How Political Science Related To Sociology?

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Robelyn B.


History 1

1. How political science related to sociology?

Political science and sociology are closely and intimately related that they depend upon
each other. Political science is concerned with the political life of a man, which is one part of his
total life. Sociology, on the other hand, is a fundamental social science which studies man’s
social life as a whole and deals with the origin, evolution, organization, purpose and nature of
the society. Both sciences are equally helpful and are so related because sociology depends on
to political sciences which make laws for the welfare of the society and removes or eases the
problems that our society is facing that can bring about changes in the society. In the same way,
political science gives sociology the facts about the organisation and functions of the state So
truly, it can be said that society is the mirror of politics and politics is after all the reflection of
the society.

2. Anthropology what’s the connection to political science?

Anthropology is the study of humans and human behaviour and societies in the past and
present in relation to physical, social and cultural development. Its connection to political science
is that the modern researches relating to the racial division, habits, customs and organisations of
primitive man help us to know the real origin of the state and the development of various
political institutions. Through anthropology we were able to prove that the early society was
communal in character since its basis was the group rather than the individual. And it is indeed a
great help that anthropology exists because without a good knowledge of early societies, their
laws and customs, manner and modes of government, we cannot understand accurately the
political behaviour of the people. Thus, anthropology and political science go hand in hand.

3. Relate political science to the discipline of psychology.

Psychology deals with the behaviour of man and seeks to determine how far human
conduct is rational or instinctive or traditional. In political science, the laws and regulations
formed such as for the poverty, unemployment, marriage etc are the products of the human mind.
It is said that almost all political problems have given psychological explanations that is of big
help and very valuable to the betterment of the society. Lastly, psychological study is helpful in
the study and development of various political systems, also for election campaigns and voting

4. How political science traverses to geography?

In this present time, it is said that the geographical conditions can greatly influence the
national life of the people as well as their political institutions. One opinion by Aristotle is that,
without geography neither political nor strategically wisdom can go far but Buckle excels all in
his opinion saying that the actions of the individual and societies are influenced by the physical
environment, particularly the food, soil and the general aspects of nature. It is true that
geographical location is a significant means in the destiny of the State and is of great influence as
to ones political institutions. Thus, a nation that is rich of natural resources may become more
powerful. That is why, it is really no exaggeration that geography is also related to political

5. Example of new political understanding or terms that was created by people for their own

Poli Sci - Political Science

Gerrymander – the reorganization of voting districts by the party to insure more votes
for their candidates

Suffragette – a person who campaigned for the right of women to vote.

Detente – a relaxing or easing of tensions between powers.

Psephology – The study of voting and voting patterns

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