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CALVARY PANDAN BIBLE- women to go to his head.

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH may have wisdom in earthly matters as
described in this chapter but he fell
[Adapted from Bethel Bible-Presbyterian
into the sin of the pride of life by the
Church, 10 Downing St. Oakleigh, Vic., 3166]
demonstration of his great opulent
lifestyle. He lost his head and his firm
DHW BIBLE CLASS footing on God and allowed the wealth
of the world and worldly fame to take
over and led him down the path of
THE FIRST BOOK OF KINGS indulgence and a self-seeking life.
CHAPTER 10 The bottom line is that Solomon
had forgotten the Giver and had
replaced Him with the many gifts that
INTRODUCTION he received. The most dangerous time
It is very hard for the obedient in the Christian’s life is not when he is
Christian to live in a dark and wicked in want and struggling to make a living
world and yet remain faithful and true. but when he is rich and famous and
For the world to look up to the when pride sets into his heart. He
Christian is more often than not near could soon forget the LORD who has
impossible. The world despises once upon a time been his personal
Christians and what Christians stand confidante in all matters. God would
for. There are more nicknames used to then be slowly but surely replaced by
mock Christians than any other Mammon and Fame. These are the
religion. The world will not come to a two great enemies for the Christian
Christian because of his Christian living in the free world of
principles. entrepreneurship, freedom and untold
But when the Christian is endowed wealth.
by God with great wisdom, even the Learn well from this chapter of
world of unbelievers will take notice. Solomon’s life. Solomon lived a life of
They take notice in their carnal ways splendour as the great Temple builder
by showering the Christian with earthly of God’s only dwelling place on earth.
treasures. This is the only way they He behaved like a heathen, which was
know how for these to them are typical of kings of the rest of the world.
treasures. Solomon who was endowed His blessing turned into his greatest
with such high wisdom from God curse! This chapter is a warning to us
received such treatment from a Queen all and a rebuke to those who have
and the world over. already turned into worldly Solomons!
Under such circumstances, it is
incumbent upon the Christian to keep OUTLINE
both his feet firmly on the ground and
not allow all these earthly glory heaped 1. The Queen of Sheba visits King
upon him by renowned men and Solomon (vv.1-13)

2. More of Solomon’s wisdom wealth personnel and gifts and goods to test
and works (vv14-23); Solomon. She came with many
3. Solomon Ruined by Fame and questions. They were riddles that she
Fortune (vv. 10:24-29) sought answers for, and these
concerned the name of the LORD or
how Solomon became a successful
COMMENTARY ruler. She was impressed with
Solomon’s wide knowledge of things
The Queen of Sheba Visits King
(10:3) and was amazed by his wisdom
Solomon – 10:1-13
and the magnificent palace, which he
Solomon’s reputation for wisdom had built (10:4). She was also
and wealth was world-renowned. The impressed with the royal banquet, and
queen of Sheba was interested, the apparel of Solomon’s ministers and
particularly concerning “the name of officers. Having seen all these, she
the LORD”. She wanted to visit was so overwhelmed that she
Solomon and test his wise sayings. exclaimed that “there was no more
The name of the queen was not spirit (breath) in her”. She was
mentioned. Sheba was the name of breathless! She testified that all that
the land in which she was the queen. she had heard of Solomon were true.
She was not the wife of a king. Sheba Initially, she was sceptical, but after
was the land of the Sabeans in south- she had seen with her own eyes, she
west Arabia, which is today called concluded with the remark, “the half
Yemen. was not told me,” (v.7).
Her purpose was stated clearly for She even commented on how
us in the Bible. She came “to prove happy and fortunate all of Solomon’s
him with hard questions”. The phrase servants were, to have such a wise
“hard questions” came from the root king. “Happy are thy men, happy are
word, which means “to tie into knots or these thy servants, which stand
riddles”. She wanted to ask Solomon continually before thee, and that hear
all kinds of riddles to test how wise he thy wisdom.” (v.8). The word for happy
really was. She knew how to conduct here is blessed. It is the same word
herself in such circumstances. She did translated in Psalm 1:1 as blessed.
not come empty handed nor did she Were the citizens of Israel really happy
come alone. to have such a wise king like Solomon
She came with a very large who could answer all riddles and
entourage bringing many gifts of compose thousands of songs?
camels, spices, much gold and She then blessed the LORD,
precious stones. It seems that she was Solomon’s God who had set him on
leading a trade mission. The distance the throne of Israel because the LORD
to Jerusalem was about one thousand loved His people Israel (v.9). “Blessed
and two hundred miles. That was a be the LORD thy God, which delighted
very long journey and yet she took the in thee, to set thee on the throne of
trouble to travel days with all the


Israel: because the LORD loved Israel of the throne were two lions and on the
for ever, therefore made he thee king, six steps of the throne were twelve
to do judgment and justice.” This does lions on both sides. Moreover Solomon
not mean that she was a convert to the made his household utensils of gold
LORD (YAHWEH). She gave not silver. This was needless luxury.
recognition to Israel’s national God He had a fleet of ships that brought
(YAHWEH). Her words need not gold, silver, ivory, apes and peacocks
necessarily be an expression of (10:22)! Solomon was then using his
personal faith. One thing is sure. Her wealth and fame for his own glory.
visit confirmed how great and famous The clear warning from God’s
Solomon had become. Her statement Word is found in Deuteronomy 6:10-
was correct when she said that the 13, “And it shall be, when the LORD
LORD made him king in order to do thy God shall have brought thee into
judgement and justice. These are the the land which he sware unto thy
hall marks of any good government. fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to
She gave gold, spices and precious Jacob, to give thee great and goodly
stones to Solomon and also gave to cities, which thou buildedst not, And
Hiram many algum trees and precious houses full of all good things, which
stones. Solomon in return gave her all thou filledst not, and wells digged,
that she desired. Obviously there was which thou diggedst not, vineyards and
some kind of trade treaty signed. The olive trees, which thou plantedst not;
queen of Sheba then “turned and went when thou shalt have eaten and be
to her own country, she and her full; Then beware lest thou forget the
servants” (10:13). LORD, which brought thee forth out
More of Solomon’s Wisdom, Wealth of the land of Egypt, from the house
and Works – 10:14-23 of bondage. Thou shalt fear the
LORD thy God, and serve him, and
Solomon was unimaginably shalt swear by his name.” [Emphasis
wealthy. Every year he received 666 added].
talents of gold! In addition to this
amount of gold, he received goods These might have been the
from all the merchants and all the warnings of the LORD for the people
kings of Arabia and the governors of of Israel prior to their entrance into the
the land (10:14, 15). He made shields Promised Land but they were just as
of gold and stored them in the house applicable to Solomon and still are to
named “the forest of Lebanon”. us today. He decorated his palace and
Solomon then made a throne for homes but not the Temple of God. The
himself. It was a great throne made of Temple was not even mentioned at all.
ivory and overlaid with gold. Solomon was getting richer and richer
by the minute and his fame was
It was truly impressive – the spreading like wild fire throughout the
ivory white in-laid with decorations of ancient world. This was the high point
shining gold! The throne had six steps of Israel’s kingdom where every citizen
leading to it. On both sides of the seat


was enjoying wealth and fame and not thy brother. But he shall not
peace throughout the land. But this did multiply horses to himself, nor cause
not last long as it was founded upon the people to return to Egypt, to the
worldly wisdom and wealth not Godly end that he should multiply horses:
wisdom and Godly foundations i.e. forasmuch as the LORD hath said unto
God’s perfect and eternal Word. you, Ye shall henceforth return no
Solomon Ruined by Fame and more that way. Neither shall he
Fortune – 10:24-29 multiply wives to himself, that his heart
turn not away: neither shall he greatly
Solomon’s fame spread far and multiply to himself silver and gold.”
wide and all the kings of the earth Solomon had broken all the rules of
sought to have an audience with him God for the king who was to govern
to hear of his wisdom which God had God’s people. The things that worldly
put in his heart. These kings who kings sought after must not be found in
visited Solomon brought presents of the heart of God’s king and God’s
silver, gold, garments, armour, spices, people.
horses and mules every year. Now
Solomon gathered together chariots
and horsemen to boost his army. He PRACTICAL VALUE
even acquired horses and famous Humans love wise people. This
linen cloth from Egypt. Solomon grew is the way of the world. The world is
richer year by year. This accumulation very impressed by geniuses. He could
of horses from Egypt was clearly a be a brilliant musician or scientist or a
violation of the prohibition that God mathematician or a doctor or an artist;
had imposed on the kings of Israel. it does not matter as long as he is a
This is sad. Had Solomon become genius. This was Solomon’s blessing
more self-centred and self-serving, from God. He was a genius in many
forgetting God? The next chapter fields. The whole world took notice of
should tell. him. The problem was that Solomon
This accumulation of wealth and allowed all these accolades that
chariots and horses was categorically flooded in from all quarters of the world
forbidden by the LORD. Deuteronomy to go to his head. He became a worldly
17:14-17, “When thou art come unto king where his splendour and
the land which the LORD thy God greatness was measured no more by
giveth thee, and shalt possess it, and his relationship with his LORD but by
shalt dwell therein, and shalt say, I will the grandeur of His palaces and
set a king over me, like as all the physical wealth and carnal glory. This
nations that are about me; Thou shalt caused his down fall and what a fall it
in any wise set him king over thee, was for the wisest man on earth!
whom the LORD thy God shall choose: It was wonderful for Solomon to
one from among thy brethren shalt show all the things that he had done to
thou set king over thee: thou mayest the queen of Sheba and to astound
not set a stranger over thee, which is her with his wisdom and knowledge.


But what was more important was that Discussion Questions

he should have introduced the LORD 1. What should be the right Christian
his God to her. Nothing is mentioned attitude if God were to endow you
about this. The queen of Sheba was with much worldly wisdom in
amazed at everything but she went science, maths or IT or whatever
back without knowing more of the skills or gifts? The world takes
LORD. We must not fall into this trap. notice and now it is as if the world
It is good to have a beautiful church to were at your feet.
show. It is also good to have good
works to impress visitors or contacts _______________________________
with. But it is of no use if we do not _______________________________
lead them to know the Lord Jesus
Christ as their personal Saviour. We
should not put too much emphasis on _______________________________
beautiful buildings and spectacular _______________________________
programs which arouse curiosity and _______________________________
draw crowds. It is more important that
we give these people who are
attracted to us the opportunity to have _______________________________
a personal encounter with God through
faith in Jesus Christ. AMEN
2. Were the people really blessed to
have Solomon as their king? See
Daily Readings
Monday: 1 Kings 10:1-13; Luke 11:31;
Matthew 2:1-11.
Tuesday: 1 Kings 10:14-29; Proverbs
4:23-27; Isaiah 60:1-22.
Wednesday: 1 Kings 10:1-29;
Thursday: 1Kings 10:1-29
Friday: 1Kings 10:1-29
3. How did Solomon become so
worldly if he is supposed to be so



_______________________________ his affections and his relationship

with God?
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
4. In what ways is the Queen of _______________________________
Sheba an example for us in respect _______________________________
of the purpose of her visit and her _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
5. Compare Solomon’s action in
verses 26 and, 28 with
Deuteronomy 17:16. Was he guilty
or not?


6. Solomon was outwardly at the

height of his power, wealth and
fame (vv.14-29). But what was
going on in his heart with respect of

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