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Aging & Mental Health, May 2004; 8(3): 222–232


Emotion processing in Alzheimer’s disease


Department of Psychology, University of Southampton & 2Clinical Psychology Department, Bristol University,
Bristol, UK

To date, there have been few studies of emotion processing in those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, yet this may have an
important effect on the quality of life of both sufferers and their families. This paper describes an investigation of the relative
changes in cognition and in recognition and identification of non-verbal communicative signals of emotion in those suffering
from Alzheimer’s disease, and seeks to address the implications for clinical practice. Twelve adults with a diagnosis of
‘probable’ Alzheimer’s disease and 12 matched older adult healthy comparison participants undertook a series of tasks
involving face and prosody discrimination. Facial stimuli were presented on cards, and prosodic stimuli on audiotape. Scores
were compared with a measure of general cognitive ability. There was a significant difference between the Alzheimer’s
disease group and healthy older adult group on emotion and cognition tasks respectively. However, the ability to recognize
and identify non-verbal affect cues in emotional facial expression and emotional prosody was preserved relative to general
cognitive ability in those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, there were no differences found in the recognition
of different emotions (happiness, sadness, anger, fear or neutral). This relative sparing of non-verbal emotional processing
skills has implications for provision of assessment and interventions based on the creation of effective forms of
communication that are less reliant on cognitive ability.

Introduction recently, a number of models of emotion and

emotion-cognition interaction have been elaborated
For many caregivers of individuals with dementia, in the literature ( James, 2001; Woods, 1999) and it
it is the behavioural or non-cognitive features that has become increasingly clear that there is a close
are most distressing (Donaldson, Tarrier & Burns, connection between affect, cognition and behav-
1998). Many of these features can be seen as a ioural adaptation. Thus, research into care and
response to the individual’s emotional state (Woods, treatment of individuals with dementia has begun
2001), or as a means of communicating an unmet to consider emotional as well as cognitive and
need (Stokes, 1996), such as feelings of insecurity functional aspects of their conditions. However,
(Magai & Cohen, 1998). None-the-less, behavioural despite the finding that emotion expression is largely
difficulties are commonly seen as a feature of the intact in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) (Magai et al.,
dementia, rather than as a result of the interaction of 1996), very few systematic studies have concentrated
the person and their social environment. Woods on the individual with dementia’s ability to compre-
(2001) has argued that negative emotional feedback hend the emotions of others, and fewer still have
from caregivers can exacerbate ‘challenging’ behav- specifically studied AD.
iour. This assumes that the individual with demen- Early studies of emotion processing recruited
tia, despite their declining cognitive skills, retains participants with general organic brain disease.
sensitivity to the emotional responses of others. For example, Kurucz, Feldmar & Werner (1979)
Yet, despite growing evidence of the influence demonstrated deficits in recognition of facial emo-
of emotional aspects of dementia on both the individ- tional expressions in patients with organic brain
ual and wider social networks, research has been disease, including AD, schizophrenia and major
concerned, largely, with the cognitive and functional affective disorders. These deficits were not explained
symptoms, ignoring the emotional or affective abil- by prosopagnosia (Kurucz & Feldmar, 1979).
ities of those with dementia (O’Neill, 1997). More Deficits in emotion processing comprehension have

Correspondence to: Dr Romola S. Bucks, Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of
Southampton, Building 44 (Shackleton), Highfield, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK. Tel: þ44 (0) 23 8059 2633. Fax: þ44
(0) 23 8059 2588. E-mail:

Received for publication 3rd August 2002. Accepted 9th June 2003.

ISSN 1360-7863 print/ISSN 1364-6915 online/04/030222-11 ß Taylor & Francis Ltd

DOI: 10.1080/13607860410001669750
Emotion processing in Alzheimer’s disease 223

also been found in patients with: Huntingdon’s Finally, the authors did not consider emotion-
disease and unilateral stroke (Speedie et al., 1990); processing deficits in terms of the different emotions
Parkinson’s disease (Breitenstein et al., 2001); right being assessed. There is accumulating evidence that
hemisphere focal lesions (Adolphs, Jansari & Tranel, temporal lobe damage (especially to the amygdala)
2001a;); temporal lobectomy (Adolphs, Tranel & may result in problems with processing fear and
Damasio, 2001b), fronto-temporal dementia (Keane anger stimuli, particularly for faces (Adolphs et al.,
et al., 2002) and, schizophrenia (Kohler et al., 2000). 2001b; Adolphs, 2002), and that the medial pre-
In studies in AD, researchers have generally frontal cortex may play a role in the appraisal/
demonstrated deficits in facial emotional recogni- identification of emotion (Luan Phan et al., 2002).
tion. However, these findings have often been com- Thus, the aim of this study was to repeat the
plicated by the severity of cognitive deficit or the assessment of emotion processing as used by
strong verbal or memory requirements of the tasks Cadieux and Greve (1997), both to see if the same
used (Cadieux & Greve, 1997; Roudier et al., 1998). pattern of facial affect and emotional prosody
Indeed, a number of researchers have argued that performance would be found, and to examine the
these impairments in emotional facial recognition are ability of individuals with mild-to-moderate AD to
secondary to general cognitive deficits (Koff et al., identify the meaning of non-verbal communicative
1999). signals of different emotions.
In their study, Roudier et al. (1998) found
evidence for impairment in discrimination of facial
identity in AD but not in discrimination of emo- Methods
tional facial expression, arguing for a dissociation of
the processing of facial identity and facial emotion; Participants
a proposal supported by Bowers and colleagues
(Bowers, Blonder & Heilman, 1991; Bowers, Bauer Two groups of 12 older adults were recruited and
& Heilman, 1993). Further evidence supports an matched for age, gender, handedness and years
additional distinction between affective facial and of education. The AD group (eight females, four
prosodic processing (Borod et al., 1998; Richardson males) were recruited through a local memory dis-
et al., 1992). Despite this distinction, only one previous orders clinic, where they underwent thorough medical,
study has assessed affective facial and prosodic psychiatric and psychological screening, in order to
processing separately in AD. All other studies have rule out any other treatable pathology. They met
considered only facial emotional expression. Cadieux diagnostic criteria for probable Alzheimer’s disease
and Greve (1997) found deficits in individuals with according to NINCDS/ADRDA criteria (McKhann
AD in the discrimination of facial affect and on et al., 1984), and had a Mini-Mental State Exami-
selecting a facial affect in response to a verbal label. nation (MMSE; Folstein, Folstein & McHugh, 1975)
They did not find deficits in emotional prosody scores of 12–22. All were right-handed and were
performance. They argued that language-related identified by the clinic as having no significant visual
difficulties, particularly in understanding task or hearing impairments.
demands, may have affected performance, but that The healthy older adult (HOA) group (five females,
changes in facial affect perception may relate to the seven males) were recruited from the carers of those
early pathology affecting the temporal neocortex, in the AD group and from volunteers. They were all
hippocampi and amygdala in AD (Braak & Braak, right-handed, and had no significant visual or hearing
1991; van Hoesen, 1997). They were unsure whether deficits. They had no history of physiological or
performance on emotional prosody tasks was unim- psychological difficulties of note and were taking no
paired because it was somehow differentially affected medications likely to affect cognition. Table 1
in AD by comparison with facial affect performance, contains descriptive details for these groups.
or because the prosodic stimuli, being tape-recorded,
were ‘richer’ than the facial photographs and therefore Measures
helped to improve performance. Given that in healthy
individuals recognizing emotions from prosody alone Assessment of emotional processing was based on
is thought to be more difficult than recognizing The Florida Affect Battery (FAB; Bowers et al.,
emotions from facial expressions (Adolphs, 2002), 1991). The battery assesses visual (facial expres-
this explanation seems unlikely. sion), auditory (prosody), and visual-auditory

TABLE 1. Age, years of education and MMSE scores for healthy older adults and participants with Alzheimer’s disease
Mean (SD), range n Age Years of education MMSE
Healthy older adult participants 12 74.4 (7.1), 62–85 10.2 (1.0), 9–12 28.0 (1.0), 27–29
Participants with Alzheimer’s disease 12 75.5 (7.5), 60–89 10.5 (1.0), 9–12 18.8 (2.9), 12–22
224 R. S. Bucks & S. A. Radford

(cross-modal) emotion processing. Five different measures ANOVA was used to explore Group,
emotions (happiness, sadness, anger, fear, neutral) Trial Type (‘same’/’different’) and Condition (Facial
were used across these subtests. Black and white Affect/Emotional Prosody) effects. An alpha level of
photographs of four different women were used in the 0.05 was employed throughout.
facial affect tasks. Subtest 1 assessed the ability to
discriminate ‘same’ and ‘different’ neutral faces. This
task acted as a perceptual control for the facial affect Results
tasks. Subtest 2 assessed the ability to discriminate
between ‘same’ or ‘different’ emotional faces. Subtest There were no significant group differences in age
3 assessed participants’ ability to name the affect (t [22] ¼ 0.4, p ¼ 0.721), years of education (t [22] ¼
shown in a series of emotional faces. Subtest 4 req- 0.8, U ¼ 0.435), or gender (2 [1, n ¼ 24] ¼ 1.5,
uired participants to select from five alternatives the p ¼ 0.291). As expected, there was a significant
facial affect that matched a verbal label given by the difference in MMSE scores (t [13.4, equal variances
examiner (e.g. ‘point to the angry face’). Subtest 5 not assumed] ¼ 10.5, p ¼ 0.000). There was no
required participants to match the facial affect shown significant difference between the means for the
on a target face with one of five different emotional general population of older adults taken from norms
expressions. Auditory stimuli for the prosody subtests (Bowers et al., 1991; Crum et al., 1993) and the HOA
consisted of a tape-recorded female voice. Subtest 6 group on either FAB (t [23] ¼ 1.3, p ¼ 0.223) or
assessed the ability to process propositional prosody MMSE (t [576] ¼ 1.1, p ¼ 0.212). A repeated mea-
and served as a control for the affective prosody tasks. sures ANOVA of Group (HOA/AD) by Test (FAB/
Participants were asked to discriminate between MMSE) using percentage correct scores was con-
‘same’ and ‘different’ non-emotional prosody in neu- ducted to evaluate the group by score type interaction.
tral sentences (e.g., ‘fish jump out of water’ spoken The FAB scores held up well relative to MMSE
in an interrogative tone (?), or a declarative tone (!)). scores in the AD group by comparison with the HOA
Subtest 7 assessed the ability to judge whether group as revealed by the significant interaction term
affective prosody was the ‘same’ or ‘different’ in (Group by Test; F [1,22] ¼ 67.9, p ¼ 0.000). Unsur-
semantically neutral sentences spoken in an emo- prisingly, there were also significant main effects
tional tone of voice. Subtest 8a required participants of Group (F [1,22] ¼ 15.3, p ¼ 0.000) and of Test
to name the emotional prosody of a series of (F [1,22] ¼ 15.2, p ¼ 0.001).
sentences. Subtest 8b required participants to listen
to affectively intoned sentences in which the semantic
content either differed (i.e., was incongruent with; ‘all Group comparisons
the puppies are dead’ said in a happy tone of voice) or
paralleled (i.e., was congruent with; ‘all the puppies There was a significant difference between AD and
are dead’ said in a sad tone of voice) the message. HOA groups on total FAB scores (t [22] ¼ 5.2,
Finally, in the cross-modal tasks, participants were p ¼ 0.000). With alpha set at 0.05, power calculated
required to match the facial expression with one of from total FAB scores was 0.98, suggesting that,
three corresponding prosodic stimuli (Subtest 9) or despite small sample sizes, the study was adequately
vice versa (Subtest 10). The FAB has good test-retest powered to find a true Group difference. Indepen-
reliability (Subtest r values range from 0.89 to 0.97) dent samples t-tests for each subtest and for facial,
and good construct validity, as established by factor prosody and cross-modal subtotals revealed signifi-
analysis and greater than 80% agreement on the rating cant differences between individuals with AD and
of each stimulus by 70 healthy adults (Bowers et al., HOA in Facial Affect Mean Total performance, in
1991). Participants were provided with a cue sheet Facial Affect Selection and in all prosodic tasks apart
explaining the task (e.g., ‘match face to voice’) and from Non-Emotional Prosody. No other facial affect
a sheet of the target emotions (happiness, sadness, tasks produced significantly different performance.
anger, fear, neutral). They were also prompted and There were also individual subtest and overall score
task instructions were repeated, as required. differences between the groups in cross-modal tasks.
Participants were allowed to change their response Table 2 gives mean, SD, range, and significance
and to ask for clarification about each task. values for all independent samples t-tests for all

Analysis Facial and prosodic task differences

Data were analyzed using SPSS 11.0 for Windows A two factor ANOVA of Task Type (Facial Affect
(2001). The Florida Affect Battery scores were Mean Total/Prosody Mean Total) by group (AD/
expressed as percentage correct response. Error HOA) for mean percentage correct performance
scores were also calculated for each emotion and revealed that both healthy participants and those with
for each ‘same’ or ‘different’ stimulus type. Repeated AD found Prosody tasks more difficult than Facial
Emotion processing in Alzheimer’s disease 225
TABLE 2. Descriptive statistics for FAB scores expressed as percentage correct, for each participant group with
significance values
Mean (SD), range HOA n ¼ 12 AD n ¼ 12 Sig.
Facial Tasks
1. Facial Identity Discrimination 93.8 (6.4), 85.0–100 91.7 (4.9), 85.0–100 0.383
2. Facial Affect Discrimination 90.8 (5.1), 85.0–100 88.8 (4.3), 85.0–95.0 0.295
3. Facial Affect Naming 87.9 (4.5), 80.0–95.0 85.8 (6.0), 75.0–95.0 0.345
4. Facial Affect Selection 92.5 (6.2), 80.0–100 85.8 (5.6), 75.0–95.0 0.011
5. Facial Affect Matching 88.3 (6.2), 75.0–95.0 84.6 (5.8), 75.0–90.0 0.139
Facial Affect Mean Total 90.7 (3.1), 86.0–97.0 87.3 (3.4), 80.0–91.0 0.020
Prosody Tasks
6. Non-Emotional Prosody Discrimination 87.3 (8.5), 75.0–100 84.2 (4.3), 81.0–94.0 0.262
7. Emotional Prosody Discrimination 95.0 (4.3), 90.0–100 87.5 (8.4), 75.0–100 0.011
8a. Name Emotional Prosody 87.3 (6.3), 70.0–95.0 80.0 (3.7), 75.0–85.0 0.002
8b-C. Conflicting Emotional Prosody (congruent) 87.8 (8.8), 72.0–100 69.9 (12.1), 50.0–89.0 0.000
8b-I. Conflicting Emotional Prosody (incongruent) 70.8 (11.6), 55.0–89.0 42.5 (12.7), 22.0–67.0 0.000
Prosody Mean Total 85.6 (3.9), 79.0–91.2 72.8 (5.2), 66.0–83.8 0.000
Cross modal Tasks
9. Match Emotional Prosody to Emotional Face 86.7 (4.4), 80.0–95.0 78.3 (5.8), 70.0–85.0 0.001
10. Match Emotional Face to Emotional Prosody 84.6 (3.3), 80.0–90.0 74.2 (7.6), 60.0–90.0 0.001
Cross Modal Mean Total 85.6 (2.6), 82.5–92.5 76.3 (6.1), 65.0–87.5 0.000
FAB Total 87.3 (2.6), 82.5–91.9 79.3 (4.7), 72.5–88.0 0.000

Affect tasks (Main effect of task; F [1,22] ¼ 137.9, M ¼ 0.3, SD ¼ 0.9; HOA: M ¼ 0.4, SD ¼ 0.9; Trial
p ¼ 0.000). Overall, HOA participants performed Type; F [1,22] ¼ 15.77, p ¼ 0.001). In a three way
better across all tasks than AD participants (Main analysis of Group (HOA/AD) by Condition (Facial
effect of Group; F [1,22] ¼ 14534.2, p ¼ 0.000). Identity/Prosody Identity Discrimination) by Trial
However, there was also a Group by Task Type Type (‘same’/different’), there was no significant
interaction (F [1,22] ¼ 32.3, p ¼ 0.000) indicating main effect of Group nor any significant interaction
that AD participants found Prosody tasks relatively terms with Group (all F < 1). There were, however,
more difficult than Facial Affect tasks and this significant main effects of Trial Type (F [1,22] ¼ 9.8,
difference was greater than that found in HOA p ¼ 0.005) and of Condition (F [1,22] ¼ 13.8,
participants. Analysis of covariance indicated that p ¼ 0.001), as well as a significant interaction term
this Task Type effect may relate to the severity of (F [1,22] ¼ 6.3, p ¼ 0.020). Overall, these results
cognitive deficit, since the Main effect disappeared revealed that HOA and AD participants were equally
when MMSE performance was covaried out (F < 1), good at the perceptual discrimination of neutral faces
as did the Main effect of Group (F < 2). But the and neutral voices, and that both found ‘same’ faces
interaction of Task and Group remained significant or voices more difficult to discriminate than ‘different’
(F [1,21] ¼ 10.4, p ¼ 0.004), suggesting that differ- faces or voices. There were, however, no Group
ences in response to the facial and prosodic tasks differences in the ability to discriminate between faces
were not solely secondary to cognitive deficits. and voices, suggesting that any deficits found in the
ability to identify emotions were unlikely to be a result
of perceptual dysfunction.
Facial and prosody identity discrimination (subtests
1 and 6)
Facial and prosody emotion discrimination (subtests
No significant Group differences (F < 1) and no 2 and 7)
significant Trial Type (‘same’/different’) by Group
interactions (F < 1) were found in Facial Identity No significant Group differences (F < 2) and no
Discrimination. However, there was a significant significant Trial Type differences were found in
difference across both groups in discriminating Facial Affect Discrimination (‘same’/different’;
‘same’ and ‘different’ faces (‘same’: AD: M ¼ 1.3, F < 1). That is, overall both groups made similar
SD ¼ 1.0; HOA: M ¼ 0.9, SD ¼ 1.2; ‘different’: AD: proportions of errors. However, there was a just
M ¼ 0.4, SD ¼ 0.5; HOA: M ¼ 0.3, SD ¼ 0.9; Main significant interaction of Group and Trial Type
effect of Trial Type; F [1,22] ¼ 5.94, p ¼ 0.023). This (F [1,22] ¼ 4.7, p ¼ 0.041) indicating that, on aver-
same pattern of no Group differences (F < 2) and age, AD participants found ‘different’ trials slightly
no interaction (F < 1), but a significant difference harder than ‘same’ trials, whilst the reverse was true
between ‘same’ and ‘different’ identity discrimination for HOA participants. For Emotional Prosody
across both groups was also found in Non-Emotional Discrimination, an analysis of Trial Type (‘same’/
Prosody Discrimination (‘same’: AD: M ¼ 2.2, different’) by Group (AD/HOA) showed that AD
SD ¼ 0.9; HOA: M ¼ 1.6, SD ¼ 1.4; ‘different’: AD: participants made significantly more errors, overall,
226 R. S. Bucks & S. A. Radford

than HOA participants (F [1,22] ¼ 7.6, p ¼ 0.011), significant Group difference, nor any interaction
that both groups made significantly more ‘same’ than between Group and Emotion (both F < 1). There
‘different’ errors (F [1,22] ¼ 8.0, p ¼ 0.010) and, that was, however, a significant main effect of Emotion
this ‘same’/’different’ trial distinction was somewhat (F [4,22] ¼ 3.4, p ¼ 0.013). By contrast, for
more marked in AD than in HOA participants as Emotional Prosody Naming, despite no significant
revealed by a significant interaction (F [1,22] ¼ 8.0, main effect of Emotion (F [4,22] ¼ 2.2, p ¼ 0.075)
p ¼ 0.010). In a three way analysis of Group by and no interaction of Group and Emotion (F < 1),
Condition (Facial Affect/Emotional Prosody there was a significant main effect of Group (F
Discrimination) by Trial Type (‘same’/’different’), [1,22] ¼ 11.6, p ¼ 0.003). A three way analysis of
there was a significant main effect of Group Group (AD/HOA) by Condition (Facial Affect/
(F [1,22] ¼ 6.9, p ¼ 0.015) and a significant three Emotional Prosody Naming) by Emotion (happi-
way interaction (F [1,22] ¼ 11.3, p ¼ 0.003). How- ness/sadness/anger/fear/neutral) for percentage
ever, the two-way interactions of Group by Condition correct naming, demonstrated significant Group
and Group by Trial Type were non-significant (both differences (AD/HOA; F [1,22] ¼ 8.6, p ¼ 0.008),
F < 1). There was also a significant main effect of and a significant main effect of Emotion (F [4,22] ¼
Condition (F [1,22] ¼ 6.0, p ¼ 0.023) but not of Trial 5.1, p ¼ 0.001), but no significant interaction terms
Type (F < 1). The interaction terms of Trial Type (all F < 2). Despite significant Group differences,
by Condition and Trial Type by Group both failed however, post hoc comparisons of Group perfor-
to reach significance at the 5% level (Trial Type mance on each of the emotions revealed no
by Condition; F [1,22] ¼ 3.9, p ¼ 0.060: Trial Type significant differences (Facial Affect Naming:
by Group; F [1,22] ¼ 3.2, p ¼ 0.086). Post hoc com- Happiness, t [22] ¼ 1.5, p ¼ 0.166, equal variances
parisons revealed significant group differences only not assumed; Sadness, t [22] ¼ 1.4, p ¼ 0.171; Anger,
for ‘different’ emotional face discrimination (AD: t [22] ¼ 1.1, p ¼ 0.264; Fear, t [22] ¼ 0.5, p ¼
M ¼ 1.4, SD ¼ 1.1; HOA: M ¼ 0.6, SD ¼ 0.8; 0.618; Neutral, t [22] ¼ 0.2, p ¼ 0.807; Emotional
t [22] ¼ 2.2, p ¼ 0.043) and for ‘same’ emotional Prosody Naming: Happiness, t [22] ¼ 1.7, p ¼ 0.111,
voices (AD: M ¼ 2.3, SD ¼ 1.9; HOA: M ¼ 0.5, equal variances not assumed; Sadness, t ¼ 0; Anger,
SD ¼ 0.7; t [13.8] ¼ 3.1, p ¼ 0.009, equal variances t [22] ¼ 0.3, p ¼ 0.784; Fear t [22] ¼ 1.5, p ¼ 0.155;
not assumed). No significant Group differences were Neutral, t [22] ¼ 1.1, p ¼ 0.303). These results indi-
found for ‘same’ emotional faces (AD: M ¼ 0.8, cate that, overall, AD performance was worse than
SD ¼ 0.7; HOA: M ¼ 1.3, SD ¼ 0.8; t [22] ¼ 1.4, HOA performance and that Emotional Prosody
p ¼ 0.179) or ‘different’ emotional voices (AD: Naming was more difficult than Facial Affect
M ¼ 0.3, SD ¼ 0.5; HOA: M ¼ 0.5, SD ¼ 0.8; Naming for both groups. However, there was no
t [22] ¼ 0.9, p ¼ 0.355). interaction between the two and no significant
These results suggest that both groups found differences in the naming of different emotions in
emotional voice discrimination tasks more difficult either condition. Figure 1, shows the mean scores
than emotional face discrimination, and that this graphically.
pattern was the same for all participants. However,
although, overall, ‘same’ and ‘different’ faces pro-
duced no significant differences in performance, the Facial affect selection and facial affect matching
two groups actually responded differently to them. (subtests 4 and 5)
‘Same’ emotional voice discrimination was more
difficult for those with AD than HOA participants, Group comparison of percentage correct perfor-
whereas for faces it was ‘different’ emotional faces mance on Facial Affect Selection and Facial Affect
that were more difficult for those with AD to Matching tasks revealed a significant difference only
discriminate. on Affect Selection (t [22] ¼ 2.8, p ¼ 0.011: Facial
Affect Matching; t [22] ¼ 1.5, p ¼ 0.139), which
was removed by covarying out MMSE performance
Facial affect and emotional prosody naming (subtests (F < 1), but not by covarying out Facial Identification
3 and 8a) Discrimination performance (F [1,21] ¼ 6.8, p ¼
0.016). These results suggest that AD participants
There was a significant main effect of Group (AD/ found Selection more difficult than Matching of
HOA; F [1,22] ¼ 8.7, p ¼ 0.007) and of Condition Facial Affect stimuli, but this may have been a
(Facial Affect/Emotional Prosody Naming; feature of the cognitive load of the tasks rather than
F [1,22] ¼ 5.1, p ¼ 0.034) on percentage correct of the ability, perceptually, to identify the faces.
naming. The interaction term failed to reach Comparison of performance between the two
significance (F [1,22] ¼ 3.2, p ¼ 0.086). Separate Groups on the different Emotions (happiness, sad-
analyses of Group (AD/HOA) by Emotion (happi- ness, anger, fear, neutral), revealed a significant
ness, sadness, anger, fear, or neutral) were con- main effect of Group (F [1,22] ¼ 7.7, p ¼ 0.011) and
ducted for Facial Affect and Emotional Prosody of Emotion (F [4,22] ¼ 4.1, p ¼ 0.004) for Facial
Naming. For Facial Affect Naming, there was no Affect Selection, but no interaction (F < 2). By
Emotion processing in Alzheimer’s disease 227

Mean errors











Facial Affect Naming Emotional Prosody Naming


FIG. 1. Mean errors by participant group for Facial Affect and Emotional Prosody Naming (subtests 3 and 8a).


Mean errors








Facial Affect Selection HOA AD Facial Affect Matching

FIG. 2. Mean errors by participant group for Facial Affect Selection and Facial Affect Matching (subtests 4 and 5).

contrast, for Facial Affect Matching, there was only a 0.060). Pair-wise comparisons of the ‘congruent’
significant main effect of Emotion (F [4,22] ¼ 3.0, and ‘incongruent’ trials revealed significant Group
p ¼ 0.023), the main effect of Group (F [1,22] ¼ 2.7, differences in both tasks (Congruent; t [22] ¼ 4.1,
p ¼ 0.116) and the interaction term (F < 1) proving p ¼ 0.000: Incongruent; t [22] ¼ 5.7, p ¼ 0.000).
non-significant. These results suggest that both These results suggest that both groups found sen-
groups found some emotions more problematic tences in which the emotional tone conflicted with
than others. However, there were no significant the meaning more difficult than those where the
differences in the way the groups selected or meaning and tone were congruent, and that AD
matched different emotions. Figure 2 shows errors participants found all sentences more difficult than
on the two tasks by Emotion and by Group. HOA participants. In addition, there was a trend
towards individuals with AD finding emotional tone
‘incongruent’ with the meaning of a sentence,
Conflicting emotional prosody (congruent or relatively more problematic than HOA participants.
incongruent: subtest 8b)

Analysis of Group (AD/HOA) by Task Type (con- Cross-modal tasks: Match Emotional Face to
gruent/incongruent trials) for percentage correct Emotional Prosody, Match Emotional Prosody
performance on Conflicting Emotional Prosody to Emotional Face (subtests 9 and 10)
revealed a significant Group difference in overall
performance (F [1,22] ¼ 36.1, p ¼ 0.000), and a sig- Analysis of the cross-modal tasks revealed that,
nificant difference, overall, in whether the emotional although AD participants performed worse overall
prosody was ‘congruent’ or ‘incongruent’ with the than HOA participants (F [1,22] ¼ 24.0, p ¼ 0.000),
meaning of the sentences spoken (F [1,22] ¼ 71.7, and Matching Emotional Faces to Emotional
p ¼ 0.000). The interaction, however, just failed to Prosody was slightly more difficult for both groups
reach statistical significance (F [1,22] ¼ 3.9, p ¼ than Matching Emotional Prosody to Emotional
228 R. S. Bucks & S. A. Radford

Faces (F [1,22] ¼ 6.7, p ¼ 0.016), the two Tasks were was much more similar to the kind of emotional
equally difficult for both groups as revealed by a non- prosody an individual would encounter in the natural
significant interaction term (F < 1). Analysis of environment. In their view, deficits in facial affect
covariance with MMSE as the covariate rendered processing, therefore, might be a consequence of early
all effects non-significant (all F < 1), suggesting that changes in visual-perceptual processing which
cognitive features of the tasks may have contributed affected emotional processing but not identity deci-
significantly to Group and Task differences. sions. This argument may be supported by a recent
study of visual exploration of facial emotion in AD
(Ogrocki et al., 2001) which found that individuals
Response to different emotions
with AD used different processing strategies when
looking at photographs of emotional faces; fixating
To explore overall differences in emotion processing
less on the face and eye area and more on off-face
performance for the five different emotions, the
areas than healthy controls. These differences did not,
number of errors made in emotion discrimination
however, produce significantly poorer emotion iden-
for each Emotion (happiness, sadness, anger, fear,
tification performance in this study. Moreover,
neutral) was totalled across Facial and Prosody tasks
covarying out identity performance did not remove
separately (subtests 3, 4, 5, and 8a). A three-way
significant group differences in emotional prosody
analysis of Group (AD/HOA) by Task (Facial/
performance. Cadieux and Greve (1997) have argued
Prosody) by Emotion (happiness/sadness/anger/
that this may be due to insensitivity of the identity
fear/neutral) revealed a significant main effect of
tasks to early perceptual breakdown. Further investi-
Emotion (F [4,22] ¼ 13.6, p ¼ 0.000) and of Group
gation using more ecologically valid facial stimuli,
(F [1,22] ¼ 12.9, p ¼ 0.002), as well as a significant
such as standardized video images, should offer a
interaction of Emotion and Task (F [4,22] ¼ 7.7,
better contrast to taped prosodic tasks, and more
p ¼ 0.000). However, there was no significant main
sensitive measures of perceptual function, both facial
effect of Task (F < 1) and no other significant
and prosodic, might help to clarify these somewhat
interaction terms (all F < 1), suggesting that, overall,
inconsistent findings.
there were no significant differences between error
rates of Facial and Prosody tasks. Post hoc, Group
comparisons revealed that only in the discrimina-
The FAB subtest performance
tion of happiness on Facial tasks (t [16.5] ¼ 2.4,
p ¼ 0.030, equal variances not assumed) was there a
Analysis of the individual subtests, including com-
significant Group difference. All other comparisons
parisons of equivalent facial affect and prosody tasks,
failed to reach statistical significance (Facial Affect
and comparisons of errors in ‘same’ or ‘different’
Tasks: sadness, t [22] ¼ 0.9, p ¼ 0.339; anger,
stimuli revealed some interesting findings. When
t [22] ¼ 1.5, p ¼ 0.157; fear: t [22] ¼ 1.0, p ¼ 0.329;
asked to discriminate affect in faces and voices, there
neutral: t [22] ¼ 0.4, p ¼ 0.681; Emotional Prosody
were no Group differences for facial stimuli, although
Tasks: happiness t [22] t ¼ 1.7, p ¼ 0.111, equal vari-
Prosody Discrimination did produce poorer perfor-
ances not assumed; sadness, t ¼ 0; anger, t [22] ¼
mance in AD than HOA participants. Interestingly,
0.3, p ¼ 0.784; fear, t [22] ¼ 1.5, p ¼ 0.155; neutral,
in Facial Affect Discrimination ‘different’ emotional
t [22] ¼ 1.1, p ¼ 0.303).
faces proved more problematic than ‘same’ faces for
those with AD. By contrast, in Prosody Discrimina-
Discussion tion, both groups found ‘same’ emotional voices
slightly harder to discriminate than ‘different’ voices
A number of important findings have been demon- and this pattern was slightly more marked for those
strated by this study. The first is that individuals with with AD. This pattern of findings is difficult to
AD showed significant deficits in emotion processing explain and the modest interactions may be a feature
ability, by comparison with healthy older adult of small numbers of errors rather than reflecting
controls, primarily for prosodic tasks. However, some significant feature of emotion discrimination
overall, emotion-processing ability was preserved performance in AD, per se.
relative to general cognitive ability in AD. This is in Facial Affect Naming appeared to be unproblem-
marked contrast to the findings of Cadieux & Greve atic for the AD group, whereas Emotional Prosody
(1997), in whose study individuals with AD demon- Naming proved more difficult. However, both
strated preserved emotional prosody processing groups found the Prosody Naming Task more
relative to healthy controls but impaired facial affect difficult than the equivalent Facial Affect Naming
processing. They argued that this was a result of the task. This may reflect a general finding that prosody
differences between facial and prosody tasks used in tasks are simply more difficult than equivalent facial
both studies. The facial stimuli were ‘still’ photo- affect tasks, perhaps reflecting the requirement for
graphs, and thus presented emotions as static visual processing in multiple structures which are distrib-
patterns. In contrast, the prosodic stimuli were uted within both the left and right hemispheres
dynamic, audiotaped expressions, in which the task (Adolphs, 2002).
Emotion processing in Alzheimer’s disease 229

Facial Affect Selection and Matching also proved Different emotions

more problematic for those with AD than HOA
controls; with Selection more difficult than Match- When comparing discrimination ability for the differ-
ing. It is possible that these differences reflect a ent emotions, only facial tasks involving ‘happiness’
difference in task demands, since, in Selection, the judgements gave rise to significantly more errors in
participant must choose a face that matches a verbal the AD than the HOA group: although, overall error
label, whereas, in Matching, they must match two rates were very low. Indeed, total errors for ‘sadness’,
emotional faces. Indeed, it may be argued that there ‘anger’, ‘fear’ and ‘neutral’ emotions were the same
is no one-to-one correspondence of an emotion word as or greater than for ‘happiness’ in both groups. It
to a facial expression, making the selection task should be noted, however, that individuals from
considerably more difficult than the matching task. both the HOA and AD groups found some of the
As Russell (1995) and Ekman (1994) have both facial fear judgements problematic. This was reflected
proposed, emotion words, such as anger, are short- in particular in comments made by individuals with
hand for entire ‘scripts’ which include a collection of AD, for example: ‘She looks surprised, but I don’t
events and processes, including physiological and have that on my list’; ‘I want to say surprised, but it is
motor responses, memories, thoughts, images and not here’.
information processing. It is interesting, therefore, Unfortunately, the FAB does not contain the
that despite differences between the groups on the emotions of ‘disgust’, ‘surprise’ or ‘contempt’,
two tasks, both groups responded similarly to the five which have been considered in other emotion proc-
different emotions across both modalities. By neces- essing research. Given that some of the participants
sity, emotion-processing tasks, of the type exempli- with AD wanted to choose ‘surprise’ for fear stimuli,
fied by the FAB have relied on participants future studies may wish to add these other emotions.
responding to verbal labels and verbal task demands. Nonetheless, there were no overall Group differences
Future research may wish to consider alternative in performance for fear stimuli either for facial or
methods of assessing emotion processing which prosodic tasks. This finding contrasts with a study
obviate the need to use verbal labels. These might in which AD participants found facial expressions of
include more sophisticated matching tasks in which fear and contempt more difficult to process than
participants are required to match a target facial controls (Lavenu et al., 1999). These findings are also
expression with one of a number of facial expressions intriguing when one considers the extensive evidence
each of which may vary in the intensity of the relating amygdala and temporal lobe damage to
emotion demonstrated. problems with responses to facial fear stimuli (e.g.,
In the cross-modal tasks, task complexity only Schmolck & Squire, 2001), although, damage to
magnified the problem for those with AD. Both temporal lobe structures, including the amygdala,
groups found Matching Emotional Faces to does not appear to be sufficient to produce deficits in
Emotional Prosody more difficult than the reverse recognizing emotions from prosody (e.g., Adolphs
matching. However, there were task differences in et al., 2001b). Given the known extent of histopatho-
memory load that may account for this apparent logical and atrophic damage to the amygdala in AD
difference in performance. In the Match Emotional (Braak & Braak, 1991; van Hoesen, 1997) more
Prosody to Emotional Faces task as soon as a marked deficits in the processing of facial fear stimuli
sentence is heard it can be matched with one of the were expected. However, the relationship between
faces. In the Match Emotional Face to Emotional the extent of amygdala damage and facial emotion
Prosody task, the participants had to hold all three processing deficits is not linear (Adolphs et al., 2001a;
sentences in memory before matching one of them to Shimokawa et al., 2001) and considerable variation
the target face. This suggestion is supported by the has been found between tasks (Schmolck & Squire,
finding that covarying out general cognitive ability 2001). In particular, despite relatively intact proces-
removed the significant Group difference. sing of facial stimuli showing fear in this study,
Finally, in the Conflicting Emotional Prosody task, Hamann, Monarch and Goldstein (2002) recently
all participants found sentences for which the found evidence of a marked impairment in fear
emotional tone conflicted with the meaning more conditioning in individuals with AD not associated
difficult to judge than those where the meaning and with the MMSE scores. This is, clearly, an area for
the tone were congruent. There was also a trend future research.
towards individuals with AD finding incongruency In sum, these findings confirm that some of the
relatively more difficult than congruency than HOA decrements in performance seen in previous studies
participants. Such incongruency may be common in of emotion processing in AD may have had more to
caring situations when, for example, a frustrated do with general cognitive deficits, than deficits in
caregiver says something to an individual with AD in emotion processing per se. This finding is also
an angry tone of voice, the meaning of which is supported by the work of Roudier et al., (1998)
meant to be pleasant. Indeed, incongruency may be who found preservation in discrimination of emo-
magnified since face, voice and meaning may all tional facial expression. However, Roudier et al.,
conflict. (1998) also found that identity discrimination was
230 R. S. Bucks & S. A. Radford

impaired in AD; a finding not supported by this own care (Downs, 1997; Post, 2001; Woods, 2001),
study. Consideration of the specific tests used offers who retain a sense of self long into the disease
some explanations. In the FAB all the faces used in process (Mills & Coleman, 1994; Sabat & Harre,
the Facial Identity Discrimination Task were neutral. 1992). To accumulating evidence that both the self
In Roudier et al., (1998) the faces contained the same and the expression of emotion (Magai et al., 1996)
or a different emotion. Two possible explanations are preserved even late into AD, can now be added
arise from this difference. The first is that individ- the possibility that the perception of emotions is also
uals with AD have difficulties with Facial Identity relatively preserved. Understanding these factors
Discrimination but only when faces are presented provides support for a large number of interventions.
with different emotions. The second is that the On a day-to-day level, relative preservation of the
participants in the study by Roudier et al., (1998) comprehension of emotions in others provides an
were confused about the nature of the task. In the opportunity to improve communication. Firstly, this
study by Roudier et al., (1998), participants were substantiates the importance of emphasizing the non-
required to attend to facial identity whilst ignoring verbal (both facial and prosodic) qualities of commu-
emotional expression and this may have led partici- nications in order to improve understanding in people
pants to believe they must distinguish between faces with AD. It also highlights the importance of keeping
on the basis of emotion as well as identity. Our content and affect congruent. Finally, carers may be
findings suggest the latter explanation. Our findings encouraged to pay more attention to the person with
are consistent, however, with a study by Shimokawa AD’s own emotional expression as it may be more
et al., (2000), in which participants with AD reliably meaningful than their words: both because it
performed better on a test of emotional comprehen- reflects their pre-morbid personality (Magai et al.,
sion using cartoons than participants with vascular 1997) and because it may well be a response to
dementia. accurate perceptions of emotions in others.
Clearly, these principles can be applied in all
caring settings, through general communication to
Implications for care specific interventions. For example, the relative
preservation of emotion processing and emotional
The evidence from this study suggests that, while expression also supports the growing number of
those suffering from mild-to-moderate AD may be psychological interventions being offered to individ-
impaired on tasks of general cognitive ability, they uals with AD. In mild stages of the disease these
retain much of their ability to recognize non-verbal might include support groups (LaBarge & Trtanj,
emotional cues in faces and voices. These findings 1995; Snyder, Quayhagen & Shepherd, 1995),
have implications both for the behavioural presenta- psychotherapy, including grief or loss work (Bender
tion of the individual and for clinical interventions. & Cheston, 1997), or cognitive-behavioural inter-
In another study in AD, performance on a series of ventions (see Cheston, 1998 for a review; Scholey &
emotional comprehension tasks was a good predictor Woods, 2003). Viewed from such a perspective,
of an ‘interpersonal behaviour’ measure (assessing traditional therapies such as validation (Feil, 1993),
indifference to interpersonal relationships and diffi- or reminiscence (Greene, Ingram & Johnson, 1993),
culty in treatment or management) as rated by care along with physical therapies such as massage and
staff (Shimokawa, et al., 2001). By contrast, the music or sensory stimulation (Pollack & Namazi,
MMSE was not a good predictor of these behaviours. 1992; Spaull, Leach & Frampton, 1998) gain new
Behavioural disturbance is often seen as a key legitimacy; previously a problem despite their clear
stressor for caregivers. It is an important considera- benefits ( James & Ballard, 2001). In addition, the
tion that this disturbance may arise, not as a results published here support newer approaches
consequence of the severity of the cognitive deficit such as the Interacting Cognitive subsystems (ICS)
that individuals experience, but as a result of the model ( James, 2001). The ICS model proposes that
degree to which they can understand and, perhaps, language based, conscious awareness is only one
predict the emotions of others. form of awareness, and that most cognitive informa-
Psychological approaches to AD have an extensive tion is processed using non-language based systems.
history based on ‘management’, with the aim of The ICS emphasizes the importance of non-verbal
ameliorating certain aspects of the disorder, decreas- skills. Indeed, the ICS model, as applied to indi-
ing disability and the frequency of behavioural viduals with dementia, asserts that ‘it is often not the
difficulties (Woods & Britton, 1985), and interven- content of the speech that determines the discus-
tions have historically targeted these aspects of the sant’s feeling about a conversation, but how the infor-
disease, to the exclusion of other concomitant mation is conveyed (speaker’s tone, body posture,
difficulties (Kitwood, 1997). Over the last 10 years, facial expression)’ ( James, 2001a, pp. 33). Finally,
however, there has been a growing shift of emphasis even when intervening at a more cognitive level,
away from managing the individual as if they are a clinicians may be able to devise interventions using
passive recipient of both the disease and our care of implicit memory, which is also relatively preserved
them, to seeing them as active participants in their in AD (Backman, 1996) using retrieval cues provided
Emotion processing in Alzheimer’s disease 231

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