Install Instructions Inpa EA 90X

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Part 1: Environmental Path Changes

Windows Vista
1.1 Start Menu > Control Panel > Classic View > System > Advanced System Settings
1.2 System Properties > Environment Variables
1.3 User Variables > Select Temp
1.4 System Variables > Select Path > Edit
1.5 Change the end of the variable value, from \Wbem to \Wbem;c:\ediabas\bin
1.6 OK > OK > OK

Windows 2000 and XP

1.7 My Computer > Properties
1.8 System Properties > Environment Variables
1.9 User Variables > Select Temp
1.10 System Variables > Select Path > Edit
1.11 Change the end of the variable value, from \Wbem to \Wbem;c:\ediabas\bin
1.12 OK > OK > OK

Part 2: First Install

2.1 Move the folder INPA_EA-90X to C:
2.2 C: > INPA_EA-90X > INPA_Setup > Programminstallation
2.3 Run the application setup.exe (Windows Vista users must run it in XP Compatibility Mode!)
2.4 Follow the simple on-screen instructions.
2.5 Select the programs you either want to install or update.
2.6 Select the interface you want to use: STD:OBD
2.7 Select the COM-Port you want to use and possibly a USB-RS232 adaptor.
2.8 Instillation will begin.

Part 3: Second Install

3.1 C: > INPA_EA-90X > Referenz > Install
3.2 Run the application Instprog (Windows Vista users must run it in XP Compatibility Mode!)
3.3 English > Continue > Continue
3.4 Select C: > Continue
3.5 Select BMW Group Rectification Programs UK > Continue
3.6 Select the programs you either want to install or update > Continue
3.7 Select OBD > Continue > Continue
3.8 Instillation will begin.
3.9 End

Part 4: Third Install

4.1 C: > INPA_EA-90X > INPA_Update
4.2 Update > Yes

Part 5: Fourth Install

5.1 Go to C:\EC-APPS and replace the existing INPA folder, with the INPA folder in Folder_1

All of my software is “work-in-progress”. I'll update it as often as i can.

Kind Regards,

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