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Study regarding the bucket-wheel excavators used in hard rock


Iosif Andras, Sorin Mihai Radu, Andrei Andras

The machinery predominantly used for overburden removal as well as for lignite and inter-
bedded waste layers extraction in open pit coal mining operations in Europe, is the bucket wheel
excavator. The existence of hard rock structures –in form of continuous layers or spread boulders,
characterized by a much higher cutting resistance as the normal rock- produces downtimes,
increased equipment wear, or even severe damage of the bucket wheel excavator’s structural
components or operational subsystems , leading to increased energy consumption, lower
production rate and, finally, increased mining costs.

The present paper, based on some preliminary results of research performed in the frame of
BEWEXMIN - RFCS project aims at the development of solutions to reduce failure rates of bucket
wheel excavators working in these conditions. This outcome can be achieved by developing
methods for adaptation of already working excavators to those conditions and prescription of
standard requirements for newly built ones, and on the other hand, a system of continuous
surveillance of machinery superstructure’s stresses , able to indicate in due time the emerging

The above mentioned project includes three main research tasks. The aim of the first task is to
define requirements to be set during bucket wheel excavator construction in order to obtain as low
as possible dynamic loads on the machine’s load carrying structure in view to ensure a proper
resistance .

The second task aims the development of a monitoring system of the stress on the load
carrying structure of bucket wheel excavator.

The third task is focused on a real-time mine-face inspection system, based on geophysical
methods, for the early detection of the presence of hard rock inclusions and geological formations
which are difficult to be excavated by bucket-wheel excavators.

Recently in the working faces of lignite open pit mines where bucket wheel excavators are
used, there are more occurrence of unmineable inclusions or interlayers with excessive cutting
resistance [1] [2] [3] [4] [68].
In a purely technical sense, this causes frequent breaking of teeth and causes deformation
of buckets, transmitting additional dynamic loads towards excavators’ superstructure elements.
These are all random variables, that is why the mining process is a typical non-stationary
stochastic process.
Very often they exceed standard loads [5]. This situation mainly refers to bucket wheel
boom, which during operation undergoes high dynamic loads, especially impact loads [13].
The following elements which have significant impact on the size of impact loads are buckets.
Apart from their construction, their geometry and their number on the wheel is very important [49]
[66] [68]. Buckets are the elements of the mining system which have close contact with the soil.
The contact of bucket teeth and cutters with the soil causes their wear and in consequence increase
of mining resistance as well as dynamic loads influencing the bucket wheel, driving system and
superstructure of the excavator. Deterioration of buckets is caused by wearing off and by
immediate damages caused when striking unmineable structures (stones).
As presented above, the number of buckets on the wheel as well as construction and
geometry of the cutting have influence on the value of dynamic loads. Based on the research and
exploitation experience [40] [54] it was found that the larger number of buckets on the wheel the
lower is the dynamics of mining process and the higher is the degree of output grinding.
But on the other hand, the smaller the cross-section of the chip is, the higher is the energy
consumption of excavation process. When mining hard mineable soils, the most important are two
first factors. When mining loose rocks, the most important is the energy consumption of the
process. Mostly, excavators of with capacity lover than 5000 m3/h are equipped with 8-10 buckets.
Excavators with higher capacity have 12-20 buckets. However selection of buckets for particular
excavators has to be preceded by research including experimental, exploitation and modal analysis
[54]. On the basis of these studies, it will be possible to define the number of buckets in order to
avoid resonance frequencies.
When defining the number of buckets for excavators operating in hard mineable soils it is
possible to decrease the size of dynamic loads on the bucket wheel, using additional cutting edges,
so called ripper teeth[48] [55]. Ripper teeth are located between buckets, on the wheel and
provide support for traditional cutting process by crushing encountered rocks. This method is based
on an assumption that crushing is a more effective way of solid rocks mining, because energy is
transferred in more cumulated form.
This method was used among others for defining the degree of wear of bucket teeth on a
current basis during ESRc 1400 excavator operation and for controlling of bucket wheel boom
operation [74]. This method can be used for different tasks, for example: controlling of manoeuver
movements of excavators and stacking machines, for controlling the degree of wear of different
elements operating in difficult mining conditions, like teeth, buckets, ripper teeth, etc. This is a
promising method, which is at the beginning stage, but it has large potential and can be used in
opencast mining machines exploitation.
As stated at the beginning of this description, in recent years on excavators’ working fronts it Commented [i1]: faces?
is clearly visible the increased amount of unmineable structures and interlayers with excessive
mining resistance. This situation occurs in many countries in Europe, among others, in Poland,
Czech Republic, Romania, Serbia and Greece. Excavators operating in these countries are fully Commented [i2]: are or are not ?
adapted to such conditions. The main bases for their construction are guidelines developed in the
mid 90ies of the XX century in West Germany- Guidelines of Ministry of Economy and Transport
[75] and in East Germany - TGL 13472 standard [76]. The bases for these standards and norms
development were experiences from excavators operating in these countries on that time. They
were operating then only in easily mineable soils. Exploitation of bucket wheel excavators in other
countries, mainly in Poland, Czech Republic, Serbia and Romania was based on German examples.
This resulted in the use of the same technical solutions as for easily mineable soils during operation
in structures with increased mining resistance. It turned out that these norms and guidelines did
not consider increased dynamic loads resulting from more difficult mining conditions. Based on
several studies mainly conducted by Poltegor on SRS 2400 excavator in Machów Sulphur Mine in
the framework of cooperation with Lauhammer Company, TGL13472/2 standard [77] was updated
and the values of substitute dynamic coefficients were increased. However this change was not
sufficient. As showed later tests and operating experience [7] this coefficient was only useful for
calculations of head and first transverse wall of bucket wheel boom [79]. DIN 22261 [12] norm-
the basic safety norm for bucket wheel excavators which is currently in force in Europe still
includes unchanged values of dynamic coefficients. It includes the commentary that when
experimental values of these coefficients are higher than these proposed in the norm, experimental
values should be taken.
The state of the art presented above, shows that there are relatively many methods and that
many tests and experiments are conducted on bucket wheel excavators in Europe. As stated
above, these tests are mainly focused on elimination of consequences of different failures and
damages of excavators. But there are no tests and research enabling adaptation of
superstructures, mining systems and all other mechanism of an excavator to operate in difficult
conditions with excessive dynamic loads typical for hard mineable soils. There are no complex tests
focused on influence of variable loads on the size of dynamic loads and their relation with dynamic
properties of an excavator. Moreover, existing calculation standards do not include in a proper
manner dynamic loads, which makes impossible the designing of excavators fully adapted to
operate in hard mineable soils.
It is to be noted that there is still no sufficient experience in order to construct bucket wheel
excavators intended to operate in different mining conditions, also in hard mineable soils. The
project results will help to fill in this gap. Commented [i3]: The actual project?
The issue of bucket wheel excavators operating under difficult mining conditions and the problem
of dynamic loads is an interdisciplinary issue. Apart from publications and projects discussed above
there are also other publications related to this subject. Accessible publications have been
collected, read and divided into following groups of interests:

A. Failures of BWE
B. Monitoring of BWE
C. Geophysical methods (especially GPR) for hard rock detection

4.1 WP-1. Optimal adaptation of currently exploited and new bucket-wheel

excavators for mining of overburden including interlayers with excessive
mining resistance and unmineable inclusions.
In the process of designing load-carrying structures of machines the dynamic load is
estimated using dynamic load factors with regard to static loads. Machine operation under
increasingly challenging mining conditions is associated with danger involving underestimation of
the size of temporary dynamic loads. Continuous monitoring of the loads in the stage of polygon Commented [i4]: It means FIELD ?
observation and research is to determine the frequency and magnitude of such events. In case of
registration of this type of phenomena there is a justified need to take abnormal loads into account
while calculating strength of load-carrying structures.

4.1.1 WP-1.1. Construction solutions of mining equipment aiming at the decrease of dynamic loads, especially
impulse loads
D-1.1. Requirements set to mining system of bucket wheel excavator for exploitation of structures
with excessive mining resistance and with unmineable inclusions

The project partner Bełchatów Mine made construction data of the mining drive of the
researched object (SchRs800 excavator) available. An analysis of kinematic solution, geometry of
elements of drive transfer and its mathematical dynamic model are currently developed.
While operating a bucket wheel excavator there is a high probability of encountering an
unmineable obstacle, e.g. a boulder. This causes the impulse stop of the bucket wheel. During such
event the inertia of the rotating masses results in a sudden increase of the loads of both the drive
components and the construction of the mining boom.
So far the occurrence of impulse loads has not been included in the standards of the
machine design process. Uncertainty of the effects of such impacts and places of their appearance
does not allow to easily recognize them in the framework of the traditionally understood material
strength. Therefore, it becomes important to recognize this issue by testing.
As a result of the performed work there has been a method proposed which allows for an
explanation of the impulse loads effect and construction of individual drive components and their
parameters, as well as determination of the transfer of loads onto structural elements. The main
research method adopted is the method of simulation based on a mathematical model of the
mining drive operation. After the analysis of the dynamics of the drive unit it was decided that the
algorithms using Lagrange equations of the second kind would be applied for the model
construction. In order to receive credible conclusions this way, tests to verify the created
mathematical model are anticipated in the next stages of the project.
The simulation was proposed to be performed in relation to SchRs4000 excavator operating
in the Bełchatów Mine. In order to develop equations and a mathematical model the project partner
Bełchatów Mine has made some construction data of the mining drive available. The data allow for
commencement of the construction of the mining drive mathematical model.

M-1.1. Theoretical model of impulse load

As a part of the carried out tasks a theoretical analysis of dynamic load of a bucket wheel,
which is the result of a bucket collision with an unmineable inclusion (boulders), was performed.
The analysis was based on the theory of collision of hard bodies. Different models of collision
impulse were analyzed and a scheme (timeframe) of the impulse load model was proposed for
At a work face of a bucket wheel excavator there are often rigid inclusions (boulders). When a
bucket meets such obstacle there appears an additional dynamic load of the bucket wheel, and
thus of the load-carrying structure of the machine. The size of the load to some extent depends on
the size of the inclusion and the way it is seated in the excavated rocks. This may be a reason for a
temporary change of the bucket wheel rotation speed, or even its complete halt. In this case, the
speed change is gradual. However, if the inclusion is very large and firmly embedded in excavated
material, what often occurs, the bucket wheel immediately stops and the load has an impulse
character similar to the constraint-based collision of a body. Then, the bucket wheel load is
maximum and it should be taken into account in assessing the strength of the excavator’s load-
carrying structure. Thus, the studied simulation model of load should correspond to the constraint-
based collision of the bucket wheel. In the impact theory it is often assumed that the halt and
thereby the force of the collision do not occur in an infinitely short time but in a finite time
increment which is very small in relation to the duration of the studied phenomenon. Thus, the
collision force should be in this case a finite value. In simulation tests of the impact phenomenon a
way of modeling of impulse load plays a key role. It should be possible to accurately reproduce the
nature of the phenomenon, which is the interaction taking place between the colliding objects - a
bucket of a bucket wheel excavator and a rigid inclusion. On the other hand, this model should be
as simple as possible, engaging only the essential features of the modeled phenomenon, omitting
the ones which play a secondary role in the analyzed period of time.
The actual load during the stop of the bucket wheel to a large extent depends on the
participation of elastic and plastic deformations of the mined material and the mining unit.

- In purely elastic deformation a loading force of the bucket increases up to a complete stop
of the bucket wheel. Energy accumulated in the elastic deformation causes a return
rotation of the bucket wheel and the bucket loading force decreases down to zero;

- In purely plastic deformation, the load after reaching a maximum value, which may take
place at a decreasing rotation speed of the wheel, decreases until a complete stop of the

Generally, a collision of a bucket with a rigid obstacle is never a purely elastic or purely plastic
phenomenon. Usually, when an obstacle is firmly embedded in excavated material it is close to
elastic collision with partial loss of kinetic energy which is used to produce surface waves. However,
a collision similar to the plastic phenomenon can also occur when the inclusion is embedded in the
plastic medium, and some components of the excavator are destroyed as an effect of the collision.
Then, even a large part of the kinetic energy can be lost for the plastic deformation of the medium,
caused by a move of embedded obstacle in the medium or the work done to break a bucket wheel
tooth, tear a bucket apart, damage the bucket wheel shaft or other parts of the machine.
Theoretical considerations on the collision of elastic-plastic bodies and collision tests carried
out for a number of metals and alloys indicate that the overall theoretical course of the contact
force during collision, when it has only one extreme, can be schematically presented as in Figure 1.
There are two phases in this model. The first one, when the contact force increases reaching a
maximum (line-curve PI(t)) and the second phase, when the contact force due to the stop of the
drive is reduced to zero (line-curve - PII(t)).
PI(t) PII(t)

Collision Collision
pierwszej fazy
first phase drugiejphase
second fazy
impact zderzenia

 

Fig. 1. Theoretical scheme of the impact impulse

Pm – Maximum value of contact force

 – Duration of impact (I – the first phase of impact, II – the second phase of impact).

The simplest way to illustrate the impulse load is a triangular model in Figure 2. In this model, the
force of the impulse load increases in time according to the inclination of the side of the triangle,
up to a value resulting from the kinetic energy of the rotating elements of the drive (Pg). The
disadvantage of this model is that the contact force increase during the impact is constant, which is
contrary to theoretical considerations.

Fig. 2. Triangular model of impulse load

Pm – Maximum value of contact force

Pg – Limit value of contact force
 – Duration of impact
t – Time

In the proposed model (Fig. 3) the rate of load increase in time depends on the rotation speed of
the bucket wheel, which during the first phase of the collision decreases from the nominal value to
zero. The moment of immobilizing the wheel, resulting from the simulation, marks the end of the
first phase of the collision, when the entire impulse energy is used for elastic and plastic
deformations. In the second phase of the collision, when all the energy of the bucket wheel drive
has already been given away, the value of contact force decreases. For this phase the model was
simplified to linear reduction of force from the maximum value to zero.

In the proposed model the dependence of the impulse in the first phase of the collision is described
by the function PI(t), and in the second phase of the collision – by the function PII(t).

0 , 𝑡 < 𝑡0
𝑃𝐼 (𝑡) = { 𝜋 𝜑̇ 𝑘𝑛 − 𝜑̇ 𝑘 10−𝑝
𝐾[ ] (𝑡 − 𝑡0 ), 𝑡0 ≤ 𝑡 ≤ 𝑡𝐼
2 𝜑̇ 𝑘𝑛

𝑃𝐼 (𝑡)𝑚𝑎𝑥 − 𝐾(𝑡 − 𝑡𝐼 ) , 𝑡𝐼 < 𝑡 < 𝑡𝐼𝐼

𝑃𝐼𝐼 (𝑡) = {
0 , 𝑡 > 𝑡𝐼𝐼

Fig. 3. Proposed model of impulse force

D-1.2. Method of determination of strengths values during resistance calculations of load carrying
structure of bucket wheel excavators

Preparatory activities are currently carried out. They aim at estimating the values of
maximum force and a factor of impulse forces’ increase and decrease on the basis of experimental
research. A review of gathered measurements, associated with the estimation of mining resistance,
has been done and distributions of bucket wheel loads in time, when it was registered that hard
fractions caused shutdown due to overload of the mining drive, were detected. Based on the
analysis of the gathered material and the proposed model guidelines for necessary research of the
mining unit loads at the planned research object (SchRs4000 excavator) were prepared.
The available measurements indicate that it was impossible to register a direct collision of
the bucket with unmineable obstacle (inclusion). The main reason is the randomness of this
phenomenon, which means that one cannot predict and plan measurements allowing for the
registration of this phenomenon. The gathered research material made it possible to analyze
interactions of the bucket wheel with the mined rocks when activating the overload clutch.
Based on the mining resistance research results it may be preliminarily assumed that the value of
the load increase factor K (Figure 3) depends largely on the size of the mining unit (mechanism).
As a measure of this size, one can assume the power of the bucket wheel drive NN according to the
relationship K=KN·NN. The value of the agreed rate of increase is initially assumed to be equal to
KN=68kN/kWs. Verification of this value requires experimental testing.
In order to better evaluate the impulse load value it is important to know the real
interaction of the excavator and unmineable obstacle. To register such event it is proposed to use a
continuous monitoring system installed on the SchRs4000 excavator working in the Bełchatów
Mine. Therefore, it is planned to expand the existing system with an element, which at the time of
exceeding specifically defined mining resistance caused by the contact with unminable obstacle, will
automatically start to record the measured values for a specified period of time before and after an
event of excessive mining resistance.

D-1.3. Experimental values of parameters used in the method of determining the substitute
strengths depending on impulse loads

The LabView software tool was purchased and programming activities aiming to develop an
application and simulation tests of the mining unit impulse load have started.
It is proposed to develop a programme to simulate the operation of mining drives and study
the influence of the parameters of its elements on transferring impact load in the LabView
programming environment. This environment is used in the existing system of monitoring of
construction effort of the SchRs4000 excavator (the projects’ study object). It will be also used to
create new measuring and processing modules, which will be developed in the framework of WP1
and WP2 for the purpose of:

 automatic registration of construction effort and the drive unit load in case of collision of
the bucket wheel with unmineable inclusion
 measurement of vibration and construction effort with simultaneous registration of the
mining drive load during operation.

It is very difficult to perform short-term measurements, during which the collision of the bucket
wheel and the unmineable inclusion occurs. The mine staff tries to avoid such events, therefore,
they occur randomly and in situations where they cannot be predicted. It is therefore proposed to
develop as a part of WP1 a module to monitor the status of the drive load and construction effort,
which will record data in the buffer in the loop. In case of an incident involving the impact load of
the drive, the module will automatically save the stored measurement data.

It was decided to start the activities concerning the measuring system earlier than planned
in the project timeframe in order to implement measurement modules as quickly as possible. This
solution will allow for collecting more comprehensive research material because it will extend the
waiting period of the measuring system for the occurrence of the collision of the bucket wheel and
the unmineable obstacle.
4.2 WP-2. Monitoring system of the bucket wheel excavator load carrying
structure efforts and method of diagnostic signals analysis for current
assessment of threats of load carrying structure damages as well as
constant control of residual strength of the structure
The aim of WP2 is a technical development of the system for monitoring operation of the
bucket wheel excavator load-carrying structure based on tensometric measuring systems. The
system will enable registration of abnormal excavator’s loads occurring during mining of hard or
unmineable materials. The results of our long-term observation of machine operations indicate that
the bucket wheel excavator load-carrying structures are increasingly more often subjected to loads
affecting the safety of construction of the load-carrying structure. The abnormal loads are
temporary loads occurring during machine operation which exceed values taken into account while
dimensioning load-carrying structure at the design stage of the machine. As a result of the
implementation of WP-2 activities, a system of monitoring the effort of the bucket wheel excavator
load-carrying structure will be created, based on continuous analysis of the operating parameters
of the main mining unit drive mechanisms, in correlation with current stress level measured in
sensitive sections of the machine construction. According to the adopted guidelines, the system will
analyze diagnostic signals on a continual basis and assess potential threats of load-carrying
structure damage, resulting from temporary abnormal loads that may occur during operation. It
will also help determine the impact of the recorded signals on the fatigue strength of structural
elements of the load-carrying structure. The planned work schedule will enable polygon research of
the load-carrying structure construction, which will be closely related to the objectives of the WP-1,
and thus enable the creation of measuring systems capable of recording events dangerous for the
structure safety.

4.2.1 WP-2.1. Method of monitoring the load carrying structure stresses along with selected parameters of
excavators’ operation as well as methods of load carrying structure efforts assessment on the basis of
registered signals
D-2.1. Development of a method of load carrying structure effort assessment based on registered
signals. Elaboration of a vector of monitored measurement data as well as rules of their analysis
and interpretation, enabling assessment of efforts of the bucket wheel excavator load carrying

As part of the carried out tasks, a theoretical analysis of loads occurring during operation of
the machine and their influence on the value of effort of the excavator load carrying structure was
performed. A review of available measurement data of the bucket wheel excavator construction
efforts was done. The measurements, where the influence of the mining unit directly affects the
construction, were analyzed. Based on the analysis, field research and gained experience, values
required to be monitored, having a significant impact on the load-carrying structure effort, were
selected. These include, in particular, the electric power of mining drive load and rotating
mechanism. A scope of theoretical research which gives a basis for the analysis and identification
of construction loads derived from loads of mining drives was developed.
The object of the research is the excavator SchRs-4000x37,5 (Figure 4) operating at the Szczerców
Mine. It is a two-unit bucket wheel excavator on a crawler chassis. It was produced in 1984; the
manufacturer is "Orenstein", Germany. The load-carrying structure of basic machines being the
object of the research is complicated in its construction. Depending on the type of structure and
applied construction solutions, one can choose sites particularly vulnerable to damage. Monitoring
will be carried out at basic units of machine load-carrying structure in places where the units are

- a mining boom unit with a tower,

- a tower with a rotating platform,
- a counterweight boom with a tower.

Fig. 4. General overview of SchRs 4000x37,5 bucket wheel excavator.

The conventional division of the whole bucket wheel excavator load-carrying structure,
regarding geometric features of unit connections and their nature of operation and external loads is
as follows:

1. Mining boom unit with a movable mast,

2. Counterweight boom unit with a tower,
3. Chassis unit,
4. Bridge unit.

Based on the gained experience and analysis of measurement data on the load-carrying
structure reaction to loads associated with machine operation, a method of estimating the boom
load, based on the measurement of stress at a diagnostic cross section of the bucket wheel boom,
was selected. A cross-section in the middle of the bucket wheel boom has been recognized as the
diagnostic cross section (Figure 5).
Figure 5. A diagnostic cross section of the bucket wheel boom.

The expansion of the existing measurement system is designed to additionally measure

temporary component forces causing the boom load. The idea behind the measurement system is
to correlate readings from tensometric sensors in such a way that it is possible to determine loads
varying in time, such as:

- Torque of bending boom construction in vertical plane at any cross-section, i.e. torque
caused mainly by the circumferential component of the digging force;
- Torque of bending boom construction in horizontal plane at any cross-section, i.e. torque
caused mainly by the lateral component of the digging force;
- Compressive force of boom construction, i.e. the force caused mainly by normal component
of the digging force;
- Similar characteristics occurring in the construction of masts, and towers, etc.;
- Tensile forces in boom hoist ropes;
- Shear forces in selected sections of steel structure.

4.2.2 WP-2.2 Definition of experimental methods of correlation of stresses in load carrying structure in
measured points with the stresses in the areas of their concentration
D-2.2 Experimental determination of the value of correction coefficients enabling
monitoring of effort of areas in which there is no technical possibility to install measurement
sensors. Definition of changes value of efficiency in the areas of stresses sensors installation in
relations to fatigue strengths of neighboring construction nodes

Experimental determination of fatigue strength variation at positions where stress sensors

are located with regard to fatigue strength phenomena in neighboring nodes or sites of the
construction will be performed. Fatigue strength is determined experimentally for standard strength
samples. The actual element has different properties and the fatigue strength of the construction
part may be different from the strength of a sample of the same material. Furthermore, it is not
possible to place the sensors in the construction nodes. The fatigue strength of a given element is
dependent on the size, shape and condition of the surface. At the design stage, depending on the
accuracy of calculations, the influence of factors changing the calculated stresses is taken into
account by assuming the factors that increase their values. During the implementation of the work
package, on the basis of tests, analysis of stress, load and geometry of construction nodes, real
experimental values of coefficients will be determined. They will enable actual monitoring of the
effort of nodes or sites in the construction where there is no technical possibility to set up
measuring sensors. Stress value approximation from the measurement point to the monitored sites
is based on node modeling with use of FEM calculation methods with load carrying structure
caused by an external force taken into account. In order to identify the load based on
measurements of stress, it is necessary to perform stress analysis of load-carrying structure with
use of FEM enables separating pulsation stress from impulse load of the mining unit (which comes
from its own mass vibration as well as from technological moves) out of general overview of load-
carrying structure stresses that occur during mining.
The results of model calculations will be used to verify the data obtained from the analysis
of the stress signals measured at the monitored machine. Based on the planned experimental
studies, the actual distributions of stresses in the excavator load carrying structure for different
operating conditions will be determined. The obtained results will be correlated with the values of
parameters dependent on physical and mechanical properties of the mined material and loads of
the mining unit. On this basis, a correction factor value for the adopted hypothesis of fatigue
strength assessment will be estimated. This will allow for more accurate determination of residual
strength of the monitored structure. In the planned implementation of the project, general
assumptions made for the results of the WP1 should be reflected in the results of the WP2
implementation. This will require a proper diagnosis of a degree of stress concentration in the most
important nodes of the excavator load carrying structure with regard to fatigue strength.
Preparatory activities to conduct research on a real excavator under operating conditions have
started. Guidelines to perform measurements that aim at correlating the value of dynamic stresses
in the machine body with the impulse load of mining mechanism drive were also developed. To
reach the objective, it is necessary to make strength calculations for the load carrying structure of
the excavator’s body, which will be researched. The calculations mainly include stresses originating
from the weight of the body and individual forces applied to the bucket wheel. The calculations will
be performed by a research team from Wroclaw University of Technology specialized in this field.
The activities carried out so far included defining the scope of calculations and formulating the
terms of the contract with the subcontractor. The load carrying structure of the bucket wheel
excavator is a complex and complicated object with respect to its construction. Due to large size
and dynamic loads associated with the machine operation, theoretical determination of actual effort
of the individual construction elements is subject to errors which result from generalization adopted
in the process of modeling and subsequent calculations. A limited number of points have been
predicted for evaluation and effort monitoring the required theoretical analysis of calculations which
aimed at the selection of sites within the construction, which are the most strenuous under variable
loads. Cooperation with the Technical University of Wroclaw on the anticipated calculations will be
carried out during the entire project, in successive stages associated with the conclusions obtained
from the analysis of actual measurement data.

Stage 1. Strength calculations of the excavator’s FEM model for selection of sites for monitoring the
effort of load carrying structure construction.

The first step in identifying the elements subject to fatigue damage is to determine the most
strenuous construction elements. In this step the FEM strength analysis of the whole construction
or its basic load carrying units is carried out. The purpose of this step is to select the most
strenuous elements which are subject to the largest stresses. It requires:

- Construction of the FEM model based on the geometry of the load carrying structure of the
excavator. Transfer of geometry based on construction documentation including actual
construction bar cross-sections,
- Based on the FEM strength analysis selection of sites (determination based on calculations)
of the greatest efforts,
- Selection of sites within the construction showing the greatest sensitivity to variable loads
(prone to fatigue damage).

Stage 2. Indicating sites of stress concentration.

To indicate sites particularly exposed to fatigue failure, it is required to accurately reflect geometry
of the selected element or area of occurrence of the construction notch. Calculations are then
carried out with the use of FEM. Indicated areas are sites of significant change in geometric
dimensions, connections, those in particular which have not been subject to mechanical processing
after welding and places that have been subject to repairs. This information can be provided by the
practical assessment of the load carrying structure, or retrieved from a record of repairs, if

Stage 3. Estimating the influence of variable loads

` The analytical assessment of the influence of variable load on the degree of variation from
the average stress level in the concerned elements (nodes) that are subject to fatigue damage is
performed on the basis of measurements and analysis in measurement points.
The occurrence of local stress concentration and determination of its magnitude dependent
on load is the goal of this stage. The most difficult issue is to estimate the variability of the stress
concentration magnitude, which depends on the load. In a technical manner, the measurement
corresponds to the stresses at the point of measurement. Based on the results of stage II, the
stress value should be interpolated to the monitored point.
These calculations will be performed by the team of Wroclaw University of Technology as a
subcontractor of the work package leader, Poltegor Institute.

4.2.3 WP-2.3 Definition of parameters of stresses distribution in the bucket wheel excavator load carrying
structure for different properties of mined materials on the basis of tests on real machines in exploitation
D-2.3 Construction of the monitoring measurement system on the bucket wheel excavator
as well as realization of research experiment aiming at determining the fatigue strengths reserves
of a real load carrying structure of the bucket wheel excavator.

Completing the research equipment for the construction of the monitoring system has
started. An analysis of the required components was made and basic devices and equipment for
construction of measuring systems were purchased.
A new controller for the measuring and processing system was purchased. The new
cRIO9038 controller is to replace the current one working in a cRIO9025 system. It is anticipated
that the old controller will be used for a measurement site, where it is planned to test the accuracy
and effectiveness of the solutions implemented in the framework of WP2. In case it turns out that
the new controller is incapable of carrying out the planned functions in the measurement system at
the study object, the possibility of using both controllers for this purpose will be taken under
The project anticipates the use of a system for monitoring the structure condition installed
on an SchRs4000 excavator, which currently operates in the Bełchatów Mine. The existing
monitoring system is planned to be expanded with additional measuring modules and data retrieval
functions. It is to enable research of the influence of external loads caused by operating mining
drives on load transferring to the excavator’s load carrying structure. For this purpose, it is
anticipated to increase a number of tensometric points for measuring the effort of construction,
add signals to measure the operating status of the main mechanisms and implement functions to
record time series data from the measuring points for the automatically selected events such as
the occurrence of the bucket wheel impact load or manually initiated tests of the external load
influence on the load carrying structure effort.
In addition to the measurement data collection, the current system regularly generates
fatigue spectrum and performs fatigue analysis. These processes require for data analysis to be
performed on a continual basis. This results in high demand for a computing power system. Due to
the high use of computing resources, measurement data are made available in 10-20 second
periods. To expand the capabilities of the system with new measurement signals, allow more
frequent recording of signals and implement functions of automatic data capture at the collision of
the bucket wheel with unmineable inclusion, it is necessary to purchase the new controller of
greater efficiency.
The new cRIO9038 controller is equipped with a processor of a clock frequency of 1,33GHz,
2GB RAM and 8-slot chassis with reconfigurable FPGA unit (Field-Programmable Gate Array)
containing 202 800 flip-flops.
The currently used cRIO9025 controller is equipped with a processor of a clock frequency of
800MHz, 512MB RAM and 8-slot chassis with reconfigurable FPGA unit (Field-Programmable Gate
Array) containing 28 800 flip-flops.
In addition to the controller, measuring modules were purchased. Two NI9237 modules
with four bridge analog input were purchased. They enable the enhancement of the measuring
system with the measuring points for measuring temporary components of the loading forces
applied to the construction. One NI9227 module of four current analog input for measuring current
up to 5A is planned to be used to measure current used by the drives of the study object.

M-2.6 Test results of model of construction node

One NI9265 module of four current analog output of 0-20mA, one NI9263 module of four voltage
analog output of ±10 V output range and one NI9474 module of eight voltage digital output of 5-
30V were purchased.
Devices were purchased from National Instruments to preserve the uniformity of the
expanded system.

M-2.4 Discrete model of bucket wheel outrigger

The RS-200 system by Vishay was purchased to measure the (static) residual stress of the
construction. The system includes a portable milling machine, high speed compressed air turbine,
microscope, vertical height adjustment, illuminator, software for calculating residual stresses,
electronic strain indicator.
This device will be used to verify the FEM calculation results at fixed locations, determine
the level of static stress for estimation of the maximum possible temporary stress. The system will
determine the total effort of the construction of the study object.
The equipment purchase was made in advance in order to start programming as soon as possible.
This enables an early start of the research of the study object. It requires relatively quick
reconstruction of the system along with the implementation of new procedures and measuring and
processing modules.

M-2.8 Construction of measurement systems on the load carrying structure of the bucket wheel

During the planned machine stop in diagnostic sections, mounting of tensometric systems with
wiring, planned for measuring external forces causing load of the mining unit, was completed.
Interconnection of tensometric systems will be implemented at the cRIO platform by National
Instruments with use of LabView programming tool. The programming activities have started.

4.3 WP3 Real-time mine-face inspection system, based on geophysical

methods, capable to detect hard rock inclusions and geological formations
which are difficult to be excavated by bucket-wheel excavators
4.3.1 WP-3.1. Collection and analysis of geological information for geophysical methods selection
During the period covered by the first annual report (1/9/2015 – 31/12/2015), the only
active task of WP3 according to the project timetable was WP3.1. The duration of WP3.1 is six
months, thus a part (~60%) of the foreseen activities was completed. The objectives of WP3.1 are
to conduct a literature review on the geophysical methods used for coal mining applications,
especially for the assessment of the digability of the geological formations, and to collect data from
the mining companies of the participating countries about the type and the quantities of the
materials excavated in their mines. These data with the results of the literature review will be
evaluated to determine the most appropriate geophysical methods which will be investigated
during the field tests.
Within this task, an extensive literature review on the geophysical methods used for the
assessment of the digability of geological formations has been conducted. This review was focused
on formations which occur frequently in the overburden or in the intermediate waste of brown-coal
deposits and especially those exploited by continuous surface mining methods. The complete list of
the literature search results as well as their evaluation will be presented in the appropriate report
(deliverable D3-1).
Another objective of WP-3.1 was also to collect and analyze the information required for
the preliminary evaluation of the geophysical methods to be used for the real-time assessment of
the excavability of rock/soil types present at the mines operated by BEWEXMIN’s industrial
partners. The intention was to use the data for clearly defining the requirements, specifications and
limitations of the geophysical methods and equipment. The questionnaire was prepared by the
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and was critically reviewed by Technical University
of Crete (TUC). The industrial partners VUHU, PPC, PGE and CEO were asked to complete the final
validated version of the questionnaire. The requested data were grouped in eight Sections
pertaining respectively to general mine data, geological data, mine configuration, installed
monitoring infrastructure, excavated material data, material difficult to excavate, bucket wheel
excavators, and prior geophysical projects. Two additional Sections were provided for submitting in
free text format typical excavation problems encountered in the mine, additional information that
the partner considered important and were not covered in other Sections, and comments regarding
the submitted data. All industrial partners provided the requested data they had available.

Table 3. Countries, mines and participants involved in data collection via the questionnaire.

No. Country Mine Data provided by

1. Bílina

2. Czech Republic ČSA VUHU

3. Vršany

4. Greece South Field PPC

5. Poland Szczerców Field PGE

6. Romania Husnicioara CEO

In the following stage the gathered data will be analyzed and evaluated (NTUA, TUC,
POLTEGOR) in order to determine the most appropriate geophysical methods (GPR standalone
and/or other geophysical methods and optical sensors) which will be investigated during the field
tests. In order to design an extensive and detailed field test program, a series of computer Commented [i5]: Field test preliminary actions at
Husniciaora (CEO-Romania) were started, such as
simulations regarding the GPR method are also necessary. The evaluation of existing simulation location , field accessibility facilities, preliminary data
software packages is in progress (TUC, NTUA). about encountered kind and extent of test (witness)
areas and virgin (areas to be investigated ) , geo-
referencing and surveying assistance, and the on-
field activity plan draft has been discussed.

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