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H. P. Harrison R. G. Cessford
Member CSAE Junior Member CSAE
Department of Agricultural Engineering Department of Agricultural Engineering
University of Alberta University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta Edmonton, Alberta

INTRODUCTION tractors. In view of this it is also which is noted below, is appropriate.

The ability to predict the perfor probably adequate to evaluate dif r — 0.Q6M (pn + 20) + a- +
ferent sizes of two wheel drive trac
mance of a tractor in the field has PI 0.6 2
tors and even different tire sizes and
long been a goal of the agricultural
engineer. Extension personnel, and
amounts of ballast. The latter are where r — shear stress (psi)
common queries of farmers because o- = normal stress (psi)
some farmers, have been guided by
taking some percentage of the draw of the options provided by the tractor M — moisture con
bar pull reported by the Nebraska manufacturers. tent (%)
Tractor Tests. Friesen and Domier Unfortunately equation 1 cannot be PI — lower plastic limit
(2) more recently suggest the use applied for local soils as the soil Pn — plasticity number —
of the coefficient of traction (static) dynamic parameters C and <f> are un .6 (% clay) - 12
as a guide. In general, farmers solve known. Rutledge and MacHardy (9) The distinct advantage for either
this problem on a trial and error in their study on the influence of relationship is that the plastic param
basis. Only.when a tractor of a dif weather on field tractability circum eters are known for most of the soils
ferent size is purchased is difficulty vented this difficulty by using a in Alberta. Equation 1 then becomes:
experienced and then questions of linear relationship between the shear •06aM
tire size, amount of ballast, allowable force and the plastic parameters of P = (R + + (.6c +
slippage, etc., are raised. Reece (8) soil developed by NichoFs (6). For 8))X .. 3
has stated, "The principal problem is their purpose they chose the relation
to determine the maximum thrust ship for soils within the plastic range. where c is the clay content of the soil
that the tractor can exert and the way Since tillage is not normally carried in percent. With the exception of R,
in which it grows with slip". He has out in this range NichoFs relationship values required are readily available
modified Coulomb's equation for for soils below the plastic range, and appear in Tables 1 and 4.
shear stress as follows:
P _ (aC + R tan <f>)X 1
where P = soil thrust (lbs.) Plasticity
Soil Zone Soil Series Soil Class Mechanical Liquid
a = tire contact area Analysis Number** Limit***
(sq. in.) %S %Si %C Pn P

C — cohesion (psi)
R — dynamic soil reac Brown Cavendish SL 77 11 12 19
tion, driving wheels Foremost L 45 35 20 0 29

(lbs.) Seven Persons C 18 32 50 18.0 46

Dark Carmangay LS 81 10 9 19
<f> — internal angle of Brown Granum L 42 37 21 0.6 26
friction (degrees) Coaldale CL-C 28 30 42 13.2 43
Thin Irma LS-SL 77 12
X — slip function. 11 23
Black Elnora L 37 38 25 3.0 39
Three Hills
The derivation of the slip function C 16 36 58 22.8 59
Black Peace Hills LS 82 10 8 20
(X) cannot be noted here but it is
Angus Ridge L 42 33 25 3.0 42
essentially a function of the slippage Malmo SIC 15 35 50 18.0 60
and the length of the tire contact, L. Grey Culp LS 80 8 12 14
In addition, Reece has determined Wooded Breton L 42 36 22 1.2 26
values of the slip function at maxi Maywood CL-SICL 30 42 28 4.8 36
mum drawbar horsepower as a func
tion of L. This provides a logical Based on data obtained from the Department of Soil Science,
basis for comparing tractive perfor University of Alberta.
mance. Reece concludes that the Calculated by the formula Pn = 0.6C-12
theory is oversimplified but feels it Although values are given for liquid limit for the soil classes
is probably adequate for evaluating LS-SL, it should be noted that the liquid limit for cohesionless
two wheel versus four wheel drive soils is meaningless (5).


tion for soil strength is questioned in
the light of recent investigations. Ad
Source of Variation Degrees of Sum of Mean
ditional variables have been found
Freedom Squares Squares F
which effect the shear strength. Han
son, Johnson and Young (4), for ex
ample, found that soil densities and Replicates 2 0.22 0.11 0.06
loading velocities are significant. Soils (S) 1 951.06 951.06 490.24*
Vomcil and Chancellor (11) con Moisture (M) 2 255.12 127.56 65.75*
cluded that soil strength may change Pressure (P) 2 230.44 115.22 59*. 39*
with water content in a manner not S x M 2 219.26 109.63 56.51*
adequately described by the Atter- S x P 2 59.89 29.94 15.43*
berg limits (plastic parameters). M x P 4 32.12 8.03 4.14*
S x M x P 4 7.14 1.78
These and other findings raise serious 0.92
Error 34 65.83 1.94
questions with respect to the relation Total 53 1,821.08 1.94
ship suggested by Nichols. On the
other hand because of their simplicity
it would be highly desirable if these * Significant at .01 probabi lity level (10)
equations could be applied to the
practical problems of traction and study, a method of determining shear the soil types into smaller lots and
tillage. In view of this a study to de ing stress in the soil while varying the moisturizing them to the desired
termine the practical limits of apply soil properties and normal loading levels. The three soil moisture con
ing equation 2 (and therefore equa was required. It was also desired to tents were approximately 20, 25 and
tion 3) was initiated. achieve normal stresses of the ap 30 percent. TTiese levels were selected
proximate magnitude found under the to cover a range between the 1/3
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE traction wheel of a rubber tired trac atmosphere and 15 atmosphere per
tor (3). The direct shear apparatus centages for both soil types. Samples
A completely randomized factorial was chosen because it met the above of air-dry soil were placed in a con
design was used for the experiment. requirements and in addition provided tainer and sufficient water was added
It was a 2 X 3 X 3 factorial with the direct, easily computed results with a to achieve the desired moisture
following levels: minimum of sample preparation. levels. Each moisturized sample was
Soil, S — 2: i = 1,2. The type of shear apparatus used then mixed for 5 minutes before
Moisture, M — 3: j — 1. . . 3. was "box shear" (as distinct from ring being transferred to a sealed plastic
shear) which consists basically of a bag. The sealed samples were left for
Normal stress, a- — 3: k — 1. . . 3. rectangular box the top half of which 7 days to allow the moisture to reach
can slide over the bottom half. The equilibrium within each sample.
Replicates, R — 3: 1 — 1. . . 3.
The complete mathematical descrip inside dimensions of the shear box
were 2.37 X 2.37 inches giving an Procedure
tion for any observation is
initial shear area of 5.62 in2. The nor Soil samples were placed in the
xijkl = f* + S, + M,+ <rk + mal load on the failure plane was ap shear box removing the larger voids
plied through a load cap by means of in the process. All samples were al
(SM)„ + (So-).k + (cr)|k + a crossbar and loading yoke. The base
lowed to consolidate for 5 minutes
(SMor).jk + el|kl 4 and load cap both had projecting while subject to the normal stress in
metal gratings imbedded in the in order to achieve a uniform level of
Since a fixed effects model was used terior surfaces to ensure a uniform
(i.e. S, M and a- were fixed) the distribution of stress along the failure density. In all cases the rate of de
error term, ejjkl, was used for testing surface. Movements of the shear box formation had become extremely slow
by the end of the 5-minute interval.
main effects and interactions. The re were measured by means of dial
Each sample was sheared at a
sults of the statistical analysis appear gauges and the horizontal (shearing) velocity of approximately 1.5 inch per
in Table 2. force was measured by means of a
calibrated proving ring. minute and total shearing force was
read from the calibrated proving ring
Equipment Soil dial. Shearing force was recorded at
1/25 inch increments of deformation
Soil strength parameters which Three Hills Clay and Elnora Loam, until failure was reached. The strain
estimate the shear strength of a soil both cohesive soils, were chosen on rate of 1/5 inch per minute was
may be obtained by using several the basis of widely separated clay chosen for this experiment because it
different soil shear devices. These in contents and ready availability. Both was the fastest rate at which reliable
clude the triaxial shear, shear box and were from the Ap horizon and had readings could be taken from the
annular shear ring devices. A major been ground to a maximum particle shear apparatus.
disadvantage of these methods is that diameter of 2 mm. Particle size
the strength for a given soil condition analyses for these and other soils in The soil was then removed from
is a function of the device used to Alberta may be found in Table 1. the test apparatus and part of it used
obtain it (1). for moisture content determination.
Preparation of the samples for the The results are given in Table 3 and
To meet the objectives of this shear tests involved dividing each of are plotted on a graph of maximum
TABLE HI. COMPARISON OF EXPERIMENTAL SHEAR STRENGTHS shear stress versus soil moisture (Fig.
WITH CALCULATED VALUES 1). The maximum shear stresses as
calculated from equation 2 appear in
Soil Moisture Normal Stress Maximum Shear Strength Maximum Shear Strength-* Table 3.
Type Content(%) o(psi) Replicates x(psi) (calculated) t(psi)
____ 12 3 Mohr strength Envelopes (5) were
plotted using the experimental data
10. 41 13.21 11.61 12.67 12.48 for each soil-moisture combination.
20.8 11.83 15.71 16.43 17.14
Values of C and d> were obtained
from these curves and are shown in
19.24 23.03 21.24 21.78 21.31 Table 5.
10.41 12.14 13.03 14.46 12.88
Hills 26.4 14.83 15.89 16.43 16.07 17.30
Clay The analysis of variance (Table 2)
19.24 20.71 19.64 18.92 21.70 indicates that not only the main
effects but all the first order inter
10.41 13.39 13.92 13.39 13.21
actions were significant. The signifi
31.1 14.83 17.32 15.89 16.07 17.63 cance of the main effects indicated
that the variations in shear strength
19.24 18.75 18.92 21.43 22.04
between soil types, among the three
moisture levels and among the three
10.41 10.00 10.36 11.78 11.45
normal pressures were statistically
18.6 14.83 13.93 13.04 13.21 16.14
significant. The first order inter
actions, soil X moisture, soil X pres
19.24 16.78 14.82 16.24 20.55 sure and moisture X pressure were
also statistically significant. The latter
EInora 10.41 6.43 6.78 6.25 11.90 indicates a differential response of
8.04 16.07** 7.32 16.32
the maximum shear stress depending
23.2 14.83
on the interactions of the factors
19.24 8.39 8.04 8.21 20.73 shown.

10.41 3.21 2.32 2.50 12.12

It can be seen (Table 3), (Fig. 1)
that shear strength was considerably
28.7 14.83 2.80 3.04 3.21 16.54 different for the two soils at approxi
mately the same moisture content.
19.24 3.32 3.39 4.11 20.95
The shear values increased directly
with normal stress as expected. In
* calculated from equation 2.
creasing the moisture content at a
** rejected as in error.
given normal stress had much less
effect on the shear strength of Three
Hills Clay than on the EInora Loam
(Fig. 1). The relation of moisture
content to maximum shear strength
shown in this figure does not agree
with the results obtained by Nichols.
.a, 20 • <r, - 10.4 psi Nichols determined shear values from
»- • «r2 * 14.8 psi the Atterberg plasticity constants in
a tr, • 19.24 psi
such a way that the maximum shear
•" 15
values for the soil at any normal stress
always occurred at the lower plastic
to limit. Instead they appear to corres
LOWER PLASTIC LIMIT pond more closely with those ob
10 V
(ELNORA LOAM) tained by Vomocil and Chancellor
who concluded that the Atterberg
limits do not adequately describe the
role of water in its effects on soil
< It can be seen (Table 3) that ex
perimental and calculated values
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 were in fairly good agreement (at
least for practical purposes) for the
PERCENT WATER Three Hifis Clay which had a plas
ticity number, Pn, of 22.8. Some of
the calculated shear strengths were
1. Maximum shear strengths of Three Hills clay and EInora loam at different slightly higher than experimental
moisture contents and normoJ stresses.


values, particularly at higher normal ture contents up to approxi practically all of the resistance to
stresses. mately 20%. shear resulting from internal friction.
At higher moisture contents, the soil
In the case of EInora Loam, which 3. Highly plastic soils (PN>10) exhibited greater plasticity with a re
had a plasticity number of 3.0, the — equation can be used for sulting increase in the contribution of
calculated values for shear were con any moisture content up to the cohesion to shear strength. The EI
siderably higher than the experi lower plastic limit. nora Loam, on the other hand, has a
mental values, especially at the higher It should be noted, however, that this much lower clay content and a lower
moisture contents. Only at the lowest proposed grouping is based on plas liquid limit. Therefore, increases in
moisture contents and the lowest nor moisture content within the moisture
ticity number only, while equation 2
mal stress was there reasonable
includes both plasticity number and range studied resulted in reduced co
agreement. This might indicate (al lower plastic limit. Therefore, the re hesion due to the relatively thicker
though statistical evidence is lacking) liability of such a grouping may be adsorbed layers of water.
that the prediction equation would questionable. The soil types (Table
provide reasonably accurate strength Payne and Fountain (7) report the
1) were arranged according to this typical values of C and (f> to be 1.5
values for EInora Loam at moisture
classification (Table 4). psi and 34%° for 50 widely differing
contents below 20%.
soils. On this basis the cohesion and
Table 5 indicates that the angle of therefore the soil strength for the two
In view of the results obtained it
internal friction, <£>, decreases with soils tested appears large. This would
appears that the soils (Table 1) can increasing moisture content for both
be divided into three arbitrary classes also appear to be suggested by the
soil types. The cohesion intercept, work of Friesen and Domier (2). For
with respect to the applicability of however, varies directly with mois
equations 2 and 3. a specific tire, soil and soil moisture,
ture content for the Three Hills Clay equation 3 can be reduced and solved
1. Cohesionless soils (Pn « 0) and inversely with moisture content for the slip function where:
— equation cannot be used. for EInora Loam. In the case of Three
Hills Clay, the behavior of <£ would X = P/R + constant 5
2. Soils with an intermediate indicate that at the lowest moisture
plastic range (10>Pn>3) - This equation is now similar to that
content, the soil was behaving much for determining the coefficient of
equation can be used for mois like a dry granular material with
traction Ct. To be the same, the roll
ing resistance would have to be sub
tracted from the soil thrust P, the
weight transfer from R, and the con
Soil Series Soil Class Lower Plastic Plasticity
Limit PI
stant equal to zero. The slip function
for an 18.4 X 34 tire at 16% slip is
approximately .72 whereas Friesen
Cavendish SL and Domier (2) report the maximum
Carmangay LS
Cf to be .55.
Peace Hills
The discrepancy appears to be due
Culp LS
to the value of the soil strength as
Granum L 0.6 determined by the direct shear ap
Breton L 1.2 paratus or predicted by equation 2.
EInora L 36 3.0 This may be partly explained by the
II Angus Ridge L 39 3.0 fact that both the Atterberg limits
Maywood CL-SiCL 31 4.8 and the experimental shear values
Coaldale CL-C 30 13.2 were obtained from re-moulded soil
III Seven Persons C 28 18.0 samples while traction in the field
Malmo SIC 42
Three Hills C 36
depends on in place shear values.
Consequently, soil may fail in a dif
Group I: equation 2 not applicable. ferent manner under a traction tire
Group II: equation 2 applicable up to approximately 20% mc. than in the direct shear apparatus
Group III: equation 2 applicable up to lower plastic limit. used. In view of the above, equation
3 should be limited for the present to
TABLE V. EXPERIMENTAL VALUES OF C AND <£ comparisons of tractor sizes, tires and
ballast and with certain soils and
Soil Moisture Content <%) moisture contents.
C(psi) 4(degrees)

Three Hills Clay 20.8 1.2 46
26.4 5.6 36 Difficulties in predicting tractor
31.1 6.1 34 performance in the field still remain.
The results of this study show that
EInora Loam 18.6 4.9 29 Nichols* relationship for determining
23.2 4.1 12.5
28.7 1.1 7
continued on page 73


torily. Air temperatures of 50°F and velopment of the refrigeration and 1965. Comparison of Methods of
80 percent relative humidity have chilled water storage. Thanks are Measuring Soil Shear Strength
been held for 3 days with ± 0.5°F also due to Mr. W. Anderson and Using Artificial Soils. Transac
dry bulb and ± 1°F wet bulb varia Mr. D. Lunam (3rd year Mechanical tions of the A.S.A.E., 8: (2) 153-
tion. Temperatures of 100°F and Engineering students) who con 156, 160.
relative humidities from 35 to 90 per structed the equipment. Apprecia 2. Friesen, O. H. and Domier, K. W.
cent with ± 1°F dry bulb and tion is also expressed to the Canada 1967 and 1968. Traction Tests.
± 1.5°F wet bulb variation during a Department of Agriculture Research Extension Service Branch, Mani
3 day test have been obtained. Tests Branch for financial support of this toba Department of Agriculture.
with birds in the chamber and at project.
intermediate temperature and humid 3. Gill, W. R. and VandenBerg,
ity values have been maintained for REFERENCES
G. E. 1967. Soil Dynamics in
up to 6 weeks of continuous opera Tillage and Traction. Agriculture
tion within the variation mentioned 1. Longhouse, A. D., H. Ota, R. E. Handbook No. 316. Agricultural
previously. Emerson, J. O. Heishman, 1967. Research Service. U.S. Dept. Agr.
Heat and Moisture Design Data pp. 355-362.
Surface temperature variations on for Broiler Houses. A.S.A.E. Paper 4. Hanson, T. L., Johnson, H.P. and
the thermal radiation plates of ±- No. 67-442.
2.5°F were encountered. This was
Young, D. F. 1967. Dynamic
found to be the result of non uniform
Shearing Resistance of Soils.
2. Roberts, C. W. 1964. Estimation Transactions of the A.S.A.E., 10:
air velocities from the air inlets. Re of Early Growth Rate in the (4) 439-443, 447.
designing the air inlets for a more Chicken. Poultry Science 43: 238-
streamlined flow will alleviate this 252.
5. Means, R. E. and Parcher, J. V.
problem. 1964. Physical Properties of Soils.
Charles E. Merrill Books Inc.,
The water spray in addition to 3. Skoglund, W. C. and D. H. Palmer,
Columbus, Ohio.
maintaining pre-selected humidities 1962. Light Intensity Studies with
also removes fine dust, ammonia and Broilers. Poultry Science 41: 1839- 6. Nichols, M. L. 1932. The Dyna
excess carbon dioxide. 1842. mic Properties of Soil III. Shear
Values of Uncemented Soils. Agr.
Temperatures of water entering 4. {Staley, L. M., C. W. Roberts and Eng., 13 (8), 201-204.
and leaving heating and chilling D. C. Crober, 1967. The Effect of
coils, spray water, air entering and 7. Payne, P. C. J. and Fountaine,
Thermal Radiation on Early E. R. 1954. The Mechanism of
leaving the chamber, air leaving the Growth of the New Hampshire
fan and spray water zone were Scouring for Cultivation Imple
Chicken. Can. Agr. Eng. 9: 39-42. ments. N.I.A.E. Tech. Memo 116.
monitored by iron-constantan thermo
couples connected to a 24 point po- 8. Reece, A. R. 1967 Tractor Design
tentiometric recorder.
5. Suggs, C. W., 1967. Temperature and Tractive Performance. Proc.
and Enthalpy Equivalence of of Agricultural Engineering Sym
A computer programme was de Thermal Radiation. Trans. Amer.
veloped to monitor the operation of posium. Inst, of Agric. Engs.,
Soc. Agr. Eng. 10: 727-729. Penn Place, Reckmansworth,
the equipment. Water volume re
Herts, U.K.
corders for the heat exchange coils ESTIMATING TRACTOR . . .
are required before the computer 9. Rutledge, P. L. and MacHardy,
programme will be able to provide continued from page 65 F. V. 1968. The Influence of the
its full potential. Weather on Field Tractability in
soil strength is not in complete agree
ment with results obtained from di Alberta. Can. Agr. Eng., 10: (2),
rect shear tests on two Alberta soils.
Equipment was developed to con Predicted tractor drawbar perfor 10. Steele, R. G. D. and Torrie, J. H.
trol the environment of a 16 square mance based on soil strength as de 1960. Principles and Procedures
foot chamber for poultry by provid termined by equation 2 or by the of Statistics. McGraw Hill Book
ing accurate control of thermal radia direct shear apparatus may not cor Company, Inc., New York.
tion, air temperature, wet bulb tem respond to values obtained in actual
perature, air velocity and Hght in field tests. However, comparisons of 11. Vomocil, J. A. and Chancellor,
tensity. When all monitoring equip tractor sizes, tire sizes and ballast may W. J. 1967. Compression and
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can be determined. With accurate are taken into consideration. actions of the A.S.A.E., 10: (6),
environment control, genotype by 771-774.
environment interactions can be Better relationships of in situ soil
evaluated. strength to soil parameters are re
quired to adequately describe tractor
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS field performance.
The authors wish to thank Mr. F.
Seipp of Broadway Refrigeration Co.,
Vancouver, for the design and de 1. Bailey, A. C. and Weber, J. A.


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