Nego Cases March 2018

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the petitioner to pay respondent P1,754,787.

Associated Bank v. Court of Appeals [G.R. No. plus twelve percent (12%) interest per annum
computed from October 7, 1977, the date of the
107382 G.R. No. 107612. January 31, 1996] first extrajudicial demand, plus damages.
The facts of this case are undisputed.
Respondent Eugene Ong maintained a
current account with petitioner, formerly the
Respondent Province of Tarlac allowed a retired Associated Banking Corporation, but now
hospital cashier to receive checks for the payee known as Westmont Bank. Sometime in May
1976, he sold certain shares of stocks through
hospital for a period three years and in not Island Securities Corporation. To pay Ong,
properly ascertaining why the retired hospital Island Securities purchased two (2) Pacific
Banking Corporation managers checks,[2] both
cashier was collecting checks for the payee
dated May 4, 1976, issued in the name of
hospital in addition to the hospital’s real cashier. Eugene Ong as payee. Before Ong could get hold
Associated Bank, as collecting bank, received of the checks, his friend Paciano Tanlimco got
hold of them, forged Ongs signature and
and indorsed the said checks. deposited these with petitioner, where Tanlimco
was also a depositor. Even though Ongs
specimen signature was on file, petitioner
accepted and credited both checks to the
account of Tanlimco, without verifying the
signature indorsements appearing at the back
thereof. Tanlimco then immediately withdrew the
Whether or not the “doctrine of comparative money and absconded.
negligence” apply. Instead of going straight to the bank to stop
or question the payment, Ong first sought the
help of Tanlimcos family to recover the
amount. Later, he reported the incident to the
Central Bank, which like the first effort,
RULING unfortunately proved futile.

YES. The Court finds as reasonable, the It was only on October 7, 1977, about five
(5) months from discovery of the fraud, did Ong
proportionate sharing of fifty percent – fifty
cry foul and demanded in his complaint that
percent (50%-50%). Respondent Province petitioner pay the value of the two checks from
contributed to the loss and shall be liable to the the bank on whose gross negligence he imputed
his loss. In his suit, he insisted that he did not
PNB for fifty (50%), Province of Tarlac can only deliver, negotiate, endorse or transfer to any
recover fifty percent (50%) from PNB. Associated person or entity the subject checks issued to
him and asserted that the signatures on the
Bank, shall be liable to PNB for fifty (50%). It is back were spurious.[3]
liable on its warranties as indorser of the checks
The bank did not present evidence to the
which were deposited to it. contrary, but simply contended that since
plaintiff Ong claimed to have never received the
originals of the two (2) checks in question from
Island Securities, much less to have authorized
WESTMONT BANK (formerly ASSOCIATED Tanlimco to receive the same, he never acquired
BANKING CORP.), petitioner, ownership of these checks. Thus, he had no
vs. EUGENE ONG, respondent. legal personality to sue as he is not a real party
in interest. The bank then filed a demurrer to
evidence which was denied.
On February 8, 1989, after trial on the
QUISUMBING, J.: merits, the Regional Trial Court of Manila,
Branch 38, rendered a decision, thus:
This is a petition for review of the
decision[1] dated January 13, 1998, of the Court
of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 28304 ordering
renders judgment for the plaintiff and against OF LACHES AND IN NOT ABSOLVING
the defendant, and orders the defendant to pay PETITIONER FROM LIABILITY.
the plaintiff:
Essentially the issues in this case are: (1)
1. The sum of P1,754,787.50 whether or not respondent Ong has a cause of
representing the total face value of action against petitioner Westmont Bank; and
the two checks in question, exhibits (2) whether or not Ong is barred to recover the
A and B, respectively, with interest money from Westmont Bank due to laches.
thereon at the legal rate of twelve
percent (12%) per annum Respondent admitted that he was never in
computed from October 7, 1977 actual or physical possession of the two (2)
(the date of the first extrajudicial checks of the Island Securities nor did he
demand) up to and until the same authorize Tanlimco or any of the latters
shall have been paid in full; representative to demand, accept and receive the
same. For this reason, petitioner argues,
2. Moral damages in the amount of respondent cannot sue petitioner because under
P250,000.00; Section 51 of the Negotiable Instruments
Law[6] it is only when a person becomes a holder
3. Exemplary or corrective damages in of a negotiable instrument can he sue in his own
the sum of P100,000.00 by way of name. Conversely, prior to his becoming a
example or correction for the public holder, he had no right or cause of action under
good; such negotiable instrument. Petitioner further
4. Attorneys fees of P50,000.00 and argues that since Section 191[7] of the Negotiable
costs of suit. Instruments Law defines a holder as the payee
or indorsee of a bill or note, who is in possession
of it, or the bearer thereof, in order to be a
Defendants counterclaims are dismissed for lack holder, it is a requirement that he be in
of merit. possession of the instrument or the bearer
thereof. Simply stated, since Ong never had
SO ORDERED.[4] possession of the checks nor did he authorize
anybody, he did not become a holder thereof
Petitioner elevated the case to the Court of hence he cannot sue in his own name.[8]
Appeals without success. In its decision, the Petitioner also cites Article 1249[9] of the
appellate court held: Civil Code explaining that a check, even if it is a
managers check, is not legal tender. Hence, the
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the creditor cannot be compelled to accept payment
appealed decision is AFFIRMED in toto.[5] thru this means.[10] It is petitioners position that
for all intents and purposes, Island Securities
Petitioner now comes before this Court on a has not yet tendered payment to respondent
petition for review, alleging that the Court of Ong, thus, any action by Ong should be directed
Appeals erred: towards collecting the amount from Island
Securities. Petitioner claims that Ongs cause of
I action against it has not ripened as of yet. It may
be that petitioner would be liable to the drawee
... IN AFFIRMING THE TRIAL COURTS bank - - but that is a matter between petitioner
CONCLUSION THAT RESPONDENT HAS A and drawee-bank, Pacific Banking
For its part, respondent Ong leans on the
II ruling of the trial court and the Court of Appeals
which held that the suit of Ong against the
... IN AFFIRMING THE TRIAL COURTS petitioner bank is a desirable shortcut to reach
DECISION FINDING PETITIONER LIABLE TO the party who ought in any event to be
RESPONDENT AND DECLARING THAT THE ultimately liable.[12] It likewise cites the ruling of
LATTER MAY RECOVER DIRECTLY FROM THE the courts a quo which held that according to
FORMER; AND the general rule, a bank who has obtained
possession of a check upon an unauthorized or
forged indorsement of the payees signature and
III who collects the amount of the check from the
drawee is liable for the proceeds thereof to the right is precluded from setting up the forgery or
payee. The theory of said rule is that the want of authority.
collecting banks possession of such check is
wrongful.[13] Since the signature of the payee, in the case
Respondent also cites Associated Bank vs. at bar, was forged to make it appear that he had
Court of Appeals[14] which held that the collecting made an indorsement in favor of the forger, such
bank or last endorser generally suffers the loss signature should be deemed as inoperative and
because it has the duty to ascertain the ineffectual. Petitioner, as the collecting bank,
genuineness of all prior endorsements. The grossly erred in making payment by virtue of
collecting bank is also made liable because it is said forged signature. The payee, herein
privy to the depositor who negotiated the respondent, should therefore be allowed to
check. The bank knows him, his address and recover from the collecting bank.
history because he is a client. Hence, it is in a The collecting bank is liable to the payee
better position to detect forgery, fraud or and must bear the loss because it is its legal
irregularity in the indorsement.[15] duty to ascertain that the payees endorsement
Anent Article 1249 of the Civil Code, Ong was genuine before cashing the check.[20] As a
points out that bank checks are specifically general rule, a bank or corporation who has
governed by the Negotiable Instruments Law obtained possession of a check upon an
which is a special law and only in the absence of unauthorized or forged indorsement of the
specific provisions or deficiency in the special payees signature and who collects the amount of
law may the Civil Code be invoked.[16] the check from the drawee, is liable for the
proceeds thereof to the payee or other owner,
Considering the contentions of the parties notwithstanding that the amount has been paid
and the evidence on record, we find no reversible to the person from whom the check was
error in the assailed decisions of the appellate obtained.[21]
and trial courts, hence there is no justifiable
reason to grant the petition. The theory of the rule is that the possession
of the check on the forged or unauthorized
Petitioners claim that respondent has no indorsement is wrongful, and when the money
cause of action against the bank is clearly had been collected on the check, the bank or
misplaced. As defined, a cause of action is the other person or corporation can be held as for
act or omission by which a party violates a right moneys had and received, and the proceeds are
of another.[17] The essential elements of a cause held for the rightful owners who may recover
of action are: (a) a legal right or rights of the them. The position of the bank taking the check
plaintiff, (b) a correlative obligation of the on the forged or unauthorized indorsement is
defendant, and (c) an act or omission of the the same as if it had taken the check and
defendant in violation of said legal right.[18] collected the money without indorsement at all
and the act of the bank amounts to conversion
The complaint filed before the trial court of the check.[22]
expressly alleged respondents right as payee of
the managers checks to receive the amount Petitioners claim that since there was no
involved, petitioners correlative duty as delivery yet and respondent has never acquired
collecting bank to ensure that the amount gets possession of the checks, respondents remedy is
to the rightful payee or his order, and with the drawer and not with petitioner
a breach of that duty because of a blatant act of bank.Petitioner relies on the view to the effect
negligence on the part of petitioner which that where there is no delivery to the payee and
violated respondents rights.[19] no title vests in him, he ought not to be allowed
to recover on the ground that he lost nothing
Under Section 23 of the Negotiable because he never became the owner of the check
Instruments Law: and still retained his claim of debt against the
drawer.[23] However, another view in certain
When a signature is forged or made without the cases holds that even if the absence of delivery is
authority of the person whose signature it considered, such consideration is not
purports to be, it is wholly inoperative, and no material. The rationale for this view is that in
right to retain the instrument, or to give a said cases the plaintiff uses one action to reach,
discharge therefor, or to enforce payment thereof by a desirable short cut, the person who ought
against any party thereto, can be acquired in any event to be ultimately liable as among the
through or under such signature, unless the innocent persons involved in the transaction. In
party against whom it is sought to enforce such other words, the payee ought to be allowed to
recover directly from the collecting bank,
regardless of whether the check was delivered to claim of laches. On the contrary, the established
the payee or not.[24] facts of the case as found by the trial court and
affirmed by the Court of Appeals are that
Considering the circumstances in this case, respondent left no stone unturned to obtain
in our view, petitioner could not escape liability relief from his predicament.
for its negligent acts. Admittedly, respondent
Eugene Ong at the time the fraudulent On the matter of delay in reporting the loss,
transaction took place was a depositor of respondent calls attention to the fact that the
petitioner bank. Banks are engaged in a checks were issued on May 4, 1976, and on the
business impressed with public interest, and it very next day, May 5, 1976, these were already
is their duty to protect in return their many credited to the account of Paciano Tanlimco and
clients and depositors who transact business presented for payment to Pacific Banking
with them.[25] They have the obligation to treat Corporation. So even if the theft of the checks
their clients account meticulously and with the were discovered and reported earlier, respondent
highest degree of care, considering the fiduciary argues, it would not have altered the situation
nature of their relationship. The diligence as the encashment of the checks was
required of banks, therefore, is more than that of consummated within twenty four hours and
a good father of a family.[26] In the present case, facilitated by the gross negligence of the
petitioner was held to be grossly negligent in petitioner bank.[28]
performing its duties. As found by the trial
court: Laches may be defined as the failure or
neglect for an unreasonable and unexplained
length of time, to do that which, by exercising
xxx (A)t the time the questioned checks were due diligence, could or should have been done
accepted for deposit to Paciano Tanlimcos earlier. It is negligence or omission to assert a
account by defendant bank, defendant bank, right within a reasonable time, warranting a
admittedly had in its files specimen signatures presumption that the party entitled thereto has
of plaintiff who maintained a current account either abandoned or declined to assert it.[29] It
with them (Exhibits L-1 and M-1; testimony of concerns itself with whether or not by reason of
Emmanuel Torio). Given the substantial face long inaction or inexcusable neglect, a person
value of the two checks, totalling P1,754,787.50, claiming a right should be barred from asserting
and the fact that they were being deposited by a the same, because to allow him to do so would
person not the payee, the very least defendant be unjust to the person against whom such right
bank should have done, as any reasonable is sought to be enforced.[30]
prudent man would have done, was to verify the
genuineness of the indorsements thereon. The In the case at bar, it cannot be said that
Court cannot help but note that had defendant respondent sat on his rights. He immediately
conducted even the most cursory comparison acted after knowing of the forgery by proceeding
with plaintiffs specimen signatures in its files to seek help from the Tanlimco family and later
(Exhibit L-1 and M-1) it would have at once seen the Central Bank, to remedy the situation and
that the alleged indorsements were falsified and recover his money from the forger, Paciano
were not those of the plaintiff-payee. However, Tanlimco. Only after he had exhausted
defendant apparently failed to make such a possibilities of settling the matter amicably with
verification or, what is worse did so but, chose to the family of Tanlimco and through the CB,
disregard the obvious dissimilarity of the about five months after the unlawful transaction
signatures.The first omission makes it guilty of took place, did he resort to making the demand
gross negligence; the second of bad faith. In upon the petitioner and eventually before the
either case, defendant is liable to plaintiff for the court for recovery of the money value of the two
proceeds of the checks in question.[27] checks. These acts cannot be construed as
undue delay in or abandonment of the assertion
These findings are binding and conclusive of his rights.
on the appellate and the reviewing courts. Moreover, the claim of petitioner that
On the second issue, petitioner avers that respondent should be barred by laches is clearly
respondent Ong is barred by laches for failing to a vain attempt to deflect responsibility for its
assert his right for recovery from the bank as negligent act. As explained by the appellate
soon as he discovered the scam. The lapse of five court, it is petitioner which had the last clear
months before he went to seek relief from the chance to stop the fraudulent encashment of the
bank, according to petitioner, constitutes laches. subject checks had it exercised due diligence
and followed the proper and regular banking
In turn, respondent contends that procedures in clearing checks.[31] As we had
petitioner presented no evidence to support its earlier ruled, the one who had the last clear
opportunity to avoid the impending harm but immediately, and instituted a criminal action
failed to do so is chargeable with the against her for estafa thru falsification before the
consequences thereof.[32] Office of the Provincial Fiscal of Rizal. Private
respondent, through an affidavit executed by its
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is employee, Mr. Dante Razon, also lodged a
DENIED for lack of merit. The assailed decision complaint for estafa thru falsification of
of the Court of Appeals, sustaining the judgment commercial documents against Eugenio on the
of the Regional Trial Court of Manila, is basis of petitioners statement that his
AFFIRMED. signatures in the checks were forged.[4] Mr.
Costs against petitioner. Razons affidavit states:

SO ORDERED. That I have examined and scrutinized the

following checks in accordance with prescribed
verification procedures with utmost care and
diligence by comparing the signatures affixed
RAMON K. ILUSORIO, petitioner, vs. HON. thereat against the specimen signatures of Mr.
COURT OF APPEALS, and THE Ramon K. Ilusorio which we have on file at our
MANILA said office on such dates,
That the aforementioned checks were among
DECISION those issued by Manilabank in favor of its client
QUISUMBING, J.: That the same were personally encashed by
KATHERINE E. ESTEBAN, an executive
This petition for review seeks to reverse the secretary of MR. RAMON K. ILUSORIO in said
decision[1] promulgated on January 28, 1999 by Investment Corporation;
the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 47942, That I have met and known her as KATHERINE
affirming the decision of the then Court of First E. ESTEBAN the attending verifier when she
Instance of Rizal, Branch XV (now the Regional personally encashed the above-mentioned
Trial Court of Makati, Branch 138) dismissing checks at our said office;
Civil Case No. 43907, for damages. That MR. RAMON K. ILUSORIO executed an
affidavit expressly disowning his signature
The facts as summarized by the Court of appearing on the checks further alleged to have
Appeals are as follows: not authorized the issuance and encashment of
the same.[5]
Petitioner is a prominent businessman who,
at the time material to this case, was the Petitioner then requested the respondent
Managing Director of Multinational Investment bank to credit back and restore to its account
Bancorporation and the Chairman and/or the value of the checks which were wrongfully
President of several other corporations. He was a encashed but respondent bank refused. Hence,
depositor in good standing of respondent bank, petitioner filed the instant case.[6]
the Manila Banking Corporation, under current
Checking Account No. 06-09037-0. As he was At the trial, petitioner testified on his own
then running about 20 corporations, and was behalf, attesting to the truth of the
going out of the country a number of times, circumstances as narrated above, and how he
petitioner entrusted to his secretary, discovered the alleged forgeries. Several
Katherine[2] E. Eugenio, his credit cards and his employees of Manila Bank were also called to the
checkbook with blank checks. It was also witness stand as hostile witnesses. They testified
Eugenio who verified and reconciled the that it is the banks standard operating
statements of said checking account.[3] procedure that whenever a check is presented
for encashment or clearing, the signature on the
Between the dates September 5, 1980 and check is first verified against the specimen
January 23, 1981, Eugenio was able to encash signature cards on file with the bank.
and deposit to her personal account about
seventeen (17) checks drawn against the Manila Bank also sought the expertise of
account of the petitioner at the respondent the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) in
bank, with an aggregate amount determining the genuineness of the signatures
of P119,634.34. Petitioner did not bother to appearing on the checks. However, in a letter
check his statement of account until a business dated March 25, 1987, the NBI informed the
partner apprised him that he saw Eugenio use trial court that they could not conduct the
his credit cards. Petitioner fired Eugenio desired examination for the reason that the
standard specimens submitted were not THE DUE DILIGENCE TO
sufficient for purposes of rendering a definitive PREVENT DAMAGE, TO THE
opinion. The NBI then suggested that petitioner PETITIONER, AND THAT IT WAS
be asked to submit seven (7) or more additional NOT NEGLIGENT IN THE
standard signatures executed before or about, SELECTION AND SUPERVISION
and immediately after the dates of the OF ITS EMPLOYEES.[11]
questioned checks. Petitioner, however, failed to
comply with this request. D. THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED
After evaluating the evidence on both sides, RESPONDENT BANK SHOULD
the court a quo rendered judgment on May 12, BEAR THE LOSS, AND SHOULD
1994 with the following dispositive portion: BE MADE TO PAY PETITIONER,
WHEREFORE, finding no sufficient basis for KATHERINE EUGENIO
plaintiff's cause herein against defendant bank, ESTEBAN.[12]
in the light of the foregoing considerations and
established facts, this case would have to be, as Essentially the issues in this case are: (1)
it is hereby DISMISSED. whether or not petitioner has a cause of action
Defendants counterclaim is likewise DISMISSED against private respondent; and (2) whether or
for lack of sufficient basis. not private respondent, in filing an estafa case
SO ORDERED.[7] against petitioners secretary, is barred from
raising the defense that the fact of forgery was
Aggrieved, petitioner elevated the case to not established.
the Court of Appeals by way of a petition for
review but without success. The appellate court Petitioner contends that Manila Bank is
held that petitioners own negligence was the liable for damages for its negligence in failing to
proximate cause of his loss. The appellate court detect the discrepant checks. He adds that as a
disposed as follows: general rule a bank which has obtained
possession of a check upon an unauthorized or
WHEREFORE, the judgment appealed from is forged endorsement of the payees signature and
AFFIRMED. Costs against the appellant. which collects the amount of the check from the
SO ORDERED.[8] drawee is liable for the proceeds thereof to the
Before us, petitioner ascribes the following payee. Petitioner invokes the doctrine of
errors to the Court of Appeals: estoppel, saying that having itself instituted a
forgery case against Eugenio, Manila Bank is
A. THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED now estopped from asserting that the fact of
IN NOT HOLDING THAT THE forgery was never proven.
FROM RAISING THE DEFENSE For its part, Manila Bank contends that
THAT THERE WAS NO FORGERY respondent appellate court did not depart from
OF THE SIGNATURES OF THE the accepted and usual course of judicial
PETITIONER IN THE CHECK proceedings, hence there is no reason for the
BECAUSE THE RESPONDENT reversal of its ruling. Manila Bank additionally
FILED A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT points out that Section 23[13] of the Negotiable
FOR ESTAFA THRU Instruments Law is inapplicable, considering
FALSIFICATION OF COMMERCIAL that the fact of forgery was never proven. Lastly,
DOCUMENTS AGAINST the bank negates petitioners claim of
AFFIDAVIT OF PETITIONER On the first issue, we find that petitioner
STATING THAT HIS SIGNATURES has no cause of action against Manila Bank. To
WERE FORGED AS PART OF THE be entitled to damages, petitioner has the
AFFIDAVIT-COMPLAINT.[9] burden of proving negligence on the part of the
B. THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED bank for failure to detect the discrepancy in the
IN NOT APPLYING SEC. 23, signatures on the checks. It is incumbent upon
NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS petitioner to establish the fact of forgery, i.e., by
LAW.[10] submitting his specimen signatures and
comparing them with those on the questioned
C. THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED checks. Curiously though, petitioner failed to
IN NOT HOLDING THE BURDEN submit additional specimen signatures as
OF PROOF IS WITH THE requested by the National Bureau of
RESPONDENT BANK TO PROVE Investigation from which to draw a conclusive
finding regarding forgery. The Court of Appeals detect any forgery -- if indeed there
found that petitioner, by his own inaction, was was. However, a mistake is not equivalent to
precluded from setting up forgery. Said the negligence if they were honest mistakes. In the
appellate court: instant case, we believe and so hold that if there
were mistakes, the same were not deliberate,
We cannot fault the court a quo for such since the bank took all the precautions.[16]
declaration, considering that the plaintiffs
evidence on the alleged forgery is not convincing As borne by the records, it was petitioner,
enough. The burden to prove forgery was upon not the bank, who was negligent. Negligence is
the plaintiff, which burden he failed to the omission to do something which a
discharge. Aside from his own testimony, the reasonable man, guided by those considerations
appellant presented no other evidence to prove which ordinarily regulate the conduct of human
the fact of forgery. He did not even submit his affairs, would do, or the doing of something
own specimen signatures, taken on or about the which a prudent and reasonable man would
date of the questioned checks, for examination do.[17] In the present case, it appears that
and comparison with those of the subject petitioner accorded his secretary unusual degree
checks. On the other hand, the appellee of trust and unrestricted access to his credit
presented specimen signature cards of the cards, passbooks, check books, bank
appellant, taken at various years, namely, in statements, including custody and possession of
1976, 1979 and 1981 (Exhibits 1, 2, 3 and 7), cancelled checks and reconciliation of
showing variances in the appellants accounts. Said the Court of Appeals on this
unquestioned signatures. The evidence further matter:
shows that the appellee, as soon as it was
informed by the appellant about his questioned Moreover, the appellant had introduced his
signatures, sought to borrow the questioned secretary to the bank for purposes of
checks from the appellant for purposes of reconciliation of his account, through a letter
analysis and examination (Exhibit 9), but the dated July 14, 1980 (Exhibit 8). Thus, the said
same was denied by the appellant. It was also secretary became a familiar figure in the
the former which sought the assistance of the bank. What is worse, whenever the bank
NBI for an expert analysis of the signatures on verifiers call the office of the appellant, it is the
the questioned checks, but the same was same secretary who answers and confirms the
unsuccessful for lack of sufficient specimen checks.
signatures.[15] The trouble is, the appellant had put so much
trust and confidence in the said secretary, by
Moreover, petitioners contention that entrusting not only his credit cards with her but
Manila Bank was remiss in the exercise of its also his checkbook with blank checks. He also
duty as drawee lacks factual basis. Consistently, entrusted to her the verification and
the CA and the RTC found that Manila Bank reconciliation of his account. Further adding to
employees exercised due diligence in cashing the his injury was the fact that while the bank was
checks. The banks employees in the present sending him the monthly Statements of
case did not have a hint as to Eugenios modus Accounts, he was not personally checking the
operandi because she was a regular customer of same. His testimony did not indicate that he was
the bank, having been designated by petitioner out of the country during the period covered by
himself to transact in his behalf. According to the checks. Thus, he had all the opportunities to
the appellate court, the employees of the bank verify his account as well as the cancelled
exercised due diligence in the performance of checks issued thereunder -- month after
their duties. Thus, it found that: month. But he did not, until his partner asked
him whether he had entrusted his credit card to
The evidence on both sides indicates that his secretary because the said partner had seen
TMBCs employees exercised due diligence before her use the same. It was only then that he was
encashing the checks. Its verifiers first verified minded to verify the records of his account. [18]
the drawers signatures thereon as against his
specimen signature cards, and when in doubt, The abovecited findings are binding upon
the verifier went further, such as by referring to the reviewing court. We stress the rule that the
a more experienced verifier for further factual findings of a trial court, especially when
verification. In some instances the verifier made affirmed by the appellate court, are binding
a confirmation by calling the depositor by upon us[19] and entitled to utmost respect[20] and
phone. It is only after taking such precautionary even finality. We find no palpable error that
measures that the subject checks were given to would warrant a reversal of the appellate courts
the teller for payment. assessment of facts anchored upon the evidence
Of course it is possible that the verifiers of on record.
TMBC might have made a mistake in failing to
Petitioners failure to examine his bank failing to observe precautionary measures to
statements appears as the proximate cause of detect the forgery. In the case before us, both
his own damage. Proximate cause is that cause, courts below uniformly found that Manila Banks
which, in natural and continuous sequence, personnel diligently performed their duties,
unbroken by any efficient intervening cause, having compared the signature in the checks
produces the injury, and without which the from the specimen signatures on record and
result would not have occurred.[21] In the instant satisfied themselves that it was petitioners.
case, the bank was not shown to be remiss in its
duty of sending monthly bank statements to On the second issue, the fact that Manila
petitioner so that any error or discrepancy in the Bank had filed a case for estafa against Eugenio
entries therein could be brought to the banks would not estop it from asserting the fact that
attention at the earliest opportunity. But, forgery has not been clearly
petitioner failed to examine these bank established.Petitioner cannot hold private
statements not because he was prevented by respondent in estoppel for the latter is not the
some cause in not doing so, but because he did actual party to the criminal action. In a criminal
not pay sufficient attention to the matter. Had action, the State is the plaintiff, for the
he done so, he could have been alerted to any commission of a felony is an offense against the
anomaly committed against him. In other words, State.[25] Thus, under Section 2, Rule 110 of the
petitioner had sufficient opportunity to prevent Rules of Court the complaint or information filed
or detect any misappropriation by his secretary in court is required to be brought in the name of
had he only reviewed the status of his accounts the People of the Philippines. [26]
based on the bank statements sent to him Further, as petitioner himself stated in his
regularly. In view of Article 2179 of the New Civil petition, respondent bank filed the estafa case
Code,[22] when the plaintiffs own negligence was against Eugenio on the basis of petitioners own
the immediate and proximate cause of his affidavit,[27] but without admitting that he had
injury, no recovery could be had for damages. any personal knowledge of the alleged forgery. It
Petitioner further contends that under is, therefore, easy to understand that the filing
Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Law a of the estafa case by respondent bank was a last
forged check is inoperative, and that Manila ditch effort to salvage its ties with the petitioner
Bank had no authority to pay the forged as a valuable client, by bolstering the estafa case
checks. True, it is a rule that when a signature which he filed against his secretary.
is forged or made without the authority of the All told, we find no reversible error that can
person whose signature it purports to be, the be ascribed to the Court of Appeals.
check is wholly inoperative. No right to retain
the instrument, or to give a discharge therefor, WHEREFORE, the instant petition
or to enforce payment thereof against any party, is DENIED for lack of merit. The assailed
can be acquired through or under such decision of the Court of Appeals dated January
signature. However, the rule does provide for an 28, 1999 in CA-G.R. CV No. 47942, is
exception, namely: unless the party against AFFIRMED.
whom it is sought to enforce such right is
precluded from setting up the forgery or want Costs against petitioner.
of authority. In the instant case, it is the SO ORDERED.
exception that applies. In our view, petitioner is
precluded from setting up the forgery, assuming
there is forgery, due to his own negligence in
entrusting to his secretary his credit cards and SAMSUNG CONSTRUCTION COMPANY
checkbook including the verification of his PHILIPPINES v. FAR EAST BANK, GR No.
statements of account. 129015, 2004-08-13
Petitioners reliance on Associated Bank vs. Facts:
Court of Appeals[23] and Philippine Bank of
Commerce vs. CA[24] to buttress his contention Plaintiff Samsung Construction Company
that respondent Manila Bank as the collecting or Philippines, Inc. ("Samsung Construction"),
last endorser generally suffers the loss because while based in Biñan, Laguna, maintained a
it has the duty to ascertain the genuineness of current account with defendant Far East Bank
all prior endorsements is misplaced. In the cited and Trust Company
cases, the fact of forgery was not in issue. In the
present case, the fact of forgery was not ] ("FEBTC") at... the latter's Bel-Air,... Makati
established with certainty. In those cited cases, branch.
the collecting banks were held to be negligent for
The sole signatory to Samsung Construction's FEBTC timely appealed to the Court of Appeals.
account was Jong Kyu Lee ("Jong"), its Project
Manager,... while the checks remained in the reversing the RTC Decision and absolving
custody of the company's accountant, Kyu Yong FEBTC from any liability.
Lee ("Kyu").
a certain Roberto Gonzaga presented for
appellate court erred in finding that it had been
payment FEBTC Check... to the bank's branch
negligent in safekeeping the check, and in
in Bel-Air, Makati.
applying the... equity principle enunciated in
The check, payable to cash and drawn against PNB v. National City Bank of New York.
Samsung Construction's current account, was
whether Samsung Construction was precluded
in the amount of
from setting up the defense of forgery under
The bank teller... compared the signature Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Law.

After comparing the two signatures, Justiani Ruling:

was satisfied as to the authenticity... it was bank
we reverse the
policy that two bank branch officers approve
checks exceeding One Hundred Thousand Court of Appeals.
Pesos, for payment or encashment.
The general rule is to the effect that a forged
Confirming the... identity of Gonzaga,... Satisfied signature is "wholly inoperative," and payment
with the genuineness of the signature of Jong, made "through or under such signature" is
Syfu authorized the bank's encashment of the ineffectual or does not discharge the instrument.
check to Gonzaga.
Under Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments
The following day, the accountant of Samsung Law, forgery is a real or absolute defense by the
Construction party whose signature is forged.
, Kyu,... examined the balance of the bank On the premise that Jong's signature was indeed
account and discovered that a check in the forged, FEBTC is liable for the loss since it
amount of authorized the discharge of... the forged check.
P999,500.00... had been encashed Such liability attaches even if the bank exerts
due diligence and care in preventing such faulty
Aware that he had not prepared such a check...
discharge. Forgeries often deceive the eye of the
for Jong's signature, Kyu perused the checkbook
most cautious experts; and when a bank has
and found that the last blank check was
been so deceived, it is a harsh rule which
compels it to suffer... although no one has
He reported the matter to Jong suffered by its being deceived.

Jong learned of the encashment of the check, The forgery may be so near like the genuine as
and realized that his signature had been forged. to defy detection by the depositor himself, and
yet the bank is liable to the depositor if it pays
The Bank Manager reputedly told Jong that he the check.
would be reimbursed for the amount of the
check. We recognize that Section 23 of the Negotiable
Instruments Law bars a party from setting up
Samsung Construction... demanded that FEBTC the defense of forgery if it is guilty of negligence.
credit to it the amount of... n response, FEBTC
said that it was still conducting... an Yet, we are unable to conclude that Samsung
investigation on the matter. Construction was guilty of negligence in this
Unsatisfied, Samsung Construction filed a
Complaint... and prayed for the payment of the The bare fact that the forgery was committed by
amount debited as a result of the questioned an employee of the party whose signature was
check plus interest forged cannot necessarily imply that such
party's negligence was the cause for the forgery.
RTC held that Jong's signature on the check was
forged and accordingly directed the bank to pay Employers do not possess the preternatural gift
or credit back to Samsung of cognition as to the evil that may lurk... within
the hearts and minds of their employees.
Construction's account the amount of
PCI Bank v. Court of Appeals... applies in this Moreover, the check was presented for payment
case, to wit: by one Roberto Gonzaga, who was not
designated as the payee of the check, and who
[T]he mere fact that the forgery was committed did not carry with him any written proof that he
by a drawer-payor's confidential employee or was... authorized by Samsung Construction to
agent, who by virtue of his position had unusual encash the check. Gonzaga, a stranger to
facilities for perpetrating the fraud and imposing FEBTC, was not even an employee of Samsung
the forged paper upon the bank, does not entitle Construction.
the bank to shift the loss... to the drawer-payor,
in the absence of some circumstance raising These circumstances are already suspicious
estoppel against the drawer.
, it was not sufficient for FEBTC to have merely
Still, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, complied with its internal procedures, but
we can conclude that there was no negligence on mandatory that all earnest efforts be undertaken
Samsung Construction's part. The presumption to ensure the validity of the check, and of the
remains that every person takes ordinary care of authority of Gonzaga to... collect payment
his concerns,... and that the ordinary course of therefor.
business has... been followed.
Still, even if the bank performed with utmost
Negligence is not presumed, but must be proven diligence, the drawer whose signature was forged
by him who alleges it. may still recover from the bank as long as he or
she is not precluded from setting up the defense
Thus, it was incumbent upon FEBTC, in of forgery. After all, Section 23 of the Negotiable
defense, to prove the negative fact that Samsung Instruments Law plainly states... that no right to
Construction was negligent. enforce the payment of a check can arise out of
a forged signature. Since the drawer, Samsung
FEBTC was unable to dispute the presumption
Construction, is not precluded by negligence
of ordinary care exercised by Samsung
from setting up the forgery, the general rule
Construction, hence we... cannot agree with the
should apply. Consequently, if a bank pays a
Court of Appeals' finding of negligence.
forged check, it must be... considered as paying
The drawee who has paid upon the forged out of its funds and cannot charge the amount
signature is held to bear the loss, because he so paid to the account of the depositor.
has been negligent in failing to recognize that
A bank is liable, irrespective of its good faith, in
the handwriting is not that of his customer.
paying a forged check.
the general rule remains that the drawee who
has paid upon the forged signature bears the
loss. The exception to this rule arises only when
negligence can be traced on the part of the
drawer whose signature was forged, and the
need arises to weigh the comparative...
negligence between the drawer and the drawee
to determine who should bear the burden of

The Court finds no basis to conclude that

Samsung Construction was negligent in the
safekeeping of its checks.

The fact that the check was made out in the

amount of nearly one million pesos is unusual
enough to require a higher degree of caution on
the part of the bank.

In this case, not only did the amount in the

check nearly total one million pesos, it was also
payable to cash. That latter circumstance should
have aroused the suspicion of the bank, as it is
not ordinary business practice for a check for
such large amount to be made payable to... cash
or to bearer, instead of to the order of a specified

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