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Most Americans Disapprove of Trump on Putin Summit

July 17-18, 2018

Q1. How would you rate the condition of the national economy these days? Is it very good, fairly good, fairly bad, or very

Total Rep Dem Ind
% % % %
Very good 21 41 7 20
Fairly good 46 41 53 45
Fairly bad 16 5 24 16
Very bad 13 10 13 15
Don't know/No answer 3 2 2 4

Q2. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump handled the recent summit meeting with Vladimir Putin?

Approve 32 68 8 29
Disapprove 55 21 83 53
Don't know/No answer 14 11 9 18

Q3. Did the summit meeting make you feel more confident that Donald Trump will stand up for the interests of the
United States, less confident, or did it not change your confidence?

More confident 19 38 6 18
Less confident 39 14 61 37
No change 37 46 28 38
Don't know/No answer 6 3 6 7

Q4. As president, do you think Donald Trump is too friendly toward Russia, too hostile toward Russia, or is his approach
about right?

Too friendly 46 15 76 43
Too hostile 6 4 8 6
About right 41 77 12 42
Don't know/No answer 7 4 4 10

Q5. Which of these is the way you would prefer the U.S. deal with Russia right now? Mostly put economic and
diplomatic pressure on Russia, or mostly look for dialogue and areas to cooperate with Russia.

Economic and diplomatic pressure 48 37 64 43

Look for dialogue and cooperate 41 50 30 44
Don't know/No answer 11 13 7 14
Q6. Do you consider Russia an ally of the United States, friendly but not an ally, unfriendly, or an enemy of the United

Total Rep Dem Ind
% % % %
Ally 6 9 5 7
Friendly but not an ally 37 50 24 38
Unfriendly 26 22 28 26
Enemy 25 14 41 22
Don't know/No answer 6 6 3 7

Q7. Do you consider the nations of the European Union allies of the United States, friendly but not allies, unfriendly, or
enemies of the United States?

Allies 49 41 61 46
Friendly but not allies 30 35 25 31
Unfriendly 7 11 5 7
Enemies 4 4 3 4
Don't know/No answer 9 9 6 11

Q8. As you may know, U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia interfered in the U.S. Presidential election
and may try to interfere in U.S. elections again. From what you have seen or heard, do you believe those U.S.
intelligence assessments, or not?

Yes, believe 70 51 89 67
No, do not believe 24 42 8 26
Don't know/No answer 6 8 3 7

Q9. How concerned are you that Russia may try to interfere in the 2018 U.S. elections?

Very concerned 40 12 66 38
Somewhat concerned 21 26 21 19
Not very concerned 18 33 6 18
Not at all concerned 19 28 5 23
Don't know/No answer 1 1 1 2

Total Respondents 1,007

Total Republicans 247 232

Total Democrats 296 300
Total Independents 464 475

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