2G Paging Formula

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I would like to propose some action plan in order to improve PSR in Sukabumi Area.

Methodology &
action plan which used during this analysis as below:

1. Calculating Paging load per LAC with formula = Maximum Paging delivered / Maximum Paging
Capability per Hour, where:
a. Maximum Paging delivered used from  max A330:Delivered Paging Messages for CS
Service (none) from last 2 weeks
b. Maximum Paging Capability = # of Paging block * Delivering Subscriber address method
(TMSI / IMSI) * # of Frame number on CCCH * 3600

- Theoretically, # of paging block in Non-combined BCCH is 9 sharing block (PCH + AGCH)

while 1 block is reserved for AGCH (Can be set through BSAGBLKRES). So in Non
combined BCCH, maximum paging block only 5 block (with assumption another half of
multi-frame block is used by AGCH)
- On extended BCCH, all CCCH block can be used for PCH, because AGCH is already config
on Main BCCH multi-frame
- Delivering Subscriber address is having 2 methodology, which are TMSI (4 message per
paging request) and IMSI (2 message per paging request).
- # of frame number on CCCH = # of FN in 1 multiframe = 4 FN
- So, maximum paging capability per hour in 1 LAC =
 Without Extended BCCH = 5*4*4*3600 = 288000 Paging Message
 With Extended BCCH = 9*4*4*3600 = 518400 Paging Message

2. Using above methodology, found 8 LAC which exceed Paging Capability which impacting high
Paging Expires & Paging deletion
Total Cell Maximum Paging
# of Cell Maximum Average Paging Average Paging Paging
LAC Having Capability per
Configured Paging Expires on BH Deletion on BH Load
BCH Hour
8771 42 288000 278517 33932.4 136.4 96.7
8773 60 288000 259847 1473.7 19.7 90.2
8774 72 288000 324087 52476.8 6396.6 112.5
9246 60 59 518400 475782 700.2 12.9 91.7
9247 66 54 518400 698076 233388.1 25088.6 134.6
9248 96 90 518400 583732 73593.5 18823.3 112.6
9271 60 288000 276408 11760.8 224.9 95.9
9300 114 114 518400 645972 45098.2 3554.6 124.6

3. On 4 LAC, there is still having possibility to expand Paging capability per LAC, because still having
no extended BCCH while on another 4 LAC is need to be splitting or rebalancing to reduce
paging load

4. Since characteristic of Paging message is point to multipoint in 1 LA, so maximum paging

capacity in 1 cell should be same. Means that all cell should be have same CCCH block /
Extended BCCH. There are found 5 LAC which still have imbalance paging capacity per cell. I
attached proposal to add extended BCCH on cell

5. Also in 4 LAC is propose for splitting or rebalancing LAC (Attached for detail data) to improve
PSR with prediction after splitting & add extended BCCH as below:
Current Total Max
Maximum Maximum Paging
Maximum Average Paging Weighting Pag
LAC Paging per Paging per Load
Paging Expires on BH Factor after Deli
Hour(Before) Hour(After) Before
Delivered Splitting Pred
8771 288000 518400 278517 33932.4 96.71%
8773 288000 518400 259847 1473.7 90.22%
8774 288000 518400 324087 52476.8 112.53%
9246 518400 518400 475782 700.2 91.78% -25.12% 3
9247 518400 518400 698076 233388.1 134.66% -61.26% 2
9248 518400 518400 583732 73593.5 112.60% -36.61% 3
9249 518400 518400 114025 10691.5 22.00% 25.12% 2
9250 518400 #DIV/0! 36.61% 2
9251 518400 #DIV/0! 61.26% 4
9271 288000 518400 276408 11760.8 95.98%
9300 518400 518400 645972 45098.2 124.61% -44.96% 3
9301 288000 518400 13052 0.0 4.53% 44.96% 3

Below is LAC border after LAC splitting proposal

If You’re agree, kindly please need your help to follow up to Core & Billing to register new CGI, before
we implement on Radio side, otherwise for add Extended BCCH can execute immediately after your

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