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The Life of Christ

Lesson 1: The Birth, Life and Ministry of

From the beginning in Genesis to the end of the Bible in
Revelations there is a bridge, that’s Jesus. Jesus became the
bridge over troubled waters.

You cannot be in the presence of God with sin, that’s why He sent

Revelations 21:3-4

We are all waiting for the sun to rise, that’s Jesus. By the end of
this class we will see the sun, Jesus, rising in your life.

We will discover what caused Christ to be the most discussed,

studied, revered, and blasphemed.

The titles of Jesus:

1. Jesus-the Greek equivalent of Joshua, means Jehovah is
Salvation. Matthew 1:21

2. Christ; Luke 23:21

3. Messiah; Luke 23:21

4. Anointed One; Luke 23:21

5. Son of God-The Title of Deity; John 5:18

Christ is the perfect imitation of His Father who is God.

Christ is the incarnation of God; God in the flesh.

THE PURPOSE: Why did Jesus come? He was born to die;

Philippians 2:5-8. He came to be offered as a sacrifice for fallen
man’s sin. 1 Corinthians 15:3-4. He would die, be buried and
resurrected according to the scriptures.


Message of the Prophets of the Old Testament was, “Christ is

The Old Testament prophecies about Jesus are part of God’s plan
of redemption. The Prophecies were revelations of ho God would
work out His Saving will. The Old Testament foretold that the
Messiah would be a Jew Born in Bethlehem in the royal line of
King David.

The Prophecies said that Jesus was not only to be the Son of
David, but he was also to be the Son of God. Isaiah 7:14; 1
Corinthians 17:13; Psalms 89:26-27

Providential Preparations in History for the

Coming of Christ:
1) The Roman Empire and Christ were born @ the same time.

a) Unity of diversity.

b) Diversity of religions

c) A multiplicity of gods

The women of the time began saying that it was easier to find a
god than it was to find a man. All these things made it easier for
people to say Jesus was the true God. They were ready to accept

2) There was universal peace.

3) Roads and Commerce. This prepared the way for the
spreading of the Good News. With roads people could travel.

4) There was a Universal language. Greek was on the rise to be a

universal language. Almost everyone could read the Old

5) The Jewish Dispersion. Jews had the Old Testament and where
preaching the Gospel

6) Intellectual and moral awakening. Some of the greatest writers

lived during this time. Schools multiplied, books were readily

7) Spiritual Unrest. Unrest was widespread; people had begun to

lose faith in their small gods and were hungry for Christ. They
were ready and open for a new Gospel.


Genesis 12:3

Isaiah 9:6

Deuteronomy 7:13-14

Haggai 2:7

Zachariah 9:9-10

Isaiah 11:9

Isaiah 60:1-31
Salvation- You cannot understand Jesus without
understanding Salvation.
1) Salvation was predetermined; it was purposed, planned
beforehand. Jesus was the Lamb of God slained. Acts 2:23; 1
Peter 1:18-20

2) Salvation was voluntary; Jesus died by free choice. John 10:17-


3) Salvation was vicarious; done by one person for another on

behalf of another or others. 1 Peter 1:18-20

4) Salvation was sacrificial. As an offering for sin. His blood

purged our sins. 1 Corinthians 5:7; Hebrews 2:9; Hebrews 9:14

5) Salvation is propitiatory-covering or making favorable. 1 John


6) Salvation is redemptive-ransoming by payment; substitute;

Jesus paid the debt he didn’t owe because I had a debt I could
not pay. Galatians 4:4-5

7) Salvation is substitutionary-Christ substituted himself for our

sin (I our stead). 1 Peter 2:24
8) Salvation is expiatory. Rendering satisfactory. The annulling of
sin by a go between. It is a praiseworthy act. Galatians 3:13

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