Exam Pre Intermediate Reading - Grammar - Vocabulary - Listening

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4th Adolescents NEO IEDIS Insight Pre-Intermediate Final Exam

I) Reading Comprehension

1- Read the following article about Okinawans and decide if the following statements are TRUE (T) or
FALSE (F) . Justify all your choices quoting from the text.

The man who climbed Everest

These days, climbing up to the top of Mount Everest, the
world’s highest mountain, has become so popular that it is
often crowded with teams of climbers. Fifty years ago, only a
few people had reached its summit. Nowadays, more than a
hundred people a year do the climb up Mount Everest.
However, in 2006, one of the many people who reached the top
was different. His name was Mark Inglis, he came from New
Zealand, and his successful climb was unusual because Mark
doesn’t have any legs.
If you know anything about the history of climbing Mount
Everest, you’ll know that Mark wasn’t the first New Zealander to reach the summit. In 1953,
Edmund Hillary was not only the first New Zealander to climb the world’s highest mountain, but
also one of the first two men on earth to do so. He reached the summit along with his climbing
partner, a Nepalese mountain climber called Tenzing Norgay. However, Mark’s achievement was
a first for someone with his disability. Other disabled climbers, including a blind American man
and a Nepalese man with no hands, had succeeded in climbing Everest before Mark, but what
Mark managed to do was perhaps more incredible. He wore artificial legs during the climb, which
had been made especially for him, but the strength and effort he needed to achieve his goal was
After the climb, Mark told reporters that he had decided to go up Everest because he was a
mountain climber and had always dreamed of climbing Everest, and not because he wanted to set
records as a disabled person. He had lost his legs when he was in his twenties. At the time, he was
working as a mountain rescue worker and during a climb, bad weather meant that he and a friend
had to find shelter in an ice cave. When they were rescued, two weeks later, their legs had frozen
and doctors had had to cut them off. Despite this personal disaster, Mark continued to love
climbing, and never stopped dreaming about reaching the top of Everest one day.
As well as achieving a personal goal, Mark climbed Everest to raise money to help other people.
On his website, he says that you don’t see many disabled people in Tibet, one of the countries
where Mount Everest is situated, because life is hard there, and there is very little support for
people with disabilities. By raising money, he hoped to be able to provide artificial arms and legs
for disabled Tibetan people, as well as for people who had lost arms and legs in other poor
countries, such as Cambodia. Mark’s successful climb was both an important personal
achievement and an act that helped give other people hope and support.

1 About a hundred people have climbed Everest in the last fifty years.
2 Mark was the first disabled person to reach the top of Everest.
3 Tenzing Norgay reached the summit on his own.
4 Mark climbed Everest as it was his dream to reach the top of it.
5 Mark lost his legs because he had spent a long time on a mountain in cold weather.
6 The money that Mark has raised is used to help disabled children whose life is hard.
4th Adolescents NEO IEDIS Insight Pre-Intermediate Final Exam

1- Read the text and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
Life 0__changed_____( change) completely for Katy Jackson when she 1__________ (win) £ 50,000
in the lottery. ' I 2__________(decide) to buy a ticket while I 3_____________(wait) for the bus. I
wasn't excited about it, because I didn't expect to win. In fact, I completely forgot to check my
numbers until a friend reminded me to do so. You can't imagine how surprised I 4____(be)!'
Unfortunately, Kate 5___________(recently/ discover) that having lots of money isn't always easy.
Every time she 6 ____________(go) out with her friends, they expect her either 7_________(pay) for
the bills or they feel angry if she 8 ________(offer) to pay for them.
'I 9_____________(think) I would enjoy myself, but everyone 10 __________ (start) to treat me
differently, except for a friend of mine who had asked me to lend him £ 10,000.

2-Read the text and choose the correct option a,b,c or d.

A history of newspapers
Newspapers have existed 0___ a lot longer than most people think. In fact, the first newspaper 1___
in Rome in 59 BC! In the seventeenth century, the first real newspapers appeared in most European
capitals, including Stockholm, 2___ capital city of Sweden, where they published a newspaper called
Post-och Inrikes Tidningar for the first time in 1645. It 3___ today, which means that it’s the oldest
newspaper in the world.
By the early eighteenth century, daily newspapers 4___ popular and common. In Britain, the first
daily newspaper was called the Daily Courant. The newspaper had already been sold as a monthly
publication on the streets of London for over eighty years before its owners decided 5___ it a daily
newspaper in 1702. Reading the news was becoming more popular because more and more people
were learning to read.
In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, newspapers were a way of life for many people. However,
recently, things have changed. There are now 6___ different ways of 7 ___ the news, so newspapers
aren’t as popular as they were fifty years ago.
0 a than b when c for d since
1 a was publishing b published c had published d was published
2 aa b an c the d-
3 a is still being published b still publishes c is still publishing d still published
4 a were become b has become c had become d becomes
5 a to make b make c to making d making
6 a much b a little c a lot of d any
7 a hear b hearing c to hear d to hearing

3- Put the words in brackets into the correct noun, verb, adjective or adverb form.

0 I was _____surprised_______ (surprise) that my dad enjoyed the holidays.

1 Spraying graffiti on public buildings is ___________________ (legal).
2 When my computer broke down, I felt ___________________ (help).
3 You didn’t have to buy me a gift, but it’s so ___________________ (think) of you.
4 There’s too much ___________________ (advert) in newspapers and magazines these days.
5 Going on a rollercoaster ride was a ___________________ (frighten) experience for me.
6 It was very difficult to ___________________ (solution) the problem, but in the end we did.
4th Adolescents NEO IEDIS Insight Pre-Intermediate Final Exam

4- Circle the correct option

0 India refrigerates/ produces over 30 million tonnes of bananas per year and sells them to other
1 Take the things that you can reuse to the rubbish dump/recycling centre.
2 It’s usually my job to load/ lay the washing machine in our house.
3 The criminal is appearing/ punishing in court today.
4 In schools where there is a lot of violence and crime, it’s irresponsible/ impossible to get a good
5 The research/ advert appeared in all the national papers, but the product didn’t make a lot of
6 Kristin Duquette campaigned for/on the rights of disabled people at her university.
7 Jane isn’t afraid of public speaking – she’s got a lot of confidence/ independence.
8 Why don’t we read the reviews/ gossip columns before we choose a film?

5- Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the
word given.
0- The tourists that visit Russia are from all over the world. COME
The tourists ______come from______all over the world.

1- 'I have sent 10 emails this morning'. Lindsey said to me. TOLD
Lindsey ___________________ 10 emails that morning.

2- Entrance to the museum is free. PAY

You _________________ into to the museum.

3- I wish I were rich to buy the latest Iphone. WERE

If ________________ would buy the latest Iphone.

4- Perhaps it's going to rain later. MIGHT

It____________ later.

5-Matt was a bit tired. He didn't sleep well. BECAUSE

Matt was a bit tired ________________well.

6- Carol started learning French ten years ago. LEARNING

Carol _______________ ten years.
4th Adolescents NEO IEDIS Insight Pre-Intermediate Final Exam


1 Write a review of a film you have seen that you didn’t enjoy. Use the plan to help you.
Paragraph 1: Give some general information about the film, including the title, the cast, genre and
Paragraph 2: Summarize the plot of the film, where the story takes place and any other details you
want to mention.
Paragraph 3: Give reasons why the film is bad, in your opinion. Give examples to justify your opinion.

Paragraph 4: Summarize your opinion of the film.

2 Imagine you want to take part in an exchange course in America. Write a formal email to Student
Exchange to ask for more information. Use the plan to help you.
Paragraph 1: Say why you are writing.
Paragraphs 2 and 3: Ask some queries about the exchange programme. Make sure your queries have
some background, so that the reader understands why you are asking.
Paragraph 4: Thank the reader for their help.

Listen to the discussion between Andy, Charlie and Emma. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?
(Source: Insight Pre- Intermediate Skill Test Track 10)

1 Charlie regularly goes to second-hand clothes shops, but hardly ever finds anything he likes. ___
2 The girl doesn’t like the idea of wearing second-hand clothes.___
3 Charlie says that if you buy second-hand clothes, you support bad working conditions.___
4 The girl likes to wear all of her clothes many times. ___
5 One speaker often buys a new mobile phone. ___
6 Metals in mobile phones have been linked to illnesses like cancer. ___
4th Adolescents NEO IEDIS Insight Pre-Intermediate Final Exam

Keys 0 surprised
1 illiegal
Reading Comprehension
2 helpless
1-F 3 thoughtful
2- F 4 advertising
3- F 5 frightening
4-T 6 solve
6-F 4-
0 produces
1- 1 recycling centre
1 won 2 load
2 decided 3 appearing
3 was waiting 4 impossible
4 was 5 advert
5 has recently discovered 6 for
6 goes 7 confidence
7 to pay 8 reviews
8 offers
9 thought 5-1-told me she had sent
10 started 2-musn't pay to go
3- I were rich I
4- might rain
2 5-because he didn't sleep
0c 6- has been learning French for
3a Listening
4c 1-F
5a 2-T
6c 3-F
7b 4-F
3- 6-T
Audio Script

AndyThat's a nice T-shirt you're wearing, Charlie. Where did you get it?
Charlie Oh, I got this one from the second-hand clothes shop on George Street. I tried it on and it fitted really well,
so I bought it. I go and look around discount and second-hand shops every Saturday, and I always find something
Emma Oh, I don’t think I could wear other people’s old clothes – it’s a bit strange, isn’t it?
AndyI know what you mean. And anyway, new clothes are much better quality, aren't they?
Charlie Actually, I've found lots of really good quality cotton T-shirts and trousers in second-hand shops. When you
buy new clothes, you’re supporting sweatshops in developing countries. By buying second-hand clothes, you cut
down on clothes production and waste.
Emma Yes, I suppose so. Some of my clothes I just wear a few times and then throw away.
Charlie Exactly! It’s not good for the planet!
Andy I know what you mean. I read online the other day that when cotton is grown, a lot of harmful pesticides are
used, which can make the people who pick it very ill. Unless we buy organic cotton, we are causing a lot of damage
– to people and the environment.
Emma But there are other ways you can help the environment, like not driving a car, avoiding air travel, or being
vegetarian – like me. A lot of rainforest is destroyed for meat production and I think that's really harmful for the
environment, too. I'd rather be vegetarian and buy new clothes. What about you, Andy? Do you do anything that's
harmful to the environment?
Andy Oh, I suppose I do! I buy new cotton clothes. I use a car, and I buy a new mobile phone every few months.
Charlie But why is buying a new mobile not good for the environment?
4th Adolescents NEO IEDIS Insight Pre-Intermediate Final Exam

AndyWell, they contain metals like mercury, lead and cadmium. These metals have been linked to cancers and
other diseases in humans, and they are harmful to the environment if they aren’t destroyed properly. So, I suppose
we have to be careful about where we throw our mobiles away.
Emma But why is always having a new mobile so important? Not that long ago, people didn't have mobiles and
managed without them!
AndyIt was quite a long time ago! Did you know that the first mobile phones were available in cars back in the
Charlie I don't think so, Andy. I'm sure the first mobiles were made in the 1970s.
Andy Yes, the first hand-held mobile phone was made in 1973. But the first mobile telephone that people were
able to use in a car was back in the 1940s. I was surprised myself when I read it in a magazine.
Emma Well, anyway, very few people had mobiles then. It wasn’t such a big problem. Now there are more mobiles
on the planet than people! What will happen to them all?

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