundamental to the commuter experience and individual response to the built
environment. It provides shelter, amenities, provides directional cues, and is perceived as a local
identity or reference point. It is integral to facilitating the movement of passengers between trains
and alternate destinations. Often the public perception of its performance becomes closely linked
with, yet overshadowed by the punctuality of the train. However, as an essential part of rail
infrastructure the station and its functional attributes are subject to specific criticism especially
when safety and accessibility is concerned.
In Melbourne, commuter rail operators are faced with the challenging task of providing an
appealing travel proposition to passengers. A perceived ‘value for money’ service and timely travel
experience is expected, that offers a clean, comfortable and safe environment (Cheng 2010) for

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passengers. At the very least a service that elicits a neutrality in opinion from customers regarding
their travel experience.
It is suggested that achieving positive customer experiences involves affirmative interactions.
These can be with the immediate built environment, rail employees and the provision of a reliable
and punctual service. One key aspect of an individual’s positive travel experience should be the
enabling of unassisted access. Having personal choice of when and where to participate throughout
the intended trip is also integral to customer satisfaction. In contrast, negative experiences can
present when the environment or service provision affects travel choice, this can be heightened for
users with mobility impairment.
This current research is driven by the DSAPT (2002) objectives for the provision of one hundred
percent accessibility in public transport for all users. It involves looking at the train and station as
a connected system from an independent perspective on the Melbourne metropolitan network. It
should be acknowledged from within the DSAPT that target dates for compliance differ across
infrastructure which is 2022 - for conveyances this concludes in 2032.
A problem of access
The successful and timely interactions of ‘cross-gap’ accessibility, negotiating the gap between
platform and train will be discussed from three operational perspectives towards train carriage
1-Firstly, an analysis of the current environment of stations across Melbourne is presented from a
user’s perspective.
2-Secondly, direct and indirect implications any service interactions have on the ‘dwell time’, the
train’s stationary period adjacent to the platform over the length of the trip.
3- Thirdly, the procedural task of train drivers to facilitate the cross gap accessibility of mobility
impaired passengers to satisfy interim DSAPT milestones.

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Station design layouts across the Melbourne Metropolitan network consist of a number of
archetypal arrangements of either an island platform or single faced platform or a combination of
both. A topographical survey was undertaken to gather quantitative data – a combination of
satellite images and site visits. Of these, 189 stations are at-grade, 17 are sub-grade, 11 are
designated aerial, and the remaining 3 are located underground.
Logic considers the most advantageous station design elements for improved accessibility for
PRM’s is a straight platform edge and the location of the entrance and exit in closest proximity
to the assisted boarding platform zone. The topographical survey of Melbourne’s station reveals
that nearly 25 per cent of platforms have a non-linear profile as exhibited in the island platform
layout as shown in Fig.3 and in both single faced platforms (shown adjacent to an centre island
platform) as shown in Fig. 4. An important observation allowing for clear sightlines for train
drivers safely departing stations (MTM 2012, pers.comm., 18 March). Research also reveals that
almost two thirds of station platforms have an entry point in a central location in the context of
the entire length of platform. Of the remaining third of station platforms almost 60 per cent of
these are accessed via the outward bound (up direction) end and 40 per cent from the city (down

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direction) end of the platform.

The result being that the configuration of station layouts is intrinsically linked with enabling
efficient access to mobility impaired users. Mobility impaired passengers requiring assistance on
arrival or departure are enabled by the unique asymmetrical station design such as exhibited at
Greensborough station. Greensborough has an advantage over typical station configurations such
as Toorak shown in. PRM’s arriving at Greensborough are located towards the centre of the
platform under shelter, assisted boarding zones at the respective end of each platform are located
in close proximity to the opposing direction. This is not similarly exemplified at Toorak Station.
Toorak station requires PRM’s to travel along the length of the platform, exposed to weather
conditions to arrive at the allocated boarding position nearest the train drivers cab. A centrally
located, accessible design solution will allow 60 per cent of platforms (relative to the station
entrance/exit) to offer a comparable service to Greensborough.

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Boarding distributions
Difficulties facing PRM’s in the current network is the position of the assisted boarding point in
relation to the entrance point to the station. The current default length of Melbourne’s platforms at
160 metres includes a supplementary 10 metres for operational purposes (VRIOGS 2011).
Metropolitan Trains Melbourne (MTM) uses a single person operated train (SPOTS) policy.
Assisted boarding by the driver is performed at the end of the platform nearest the drivers cab and
logically in the direction of travel. For PRM’s to get boarding assistance added effort is expected
to reach the designated zone. Increased effort is demanded should the station entrance be located
longitudinally opposite the desired boarding zone, as indicated in the diagram below.

Illustration in plan view of boarding and alighting designations (Moug 2012)

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Accessible functional space

Location is important in negotiating the station layout. The demands of functional space within
the paid zone of stations can be divided simply into two areas; the occupancy space of the platform
surface and an egress or entrance space proximal to the platform surface. The platform
arrangement is governed through the Victorian Rail Industry Operators Group Standards
(VRIOGS 2011). It is informed by Australian Standards AS 1428.1-2009 with respect to space
allocated for manoeuvring of wheeled mobility aids.
Station assistive devices

For a number of PRM’s a train journey is assisted by the use of a mobility aid. The foremost focus
group of mobility impaired patrons in cross-gap access research are users of wheelchairs (Rueger
2011). In this perspective often, the difficulty in negotiating the gap is not an attribute of the
wheelchair user but the aid itself. Consideration should be given to the functional design limits of
the wheeled device and its role in preventing self-assisted boarding and alighting of the train to the
station platform (Hashizume et al. 2009). Accordingly, rail operators across Australia
communicate the ‘limits of size’ for accommodating and supporting the use of mobility aids.
• Fit within an allocated space of 1300mm by 800mm;
• Be no more than 750mm wide at a height 300mm above the ground;
• Weigh less than 300kg including the aid, occupant and assistant (if applicable) when using a
ramp or other boarding devices
• Be able to move in the direction determined by the transport operator; and
• Have effective braking systems to maintain stability.
• Turn 180 degrees within an area 2070mm by 1540mm;
• Cross a horizontal gap up to 50mm wide;
• Mount a vertical rise (bump) up to 15mm;

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• Cross grating gaps up to 13mm wide and 150mm long;
• Negotiate a 1:14 grade ramp unassisted;
• Negotiate up to a 1:8 grade where the ramp is less than 1520mm.
Network dwell time
Irregularities in cross gap accessibility on the network service timetable have a cumulative effect
on the scheduled delivery of services. The ‘dwell time’ identifies the at-rest position of the train
whilst engaging passengers boarding and alighting at the station platform. Dwell time usually
includes an anticipated period of time to allow the exchange of passengers but is susceptible to
elongated periods when involving PRM’s and accounting for unpredictable passenger behaviour
(Coxon, Burns & de Bono 2010). Aside from improving passenger mobility and network
efficiency recent research indicates a cost benefit to operators of a universal design (UD) approach
to public transport (Karekla, Fujiyama & Tyler 2011). A reduction in dwell time as highlighted
(Karekla, Fujiyama & Tyler 2011) allows operators to provide a service to all passengers whilst
reducing the operational requirement by one train providing immediate cost savings.
How does station design which currently performs a passive role facilitate improvements in the
exchange of passenger? Firstly the identified issue in platform edge height and linear distance from
the train vestibule requires the provision of an additional loading service (DSAPT Section 8.2). In
addition Melbourne’s network platforms exhibiting a curved longitudinal edge also increase the
likelihood of a boarding service use. It is suggested also for able bodied passengers that a large
gap created by the curve of the platform is of heightened safety and mobility concern (Daniel &
Rotter 2009). The gap is created as a result of the linear carriage positioning itself against the
curved platform edge - described as a chord within geometry. The horizontal gap increases towards
the centre of the carriage, refer to Fig. 9a which incorporates 9b & 9c. Increased anxiety is
attributed to an increase in the gap distance (Cheng 2010) affecting the passengers station
Driver as facilitator
Australia’s metropolitan rail industry does not engage the use of an Automatic Train Operation
(ATO) metro system. Such systems are in operation in varying levels of automation across Europe,
Asia and the United States of America. A single person train operator train policy (SPOTS)
employs a human train driver responsible for conveying passengers in Melbourne. As a result,
variable levels of staffing at stations and platforms across the Melbourne network require the driver

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to take on sole responsibility for mobility access. This standard procedure will also see the driver
facilitating boarding access at premium stations. This is also indicative of the 65 per cent of stations
which remain unstaffed outside peak hours as collated here.
 Premium - 79 in total and staffed during all operational hours
 Host - 26 in total and staffed at morning peak of the working week
 Unattended – remaining stations totalling 115 have no staff present
For drivers in Melbourne the SPOTS approach exposes a number of safety issues and pressure
constraints in performing timely cross-gap procedures safely. In contrast, NSW and Queensland
operate a two person policy with an on-board guard to present to assist PRM’s.
4.1. Driver ramp relationship
Ramp deployment may appear an innocuous task to the untrained person however, in the context
of an operational rail network the simplest task is prone to unpredictable conditions. A train driver
must perform this task for passengers who exhibit varying levels of disability - ranging to the
severe. Passengers with communication impediments also impair punctuality of the current
method. This process must also be undertaken in all weather conditions and may involve one or
multiple users in need of assistance.
4.1.1. Ramp design
The current design specification of a boarding ramp must comply with Australian Standards
AS/NZS3856.1 (1998) Clause 2.1.8 (b), (c), (f) and (g). The boarding ramp design in use is a bi-
fold aluminium ramp hinged along the centre and placed perpendicular to the train. It has a vertical
edge profile along the longitudinal edge no less than 75mm in profile height to prevent wheel roll
off. A locating flange is provided for on the interior facing edge to locate within a corresponding
channel of the vestibule tread plate. The planar surface of the ramp is coated with a slip resistant
surface to comply with AS 3696.13. Ramp measurements for width are 800mm (deployed) and
are able to accommodate a weight of 300kg inclusive. The dead weight of current designs is around
twelve kilograms. Iterations of the ramp have been developed by the Melbourne operator to include
lighter weight materials and a mechanically fastened and leveraged solution on the train carriage.
The collapsible stowed ramp remains the product in use in Victoria

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Planning for independent access in stations
Provision of independent access services in the current rail environment across Australia is of
similar standard. Areas for assisted boarding are commonly communicated through the marking
out of the International Symbol for Access.
As in Victoria, rail operators in Queensland, New South Wales, and South Australia and Western
Australia offer ramp assisted boarding at a prescribed location. The exception to driver assisted
boarding in Queensland and New South Wales as previously described where assistance is
facilitated by the guard. In Melbourne where wheelchair passengers are routinely using public
transport as is the case at Ringwood and Box Hill on Melbourne’s Belgrave line station side
assistance is delivered. Initiatives around accessible services are underpinned by Disability Action
plans encouraged in part by the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA 1992) and the DSAPT (2002).
Such documents align cities and operators to improve the performance around access and user
experience. Integrating or improving on the following standards into the current station design
environment offers opportunity for improved mobility.
 high level platforms
 portable ramp
 guard assistance (NSW as indicated by a blue outside guard compartment and Queensland)
 station attendants (Adelaide SA)
 assisted boarding point (typically front carriage or the sixth carriage in NSW)
 spaces are usually located in the carriage in-front or behind the guard’s cabin
 planning ahead web/phone
 disability access guide i.e. station meeting requirements
 companion card

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 boarding assistance wallet

Case Study
Validation of the Hadrian system with a train station design case study
Human modelling systems (HMS) such as JACK, RAMSIS, SAMMIE, and SAFEWORK are used
in the design of vehicles, manufacturing environments and workstations. These systems use
Computer Aided Design software to represent the size and shape variability of humans in
simulations of environments such as car interiors. The ability to simulate how people of different
sizes and nationalities are accommodated by a product removes the need for costly early physical
prototypes. If used correctly within a design process that includes later prototypes that verify the
HMS analysis results, HMS can be highly cost effective. Currently HMS systems support design
activity with a focus on able bodied people. The aging population in the UK (WHO 2008) and a

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greater awareness of the needs of disabled people (Disability Discrimination Act (DDA 2005)),
have raised the prospect of using HMS to simulate the effects of disability, supporting the design
of more inclusive products. Using human modelling systems to represent the effects of disability
does raise issues in terms of the expertise of the end user. The designers and engineers that use
HMS in the product design process generally has little experience of the effects of disability or the
coping strategies used by disabled people. Current HMS systems have no methods of representing
the coping strategies used by disabled people, such as sliding a kettle along a work surface instead
of carrying it. This paper describes the validation of a new HMS system that has been designed to
combine anthropometric, joint range of motion and behavioral data for a sample of disabled
people. The aim of the new system is to foster a greater awareness of the effects of disability
amongst designers and engineers, whilst providing a tool that supports a design process resulting
in greater accommodation of the needs of elderly and disabled people. The test bed for the new
system (HADRIAN) is the long-established SAMMIE system.
The HADRIAN sample of users
HADRIAN is based upon data collected from a sample of 102 people, the majority of whom were
registered as disabled, or had age related impaired mobility. The sample members participated in
the following data collection activities; anthropometric data, joint range of motion data, reach
range data, completion of a questionnaire detailing the use of different modes of public transport,
and the collection of baseline data on the ability of the participants to perform kitchen-based
activities of daily living. Within the sample of 102 people, 59 people have some form of
impairment including: limb loss, asthma, blood conditions, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, head injuries,
multiple sclerosis, arthritis, vision and hearing impairments, heart problems, paraplegia,
Parkinson’s disease, stroke, and dyslexia, amongst others. Of the 43 able bodied people, 20 were
aged over 60 and had undiagnosed or minor impairments associated with being older. The
remaining participants provide baseline information on the capabilities of non-disabled people. All
of the sample members included in HADRIAN were capable of living independently. Each subject
was assessed using a modified version of the OPCS sample frame [6] to allow a comparison of the
severity of disability exhibited by the HADRIAN sample to prevalence and severity of disability
in the UK.
Anthropometric data used in the HADRIAN subject simulations

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The following anthropometric measures were collected from each participant. Stature, Arm length,
Upper arm length, Elbow-shoulder, Abdominal depth, Thigh depth, Knee hip length, Ankle-knee
length, Ankle height, Foot length, sitting height, Sitting shoulder height, hip-shoulder length, Chest
height, Chest depth, Head height, Eye-top of head, Buttock-knee length, knee height, Shoulder
breadth, Hip breadth, Hand length and Grip length.

Joint Constraint data used in the HADRIAN subject simulations

The following joint constraint measures were collected from each participant; shoulder extension,
shoulder flexion, shoulder abduction, shoulder adduction, arm extension, arm flexion, arm
abduction, arm adduction, arm medial rotation, arm lateral rotation, elbow extension, elbow
flexion, elbow pronation, elbow supination, wrist extension, wrist flexion, wrist abduction, and
wrist adduction. These data were collected using a goniometer.

Data collected on positioning and posture

The prototype version of HADRIAN contains automation data based upon the kitchen tasks that
were performed in the user trials. The participants were asked to move a variety of objects onto a
high shelf, a work surface, and into cupboards and shelves of standard kitchen units. This process
was video recorded to allow the postures that were adopted to be coded (see Figure). These coded
data were used to inform the behavioral aspects of the HADRIAN task automation. A more
detailed description of the HADRIAN system can be found in Marshall et al [4, 5].

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Examples of the postures adopted during kitchen based tasks
The methodology for the validation of the HADRIAN system
The HADRIAN validation process aimed to verify and improve the data that drives the automation
of the product assessment process. This has been done using an ATM (Automatic Teller Machine)
case study in collaboration with NCR, the ATM manufacturer. The evaluation of an ATM provided
a suitable task in terms of reaching and viewing of a number of interaction points, e.g. card slot,
PIN buttons, statement printer etc. NCR provided the team with an ATM fascia that was then
mounted on a rig that allowed the ATM to be adjusted in height. The height adjustment range
selected was based upon the international variability of ATM mounting heights depending upon
different national standards, as provided by NCR. The height of the highest interaction point
(statement printer output) was therefore adjustable through a range of 250mm from 1200mm to
1450mm in line with international variability in mounting height from the floor. It was anticipated
that this range would prove to be difficult for wheelchair users in terms of reach to the highest
interaction points. There were 160 tasks performed in each study described below i.e. ten
participants performing eight tasks for two ATM heights.
Study 1: ATM analysis using an expert in the use of human modelling systems with
experience of the coping strategies used by disabled people
Ten HADRIAN subjects participated in the validation process. The subjects selected were; an
ambulant disabled female with cerebral palsy who uses a wheeled walking frame, an ambulant

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disabled male who uses crutches due to leg injuries sustained during a car crash, a crutch user with
balance and coordination issues, a powered wheelchair user with limited strength in the right arm
due to a stroke, a powered wheelchair user with mobility issues due to a broken back, two
wheelchair users with good upper body mobility, and a mobility scooter user with balance and
coordination issues. Two non-disabled members of the HADRIAN sample were included as a
control. These were a UK male with 99th%ile stature, and a UK male with 1st%ile stature. The
sample selected was biased towards wheelchair users as it was anticipated that these users would
struggle with ATM usage due to limitations in reaching ability. Also, the orientation of wheelchair
users to allow the most efficient reach to the various interaction points was seen as an important
variable to test. The first study performed involved an examination of the ATM design using the
SAMMIE HMS by a consultant with 10 years experience of applying HMS to disability related
design problems. The anthropometry and joint constraint data collected from the HADRIAN
sample were used by the expert. The positioning of the human models and the posturing of the
human were based upon the experts’ experience.
Study 2: User trials with 10 of the original HADRIAN sample members using the ATM rig Each
user was presented with the ATM at the 1200mm and 1450mm mounting heights and were asked
to reach and view each of the ATM interaction points. Each participant was video recorded whilst
the tasks were being performed so that a later comparison to the HADRIAN automated process
could be made in terms of the postures and positions adopted. The position of each user relative to
the ATM fascia was collected, in combination with information on task failures, and the postures
adopted by the participants.
Study 3: An automated HADRIAN analysis of the ATM design
The final stage of the validation process involved the use of HADRIAN to perform an automated
analysis on the ATM design using the same variables as found in stages 1 and 2. A full description
of the HADRIAN automated analysis procedure can be found Marshall et al [4, 5]. A summary of
the automation process for the analysis of interaction point accessibility is as follows;
1. Determine the relative positioning of the reach/view target and the human model. The human
model is automatically positioned to enable reach to the currently selected interaction point if

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2. Measure straight-line distances between the target and the key human model reference. (eye-
point for vision, shoulder for upper-limb reach, hip for lower-limb reach). If out of reach by a large
margin then we move to stage 4. If not, we continue.
3. Depending on the reference to target distance one or more of the following will be applied:
− The head /neck is rotated such that the head is facing the target
− The head /neck is rotated and extended / flexed such that the eye-point to target distance equals
the desired parameter value
− The torso is rotated and flexed such that the eye-point to target distance equals the desired
parameter value
− The reference to target vector is calculated and the shoulder ‘pointed’ along that vector to achieve
a successful upper-limb reach
− The torso is rotated and flexed in the direction of the target to achieve a
successful upper-limb reach.
If there is still a failure we move on to point 5.
4. If the reference to target distances are greater than those accommodated by a posture change
one or more of the following will be applied:
− The human model is turned to face the target.
− The human model is moved closer to the target.
If there is still a failure we move on to point 5.
5. In the event of absolute failure, a failure is flagged for the results and the next task element is
The comparison between the three stages of the validation process provided an opportunity to
examine the effectiveness of the HADRIAN automation algorithms and to highlight opportunities
for the fine tuning of the HADRIAN process.
The following section discusses the comparison of the results obtained from the three studies in
terms of the number of task failures and the orientation of the user to the ATM.
Task completions
The task completion data for each study were compared. In studies 1 & 2 there was only one
participant that was unable to reach an interaction point. This participant (Participant 2) is a
powered wheelchair user who has suffered from a stroke and therefore has weakness down the

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right hand side of the body, and is unable to walk. The tasks that were identified as fails in studies
1 & 2 were reaching to the statement printer and receipt output slots, when the ATM was in the
highest position (1450mm to the statement printer). The results from Study 3, the HADRIAN
automated analysis, showed nine task failures across all participants and tasks (160 tasks were
preformed). Six of the task failures that were generated by the automated analysis in HADRIAN
were associated with interaction points that were in the top half of the ATM panel, being reached
to by wheelchair users. Five of the nine task failures were associated with one participant. This
participant was the same participant that had task failures in stages 1 and 2 (participant number 2).
The reason for the additional task failures produced by the HADRIAN system was found to be that
participant number 2 was able to shuffle forward in his seat when using a facing orientation,
allowing reach to the interaction points that were shown as fails in the HADRIAN simulation.
Orientation of the human model
Ambulant users
All ambulant users faced the ATM and did not need to reposition the feet to allow control
interactions in all three studies.
Wheelchair users
The orientations adopted by the wheelchair using participants in each study were categorised
according to a facing, oblique and lateral position i.e. facing equals a perpendicular orientation of
the wheelchair user to the ATM, oblique equals a diagonal orientation, and lateral equals a lateral
orientation to the ATM .

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Educational spaces case study
An analysis of anthropometric data on Iranian primary school Student
Design Standing Heights standing heights of Indian children of five to seventeen years age groups
of urban and rural It has been established that there is a constant ratio children of both the sexes
are given in TABLE-1. between part body dimensions and the standing Design heights have been
worked out after height in any related ethnic groups. Thus, the most eliminating domicile and sex
factors, but the important dimension is standing height of the difference in height due to sex after
puberty has children of various age groups. Mean and design been given due weightage.
All experts of education and educational psychology of teaching and learning agree that effective
education dependson having a goal, the appropriateness of the physical and social environment of
class, motivation of teachers and students for teaching and learning, the students’ cognitive,
emotional and motor preparation, sound management of class by teachers, their mastery over the
subject, and their passion for their work and the students’ progress. The teacher can observe the
high and trying to create a perfect environment for learning to learn prevent the formation of
behavior and nuisance factors[1,2].The learning environment dramatically affects the learning
outcomes of students. Noise, inappropriate temperature, insufficient light, Educational Furniture,
overcrowded classes, misplaced boards and inappropriate classroom layout make up factors that
could be confounding variables distracting students in class[2-7]. In ergonomics, the
anthropometric data (measurement of body dimensions) is used for designing work spaces,
furniture, and clothes [8]. Regarding the difference of anthropometric dimensions of various
nations and races, every community needs its specific anthropometric data[9]. For this reason,
many studies have already been performed in Iran[10-18]. Provinces of Iran. Also, many studies
have been carried out outside of Iran in this regard[8,9,19-22]. Anthropometric data can be used
to identify the physical dimensions of equipment, furniture, etc. The use of furniture that fails to
fulfill the anthropometric data of its users has a negative impact on human health.
We searched international databases such as Thomson Reuters, PubMed, Scopus, EMBASE,
Cochrane Library, and Iranian databases such as SID, Magiran, Iranmedex using a searching
strategy during 2000 to 2016 years. Database without language restriction, since 2000 sources,
with the MeSH term "Anthropometric data" AND "Iranian primary school student". At first, in the

Page | 26
initial search115 articles were found, and finally, 22 of them which were related to the subject of
this research were used.
Hafezi et al (2010): This study was designed to obtain anthropometric dimensions of Iranian
children (Fars ethnicity) aged 7-11 years. In a cross-sectional study in Yazd, Iran, descriptive
statistics as well as key percentiles for 17 static anthropometric data of primary school students
(1015 males and 1015 females), were measured and compared between boys and girls. The age of
the students was between 6 and 11 years. Mean weight was between 21.56±5.33 kg and 36.63±9.45
kg in boys and between 20.79±3.48 kg and 35.88±9.40 kg in girls. Mean height
wasbetween1187/02±53.98 mm and 1420.83± 69.39 mm in boys and between 1173.90±51.01mm
and 1421.27±70.82 mm in girls. There was also some difference in other anthropometric data
between two genders. Results of this study showed some differences in anthropometric data with
other studies. Also observed significant gender differences in some dimensions as well[10].
Habibi et al (2011): This study is aimed to examine the appropriacy of school furniture to Iranian
pupils' anthropometric features. The participants in this cross-sectional study were 493 boys and
489 girls with the agerange of 7 to 12 years who were selected through a multistage random cluster
sampling procedure. Age, weight, height, and anthropometric dimensions were determined. This
study indicates that there is a significant difference between the minimum and maximum
acceptable dimensions and those of the available furniture (p < 0.001). Indesigning suitable
furniture for pupils the anthropometric differences of age and gender must be taken into
Mirmohammadi et al (2013): In this study, They measured some anthropometric dimensions of
Iranian children from different ethnicities. A total of 12,731 Iranian primary school children aged
7-11 years were included in the study and their static anthropometric dimensions were measured.
Descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation and key percentiles were calculated. All
dimensions were compared among different ethnicities and different genders. This study showed
significant differences in a set of 22 anthropometric dimensions with regard to gender, age and
ethnicity. Turk boys and Arab girls were larger than their contemporaries in different ages.
According to the results of this study, difference between genders and among different ethnicities
should be taken into account by designers and manufacturers of school furniture[12].
Mehrparvar et al (2015): They measured some anthropometric dimensions of Iranian guidance
school students selected from different ethnicities. Background: Anthropometric dimensions are

Page | 27
used for design of equipment, furniture, and clothing. Furniture with inappropriate design not
fulfilling the users' anthropometric dimensions may have a negative effect on health. A total of
7400 Iranian guidance school students aged 12-14 years entered the study and their static
anthropometric dimensions were measured. Descriptive statistics such as mean, standard
deviation, and key percentiles were calculated. All dimensions were compared among different
ethnicities and different genders. This study showed significant differences in a set of 22
anthropometric dimensions regarding gender, age, and ethnicity. According to the results of this
study, difference between genders and among different ethnicities should be taken into account by
designers and manufacturers of guidance school furniture. Application: this study has prepared a
data bank of anthropometric dimensions of 12-14-year-old students which can be used as basic
information to find appropriate dimensions of school furniture[13].


Melbourne rail stations continue to cause cross gap accessibility issues preventing independent
access for mobility impaired public transport users. Operators in order to comply with the DSAPT
(2002) are obligated to provide one hundred percent accessibility across rail infrastructure by 2022.
This research highlights the extent of discord between the DSAPT policy and the tangible
operating environment.
 Using international research into cross-gap accessibility to assess the DSAPT maximum
gap limit of 40mm x 15mm is has shown in the Melbourne rail context this is currently
 A quantitative analysis of Melbourne’s station designs revealed how legacy issues of
curved platforms present a problem to level boarding and cross gap variation.
 How the configuration of station entrance, boarding and platform layouts could be re-
evaluated to incrementally support an accessible design solution at each entrance/exit to
station and remaining two platform positions to service 100% or arriving or departing
 Multiple rolling stock designs will continue to compound Melbourne’s access issues and
should be examined prior to future purchase.

Page | 28
 Applying the standards of the DSAPT and VRIOGS with data from operational stations
reveals functional limitations of a fixed ramp solution at legacy stations.
 Review of operator policy of single person operated train (SPOTS) demonstrated the
usefulness of an integrated design solution removing occupational risks for the driver.
 Current station design and driver tasks support further design exploration of alternative
solutions for cross-gap accessibility at the platform edge within Melbourne. This research
will inform further studio-based design practice.

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Discussion of results and recommendations for the improvement of the automated
HADRIAN protocol
The comparison of the task completion and wheelchair positioning results for the three studies
have highlighted areas in which the HADRIAN automated analysis protocol can be improved. The
task failures that were found by HADRIAN system, but not in the other two studies were the result
of four issues that have been identified in the analysis process, these were;
1. The prototype HADRIAN system works on the assumption that a facing orientation to the
product interaction points will be used. If a failure occurs in the facing orientation a lateral
orientation is used. As has been demonstrated in the validation user trials wheelchair users often
adopt an oblique orientation to the task interaction points. An oblique orientation allows users
to improve the reach to the interaction points when compared to the facing orientation, whilst also
allowing vision without excessive body and neck rotation to allow vision of the reaching target. It
is therefore recommended that an oblique orientation attempt should be added to the HADRIAN
automated protocol.
2. The prototype HADRIAN protocol uses a standard sitting posture for the wheelchair users built
into the database. The postures adopted by the wheelchair users often differed from the assumed
posture used in the HADRIAN protocol in terms of the angle of the lower leg, increasing the
distance from the reach targets in a facing orientation of the wheelchair in HADRIAN. It is
therefore recommended that the posture adopted by the wheelchair user should be more accurately
replicated by the HADRIAN system.

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3. The prototype HADRIAN system does not use a CAD model of the specific wheelchair used by
each participant. Instead the wheelchair user is placed at the correct sitting height for the specific
wheelchair used.
Data was gathered during the original HADRIAN data collection that allows all wheelchairs to be
accurately modelled in terms of the length, width, sitting height, handle height and user orientation
in the volume of the wheelchair. It is therefore recommended that the wheelchairs that were
modelled by the SAMMIE expert user in study 1, should be used in the HADRIAN automated
analysis. This will allow the exploration of situations where the wheelchair geometry blocks
required postures, o orientations of the wheelchair to the reaching and viewing targets of products.
4. The prototype HADRIAN system does not use the data collected that quantifies the ability of
the user to twist the upper body. This was highlighted a reason for task failures in lateral wheelchair
orientations in all cases other than those found for participant 2, discussed above. The
implementation of the upper body twist data in the automated HADRIAN analysis is
recommended. In addition, it is recommended that the HADRIAN system includes a collision
detection routine, which can detect if the postures adopted are interfering with the structures of the
products being interacted with. On a small number of occasions, the arm of the HADRIAN human
model would intersect with some part of the ATM structure. This should be avoided.

Anthropometric Dimension of the Students

Seat Height
The popliteal height should be considered in the design of seat height and for non-adjustable
seats; the 5th percentile may be used as the maximum allowable seat height [48, 40, 5]. The 5th
percentile in the present student is 36,00 cm and if this is added to shoe heel allowance of 0,45
cm [23, 41], the seat height should be 36,45 cm.

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Seat Depth
The anthropometric dimension to be considered in the design of the seat depth is the buttock-
popliteal length. The seat depth should not exceed the buttock-popliteal length of the shortest user
[44, 5] and as such the 5th percentile of the buttock-popliteal length should be used to determine
Page | 35
the seat depth. In this study, the 5th percentile of the buttock-popliteal and thus the seat depth is
32.05 cm.
Secondary schools (with no 6th form)
e.g. 2 or 3 classes per year
10 (12) or 15 (18) classrooms each 65-70 m2
1 extra-large classroom (can be divided) 85m2
3 classrooms for special courses 40-45m2

Science rooms
1 or 2 for demonstrations & practical, or each 70-75 m2
1 for physics demonstrations & practical 70-75m2
1 for chemistry and biology demonstrations
& practical, or 70-75m2
1 for chemistry demonstrations & practical 70-75 m2
1 for biology demonstrations & practical 70-75m2
1 or 2 preparation rooms, plus e 30-35m2
rooms for collections and materials, or 30-35m2
1 preparation room for physics and chemistry 20m2
(also used for collections and materials), or
1 physics preparation room
1 chemistry preparation room
1 biology preparation room 30-35m2
1 or 2 science rooms each 30-35 m2
1 room for photography 20-25 m2

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Domestic science
1 kitchen 70-75m2
1 classroom/dining room 30-40 m2
rooms for provisions, materials and
household appliances 30-40m2
1 washroom/changing room 15-20m2

Art, crafts and textiles

1 drawing studio (arts and crafts)
1 or 2 rooms for technical crafts
1 or 2 rooms for materials
1 washroom/changing room total of approx. 180-220m2
1 room for textile design 70-75m2
3 rooms for teaching materials each 10-15 m2
1 music room 65-70 m2
1 storeroom (instruments, music, stands) 15-20m2
Language lab
1 room for language teaching system 80-85m2
1 room for materials and equipment 10-15m2
1 room for library and magazines 60-65m2
or 70-75m2
Ad ministration
1 staffroom (meeting room)
1 staff study (staff library)
(or can be combined)
1 office for head teacher 20/25 m2
1 office for deputy head 20-25 m2
1 office 15-20m2
1 room for meeting parents, doubles as sickroom 20-25 m2
1 caretaker's room (also for milk distribution) 20-25 m2

Page | 37
Secondary schools (with no 6th form)

e.g. 2 classes per year

18 classrooms: 50m2
12 classrooms 70-75m2
6 classrooms (upper level) 30-40m2
5 classrooms: 30-40m2
2 supplementary classrooms 15-20 rn-'
3 supplementary classrooms 65-70 m2
1 extra-large classroom (history, geography)
1 room for social sciences 50m2
Science rooms
Physics and biology
1 classroom 65-70 rn-'
1 room each for collections and materials 50m2
1 room each for preparation 80-85 m2
1 room each for demonstrations & practical 10-15m2
1 room for theory and practical work eac h 10-15m2
1 room for preparation 80-85m2
1 room for collections and materials 60-65m2
2 rooms for science groups each 20-25 m2
1 room for photography 15-20m2
Domestic science 70-75m2
1 kitchen 65-70 m2
1 classroom/dining room 15-20m2
Rooms for provisions, materials and
household appliances
1 washroom/changing room 80-85 m2
Art 30-35 m2
1 drawing studio 30-35m2

Page | 38
2 rooms for crafts each 30-35 m2
2 rooms for materials 20-25m2
1 washroom/changing room each 55-60 m2
1 room for textile design 30-35 m2
1 music room 30-35 m2
1 storeroom 70-75 m2

Classrooms: one classroom per class, square if possible, in exceptional cases rectangular, max. 32
pupils, min. of 65-70 m2 (approx. 2.00 m2 x 2.20 m2 per pupil) if possible daylit on two sides.
Furniture either in rows or informally arranged. Front of class: chalkboard with sliding panels,
projection space, socket for TV, radio, tape recorder, etc., wash-basin near entrance. Provision for
hanging maps. Facility to black out windows. Group rooms divided into separate workspaces to
accommodate mixed ability classes only in special cases. Alternatives to individual classes and
group rooms: 2-3 classrooms joined together to make teaching spaces for discussions between
pupils and teachers, or lessons in larger groups; can also be divided by partitions. Draught
excluding lobbies and entrance areas also connect to horizontal and vertical circulation (corridors,
stairs, ramps) and can be used during breaks (0.50 m2jpupil). Multi-use area for parties, play or
exhibitions. Room for teaching materials 12-15: centrally positioned, part of the staff area or in a
multi-purpose room.
Layout of different space

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The Application of User/Product/Effect Model
The user/product/effect model is proposed to solve the variety of human dimensions, focusing on
the problem of a growing user, and then on the effect of the product. In general, designers often
only focus on ‘usability’ and ‘manufacture’. Thinking within this small range limits design
development. But when designers think about “human”, “society”, and “environment”, designs
could not only benefit the product, but also improve human welfare and social environment [22].
Based on the user/product/effect model, two design cases are proposed to show the subject of
‘height’ in our daily used product design.
School Furniture
In today's classroom, children vary widely in their anthropometric measurements, chairs and desks
do not fit all children. Especially, the ‘height’ of school furniture is very important for school
furniture design, since students perform a large number of activities and spend most of their time
with them. Can the same school furniture fit all individuals who have different body dimensions?
The answer is obviously negative. Based on the research of Lin and Kang [14], a new design takes

Page | 40
‘height’ into design by considering the relationships between user, product and effect as shown in
Figure 5. In this design, the sitting height and desk height can be adjusted to each individual by
using an easy joint to accommodate the variety of anthropometric data across different age groups.

Melbourne rail stations continue to cause cross gap accessibility issues preventing independent
access for mobility impaired public transport users. Operators in order to comply with the DSAPT
(2002) are obligated to provide one hundred percent accessibility across rail infrastructure by 2022.
 Using international research into cross-gap accessibility to assess the DSAPT maximum
gap limit of 40mm x 15mm is has shown in the Melbourne rail context this is currently
 A quantitative analysis of Melbourne’s station designs revealed how legacy issues of
curved platforms present a problem to level boarding and cross gap variation.
 How the configuration of station entrance, boarding and platform layouts could be re-
evaluated to incrementally support an accessible design solution at each entrance/exit to
station and remaining two platform positions to service 100% or arriving or departing
 Multiple rolling stock designs will continue to compound Melbourne’s access issues and
should be examined prior to future purchase.

Page | 41
 Applying the standards of the DSAPT and VRIOGS with data from operational stations
reveals functional limitations of a fixed ramp solution at legacy stations.
 Review of operator policy of single person operated train (SPOTS) demonstrated the
usefulness of an integrated design solution removing occupational risks for the driver.
 Current station design and driver tasks support further design exploration of alternative
solutions for cross-gap accessibility at the platform edge within Melbourne. This research
will inform further studio-based design practice.

 The HADRIAN validation process was designed to verify and improve the automation of
the HADRIAN analysis of products. The results for the ambulant disabled and nondisabled
participants that were predicted by the HADRIAN system were found to be accurate.
However, the exercise highlighted that additional data gathered from the wheelchair users
needs to be incorporated into the HADRIAN analysis protocol in order to increase the
accuracy of the results. The next stage in the development of the HADRIAN system will
be to implement the changes recommended in this paper, and to perform a further
validation exercise to test the system further. Initially the revised version of HADRIAN
will be tested using the ATM example. A second validation study will be performed in
June of 2009 and will involve the analysis of the interaction points found in the Greenwich
Docklands Light Railway train station in London, England. This process will analysis the
use of ticket machines, lifts and rail vehicles by elderly and disabled people.

 Working or studying in a comfortable environment enhances not only wellbeing, but also
satisfaction and therefore productivity and learning. Educational ergonomics focuses on
the interaction between educational performance and educational design. By improving the
design or pointing out the possible problems, educational ergonomics can be utilized to
have positive impacts on the student performance and thus on education process. In many
schools, there is not proportion between students’ anthropometric dimensions and the
dimensions of existing tables and benches. In spite of the difference among body
dimensions of the students of various elementary levels, there is not a specific order in
using the table and bench with different dimensions, and it is sometimes observed that in
one school the same size of table and bench is used for all levels. This causes, for instance,

Page | 42
the seat height and table for lower grade students and the seat dept for higher grade students
do not fit, that causes physical problems and hence disturbance in learning process and
educational progress of students in long term, and makes the optimum and efficient
education and training to face with problem. Thus, it is suggested that required efforts are done to
design educational furniture such as table and bench for various grades of elementary level in every
region according to the existing anthropometric dimensions database.


1- SUMMERSKILL, S. ... et al, 2009. Validation of the HADRIAN system using an ATM
evaluation case study. IN: Duffy V.G. (ed.). Digital Human Modeling: Proceedings of the
2nd International Conference ICDHM 2009, held as part of HCI International 2009, 19th-
24th July 2009, San Diego, CA, pp. 727 – 736
2- An analysis of station infrastructure design to improve accessibility between the platform
and suburban train carriages. Vincent Moug1, Selby Coxon2 1, 2 Monash University,
Melbourne, 3145, VIC, Australia 1 CRC for Rail Innovation - Project No. R1.134 Station
Design Email for correspondence:
3- An analysis of anthropometric data on Iranian primary school Student: A Review
Abdolreza Gilavand* Employed Expert on Faculty Appointments, Ahvaz Jundishapur
University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran Corresponding Email:
4- Ernst and Peter Neufert ,Architects' Data Third Edition
5- ISO 2004, Castors and wheels – Requirements for applications over 1,1 m/s (4 km/h) and
up to 4,4 m/s (16 km/h), ISO 22884:2004 (E), ISO, accessed 15/1/2013, SAI Global
6- 2. WHO, 2008. WHO Ageing [online]. World Health Organization. Available from:

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