For The Patterns - V

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Alfred didn’t copy the words formed from lob, fob, knob, and throb because he wasn’t sure of

the meanings. When Alfred went home at night, he took the list with him. Right after supper, he
set the timer for fifteen minutes and began writing.

Bob bob bobs bobbed bobbing cob cobs gob gobs

I like Bob. I like Bob’s car better. I don’t like to bob for apples. His Adam’s apple bobs up and
down when he talks. I hate bobbing for apples. I love corn on the cob. I wish I had gobs and gobs
of money.

Alfred couldn’t put all the words into sentences. He didn’t have time to. The assignment was to
write as many sentences as he can in fifteen minutes. Each night he is to try to write a little
more. Now, these sentence-writing exercises are not going to teach Alfred how to write
paragraphs, short stories, poems, term papers, etc. However, he will learn how to write
sentences and usually it is rather difficult to write good paragraphs, short stories, and term
papers if you have never learned to write sentences. We believe in first things, first.

8 These sentences will tend to be original—not something copied from a book or magazine. It
also has the effect of helping students discriminate between words such as hop, hops, hopped,
and hopping as well as hope, hopes, hoped, and hoping. They must learn to use the third person
singular whether or not they have the vaguest idea of the differences between first, second and
third person singular or plural. The past tense has to be used, and they will use it. We
recommend that the homework be daily, if only for 15 minutes. Now, it is true that Alfred may
cheat and only write for ten minutes instead of fifteen. But ten minutes a day writing is better
than none. And the point is to have the students write as much as possible as often as possible.
The idea is quantity not quality in a limited time span. The reason for quantity over quality is that
this technique frees up the student’s computer-brain so that the student can spill words onto
paper nearly as fast as he can spill words from his mouth. Once students have achieved mastery
over sentence fluency, then they will be ready to begin the more complicated compositional
skills. But if students can’t write simple sentences, they can’t write paragraphs or themes.
Another advantage of sentence assignments based on words the students are studying is that it
gives the students an extra opportunity to use the words they are learning. It also makes it
extremely easy for the teacher to check. Notice—I said check, not correct. There is no need to
correct the sentences. Check the paper by writing the date in big letters with a felt marker as it is
handed in. This prevents the con artist from trying to keep handing in the same paper over and
over again. If you have the students keep their homework papers in their folders, you will
eventually have the opportunity to review these papers with the students individually at their
desks and be able to show them their progress (or lack thereof) and to work with them on their
individual problems. The reason for this is simple. Most students never learn a thing from papers
that are handed back days or weeks later. Most students learn when they are watching their
teacher correct their paper. This also affords them the opportunity right there and then to either
challenge your correction or be taught how to avoid the mistake that they made. But enough.
You are the teacher. You know your students. You know what they need to learn. The Patterns of
English Spelling will allow you to find whatever word list you want for whatever reason you want
to use it. You don’t have to use all the words in any of these lists. Use just those words you want
to use.

Special Notations Concerning the Format At the bottom of almost all the pages that contain
word lists, there will occur most of the following: • • • • • • •

Dolch Words Difficulty Levels on Scale of 1.00 to 21.00: Spelling Demons: Homophones:
Heteronyms: Related Families Other Related Words

Dolch Words: These words are those found by E. W. Dolch1 to comprise the most basic of all
sight vocabularies. The validity of these words as a basic list has withstood the test of time.
However, as most of these words contain phonically regular patterns, we believe that they
should not be taught in isolation but rather with words of similar patterns. Difficulty Levels on
Scale of 1.00 to 21.00: The levels are based upon an analysis of The New Iowa Spelling Scale2 In
this study, a total of 5,507 key words were given in spelling tests to over 230,000 students in 645
school systems scattered across the country in November, 1953. They study listed the
percentages of the students in grades 2 through 8 who could correctly spell the words. For
example, Percent correctly spelling grab grabbed grace gracious


Dolch, E. W. Teaching Primary Reading, pp. 205-227, Chicago, IL: Garrard Press, 1941. Greene,
Harry A. The New Iowa Spelling Scale. Iowa City, Iowa: University of Iowa, 1954. 3 Fry, Edward.
The New Reading Teacher’s Book of Lists. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1988. 2

10 which words are demons. We listed them mainly so that teachers, if they desired, could give
special emphasis to these words. Homophones: These are words that are pronounced the same
as each other but which differ in meaning and/or spelling as in heir, air, and sometimes err. We
also extend the meaning to include words that have two spellings such as color (American) and
colour (British). Se British Spellings below. Because in our language we may have two or more
words pronounced the same but spelled differently, we have elected to present the
homophones for any member of any family so that a teacher may —if she/he chooses to—teach
the homophone. If a teacher elects to call homophones, homonyms, we do not object.
Homophones is the term of choice in a technical context which we consider this book to be.
Homonyms is more frequently the term of choice in a non-technical context such as an
elementary school spelling text. Homographs: These are words that are spelled the same but
have different meanings and different origins. For example, the word bat (a club) and bat (a
flying mouse) are homographs as are batter (the man with the bat in baseball), batter (as in cake
or pancake dough before it is cooked), or batter (as in to beat up a person). To save space we
ignore them—inasmuch as we assume a good teacher will point out how words change in
meaning according to the context they are in. Heteronyms: These are words that are spelled the
same but have different pronunciations. Common examples are lead and lead. One rhymes with
seed and the other with bed Related Families: We list only the very nearest relatives. For
example, for the AB CAB family we only listed the EB WEB, IB FIB, OB BOB, and UB RUB families.
Close cousins would be listed as other related families. See below. Other Related Families: These
are usually words with structural suffixes such as -er, -le, -y, -en, -ment, -tion, -ive, etc. For
example, under the -AT BAT family, we have references to the -ATTER BATTER, -ATTLE BATTLE,
-ATTY BATTY and -ATTEN BATTEN families. Censorship: We freely admit to having censored some
words, especially those found on bathroom walls. We also left out words that we feel are
extremely arcane or archaic such as araucaria or argal but left in a useless word such as
anhungry just because it’s one of the three words in English that end -gry. (Angry and hungry are
the other two.) British Spellings: Whenever possible, we indicate where American spellings and
British spellings part company. For example, color is American but colour is British. Encyclopedia
is American. Encylopaedia is British. If we have inadvertently omitted making the distinctions on
some words— please inform us. We like to hear from those who use our materials. And we do
want to correct the mistakes that are in this edition. And we know that despite spell check and
proofreaders. There will be errors. Pronunciation: Out of the myriad methods of denoting
pronunciation we chose to use the method used by most writers when they write dialect or try
to make sure that the reader correctly pronounces a word. Whenever we had any doubt as to a
word’s pronunciation, we chose to use The Random House Dictionary of the English Language,
Second Edition, Unabridged as our arbiter. We gave the pronunciations not because we felt that
teachers need to know how to pronounced the word families— but so that they would have at
their disposal a method of making spelling exercises and/or word cards using the pronunciations
given as a guide. For example, using these pronunciation guides, a teacher could construct
exercises such as the following: “RAP’t” The man ________________ three times on the door.
Correct response: rapped. “PRESH shus” Little children are ____________________ . Correct
response: precious.

11 Other Related Families: These are usually words with structural suffixes such as -er, -le, -y, -en,
-ment, -tion, -ive, etc. For example, under the -AT BAT family, we have references to the -ATTER

Word Selection Finding words that belong to families is not easy. You can’t just look them up in a
dictionary unless you can find a dictionary that lists all the words in reverse alphabetical order.
The closest to that is The English Word Speculum compiled by J. L. Dolby and H. L. Resnikoff and
published by Mouton & Company, The Hague, Paris in 1964. Unfortunately, this work is
hopelessly flawed. However, we did find that it had some words we didn’t have in our first few
editions. We found many that we had that they didn’t. Basically, we went through the dictionary
sorting the words by families, but omitting those we felt were too arcane or archaic or politically

Grade Levels Word families (or rimes, if you insist on using the latest jargon) don’t come in grade
levels. This series of volumes is constructed so that teachers in any grade from kindergarten to
university can easily find examples of words that follow whatever linguistic principle is being
taught in their particular textbook. There is nothing to prevent a third grade teacher from
teaching some of the prewords in Volume 10, words such as prevent, pretend, and even predict.

Challenging the “Gifted” Children Certainly the gifted children may be challenged by the
“difficulty” of learning the meanings of some of the words in the books such as eschew
obfuscation. They also may be challenged by learning how to correctly spell words that they only
think they know how to spell. For example— the two italicized words are misspelled in the
following phrase: Eat your vittles or I’ll sing the scale, do re me fa so la ti do! The correct
spellings: victuals and sol. See the last part of Volume 5 with its listing of insane words.

arcade 321 arch 505 archaeologist 714 archaeology 714 archaic 802 archangel 625 archbishop
692 archer 644 archery 725 arches 505 Archie 505 architect 224 architectural 825 architecture
529 archives 325 arctic 812 Arctic Ocean 812 ardor * 675 ardour * (Br.) 682 arduous 891 are 523
area 369 aren't 134 Argosy 728 argot 949/963 arguable 620 argue 315 arguing 315 argument
883 argumentative 894 arise * 363 arising 363 aristocracy 710 aristocratic 812 Aristotle 612
arithmetic 813 Arizona 375 ark * 507 Arkansas ! 535 arm 508 armadillo 309 Armageddon 835
armament 880 armature 529 armband 227 armchair 530 armed 508 Armenia 371 Armenian 866
armful 629 armies 754 arming 508 armistice 344 armor * 677 armories 726 armory 726 armour
*(Br.) 682 arms 508 army 754 aroma 374 aromatic 811 arose * 364 around * 231 arouse 436
arousing * 436 arraign * 959 arraignment 882 arrange * 213 arranged 213 arrangement 880
arrangements 880 arranger 643 arranging 213 arrears 531 arrest * 234 arrested 234 arrival 830
arrive 325 arrived 325 arrives 325 arriving 325 arrogant 254 arrow 684 arrowhead 402 arrows
310 arsenal 822


1.50 8.80 6.95

9.25 12.65 7.45



3.95 3.65 5.55 2.75

11.20 10.85 12.90 14.05 12.70 8.40 14.15 10.70 8.90 9.70 10.45 4.45 5.35


Page LD

arsenic 807 arson * 837 arsonist 816 art 510 arterial 821 arteries 726 artery 726 artesian 372
arthritis 1070 Arthur 510 artichokes 329 article 611 articles 611 articulate ** 354/350
articulation 350 artifacts 223 artifice 344 artificial 819 artillery 726 artist 510 artistic 816
artistically 748 artistry 755 Aryan 872 as 136 asbestos 159 ascend 228 ascendant 254 ascension
842 ascent * 250 ascertain 419 ascertained 419 ascetic 813 asceticism 272 ascot 134 ascribe *
320 asepsis 1070 asexual 829 ash 209 ashamed 332 ashen 873 ashes 209 ashore * 526 Asia 372
Asian 372 aside * 322 ask 271 askance 257 asked 271 askew 316 asking 271 asks 271 asleep 424
asp 273 asparagus 160 aspect 224 asphalt 247 asphyxiated 349 asphyxiation 847 aspirations 852
aspire 525 aspirin 879 aspiring 525 ass 156 assail * 411 assassin 879 assassinate 351
assassination 850 assault * 247 assay 301 assemble 606 assemblies 606 assembly 746 assent *
250 assert * 513 assertions 863 assertive 863 assertiveness 1067 asses 156 assess 157
assessment 883 assessor 678 asset 132 assiduous 891 assign * 959 assignation 849


13.85 14.60

16.95 7.65



7.35 6.00

7.35 2.70 4.40 2.20 11.25 3.80 9.90

12.90 12.45


26 Word


assigned 959 assignment 882 assimilate 350 assimilation 848 assist * 235 assistance * 254
assistants * 254 assisting 235 associate ** 349/354 associated 349 associates ** 349/354
association 847 assorted 519 assortment 883 assuage 327 assuaging 327 assume 334 assumed
334 assuming 334 assumption 863 assurance 259 assure 528 assured 528 assuring 528 Assyria
371 Assyrians 867 aster 652 asterisk 271 asteroid 403 asthma 374 asthmatic 811 astigmatism
272 astonish 210 astonishment 882 astound 231 astounded 231 astray * 301 astride * 322
astrology 714 astronaut 430 astronomer 663 astronomical 806 astronomy 716 at 131 ate * 347
atheism 272 atheist 272 atheistic 815 Athens 874 athlete 356 athletic 813 athletically 748
athletics 813 Atlanta 377 Atlantic 814 Atlantis 1070 atlas 156 atmosphere 524 atmospheric 809
atom 832 atomic 806 atomizer 672 atone * 339 atonement 881 atrocious 885 atrocities 730
atrocity 730 attach 201 attaché 939 attached 201 attachment 881 attack * 214 attacker 647
attain 419 attainment 882 attempt 269 attempted 269 attempting 269 attend 228 attendance *
258 attendant 254 attendants * 254 attended 228 attending 228 attention 862 attentive 896

13.70 13.15 12.30 16.25 13.65 16.55 16.70 16.45 13.40 15.45 14.90 14.40 15.60 12.65 12.80


1.45 3.60



10.80 10.35 9.75 13.20 12.10 14.40 13.60 8.05 14.55 15.80 10.45 9.00 10.45


Page LD

attest * 234 attic 817 Attica 368 attitude 323 attorney 306 attorneys 306 attract * 223 attractive
895 attractively 747 attribute ** 359 attrition 858 attune * 340 au contraire 530 au courant 949
au gratin 949 au revoir 949 auburn 521 auction 861 auctioneer 531 audacious 885 audacity 730
audible 622 audience 401 audio 1071 audio-visual 829 audit 689 auditor 680 auditorium 833
auditory 723 augment 881 august 236 August 236 Augustine 336 auk 410 auld lang syne 535
aunt * 252 aunt's 252 auntie * 755 aunts 252 aunty * 755 aura 376 aurora borealis 1069
Auschwitz 654 auspices 344 auspicious 885 austere 524 austerity 736 Australia 370 Australian
866 Austria 371 Austrian 867 authentic 814 authenticate 348 authenticity 730 author 676
authoritarian 867 authoritative 894 authorities 736 authority 736 authorization 857 authorize
362 authorized 362 autism 272 autistic 816 auto 309/1071 autobahn 1071 autobiography 927
autocracy 710 autocrat 131 autocratic 812 autograph 927 automate 351 automatic 811
automatically 748 automation 849 automobile 330 autonomy 716 autopsies 756 autopsy 756
autos 309 autosuggestion 863 autumn 120 auxiliary 724 avail 411 available 615 avalanche 206

15.20 17.20 17.60 12.55




4.45 13.25 13.75 7.90

10.20 17.75 16.10 15.00 14.80

11.55 10.25

13.25 12.10 16.10

Word avante garde ! avarice avaricious avenge avenging avenue average averse * aversion *
aviation aviator avid avoid avoidable avoidance await awaiting awake * awaken awakening
award * aware * away * awe awesome awful awfully awhile awkward awkwardness awl *
awning awoke awoken awry ax * axe * axis axle aye * azalea Azores Aztec azure baa babble babe
Babel babes babied babies baboon baby babying Bach bachelor back backache backbone backer
backfire backfiring backgammon background backhand backing backlog backs backspace
backstop backward backyard bacon bacteria bad badge badger badgering badges badly baffle
baffling bag baggage bagged baggy

Page LD 536 344 885 213 213 314 327 512 918 847 679 161 403 613 258 426 426 328 876 876
502 523 301 319 273 631 748 330 506 1067 416 423 329 873 307 265 265 1070 627 308 369 526
801 528 368 601 320 625 320 709 709 422 709 709 908 676 214 905 339 647 525 525 836 231
227 214 114 214 343 129 506 505 835 371 106 212 645 645 212 746 602 602 111 327 111 702

9.30 8.15

13.65 10.15 7.35 7.20 3.25

7.60 1.55 10.30 13.20 6.00

4.20 5.35

6.75 2.30



5.80 7.05 1.60

4.50 2.85

Word bagpipes bags bah bail * bailiff bait bake baked baker bakeries bakery baking balance
balanced balances balancing balconies balcony bald * bale * baling wire balk ball * ballad ballast
ballerina ballet ballistics balloon balloonist ballot * ballpark ballplayer ball-point ballroom balls *
balm * balmy baloney * balsa balsam Baltic Bambi bamboo ban banana bananas band *
bandage banded bandied bandies banding bandit banditry bands * bandy bandying bane bang
bangles banish banister banjo bank banker banking bankrupt bankruptcies bankruptcy banks
banned * banner banquet banshee bantam banter Bantu baptism Baptist baptize bar barb
barbarian barbaric barbarous

Page LD 341 111 369 411 143 426 328 328 661 723 723 328 258 258 258 258 718 718 240 330
330 410 147 691 233 375 940 816 422 274 690 507 672 253 418 147 960 754 306 376 831 814
945 312 121 375 375 227 327 227 741 741 227 689 755 227 741 741 335 217 605 1060 652 309
220 648 220 239 740 740 220 121 635 687 305 831 651 314 272 272 362 501 505 867 809 889


3.20 5.45

5.00 9.45 12.55 12.20




8.05 11.05 2.80


1.85 2.65 3.10 18.60 3.20 6.85 12.35

27 Word


barbecue 315 barbed wire * 525 barbell 149 barber 655 barbiturates 355 bard * 505 bare * 523
bareback 214 barefoot 429 barely 747 bares * 523 barf 507 bargain 419 barge 507 barging 507
baritone 339 barium 833 bark * 507 barn 508 barnacles 610 barometer 668 barometric 810
baron * 836 baroness 1067 baroque * 902 barque * 903 barred * 501 barrel 624 barrels 624
barrio 309 barrister 653 barroom 418 Barry * 706 bars 501 bartender 641 barter 657 Bary * 720
basal * 825 base 343 baseball 147 based 343 baseline 337 basement 881 bases ** 343/1069
bash 209 bashful 630 basic 810 basically 748 basil * 628 basin 879 bassinet 132 basing 343 basis
* 1069 bask * 271 basket 271 basketball 147 baskets 685 Basque * 902 bass ** 156 basses *(**)
156 bastard file 506 baste 274 Bastille 535 bastion 863 bat 131 batch 201 bateau 949 bath 275
bathe 279 bathing 279 baton 124 Baton Rouge 919 bats 131 batter 637 battered 637 batteries
727 battery 724 battle 603 battlefield 442 battleship 128 battling 603 batty 708 baubles 610
baud * 401 bauxite 357 Bavaria 371


7.25 11.80 13.20

5.40 3.15

9.40 10.30


3.10 3.15 8.25 5.25

14.90 4.40 5.35 5.60

2.20 2.60 10.35 4.60 3.25

9.35 5.60


Page LD
Bavarian 867 bawd * 401 bawdy 711 bay 301 bayonet 688 bayou 317 bazaar * 501 bazooka 373
be * 304 beach 437 beachcomber 639 beaches 437 beachhead 402 beacon 835 bead 402 beads
402 beagle 612 beak 408 beaker 661 beam 418 bean 420 beanbag 111 beans 420 beanstalk 410
bear * 530 beard 533 bearded 533 bearing * 530 bearings 530 bears * 530 beast 237 beastly 753
beat * 427 beaten 873 beating 427 Beatles * 612 beau * 949 beaus * 949 beauties 729 beautiful
630 beautifully 749 beauty 729 beaux * 949 beaver 669 became 332 because 436 beck 215
beckon 215 become 334 becomes 334 becoming 334 bed 107 bedding 107 bedfellows 684
bedlam 831 bedpan 121 bedpost 235 bedridden 873 bedrock 216 bedroom 418 beds 107
bedside 322 bedsore 526 bedspread 402 bedsprings 218 bedtime 333 bedwetting 132 bee * 305
beech 437 beechnut 135 beef 406 beefy 712 beehive 325 been * 420 beep 424 beeper 424 beer
* 531 beet * 427 beetle * 612 befall 147 befell 147/149 befitting 133 before 526 beforehand 227
befuddled 601 beg 112


1.50 3.55


5.75 3.30 3.70 2.55 6.35 13.45 4.25 3.85 3.60 8.10 5.35

10.05 14.30 7.95 2.00 3.05 2.05 3.80 5.70 1.75

2.15 3.10

3.15 1.95 435 4.75

3.50 5.00


Page LD

began beget beggar begged begging begin beginner beginning begins begotten begrudge begun
behalf behave behavior * behaviour * (Br.) behead behind behold behoove beige Beijing being
belabor belated belch Belfast belfries belfry Belgium belief believe believed believing belittle bell
* bellboy belle * bellhop bellicose belligerent bellow bells bellwether bellyache belong belonged
belonging belongs beloved below belt bemused Ben bench benchmark bend bends * beneath
benediction benefactor beneficent beneficial beneficiaries beneficiary benefit benefits
benevolence benevolent benign Benjamin Benny bent benzene bequeath bequest berate berg *
Bering * Sea * Berlin Bermuda berries * berry * berserk berth * Bertha
121 132 673 112 112 123 635 123 123 873 212 125 243 324 676 682 402 229 241 326 919 218
304 675 350 208 233 755 755 833 406 441 441 441 603 149 303 1068 129 345 256 684 149 646
905 219 219 219 219 326 310 247 365 122 206 507 228 228 275 861 679 260 819 720 720 689
689 261 261 959 879 704 250 336 275 234 351 512 941 878 368 706 706 512 513 513

4.95 14.05 9.15 8.20 6.20 12.10 7.75 4.95 6.90

3.85 4.60


12.70 10.35 11.95 13.50 1.80

3.60 2.45 4.90 4.10 4.40 4.65 3.05 3.35 5.00 3.70 10.05

15.45 15.25


6.85 6.10

Word beseech beset beside besides besiege best bestial bestiality bestow bet Beth Bethel betray
betroth betrothal better between bevel beveled * bevelled * (Br.) beverage beware bewildered
bewitched beyond biased Bible Biblical bibliography bicameral bicentennial biceps bicker bicycle
bid bidder bidding bide biding bids bier * bifocals big bigamist bigamy bigger biggest bigot
bigotry bigwig bike biker bile bilge bilingual bilious bilk bill billed * billet billfold billiards billing
billion billionaire billow bills binary bind binder bindery binding Bing binge bingo binoculars
binomial biobiochemistry biodegradable biofeedback biographer biographical biographies
biography biological

Page LD 437 132 322 322 442 234 828 732 310 132 275 625 301 277 827 637 420 625 625 625
327 523 640 203 230 156 610 805 927 824 821 127 647 611 108 632 108 322 322 108 442 818
113 816 716 113 113 690 755 113 329 662 330 367 829 886 245 151 151 686 241 506 151 843
530 684 151 720 229 641 725 229 218 213 309 674 820 1012 755 613 214 644 804 927 927 803

2.25 4.45 2.05 14.25 3.95 6.90 2.40 4.50

8.90 8.80

14.10 5.65
6.60 1.35 5.10 7.85


2.30 9.95


3.25 6.70 6.40

28 Word


biologist biology bionic biopsy bipartisan biracial birch bird bird's-eye-view birds birth * birthday
birthmark biscuits bisect bishop bison bisque bit bitch bite bitten bitter bivouac bizarre * blab
blabber blabbermouth black blackball blackboard blacked out blacken blackguard ! blackjack
blacklist blackmail blackout bladder blade blahs blame blanch bland blandishments blank
blanket blankets blanks blare blaring blarney blasé blaspheme blasphemous blasphemy blast
blaze blazing bleach bleachers bleak bleary bleat bled bleed bleeders bleeding bleep blemish
blend blender bless blessed **(*) blessing blest * bleu * cheese blew * blight blimp blind
blinders blindfold blink blinker blintz

714 714 808 756 871 819 514 514 317 514 515 302 507 690 224 692 837 903 133 203 357 875
638 801 501 101 632 277 214 147 533 431 876 535 214 235 411 431 632 321 378 332 206 227
881 220 685 685 220 523 523 306 939 332 889 716 233 360 360 437 644 408 723 427 107 402
658 402 424 1061 228 641 157 157 157 234 957 316 428 270 229 641 241 221 648 251


3.25 3.80 6.65 4.90

11.05 4.45 4.70 5.50

2.00 7.20

5.55 5.30

2.95 6.10 7.55 4.65

5.30 6.90

4.30 7.40 6.75 6.30 4.40


Page LD

bliss 158 blissful 631 blister 652 blithe 279 blitz 654 blizzard 506 bloat 429 blob 104 bloc * 216
block * 216 blockade 321 blockage 327 blockbuster 653 blocker 647 blockhead 402 blocks 216
blond * 230 blonde * 230 blondes * 230 Blondie 230 blood 404 bloodcurdling 520 bloodhound
231 bloodier 711 bloodiest 711 bloody 711 bloom 418 bloomers 663 blooming 418 bloopers 665
blossom 832 blossoms 832 blot 134 blotter 638 blouse 433 blow 310 blow-by-blow 310 blow-
dried 307 blow-dry 307 blower 671 blowing 310 blown 421 blowout 431 blowtorch 516 blubber
632 bludgeoned 839 blue * 314 bluebells 149 blueberries 706 blue-collar 673 blue-eyed 308
bluegrass 156 blueprint 251 blues 314 bluing 314 bluff 145 blunder 642 blunderbuss 160 blunt
249 blur 520 blurb 520 blush 211 bluster 652 boa 376 Bo's * 309 boar * 532 board * 533 boarder
655 boarding 533 boards 533 boast 438 boastful 631 boasts 438 boat 429 boats 429 boatswain !
412/535 bob * 104 Bob 104 bobbed 104 bobbin 877 bobble 601 bobcat 131 bobolink 221
bobsled 107 bobtailed nag 411 bocci 945





8.15 6.95 11.35 9.70 10.90 10.65 7.45 2.80

3.45 7.00


5.30 8.70


4.80 9.00 6.70 8.15 2.00 2.85 5.15 12.25

Page LD

bodacious 885 bode 323 bodice 344 bodies 711 bodily 715 body 711 bodyguard 505 Boer * 672
bog 114 bogey 306 bogeyman 306 bogged down 114 bogue 922 Bohemia 370 Bohemian 866
boil 415 boiler 662 boisterous 890 bold * 241 bolder * 640 boldest 640 boldface 343 bolero 309
Bolivia 372 Bolivian 868 boll * 153 bollix 267 bologna * 375 Bolshevik 540 bolt 248 bolts 248
bomb * 119 bombast 233 bombastic 815 Bombay 302 bombers 639 bombproof 407 bombshell
149 bombsight 428 bona fide 322 bonanza 378 bond 230 bonds 230 bone 339 bonehead 402
boner 339 bones 339 bonfire 525 bong 219 bongo 309 bonier 717 boniest 717 bonnet 687
bonny 704 bonsai 308 bonus 160 bon appetite ! 543 bon vivant ! 543 bon voyage ! 919/543 bony
717 boo 312 boob 312 boo-boo 312 booby prize 362 booby trap 126 boodle 611 boogie-woogie
304 boohoo 312 boos * 312 book 409 bookbinding 229 bookcase 343 booked 409 bookie 409
bookish 1062 bookkeeping 424 booklet 686 booklets 686 bookmark 507 bookmobile 330
bookrack 214 books 409 bookshelf 243 bookshelves 243 bookstore 526 bookworm 503

7.75 2.75

5.40 7.85

6.45 8.10

4.35 6.65 2.80 4.60


1.20 4.50 12.45 3.70 5.45



Page LD

boom 418 boomer 663 boon * 422 boondocks 216 boondoggle 602 Boone * 422 boor 532
boorish 1063 boost 237 booster 653 boot 429 booth 277 bootie * 729 bootleg 112 bootleggers
633 bootlicker 647 boots 429 booty * 729 booze * 435 bop 129 borax 265 bordello 309 border *
655 borderline 337 bore * 526 bored * 526 boring 526 born * 517 borne * 517 Borneo 309
borough 311 borrow 684 borrowed 684 borsch * 911 borscht * 911 borsht 911 bo's'n * 419
bosom 832 boss 159 bossed 159 bossy 707 Boston 838 Bostonian 866 bosun * 419 both 277
bother 646 bothered 646 bothersome 272 bottle 603 bottleneck 215 bottom 832 bottomless
1066 botulism 816 boudoir 938 bouffant 950 bough * 313 bought 430 bouillabaisse ! 545
bouillon ! 545 boulder * 640 boulevard 505 bounce 257 bound 231 boundaries 724 boundary
724 boundless 1066 bouquet 940 bourbon 835 bourgeois 938 boutique 901 bovine 337 bow
*(**) 318/310 bowed *(**) 318/310 bowing ** 318/310 bowl * 413 bowled * 413 bowling 413
bows *(**) 318/310 bowel movement 881 bowels 627 bower 671 box 268 boxcar 501 boxers
268 boxes 268 boy 303



7.85 7.75 12.75 3.35

8.40 10.35

16.30 4.30

4.05 6.25 9.80 4.15 5.15

16.60 4.70

4.70 14.65 16.15

4.65 6.85 7.50

1.75 4.75 1.35

29 Word


boycott 134 boy's 303 boys 303 boys' 303 br-r-r * ! 537 brace 343 bracelet 686 bracket 685
brackish 1062 brag 111 braggart 510 Brahms ! 543 braid * 401 braids 401 Braille 411 brain 419
brains 419 brainstorm 517 brainwash 209 brainwashed 209 brainy 717 brake * 328 braking 328
brambles 606 bran 121 branch 206 branches 206 brand 227 brandy 741 brash 209 brass 156
brasserie 540 brassiere 524/540 brassy 707 bratwurst 522 bravado 309 brave 324 bravely 747
bravery 724 brawl 416 brawlers 663 brawn 423 brawny 717 bray 301 brayed * 301 brazen 874
Brazil 628 breach 437 bread 402 breadth 280 break * 408 break-even point 253 break-in 408
breakage 327 breakdown 421 breaker 661 breakfast ! 233 breaking * 408 breakout 431 breaks *
408 breakthrough 313 breast 438 breath 275 breathe 279 breather 646 breathless 1066 bred *
107 breech * 437 breeches *(**) 437 breed 402 breeze 435 breezy 435 brethren 875 brevity 737
brew 316 brewed * 316 brewer 316 brewery 727 brews * 316 bribe 320 bribery 725 brick 215
bricklayer 672 bricklaying 301 brickyard 505 bridal * 819
LD 9.15 2.35 14.50 12.50

4.65 6.65


4.25 6.30 3.70 4.95


2.80 8.15

6.95 7.65 10.10 8.30 5.35 12.25



Word bride bridegroom bridesmaid bridge bridle * brief briefcase briefly brig brigade brigand
bright brighten brighteners brightness brilliance brilliancy brilliant brim brimful brimstone brine
bring bringing brings brink brisket bristles Bristol Britain British Brittany brittle broach broad
broad-minded broadcast broadcaster broaden broadside Broadway broccoli brogue broke
broken broker brokerage bromide Bronx bronze brooch brood * brook Brooklyn broom broth
brothel brother brother-in-law brotherhood brotherly brothers brougham * ! brought brouhaha
brow brown brown-nose brownies brownstone brows * browse * browser Bruce bruise * brunch
brunet brunette brunt brush brushes brusque brutal brutality brutalize brutally

Page LD 322 418 401 212 611 406 343 748 113 321 281 428 877 877 1067 258 739 254 118 629
339 337 218 218 218 221 687 609 628 419 1063 718 603 437 403 229 233 652 876 322 302 945
922 329 873 662 327 322 267 537 437 404 409 409 418 276 625 646 646 404 715 646 535 430
369 318 421 364 421 339 318 436 666 346 435 207 688 688 249 211 211 903 827 733 361 749

3.80 8.15 11.90 13.70



2.50 5.90 4.05

3.50 4.25


4.80 4.90 2.35

4.75 7.60


Page LD

brute 359 bub 105 bubble 601 buck 216 bucket 685 bucketful 629 buckeyes 308 buckle 604
buckskin 123 bud 110 Buddha 369 buddies 701 buddy 701 budge 212 budget 685 bueno ! 540
Buenos Aires ! 540 buff 145 buffalo 309 buffer 633 Bufferin 879 buffet ** 940/685 buffeted 685
bug 115 bugger 633 buggies 702 buggy 702 bugle 612 bugs 115 build * 240 builder 640 building
240 buildings 240 built 247 bulb 240 bulge 367 bulk 245 bulky 745 bull 155 bull's eye 308
bulldog 114 bulldoze 364 bulldozer 364 bullet 686 bulletin 686 bulletproof 407 bullfight 428
bullfighter 650 bullheaded 402 bullied 703 bullies 703 bully 703 bullying 703 bulwark 507 bum
120 bumble 606 bumblebee 305 bummer 635 bump 270 bumper 649 bumpier 754 bumpkin 878
bumpy 755 bun 125 bunch 207 bundle 607 bungalow 310 bungee 305 bungle 605 bunion 843
bunk 222 bunkers 648 bunnies 704 bunny 704 bunt 249 bunter 651 buoys * (**) ! 303 bur * 520
burden 876 bureau 949 bureaucracies 710 bureaucracy 710 bureaucrat 131 bureaucratic 812
bureaus 949 burg * 520




7.95 4.10 4.90 4.90 6.45 5.90



3.80 7.65

10.80 17.70


Page LD

Burgandy burgeon burgeoning burger * burgh * burgher * burglar burglaries burglary burial
buried buries * burlap burlesque burly Burma Burmese burn burned burner burnt burp burr *
burro Burroughs * burrow * bursar burst bury * bus busboy bush bushel bushes bushings
bushman busier busiest busily business businesses businessman businessmen businesswoman
businesswomen bussed * bust * bustle busy busybody but Butch butcher butler butt * butte * !
butter buttercup butterflies butterfly butterscotch buttocks button buttonhole buttons buttress
buy * buyer buying buys buzz by * by-play by-product bye * bygones bylaws byline bypass byte *
Byzantine cab cabal cabala * cabana cabaret

741 920 920 520 520 520 673 724 724 821 722 722 126 902 521 374 360 521 521 521 521 521
520 309 313 310 674 522 722 160 303 211 625 211 211 869 728 728 715 1067 1067 870 870 870
870 160 236 609 728 711 135 205 644 648 135 1068 638 130 307 307 204 216 838 331 838 1065
308 672 308 308 140 307 302 226 308 340 319 337 156 964 336 101 819 373 375 940


3.55 5.70 8.80

7.90 11.80 2.45 4.25 7.55 5.25

12.30 15.75

5.90 1.35 9.30


6.30 7.40 310 7.50 4.70 9.00 3.50

30 Word



cabbage 327 cabin 877 cabinet 687 cabinetry 755 cable 610 caboodle 611 cache * 909 cachet
940 cackle 604 cacophonous 889 cacti 160 cactus 160 cactuses 160 cad 106 cadaver 669
cadaverous 890 caddie 701 cadence 260 cadet 685 cadge 212 cadre * 683 Caesar 674 café 939
cafeteria 371 caffeine 336 cage 327 cagey 306 cahoots 429 Cain * 419 Cajun 125 cake 328 cakes
328 calcium 833 calculate 350 calculations 350 calculator 678 calculus 160 calendar 673 calf 243
caliber 658 calibrate 351 calibration 351 calico 309 California 371 calipers 665 caliph 933 calk *
244 call 147 called 147 caller 634 calling 147 calisthenics 807 callous * 888 calls 147 callus * 160
calm 119 calmer 960 calorie 304 Calvary 725 calves 380 Calvin 879 Calvinism 272 cam 116
Cambodia 370 Cambodian 866 came 332 camel 625 camels 625 cameo !! 309/5?? camouflage
919 camp 269 campaign 959 camper 649 campfire 525 camphor 933 camping 269 campsite 357
campus 160 can 121 Cana 375 Canaan 864 Canada 368 Canadian 865 canal 146 canapé 939
canaries 720

8.65 4.50 12.45 5.60

16.10 2.95

2.55 3.00

14.00 5.75

1.55 2.40 2.25 5.25 9.35


1.60 6.15 7.30 2.15 17.60

3.90 9.80 1.40



Page LD

canary cancel canceled * canceling * cancellation cancelled * (Br.) cancelling *(Br.) cancer candid
candidacy candidate candied candies candle candles candlestick candor candy cane * canine
canister canker canned canneries cannery cannibal cannibalism canning cannon * cannonball
cannot canoe canoes canon * canonical canonization canonize canopies canopy cans cant * can't
* cantaloupe ! canteen canter * Canterbury canton cantor * canvas * canvass * canyon cap
capabilities capability capable capacious capacitor capacity cape caper capillaries capillary capital
* capitalism capitalist capitalistic Capitol capitulate capitulation capped caprice capricious caps
capsized capsules captain caption captivating captive captivity capture captured car caramel
carat * caravan
720 624 624 624 848 624 624 511 108 709 354 741 741 607 607 215 516 741 335 337 652 648
121 726 726 816 272 121 836 147 134 313 313 836 818 857 362 719 719 121 249 249 537 420
651 722 838 680 156 156 838 126 734 734 616 885 680 730 341 511 720 720 826 272 816 816
152 350 350 126 344 885 126 362 331 419 862 353 897 738 529 924 501 523 691 121

10.10 13.40 15.70 14.55 17.85

15.15 5.95 6.10 2.75 4.50


6.10 4.20 10.25 10.45

3.25 2.65

11.75 18.45 8.35 1.85 11.20 16.85 4.25



3.00 8.05

5.95 7.65 1.20


Page LD

carbine 336 carbohydrates 351 carbon 835 carbonated 351 carbonation 351 carburetor 680
carcass 156 carcinoma 374 card 505 cardiac 801 cardigan 865 cardinal 822 cardiologist 714
cardiology 714 cardiopulmonary 720 cards 505 care 523 cared 523 careen 420 career 531 careful
630 carefully 749 careless 1066 carelessly 751 carelessness 1067 cares 523 caress 157 carfare
523 cargo 309 Caribbean ** 864 caribou 317 caricature 529 caries * 720 Carl * 508 carload 403
Carlton 838 Carmen 875 carmine 338 carnage 327 carnal 824 carnival 830 carnivorous 890
Carol's * 152 Carolina 375 carols * 152 carom 832 carouse 436 carousel 148 carp 508 carpenter
651 carpet 687 carpool 414 carport 519 carrels * 624 carriage 327 carried 706 carrier 660 carries
* 706 carrion 843 carrot * 690 carrots * 690 carry 706 carrying 706 cars 501 carsick 215 cart 510
carte blanche 910 cartel 624 Carter 657 Carthage 327 carton 838 cartoon 422 cartoonist
235/816 cartridges 212 carts 510 carve 509 carver 509 Cary's 720 Casanova 377 cascade 321
case 343 casement 881 caseworker 503 cash * 209 cashed 209 cashier 660


3.25 2.35 5.00 14.00 5.80 7.70 6.90 4.30




8.75 5.90

13.75 5.90 6.85 7.90 8.00 4.05 11.05 1.65 3.05


3.05 3.70 5.85 12.80


Page LD

casino 309 cask * 271 casket 685 Casper 649 Caspian Sea 867 Cass River 156 casserole 331
cassette 688 cast * 233 castanets 687 castaway 302 caste * 274 caster * 652 castigate 349 Castile
330 castle 609 castor * oil 680 castrate 352 castration 352 Castro 309 casual 829 casually 749
casualties 757 casualty 757 cat 131 catalog 114 catalogs 114 catalogue 922 catalpa tree 376
catalyst 956 catalytic 816 catamaran 121 catapult 248 cataracts 223 catastrophe 304 catastrophic
932 catch 201 catch-22 201 catchall 147 catches 201 catching 201 catch-up * 201 catechism 272
categorical 809 categories 723 category 723 cater 667 caterer 666 caterpillar 673 catfish 210
catgut 135 catharsis 1070 cathartic 815 cathedral 824 catheter 667 catholic 805 Catholic 805
Catholicism 272 catnap 126 catnip 128 cats 131 cattails 411 cattle 603 Caucasian 867 caucus 160
caught 430 cauldron 836 cauliflower 416 caulk * 244 causal 826 causality 733 cause 436 caused
436 causes 436 caustic 816 caution 859 cavalry * 754 cave 324 cavern 512 cavernous 889 caviar
501 cavity 737 caw 319 c'est moi ! * 938 cease 432 ceaseless 1058/1066


1.55 10.55 12.95

4.30 6.75 6.25


2.45 3.30 6.75

5.10 6.35 7.40 12.05 2.30


31 Word



cedar 673 cede * 321 ceiling 443 celebrate 351 celebrated 351 celebration 351 celebrities 736
celebrity 736 celery 726 celestial 828 celibacy 709 cell * 149 cellar * 673 cello ! 309 cellophane
335 cellular 674 celluloid 403 cellulose 345 Celt ** 247 Celtic ** 814 Celtics ** 814 cement 250
cemeteries 723 cemetery 723 censer * 666 censor * 677 censorship 128 censure 528 census 160
cent * 250 centaur 1012 centennial 821 center * 651 centered 651 centerfold 241 centerpiece
442 centipede 321 central 825 centralization 855 centralized 361 centre * (Br.) 683 centrifugal
1012 centrifuge 1012 centripetal 826 cents * 250 centuries 727 century 727 ceramic 806 cereal *
412 cerebellum 834 cerebral 824 ceremonial 821 ceremonies 717 ceremony 717 certain 419
certainly 749 certificate 354 certificates 354 certification 845 certified 712 certify 712 certitude
323 cessation 853 cesspool 414 Chablis 962 Chad 106 chafe 324 chaff 141 chafing dish 210 chain
419 chair 530 chairman 870 chairmen 870 chairperson 837 chairs 530 chairwoman 870
chairwomen 870 chaise longue ! * 909 chaise * 909 chalet 940 chalk 244 challenge 213
challenger 643 chamber 639 chambermaid 401 chameleon 835

13.30 14.05 12.60 11.55

7.40 10.45


2.20 4.15

3.70 10.70

9.95 11.80 15.40 16.60 14.40

6.35 3.85 7.90 5.35

9.30 15.50 8.25


Page LD

chamois ! 909 champ 269 champagne 909 champion 843 championship 128 chance * 257
chancellor 676 chances 257 chandelier 909 change 367 changeable 614 changed 213 changes
367 changing 213 channel 625 Chanukah 378 chanson 909 chant 249 chants * 249 chaos 814
chaotic 814 chap 126 chapeau 949 chapeau’s 949 chapeaux 949 chapel 625 chaperon * 909
chaperone * 339 chaplain 419 chapped 126 chappie 304 chapter 650 char 501 character 649
characteristic 816 characteristically 749 characterization 857 characterize 362 characters 649
charades 321 charcoal 413 chargé d'affaires 939 charge 507 charged 507 charger 507 charges
507 charging 507 chariot 690 charisma 905 charismatic 811 charitable 619 charities 736 charity
736 charivari * 946 charlatan 909 Charlemagne 909 Charles 508 Charleston 837 charm 508
charmer 508 charming 508 charred * 501 chart 510 charter 657 Chartreuse 910 chary * 720
chase 343 chased * 343 chaser 666 chasing 343 chasm 272 chassis ! 946/962 chaste * 274
chastise 354 chastity 737 chat 131 chateau 949 Chateauguay 949 chateau’s 949 chateaux 949
chattel 626 chatter 637 chauffeur 910 Chautauqua 910 chauvinism 272 chauvinist 816

5.60 7.85 3.65 5.50 4.95 5.45 12.50


5.40 15.55 18.15


4.25 5.85 5.55 6.55


4.75 5.75 3.95

6.05 8.25 7.90




Page LD

chauvinistic 816 cheap * 424 cheapen 876 cheaper 424 cheapest 424 cheapskate 347 check *
215 checked 215 checkers 647 checkerboard 533 checking 215 checkmate 350 checkout 431
checkpoint 253 checkroom 418 checkup 130 checks * 215 cheddar 673 cheek 408 cheep * 424
cheer 531 cheerful 630 cheerfully 749 cheering 531 cheerleader 658 cheerleading 402 cheery
723 cheese 435 cheetah 378 chef * 910 chemical 806/905 chemist 272/905 chemistry 755/905
chemotherapy719/905 chenille 330 chequers * 902 cheques *(Br.)215/902 Cher 941 cherie *
939 cherish 210 Cherokee 941 cherries 706 cherry 706 cherub 941 cherubim 941 Chesapeake
408 chess 157 chest 234 Chester 652 Chesterfield 652 chest of drawers 671 chestnuts 135
chevron 124 Chevrolet 940 Chevy 738 chew 316 chews * 316 chez * 940 Chianti 905 chic * 910
Chicago 910 chicanery 910 Chicano 910 chichi 910 chick 215 chickadee 305 Chickasaw 319
chicken 874 chicken pox 268 chickens 215 chicks 215 chicory 726 chide 322 chief 406 chiefly 747
chiffon 910 chigger 633 Chihuahua !! 377 child 240 childbirth 515 childhood 404 childish 1061
childlike 329 childproof 407 children 875 children's 875

5.60 6.50 4.50 7.00 9.30 6.10

6.65 9.10 3.80 7.10 6.75





5.00 13.30 6.65 5.90 7.50 10.10

2.80 9.40 4.80 13.80


Page LD
Chile 945 chili * 945 chill 151 chilly * 703 chimes 333 chimney 306 chimpanzee 305 chin 123
china 375 China 375 chinchilla 373 Chinese 360 chink 221 Chinook 910 chintzy 758 chip 128
chipmunk 222 chipper 636 chirp 515 chisel 624 chiseled * 624 chiselled * (Br.) 624 chiseler * 624
chiseller * (Br.) 624 chit 133 chitchat 131 chitterlings ! * 638 chivalry 755 chivaree ! * 305
chivari ! * 945 chlorine 336 chloroform 517 chlorophyll 955 chock 216 chockfull * 631 chock-full
* 631 chocolate 354 Choctaw 319 choice 433 choir * 905 choke 329 choker 662 cholera 376/905
choleric 809/905 cholesterol 152/905 choose * 435 chop 129 chop suey 306 chopper 636
choppy 705 chopsticks 215 choral * 825/905 chorale * 905 chord * 516/905 chore 526
choreograph 905/927 choreographer 644 choreography 927 chores 526 chortle 608 chorus 906
chose 364 chosen 873 chow mein 442 chow * 318 chowder 659 Chris 907 Christ 234 christen
877 christening 877 Christian * 868 Christianity * 735 Christine 336 Christmas 234 Christopher
644 chrome 908 chronic 808 chronically 748 chronicle 611 chronological 803 chronology 714
chrysanthemums 834 chub 105 chubby 701 chuck 216 chuckle 604

7.20 11.15 5.65

14.25 10.15 14.60

10.50 5.15

8.95 15.25 7.65 7.70

960 15.40 9.10

32 Word


chug chum chummy chump chunk chunky church churches churl churlish churn chute ! *
chutzpa !* chutzpah !* ciao * !! Cicero cider cigars cigarettes cinch cinder Cinderella cinema
cipher circa circle circuit circuitry circular circulars circulate circulation circumcise circumcision
circumference circumlocution circumnavigated circumscribe circumspect circumstance
circumstances circumstantial circumvent circus cistern citadel citation cite * cities citizen
citizenry citizenship citrus city citywide civic civil civilian civilities civility civilization civilized clack
clad claim claimant claimed claims clairvoyance clairvoyant clam clambake clammy clamor *
clamour *(Br.) clamp clan clandestine clang clank clannish clap claque * claret clarification

115 120 704 270 222 760 520 520 521 1062 521 359 535 535 535 309 658 501 688 206 641 373
374 644 368 611 690 755 674 674 350 848 363 918 261 859 349 320 224 257 257 828 250 160
512 148 853 357 729 875 754 128 160 729 322 817 628 866 734 734 856 361 214 106 417 254
417 417 259 254 116 328 704 677 682 269 121 338 217 220 1062 126 902 687 844 712
LD 6.20

4.10 8.40

7.85 17.90 14.55 15.85 14.30

16.55 15.70 7.70

6.55 11.30

2.30 12.50 13.30


8.45 9.30 10.60


Page LD

clarify 712 clarinet 687 clarity 736 clash 209 clasp 273 class 156 classes 156 classic 810 classical
810 classification 844 classified 712 classify 712 clatter 637 clause * 436 claws * 319 clay 302 clay
pigeon 839 clean 420 cleaned 420 cleaners 664 cleanest 664 cleaning 420 clear 531 clearance
258 cleared 531 clearer 666 clearest 666 clearing 531 clearinghouse 433 clearly 531 cleats 427
cleavage 327 cleave 441 cleaver 669 clef 142 cleft 232 clemency 740 clench 206 clergy 742
clerical 809 clerk 512 clerks 512 clever 669 cleverly 669 cleverness 1067 clew * 316 cliché 939
click 215 clicker 647 client 260 clientele 540 cliff 143 climate 354 climax 265 climb * 958 climbed
958 climber 639 climbing 958 clime * 333 clinch 206 cling 218 clinic 807 clinical 807 clinically 748
clinics 807 clink 221 clinkers 648 Clio 309 clip 128 clipper 128 clipping 128 clique * 901 cloak 409
clobber 632 clock 216 clocks 216 clod 109 clodhopper 636 clog 653 cloister 653 clone 339 clop
129 close * (**) 345/364 closed 364 closely 747 closer 345/364

2.00 4.90

3.45 2.60 4.85 4.70 3.35 5.40 4.60 6.30

9.25 9.15 7.30

9.30 8.25 5.80 8.65 8.55

3.00 4.10

3.80 4.65 8.45 5.90

Word closet closing cloth clothe clothes * clothesline clotheshorse clothing cloud clouds cloudy
clout clove clover cloverleaf clown club clubs cluck clue * clump clumsiest clumsy cluster clutch
clutter cocoach coachman coagulate coagulation coal * coalesce coalition coarse * coarsely
coarseness coast coastal coaster coasting coastline coat coats coattails coax * cob cobalt Cobb
cobble cobblestone cobra cobwebs coca Coca Cola cocaine cock cocoa cocoon cod code codicil
codified codify coed coeducational coefficient coequal coerce coercion coexist cofactor coffee
coffeehouse coffeepot coffers * coffin cog cogent cogitate cogitation cognate cognition cognitive
cognizance cognizant

Page LD 687 364 276 279 279 337 518 279 403 403 711 431 326 670 406 421 105 105 216 314
270 755 755 653 205 638 1013 437 869 350 350 413 157 858 534 747 1067 235 827 652 438 337
429 429 411 268 104 247 104 601 339 376 102 368 373 419 216 537 422 109 323 628 712 712
107 823 912 830 512 843 235 679 305 433 134 511 877 114 260 352 352 351 858 896 259 259

7.70 6.45 5.30 8.15 8.75 5.20 5.15 7.75

4.40 3.15 3.80


4.05 14.10 5.50 7.95 2.35 3.70

7.15 14.45 7.15



Page LD

cohabit 689 cohabitation 353 cohere 524 coherence 261 coherent 256 cohesion 918 cohesive
892 cohorts 519 coiffeur * 681 coiffure * 527 coil 415 coin 423 coinage 327 coincide 322
coincidence 260 coincidental 826 coincidentally 749 coincides 322 coke 329 cokes * 329 cola 373
cold 241 colder 640 coldest 640 Cole * 331 coleslaw 319 colic 805 colicky 745 coliseum * 833
collaborate 351 collaboration 351 collaborators 679 collage 919 collapse 263 collapsible 622
collar 673 collard * greens 506 collared * 673 collate 350 collateral 824 collation 350 collator 678
colleagues 921 collect 224 collected 224 collectibles 623 collecting 224 collection 860 collections
860 collective 895 collectively 747 collectivism 272 collectivist 817 collector 679 colleen 420
college 366 colleges 366 collegian 866 collegiate 355 collide 322 collision 918 colloquial 821
collusion 918 cologne 959 Colombia * 369 Colombian 865 colon 836 colonel * ! 625 colonial 821
colonialism 272 colonialist 816 colonies 718 colonist 816 colonization 857 colonize 362 colony
718 color * 676 Colorado 309 colorblind 229 colored * 676 colorfast 233 colorful 631 colorless
1066 colossal 826 Coliseum * 833 colossus 160


3.40 3.70



7.70 8.90 10.10 8.60 11.20

13.90 13.15



11.00 5.40 7.40

33 Word


colour *(Br.) 682 coloured *(Br.) 682 colt 248 Columbia * 369 columbines 337 Columbus 160
column 120 columnar 120 columnist 235 columns 120 com1013 coma 374 Comanche 304
comatose 374 comb 958 combat 131 combatant 254 combative 893 combed 958 combination
849 combine ** 337 combined ** 337 combo 309 combustible 623 come 334 comedian 866
comedic 802 comedienne 1068 comedown 421 comedy 711 comely 747 comes 334 comet 686
comfort 519 comfortable 519 comfortably 746 comfy 741 comic 806 comical 806 comically 749
comics 806 coming 334 comma 374 command 227 commander 640 commanding 227
commandments 880 commando 309 commands 227 commemorate 352 commemoration 352
commemorative 894 commence 257 commencement 880 commend 228 commendation 846
commensurate 355 comment 250 commentaries 721 commentary 721 commentator 679
comments 250 commerce 512 commercial 819 commercialise (BR)363 commercialism 272
commercialize 361 commercially 748 commiserate 352 commiseration 352 commissar 501
commissaries 721 commissary 721 commission 840 commissioner 840 commit 133 commitment
883 committed 133 committee 305 committees 305 commode 323 commodities 731 commodity
731 commodore 526 common 836 commonweal 412


14.45 16.05


12.50 8.90 10.45 1.20

2.05 7.85 10.35

5.45 9.85 12.55


13.50 16.65 16.45 9.40

13.25 12.95 15.75

15.75 17.75 13.45 16.40 16.85 18.00



Page LD

commonwealth commotion communal commune communicable communicate communication

communicator communion communiqué communism communist communistic communities
community commutation commute commuter comp compact ** compactor compacts **
companies companion companionship company company's comparable comparably
comparative comparatively compare compared comparison compass compassion compassionate
compatibility compatible compatriot compel compelled compensate compensation
compensatory compete competence competency competent competition competitive
competitor compilation compile complacency complacent complain complaint complainant
complaints complaisance complaisant complement * complementary * complete completed
completely completing completion complex ** complexion complexities complexity compliance
compliant complicate complications complicity compliment *(**) complimentary * compliments
comply complying component compose composed
280 859 824 340 613 348 845 678 843 939 272 816 816 736 736 854 359 669 269 223 679 223
718 843 128 718 718 616 616 894 747 523 523 837 156 839 354 733 623 690 624 624 353 853
725 356 261 740 262 858 896 680 848 330 739 255 419 253 254 253 254 254 880 725 356 356
747 356 857 266 842 738 738 258 258 347 347 730 882 722 882 307 307 256 364 364


15.55 13.85

12.90 11.00 6.30 17.30 616 18.20 7.90 8.50 15.40 10.35

13.95 12.65 14.65

17.55 17.50

7.85 11.90 13.10

9.10 9.25 14.45 11.40 13.75


16.25 15.05 7.65 10.40 6.35 8.10


Page LD

composer 666 composite 357 composition 858 compost 235 composure 528 compound ** 231
comprehend 228 comprehensible 622 comprehension 842 comprehensive 892 compress ** 157
compression 915 compressor 678 comprise 363 compromise 363 comptroller 634 compulsion
918 compulsive 892 compulsory 726 compunction 861 computation 854 compute 359 computer
668 computerization 857 computerized 362 comrade !! 321 camaraderie 723 con 124 con1014
concave 324 conceal 412 concede 321 conceit 442 conceited 442 conceive 441 concentrate 352
concentrating 352 concentration 352 concentric 810 concept 238 conception 862 conceptual
829 conceptualize 361 concern 512 concerned 512 concerning 512 concerns 512 concert ** 513
concerted 513 concertina 375 concerto 309 concession 839 conch ** ! 207 concierge 919
conciliate 349 conciliatory 725 concise 345 concisely 747 conclude 323 concluded 323
conclusion 841 concoct 226 concoction 861 concord 516 concordance 258 Concordia 370
concourse 518 concrete 356 concur 520 concurrent 256 concussion 916 condemn 117
condemnation 850 condensation 853 condense 263 condenser 666 condescend 228
condescension 842 condiments 256 condition 858 conditional 823 conditions 858 condo 309
condom 832 condominium 833 condone 339
13.25 8.35



17.30 11.55 12.60 12.25 13.15 10.65

12.25 11.60 13.30



10.40 12.00


Page LD

condor 516 conducive 892 conduct ** 226 conducted 226 conduction 862 conductor 680
conduit 690 cone 339 confection 860 confectioner 664 confectionery 720 confederacy 710
confederate 352/354 confederation 851 confer 511 conference 256 confess 157 confession 839
confessional 823 confessor 678 confetti 379 confidant * 259 confidante * 259 confide 322
confidence 255 confident 260 confidential 828 confidentially 749 configuration 852 confine 337
confined 337 confinement 881 confirm 515 confirmation 849 confirming 515 conflagration 852
conflict ** 225 confluence 256 conform 517 conformation 849 conformist 816 conformity 735
confound 231 confraternity 735 confront 249 confrontation 854 confrontational 823 Confucian
965 Confucianism 272 Confucius 160 confuse 365 confusion 841 conga 369 congeal 412
congenial 820 congeries 723 congested 234 congestion 863 congestive 897 conglomerate 355
conglomeration 355 Congo 309 congratulate 350 congratulations 849 congratulatory 725
congregate 348 congregation 348 Congregational 823 congress 1065 congressional 823
congressman 1015 congresswoman 1015 congruence 256 congruent 256 conjecture 529
conjugal 820 conjugation 349 conjunction 861 conjure 527 conjurer 666 conk * 222 connect 224
connected 224 connection 860 connections 860 connective 895

7.50 8.65


11.40 13.75 8.60

13.80 11.45 18.15 7.75 9.25 12.90 17.00 13.35 11.80

8.60 12.60

15.25 16.10


10.70 11.70 11.65 13.65

34 Word


conniption fit 862 conniving 325 connoisseur 681 connotation 854 connote 358 connubial 820
conquer 904 conqueror 904 conquistadors 516 conscience 260 conscientious 887 conscious 885
consciousness 1067 consecrate 351 consecration 351 consecutive 897 consensus 160 consent
250 consequence 262 consequences 262 consequently 752 conservation 855 conservative 895
conservatory 725 conserve 513 consider 659 considerable 616 considerably 746 considerate 354
consideration 851 considered 659 considering 659 consign 959 consigned 959 consignment 882
consist 235 consisted 235 consistency 740 consistent 256 consisting 235 consists 235 consolation
848 console ** 331 consolidate 348 consolidation 348 consonance * 258 consonants * 254
consort ** 519 conspicuous 891 conspiracies 710 conspiracy 710 conspirators 679 conspire 525
constable 620 constant 254 constantly 752 constellation 848 constipated 351 constipation 351
constituency 740 constituents 256 constitute 359 constitution 859 constitutional 824
constitutionality 732 construct ** 226 construction 862 constructive 896 construe 314
consubstantiation 847 consul 629 consulate 355 consult 248 consultant 254 consultation 853
consume 334 consumer 663 consummate **351/355 consummation 849 consumption 863
contact 223 contagion 839 contagious 886 contain 419 contained 419 containers 664


12.20 18.60 19.60

8.40 17.35 18.05 16.90

9.10 13.00 14.75 12.60 12.45 11.80 11.45 9.65 11.40 9.55 13.60

10.75 12.95

14.55 11.80 12.05


8.35 5.20 7.80


Page LD

containing contains contaminate contamination contemplate contemplation contemplative

contemporaries contemporary contempt contemptible contemptuous contend contender
content ** contented contentedly contention contentment contents ** contest ** contestant
context contiguous continence * continents * continental contingencies contingency contingent
continually continuance continuation continue continued continuous continuum contorted
contortionist contortions contour Contra contracontraband contraception contraceptives
contract ** contraction contractor contracts ** contractual contradict contradiction contraption
contrary contrast ** contrasting ** contrastive contribute contributing contributions contributor
contributory contrite contrition contrivance contrive control controller controversial
controversies controversy contumacious contusions convalesce convalescence * convalescents *
convection convene convenience convenient convent convention conventional converge

419 419 351 351 350 350 894 721 721 269 623 891 228 641 250 250 748 862 883 250 234 254
266 891 261 261 827 740 740 256 749 259 854 315 315 891 835 519 816 863 532 376 1016 227
862 897 223 860 679 223 829 225 861 862 721 233 233 897 359 359 859 681 724 357 858 259
325 152 634 821 754 754 885 918 157 255 255 895 336 261 261 250 862 823 512 255

8.60 7.70 13.20


9.35 3.40


15.35 9.40 11.10 17.70

6.15 10.00

12.20 9.25 11.40


18.35 18.35 8.50


Page LD

conversant 254 conversation 853 conversational 823 conversationalist 816 converse 512
conversely 747 conversion 918 convert ** 513 converter 657 convertible 623 converting 513
convex 266 convey 302 conveyance 259 conveyor 681 convict ** 225 conviction 861 convince
257 convoy 303 convulse 264 convulsion 918 coo 312 cook 409 cookbook 409 cooked 409
cooker 662 cookie 713 cookies 713 cooking 409 cookout 431 cookware 523 cool 414 cooler 414
coolie * 414 coolly * 414 coonskin 123 coop 425 co-op 129 Cooper 665 cooperate 352
cooperation 851 cooperative 894 coordinate ** 351 coordination 351 coordinator 678 cop 129
cope 342 coping 342 copping 129 copper 636 cops * 129 copse * 263 copied 719 copier 705
copies 719 copy 719 copying 719 copyrights 428 copywriter 668 coquette 688 coral * 825 cord *
516 cordial 820 cordially 749 cordless 1066 cordon bleu 957 corduroy 303 core * 526 cored *
526 corelate * (BR) 350 corelation * (Br.) 350 cork 517 Corky 745 corn 517 corncob 104 cornea
369 corner 517 corners 517 cornet 132 Cornish 1062 cornucopia 371 Cornwall 147 corny 755
corollaries 720 corollary 720 corona 375



11.90 10.90

2.50 3.95 4.50 2.65 2.90

13.60 14.55


9.60 5.80

5.15 17.70

2.00 6.50 7.20

Page LD

coronary 721 coronation 850 coroner 664 coronet 132 corporal 825 corporate 354 corporation
852 corps * 961 corpsman 870 corpse 518 corpus 160 corpus delecti 160 corpuscle 611 corral *
146 correct 224 corrected 224 correction 861 correctional 823 corrections 861 corrective 895
correctly 752 correlate * (AM) 350 correlation * 350 correspond 230 correspondence * 260
correspondent 260 correspondents * 260 corresponding 230 corridor 675 corroborate 352
corroboration 352 corrode 323 corrosion 918 corrupt 239 corruption 863 corsage 919 corset 687
cosign * 959 cosine * 337 cosmetic 813 cosmic 806 cosmopolitan 871 cosmos 1070 Cossack 214
cost 235 costs 235 Costa Rica 368 costar 501 costarring 501 costly 753 costume 334 costumes
334 cozy 728 cot 134 coterie 304 cottage 327 cotter pin 638 cotton 838 cottontail 411 couch 437
cougar 673 cough 313 could 405 couldn't 134 council * 628 councilor * 676 councillor * (BR) 676
counsel * 626 counseled * 626 counselled * (BR) 626 counselor * 676 counsellor * (BR) 676
count 252 counted 252 countenance 258 counter 651 counterclockwise 363 counterfeit 442
counterfeiter 651 counties 755 counting 252 countries 755 country 755 countryman 871
countryside 322 county 755


6.90 9.05 9.75 11.10 8.95 17.00 17.70 17.75 17.40

3.45 8.85

9.70 9.85

7.15 4.55 9.35 7.30 2.70 6.50 15.65 18.65

2.95 4.95 18.80 6.60

4.90 9.30 3.75 5.05

35 Word coup * ! coup de grace coup d'etat coupe * couple couplet coupling coupon courage
courageous courageously courier course * courses court courteous courtesies courtesy courting
courts courtship cousin cousins cove coven covenant cover cover up cover-up coverage covered
covering covers covert covet covey cow coward * cowardice cowardly cowboy cower cowered *
cowgirl cowhand cowhide cowl cowpoke cows coxswain ! coyote coziest cozy crab crabby crack
crackdown cracker cracker-barrel crackerjack crackle crackling crackpot cradle craft craftier
craftiness craftsman craftsmanship crafty crag cram cramp cranberries crane crank crankshaft
cranky crannies cranny crap crape * crappie * crappy * crash crass

Page 961 961 939 950 603 686 612 425 327 884 752 660 534 518 534 884 728 728 534 534 128
879 879 326 875 254 670 670 670 327 670 670 670 513 687 306 318 506 344 746 303 671 671
514 227 322 415 329 318 535 304 738 738 101 701 214 421 647 625 214 604 604 134 611 232
757 757 871 128 757 111 116 269 706 335 220 232 745 704 704 126 341 304 705 209 156


7.45 10.70 9.20

10.20 11.75 6.00 17.90 16.75 7.90 8.55 9.30


4.10 3.80 4.35

1.70 7.35 1.55






Page LD

crate 347 crater 667 cravat 131 crave 324 cravings 324 craw 319 crawfish 210 Crawford 516
crawl 416 crawlers 416 crayfish 210 craze 360 crazies 738 crazy 738 creak * 408 creaky 713
cream 418 creamer 663 creamery 724 create 348 created 348 creation 348 creationism 272
creative 347 creativity 735 creator 678 creature 923 creatures 529 credence 260 credentials 828
credenza 378 credibility 734 credible 621 credit 689 credited 689 crediting 689 creditor 680
credits 689 credo 309 credulous 888 creed 402 creek * 408 creep 424 creeper 665 creepy 719
cremated 347 cremation 849 crematorium 833 Creole 331 crepe * paper !* 341 crept 238
crescendo 309 crescent 255 crest 234 crestfallen 873 Crete 356 cretin 879 crew 316 crewel * 627
crews * 316 crib 103 cribbage 327 crick * 215 crickets 685 cried 307 crier 661 cries 307 crime
333 criminal 822 criminologist 274 criminology 714 crimp 270 crimson 837 cringe 213 crinkle
605 cripple 603 crises (pl) 1070 crisis * (sngl) 1070 crisp 273 crispy 755 crisscross 159 criteria (pl)
371 criterion (sngl) 371 critic 814 critical 814 critically 814

6.45 2.95 7.10 8.25

10.60 11.60

10.10 13.90 12.90 11.65

5.80 7.65



7.15 8.00 4.75 14.25



Page LD

criticism 272 criticize 361 critics 814 critique 901 critter 638 croak 409 crochet 940 crock 216
crocodile 330 crocus 160 croissant 938 crone 339 cronies 717 crony 717 cronyism 272 crook 409
crooked 409 crookedly 746 crookedness 1067 croon 422 crooners 664 crop 129 crops 129
croquet 940 croquette 1068 cross 159 crossbow 310 crosscourt 534 crosscut 135 crossed 159
cross-examination 850 cross-examine 338 cross-eyed 308 crossing 159 crossroads 403 cross-
town 421 crotch 204 crotchet 685 crotchety 729 croup 425 crouton 124 crow 310 crowd 403
crowded 403 crown 421 crucial 819 crucifix 267 crucifixion 267 crucify 712 crud 110 cruel 414
cruelties 756 cruelty 756 cruet 687 cruise * 435 cruiser 435 cruller 634 crumb 120 crumble 606
crummiest 704 crummy 704 crumple 606 crunch 207 crusade 321 crusaders 658 crush 211 crust
236 crusty 758 crutch 205 crux 268 cry 307 crybabies 709 crybaby 709 crying 307 crypt 239
cryptic 815 crystal 827 crystallization 856 crystallize 361 crystalline 338 crème de la crème939
cub 105 Cuba 368 Cuban 864 cube 320 cubic 802


3.30 4.70 16.95 3.15


3.50 7.35 10.70 421



2.85 4.45


Page LD

cubical 817 cubism 272 cubist 272 cubit 689 cuckoo 312 cucumber 639 cud 110 cuddle 601
cuddly 746 cudgel 625 cue * 315 cuff 145 cul-de-sac 801 culinary 720 cull 155 culminate 351
culmination 351 culottes 1068 culprit 690 cult 248 cultivate 353 cultivating 353 cultivation 353
cultivator 679 cultural 825 culture 529 culvert 513 cumbersome 273 cummerbund 230
cumulative 894 cumulus 160 cunning 125 cup 130 cupboard ! 535 cupcake 328 cupful 629 Cupid
108 cupola 373 cups 130 cur 520 curable 617 curare 304 curate 355 curative 894 curator 679
curb 520 curds 520 cure 527 curfew 316 curio 309 curiosity 737 curious 887 curl 521 curlers 521
curly 751 curmudgeon 839 currant * 254 currency 740 current * 256 currently 752 curricula (pl)
373 curriculum (sngl) 834 curried 706 curry 706 curse 552 cursive 892 cursor 677 cursory 726
curt * 522 curtail 411 curtain 419 curtains 419 curtsey * 306 curtseys * 306 curtsies * 756 curtsy
* 756 curve 522 curvy 758 cushion 839 cuss 160 cussed 160 custard 506 Custer 653 custodial
820 custodian 866 custody 711


9.80 2.05


6.85 17.20 13.15 8.05


9.40 10.05


36 Word


custom 832 customarily 720 customary 720 customer 832 customers 832 customize 362 customs
832 cut 135 cutback 214 cute 359 cutest 359 cuticle 611 cutlass 156 cutlery 726 cutlet 686 cuts
135 cutter 638 cutthroat 429 cutting 135 cyanide 322 cycle 611 cyclic 805 cyclical 818 cyclist 274
cyclone 339 Cyclops 129 cylinder 641 cylindrical 818 cymbal * 819 cynic 808 cynical 818 cynically
818 cynicism 272 cypher *(Br.) 644 cypress 1065 Cypriot 690 Cyprus 160 Cyril 628 Cyrillic 805
cyst 235 cystic fibrosis 817 czar * 501 czarist * 274 Czech * 907 Czechoslovakia 907 dab 101
dabble 601 dabbler 601 dachshund ! 545 dad 106 daddies 701 daddy 701 daemon *(Br.) 836
daemonology *(Br.)714 daemons *(Br.) 836 daffodils 628 daffy 702 dagger 633 dahlia 370 daily *
715 daintiest 757 dainty 757 daiquiri 379 dairy 722 daisy 728 Dakota 377 dale 330 Daley * 306
dally 703 Dalmatian 868 Daly * 715 dam * 116 damage 327 damaged 327 damask 271 dame 332
dammed * 116 damn * 116 damnation 850 damned * 116 damp 269 dampen 876 damper 649
Dan 121 dance 257 danced 257

10.85 12.30 13.45 11.75 2.10 7.35 13.10

4.30 4.25


2.20 4.55



3.60 6.80 8.75 4.45


2.55 5.25

Word dancer dances dancing dandelion dandle dandy Dane danger dangerous dangers dangle
Daniel Danish dank Danny Danube dapper dappled dare daring dark darken darkness darling
darn dart dash dashboard data (PL) date dated dateline dates dating datum (sngl) daub daughter
dauntless davenport David Davis dawdle dawn day day's * day-by-day daybed daybreak daycare
daylight days * daytime daze * dazzle de facto deacon deactivate dead deadbeat deaden dead-
end deader deadline deadlock deadly deadpan deaf deafen deafening deal dealer dealers
dealership dealing dealings dealt dean dean's list dear * dearer dearest dearth death deathly
debacle debase
Page LD 639 257 257 835 607 741 335 643 890 643 605 625 1062 220 704 320 636 603 523 523
507 876 1067 218 508 510 209 533 377 347 347 337 347 347 377 439 650 1066 519 108 158 611
423 301 301 302 107 408 523 428 301 333 360 604 309 835 353 402 427 876 228 658 337 216
746 121 406 876 876 412 662 412 128 412 412 412 420 235 531 666 531 533 275 748 610 343

4.60 6.45 4.85 3.10 8.65 3.10

5.60 2.25 5.65 3.95 4.05 12.35 2.10 3.50 2.75 6.85 9.00

7.00 1.20 13.70

3.75 2.15


9.20 3.40 7.45 7.10 6.60 9.00

1.90 5.35 4.20


Page LD

debate 347 debauch 437 debaucher 644 debauchery 725 debilitate 353 debilitating 353
debilitation 853 debit 689 debonair 530 debrief 406 debris ! 962 debt ! 958 debtor ! 679 debug
115 debunk 222 debut ! 952 débutante 535 debutante 535 decade * 321 decadence 260
decadent 255 decaffeinated 351 decal 146 decanter 651 decay 301 decayed * 301 deceased 432
deceit 442 deceitful 631 deceitfulness 1067 deceive 441 December 639 decency 739 decent 255
decently 752 decentralize 362 deception 862 deceptive 897 decide 322 decided 322 decidedly
746 decimal 821 decimated 351 decipher 644 decision 841 decisive * 892 deck 215 declaration
851 declare 523 declared 523 declassified 712 declassify 712 declension 842 decline 337 decode
323 décolleté 939 décolletage 919 decompose 364 decomposition 858 decompress 157
decompression 839 decor 516 decorate 352 decorated 352 decorations 852 decorator 679
decorum 834 decoupage 919 decoy 303 decrease 432 decree 305 decrepit 689 decry 307
dedicate 347 dedication 844 deduce 346 deduct 226 deducted 226 deduction 861 deed 402
deeds 402 deem 418 deep 424 deepen 876 deeper 665 deepest 665


12.50 16.45

15.70 4.40 13.10

9.70 10.60 14.30

15.60 4.70 12.30 9.25 8.55


9.85 11.00 12.95

10.70 10.90 11.20 5.85 5.90 15.35 3.35


Page LD

deeply 748 deer * 531 deerskin 123 deface 343 defamation 849 default 247 defeat 427 defecate
347 defecation 844 defect ** 224 defective 895 defence * (BR) 257 defend 228 defendant 254
defender 641 defense * 263 defensive 892 defer 511 deference 261 deferment 883 defiance 258
defiant 254 defiantly 752 deficiencies 740 deficiency 740 deficient 912 deficit 689 defile 330
define 337 definite 357 definitely 747 definition 858 definitive 896 deflate 350 deflation 847
deflect 224 deflection 860 deform 517 deformities 734 deformity 734 defraud 401 defray 301
defrost 235 defroster 653 defunct 222 defuse 365 defy 712 degree 305 dehumanize 361
dehumidifier 661 dehumidify 712 dehydrated 351 dehydration 851 deicer 658 deified 712 deify
712 deign * 442 deism 272 deist 272 deities 730 deity 730 deja vu 313 dejected 224 Delaware
523 delay 301 delegate ** 354/348 delegates ** 348/354 delegation 846 delete 356 deletion
857 deli 945 deliberate ** 351/354 deliberately 747 deliberating 351 deliberation 851 delicacy
710 delicate 354 delicately 747 delicatessen 875 delicious 885 delight 428 delighted 428
delightful 631 delinquency 740 delinquent 256 delirious 887

6.65 2.75


11.05 6.90 14.20

17.25 18.70 16.20

3.55 16.45

13.90 15.70 5.00 7.00 6.85

37 Word delirium deliver delivered deliveries delivery dell delta deluded delusion deluxe delve
demagogue demand demands demarcation demeaning demeanor demented dementia demerit
demidemigod demise demo democracy Democrat democrat democratic Democratic
demographics demolish demolition demon * demonology * demonstrate demonstration
demoralized demur demure den denial denigrate denizen Denmark Dennis Denny denomination
denotation denouement denounce dense * densest density dent dental dentist dents *
denunciation deny deodorant deodorize depart department departments departure depend
dependable dependence * dependents * depending depends depict deplete depletion
deplorable deplore deport deportation depose * deposit deposited deposition deposits depot
depots * depraved

Page 833 669 669 724 724 149 377 323 841 268 243 922 227 227 845 420 677 250 372 690 1018
109 363 309 710 131 131 812 812 804 210 858 836 714 352 852 361 520 527 122 820 352 875
507 158 704 850 854 543 257 263 263 737 250 826 235 250 846 307 254 362 510 883 883 529
228 613 260 255 228 228 225 356 857 617 526 519 854 364 690 690 858 690 949 949 324

LD 6.10 8.30 14.05 9.10

5.55 9.15

14.95 14.00 13.70



10.70 15.00 3.65 4.75 6.05 10.30 5.65

5.70 8.30

9.65 11.35 12.20 11.05

Word depravity depreciated depreciation depress depression deprivation deprive dept. depth
deputize deputy derail derailment deranged derbies derby deregulated deregulation deride
derision derivation derivative derive dermatologist dermatology derrick derring-do derringer
dervish Des Moines ! descend descendant descent describe described describing description
descriptive desegregate desegregation desensitization desensitize desert *(**) deserted
desertion deserve design designate designation designer designs desirable desire desired desires
desirous desk desks desolate desolation despair desperate desperately desperation despicable
despise despite despondent despot despotic despotism dessert * destabilization destabilize
destination destined destiny * destitute destitution destroy destroyed destroyer destruction
destructive * desultory detach

Page LD 737 349 846 157 839 855 325 537 280 362 729 411 882 213 739 739 350 848 322 841
855 895 325 272 714 215 312 643 210 535 228 254 250 320 320 320 862 897 348 846 857 362
513 513 863 513 959 351 849 959 959 617 525 525 525 890 271 271 350 848 530 354 747 851
613 363 357 255 690 814 272 513 856 361 850 338 718 359 859 303 303 672 862 896 726 201


17.80 12.30 13.10 13.25 14.90 15.55

8.00 10.30 10.25

11.85 14.75 9.55 10.55 10.45 18.70 4.10 7.25 16.40 14.40



11.00 11.35 14.20


Page LD

detachment 881 detail 411 detailed 411 details 411 detain 419 detect 224 detection 861
detective 895 detector 680 deter 511 detergent 255 deteriorate 352 deterioration 852
determinant 254 determination 850 determine 338 determined 338 determinism 272 deterrent
256 detest 234 detestable 620 dethrone 339 detonate 351 detonation 850 detour 532
detoxification 845 detoxify 712 detract 223 detriment 882 detrimental 827 Detroit ! 430 deuce
433 Deuteronomy 716 devastate 353 devastation 854 develop 692 developed 692 developer 665
development 882 developmental 827 deviance * 254 deviant 254 deviants * 254 deviation 847
device 344 devil 628 devilish 210 deviltry 755 devious 888 devise 363 devoid 403 devote 358
devoted 358 devotion 859 devour 532 devout 431 devoutly 752 dew * 316 Dexter 654 dexterity
736 dextrose 345 dexterous 890 diabetes 540 diabetic 813 diabolic 805 diagnose 345 diagnoses
** 345/1070 diagnosis 1070 diagnostic 817 diagnostician 865 diagonal 823 diagonally 749
diagram 116 dial 413 dialect 224 dialogue 922 dialysis 1070 diameter 667 diametrically 748
diamond 230 diamonds 230 Diana 375 diapers 665 diaphragm 540/959 diaries 722 diarrhea 369
5.90 9.10 7.30

15.30 16.05

13.90 11.70 13.40

9.50 9.70

5.80 6.15


14.10 11.55 10.95

Word diary Diaspora dice dicey dichotomy dickens dicker dickering dickey dictate dictating
dictation dictator diction dictionary did didactic diddle didn't die * died diehard diesel diet
dietary dieter differ difference different differential differentiate difficult difficulties difficulty dig
digest digestion digestive digger digging digit digital digitize dignified dignify dignitaries dignitary
dignity digress digression dike dilapidated dilate dilation dilemma dilettante diligence diligent dill
dilly dilute dim dime dimension dimensional diminish diminutive dimmer dimwit din Dinah dine
dined diner dinette ding dinghies * dinghy Dinghy's * dingo dingy dining dining hall dining room
dinkiest dinky

Page LD 722 376 344 306 716 874 647 647 306 352 352 853 679 861 721 108 812 601 134 308
308 505 626 685 721 667 511 261 256 828 349 248 757 757 113 234 863 897 633 113 689 826
362 712 712 721 721 735 157 840 329 348 349 848 374 543 260 260 151 703 359 118 333 842
823 210 897 635 133 123 378 337 337 664 1068 218 742 742 742 309 742 337 147 418 745 745

10.90 1.40 3.50 3.20 4.20

6.10 10.05 7.90 12.05 14.85 13.90 2.45



6.15 3.10

4.80 9.55

38 Word


dinner 635 dinosaurs * 681 dint 251 diocesan 871 diocese 360 diode 323 dip 128 diphtheria 371
diphthong 219 diploma 374 diplomacy 710 diplomat 131 diplomatic 811 diplomatically 811
dipped 128 dipper 636 dipstick 215 dire 525 direct 224 directed 224 direction 861 directions 861
directly 752 director 679 directors 679 directory 726 dirge 514 dirt 515 dirtier 755 dirtiest 755
dirty 755 disabilities 734 disability 734 disable 610 disabled 610 disadvantaged 327 disagree 305
disagreeable 613 disagreement 880 disappear 531 disappearance 258 disappeared 531
disappoint 253 disappointed 253 disappointment 883 disapproval 830 disapprove 326 disarm
508 disarming 508 disarray 302 disassemble 606 disassembling 606 disassociate 349 disaster 652
disastrous 890 disavow 318 disband 227 disbar 501 disbelief 406 disburse 552 disbursements
881 disc * 271 discard 505 discern 512 discerning 512 discharge 507 disciple 612 disciplinarian
867 disciplinary 720 discipline 338 disclaim 417 disclaimer 663 disclose 364 disclosure 528 disco
309 discolor * 676 discoloration * 852 discolour *(Br.) 682 discolouration *(Br.)852 discomfort
519 disconcerted 513 disconnect 224 disconsolate 355 discontent 250 discontented 250
discontinue 315




discontinued 315 discord 516 discotheque 902 discount 252 discourage 327 discourse 518
discover 670 discovered 670 discovery 724 discredit 689 discreet * 427 discrepancy 739 discrete
* 356 discretion 857 discretionary 721 discriminate 351 discriminating 351 discrimination 850
discs * 271 discus 160 discuss 160 discussed * 160 discussion 840 disdain 419 disease 435
disengage 327 disfigure 527 disfigurement 881 disgrace 343 disgraceful 630 disgruntled 607
disguise 363 disgust * 236 disgusted 236 dish 210 disharmony 718 dishcloth 276 disheartened
877 dishes 210 disheveled * 626 dishevelled *(Br.) 626 dishonest 234 dishonesty 758 dishonor *
677 dishonorable * 617 dishonorably * 617 dishonour *(Br.) 682 dishonourable *(Br.)617
dishonourably *(Br.)617 dishpan 121 dishrag 111 dishtowel 627 dishwasher 504 disillusioned
841 disinfect 224 disinfectant 254 disinherit 689 disintegrate 352 disintegration 852 disjointed
253 disk * 271 diskette 1068 disks * 271 dislike 329 dislocated 348 dislodge 212 disloyal 830
disloyalty 756 dismal 822 dismantle 607 dismay 301 dismembered 639 dismiss 158 dismissal 826
dismissed 158 dismount 252 disorder 655 disorderly 751 disorganized 361 disoriented 250
disowned 421 disparage 327 dispassionate 354 dispatch 201 dispatcher 644 dispensable 618


8.20 9.75 9.55 10.85 11.05 11.45 12.10 4.85 5.85

11.55 14.65 14.75 15.65 15.10 15.30





Page LD 12.35 3.90 4.80 7.50 10.05

12.35 14.80 14.70 13.35


13.85 2.95



8.80 10.30



Page LD

dispensation dispense dispenser disperse dispersion displaced displacement display disposal

dispose disposed disposing disposition disproportion disproportionate dispute disrupt disruption
disruptive dissatisfaction dissatisfied dissect dissection dissension dissent dissenter dissertation
disservice dissipate dissipation dissolution dissolve dissonance dissonant dissuade distaff
distance distant distemper distend distended distill distillation distiller distilleries distillery
distinct distinction distinctly distinguish distinguished distort distortion distract distraction
distraught distress distribute distribution district districts disturb disturbance ditch ditto ditty
diuretic diva dive diver divergent diverse diversification diversify diversion divert divest divide
divided dividend divider divine divinity divisible division divisive

853 263 263 512 842 343 880 301 826 364 364 364 858 863 355 359 239 863 897 860 712 224
861 842 250 651 854 344 351 851 859 380 258 254 321 141 259 254 649 228 228 151 848 634
724 724 221 861 752 210 210 519 863 223 860 430 157 359 859 225 225 520 258 203 309 708
813 377 325 669 255 512 712 712 842 513 234 322 322 228 659 337 735 622 841 892

4.15 8.30 8.50 9.90 12.75 9.50

8.70 9.45

16.20 16.75 17.65 16.70 17.35

11.15 12.60 15.85 10.25 13.00 10.35 7.85

8.65 8.45 13.85 11.55 10.10


Page LD

divorcé 939 divorcée 939 divorce 518 divots 690 divulge 213 Dixie 304 Dixieland 227 dizzier 708
dizziest 708 dizzy 708 do *(**) 312 do-si-do 309 docile 330 dock * 216 docket 685 doctor 226
doctorate 355 doctors 680 doctrinaire 530 doctrine 338 document ** 883 documentary 725
dodge 212 dodger 645 dodo 309 doe * 311 does ** 312/311 doeskin 123 doesn't 134 doff 144
dog 114 dog's 114 dog-eared 531 dog-eat-dog 114 dogfight 428 doggerel 626 doggy 702
doghouse 433 dogleg 112 dogma 374 dogmatic 811 do-gooder 659 dogs 114 doily 715 doing 312
doldrums 120 dole 331 doll 153 dollar 673 dollars 673 dollies 703 dollop 692 dolls 153 dolly 703
dolphin 123 domain 419 dome 333 domestic 815 domesticated 348 domicile 330 dominance
258 dominant 254 dominate 351 domination 850 domineer 531 Dominic 807 Dominican 864
dominion 935 Dominique 901 domino 309 Don 124 don 124 Don Juan 540 Don Quixote 540
don't 249 donate 351 donation 850 done 340 donkey 306 Donna 375 Donne *, John 543 Donner
635 donnybrook 409 donor 677 doodad 106 doodle 611


5.05 8.50 16.60 10.45

5.60 8.70 1.30 11.35

2.60 2.10 3.10 4.95 5.55 3.00 5.45


2.15 3.10

39 Word


doom 418 doomsday 302 door 532 doorjamb 958 doorknob 959 doorman 870 doormat 131
doors 532 doorstep 127 doorstop 129 doorway 302 dope 342 dopey 306 Dora 376 dorm 517
dormant 254 dormer 656 dormitories 723 dormitory 723 DOS 545 dosage 327 dose 345 dossier
* 661 dot 134 dote 358 doted 358 dotted 134 Dottie 304 Dotty 708 double 610 double entendre
540 double-cross 159 double-date 348 double-dating 348 double-dealing 412 double-edged 212
doubleheader 658 doubt ! 958 doubtful 631 doubtless 1066 douche ! 540/910 dour * 532 douse
433 dove ** 326 Dover 670 dovetail 411 dowager 659 dowager's hump 659 dowdy 711 dowel
627 down 421 downers 664 downfall 147 downhill 151 download 403 downplay 301 downside
322 downstairs 530 downswing 218 downtime 333 downturn 521 downward 506 downwind 229
downy 759 dowries 755 dowry 755 dowser 666 doze 364 dozen 875 drab 101 Dracula 373 draft *
232 draftee 305 drafts 232 draftsman 871 drag 111 dragnet 132 dragon 835 dragonflies 307
dragonfly 307 drain 419 drainage 327 dram 116 drama 374 dramatic 811 dramatically 811

LD 2.10

3.30 2.85




11.55 13.10 13.30



4.35 5.90 9.40 5.55

5.25 9.55 12.40

Page LD

dramatist 272 dramatization 857 dramatize 362 drank 220 drape 341 draper 665 draperies 724
drapery 724 drastic 815 drastically 815 drat 131 draught * 232 draughts * 430 draughtsman
*(Br.)871 draughty * (Br.) 232 draw 319 3.50 drawback 214 drawbridge 212 drawer 671 drawing
319 4.60 drawl 416 drawn 423 6.95 drayage 327 dread 402 7.40 dreadful 630 9.30 dreadfully 749
12.20 dreadnought 430 dream 418 3.05 dreamed 418 5.45 dreamer 663 dreamland 227 dreams
418 4.90 dreamy 716 dreary 722 dredge 212 drench 206 dress 157 2.60 dressed 157 4.30 dresser
637 4.45 dresses 157 4.45 dressing 157 4.10 dressmaker 661 dressy 707 drew 316 5.30 dribble
601 dried 307 8.45 drier * 661 drift 232 5.85 drifter 649 driftwood 404 drill 151 5.45 drink 221
3.30 drinkers 648 drinking 221 3.75 drinks 221 4.85 drip 128 drive 325 2.00 drive-in 325 drive-up
325 driven 874 4.00 driver 669 3.55 driveway 302 driving 325 4.50 drizzle 604 droll 153
dromedary 720 drone 339 drool 414 droop 425 droopy 719 drop 129 3.10 dropout 431 dropped
129 10.45 dropper 636 dropsy 756 drought 430 drove 326 2.75 drown 421 7.90 drowned 421
12.30 drowsy 728 drub 105 drudge 212 drudgery 725 drug 115 5.30 druggist 272 drugstore 526


Page LD

Druid 161 drum 120 drummer 635 drumstick 215 drunk 222 drunkard 506 Druze 365 dry 307
dryer * 672 dryers * 672 du jour 532 dual * 829 dualism 272 dub 105 duchess 1064 duchy 742
duck 216 duckling 218 ducks * 216 duct * 226 ducts * 226 ductwork 503 dud 110 dude 323 due
* 314 duel * 414 dueling * 626 duelling * (Br.) 626 dues 314 duff 145 duffel bag 625 duffer 633
dug 115 dugout 431 duke 329 dull 155 dullard 506 dully 703 duly 715 dumdum 120 dumb 120
dumbbell 149 dumbfounded 231 dumbwaiter 668 dummies 704 dummy 704 dump 270
dumplings 218 dumpster 635 dun * 125 dunce 257 dune 340 dung 219 dungeon 839 dunk 222
duo 309 dupe 342 duplex 266 duplicate ** 354/348 duplication 845 duplicator 678 duplicity 730
durability 734 durable 617 duration 852 duress 157 during 527 dusk 271 dust 236 dustpan 121
dusty 758 Dutch 205 duties 729 dutiful 630 dutifully 749 duty 729 dwarf 502 dwarfs 502 dwarves
502 dwell 149 dweller 634 dwellings 149 Dwight 428 dwindle 607 dye 308 dying 307

4.85 5.15 2.70

2.55 3.60



4.45 6.85 5.50 16.90 9.90


6.45 2.90

8.45 5.80


9.80 11.55


Page LD

dynamic 806 dynamically 806 dynamics 806 dynamite 357 dynamo 309 dynasties 758 dynasty
758 dysgraphia 370 dyslexia 372 dyslexic 372 e'er 669 each 437 eager 659 eagerly 751 eagerness
1067 eagle 612 ear 531 earache 906 earful 629 earl 533 earlier 760 earliest 760 early 760 earn
533 earned 533 earnest 234 earnestly 753 ears 531 earshot 690 earth 533 earthenware 523
earthling 533 earthly 748 earthquake 328 earthworm 503 ease 435 easel 626 easement 881
easier 728 easiest 728 easily 715 east 237 Easter 652 easterly 751 eastern 512 eastward 506
easy 728 easygoing 309 eat 427 eaten 873 eating 427 eats 427 Eau Claire 530 eau de Cologne
949 eau de toilette 1068 eau de vie 949 eaves * 441 eavesdrop 129 eavesdropper 636 ebb 102
ebony 718 eccentric 810 eccentricities 730 eccentricity 730 ecclesiastic 815 echelon 910 echo
906 eclair 530 eclectic 812 eclecticism 272 eclipse 263 ecology 714 economic 806 economical
806 economically 806 economics 806 economist 274 economize 361 economy 716 ecstasy 728
ecstatic 812 ecstatically 812 Ecuador 937 ecumenical 807 Eddy 701 eddy 701

2.50 8.55


11.65 11.55 3.70 4.55 7.95 12.60 14.75 2.70 3.15

6.65 11.75 10.50 2.35 5.80 5.35 4.40 1.75 4.35 2.65 3.50


14.50 16.15 16.10

40 Word

Eden 874 Edgar 673 edge 212 edgy 742 edible 621 edification 844 edifice 344 edified 712 edify
712 edit 689 edition 858 editor 680 editorial 821 educate 348 education 845 educational 823
Edward 506 eel 412 eerie * 304 efface 343 effect 224 effective 895 effectively * 747 effects 224
effeminate 355 effervesce 346 effervescent 255 effete 356 efficiency 740 efficient 912 effigy 713
effort 519 effortless 1066 efforts 519 effrontery 724 effuse 365 effusion 841 effusive 892 egad
106 egg 112 eggnog 114 eggs 112 eggshell 149 ego 309 egoism 272 egoist 272 egotism 272
egotist 272 egregious 886 Egypt 239 Egyptian 868 eider 658 eight 426 eighteen 420 eighth 280
eighty 729 eighty-one 340 Einstein 442 Eire * 442 Eisenhower 671 either 646 eject 224 ejection
860 eke * 329 elaborate ** 354/352 elaborately 747 elaboration 852 elapse 263 elapsed 263
elated 350 elation 847 elbow 310 elder 640 elderly 750 elect 224 elected 224 election 860
elective 895 electoral 825 electric 809 electrical 818 electrician 865 electricity 730 electrodes
323 electrolysis 1069 electromagnet 687

LD 6.40

15.30 10.00 14.45 10.20 12.70

13.00 14.60 12.85

19.80 18.55 10.90 10.80

2.65 3.30

3.35 5.10 9.85 5.80



14.40 7.00 6.05 7.55 7.60 10.10 13.15 13.45


Page LD

electron electronic electronics elegance elegant elegantly elegies elegy element elemental
elementary elephant elevate elevation elevator eleven eleventh elf elfin elicit elide eligibility
eligible eliminate elimination elision elixir Elizabeth Elizabethan elk * ellipse elliptical elm
elocution elongated elope elopement eloquence eloquent eloquently else elsewhere elude
elusive emaciated emanated emancipated emancipation emasculate embalm embalmer
embankment embargo embark embarrass embarrassed embarrassment embassies embassy
embattled embedded embellished embellishment embezzle embezzler embittered emblem
embodied embodiment embody embolism embrace embroider embroidery embroiled embryo
emcee emerald emerge emergencies emergency emery émigré emigrant emigrate emigration

124 808 808 258 254 752 713 713 880 827 724 254 358 855 679 875 280 243 877 689 322 734
622 351 850 841 675 275 865 245 540 815 246 859 349 342 881 262 256 752 264 524 323 893
349 351 351 851 350 246 648 882 309 507 156 156 883 707 707 603 107 210 881 604 604 638
831 711 882 711 272 343 659 723 415 309 305 240 512 740 740 726 939 254 352 852

11.30 7.60 9.95 5.60

17.35 16.30

6.40 10.95

10.65 16.75



Page LD

eminence 261 eminent 256 eminently 752 emir 675 emissaries 721 emissary 721 emission 840
emit 689 emotion 859 emotional 823 emotionally 749 empathetic 813 empathy 744 emperor
677 emphases (pl) 1069 emphasis (sngl) 1069 emphatic 811 emphatically 811 emphysema 374
empire 525 empirical 809 emplacement 880 employ 303 employed 303 employee 305
employees 305 employment 883 emporium 833 empower 671 empress 1064 empties 757
empty 757 emptying 757 emulate 350 emulation 848 emulsion 842 enable 610 enact 223
enactment 883 enamel 625 enamelware 523 enamored 677 encampment 882 encase 343
encasement 881 enchanted 249 enchantment 883 enchilada 368 enclave 324 enclose 364
enclosed 364 enclosing 364 enclosure 528 encompassing * 156 encore * 957 encounter 651
encourage 327 encouragement 880 encouraging 682 encroach 437 encroachment 881
encumbered 639 encyclical 805 encyclopaedia *(Br.)370 encyclopedia * 370 end 228
endangered 643 endearing 531 endeavor 681 endeavoring 681 ended 228 endemic 806 ending
228 endive 325 endless 1066 endlessly 1066 endocrine 338 endorphins 878 endorse 518
endorsement 881 endow 318 endowment 883 ends 228 endurance 258 endure 527 enduring

8.60 12.30 10.90 15.25 16.45 12.80



8.25 8.80 9.50 15.60 10.30 12.60 16.00

1.60 18.65 19.50 3.95 3.50

3.50 12.55


Page LD

enema 374 enemies 716 enemy 716 energetic 813 energetically 813 energize 361 energizer 672
energy 742 enervated 353 enflame 332 enforce 518 enforcement 880 enforcer * 657 engage 327
engaged 327 engagement 880 engine 338 engineer 531 engineering 531 engineers 531 English
210 Englishman 869 Englishmen 869 engrave 324 engraver 669 engrossed 159 engulfed 243
enhanced 257 enhancement 880 enigma 374 enigmatic 811 enjoin 423 enjoy 303 enjoyable 621
enjoyed 303 enjoying 303 enjoyment 883 enlarge 507 enlargement 880 enlarger 655 enlighten
877 enlightenment 882 enlist 235 enlistment 883 enmity 735 ennobled 610 ennui 937/945/956
enormous 889 enormously 751 enough 313 enrage 327 enrich 203 enrichment 881 enrol * 152
enroll * 153 enrollment * 882 enrolment * 882 ensconced 257 ensemble ! 543/606 enshrine 337
ensign ! 537/959 enslave 324 enslavement 881 ensnare 523 ensure 528 ensuring 528 entail 411
entangle 605 entanglement 880 enter 651 entered 651 entering 651 enterprise 363 enterprising
363 entertain 419 entertained 419 entertainer 664 entertaining 419 entertainment 882 enthrall
147 enthuse 365 enthusiasm 272 enthusiastic 815 enthusiastically 815 entice 344 enticement

13.65 9.85

10.20 11.90 9.40 10.45 12.05 8.65 12.60 15.30 12.60 9.20

4.65 9.15 5.55 5.55

15.30 6.35

5.70 7.80 8.20 9.45 11.45 12.35 11.95 19.00 17.00

41 Word


entire 525 entirely 747 entirety 730 entitle 612 entitled 612 entity 737 entourage 919 entrée 939
entrails 411 entrance *(**) 257/258 entranceway 302 entrant 254 entrants * 254 entrap 126
entrapment 882 entrapped 126 entreat 427 entrench 206 entrenchment 881 entrepreneur 957
entries * 755 entry 755 entryway 302 enumerate 351 enunciate 349 enunciation 846 enuresis
1069 envelop 692 envelope 342 envelopes 342 envious 888 environment 882 environmental 827
environmentalist 274 envision 841 envoy 303 envy 758 eon 124 epaulet 686 ephemera 376
ephemeral 824 epic 808 epicure 527 Epicurean 864 epidemic 806 epidermis 1069 epigram 116
epilepsy 756 epileptic 815 Epiphany 718 Episcopal 824 Episcopalian 866 episode 323 episodic
802 epistle 609 epitaph 927 epithet 685 epitome 304 epitomizes 361 epoch 907 epoxy 761/738
Epsom salt 832 equable 620 equably 620 equal 830 equality 733 equalize 361 equalizer 672
equally 749 equanimity 735 equate 353 equation 854 equator 679 equatorial 821 equestrian
867 equidistant 254 equilateral 824 equilibrium 833 equinox 268 equip 128 equipment 882
equipped 128 equity 737 equivalency 740 equivalent 256 equivocal 819

9.00 11.00 12.30 13.20



11.30 12.70





13.15 18.35


Page LD

equivocate 348 equivocation 845 era * 941 eradicate 347 eradication 844 erase 343 eraser 666
ere 524 erect 224 erection 860 erector 679 Eric 809 Erie * 304 ermine 338 erode 323 erosion *
841 erotic 814 err 511 errand 281 errant 254 errata 377 erratic 812 erratum 834 erroneous 884
erroneously 751 error 677 errors 677 ersatz 654 erudite 357 erudition 858 erupt 239 eruption
863 escalate 350 escalation 847 escalator 678 escape 341 escaped 341 escapee 305 eschew 316
escort 519 escrow 310 Eskimo 309 esoteric 809 ESP 727 especial 819 especially 749 espied 307
espionage 919 espouse 433 espresso 309 esprit ! 540/946 espy 307 Esquimau * (Br.) 949
Esquimaux *(Br.) 949 esquire 525 essay 301 essence 261 essential 828 essentially 749 establish
210 established 210 establishment 881 estate 347 esteem 418 esteemed 418 Esther ! 537
estimate ** 354/351 estimated 351 estimation 849 estrange 213 estrangement 880 estrogen
874 estuaries 721 estuary 721 et cetera 376 etc. !! 548/376 eternal 824 eternally 749 eternity
735 ethanol 152 ether 646 ethereal 821 ethic 804 ethical 804 Ethiopia 371 ethnic 807

12.30 12.70

7.80 10.40


18.10 12.50 12.95 14.35 9.35 18.65 12.80 14.15



Page LD

ethnocentric 810 ethnology 714 ethyl 955 etiology 714 etiquette 1068 etymology 714 Eucharist
957/905/274 euchre ! 957/905/683 Euclid 957/108 Eugene 957/336 eugenics 957/807 eulogize
957/361 eulogy 957/713 Eunice 957/344 eunuch 957/906/907 euphemism 957/272 euphemistic
957/816 euphoria 957/371 Eurasia 957/372 Eurasian 957/867 eureka 957/957 European *
957/864 euthanasia 957/372 evacuate 353 evacuation 854 evade 321 evaluate 353 evaluation
854 evaluator 679 evangelical 805 evangelicalism 272 evangelist 274 evaporate 352 evaporation
852 evasion 841 evasive 892 eve * 324 Evelyn 955 even 874 evenhanded 227 evening 874 event
250 eventful 631 events 250 eventual 924 eventuality 733 eventually 749 ever 669 Everglades
321 evergreen 420 everlasting 233 every 1025 everybody 711 everyday 302 everyone 340
everything 218 everywhere 524 evict 225 eviction 861 evidence 260 evident 255 evidently 752
evil 628 evil-minded 229 evildoer 312 evoke 329 evolution 859 evolve 380 ewe * 316 Ewell * 316
ewes * 316 Ewing 316 ex1022 exacerbate 347 exact 223 exactly 752 exaggerate 351
exaggeration 851 exalt 247 exam 116 examination 850 examinations 850 examine 338 examined
338 examiner 338 example 606

5.00 2.55 5.00 4.45 6.95 15.50 3.45

2.30 4.25 4.00 3.10 4.25 5.45 14.55 14.60 14.95 9.60
11.15 13.85

14.15 14.40 14.70 15.05 9.55


Page LD

exasperate 352 exasperation 851 Excalibur 520 excavate 353 excavation 855 exceed 402
exceedingly 748 excel 148 excellence 261 excellency 740 excellent 256 excelsior 676 except 238
exception 862 exceptional 823 exceptionally 749 exceptions 862 excess 157 excessive 893
excessively 748 exchange 213 exchanging 213 exchequer 902 excise 363 excitable 619 excite 357
excited 357 excitement 881 exciting 357 exclaim 417 exclaimed 417 exclamation 849 exclude 323
exclusion 841 exclusive 893 excommunicate 348 excommunication 845 excrement 881 excrete
356 excretion 857 excruciating 349 excursion 842 excuse ** 365/346 excuses ** 365/346
execute 359 executed 359 execution 859 executive 897 executor 681 exemplar 673 exemplary
724 exemplification 844 exemplify 712 exempt 238 exemption 863 exercise 363 exercises 363
exert 513 exertion 863 exhalation 847 exhale 330 exhaust ! 537/438 exhausted 438 exhaustion
863 exhaustive 897 exhibit 689 exhibition 857 exhibitionist 272 exhibitor 680 exhilarating 351
exhilaration 851 exhort 519 exhortation 854 exhumation 849 exhumed 334 exigencies 740
exigency 740 exigent 255 exile 330 exist 235 existence 262 existential 828 existentialism 272
existentialist 272 existing 235 exit 690

12.25 15.35

13.55 7.95 12.55 16.10 17.05 13.00 12.00 17.35 6.60

8.70 7.85 13.15 8.40 10.65 11.90


6.80 15.10 16.10 17.65

13.75 15.10

17.00 17.50 15.85 17.65

15.60 18.65

42 Word


Exodus 160 exodus 160 exonerated 352 exoneration 851 exorbitant 254 exorcise * 363 exorcism
272 exorcist 272 exotic 814 expand 227 expanse 263 expansion * 842 expatriates 349 expect 224
expectancies 739 expectancy 739 expectant 254 expectation 853 expected 224 expecting 224
expectorate 352 expects 224 expediency 740 expedient 255 expedite 357 expedition 858
expeditious 887 expel 148 expend 228 expendable 613 expense 263 expenses 263 expensive
892 experience 261 experienced 261 experiential 828 experiment 882 experimental 827 expert
513 expertise !! 540/363 expiation 847 expiration 852 expire 525 explain 419 explained 419
explaining 419 explains 419 explanation 849 explanatory 724 expletive 896 explicate 348
explication 845 explicit 689 explicitly 752 explode 323 exploit 430 exploitation 853 exploration
852 explore 526 explorer 666 explosion 841 explosive 892 exponent 256 exponential 828 export
519 exporter 657 exposé 939 expose ‘em 939/364 exposition 858 expostulate 350 expostulation
849 exposure 528 express 157 expressed 157 expression 839 expressive 893 expressway 302
expropriate 349 expropriation 847 expulsion 842 expunge 213 expurgated 349 exquisite 357
exquisitely 747 extant 254 extemporaneous 884



12.70 8.40 8.10 9.15


13.45 14.45 13.00 14.35 16.45 13.40 5.80

7.50 8.75 9.90 9.25 12.00

3.90 6.75

5.35 9.30 12.60



Page LD

extend 228 extended 228 extending 228 extension 842 extensive 892 extent 250 extenuating
353 exterior 676 exterminate 351 extermination 850 exterminator 678 external 824 extinct 221
extinction 861 extinguish 210 extinguisher 645 extort 519 extortion 863 extortionist 274 extra
376 extract 223 extraction 860 extracurricular 674 extradite 357 extradition 858 extramarital 826
extraneous 884 extraordinary 720 extrapolate 350 extrapolation 848 extrasensory 727
extravagance 258 extravagant 254 extravagantly 752 extravaganza 378 extreme 332 extremely
747 extremities 735 extricate 348 extrinsic 810 extroversion 842 extrovert 513 exuberance 258
exuberant 254 exude 323 exult 248 exultation 853 eye ! * 535/308 eyeball 147 eyebrows 318
eyeful 629 eyeglass 156 eyelet 686 eye-opener 664 eyes * 308 eyesight 428 eyestrain 419
eyeteeth 278 eyetooth 277 eyewitness 1067 fable 610 fabric 809 fabricate 348 fabrication 845
fabulous 888 façade ! 540 face 343 face-lift 232 faces 343 facet 685 facetious 887 facial 819
facile 330 facilities 734 facility 734 facsimile 304 fact 223 factor 679 factories 726 factory 726
facts * 223 faculty 756 fad 106 fade 321 fail 411 failed 411

7.95 9.20 8.85 16.40 12.80 7.75



15.25 16.55



1.85 3.75

18.15 4.90 8.40 11.00 7.15 5.40 16.25 6.75 4.95 5.45

Word fail-safe failure faint * fainter faintest fair * fairgrounds fair-haired fairies fairly fairway fairy
faith faithful faithfully fake faker * fakir * falcon falconry fall fallacies fallacious fallacy fallen
fallibility fallible falling fallout fallow falls false * falsehood falsetto falsify falter fame familiar
familiarity familiarize families family famine famished famous fan fanatic fanatical fanatically
fanaticism fanatics fancies fancy fancying fang fannies fanny fantail fantastic * fantasy * far
faraway farce * fare * far-fetched far-flung farewell farm farmer farmer's farmers farming farms
farmyard faro * farther farthing fascinating fascination fascism fascist fashion fashionable
fashionably fast fasted

Page LD 324 527 253 651 651 530 231 530 722 751 302 722 278 630 749 328 661 675 835 754
147 710 885 710 873 734 622 147 431 310 147 264 404 309 712 650 332 673 736 361 715 715
338 210 889 121 811 811 811 272 811 739 739 739 217 704 704 411 815 728 501 301 509 523
202 219 149 508 656 656 656 508 508 505 309 646 510 351 849 272 272 839 616 616 233 233
12.25 5.80

12.95 7.05 7.35 7.50 9.65 11.35


4.55 3.00 4.00 7.55

4.60 17.25 11.80 5.65 7.95 3.80


2.40 9.35 11.80 2.25 3.60 12.35 4.25 3.40 4.50 5.75 18.85

10.25 2.05


Page LD

fasten fastener faster fastest fastidious fat fatal fatalities fatality fatally fate fateful father father's
father-in-law fatherhood fatherly fathers fathom fatigue Fats Domino fatten fattening fatty
fatuous fault faultfinding faultless faults * faulty fauna faux pas faux * favor * favorable *
favorably * favored * favorite * favors * favour * (Br.) favourable *(Br.) favourably *(Br.) favoured
*(Br.) favourite *(Br.) favours *(Br.) fawn fawning fax * faze * fealty fear fearful fearless fearlessly
fearlessness fears fearsome feasibility feasible feast feat * feather featherweight feathery feature
features February feckless fecund fecundity fed federal federalism federalist federation fee
feeble feeble-minded feed feedback feeder feeding feedlot feeds feel feeling

877 664 652 652 886 131 826 733 733 749 347 630 646 646 646 404 750 646 832 921 131 877
877 708 891 247 229 1066 247 756 375 949 949 681 617 746 681 357 681 682 617 617 682 357
682 423 423 265 360 756 531 631 1066 1066 1067 531 273 733 622 438 427 646 426 723 923
923 720 1066 230 731 107 824 272 272 851 305 610 229 402 214 658 402 134 402 412 412

8.35 3.30 1.60 14.95

7.40 2.20 10.50


9.50 14.40
6.60 11.55 14.05 10.10 11.65 8.80

3.95 6.65


4.85 5.75 9.20 11.65 13.45

9.35 11.80

4.65 13.65 2.25 4.80 4.20 5.20 6.35

43 Word feelings feels fees feet * feign feint * feisty Felicia felicitations fell fellow fellows
fellowship felon felonious felony felt female feminine femininity feminism feminist fence fend
fender ferment fermentation fern ferocious ferocity ferret ferric ferries * Ferris Ferris wheel ferry
* fertile fertility fertilization fertilize fertilizer fervent fervid fervor fester festival festive festivity
festoons fetal fetch fete * fetid fetish fettle fetus feud * feudal feudalism fever feverish feverishly
few fewer fewest fez fiancé fiancée fiasco fib fibber fiber ** fibre ** (Br.) fibrillation fibrosis fickle
fiction fictitious fiddle fiddler Fidel fidelity fidget field fielder fields




412 412 305 427 442 442 758 370 853 149 684 310 128 835 886 718 247 330 338 735 272 272
257 228 641 250 854 512 885 730 687 809 706 158 412 706 330 734 856 361 672 256 161 681
652 830 897 738 422 826 202 356 161 1061 603 160 957 820 272 669 210 748 316 671 316 137
939 939 309 103 632 658 683 848 1069 604 861 887 601 601 148 733 685 242 640 242

8.25 7.25 7.40 1.75

fiend fiendish fierce fiercely fiery fife fifteen fifteenth fifth fifty fifty-fifty fig fight fighter fighting
figment figurative figuratively figure figured figures figurine figuring filament filch file filed files
filet mignon filet * filial filibuster filing fill filled fillet * fillies filling filly film filmed filmy filter filth
filthier filthiest filthy fin * finagle * final finally * finals finance financial financier finch find *
finder finding finds * fine finely * finer finery fines * finest finger fingers fingertips finicky
finish .* finished finishes finishing finite fink Finland Finn * Finnish * fir * fire firecrackers
fireplace fires firm firmament
3.45 4.30 5.80

4.55 7.10



7.05 3.95

7.05 9.40

Page LD 442 1061 534 747 723 325 420 420 280 756 756 113 428 650 428 881 894 747 527 527
527 336 527 880 208 330 330 330 940/959 940 820 653 330 151 151 686 703 151 703 246 246
754 650 280 744 744 744 123 612 822 749 822 257 819 660 206 229 641 229 229 337 747 664
724 337 337 643 643 128 745 1061 1061 1061 1061 357 221 281 123 1061 514 525 647 343 525
515 880


7.60 12.45 5.95 4.55 3.55 5.05

7.30 8.60 9.80 10.80 3.85 6.50 5.45

10.40 2.95 5.10 4.25 5.80

8.70 10.60 10.35 11.85 17.50 3.85 3.70 6.65 2.90

6.10 3.60 4.80 6.00 7.50 8.25

2.05 9.45 4.10 4.35 11.00


Page LD

firmly 748 firmness 1067 first 515 first-degree 305 firsthand 227 first-string 218 fiscal 819 fish
210 fished 210 fisher * 645 fisherman 870 fishhook 409 fishiest 743 fishing 210 fishnet 132
fishpond 230 fishtail 411 fishy 743 fission 840 fissure * 528 fist 235 fistful 629 fit 133 fitness 1067
fitted 133 five 325 fix 267 fixation 855 fixed 267 fixtures 924 fizz 138 fizzle 604 flab 101
flabbergasted 233 flabby 701 flaccid 161 flack 214 flag 111 flagon 835 flagrant 254 flagrantly 752
flail 411 flak 214 flake 328 flaky 713 flambé 939 flamboyant 254 flame 332 flamenco 309
flamingo 309 flange ! 541/213 flank 220 flanker 648 flannel 625 flap 126 flapper 636 flare * 523
flare-up 130 flash 209 flashback 214 flashbulb 240 flasher 645 flashlight 428 flashy 743 flask 271
flat 131 flatbed 107 flatfish 210 flatfoot 429 flatland 227 flatten 877 flatter 637 flattery 724
flatulent 256 flatus 160 flaunt 252 flautist 274 flavor * 681 flavorful * 631 flavour * (Br.) 682
flavourful *(Br.) 631 flaw 319 flax 265 flay 301 flea * 305 fleck 215

10.95 3.85

1.90 3.20 5.80 2.05

3.60 9.45 1.70 4.05 5.10 11.00




6.70 3.45


Word flecks * fled fledgling flee * fleece fleet fleeting Flemish flesh fleshy fleur-de-lis flew * flex
flexibility flexible flextime flick flicker flier flies flight flighty flimflam flimsy flinch fling flint
flintlock flip flippant flipper flirt flirtatious flit float floatation * floater flock flocks * floe * flog
flood flooded floodlight floor floorboard floors floorwalker floozies floozy flop floppy flora florid
Florida floss flotation flounce flounder flour * flourish flout flow * flower * flowers flowery flown
flu * flub fluctuate fluctuations flue * fluent fluently fluff fluffy fluid fluke flung flunk fluorescent
fluoridated fluoridation fluorine flurry flush

Page LD 215 107 218 305 432 427 427 210 209 743 957 316 266 734 623 333 215 647 661 307
428 756 116 755 206 218 251 216 128 254 636 515 887 133 429 853 667 216 216 311 114 404
404 428 532 533 532 662 738 738 129 705 376 161 368 159 854 257 642 532 952 431 310 671
671 724 421 314 105 353 855 314 256 752 145 702 161 329 219 222 255 348 846 336 706 211


9.00 7.05 5.10

10.05 6.75

5.65 4.40
6.25 7.30 4.00 5.25

6.75 17.65 3.85 3.30 3.30 15.50


44 Word fluster flute flutter flux fly flyby fly-by-night flying flypaper flytrap flywheel foal foam
foamy fob focal focus focused fodder foe fog foggy fogy foibles foil foist fold folder foliage folk
folks folksy follicle follies follow followed follower following follows folly fond fondle fondly
fondness fondue font food foods fool foolhardy foolish foolproof foot footage football footbridge
footfalls foothill foothold footlights footlocker footnote footprint footsteps footstool footwork
fop for * forage forays * forbear forbearance forbid forbidden forbidding force forced forceful
forcefully forceps forcing ford fording fore * fore-and-aft forearm

Page 652 359 638 268 307 307 428 307 665 126 412 413 418 716 104 818 160 160 632 311 114
702 713 610 415 236 241 640 327 245 245 755 611 703 310 684 671 310 684 703 230 607 746
1067 314 249 404 404 414 741 210 407 429 327 147 212 147 151 241 428 647 358 251 127 414
503 129 516 327 301 530 258 108 873 108 518 518 630 630 127 518 516 516 526 232 508


2.60 4.60

5.20 5.20 16.80 7.95 6.15

5.00 7.25 6.30 7.50 10.00 7.20

1.65 3.20 4.45 8.55 2.05 2.50


7.45 6.90 9.50



Page LD

forebears * 530 foreboding 323 forecast 233 forecaster 652 forecastle ! 545 foreclose 364
foreclosure 528 forecourt 534 forefathers * 646 forefront 249 foregone 340 foreground 231
forehand 227 forehead ! 537/402 foreign ! 537/959 foreigner 959 foreknowledge 212 foreman
869 foremen 869 foremost 235 forenoon 422 forensic 810 foreplay 302 forerunner 635 foresaw
319 foresee 305 foreseen 420 foreshadow 310 foreskin 123 foresight 428 forest 234 forestall 147
forestry 755 forests 234 foretaste 274 forever 669 forevermore 526 forewarn 502 foreword *
503 forfeit 442 forfeiture 529 forgave 324 forge 517 forgery 723 forget 132 forgetful 631
forgetfulness 1067 forgetting 132 forgive 325 forgiveness 1067 forgo 309 forgone 340 forgot 134
forgotten 874 fork 517 forkful 629 forklift 232 forlorn 517 form 517 formal 822 formalities 732
formality 732 formally 749 format 517 formation 849 formative 894 formed 517 former 656
formerly 751 Formica 368 formidable 613 Formosa 376 forms 517 formula * 517 formulate 350
formulation 848 fornicate 348 fornication 845 forsake 328 forsaken 328 forswear 530 forsythia
370 fort * 519 forte *(**) 519/939 forth * 280 forthcoming 334

10.15 14.90


3.90 8.60 3.90



3.15 9.45 4.45

3.20 7.90

6.10 6.05 13.20


2.75 8.40


Page LD

forthright 428 forthwith 276 fortifications 845 fortify 712 fortitude 323 fortnight 428 fortress
1065 fortuitous 890 fortunate 354 fortunately 747 fortune 924 forty 755 forty-nine 337 forum
834 forward 506 forwarded 506 forwarding 506 fossil 628 foster 653 fought 430 foul * 415 foul-
mouthed 277 found 231 foundation 846 founded 231 founder 642 foundling 218 foundries 754
foundry 754 fountain 419 fountainhead 402 fountain pen 122 four * 532 four-legged 112
fourscore 526 foursome 273 foursquare 523 fourteen 420 fourteenth 280 fourth * 534 fowl *
415 Fowler 663 fox 268 foxgloves 326 foxhole 331 foxhound 231 foxier 738 foxiest 738 foxy 738
foyer 672 fracas ** 156 fraction 860 fractional 823 fracture 923 fragile 330 fragment 881
fragrance 258 fragrant 254 frail 411 frailty 756 frame 332 frames 332 framework 503 franc * 220
François ! 541/938 France 257 France's * 257 Frances * 257 Francesca ! 541/368 franchise 363
Francis * 158 Franciscan 864 frank * 220 Frankenstein 442 frankfurter 657 frankincense 263
Franklin 878 frankness 1067 frankly 746 frantic 814 frantically 814 frappe 126 frappe 939
fraternal 824 fraternities 735 fraternity 735

5.90 15.45 17.80 10.15 6.30 6.90 9.35 9.45 6.30 11.60 3.65 9.80

8.95 13.35 2.95

5.70 7.25 2.35

6.00 7.05





Page LD

fraternize 362 fratricide 322 fraud * 401 fraudulent 256 fraught 430 fray 301 frayed 301 freak
408 freakish 210 freaky 713 freckles 604 Fred 107 Freddie 701 Freddy 701 Frederick 215 free 305
freebie 304 freeborn 517 freed 402 freedman 868 freedmen 868 freedom 832 free-for-all 147
freehand 227 freelance 257 freely 763 Freemason 836 freemasonry 754 frees * 305 freestanding
227 freeway 302 freewheeling 412 freeze * 435 freezer 672 freight 426 freighter 650 French 206
French fries 307 frenzy 758 frequency 740 frequent 256 frequently 752 fresh 209 freshen 876
freshman 869 freshmen 869 Fresno 309 fret 132 Freud ! 541 Freudian ! 541/866 friar * 673
fricassee 305 friction 861 Friday 301 fried 307 friend 228 friend's 228 friendly 746 friends 228
friendship 128 frieze * 442 frigate 355 fright 428 frighten 877 frightened 877 frigid 108 frijoles !
537/938/939 frills 151 frilly 703 fringe 213 Frisbee 305 frisk 271 friskier 745 friskiest 745 frisky
745 fritter 638 frivolity 734 frivolous 888 fro 309 frock 216 frog 114 frogman 869 frogmen 869
frolic 805 frolicking 805 from 832


7.40 11.60 11.25

13.15 14.55 6.10 9.75

4.50 7.40 5.35 13.45 6.85 5.75 6.60 5.25 10.05 11.45



45 Word




front 249 frontage 327 frontier 660 frontiersman 871 frost 235 frosting 235 frosty 758 frown 421
froze 364 frozen 874 frugal 820 frugally 749 fruit 429 fruitcake 328 fruitful 631 fruity 729 fruits
429 frustrate 352 frustration 852 fry 307 fuchsia 372 fuddy-duddy 701 fudge 212 fuel 414 fueled
* 414/626 fuelled * (Br.) 626 fugitive 896 fugue 922 Fuji 945 fulcrum 834 fulfill 151 fulfillment
882 full 155 fully 749 fulsome 273 fumble 606 fume 334 fumigate 348 fumigation 846 fumigator
678 fun 125 function 861 functional 823 fund 230 fundamental 826 fundamentally 749 funds
230 funeral 824 funnies 704 funniest 704 funny 704 fur * 520 furies 727 furious 887 furiously
751 furl 521 furlong 219 furlough 313 furnace 343 furnish 210 furnished 1061 furnishing 1061
furniture 529 furrier 660 furrow 310 furry 706 furs 520 further 646 furthermore 526 furthest 646
furtive 897 fury 727 fuse 365 fuselage 919 fusion 841 fuss 160 fuss-budget 685 fussier 707
fussiest 707 fussy 707 futile 330 futility 734 future 924 fuzz 140 fuzzier 708 fuzziest 708


fuzzy gab gabardine gabble gabby gable Gabriel gad gadabout gadflies gadfly gadget gadgetry
Gaelic gaff * gag gaily gain gained gainful gainfully gaining gait * gala Galahad galaxies galaxy gale
* Galilee Galileo gall gallant gallantry galleon galleries gallery galley galling gallivanting gallon
gallop gallows gallstone galore galvanized Galveston gam gamble * gambler gambling * gambol *
gamboling * gambolling * (Br.) game gamekeeper games gamma gamut gander Gandhi gang
gangplank gangrene gangster gangway gaol * ! (Br.) gap gape gaping gapping garage garbage
garble garçon ! garden gardener gardenia gardens Garfield gargantuan gargle * gargoyle garish
garland garlic garment

6.05 5.60 5.90

7.70 5.85


3.45 4.55

1.60 14.45 7.25 7.50 12.15 3.15 3.35 13.30

12.50 8.05 9.60 10.15 10.80

4.75 10.45 12.75 11.65


Page LD 708 101 336 601 701 610 625 106 431 307 307 685 755 805 141 111 715 419 419 631
631 419 426 373 106 738 738 330 305 309 147 254 755 835 724 724 306 147 249 835 692 310
339 526 361 838 116 606 606 606 152 152 152 332 665 332 374 135 640 945 217 220 336 653
302 411 126 341 341 126 919 327 608 541 876 664 371 876 242 872 608 830 210 281 805 883

6.50 6.35 7.00

5.00 10.35


1.95 2.80


8.75 9.15 3.65 5.55


Word garner garnish garnishee garnishment garrison garrote * garrotte * (Br.) garrulous garters
Gary gas gaseous gash gasket gasohol gasoline gasp gastrointestinal gate * gateway gather
gathered gathering gauche * gaudy gauge Gaul gaunt gauntlet gauze gave gavel gawk gay gays *
Gaza gaze * gazer gazebo gazelle gazette gear gecko gee geese * geezer gefilte fish Geiger
counter geisha gelatin gelding gem Gemini gemstone gendarme ! gender gene * Gene *
genealogy general generalities generality generalization generalize generally generate generation
generator generic generous generously generosity genesis Genesis genetic genetically geneticist
genetics Geneva genial genie genitals genitive genius geniuses genocide

Page LD 656 210 305 882 837 691 691 888 657 720 156 884 209 685 629 336 273 822 347 302
646 646 646 949 711 327 416 252 686 436 324 626 410 302 302 378 360 672 309 1068 1068 531
309 305 432 672 210 651 442 879 240 117 308 339 541 641 336 336 714 824 732 732 855 361
749 352 851 679 809 890 751 737 1069 1069 813 748 274 813 377 820 304 826 896 160 160 322

9.85 2.20

7.65 2.75 5.35 8.00 8.00

1.80 3.35 10.20



14.10 10.65 12.25


Word genre gent gentile gentility gentle gentleman gentlemen gently gentrification gentrified
gentrify gentry genuflect genuine genuinely geodesic geographer geographic * geography
geologic geological geologist geology geometric geometrical geometry George Georgia Georgian
gerbil germ German Germany * germinate germination germs * gestalt Gestapo gestation
gesticulate gesture gesundheit get getaway gets getting Gettysburg getup get-up-and-go geyser *
Ghana ghastly ghee gherkins ghetto ghost ghostly ghoul ghoulish GI ! giant gibber gibberish gibe
giblets Gibraltar Gibson gift gifts gig gigantic giggle gigolo gild * gill ** gilt * gimlet gimmick gimp
gimpy gin ginger ginger ale gingerbread gingerly gingham

Page LD 683 250 330 734 607 607 607 752 844 712 712 755 224 338 747 810 644 804 743 803
803 274 714 810 810 755 517 370 866 628 512 870 718 350 850 512 247 309 854 350 529 442
132 302 132 132 520 130 130 666 375 753 960 960 960 235 753 960 210 535 254 632 210 320
686 650 836 232 232 113 814 602 309 240 151 247 686 215 270 754 123 643 330 402 751 831

8.45 10.85 9.90 9.65



1.20 4.15 3.60



3.50 6.70

46 Word


Gipsies * (Br.) 756 Gipsy *(Br.) 756 giraffe 141 gird 514 girdle 608 girl 514 girl's 514 girls 514 girls'
514 girth 515 gist 235 give 325 give-and-take 328 give away (v.) 302 giveaway (n.) 302 given 874
gives 325 giving 325 gizzard 506 glacial 819 glaciers 660 glad 106 gladiator 678 gladiola 373
gladly 746 glamorize 362 glamorous * 890 glamour 682 glamourous *(Br.) 890 glance 257 gland
227 glandular 674 glare 523 glass 156 glasses 156 glassful 629 glaze 360 gleam 418 glean 420
glee 305 gleeful 630 gleefully 630 glib 103 glide 322 glider 659 glimmer 635 glimpse 264 glint
251 glisten 877 glitch 203 glitter 638 gloaming 418 gloat 429 glob 104 global 819 globe 320
gloom 418 gloomy 716 Gloria 371 glorification 844 glorify 712 glorious 887 glory 712/723 gloss
159 glossary 722 glossy 707 glove 326 gloves 326 glow 310 glower 671 glowworm 503 glucose
345 glue 314 glum 120 glut 135 glutton 838 gluttony 718 glycerin 879 gnarled 959 gnash 959
gnats * 959 gnaw 959 gneiss * 959 gnome * 959 Gnostics 817 gnu * 314


3.55 11.35 3.50 15.30 1.70

3.00 3.05 3.50

3.05 6.15


2.55 5.00 7.60


5.20 11.25

14.70 6.55

4.40 4.85 4.90


Page LD

go 309 go-ahead 402 go-cart 510 goad 403 goal 413 goalie 304 goat 429 goatee 305 goats 429
gobble 601 gobbler 601 Gobi 945 goblin 878 God 109 god 109 goddess 1064 goddesses 1064
godfather 646 Godfearing 531 godforsaken 873 Godhead 402 Godiva 377 godless 1066 godly
746 godmother 646 go-go 309 God's 109 gods 109 goes 309 goggles 602 going 309 goiter 668
gold 241 goldbrick 215 goldbricker 647 golden 873 goldenrod 109 goldfinch 206 goldfish 210
gold-plated 347 golf 243 golfer 243 Goliath 275 Gomorra 378 gonads 106 gondola 373 gone 309
gong 219 goo 312 goober 658 good 404 good buy * 404 good-by * 404 good-bye * 404 good-for-
nothing 218 good-humored 677 goodie 304 good-looking 409 goodly 746 good-natured 529
goodness 1067 good-night 428 goods 404 goodwill 151 Goodwill 151 goody two shoes 313
goody-goody 711 gooey 306 goon 422 goose 433 gopher 644 Gordian knot 866 Gordon 835 gore
526 gorge 517 gorgeous * 884 gorges * 517 gorilla 373 gosh 210 gospels 625 gossamer 663
gossip 128 gossiping * 128 gossipping *(Br.) 128 got 134 Goth 276


2.90 3.45


4.55 1.50 2.30 3.55



1.15 6.95

4.75 6.75 2.40

11.75 1.70


Page LD

Gothic 804 gotten 873 gouge 920 gourd 533 gourmand ! 541 gourmet ! 541/940/963 gout 431
gouty 729 govern 512 governed 512 government 882 governmental 827 governor * 677
governour *(Br.) 682 gown 421 goy 303 goyim 118 grab 101 grabby 701 grace 343 graceful 630
gracefully 630 gracious 885 graciously 751 gradated 348 gradations 846 grade 321 graders 658
grades 321 grading 321 gradual 829 gradually 748 graduate ** 355/353 graduated 353
graduating 353 graduation 854 graffiti 945 graffito 309 graft * 232 graham 831 grail 411 grain
419 grainy 717 gram 116 grammar 674 grammatical 811 grammatically 748 Grammies 704
Grammy 704 Granada 368 grand 227 grandfather 646 grandma 374 grandma's 227 grandmother
646 grandmother's 227 grandpa's 227 granite * 357 grant 249 granted * 249 granular 674
granulated 350 grape 341 grapes 341 grapevine 337 graph 927 graphed * 927 grapheme 927
graphic 804 graphically 748 graphite 927 graphology 714 grapple 603 grasp 273 grass 156
grasshopper 636 grassy 707 grate * 347 grateful 630 gratefully 630 graters 667 gratification 844
gratify 712 gratis 1069 gratitude 323 gratuities 737


8.65 11.40 9.85 13.25 7.40 7.05 4.55 14.55

2.20 6.65 4.30 14.15 11.70 13.45 13.50 12.20

3.70 15.55

3.65 4.45 6.85 10.80 3.45 11.05 11.65 4.20 6.30 3.85 5.55

7.80 2.65 7.75 13.45



Page LD

gratuitous 890 gratuity 737 grave 324 gravel 626 graveyard 505 gravitate 353 gravitation 853
gravitational 823 gravity 737 gravy 738 gray * 301 grays * 301 graze * 360 grease * 432 greasy
728 great * 427 great-aunt 252 greater 667 greatest 667 great-grandchild 240 greatly 752
greatness 1067 great-uncle 611 Grecian 865 Greece * 432 greed 402 greediness 1067 greedy
711 Greek 408 green 420 greenhorn 517 greenhouse 433 Greenland 281 Greenwich 543 greet
427 greetings 427 gregarious 886 Gregorian 867 Gregory 727 gremlins 878 Grenada 368 grenade
321 grenadier 660 grew 316 grey * (Br.) 302 greyhound * 231 grid 161 griddle 601 gridiron 836
gridlock 216 grief 406 grievance 259 grieve 441 grievous 891 griffin 877 grill * 151 grille * 151
grim 118 grimace ** 343 grime 333 grimy 716 grin 123 grind 229 grinder 641 gringo 309 grinning
123 grip 128 gripe 341 griped 341 gripped 128 grisly 751 grist 235 gristle 609 gristly 754 grit 133
grits 133 gritty 708 grizzled 604 grizzlies 753 grizzly 753 groan * 421 grocer * 658 groceries 723
grocery 723 grog 114 groggy 702



3.85 5.90 6.20 5.80


5.50 8.85

5.80 3.90

12.25 15.70




11.95 13.60 9.90

47 Word


groin 423 grommets 686 groom 418 groove 326 groovy 738 grope 342 gross 159 grossly 751
grotesque 902 grouch 437 Groucho Marx 267 ground 231 grounders 642 grounds 231 group 425
groups 425 grout 431 grove 326 grovel 627 groveled * 627 grovelled *(Br.) 627 grow 310 growing
310 growl 415 grown * 422 grownup 130 grows 310 growth 280 grub 105 grubby 701 grubstake
328 grudge 212 gruel 414 grueling * 414 gruelling *(Br.) 414 gruesome * 334 gruff 145 gruffly
747 grumble 606 grumbling 606 grump 270 grumpiest 754 grumpy 754 grunion 843 grunt 249 G-
string 218 guacamole 937/939 Guam 937 guarantee * 305 guaranteed 305 guaranty * 757 guard
505 guardhouse 433 guardian 866 Guatemala 937 gubernatorial 821 guerrilla * 373 guess 157
guessed * 157 guesswork 503 guest * 234 guests 234 guff 145 guffaw 319 guidance * 258 guide
322 guidebook 409 guidelines 337 guild * 240 guilders 640 guile 330 guileless 1066 guillotine
336 guilt * 247 guiltless 1066 guilty 755 guinea pig 305 guise * 363 guitar 501 gulag ! 543 gulch
208 gulf 243 gull 155 Gullah 378 gullet 686 gully 703



3.75 5.60 5.15 7.50 3.30

2.20 2.95 4.65 5.65 8.15

19.10 19.70 9.90 15.65

6.60 11.40 8.00 11.25





Page LD

gulp 246 gum 120 gumbo 309 gumdrops 129 gummy 704 gumption 863 gumshoe 313 gun 125
gunboat 429 gunfight 428 gunfighter 650 gunfire 525 gung-ho 309 gunk 222 gunman 869
gunmen 869 gunner 635 gunnery 724 gunplay 301 gunpowder 659 guns 125 gunslinger 643
gunsmith 276 gunwales * 545 guppies 705 guppy 705 gurgle 608 guru 314 gush 211 gusher 645
gushy 743 gusto 309 gusty 758 gut 135 gutsy 756 gutter 638 guttural 825 gutsy 708 guy 308 guys
* 308 guzzle 604 gym * 953 gymnasium 833 gymnast 233 gymnastics 815 gynecology 714
gynecological 714 gynecologist 274 gyp 128 gypsum 834 gypsy 756 gyrate 352 gyrations 853 gyro
** 309 gyroscope 342 ha * 369 haberdashery 726 habeus corpus 160 habit 689 habitat 131
habitation 853 habits 689 habitual 829 hacienda 368 hack 214 hacker 647 hackles 604
hackneyed 306 hacksaw 319 had 106 Hadassah 378 haddock 216 Hades ! 304/537 hadn't 134
hag 111 Haggadah 378 haggard 506 haggis 158 haggle 602 hagiolatry 755 hagiology 714 Hague
922 hah * 378 haiku 314 hail * 411 hailstone 339



7.05 9.80 15.20

10.45 7.35 7.65





Page LD

hailstorm 517 hair * 530 hairbrush 211 haircut 135 hairdo 312 hairdresser 637 hairiest 722
hairline 337 hairpiece 432 hairpin 123 hairs * 530 hairsplitting 133 hairy * 722 Haiti 946 Haitian
868 hale * 330 half 243 half-truth 278 halfback 214 halfpennies 704 halfpenny ! 545/704 half-
time 333 halftone 339 halfway 302 halibut 135 halitosis 1070 hall 147 hallelujah 378 hallmark
507 hallow 310 Halloween 420 hallucinate 351 hallucinations 849 hallucinogenic 807 hallway
302 halo 309 halt 247 halter 650 halve * 243 halves 243 ham 116 Hamilton 838 Hamlet 686
hamlet 686 hammer 635 hammerhead 402 hamper 649 hamster 653 hamstring 218 Hancock
216 hand 227 handbag 111 handball 147 handbook 409 handcar 501 handcuffs 145 handed 227
handful * 629 handgun 125 handhold 241 handicap 126 handicapped 126 handicapper 636
handicraft 232 handier 741 handiest 741 handily 715 handing 227 handiwork 503 handkerchief
406 handkerchiefs 406 handle 607 handled 607 handler 648 handles 607 handling 607
handmade * 321 handmaid * 401 handmaiden 401 hand-me-downs 421 handout 431 hand-
picked 215 hands 227 hands-off 144 hands-on 124 handshake 328









3.25 12.35 13.70 4.10 6.95 6.15 7.50


Word handsome handspring handstand hand-to-hand hand-to-mouth handwriting handwritten

handy handyman hang hang-up hangar * hanger * hanging hangman hangover hank hanky-
panky Hannah Hannibal Hanukkah * haphazard haphazardly happen happened happens
happenstance happier happiest happily happiness happy hara-kiri harangue harass harassment
harbinger harbor * harbour *(Br.) hard hard-and-fast hardball hard-boiled hard-core harden
hardening harder hardest hard-hat hardheaded hardhearted hardiest hard-line hard-liner hardly
hard-nosed hard-nosed hard-pan hardship hardtack hardware hardwood hardy hare *
harebrained harelip harem hares * hark Harlem harlot harm harmful harmless harmlessly
harmonic harmonica harmonics harmonious harmonize harmony harness Harold * harp harpoon

Page LD 334 218 227 227 277 357 874 741 871 217 217 673 643 217 869 670 220 745 378 819
378 506 747 876 876 876 257 705 705 715 1067 705 945 922 156 883 643 675 682 505 233 147
415 526 876 876 655 505 131 402 510 741 337 664 747 364 364 121 128 214 523 404 741 523
419 128 831 523 507 831 690 508 631 1066 751 808 368 808 886 362 718 1067 241 508 422 516


3.95 4.40


4.40 7.45 5.80 9.45 9.50 11.30 11.30 2.35

7.30 1.80

3.60 4.85



12.65 9.60

48 Word harpy harried Harris Harrisburg Harrison harrow harrowing harrumph ! Harry * harry *
harrying harsh harshly hart * Hartford Harvard harvest has has-been hash hashish Hasid Hasidic
Hasidim hasn't hassle haste hasten hasty hat hatbox hatch hatchery hatchback hatchet hatchway
hate hated hateful hatred hats haughty haul * haunches haunt haunted haute haute couture
hauteur have haven haven't have-nots having havoc haw Hawaii Hawaiian hawk * hawthorn hay
hayfield hayloft Haymarket hayseed haywire hazard hazardous haze * hazel hazelnut hazy he
head head-on head-to-head headache headband headboard headcheese headed header
headfirst headgear headhunters headhunting

Page 508 706 1069 520 837 310 310 546 706 706 706 509 748 510 516 506 509 136 537 209
1060 948 802 118 134 603 274 877 758 131 268 201 725 214 685 302 347 347 630 107 131 756
416 207 252 252 949 949 949 324 875 134 134 324 801 319 945 866 410 517 301 242 232 685
402 525 506 884 360 627 135 738 304 402 402 402 906 227 533 435 402 658 515 531 651 249


5.30 1.80

6.50 9.05 13.15 1.30

2.85 5.10 13.65 2.90 9.40 10.85

1.25 5.70 3.40


1.10 2.05 12.20



Page LD

headlights 428 headlines 337 headlong 219 headmaster 652 headphones 339 headquarters 657
headrest 234 headroom 418 heads 402 headstone 339 headway 302 heady 711 heal * 412
healer 662 health 280 healthy 744 heap 424 heaps 424 hear * 531 heard * 533 hearing 531
hearken 876 hearsay 302 hearse 534 heart * 510 heart-to-heart 510 heartbeat 427 heartbreak
408 heartbreaker 661 heartbreaking 408 heartbroken 873 heartburn 521 hearth 510 heartily *
715 heartland 281 heartless 1066 hearts 510 heartthrob 104 heartwarming 502 hearty 755 heat
427 heater 667 heath 275 heathen 874 heather 646 heave 441 heaven 874 heavenly 750 heavily
715 heaving 441 heavy 738 heavy-duty 729 heavy-handed 227 heavyset 132 heavyweight 426
Hebert ! * 541 Hebrew 316 Hebrides ! 541/304 heck 215 heckle 604 heckler 604 hectic * 812
he'd * 241 hedge 212 hedgehog 114 hedgerow 310 hedonism 272 hedonist 272 heed * 402
heedful 630 heehaw 319 heel * 412 heels 412 heft 232 hefty 756 heigh-ho 309 height 442
heighten 877 Heimlich 906 heinous 889 heir * 442 heiress 1064 heirloom 418 heist * 438 held
240 Helen 874

9.80 3.95

7.15 4.95 5.50 7.05 3.70 4.75 4.15


6.10 13.10 2.25

6.70 15.05 7.30

8.45 10.25

7.30 8.60




Word helicopter helium he'll * hell hell-raiser Hellenic Hellenistic hellfire hellhole hellion hellish
hello helm * helmet help helped helper helpful helping helpless helplessly helps hem hematoma
hemisphere hemlock hemoglobin hemophilia hemophiliac hemorrhage hemorrhoids hemp *
hen hence henceforth henchman henchmen henpecked Henry hens Henson hepatitis Hepburn
her herald heraldry herb ! ** herbal ! ** Herbert herbicide Herculean Hercules ! herd * here's
here * hereafter hereby hereditary heredity Hereford herein hereinafter heresy heretical heretics
hereto heretofore herewith heritage Hermes ! hermetically hermit hermitage hernia hero heroic
heroically heroin * heroine * heroism herons herpes ! herring ! hers herself hertz
Page LD 650 833 151 149 666 807 272 525 331 843 1060 149 246 686 246 246 648 631 246 1066
751 246 117 374 524 216 877 370 801 327 403 269 122 257 519 869 869 215 754 122 837 1070
521 511 240 754 538/511 538/819 513 322 864 541/304 511 524 524 649 307 721 731 516 123
649 728 813 813 524 526 276 327 541/304 749 689 327 371 309 808 748 879 338 272 836
541/304 538/943 511 243 654


5.30 2.15 3.60 4.45 3.00 4.60 3.95 8.35

2.05 11.65



4.75 10.40 3.30 7.05

8.05 12.40 7.10


6.60 4.05


Page LD

he's 138 he/she 304 hesitancy 739 hesitant 254 hesitate 353 hesitation 853 Hess 157 Hessian
868 heterogeneous 884 heteronym 1074 heterosexual 829 heuristic 816 hew * 316 hewn 316
hex 266 hexagon 124 hexagonal 823 hey 302 heyday 302 hi-fi 308 hi-tech * 905 hiatus 160
Hiawatha 369 hibachi 945 hibernate 351 hibernation 850 Hibernia 371 hibiscus 160 hiccup * 130
hick 215 hickey 306 hickory 726 hid 108 hidden 873 hide * 322 hide-and-seek 408 hideaway 302
hidebound 231 hideous 884 hiding 322 hie * 308 hied * 308 hierarchies 742 hierarchy 742
hieroglyphics 804 hies * 308 hifalutin' !* 541 hifalutin !* 541 higgledy-piggledy 711 high 308
highball 147 highboy 303 highbrow 318 highchair 530 higher 308 higher-up 130 higher-ups 130
highest 308 highfalutin'!* 541 highfalutin !* 541 high fidelity 733 high jump 270 highland 281
Highland Park 281 high-level 626 highlight 428 highlighter 650 highlights 428 highly 308 highness
1067 high noon 422 high-powered 671 high pressure 915 high profile 330 high-resolution 859
high-rise 363 highroad 403 high school 308 high sea 305 high sign 959 high-spirited 690 high-
stepping 127 high-sticking 215 high-strung 219 high style 330 hightail 411


6.75 7.45 3.50



4.55 5.55



49 Word


high-tech 905 high tide 322 high time 333 high-toned 339 high-voltage 327 highway 302
highwayman 871 highways 302 hijack 214 hijacker 647 hike 329 hiker 662 hilarious 886 hilarity
736 Hillary 724 Hilda 368 hill 151 hillbilly 703 hills 151 Hillsdale 330 hilltop 129 hilly 703 Hilo 309
hilt 247 Hilton 838 him 118 Himalayas 378 himself 243 hind 229 hinder 641 Hindi 945
hindquarters 657 hindrance 258 hindsight 428 Hindu 313 Hinduism 272 Hindustan 121
Hindustani 945 hinge 213 hint 251 hip 128 hipbone 339 hippie 705 hippo 309 Hippocrates !
541/304 Hippocratic 811 hippopotamus 160 hippie 705 hire 525 hired 525 hireling 218
Hiroshima 374 hirsute 359 his 138 his-and-her 511 Hispanic 807 hiss 158 histogram 116 historian
867 historic 809 historical 809 historically 749 history 727 histrionics 808 hit 133 hit-and-miss
158 hit-and-run 125 hitch 203 Hitchcock 216 hitchhike 329 hitchhiker 662 hither 646 hitherto
646 Hitler 648 hits 133 hive 325 Ho Chi Minh 543 ho * 309 ho-hum 120 hoagie 304 hoard * 533
hoarse * 534 hoax 268 hob 104 Hobbes 541 hobble 601




2.00 3.00

1.70 3.40 5.00

7.85 7.95


12.50 3.15 3.05

14.65 3.60


Page LD

hobbledehoy 303 hobby 701 hobgoblin 878 hobnailed 411 hobo 309 Hoboken 873 Hobson's
choice 836 hock 216 hockey 306 hocus-pocus 160 hod 109 Hodgkin's disease 878 hoe * 311 hoe-
down 421 hog 114 Hogan 865 hogbacks 214 hogs 114 hogshead 402 hogwash 209 hog-wild 240
hoist 236 hoity-toity 729 hokum 834 hold 241 holder 640 holding 241 holdout 431 holdover 670
holds 241 holdup 130 hole * 331 holes 331 holiday 302 holidays 302 holistic 816 Holland 281
holler 634 hollow 684 holly 703 hollyhocks 216 Hollywood 404 Holmes 960 holocaust 236
hologram 116 holograph 927 Holstein 442 holster 653 Holt 248 holy day 302 holy * 715 homage
327 hombre 939 home 333 homebody 711 home-brew 316 homecoming 333 homegrown 421
homeland 281 homeless 1066 homely 747 homemade 321 homemaker 661 homemaking 328
homeowner 664 Homer 663 homer 663 homeroom 418 homers 663 home run 125 homes 333
homesick 215 homespun 125 homestead 402 homesteaders 658 homesteading 402
homestretch 202 hometown 421 homeward 506 homework 503 homey 306 homicidal 820
homicide 322 homily 715 homing 333 hominy 718


6.00 2.75 3.95

3.95 4.50 3.00 7.60 2.95 3.90 8.25 9.90


6.45 1.45

2.40 3.50


Page LD
Homo 1072 Homo Sapiens 1072 homogeneity 730 homogeneous 884 homogenized 361
homogenous 889 homonym 1074 homophone 339 homosexual 829 homosexuality 733 honcho
309 Honduras 541 hone 339 honest 234 honestly 753 honesty 758 honey 306 honeybee 305
honeycomb 958 honeydew 316 honeymoon 422 honeysuckle 604 Hong Kong 219 honk 222
honkey * 306 honkie * 304 honky * 745 honky-tonk 222 Honolulu 314 honor * 677 honorable *
617 honorably * 617 honorarium 833 honorary * 721 honored * 677 honour * (Br.) 682
honourable *(Br.) 617 honourably *(Br.) 617 honoured *(Br.) 682 Honshu 314 hooch 437 hood
404 hoodlum 834 hoodwink 221 hooey 306 hoof 407 hoofer 659 hook 409 hooker 662 hooks
409 hookup 130 hookworm 503 hooky 713 hooligan 865 hooliganism 272 hoop 425 hoop-de-do
312 hoopla 373 hooray 302 Hoosier 660 hoot 429 Hoover 670 Hooverville 150 hooves 326 hop
129 hope 342 hoped 342 hopeful 630 hopefully 630 hopeless 1066 hopelessly 751 hopes 342
hoping 342 Hopkins 123 hopper 636 hopscotch 204 horde * 516 horehound 231 horizon 838
horizontal 827 horizontally 749 hormone 339 horn 517 horn-rimmed 118 hornbook 409 horned
frog 114

7.30 10.25 10.25 5.10

9.45 14.60


5.50 6.50

3.20 1.95 4.35 6.80

3.60 7.80



Page LD

hornet 687 hornpipe 341 horns 517 horoscope 342 horrendous 884 horrible 622 horrid 691
horrify 712 horror 677 hors d'oeuvres 960 horse 518 horse and buggy 702 horse trade 321
horseback 214 horsefeathers 646 horsehair 530 horsehide 322 horselaugh 407 horsepower 671
horseradish 1060 horses 518 horseshoe 313 horsewhip 128 horticulture 529 hosanna 375 hose *
364 hosiery 726 hospice 344 hospitable 619 hospitably 619 hospital 826 hospitalise * Br 363
hospitality 733 hospitalization 855 hospitalize 361 host 235 host-specific 803 hostage 327 hostel
626 hostess 1064 hostile 330 hostility 734 hot 134 hot-blooded 404 hot dog 114 hot-dog 114
hot-dogging 114 hot line 337 hot plate 347 hot rod 109 hot-rod 109 hot-tempered 649 hot-wire
525 hotbed 107 hotel 148 hotels 148 hotfoot 429 hothead 402 hothouse 433 hotshot 134
Houdini 945 hound 231 hounding 231 hour * 532 hourglass 156 hours * 532 house ** 433
houseboat 429 housebroken 873 housecleaning 420 housecoat 429 houseflies 307 housefly 307
houseful 629 household 241 housekeeper 665 housekeeping 424 housemaid 401 housemother
646 houses ** 436/433 housewife 325 housework 503 housing 436 Houston 838 hovel 627 how

3.95 12.20

3.90 6.10






5.45 6.60

2.45 3.65 1.70




50 Word



how's 138 Howard 506 howdy 711 Howe 318 however 669 howitzer 654 howl 415 howling 415
howsoever 669 Hoyle 415 hub 105 hubbub 105 hubby 701 hubcap 126 hubris 1069
huckleberries 706 huckleberry 706 Huckleberry Finn 123 huckster 653 huddle 601 Hudson 836
hue * 315 huff 145 huffy 702 hug 115 huge 366 Hugh * 538/315 hugs 115 huh ! 547/378 hula
373 hula-hoop 425 hula-hula 373 hulk 245 hull 155 hullabaloo 312 hum 120 human 871 humane
335 humanely 747 humanism 272 humanist 272 humanitarian 867 humanitarianism 272
humanity 735 humble 606 humbug 115 humdrum 834 humid 691 humidifier 661 humidify 712
humidity 731 humiliate 349 humiliation 847 humility 734 hummingbird 514 humor * 677
humoresque 902 humorist * 274 humorous * 890 humorously 751 humour *(Br.) 682 humourist
*(Br.) 274 humourous *(Br.) 890 hump 270 Humpty Dumpty 270 humus 160 Hun 125 hunch 207
hunchback 214 hundred 107 hundreds 107 hung 219 hunger 643 hungry 752 hunk 222 hunker
648 hunky-dory 723 hunt 249 hunted 249 hunter 651 hunting 249 Huntington 838 Huntsville 150
hurdle 608 hurl 521 hurler 648


3.90 8.25 7.65

6.55 5.60 7.75


11.15 7.10


5.35 7.85 4.80 6.60 8.20

2.75 4.55 2.75 2.85


Page LD

hurly-burly 751 Huron 836 hurrah 378 hurricane 335 hurried 706 7.75 hurriedly 746 hurry 706
5.10 hurt 522 4.90 hurtful 631 hurtle 608 husband 281 8.40 husbandry 754 hush 211 hushpuppy
705 husk 271 husky 745 hut 135 4.15 hutch 205 hutzpa (chutzpah) 378 hutzpah (chutzpah)378
hyacinth 280 hybrid 691 Hyde * 322 hydra 376 hydrant 254 hydraulic 805 hydro 309 hydrocarbon
835 hydrochloric 809 hydroelectric 809 hydrogen 874 hydrotherapy 719 hyena 375 hygiene 336
17.90 hygienic 807 hymen 875 hymn 118 hymnal 118 hype 341 hyper 665 hyperactive 895
hyperbola ! 543/373 hyperbole ! 543/304 hypersensitive 896 hypertension 842 hyperventilate
350 hyphen 874 hyphenated 351 hypno 1028 hypnosis 1069 hypnotherapy 719 hypnotic 814
hypnotism 272 hypnotist 272 hypnotize 361 hypochondria 371 hypochondriac 801 hypocrisy 728
hypocrite 357 hypodermic 806 hypotenuse 346 hypothermia 370 hypothesis 1069 hypothetical
813 hysteria 371 hysterical 809 I 308 1.00 iambic 802 Ibo 310 Icarus 160 ice 344 1.35 ice cream *
418 6.35 iceberg * 344 iceboat 429 icebox 268 iced tea 344 icehouse 433 Iceland 281 icicles 611
17.30 icily 715 icon 124 icy 709 13.05 I'd 241 7.05 id 108 Idaho 309 idea 369 6.30
Word ideal idealism idealist idealistic ideals ideas identical identically identification identify
identity ideology idiocy idiom idiomatic idiosyncrasy idiot idiotic idle * idler idol * idolize * idyll *
idyllic if iffy igloo igneous ignite ignition ignominious ignominy ignoramus ignorance ignorant
ignore iguana Iliad ilk I'll ill ill-bred ill-conceived ill-defined illegal illegible illegitimate ill-equipped
ill-fated ill-formed ill-founded ill-gotten illicit ill-informed Illinois illiteracy illiterate ill-mannered
illness illogical ill-prepared ill-timed illuminate illumination illusion illusionist illusory illustrate
illustrated illustration illustrations I'm image imagery imaginary imagination imaginative imagine
imagined imbalance imbecile imbibe imbue imitate imitation imitative

Page LD 412 272 272 815 412 369 814 748 845 712 737 714 710 832 811 728 690 814 611 648
152 362 954 805 143 702 312 884 357 858 886 718 160 258 254 526 375 691 245 151 151 107
441 337 820 622 354 128 347 517 231 874 689 517 436 709 354 635 1067 803 523 333 351 850
841 272 727 352 352 852 852 116 327 725 720 850 894 338 338 258 330 320 315 353 853 894


8.50 7.45



15.95 15.40

4.85 2.90


16.15 16.05 16.45 16.85 4.95 12.20 16.05 12.70 15.15


Page LD

immaculate 355 immanent 256 immaterial 821 immature 923 immaturity 737 immeasurable 618
immediate 354 immediately 747 immense 263 immensity 737 immerse 534 immersion 842
immigrant 254 immigration 852 imminent 256 immobilize 362 immoderate 355 immodest 234
immolate 350 immolation 848 immoral 825 immorality 733 immortal 827 immovable 621
immune 340 immunity 735 immunization 857 immunize 362 immunology 714 immutable 620
imp 270 impact 223 impair 530 impaled 330 impanel 625 impart 510 impassable 618 impasse !
541/156 impassioned 839 impatience 261 impatient 255 impeach 437 impeachment 881
impeccable 613 impeccably 613 impecunious 886 impedance 258 impede 321 impediment 882
impel 624 impelling 624 impending 228 imperative 894 imperceptible 623 imperfect 224
imperfection 860 imperial 821 imperialism 272 imperil 628 imperiled * 628 imperilled *(Br) 628
imperious 887 impermeable 614 impersonal 824 impersonate 351 impersonation 850
impertinence 261 impertinent 256 imperturbable 613 impetigo 309 impetuous 891 impetus 160
impiety 729 impinge 213 impious 886 impish 1060 impishly 748 implacable 613 implant 249
implantation 854 implanted 249 implausible 623 implement 880 implementation 854 implicate
347 implication 845

17.00 18.15 17.85



51 Word


implicit 689 implore 526 imply 307 impolite 357 impolitely 747 imponderable 616 import 519
importance 259 important 254 importer 657 importunate 355 importune 340 impose 364
imposition 858 impossibility 734 impossible 621 impostor 680 impotence 261 impotency 740
impotent 256 impound 231 impoverished 1061 impractical 812 impregnable 615 impregnate
351 impresario 309 impress 157 impressed 157 impression 839 impressionable 616
impressionist 272 impressive 893 imprint 251 imprisoned 837 imprisonment 882 improbable
613 improbably 613 impromptu 314 improper 665 impropriety 729 improve 326 improvement
881 improvements 881 improvident 255 improving 326 improvisation 853 improvise 363 imps
270 imprudent 255 impudence 260 impudent 255 impugn ! 543/959 impulse 264 impulsive 892
impulsively 747 impulsiveness 1067 impunity 736 impure 527 impurity 736 imputed 359 in 123
in absentia 372 in-and-out 431 in-law 319 inability 733 inaccessible 623 inaccuracy 709
inaccurate 354 inactive 895 inadequacy 709 inadequate 354 inadequately 747 inadmissible 623
inadvertently 752 inadvisable 618 inalienable 615 inane 335 inanimate 355 inanity 735
inappropriate 355 inarticulate 354 inasmuch as 205 inaudible 622 inaugural 825 inauguration
852 in-between 420


5.30 10.15 7.75


7.00 9.90 13.40

5.35 8.20 9.70 7.30






Page LD

inboard inborn inbound Inca incalculable incandescent incantation incapable incapacitated

incarcerated incarceration incarnate incarnation incautious incendiary incense incentive
inception incessant incest inch inches incidence * incident incidental incidentally incidents *
incinerate incineration incinerator incipient incision incisive incite inciting inclement inclination
incline inclined include included includes including inclusion inclusive incognito incoherence
incoherent income incoming incommensurable incommensurate incommunicable
incommunicado incomparable incompatibility incompatible incompetence * incompetent
incompetents * incomplete incomprehensible inconceivable inconclusive incongruent
incongruous inconsequential inconsiderable inconsiderate inconsistencies inconsistency
inconsistent inconsolable inconspicuous incontinent incontrovertible inconvenience
inconvenient incorporated incorrect incorrigible incorruptible increase increased increasing

533 517 231 368 615 255 854 616 353 352 851 355 850 888 720 263 896 862 254 234 206 206
260 255 826 748 255 352 851 679 256 841 892 357 357 880 850 337 337 323 323 323 323 841
876 309 256 256 334 334 618 355 613 309 616 734 623 261 256 256 356 622 620 892 256 891
828 616 354 740 740 256 615 891 256 623 261 255 352 224 622 623 432 432 432 621

3.25 4.05 16.00 19.25

9.80 10.55 10.00 10.65 11.25 8.85 13.85


18.20 18.05

10.00 10.70 10.85


Page LD

incredibly 621 incredulous 888 incriminated 351 incriminating 351 incubation 844 incubator 678
inculcated 348 incumbent 255 incur 520 incurable 617 indebted 958 indebtedness 1067
indecency 739 indecent 255 indecision 841 indecisive 892 indeed 402 indefatigable 614
indefensible 622 indefinite 357 indefinitely 747 indelible 622 indelicate 355 indemnified 712
indemnities 735 indemnity 735 indent 250 indentation 854 indentured 529 independence * 255
independent 260 independents * 260 indescribable 613 indestructible 623 indeterminate 355
index 266 India 370 Indian 866 Indiana 375 indicate 347 indicated 347 indicates 347 indicating
347 indication 844 indicative 893 indicator 678 indices ! 541/304 indict ! 541/535 indicted ! 535
indicting ! 535 indictment ! 541/883 indicts ! 535 indifference 261 indifferent 256 indigence *
260 indigenous 889 indigent 255 indigents * 255 indigestible 623 indignant 254 indignation 849
indigo 309 indirect 224 indirection 861 indirectly 752 indiscreet 427 indiscretion 857
indispensable 618 indisposed 364 indisputable 620 indistinct 221 individual 829 individualism
272 individualist 272 individuality 733 individualization 856 individualize 361 individually 749
indoctrinated 351 indoctrination 850 Indo-European 864 indolence 256 indolent 256
indomitable 619 Indonesia 372 indoor 532


4.80 18.30 19.95

12.70 11.25

10.45 12.85 14.05 14.00 14.05




Page LD

indoors indubitable indubitably induce inducement induct inductee induction inductive indulge
indulgences indulgent industrial industrialist industrialization industrialized industrious industry
inebriated inebriation ineffable ineffably ineffective ineffectual inefficiency inefficient inelegant
ineligibility ineligible inept ineptitude inequality inequitable inequity inert inertia inescapable
inestimable inevitability inevitable inevitably inexact inexcusable inexhaustible inexorable
inexorably inexpensive inexperienced inexplicable inexplicably inextricable infallibility infallible
infallibly infamous infamy infancy infant infanticide infantile infantry infatuated infatuation infect
infection infectious infer inference inferential inferior inferiority infernal inferno inferring infest
infestation infidel infidelities infidelity infield infielders infiltrate infiltration infinite infinitesimal

532 619 619 346 880 226 305 862 896 920 260 255 821 272 855 361 887 755 349 847 614 614
895 829 740 912 254 734 622 238 323 733 619 737 513 372 616 615 734 619 619 223 618 623
617 617 892 261 613 613 613 734 622 622 889 716 739 254 322 330 755 353 855 224 860 887
511 261 828 676 736 824 309 511 234 854 624 733 733 242 640 352 852 357 821 896

4.15 9.15






52 Word infinity infirm infirmary infirmities infirmity inflame inflammable inflammation

inflammatory inflatable inflate inflation inflationary inflection inflexible inflict influence
influencing influential influenza influx inform informal informally informant information
informative infraction infrared infrequent infringe infringement infuriated infuriating infuse
infusion ingénue ingenious ingenuity ingenuous ingest ingestion ingot ingrained ingrate
ingratiate ingratitude ingredient inhabit inhabitant inhalation inhale inherent inherit inheritance
inhibit inhibitions inhuman inhumane inimical inimitable iniquities iniquitous iniquity initial
initiation initiative inject injection injudicious injure injurious injury injustice ink inkling inky
inlaid inland inlay inmate inn innards innate inner innerspring

Page 735 515 724 735 735 332 615 849 723 618 350 847 720 860 623 225 262 262 828 378 268
517 822 749 254 849 894 860 107 256 213 880 349 349 365 841 314 886 737 891 234 863 690
419 352 349 323 255 689 254 847 330 256 689 259 689 857 871 335 806 619 737 890 737 828
847 894 224 860 885 527 887 727 344 221 218 745 401 281 302 347 123 506 347 635 218


5.20 9.65 7.65


17.45 18.85

10.80 3.50 2.45


Word inning innkeeper innocence * innocent innocents * innocuous innovate innovation

innovative innovator innuendo innumerable inoculate inoculation inoffensive inoperable
inopportune inorganic input inquest inquire inquired inquiries inquiring inquiry inquisition
inquisitive inquisitor insane insanity insatiable inscribe inscription inscrutable inseam insect
insecticide insects insecure insecurity insensible insensitive insentient inseparable insert
insertion inside insider insidious insight insightful insignia insignificance insignificant insincere
insincerity insinuate insinuation insipid insist insistence insistent insolence insolent insoluble
insolvency insolvent insomnia insomniac insouciance insouciant inspect inspection inspector
inspiration inspire instability install installation installed installers instance instances instant
instantaneous instantly

Page LD 218 665 260 255 255 891 353 855 895 679 309 617 350 848 892 617 340 807 135 234
525 525 727 525 727 858 896 680 335 735 615 320 862 620 418 224 322 224 527 736 622 896
255 616 513 863 322 659 886 428 631 371 258 254 524 736 353 854 691 235 261 256 256 256
623 740 256 371 801 258 254 224 860 679 852 525 734 147 848 147 634 254 254 254 884 752


9.70 11.50 17.45 11.90 15.65




7.65 9.20 15.35 10.80 8.85 17.35 10.90 13.40 15.25 10.50 11.95


Page LD
instead 402 instep 127 instigate 348 instigation 846 instigator 678 instill 151 instinct 221
instinctive 895 instinctively 747 institute 359 institution 859 institutional 824 institutionalized
361 institutions 859 instruct 226 instructed 226 instruction 862 instructions 862 instructive 896
instructor 680 instrument 883 instrumental 827 insubordinate 354/351 insubordination 850
insubstantial 828 insufferable 616 insufficient 912 insular 674 insulate 350 insulation 849
insulator 678 insulin 878 insult 248 insurance 258 insure 528 insured 528 insurgency 740
insurgent 255 insurmountable 619 insurrection 861 intact 223 intaglio 309 intake 328 intangible
622 integer 659 integral 825 integrate 352 integration 852 integrity 736 intellect 224 intellectual
829 intellectualism 272 intellectually 749 intelligence 260 intelligent 255 intelligentsia 372
intelligible 622 intend 228 intended 228 intense * 263 intensity 737 intensive 892 intent 250
intention 862 intentional 823 intentionally 749 intentions 862 intents * 250 inter 651 inter1032
interact 223 interactions 860 interactive 895 interagency 740 intercede 321 intercept 238
interception 862 intercession 839 interchange 213 interchangeable 614 intercollegiate 355
intercom 119 intercommunication 845 intercontinental 827 intercourse 534


15.80 15.55 15.75 16.50 10.50 11.45 12.15 12.00 13.70 13.30

8.65 12.40 7.75 9.00

18.95 17.20 16.05 6.85 8.25

10.70 11.80


Page LD

interdenominational 823 interdependent 260 interdict 225 interdiction 861 interdisciplinary 720
interest 234 interested 234 interesting 234 interests 234 interface 343 interfere 524 interference
261 interim 118 interior 676 interject 224 interjection 860 interlude 323 intermarriage 327
intermarried 706 intermarrying 706 intermediate 354 interment 883 intermingle 605
intermission 840 intermittent 256 intermural 825 intern 512 internal 824 internalize 361
internally 749 international 823 internecine 336 internist 272 internment 882 internship 128
interplanetary 721 Interpol 152 interpolate 350 interpolation 848 interpose 364 interpret 687
interpretation 853 interpreter 668 interpretive 896 interracial 819 interrelated 350
interrelationships 128 interrogate 349 interrogation 846 interrogative 894 interrogatory 723
interrupt 239 interruption 863 intersect 224 intersection 861 intersperse 534 intertwine 337
interurban 864 interval 830 intervals 830 intervene 336 intervention 862 interview 317
interviewer 671 interweave 441 interwoven 874 intestinal 822 intestines 338 intimacy 709
intimate ** 351/354 intimately 747 intimation 849 intimidate 348 intimidation 846 into 312
intolerable 617 intolerant 254 intonation 850 intoxicant 254 intoxicate 348 intoxication 845
intractable 618 intramural 825 intransigent 255 intransitive 896

8.20 8.95 8.30 12.50 15.35 13.70



14.80 15.30 10.70



53 Word


intrepid 691 intricacies 709 intricacy 709 intricate 354 intrigue 922 intrinsic 810 intrinsically 749
introduce 346 introduced 346 introduction 862 introductory 726 introspection 860 introspective
895 introversion 842 introvert 513 intrude 323 intrusion 841 intrusive 893 intuit 690 intuition
859 intuitive 896 inundate 348 inured 527 invade 321 invaders 658 invasion 841 invective 895
inveigh 302 inveigle 612 invent 250 invented 250 invention 862 inventor 680 inventory 723
inverse 534 inversion 842 invert 513 investigate 349 investigation 846 investigator 678
investment 883 inveterate 355 invidious 886 invigorating 352 invincible 621 inviolable 615
invisibility 734 invisible 622 invitation 853 invitational 823 invite 357 invited 357 inviting 357
invocation 845 invoice 433 invoices 433 invoke 329 involuntarily 715 involuntary 721 involve 380
involved 380 invulnerability 733 invulnerable 617 inward 506 inwardly 746 iodine 338 ion 835
Ionia 371 Ionian 866 ionic 808 ionization 857 ionize 362 ionosphere 524 Iowa 378 ipecac 801
Iran 121 Iranian 866 Iraq ! 538 Iraqi ! 945/538 Iraqis ! 945 irascible 621 irate 347 ire 525 Ireland
281 iridescent 255 iris 1069


11.15 11.65 11.15

6.30 6.20 8.45 9.00

14.15 13.35 7.80

13.30 4.95 5.00 8.35 7.70 9.70

11.95 11.90



Page LD

Irish 1063 Irishman 869 Irishmen 869 irk 514 irksome 334 iron 836 ironic 808 ironically 749
ironing 836 irony 718 Iroquois 436 irrational * 823 irreconcilable 615 irreducible 621 irrefutable
620 irregardless 1066 irregular 674 irregularities 736 irregularity 736 irrelevance 259 irrelevant
254 irreligious 886 irreparable 616 irreplaceable 613 irrepressible 623 irresistible 623
irrespective 895 irresponsible 622 irreverence 261 irreverent 261 irreversible 622 irrevocable
613 irrigate 348 irrigation 846 irritability 734 irritable 619 irritate 353 irritation 853 is 138 Isaac !
538 Isaiah ! 538/378 Isis 1069 Islam ** 831 Islamic * 806 island ! 535/281 isle * ! 535/962 isn't
138 isobar 501 isolate 350 isolation 848 isolationism 272 isolationist 272 isometric 810 isotope
342 Israel 624 Israeli 945 Israelite 357 issuance 259 issue 315 issued 315 issues 315 it 133 Italian
866 italic 805 italicized 361 Italy 715 itch 203 item 831 itemize 361 itemized 361 items 831
itinerant 254 itinerary 721 it's * 138 'tis 138 its * 133 itself 243 I've 324 ivory 726 ivy 738 Iwo
Jima 374 jab 101 jabber 632 Jabberwocky 745 jack 214 Jack 214

5.00 7.05


5.15 5.55

11.25 11.25 13.05 1.15

9.55 16.20 10.55 5.50 15.75 10.30 3.90 5.15



Page LD

jack-o'-lantern 512 jack-of-all-trades 321 jackal 821 jackass 156 jacket 685 jackhammer 635
jackknife 325 jackpot 134 jacks 214 Jackson 837 Jacob 104 Jacqueline 338 Jacques 904 jade 321
jag 111 jaguar 501 Jahveh (JHVH) ! 541 jai alai ! 545 jail * 411 jailbird 514 jailbreak 408 jailer *
662 jailhouse 433 Jake 328 jalapeño ! 543/309 jalopy 719 jalousie 304 jam * 116 Jamaica 368
Jamaican 864 jamb * 958 jambalaya 378 jamboree 305 James 332 Jamestown 421 jangle 605
Janice 344 janitor 680 janitorial 821 Jansen 875 Jansenism 272 January 720 Japan 121 Japanese
435 jar 501 jargon 835 jars 501 jasmine 338 Jason 836 jaundice 344 jaunt 252 jaunty 757 Java
377 javelin 878 jaw 319 jawbone 339 jawbreaker 661 jay 302 Jaycee 305 jayvee 305 jaywalk 410
jaywalker 648 jazz 136 jazzy 708 jealous 888 jealousy 728 Jean ** 420 Jeanne d'Arc ! 541 jeans
420 jeep 424 jeer 531 Jeff 142 Jefferson 837 Jeffersonian 866 Jehovah 378 jejune 340 Jekyll and
Hyde 322 jell 149 Jell-O 309 jello 309 jelly 703 jellybeans 420 jellyfish 210 jeopardize 361
jeopardy 741 jeremiad 691




6.30 3.55 4.55





Page LD

Jeremiah 378 Jeremy 716 Jericho 309 jerk 512 jerkwater 667 jerky 758 Jerome 333 Jerry 706
jerry-built 247 jersey 306 Jersey City 729 Jerusalem 831 Jesse 304 Jessica 368 jest 234 jester 652
Jesuit 690 Jesuitical 814 Jesus ** Christ 234 Jesus ! ** Garcia 538/160 jet 132 jetsam 831 jettison
837 Jew 316 jewel 627 11.60 jeweler 662 jewelry 754 Jewish 1063 Jezebel 624 jib 103 jibe 320
jiffy 702 jig 113 jigger 633 jiggle 602 jigsaw 319 jihad 691 Jill 151 jilt 247 Jim Crow 310 Jimmy 704
jimmy 704 jingle 605 jingo 309 jingoism 272 jinx 267 jitters 638 jitterbug 115 jittery 724 jive 325
Joan of Arc 507 Job ! 538 job 104 2.85 Job's ! Daughters 538/650 jobbers 632 14.05 jobholder
640 jobless 1066 jock 216 jockey 306 jockstrap 126 jocose 345 jocular 674 jocularity 736
jodhpurs ! 538 Joe 311 Joel 625 Joey 306 jog 114 jogger 633 joggle 602 Johann 543 Johannes
543 Johannesburg520/543 john 124 John 124 John Doe 311 Johnny 704 johnnycake 328 Johnson
837 joie de vivre ! 543 join 423 4.85 joined 423 7.10 joiner 664 joint 253 6.65 jointer 651 jointly

54 Word

joist 236 joke 329 joker 662 jokes 329 jolly 703 Jolly Roger 659 jolt 248 Jonah 378 Jones 339
jonquil 628 Joplin 878 Jordan 864 Jose ! 538/938/939 Joseph 928 Josephine 336 Joshua !
538/377 Josie 304 jostle 609 jot 134 journal 824 journalism 272 journalist 272 journalistic 816
journey 306 journeyman 871 journeymen 871 Jove 326 jovial 821 jowls 415 joy 303 Joyce 433
joyful 631 joyfully 631 joyless 1066 joyride 322 joystick 215 Juan ! 538/938/504 Juanita !
938/947 jubilant 254 jubilation 848 jubilee 305 Judah 378 Judaism 272 Jude 323 Judea ! 538/369
judge 212 judgement *(Br.) 880 judgemental *(Br.) 827 judging 212 judgment * 881 judgmental
* 827 judicial 819 judiciary 720 judicious 885 Judith 276 judo 309 Judy 711 jug 115 Juggernaut
430 juggle 602 juggler 602 jugular 674 juice 346 juicy 709 jujitsu * 314 juke 329 jukebox 268
julep 127 Julia 370 Julian 866 julienne 1068 Julie 304 Juliet 688 Julius 160 July 715 jumble 606
jumbo 309 jumbuck 216 jump 270 jumped 270 jumper 649 jumping 270 jumps 270 jumpsuit 429
jumpy 754 junco 309

LD 2.90 5.20 4.65




7.05 11.05 16.15



3.00 5.65 4.20 4.20


Page LD

junction 861 juncture 529 June 340 jungle 605 junior 676 juniper 665 junk 222 junket 685 junkie
304 junkman 869 junkyard 505 Juno 309 junta ! 543/377 Jupiter 668 juries 727 jurisdiction 861
jurisprudence 260 jurist 274 juror 677 jury 727 jury-rig 113 just 236 justice 344 justifiable 614
justifiably 614 justified 712 justify 712 Justin 879 Justine 336 justly 753 jute 359 juvenile 330
juxtaposition 858 kabob 104 Kaddish 1063 Kaiser 666 kangaroo 312 Kansas 156 kaput 135 karat
* 536 Karen 873 Karl * 508 karma 374 Kate 347 Kathleen 420 Katmandu 314 Katy 729 katydid
691 kayak ! 543 kazoo 312 keel 412 keen 420 keenly 751 keep 424 keeper 665 keeping 424 keeps
424 keepsake 328 keg 112 Keller 634 Kellogg 114 Kelly 703 kelp 246 ken 122 Kennedy 711 kennel
625 Kenneth 275 Kenny 704 Kentucky 745 Kenya 378 kept 238 kerchief 406 kernel 625 kerosene
336 Kerry * 706 ketch * 202 ketchup 202 kettle 603 kettledrum 834 key * 306 keyboard 533
keyhole 331 keynote 358 keypad 106 keypunch 207 keys * 306

1.95 9.40 4.90

8.90 2.15 10.10 12.35 11.85 5.95

6.00 2.80 5.80 3.95 4.05


6.70 2.90



Page LD

keystone 339 keystroke 329 keyword 503 khaki ! 960/945 khan ! 960/541 kibitz 654 kibitzer 654
kibosh 210 kick 215 kickback 214 kickball 147 kicked 215 kicker 647 kickoff 144 kid 108 kiddie car
304 kidnap 126 kidnapper 636 kidney 306 kids 108 kielbasa 376 kill 151 killed 151 killer 634
killing 151 kiln 246 kilo 309 kilobyte 357 kilogram 116 kilometer 667 Kilroy 303 kilts 247 Kim 118
Kimberly 751 kimono 309 kin 123 kind 229 kindergarten 875 kindest 229 kindle 607 kindliness
1067 kindling 607 kindly 746 kindness 1067 kindred 691 kinds 229 kinesthetic 813 kinetic 813
kinfolk 245 king 218 king-sized 362 kingdom 832 kingfisher 645 kingpin 123 kink 221 kinky 745
kinship 128 kipper 636 Kirk 514 kismet 687 kiss 158 kisses 158 kit 133 kitchen 874 kitchenware
523 kite 357 kith 276 kith and kin 276 kitten 875 kittens 875 kitties 708 kitty 708 Kiwanis 1069
Klan * 121 Kleenex 266 kleptomania 371 kleptomaniac 801 klutz 654 klutzy 758 knack 214
knackwurst 522 knapsack 214 knave 324 knavery 724 knead * 402 knee 305

4.55 6.85 3.20

3.40 2.20 3.35 2.85

2.85 13.70 7.30

3.90 5.00 4.15

2.35 6.70
2.00 4.95 8.40 4.65 4.10 5.25 8.35



Page LD

knee-deep 424 knee-high 308 kneecap 126 kneed * 305 kneel * 412 kneeler 662 knees 305 knell
149 knelt 247 knew * 316 Knickerbockers 647 knickers 647 knickknack 214 knife 325 knight *
428 knighthood 404 knightly 752 knights 428 knishes 210 knit * 133 knitwear 530 knives 325
knob 104 knobby 701 knock 216 knock-kneed 402 knockdown 421 knocked 216 knocker 647
knockout 431 knocks * 216 knockwurst 522 knoll 153 knot * 134 knotty 708 know * 310 know-
how 318 know-it-all 147 knowing 310 knowledge 212 known 421 knows 310 Knox * 268
Knoxville 150 knuckle 604 koala 373 Kodak 801 kooky 713 kopeck 215 Koran 871 Korea 369
Korean 864 kosher 645 kowtow 318 kraut 430 Kremlin 878 Ku Klux Klan 268 kudos 309 kumquats
504 kung fu 314 Kurd * 520 Kurdish 1063 Kuwait 426 Kuwaiti 945 Kyoto 309 Kyushu 314 lab 101
label 624 labeled * 624 labelled *(Br.) 624 labor * 676 laboratory 725 laborer * 666 laborious
887 labour *(Br.) 682 labourer *(Br.) 666 Labrador 516 labyrinth 280 lace 343 lacerate 351
lacerations 851 lack 214 lackadaisical 810 lackey 306 lacks * 214 lacquer 904

8.05 5.10


10.50 9.05


7.20 2.80 6.15 12.30 6.70 6.25

6.55 16.70

5.10 3.70

55 Word


lacrosse 541 lactate 352 lactation 853 lactose 345 lacy 709 lad 106 ladder 632 laden 873 ladies
711 lading 321 ladle 611 lady 711 ladybug 115 ladyfinger 643 lady-in-waiting 426 lady-killer 634
ladylike 329 ladylove 326 Lafayette 1068 lag 111 lager beer 659 laggard 506 lagniappe ! 545
lagoon 422 laid 401 laid-back 214 lain * 419 lair 530 laissez faire 530 laity 730 lake 328 lakefront
249 Lakeland 281 lakes 328 lakeside 322 Lakeville 150 Lakewood 404 lam * 116 lama 374 Lamaze
! 541 lamb * ! 535/958 lambaste 274 lambent 255 lamé ** 939 lame ** 332 lame duck 216
lament 250 lamentable 619 lamentably 619 laminate 351 lamination 850 lamp 269 lampblack
214 lamplight 428 lamplighter 650 lampoon 422 lamppost 235 lamprey 306 lamps 269 Lancaster
652 lance 257 Lancelot 134 lancet 685 lancing * 257 land 227 landed 227 landfill 151 landholder
640 landing 227 landladies 711 landlady 711 landlocked 216 landlord 516 landlubber 632
landmark 507 land mine 337 landowner 664 lands 227 landscape 341 landslide 322 lane * 335
language 327 languid 691 languish 1061 languor 681 lank 220


3.35 6.50 6.15 10.75 4.30


2.10 3.20





1.50 3.35 2.55

3.15 9.50 5.20 9.10


Page LD

lanky 745 Lansing * 218 lantern 512 lanyard 506 lap 126 lapel 624 Lapland 281 laps * 126 lapse *
263 larcenous 889 larceny 718 lard 505 large 507 largely 747 larger 507 largess 1065 largest 507
lark 507 larva 377 larvae 377 laryngitis 1070 larynx 267 Las Vegas 156 lasagna ! 538/375
lascivious 888 laser 666 lash 209 lashed 209 lass 156 lassie 304 lassitude 323 lasso 309 last 233
last-ditch 203 lasted 233 latch 201 latchkey 306 latchstring 218 late 347 lately 747 latency 740
latent 256 later 667 lateral 824 latest 347 lath 275 lathe 279 lather 646 Latin 879 latter 637
latter-day 302 lattice 344 latticework 503 Latvia 372 Latvian 868 laud 401 laudable 613 laudatory
725 laugh 407 laughable 614 laughably 614 laughed 407 laughing 407 laughter 650 launch * 207
launcher 644 launder 642 Laundromat 131 laundry 754 laureate 355 laurel 626 laurels 626
Laurie * 304 lava 377 lavaliere 524 lavatory 725 lavender 641 lavish 1061 lavishly 748 law 319
lawbreakers 661 lawful 631 lawfully 631 lawgiver 669 lawless 1066 lawmaker 661


3.35 2.70 9.05 3.20 4.05 4.25

2.00 3.70

2.75 6.25 3.50 6.80

13.20 7.00

5.05 9.50 6.80 7.25




Page LD

lawman 871 lawmen 871 lawn 423 lawns 423 laws 319 Lawson 837 lawyer 672 lawyers 672 lax *
265 laxative 895 laxity 738 lay 301 layaway 302 layer 672 laying 301 layman 871 laymen 871
Layne * 419 lay-up 130 Lazarus 160 lazy 738 lazybones 339 leach * 437 lead ** 402 leaded gas
402 leaden 873 leader 658 leadership 128 lead-free 305 lead-in 123 leading 402 lead-off 144
leadoff 144 leads ** 402 leaf 406 leaflet 686 leafy 712 league 922 leak 408 leakage 327 leaky
713 lean 420 lean-to 312 leaner 664 leap 424 leapfrog 114 leapt 424 Lear 531 learn 533 learned
** 533 learning 533 learning-disabled 610 learnt 533 lease 432 leasehold 241 leash 209 least
237 leather 646 leatherette 1068 leatherneck 215 leathery 723 leave 441 leaven 877
Leavenworth 503 leaves 441 leaving 441 Lebanese 435 Lebanon 124 lecher 644 lecherous 890
lechery 723 lectern 512 lecture 923/529 lecturer 923 lectures 529 led * 107 ledge 212 ledger
645 lee 305 leech * 437 leek * 408 leer 531 leery 723 leeward ! * 545/506 leeway 302 left 232

5.30 6.35 3.40 11.90

2.35 3.95

5.95 4.05 4.25

4.15 6.25 7.65 13.15

4.80 4.45

3.60 4.90 6.40 8.95 5.10 5.85

3.50 3.65 4.55

10.70 11.35 10.30


Word left-handed lefties leftovers lefty leg legacy legal legalese legalism legality legalization
legalize legate legation legend legendary legerdemain leggings legibility legible legion legionnaire
legislate legislation legislative legislator legislature legit legitimacy legitimate legitimately legs
legume legwork lei * leisure leisurely lemmings lemon lemonade lend lender lends * length
lengthen lengthening lengths lengthwise lengthy leniency lenient Lenin Leningrad Leninist lens *
lenses lent Lent Lenten leopard leper leprechaun leprosy lesbian lesion less lessee lessen * lesser
lesson * lessons * let let's letdown lethal lethargic lethargy lets letter letter-perfect letter-quality
letterhead letters letting lettuce leukemia

Page LD 227 756 670 756 112 709 820 435 272 732 855 361 355 846 228 720 419 112 734 622
839 530 350 848 894 678 529 689 709 354 747 112 334 503 302 528 747 218 836 321 228 641
228 280 876 876 217 363 744 740 255 879 106 272 122 122 250 250 873 506 665 907 728 865
841 157 305 876 637 837 837 132 132 421 827 803 742 132 637 224 733 402 637 132 346 370

3.20 12.05

16.25 17.05



5.20 10.50


4.05 6.55 2.00 9.70

4.20 1.90
3.95 4.90 11.50

56 Word


levee 305 level 626 levelheaded 402 leveling ** 626 levelling **(Br.) 626 lever 669 leverage 327
levitate 353 levitation 853 Leviticus 160 levity 737 lewd 316 lewdness 1067 lexical 818
lexicographer 644 lexicon 124 liability 733 liable 614 liaison 837 liar 673 libation 844 libel 624
libeled ** 624 libelled **(Br.) 624 libelous 888 liberal 824 liberalism 272 liberate 351 liberation
851 libertarian 867 libertine 336 liberty 755 libidinous 889 libido 309 Libra 376 librarian 867
library 721 Libya 378 license 263 licensee 305 lick 215 lickety-split 133 licorice 344 lid 108 lie *
308 lien * ! 543/420 lies 308 lieutenant 254 life 325 lifeblood 404 lifeboat 429 lifeguard 505
lifeless 1066 lifeline 337 lifelong 219 lifesaver 669 lifestyle 330 life-support 519 lifetime 333 lift
232 lifter 649 liftoff 144 ligament 880 light 428 lighted 428 lighten 877 lightening * 877 lightly
752 lightning * 428 lights 428 lightweight 426 likable * 615 like 329 likeable * 614 liked 329
likelihood 404 likely 747 likeness 1067 likes 329 likewise 363 liking 329 Lilliput 135 Lilliputian 868
lilt 247 lily 715 Lima, ** Ohio 374

LD 6.75

16.25 13.60



10.60 17.00

6.55 4.45 19.45 3.20


2.90 6.15 6.20 11.35 3.95 1.25 3.85 6.45 2.75 4.65 7.10


Word Lima, ** Peru limb limber limbo lime limeade limelight limerick limestone limit limitation
limited limitless limousine limp linchpin * Lincoln linden line lineage lineal linear linebacker lined
lineman linen liner lines linesman lineup linger lingerie ! lingo lingual linguist linguistic liniment
lining link linkage links * linkup linoleum lint lintel lion Lionel lioness lip lip-sync lip-reading lips
lipstick liquefy liqueur liquid liquidate liquidation liquidity liquor liquorice * lira lisp list listed
listened listener listening listing listless listlessly lists lit lite * liter literacy literal literally literary
literate literature Lithuania Lithuanian litigant litigation litigious

Page LD 374 958 639 309 333 321 428 215 339 689 853 689 1066 336 270 206 960 874 337 327
820 673 647 337 869 875 664 337 871 130 643 541 309 829 274 817 882 337 221 327 221 130
833 251 626 835 625 1067 128 543 402 128 215 712 904 691 348 846 731 681 344 376 273 235
235 877 664 877 235 1066 751 235 133 357 668 709 825 749 721 354 529 371 866 254 846 886

6.95 4.15

8.60 10.25


5.30 8.95 2.55 6.50

8.90 6.80

4.85 3.95 4.45



2.50 4.05 10.70 10.70 4.95 2.50 7.85

13.80 14.75


Page LD

litmus 160 litter 638 litterbug 115 little 603 liturgical 803 liturgy 742 livable * 620 live ** 325 live-
action 860 liveable * 614 lived 325 livelihood 404 lively 748 liver 669 liveries 724 liverwurst 522
livery 724 lives ** 325 livestock 216 livid 691 living 325 Livingston 838 Livonia 371 lizard 506
llama ! 541/374 Lloyd ! 541/403 load 403 loaded 403 loader 658 loads 403 loaf * 407 loafers 659
loam 418 loamy 716 loan 421 loaner 421 loath 277 loathe 279 loathsome 334 loaves 407 lob 104
lobby 701 lobbyist 274 lobotomy 716 lobster 652 local 819 locale ! * 538 locality 731 locally 749
locate 348 located 348 locating 348 location 845 loch ! * 545 lock * 216 locked 216 locker 647
locker room 418 locker-room 418 locket 685 lockjaw 319 locks * 216 lockup 130 Lockwood 404
loco 309 locomotion 859 locomotive 896 locus, loci 160 locust 236 lode * 323 lodestone 339
lodge 212 lodger 645 loft 232 lofty 756 log 114 Logan 865 loganberries 706 loganberry 706
logarithm 955 loge 919 logger 633 loggerheads 402 logging 114 logic 803 logical 803


3.25 2.80 6.20

3.15 4.00

3.60 5.40 5.25


8.50 14.00 14.75 6.30 6.70 8.85 6.65 3.50 4.90

7.95 9.70 3.45


Page LD

logically 748 logician 865 logistics 815 logjam 116 logo 309 logrolling 153 logs 114 loin 423
loincloth 276 loiter 668 loll 153 lollipop 129 London 835 Londonderry 706 lone * 339 loneliness
1067 lonely 747 lonesome 334 lonesomeness 1067 long 219 long-winded 229 longbow 310
longer 219 longest 219 longevity 737 longitude 323 longitudinal 822 longshoreman 869
longshoremen 869 long-standing 227 longtime 333 look 409 looked 409 looking 409 lookout 431
looks 409 loom 418 loon 422 loony 306 looniest 422 loony 717 loop 425 loop-the-loop 425
loophole 331 loose 433 loose-leaf 406 loosely 747 loosen 876 loot 429 looter 668 lop 129 lope
342 lopsided 322 loquacious 885 loquacity 730 lord 516 lordship 128 lore 526 lorry * 706 Los
Angeles 625 lose * 365 loser 666 losing 365 loss 159 lost 235 lot 134 lotion 859 lots 134 lotteries
724 lottery 724 lotto 309 Lou's (Lew's)* 317 loud 403 louder 659 loudest 659 loudly 747
loudspeaker 661 lough (lock) !* 545/313 Louis 158 Louisiana 375 Louisville 150 lounge 213 louse
433 lousy 728 lout 431 louver * 670


5.00 7.20 6.95 1.50 2.40 3.85

1.35 2.70 1.40 3.50


7.10 10.60 9.65 2.45 3.20 3.45

4.80 4.70

57 Word louvre *(Br.) lovable love lovebirds loved Lovelace * loveless * lovelorn lovely lover
loves lovey-dovey loving lovingly low low-pressure lowboy lowbrow lowdown lower lower class
lower-class lowercase lowest lowland lox * loyal loyalist loyalty luau ! lubricant lubricate
lubrication lucid Lucifer luck luckily lucky lucrative lucre Lucy ludicrous lug luggage Luke
lukewarm lull lullaby lulu lumbago lumber lumberjack lumberman lumbermen luminaries
luminary luminous lummox lump lumpy lunacies lunacy lunar lunatic lunch luncheon lunchroom
lung lunge lurch lure lurid lurk luscious lush lust luster lustful lustrous lusty lute * Luther
Lutheran luxuriant luxuriate luxuries

Page 670 614 326 514 326 343 1066 517 748 669 326 306 326 747 310 915 303 318 421 671 156
156 343 310 281 268 830 274 755 541 254 348 845 691 659 216 715 745 894 683 709 889 115
327 329 502 155 307 314 309 639 214 870 870 720 720 889 268 270 754 710 710 674 811 207
839 418 219 213 520 527 691 521 885 211 236 653 631 890 758 359 646 871 254 349 727

LD 1.20 2.15

3.90 2.55 2.55 4.85 9.50 1.95


5.35 9.75 14.25

2.50 4.80



2.40 14.00


Page LD

luxury 727 16.50 lye * 308 lying 308 8.35 Lyme disease 333 lymph 954 lymphatic 811
lymphocyte 964 lynch 206 lynchpin * 206 lynx * 267 lyre * 525 lyric 810 lyrical 810 lyricist 272
lyrics 810 Lysol 629 ma 376 6.80 ma'am 116 19.25 Mabel 624 macabre 683 macaroni 945 mace
343 machete 304 Machiavellian 866 machine 336 7.50 machinery 726 11.00 machines 336 9.75
machinist 274 machismo 309 macho 309 mackerel 626 Mackinac !* 545 mackinaw * 319
macramé 939 macrocosm 273 mad 106 2.25 madam 831 9.55 Madame ! 541 maddening 876
madder 632 maddest 632 made * 321 2.65 mademoiselle ! 541/938/1068 madhouse 433
Madison 837 madly 746 madman 868 madmen 868 madness 1067 Madonna 375 maelstrom 832
maestro 309 Mafia * 370 magazine 336 12.55 magazines 336 13.40 maggots 690 Magi 308 magic
803 7.25 magical 803 magically 748 magician * 865 magistrate 347 magma 374 Magna Carta 377
magnanimous 889 magnate 355 magnesium 833 magnet 687 magnetic 813 magnetically 748
magnetism 272 magnification 844 magnificence 260 magnificent 260 14.85 magnificently 752
magnify 712 magnitude 323 magnolia 370 magnum 834 mahogany 718 maid * 401 4.85 maiden
874 8.00 maidenhood 404 mail * 411 1.85 mailed 411 3.80 mailer 662


Page LD

mailing 411 mailroom 418 maim 417 main * 419 Maine * 419 mainframe 332 mainly 750
mainsail ! 545/411 mainspring 218 mainstay 302 mainstream 418 maintain 419 maintenance
258 maitre d' 683 maize * 360 majestic 815 majesty 758 major 676 majorette 1068 majority 736
make 328 make-believe 441 make-do 312 maker 661 makes 328 makeup 130 make up 130
making 328 maladies 711 maladjusted 236 maladroit 430 malady * 711 malaise 434 malamute
359 malapropism 272 malaria * 371 malarkey 306 Malay 302 Malaysia 372 Malaysian 868
Malcolm 960 malcontent 250 male * 330 malediction 861 malefactor 679 malevolence 256
malevolent 256 malfeasance 258 malfunction 861 malice 344 malicious 885 malign 959
malignancy 739 malignant 254 malinger 643 malingerer 643 mall 147 mallard 506 malleable 614
mallet 686 malnourished 1061 malnutrition 858 malocclusion 841 malpractice 344 malt 247
Malta 377 malted milk 247 Maltese 435 Malthus 160 Malthusian 868 maltreatment 883 mama *
374 mamma * 374 mammal 822 mammary 724 mammogram 116 mammoth 275 mammy 704
man 121 manacles 610 manage 327 managed 327 management 880 manager 659 managerial
821 Manchester 652

3.85 4.20 7.30


14.85 11.65 15.15 2.25 3.00 2.85 3.45


1.50 6.15 9.20 10.00 9.45


Page LD

Manchuria 371 Mandalay 302 Mandarin 879 mandate 348 mandatory 723 mandolin 878 mane *
335 maneuver * 670 mange 213 manger 643 mangey * 306 mangle 605 mango 309 mangy 742
Manhattan 872 manhole 331 manhood 404 manhunt 249 mania 371 maniac 801 maniacal 801
manic 807 manic-depressive 893 manicotti 945 manicure 527 manicurist 274 manifest 234
Manifest Destiny 234 manifestation 854 manifestly 753 manifesto 309 manifold 241 manikin *
878 Manila 373 manipulate 350 manipulation 848 Manitoba 368 mankind 229 manly 751 man-
made 321 manna 375 mannequin 878 manner * 635 mannerism 272 manners 635 mannikin *
878 manoeuvre *(Br.) 670 manor * 677 manpower 671 man's 121 manse 263 mansion 842 man-
sized 362 manslaughter 650 mantel * 626 mantis (praying) 1069 mantle * 612 man-to-man 121
mantra 376 manual 829 Manuel 937 manufacture 529 manufactured 529 manufacturer 666
manufacturers 666 manufacturing 529 manure 527 manuscript 239 Manx 267 many 717 map
126 maple 612 mapped 126 maps 126 mar 501 maraschino 309 marathon 124 marauders 659
marble 608 marbles 608 March * 505 march * 505 marched 505 Marcia * 912 Marco Polo 309
Marconi 945


8.65 9.70

8.60 14.25

12.10 9.05 11.70 13.50 15.30 11.25

3.30 2.40 5.05 3.15 6.20

6.50 7.05 3.35 2.80 5.75

58 Word


Mardi Gras 541 mare * 523 Margarita 377 margarine 338 Margie 304 margin 877 marginal 822
marginally 749 Maria 371 Marian * 867 Marie 304 marigolds 241 marijuana 375 marimba 368
marina 375 marine 336 mariner 664 Marion * 843 marionette 1068 marital 826 maritime 333
marjoram 831 Marjorie 304 Marjory 726 mark 507 marked 507 marker 656 market 685
marketable 619 marketing 685 marks * 507 marksman 870 marksmanship 128 marksmen 870
markup 130 marl 508 Marlboro 309 marlin 878 Marlowe 310 marmalade 321 maroon 422
marquee 903 Marquette 1068 marriage 327 marriages 327 married 706 marry * 706 Mars 501
marsh 509 Marsha * 370 marshal * 509 marshaling * 509 Marshall * 509 marshalling *(Br.) 509
marshes * 509 marshland 281 marshmallow 310 marshy 743 marsupial 821 mart 510 marten *
875 Martha 369 martial * 828 Martian 868 martin * 879 Martin * 879 martinet 688 martini 945
Martinique 901 Marty 757 martyr 956 martyrdom 832 marvel 627 marveled * 627 marvelled
*(Br.) 627 marvelous 888 Marx * 267 Mary * 720 Maryland 281 Masada 368 mascara 376
mascot 690 masculine 338 masculinity 735 mash 209 masher 645



2.45 4.80 2.95 4.10

13.10 6.00 6.45



Page LD

mask * 271 masochism 272 masochist 272 mason 836 Mason 836 Masonic 808 masonry 754
masque * 902 masquerade 321 mass 156 Massachusetts 536 massacre 683 massage 919 massed
* 156 masseur 957 masseuse 957 massive 892 massively 747 mast * 233 master 652 masterful
631 masterfully 631 mastermind 229 masterpiece 432 mastery 724 masthead 402 mastic 815
masticate 348 mastication 845 mastiff 143 mastoid 403 mat 131 matador 516 match 201
matchbook 409 matches 201 matchless 1066 matchmaker 661 matchstick 215 mate 347 mater
667 material 821 materialism 272 materialist 272 materialize 361 materially 748 materials 821
materiel 624 maternal 824 maternity 735 mathematical 811 mathematically 748 mathematician
865 mathematics 811 matinee 939 matriarchy 742 matriarch 906 matriarchal 819 matricide 322
matriculate 350 matriculation 848 matrimonial 821 matrimony 717 matrix 267 matron 836
matronly 751 Matt * 131 matter 637 matter of fact 223 matter-of-fact 223 matters 637 Matthew
316 mattress 1065 maturate 352 maturation 852 mature 529 maturity 736 matzah * ! 541/378
matzo * ! 541 matzoh * ! 541 matzoth * ! 541 Maud 401 maudlin 878 Maugham ! 543 maul *
416 Maurice ** 344




4.15 11.05

15.95 11.60


4.05 6.40

11.65 15.65


Page LD

mausoleum 833 mauve ! 541 maven 875 maverick 215 maw 319 mawkish 1060 Max * 265 maxi
946 maxim 118 maximal 821 maximize 361 maximum 834 Maxwell 149 may 302 May 302 Maya
378 Mayan 872 maybe 304 May Day 302 Mayday 302 mayflies 307 Mayflower 671 mayfly 307
mayhem 117 mayonnaise 434 mayor * 681 maze * 360 mazel tov ! 541/627 McCabe 320 McCoy
303 McKinley 306 me 304 mead 402 meadow 310 meadowlark 507 meager 659 meal 412 meals
412 mealtime 333 mealy 715 mealy-mouthed 277 mean 420 meander 640 meaning 420
meaningful 630 meaningless 1066 meanness 1067 means 420 meant 420 meantime 333
meanwhile 330 measles * 612 measly 751 measurable 618 measure 528 measurement 881
measures 528 meat 427 meatball 147 Mecca 368 mechanic 807 mechanical 905 mechanically
748 mechanics 807 mechanism 272 mechanization 857 mechanize 361 medal * 819 medalist
274 medallion 843 meddle * 601 meddlesome 334 media * 371 medial 820 median 866 mediate
349 mediator 678 medic 802 Medicaid 401 medical 817 medically 748 Medicare 523 medicate
347 medication 844 medicinal 822 medicine 338

1.45 1.80 5.05



2.90 4.45

3.00 5.05
4.05 10.95 5.00 6.50

7.85 9.65 2.75





Page LD

medieval 830 mediocre 683 mediocrity 736 meditate 352 meditation 853 Mediterranean 864
medium 833 medley 306 meek 408 meeker 661 meekest 661 meekly 748 meekness 1067 meet
427 meeting 427 meetings 427 meets * 427 megabucks 216 megabytes 357 megalith 276
megalomania 371 megalomaniac 801 megaphone 339 megaton 837 megavitamins 879 meld 240
melee ! * 541 mellow 310 melodic * 802 melodious * 886 melody * 711 melon 835 melt 247
meltdown 421 melted 247 Melville 150 Melvin 879 member 639 members 639 membership 128
membrane 335 memento 309 memo 309 memoirs ! 541/938 memorabilia 370 memorable 617
memoranda 368 memorandum 834 memorandums 834 memorial 821 memories 726
memorization 857 memorize 362 memory 726 Memphis 158 men 122 men's 122 menace 343
menagerie 304 Mencken 874 mend 228 mendacious 885 mendacity 730 Mendel 624
Mendelssohn !541/535 mendicant 254 mends * 228 menial 820 meningitis 1070 Mennonite 357
menopause 436 menorah 378 mensch ! 543 menschen ! * 543 menses 1070 menstrual 829
mental 826 mentally 749 mention 862 mentioned 862 mentor 680 menu 313 mercantile 330
mercantilism 272 Mercedes Benz ! 543 mercenary 720


3.90 4.35 7.00 6.25

4.75 6.10 4.05 4.95 6.55

17.65 13.20 10.55 1.45 11.25


11.60 8.75 12.00

59 Word


merchandise 345 15.85 merchant 254 9.65 merchants 254 10.85 merciful 630 mercifully 630
merciless 1066 mercurial 821 Mercurochrome 333 mercury 727 mercy 740 10.90 mere 524
13.70 merely 747 14.45 meretricious 885 merge 512 merger 512 meridian 866 meringue !
541/922 merit 690 14.40 meritorious 887 merits 690 14.10 Merlin 878 mermaid 401 merrier 706
merriest 706 merrily 715 Merrimac 801 merriment 882 merry * 706 7.10 merry-go-round 231
10.75 merrymaker 661 merrymaking 328 mescal 146 Mescalero 309 mescaline 336 Mesdames !
541/535 Mesdemoiselles !541/1068 mesh 209 meshugana 375 mesmerism 272 mesmerize 362
mesquite 356 mess 157 message 327 7.40 messages 327 10.05 messenger 643 12.00 Messiah
378 messy 707 met 132 7.25 metabolic 805 metabolism 272 metal * 826 9.45 metallic 805
metallurgy 742 metamorphic 804 metamorphosis 1069 metaphor 516 metaphysical 810
metaphysics 810 metastasis 1069 metastasize 362 mete * 356 meteor 675 meteorite 357
meteorological 803 meteorologist 274 meteorology 714 meter 667 methadone 339 methane
335 methanol 629 method 109 11.10 methodical 802 methodically 748 Methodism 272
Methodist 272 methodology 714 methods 109 11.90 Methuselah 378 meticulous 888 metric 810
metro 309 metronome 333 metropolis 1069 metropolitan 871 mettle * 603 mew 316


Page LD

Mexican 864 Mexico 309 mezzanine 336 mezzo 309 mezzo-soprano 309 Miami 945 miasma 374
mica 368 mice 344 Michael 624 Michelangelo 309 Michigan 865 Mick 215 Mickey Finn 123
Mickey Mouse 433 micro 309 microscope 342 microphone 339 microbiology 714 microbe 320
microcosm 272 microdot 134 micrometer 667 microscopic 808 microwave 324 midair 530
midcourse 534 midday 301 middle 601 middle-aged 327 Middle Ages 327 middleweight 426
midget 685 Midland 281 mid-life 325 midmorning 517 midnight 428 midpoint 440 midshipman
870 midshipmen 870 mid-size 362 midst 108 midstream 418 midsummer 635 midterm 512
midway 301 midweek 408 midwife 325 midwives 325 midwinter 651 midyear 531 mien * 420
miff 143 MIG 113 might * 428 mightier 756 mightiest 756 mightily 715 mighty 756 migraine 419
migrant 254 migrate 352 migration 852 migratory 723 mike 329 Mike 329 milady 711 milage *
327 mild 240 milder 640 mildest 240 mildew 316 mildly 746 mildness 1067 mile 330 mileage *
327 miler 662 miles 330 milestone 339 milieu 957 militancy 739 militant 254 militarily 715
militarism 272 militarist 272 militaristic 816







2.70 2.25


Page LD

military 721 militia 914 milk 245 milking 245 milkmaid 401 milkman 869 milkweed 402 milky 745
Milky Way 301 mill 151 millage 327 millennium 833 Miller 634 miller 634 millet 686 milligram
116 milliliter 668 millimeter 667 milliner 664 millinery 723 million 935 millionaire 530 millstone
339 millstream 418 millwright 428 mills 151 milord 516 milquetoast 904 Milton 838 Milwaukee
305 mime 333 mimeo 309 mimeograph 927 mimic 806 mimicking * 806 mimicry 754 minaret
132 mince 257 mind * 229 mind-boggling 602 mindful 630 mindless 1066 mindlessly 751 minds
* 229 mind-set 132 mine 337 mined * 337 minefield 242 miner * 664 mineral 824 minestrone !
541/304 minesweeper 665 mingle 605 mini 945 miniature 529 miniaturize 362 minibike 329
minibus 160 minicab 101 minicam 116 minicomputer 668 minimal 821 minimally 749 minimize
361 minimizing 361 minimum 834 miniskirt 515 minister 653 ministerial 821 ministry 755 mink
221 Minnesota 377 minnow 310 minor * 677 minorities 736 minority 736 minstrel 626 mint 251
mintage 327 mints * 251 minus 160 minuscule 331 minute ** 359 minutely 747 Minutemen 869
minutia 914

13.90 1.80 3.05





7.70 3.25

17.10 11.35




Page LD

minutiae 914 miracle 610 miraculous 888 mirage 919 Miranda 368 mire 525 mirror 677 mirth
515 mirthless 1066 mis1035 misadventure 529 misanthropic 808 misbehave 324 misbehavior
676 miscalculate 350 miscarriage 327 miscarry 706 miscegenation 849 misc. 884 miscellaneous
884 miscellany 717 mischief 406 mischievous 891 misconception 862 misconduct 226
misconstrue 314 miscreant 254 miscue 315 misdeal 412 misdemeanor 677 misdiagnose 345
misdirect 224 misdirection 861 miser 666 miserable 617 miserably 617 miseries 724 miserly 752
misery 724 misfeasance 258 misfire 525 misfit 133 misfortune 924 misgivings 325 misguided 322
mishap 126 mishmash 209 misinform 517 misinterpret 687 misjudge 212 mislay 301 mislead 402
mismanage 327 misnomer 663 misogyny 718 misogynist 274 misplace 343 misplay 301 misprint
251 mispronounce 257 mispronunciation 847 misquote 358 misread ** 402 misrepresent 250
misrule 331 miss 158 Miss 158 missed * 158 misses * 158 misshapen 873 missile * 330 missing
158 mission 840 missionary 720 Mississippi 945 Missouri 945 misspeak 408 misspell 149
misspent 250 misstate 347 misstep 127 missy 707 mist * 235 mistake 328 mistaken 873 mistakes




3.55 4.10 6.10

3.20 10.20 12.75

6.45 5.70 7.40 7.10

60 Word

mister (Mr.) 652 mistletoe 609 mistook 409 mistreat 427 mistreatment 883 mistress 1064
mistrial 820 mistrust 236 misty 758 misunderstand 227 misunderstanding 227 misunderstood
404 misuse ** 365 mite * 357 miter * 668 miter box 268 mitre *(Br.) 683 mitzvah * 378 mitt 133
mittens 875 mitzvah * 378 mix 267 mix-and-match 201 mixed 267 mixed-up 130 mixer 672
mixture 529 mix-up 130 moan 421 moat * 429 mob 104 mobile 330 mobility 734 mobilization
856 mobilize 361 mobster 653 moccasin 879 mocha 906/369 mock 216 mockery 723
mockingbird 514 mod 109 modal * 820 modality 731 mode * 323 model 624 modeled * 624
modelled *(Br.) 624 moderate ** 351 moderately 747 moderates ** 355 moderation 851
moderator 679 modern 512 modernism 272 modernist 272 modernistic 816 modernization 857
modernize 362 modest 234 modestly 754 modesty 753 modification 844 modifier 661 modify
712 modular 674 modulate 350 modulation 848 modulator 678 module 331 modus operandi
945 mogul 629 Mogul 629 mohair 530 Mohammed Ali 945 Mohammedan 864 Mohave ! *
543/939 Mohawks 410 Mohicans 864 moist 236 moisture 529 moisturize 362 moisturizer 672
Mojave ! *543/938/939 molars ! 538/673 molasses 156




7.25 4.10 4.25 8.00



12.05 8.15 12.15




Page LD

mold * 241 moldings 241 moldy * 741 mole 331 molecular 673 molecules 331 molehill 151
molest 234 molestation 854 moll 153 mollification 844 mollify 712 mollusc * 271 mollusk * 271
Molly 703 molly 703 molt 248 molten 873 moment 256 momentarily 715 momentary 721
momentous 890 moments 882 momentum 835 Monaco 309 monarch 907 monarchy * 742
monastery 722 monastic 815 monasticism 272 Monday 301 monetarily 715 monetary 721
money 306 moneybags 111 moneymaking 328 monger 643 Mongol 628 Mongolia 370
Mongolian 866 Mongoloid 403 mongrel 626 moniker 662 monitor 680 monk 222 monkey 306
monkeyshines 337 mono 309 mono1036 monochromatic 811 monogamous 889 monogamy 716
monogram 116 monograph 927 monologue 922 monomania 371 mononucleosis 1069
monopolize 361 monopoly 715 monosyllabic 802 monotheism 272 monotone 339 monotonous
889 monotony 718 monoxide 322 Monroe 311 monseigneur !*541/959 monsieur ! 541
monsignor !* 541/959 monsoon 422 monster 653 monstrosity 737 monstrous 890 montage 919
Montana 375 Monte Carlo 309 Monterey 302 Montessori 945 Montezuma 374 month 280
monthly 748 months 280 Monticello 309 Montpelier 660 Montreal ! 541 monument 883



2.85 2.55



5.55 7.85 7.50


Word monumental moo mooch mood * mooed * moon Mooney Moonies moonlight moonrise
moonshine moony Moor * moor * moorage Moore * Moorhead moose * Moosehead mop
mope moping mopping moral moralist morality moralize morally morals * morass moratorium
morbid mordacious mordancy mordant more morels * moreover mores !* morgue moribund
Mormon morning * moron moronic morpheme Morpheus morphine Morris * Morse mortal
mortality mortally mortar mortgage mortify mortise Morton mortuaries mortuary mosaic
Mosaic Moscow Moses Moslem mosque mosquito moss mossy most mostly mot !* moth
mothball mother mother's motherhood motherly mothers mothproof moths motif motion
motivate motivation motivational

Page LD 827 312 437 404 312 422 306 717 428 363 337 717 532 532 327 532 402 433 402 129
342 342 129 825 272 731 361 749 825 156 833 691 885 739 254 526 626 670 541 922 230 836
517 124 808 332 160 336 1069 534 827 733 749 674 327 712 345 838 721 721 802 802 318 345
831 903 309 159 707 235 753 545 276 147 646 646 404 751 646 276 276 948 859 353 855 823

8.65 1.85 3.70


1.90 5.50




10.55 1.70 4.65

1.60 13.15 4.50



Page LD

motive 896 motor 680 motorbike 329 motorboat 429 motorcade 321 motorcycle 611
motorcyclist 274 motorist 274 mottled 603 motto 309 mould *(Br.) 241 mouldy *(Br.) 741 Moulin
Rouge ! 545 mound 231 mount 252 mountain 419 mountainous 889 mountains 419 mourn *
534 mournful 631 mournfully 631 mourning * 534 mourns * 534 mouse 433 mousetrap 126
mousse * ! 541/951 mousy 306 mouth 277 mouthful 629 mouthpiece 432 mouthwash 209
mouthy 744 movable 620 move 326 moved 326 movement 881 movie 326 movies 326 moving
326 mow ** 310/318 mowed *(**) 310/318 mown * 310 mows ** 310/318 Mozambique 901
Mozart 510 mozzarella 373 Mr. 536 Mrs. 536 Ms. 536 much 205 mucilage 327 muck 216
muckraker 661 muckraking 328 mucous * 884 mucus * 160 mud 110 muddle 601 muddy 701
muezzin 879 muff 145 muffin 877 muffle 602 muffler 602 mug 115 mugger 633 muggy 702
mugwump 270 Muhammad * 691 mukluk 543 mulatto 309 mulberry 706 mulch 208 mule 331
mull 155 mulligan 865 multi1036 multicolored 676 multicultural 825 multinational 823 multiple
612 multiple-choice 433 multiplication 845 multiplicity 730 multiply ** 749 multipurpose 345

7.35 8.05

4.65 6.40 7.00 15.35


2.45 2.70 4.95 6.00 4.80 3.35


2.50 6.10


16.50 10.35

61 Word


multiracial 819 multitude 323 multitudinous 889 mum 120 mumble 606 mumbo jumbo 309
mummer 635 mummification 844 mummified 712 mummy 704 mumps 270 mundane 335
Munich 907 municipal 824 municipality 732 munitions 858 mural 825 murder 655 murderer 666
murderous 889 murky 745 murmur 520 muscle * 611 muscular 674 muscularity 736 museum
833 mush 211 mushroom 418 music 810 musical 818 musically 748 musician 865 musket 686
musketeers 531 muskrat 131 Muslim 118 muslin 878 mussels * 626 must 236 mustache !
541/910 mustang 217 mustard * 506 muster 653 mustered * 653 musty 758 mutant 254
mutation 854 mute 359 mutilate 350 mutilation 848 mutineer 531 mutinous 889 mutiny 718
mutter 638 mutton 838 mutual 829 mutually 749 muzzle 604 my 307 myopia 371 myopic 808
myrrh ! 541 myrtle 608 myself 243 mysterious 887 mysteriously 751 mystery 724 mystic 817
mystical 817 mysticism 272 mystify 712 mystique 901 myth 276 mythological 803 mythology 714
nab 101 nachos 309 Nader * 658 nadir * 675 nag 111 Nagasaki 945 naïf 543 nail 411 nails 411
naive ! 543 naïveté ! 543/939

LD 15.15



15.70 13.65 14.10 5.70 9.30


16.30 1.50

3.05 15.70 13.65

3.20 4.80


Page LD

naked 328 namby-pamby 739 name 332 named 332 nameless 1066 namely 747 names 332
namesake 328 naming 332 nannies 704 nanny 704 nap 126 napalm 119 nape 341 naphtha 369
napkin 878 nappy 705 Nara 376 narcissism 272 narcissistic 816 narcissus 160 narcotics 814
narrate 352 narration 852 narrative 894 narrator 679 narrow 310 narrow-minded 229 narrowly
310 nasal 826 nascent 255 nasty 758 natal 826 Nathan 865 nation 849 national 823
nationalization 855 nationalize 361 nationally 749 nations 849 native 325 natives 894 nativity
737 natty 708 natural 825 naturalism 272 naturalistic 816 naturalization 855 naturalized 361
naturally 748 nature 529 naught 430 naughty 756 nausea 369 nauseate 348 nauseous 884
nautical 818 nautilus 160 Navaho * 309 Navajo * ! 541/309 naval * 830 nave * 324 navel * 626
navigate 349 navigation 846 navigator 678 navy 738 nay * 302 Nazi 946 Neanderthal 820 near
531 nearby 307 nearer 531 nearest 531 nearly 531 nearsighted 428 neat 427 neater 667 neatest
667 neatly 752 Nebraska 373 Nebraskan 868 nebula 373 nebulous 888 necessarily 715 necessary

9.70 2.10 3.95 2.75 7.45 2.75


5.10 9.50

6.40 6.20 6.65 10.30

14.35 5.45 11.60


2.70 5.60 5.60 3.50 3.80

18.65 16.20

Word necessitate necessity neck neckerchief necklace neckline necks necktie nectar need
needed needle needlepoint needles needless needlework needs negate negation negative
negativism negativist negativistic neglect neglected neglectful negligence negligible negotiable
negotiate negotiations negotiator Negress Negro Negroes Negroid neigh * neighbor
neighborhood neighboring neighbors neither Nellie nemesis neoneoclassic Neolithic neologism
neon neophyte nephew nepotism Neptune nerd Nero nerve nerves nervous Nessie nest nestle
Nestorian nests net nettles network neural neurologist neurology neuron neurosis neurosurgeon
neuter neutral neutrality neutralize neutron Nevada never nevermore nevertheless new *
Newark newborn newcomer New England

Page LD 353 737 215 406 343 337 215 308 674 402 402 611 440 611 1066 503 402 348 846 893
272 272 817 224 224 631 260 622 615 349 847 678 1064 309 309 403 302 675 404 682 675 646
304 1069 1037 810 804 272 124 357 316 272 340 511 309 513 513 891 304 234 609 867 234 132
603 503 825 274 714 124 1069 920 668 825 733 361 124 368 669 536 157 316 507 517 663 281

17.55 3.65

6.60 3.35 4.30 8.10 8.70 6.75 4.70

10.55 11.75

8.90 14.95 10.30 10.05 12.60 10.15 10.90


7.95 9.00 13.65 2.00 6.15 2.55

2.35 625 1.55


Page LD

newfangled 605 Newfoundland 281 New Hampshire 525 New Jersey 306 newly 753 newlyweds
107 New Mexico 309 New Orleans 420 Newport 519 news * 316 newsboy 303 newsletter 637
newsman 870 newspaper 665 newspapers 665 newsperson 837 newsstand 227 newsworthy 744
Newton 838 New York 517 New Zealand 281 next 266 next-door 532 niacin 877 Niagara Falls 376
nib 103 nibble 601 Nicaragua 378 Nice ** ! 545/432 nice 344 nicely 747 nicest 344 niceties 730
niche ! 545 Nicholas 156 nick 215 nickel 625 nickels 625 Nicklaus 535 nicknack * 214 nickname
332 nicks * 215 nicotine 336 niece * 432 nifty 756 Niger 659 Nigeria 371 Nigerian 867 niggard
506 niggardly 747 nigh 308 night * 428 nightcap 126 nightclub 105 nightfall 147 nighthawk 410
nightingale 330 nightly 752 nights * 428 nightshade 321 nighttime 333 nihilism 272 nihilist 272
nil 150 Nile 330 nimble 606 nimbus 160 Nimrod 109 nine 337 nineteen 420 nineties 729
ninetieth 280 ninety 729 ninety-five 325 ninja 373 ninnies 704 ninny 704 ninth 280 nip 128
nipple 603 nippy 705 nirvana 375 nit * 133 nit-pick 215 nitrate 347 nitric 809

4.60 6.80


2.15 5.65 8.85

11.05 10.75




2.20 6.15 11.30


62 Word


nitro 309 nitrogen 874 nitroglycerin 879 nitty-gritty 708 nitwit 133 nix * 267 Nixon 267 no * 309
no-nonsense 263 no-trump 270 no-win 123 Noah 378 Nobel 624 nobility 734 noble 610 nobly
746 nobodies 711 nobody 711 nocturne * 521 nocturnal 824 nocturne * 521 nod 109 nodded
109 node 323 nodular 674 nodules 331 noggin 877 noise 436 noiseless 1066 noisemakers 661
noisily 728 noisy 728 nom de plume 334 nomad 106 nomadic 802 Nome * 333 nomenclature
529 nominal 822 nominally 749 nominate 351 nomination 850 nominative 894 nominee 305
non1037 nonaggression 840 nonaligned 959 nonappearance 258 nonbeliever 669 nonce 257
nonchalance 258 nonchalant 258 noncom 119 noncombatant 254 noncommittal 827
noncompliance 258 nonconformist 272 nondescript 239 none * 340 nonentity 737 nonessential
828 nonfat 131 nonfiction 861 nonpareil 442 nonpartisan 871 nonproductive 896 nonresident
255 nonrestrictive 895 nonscheduled 331 nonsense 263 nonsensical 818 nonsmoking 329
nonstandard 506 nonstop 129 nonsupport 519 nonunion 843 nonviolence 261 noodle 611 nook
409 noon 422 noonday 302 noontime 333 noose 433 nor 516 Nordic 802 Norfolk 245 norm 517



7.20 3.20







Page LD

normal 822 normalcy 739 normality 732 normally 749 Norman 870 Normandy 741 Normans 870
Norse 534 Norsemen 869 North 280 north 280 2.25 North Carolina 375 North Dakota 377 North
Pole 331 North Sea 305 northern 512 6.35 northwest 234 4.55 northwestern 512 6.10 Norway
301 Norwegian 866 nose * 345 3.70 nosebleed 402 nose-dive 325 nosh 210 nostalgia 370
nostalgic 803 nostrum 834 nosy 728 not * 134 2.00 notable 619 notably 619 notarize 362 notary
725 notation 854 8.25 notch 204 note 358 2.30 notebook 409 3.95 notebooks 409 5.10 noted
358 5.45 notes 358 3.95 noteworthy 744 nothing 218 3.65 nothingness 1067 notice 344 5.65
noticeable 613 noticed 344 8.90 notices 344 8.75 notification 845 notified 712 12.90 notify 712
12.75 notion 859 7.95 notoriety 729 notorious 887 notwithstanding 227 noun 421 nourish 1061
nourishment 882 nouveau riche *!543/949 nouveaux riches *!543/949 nova 377 Nova Scotia
372 novel 627 novelty 757 November 639 4.55 novice 344 now 318 2.70 nowadays 301 nowhere
524 noxious 888 nozzle 604 nuance 259 nubile 330 nuclear 673 nucleus 160 nude 323 nudge 212
nudity 731 nugget 685 nuke 329 null 155 nullify 712 numb 120 number 639 3.40 numbered 639
6.05 numbers 639 3.85 numbskull * 155

Word numeral numerator numerical numerology numerous numismatics numskull * nun *

nunnery nuptials nurse nurseries nursery nurture nut nutcracker nutmeg nutrient nutrition
nutritious nutty nuzzle nylon nymph nymphomania o'clock o* oaf Oahu oak oar * oarsmen oases
oasis oath oatmeal oats obdurate obedience obedient obeisance obelisk obese obesity obey
obfuscate obfuscation obit obituary object ** objection objectionable objective objectively
objectivity objects ** objet d'art oblation obligated obligation obligations obligatory oblige
obliged oblique obliterate obliteration oblivion oblivious oblong obnoxious oboe obscene
obscenity obscure obscurity obsequious observable observance observant observation
observatories observatory observe observed obsess
Page LD 824 679 809 714 890 811 155 125 726 828 522 726 726 529 135 647 112 255 858 887
708 604 124 933 371 216 309 407 314 409 532 871 1069 1069 277 412 429 355 260 255 259 271
432 737 302 348 845 689 721 224 860 616 895 748 738 224 940 847 348 846 846 723 366 366
901 352 851 843 888 219 888 311 336 735 527 736 888 621 259 254 855 725 723 513 513 157

14.45 4.90 5.45


5.65 2.80 5.50



6.45 9.15

13.45 15.30 9.65 10.60

11.05 11.05 12.40


Page LD

obsession 840 obsidian 866 obsolescence 255 obsolescent 255 obsolete 356 obstacle 610
obstetrical 810 obstetrician 865 obstetrics 810 obstreperous 890 obstruct 226 obstruction 862
obtain 419 obtained 419 obtaining 419 obtuse 346 obverse 512 obviate 350 obvious 888
occasion 841 occasional 823 occasionally 749 occasions 841 Occident 255 occidental 826
occipital 826 occult 248 occupancy 739 occupant 254 occupation 851 occupational 823 occupied
719 occupy 719 occur 520 occurred 520 occurrence 261 occurs 520 ocean ! 538/864 oceanfront
249 oceanic 807 octagon 124 octagonal 823 octane 335 octave !! 538 October 658 octopi 308
octopus 160 ocular 674 oculist 274 odd 109 oddball 147 oddity 731 odds 109 ode 323 Odin 877
odious 886 odometer 667 odor * 675 odorous * 890 odour *(Br.) 682 odourous * (Br.) 890
Oedipus 160 of --off 144 offal * 820 off-base 343 offbeat 427 off-color * 676 off-colour *(Br.) 682
off-duty 729 offend 228 offender 641 offense 263 offensive 892 offer 633 offered 633 offering
511 offers 511 offertory 724 offhand 227 office 344 officer 658 officers 658 offices 344 official
819 officials 819

7.50 8.95 9.55

15.30 16.00 16.55 17.85 15.15

13.10 12.80 14.35 15.15 17.65 16.80 4.70




245 2.00

11.35 16.65 4.35 8.60 6.35 6.20 3.50 6.10 8.00 7.10 16.05 15.45

63 Word


officiate 349 officious 885 off-limits 689 off-road 403 off-season 836 offset 132 offsetting 132
offshoot 429 offshore 526 offside 322 offspring 218 offstage 327 off-the-rack 214 off-the-record
516 oft 232 often ! 536/232 oftentimes ! 536/333 ogle 612 Oglethorpe 517 ogre 683 oh !*
536/311 Ohio 309 ohm ! 541/504 oil 415 oilcloth 276 oilskin 123 oily 415 oink 221 ointment 883
Ojibwa * 378 Ojibway * 302 OK 302 OK'd 302 OK'ing 302 OK's 302 okay 302 Okefenokee 305
Okie 304 Okinawa 378 Oklahoma 374 okra 376 old 241 old-fashioned 839 old-time 333 old-timer
663 older 241 oldest 241 oleo 309 oleomargarine 338 olfactory 727 Olga 369 oligarchy 742 olive
325 Olympia 371 Olympian 866 Olympic 808 Olympics 808 Olympus 160 Omaha 369
ombudsman 870 omega 369 omelet 686 omen 875 ominous 889 omission 840 omit 133
omnibus 160 omnipotence 256 omnipotent 256 omnipresent 256 omniscience 255 omniscient
912 omnivorous 890 on 124 on-again 419 on-line 337 once 257 oncoming 334 one * 340 one's
340 one-half 243 one-handed 227 one-sided 322 onerous 890 ones 340 onion 843



2.80 1.70


2.35 3.90


1.60 3.75 1.15 12.15 10.70

4.90 9.50


Page LD

onionskin 123 onlooker 662 only 750 onomatopoeia 371 onset 132 onshore 526 onside 322
onslaught 430 on-stage 327 Ontario 309 onto 312 ontogeny 718 ontology 714 onus 160 onward
506 onyx 267 oodles 611 ooze 435 opacity 730 opaque 902 open 876 opened 876 opener 876
opening 876 open-minded 229 opens 876 opera 376 operate 352 operated 352 operatic 812
operating 352 operation 851 operational 823 operations 851 operative 894 operator 679
operetta 1068 ophthalmologist 274 opiate 355 opinion 843 opinionated 351 opinions 843 opium
833 opponent 256 opportune 340 opportunism 272 opportunist 272 opportunities 736
opportunity 736 oppose 364 opposed 364 opposite 357 opposition 858 oppress 157 oppression
840 oppressive 893 opprobrious 887 opprobrium 833 optic 815 optical 815 optician 865 optimal
821 optimism 272 optimist 239 optimistic 816 optimistically 749 optimize 362 optimum 834
option 863 optional 823 optometrist 755 optometry 755 opulence 261 opulent 256 or * 516
oracle 610 oracular 674 oral 825 orally 749 orange 213 oranges 213 orangutan 121 orate 352
oration 852 orator 679 oratorical 809


2.55 5.35 4.55 4.50 11.95 11.85 12.05 10.75 12.25 12.70 17.90 13.80 14.70

17.80 16.20 15.30 13.45 12.50 14.55



Word oratory orb orbit orbital orchard orchestra orchestral orchid ordain ordeal order ordered
ordering orderly orders ordinal ordinance ordinarily ordinary ordination ordnance ore * Oregon
Oreo organ organic organically organism organist organization organizational organizations
organize organized organizer orgasm orgy orient oriental orientation origin original originality
originally originate oriole ornament ornamental ornate ornery orphan orphanage
orthoorthodontic orthodox orthodoxy orthographic orthography orthopedics Orwell Osage
Osaka Oscar oscillate oscillations osculate osculation osmosis ostensible ostensibly ostentation
ostentatious osteopath osteopathic osteoporosis ostracism ostracize ostrich other others
otherwise Ottawa otter Ottoman Ouachita ouch

Page LD 723 516 689 826 506 376 825 108 419 412 655 655 655 751 655 822 258 715 720 850
258 526 124 309 865 807 748 272 272 857 823 857 361 361 672 272 742 255 826 854 877 822
732 749 351 331 880 826 351 726 865 327 1038 814 268 738 804 743 802 149 327 373 501 350
848 350 848 1069 622 622 854 887 275 804 1069 272 361 203 646 646 363 378 638 869 545 437

9.45 14.60

3.60 7.10 6.00 5.65 18.10 14.40


15.15 15.65 13.60 13.20

13.65 17.70 14.35

2.90 4.40 5.45


Page LD

ought 430 oui ! * 541/936/945 ouija ! 936/541 ounce 257 our 532 ours 532 ourselves 380 ouster
653 out 431 outage 327 outback 214 outboard 523 outbreak 408 outburst 522 outcast 233
outclass 156 outcome 334 outcry 307 outdated 347 outdid 108 outdistanced 259 outdo 312
outdone 340 outdoor 532 outdoors 532 outermost 235 outerwear 530 outfield 242 outfielder
640 outfit 133 outflank 220 outfox 268 outgo 309 outgrow 310 outgrowth 280 outguess 157
outgun 125 outhouse 433 outing 431 outlandish 1060 outlast 233 outlaw 319 outlet 686 outline
337 outlive 325 outlook 409 outlying 308 outmaneuver 670 outmanoeuvre (Br.)670 outmoded
323 outnumbered 639 out-of-body 711 out-of-bounds 231 out-of-court 534 out-of-doors 532
out-of-print 251 out-of-sight 428 out-of-sync 221 out-of-the-way 302 out-of-town 421 outpatient
914 outperform 517 outplay 301 outpost 235 outpouring 532 output 135 outrage 327
outrageous 687 outrank 220 outright 428 outshine 337 outside 322 outsiders 659 outskirts 515
outsmart 510 outspoken 873 outspread 402 outstanding 227 outstay 301 outstretched 202
outstrip 128 outthink 221 outward 506 outwear 530 outweigh 302 outwit 133

6.60 9.20 2.90 5.00 9.30 1.10





64 Word


outwork 503 outworn 517 oval 830 ovarian 867 ovary 725 ovation 855 oven 875 over 670
overachiever 669 overact 223 overactive 895 overage ** 327 overall 147 overalls 147
overbearing 530 overbid 108 overblown 421 overboard 533 overcall 147 overcame 332
overcapitalize 361 overcast 233 overcharge 507 overcoat 429 overcome 334 overcompensate
352 overdid 108 overdo * 312 overdone 312 overdraw 319 overdrawn 423 overdrew 316
overdrive 325 overdue * 314 overeat 427 overemphasis 1069 overestimate 351 overexcite 357
overexert 513 overexpose 364 overextend 228 overgrow 310 overgrown 421 overhand 227
overhanging 217 overhaul 416 overhead 402 overhear 531 overheard 533 overheated 427
overjoyed 303 overkill 151 overland 227 overlapping 126 overlay 301 overlook 409 overlooked
409 overmatched 201 overnight 428 overpaid 401 overpass 156 overplay 301 overpower 671
overpriced 344 overproduce 346 overproduction 862 overreach 437 overreact 223 overreaction
860 overriding 322 overrule 331 overrun 125 oversaw 319 overseas * 305 oversees * 305
overseer 531 oversell 149 overshadowed 310 overshoes 313 oversight 428 oversimplification
844 oversimplify 712 oversleep 424 overslept 238 overstated 347 overstock 216


3.20 1.40

6.50 3.05

3.45 4.15

4.90 10.90

Word overt overtake overthrow overtime overtone overtrick overturn overweening overweight
overwhelming overwrought overzealous ovulate ovulation owe * owl own owner ownership
owns ox oxcart oxen Oxford oxide oxygen oy oyster Ozarks ozone pa Pablo Pablum pabulum pace
paced * pacemaker pacer pacesetter pachyderm Pacific Ocean pacific pacification pacifier
pacifism pacifist pacify pacing pack package packages packed * packer packet packing packs *
pact * pacts * pad paddle paddock paddy padlock Paducah paean pagan page pageant
pageantry pageboy pages paginate pagoda paid pail * pails * pain * painful painless pains *
painstaking paint paintbrush painted painter painting

Page LD 513 328 310 333 339 215 521 420 426 246 430 888 350 849 311 415 421 664 128 421
268 510 875 516 322 874 303 653 507 339 376 309 834 834 343 343 661 658 637 512 803 803
844 661 272 272 712 343 214 327 327 214 647 685 214 214 223 223 106 601 216 701 216 378
864 864 327 254 755 303 327 351 368 401 411 411 419 631 1066 419 328 253 211 253 651 253

6.35 4.50 3.15 5.25 8.25 7.15 3.90



3.10 6.00 7.50 5.25 3.30

1.90 18.30 2.55 7.15 5.10 5.10 3.85 5.30 4.60 3.70 4.50 5.45 6.40


Page LD

pair * 530 4.10 pairs * 530 6.40 paisley 306 pajamas 374 Pakistan 121 Pakistani 945 pal 146 3.45
palace 343 8.65 paladin 877 palatable 618 palate * 354 palatial 828 palaver 669 palazzo 309 pale
* 330 7.65 paleface 343 paleontology 714 Palestine 337 Palestinian 866 palette * 1068
palindrome 333 pall 147 pallbearer 666 pallet * 686 pallor 676 palm 960 8.65 Palmer 648
palomino 309 palpable 616 palpitate 353 palpitations 853 palsy 755 paltry 755 pampas 156
pamper 649 pamphlet 686 17.80 pamphlets 686 17.65 pan 121 2.70 panacea 369 panache !
544/910 Panama 374 Panamanian 866 pancakes 328 panchromatic 811 pancreas 156 panda 368
pandemic 806 pander 640 panderer 666 Pandora 376 pane * 335 panegyric 810 panel 625
paneling * 625 panelling * (Br.) 625 panatela 373 pan-fried 307 panhandle 607 Panhellenic 807
panic 807 panicked 807 panned 121 panorama 374 pans 121 3.70 pansy 755 pant 249 4.70
pantheism 272 Pantheon 124 panther 646 pantomime 333 pantry 755 pants 249 6.50 panty 757
pantyhose 374 pantywaist 438 panzer 657 pap 126 papa 376 9.10 papacy 710 papal 824
paparazzi 946 paper 665 2.75 paper-maché *910/939 paperback 214 paperhanger 643 papering


Page LD

papers 665 paperweight 426 paperwork 503 papier-mâché 910/939 papist 272 papoose 433
papyrus 160 par 501 parable 616 parabola 373 parabolic 805 parachute 359 parachutist 274
parade 321 paradigm 959/545 paradise 363 paradox 268 paradoxical 818 paraffin 877 paragraph
927 Paraguay 302 parakeet 427 paralegal 820 parallel 624 parallelogram 116 paralysis 1069
paralytic 817 paralyze 361 paramedic 802 parameters 667 paramour 532 paranoia 371
paranormal 822 parapet 687 paraphernalia 370 paraphrases * 360 paraplegic 803
paraprofessional 823 parapsychology 714 parasites * 357 parasol 629 parasympathetic 813
parboil 415 parcel 624 parcel post 235 parch 505 Parcheesi 945 parchment 881 pardon 835
pardoner 664 pare * 523 paregoric 809 parent 256 parentage 327 parental 827 parenthesis 1069
parenthetic 813 parenthetically 748 parenting 256 parents 256 pari-mutuel 626 pariah 378
periphrastic 815 Paris 1069 parish * 1060 parishioner 664 Parisian 868 parity 736 park 507 parka
373 Parker 656 Parkinson 837 parks 507 parkway 302 parlay 301 parley 306 parliament 880
parliamentarian 867 parliamentary 725 parlor 677 Parmesan 871 Parmigiana ! 541/375 parochial
820 parody 711 parole 331 parolee 305


8.40 15.10


13.05 14.40





18.90 10.40

65 Word


paroxysm 272 parquet 940/963 parquetry 755 parricide 322 parrot 690 parry * 706 parse 509
parsimonious 886 parsimony 718 parsley 306 parsnip 128 parson 837 parsonage 327 part 510
partake 328 parted 510 Parthenon 124 partial 828 partiality 732 partially 749 participant 254
participate 351 participation 851 participatory 723 participle 612 particle 611 particular 674
particularly 749 particulars 674 parties 757 partisan 871 partition 859 partly 752 partner 510
partnership 128 partook 409 partridge 212 parts 510 part-time 333 party 757 partygoer 664
Pascal 146 PASCAL 146 paschal 819 pass 156 passable 618 passage 327 passageway 302
passbook 409 passé 939 passed * 156 passenger 643 passes 156 passing 156 passion 839
passionate 354 passive 892 Passover 670 passport 519 password 503 passed * 233 paste * 274
pasteurization 857 pasteurized 362 pastime 333 pastor 680 pastoral 825 pastrami 945 pastry 755
pasture 529 pat 131 patch 201 patchwork 503 paté 939 pate 354 paten 875 patent 256 pater
667 paternal 824 paternalism 272 paternity 735 path 275 pathetic 813 pathetically 748 pathos
159 pathway 302

phantasy * (Br.) 728 phantom 832 Pharaoh 311 Pharisaic 802 Pharisee 305 pharmaceutical 818
pharmacist 274 pharmacy 710 phase * 360 pheasant 254 phenomena 375 phenomenal 822
phenomenon 836 phew ! 547 phfft ! 547 Philadelphia 370 philander 640 philanderer 666
philanthropic 808 philanthropist 274 philanthropy 719 philately ! 544 philharmonic 808 Philip
128 Philippine 336 Philippines 336 philistine 336 philodendron 836 philologist 274 philology 714
philosopher 932 philosophical 932 philosophically 748 philosophy 743 philter * 650 philtre * (Br.)
683 phlebitis 1070 phlebotomist 274 phlebotomy 716 phlegm ! 541/959 phlegmatic 811 phlox *
268 Phoenician 865 phoenix 267 phone 339 phoned 339 phoneme 332 phonemic 806 phonetic
813 phonics 807 phonology 714 phooey 306 phosphate 349 phosphorus 160 photo 309
photocopier 661 photocopy 719 photogenic 807 photograph 927 photographer 644
photography 743 photon 124 phrase * 360 phrenetic * (Br.) 813 phrenologist 274 phrenology
714 phrensy * (Br.) 755 phylacteries 727 phylactery 727 phylogeny 718 phylum 834 physic 810
physical 818 physically 748 physician 865 physicist 274 physics 810 physiological 803 physiology
714 physique 901 pianist 274 piano 309 pica 368 picador 516 picaresque 902 Picasso 309

planter 651 planting 249 plants 249 plaque * 902 plasma 374 plaster 652 plasterer 666 plastic
815 plastique 901 plate 347 plateau 949 plateaus * 949 plateaux * (Br.) 949 platelet 686 plates
347 platform 517 platforms 517 platinum 834 platitude 323 platitudinous 889 Plato 309 Platonic
808 platoon 422 Platte 691 platter 637 Plattsburgh 520 platypus 160 plaudit 689 plausible 623
play 301 play-by-play 302 playback 214 playboy 303 played 301 player 672 players 672
playground 231 playhouse 433 playing 301 playmate 347 playpen 122 playroom 418 plays 301
plaything 218 playtime 333 playwright 428 plaza 378 plea 305 plead 402 pleas * 305 pleasant
254 pleasantly 752 pleasantries 755 pleasantry 755 please * 435 pleased 435 pleases 435
pleasing 435 pleasurable 618 pleasurably 746 pleasure 528 plebe 320 plebeian 866 plebiscite
357 pled 107 pledge 212 plenary 724 plentiful 630 plentifully 749 plenty 755 plethora 376
pleurisy 728 Plexiglas 156 pliable 615 pliant 254 pliers 661 plight 428 plink 221 plod 109 plop
129 plot 134 plotters 638 plough * (Br.) 313 ploughshares(Br.) 523 plow * 318 plowshares 523

por favor 516 porcelain 419 porch 516 porcine 337 porcupine 337 pore * 526 pork * 517 porker
656 porkpie 308 porn 517 pornographer 644 pornography 743 porosity 737 porous 890 porpoise
! * 542/436 porridge 212 port 519 portable 620 portage 327 portal 827 portend 228 portent 256
portentous 890 porter 657 portfolio 309 porthole 331 Portia 372 portico 309 portion 863
Portland 281 portly 752 portmanteau 949 portmanteaus 949 portmanteaux 949 portrait 426
portray 301 portrayal 830 Portsmouth 277 Portugal 820 Portuguese 435 pose 364 Poseidon 835
position 858 positions 858 positive 896 positively 747 positivism 272 positivist 272 positron 124
posse ! 542/304 possess 157 possession 893 possessive 893 possibilities 733 possibility 733
possible 623 possibly 746 possum 834 post 235 postage 327 postal 827 postcard 505 postdate
348 posted 235 poster 653 posterior 676 posterity 736 posters 653 postgraduate 354 posthaste
274 post hoc ! 542 posthumous 889 posthypnotic 814 postman 871 postmaster 652 postmistress
1064 postmortem 831 postnasal 826 post office 344 postpaid 401 postpartum 835 postpone 339
postponement 881 postscript 239 postulant 254 postulate ** 355

posture 529 postwar 502 posy 728 pot 134 potable 619 potash 209 potassium 833 potato 309
potatoes 309 potbellied 703 potbelly 703 potboiler 662 potency 740 potent 256 potential 828
potentially 749 potion 859 potlatch 201 potluck 216 Potomac ! 542 potpie 308 potpourri !
544/945 Potsdam 116 potshot 134 potter 638 pottery 724 potty 708 pouch 437 poultice 344
poultry 755 pounce 257 pound 231 pounds 231 pour * 532 pout 431 poverty 757 POW ! 542
powder 659 powdery 725 power 671 powerful 631 powerfully 749 powerhouse 433 powers 671
powwow 318 pox * 268 practicable 613 practical 818 practicality 731 practically 748 practice 344
practicing 344 practitioner 664 pragmatic 811 pragmatism 272 pragmatist 272 prairie 304 praise
* 360 praiseworthy 744 praline 336 pram 116 prance 257 prank 220 prankster 653 prate 352
pratfall 147 prattle 603 Pravda 368 prawn 423 pray * 301 prays * 301 prayer 301 pre1042 preach
437 preacher 644 preamble 606 prearranged 213 precarious 886 precede 321 precedence * 260
precedent 255 precedents * 255 precept 238 precinct 221 precious 885 precipice 344

LD 2.50

10.60 7.85

13.45 3.05 4.35 6.75 12.90 8.25 3.65 6.45 5.15

13.00 17.50 10.65 12.70



6.30 9.30



Page LD
precipitate 353 precipitation 853 precipitous 890 précis 1069 precise 345 precisely 747 precision
835 preclude 323 precocious 885 precognition 858 preconceived 441 preconception 862
preconditions 858 precursor 677 precut 135 predator 678 predatory 723 predestination 850
predestined 338 predetermined 338 predicament 880 predicate ** 347 predict 225 prediction
861 predictor 680 predilection 860 predisposed 364 predisposition 858 predominance 258
predominant 254 predominantly 752 predominate ** 351 predominately 747 predomination
850 preeminent 256 preempt 269 preemptive 897 preexisting 235 prefabricated 348 preface 343
prefect 224 prefecture 529 prefer 511 preference 261 preferred 511 pregnancies 739 pregnancy
739 pregnant 254 preheat 427 prehensile 330 prejudge 212 prejudice 344 prejudicial 819 prelate
355 preliminary 720 prelude 323 premarital 826 premature 529 premed 107 premedical 802
premeditated 353 premeditation 853 premenstrual 829 premier * 522 premiere * 524 premise
345 premium 833 premonition 858 prenatal 826 prenuptial 828 preoccupied 719 prep 127
prepaid 401 preparation 851 preparatory 723 prepare 523 prepared 523 preparing 523 prepay
301 preponderance 258 preposition 858 prepositional 823 preposterous 890 preppy 705
prepubescent 255 prerecorded 516


10.50 15.55 16.80



8.90 14.85 8.90 9.05 8.75


Page LD

prerequisite 357 prerogative 893 presbyter 668 Presbyterian 867 preschool 414 preschooler 663
prescribe 320 prescription 862 prescriptive 897 presence * 261 present ** 250 presentable 619
presentation 854 presented 250 presenter 651 presenting 250 presently 752 presents *(**) 250
preservation 855 preservative 895 preserve 513 preshrunk 222 preside 322 presidency 740
president 255 presidential 828 presidium 833 presoak 409 presorted 519 press 157 pressroom
418 pressure 528 pressurized 362 prestige 366 prestigious 919/886 presto 309 presume 334
presumption 863 presumptive 897 presumptuous 891 presuppose 364 presupposition 858
pretence * Br 257 pretend 228 pretense * 263 pretension 842 pretentious 888 preternatural 825
pretest 234 pretrial 820 prettiest 708 pretty 708 pretzel 627 prevail 411 prevalence 256
prevalent 255 prevaricate 348 prevarication 845 prevaricator 678 prevent 250 preventative 894
prevention 250 preview 317 previous 888 previously 750 prey * 302 preys * 302 Priam 831 price
344 priced 344 priceless 1066 prices 344 prick 215 prickly 748 pride * 322 pried * 307 pries *
307 priest 442 priestess 1064 priesthood 404 prig 113 priggish 1060 prim 118 primacy 709 prima
donna 375 prima facie 304

16.15 6.85 7.40 9.95 11.05 8.45 9.90


4.15 13.95



12.50 5.60 11.10


14.10 15.30

3.35 6.60 5.10 4.80 12.20


Page LD

primal 821 primarily 720 primary 720 primate 347 prime 333 primer ** 663 primitive * 896
primitivism 272 primordial 820 primp 270 primrose 364 prince * 257 princely 747 princess 1064
Princeton 837 principal * 824 principality 732 principals * 824 principle * 612 principles * 612
print 251 printable 619 printed 251 printer 651 printing 251 printout 431 prints * 251 prior 676
prioress 1064 prioritization 857 prioritize 363 priority 736 prism 272 prismatic 811 prison 837
prisoner 664 private 354 privately 747 privilege 366 privy 738 prize * 362 pro 309 pro1043
probability 733 probable 613 probably 746 probate 347 probation 844 probe 320 probity 730
problem 831 problematic 811 problems 831 proboscis 1069 procedural 825 procedure 527
proceed 402 proceedings 402 proceeds 402 process 157 processor * 678 procession 839
processional 823 processor * 678 proclaim 417 proclamation 849 proclivity 737 procrastinate
351 procrastination 850 procrastinator 678 procreate 348 procreation 846 Procrustean 864
Procrustes ! 542/304 proctologist 274 proctology 714 proctor 680 procure 527 procured 527
prod 109 prodigal 820 prodigious 886 prodigy 713 produce ** 346 produced 346 producer 658

6.60 9.75 14.15 16.75 17.20 4.00 4.60 4.75 16.45

7.70 12.55 10.55 18.95 6.15 15.95 13.15 12.80

7.70 7.75

12.40 14.40 13.45 11.40 14.95 10.75

10.50 11.35

9.50 9.20

69 Word




producing 346 product 226 production 862 productive 896 products 226 profane 335 profanity
735 profess 157 profession 839 professional 823 professionally 749 professor 678 proffer 633
proficiency 740 proficient 912 profile 330 profit * 689 profitable 619 profitably 619 profiteer 531
profligacy 709 profligate 354 profound 231 profoundly 746 profundities 731 profundity 731
profuse 346 profusion 893 progenitor 680 progeny 718 prognosis 1069 prognosticate 348
prognostication 845 program *(**) 831 programme * 116 programmer 635 programs * (**) 116
progress ** 157/1065 progression 893 progressive 893 progressively 747 project ** 224
projectile ** 330 projected 224 projection 860 projector 679 proletarian 867 proletariat 690
proliferate 351 proliferation 851 prolific 803 prologue 922 prolong 219 prolongation 846 prom
119 promenade 321 Prometheus 160 prominence 261 prominent 256 prominently 752
promiscuity 737 promiscuous 891 promise 345 promised 345 promises 345 promissory 725
promontories 724 promontory 724 promote 358 promoter 358 promotion 859 promotional 823
prompt 269 prompter 651 promptly 752 promptness 1067 promulgate 349 promulgation 846
prone 339 prong 219 pronominal 822 pronounce 257 pronouncement 880 pronunciation 847
proof 407 proofread ** 402

9.20 6.75 8.55

proofreader prop propaganda propagate propagation propane propel propellant propeller

propensity proper properly property prophecy prophesy prophet * prophetic prophetically
prophylactic prophylaxis propitiate propitious proponent proportion proportional proportionally
proposal propose proposed proposition proprietary proprietor propriety propulsion prorate
prosaic proscribe proscription prose * prosecute prosecution prosecutor proselyte proselytize
prosody prospect prospective prospector prospects prospectus prosper prosperity * prosperous
prostate prostheses prosthesis prosthetic prostitute prostitution prostrate prostration
protagonist protean protect protection protectionism protective protector protégé protégée
protein protest Protestant protestation protester Proteus protoprotocol proton prototype
protozoa protozoan protract protraction protractor protrude


14.85 16.85 15.15

9.80 12.20

5.25 6.85 8.50 12.35 9.50


8.95 9.50 9.75

10.30 13.90 15.05

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