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European Commission Directive 2000/39/EC

establishing a First List of Indicative Occupational

Exposure Limit Values at European Community
level in implementation of council directive 98/24/EC
on the protection of the health and safety of workers
from the risks related to chemical agents at work
This consultative document is issued by the Health and Safety Commission in compliance with
its duty to consult, under Sections 16(2) and 50(3) of the Health and Safety at Work etc
Act 1974.

Comments should be sent to:

Carole Sullivan
Health and Safety Executive
Health Directorate, Chemicals Policy Division
6th Floor, South Wing, Rose Court
2 Southwark Bridge, London SE1 9HS
Tel: 020 7717 6341
e-mail: carole.sullivan@hse.gsi.gov.uk
to reach her no later than 1 May 2001

The Commission tries to make its consultation procedure as thorough and open as possible. Responses to this
consultative document will be lodged in the Health and Safety Executive’s Information Centres after the close of the
consultation period where they can be inspected by members of the public or be copied to them on payment of the
appropriate fee to cover costs.
Responses to this consultative document are invited on the basis that anyone submitting them agrees to their being dealt
with in this way. Responses, or parts of them, will be withheld from the Information Centres only at the express request
of the person making them. In such cases a note will be put in the index to the responses identifying those who have
commented and have asked that their views, or part of them, be treated as confidential.

Further single copies of this document may be obtained from HSE Books – see back cover
European Commission Directive 2000/39/EC establishing a First List of Indicative
Occupational Exposure Limit Values at European Community level in implementation
of council directive 98/24/EC on the protection of the health and safety of workers from
the risks related to chemical agents at work.

Contents Page





Substances already implemented through 2nd ILV Directive. 4
New limits. 5
Summary of consultation documents issued. 6


Table A: Summary of all proposals substance by substance 8


Proposals for new substances 10


Proposal to change OESs following review 13
Proposal to revised entries for ILV substances 14





APPENDIX 1: Draft copy of 1st consolidated IOELV directive 20

APPENDIX 2: Summary of progress so far 24
APPENDIX 3: Summary criteria documents 26
APPENDIX 4: Explanatory note: CBA methodology for RIAs 85
APPENDIX 4A: Summary RIAs 87
APPENDIX 5: Replying to this consultative document 89

Indicative Occupational Exposure Limit Values (IOELVs) are concentrations of a hazardous
substance in air proposed by the European Commission under the framework of the Chemical
Agents Directive (CAD). Member States are obliged to introduce an occupational exposure
limit (OEL) for these substances in accordance with national legislation and practice that
takes the IOELV into account.

The first IOELV Directive (2000/39/EC) is due to be implemented by 31 December 2001 and
lists 63 substances. In May 2000 the Health and Safety Commission (HSC) consulted on
proposals to implement IOELVs for 29 substances (CD156) and for a further 6 substances
(CD157). For 19 substances the existing national limit was considered to meet the
requirements of the Directive (although we have now decided to consult on Cumene).

This document (CD166) sets out HSC’s proposals for 9 substances as well as proposals for
three substances already partly covered by earlier CDs:
Chlorobenzene** Phenol**
Cumene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
Dihydrogen selenide Xylene, mixed isomers
Ethylbenzene* m-Xylene
2-Methoxy-1-methylethyl acetate o-Xylene
Orthophosphoric acid p-Xylene
* see also CD156 **see also CD157

This document also contains an amendment to CD156 and CD157 with revised proposals
for 7 substances. The reasons for the need to reconsult are summarised in the main text
(paragraphs 7-9). If you commented on CD156 or CD157 you may wish to check the revised
proposals. For one remaining substance, Piperazine, HSE is not yet able to present formal
proposals. These will be consulted on early in 2001 via HSE’s web site at
http://www.hse.gov.uk (paper copies of the proposals will be available on request).

All the agreed limits must be in place by 31 December 2001 and will be published in the 2001
or the 2002 edition of HSE’s ‘EH40 - occupational exposure limits’. Limits resulting from
IOELV proposals will not come into effect until 31 December 2001.

We would like your comments on these proposals. A form is included at the back of this
booklet to help you to do this. It summarises the questions set out in the main text.

Please feel free to copy this consultative document more widely. Further copies are available
from the address on the back cover and on the Internet on the HSE web site (see above). The
HSC seeks to inform its decision-making by consulting a wide range of interested bodies.
Although these proposals have already been discussed by a panel of scientific experts you
may have views or further information of which they are not aware. For example, you may
have data relating to whether a particular limit can reasonably be achieved in the workplace.

Your comments are important. Please do take a few minutes to fill in the response form at the
back of this booklet.


1. IOELVs, previously known as Indicative Limit Values (ILVs), are European legal
limits which are set to protect the health of workers in the European Union from the ill health
effects of hazardous substances in the workplace. IOELVs are therefore broadly the same as
the Occupational Exposure Standard element of the British system of limits to protect
workers against ill-health. The European Commission (EC) made proposals for IOELVs for
63 substances and these have been agreed by Member States. A copy of the Directive
(2000/39/EC) which was published in the Official Journal on 8 June 2000 is at Appendix 1.
Member States must have limits in place for all these substances by 31 December 2001.

2. The Annex of Appendix 1 lists the IOELVs substance by substance. These limits are
based on recommendations by the European Commission’s (EC) Scientific Committee on
Occupational Exposure Limits (SCOEL) which has considered the scientific information
available on each substance. They do not address practicability of the proposals in appropriate
workplaces; such issues can be raised by Member States through the EC’s committee system
and can be taken into account when setting national limits. Member States are obliged,
however, to set a legal limit that takes the IOELV into account.


3. The Health and Safety Commission (HSC) proposes to implement the IOELVs in this
Commission Directive through our domestic system of occupational exposure limits (OELs).
These OELs are set to help employers meet their legal responsibilities under the Control of
Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1999 (COSHH) which require employers to
prevent, or if this is not reasonably practicable, adequately control, employees’ exposure to
hazardous substances. There are two types of limits - Maximum Exposure Limits (MELs)
and Occupational Exposure Standards (OESs). These are expressed as concentrations of a
hazardous substance in the air, averaged over a specified period of time referred to as a time
weighted average (TWA). Two time periods are used: 8 hour (based on an average shift) and
15 minute. The 15 minute short term exposure limits (STELS) are set to help prevent effects,
such as eye irritation, which may occur after only a few minutes exposure to the substance.

4. OESs and MELS are legal limits. They are approved each year by the Health and
Safety Commission (HSC) and published in HSE’s publication ‘EH40 - occupational
exposure limits’. A MEL is set for substances which may cause the most serious health
effects, such as cancer and occupational asthma: health effects for which no ‘safe’ levels of
exposure can be determined or for which safe levels may exist but at a concentration that is
not yet achievable in the workplace. To comply with COSHH, exposure should be reduced as
far below the MEL as is reasonably practicable and should not exceed the MEL when
averaged over the specified reference period. For substances given a short term MEL (15
minute reference period) the level of exposure should never be exceeded.

5. An OES is set at a level at which (based on current scientific knowledge) there is no

indication of risk to the health of workers who breathe it in day after day. If exposure to a
substance that has an OES is reduced to that level, then adequate control has been achieved. If
this level is exceeded, the reason must be identified and measures to reduce exposure to the
OES limit set out in EH40 put into action as soon as is reasonably practicable.

6. Domestic limits are normally set on the recommendations of the Health and Safety
Commission’s Advisory Committee on Toxic Substances (ACTS) and its Working Group on
the Assessment of Toxic Chemicals (WATCH). The recommendations are based on a
thorough critical assessment of the available information on the substance in question.
Information on WATCH and ACTS, the agendas and summaries of their meetings are
available on the Internet on the HSE home page at http://www.hse.gov.uk. For more
information on employers’ duties under COSHH, see HSE’s leaflet ‘COSHH - a brief guide
to the regulations’ INDG136 (rev1): available from HSE Books.


7. While each substance will need individual consideration, it is clear that any
substantial deviation from the IOELV will need to be justified. While a range of technical
factors may be relevant in any particular case, grounds of reasonable practicability will
always need to be considered.

8. ACTS and HSC have considered this view when formulating these proposals. Your
comments would be especially appreciated on the question of reasonable practicability.

Implications of this advice for previous proposals

9. HSE has looked again at all the IOELV proposals contained in CD156 and CD157
and has reconsidered the limit values for 7 substances based on the views set out in paragraph
7 - the new proposals are listed on page 20 in an amendment to the earlier CDs. HSC's
proposals have been amended accordingly and we are now taking this opportunity to
reconsult on the revised proposals.


10. The Directive proposes limits for 63 substances in total. These include:


11. Twenty-three of the substances listed in this consolidated Directive are contained
within the 2nd ILV Directive, which was implemented in Great Britain in 1997. These
substances are identified in Appendix 2. Britain had to take account of the ILVs but no time
limit was imposed for the adoption of a limit. This has now changed because IOELVs now
come under the umbrella of the Chemical Agents Directive 98/24/EC (CAD). Britain is
obliged to set limits by the relevant implementation date, taking account of the IOELV, for all
substances named in any directives made under CAD. HSE has therefore scrutinised the
limits set for these 23 substances to check that they meet the requirements in CAD and fully
take account of the IOELVs. As a result of this scrutiny, HSE was satisfied that 19 of the 23
substances met the requirements of CAD. ACTS endorsed this view. HSC proposes no
further consultation on 18 of these, but one substance, Cumene, is included in this CD
following adoption of the position outlined in paragraph 7 above.

12. HSE’s scrutiny revealed that the limits for the remaining four of the 23 substances do
not yet comply with the requirements of CAD. The four substances which do not fully take
account of the IOELV are:

Ÿ 2-Methoxy-1-methylethyl acetate;

Ÿ Orthophosphoric acid;
Ÿ 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene;
Ÿ Dihydrogen selenide.

HSC’s proposals for these four substances and Cumene are set out in this CD; and

13. The EC is introducing new limits for 40 substances in this consolidated IOELV
directive. After scrutiny by HSE to establish those IOELVs that were broadly acceptable,
ACTS agreed a list of substances that required more detailed review. The list included
substances where there were issues over practicability, scientific soundness, and the degree of
discrepancy between the existing British limit and the proposed IOELV. Substances which
were judged not to require a detailed review and substances which were already being
reviewed as part of the domestic programme were the subject of two previous consultation
documents. This document covers all but one of the remaining substances, which have now
been reviewed. We are not yet in a position to make formal proposals for Piperazine; these
will be consulted on early in 2001 via HSE’s web site at http://www.hse.gov.uk (paper copies
of proposals will be available on request).


CD 156:
mid May - mid August 2000
IOELV substances judged not to require review by HSC/E:
Acetone† Heptan-3-one†
Ammonia, anhydrous n-Heptane
2-Butanone Hydrogen fluoride
2-Butoxyethanol 1-Methoxypropanol-2
2-Butoxyethyl acetate 5-Methylheptan-3-one
e-Caprolactam 5-Methylhexan-2-one†
Chloroform 4-Methylpentane-2-one†
1,2-Dichlorobenzene 2-Phenylpropene
1,4-Dichlorobenzene Phosgene
1,1-Dichloroethane Silver, metallic
Dimethylether Sodium azide
Ethylbenzene - see also CD166 Sulfotep
Ethylene glycol Tetrahyrofuran†
Fluorides, inorganic 1,1,1-Trichloroethane

CD 157: CD 166:
mid May - mid August 2000 February - May 2001
IOELV substances already being IOELV substances judged to be most in
reviewed under the domestic programme: need of detailed review:
n-Butylacrylate Chlorobenzene - MEL proposal
Cyclohexanone† Phenol - MEL proposal
Diethylether† Xylene, mixed isomers, pure
Triethylamine o-Xylene
Chlorobenzene - OES withdrawal p-Xylene
Phenol - OES withdrawal m-Xylene
[Note: Chloroethane is a 2nd IOELV Former ILV substances which have not
Directive proposal] fully taken account of the IOELV:
Orthophosphoric acid
Dihydrogen selenide - MEL proposal
IOELV substance not reviewed by
Ethylbenzene - Skin notation
† = substances covered by the amendment to CD156 and CD157 which is included in this CD
HSE is not yet able to consult on formal proposals for Piperazine which will be consulted on
via HSE’s web site at http://www.hse.gov.uk in the new year.


14. HSC’s proposals for implementing 12 IOELV substances (including one substance
carried forward from CD156) into the national limit setting system are set out in the
following paragraphs and are summarised substance by substance in Table A below. An
amendment which covers 7 substances previously consulted on in CDs 156 and 157 is also
included at Table B (page 17). HSE has decided to reconsult on these proposals in the light of
more recent legal advice (see paragraphs 7 to 9).

15. Included at Appendix 3 is a summary criteria document for each of the 20 substances
under discussion to help you to understand the reasons why the limit is being proposed. All of
the summaries are in EH64 format. The grey box in the top left corner indicates whether the
limit has been changed to reflect SCOEL recommendations or is an existing domestic
occupational exposure limit. Where no recent WATCH review has been conducted the
summary has been prepared using the relevant SCOEL review document (known as a
SCOEL-SEG/SUM). For substances which had previously been reviewed by WATCH (so
already had a summary document) the existing document has been revised to incorporate both
SCOEL’s and WATCH’s views and retain the analytical method. For substances which have
recently been reviewed by WATCH, and where WATCH have taken into account the IOELV,
the summary has been prepared using the WATCH review package and subsequent
discussions. Copies of the full WATCH documentation are available through HSE public
information centres (see back cover).

proposal reviews
Substance Name
a) 8-hr TWA a) 8-hr TWA a) 8-hr TWA
CAS number
c) Notation c) Notation c) Notation
Chlorobenzene a) 10 ppm a) - a) 50 ppm - Withdraw 2000
108-90-7 OES* and
introduce 8 hr
1 ppm
b) 20 ppm b) - b) - - Introduce
3 ppm
c) - c) - c) - - Introduce Sk

Cumene a) 20 ppm a) - a) 25 ppm - Retain 8 hr 1991

98-82-8 TWA OES
b) 50 ppm b) - b) 75 ppm - Revise
50 ppm
c) Sk c) - c) Sk - Retain Sk

Dihydrogen a) 0.02 ppm a) - a) [0.05 ppm -Introduce 1998

selenide withdrawn] IOELV value
7783-07-5 as MEL
b) 0.05 ppm b) - b) - -Introduce
IOELV value
c) - c) - c) - - No change

Ethylbenzene a) 100 ppm a) - a) 100 ppm a) and b) see -

100-41-4 b) 200 ppm b) - b) 150 ppm CD156

c) Sk c) - c) - - Introduce Sk

2-Methoxy-1- a) 50 ppm a) - a) 50 ppm - Retain 8 hr 1998

methylethyl- TWA OES
acetate b) 100 ppm b) - b) 150 ppm - Revise
108-65-6 STEL OES
c) Sk c) - c) - - Introduce Sk

proposal reviews
Substance Name
a) 8-hr TWA a) 8-hr TWA a) 8-hr TWA
CAS number
c) Notation c) Notation c) Notation
Orthophosphoric a) 1 mg.m-3 a) - a) - - Introduce 8 1998
acid hr TWA OES
7664-38-2 of 1 mg.m-3
b) 2 mg.m-3 b) - b) 2 mg.m-3 - Retain STEL
c) - c) - c) - - No change

Phenol a) 2 ppm a) - a) 5 ppm - Withdraw 2000

108-95-2 OES* and
introduce 8 hr
2 ppm
b) - b) - b) 10 ppm - Withdraw
c) Sk c) - c) Sk - Retain Sk

1,2,4- a) 2 ppm a) - a) 1 ppm - Retain 8 hr 1998

Trichlorobenzene TWA OES
120-82-1 b) 5 ppm b) - b) - -Introduce
IOELV value
c) Sk c) - c) Sk - Retain Sk
m-Xylene a) 50 ppm a) - a) 100 ppm - Amend 8 hr 2000
108-38-3 b) 100 ppm TWA OES to
c) Sk 50 ppm
o-Xylene a) 50 ppm
b) - b) 150 ppm - Amend
95-47-6 b) 100 ppm
c) Sk
100 ppm
p-Xylene a) 50 ppm
106-42-3 b) 100 ppm c) - c) Sk - Retain Sk
c) Sk notation and
Xylene, mixed a) 50 ppm introduce
isomers, pure b) 100 ppm BMGV
1330-20-7 c) Sk

* Consulted on in CD157

Proposals for new substances

16. It is proposed that the following three substances be added to the list of MELS. HSE
has issued Chemical Hazard Alert Notices (CHANs) for these substances in the interim.
Summary criteria documents explaining the rationale behind the proposals are attached at
Appendix 3.

Reference Periods

Long-term exposure limit Short-term exposure limit

(8-hour TWA reference (15 minute reference period)
Substance CAS Notes ppm mg.m-3 ppm mg.m-3
Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 Sk notation 1 4.5 3 13.6
Dihydrogen 7783-07-5 - 0.02 0.07 0.05 0.17
Phenol 108-95-2 Sk notation 2 7.8 - -

17. Chlorobenzene was one of the IOELV substances judged to be in need of further
review by ACTS/WATCH. These recommendations reflect their latest advice.

18. You will see from Table A that the HSC proposal for chlorobenzene is lower than the
IOELV Directive which recommends an 8 hour limit of 10 ppm and a STEL of 20 ppm. Also,
HSC is recommending a Sk notation. HSE based its review to WATCH on a collaborative
review by the Swedish National Institute for Occupational Health and the USA National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, first published in 1992. This post-dated the EU
criteria document SEG/CDO/22B used by SCOEL to make its recommendation summarised
in SEG/SUM42C. Both the collaborative review and the SCOEL summary were included in
the information presented to WATCH.

19. The proposal to withdraw the OES was included in a Consultative Document
(CD157) agreed by HSC and published in May 2000.

Question 1: Do you agree with the 8 hour TWA MEL proposal for chlorobenzene?

If you disagree, please explain why.

Question 2: Do you agree with the STEL MEL proposal for chlorobenzene?
If you disagree, please explain why.

Question 3: Do you agree with the Sk notation proposal for chlorobenzene?

If you disagree please explain why.

Dihydrogen selenide
20. Dihydrogen selenide is one of the substances previously covered by the 2nd ILV
Directive. WATCH considered the occupational exposure limits for hydrogen selenide in
1998 and concluded that there was insufficient data to identify a safe level of exposure.
ACTS endorsed WATCH's recommendation to withdraw the existing OES and considered
setting a MEL. But ACTS concluded that because usage patterns showed very few people are
exposed to this substance; and those levels of exposure are negligible, a MEL was not
appropriate. However, HSE is now required to set a limit in order to meet the requirements of
CAD. The MEL proposal reflects the values in the IOELV Directive.

21. No RIA for this MEL proposal has been conducted. This is because a preliminary cost
assessment based on information provided by the industry indicated that costs would be
negligible because the substance is well controlled already.

Question 4: Do you agree that the IOELV should be adopted as an 8 hour TWA MEL
for dihydrogen selenide?
If you disagree, please explain why.

Question 5: Do you agree that the IOELV should be adopted as a STEL MEL
for dihydrogen selenide?
If you disagree, please explain why.


22. Phenol has been in the ACTS/WATCH review programme since 1992: A key issue
of mutagenicity took some time to resolve, because of the need to acquire further scientific

information. In 2000 WATCH and ACTS agreed that consideration of a MEL was warranted
and agreed that a proposal to withdraw the current OES should go to external consultation.

23. The proposal to withdraw the OES was included in a Consultative Document
(CD157), agreed by HSC and published in May 2000. The MEL proposal reflects the value
and notation in the IOELV Directive.

Question 6: Do you agree that the IOELV should be adopted as an 8 hour TWA MEL
for phenol?
If you disagree, please explain why.

Question 7: Do you agree that it is not necessary to set a STEL MEL for phenol?
If you disagree, please explain why.

Question 8: Do you agree that the Sk notation should be retained?

If you disagree please explain why.



24. Summary criteria documents explaining the rationale behind the proposed
occupational exposure limits for the substances detailed in this section are attached at
Appendix 3. They reflect the views of SCOEL and/or WATCH, as appropriate.

Xylene, m-, o-, p- and mixed isomers, pure

25. Xylenes are IOELV substances judged to be in need of further review by
ACTS/WATCH. These recommendations reflect their latest advice.

26. WATCH concluded that the data support the maintenance of OESs for xylenes and
recommended an 8-hour TWA OES of 50 ppm which directly corresponds to the 8-hour
TWA IOELV. The maintenance of a Skin notation was also supported as was HSE’s proposal
to establish a BMGV for xylenes. However, for the STEL OES, WATCH recommended 150
ppm, in contrast to the STEL IOELV of 100 ppm. The reasons for this are summarised in the
draft EH64 summary criteria document. ACTS recommended the adoption of the IOELV

Question 9: Do you agree with the 8 hour TWA OES proposal for xylenes?
If you disagree, please explain why.

Question 10: Do you agree with the STEL OES proposal for xylenes?
If you disagree, please explain why.

Question 11: Do you agree that the Sk notation should be retained?

If you disagree please explain why.

Question 12: Do you agree with the proposal to develop a BMGV for xylenes?
If you disagree please explain why.


27. Proposals for an 8 hour OES and STEL OES for ethylbenzene were consulted on in
CD156. A decision on the skin notation was deferred until the review of xylenes was
completed. It is now proposed to adopt the skin notation proposed in the IOELV Directive.

Question 13: Do you agree that the Sk notation should be adopted?

If you disagree please explain why.



Orthophosphoric acid
28. In 1998 WATCH decided that an 8 hour TWA OES was not needed because the
STEL would be protective of health. However an 8 hour TWA IOELV has been set and so we
are proposing to amend the entry in order to comply with CAD.

Question 14: Do you agree that the IOELV should be adopted as an 8 hour TWA OES
for Orthophosphoric acid?
If you disagree, please explain why.

29. In 1998 WATCH decided that a STEL OES was not needed because the 8 hour TWA
OES would be protective of health. However a STEL IOELV has been set and so we are
proposing to amend the entry in order to comply with CAD.

Question 15: Do you agree that the IOELV should be adopted as a STEL OES
for 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene?
If you disagree, please explain why.


30. In 1998 WATCH decided that a STEL OES was required and set this at 150 ppm
based on the three times rule. However, an IOELV STEL has been set at 100 ppm. In order to
comply with CAD we are proposing to revise the STEL OES to 100 ppm.

31. In 1998 WATCH decided that a Sk notation was not necessary, however one is now
needed to comply with CAD.

Question 16: Do you agree with the STEL OES proposal for 2-Methoxy-1-methylethyl
If you disagree please explain why.

Question 17: Do you agree with the Sk notation proposal for 2-Methoxy-1-methylethyl
If you disagree please explain why.

32. Cumene was last considered by WATCH in 1991. The STEL OES WATCH
recommended was 75 ppm, in contrast to the STEL IOELV of 50 ppm and this difference is
considered to be significant. The reasons for SCOEL’s recommendation are summarised in
the draft EH64 summary criteria document. SCOEL based its evaluation on the same data as
WATCH and so there are not considered to be any scientific grounds on which to challenge
the IOELV.

Question 18: Do you agree with the STEL OES proposal for Cumene?
If you disagree please explain why.

33. Before any new piece of legislation can be introduced, the Health and Safety
Commission is obliged to have carried out an assessment of the costs it would impose on
industry and the benefits it is expected to bring. Since October 1998, this assessment is
included in the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA). Annex 4 of this document gives a
description of the methodology behind the formulation of cost benefit assessments (CBAs)
for RIAs and a general statement on their application. An RIA is not carried out when the
legislation does not impose additional costs to industry.

34. HSE has examined what costs and benefits will result from the implementation into
the national limit setting system of the directive as a whole. This RIA shows that total one-off
costs, as a result of capital expenditure, were estimated to be about £0.4 million (1999/2000
prices), while the ten-year present value of the recurring costs was £8.8 million (1999/2000
prices). Recurring costs are incurred mainly as a result of increased use of respiratory
protective equipment (RPE) and increased monitoring to check compliance with the new
limit. Thus, the total cost to society of implementing the whole Directive is £9.2 million
(1999/2000 prices) over 10 years, in present value terms. The RIA could not quantify any of
the health benefits resulting from the introduction of this Directive. However, it was noted
that there are negative health effects associated with exposure to the substances covered by
the Directive and that reducing exposure may lead to health benefits.

35. In addition, individual RIAs were carried out for two of the three MEL proposals and
summaries are presented at Annex 4A. An initial assessment for one MEL proposal,
dihydrogen selenide, indicated that costs would be negligible and so a full RIA was not

36. Copies of the RIA for the directive as a whole and individual RIAs for two of the four
MEL candidates are available on request from the HSE. If you would like a copy of any of
these documents, please contact Carole Sullivan in the Chemical Policy Division, Health and
Safety Executive, Rose Court, 2 Southwark Bridge, London SE1 9HS. If you have any
comments on the RIAs we would welcome these also.


37. The following substances were first consulted on in CD156 or CD157 and are subject
to an existing domestic limit or a proposed domestic limit which is significantly higher than
the IOELV. Proposals for limits that are lower than the IOELV or only slightly higher are not
affected. This is in the light of new advice that significantly higher limits could be open to

38. The following substances are affected (revised proposals are in italics):

Table B Previous HSC IOELV proposal Revised proposal

OES proposal
Substance name a) 8 hr TWA a) 8 hr TWA
c) Notation c) Notation

CD 156
Acetone a) 750 ppm a) 500 ppm a) Consult on IOELV
b) 1500 ppm b) - b) Retain STEL
Heptan-3-one a) 50 ppm a) 20 ppm a) Consult on 35 ppm
(health-based SCOEL
recommendation prior
to applying ‘preferred
number’ system).
b) 100 ppm b) - b) Retain STEL
c) Sk c) - c) Retain Skin notation
5-Methylhexan-2-one a) 50 ppm a) 20 ppm a) Consult on IOELV
b) 100 ppm b) - b) Retain STEL
c) Sk c) - c) Retain Skin notation
4-Methylpentan-2-one a) 50 ppm a) 20 ppm a) Consult on IOELV
b) 100 ppm b) 50 ppm b) Consult on IOELV
c) Sk c) - c) Retain Skin notation
Tetrahyrofuran a) 100 ppm a) 50 ppm a) Consult on IOELV
b) 200 ppm b) 100 ppm b) Consult on IOELV
c) Sk c) Sk c) Retain Skin notation
CD 157
Cyclohexanone a) 20 ppm a) 10 ppm a) Consult on IOELV
b) 50 ppm b) 20 ppm b) Consult on IOELV
c) Sk c) Sk c) Retain Skin notation
Diethyl ether a) 400 ppm a) 100 ppm a) Consult on IOELV
b) 500 ppm b) 200 ppm b) Consult on IOELV

39. A higher limit than the IOELV could be set if certain criteria are met. The position is
further explained in paragraph 7 of this CD and it is important that you consider this carefully
when formulating your response.

40. We propose that the above values are adopted as OESs unless we receive information
from this consultation exercise to suggest that there are grounds by which HSE could
justifiably recommend setting a higher limit to HSC. Summary criteria documents explaining
the rationale behind the revised proposals are attached at Appendix 3.

Question 19: Do you agree with the proposal to adopt the IOELVs for Acetone,
Cyclohexanone, Diethyl ether, 5-Methylhexan-2-one,
4-Methylpentan-2-one and Tetrahyrofuran and the health-based SCOEL
recommendation for Heptan-3-one?

Bearing in mind the position set out at paragraph 7 of the main CD, if
you disagree with any of these proposals please state which ones and
explain why.

41. The Health and Safety Commission would welcome comments on proposals set out in
this Consultative Document. We will acknowledge all responses and give full consideration
to the substance of arguments in the development of proposals; we may also contact you
again, if, for example, we have a query. For the convenience of readers, all the questions are
repeated in a form set out in Appendix 5 which you may find helpful to use for your reply.

42. If you reply to this consultative document in a personal capacity, rather than as a
postholder of an organisation, you should be aware that information you provide may
constitute “personal data” in the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998. For the purposes of
this Act, HSE is the “data controller” and will process the data for health, safety and
environmental purposes. HSE may disclose these data to any person or organisation for the
purposes for which it was collected, or where the Act allows disclosure. You have the right to
ask for a copy of the data and to ask for inaccurate data to be corrected. Please note all replies
will be made public unless you specifically state you wish yours to be made confidential.

43. The Health and Safety Commission/Executive would also like to know what you think
about this consultation, both the content and layout. The response form at Appendix 5
includes a few separate questions on this aspect of the consultation. Your views may help to
improve further consultations. If you are not satisfied with the way in which this consultation
exercise has been conducted you can complain by contacting:

Mr Chris Rowe
Health and Safety Executive
Room 602
Rose Court
2 Southwark Bridge
SE1 9HS.

16.6.2000 Official Journal of the European Communities L 142/47
of 8 June 2000
establishing a first list of indicative occupational exposure limit values in implementation of
Council Directive 98/24/EC on the protection of the health and safety of workers from the
risks related to chemical agents at work
(Text with EEA relevance)


(6) Directive 80/1107/EEC has been repealed with effect
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European
from 5 May 2001 by Directive 98/24/EC.
(7) It is appropriate to reenact, in the framework of
Having regard to Council Directive 98/24/EC of 7 April
Directive 98/24/EC, the indicative occupational
1998 on the protection of the health and safety of workers
exposure limit values which had been established by
from the risks related to chemical agents at work(1) and in
Directives 91/322/EEC and 96/94/EC in the
particular Article 3(2) thereof,
framework of Directive 80/1107/EEC.
Having regard to the opinion of the Advisory Committee on
(8) The list set out in the Annex contains the substances
safety, hygiene and health protection at work,
set out in the Annex to Directive 96/94/EC and
incorporates a number of other agents for which
indicative occupational exposure limit values have
(1) Pursuant to Directive 98/24/EC, the Commission is to been recommended by SCOEL, following the
propose European objectives in the form of indicative evaluation of the latest available scientific data on
occupational exposure limit values for the protection of occupational health effects and taking into account the
workers from chemical risks, to be set at Community availability of measuring techniques. In view of the
level. foregoing and in the interests of clarity Directive
96/94/EC should be recast.
(2) The Commission, in carrying out this task is assisted by
the Scientific Committee for occupational exposure (9) It is necessary to establish short-term exposure limit
limits to chemical agents (SCOEL), instituted by values for certain substances to take account of effects
Commission Decision 95/320/EC(2). arising from short-term exposure.

(3) For any chemical agent for which indicative (10) For some agents, it is necessary to have regard also to
occupational exposure limit values are established at the possibility of penetration through the skin, in order
Community level, Member States are required to to ensure the best possible level of protection.
establish a national occupational exposure limit value,
taking into account the Community limit value, (11) This Directive constitutes a practical step towards the
determining its nature in accordance with national achievement of the social dimension of the internal
legislation and practice. market.

(4) Indicative occupational exposure limit values should be (12) The measures provided for in this Directive are in
regarded as an important part of the overall approach to accordance with the opinion of the Committee
ensuring the protection of the health of workers at the instituted by Article 17 of Council Directive
workplace, against the risks arising from hazardous 89/391/EEC of 12 June 1989 on the introduction of
chemicals. measures to encourage improvements in the health and
safety of workers at work (6),
(5) A first and a second list of indicative occupational
exposure limit values were established by Commission HAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE:
Directives 91/322/EEC(3) and 96/94/EC(4) in the Article 1
framework of Council Directive 80/1107/EEC of 27
November 1980 on the protection of workers from the Community indicative occupational exposure limit values
risks related to exposure to chemical, physical and are hereby established for the chemical agents set out in the
biological agents at work(5). Annex.

(1) OJ L 131, 5.5.1998, p. 11. (6) OJ L 183, 29.6.1989. p. 1.

(2) OJ L 188, 9.8.1995, p. 14.
(3) OJ L 177, 5.7.1991, p. 22.
(4) OJ L 338, 28.12.1996, p. 86.
(5) OJ L 327, 3.12.1980, p. 8.
L 142/48 Official Journal of the European Communities 16.6.2000

Article 2 Article 4

Member States shall establish national occupational Directive 96/94/EC is repealed with effect from the date
exposure limit values for the chemical agents listed in the referred to in Article 3(1).
Annex, taking into account the Community values.
Article 5
Article 3
This Directive shall enter into force on the 20th day
1. Member States shall bring into force the laws, following its publication in the Official Journal of the
regulations and administrative provisions necessary to European Communities.
comply with this Directive by 31 December 2001 at the
latest. They shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof. Article 6

When Member States adopt these provisions, they shall This Directive is addressed to the Member States.
contain a reference to this Directive or be accompanied by
such a reference at the time of their official publication. Done at Brussels, 8 June 2000.
Member States shall determine how such reference is to be

2. Member States shall communicate to the Commission For the Commission

the text of the provisions of national law which they adopt
in the field covered by this Directive.
Member of the Commission



Limit values
Eight hours Short-term(5) Notation(3)
Einecs(1) CAS(2) Name of agent
3(6) (7) 3(6) (7)
mg/ m ppm mg/ m ppm
200-467-2 60-29-7 Diethylether 308 100 616 200 -
200-662-2 67-64-1 Acetone 1210 500 - - -
200-663-8 67-66-3 Chloroform 10 2 - - Skin
200-756-3 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 555 100 1110 200 -
200-834-7 75-04-7 Ethylamine 9,4 5 - - -
200-863-5 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane 412 100 - - Skin
200-870-3 75-44-5 Phosgene 0,08 0,02 0,4 0,1 -
200-871-9 75-45-6 Chlorodifluoromethane 3600 1000 - - -
201-159-0 78-93-3 Butanone 600 200 900 300 -
201-176-3 79-09-4 Propionic acid 31 10 62 20 -
202-422-2 95-47-6 o-Xylene 221 50 442 100 Skin
202-425-9 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 122 20 306 50 Skin
202-436-9 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 100 20 - - -
202-704-5 98-82-8 Cumene 100 20 250 50 Skin
202-705-0 98-83-9 2-Phenylpropene 246 50 492 100 -
202-849-4 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 442 100 884 200 Skin
203-313-2 105-60-2 e-Caprolactam (dust and vapour) 10 - 40 - -
203-388-1 106-35-4 Heptan-3-one 95 20 - - -
203-396-5 106-42-3 p-Xylene 221 50 442 100 Skin
203-400-5 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 122 20 306 50 -
203-470-7 107-18-6 Allyl alcohol 4,8 2 12,1 5 Skin
203-473-3 107-21-1 Ethylene glycol 52 20 104 40 Skin
203-539-1 107-98-2 1-Methoxypropanol-2 375 100 568 150 Skin
203-550-1 108-10-1 4-Methylpentan-2-one 83 20 208 50 -
203-576-3 108-38-3 m-Xylene 221 50 442 100 Skin
203-603-9 108-65-6 2-Methoxy-l-methylethylacetate 275 50 550 100 Skin
203-604-4 108-67-8 Mesitylene (Trimethylbenzenes) 100 20 - - -
203-628-5 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene 47 10 94 20 -
203-631-1 108-94-1 Cyclohexanone 40,8 10 81,6 20 Skin
203-632-7 108-95-2 Phenol 7,8 2 - - Skin
203-726-8 109-99-9 Tetrahydrofuran 150 50 300 100 Skin
203-737-8 110-12-3 5-Methylhexan-2-one 95 20 - - -
203-767-1 110-43-0 Heptan-2-one 238 50 475 100 Skin
203-808-3 110-85-0 Piperazine 0,1 - 0,3 - -
203-905-0 111-76-2 2-Butoxyethanol 98 20 246 50 Skin
203-933-3 112-07-2 2-Butoxyethyl acetate 133 20 333 50 Skin

Limit values
Eight hours Short-term(5) Notation(3)
Einecs(1) CAS(2) Name of agent
3 (6) (7) 3 (6) (7)
mg/ m ppm mg/ m ppm
204-065-8 115-10-6 Dimethylether 1920 1000 - - -
204-428-0 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 15,1 2 37,8 5 Skin
204-469-4 121-44-8 Triethylamine 8,4 2 12,6 3 Skin
204-662-3 123-92-2 Isopentylacetate 270 50 540 100 -
204-697-4 124-40-3 Dimethylamine 3,8 2 9,4 5 -
204-826-4 127-19-5 N,N-Dimethylacetamide 36 10 72 20 Skin
205-480-7 141-32-2 n-Butylacrylate 11 2 53 10 -
205-563-8 142-82-5 n-Heptane 2085 500 - - -
208-394-8 526-73-8 1,2,3-Trimethylbenzene 100 20 - - -
208-793-7 541-85-5 5-Methylheptan-3-one 53 10 107 20 -
210-946-8 626-38-0 1-Methylbutylacetate 270 50 540 100 -
211-047-3 628-63-7 Pentylacetate 270 50 540 100 -
620-11-1 3-Pentylacetate 270 50 540 100 -
625-16-1 Amylacetate, tert 270 50 540 100 -
215-535-7 1330-20-7 Xylene, mixed isomers, pure 221 50 442 100 Skin
222-995-2 3689-24-5 Sulphotep 0,1 - - - Skin
231-634-8 7664-39-3 Hydrogen fluoride 1,5 1,8 2,5 3 -
231-131-3 7440-22-4 Silver, metallic 0,1 - - - -
231-595-7 7647-01-0 Hydrogen chloride 8 5 15 10 -
231-633-2 7664-38-2 Orthophosphoric acid 1 - 2 - -
231-635-3 7664-41-7 Ammonia, anhydrous 14 20 36 50 -
231-954-8 7782-41-4 Fluorine 1,58 1 3,16 2 -
231-978-9 7783-07-5 Dihydrogen selenide 0,07 0,02 0,17 0,05 -
233-113-0 10035-10-6 Hydrogen bromide - - 6,7 2 -
247-852-1 26628-22-8 Sodium azide 0,1 - 0,3 - Skin
252-104-2 34590-94-8 (2-Methoxymethylethoxy)- 308 50 - - Skin
Fluorides, inorganic 2,5 - - - -
EINECS: European inventory of existing chemical substances
CAS: Chemical abstract service registry number
A skin notation assigned to the OEL identifies the possibility of significant uptake through the skin
Measured or calculated in relation to a reference period of eight hours time weighted average
A limit value above which exposure should not occur and is related to a 15-minute period, unless otherwise specified
mg/m3 : milligrams per cubic metre of air at 20oC and 101,3 KPa
ppm : parts per million by volume in air (ml/m3)

APPENDIX 2 - Summary of progress
CAS No. NAME OF AGENT Existing ILV limit CD156 CD157 CD166 WATCH
meets does consider-
CAD not ation of
reqt. meet IOELV
CAD [or ILV]
60-29-7 Diethylether ü ü« -
67-64-1 Acetone ü ü« -
67-66-3 Chloroform ü -
71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ü -
75-04-7 Ethylamine ü -
75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane ü -
75-44-5 Phosgene ü -
75-45-6 Chlorodifluoromethane ü -
78-93-3 Butanone ü -
79-09-4 Propionic acid ü -
95-47-6 o-Xylene ü 2000
95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ü -
95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ü -
98-82-8 Cumene ü ü [1991]
98-83-9 2-Phenylpropene ü -
100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ü ü -
105-60-2 e-Caprolactam (dust and ü -
106-35-4 Heptan-3-one ü ü« -
106-42-3 p-Xylene ü 2000
106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ü -
107-18-6 Allyl alcohol ü -
107-21-1 Ethylene glycol ü -
107-98-2 1-Methoxypropanol-2 ü -
108-10-1 4-Methylpentan-2-one ü ü« -
108-38-3 m-Xylene ü 2000
108-65-6 2-Methoxy-l-methyl- ü ü [1998]
108-67-8 Mesitylene ü -
108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ü ü 2000
108-94-1 Cyclohexanone ü ü« 1999
108-95-2 Phenol ü ü 2000
109-99-9 Tetrahydrofuran ü ü« -
110-12-3 5-Methylhexan-2-one ü ü« -
110-43-0 Heptan-2-one ü -

110-85-0 Piperazine - see footnote 2000

CAS No. NAME OF AGENT Existing ILV limit CD156 CD157 CD166 WATCH
111-76-2 2-Butoxyethanol ü -
112-07-2 2-Butoxyethyl acetate ü -
115-10-6 Dimethylether ü -
120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ü ü [1998]
121-44-8 Triethylamine ü 1999
123-92-2 Isopentylacetate ü -
124-40-3 Dimethylamine ü -
127-19-5 N,N-Dimethylacetamide ü -
141-32-2 n-Butylacrylate ü 2000
142-82-5 n-Heptane ü -
526-73-8 1,2,3-Trimethylbenzene ü -
541-85-5 5-Methylheptan-3-one ü -
626-38-0 1-Methylbutylacetate ü -
628-63-7 Pentylacetate ü -
620-11-1 3-Pentylacetate ü -
625-16-1 Amylacetate, tert ü -
1330-20-7 Xylene, mixed isomers, ü 2000
3689-24-5 Sulphotep ü -
7664-39-3 Hydrogen fluoride ü -
7440-22-4 Silver, metallic ü -
7647-01-0 Hydrogen chloride ü -
7664-38-2 Orthophosphoric acid ü ü [1998]
7664-41-7 Ammonia, anhydrous ü -
7782-41-4 Fluorine ü -
7783-07-5 Dihydrogen selenide ü ü [1998]
10035-10-6 Hydrogen bromide ü -
26628-22-8 Sodium azide ü -
34590-94-8 (2-Methoxymethyl ü -
Fluorides, inorganic ü -

Totals 18 5 29 6 12 +
« Reconsulting following adoption of recent legal advice
Note: HSE is not yet able to present formal proposals for piperazine.


Summary criteria documents

The following summary criteria documents in EH64 format are attached:

MEL proposals: Chlorobenzene

Dihydrogen selenide

Proposals to revise OESs: Xylene

Ethyl benzene
1-Methoxypropyl acetate
Orthophosphoric acid
Revised proposal from CD156
or CD 157: Acetone

R36/37/38: Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and
It is possible that the UK will submit a proposal to the
maximum exposure limits relevant European Working Group with a view to
getting the CHIP classification amended in this way.
8-hour TWA: 1 ppm (4.7 mg.m-3)
15-minute STEL: 3 ppm (14 mg.m-3)
Chlorobenzene is not manufactured in the UK and is
Notation: Skin only used as a process solvent or chemical intermedi-
subject to consultation ate and as a laboratory reagent. Approximately 20
companies use chlorobenzene as a process solvent or
chemical intermediate. The numbers exposed during
its use in the chemical industry is estimated to be
IDENTITY AND PROPERTIES between 100 and 300. The numbers exposed during its
Chemical Name Chlorobenzene use as a laboratory reagent could be more, however,
CAS No: 108-90-7 such workers are likely to have very infrequent
EEC No: 602-033-00-1
Formula: C6 H5 Cl EXPOSURE
Synonyms: monochlorobenzene, MCB Of 38 reported recent personal air sampling results
chlorobenzol, CB, from a user of chlorobenzene, one was at 3 ppm
phenyl chloride, 8-hour TWA, the others all below 1 ppm. Earlier
chlorobenzol, results at one chemical site were up to 6 ppm 8-hour
TWA, with 83% of results less than 1 ppm 8-hour
benzene chloride TWA. At another site the highest personal air
Molecular weight: 112.56 sampling result was 0.2 ppm 8-hour TWA. The
Physical state: Colourless liquid highest exposure data received was from a company
who used chlorobenzene until the end of 1998 as a
Boiling Point: 131.6 oC
chemical intermediate. Exposures were up to 329 ppm
Melting point: - 44.9 oC for the duration of the task (1 to 2 hours) and 59 ppm
Vapour pressure: 15.81 hPa at 25 oC when time weighted over the 8 hour shift. Peak
exposures would have been higher than these values.
11.73 hPa at 20 oC
Exposure data modelled with the Estimation and
Solubility in water: 293 mg.l-1 at 25 oC
Assessment of Substance Exposure (EASE) model
LogPo/w: 2.84 gave results of 4.6 to 6.7 ppm 15-min TWA for
Saturated vapour concentration: 15526 ppm (1.55%) sampling, 1.3 to 50 ppm 15-min TWA for tanker
unloading, and 1 to 100 ppm 15-min TWA for vessel
charging. These represent short term exposures. These
Conversion factors: 1 ppm = 4.68 mg.m-3 at 20 oC are likely to be overestimates and will be dependent
1 mg.m-3 = 0.21 ppm on the nature of the controls in place. The above short
term exposure compares reasonably well with the full
shift exposure. For example, 3.5 ppm 8-hour TWA for
Chlorobenzene is currently classified for health effects
a worker exposed during tanker unloading (30
under the Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packag-
minutes) and quality control sampling (2 periods of 15
ing for Supply) Regulations 1994 (CHIP) as Harmful,
minutes). Occupational exposure during repackaging
to be labelled with the following risk phrases:-.
of chlorobenzene and laboratory use are thought to be
R10: Flammable generally lower than the above values.
R20: Harmful by inhalation It is therefore concluded that exposure is generally
R51/53: Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause below 50 ppm 8-hour TWA and in most cases below
long term adverse effects in the aquatic 10 ppm 8-hour TWA. It is further concluded that the
environment data demonstrates that it is likely that control to less
than 5 ppm 8-hour TWA is reasonably practicable.
The available data for chlorobenzene indicate that it Although exposures of higher than this have been
also meets the criteria for classification as Irritant, obtained it was not felt that these represented the
and that the following risk phrase may be majority of exposures and what it is reasonably practi-
appropriate:- cable to achieve.

There is little information about short-term exposures. unlikely to be suitable for 15 minute sampling below
Short term exposures of up to 100 ppm 15-min TWA 25 ppm. Users must verify the solvent desorption
were modelled using EASE. However, the higher efficiency of chlorobenzene with their chosen collec-
values represented only modest assumptions about tion medium, otherwise their procedure may not
standards of control. If realistic controls are incorpo- comply with EN 1076 or EN 8388 at low concentra-
rated, the model predicts exposures below 10 ppm. tions. Thermal desorption diffusive tube samplers are
Dermal exposure can occur during the use of chloro- feasible (MDHS 80)9 and have adequate sensitivity for
benzene, where operators come into contact with the measurement of <0.1 ppm for 8-hr sampling and
surfaces contaminated from splashing or condensed of <3 ppm for 15 minute sampling.
vapour, or as a result of direct contact onto the skin.
During its use in chemical plants, where it is used in
generally closed systems, dermal exposure is only Biological monitoring may be a useful aid to the
likely during activities such as sampling and the assessment of occupational exposure to
uncoupling of pipes. A range of 0 to 0.1 mg.cm-2.day-1 chlorobenzene. There are no data to relate metabolite
was predicted using EASE assuming that there may be concentrations to health effects but there are data to
at most incidental (i.e. one significant) contact in a show a good correlation between levels of
shift. However, on most days no such accidental 4-chlorocatechol in urine samples collected at the end
contacts will occur and exposure will towards the of shift and inhaled chlorobenzene. After exposure to
bottom of this range. chlorobenzene at 1 ppm for 8 hours, the urine concen-
tration of 4-chlorocatechol would be around 5
ATMOSPHERE MEASUREMENT mmol.mol-1creatinine (6.4 mg.g-1).
There are several methods for the determination of
Indicating colourimetric tubes for short-term measure- 4-chlorocatechol in urine10,11,12,13. All are based on
ments of chlorobenzene in air are commercially avail- hydrolysis of glucuronide and sulphate conjugates of
able and capable of detecting 0.5 ppm. Other 4-chlorocatechol and HPLC with UV detection. The
chlorinated hydrocarbons can interfere with different most recent and well validated method is that of
sensitivities. Real-time instruments with infra-red or Heinrich-Ramm. This method was developed and
photo-acoustic detection that can detect less than 1 evaluated to support the DFG biological monitoring
ppm are also available. Personal exposure to vapour in programme.
air can be measured by pumped sampling on charcoal Briefly: the method hydrolyses 5ml of urine, contain-
tubes (solvent desorption method NIOSH 1003)1 or ing 3-ethylphenol internal standard, in 25% HCl at
Tenax (thermal desorption method MDHS 72)2 and 90oC for 2 hours and after cooling extracts the chloro-
analysis by gas chromatography. Earlier NIOSH data catechol into diethyl ether. The ether extract is trans-
published as method S1333 suggests that the carbon ferred to a clean vial and the ether removed under
tube method, with carbon disulphide and coconut shell nitrogen. The residue is redissolved in HPLC mobile
charcoal, may not meet the >75% desorption phase and injected into a C18 column at 34 oC. Detec-
efficiency criterion below 5 ppm at the maximum tion is at 205 nm. The method is linear from 0.5
sample volume of 40 litres. This factor is sensitive to mg.l-1 to 50 mg.l-1 with a detection limit of 0.1 mg.l-1
the type of carbon and the addition of solvent modifi- and a coefficient of variation for within-day impreci-
ers. Synthetic carbons are better than coconut shell sion of 2.3% and a day to day imprecision of 4.9%.
charcoal. OSHA have indicated a preference for 1% No interfering peaks have been found in chroma-
dimethylformamide in carbon disulphide4. With tograms at levels greater than 0.5 mg.l-1 from people
respect to other factors, solvent desorption methods not occupationally exposed to chlorobenzene.
would generally comply with EN 4825 on overall
uncertainty and with EN 10766 on environmental TOXICOKINETICS
effects above 5 ppm. The pumped thermal desorption
method MDHS 72 has a detection limit of <0.02 ppm Few data on the toxicokinetics of chlorobenzene in
for a 10 litre sample. MDHS 72 has been partially humans are available. The data which are available
validated for chlorobenzene and is likely to comply relate to metabolism and excretion. The available
with EN 482 and EN 1076 for both long-term and animal data largely relate to the inhalation and oral
short-term sampling at <1 ppm where desorption routes of exposure. There are no data regarding the
efficiency was >97%. Diffusive sampling is feasible dermal route of exposure.
on carbon-type badge devices with solvent desorption Human and animal studies show that chlorobenzene is
(MDHS 88)7. However, uptake rates are generally absorbed to a substantial extent via the oral and
lower than pumped flow-rates and the desorption inhalation routes, but do not allow quantification of
efficiency criterion of >75% may not be met below 15 absorption via these routes. From the physico-
ppm for 8 hours. Carbon-type diffusive badges are chemical properties of chlorobenzene and by analogy

with other chlorobenzenes it is predicted that chloro- Signs of acute toxicity in animals exposed to chloro-
benzene will be readily absorbed via the dermal route. benzene via all routes include hyperaemia of the
Following absorption chlorobenzene is distributed mucous membranes, increased salivation and lacrima-
throughout the body, principally to the fat, liver, lungs tion and evidence of disturbance of the central
and kidneys. Given the lipid solubility of chloroben- nervous system. Pathological findings of hypertrophy
zene it is likely to accumulate in body fat, although and necrosis of the liver and of the proximal tubules
this may depend on the extent of metabolism. of the kidneys are reported. In all acute exposure
studies death generally occurred as a result of respira-
Comparative in vitro studies suggest qualitatively tory failure.
similar metabolic profiles in rats, mice, rabbits, Limited animal data indicate that direct contact with
guinea-pigs and humans. In vitro data also indicate liquid chlorobenzene is irritating to both the skin and
that human liver microsomes are twice as efficient as eyes. No useful data are available regarding the
mouse liver microsomes in metabolising chloroben- potential of chlorobenzene to cause irritation to the
zene and also that human liver microsomes have a respiratory tract. However, given the skin/eye irritancy
greater affinity for chlorobenzene than mouse liver it can be predicted that chlorobenzene is likely to be
microsomes. capable of causing respiratory tract irritation.
In vitro and in vivo human and animal data indicate Chlorobenzene did not induce skin sensitisation in a
that chlorobenzene is initially oxidised by the micro- guinea-pig maximisation study. There are no data
somal cytochrome P450 system to a reactive arene regarding the potential of chlorobenzene to cause
oxide, which has the potential to bind with rat and respiratory tract sensitisation.
mouse liver, kidney and lung DNA, RNA and With respect to repeated dose toxicity, animal data
proteins. indicate that the liver, kidneys and possibly the
The arene oxide is subsequently converted either via haematopoietic tissues are the target organs of chloro-
non-enzymic reactions to 3 and 4 isomers of chloro- benzene toxicity.
phenol or via enzymic activity to a glutathione (GSH) Inhalation studies demonstrate that in rats no effects
conjugate or to dihydrodiol derivatives. The GSH on the liver occurred following chlorobenzene
conjugates are either eliminated unchanged in the exposures of up to 75 ppm for 24 weeks . At 250 ppm
faeces or are transformed to more water soluble for 24 weeks and at 150 and 450 ppm for ~22 weeks
products and are excreted in the urine as liver weights were increased by 13 to 36% compared
4-chlorophenylmercapturic acid. The dihydrodiol with controls with evidence of minimal to moderate
derivatives are converted principally to hepatocellular hypertrophy in males at 150 and
4-chlorocatechol and to a lesser extent to 450 ppm for ~22 weeks but not in animals at 250 ppm
3-chlorocatechol which are also excreted in the urine. for 24 weeks. In dogs no adverse liver effects were
Animal and human studies have shown that excretion observed following exposures to 165 or 300 ppm for
of chlorobenzene and/or its metabolites in the urine is 90 days. Decreased liver weights (magnitude not
rapid (within 24 hours). In instances of high exposure reported) and vacuolisation of the hepatocytes were
concentrations, both inhalatory and orally, unchanged reported following exposures to 440 ppm for 90 days.
chlorobenzene has also been detected in expired air, No adverse liver effects were reported in rabbits at
the proportion of chlorobenzene exhaled increasing exposures of up to 250 ppm for 24 weeks.
with increasing exposure concentration, indicating Data from 90-day and 2-year oral gavage studies in
saturation of metabolism. both rats and mice suggest that the liver changes
induced are similar to those following inhalation
exposure but also indicate a sensitive marker for
HEALTH EFFECTS MCB-induced liver changes is elevated levels of
Animal studies urinary porphyrin. No adverse liver effects, including
Chlorobenzene is of moderate acute toxicity in rats changes in porphyrin levels were observed in either
and mice following single inhalation exposures of species at doses of 60, 125 or 250 mg.kg-1.day-1 for
chlorobenzene vapour, with 6-hour LC50 values of 13 90 days. At 500 and 750 mg.kg-1.day-1 for 90 days
and 8.6 mg.l-1 in rats and mice respectively. Chloro- increased liver weights (up to ~100%), increased
benzene is of low acute toxicity following single oral urinary porphyrin levels and centrolobular hepatocel-
exposure in rats, rabbits and guinea-pigs, with LD50 lular degeneration were observed in rats (all mice in
values of >2250 mg.kg-1. The mouse however appears these test groups had died). No evidence of liver
to be slightly more sensitive following single oral damage was reported in rats in a 2-year study at doses
exposures, with LD50 values in the range 1400 - 2300 up to 120 mg.kg-1.day-1 (the highest dose tested) or in
mg.kg-1. Chlorobenzene is of low acute toxicity in the mice at 60 mg.kg-1.day-1. In male mice and only at
rabbit following single dermal exposures with LD50 120 mg.kg-1 bw.day-1 an increased incidence of
values of >2000 and >7500 mg.kg-1 being identified. neoplastic nodules in the liver was observed. No
evidence of liver toxicity in dogs was reported to
occur in animals administered 27 mg.kg-1 bw.day-1 for
13 weeks. Hepatotoxicity (nature and severity not In the repeated inhalation study in mice, haemato-
reported) was reported in dogs administered 54 and logical effects (changes in white blood cell, lympho-
273 mg.kg-1.day-1 for 90 days. cyte, monocyte and neutrophil numbers) were
Although data from a 2-year oral study in mice clearly observed at exposures of 21 ppm for 3 months and at
indicate a NOAEL for liver effects of 60 mg.kg-1 550 ppm for 3 weeks. As these were the only concen-
bw.day-1 hepatotoxicity (not specified) was reported trations and time points investigated a no effect level
in dogs at 54 mg.kg-1.day-1 for 90 days. Overall there- cannot be identified for haematological changes in the
fore, it is it is not possible to identify a clear NOAEL mouse exposed via inhalation. No changes in standard
for the liver effects resulting from chlorobenzene haematological parameters were reported in the
exposure. animals at doses of up to 250 mg.kg-1.day-1 for 90
Kidney damage was observed in male rats (increased days, or up to 120 mg.kg-1.day-1 for 2 years (the
incidence of tubular and interstitial kidney lesions and top-dose tested). However, blood analysis was only
proximal tubule degeneration, regeneration & conducted at the end of the dosing period in both of
necrosis) and in the dog (cytoplasmic vacuolisation of these studies. In the 90 day study animal deaths
the epithelium of the collecting tubules or unspecified prevented blood analysis at the higher doses (500 and
histopathological changes) following both inhalation 750 mg.kg-1.day-1). However, at necropsy evidence of
and oral exposures, and in the mouse following oral mild to moderate myeloid depletions of the bone
exposure (proximal tubule degeneration, regeneration marrow and minimal to moderate lymphoid necrosis
& necrosis). However in each species the kidney or depletion of the thymus were observed in animal at
effects were only manifest at exposure concentrations 250, 500 and 750 mg.kg-1.day-1 for 90 days.
or doses equal to or greater than those inducing liver In the repeated inhalation study in rabbits haemato-
damage. No evidence of kidney damage was reported logical changes (changes in PMNs, platelets, white
in the available rabbit inhalation study. blood cell, reticulocyte and monocyte numbers) were
observed following exposure to 75 and 250 ppm, the
Animal data also indicate that haematological changes only concentrations tested. No oral rabbit studies are
occur in rats, mice, rabbits and dogs following inhala- available.
tion exposures to chlorobenzene, and in rats, mice and In the available repeated inhalation exposure studies
dogs following oral exposures. The inhalation data in dogs, haematological analysis was only conducted
suggest that the mouse is the more sensitive species in the 90 day study. In this study, no treatment-related
with respect to the development of haematological haematological changes were reported at 165 or 330
changes. ppm. At 440 ppm, reduced leukocyte counts (not
Data from the available repeated rat inhalation study quantified) were reported, as well as evidence of
show no haematological changes following exposure aplastic bone marrow at necropsy. No findings were
to 75 ppm for 11 or 24 weeks (the 11 week time-point reported in animals at lower exposure concentrations.
being an interim sacrifice in the 24 week study). In the repeat oral study in dogs no effects on haema-
Haematological changes were observed in the same topoietic tissues were reported at doses of 27 mg.kg-1
study in animals at 250 ppm both at 11 and 24 weeks; bw.day-1 for 90 days. An increased number of
changes reported were in PMNs, platelets, white immature leukocytes was observed at 54 mg.kg-1
blood cell, reticulocyte and monocyte numbers. In the bw.day-1, and histopathological changes in the haema-
two available rat oral studies (a 90-day and a 2-year topoietic tissues (nature and severity of response not
study) in which haematological analysis was reported) were observed in animals administered 273
conducted (no interim analyses were conducted in mg.kg-1 bw.day-1.
either study), no haematological changes were Taking all of the available data together there are
reported at dose levels of 60, 120 (the top-dose tested) some indications that chlorobenzene may produce
mg.kg-1.day-1 for 2 years or at 60, 125 or 250 changes in haematological parameters. However, there
mg.kg-1.day-1 for 90 days. An increased mortality rate is clearly significant variation in the observations
in animals administered 500 mg.kg-1.day-1 for 90 days made and uncertainty remains over whether or not the
limited the extent of haematological analyses changes are chance findings or indicative of a real
conducted, consequently no adverse findings in treatment-related effect. Furthermore, if the findings
standard haematological parameters were reported. are considered to be related to treatment, then there is
However at necropsy an increased incidence of uncertainty in the identification of a NOAEL.
myeloid depletions in bone marrow were observed in In terms of genotoxicity, negative results have been
these animals. In animals administered 750 reported in bacterial studies and in studies in mammal-
mg.kg-1.day-1 for 90 days, (the increased mortality rate ian cells in vitro with respect to chromosome aberra-
did not limit haematological analyses in this group) tions, SCE and UDS at non-cytotoxic concentrations.
reduced white blood cell and reticulocyte counts and However, a clear and dose-related positive result has
lymphoid and/or myeloid depletions in thymus, spleen been reported in an in vitro gene mutation assay in
and bone marrow were reported. mouse lymphocytes, in the presence of metabolic

There are no reliable data from mutagenicity studies The only information available on the effects of
conducted in vivo according to validated test methods. chlorobenzene in humans derive from isolated case
Overall, in light of the positive in vitro data and the reports of poisoning, occupational exposure studies or
fact that chlorobenzene has not been adequately tested one volunteer study. No data on the actual levels of
in vivo uncertainties remain with respect to the in vivo exposure are reported in any of the case reports, and
genotoxic potential of chlorobenzene. interpretation of the occupational exposure studies is
Oral (gavage) carcinogenicity studies with chloroben- confounded by exposure to mixtures of other
zene did not induce an increased incidence in any substances. In a human volunteer study, some
tumour type in rats of either sex at doses of up to 120 individuals self-reported sensations of disagreeable
mg.kg-1.day-1 or in mice of either sex at doses of up to odour and drowsiness (4/4), a heavy feeling in the
60 mg.kg-1.day-1. Although survival rates in top-dosed head and/or headache (3/4), a throbbing pain in the
animals were slightly reduced compared with controls, eyes (2/4) and a sore throat (1/4) during exposure to
no clinical signs of toxicity, changes in body weights 60 ppm chlorobenzene of an unspecified purity for
or gross treatment-related lesions were observed. 3-hours in the morning, followed by a 4-hour exposure
Therefore it is uncertain whether the top-doses tested period in the afternoon, with a 1-hour interval in
were actual maximum tolerated doses (MTDs) and between.
therefore whether the studies were in fact adequate for
the determination of carcinogenic potential. BASIS FOR SETTING THE LIMIT
No carcinogenicity studies via the inhalation or
dermal routes are available. There are no reliable human data available on which
No evidence for effects on fertility or reproductive to base an occupational exposure limit for chloroben-
performance were observed in a two generation study zene. The evidence from a range of animal species
in which rats were exposed to up to 450 ppm chloro- indicates that the liver and bone marrow are the key
benzene vapour. No adverse histopathalogical target organs of chlorobenzene toxicity in experimen-
findings in the gonads were observed in males at up to tal animals. From the information available, the
150 ppm or in females at up to 450 ppm An increased relevance of the animal data on these effects to human
incidence (severity not reported) of degeneration of health is uncertain. Given that they might be relevant,
the testicular germinal epithelium in males exposed to it is not possible to identify a clear NOAEL for the
450 ppm was noted at necropsy. Despite these lesions liver effects of chlorobenzene in animals.
there were no adverse effects on the fertility or repro- In relation to the haematological effects observed with
ductive performance of these animals. No adverse chlorobenzene, the pattern of information suggests
histological findings were observed in the gonads of that the mouse may be more sensitive to these effects
rats or rabbits, following repeated inhalation than other experimental species. However, haemato-
exposures of up to 250 ppm (1138 mg.m-3) for logical investigations have not been systematically
24 weeks. carried out in all studies, and there is significant
Bilateral atrophy of the seminiferous epithelium was variability in the results available from different
noted in dogs exposed to 273 ppm (~1500 mg.m-3) studies. This leads to uncertainty as to whether or not
chlorobenzene vapour for 90 days. the reported changes in individual studies represent
No adverse histological findings were observed in the reliable toxicological observations or chance findings.
gonads of rats or mice following repeated oral dosing However, it is perhaps significant that chlorobenzene
of up to 750 mg.kg-1.day-1 for 90 days or 120 is structurally similar to benzene, which is metabo-
mg.kg-1.day-1 and 60 mg.kg-1.day-1 for 2 years, respec- lised in a similar manner to chlorobenzene, both
tively, or in dogs following administration of up to molecules undergoing initial ring hydroxylation.
273 mg.kg-1.day-1 for 90 days. Therefore, the well-documented haematological
No evidence of any chlorobenzene treatment-related effects of benzene add weight to the concern for
developmental effects have been observed in rats, haematological changes with chlorobenzene. From
mice or rabbits, at doses up to 590 ppm on days the information available for chlorobenzene, it is not
5-16/18 of gestation, this being the highest concentra- possible to identify a clear NOAEL for haematologi-
tion tested. Evidence of some degree of maternal cal changes across the experimental species examined;
toxicity (reduced food consumption and body weight changes were reported in mice following repeated
gain and increased liver weights) was observed at exposure to 21 ppm, the lowest airborne concentration
590 ppm (2685 mg.m-3) in all species tested. tested.
Overall, it is concluded that chlorobenzene is not a In light of the positive in vitro genotoxicity data and
reproductive toxicant. the inadequate in vivo testing of chlorobenzene there
are uncertainties regarding the in vivo mutagenic
potential of chlorobenzene.
Human data
In the only available carcinogenicity study, no
increase in the incidence of any tumour type was

observed in rats or mice. However, as it is uncertain ChemSamp_data/CH_227000.html.
whether the top doses tested were maximum tolerated 5. British Standards Institution, Workplace atmos-
doses (MTDs). the adequacy of this study and there- pheres - General requirements for the performance of
fore of the negative result is questionable Therefore procedures for the measurement of chemical agents,
in the absence of any other relevant data, there remain European Standard BS EN 482:1994, ISBN 0 580
uncertainties with respect to the carcinogenic potential 23644 7.
of chlorobenzene.
6. British Standards Institution, Workplace atmos-
Exposure data demonstrate that control to less than pheres - Pumped sorbent tubes for the determination
5 ppm (8-hour TWA) is reasonably practicable, and of gases and vapours, European Standard BS EN
that most results are below 1 ppm. Although higher 1076:1997, ISBN 0 580 28358 5.
exposure results have been obtained, these are not
typical and exceed what it is reasonably practicable to 7. Health and Safety Executive Methods for the Deter-
achieve. The available toxicological data do not mination of Hazardous Substances, Volatile organic
identify clear positive evidence for serious effects on compounds in air... diffusive samplers, solvent desorp-
human health at 1 ppm or 5 ppm; rather, the position tion, MDHS 88 HSE Books 1997 ISBN 0 7176 2401
is one of uncertainty. 3.

WATCH concluded that chlorobenzene did not fulfill 8. British Standards Institution, Workplace atmos-
the criteria for an OES and recommended that ACTS pheres - Diffusive samplers for the determination of
should give consideration to setting a MEL. Because gases and vapours - Requirements and test methods,
an occupational exposure limit is required to fulfill European Standard BS EN 838:1996, ISBN 0 580
British obligations under the Chemical Agents Direc- 26240 5.
tive and the Indicative Occupational Exposure Limit 9. Health and Safety Executive, Volatile organic
Value (IOELV) Directive, a MEL is necessary. compounds in air... diffusive samplers, thermal
Taking into account the above information and the desorption, MDHS 80, HSE Books 1995, ISBN 0
IOELV, ACTS considered that values of 1 ppm 7176 0913 8.
(8-hour-TWA) and 3 ppm (STEL) are appropriate. 10. Heinrich-Ramm R. 3,4 Dihydrochlorobenzene
Based on the predicted high level of dermal absorp- (4-chlorocatechol). In DFG Deutsche Forschungsge-
tion, it is concluded that a ‘Skin’ notation is required. meinschaft Analyses of Hazardous Substances in
Biological Materials volume 6 Jurgen Angerer &
Although no biological monitoring guidance value has Karl-Heinz Schaller eds published by Wiley-VCH
been set, the methods and relationships set out in the 1999 ISSN 0179-7247.
biological monitoring section above may be useful in
monitoring exposure. 11. Kumagai S, Matsunaga I (1995) Effect of varia-
tion of exposure to airborne chlorobenzene on internal
This substance is included in the 1st Consolidated exposure an concentrations of urinary metabolite.
Indicative Limit Occupational Exposure Limit Values Occupational & Environmental Health 52: 65-70.
Directive (2000/39/EC), with values of 10 ppm
(8-hour TWA) and 20 ppm (STEL). WATCH and 12. Kusters E, Lauwreys R (1990) Biological monitor-
ACTS took into account the limit values in this Direc- ing of exposure to monochlorobenzene. Int Arch
tive in their deliberations on British limit values for Occup & Environ Health 62: 329-331.
this substance. 13. Ogata M., Taguchi T., Hirota N., Shimada Y. and
Nakae S. (1991) Quantitation of urinary chloroben-
zene metabolites by HPLC: concentration of
REFERENCES 4-chlorocatechol and chlorophenols in urine and of
1. NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods, Method chlorobenzene in biological specimens of subjects
1003 (1994), Hydrocarbons, halogenated, 4th Ed., exposed to chlorobenzene. Int. Arch. Occup. Environ.
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Health. 63, 121-128.
Cincinatti, USA. 14. Hellman B. (1993) NIOH and NIOSH basis for an
2. Health and Safety Executive Methods for the Deter- occupational health standard: Chlorobenzene. Arbete
mination of Hazardous Substances, Volatile organic Och Hälsa1992:31 ISBN: 91-7045-183-4.
compounds in air... pumped solid sorbent tubes, 15. Cole J. and Skopek T.R. (1994) Somatic mutant
thermal desorption, MDHS 72, HSE Books 1993, frequency, mutation rates and mutational spectra in
ISBN 0 11 885692 8. the human population in vivo. Mutation Research.
3. Taylor D G, Kupel R E and Bryant J M (1977), 304, 33-105.
Documentation of NIOSH validation tests, DHEW 16. Dilley J.V. (1977) Toxic evaluation of inhaled
(NIOSH), Publ No 77-185. chlorobenzene (monchlorobenzene) - Final report.
4. OSHA Chemical Sampling Information, Chloroben- Stanford Research Institute for National Institute for
zene (1998), http://www.osha-slc.gov/

Occupational Safety and Health, USA. Project number
17. Dilley J.V. and Lewis T.R. (1978) Toxic evalua-
tion of inhaled chlorobenzene. Toxicol. and Appl.
Pharmacol. 45, 327.
18. Fel’dt E.G. (1985) Evaluation of the mutagenic
hazards of benzene and some of its derivatives.
Gigiena I Sanitariya 7, 21-23.
19. Kluwe W.M., Dill G., Persing R. and Peters A.
(1985) Toxic responses to acute, subchronic and
chronic oral administration of monochlorobenzene to
rodents. J. Toxicol. Environ. Health. 15, 745-767.
20. Major J., Kemeny G. and Tompa A. (1992/3)
Genotoxic effects of occupational exposure in the
peripheral blood lymphocytes of pesticide preparing
workers in Hungary. Acta. Medica. Hungarica.
49(1-2), 79-90.
21. Mohtashamipur E., Triebel R., Straeter H. and
Norpoth K. (1987) The bone marrow clastogenicity of
eight halogenated benzenes in male NMRI mice.
Mutagenesis. 2(2), 111-113.
22. Nair R.S., Barter J.A., Schroeder R.E., Knezevich
A. and Stack C.R. (1987) A two generation reproduc-
tion study with monochlorobenzene vapor in rats.
Fundamental and Applied Toxicology. 9, 678-686.
23. NTP (1985) Toxicology and carcinogenesis
studies of chlorobenzene in F344/N rats and B6C3F1
mice (gavage studies). US Dept. of Health and Human
Services, NTP, Technical report Series No.261.
24. Zub M. (1978) Reactivity of the white blood cell
system to toxic action benzene and its derivatives.
Acta. Biologica Cracoviensia (Zoologia). 21,

Hydrogen selenide is not manufactured in the UK or
HYDROGEN SELENIDE the European Union. There are three major suppliers
of the substance in the UK. Approximately 60 kg per
maximum exposure limits
annum are used in the UK. It is transported in
8-hour TWA: 0.02 ppm (0.07 mg.m-3)
cylinders as a minor component (1% to 5%) in a
15-minute STEL: 0.05 ppm (0.17 mg.m-3)
carrier gas such as hydrogen.
subject to consultation The major use of hydrogen selenide world-wide is as a
dopant gas in the preparation of semiconductor
materials for use in lasers etc. It is also used in the
chemical synthesis of metallic selenides,
IDENTITY AND PROPERTIES organoselenium compounds and emulsions. Small
Chemical Name: Hydrogen selenide quantities of the gas may be liberated during a number
CAS No: 7783-7-5 of production processes in which selenium compounds
EC Index No: 034-002-00-8 (Selenium may be present such as the manufacture of glass and
compounds except ceramics, the vulcanisation of rubber and during the
cadmium sulphoselenide) manufacture of lead batteries.

Formula: H2Se In the UK, its use in the preparation of semiconductor

materials is thought to be the only use. It is understood
Synonyms: Selenium hydride
that up to six companies use hydrogen selenide as a
dihydrogen selenide dopant gas for the production of gallium arsenide
selane; selenium wafers for use in lasers, solar cells and other
dihydride. optoelectronic equipment. Furthermore, in the UK
Vapour pressure: Gas at 20 o C; 9.5 bar hydrogen selenide may be produced as a by-product
and liberated during processes where selenium
Melting point: -66 oC
compounds may be present such as the smelting of
Boiling point: -41 oC alloys, during lead battery manufacture and during the
Conversion factor: 1 ppm = 3.37 mg.m-3 at production of studio glasses.
Hydrogen selenide is a colourless, extremely Occupational exposure to hydrogen selenide may
flammable gas with a foul, pungent odour. It has an occur during the fitting and removal of gas cylinders,
odour threshold of 0.3 ppm. during its dilution for supply and during its use as a
dopant gas in the semiconductor industry. In these
Hydrogen selenide is not in the Approved Supply List;
situations, up to 30 employees may be potentially
the risk (R) phrases given below apply to elemental
exposed. No occupational exposure data was available
selenium and selenium compounds:
from the suppliers of the gas or the main users in the
R23/25: Toxic by inhalation and if swallowed
UK. HSE does not have any workplace exposure data
R33: Danger of cumulative effects for hydrogen selenide.
During dilution of the gas, the Estimation and
Assessment of Substance Exposure (EASE) computer
Hydrogen selenide occurs naturally when produced by model was not used because the level at which the
the reaction of selenium with organic matter or when sensor alarm in the gas cabinet is pre-set can be
nascent hydrogen is in contact with soluble selenium interpreted as a ceiling value for operator exposure.
compounds. The gas is produced commercially by the However, the EASE model was used to predict
reaction of acids or water on metal selenides or by exposure to the gas during the changing of cylinders
passing hydrogen and selenium vapour over pumice at prior to use as a dopant gas. The cylinder changing is
177oC. It can also be produced adventitiously e.g. by a short term task of about 5 minutes and the gas is
the action of water on some slags. used in a 1% concentration, therefore, the calculated
15 minute reference period is between 0.002-0.010

ppm. However, exposure would be negligible because Biological monitoring
the workers would wear self contained breathing There are no recent reports which describe biological
apparatus during cylinder changing. monitoring in hydrogen selenide exposure. The rapid
In the event of leakage in the reaction chamber and conversion of hydrogen selenide to selenium when in
release into the glove box and the surrounding contact with moist body surfaces suggests that
environment during the production of gallium arsenide hydrogen selenide exposure will contribute to body
wafers, the EASE model predicts that exposure would burden of selenium. Selenium intake can be
be between 0-0.1 ppm 8-hour Time Weighted monitored by urinary total selenium levels and
Average (TWA). As the process is complete within validated analytical methods are widely reported.
3 hours, the exposure is calculated to range between However, wide potential differences in dietary intake
0-0.0003 ppm using a 1% concentration. However, of selenium and possible dietary supplementation are
occupational exposure is expected to be negligible potential confounders in discriminating occupational
because of the safety procedures adopted including the exposure from environmental sources. Hydrogen
use of self contained breathing apparatus should selenide does not meet the criteria for a biological
workers re-enter a contaminated room. monitoring guidance value.
In those processes where there is the potential for
hydrogen selenide to be produced and liberated, such TOXICOKINETICS
as during lead battery manufacture, exposure is
expected to be negligible. When water or acid react There are very limited data on the toxicokinetics of
with selenium in slag, dross or waste, exposure may hydrogen selenide. As hydrogen selenide is a gas the
be higher. However, these events are infrequent and lungs are the main route of exposure. Observations of
any exposure is expected to be short lived because the the formation of deposits of red (elemental) selenium
gas will be quickly dissipated by natural ventilation. in the nasal passages of humans and animals following
It is expected that from the EASE data and from inhalation of hydrogen selenide indicate that it can be
discussions with industry that exposure to hydrogen oxidised to elemental selenium on contact with moist
selenide can be controlled to less than the 0.02 ppm surfaces. However, no quantitative absorption data are
8-hour TWA and 0.05 ppm STEL. Most exposure will available and it is unclear whether hydrogen selenide
be short term exposure such as cylinder changing and is directly absorbed. Though the absorption of
it is expected that here exposure will be much less elemental selenium has been demonstrated, there are
than the proposed limits. no data indicating how, or in what form, it is
MEASUREMENT absorbed. No reliable information is available on
distribution or excretion following exposure to
Workplace air monitoring
hydrogen selenide. There is also no information on
A method for the determination of volatile inorganic
skin absorption of hydrogen selenide gas, although as
hydrides in workplace air has been published by the
the substance is a gas, significant skin absorption is
National Institute for Occupational Health (NIOH) in
not anticipated.
Norway (Hetland et al, 1991). This method was
developed for measurement of arsine, stibine and
phospine, but NIOH have subsequently shown it to be
effective for measuring hydrogen selenide. Samples Animal studies
are collected on silver nitrate coated membrane filters Hydrogen selenide is very toxic, with a 4-hour LC50
and analysed, after digestion, by electrothermal atomi- value of 2.7 ppm (9 mg.m-3) in the guinea pig. Deaths
sation atomic absorption spectrometry. Alternative result from direct lung damage. Immediate eye and
means of analysis such as inductively coupled plasma nose irritation occur at concentrations above 64 ppm.
atomic emission spectrometry or inductively coupled As it is a gas, there are no oral or dermal studies. No
plasma mass spectrometry can be employed. Using reliable repeated exposure data are available.
any of these analytical techniques, the method has an There are no data available for sensitising, genotoxic,
adequate detection limit for making measurements for carcinogenic or reproductive effects.
comparison with the 0.02 ppm 8-hour TWA and 0.05
ppm STEL.

Human data ppm (STEL). SCOEL applied an uncertainty factor of
Only limited data are available in humans. Following 20 to the NOAEL of 0.3 ppm to allow for limitations
single exposures to unknown concentrations in of the reporting. The values were then rounded up in
workers, severe irritation to the eyes and upper order to meet the requirements of the preferred value
respiratory tract and breathing difficulties have been approach of the SEG. This was felt to provide an
reported. Early reports (Dudley and Miller, 1941), of adequate margin of protection because the calculation
uncertain reliability, indicate that men could not work allowed for 100% absorption and the very steep dose
without respiratory protection at concentrations above response relationship is recognised as producing a
5.0 mg.m-3 (1.5 ppm). In relation to the effects of more reliable NOAEL. This resulted in a
repeated exposure there is an absence of reliable recommendation for an 8 hour TWA of 0.02 ppm,
exposure data. Symptoms of nausea, vomiting, which is not contradicted by the level indicated for
metallic taste in the mouth, dizziness and extreme systemic exposure to elemental selenium. A STEL (15
lassitude have been reported within one month of minutes) of 0.05 ppm was recommended to limit
exposure to hydrogen selenide at estimated levels of peaks in exposure which could result in irritation.
1-5 mg.m-3 (0.3-1.5 ppm) following the incorporation ACTS took into account the limit values in this
of selenious acid in etching ink. The exposure level Directive in their deliberations on British limit values
was estimated by using the subjective measurement of for this substance and recommended an 8-hour TWA
odour tolerance and hydrogen selenide concentration MEL at 0.02 ppm and a STEL at 0.05 ppm.
as reported by Dudley and Miller (1941). A laboratory There is no evidence to indicate that either a "skin"
worker exposed to hydrogen selenide at least once notation or a Sen notation is warranted for hydrogen
weekly for a year experienced health effects similar to selenide. The criteria for establishment of a biological
those associated with selenium; nausea, vomiting, monitoring guidance value are not met.
abdominal pain, garlicky breath, transverse ridges of
the nails and dental caries. In addition, the individual REFERENCES
also experienced chronic diarrhoea, conjunctivitis and SEG/CDO/18 (1991). Criteria document for an
nasal stuffiness. occupational exposure limit for hydrogen selenide.
There are no human data on sensitisation, Prepared by Industrial Toxicology Unit, Institute of
genotoxicity, carcinogenicity or reproductive toxicity Occupational Health, Birmingham.
of hydrogen selenide.
Dudley H C and Miller J W (1941) Toxicology of
BASIS FOR SETTING A LIMIT selenium. VI. Effects of subacute exposure to hydro-
gen selenide Journal of Industrial Hygiene and
There is a very limited toxicity database for hydrogen
Toxicology 23 (10) pp 470-477
selenide (Shackleton et al, 1992). The critical health
effect is severe irritation to the respiratory tract. Hetland S Martinsen I Radziuk B and Thomassen Y
Although marked respiratory tract irritancy has been (1991) Species analysis of inorganic compounds in
reported in humans exposed to hydrogen selenide, workroom air by atomic spectrometry Analytical
there are no reliable data from human studies Sciences Vol 7 Supplement pp 1029-1032
concerning the dose-response characteristics for this
effect. In guinea pigs, an 8-hour exposure to 0.3 ppm, Shackleton S Smillie M V Levy L S Fletcher A C
the lowest concentration tested, resulted in the deaths Harrington J M Binks S P Chipman J K and Glass D
of 50% of the animals due to direct lung damage. C (1992) Occupational Exposure Limits: Criteria
Overall, it is not possible from the limited data Document for Hydrogen Selenide. Commision of the
available to identify a NOAEL for respiratory European Communities EUR 14239 pp 1-58.
irritation. WATCH concluded that there were
insufficient data to derive an OES.
Hydrogen selenide is included in European Directive
2000/39/EC, with an Indicative Occupational
Exposure Limit of 0.02 ppm (8-hour TWA) and 0.05


Workplace air measurement
maximum exposure limit
Indicating colorimetric tubes for short-term measure-
8-hour TWA: 2 ppm (7.8 mg.m-3) ments of phenol in air are commercially available and
Notation: Skin capable of detecting 0.5 ppm. They are subject to
interferences from cresols. Instrumental methods
subject to consultation based on infra-red or photo-acoustic detection are
capable of selective detection of phenol in the low
ppm region. Long-term measurements may be made
IDENTITY AND PROPERTIES by pumped sampling on XAD-7 sorbent, desorbing
with methanol and analysis by high-performance
Chemical Name: Phenol liquid chromatography (OSHA 32) 1 or gas chroma-
Cas No: 108-95-2 tography (NIOSH 2546) 2,3. The detection limit of
OSHA 32 is less than 0.02 ppm for a 24 litre air
EINECS No: 203-632-7
sample. The performance of OSHA 32 complies with
Formula: C6H5OH EN 482 9 on overall uncertainty and substantially
Synonyms: Carbolic acid, complies with the storage, desorption efficiency and
oxybenzene, phenol environmental factor requirements of EN 1076 10.
alcohol NIOSH 2546 has the same sampling procedure as
OSHA 32 therefore similar compliance with EN
Saturated vapour
standards is likely, but the liquid chromatography
concentration: 200 ppm (20 oC) procedure of OSHA 32 is generally recommended,
Boiling point: 181.75 oC unless it is required to measure individual cresol
Conversion factor: 1 ppm = 3.91 mg.m3 isomers in addition to phenol, when NIOSH 2546
would be more suitable. Alternatively, thermal desorp-
(at 20 oC) tion of Chromosorb 106 or Tenax TA sorbent tubes
Phenol is a white crystalline solid which liquefies on followed by gas chromatography is feasible (MDHS
contact with water. It has a characteristically acrid 72) 4. This method has not been validated for phenol
odour and a sharp burning taste. with respect to storage and desorption efficiency at
Phenol is classified under the Chemicals (Hazard low concentrations. If these factors were addressed,
Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations MDHS 72 would be suitable where it was required to
1994 (CHIP) as Toxic and Corrosive, to be labelled measure phenol and volatile organic compounds
with the R phrases: together.
R24/25: Toxic in contact with the skin and if Biological Monitoring
swallowed Biological monitoring may be a useful aid to the
R34: Causes burns assessment of occupational exposure to phenol. There
are no data to relate metabolite concentrations to
OCCURRENCE AND USE health effects but there are data to show a good corre-
lation between levels of total phenol (after hydrolysis
Phenol is not manufactured in the UK. The estimated
of conjugates) in urine samples collected at the end of
imports into the UK in 1998 amounted to around
shift and inhaled phenol. Two out of three studies
85,000 tonnes with less than 3000 tonnes exported. It show good agreement; for example exposure to
is used as a starting material for the production of a phenol at 2 ppm for 8h the urine concentration of
variety of chemicals, the most important being phenol would be around 100 mg.g-1 creatinine (120
phenolic resins. It has a minor use in specialised paint mmol.mol-1). Phenol is found in the urine of people
strippers. not occupationally exposed to phenol and comes from
EXPOSURE the diet.
Using more recent specific methods for urinary phenol
There are few people exposed to phenol as a chemical analysis the background levels are generally less than
starting material but very many are exposed varying 10 mg.g-1 creatinine (12 mmol.mol-1) and rarely above
concentrations of free phenol from the resins which 20 mg.g-1 creatinine (24 mmol.mol-1).
are ubiquitous. The Health & Safety Laboratory has analysed 92 urine
Around 25,000 people may be exposed to phenol from samples for phenol from a range of unknown
the use of resins as sand binders in foundries and exposures and 90% of the results were less than 14
thermal decomposition of the resins releases phenol mg.g-1 creatinine.
into the atmosphere.
There are numerous methods for the determination of phenol vapour. Phenol did not cause skin sensitisation
phenol in urine and the wide range reflects the in a guinea pig maximisation test.
comparative ease of analysis of phenol by common Animal repeated inhalation studies are limited. Those
analytical techniques. The essential features of an available are old studies which are poorly reported;
analytical method for the determination of phenol in only a single modern good quality study (conducted in
urine are; an efficient hydrolysis of the glucuronide the rat) is available. Overall, the data indicate that in
and sulphate conjugates; a specific chromatographic the rat, the species which has been most extensively
separation of phenol form other urine components; a studied, no significant effects are observed following
detection limit of <1mg.l-1 and a coefficient of varia- exposure to 5 ppm phenol vapour continuously for 90
tion of <5% for within day determinations and <10% days or intermittently to concentrations somewhere in
for day to day determinations. the range of 25 - 52 ppm for 74 days. Continuous
There are two international quality assurance schemes exposure to 25 ppm produces some clinical evidence
which include urinary phenol in their list of analytes. of CNS effects. Studies in a number of other species
One is run by the University of Erlangen and one by indicate that there are some species differences.
the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. Similar to the rat, the monkey and mouse show no
signs of toxicity following continuous exposure to 5
TOXICOKINETICS ppm phenol for 90 days; the effects of higher exposure
Some toxicokinetic data in humans are available and concentrations have not been investigated. In the
phenol has been extensively studied in toxicokinetic rabbit and guinea pig, degenerative damage to the
studies in animals5 Data show that phenol is well lung, liver, kidney and heart is seen at a concentration
absorbed via the oral, inhalation and dermal routes in somewhere between 26 - 52 ppm, with the guinea pig
both humans and animals. There are no data being the more sensitive species; lower exposure
concerning the tissue distribution of phenol in concentrations have not been investigated. It is not
humans. However, animal data indicate that phenol possible to clearly characterise the dose response
and its metabolites are widely distributed throughout relationship for inhalation exposure to phenol due to
the body. Once absorbed, phenol is rapidly and the fact that most studies have investigated only a
extensively metabolised. Metabolites identified in single exposure level. Repeated oral exposure studies
human serum and urine, following oral administration in the rat indicate that the kidney, liver, spleen and
of phenol, were mainly phenyl sulphate (~80%) and thymus are the main target organs, with some evidence
phenyl glucuronide (~15%). Small amounts of the of CNS effects also. Effects on these organs are
glucuronide and sulphate conjugates of hydroquinone observed, when phenol is administered via oral
and catechol are also formed. A similar profile of gavage, at 40 mg.kg-1.day-1 and above for 2 weeks,
metabolites has also been identified in animals; the with mortalities occurring at 120 mg.kg-1.day-1. No
proportion of conjugates of hydroquinone formed systemic effects are observed at 4 mg.kg-1.day-1.
increases with dose. Little or no free phenol is However, via drinking water, no toxicological
detected in the blood of animals. Elimination of significant effects are observed following treatment
phenol and its metabolites from the body occurs with up 334 mg.kg-1.day-1 for 13 weeks6. There is
rapidly via the urinary tract. Essentially all of the evidence, in mice, of a reduction in red blood cells at
absorbed dose (>95%) is excreted in the urine within doses of 1.8 mg.kg-1.day-1 and above7. However, this
24 hours. There is no evidence of accumulation in the effect has not been observed consistently across
body. No information is available on whether phenol species and therefore its reliability is uncertain.
can cross the placenta or whether it can be transferred The potential mutagenicity of phenol has been well
to pups via breast milk. investigated in bacterial and mammalian somatic cells
HEALTH EFFECTS in vitro and in somatic cells in vivo. Phenol is
negative in standard Ames tests with and without
Animal Studies metabolic activation. In mammalian cell assays in
Phenol is of moderate acute toxicity. Estimated oral vitro, overall the evidence indicates that phenol is
LD50 values of 400-550 mg.kg-1 in the rat and 300 genotoxic. Positive results have been obtained in
mg.kg-1 in mice have been obtained. Dermal LD50 standard gene mutation and chromosome aberration
values obtained for the rat and rabbit are 661 mg.kg-1 studies, with supporting evidence from a number of
non-standard studies (SCE, UDS, micronucleus
and 1400 mg.kg-1 respectively. There are no inhalation
LC50 data for phenol vapour.
In relation to effects in somatic cells in vivo, phenol
Studies in the guinea pig have shown phenol to be has been well explored in the bone marrow
corrosive to skin and eyes. Marked ocular and nasal micronucleus assay via the oral and intraperitoneal
irritation was reported in rats exposed to 234 ppm routes and in a transgenic mouse study8. In the bone
phenol vapour for 8 hours. In an Alarie sensory marrow micronucleus studies, although both positive
irritation study, evidence of sensory irritation was and negative findings have been obtained, overall, the
demonstrated in mice inhaling 166 ppm (0.637 mg.l-1) weight of evidence indicates that phenol has genotoxic

activity in this assay. Phenol gave negative results in a tract in volunteers inhaling 2.6 - 5.2 ppm phenol
transgenic mouse assay, in the liver, lung and bone vapour for 8 hours in a toxicokinetics study or in
marrow; however, in this same study, the potential for workers exposed repeatedly to up to approximately 3
phenol to cause mutagenicity in tissues at the site of ppm for 7 hours per day.
contact (skin and nasal epithelium) could not be Phenol was reported to be negative in a human skin
adequately assessed. In overall conclusion, the weight sensitisation test. From a long history of phenol
of evidence indicates that phenol should be regarded exposure, there is no evidence for the ability of phenol
as having genotoxic potential in somatic cells in vivo. to cause occupational asthma in humans nor would
The Department of Health Committee on this potential be expected from its known properties.
Mutagenicity has also considered the available People accidentally receiving repeated oral exposure
mutagenicity data for phenol and concluded that
to phenol in solution at 10 - 240 mg.day-1, reported
"occupational exposure to phenol is associated with a
risk of mutagenicity, but it is not possible to quantify diarrhoea, mouth sores and darkened urine. No effects
this risk. Overall, there is insufficient evidence to were observed 6 months after exposure.
support a threshold approach to risk assessment with There are no human studies available on the
respect to inhalation or dermal exposure". genotoxicity of phenol. The epidemiological studies
Phenol has not been adequately tested for available investigating the carcinogenic potential of
mutagenicity in germ cells and no reliable conclusions phenol to humans are complicated by the lack of
in relation to the genotoxic potential of phenol in germ adequate exposure data for phenol, and by the
cells in vivo can be reached from the available data. confounding presence of other organic substances in
Phenol was not carcinogenic to rats and mice, in a the work place, and therefore no reliable conclusions
well conducted drinking water study in which animals can be drawn from them. However, in view of the
were given either 2500 or 5000 ppm phenol in positive genotoxicity findings in animals raising
drinking water for 103 weeks. However, its potential concerns for carcinogenicity, these endpoints are also
carcinogenicity via the inhalation route, particularly of concern for humans.
towards the respiratory tract, has not been explored
and, given its irritant and genotoxic properties there There are no human data available on the potential of
are concerns for potential carcinogenicity. phenol to affect reproduction. However, given the
Phenol has been tested in a number of studies for clear negative evidence for reproductive effects in
reproductive toxicity. A single multi-generation study animals, no concerns for humans are indicated.
is available in rats in which phenol was administered BASIS FOR A LIMIT
via the drinking water. No adverse effects on fertility
or reproductive performance were observed even at The lead health effect of concern for phenol is
exposure levels causing general toxicity in the parents.
In relation to developmental toxicity, there are a genotoxicity. WATCH endorsed the view of the
number of studies which have adequately explored the Committee on Mutagenicity, and agreed that it was
potential for developmental toxicity. In mice, a higher not possible to identify precisely a level of exposure
incidence of cleft palate was observed at 280 below which there would be no concern. Therefore,
mg.kg-1.day-1 only in the presence of severe maternal the OES criteria are not met. Given the concerns for
toxicity (mortalities). In rats, increased post genotoxicity at current occupational exposure levels,
implantation loss and reductions in fetal weight/litter the MEL criteria are met. In view of the concerns for
are observed at doses which also cause severe
genotoxicity, control of exposure over the work shift
maternal toxicity. These developmental effects are
considered likely to be a secondary non-specific is desirable and hence an 8-hour TWA MEL is
consequence of maternal toxicity. Overall, from the appropriate. WATCH was of the view, however, that
studies available there is no evidence that phenol the in vivo mutagenicity and carcinogenicity data
causes direct reproductive effects. suggested that phenol was not an especially potent
occupational genotoxin, and that this should have a
Human data
bearing on the magnitude of the MEL. As significant
There are numerous reports of lethality following skin absorption is predicted, with subsequent concerns
acute oral or dermal exposure to phenol, although for genotoxicity once absorbed, a ‘Skin’ notation is
there are few reliable quantitative exposure data considered appropriate. In view of the lack of
associated with them. Bronchospasm, nephrotoxicity,
evidence for occupational asthma a ‘Sen’ notation is
cardiac dysrhythmia and CNS effects have been
not warranted.
reported following non-lethal acute exposure, but
again, no reliable quantitative exposure data for In relation to biological monitoring, reliable,
situations concerned are available. non-invasive methods are available, and a relationship
between airborne levels and biological values has
Phenol itself is corrosive and diluted phenol solutions
may be corrosive or irritating to the skin, depending been established, as noted above. However, at this
on concentration and exposure duration. There was no stage no specific recommendation for a BMGV is
reporting of any irritation of the eyes or respiratory proposed.

Taking account of the recommendations from Unpublished draft report of Covance. Report No.
WATCH, and the practicability, costs and benefits of 501/2-D5140.
levels of control, ACTS agreed that a MEL is
appropriate. Because an occupational exposure limit is 9. BSI, Workplace atmospheres - General
required to fulfill British obligations under the requirements for the performance of procedures for
Chemical Agents Directive and the Indicative the measurement of chemical agents, European
Occupational Exposure Limit Value (IOELV) Standard BS EN 482:1994, ISBN 0 580 23644 7.
Directive, a MEL is necessary. 10. BSI, Workplace atmospheres - Pumped
Taking into account the above information and the sorbent tubes for the determination of gases and
IOELV, ACTS considered that a value of 2 ppm vapours, European Standard BS EN 1076:1997,
(8-hour TWA), with a ‘Skin’ notation is appropriate. ISBN 0 580 28358 5.
This substance is included in the EU first consolidated
Indicative Limit Occupational Exposure Limit Values
Directive (2000/39/EC). WATCH and ACTS took
into account the limits shown in this Directive in
making recommendations for limit values for this

1. Occupational Health and Safety
Administration, US Dept of Labor, Phenol and
Cresol, Method 32, November 1981.

2. Pendergrass S M, An alternative method for

the analysis of phenol and o-, m- and p-cresol by
capillary GC/FID, Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J., 1994. 55:

3. NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods, 4th

Ed., 1994, US Dept of Health and Human Services
publication 94-113, Cresols and Phenol, Method

4. Health and Safety Executive, Volatile

compounds in air pumped solid sorbent tubes,
thermal desorption, MDHS 72, HSE Books 1993,
ISBN 0 11 885692 8.

5. Phenol, CEC DGV Criteria Document

SEG/CDO/6A (1991) Danish Technological Institute.

6. CMA - Chemical Manufactures Association

(1998a); A 13-week neurotoxicity study of phenol
administered in the drinking water to the rat.
Unpublished report No: 97439

7. Hsieh, G-C, Sharma, RP, Parker, RDR,

Coulombe, RA Jr (1992). Immunological and
neurobiochemical alterations induced by repeated oral
exposure of phenol in mice. Eur. J. Pharmacol.

8. Covance (1999). Phenol: Induction of LacZ-

mutation in tissues of treated MutaTM Mice.

ratings. It is used in chemical manufacture and as a
solvent. The isomer p-xylene is used to make
XYLENE dimethylterephthalate and terephthalic acid, which are
occupational exposure standards used in the production of polyester fibre, film and
fabricated items; o-xylene is used to produce phthalic
anhydride for phthalate plasticisers; m-xylene is used
8-hour TWA: 50 ppm (221 mg.m-3)
for manufacturing isophthalic acid which is an
15-minute STEL: 100 ppm (442 mg.m-3) intermediate in the manufacture of polyester resins.
Mixed xylenes are used in surface coatings, adhesives,
Notation: Skin printing inks, and rubber coatings.
Biological Monitoring
Health Guidance Value: 650 mmol.mol-1 *
* (methyl hippuric acid per mol creatinine
in urine) The total number of persons exposed to xylene in the
subject to consultation UK is not known, but because of its widespread use in
paints and varnishes, and petroleum, it is expected to
be tens of thousands.
Chemical Name: Xylene In general, the chemical and the oil/gas industries
have the lowest exposures as most processes are
CAS No: 1330-20-7 enclosed.
EEC No: 601-022-00-9
The highest reported result in the offshore industry
Empirical formula: C6H4(CH3)2
was 2.85 ppm for an 8hr TWA. For the onshore oil
(o, m, and p- isomers) industry the range of full shift exposures was broader;
Synonyms: xylol, dimethylbenzene less than 0.01 to 24.4 ppm, reflecting the more
dispersive uses of petroleum onshore, including
Sat. Vap. Concentration: about 8,000 ppm at 20 oC distribution and retail distribution and sale. The
Boiling point: 137-144 oC highest short term exposure reported for the onshore
oil industry was 37 ppm, 15 min TWA for top
Conversion factor: 1ppm = 4.34 mgm-3 at 20 oC loading road tankers.

Xylene is an aromatic hydrocarbon with a The highest result reported for this review was for
characteristic odour, perceptible at about 1 ppm. loading mixing vessels in the paint manufacturing
Commercial xylenes are mixtures of the three isomers industry with an exposure result of 458 ppm. The
and may contain up to 20% ethyl benzene. Xylene is circumstances under which that exposure was
measured were not reported but the geometric mean
a clear, colourless, mobile fluid which is insoluble in
for all loading activities in that company was 5.1 ppm,
water and miscible in organic solvents.
with a 95th percentile of 79 ppm, which suggests that
Xylene is classified as harmful and irritant under the
the high result may have been an outlier. Few short
Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for
term exposures were reported; the highest was 133
Supply) Regulations 1994 (As Amended) and labelled ppm for floor cleaning with xylene. The potential for
as follows: higher short term exposures clearly exist where
controls are poor; particularly during loading, and
R20/21: Harmful by inhalation and in contact cleaning operations.
with skin
R38: Irritating to skin Paint spraying activities had a broad range of results
R10: Flammable which reflects the wide variation in the percentage
xylene in many of the products, and in the levels of
OCCURRENCE AND USE control achieved. Reported results varied from 0.2
Xylene is produced mainly from crude oil in the UK, ppm to 291 ppm. Exposures in the rubber coating
but some also arises from coking processes. Xylene is industry were up to 121 ppm, 8hr TWA. Short term
also recovered from waste solvent streams by exposures in the dispersive industries, such as painting
fractional or steam distillation. It is a component of and rubber coating ranged up to 155 ppm.
petrol; the use of xylene in petroleum products is
increasing due to the reductions in the benzene It is felt that, given the application of appropriate
content of petroleum and the need to maintain octane controls, all sectors can achieve control of exposure to

xylene to below 50 ppm, 8 hr TWA and most could short-term TWA personal exposure are based on
achieve 20 ppm within the bounds of reasonable collection on a sorbent such as charcoal or Tenax by
practicability. Some industries with less well diffusive1-3, or pumped1,4,5, sampling, followed by
developed controls in place could probably achieve 20 thermal or solvent desorption and gas
ppm, but would require changes to working practices. chromatography. The analytical method principles are
They would also require a higher level of investment well known and relatively straightforward. Both
in controls than other sectors. solvent and thermal desorption methods substantially
comply with EN 4826 with respect to overall
All industries with adequate controls in place can uncertainty. They also comply with EN 1076
achieve control to below 100 ppm for short term (pumped)7 and EN 838 (diffusive)8 standards with
exposures; the oil and chemical industries are already respect to storage, recovery and environmental
achieving control below 50 ppm. The more dispersive factors, except that the pumped thermal desorption
industries could meet this level of control with best method based on MDHS 72 is too sensitive for
practice. Some sectors would need to invest in more long-term monitoring around the level at the existing
controls and improve working practices to achieve this OES of 100 ppm. In 8-hour TWA monitoring with
level of control. any of these methods, the limit of quantitation is 0.05
ppm or better.
Dermal exposure during manufacturing processes is
likely to be low as most processes are largely Biological Monitoring
enclosed. The main opportunity for dermal exposures
arises during cleaning activities where thinners Biological monitoring may be a useful aid to the
containing xylene are in use for up to several hours assessment of occupational exposure to xylene. There
per day, for example when cleaning out reservoirs and is potential for systemic toxicity from dermal
filling lines during paint manufacture. absorption and biological monitoring may be a useful
The possibility of dermal exposure is also high in the aid to assessing the efficacy of PPE
rubber coating industry where manual handling of
dough containing xylene occurs frequently. For these There are readily available and widely used
activities dermal exposures of up to 5mg.cm-2.day-1 non-invasive methods for biological monitoring based
have been estimated using EASE. Although these on analysis of methyl hippuric acid (MHA)
estimates are likely to be higher than actual exposures metabolites in urine samples.
due to the percentage of xylene in the cleaning
solvents and the likely use personal protective There are ample data showing a good correlation
equipment, dermal exposure is likely to be a between levels of MHA and xylene in air although
significant route of exposure in these industries. the levels observed or predicted by regression
equations vary widely. The reasons for this variation
MEASUREMENT may include differences in isomer composition of
mixed xylenes and inter-individual differences in
Air Monitoring metabolism. However, the most significant reason for
differences in levels of MHA is a difference in
Xylene consists of o-, m- and p- isomers typically in absorbed dose. This could be caused by dermal as
the ratio 1:2:1, but usually technical or commercial well as inhalation exposure and/or increased
xylene also contains about 20% ethylbenzene. The ventilation rates due to body size or work activity.
ethylbenzene content can vary considerably depending Using the more controlled volunteer studies 9-13 as a
on origin and grade. guide the range of urinary MHA values that could be
Indicating detector tubes for short-term measurement expected in end of shift samples after exposure to
of xylene in air are commercially available. They may xylene at 50 ppm for 8 hours is 930 mg.g-1 to 1400
be subject to interferences from styrene, toluene and mg.g-1 with two studies around giving 1100 .mg.g-1
acetaldehyde. Instrumental methods based on Combining data from all five volunteer studies gives a
infra-red or photoacoustic detection are capable of mean MHA value of 1111 mg.g-1 after exposure to 50
selective detection of xylene down to the 1 ppm level. ppm m-xylene for the biological monitoring health
Xylene in air is primarily in the vapour phase. The guidance value. In SI units the value is 650
aerosol fraction may be significant when a product mmol.mol-1 creatinine. MHA values in people not
containing xylene is sprayed, although methods occupationally exposed are generally less than 2
intended to measure vapour alone are usually mg.g-1 (< 1 mmol.mol-1).
acceptable up to 100 ppm TWA. Where xylene
concentrations in spraying are high enough to justify Analysis of xylene in breath has also been used,
respiratory protection, diffusive methods may give though less widely than urinary methyl hippuric acid.
results biased high or low, depending on sampler Because of the rapid change in blood and breath
position. Recommended methods for long-term and xylene concentrations after the end of exposure the

timing of breath collection is important. In volunteer volunteers, only an estimated 4% of the administered
studies breath samples collected 30 min after exposure dose was retained in subcutaneous fat following
to 50 ppm show or predict values of 1 to 2.9 ppm9-13. intermittent inhalation exposure, suggesting low
However, for occupational studies a more convenient accumulation potential. Transplacental transfer of
sampling time could be 10 minutes after the end of xylene to the fetus occurs in experimental animals and
shift (so workers are not held up on their way home) humans. Xylene metabolism is extensive in both
and using the Loizou et al study11 as a guide, the experimental animals and humans, being metabolised
breath xylene concentration after exposure to 50 ppm to methylbenzoic acid and excreted in the urine
would be around 1.6 ± 0.3 ppm (66 ± 12 nmol.l-1) following conjugation with glycine or glucuronic acid,
with no differences between isomers. Small amounts
Measurement of methyl hippuric acid in urine of unchanged xylene can be detected in the expired
There are numerous methods for the determination of air.
methyl hippuric acid in urine either based on gas
chromatography after derivatisation14-16 or HPLC with HEALTH EFFECTS
UV detection 17-23 .
Animal studies 26
The wide range of methods used for MHA reflect the
comparative ease of analysis by common analytical Xylene is of low acute toxicity. Acute inhalation
techniques. The essential features of an analytical exposure of rats and mice produced 6-hour LC50
method for the determination of MHA are; a specific values of 3,900- 6,000 ppm. Oral LD50 values of
chromatographic separation of MHA isomers from 3,500 - 8,700 mg.kg-1 have been reported in the mouse
other urine components (for total MHA the separation and rat. Death is caused by respiratory failure
of m- and p- isomers is not needed); a detection limit following CNS depression.
of around 20 mg.l-1 and a coefficient of variation of
<5% for within day determinations and <10% for day A single application of liquid xylene can cause skin
to day determinations and internal quality assurance. irritation, with eschar formation and blistering
reported after repeated exposure. The limited data
There are two international quality assurance schemes available indicate that liquid xylene has eye irritation
which include urinary MHA in their list of analytes. potential. No skin sensitisation data and no
One is run by the University of Erlangen and one by information on respiratory sensitisation are available.
the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. In repeated exposure studies the principal expression
of toxicity is ototoxicity in the rat; otherwise xylene
Confounding factors has been shown to have low toxicity via the oral and
Xylene is metabolised by Cyp 2E1, alcohol inhalation routes following repeated exposure. In a
dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase to methyl study which specifically investigated hearing loss,
benzoic acid and then conjugated with glycine to form
deficits were reported mainly at high frequencies
methyl hippuric acid. Any co-administration of
following repeated exposure to 800 ppm, the lowest
substance which also use these pathways will
exposure used, and above for 6 weeks. A no effect
potentially interfere with xylene metabolism. The
level was not determined and reversibility was not
most likely interferences are alcohol and aspirin.
Alcohol taken during xylene exposure will tend to assessed. In more general toxicity studies, no
increase blood and breath xylene levels and reduce toxicologically significant findings were reported
MHA levels24. Aspirin, at therapeutic doses can following inhalation exposure for 5h per day for 13
reduce the concentration of MHA in end of exposure weeks to 810 ppm in rats and dogs, or oral
urine samples by 50%25. As a consequence, any administration to rats and mice at 1000 - 2000
coadministrtion of alcohol, aspirin or similar mg.kg-1.day-1 for 13 weeks. No data are available on
substances should be noted when collecting the systemic effects following repeated dermal exposure,
samples. but similarly low toxicity is anticipated .
Xylene has been well examined for genotoxic
In experimental animals, xylene is rapidly absorbed potential. No evidence of in vitro genotoxicity was
following inhalation exposure and well absorbed observed in tests involving in bacterial or mammalian
following exposure via the oral and dermal routes. In cells. Xylene was not genotoxic in vivo in mouse
humans, xylene is well absorbed via the inhalation and bone marow micronucleus or mouse bone marow
dermal routes. Xylene is highly soluble in blood and cytogenetics tests, liver UDS or rodent dominant
fat, and widely distributed around the body, including lethal tests. Overall, xylene is not genotoxic.
the brain. Accumulation of xylene in animal body fat
and brain tissue has been demonstrated following There was no evidence of carcinogenicity following
inhalation exposure for 1 or 2 weeks. In human oral administration in the rat or mouse although the
data in the male rat were limited. Overall, these data of exposure in this study, an observation not
provide reassurance that xylene does not have supported by the results of single exposure studies
carcinogenic potential. with exposures of up to 300 ppm for 4 hours, and in
this respect the results of the study seem inconsistent
with other reported findings. Overall, the results of
No fertility effects were observed in the rat following
this study suggest that repeated exposures to 100 ppm
inhalation at concentrations of up to 500 ppm in a one can affect CNS performance, although there is perhaps
single-generation study. A number of other older some uncertainty about the reliability of these results.
developmental toxicity studies are available which At higher levels of exposure, headache, nausea,
inconsistently report delayed development and vomiting, vertigo and dizziness have been reported
increased post-implantation loss at, and occasionally following single inhalation exposures to 700 ppm.
below, maternally toxic concentrations. However, These symptoms are consistent with the known CNS
these studies have severe limitations, in particular depressant effects of xylene exposure. Loss of
most are very briefly reported such that it is not consciousness occurs at an estimated level of 10,000
possible to judge their quality or draw any firm ppm. Extreme exposures can lead to death via
conclusions. Because of the difficulty in deriving respiratory depression.
reliable dose-response information from the older
studies, attention is focused on the recent good-quality There is only limited information available relating to
studies 27,28 for the identification of a NOAEL for eye, nose and throat irritancy. Human volunteers
developmental toxicity. In these studies, no have been exposed to xylene concentrations of up to
convincing evidence of developmental toxicity was 290 ppm for 4 hours in neurobehavioural studies and
seen at exposure levels of up to 500 ppm. There might although irritancy was not specifically investigated,
be concerns regarding developmental toxicity above complex vision tests were conducted and sometimes
questionnaires on subjective symptoms were
500 ppm, but the profile is unclear.
administered, and these indicated no local irritant
effects. No changes in respiratory rate measurements
Human studies 26
and no symptoms of nose and throat irritation were
The exposure-response relationships for the effects of reported in volunteers exposed to mixed xylenes at
xylene on the CNS have been reasonably well concentrations up to 400 ppm30. These findings were
investigated in human volunteer studies. In these supported by another study in which no symptoms of
studies, there was no reporting of CNS symptoms and throat irritation were reported at concentrations of up
no deficits in performance in neurobehavioural tests to 700 ppm31. In a study designed to investigate eye
with single exposures to constant concentrations up to irritancy in human volunteers, eye irritation was
300 ppm for up to 4 hours. However, effects on reported at concentrations of 460 ppm or above. There
reaction time were observed at 200 ppm 4-hour TWA were no symptoms of eye irritation following
when peak exposures of between 5-30 minutes exposure to 110 ppm for 15 minutes30. In an early
duration to 400 ppm were administered. Body sway study32 eye irritancy was reported with very brief (3-5
testing gave variable results, with both increases and minute) exposures of human volunteers to 200 ppm
decreases being reported for this endpoint, all of mixed xylenes, but the reliability of this information is
which were within the range of normal control values, doubtful taking into account the design and reporting
suggesting that these changes represent chance of the study, and the inconsistency with other more
findings and are not of biological significance. recent findings. Overall therefore, a clear threshold for
Overall, the results from studies involving single the development of eye irritation cannot be readily
exposures to xylene indicate that exposures to identified from the data available, but would appear to
constant concentrations up to 300 ppm for 4 hours lie somewhere between 290 - 460 ppm.
produce no effects on CNS performance or symptoms. In a human skin sensitisation study no evidence of
However, the introduction of short periods (5-30 skin sensitising potential was reported. From its
mins) of exposure to 400 ppm against a background widespread use, there is no evidence that xylene cause
of 200 ppm (4-hour TWA) leads to effects on reaction sensitisation by skin contact.
time, indicating CNS depression.
The only data available relating to repeated exposure
in the workplace comprise reports of subjective
There is only one study29 in which the effects of symptoms following exposure to mixtures of solvents
repeated exposure to xylene on the CNS have been including xylene. Therefore this information is of
investigated. In this study, volunteers were exposed to
limited use in the determination of effects of repeated
100 ppm for 6 hours per day over a one week period,
and the results showed a trend for a decline in exposure to xylene. There are no human data relating
performance in reaction time tests (by approximately to genotoxicity or carcinogenicity but the available
3-26%), with the magnitude of effect becoming animal evidence indicates that xylene would not be
greater throughout the study. However, genotoxic or carcinogenic in humans. There are no
exposure-related effects were observed on the first day human data concerning effects on fertility or
development. However, animal data indicate no appropriate. As there is no evidence for occupational
grounds for concern for these effects at occupationally asthma with exposure to xylene, a “Sen” notation is
relevant levels of exposure not warranted. Xylene meets the criteria for biological
monitoring given that control of inhalation exposure
alone may not be sufficient to control exposure, and
BASIS FOR THE LIMIT that biological monitoring methods and data are
From the available toxicology and occupational
exposure information it was concluded that the data There are readily available and widely used
support an OES position for xylene. non-invasive methods for biological monitoring based
on analysis of methyl hippuric acid (MHA)
metabolites in urine. Data from five volunteer studies
The key health effects of relevance were eye irritancy gives a mean MHA value of 1111 mg.g-1 after
and CNS depression. exposure to 50 ppm. In SI units the value is 650
mmol.mol-1 creatinine, therefore it was recommended
There is only limited information available relating to that 650 mmol.mol-1 creatinine is an appropriate
local irritancy and a clear threshold for the Biological Health Guidance Value.
development of eye irritation cannot be readily
identified. However, from the data available, it would
appear to lie somewhere between 290 - 460 ppm. REFERENCES
1. OSHA Analytical Methods Manual, US Dept of
In relation to effects on the CNS, human volunteer Labour, Xylenes (o-, m-, p-isomers), Ethylbenzene,
data indicate that there is an absence of CNS effects method 1002, August 1999.
following single exposures to constant concentrations
up to 300 ppm for 4 hours. However, the introduction 2. Methods for the Determination of Hazardous
of short periods (5-30 mins) of exposure to 400 ppm Substances MDHS 80, Volatile compounds in
leads to effects on reaction time, indicating CNS air...diffusive samplers, thermal desorption,
depression. ISBN 0 7176 0913 8, HSE Books (1995).

There is only one study in which the effects of 3. Methods for the Determination of Hazardous
repeated exposure to xylene on the CNS have been Substances MDHS 88, Volatile compounds in
investigated. Although there is uncertainty about the air...diffusive samplers, solvent desorption ISBN 0
reliability of the results of this study, the findings 7176 2401 3, HSE Books (1997).
suggest the possibility that repeated exposures to 100
ppm can lead to effects on the CNS. In the absence of 4. NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods, 4th Ed.,
other information to confirm or refute this finding and 1994, US Dept of Health and Human Services
in view of the achievability of an exposure level of 50 (NIOSH) Publ No 94-113, Hydrocarbons, Aromatic,
ppm (8-hour TWA), WATCH decided to express method 1501.
caution in making their recommendation for an OES
of 50 ppm 8-hour TWA. 5. Methods for the Determination of Hazardous
Substances MDHS 72, Volatile compounds in
A STEL OES is also considered appropriate to control air...pumped solid sorbent tubes, thermal desorption,
for short term peaks in exposure which might lead to ISBN 0 11 885692 8, HSE Books (1993).
eye irritancy and effects on the CNS. It was agreed 6. British Standards Institution, Workplace
that exposure-response information and achievability atmospheres - General requirements for the
of control of exposure indicate the suitability of a performance of procedures for the measurement of
STEL of 150 ppm 15-minute TWA. chemical agents, European Standard BS EN
Xylene is included in the 1st Consolidated Indicative 482:1994, ISBN 0 580 23644 7.
Limit Occupational Exposure Limit Values Directive
(2000/39/EC), with values of 50 ppm (8-hour TWA) 7. British Standards Institution, Workplace
and 100 ppm (STEL) and a skin notation. atmospheres - Pumped sorbent tubes for the
determination of gases and vapours, European
Taking into account the above information and the Standard BS EN 1076:1997, ISBN 0 580 28358 5.
IOELV, ACTS considered that values of 50 ppm
(8-hour-TWA) and 100 ppm (STEL) are appropriate. 8. British Standards Institution, Workplace
atmospheres - Diffusive samplers for the
Xylene is well absorbed across the skin following determination of gases and vapours - Requirements
dermal contact and thereby has the potential to and test methods, European Standard BS EN
contribute to systemic toxicity, hence “Sk” notation is 838:1996, ISBN 0 580 26240 5.

9. Jang JY, Droz PO, Berode M (1997)Ethnic 20. Moon HD, Paik NW, Shim YB (1997) Analysis of
differences in biological monitoring of several some metabolites of organicsolvents in urine by
organic solvents. 1. Human exposure experimental. high-[erformance liquid chromatography with
Int Arch Occup environ Health 69, 342-349. β−cyclodextrin. J Chrom B 694, 367-374.

10. Laparé S Tardiff R, Brodeur J (1993) Effect of 21. Mao IF, Chen ML, Lo EW (1996) Simultaneous
various exposure scenarios on the biological determination of urinary metabolites of
monitoring of organic solvents in alveolar air. Int toluene,xylene,styrene and ethyl benzene by solid phse
Arch Occup Environ Health 64, 569-580. extraction technique and high performance liquiud
chromatographic/photodiode array detection.
11. Loizou GD, Jones K, Akrill P, Dyne D, Cocker J Intern,J Environ Anal Chem 64, 1-9.
(1999) Estimation of the dermal absorption of
m-xylene vapour in humans using breath sampling 22. Inoue O, Seij K, Suzuki T, Watanabe T,
and physiologically based pharmacokietic analysis. Nakatsuka H, Satoh H, Ikeda M (1991) Simultaneous
Toxicological Sciences 48, 170-179. determination of hippuric acid, o-, m-, and
p-methylhippuric acid, phenylglyoxylic acid and
12. Tardif R, Sato A, Laparé S, Brodeur J (1994) mandelic acid by HPLC. Bull Environ Toxicol. 47,
Ethanol induce modification of m-xylene 204-210.
toxicokinetics in humans. Occup & Environ Med 51,
187-191. 23. Lewalter J, Schucht Th (1984) Aromatic
carboxylic acids (phenylglyoxylic acid; o-,
13. Tardif R, Laparé S, Plaa GL, Brodeur J (1991) m-/p-methyl hippuric acids; benzoic acid. in
Effect of simultaneous exposure to toluene and xylene Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Analyses of
on their respective biological exposure indices in hazardous substances in biological materials. Volume
humans. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 63: 279-284 2 pages 52-66. Published by VCH eds Angerer J,
Schaller HK.
14. Buratti M, Pellegrino O, Valla C, Fustinoni S,
Brambilla G, Colombi A (1999) 24. Riihimaki V, Savolainen K, Pfaffli P, Pekari K,
Gas chromatography-electron-capture dection of Sipel HW, Laine A (1982). Metabolic interactions
urinary methyl hippuric acid isomers as biomarkers between m-xylene and ethanol. Arch Toxicol 49,
of environmental exposure to xylene. J Chrom B 723: 253-63.
95-104 25. Campbell L, Wilson HK, Samuel A, Gompertz D
(1988) Interactions of m-xylene and aspirin
15. Minoia C, Meroni G, Aprea C et al (1996) metabolism in man. Br. J. Ind. Med .45, 127-132.
Environmental and urinary values as markers of
exposure to hydrocarbons in urban areas. Science of 26. Bell G M, Shillaker R O, Padgham M D J, and
the total environment 192; 163-182 Standring P, (1992), Toxicity Review, Xylenes,
London Health and Safety Executive.
16. Fustinoni S, Giampiccolo R, Pulvirenti S, Buratti
M, Colombi A. (1999) Headspace solid-phase
27. Hass U, and Jakobsen B J, 1993, Prenatal toxicity
microextraction for the determination of benzene,
of xylene inhalation in the rat: a teratogenicity study.
toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes in urine. J Crom B
Pharmacol and Toxicol. 73, 20 - 23.
723 105-115
17. Miller M J, Edwards JW (1999) 28. Hass U, Lund S P, Simonsen, L, and
Possible preferential metabolism of xylene isomers Schaich-Fries, A., 1995, Effects of prenatal exposure
following occupational exposure to mixed xylenes Int to xylene on postnatal development and behaviour in
Arch Occup Environ Health 72: 89-97 rats. Neurotox and Teratol, 17, (3) 341-349.

18. Kramer A, Linnert M, Wrbitzky R, Angerer J, 29. Savolainen K, Riihimaki, V and Linnoila, M,
(1999) Occupational chronic exposure to organic 1979. Effects of short-term xylene exposure on
solvents XVII. Ambient and biological monitoring of psychophysiological functions in man. Int Arch.
workers exposed to xylenes. Int Arch Occup Environ Occup. Environ. Health. 44, 201-211.
Health 72: 52-55.
30. Hastings L, Cooper C P, and Burg W, 1984.
19. Burrini C (1998) Determinazione simultanea di Human sensory response to selected hydrocarbons,
acido ippurico, acidi o-, m-, p-, metilippuric, Adv Mod Environ toxicol. 6 (chapter 14,) 255-270.
acidomandelico e acido fenilgliossilico nelle urine
mediante HPLC. Med Lav 89, 5 504-411.
31. Carpenter C P, Kinkead E R, Geary D L Jr,
Sullivan L J, and King J M, 1975. Petroleum
hydrocarbon toxicity studies V. Animal and human
responses to vapours of mixed xylenes. Toxicol Appl
Pharmacol. 33, 543 - 558.

32. Nelson K W, Ege J F Jr, Morwick R. Woodman L

E, and Silverman L, 1943. Sensory response to certain
industrial solvent vapours, .J Ind. Hyg. Toxicol. 25
(7), 282-285.

and occurs in gasoline and, in small amounts, in
ETHYLBENZENE tobacco smoke. The production rate in the EU is in
Recommendation of the EC excess of 1 000 tonnes per annum. Occupational
Scientific Committee on exposure to pure ethylbenzene is uncommon as it
Occupational Exposure Limits usually occurs together with other solvents such as
8 hour TWA: 100 ppm (442mg/m3)
Notation: Skin
occupational exposure standard Ethylbenzene is well-absorbed through the lungs and
3 skin. The majority is rapidly eliminated in the urine,
15-minute STEL: 150 ppm (663mg/m )
but small amounts may be retained in fatty tissues.
subject to consultation
With the exception of [ ] this summary is prepared
Ethylbenzene has anaesthetic properties at high
from the SCOEL SEG SUM.
exposure levels (Yant et al, 1930), suggesting that
CNS effects may also be important at lower
IDENTITY AND PROPERTIES exposures. Changes in noradrenaline and dopamine
Chemical name: Ethylbenzene levels in the hypothalamus have been observed in rats
exposed to 2 000 ppm (8840 mg/m3) ethylbenzene for
Synonyms: Phenylethane
6 hours/day for 3 days (Anderson et al, 1981),
EINECS No: 202-849-4 although no behavioural changes were reported.
EEC No: 601-023-00-4
CAS No: 100-41-4 In a 28 day inhalation study, the NOAELs were 382
MWt: 106.17 ppm (1688 mg.m-3) in rats and mice and 782 ppm
Vapour pressure: 2 kPa at 20 °C. (3456 mg.m-3) in rabbits. Minor effects, such as
increased liver weight and leukocyte counts, were
Melting Point: -94.9°C
seen at the LOAELs 7782 ppm (3456 mg/m3) in rats
Boiling Point: 136.2 °C and mice and 1610 m (7116 mg.m-3) in rabbits (Cragg
Conversion factor (20°C): 4.42 mg/m3 = 1 ppm et al, 1989). A subchronic inhalation study of
ethylbenzene (6 h/d, 5 d/week for 13 weeks) has also
been reported by NTP (1992). Increased liver weights
Ethylbenzene is a flammable, colourless liquid with an
were seen in male rats exposed to 250 ppm (1105
aromatic odour. It has a vapour density of 3.7 times
mg.m-3) and female rats exposed to 500 (2210
that of air and is explosive in the range 1.2 - 6.8 % in
mg.m-3). Increased kidney weights were seen at higher
air. The odour threshold is about 2 ppm (9 mg.m-3) .
exposure levels. No microscopic lesions associated
Ethylbenzene is listed in the current Approved Supply
with either liver or kidney weights were observed.
List under the Chemical (Hazard Information and
Increased lung weights and signs of lung inflammation
Packaging for supply) Regulations 1994 (CHIP) as
were seen in almost all rats exposed at and above 250
flammable and harmful, to be labelled with risk (R)
ppm (1105 mg/m3) ethylbenzene, but the incidence
and severity of the lesions were not dose-related
R11: Highly flammable (NTP, 1992).
R20: Harmful by inhalation

Decreased numbers of pregnancies were noted in

OCCURRENCE AND USE female rats exposed to 100 or 1000 ppm (442 or 4 420
Ethylbenzene is used in the production of styrene and mg/m3) for 6-7 h/d during the pregestation period
it is an important solvent in the rubber and plastics (Hardin et al., 198 1). This effect was not dose-related
industries. It is a constituent of technical grade xylene
and the study was not considered to be an adequate
basis for proposing exposure limits. [A STEL (15 mins) of 150 ppm (663 mg/m3) is
proposed to limit peaks of exposure which could
There are no adequate data on carcinogenic effects. result in irritation. This is lower than the value
Ethylbenzene was not mutagenic in the Drosophila recommended by SCOEL, but maintains the existing
recessive lethal test (Donner et al., 1980) or in level of worker protection under the current domestic
Salmonella (NTP, 1992) and did not induce limit.]
chromosomal aberrations or sister chromatid
exchanges in Chinese hamster ovary cells or At the levels recommended, no measurement
micronuclei in peripheral blood of mice (NTP, 1992). difficulties are foreseen.
However a positive result was obtained in the L5178Y
tk+/tk- mouse lymphoma asssay (McGregor et al.,
Ÿ Anderson, K., Fuxe, K., Nilsen, 0. G., Toftgard,
R., Eneroth, P. and Gustafsson, J-A. (1981),
The critical effect of ethylbenzene is irritation of the
'Production of discrete changes in dopamine and
eye, nose and throat. There is practically no
noradrenaline levels and turnover in various parts
information on toxic effects of ethylbenzene alone in
of the rat brain following exposure to xylene,
humans because exposure generally occurs in
ortho-, meta-, and para-xylene, and ethylbenzene',
combination with other solvents. An exposure level of
Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 60, pp. 535-548.
200 ppm (884 mg/m3) has been reported to be
irritative (Ruth, 1986), although limited details were
given. Ÿ Cragg, S. T., Clarke, E. A., Daly, I. W, Miller, R.
R., Terrill, J. B. and Oullette, R. E. (1989),
'Subchronic inhalation toxicity of ethylbenzene in
The concentration of inhaled ethylbenzene necessary
mice, rats and rabbits', Fund. Appl. Toxicol., 13,
to depress the respiratory rate in mice by 50% due to
pp. 399-408.
sensory irritation (RD50) was calculated to be about 1
430 ppm (6 321 mg/m3) over a period of about 5 mins
(De Ceaurriz et al, 1981). If the response was Ÿ De Ceaurriz, J. C., Micillino, J. A., Bonnet, P.
measured after a longer exposure period (30 mins), and Guenier, J. P. (198 1), 'Sensory irritation
depression of the respiratory rate was found to occur caused by various industrial airborne chemicals',
at a concentration of 4060 ppm (17, 945 mg/m3) Toxicol. Letts., 9, pp. 137-143.
which probably can be explained by a fade in response
due to adaptation (Nielsen and Alarie, 1982).
Ÿ Donner, M., Maki-Paakkanen, J., Norppa, H.,
Sorsa, M. and Vainio, H. (1980), 'Genetic
RECOMMENDATION toxicology of xylenes', Mutat. Res., 74, pp.
The report by Ruth (1986), of irritation in humans at 171-172.
200 ppm (884 mg/m3), was considered to be the best
available basis for proposing occupational exposure Ÿ Engstrom, K. and Elovaara, E. (1986), 'Nordiska
limits. The recommended 8-hour TWA is 100 ppm expertgruppen for gransvardesdolumentation, 67.
(442 mg/m3) and is not contradicted by the study of 67. Ethylbensen'. Arbete och Halsa, 19, pp. 1-43
De Ceaurriz et al., (1981), reporting an RD50 of 1430 (in Swedish).
ppm (6321 mg/m3) for inhibition of respiratory
irritation in mice. A 'skin' notation is recommended Ÿ Hardin, B. D., Bond, G. R, Sikov, M. R.,
as dermal absorption could contribute substantially to Andrew, F. D., Beliles, R. P. and Niemeier, R. W.
the total body burden. (1981), 'Testing of selected workplace chemicals

for teratogenic potential', Scand. J. Work
Environ. Health Suppl., 4, pp. 66-75.

Lundberg, P. (1987), 'Scientific basis for Swedish

occupational standards VIII. Consensus report for
ethylbenzene', Arbete och Halsa, 39, pp. 74-81.

McGregor, D. B., Brown, A., Cattanach, R, Edwards,

L, McBride, D., Riach, C. and Caspary, W. J. (1988),
'Responses of the L5178Y tk+/tk- mouse lymphoma
cell forward mutation assay: Ill Coded chemicals',
Environ. Mol. Mutagen., 72, pp. 85-154.

Ÿ Nielsen, G. D. and Alarie, Y. (1982), 'Sensory

irritation, pulmonary irritation and respiratory
stimulation by airborne benzene and
alkylbenzenes: Prediction of safe industrial
exposure levels and correlation with their
thermodynamic properties', Toxicol. Appl.
Pharmacol., 65, pp. 459-477.

Ÿ NTP (1992), 'Toxicity studies of ethylbenzene

(CAS No 100-41-4) in F344/N rats and B6C3F1
mice (inhalation studies)', National Toxicology
Program., NIH Publication No 92-3129, NIH,

Ÿ Ruth, J. H. (1986), 'Odour thresholds and

irritation levels of several chemical substances: A
review', Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc., J. 47, pp.

Ÿ Yant, W. P., Schrenk, H. H., Waite, C. P. and

Patty, F. A. (1930), 'Acute response of guinea
pigs to vapours of some new commercial organic
compounds. II. Ethylbenzene', Publ. Health Rep.,
45, pp. 1241-1250.


those based on ethylene glycol, which are known as

the 'E-series' and those based on propylene glycol
1-METHOXYPROPYL which are known as the 'P-series'. PGMEA belongs to
ACETATE the P-series.

occupational exposure standard PGMEA is currently classified under the Chemicals

(Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply)
8-hour TWA: 50 ppm (275 mg.m-3) Regulations 1994 (CHIP) as flammable and irritant. It
Recommendation of the EC must be labelled with the R-phrases :
Scientific Committee on R10: Flammable
Occupational Exposure Limits R36: Irritating to the eyes
15-minute STEL: 100 ppm (550 mg.m )
Notation: Skin
subject to consultation PGMEA does not occur naturally and it is not
manufactured in the UK. It is manufactured in 3 EU
IDENTITY AND PROPERTIES countries (France, Germany and the Netherlands) by
Chemical Name: 1-Methoxypropyl acetate five different companies all of whom may supply to
CAS No: 108-65-6 the UK market.
EINECS No: 203-603-9 The three main uses for PGMEA in Great Britain are
Empirical formula: C6H12O3 as coatings, cleaners and printing inks and allied
Synonyms: Propylene glycol methyl ether
1-Methoxy-2-propanol acetate EXPOSURE
Propylene glycol-1-mono-methyl As PGMEA is used in a wide variety of industries, it
ether-2-acetate (PGMEA) is difficult to establish the total number of workers
that are potentially exposed. There is relatively little
1-Methoxy propylacetate-2-acetic
measured exposure data. PGMEA has a low vapour
pressure and is generally only present as a minor
2-Methoxy propyl-2-acetate
component in the working solutions that are used
2-Methoxy-1-methylethylacetate industrially. Furthermore, PGMEA is often present
Melting point: Approximately - 20 oC with solvents that are, or are perceived to be, of
greater toxicological concern.
Boiling point: 145.8 oC at 101.3 kPa
The only available measured exposure data are from a
Vapour Pressure: 490 Pa at 20 oC
paint formulator and a supplier to the screen printing
Conversion factor: 1 ppm = 5.5 mg.m-3 at 20 oC
industry. Exposure measurements taken during the
formulation of paints were all below 5 ppm. All but
PGMEA is a colourless, volatile, neutral propylene
one of the exposure measurements in the screen
oxide-based glycol ether with a mild ester-like odour.
printing industry were less than 10 ppm.
It is soluble in water and also miscible with most
organic solvents. It has a volatility, viscosity and In the absence of a significant amount of actual data
solvent power similar to those of the ethylene from industry, the EASE model was used to predict
glycol-based ether acetates. that exposures are expected to be between 0.1 and 30
ppm, the upper level quoted representing the
The term glycol ethers and their esters covers a wide
application of a solvent containing a relatively high
range of oxygenated hydrocarbon solvents that are
concentration of PGMEA, with a brush and without
used in a variety of industrial applications. The glycol
any LEV. For dermal exposure, the EASE predictions
ethers are often subdivided into two major series:
are between 0.05 and 0.25 mg.cm-2.day-1, the upper

limit being applicable for coating or cleaning or in a refrigerator (+4 oC) for at least one month and
operations in which the operator does not wear any for more than 6 months when stored at -200 oC.
There are no data in relation to the toxicokinetics of
PGMEA in humans. In animals, PGMEA is very well
Workplace air monitoring absorbed via the inhalation and oral routes7,8.
Short-term measurement in air can be performed by Although there are no data in relation to dermal
colourimetric detector tubes calibrated for some absorption, based on its physicochemical properties
ethers, but tubes that are manufacturer-calibrated and comparison with the corresponding glycol ether
specifically for PGMEA are not available. They are alcohol, PGME, PGMEA is predicted to be well
subject to interferences from alcohols, esters and absorbed across the skin. Once absorbed, PGMEA
aromatic compounds, therefore detector tubes may not and its metabolites are widely distributed around the
be suitable for the measurement of PGMEA in mixed body, with the greatest amounts found in the liver and
solvents. Long-term measurement is either by pumped skin following oral dosing and inhalation exposure in
sampling on charcoal followed by solvent desorption rats. Following absorption, PGMEA undergoes rapid
with dichloromethane/methanol and gas and extensive enzyme hydrolysis to PGME, with
chromatography1,2 or, alternatively, charcoal diffusive concomitant formation of acetic acid (although no
samplers may be used with a similar analytical studies to confirm this are available). PGME is then
method3. A pumped thermal desorption method based further metabolised by direct conjugation with
on MDHS 724, using Tenax or Chromosorb 106 sulphate and glucuronic acid or by O-demethylation to
packed tubes as sorbent, is suitable for measurement propylene glycol. No unchanged PGMEA is
of low concentrations in the range 0.001-10 ppm. detectable in plasma or urine in rats exposed orally or
Alternatively, thermal desorption may be used with by inhalation. The major routes of excretion are the
similar tubes sampling diffusively5. breath and urine, with about 60% of the administered
dose exhaled as CO2, derived from further metabolism
of propylene glycol, and 25% excreted as urinary
Biological monitoring metabolites within 48 hours post dosing. Minor faecal
The rapid hydrolysis of PGMEA in the body to excretion occurs. There is no evidence for
PGME means that the analysis of propylene glycol bioaccumulation.
monomethyl ether (PGME) can be used as a basis for
biological monitoring. There are analytical methods HEALTH EFFECTS
available for the determination of PGME in blood,
Animal studies
urine and breath. However, the invasive nature of
There are no data on the absorption of PGMEA, but,
blood sampling means that it is not a preferred
by analogy with PGMEA it is likely that it will be well
approach. Breath PGME analysis, although
absorbed by inhalation and percutaneously.
non-invasive, is very dependent on the time of sample
collection. Overall, biological monitoring based on The acute toxicity of PGMEA to experimental animals
measurement of PGME in end-of-shift urine samples is low. Direct application of the liquid is irritating to
is non-invasive and is the preferred approach. The the eyes of rabbits; irritation of the skin is described as
mean half life of PGME in urine is 120 minutes. mild.

The analytical method for PGME in urine is based on The critical effect of PGMEA is irritation of the nasal
solvent extraction with ethylacetate followed by mucosa. Repeated exposure of mice to 300, 1000 and
derivatisation with trimethylsyilyl imidazole and 3000 ppm (1650, 5500 and 16,500 mg.m-3) PGMEA,
detection by capillary gas chromatography-mass 6h/d, 4-5d/w for 2 weeks resulted in a dose-related
spectrometry6. The method has a detection limit of 1 degeneration of the olfactory epithelium in all
exposure groups, accompanied by metaplastic changes
µmol.l-1. PGME is stable in urine at room temperature
and signs of inflammation in the mid- and high- dose


groups (Miller et al, 1984)9. Degeneration of the biological monitoring would not provide any useful
olfactory epithelium was observed in rats only at the information directly related to toxicity. Therefore a
high exposure. The authors suggested that these biological monitoring guidance value is not proposed.
lesions were due to acetic acid resulting from the PGMEA is included in the 1st Consolidated Indicative
hydrolysis of PGMEA in the nasal epithelium. No Limit Occupational Exposure Limit Values Directive
signs of systemic toxicity were found in mice. In rats, (2000/39/EC), with values of 50 ppm (8-hour TWA)
increased liver weights were noted in the females and
and 100 ppm (STEL) and a skin notation. The
kidney changes in the males of the high exposure
following is an extract from the SCOEL
There are no data concerning the genotoxicity,
The study of Miller et al (1984), establishing a
carcinogenicity or reproductive toxicity of PGMEA.
LOAEL of 300 ppm (1650 mg.m-3), for irritation
However, as PGMEA is rapidly hydrolysed to
of the olfactory epithelium of mice, was
PGME, similar negative results might be expected.
considered to be the best available basis for
Human data proposing occupational exposure limits. An
There are no human data available in relation to the uncertainty factor of 5 was considered appropriate
health effects of exposure to PGMEA. to allow for the absence of a NOAEL and of
human data. Taking into account the preferred
value approach, the recommended 8-hour TWA is
BASIS FOR SETTING THE LIMIT 50 ppm (275 mg.m-3). A STEL (15 minutes) of
PGMEA is of low systemic toxicity following single 100 ppm (550 mg.m-3) was proposed to limit peak
and repeated exposure. It is not a sensitiser and there exposure which could result in irritation. A skin
are no concerns for genotoxicity, carcinogenicity or notation was recommended as dermal absorption
reproductive toxicity. The lead health effect of could contribute substantially to the total body
concern for PGMEA is local degenerative damage to burden.
the nasal epithelium following repeated inhalation
exposure, for which there will be an identifiable
threshold of effect. Therefore, from consideration of REFERENCES
the health effects, the criteria for an Occupational 1 Health and Safety Executive (1987). Methods
Exposure Standard (OES) are met. There are no for the Determination of Hazardous Substances
human data relevant to the establishment of an OES. MDHS 21. Glycol ether and glycol ether acetate
A 2-week repeated inhalation exposure study in rats vapours in air. Laboratory method using charcoal
and mice is considered to be the most appropriate adsorbent tubes, solvent desorption and gas
basis from which to derive an OES. From this study, a chromatography ISBN 0 7176 0115 3 HSE Books.
LOAEL of 300 ppm was identified for slight 2 US Occupational Safety and Health
degenerative changes to the olfactory epithelium in Administration (1993). OSHA Manual of analytical
mice. Given that this study is of relatively short methods. 99 Propylene glycol monomethyl
duration, and does not allow the identification of a ethers/acetates. USDOL/OSHA.
clear NOAEL and in view of the absence of human
3 Health and Safety Executive (1997). Methods
data, it is considered appropriate to establish an OES
for the Determination of Hazardous Substances
at 50 ppm (8-hour TWA). This provides a six-fold
MDHS 88. Volatile Organic Compounds in Air.
margin below the LOAEL for minimal local tissue
Laboratory method using diffusive samplers, solvent
damage in mice.
desorption and gas chromatography. ISBN 0 7176
There is no evidence that PGMEA has sensitising 2401 3 HSE Books.
properties and thus a ‘Sen’ notation is not required.
4 Health and Safety Executive (1992). Methods
In relation to biological monitoring, although PGMEA for the Determination of Hazardous Substances
is predicted to be readily absorbed across the skin, MDHS 72. Volatile Organic Compounds in Air.
because there is no concern for systemic toxicity, Laboratory method using pumped solid sorbent tubes,

thermal desorption and gas chromatography. ISBN 0

7176 0362 8 HSE Books.
5 Health and Safety Executive (1995). Methods
for the Determination of Hazardous Substances
MDHS 80. Volatile Organic Compounds in Air.
Laboratory method using diffusive solid sorbent
tubes, thermal desorption and gas chromatography.
ISBN 0 7176 0913 8 HSE Books.
6 Jones K, D Dyne, J Cocker, HK Wilson (1997).
A biological monitoring study of
1-methoxy-2-propanol: analytical method
development and a human volunteer study. Sci Total
Environ. 199; 23-30.
7 Criteria document of occupational exposure
limits. Henschler D (ed). 1-Methoxypropyl-2- acetate.
VCH Weinheim, 1990.
8 Arbete Och Hälsa (1990). NEG and NIOSH
basis for an occupational health standard. 32:
Propylene glycol ethers and their acetates.
9 Miller, RR., Hermann, E.A., Young, J.T.
Calhoun, P.E. and Kastl, P.E. (1984). Toxicol. Appl.
Pharmacol. 75, 521


In the UK 1,2,4-TCB is also used in a brightener

1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE solution in lead/tin plating baths and laboratory
applications such as gel permeation chromatography.
occupational exposure standard
The current UK market for 1,2,4-TCB is estimated at
8-hour TWA: 1 ppm (7.6 mg.m-3) around 5 tonnes per annum, part of which is exported.
Notation: Skin
Recommendation of the EC
It is estimated that up to 200 workers may be exposed
Scientific Committee on
during the re-packaging of 1,2,4-TCB for sale, its
Occupational Exposure Limits
subsequent use and during the dismantling of
15-minute STEL: 5 ppm (37.8 mg.m-3) transformers where prior to 1986 it was used as a
subject to consultation viscosity modifier for PCBs.
A limited amount of exposure data was available from
IDENTITY AND PROPERTIES industry. The EASE exposure model was used to
Chemical name: 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene supplement the available data.

CAS No: 120-82-1 From the available industry data and EASE
predictions, inhalation exposures are generally below
EINECS No: 204-428-0
1 ppm 8-hour TWA with the highest being during the
Synonyms: 1,2,4-TCB,
manufacture of plastic pellets in the production of
unsymmetrical trichlorobenzene high performance wire and cable products. Short term
Formula: C6H3Cl3 (15-minute) exposures are generally below 2 ppm with
the highest occurring in the production of brightener
Melting point: 17 oC
solution and during re-packaging prior to sale.
Vapour pressure: 43.3 Pa at 25 oC
Odour threshold: 3 ppm MEASUREMENT

Conversion factor: At 20 oC 7.55 mg.m-3= 1 ppm Air monitoring

There are no detector tubes available specifically for
use with 1,2,4-TCB. The Gastec tube 'Vinyl Chloride
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene is a clear, colourless liquid 131La' is capable of measuring TCB, although no
with a characteristic aromatic odour. It has a vapour information is available on the levels of sensitivity and
density of 6.3 times that of air. It is insoluble in water; the colour change is subject to interferences.
sparingly soluble in alcohol; miscible with ether,
A method using a pumped XAD-2 tube and PTFE
benzene, petroleum ether and carbon disulphide.
pre-filter/solvent desorption is available; NIOSH
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene (1,2,4-TCB) is not currently Method 5517 'Polychlorobenzenes'1 is suitable for
listed in the Approved Supply List and therefore it long- and short-term monitoring. Three generic
must be self-classified by the supplier). sorbent tube/GC analysis methods are also available,
described in MDHS 282, MDHS 723 and MDHS 804.
Also of relevance for additional information on the
There is no UK manufacturer of 1,2,4-TCB. It is
analysis of 1,2,4-TCB is EPA Method TO-145.
imported into the UK by a single chemical supplier
and then sold on via a number of intermediaries.
Biological monitoring
The main use for 1,2,4-TCB is in the manufacture of Biological monitoring is possible by measuring
high performance insulation for use in wire and cable trichlorobenzene in blood and/or its metabolites in
products. The single company using 1,2,4-TCB in this urine. However, adequately validated analytical
process use between 3 and 4 tonnes per annum methods are not available and there are no data on
obtained directly from a supplier in the USA. which to base a Biological Monitoring Guidance


comparable effects also occur following oral

TOXICOKINETICS6 administration. The most sensitive marker of
There are no data available relating to the metabolism 1,2,4-TCB induced toxicity in inhalation studies
of 1,2,4-TCB in humans. In rats the substance is appears to be an increase in urinary porphyrin
readily absorbed by the oral route and bioavailability excretion. A NOAEL of 3 ppm has been identified for
following inhalation would also be predicted to be this effect in a 90-day inhalation study in rats. For the
high. Toxicity data indicate that dermal absorption oral route a NOAEL of 10 mg.kg-1.day-1 has been
occurs but probably to a much lesser degree than via reported, although urinary porphyrins were not
the oral route. Absorbed 1,2,4-TCB rapidly distributes measured. By the dermal route in rabbits, systemic
to all organs and high concentrations of unmetabolised toxicity only emerged when dose levels of 450
compound can be found in the fat, skin and liver. High mg.kg-1.day-1 or more were applied; no systemic
concentrations of 1,2,4-TCB metabolites are found in toxicity was present at 150 mg.kg-1 or less.
the kidneys and muscle tissues. 1,2,4-TCB is
A structural analogue, hexachlorobenzene, is known
metabolised to trichlorophenols which are mainly
to produce similar effects in experimental animals and
excreted as glucuronic acid conjugates in the monkey
humans resulting from inhibition of the enzyme
and rabbit but as cysteine conjugates in the rat. The
uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase. Presumably
main route of elimination is via the urine, but
1,2,4-TCB operates via the same mechanism. The
elimination also occurs via the faeces and exhaled air.
available evidence indicates that rats and humans are
There is evidence that 1,2,4-TCB metabolites undergo
approximately equally sensitive to the effects of
enterohepatic recycling before being finally removed
hexachlorobenzene and therefore a similar
from the body.
interspecies comparison has been assumed for
HEALTH EFFECTS6 The genotoxicity of 1,2,4-TCB has not been
Animal studies extensively investigated. Negative results have been
1,2,4-TCB is of moderate acute toxicity by the oral obtained in bacterial and mammalian cells in vitro.
route with an oral LD50 in rats of around 1000 mg/kg. Conflicting results have been reported from different
Doses of 750 mg.kg-1 or more induced sedation, mouse micronucleus studies, but the most reliable
narcosis, prostration and general malaise whereas no evidence indicates that 1,2,4-TCB is not genotoxic.
signs of toxicity were observed following a single oral Carcinogenicity has been investigated in the mouse in
dose of 630 mg.kg-1. The liver was identified as the a study involving dietary administration. 1,2,4-TCB
main target organ. High oral doses also caused induced liver tumours, probably by a mechanism
bleeding of the stomach mucosa. Inhalation of involving liver toxicity. In view of the known
atmospheres saturated with 1,2,4-TCB vapour (around hepatotoxicity of hexachlorobenzene in humans, it is
420 ppm) for up to 7.5 hours did not cause any possible that the liver tumours seen in mice might
mortality. Lachrymation, salivation, laboured have some relevance for human health.
breathing and discoordination were the main signs of There was no evidence in fertility and developmental
toxicity observed. The dermal LD50 lies at around toxicity studies that 1,2,4-TCB had any adverse
5000 mg.kg-1. effects on reproduction.
1,2,4-TCB was not identified as a skin or eye irritant Human data
in animal models, nor in the test results reported was No reliable human data are available.
there any evidence that it induced skin sensitisation
although this end-point has been poorly studied.
In repeated dosing studies, 1,2,4-TCB appears to BASIS FOR SETTING THE LIMIT
affect primarily the liver, manifested as increased liver 1,2,4-TCB is included in the 1st Consolidated
size, disrupted porphyrin metabolism and at higher Indicative Occupational Exposure Limit Values
doses histopathological change. This can be seen in Directive (2000/39/EC), with values of 2 ppm (8-hour
animals exposed by the inhalation and dermal routes; TWA) and 5 ppm (STEL) and a skin notation.


There are no reliable human data on which to base a 2 HSE (1990). MDHS 28 Chlorinated hydrocarbon
limit. However, animal evidence indicates that the solvent vapours in air. Health and Safety Executive,
liver is the key target organ of toxicity for 1,2,4-TCB, Methods for the determination of hazardous
and the most sensitive marker for liver changes substances. HMSO, London
appears to be an elevation in urinary porphyrins; the 3 HSE (1992). MDHS 72 Volatile organic
NOAEL and LOAEL for this effect from repeat compounds in air. Health and Safety Executive,
exposure inhalation studies were 3 and 10 ppm, Methods for the determination of hazardous
respectively. As the substance is not genotoxic, liver substances. HMSO, London
tumours produced in a mouse carcinogenicity study
4 HSE (1995). MDHS 80 Volatile organic
are thought likely to arise from chronic toxicity in this
compounds in air. Health and Safety Executive,
organ. Hence, control for hepatotoxicity would also
Methods for the determination of hazardous
control for any carcinogenic effects. Overall, based on
substances. HMSO, London.
the toxicological data, the criteria for an Occupational
Exposure Standard (OES) are met. 5 US EPA (1989). TO-14 (2nd supplement)
Compendium of methods for the determination of
The available evidence on the structural analogue
toxic compounds in ambient air. US Environmental
hexachlorobenzene suggests that for 1,2,4-TCB
Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC
toxicity, the rat is a reasonable model for humans. An
OES of 1 ppm (8 hour TWA) is considered
appropriate to protect against health effects in 6 Henschler D (ed.) (1992). Trichlorobenzene (all
humans. This value is a factor of 3 below the NOAEL isomers). In: Occupational toxicants, critical data
in rats and a factor of 10 below the LOAEL in this evaluation for MAK values and classification of
species, which are considered an adequate margin carcinogens, Vol. 3. VCH, Weinheim.
taking account of the fact that lead effect is a very 7. SEG/SUM/35C: Henschler, D (ed): Criteria
sensitive marker for biochemical change. The document of occupational exposure limits: 1,2,4-
Trichlorobenzene (14.05.1990) VCH-Weinheim.
occupational hygiene assessment indicates that control
to the proposed OES is readily achievable across all
user industries.
A STEL (15-minutes) of 5 ppm has been proposed by
the EU Scientific Committee on Occupational
Exposure Limits (SCOEL)7 to limit peaks in exposure
which could result in irritation.
1,2,4-TCB can be absorbed across the skin and might
contribute to systemic toxicity as a consequence,
although there are few relevant data on this property.
Overall, the assignment of a Skin notation is deemed
to be warranted. There is no evidence of sensitising
properties, so a Sen notation is not warranted.
Adequately validated analytical methods for
biological monitoring are not available and there are
no data on which to base a BMGV.

1 NIOSH (1994). (2) 5517 (Rev 15-8-94)
Polychlorobenzenes. National Institute of
Occupational Safety and Health, US Dept of Health
and Human Services.

from phosphatic ores by digestion of the rock by
ORTHOPHOSPHORIC ACID sulphuric acid. The furnace process burns elemental
phosphorus in excess air to give diphosphorus
Recommendation of the EC Scien-
pentoxide which is then hydrated. Orthophosphoric
tific Committee on Occupational
acid is used in the manufacture of fertilisers and
Exposure Limits
8-hour TWA: 1 mg.m-3
occupational exposure standard EXPOSURE
15-minute STEL: 2 mg.m-3 Workplace exposures are likely to be minimal due to
containment of the processes during manufacture and
subject to consultation
use. The principle risk of exposure is from inhalation
of aerosol and from splashes and spillages.

Chemical name: Orthophosphoric acid MEASUREMENT

There are several established methods for the
CAS No: 7664-38-2
determination of orthophosphoric acid in air.1-4
EEC No: 231-633-2
Phosphate salts, if present, will give rise to positive
EEC Index No: 015-011-00-6 interferences. Established methods for the
Formula: H3PO4 determination of orthophosphoric acid in air involve
collection on a filter1, 2 or using a sorbent tube
Synonym: Phosphoric acid
containing a glass fibre filter plug and washed silica
Melting Point: 42.35oC
gel3,4. OSHA method ID-1111 and NIOSH method P
Boiling point: 261oC & CAM 2162 have the advantage that the inhalable
Conversion factor: 4.08 mg.m-3 = 1 ppm fraction of the aerosol can be collected by mounting
(20oC, 101 kPa) the filter in a suitable sampler, as described in MDHS
145, while NIOSH methods 79033 and P & CAM4 do
Orthophosphoric acid can take the form of a white not collect a well characterised fraction of the aerosol.
crystalline solid or viscous liquid. It is a weak tribasic Samples are analysed using spectrophotometry2 or
acid. Orthophosphoric acid is very soluble in cold iron chromatography1,3,4 after desorption with water or
water and soluble in alcohol. The vapour pressure is eluent (0.003 M Na2CO3/0.0024 M NaHCO3).
highly temperature and concentration dependent. AT
room temperature orthophosphoric acid is likely to TOXICOKINETICS
occur predominantly in aerosol form, although vapour No significant toxicokinetic information is available.
may be appreciable at high temperatures. There are
several ‘condensed’ forms of orthophosphoric acid [eg HEALTH EFFECTS
H4P2O7, H5P3O10 and (HPO3)n], giving rise to a Animal Studies
possibility of concentrations in excess of 100% Although the reliability of the very low inhalation
H3PO4. Concentrations are therefore expressed in LC50 value in mice is open to question, the substance
terms of P2O5 content. Orthophosphoric acid is would appear to be toxic by this route. It is also
classified under the CHIP Regulations (1994) to be moderately toxic to rodents via the oral route. The
labelled (depending on concentration) with the risk acute dermal toxicity in rabbits is low. The substance
(R) phrases: is corrosive to rabbit skin and severely irritating to the
Irritant: R36/38 >10-25% H3PO4
Corrosive: R34 >25% H3PO4 In a poorly reported study, ‘chronic’ inhalation of
phosphoric acid aerosol was claimed to cause
irritation of the respiratory tract.
Orthophosphoric acid is manufactured by one of two
methods. In the wet process it is produced directly
The substance has yielded negative results in bacterial A ‘skin’ notation was not considered necessary as
mutagenicity assays, the only genotoxicity data skin absorption would not contribute significantly to
available. There are no adequate reproductive toxicity the normal body load of phosphate.
or carcinogenicity investigations in animals.
Human data See also the summary for diphosphorus pentoxide.
No clearly reliable human acute inhalation data are
available. As in other species the substance is REFERENCES
corrosive, with moderate to severe subjective stinging 1 US Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
responses being recorded following dermal or ocular OSHA Analytical methods manual: Method ID-111 -
application of very dilute solutions. Widespread Phosphoric acid in workplace atmospheres. US
corrosion of the gastrointestinal tract has been Department of Labor, OSHA Salt Lake City Technical
reported in one case of oral ingestion. Center (1985). ISBN 0 9 3671266 X.

No useful human data are available on the effects of 2 US National Institute For Occupational Safety and
repeated inhalation exposure. Consumption of Health. NIOSH Manual of analytical methods, 2nd
moderate amounts of orthophosphoric acid in the diet Edition, Volume 1: Method & CAM 216 - Phosphoric
failed to indicate any toxicity. acid in air. US Department of Health and Human
Services (NIOSH) Publication 82-100 (1982).
No reliable human data on the carcinogenic potential
of orthophosphoric acid are available. In addition, no 3 US National Institute For Occupational Safety and
human data are available on its potential to cause Health. NIOSH Manual of analytical methods, 3rd
genotoxicity or reproductive toxicity. Edition: Method 7903 - Acids, Inorganic. US
Department of Health and Human Services (NIOSH)
BASIS FOR SETTING THE LIMIT Publication 84-100 (1984).
Due to the minimal useful data available on
phosphoric acid, data on diphosphorus pentoxide was 4 US National Institute For Occupational Safety and
also considered (diphosphorus pentoxide readily Health. NIOSH Manual of analytical methods, 2nd
hydrolyses to phosphoric acid). The combined data Edition, Volume 7: Method & CAM 339 - Inorganic
suggested that the critical health effect is respiratory acids in air. US Department of Health and Human
irritation. An occupational exposure standard is Services (NIOSH) Publication 82-100 (1982).
proposed at 2 mg.m-3 over a 15-minute reference 5 Methods for the determination of hazardous
period. Control to below this limit should be substances MDHS 14 (Rev) General methods for the
achievable. This limit is proposed to be consistent gravimetric determination of respirable and total
with the OES set for diphosphorous pentoxide. inhalable dust. ISBN 0 7176 0509 4 HSE Books
Orthophosphoric acid is included in the 1st (1993).
Consolidated Indicative Occupational Exposure Limit 6 SEG/CDO/7 Criteria document for occupational
Values Directive (2000/39/EC), with values of 1 exposure limit values for phosphoric acid. Prepared by
mg.m-3 (8-hour TWA) and 2 mg.m-3 (STEL). SCOEL6 Environmental Resources Ltd., London (1990)
advised that further data allowing a more accurate
determination of the threshold level of irritation are OTHER USEFUL PUBLICATIONS
required. Data on diphosphorus pentoxide were taken Toxicity review of phosphoric acid, phosphorus
as the basis for setting a limit. SCOEL recommended pentoxide, phosphorusoxychloride, phosphorus
an 8 hour limit of 1 mg.m-3 and a 15 minute limit of 2 trichloride, phosphorus pentachloride and
mg.m-3 based on the limited data available and phosphorus pentasulphide HSE Toxicity Review 30
recommended that additional exposure studies are (Payne et al, 1994) ISBN 0 7176 0669 4 HSE Books.
required. The STEL is consistent with the STEL OES
set for diphosporus pentoxide.

CUMENE Cumene occurs as a minor constituent of petroleum
occupational exposure standard and of solvents derived from it. Over 100 000 tonnes
per annum are manufactured in the UK by reaction of
8 hour TWA: 25 ppm (125 mg.m-3)
benzene with propylene. The major part is used as
Recommendation of the EC Scien- raw material for the production of phenol and the
tific Committee on Occupational associated products, acetone and alpha-methylstyrene.
Exposure Limits
15-minute STEL: 50 ppm (250 mg.m-3)
Notation: Skin
About 100 workers in the UK are likely to be exposed
subject to consultation
to cumene during its production and main usage, with
some further exposures during loading and unloading
With the exception of [ ] this summary is prepared
of road tankers and ships. There are further
from the SCOEL SEG SUM
possibilities for exposure arising from minor
IDENTITY AND PROPERTIES applications and the handling of materials in which it
is a constituent. The limited data available indicate
Chemical Name: Cumene
that exposures are controlled to well below 50 ppm
CAS No: 98-82-8
(8-hour TWA) and generally below 5ppm.
EEC No: 601-024-00-X
Formula: C6H5CH (CH3)2
Synonyms: Isopropylbenzene, 1-methyl
Cumene vapour in air can be determined by pumped
ethylbenzene; 2-phenyl
sampling through a Chromosorb 106 tube with
thermal desorption or through a charcoal tube with
Saturated vapour solvent desorption1, or using a diffusive Tenax or
concentration: 3900 ppm at 20°C Chromosorb sampler with thermal desorption2;
Boiling point: 152°C analysis is by gas chromatography. Colorimetric
detector tubes may be used to estimate cumene
Conversion factor: 1 ppm = 5.00 mg.m-3 at 20°C
concentrations, but they are not specific.]

Cumene is an aromatic hydrocarbon, and is a

colourless mobile liquid with a strong aromatic odour
and dense vapour. It is insoluble in water but is Cumene is well-absorbed through the lungs and, by
soluble in most organic solvents. It has a vapour analogy with toluene and xylene, it is assumed to be
density of 4.2 times that of air, and is explosive in the absorbed through the skin, although no satisfactory
range of 0.9 - 6.5% in air. Cumene is classified under study is available to demonstrate this. In animals and
the CHIP 2 Regulations (1994) as irritant, to be humans absorbed material is metabolised and excreted
labelled with risk (R) phrases: mainly as a 2-phenylpropan-2-ol conjugate.

R10: Flammable
R65: Harmful: may cause lung damage if
Animal studies
Cumene has a low to moderate acute toxicity to
R37: Irritating to respiratory system
animals, with lethal concentrations in excess of 1000
R51/53: Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause
ppm (5000 mg.m-3) (Smyth et al, 1951). The critical
longterm adverse effects in the aquatic
effect is irritation of the respiratory tract and CNS
effects. RD50 values of 2000 - 2500 ppm (10,000 -

12,500 mg.m ) have been reported in mice this difference is not considered to be significant and
(Kristiansen et al, 1986; Nielsen and Alarie, 1982). so the domestic limit has been retained.]
Increased activity and gait abnormalities were
reported in rats exposed to 500 ppm (2500 mg.m-3)
cumene for 6 hours, with no effects observed at 100
ppm (500 mg.m-3 )(Bushy Run Research Center, 1. Methods for the determination of hazardous
1989). substances MDHS 36 (Rev) Toluene in air -
Laboratory method using pumped charcoal
Depression of the CNS and increases in liver, kidney
adsorption tubes, solvent desorption and gas
and adrenal weights were observed following
chromatography ISBN 0 11 885960 9 HSE Books
exposure of rats to 500 and 1200 ppm (2500 and 6000
mg.m-3) for 90 days (Bushy Run Research Center,
1989). An increased incidence of cataracts was also 2. Methods for the determination of hazardous
noted in this study at 100, 500 and 1200 ppm (500, substances MDHS 66 (Rev) Mixed hydrocarbons (C5
2500 and 6000 mg.m-3), but due to the genetic to C10) in air - Laboratory method using porous
disposition of the animals for this lesion, this polymer diffusion samplers, thermal desorption and
observation is not suitable as basis for standard gas chromatography
setting. Following repeated administration of 244 ISBN 0 7176 0867 0 HSE Books (1995)
ppm (1220 mg.m-3) for 6 weeks or continuous
exposure to 30 ppm (150 mg.m-3) for 90 days, to rats
dogs or monkeys, no toxic effects were observed
(Jenkins et al, 1970). WATCH (1992) Cumene: Criteria Document for an
occupational exposure limit
There are no data available on the carcinogenicity of
cumene. From the data available, there is no ISBN 0-7176-0767-4 HSE Books (1994)
evidence that cumene is genotoxic (Florin et al, 1980; Bushy Run Research Centre (1989). Cumene
Simmon et al, 1977) or teratogenic (Bushy Run (isopropylbenzene) fourteen-week vapor inhalation
Research Center, 1989). study in rats with neurotoxicity evaluation. Project
No human toxicity data are available. report 52-628.
Florin, I., Rutberg, L., Curvall, M and Enzell, CR
(1980). Screening of tobacco smoke constinuents for
mutagenicity using the Ames test. Toxicology 15,
The study conducted at the Bushy Run Research 219-232.
Center (1989), establishing a NOAEL of 100 ppm
Jenkins, L J, Jones, R A and Siegel, J (1970). Long
(500 mg.m-3) for CNS effects in a 90d study in rats,
term inhalation screening studies of benzene, toluene,
was considered to be the best available basis for
p-xylene and cumene on experimental animals.
proposing occupational exposure limits. A STEL (15
Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 16, 818-823.
mins) of 50 ppm (250 mg.m-3) was proposed to limit
peaks of exposure which could result in irritation. A Kristiansen, U, Hansen, L, Nielsen, G D and Holst E
“skin” notation was recommended as dermal skin’ (1986). Sensory irritation and pulmonary irritation of
notation was recommended as dermal absorption cumene and n-propanol: mechanisms of receptor
could contribute substantially to the total body burden. activation and desensitization. Acts Pharmacol. et
Toxicol. 59, 60-72.
[WATCH had previously considered that, in the
absence of human data, it was appropriate to apply an Nielsen, G D and Alarie Y (1982). Sensory irritation,
uncertainty factor of 4 to the NOAEL of 100 ppm. pulmonary irritation and respiratory stimulation by
Consequently WATCH recommended an 8-hour airborne benzene and alkylbenzenes: prediction of
TWA of 25 ppm (125 mg.m-3). Although SCOEL safe industrial exposure levels and correlation with
have now recommended an 8-hour TWA of 20 ppm their thermodynamic properties. Toxicol. Appl.
Pharmacol. 65, 459-477.

Simmon, V F, Kauhanen, K and Tardiff, R G (1977).
Mutagenic activity of chemicals identified in drinking
water. Progress in Genetic Toxicology. (Eds. Scott,
D, Bridges, B A and Sobels F H) Elsevier/North
Holland Biomedical Press. 249-258.
Smyth H F, Carpenter C P and Weil, C S (1951).
Range-finding toxicity data. List IV A M A Arch.
Ind. Hlth. 4, 119 - 122.

R67: Vapours may cause drowsiness and
ACETONE dizziness
Recommendation of the EC OCCURRENCE AND USE
Scientific Committee on Acetone is a normal body metabolite and may occur in
Occupational Exposure Limits small quantities in exhaled air of all mammals. It also
8-HOUR TWA: 500 ppm (1210 may be formed by various types of degradation or
mg.m-3) combustion of organic materials from agricultural and
industrial activities. It is widely used in industry as a
occupational exposure standard solvent for cellulose acetate and nitrocellulose, and for
15-minute STEL: 1500 ppm (3630 acrylic paints, varnishes, lacquers, adhesives, printing
mg.m-3) inks and other resin solutions. It is also used as a
degreasing agent and a raw material for chemical
subject to consultation
syntheses. The production rate in the EU is about 106
With the exception of [ ] this summary is prepared
tonnes per annum.
from the SCOEL SEG SUM
An average of 45% of inhaled acetone will be
Chemical Name: Acetone
absorbed (Wigaeus et al, 1981), but percutaneous
CAS No: 67-64-1 absorption is likely to be comparatively low. Most of
Einecs No: 200-662-2 the absorbed acetone is metabolised, becoming
EEC No: 606-001-00-8; incorporated into normal intermediary metabolism,
but an increasing proportion is exhaled at higher blood
Formula: CH3COCH3
concentrations (Owen et al, 1982).
Synonyms: 2-Propanone; dimethyl
The critical effects of acetone are considered to be
ketone; methyl ketone
irritation of mucous membranes and neurobehavioural
Vapour pressure: 24.7 kPa at 20 °C effects.
Saturated Vapour Exposure of volunteers to acetone for 6 hours per day
Concentration: ~ 231,000 ppm at 20 °C for 1 or 6 days resulted in mucous membrane irritation
Melting point: -95.4 °C at 500 and 1 000 ppm (1210 and 2420 mg.m-3), with
minimal effects of 250 ppm (605 mg.m-3) and none at
Boiling point: 56.2 °C
100 ppm (242 mg.m-3) (Matsushita et al, 1969 a and
Conversion factor: 2.42 mg/m3 = 1 ppm at b). No symptoms were reported in any of the groups
20oC, 101 kPa towards the end of the exposure sessions, indicating
Acetone is a clear colourless liquid with a sweetish sensory adaptation. Exposure at higher levels will
aromatic odour. The vapour density is 2.0 times that often be tolerable to workers, with complaints of
of air and it is explosive in the range 2.2 - 13.0% in irritation generally commencing at 8 hour time
air. The odour threshold is about 13 ppm (31 mg/m3). weighted exposures above 1 000 ppm (2420 mg.m-3)
Acetone is listed in the current Approved Supply List (Raleigh and McGee, 1972). More recently, irritation
under the Chemical (Hazard Information and of the eyes, mouth and throat in volunteers exposed to
Packaging for supply) Regulations 1994 (CHIP) as 1000 ppm (2420 mg.m-3) acetone for 4 or 8 hours was
flammable and irritant, to be labelled with risk (R) confirmed by Seeber et al (1992a).
phrases: The neurotoxicity of acetone has been documented in
R11: Highly flammable a number of experimental studies. In juvenile
R36: Irritating to the eyes baboons exposed continuously to 500 ppm (1210
mg.m-3) acetone for 7 days, an increase in response
R66: Repeated exposure may cause skin
time was seen for a complex operant discrimination
dryness or cracking task (Geller, et al, 1979). When mice were exposed to

a continuous series of 30 min acetone exposure which is also found in humans (Pattern et al, 1986).
sessions at six levels increasing from 100 to 56 000 Experimental studies suggest that some induction and
ppm (242 to 135 520 mg.m-3), a schedule-controlled resultant potentiation of toxicity due to other solvents
type of operant behaviour showed decreased response may occur at acute and doses of 0.05 ml.kg-1
rates at 1 000 ppm (2 420 mg.m-3) and above (Glowa (Charbonneau et al, 1988), corresponding to a
and Dews, 1987). blood-acetone concentration of 100 mg.l-1 and above
Increases in simple visual reaction time were seen in (Charbonneau et al, 1986). Blood concentrations at
six subjects exposed to 250 or 500 ppm (605 or 1210 that magnitude can be achieved in volunteers after an
mg.m-3) for 6 hours per day in an exposure chamber 8 hour exposure to acetone at 1000 ppm (2420
for six consecutive days (Matsushita et al, 1969b). mg.m-3) (Blaszkewicz et al, 1992). However, no
potentation could be detected in rats exposed to 1 000
In a more extensive study, 22 volunteers exposed to
ppm (2420 mg.m-3) acetone (Charbonneau et al,
250 ppm (605 mg.m-3) acetone for 4 hours in an
exposure chamber, small but statistically significant
decreases were found in two measures of a dual task
test (Dick et al, 1989). Choice reaction time, visual RECOMMENDATION
vigilance, memory scanning and postural sway Taking into account the reports noted above of
showed no changes, whilst minimal differences were irritation and neurobehavioural effects in volunteers
seen in the profile of moods test. However, this study and workers, it is considered that symptoms may
is not considered suitable to use as a basis is occur at acetone exposures of 1 000 ppm ( 2420
proposing occupational exposure limits. Exposure of mg.m-3) or greater. In view of the mild nature of the
16 volunteers to about 1000 ppm (2420 mg.m-3) symptoms, and because tolerance develops in workers,
acetone for 4 or 8 hours, simple and choice reaction an uncertainty factor of 2 was considered adequate.
time, memory scanning by the Sternberg paradigm and The recommended 8-hour TWA is 500 ppm (1210
spontaneous motor activity failed to show any clear mg.m-3). No 'skin' notation was considered to be
relationship to exposure (Seeber et al, 1992b; 1994). necessary.
Information on the chronic effects of acetone is not [Account was taken of the rapid response to exposure,
available. the uncertainties of dose-response data and the need
Acetone has generally been shown to be negative in to provide protection for workers across the whole
mutagenicity assays (Maron et al, 1981). Data on range of industries handling acetone, including those
carcinogenicity are lacking. only occasionally exposed and unacclimatised. A
A development study conducted with rats and mice STEL (15 mins) was set to limit peaks in exposure at
exposed to acetone intermittently during gestation 1500 ppm (3630 mg.m-3) which is not expected to lead
produced evidence of embryotoxicity but no to lead to adverse health effects, although some
significant increase in malformations. A NOAEL of 2 workers may consider it unpleasant.]
200 ppm (5 324 mg.m-3) was reported (NTP, 1988). At the levels recommended, no measurement
Administration of acetone to rats in the drinking water difficulties are foreseen.
for 13 weeks of approximately 3400 mg.kg-1.day-1
resulted in decreased motility and increased
abnormalities of the sperm, but no histopathological
lesions, (NTP, 1991). No effects were seen in male Blaszkewicz, M., Golka, K., Vangala, R.R,
mice treated similarly at doses up to 4858 Kiesswetter, E., Seeber, A. and Bolt, H.M. (1992),
mg.kg-1.day-1 (NTP, 1991) or in male rats given 'Biologische Uberwaching bei Aceton-und
acetone in the drinking water at a dose of 1071 Ethylacetatexposition unter simulierten
mg.kg-1.day-1 for 6 weeks (Larsen et al, 1991). MAK-Bedingungen'. Verh. Dtsch. Ges. Arbeitsmed.,
31, pp. 141-144.
Acetone exposure to rats causes induction of
cytochrome P450 enzymes particularly P450 2E1, Charbonneau, M., Brodeur, J., du Souich, P. and Plaa,
G.L (1986). 'Correlaton between acetone-potentiated
CC14-induced liver injury and blood concentrations
or oral administration'. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., NTP (1988). Report No PNL-6768.
84, pp 286-294.
NTP (1991) NIH Publ. 31-3122.

Charbonneau, M, Perreault, F, Greselin, E, Brodur, J

Owen, O E, Trapp, V E Skutches, C L, Mozzoli, M A
and Plaa G.L (1986). 'Assessment of the minimal
Hoeldtke, R D, Boden, G and Reichardt, Jr, G A
effective dose of acetone for potentiation of the
(1982), 'Acetone metabolism during diabetic
hepatotoxicity induced by trichloroethylene-carbon
ketoacidosis', Diabetes, 31, pp 242-248.
tetrachloride mixtures'. Fundam. Appl. Toxicol. 10,
pp 431-438.
Patten, C J Ning, S M Lu, A H H and Yang, C S
(1986), 'Acetone-inducible cytochrome P-450:
Dick, R B, Setzer, J V Taylor, B J and Shukla, R.
purification, catalytic activity and interaction with
(1989), 'Neurobehavioural effects of short duration
cytochrome b5', Arch. Biochem. Biophys, 251, pp
exposures to acetone and methyl ethyl ketone', Br J
Ind. Med 46, pp 111-121.

Raleigh, R L and McGee, W A (1972), 'Effects of

Geller, I, Gause, E, Kaplan, H and Hartmann, R J
short, high-concentration exposures to acetone as
(1979), 'Effects of acetone, methyl ethyl ketone and
determined by observation in the work area', J Occup
methyl isobutyl ketone on a match-to-sample task in
Med 14, pp 607-610.
the baboon'., Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav., 11, pp.
Seeber, A, Keisswetter, E, Vangala, R R Blaszkewicz,
M and Golka, K (1992b), 'Combined exposure to
Glowa, J R and Dews, P B (1987), 'Behavioral
organic solvents: An experimental approach using
toxicology of volatile organic compounds, IV,
acetone and ethyl acetate', Appl Psychol Int Rev, 41,
Comparison of the rate-decreasing effects of acetone,
pp 281-292.
ethyl acetate, methyl ethyl ketone, toluene and carbon
disulfide on schedule-controlled behaviour in mice', J
Am. Coll, Toxicol, 6, pp 461-469. Seeber, A, Keisswetter, E and Blazkewicz (1992a),
'Correlations between subjective disturbances due to
acute exposure to organic solvents and internal dose',
Larsen, J J, Lykkegaard, M and Ladefoged, O (1991),
Neurotoxical, 13, pp 265-271.
'Infertility in rats induced by 2,5-hexanedione in
combination with acetone,' Pharmaco, Toxicol, 69, pp
43-46. Seeber, A, Keisswetter, E and Blazkewicz, Golka, K,
M Vangal, R R, and Iregren (1994), 'Exposure to
acetone and neurobehavioural effects: Comparison of
Maron, D., Katzenellebogen, J and Ames, B N (1981),
two experiments and a field study', Int Arch Occup
'Compatibility of organic solvents with the
Environ Health (submitted for publication).
Salmonella/microsome test', Mutat. res, 88, pp.
Wigaeus, E, Holm, S and Aastrand, I (1981),
'Exposure to acetone. Uptake and elimination in man',
Matsushita, T, Coshima, E Miyaki, H, Maeda, K,
Scand J Work Environ, Health, 7 pp 84-94.
Takeuchi, Y and Inoue, T (1969b), 'Experimental
studies for determining the MAC value of acetone,
2.Biological reactions in the 'six-day exposure' to
acetone', Sangyo Igaku, 11, pp 507-515.


CYCLOHEXANONE In the UK cyclohexanone is used in large quantities in

the manufacture of caprolactone. Cyclohexanone is
used in the manufacture of a range of pesticides
Recommendation of the EC including herbicides, fungicides and insecticides.
Scientific Committee on Cyclohexanone is used in the manufacture of several
Occupational Exposure Limits types of coating materials, for example, paints,
8-hour TWA: 10 ppm (40.8 mg.m-3) magnetic coatings and printing inks, silk screen print-
ing inks in particular. In the silk screen printing
15-minute STEL: 20 ppm (81.6 mg.m-3)
industry it may also be found in ink thinners and silk
Notation: Sk screen cleaning fluids.
Cyclohexanone is also used in the manufacture of
subject to consultation some general purpose adhesives.
There is some laboratory scale use of cyclohexanone.
Chemical Name: Cyclohexanone
CAS No: 108-94-1 A large number of workers may be exposed to
cyclohexanone. Exposure data are limited to a few of
EEC No: 606-010-00-7 the use areas, for example, use in the chemical
industry and use in the printing industry. These levels
Empirical formula: C6H6O
were generally well below 20 ppm (8-hour TWA).
Synonyms: pimelic ketone
Exposures are likely to be below 20 ppm (8-hour
ketohexamethyene TWA) where cyclohexanone is used in contained
hexanon processes or where emissions are controlled by the use
nadone of local exhaust ventilation. Elevated exposures can
sextone occur in maintenance and in some more diffusive uses,
however, in these situations RPE and PPE are
Vapour pressure: 0.69 kPa at 25oC generally used.
Melting point: -45oC
Boiling point: 155oC MEASUREMENT

Conversion factor: Indicating colorimetric tubes for short-term measure-

ments of cyclohexanone in air are commercially avail-
1 ppm = 4.08 mg.m-3 able and capable of detecting 2 ppm. They are subject
1 mg.m-3 = 0.25 ppm to interferences from other ketones. Long-term
measurements may be made by pumped sampling on
Cyclohexanone is a colourless to pale yellow liquid
sorbent tubes, followed by solvent or thermal desorp-
with an odour suggestive of peppermint and acetone.
tion and gas chromatography. NIOSH method 13001,
It has a vapour density of 3.4 times that of air and is
involving pumped sampling on coconut shell charcoal
explosive over the range 1.1 to 9.4%. The odour
and desorption with carbon disulphide, may not
threshold is approximately 0.12 ppm. Cyclohexanone
comply with BS EN 1076 with respect to desorption
is listed in the current Approved Supply List under the
efficiency and storage below 25 ppm, particularly at
Chemical (Hazard Information and Packaging for
high humidity. Some types of synthetic carbon
supply) Regulations 1994 (CHIP) as Harmful, to be
molecular sieve may be more suitable, provided
labelled with the following risk (R) phrases:
samples are refrigerated, but no validation details are
available. The performance of NIOSH method 1300
R20 Harmful by inhalation
with coconut shell charcoal is sensitive to environ-
R10 Flammable mental factors and is not recommended. OSHA
method 01 uses Chromosorb 106 as the sorbent and
desorption with carbon disulphide2. OSHA validation
OCCURRENCE, PRODUCTION AND USE demonstrated compliance with BS EN 1076 with
respect to storage and recovery at 25 ppm. Compli-
Cyclohexanone is produced by the catalytic dehydro- ance at 2 ppm is likely but was not validated. Alterna-
genation of cyclohexanol or by the oxidation of cyclo- tively, Chromosorb 106 or Tenax tubes may be
hexane. Manufacture of cyclohexanone does not take thermally desorbed from tube-type samplers in
place within the UK. Within the EC, manufacture is suitable apparatus. The pumped thermal desorption
known to occur in Germany, the Netherlands and method MDHS 72 complies with BS EN 1076 with
Italy. respect to storage and desorption efficiency3. A
commercial badge-type diffusive sampler containing first pass metabolism in the liver, probably by ethanol
Chromosorb 106 and intended for solvent desorption dehydrogenase, to cyclohexanol. A small amount of
has been partially validated for cyclohexanone4. Full cyclohexanol may be conjugated with gluconuride and
testing to BS EN 482 or BS EN 838 has not been excreted via the urine, or alternatively, further
carried out, but the diffusive badge method is likely metabolised by hydroxylation to 1,2-, and
to comply with respect to overall uncertainty and 1,4-cyclohexanediols. Urinary excretion data suggest
environmental factors, provided it contains a polymer that initial metabolism to cyclohexanol is relatively
sorbent and not activated carbon. The tube-type diffu- rapid. Subsequent metabolism to 1,2- and 1,4-
sive method using either Chromosorb 106 or Tenax cyclohexanediol is less rapid with elimination
sorbent has been validated for cyclohexanone and half-lives of 16 and 18 hours respectively, and these
substantially complies with BS EN 482 and BS EN metabolites were still present in the urine 72 hours
838 with respect to uncertainty and environmental after exposure ceased demonstrating some potential
factors, including concentration, exposure time and for accumulation of these metabolites, on repeated
humidity(5,6). The detection limit of the pumped daily exposure.
thermal desorption method is less than 0.05 ppm for a A similar pattern of metabolism has been observed in
10 litre air sample. The detection limit of the diffu- experimental animals. Generally, with increasing
sive thermal desorption method is less than 0.1 ppm doses of cyclohexanone, the formation of conjugated
for an 8-hour exposure. cyclohexanol accounted for a greater proportion of the
metabolites excreted possibly due to the saturation of
the metabolic pathway from cyclohexanol to
Biological monitoring of occupational exposure to cyclohexanediols. Quantitatively, there is some
cyclohexanone is possible. There are no data to relate limited information to indicate that there is greater
metabolite concentrations to health effects but there metabolism of cyclohexanol to cyclohexanediols in
are data to show a good correlation between levels of humans compared to experimental animals.
the metabolites cyclohexanol and cyclohexanediols in The principal route of elimination of metabolites is via
urine samples collected at the end of shift and inhaled the urine. No data are available on excretion of
cyclohexanone. Although the four published studies cyclohexanone or its metabolites via the faeces or
differ in their predicted urinary metabolite values, two expired air. Studies of humans exposed to
are in broad agreement and predict that after exposure cyclohexanol have shown that unchanged
to cyclohexanone at, for example, 20 ppm for 8-hours cyclohexanol may be excreted in expired air and this
the urine concentration of cyclohexanol would be suggests that the metabolite cyclohexanol generated
around 4 mmol.mol-1 . Cyclohexanediols can also be from cyclohexanone may be excreted via this route .
measured but their longer half life means that with
repeated exposure they may accumulate and their
concentration in end of shift urine samples will HEALTH EFFECTS
increase during the week. As an example, after Animal Studies
repeated daily exposure to 20 ppm for 8-hours the
concentration of 1,2- and 1,4-cyclohexanediols in end Cyclohexanone is of low to moderate acute toxicity
of shift urine samples on the 4th day would be around via inhalation, with rat 4h LC50 values of between
90 and 45 mmol.mol -1 respectively. 10.7 and 32.5 mg.l-1 (2700-8100 ppm). Signs of CNS
depression and respiratory tract irritation are observed
TOXICOKINETICS at high exposure concentrations. Cyclohexanone is of
Human data indicate that cyclohexanone is well low to moderate toxicity via ingestion, with rat LD50
absorbed following inhalation or ingestion. values of between 1300 - 3500 mg.kg-1. Decedents
Absorption of liquid cyclohexanone through the skin show peritoneal and intestinal congestion,
can be predicted from the results of acute toxicity pneumonitis, bronchitis, hepatic cirrhosis, diffuse
studies in animals. Data from studies in animals and glomerulo-tubular nephritis and CNS depression.
humans indicate that following absorption Cyclohexanone is of low to moderate acute toxicity
cyclohexanone and/or its metabolites are widely via contact with the skin, with LD50 values in the
distributed, notably to the liver, kidneys, muscle rabbit of between 794 - 3160 mg.kg-1, although no
tissue, and central nervous system. information is available on the cause of death. In
other studies, rabbits exposed via the skin to
Data from human poisonings indicate that
near-lethal doses of cyclohexanone showed signs of
cyclohexanone is metabolised to cyclohexanol and
1,2- and 1,4-cyclohexanediols. Exposure to < 100
ppm 8-hour TWA in human volunteers indicates that In animals, tests show that liquid cyclohexanone has
only a small amount of cyclohexanone is excreted the potential to irritate the skin. Liquid
unchanged in the urine suggesting extensive cyclohexanone instilled into the eyes of rabbits caused
metabolism. Most absorbed cyclohexanone undergoes “severe” irritation, with prolonged damage. In

repeated exposure studies animals exposed to showed no effects on weight gain or histopathological
cyclohexane vapour showed lacrimation. findings in a range of tissues. At 25000 ppm, males
Cyclohexanone has the potential to irritate the showed a 19% decrease in weight gain. At 34000
respiratory tract following a single exposure to ppm, males and females, respectively, showed
relatively high airborne exposure concentrations. decreases in weight gain of 24% and 15 %
Studies in guinea pigs and mice showed no evidence respectively. At 47000 ppm, increased mortality
of skin sensitisation potential. There are no data (9/20) and incidences of focal liver necrosis and
relating to respiratory sensitisation. However, the lack hyperplasia of the thymus were observed. Only very
of chemical reactivity of cyclohexanone and its limited data are available concerning the effects of
metabolites towards nucleophilic groups suggests that repeated contact with the skin. No effects on growth,
it lacks the potential to behave as a hapten. This and behaviour or structure of the eyes were observed when
the absence of skin sensitisation potential suggests that cyclohexanone was applied to the skin of rabbits or
cyclohexanone does not have respiratory sensitisation guinea pigs at up to ~160 and ~1400 mg.kg-1.day-1,
potential. respectively, for 3 days/week for 3 weeks.
Taken together, the findings of repeated exposure
The toxicity of cyclohexanone following repeated studies in experimental animals suggest that the liver
exposure using occupationally relevant routes of is a target organ for toxicity following long term
exposure has not been well investigated. Many of the repeated daily exposure to relatively high
available studies are of uncertain or poor quality with concentrations of cyclohexanone.
inadequate reporting. In relation to genotoxicity, studies in bacteria gave
A poorly reported 10-week inhalation study in rabbits negative results in the presence and absence of
revealed “barely demonstrable degenerative changes exogenous metabolic activation. There are a number
in the liver and kidneys” at the lowest exposure of in vitro studies in mammalian cells available. The
concentration of 190 ppm7. Histopathology was not data from these studies are mixed, although it is
performed on tissues/organs at the higher possible that the apparently positive findings arose
concentrations tested. However, between 309 ppm to indirectly from excessive toxicity. Reassuringly, the
773 ppm conjunctival irritation was observed. All better quality studies are generally negative.
animals exposed to 1414 ppm survived, showing Negative results were obtained from an in vivo study
lethargy in addition to conjunctival irritation. After 3 of bone marrow chromosomal aberrations and a
weeks exposure to 3082 ppm, narcosis, laboured dominant lethal test. Overall, the results of tests
breathing, weight loss and deaths were observed. No conducted in vivo gives reassurance that
haematological findings were observed at any cyclohexanone is not mutagenic to somatic or germ
exposure level. The toxicological significance of the cells .
effects seen in the liver and kidneys is uncertain. No treatment-related tumours were observed in F344
However, effects on the liver were seen at rats exposed for 2 years to cyclohexanone
comparatively high exposure concentrations in other administered with the drinking water at a
repeated exposure studies, and therefore, this finding concentration of 3300 ppm (~500 mg.kg-1.day-1)8. At
cannot be considered as irrelevant to human health 6500 ppm (~1000 mg.kg-1.day-1) there was an
and 190 ppm is regarded as the LOAEL. A further increased incidence of benign and/or malignant
inhalation study in rats established a NOAEL of 100 tumours of the thyroid in male rats only. There is no
mg.kg-1.day-1 for intravenous injection of information to indicate the underlying mechanism of
cyclohexanone12. tumour formation in these rats, hence the relevance to
Data on effects via ingestion are available from human health is uncertain. However, the relevance of
studies with limited reporting in which cyclohexanone this finding to the health of exposed workers is likely
was administered via the drinking water to rats and to be low, particularly as the potency of
mice. The studies reported only investigations of cyclohexanone to cause tumours in rats is low i.e. the
bodyweight and histopathology. increase in tumours in rats was seen only at 1000
Rats administered up to 4700 ppm cyclohexanone in mg.kg-1.day-1 with no toxicologically significant
their drinking water for 25 weeks showed no effects on the thyroid or other tissues at 500
treatment-related effects on bodyweight gain or mg.kg-1.day-1
histopathological findings. At a concentration of 6500
ppm, a 10% decrease in bodyweight gain was In B6C3F1 mice exposed to cyclohexanone via the
observed. Following administration to rats for 104 drinking water for 2 years, a slight increase in the
incidence of liver tumours was observed in males only
weeks at ~500 to ~1000 mg.kg-1.day-1 via the drinking
at the lowest concentration tested (6500 ppm). In
water there was a statistically significant decrease in view of the high background spontaneous incidence of
body weight gain (~15 % and ~30 %, respectively); this lesion, and in the absence of a dose-response
no effects on the organs were reported. relationship, it can be concluded that this study
Groups of mice administered drinking water produced no evidence of carcinogenic potential for
containing cyclohexanone at 13000 ppm for 13 weeks cyclohexanone in mice.

In relation to the potential effects of cyclohexanone Ill characterised, self-reported “irritation” to the eyes,
on reproduction, a 2-generation inhalation study in nose and throat at a calculated exposure level of 75
rats is available. In this study, Fo generation rats were ppm (exposure duration 3 - 5 minutes) was perceived
exposed to 0, 250, 500 or 1000 ppm, whereas the F1 in a group of about 10 volunteers, while the majority
generation rats were exposed to 0, 250, 500 or 1400 of subjects did not “object” to 25 ppm(11). There have
ppm, 6 hours/day, 5 days/week. Histopathological been no reports of skin or respiratory sensitisation due
examination revealed no effects on the testes at any to exposure cyclohexanone.
exposure level. No effect on fertility was There are no useful data describing the effects of
demonstrated at up to 500 ppm in both generations. cyclohexanone in humans in relation to repeated
Rats exposed to 1000 ppm (first generation) or 1400 exposure or mutagenicity, carcinogenicity or
ppm (second generation) showed transient reductions reproductive toxicity.
in maternal bodyweight. At 1000 ppm there was no
effect on male fertility in the F0 generation. However, BASIS FOR SETTING THE LIMIT
at 1400 ppm in male rats of the F1 generation there Cyclohexanone is included in the 1st Consolidated
were reduced indices of male fertility [not further Indicative Limit Occupational Exposure Limit Values
described in the documentation available9,10]. Directive (2000/39/EC), with values of 10 ppm
However, there was a persistent reduction in body (8-hour TWA) and 20 ppm (STEL) and a skin
weight gain at this exposure level, and it is also noted notation. The following is an extract from the SCOEL
that at 1000 ppm there was ataxia, irregular breathing, SEG SUM:
lacrimation and irritation of mucous membranes with The studies indicating a LOAEL of 190 ppm
the first few exposures. Therefore at 1400 ppm such (775 mg.m-3) for systemic effects in rabbits7
effects may have been more severe. Hence it is and a NOAEL of 25 ppm (102 mg.m-3) for
possible that generalised toxicity (including CNS irritation to the throat and eyes of human
depression) may have influenced fertility outcome in volunteers11 , were considered to be the best
males at 1400 ppm rather than any direct effect on the available basis for proposing a limit. An
testes. Reduced survival and bodyweights in the uncertainty factor of 2 was applied to allow
offspring were observed at 1400 ppm. The NOAEL for the limitations of the Nelson study11. The
for effects on fertility is considered to be 500 ppm. recommended 8-hour TWA is 10 ppm (40.8
Studies of developmental toxicity in rats exposed via mg.m-3). This is not contradicted by the study
inhalation show no effects on development of the establishing a NOEL for systemic effects of
offspring with repeated daily exposures of 500 or 650 100 mg.kg-1.day-1 by intravenous injection. A
ppm during gestation. Decreases in maternal and fetal STEL (15 min) of 20 ppm (81.6 mg.m-3) is
bodyweights were observed at 1400 ppm (6 h/d, days proposed to limit peaks in exposure which
6-19 of gestation). In a limited study in mice exposed could result in irritation. A ‘skin’ notation is
to 1400 ppm (6h/d days 6-17 of gestation), decreased also recommended as dermal absorption could
maternal weight was accompanied by a reduction in contribute substantially to the total body
the number of corpora lutea and live fetuses. Studies burden.
of limited quality indicate that no effects on neonate Studies are required to determine whether the
body or organ weights occurred following maternal potential conversion of cyclohexanone to
dosing by oral gavage at 800 mg.kg-1.day-1 on days 8 - cyclohexanol is sufficient to result in testiclar
12 of gestation. At 2200 mg/kg/d, decreased neonatal toxicity.
body weight was observed in the presence of gross WATCH agreed that biological monitoring may be
maternal toxicity indicated by increased mortality and useful, in view of the potential for systemic toxicity,
decreased body weight gain. Overall, the results and that dermal exposure to cyclohexanone may
indicate that cyclohexanone produces no effect on the contribute to the overall body burden of
developing offspring at doses which are not cyclohexanone. Therefore, the establishment of a
maternally toxic and a NOAEL of 650 ppm is BMGV was proposed.
apparent from the developmental toxicity studies.
Where adverse consequences for development were REFERENCES
seen at higher maternally toxic doses, the contribution
made by toxicity towards the dam is unclear. 1. NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods, 4th Ed.,
1994, US Dept of Health and Human Services
Human data (NIOSH) Publ No 94-113, Ketones 1, method 1300.
There is relatively little human data available. Case
reports of human poisonings indicate that a single 2. Occupational Health and Safety Administration, US
ingestion of cyclohexanone may cause Dept of Labour, Cyclohexanone in air, method #01,
unconsciousness or excitation and metabolic acidosis. April 1979.

3. Health and Safety Executive, Volatile compounds
in air...pumped solid sorbent tubes, thermal desorp-
tion, MDHS 72, HSE Books 1993, ISBN 0 11
885692 8.

4. Health and Safety Executive, Volatile compounds

in air...diffusive samplers, solvent desorption, MDHS
88, HSE Books 1997, ISBN 0 7176 2401 3.

5. Health and Safety Executive, Volatile compounds

in air...diffusive samplers, thermal desorption, MDHS
80, HSE Books 1995, ISBN 0 7176 0913 8.

6. Wright M.D. and Plant N.T. (2000). Diffusive

sampling of butyl acrylate and cyclohexanone on
Perkin-Elmer tubes, Diffusive Monitor, 11, in press,
Health & Safety Laboratory, Sheffield.

7. Treon JF, Crutchfield WE and Kitzmiller K (1943).

The physiological response of animals to
cyclohexanone, methylcyclohexane, and certain
derivatives of these compounds. The Journal of
Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, 25, (8), 323-347.

8. Lijinsky W and Kovatch R (1986). Chronic toxicity

study of cyclohexanone in rats and mice. JNCI, 77,
(4), 941 - 949.

9. BUA (1993). BUA Report 138 (June 1993). In:

BUA Reports 136-138. Ed: GDCh-Advisory
Committee on Existing Chemicals of Environmental
Relevance (BUA),. Pub: S. 70 Stuttgart (1997).

10. DECOS (1994). Health-based recommended

occupational exposure limit for cyclohexanone. Dutch
expert committee on occupational standards.
Directorate-General of Labour. Sdu Uitgeverij
Plantijnstraat, Den Haag.

11. Nelson KW, Ege JF, Morwick R, Woodman LE

and Silverman L (1943). Sensory response to solvent
vapours. Journal of Industrial Hygiene and
Technology, 25, (7), 282 - 285.

12. Greener, Y, Martis, L and Indacochea-Redmond,

N (1982) ‘Assessment of the toxicity of
cyclohexanone administered intravenously to Wistar
and Gunn rats’, J. Toxicol. Environ. Health, 10, pp.
385 - 396


DIETHYL ETHER Almost all of the diethyl ether manufactured today is

Recommendation of the EC obtained as a by-product when ethanol is produced via
vapour phase hydration of ethylene over a supported
Scientific Committee on phosphorus acid catalyst. Diethyl ether is not
Occupational Exposure Limits manufactured in the UK.
8-hour TWA: 100 ppm (308 mg.m-3)
In the UK diethyl ether is mainly used in the chemical
15-minute STEL: 200 ppm (616 mg.m-3) industry as a solvent or intermediate in organic
syntheses. It is also an excellent solvent for
subject to consultation
nitrocellulose and is used in the explosives industry.
Diethyl ether has a small and still declining use in the
manufacture of diesel engine starting fluids. There is
IDENTITY AND PROPERTIES also some laboratory-scale use of this substance. In
the UK, use as an anaesthetic in human and veterinary
Chemical Name: Diethyl ether medicine has ceased.
CAS No: 60-29-7
EEC No: 603-022-00-4
Empirical formula: C2H5OC2H5 The number of persons potentially exposed to diethyl
ether is unknown. HSE has no recent data on
occupational exposure to this substance and industry
Synonyms: Ether,ethyl ether,
data were limited.
In the majority of workplaces, processes where diethyl
ethyl oxide,
ether is used are contained. At more dispersive
diethyl oxide,
processes emissions are controlled by the use of
sulphuric ether,
exhaust ventilation. Workers generally wear PPE.
anaesthetic ether.

Sat. Vap. Concentration: 68% at 25°C MEASUREMENT

Boiling point: 34.5 °C There is a NIOSH method1 suitable for the
Conversion factor: 1 ppm = 3.08 mg.m at 20 C o determination of diethyl ether in workplace
atmospheres. In addition, there are several detector
tubes available which may be useful for short-term
Diethyl ether is a colourless, very volatile, highly exposure measurement. Gastec tube 161, Kitagawa
flammable liquid with a sweetish, slightly pungent, tube 107S and Draeger tube Diethyl ether 100/a are
characteristic odour. It has a vapour density 2.55 times examples. Details of these are given below.
that of air and is explosive over the range 2 - 48% in
air. The odour threshold is approximately 9 ppm (28 Various instrumental methods based on infra-red
mg.m-3). Diethyl ether is listed in the Approved spectrophotometry or semiconductors are listed in
Supply List under the Chemicals (Hazard Information HSE's EH 40 database of methods for sampling and
and Packaging for Supply) [CHIP] Regulations as analysis, a selection is given below.
harmful and extremely flammable, to be labelled with
the following risk (R) phrases: Dynamic Direct Methods

R12 Extremely flammable Detector Tubes

R19 May form explosive peroxides
Make Range(ppm) Interferences Reference
R22 Harmful if swallowed
R66 Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or Gastec 400 -10000 Propane,other Gastec tube
organics 161
cracking Kitigawa 400-14000 Propane, Kitigawa tube
acetylene, 107S
R67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness other organics

Draeger 100-4000 Petroleum Draeger tube Diethyl ether has a low acute toxicity and induces
hydrocarbons, diethyl ether anaesthesia at concentrations in excess of 15,000 ppm
alcohols, 100/a
aromatics and (46.2 mg.m-3). The critical effect is nasal irritation. In
esters human volunteers the first indication of irritation
occurred at a calculated level of 300 ppm (924
Dynamic Indirect Methods mg.m-3). Most individuals tested felt that a
concentration of 100 ppm (308 mg.m-3) would be
Solid sorbent acceptable over an 8 hour exposure period3.

Sorbent Range Desorption Analysi Ref. No animal inhalation studies are available. A 90 day
s gavage study in rats4 established a NOEL for systemic
Charcoal 0.3 - 11 Solvent GC/FID NIOSH toxicity of 500 mg.kg-1 bw.day-1. This may
mg per
sample. correspond to an inhalation exposure concentration of
0.3 mg = 1000 ppm (3080 mg.m-3).
10 ppm
for 3 litre Diethyl ether shows no evidence of mutagenicity,
either in vitro or in vivo 5,6,7. No long term animal
studies or reproduction studies are available.
Instrumental Methods
Instrument Principle Lower Ref. The information in this section is taken from the
detection SCOEL summary document SEG/CDO/5A (1991)2.
MIRAN Infra-red 0.1 Quantitech
monitor, Although the Nelson study has major limitations, it
various provides the only available basis for setting exposure
models limits. A NOAEL of 100 ppm (308 mg.m-3) for nasal
Servomex Infra-red 0.08 Servomex irritancy in human volunteers was indicated by this
portable IR
study. A 90 day gavage study in rats was suggestive of
analyser a NOAEL of 1000 ppm (3080 mg.m-3) for systemic
B&K Type Photoacousti Not given Bruel & effects. The volatility of diethyl ether makes the
1302 c infra-red Kjaer calculation of the effective dose administered in the
experiment difficult. However, it seems that an 8 hour
TWA of 100 ppm (308 mg.m-3), derived from
TOXICOKINETICS Nelson’s study would also provide sufficient
protection against systemic effects. To prevent short
Few data are available. Its appreciable water and lipid term exposure to irritant levels a STEL (15 min) of
solubility and its anaesthetising properties indicate 200 ppm (616 mg.m-3) is recommended.
that the vapour is readily absorbed across the
respiratory tract. Absorption from the gastro-intestinal
tract or following application to the skin would be 1 US National Institute of Occupational Safety and
complicated by the volatility of diethyl ether, and no Health NIOSH (1984) Manual of Analytical Methods
actual data are available. Tissue/air partition 3rd Edition Method (3) 1610 DHHS (NIOSH)
coefficients suggest that absorbed diethyl ether will be Publication
widely distributed around the body. and there are data
in animals to show that it can cross the placenta into 2 SEG/CDO/5A (1991). CEC Criteria document for
the foetus. Information on metabolism is limited, but occupational exposure limit values. Diethyl ether.
suggests that a small percentage of absorbed diethyl Prepared by the Dept. of Environmental Technology,
ether undergoes oxidative hydrolysis to ethanol, Danish Technological Institute.
ethanal and ethanoic acid, thereby entering the carbon
pool. However, most diethyl ether appears to be 3 Nelson KW, Ege JF, Ross M, Woodman LE, and
exhaled rapidly in an unchanged form. Silverman L (1943) Sensory response to certain
industrial solvent vapours J Ind Hyg Toxicol 25 (7)
Animal studies 4 American Biogenics Corporation (1988). Study
410-2343. Ninety day gavage study in albino rats
The information in this section is taken from the using diethyl ether. Submitted to US EPA, office of
SCOEL summary document SEG/CDO/5A (1991)2. Solid Waste, Washington, DC 20460

5 Baden, JM, and Simmon, VF, (1980). Mutagenic
activity of inhalational anaesthetics. Mutat. Res. 75,
169 - 189

6 De Flora, S, Zanacchi, P, Camoirano, A, Bennicelli,

C and Badolati, GS (1984). Genotoxic activity and
potency of 135 compounds in the Ames reversion test
and in a bacterial DNA-repair test. Mutat. Res. 133,
161 - 198.

7 Simmon, VF, Kauhanen, K and Tardiff, RG (1977).

Mutagenic activity of chemicals identified in drinking
water. Prog. Genet. Toxicol. 2, 249 - 258

Heptan-3-one is a medium-volume solvent with a
HEPTAN-3-ONE production rate less than 1000 tonnes per annum in the
Recommendation of EC Scientific European Community. It is used as a solvent for
Committee on Occupational nitrocellulose and polyvinyl resins.
Exposure Limits
8-hour TWA: 35 ppm (166 mg.m-3) [MEASUREMENT

occupational exposure standard Heptan-3-one may be sampled by drawing air through

a charcoal tube followed by solvent desorption, or
15-minute STEL: 100 ppm (475 through porous polymer tubes (Tenax or Chromosorb
mg.m-3) 106) followed by thermal desorption. Analysis is by
Notation: Skin gas chromatography. Methods have not been fully
subject to consultation evaluated but are assumed appropriate by analogy.
With the exception of [ ] this summary is prepared Short term colorimetric detector tubes are available
from the SCOEL SEG SUM for screening measurements but react, to varying
degrees, to a number of ketones. Instrumental methods
IDENTIFICATION AND PROPERTIES are appropriate for continuous monitoring. Biological
monitoring may be useful in helping to assess
Chemical Name: Hepta-3-one
occupational exposure via dermal as well as inhalation
CAS No: 106-35-4
routes. By analogy with other ketones this may take
EEC No: 606-003-00-9 the form of monitoring the concentration of
Einecs No: 203-388-1 unchanged heptan-3-one in end of shift urine
Formula: CH3CH2CO (CH2) 3CH3
Synonyms: 3-heptanone, ethyl butyl ketone,
EBK The SEG discussed and reviewed heptan-3-one on the
basis of the health-risk assessment carried out by the
MWt: 114.2
Dutch Expert Committee for Occupational Standards
Vapour pressure: 0.2 kPa at 25°C together with the additional information given by a
Melting-point: - 39°C member of the group.
Boiling-point: 148.5°C The SEG considered the experimental data available
Conversion factor (20°C): 4.75 mg/m3 = 1ppm to be limited, especially with respect to the almost
complete lack of human data.
The data on acute toxicity via inhalation are
Heptan-3-one is a colourless, flammable liquid with a
incomplete. However, on the basis of LC10 values for
strong fruity odour. It has a saturation concentration
rats, heptan-3-one showed greater toxicity than
in air of 0.18% by volume. Heptan-3-one is listed in
heptan-2-one (LC10 of 2 000 ppm (9 500 mg.m-3) for
the current Approved Supply List under the Chemical
four hours compared with an LC10 value of 4 000 ppm
(Hazard Information and Packaging for supply)
(19 000 mg.m-3) for four hours).
Regulations 1994 (CHIP) as Harmful, to be labelled
with the following risk (R) phrases: Although the principal non-systemic hazards reported
to be associated with exposure to ketone vapours are
irritative effects on the eyes and the upper respiratory
R10: Flammable
airways, no data for heptan-3-one are reported.
R20: Harmful by inhalation
From the three reported subchronic animal studies on
R36: Irritating to the eyes the nervous system with different routes of application
(drinking water, gavage, inhalation), the inhalation
study of Katz et al. (1980) on rats at 700 ppm (3 325
mg.m-3), 72 hours a week for 24 weeks, is considered
to be the key study and has neurotoxicity as the Methods for the deternimation of hazardous
critical effect. From these data it may be concluded substances (MDHS) 72 Volatile organic compounds
that the NOAEL in respect of the neurotoxicity of in air - Laboratory method using pumped solid
heptan-3-one in rats is about 1258 mg/kg/day, or 700 sorbent tubes, thermal desorption and gas
ppm (3325 mg.m-3) based on a test for 24 weeks in chromatography ISBN 0 11 885692 8 HSE Books
inhaled air. This is well in line with the estimated (1992)]
NOAELS of 1000 mg.kg-1.day-1 by other routes of Dutch Expert Committee for Occupational Standards
application (Homan and Maronpot, 1978; and Nordic Expert Group (1989) ‘Basis for an
O’Donoghue et al., 1984). occupational health standard 7/8-carbon chain
The available data suggest that heptan-3-one is more aliphatic monoketones’, Wibowo, A A E., Arbete och
neurotoxic than heptan-2-one. This may be due to the Halsã, pp. 1-45.
different neurotoxicity of the metabolites reported Homan, E R and Maronpot R R (1978) ‘Neurotoxic
(2,5-heptanedione from heptan-3-one and evaluation of some aliphatic ketones’, Toxicol. Appl.
2,6-heptanedione from heptan-2-one). Pharmacol., 45, p. 312.
No data with respect to chronic exposure, Katz, G V O’Donoghue, J L Divincenzo, G D and
mutagenicity, carcinogenicity and reproductive Terhaar, C J (1980) ‘Comparative neurotoxicity and
toxicity are available. metabolism of ethyl n-butyl ketone and methyl n-butyl
The only human data available showed no irritation of ketone in rats’, Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 52, pp.
heptan-3-one to human skin (25 volunteers) after 48 153-158.
hours under an occlusive patch at a concentration of O’Donoghue, J L Krasavage, V J Divincenzo, G D
4% in petrolatum. and Katz, G V (1984) ‘Further studies on ketone
neurotoxicity and interactions’, Toxicol. Appl.
RECOMMENDATION Pharmacol., 72, pp. 201 - 209.

The subchronic inhalation study in rats reported by

Katz, establishing a NOAEL of 700 ppm, was
considered to be an adequate basis for setting the
limit. Because of the limited data, the SEG agreed
that a safety factor of 20 should be used [giving a
health based limit of 35 ppm] together with rounding
down to comply with the SEG ‘preferred value
approach’ to setting limits. The recommended 8-hour
TWA is 20 ppm (95 mg.m-3) [however the preferred
value approach has been set aside by HSE in favour of
the health based limit supported by the data].
[In view of the reported irritant effects of ketone
vapours , a STEL OES of 100 ppm is proposed. This
level is below that which structurally-related ketones
cause irritation. A skin notation is proposed.]
At the level recommended no measurement difficulties
are foreseen.

[National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
(1984) Manual of Analytical Methods (3rd Edition)
Method 1301

5-METHYLHEXAN-2-ONE MIAK is a high-volume solvent with a production rate
Recommendation of the Scientific greater than 1 000 tonnes per annum in the European
Committee on Occupational Community. It is used as a solvent for
Exposure Limits cellulose-esters, acrylics and copolymers.

8-hour TWA: 20 ppm (95

MIAK may be sampled by drawing air through a
occupational exposure standard
charcoal tube followed by solvent desorption, or
15-minute STEL: 100 ppm (475 through porous polymer tubes (Tenax or Chromosorb
mg.m-3) 106) followed by thermal desorption. Analysis is by
Notation: Skin gas chromatography. Methods have not been fully
With the exception of [ ] this summary is prepared evaluated but are assumed appropriate by analogy.
from the SCOEL SEG SUM Short term colorimetric detector tubes are available
for screening measurements but react, to varying
degrees, to a number of ketones. Instrumental methods
IDENTITY AND PROPERTIES are appropriate for continuous monitoring. Biological
Chemical Name: 5-Methylhexan-2-one monitoring may be useful in helping to assess
CAS No: 110-12-3 occupational exposure via dermal as well as inhalation
Einecs No: 203-737-8 routes. By analogy with other ketones this may take
the form of monitoring the concentration of
EEC No: 606-026-00-4;
unchanged MIAK in end of shift urine samples.]
Formula: (CH3)2CH(CH2)2 COCH3
Synonyms: Methyl isoamyl ketone,
MIAK, isopentyl methyl
The SEG reviewed and discussed the document from
ketone the Dutch Expert Committee for Occupational
MWt: 114.2 Standards. The reported experimental animal data are
Melting-point: - 73.9oC considered to be limited but sufficient for an
evaluation. As with 2-heptanone there is an almost
Boiling-point: 144oC
complete lack of human data. Methyl isoamyl ketone
Vapour pressure: 0.65 kPa at 20oC shows a relatively low acute toxicity by oral
Conversion factor : 475 mg/m3 = 1 ppm administration to animals (mice, rats, LD50: 2 540 To
(20oC, 101 kPa): 4 760 mg.kg-1). The LD50 value for dermal
application to rabbits has been estimated to be 10
g.kg-1. No LC50 values are reported, but in rats a
5-methylhexan-2-one (MIAK) is a colourless liquid
4-hour LC10 value of 2 000 ppm (9 500 mg.m-3) has
with a sharp but pleasant sweet odour. The odour
been determined.
threshold concentration is reported to be about 0.01
ppm (0.05 mg/m3). MIAK is listed in the current
Approved Supply List under the Chemical (Hazard The acute irritation potential of MIAK on the upper
Information and Packaging for supply) Regulations respiratory airway has been investigated (De Ceaurriz
1994 (CHIP) as Harmful, to be labelled with the et at., 1984). In measuring the decrease of the
following risk (R) phrases: respiratory rate an RD50 value of 1 222 ppm (5-8505
R10: Flammable mg.m-3) for 15 minutes has been determined. Using
the model of Kane et at (1979), the occupational
R20: Harmful by inhalation
exposure limit value should be between 12 and 120
ppm (57 and 570 mg.m-3) to protect from irritation.

With methyl isoamyl ketone only one subchronic [National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
inhalation study on rats has been reported (200, 1000 (1984) Manual of Analytical Methods (3rd Edition)
and 2000 ppm; 950, 4750 and 9500 mg.m-3, six hours Method 1301
a day, five days a week for 90 days). Decrease in
aural response, lethargy and histological changes in Methods for the determination of hazardous
the liver and kidney were observed at 1000 ppm (4 substances (MDHS) 72 Volatile organic compounds
750 mg.m-3) and 2000 ppm (9500 mg.m-3). From this in air - Laboratory method using pumped solid
study (Katz et al., 1986) it may be deduced that the sorbent tubes, thermal desorption and gas
critical targets are the central nervous system, kidney chromatography ISBN 0 11 885692 8 HSE Books
and liver, and that the NOAEL is 200 ppm (950 (1992)]
De Ceaurriz, J., Micillino, J. C., Marignac, B.,
Bonnet, P., Muller, J. and Guenier, J.P. (1984)
The only observation in man is that MIAK showed no
‘Quantitative evaluation of sensory irritating and
positive reaction in a sensitization study on human
neurobehavioural properties of alphatic ketones in
mice’, Fd. Chem. Toxicol., 22, pp. 545-549.

No data are available on mutagenicity, carcinogenicity

Dutch Expert Committee for Occupational Standards
and reproduction toxicity.
and Nordic Expert Group (1989) ‘Basis for an
occupational health standard 7/8-carbon chain
The SEG considered the health-risk assessment as aliphatic monoketones’, in Wibowo, A. A. E., Arbete
carried out by the Dutch Expert Group for och Halsä, pp. 1-45.
Occupational Standards as adequate except for the
size of the safety factor. The Katz study was
Kane, L. E., Barrow, C. S. and Alarie, Y. (1979) ‘A
considered to be an adequate basis for setting the
short-term test to predict acceptable levels of exposure
limit. Although the Dutch Expert Group had used a
to airborne sensory irritants’, Am. Ind. Hygiene. Ass.
safety factor of 4 (with respect to the available animal
J., 40, pp. 207-229.
data and the similarities between MIAK and
2-heptanone), the SEG considered it more appropriate
to use a factor of 10 in view of the nature of the Katz, G. V., Renner, C. J. and Terhaar, C. J. (1986)
available toxicological information and in order to ‘Subchronic inhalation toxicity of methyl isoamyl
maintain consistency with the evaluation other ketone in rats’, Fund . appl. Toxicol., 6, pp 498-505.
The recommended 8-hour TWA value is 20ppm (95
mg/m3). This value is also in line with the range of
recommended limit values of 12 to 120ppm (57 to 570
mg/m3) derived from the RD50 value to protect from
[In view of the reported irritant effects of ketone
vapours , a STEL OES of 100 ppm is proposed. This
level is below that which structurally-related ketones
cause irritation. A skin notation is proposed.]
At the level recommended no measurement difficulties
are foreseen.

R20: Harmful by inhalation
4-METHYLPENTAN-2-ONE R36/37: Irritating to eyes and the respiratory
Recommendation of the EC system
Scientific Committee on R66: Repeated exposure may cause skin
Occupational Exposure Limits
dryness or cracking
8 hour TWA: 20 ppm (83 mg.m )
STEL (15 mins): 50 ppm (208 mg.m-3) OCCURRENCE AND USE
occupational exposure standard MIBK is a high volume industrial solvent with a
production rate in the European Community greater
Notation: Skin
than 1000 tonnes per annum. It is mainly used as a
Biological monitoring Health Guidance solvent in glues, paints, and cleaners, but also as a
Value: 20 µmol 4-methylpentan-2-one/l in solvent for some plastics and various fats, oils and
post urine shift samples waxes. Frequently, MIBK is used in combination with
subject to consultation other solvents such as toluene.

With the exception of [ ] this summary is prepared

Workplace air monitoring
IDENTITY AND PROPERTIES: MIBK can be sampled by drawing air through a
Chemical Name: 4-Methylpentan-2-one charcoal tube or XE-348 tube, followed by solvent
CAS No 108-10-1 desorption, or through porous polymer tubes (Tenax
or Chromosorb 106) followed by thermal desorption.
EINECS No 203-550-1
Analysis is by gas chromatography. Samples may be
EEC No 606-004-00-4 unstable on charcoal. Short term colorimetric detector
Formula: (CH3)2CHCH2COCH3 tubes are available for screening measurements, but
Synonyms Methylisobutylketone, MIBK, react to varying degrees, to a number of ketones.
Instrumental methods are appropriate for continuous
hexone, isopropylacetone
MWt 100.16
Biological monitoring
Vapour pressure: 1.33kPa at 30oC
Biological monitoring may be useful in helping to
Melting point: -80oC assess occupational exposure via dermal as well as
Boiling Point: 115.8oC inhalation routes. There are analytical methods
Conversion factor: 4.16 mg/m3 = 1 ppm (20oC, available for the measurement of MIBK in blood and
101kPa) urine. Measurement of MIBK in post shift urine
samples is the preferred indicator of exposure.]
At ambient temperatures 4-methylpentan-2-one
(MIBK) is a colourless, flammable liquid with a
characteristic sweet odour. It has a saturation HEALTH SIGNIFICANCE
concentration of 40 g.m-3 at 25oC. The explosive limits The SEG reviewed a criteria document elaborated by
are 1.4% and 7.6% by volume in air. The odour the Nordic Expert Group. Although the database was
threshold is about 0.7 ppm (3 mg.m-3 ). MIBK is listed regarded as limited, the SEG came to the conclusion,
in the current Approved Supply List under the after discussing the cited reports of Armeli and Linari,
Chemical (Hazard Information and Packaging for together with the recently published paper of Hjelm,
supply) Regulations 1994 (CHIP) as Harmful , to be that a limit value could be recommended.
labelled with the following risk (R) phrases:
R11: Highly flammable

MIBK shows a low acute toxicity by oral However, the SEG agreed that the symptoms were
administration to animals (rats, mice ; LD50 >2000M subjective and decided that, in the absence of a
mg.kg-1). A mouse LC50 value of 18100 ppm (75296 dose-related response, the evidence for effects at these
mg.m-3) for a 45 minute exposure period has been concentrations was not convincing. The Armali study
determined. was therefore used as the basis for setting the limits.

From the limited data available, irritation of the eyes,

Subacute (14 days) and subchronic (90 days) studies
the nose, the upper respiratory tract and effects on the
on different species with exposure concentrations of
CNS are regarded to be the key effects/organs.
100 and 200 ppm (416 and 832 mg.m-3) showed
effects on the kidney at 100 ppm (416 mg.m-3) in rats
after 14 days continuous exposure (enhanced kidney
weight, reversible hyaline droplet toxic tubular The human data of Armeli, which showed effects just
nephrosis). First indications of CNS effects (extended below 100 ppm (410 mg.m-3), was considered to be an
reaction time) have been shown by exposing a small adequate basis for setting the limits. The
number (4) of baboons to 50 ppm (208 mg.m-3 MIBK recommended 8-hour TWA is 20 ppm (83 mg.m-3).
for 7 days. A STEL (15 mins) of 50 ppm (208 mg.m-3) is also
The proposed limit values do not take account of
No long term animal studies, nor studies on
possible interactions with other solvents (e.g. MEK,
mutagenicity are reported. However, MIBK has been
toluene) in combined exposure.
selected for testing in Salmonella by NTP in 1989.
[Significant absorption of MIBK via the skin has
been demonstrated in guinea pigs (Hjelm et al 1991)
Tests on reproductive toxicity with rats and mice
and therefore, a skin notation is recommended.]
showed no exposure -related embryotoxicity or
malformations at exposure levels up to 1000 ppm
At the levels recommended no measurement
(4160 mg.m-3 ).
difficulties are foreseen.

Investigation of occupational exposure to MEM at BIBLOGRAPHY

80-500 ppm (333-2080 mg.m-3), for 20 to 30 Methods for the determination of hazardous
mins/day, for 3 to 12 months) was reported by Linari substances MDHS 66 (rev) Mixed hydrocarbons (C5
with a follow up by Armeli 5 years later when to C10) in air - Laboratory method using porous
exposure had diminished to 50-105 ppm (208-437 polymer diffusion samplers, thermal desorption and
mg.m-3). With the higher exposure, a majority of the gas chromatography ISBN 0 7176 0867 0 HSE
19 workers exposed complained of nausea (17), Books (1995)
vomiting (10), diarrhoea (6), irritation of eyes (17),
and airways (13). 16 workers experienced Linari, F., Perelli, G. and Varese, D. (1964): Rilievi
neurasthenic symptoms. The follow up of 14 workers clinici ed ematochimici in operai esposti all'azione di
5 years later with lower exposure showed a lowered, un chetone superiore:
but still existing prevalence of neurasthenia (4/14) and
metil-isobutil-c he tone. Arch.Sci,Med., 226-239.
irritative symptoms (2/14).

Armeli, G., Linari, F. and Martorano, G. (1968):

The most recent study (Hjelm, 1990) of the
Rilievi clinici ed ematochimici in operai esposti
toxicokinetics reported similar irritative effects and
all'arione di un chetone superione (MIBK) ripetuti a
CNS-symptoms in a small number (8) of human
distanza di 5 anni. Lav.Urnano 20, 418-423.
volunteers during inhalation exposure to MIBC for 2
hours at 2.4, 24 and 48 ppm (10, 100 and 200 mg.m-3).

Hagberg M. (1988): Methylisobutyl Ketone.In:
Heimbürger G. and P.Lundberg (eds), Criteria
documents from the Nordic Expert Group. Arbete och
Hälsa, 33, 53-76.

Hjelm, EW, Hagberg, M., Iregren, A. and Löf, A.

(1990): Exposure to methyl isobutyl ketone:
toxicokinetics and occurrence of irritative and CNS
symptoms in man. Int. Arch. occup. Environ. Health,
62, 19-26.

[Hjelm, EW, Bowman, A, Fernstrom, P, Hagberg M,

Johanson G (1991): Percutaneous uptake and kinetics
of methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) in the guinea pig.
Toxicology Letters 56, 79-86]

1994 (CHIP) as Irritant, to be labelled with the
TETRAHYDROFURAN following risk (R) phrases:

Recommendation of the Scientific R11: Highly flammable

Committee on Occupational R19: May form explosive peroxides
Exposure Limits R36/37: Irritating to eyes and the respiratory
8 hour TWA: 50 ppm (120 mg.m-3) system
15-minute STEL: 100 ppm (300 mg.m ) OCCURRENCE AND USE
THF is produced mainly be catalytic hydrogenation of
Notation: Skin maleic acid anhydride or furan. It has a production
rate in the European Communities in excess of 1000
With the exception of [ ] this summary is prepared tonners per annum. It is used in industry as a solvent
from the SCOEL SEG SUM for a variety of resins, plastics and elastomers, and as
IDENTITY AND PROPERTIES an adhesive for joining plastic parts. Occupational
Chemical Name: Tetrahydrofuran exposure levels are greatest during use as a solvent
CAS No 109-99-9 adhesive with short term levels of up to 263 ppm (789
EINECS No 203-726-8
EEC No 603-025-00-0
Colorimetric detector tubes are available for screening
measurements. Medium and long-term monitoring of
tetrahydrofuran is by pumped sampling through a
charcoal or porous polymer tube, followed by solvent
desorption. Analysis is by gas chromatography. These
methods are suitable for concentrations between 0.2 -
100 mg.m-3, with a sample volume of 2.5 litres at a
Formula: C4H8O
flow rate of 0.005l.min-1. Continuous monitoring can
be conducted using infra-red spectrophotometry and
Synonyms Butylene oxide other methods. A biological method is reported,
measuring THF in end of shift urine samples by
Diethylene oxide
capillary gas chromatography with flame ionisation
Mwt 72.11
Vapour pressure: 17.5kPa at 20ºC
The SEG discussed the document (SEG/CDO/2)
Melting point: - 108.5ºC which was co-produced by the Swedish Criteria Group
Boiling point: 67ºC. for Occupational Standards and the Dutch Expert
Committee for Occupational Standards.
Conversion factor: 3.00 mg/m3 = 1ppm (20ºC,
In animals, THF is rapidly absorbed by the lungs and
through the skin. It is distributed relatively uniformly
THF is a colourless, volatile liquid with a and a It is
in the body, with slightly higher concentrations
highly flammable and has an ether-like odour and a
observed in adipose tissues.
pungent taste. The and the odour threshold is 20-50
THF has low acute toxicity, reported LC50 values
ppm (60-150 mg/m3). THF is listed in the current
being in the region of 20,000 ppm (60,000 mg.m-3).
Approved Supply List under the Chemical (Hazard
Death is preceded by narcosis.
Information and Packaging for supply) Regulations

Inhalation studies in animals indicate that the mucous required. Additional information on human effects
membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract, and the should be obtained.
central nervous system are the critical target tissues. At the levels recommended, no measurement
Liver and kidney damage have also been noted. difficulties are foreseen.
Although there are no controlled human studies,
comparable effects have been observed in reports on
workers exposed to THF vapour. BIBLIOGRAPHY

Concentration-related effects on nasal and tracheal Methods for the determination of hazardous
ciliary beating have been reported, with minimal, substances MDHS 72 Volatile organic compounds in
transient, effects of 100 and 250 ppm (300 and 750 air - Laboratory method using pumped solid sorbent
mg.m-3) (Ikeoka et al, 1984; Ohashi et al, 1983). tubes, thermal desorption and gas chromatography
Exposure of rats to 200 ppm (600 mg.m-3) for 3 hours ISBN 0 11 885692 8 HSE Books (1992)
also caused slight irritation of the nose and eyes
(Katahira et al, 1982a). CNS effects have been Ong CN, Chia SE et al (1991) Biological monitoring
observed following exposure of rats to 3000 ppm of occupational exposure to tetrahydrofuran Br J Ind
(9000 mg.m-3) 3 h/day, 5 days/week for 8 weeks Med 48, 616-621
(Kawata et al, 1986). Increases in serum enzymes,
indicative of liver damage, have been observed in rats
exposed to THF at 1000 ppm (3000 mg.m-3) 4h/day, 5 ACGIH (1989). Threshold Limit Values and
days/week for 12 weeks (Katahira et al, 1982b). Biological Exposure Indices for 1989-1990.
Similar indications have been seen in workers exposed American Conference of Government Industrial
to THF vapour at less than 1000 ppm (3000 mg.m-3) Hygienist, Cincinnati, Ohio.
(Horiushi et al, 1967). A 13 week inhalation study,
conducted by Chhabra et al (1990), identified Chhabra, R S, Elwell, M R, Chou, B, Miller, R A and
NOAELs for systemic effects (CNS and liver Renne, R A (1990). Sub chronic toxicity of
damage), of 1800 ppm (5400 mg.m-3) in rats and 600 tetrahydrofuran vapours in rats and mice. Fund.
ppm (1800 mg.m-3) in mice. Thus, 100 ppm (300 Appl. Toxicol 14, 338-345.
mg.m-3) may be considered as the minimal effect level.
THF may lower the threshold for epileptic seizures.
DFG (1989). Maximum concentrations at the
workplace and biological tolerance values for working
RECOMMENDATIONS materials 1989. Report XXV Commission for the
Studies showing reduction in ciliary beating (Ikeoka et investigation of health hazards of chemical
al, 1984; Ohashi et al, 1983) and irritation of the nose compounds in the work area. Deutsche
and eyes of the rat (Katahari et al, 1982a) established Forschungsgemeinschaft. VCH, Weinheim, Germany.
a lowest observed effect level of 100 ppm (300
Horiushi, K, Horigushi, S, Utsunomiya, T, Shinagawa,
mg.m-3) and were considered to be the best available
K, Nakagawa, T, Takada, F, Deguchi, T, Okada, H,
basis for setting exposure limits. An uncertainty
Kawasaki, N, Murakami, Y and Kuroda, Y. (1967).
factor of 2 was considered to be appropriate in view of
Toxicity of an organic solvent, tetrahydrofuran, on the
the transient nature of the minimal effects observed.
basis of industrial health studies at a certain factory.
The recommended 8-hour TWA is 50 ppm (150
Sumitomo Bulletin of Industrial Health, No 3m-49-56.
mg.m-3). To prevent short term exposure to irritant
levels an STEL (15 mins) of 100 pm (300 mg.m-3) is
Ikeoka, H, Ohashi, Y, Maruoka, K, Nataka, J,
Masutani, H, Nakai, Y, Horigushi, S, and Teramoto,
Skin penetration may make a substantial contribution K (1984). Effects of tetrahydrofuran exposure on the
to the total body burden so a skin notation is also ciliary activity and morphology of tracheal epithelium
in rabbits. Osaka City Med, J, 30, 53-67.


Katahira, T, Teramoto, K and Horigushi, S. (1982a).

Experimental studies on repeated inhalation toxicity of
tetrahydrofuran in rats. Proceedings of the Tenth
Asian Conference on Occupational Health, Singapore,
2, 793-798.

Katahira, T, Teramoto, K and Horigushi, S (1982b).

Experimental studies on the acute toxicity of
tetrahydrofuran in animals. Sangyo Igaku 24,

Kawata, F, Shimizu, T, Ozono, S. (1986).

Determination and fluorescent-histochemical
approach to catecholamines in the rat brain inhalation
of tetrahydrofuran. Nippon Hoigaku Zasshi, 40,

Ohashi, Y., Nakai, Y., Nakata, J., Ikeoka,, H.,

Maruoka, K., Horigushi, S and Teramoto, K (1983).
Effects on the ciliary activity and morphology of
rabbit’s nasal epithelium exposed to tetrahydrofuran.
Osaka City Med, J, 29 1-14.

SEG/CDO/2 (1990). Health based recommended

occupational exposure limit for tetrahydrofuran.
Dutch Expert Committee and Swedish Criteria Group
for Occupational Standards.




1. It is Government policy that the costs of all new or revised regulation must be
assessed. Since 1982 the Health and Safety Commission (HSC) has required cost benefit
assessments (CBAs) to be undertaken for all major proposals for health and safety
regulations unless the costs resulting from their introduction are negligible. This approach has
also been extended to the consultation period for Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs).
Since October 1998, costs and benefits are discussed in the regulatory impact assessment
(RIA) framework.

2. The complexities of applying CBA/RIA methodology to occupational ill-health issues

as opposed to accident prevention mean that the results need to be considered with particular
caution. The uncertainties resulting from imperfect information on the cost of controls, and
validation of exposure compliance data can be more pronounced in relation to health issues,
so that estimates of the costs often need to be viewed as rough estimates. The extent of
uncertainty will vary according to each substance and the availability of accurate information.

3. On the other side of the scale, quantifying the benefits of an OEL also poses some
particular problems. Quantification is normally based upon how far the OEL reduces the risk
to employees exposed using dose-effect information. However, for substances such as
carcinogens the dose-effect relationship is commonly not established, and alternative ways of
deriving a monetary value to represent the benefits of setting OELs have been developed.

4. In addition, there are a number of underlying benefits that can accrue from the
introduction of an OEL and lead to more general improvements in worker protection but
cannot easily be quantified. Such benefits are often less tangible, longer term, or relate to the
general principles of introducing an OEL rather than to its specific level. They may also lead
to consequential improvements in productivity, reduction in product loss and improvements
in employee recruitment and retention, some of which are difficult to quantify. These
potential benefits include factors such as:

w Defining a level playing field for all users.
w Defining adequate control.
w Providing clearer guidance on the level considered to be reasonably
w Providing a standard for new users.
w Reducing/ limiting scope of 'discretion' by enforcing authority.
w Providing consistency with international developments.
w Reinforcing/ improving good practice.
w Encouraging/ stimulating proper reporting of ill-health.
w Promoting more effective health surveillance.
w Reducing ambient air contamination generally.

5. The Health and Safety Commission's Advisory Committee on Toxic Substances

(ACTS) takes such uncertainties and potential benefits into consideration when discussing
and agreeing proposals for OELs. It fully recognises that CBA is an aid to decision-making.
During the process of deciding on the proposal for an OEL, ACTS will consider the
CBA/RIA and the existence of the potential benefits, and will make a recommendation in the
context of its responsibilities for employee health protection, and the provision of help to
industry in risk management. The CBA/RIA provides a tool which enables HSC to make
decisions based on a knowledge of available factors including the socio-economic impact of
the proposed OEL. It is not, however, the over-riding determining factor.




Substance Summary of RIA

Chlorobenzene Chlorobenzene is not manufactured in the UK. There is

some exposure in repackaging and distribution (100-200
workers). Its principal uses are as an intermediate or solvent
in chemicals manufacture (100-300 workers), as a laboratory
reagent (estimated to be 500 to 1000), and in a very few
adhesives. HSE’s enquiries suggest that fewer chemical
plants now use chlorobenzene than formerly. It was not
possible to estimate the numbers exposed in adhesive
applications. Health benefits arising from a MEL would be a
reduction in the risk of genotoxicity, however, this is not
The cost to industry overall in complying with MELs of 1
ppm (8 hr TWA) and 3 ppm (STEL) are estimated to be
between £115k and £233k (over ten-years in present value
terms). Given an estimated 700 to 1500 workers are
exposed, this leads to an estimate of between £77 and £133
per employee. This is at the low end of costs per exposed
employee compared with other MELs recently set.
Although the recommended MELs are lower than the
IOELVs, the indications are that the lower levels may be
achieved without significant extra cost, and are justified in
the light of the unresolved concerns about health effects.

Dihydrogen selenide An initial compliance cost assessment indicated that

dihydrogen selenide has limited use in the semiconductor
industry as a dopant gas. Up to 30 employees may be
exposed during its use and distribution, however, dihydrogen
selenide is used in closed systems with state of the art
automated controls. Setting a MEL is unlikely to further
reduce exposure. Consequently, health benefits are likely to
be negligible, as are costs associated with compliance.
Therefore, a full RIA has not been conducted.

Phenol Phenol is not manufactured in Great Britain, but is used
extensively with some 70 - 80,000 people exposed in total.
The major applications (with best estimates of numbers
exposed) are: supply and transportation (250 exposed);
chemical synthesis, including resin manufacture (ca 12
companies, <200 exposed); paint stripping - aircraft (20
sites, 200 exposed); use of phenolic resins (large number of
sites, 40,000 exposed); foundry sand binders (900 foundries,
up to 33,000 exposed). Health benefits arising from a MEL
would be a reduction in the risk of mutagenic effects,
however, this is not quantifiable as there is no conclusive
evidence regarding dose and effects.
The cost to industry overall in complying with a MEL of 2
ppm (8 hr TWA) are estimated to lie in the range £606k to
£1622k (over ten-years in present value terms). The average
costs of around £15 per employee are considerably lower
than for many other substances with concerns about
genotoxicity. The foundries sector is the major contributor
to the estimated costs, however, the average cost is still
estimated to be less than £50 per employee.

Substance Summary of RIA

1st Consolidated Indicative Costs are attributable to cyclohexanone and diethyl ether.
Occupational Exposure Limit Costs are also attributable to phenol and o-xylene, m-xylene,
Values (IOELV) Directive p-xylene, xylene mixed isomers, butoxyethanol, and
5-methylheptan-3. Total one-off costs, as a result of capital
expenditure, are estimated to be about £0.4 million
(1999/2000 prices), while the ten-year present value of the
recurring costs is £8.8 million (1999/2000 prices). Recurring
costs are incurred mainly as a result of increased use of
respiratory protective equipment and increased monitoring to
check compliance with the new limit. Thus, the total cost to
society of implementing the whole Directive is £9.2 million
(1999/2000 prices) over 10 years, in present value terms. The
RIA could not quantify any of the health benefits resulting
from the introduction of this Directive. However, it was
noted that there are negative health effects associated with
exposure to the substances covered by the Directive and that
reducing exposure may lead to health benefits.



1. We would like you to tell us what you think about the proposals set out in this
consultative document. The proposals are summarised below in a questionnaire which you
may wish to copy or tear out and use. You may wish to attach a separate sheet if your
comments are extensive.

2. When replying, you may also wish to bear in mind the legal advise on implementation
of the IOELV Directive. This advice is outlined in paragraphs 4 and 5 of the consultation

3. The Commission tries to make its consultation procedure as thorough and open as
possible. Responses to this consultative document will be lodged with HSE’s Information
Centres after the close of the consultation period where they can be inspected by members of
the public. Please note: All views will be placed in HSE Information Centres unless you
specifically state that this response, or a part of it, should be treated as confidential.

4. Please reply to:

Carole Sullivan
Health Directorate, Chemicals Policy Division
Health and Safety Executive
6th Floor, South Wing, Rose Court
2 Southwark Bridge
London SE1 9HS
e mail: carole.sullivan@hse.gsi.gov.uk

We should like all replies to arrive no later than 1 May 2001.

Health and Safety Commission



Reply form
(Please type, or write in block capitals)

Name of organisation or company:

Name of individual:
Telephone number:
E-mail address:
If you are replying on behalf of an organisation, please say what it does


How many people does it employ?.............................................................................

Question Comment
1. Do you agree with the 8 hour TWA MEL
proposal for chlorobenzene?

If you disagree, please explain why.

2. Do you agree with the STEL MEL
proposal for chlorobenzene?

If you disagree, please explain why.

3. Do you agree with the Sk notation

proposal for chlorobenzene?

If you disagree please explain why.

4. Do you agree that the IOELV should be

adopted as an 8 hour TWA MEL for
dihydrogen selenide?

If you disagree, please explain why.

5. Do you agree that the IOELV should be

adopted as a STEL MEL for dihydrogen

If you disagree, please explain why.

6. Do you agree that the IOELV should be

adopted as an 8 hour TWA MEL for phenol?

If you disagree, please explain why.

7. Do you agree that it is not necessary to
set a STEL MEL for phenol?

If you disagree, please explain why.

8. Do you agree that the Sk notation should

be retained?

If you disagree please explain why.

9. Do you agree with the 8 hour TWA OES

proposal for xylenes?

If you disagree, please explain why.

10. Do you agree with the STEL OES

proposal for xylenes?

If you disagree, please explain why.

11. Do you agree that the Sk notation

should be retained for xylenes?

If you disagree please explain why.

12. Do you agree with the proposal to
develop a BMGV for xylenes?

If you disagree please explain why.

13. Do you agree that the IOELV Sk

notation should be adopted for

If you disagree please explain why.

14. Do you agree that the IOELV should be

adopted as an 8 hour TWA OES for Ortho-
phosphoric acid?

If you disagree, please explain why.

15. Do you agree that the IOELV should be

adopted as a STEL OES for

If you disagree, please explain why.

16. Do you agree with the STEL OES

proposal for 2-Methoxy-1-methylethyl

If you disagree please explain why.

17. Do you agree with the Sk notation
proposal for 2-Methoxy-1-methylethyl

If you disagree please explain why.

18. Do you agree with the STEL OES

proposal for Cumene?

If you disagree please explain why.

19. Do you agree with the proposal to adopt

the IOELVs for Acetone, Cyclohexanone,
Diethyl ether, 5-Methyl- hexan-2-one,
4-Methylpentan-2-one and Tetrahyrofuran;
and the health based recommendation of
SCOEL for Heptan-3-one? If you disagree
with any of these proposals please state
which ones and explain why.

20. Do you have any comments on the

CBAs/RIAs for chlorobenzene, dihydrogen
selenide, phenol, piperazine and the 1st
IOELV Directive?

21. Do you have any further information or
views that are relevant to this consultation?

22. In your view how well does this q Very Well

q Well
consultation document represent the
q Not Well
different policy issues involved in this q Poorly
matter? [Tick one box]

23. Is there anything you particularly liked

or disliked about this consultation?
(Please add extra sheets if you wish.)

24. Would you like to receive hard copies of

proposals for piperazine when they are
published on the internet?


The full text of this and other Consultative Documents can be viewed
and downloaded from the Health and Safety Executive web site on the internet:

Consultative Documents are available from:

HSE Books, PO Box 1999
Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 2WA
Tel: 01787 881165
Fax: 01787 313995

Printed and published by the Health and Safety Executive

© Crown copyright 2001
CD166 C35 1/01

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