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Experiment No: 1
To study Environmental management system and its sustainability in the
context of ISO 14000.

ISO 14000 is a family of standards related to environmental
management that exists to help organizations
 Minimize how their operations (processes etc.) negatively
affect the environment (i.e. cause adverse changes to air, water,
or land);
 Comply with applicable laws, regulations, and other
environmentally oriented requirements
 Continually improve in the above
ISO has a multi-faceted approach to meeting the needs of all
stakeholders from business, industry, governmental authorities and
nongovernmental organizations, as well as consumers, in the field of the environment.
1. ISO has developed standards that help organizations to take a proactive approach to managing
environmental issues: the ISO 14000 family of environmental management standards which
can be implemented in any type of organization in either public or private sectors – from
companies to administrations to public utilities.
2. ISO is helping to meet the challenge of climate change with standards for greenhouse gas
accounting, verification and emissions trading, and for measuring the carbon footprint of
3. ISO develops normative documents to facilitate the fusion of business and environmental goals
by encouraging the inclusion of environmental aspects in product design.
4. ISO offers a wide-ranging portfolio of standards for sampling and test methods to deal with
specific environmental challenges. It has developed some 570 International Standards for the
monitoring of such aspects as the quality of air, water and the soil, as well as noise, radiation,
and for controlling the transport of dangerous goods. They also serve in a number of countries
as the technical basis for environmental regulations.

Development of the ISO 14000 series:

The ISO 14000 family includes most notably the ISO 14001 standard, which represents the
core set of standards used by organizations for designing and implementing an effective environmental
management system. Other standards included in this series are ISO 14004, which gives additional
guidelines for a good environmental management system, and more specialized standards dealing with
specific aspects of environmental management.
The major objective of the ISO 14000 series of norms is
"to promote more effective and efficient environmental management in organizations
and to provide useful and usable tools - ones that are cost effective, system-based, flexible and
reflect the best organizations and the best organizational practices available for gathering,
interpreting and communicating environmentally relevant information".
Unlike previous environmental regulations, which began with command and control
approaches, later replaced with ones based on market mechanisms, ISO 14000 was based on a
voluntary approach to environmental regulation (Szymanski & Tiwari 2004). The series includes the
ISO 14001 standard, which provides guidelines for the establishment or improvement of an EMS. The
standard shares many common traits with its predecessor ISO 9000, the international standard of
quality management (Jackson 1997), which served as a model for its internal structure (National

Academy Press 1999) and both can be implemented side by side. As with ISO 9000, ISO 14000 acts
both as an internal management tool and as a way of demonstrating a company’s environmental
commitment to its customers and clients (Boiral 2007).
ISO 14001 standard:
ISO 14001 sets out the criteria for an
environmental management system. It does not state
requirements for environmental performance, but maps out
a framework that a company or organization can follow to
set up an effective environmental management system. It
can be used by any organization that wants to improve
resource efficiency, reduce waste and drive down Ecosts.
Using ISO 14001 can provide assurance to company management and employees as well as external
stakeholders that environmental impact is being measured and improved. ISO 14001 can also be
integrated with other management functions and assists companies in meeting their environmental and
economic goals.
ISO 14001 is known as a generic management system standard, meaning that it is relevant to any
organization seeking to improve and manage resources more effectively. This includes:
 Single site to large multi-national companies
 High risk companies to low risk service organizations
 Manufacturing, process and the service industries; including local governments
 All industry sectors including public and private sectors
 Original equipment manufacturers and their suppliers.
All standards are periodically reviewed by ISO to ensure they still meet market requirements.
Basic principles and methodology:
1. Plan – establish objectives and processes required
2. Do – implement the processes
3. Check – measure and monitor the processes and report results
4. Act – take action to improve performance of EMS based on results
5. Continual Improvement Process
ISO 14001 was developed primarily to assist companies with a framework for better
management control that can result in reducing their environmental impacts. In addition to
improvements in performance, organizations can reap a number of economic benefits including higher
conformance with legislative and regulatory requirements (Sheldon 1997) by adopting the ISO
1. By minimizing the risk of regulatory and environmental liability fines and improving
an organization’s efficiency (Delmas 2001), benefits can include a reduction in waste
and consumption of resources, and operating costs.
2. Secondly, as an internationally recognized standard, businesses operating in multiple
locations across the globe can leverage their conformance to ISO 14001, eliminating
the need for multiple registrations or certifications (Hutchens 2010).
3. Thirdly there has been a push in the last decade by consumers, for companies to adopt
better internal controls, making the incorporation of ISO 14001 a smart approach for
the long term viability of businesses. This can provide them with a competitive
advantage against companies that do not adopt the standard (Potoki & Prakash, 2005).
This in turn can have a positive impact on a company’s asset value (Van der Deldt,
1997). It can lead to improved public perceptions of the business, placing them in a
better position to operate in the international marketplace (Potoki & Prakash 1997;
Sheldon 1997)

4. The use of ISO 14001 can demonstrate an innovative and forward thinking approach to
customers and prospective employees. It can increase a business’s access to new
customers and business partners. In some markets it can potentially reduce public
liability insurance costs.
5. It can serve to reduce trade barriers between registered businesses (Van der Deldt,
1997). There is growing interest in including certification to ISO 14001 in tenders for
public-private partnerships for infrastructure renewal. Evidence of value in terms of
environmental quality and benefit to the taxpayer has been shown in highway projects
in Canada.

Conformity Assessment:
ISO 14001 can be used in whole or in part to help an organization, for profit or not-for-profit,
better manage its relationship with the environment. If all the elements of ISO 14001 are incorporated
into the management process, the organization may opt to prove that it has achieved full alignment or
conformity with the international standard, ISO 14001, by using one of four recognized options.
These are,
1. make a self-determination and self-declaration, or
2. seek confirmation of its conformance by parties having an interest in the organization, such as
customers, or
3. seek confirmation of its self-declaration by a party external to the organization, or
4. seek certification/registration of its environmental management system by an external
ISO does not control conformity assessment; its mandate is to develop and maintain standards. ISO
has a neutral policy on conformity assessment. One option is not better than the next. Each option
serves different market needs. The adopting organization decides which option is best for them, in
conjunction with their market needs.
ISO 14001 Use in Supply Chains:
There are many reasons why ISO 14001 should be potentially attractive to supply chain
managers including the use of the voluntary standard to guide the development of integrated systems,
its requirement for supply chain members in industries such as automotive and aerospace, the potential
of pollution prevention leading to reduced costs of production and higher profits, its alignment with
the growing importance of corporate social responsibility, and an ISO registered system may provide
firms with a unique environmental resource, capabilities and benefits that lead to competitive
Emerging areas of research
are starting to address the use of this standard to show that ISO 14001 registration can be
leveraged across the supply chain for competitive advantage.[8] By looking at ISO 14001 registered
firms, information from the study compared different amounts of integration and sustainability in the
supply chain. Several research propositions and an empirical framework posit the impacts of ISO
14001 on supply chain design.
The propositions include:
 ISO registration leading to more proactive environmental management including process and
performance measurement related to sustainability across a supply chain;
 That ISO registered plants with formal environmental management systems will have higher
levels of communication required between OEMs and Tier I suppliers;
 ISO registered plants with direct relationships to other registered plants in their supply chain
will have higher levels of waste reduction and cost efficiency than nonregistered plants;

 ISO registered plants with direct relationships to other registered plants in the supply chain will
have sustainable practices and projects with better ROI than nonregistered firms;
 ISO registered plants with direct relationships to other registered plants will have higher levels
of customer relationship management and will be positively associated with greater expansion
opportunities and image than nonregistered plants;
 ISO registered plants with direct relationships to other registered plants will have fewer issues
with employee health and reduced numbers of safety incidents than nonregistered plants;
 ISO registered plants with a direct relationship to other registered plants will have a strong
positive relationship between formal communication, training, monitoring/control systems and
firm performance; and
 ISO registered plants with a direct relationship to other registered plants will have higher levels
of involvement and communication, which will be positively related to more internal and
external integration with supply chain members.
List of ISO 14000 series standards

ISO 14001 Environmental management systems—Requirements with guidance for use

ISO 14004 Environmental management systems—General guidelines on principles, systems and
support techniques
ISO 14006 Environmental management systems—Guidelines for incorporating ecodesign
ISO 14015 Environmental assessment of sites and organizations
ISO 14020 series (14020 to 14025) Environmental labels and declarations
ISO 14030 discusses post production environmental assessment
ISO 14031 Environmental performance evaluation—Guidelines
ISO 14040 series (14040 to 14049), Life Cycle Assessment, LCA, discusses pre-production planning
and environment goal setting.
ISO 14050 terms and definitions.
ISO 14062 discusses making improvements to environmental impact goals.
ISO 14063 Environmental communication—Guidelines and examples
ISO 14064 Measuring, quantifying, and reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions.
ISO 19011 which specifies one audit protocol for both 14000 and 9000 series standards together.

1- Environmental management by ISO ( ISBN 978-92-67-10500-0 )

Experiment No: 2
Costing method for estimation of repair and maintenance expenses for any
given task.

Estimating maintenance work is defined as

“The process of predicting probable costs of any physical change in plant equipment or
facilities. A physical change may be the relocation or replacement of machinery or the cleaning, oiling,
adjusting, or repairing of machinery, and so on”.
The success and effectiveness of a maintenance operation depends to a large degree on the
accuracy and timeliness of estimating. Control of labor costs may be accomplished by targeting on
estimated standards set by management to limit overtime, regulate crew size, and provide a full work
load. Make or buy decisions, methods improvements, and overall management cost controls are
necessarily based on some form of estimating. Even projects which do not depend on estimates for
their development and execution require estimates for justification and management approval.
A maintenance cost estimate is based on two areas of information:
1- The type or classification of the job and
2- The end use to which the estimate will be put.
Classifying the job and obtaining full information about its specifications is the first prerequisite. It is
necessary to know the job priority or urgency, work content, and general conditions under which the
work will be performed. How the estimate will be used is the second prerequisite. Together, these
major factors will determine who will do the estimating, how the estimate will be made, the amount of
detail required, and specific techniques to be followed.
Maintenance supervisors often feel that all their work is emergency work and that
consequently both planning and estimating are impractical. In order to avoid the obvious limitations
which result from this position, it is important to have a realistic appraisal of the classifications of
work in each individual plant. This means that the real emergencies must be separated from the work
which can be planned. Careful consideration of each of the following general classifications will show
that at least some of the maintenance work in every plant can be considered as “planned or repetitive.”
These items can be planned and estimated as accurately as the end use of the estimate requires.

Planned and Repetitive Maintenance:

1- Repetitive repair or replacement of specific items, such as belts, bearings, motors, filters, and
2- Scheduled routine work, such as oiling, cleaning, housekeeping, and inspection
3- Spare-parts production and overhaul
4- Planned equipment overhaul
5- Building and facility repairs
6- Assigned area service
7- Planned non-repetitive replacements and repairs
8- Relocations
9- Modifications
10- Equipment improvements
11- Repairs on noncritical or lightly loaded equipment that can be economically shut down
12- scheduled repair

The extent of estimating and consequent estimating expense which is justified for a
particular situation depends primarily on the end use of the estimate. An easy method for
determining relative accuracy requirements is provided by a guide list of uses. The following
list is arranged in approximate order of increasing demand for accuracy. It should always be
considered along with other criteria for selecting an estimating method.
1- Determination of the extent of approvals required (example: over or under $500?)
2- Evaluation of work-order backlog
3- Long-range forecasting
4- Evaluation of equipment-purchase recommendations
5- Evaluation of method proposals
6- Make-or-buy decisions—limited annual dollar volume
7- Critical-path scheduling
8- Monthly schedules and work-load forecasts
9- Plant wide cost-control reports of work performance
10-Weekly schedules and manpower assignments
11-Departmental cost-control reports
12-Plant wide group incentive
13-Individual cost-control reports
14-Daily manpower assignments and work schedules
15-Make-or-buy decisions—high annual volume
16-Departmental group weekly incentives
17-Small-group daily incentive
18-Individual weekly incentive
19-Individual daily incentive
The initial task for the estimator, regardless of which of the following techniques will be used,
is a thorough analysis of the job. Analysis literally means resolution into elements or constituent parts.
This is the most important tool the estimator can use. The most complex major project becomes
merely a series of typical jobs when it is divided into its component parts. Without proper analysis,
most estimating procedures would be useless.
1- Judgment
2- Slotting
3- Standards per Unit
4- Quick read Estimating for Labor and Crew Assignments
5- PERT Statistical Approach
6- Estimating the Cost of Deferring Maintenance
From the foregoing discussions on estimating methods for maintenance, it can be seen that a
wide variety of techniques may be used for estimating labor cost. It is very important to select
the most appropriate method for each situation in order to minimize estimating cost input yet
develop the accuracy level required.
As an aid to the development of an estimating program, the guide chart summarizes the
criteria for selecting the best method for estimating labor cost. The major criteria used are the
prerequisites for estimating: (1) classification of and knowledge about the job and (2) end use
of the estimate.
When using the chart, first consider the purpose for which the estimate is to be used and
then select the column whose heading best describes the end use of the estimate. Second,

considering the knowledge about the job and the extent of planning done or to be done, select
the grouping in the left hand column which best describes the situation. The most appropriate
estimating techniques are indicated for the combination of purpose and job information


Estimating material cost for maintenance and repair work is relatively more precise and
straightforward than estimating labor cost. As a result, we frequently find extremely fine details and
absolute accuracy in material estimates, even where the vague nature of accompanying labor estimates
places the combination of both factors in a rough approximation class. While the savings potential
involved in controls which are based on accurate estimates of labor is nearly always substantial, the
potential for reducing material cost is usually much less.
Another practical method for estimating material is to establish ratios based on labor estimates.
Establishing the ratios requires four basic steps.

1- Accumulate actual material and labor cost data for a large number of jobs covering a variety of
2- Classify the jobs using natural division which can be easily determined.
3- Calculate the average ratio of material cost to labor cost for each job classification.
4- Analyze the deviation from the average. If the deviation is excessive, the classifications can be
divided more finely.
Preliminary analysis in estimating overhead cost requires the answer to three questions:
 What is the purpose of the estimate?
 How accurate is the information about the job?
 Is an estimate of overhead cost really necessary?
Careful consideration of overhead cost is necessary when the estimate is to be used for a decision
regarding “make or buy.” In many cases, the final decision on whether to make a particular part in the
maintenance shop or to buy it from an outside supplier will depend greatly on the treatment of
overhead. Distribution of cost to various cost centers within a particular facility may be another reason
for requiring careful treatment of overhead-cost estimating. In most other situations, the application of
an overhead rate to the estimated labor cost for a maintenance job is probably unnecessary and can be
very misleading.

1- Maintenance Engineering Handbook 7th edition - R. Mobley, et al., (McGraw-Hill,
2008) BBS

Experiment No: 3
Manipulate Occupational safety & health aspects (OHSA) and its factors
with the perspective of industry.

Occupational safety and health (also commonly referred to as occupational health and safety) is an
area concerned with protecting the safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work or
employment. The goals of occupational safety and health programs include to foster a safe and healthy
work environment. OSH may also protect co-workers, family members, employers, customers, and
many others who might be affected by the workplace environment.
"Occupational health should aim at: the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical,
mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations; the prevention amongst workers of
departures from health caused by their working conditions; the protection of workers in their
employment from risks resulting from factors adverse to health; the placing and maintenance of the
worker in an occupational environment adapted to his physiological and psychological capabilities;
and, to summarize, the adaptation of work to man and of each man to his job”.
Occupational safety and health by industry
Specific occupational safety and health concerns vary greatly by sector and industry. Construction
workers might be particularly at risk of falls, for instance, whereas fishermen might be particularly at
risk of drowning. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics identifies the fishing, aviation, lumber,
metalworking, agriculture, mining and transportation industries as among some of the more dangerous
for workers.
Construction is one of the most dangerous occupations in the world, incurring more
occupational fatalities than any other sector in both the United States and in the European Union. In
2009, the fatal occupational injury rate among construction workers in the United States was nearly
three times that for all workers. Falls are one of the most common causes of fatal and non-fatal injuries
among construction workers.
Agriculture workers are often at risk of work-related injuries, lung disease, noise-induced
hearing loss, skin disease, as well as certain cancers related to chemical use or prolonged sun
exposure. On industrialized farms, injuries frequently involve the use of agricultural machinery. The
most common cause of fatal agricultural injuries in the United States is tractor rollovers, which can be
prevented by the use of roll over protection structures which limit the risk of injury in case a tractor
rolls over.
Service sector
The number of service sector jobs has risen in developed countries, more and more jobs have
become sedentary, presenting a different array of health problems than those associated with
manufacturing and the primary sector. Contemporary problems such as the growing rate of obesity and
issues relating to stress and overwork in many countries have further complicated the interaction
between work and health.
Mining and oil & gas extraction
According to data from the 2010 NHIS-OHS, workers employed in mining and oil & gas
extraction industries had high prevalence rates of exposure to potentially harmful work organization
characteristics and hazardous chemicals. Many of these workers worked long hours: 50% worked
more than 48 hours a week and 25% worked more than 60 hours a week in 2010. Additionally, 42%
worked non-standard shifts (not a regular day shift). These workers also had high prevalence of
exposure to physical/chemical hazards. In 2010, 39% had frequent skin contact with chemicals.
Among nonsmoking workers, 28% of those in mining and oil and gas extraction industries had
frequent exposure to secondhand smoke at work. About two-thirds were frequently exposed to vapors,
gas, dust, or fumes at work.
Management systems:
OHSAS 18000 is an international occupational health and safety management system
specification developed by the London-based BSI Group, a multinational business chiefly concerned
with the production and distribution of standards related services. OHSAS 18000 comprises two parts,

OHSAS 18001 and 18002 and embraces a number of other publications. OHSAS 18000 is the
internationally recognized assessment specification for occupational health and safety management
systems. It was developed by a selection of leading trade bodies, international standards and
certification bodies to address a gap where no third-party certifiable international standard exists. This
internationally recognized specification for occupational health and safety management system
operates on the basis of policy, planning, implementation and operation, checking and corrective
action, management review, and continual improvement
United Kingdom
Guidance note HSG65: Successful Health and Safety Management, published by the British
non-departmental public body Health and Safety Executive, promotes a systematic management of
health and safety through a six step system, policy, organizing, planning and implementing, measuring
performance, reviewing performance. These components are all linked to an audit system providing
for evaluation and a feedback loop to improve performance.[41] This systematic approach allows
flexibility for the company through good business planning to strategically apply resources according
to risk priorities.
Roles and responsibilities of OSH professionals:
The roles and responsibilities of OSH professionals vary regionally, but may include
evaluating working environments, developing, endorsing and encouraging measures that might
prevent injuries and illnesses, providing OSH information to employers, employees, and the
public, providing medical examinations, and assessing the success of worker health programs.
 Systematic evaluations of the working environment
 Endorsing preventative measures which eliminate reasons for illnesses in the work
 Giving information in the subject of employees’ health
 Giving information on occupational hygiene, ergonomics and also environmental and
safety risks in the work place
 Voluntary medical examinations
 A consulting room on the work environment for the workers
 Health check assessments (if needed for the job concerned
The main tasks undertaken by the OHS practitioner in the USA include:
 Develop processes, procedures, criteria, requirements, and methods to attain the best
possible management of the hazards and exposures that can cause injury to people, and
damage property, or the environment;
 Apply good business practices and economic principles for efficient use of resources to
add to the importance of the safety processes;
 Promote other members of the company to contribute by exchanging ideas and other
different approaches to make sure that everyone in the corporation possess OHS
knowledge and have functional roles in the development and execution of safety
 Assess services, outcomes, methods, equipment, workstations, and procedures by using
qualitative and quantitative methods to recognize the hazards and measure the related
 Examine all possibilities, effectiveness, reliability, and expenditure to attain the best
results for the company concerned
World Day for Safety and Health at Work
On April 28 The International Labour Organisation celebrates "World Day for Safety and Health"[72]
to raise awareness of safety in the workplace. Occurring annually since 2003,[73] each year it focuses
on a specific area and bases a campaign around the theme

3- A guide to occupational health and safety act ( ISBN 978-1-4606-0065-8 )

Experiment No: 4
Role of NEQS for the sake of industrial pollution in Pakistan and
implementation of law made by Government to get rid of pollution caused by

A pollution charge regime is being introduced in Pakistan as
a measure to achieve industrial compliance with the National
Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS). The modalities for the

implementation of the pollution charges have gone through a unique consultative process between
representatives of industry, government, environmental NGOs and academic researchers. The
consensus of all stakeholders has been to adopt a market based approach, i.e., a pollution charge or tax
combined with fiscal incentives to industries, rather than a use of core criminal procedures for
ensuring compliance with NEQS. Appreciable progress has been made towards operationalizing the
process and January 1999 has been fixed as the date for commencing implementation.
Although originally promulgated by the government in 1983, there had never been a concerted
effort to implement the NEQS until the Pakistan Environmental Protection Council (PEPC) was
reactivated in 1993 by Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, the Minister for Environment and husband of then Prime
Minister, Ms. Benazir Bhutto. Patronage at this level provided the necessary political support for
environmental concerns in the country and it was at this time that the Sustainable Development Policy
Institute (SDPI) suggested the use of a pollution charge, based on the German experience in pollution
control, and initiated discussions on modalities for implementation.
Somewhat skeptical at first of the use of such a market based instrument, government and
private sector representatives soon came to the realization that this was perhaps the most effective and
equitable way of ensuring compliance with NEQS. There are obvious obstacles in the transition to
more sustainable industrial production, not least of which is the exorbitant cost of new technology,
lack of technical know-how or expertise, insufficient credit availability, and the already weak financial
health of the industrial sector. Faced with these problems, it has been a challenging task to convince
industry, especially the non-exporting sectors, to comply with new environmental standards.
Nevertheless, there has been a growing awareness amongst industry of the needs and benefits of going
green with special efforts from organizations such as APTPMA FPCCI, OCAC and OICCI.

APTPMA: All Pakistan Textile Processing Mills Association

OCAC: Oil Companies Advisory Committee.
FPCCI: Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry
OICCI: Overseas Investors Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Review of National Environmental Quality Standards

Negotiations began with a review of the NEQS themselves. Considerable objections were
raised by the private sector that these had not been developed through public consultation and,
therefore, some of the standards were unrealistic. A technical committee was formed to address
specific objections against each of the parameters in question. This review process resulted in the
rationalization of the NEQS with input from industry. The revision process is likely to continue as
more suggestions for changes to specific parameters continue to be received and industry specific
standards are developed. Because of the high toxicity of certain pollutants, however, industry specific
NEQS are likely to be more stringent than those currently applicable. In comparison with other
developing countries with a similar industrial base, these standards are neither too stringent nor too

relaxed. The intention was to begin with realistic limits in view of the prevailing conditions in the
industrial sector and to have the possibility to tighten these further in due course of time.
Concept of Pollution Charge
The concept of the pollution charge is a key element of the implementation program. As
mentioned before, it was introduced after extensive discussions with businesses, government, and the
private industrial sector, in response to concerns that the NEQS should not be enforced on existing
industrial units through coercive criminal procedures. According to the present proposal, the charge
would be calculated on the basis of a pollution load measured in pollution units. The principle of this
concept lies in the assumption that the charge should be high enough to induce industry to clean up its
act. In other words, the net cost of the cleanup should be less than the pollution charge. Such a charge
would ensure that those who introduce cleanup activities do not suffer relative to those who persist
with dirty production methods.
Formula for Pollution Charge Calculations
A number of proposals were reviewed extensively for determination of pollution charges. It was
 The proposal should be an equitable, simple, and workable approach towards establishment of
pollution charges,
 It will ensure real progress towards making the industry environmentally friendly without
jeopardizing the economic growth in the country,
 Industry should be allowed sufficient time in which to prepare for compliance with NEQS. In
addition, the ESC had agreed that:
Information is mentioned below
a) The level of pollution charge will be established through a process of negotiations.
b) The level of pollution charge should initially be such that the industry should feel the impact,
but should not be excessive such that the financial health of the concern is jeopardized.
c) The system should be applied uniformly across all industrial sectors. Industry specific
application is not recommended
The initial proposal submitted by SDPI recommended linking the pollution charge to the cost of
effluent cleanup. Another variation of this proposal suggested linking it to the cost of environmental
damage caused. In either case, a gradual increase was recommended so that industry would be induced
to adopt cleaner production methods and technology over time.
An alternative proposal circulated by FPCCI proposed to levy pollution charges on the basis of
pollution loads depending on the size and type of industry. Industries were categorized into three sets
according to pollution treatment technologies: (i) parameters to be covered under primary and
secondary treatment, (ii) secondary and chemical recovery treatment, (iii) recovery and re-use
technologies. The proposal divided the NEQS list according to these three categories and estimated
cleanup costs for these respectively.

Agreement on the Pollution Charge Amount

Irrespective of the formula or determination procedure applied, the base rate or the actual rupee
amount per unit of pollution would obviously be the determining factor to ensure a transition towards
cleaner production. Clearly this was to be an immensely critical and expectedly controversial decision
for all concerned. Numerous discussions took place and the ultimate responsibility of democratically
arriving at the figure was placed in the hands of industry under the leadership of FPCCI.
A major issue before the Environmental Standards Committee was the absence of an adequate
monitoring capacity in the EPAs, and in the government more generally. Industry representatives were
skeptical of the transparency and fairness of any system that relied primarily on monitoring by a
limited number of overburdened and undertrained governmental inspectors. The government

representatives also felt that the current capacity of the monitoring agencies was considerably short of
the demands likely to be placed upon it.
Mode of Collection and Use of Funds
While the modalities of collection and disbursement of funds are still being worked out, the basic
principles have also been agreed to after exhaustive discussions between industry representatives and
the government. Ever since it was agreed that the money collected as pollution charges would be made
available for environmental services to benefit industry.
Use of Pollution Charge
Money collected will be used primarily for activities that will help in abatement of environmental
pollution through the following activities:
 provision of soft loans for the purchase of pollution treatment equipment,
 installation of combined effluent treatment plants in industrial estates,
 research and analysis in support of pollution abatement,
 round tables, conferences, workshops for pollution abatement,
 provision of incentives to develop indigenous technology for pollution control,
 training and advisory services for industry.

Financial Incentives for Industry

Following extensive negotiations with the government in the ESC, the Pakistan Environmental
Protection Council approved a detailed proposal for provision of fiscal incentives to industry for
pollution abatement or compliance with NEQS. The current status of these incentive measures as
reported by the Federal EPA is shown below

Agreed Recommendations Current Status

a) National Development Finance a) State Bank regretted to extend the credit
Corporation may be designated as the DFI line to industry through NDFC for this
for channeling soft-term credit to purpose.
industries for environmental purposes. b) Presently pollution equipment are
b) Purchase of equipment for pollution subjected to 10% customs duty with no
abatement may be given the most favored regulatory duty.
treatment, i.e. 10%, with regard to import c) No action has been taken.
duty, sales tax, and no regulatory duty. Recommendations for the next financial
c) Most favored tax treatment may be year have been made.
extended to those developing indigenous d) This proposal has been deferred due to the
technology for pollution control. current financial constraints of the
d) The amount collected from pollution government.
charges and other sources for the
Provincial Environmental Trust Funds
may be matched by proportional grants
from the government
e) The use of the Provincial Environmental e) This may be considered for incorporation
Trust Funds may be decided by the into the draft rules.
respective governing boards in accordance f) Existing depreciation of plant/machinery
with the guidelines laid down in the is allowable as follows: normal
recommendations of the Environmental depreciation 10% initial depreciation
Standards Committee. 25% extra depreciation for double shifts
f) Provision of accelerated depreciation of 50% triple shift 100%
antipollution equipment within three years

for income tax purposes

Increasing Technical Capacity

Effective implementation of this program requires increased technical capacity in the private
sector as well as of government monitoring agencies. Information and experiences of industry in other
countries will be of use as options and improvements are identified in Pakistan. EPAs need greater
technical capacity and trained manpower to monitor compliance of industrial emissions with NEQS.
The EPAs are currently in the process of standardizing analytical sampling and testing procedures, and
draft regulations for certification of environmental laboratories have been prepared. All these efforts
must be accompanied by extensive training and awareness raising in industry, preferably, by a multi-
party initiative involving EPAs, relevant government departments, chambers of commerce and
industry, environmental NGOs and other national or international agencies. A detailed action plan for
implementation of the environmental monitoring program, including awareness and training for
industry, has recently been finalized by the Federal EPA and SDPI.
Role of Non-Governmental Organizations
The role of NGOs in this entire process has been a crucial one from the start and one that has been
acknowledged both by government and industry. PEPC’s appointment of the leader of an NGO (The
Aga Khan University) as President of the Environmental Standards Committee with SDPI (another
leading environmental NGO) as its secretariat is the first case in point. Secondly, the presence of
NGOs has provided an openness and transparency to the negotiation process, and has allowed a
balanced expression of opinions that catered to the interests of all concerned parties. Third, certain
NGOs are playing an important role in raising awareness not only within industry but also of the
public about the importance and need for environmental conservation. Fourth, a few NGOs working in
this sector such as IUCN and SDPI are making efforts to strengthen capacity of both the private sector
and the government (see section on increasing technical capacity above). Fifth, NGOs are expected to
have an important monitoring function in future implementation of the program. Sixth, the sharing of
technical expertise between the private sector, government and NGOs has resulted in an
unprecedented constructive partnership between these diverse entities.
The achievements of all these efforts have been significant. The establishment of a transparent, broad
based, national consultative process has been instrumental in moving the program for implementation
of NEQS as far as it has come. In fact, this experience is now being replicated at the provincial level in
the implementation of the industrial development component of the Sarhad Provincial Conservation
Strategy. The endorsement of the basic principles of the program and its simultaneous inclusion in the
Environmental Protection Act concretizes the initial move towards sustainable industrial development
in Pakistan.


APTMA: All Pakistan Textile Processing Mills Association
DFI: Development Finance Institution
EPA: Environmental Protection Agency
ESC: Environmental Standards Committee
ETPI: Environmental Technology Program for Industry
FPCCI: Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry
IUCN: The World Conservation Union
NDFC: National Development Finance Corporation
NEQS: National Environmental Quality Standards
NGOs: Non-Governmental Organizations
OCAC: Oil Companies Advisory Committee
OICCI: Overseas Investors Chamber of Commerce and Industry
PEPC: Pakistan Environmental Protection Council
PETFs: Provincial Environmental Trust Funds
PSDFs: Provincial Sustainable Development Funds
SDPI: Sustainable Development Policy Institute
TTSID: Technology Transfer for Sustainable Industrial Development

2- National Environmental Quality Standards (Self-Monitoring and Reporting by
Industries) Rules, 2001 by NEQS






It is the motion of body, about some reference position, caused by a force.

Purpose of Vibration Analysis
The vibration is analyzed in order to diagnose the different faults in a machine.

Types of Machine
There are two types of machines: Reciprocating machines & Rotating Machines.

In rotating motion a shaft rotates at certain speed (rpm) and this rotation motion is used
to analyze the vibration. Tachometer is used to measure the shaft rpm.

How Does Vibration Transmit?

The vibrations transmit in the form of sine-waves from point to point in a machine.
There are two types of wave form:

1) Time Wave Form: This wave form is between the amplitude (at y-axis) and
time (at x-axis).At a time it is only used to analyze one fault in a machine.

2) Frequency Wave Form: This wave form is between the amplitude (at y-axis)
and frequency (at x-axis). The Fourier series is used to get a frequency wave form. The
Frequency wave form is also known as spectrum. So spectrum is used to analyze
different faults as of spectrum is different for different faults.

o The amplitude is measured in displacement (mm), velocity (mm/s) & acceleration (mm/s2)
o The frequency is measured in Hz, cycle/sec (CPS) or cycle/min (CPM)

Diagnosis of Faults
In order to diagnose a fault, the rpm of shaft should be known. In addition to it, three
major things are also required:-

1) Vibration Analyzer: e.g. One proD (available in IME dept.)

2) Computer Software: e.g. MVP-2C XPR 300 (available in IME dept.)
3) Transducer: Accelerometer

Computer Vibration Transducer
Software Analyzer
(Loading a
Collection of data from
Analysis machine


o Disadvantage of Accelerometer: Temperature Sensitive Device

o Advantage of Accelerometer: Directly mounted to the machine.

It is an instrument used to measure the vibration depending upon the frequency and
amplitude. It produces a spectrum which is compared with the standard spectrums available
and then the cause of vibration is diagnosed.

Panels of Vibration Analyzer

 Mains
The instrument turns on automatically a few seconds after being connected to the mains
through the power supply module. If the battery level is too low, the charge starts and goes on
as long as the main screen is displayed.
When using a new battery, leave the battery in charge for about 10 hours in order to
achieve full charge. Do not use the instrument prior to 2-3 hours of charge.
To turn the instrument off, first disconnect it from the mains, and then press the
􀀰The battery is not recharged when the instrument is turned off.

To start the instrument again, first disconnect it and then connect it again.
 Battery

Once the battery is sufficiently charged, the instrument may operate on battery. Use the
key to turn the instrument on and off.
For more detailed information, refer to Chapter 12.
First power-up Page 8/32 User Manual – rev 1 MVP-2C

o On / Off key

The On/Off key enables the equipment to be switched on or off. Once this key has been
activated, a few seconds are necessary for the screen to display the first message.
􀀰 This key is not active when the instrument is connected to the mains. To start again
you should disconnect the instrument from the mains and then connect it again.

This key is also used to Reset OneproD MVP-2C (see Section5.12)
o Escape key

The Escape key enables the user to leave a screen without validating the measurement
or selection that he/she has carried out.
o Validation key

The Validation key enables the user to leave a screen whilst validating the selection or
measurement which he/she has just carried out.
o Alphanumeric keypad

The keyboard allows the input of numerical and alphanumeric data.

Numerical data can be entered directly without taking into account the other characters
Decimal point and – sign are located on each side of “0” key.
Alphanumeric data can be entered in the following manner. Press the key once, the first
character assigned to this key will appear, by pressing twice, the second character will be used,
and so on, thereby allowing all the available characters to be selected. Once the required
character is displayed, press the key corresponding to the next character.
If the next character is located on the same key, then move on by pressing the cursor
key : .
Keyboard Page 9/32 User Manual – rev 1 MVP-2C

o Help key

The Help key allows the user to gain access to help information at any time.
o Contrast key

Pressing the Contrast key modifies the contrast of the screen.

o Backlight key


To select screen backlight intensity. Two levels are available. A permanent use of the
higest level reduces battery operating time.
o Function keys

Five keys are located below the screen. They are used to activate the icon functions
displayed on the screen.
o Additionnal functions key

This key enables the user to view all the icons relating to the function keys, when these
are not all displayed simultaneously. Cette touche n’est active que si le dessin apparaît dans le
coin droit en bas de l'écran pour indiquer la présence de fonctions supplémentaires.
Keyboard Page 10/32 User Manual – rev 1 MVP-2C

o Cursor keys

These keys are used to:

Browse lists

o Next line:

o Previous line:

o Next page:

o Previous page:
Move cursor on spectrum or time wave display


o Fast motion: and

o Slow motion: and

o 5.11. Electronic Tag identification

In Collector mode this key is used to read electronic tags.

o Software reset in Collector mode

Hold down the key for at least 10 s.

During this operation, OneproD MVP-2C should not be connected to the mains.
This operation may need to be repeated several times.

Remark: this operation will not delete the stored data.


In order to take a reading following are the major steps:-
 Load a route
 Disconnect the vibration analyzer from the host computer
 Connect the vibration analyzer to the accelerometer
 Select a point and get the reading

Load a route
Steps to transfer Routes
 Three wires are connected with MVP-2C (vibration analyzer).
 One is for charging MVP-2C. Its one end is connected with power and
second with MVP-2C
 Second one is to connect MVP-2C with computer so that data can be
transferred to computer.
 Third one is to connect the MVP-2C to equipment (wheels and shaft) via
magnetic, cone or nuts. (As shown in collector module figure)
 For transferring routes there is no need of connecting 3rd one wire.
 Power on the computer.

 Press on the button on MVP-2C to switch on MVP-2C

 Go to collector module. (by pressing the button right below collector module


By pressing YES enter to next page. In collector module there are off routes
shown on screen. Never delete them. This screen allows the user to select a route from the

list of available routes. The selection is carried out using the and cursor
keys and the key .

 Enter into communication with PC mode indicated (by pressing the button

right below )

Then select YES

Open the software for vibration analyzer named XPR-300 v.3.05 on desktop. Enter password
BL1 for it.

 After opening, Right click on option Asset Hierarchy


 Then click on New and then click on Location

Then a dialogue box will open fill in the location name e.g Rachna

 Now right click on the Location newly built e.g Rachna, then click New and then


A dialogue box will open fill in with the name of the equipment e.g bearing. Then select Yes.
 Now click on New Equipment and then right click on Measurement Points. A dialogue
box will open. Fill in.


 Click on Operative Parameters, a dialogue box will open. Fill in the parameter you want
to measure like rotational speed.
Spectrum and Time Waves
 Right Click…. New signals Measurement Wave


 Right click on Equipment and choose Create Selection.

 Fill in Designation and Name.
 Click Acquisition on menu bar and select Off Line from the drop down list.
 Fill in Serial number.
 Now select the route, you want to transfer to MVP-2C.
 Click ok when transfer is completed.

 Never delete off routes in the collector module.
 Beware of laser light.

Disconnection and Connection

Disconnect the host computer and connect the accelerometer to the vibration analyzer,
in order to start taking the readings.


1. Three wires are connected with MVP-2C (vibration analyzer).

 One is for charging MVP-2C. Its one end is connected with power and second with
 Second one is to connect MVP-2C with computer so that data can be transferred to
 Third one is to connect the MVP-2C to equipment (wheels and shaft) via magnetic,
cone or nuts. (As shown in figure below)

1st Wire for charging

3rd wire for connecting with

testing equipment

2nd Wire for connecting

With computer via
usb connector

 For taking readings in collector module only wire no. 1 & 3 have to be attached.

2. Push down the RED button on equipment mode named

3. Push down the BLACK button on Telemecanique.
4. Press button to power on the equipment (wheels and shaft).
5. Rotate dimmer to slow / increase the speed.
6. Press to stop the equipment (wheels and shaft).

7. Press on the button on MVP-2C to power on the MVP-2C

8. Go to collector module. (by pressing the button right below collector module


9. Then enter into AUTO module by pressing button YES left to .

Then MVP-2C will show message sensor defect.

10. Then Select YES to proceed. Now MVP-2C will show the message “press
any key”. Now press any key.
11. Point laser light emitting from MVP-2C to the equipment (wheels and shaft), where
sensor is mounted via magnetic, cone or nuts.

12. Now Select UP and Down keys for new readings step by step
to measure temperature, displacement, velocity, acceleration and RPM.


To analyze the vibrational effect due to imbalance with the help of
OneproD and XPR 300.

Host computer (XPR 300), Vibration analyzer (OneproD, MVP-2C), Transducer
(accelerometer), Test bench.

“If center of rotation and center of gravity are at different points then part is

Causes of unbalancing
Unbalancing is generally associated with rotating parts and in some machines
associated with reciprocating parts.
Following are some causes of unbalancing:
Uneven distribution of mass due to
1) Functional parts
2) Temperature difference centrifugal force acts
3) Pitting in radially outwards
4) Built up mass
5) Inconsistency in material etc.

Spectrum and time wave form in case of unbalancing

When the fault is imbalance, then spectrum is obtained in radial direction only. This
means we will get only radial reading. The spectrum obtained is at 1X rpm frequency, where X
= rpm of shaft

For the analysis, the data is analyzed in its original value i-e, no expansion of data in
vertical direction & band width can be increased to overcome the complexity i-e., expansion in
horizontal direction. Both Spectrum and Time Waveform are analyzed
Spectrum Time Wave Form

1X rpm

f t
BW 1 cycle – 1 rev

 Imbalance occurs when center of mass differs from center of rotation, resulting in a
heavy spot on the rotor. The heavy spot produces a centrifugal force causing high
vibration amplitudes at frequency equal to 1xRPM (1xrotational speed) in spectral data
and a sinusoidal waveform in the time domain. In rigidly mounted machines amplitudes
will typically be highest in horizontal direction verses the vertical direction, although
raised amplitudes can also exist axially on overhang rotors. The imbalance amplitude
will increase by square of speed (when the running is below the first rotor critical
frequency). Typically a 90° phase difference will select between horizontal and vertical
readings at each bearing with pure imbalance problem.

Energy in spectrum
The energy in the spectrum is of three types:-
1) Synchronous
It is related with the turning speed and of 1X or 2X or harmonics.
e.g., imbalance, misalignment, gear mesh frequency

2) Non-Synchronous
It is not related with the turning speed and of greater than 1X.
e.g., Bearing Faults

3) Sub-Synchronous
It is also not related with the turning speed and of less than 1X.
e.g., Belt faults

To confirm
Following steps should be taken to confirm unbalancing fault:
1) Attach transducer at 3 different positions 90 degree apart.
2) Amplitude is mostly radial. Axial may be present but not significant.
3) By varying speed of machine unbalancing varies as unbalance force is proportional to
w² but misalignment does not vary.
4) Soft foot may cause unbalancing and misalignment. Loose the foundation bolts to
confirm the presence and absence of soft foot.


 Connect the vibration analyzer to the computer and set the parameters and transfer
route to OneproD as discussed in the introduction.
 Connect the accelerometer to the bearing assembly powered by motor.
 The accelerometer is mounted in the axial / radial direction.
 Motor is powered on.
 Any of the routes is loaded out of the available ones to take the readings. This
procedure is already outlined in the introduction.
 The reading is then analyzed from the spectrum obtained.




To analyze the vibrational effect due to misalignment with the help of
OneproD and XPR 300.

Host computer (XPR 300), Vibration analyzer (OneproD, MVP-2C), Transducer
(accelerometer), Test bench.

“If design of equipment consists of overlapping of axis of rotation of two
different parts but practically axis are not overlapping then misalignment exists.”

Types of misalignment
Misalignment can be of following types:
1) Off set misalignment
In offset misalignment the two axis of rotation are parallel to each other but do not

2) Angular misalignment
In angular misalignment the two axis of rotation intersect each other at one point.

3) Combination misalignment
Combination misalignment is combined result of angular misalignment and offset
Misalignment can be hot and cold misalignment.
 Misalignment occurs when the shaft centerlines of two directly mating components
meet at angle and/or offset from one another. Misalignment of couplings and bearings
typically results in high radial and/or axial vibration. Angular misalignment typically
produces raised axial amplitudes with a phase difference of 180 axially across
couplings. Offset misalignment typically produces high radial amplitudes with a phase
difference of 180 radially across the coupling. A misalignment problem typically
produce dominant frequencies at 1xRPM and/or 2xRPM, depending upon the degree of
angular misalignment versus offset misalignment, as well as the type and design of the
coupling. In situations where 1x RPM dominates due to misalignment problem, phase
readings are essential to distinguish from an imbalance problem. Waveforms typically
show repeatable periodic patterns with one or two clear cycles per-shaft revolution.

Spectrum and time wave form in case of misalignment
When the fault is OFFSET misalignment, then spectrum is obtained in radial direction
only. This means we will get only radial reading.
Similarly, when the fault is ANGULAR misalignment, then spectrum is obtained in
axial direction only. This means we will get only axial reading.

The Spectrum obtained can be of two types:-

 Either at 1X rpm or at 2X rpm frequency
 Both at 1X rpm and 2X rpm frequency

2X rpm

1X rpm

o Usually the amplitude of 1X rpm is lower than the amplitude of 2X rpm, where X is the
rpm of shaft. But the amplitude actually depends upon the design and type of coupling.

o When the spectrum obtained is in radial direction & is at 1X rpm then the time waveform
is drawn to differentiate the OFFSET misalignment from the imbalance.
Time Wave form

Impact pattern

1 cycle – 2 rev

Energy in spectrum
The energy in the spectrum is of three types:-
1) Synchronous
It is related with the turning speed and of 1X or 2X or harmonics
e.g., imbalance, misalignment, gear mesh frequency

2) Non-Synchronous
It is not related with the turning speed and of greater than 1X
e.g., Bearing Faults

3) Sub-Synchronous
It is also not related with the turning speed and of less than 1X
e.g., Belt faults

To confirm
Following steps should be taken to confirm misalignment fault:
1) Attach transducer at 3 different positions 90 degree apart.
2) Amplitude is mostly radial. Axial may be present but not significant.
3) By varying speed of machine unbalancing varies but misalignment does not vary.
4) When spectrum is at 1X, in order to differentiate between unbalancing and
misalignment fault loose the coupling bolts of the eccentric parts, they will adjust
themselves. Amplitude decreases by loosening.
5) Soft foot may cause unbalancing and misalignment. Loose the foundation bolts to
confirm the presence and absence of soft foot.


 Connect the vibration analyzer to the computer and set the parameters and transfer
route to OneproD as discussed in the introduction.
 Connect the accelerometer to the bearing assembly powered by motor.
 The accelerometer is mounted in the axial direction.
 Motor is powered on.
 Any of the routes is loaded out of the available ones to take the readings. This
procedure is already outlined in the previous experiment.
 The reading is then analyzed from the spectrum obtained.





To analyze the vibrational effect due to looseness fault with the help of
OneproD and XPR 300.

Host computer (XPR 300), Vibration analyzer (OneproD, MVP-2C), Transducer
(accelerometer), Test bench.

It is another cause of vibration.
Looseness can be:
1) Structural looseness
2) Bearing surface looseness

Structural looseness
Structural parts are designed to stay stationary with respect to machine foundation.
They are not absolute stationary.
Structural looseness of:
 Foundation bolts
 Bearing housings
 Bearing foundation

Bearing surface looseness

Bearing surfaces are designed to move against each other. Any two surfaces which bear
and erode each other are bearing surfaces even worn out gear teeth are also bearing surfaces.
Looseness of:
 Balls with bearing races
 Piston inside a cylinder
 Slides of machine tools

 Mechanical looseness occurs when rotating components do not fit correctly. A number
of running speed harmonics will dominate spectral data (i.e. 1x to 10x RPM). In certain
instances and stages of deterioration, spectral data may also show sub-harmonic
multiples of ½ x RPM. Waveforms typically show high random impacting patterns, and
in some instances the waveform may appear truncated. Structural looseness is the result
of loose error distorted machine feet (soft foot), loose foundations, weak grouting, loose
blots or bedplates. These conditions typically produce a frequency at 1x RPM and/or 2x
RPM radially in spectral data (vertical amplitudes may be more predominant),
depending upon the type of structural problem. Wave form data is typically periodic,
with one or two cycle’s per-shaft revolution.


Spectrum and time wave form in case of looseness

Spectrum obtained in this case has sub harmonics of rpm and harmonics of that sub
0.5X, 1.5X, 2.5X etc

Energy in spectrum
The energy in the spectrum is of three types:-
1) Synchronous
It is related with the turning speed and of 1X or 2X or harmonics
e.g., imbalance, misalignment, gear mesh frequency

2) Non-Synchronous
It is not related with the turning speed and of greater than 1X
e.g., Bearing Faults

3) Sub-Synchronous
It is also not related with the turning speed and of less than 1X
e.g., Belt faults

To confirm
Following steps should be taken to confirm looseness fault:
 Amplitude of vibration decreases with increase in load.


 Connect the vibration analyzer to the computer and set the parameters and transfer
route to OneproD as discussed in the previous experiment.
 Connect the accelerometer to the bearing assembly powered by motor.
 The accelerometer is mounted in the axial direction.
 Motor is powered on.
 Any of the routes is loaded out of the available ones to take the readings. This
procedure is already outlined in the previous experiment.
 The reading is then analyzed from the spectrum obtained.





To analyze the vibrational effect due to belt fault with the help of OneproD
and XPR 300.

Host computer (XPR 300), Vibration analyzer (OneproD, MVP-2C), Transducer
(accelerometer), Test bench.

“Belts are used to transmit power from one shaft to another by means of pulleys which
rotate at the same speed or at different speeds.”
Types of belts
Following are some types of belts:
1) Flat belt
The flat belt is mostly used in factories and workshops, where a moderate amount of
power is to be transmitted, from one pulley to another when the two pulleys are not
more than 8 meters apart.
2) V-belt
The V-belt is also used in factories and workshops, where a moderate amount of power
is to be transmitted, from one pulley to another but when the two pulleys are very near
to each other.
3) Circular belt or rope
Ropes are used when the two pulleys are more than 8 meters apart.

 The primary frequency (PBF) is equal to the number of times per sec (Hz) or minute
(CPM) that a belt rotates around its drive system, which can be calculated from the
formulas :
The belt frequency can be calculated as follows:
Primary belt frequency = (π x pulley rpm x pitch diameter) / belt length
Timing belt frequency = belt frequency x no. of belt teeth

 Belt problems, which produce PBF and/or harmonics include; wear, cracks,
mismatching, incorrect tension, hard or soft spots. It is not unusual to see PBF
harmonics in spectral and often 2x PBF can be the most dominant peak. The highest
amplitudes will typically be radial and in-line with belts. Misaligned pulleys/belts
normally produce a 1x RPM frequency axially.

Common belt problems

Following are some common problems relate to belts:
 Uneven worn belt
 Cracked belt
 Swollen binders of layers of belts
 Manufacturing defect

Spectrum and time wave form in case of belts
Spectrum obtained in this case does not have specific rpm but always less than the
machine’s rpm.

Energy in spectrum
The energy in the spectrum is of three types:-
1) Synchronous
It is related with the turning speed and of 1X or 2X or harmonics
e.g., imbalance, misalignment, gear mesh frequency

2) Non-Synchronous
It is not related with the turning speed and of greater than 1X
e.g., Bearing Faults

3) Sub-Synchronous
It is also not related with the turning speed and of less than 1X
e.g., Belt faults

To confirm
Following steps should be taken to confirm looseness fault:
 Stroboscope is used to confirm the belts fault.
 Stroboscope is a kind of flash light in whose frequency is adjustable and belt appears
stationary (as we may have seen car mechanics adjusting timing belt).


 Connect the vibration analyzer to the computer and set the parameters and transfer
route to OneproD as discussed in the introduction.
 Connect the accelerometer to the bearing assembly powered by motor.
 The accelerometer is mounted in the axial direction.
 Motor is powered on.
 Any of the routes is loaded out of the available ones to take the readings. This
procedure is already outlined in the previous experiment.
 The reading is then analyzed from the spectrum obtained.





To analyze the vibrational effect due to worn gear fault with the help of
OneproD and XPR 300.

Host computer (XPR 300), Vibration analyzer (OneproD, MVP-2C), Transducer
(accelerometer), Test bench.

“A gear is a component within a transmition device that transmits rotational torque by
applying a force to the teeth of another gear or device.”
Types of gears
Following are some types of gears:

1) External vs. internal gears

Unlike most gears, an internal gear does not cause direction reversal.An external gear is
one with the teeth formed on the outer surface of a cylinder or cone. Conversely, an
internal gear is one with the teeth formed on the inner surface of a cylinder or cone.
2) Spur gears
In this type the edge of each tooth (and thus the whole form) is straight and aligned
parallel to the axis of rotation.
3) Helical gears
In this case the leading edges of the teeth are not parallel to the axis of rotation, but are
set at an angle. Since the gear is curved, this angling causes the tooth shape to be a
segment of a helix. Helical gears can be meshed in a parallel or crossed orientation.
4) Bevel gears
Bevel gears are essentially conically shaped, although the actual gear does not extend
all the way to the vertex (tip) of the cone that bounds it. With two bevel gears in mesh,
the vertices of their two cones lie on a single point, and the shaft axes also intersect at
that point. The angle between the shafts can be anything except zero or 180 degrees.
5) Rack and pinion
A rack is a toothed bar or rod that can be thought of as a sector gear with an infinitely
large radius of curvature. Torque can be converted to linear force by meshing a rack
with a pinion: the pinion turns; the rack moves in a straight line.
6) Worm gears
A worm is a gear that resembles a screw. It is a species of helical gear, but its helix
angle is usually somewhat large (ie., somewhat close to 90 degrees) and its body is
usually fairly long in the axial direction; and it is these attributes which give it its screw
like qualities.

Spectrum and time wave form in case of worn gears

Helical Gears have teeth inclined to the axis of gear. They produce more axial thrust
which can be reduced by using double angled helical gears known as “Haring Bone”. Helical
gears produce less noise. The spectrum is obtained in axial direction.

Spur Gears have teeth parallel to the axis of gear. They are used for power
transmission. Spur gears produce more noise. The spectrum is obtained in radial direction.

The spectrum for the faulty gear is shown as:

Gear Mesh Frequency

Side Band Frequency


o W tells the specific teeth of worn gear

o H tells the degree of wear i.e., how much the gear is worn out?


 Connect the vibration analyzer to the computer and set the parameters and transfer
route to OneproD as discussed in the introduction.
 Connect the accelerometer to the bearing assembly powered by motor.
 The accelerometer is mounted in the axial/radial direction.
 Motor is powered on.
 Any of the routes is loaded out of the available ones to take the readings. This
procedure is already outlined in the previous experiment.
 The reading is then analyzed from the spectrum obtained.





To analyze the vibrational effect due to normal gear mesh with the help of
OneproD and XPR 300.

Host computer (XPR 300), Vibration analyzer (OneproD, MVP-2C), Transducer
(accelerometer), Test bench.

“A gear is a component within a transmission device that transmits rotational torque by
applying a force to the teeth of another gear or device.”
Types of gears
Following are some types of gears:

1) External vs. internal gears

Unlike most gears, an internal gear does not cause direction reversal.An external gear is
one with the teeth formed on the outer surface of a cylinder or cone. Conversely, an
internal gear is one with the teeth formed on the inner surface of a cylinder or cone.
2) Spur gears
In this type the edge of each tooth (and thus the whole form) is straight and aligned
parallel to the axis of rotation.
3) Helical gears
In this case the leading edges of the teeth are not parallel to the axis of rotation, but are
set at an angle. Since the gear is curved, this angling causes the tooth shape to be a
segment of a helix. Helical gears can be meshed in a parallel or crossed orientation.
4) Bevel gears
Bevel gears are essentially conically shaped, although the actual gear does not extend
all the way to the vertex (tip) of the cone that bound it. With two bevel gears in mesh,
the vertices of their two cones lie on a single point, and the shaft axes also intersect at
that point. The angle between the shafts can be anything except zero or 180 degrees.
5) Rack and pinion
A rack is a toothed bar or rod that can be thought of as a sector gear with an infinitely
large radius of curvature. Torque can be converted to linear force by meshing a rack
with a pinion: the pinion turns; the rack moves in a straight line.
6) Worm gears
A worm is a gear that resembles a screw. It is a species of helical gear, but its helix
angle is usually somewhat large (ie., somewhat close to 90 degrees) and its body is
usually fairly long in the axial direction; and it is these attributes which give it its screw
like qualities.


Spectrum and time wave form in case of gears

 Fundamental gear mesh frequencies (GMF) are calculated by # gear teeth x shaft RPM
(apply the same calculation to every shaft in the gear train). However the fundamental
GMF by itself does not normally represent a problem, due to the inherent nature of this
frequency being present in virtually all gear systems. Changes in fundamental GMF
amplitudes may typically be the result of varying loads. Waveforms should appear
relatively steady with little sign of impacting, although amplitudes will vary with load.
It is typical to set the spectral frequency range to at least 3.5 x fundamental GMF
(where high speed shafts and high GMF exist, ideally use maximum resolution).


 Connect the vibration analyzer to the computer and set the parameters and transfer
route to OneproD as discussed in the introduction.
 Connect the accelerometer to the bearing assembly powered by motor.
 The accelerometer is mounted in the axial/radial direction.
 Motor is powered on.
 Any of the routes is loaded out of the available ones to take the readings. This
procedure is already outlined in the previous experiment.
 The reading is then analyzed from the spectrum obtained.





To analyze the vibrational effect due to misaligned gear fault with the help
of OneproD and XPR 300.

Host computer (XPR 300), Vibration analyzer (OneproD, MVP-2C), Transducer
(accelerometer), Test bench.

“A gear is a component within a transmission device that transmits rotational torque by
applying a force to the teeth of another gear or device.”
Types of gears
Following are some types of gears:

1) External vs. internal gears

Unlike most gears, an internal gear does not cause direction reversal. An external gear
is one with the teeth formed on the outer surface of a cylinder or cone. Conversely, an
internal gear is one with the teeth formed on the inner surface of a cylinder or cone.
2) Spur gears
In this type the edge of each tooth (and thus the whole form) is straight and aligned
parallel to the axis of rotation.
3) Helical gears
In this case the leading edges of the teeth are not parallel to the axis of rotation, but are
set at an angle. Since the gear is curved, this angling causes the tooth shape to be a
segment of a helix. Helical gears can be meshed in a parallel or crossed orientation.
4) Bevel gears
Bevel gears are essentially conically shaped, although the actual gear does not extend
all the way to the vertex (tip) of the cone that bounds it. With two bevel gears in mesh,
the vertices of their two cones lie on a single point, and the shaft axes also intersect at
that point. The angle between the shafts can be anything except zero or 180 degrees.
5) Rack and pinion
A rack is a toothed bar or rod that can be thought of as a sector gear with an infinitely
large radius of curvature. Torque can be converted to linear force by meshing a rack
with a pinion: the pinion turns; the rack moves in a straight line.
6) Worm gears
A worm is a gear that resembles a screw. It is a species of helical gear, but its helix
angle is usually somewhat large (ie., somewhat close to 90 degrees) and its body is
usually fairly long in the axial direction; and it is these attributes which give it its screw
like qualities.


Spectrum and time wave form in case of gears

 Misaligned gears usually produce raised vibration amplitudes at 2 x GMP and 3x GMF,
which will typically be side banded at 1 x RPM OR 2 x rpm. Therefore it is essential to
capture at least 3.5 x GMF when either trouble shooting or taking routine vibration
data. In general terms viewing both the time waveform and spectral data in acceleration
provide the best representation of gear misalignment problem, particularly where the 1
x GMF is greater than 1.5 kHz (90,000cpm). Where gear misalignment exists this is
likely to be accompanied by a degree of gear wear, especially if the problem has been
present for some time.


 Connect the vibration analyzer to the computer and set the parameters and transfer
route to OneproD as discussed in the introduction.
 Connect the accelerometer to the bearing assembly powered by motor.
 The accelerometer is mounted in the axial/radial direction.
 Motor is powered on.
 Any of the routes is loaded out of the available ones to take the readings. This
procedure is already outlined in the previous experiment.
 The reading is then analyzed from the spectrum obtained.





To analyze the vibrational effect due to roller bearing fault with the help of
OneproD and XPR 300.

Host computer (XPR 300), Vibration analyzer (OneproD, MVP-2C), Transducer
(accelerometer), Test bench.

“A bearing is a device to allow constrained relative motion between two or more parts,
typically rotation or linear movement.”

Common defects in bearings

The bearings have the following defects:-
 23% Manufacturing Defects
 27% Improper Fitting
 43% Lubrication Problems
 9% Normal Life expectancy i-e., life can be increased or decreased due to environment

Types of bearings
Bearings may be classified broadly according to the motions they allow and according
to their principle of operation as well as by the directions of applied loads they can handle.
According to operations there are sliding bearings, rolling element bearings, etc.
Common motions permitted by bearings are:
 Axial rotation e.g. shaft rotation
 Linear motion e.g. drawer
 Spherical rotation e.g. ball and socket joint
 Hinge motion e.g. door
Bearings vary greatly over the size and directions of forces that they can support.
Forces can be predominately radial, axial (thrust bearings) or moments perpendicular to the
main axis.
Spectrum and time wave form in case of bearing

1) Lubrication: Due to lubrication problem, the spectrum obtained is shown as



2) Early Stages of Wear: The spectrum obtained at the start of wear is shown as

3) Advanced Stages of Wear: The spectrum obtained due to advanced stages of wear is

4) Race Defects:
In order to detect the race defects the analysis of time waveform, having
fundamental train frequency, is performed. Time waveform pattern is just like an angel
fish. And the rotation rate of the "cage (races)" supporting the rollers in a rolling
element bearing defines the fundamental train frequency.
The inner race defects have low amplitudes due to the fact that greater distance
has to be traveled towards the Transducer. While, the outer race defects have high
amplitudes due to the fact that less distance has to be traveled towards the Transducer.

5) Ball Defects:
In order to detect the ball defects the analysis of time waveform, having ball spin
frequency, is performed. Time waveform pattern is just like an angel fish. And the
angular velocity of the roller about its center physically defines the ball spin frequency


 Connect the vibration analyzer to the computer and set the parameters and transfer
route to OneproD as discussed in the introduction.
 Connect the accelerometer to the bearing assembly powered by motor
 The accelerometer is mounted in the axial direction.
 Motor is powered on.
 Any of the routes is loaded out of the available ones to take the readings. This
procedure is already outlined in the previous experiment.
 The reading is then analyzed from the spectrum obtained.





To analyze the vibrational effect due to sleeve bearing fault with the help
of OneproD and XPR 300.

Host computer (XPR 300), Vibration analyzer (OneproD, MVP-2C), Transducer
(accelerometer), Test bench.

“A bearing is a device to allow constrained relative motion between two or more parts,
typically rotation or linear movement.”

Common defects in bearings

The bearings have the following defects:-
 23% Manufacturing Defects
 27% Improper Fitting
 43% Lubrication Problems
 9% Normal Life expectancy i-e., life can be increased or decreased due to environment

Types of bearings
Bearings may be classified broadly according to the motions they allow and according
to their principle of operation as well as by the directions of applied loads they can handle.
According to operations there are sliding bearings, rolling element bearings, etc.
Common motions permitted by bearings are:
 Axial rotation e.g. shaft rotation
 Linear motion e.g. drawer
 Spherical rotation e.g. ball and socket joint
 Hinge motion e.g. door
Bearings vary greatly over the size and directions of forces that they can support.
Forces can be predominately radial, axial (thrust bearings) or moments perpendicular to the
main axis.

 Sleeve bearing with excessive clearance allow small excitation forces such as
imbalance, to cause significant vibration amplitudes. Spectral data typically shows
predominant synchronous frequencies between approximately 1x to10xRPM,
depending on problem severity, bearing design and application ( in some cases ½ x
RPM and harmonics may also apply). Wiped sleeve bearings can reveal higher vertical
amplitudes compared with horizontal, and may show a pronounced 1 x RPM. Oil whirls
occurs when the oil film in pressure-lubricated systems exerts a force that pushes the

shaft around within the bearing. This problem typically occurs between 0.4 x 0.48 x
RPM, and may result from improper bearing design, oil viscosity or pressure.


 Connect the vibration analyzer to the computer and set the parameters and transfer
route to OneproD as discussed in the introduction.
 Connect the accelerometer to the bearing assembly powered by motor
 The accelerometer is mounted in the axial direction
 Motor is powered on
 Any of the routes is loaded out of the available ones to take the readings. This
procedure is already outlined in the previous experiment
 The reading is then analyzed from the spectrum obtained.





To analyze the vibrational effect due to rotary machines fault with the help
of OneproD and XPR 300.

Host computer (XPR 300), Vibration analyzer (OneproD, MVP-2C), Transducer
(accelerometer), Test bench.

Spectrum and time wave form in case of rotary machines
When dealing with rotary machines, two things should be kept in mind:-
 Only Spectrum is analyzed
 No. of blades and shaft rotation should be known in order to determine the BPF or VPF,
for the analysis of the spectrum obtained due to the faults in the machine.
Therefore the Blade Pass Frequency (BPF) = rpm of shaft × No. of blades
Similarly, the Vane Pass Frequency (VPF) = rpm of shaft × No. of vanes

In normal condition, the spectrum obtained is as follows


1X rpm

And in faulty condition, the spectrum is


1X rpm



 Connect the vibration analyzer to the computer and set the parameters and transfer
route to OneproD as discussed in the introduction.
 Connect the accelerometer to the bearing assembly powered by motor.
 The accelerometer is mounted in the axial direction.
 Motor is powered on.
 Any of the routes is loaded out of the available ones to take the readings. This
procedure is already outlined in the previous experiment.
 The reading is then analyzed from the spectrum obtained.





To analyze the effects of flow induced vibration with the help of Vibration
Analyzer OneproD

Host computer (XPR 300), Vibration analyzer (OneproD, MVP-2C), Transducer
(accelerometer), Test bench.

Internal flow is the type of the flow in which the fluid passes through the confined space as the
flow through the pipes, tubes, ducts etc.
Internal flow through the pipes can be Laminar or turbulent depending upon the Reynold’s
Number value which is a dimensionless number and is ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces.

For internal flow if

Re<2300 Flow is Laminar

& if Re>2300 Flow is Turbulent

Laminar Flow (or streamline flow) occurs when a fluid flows in parallel layers, with no
disruption between the layers. At low velocities the fluid tends to flow without lateral mixing,
and adjacent layers slide past one another like playing cards. There are no cross currents
perpendicular to the direction of flow, nor eddies or swirls of fluids. In laminar flow the
motion of the particles of fluid is very orderly with all particles moving in straight lines
parallel to the pipe walls. In fluid dynamics, laminar flow is a flow regime characterized by
high momentum diffusion and low momentum convection.

Turbulent Flow is a flow regime characterized by chaotic and stochastic property changes.
This includes low momentum diffusion, high momentum convection, and rapid variation of
pressure and velocity in space and time


 Connect the vibration analyzer to the computer and set the parameters and transfer
route to OneproD as discussed in the introduction.
 Connect the accelerometer to the pipe in which the fluid is flowing
 The accelerometer is mounted in the axial direction
 Adjust the valve to provided to control the Laminar and Turbulent flow through the
 Obtain the spectrum each for Laminar and Turbulent flow and compare the results.

 Any of the routes is loaded out of the available ones to take the readings. This
procedure is already outlined in the previous experiment
The reading is then analyzed from the spectrum obtained.





 Introduction to the Analyzer Module of OneProd.

Vibration analyzer (OneproD, MVP-2C), Transducer (accelerometer), Test bench.

 General Organisation


The ANALYSER module allows the user to perform measurements created and configured
directly on MVP-2C. It is also possible to copy a measurement point from the COLLECTOR
module to the ANALYSER module to perform “off route” measurements. Once the
measurements are performed, they can be downloaded to the PC for further analysis with
software tools. Screens, icons and menus used in Analyzer Module are given in above general
organization list.


This screen is used to navigate through a three level tree structure:

Folder/ Tests / Measurements.

It allows to create new elements rapidly by a simple copy / paste operation on an elementary
measurement, a test or even all tests in a folder. After creation, the settings of each
measurement depend on the requirements of your application. It is also possible to paste the
last current point of the COLLECTOR module as a test when coming directly from this

The user can create other Tests and Measurements in the Pattern Folder. No measurement is
available in the Pattern Folder. You can only open one Folder at a time. When opening a new
folder, the previous folder is automatically closed.

After selection of the point, the various measurements to perform are displayed on screen. To
go to the actual measurement just press key to perform the measurement in manual
mode or key to perform the measurement in automatic mode by sequencing of all
measurements in the list.

When the measurement screen is displayed, measurement is carried in continuous mode and is
displayed in real time with no averaging. If the user quits this screen, no measurement is
recorded. This icon is used to perform the measurement and record it. If the programmed type
of averaging is linear of peak, acquisition will stop as soon as the number of averages is

reached. In exponential mode, this key must be reactivated in order to stop the averaging.




 Introduction to the Collector Module of OneProD.
Vibration analyzer (OneproD, MVP-2C), Transducer (accelerometer), Test bench.

 General Organisation

The Collector module is used to run measurement programs loaded from your Predictive
Maintenance software. These measurement programs are commonly called Routes, Rounds or

Itineraries. Once the measurements are performed, data are downloaded to the PC for post-
processing and storage in the database.

 Loading A Route

Connect the collector to the PC using the RS232 or USB cable.

Switch the MOVIPACK on by pressing the key and enter the COLLECTOR mode
using the icon.

From the “Route list” screen, access the “Data transfer” screen using the icon. The
COLLECTOR will be set to transfer mode. For USB link, check that icon is visible in
Windows task bar. All operations will then be controlled from the PC software package (refer
to the software user guide). Once the transfer is completed, exit the loading module with the

 Selecting a Route to Take a Measurement

This screen allows the user to select a route from the list of available routes. The selection is
carried out using the and cursor keys and the key.



 Introduction to the Order Analysis Module of OneProD.
Vibration analyzer (OneproD, MVP-2C), Transducer (accelerometer), Test bench.
 General Organisation

This screen is displayed when the ORDER ANALYSIS module is launched. It is used to gain
access to the list of tests.


Description of various icons mentioning their appropriate functioning is given in above

general organization list. Select a test in explorer screen and validate with key as shown

Using second icon from left, readings are taken for analysis of particular machine parts.

Similarly, using Communication Link icon , tests are downloaded to PC for further
analysis using compatible programs.



 To study the RCET Power Generator and develop its maintenance

Power Generator

Daily checks:
 Engine Oil level
 Coolant level
 Battery electrolyte

Weekly checks:
 Engine Oil Change after every 200 hrs
(during the early runs, it was changed after every 100 hrs when the generator was
 Air Filter Cleaned after every 100 hours and Changed after 400 hrs use

Refer to the RCET Generator Manual


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