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Basic Pacing 01 | Quiz 01

Number of Questions: 8
Quiz Time Limit: 20 minutes
Passing Grade: 75%
The LRI here is……..?
Question 01
• 1000 ms
• 1400 ms
• 500 ms
• 750 ms
Capture of Venricle is…..?
Question 02
• Ok
• Not ok
Sensing of Venricle is…..?
Question 03
• Ok
• Not ok
The cause of pause here is….?
Question 04
• Failure of capture
• Oversensing
• Undersensing
The longer interval before the last
beat is mostly due to…..?
Question 05
• Pacemaker malfunction
• Hysteresis
The first beat is……?
Question 06
• Paced Beat
• Fused beat
• Pseudofusion
The second beat is……?
Question 07
• Paced Beat
• Fused beat
• Pseudofusion
The 4th beat is……?
Question 08
• Paced Beat
• Fused beat
• Pseudofusion

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