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The Galt Herald ◆ Wednesday, September 29, 2010 A5


2010 GJUESD Board candidates

The Galt Herald is pleased to present the Each candidate has been asked a series of printed as submitted by the candidate. We
2010 Galt Joint Union Elementary School questions and has been allowed to answer in hope this information will help you in making
District Board Questionnaire. their own words. Each response has been an informed decision at the polls on Nov. 2.

Jennifer Collier Wesley Cagle Albert Bachmann III Kevin Papineau William Utile

I plan to work through budget My plan is to first and fore- With our nation’s economy in We must recognize our The classroom should be
issues with diligence, consider most look over the budget and the situation it is, it is our duty to priorities as a district, examine the last place to feel any cuts.
all options, and transparent check for any type of non-es- examine ways to preserve the what we are doing, and eliminate Administrative positions and
communication. I plan to be sential spending. Much like we jobs of those willing to devote expenditures that do not help us salaries need to be reviewed.
receptive to new ideas and do at home with our budgets, their lives to ensuring the edu- satisfy those priorities. We also Curriculum and staff develop-
keep an open mind. We need we always start by cutting back cation of our children. Schools have to continually seek new and ment expenditures also need to
to address areas that may need or eliminating the items we do are not money makers. They non traditional sources of funding be revised before cuts are made
How do you plan further consideration. The goal not need. The second thing is rely on state and federal funding such as grants and partnerships. to teachers, athletics, libraries,
to address budget is to use the budget provided check to see if there is anyway for the most of their revenue. As Reduction in the personnel por- and the arts.
by the state of California to pre- to increase revenue through we all know depending on that tion of the budget requires either
issues while serve teaching and support staff district facilities. The school dis- money is sketchy at best. We a cut in personnel or compensa-
preserving jobs? positions. While preserving jobs trict can rent different facilities will definitely have to have some tion. Neither is desirable but I
is very important the standard such as multi-purpose rooms, out of the box solutions if we are would favor keeping personnel
for employees and administra- gyms and outdoor fields to local to endure through this economic while doing everything pos-
tion must be factored into the athletic groups. They can also peril. sible to mitigate compensation
design of education. We must sell advertising space, which I reduction because of the impact
lead by example. have seen school districts do. teacher to student ratio has on

children achieving their potential.

I will support music, athletics, I fully support these pro- As a father of 3, my children The arts and athletics are First, make extra curricular
and art programs by keeping grams and believe they need to use and love these programs important to a well rounded activities a priority, second only
all options open. There may be be a part of the education pro- that I will do my best to defend. education and we need to to keeping teachers and supplies
unpleasant cuts that will have to grams at our schools. Hopefully, We as a society seem to wor- retain teachers to keep physi- in the classroom. Second, look
be made. Funding issues can we can financially support these ship those who are artistically, cal education, art and music in to outside funding sources and
be addressed through other programs. The school district or athletically talented. How can the school day. Partnering with sponsorships. As a service
How will you support avenues of such as grants and where I grew up started a com- we possibly produce the next volunteers and foundations can learning coordinator in Elk Grove,
music, athletics partnering with the community. munity foundation to help with best selling author, pop singer, help with these programs as I work with several entities that
and art programs Our goal is to provide the most events like these. I believe this or professional athlete if we cut well as after school programs to provide funding for programs that
through hard times? we can with less funds. The would be an excellent idea for programs like these? I believe supplement them. The Marengo are now going strong despite
budget may be minimal for a the elementary district. It raises it’s the arts that make us more Ranch After School Academy, the district’s need to eliminate
time. However there is the need funds that could open doors than status quo. It teaches us supported by the Parent Teach- funding as economic times have
to look ahead with a plan and to events these children are how to hold on to our imagina- er Club, and the recent REI become difficult. The projects
strategy which projects a vision losing. This type of fund could tions that so many of us lose support of the Cosumnes River I currently administer without
for the future that reflects the enable teachers and students with age. Preserve environmental educa- the use of district funds include
success of our students. alike to continue with a variety tion program are examples of student filming making projects,
of activities. these beneficial relationships science camp scholarships, vol-
we should encourage. unteer programs in athletics, and
a service recognition program.

Each candidate offers unique I believe it is a combination In my career I have worked My career in law enforce- I am a parent of four young
skills and experience. I have of my education, career and my way to the top. There were ment has also necessitated daughters attending school
compassion for the employees willingness to volunteer. I was a many long hours often with and developed the ability to here in Galt, giving me a very
and the job they face everyday teacher for 10 years, so I under- deadlines looming. I have made approach situations in a logical personal reason to want the
working to educate our students. I stand the frustration that people many decisions, some good, and unbiased manner, not Galt schools to offer the best
am familiar with several commit- in education have about losing some not so good. Being honest taking things at face value or education possible. Addition-
tees and have worked with the jobs and funding while gaining and having integrity helped me jumping to conclusions. The ally, I have fourteen years of
current board, administration and more students, more responsi- do what it took to make it work. past eight years of my career experience as an elementary
What qualifies you teachers; including School Site bility and higher expectations on With all that said, really I am not have been dedicated to the classroom teacher, a curriculum
to serve over your Council, Parent Teacher Asso- test scores. any more special than any one protection of children. I have coach, a mentor, and a service
competitors? ciation, Sly Park Volunteers, and else. But what I am doing is successfully worked as part of coordinator. I have a Bachelor
District Advisory Committee. I hold getting involved. county and statewide commit- of Arts Degree in Economics
high standards for both students tees to improve child safety and from CSUS, and a Master of
and administration. The number investigation and prosecution Education in Cross Cultural
one priority is to provide and serve of crimes against children. It Teaching Degree form National
the children in this community. has required that I demonstrate University.
Children need a balance between integrity and sensitivity in deal-
instruction, practice, imagination, ing with complex and critical

creative expression and physical situations.

I do not believe the cur- In hard economic times, we I do not care for negative pol- The biggest area I see for I believe that the current
rent board has failed. The new as a community need to step up itics. The simple facts of life are improvement in the board is board has failed to set an
school board of trustees will be and do what is right for the stu- that every one makes mistakes. communication with the com- agenda of action that correlates
challenged with building a new dents. The current board I feel The key is to learn from those munity. Open communication with the desires and needs of
team that will be facing econom- should have declined payment mistakes and make things better and transparent operation will the community. I do believe
Can you name one ic stress. For further discussion and health benefits. It seems if possible. It’s more important rebuild trust that has been lost. that the board has made recent
area where you feel on this question please join as if parents, certificated staff to be positive and form a strong Board members must be in efforts to hear the citizens of
me at Galt Community Park on and classified staff members trusting team environment to touch with parents, teachers, Galt, but the priorities set forth
the current board October 2nd at 5:00pm. I will be are expected to volunteer their ensure our youths future VS students and the community by the district administration
has failed? addressing additional issues. time to help our schools. How focusing on where some one to have the best information have not met the expectations
come the school board did not? has failed. and understanding to make of the parents and students in
Five members at 200 dollars a decisions. The board also the district. As a board member
month is 1,000 dollars. Over 12 must communicate clearly I want to reestablish trust by
months, that equals 12,000 dol- to the community the things insuring that the desires of the
lars going back to the children that necessitate actions under community are not only heard,

of Galt. consideration. but listened to.
I would like to see the Fairsite My proposal is to keep the We need to better prepare The Fairsite property should If the district is in a position
property used in partnership First 5 Program there. It seems our children for their learning be used in the manner that where selling the property would
with CAST (City and Schools to be a very good program that years. I believe it would be best best serves the district and the not be feasible at this time,
Together) and Galt Youth Master is doing well. I would research to support those early learning community in the long term. other revenue producing op-
Plan, (currently in draft stage). In and see if there are any other years with the preschool cur- Providing First 5 pre-K services portunities should be explored.
addition to the current services educational programs that the rently in operation. and partnering with community There are several questions that
What is your provided at the Fairsite campus; district may be able to incor- colleges to establish a satellite should be asked by the board
Sunshine Food Closet, Preschool, porate with the First 5 and location for adult learning both concerning the Fairsite campus.
proposal for the Parenting Outreach and support. possibly gain more financing. I bring income and employment. Can the multipurpose room be
Fairsite property? I would like to see the Fairsite would not sell it. Right now the Other partnerships that would leased to Parks & Recreation
campus developed into a com- market is not good. From what I benefit the community should for basketball or cheer practice?
munity center where students and have read, there is a possibility be considered such as with Can classrooms be leased out
adults can participate in drama, that in a few years our student health or dental clinic providers to Champions for afterschool
music, language classes, and population may increase. If that or CalWorks. Partnerships like programs? Can churches lease
much more. The facility could be happens, we will have a facility. these could provide more value rooms for worship? Could the
used to provide adult night school, to the district and the commu- district office be moved to the
professional development, and nity than the sale of the land in Fairsite campus to save money
computer classes. the current real estate market. on their current lease?

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