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Paragon Registration How-To Quick Guide

Click on *Next Bar Login, enter Username: (ALL CAPS, novell id), Password: (mine is the one I made up
in class, lower case)

Click “Ok” when you come to the window-Passport Health Comm.

Box appears with the following options-Schedule Maximizer, Registration, ER tracking board, Patient
Management. (Click either Registration or Patient Management

Box appears to log in- Logon ID: ALL CAPS, novell id), Password: (novell password) Environment:
Paragon, Domain: NGHS

Then the above screen shot appears-click on Person Registration

Do a GOOD search- try by date of birth, last name, and first name-anything before deciding to create a
new patient.

To create a “New Patient” that is not in the system- you click on the “sheet of paper” located right above
the First Name
*Only click on the first 3 tabs- “Demographics”, Advance Directive, and Employer”

Enter the following: (Of course this would all be filled out if the patient already exists in the system, it
would just be you updating that nothing has changed)

Last Name, First Name, Middle I, Birthdate, SS# (if pt want give one, default to all 0’s), Sex, Marital
Status, Race, Ethnicity, Religion, Pref. Language

Then click below to the “new sheet of paper” to add an address

Then click below to the “new sheet of paper” to add phone #’s (if this number is different than what you
have in TS, it will change TS # just like it did before)- “you have selections for home, cell, …
Then Click the tab “Advance Directive”

To “add”, click new sheet of paper, select and SAVE!

Then click the tab “Employer/Relationship/Caregiver”

Click “new sheet of paper” to add an employer, to just confirm what is already there just click select the
row and click the open folder.
**Don’t forget to add a Relationship – try to get at least 2 contacts, , click new sheet of paper to add,
choose relation type, search for the contact (if not there, create them, obtain address and phone #-


Type: Elective

Point of Origin: Physician Office or Clinic

Rehab Braselton
Rehab Cleveland
Rehab Dahlonega
Rehab Dawsonville
Rehab Friendship
Rehab Inst Day Program (Dr Mullin)
Rehab Pediatrics (Kidworks, whether it is Braselton or Gainesville)
Rehab ReGain
Rehab Sherwood

*to register for Cardiac & Pulmonary- service is Cardiac Rehab (Cardiac) & Respiratory Care

Arrive By:
Patient Type: OP NGMC Long Term Recurring
Visit Status: you will either choose “Pre Reg” or “Admit”
Complaint: enter diagnosis
Rehab Braselton
Rehab Cleveland
Rehab Dahlonega
Rehab Dawsonville
Rehab Friendship
Rehab Neuropsych (Dr Mullin)
Rehab Pediatric (Kidworks)
Rehab Sherwood

*to register location for Cardiac & Pulmonary- location is Cardiac Rehab (Cardiac) & Respiratory
Enter Guarantor
Priority: Primary, Secondary……choose what applies

Plan Desc: (if a patient is Medicare A & B)- there is a plan on here that references that (B04), if
Medicare A only then it is B01, Medicare B only is B02. Also, for “Self Pay”- you have a choice of “Self”
(25% discount) or “Self AP” (40% discount, pay for services rendered on same day)
“Don’t forget to click the “Authorizations” tab to enter you auth #’s,

Click “new sheet of paper” and you will have the screen to enter your auth#’s
*For now, enter the same physician for your attending, admitting and referring

*Don’t forget to ask for Primary Care- you can enter “no other” if they do not have one
“Occurrence Code”-needs to be filled out when there is “an accident”/”work comp” involved- there
may later on be more that we will have to enter for this, I’m not sure what is expected until Paragon
goes live.

Then click “Variable Data”- enter

US Citizen

PCP notified

Then print and scan by hitting Alt F11

EPIC – Modified Barium Swallow Scheduling (MBS)

If patient calls in and you go into the ReGain que and see the order for Modified Barium Swallow as
below, do NOT schedule from that order. Instead, look in the order summary and copy down the
physician and diagnosis then go to patient apt desk

Here you will need to click on “Make Apt” and then schedule a ST Eval MBS with any speech therapist
Once you make the ST Eval MBS you will then need to go to Transcribe Order at the top and transcribe a
speech therapy order with the physician and diagnosis you copied down earlier
Once the order is transcribed, you then need to go back to the patient apt desk, click on the ST Eval MBS
and from the menu, select Link Orders
Once on the Link Orders screen, you will then need to click on the bottom left hand side of the screen
that says “include orders that do not match visit type” once you find the Speech Therapy Order, select it,
then at the bottom right corner, click on Accept
The speech eval for the modified now has the correct order type linked to it. You will then need to go
back to the Regain Schedule Orders Que, fine the Modified Barium Swallow Test order and defer it out
one day past the eval. So if eval is on the 3rd, defer the MBS Order out until the 4 th with a note stating
“Radiology Order – will schedule after eval”

The reason it needs to be done this way is because if we change or link the MBS radiology order to the
speech eval, once the patient arrives for the speech eval, the order is then automatically closed out and
falls off the patient and then there is an issue over in radiology the day of their test because, it doesn’t
unlink itself until the day of testing which holds up testing, makes me have to create duplicate orders and
can be seriously tedious if I am not here to correct it. The flow above is what needs to follow for MBS
eval scheduling when a patient only has a Modified Barium Swallow radiology order in the que.

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