It'S A Big Yes! Metdaan Brings The Story On Ireland Repealing The Abortion Ban

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Irlanda e ka ndryshua ligjin dje me ni referendum qe e lejon abortimin (normal jon do kushte)

po menoj qe ish kon tem e mir me kriju debat

se a duhet gjdo shtet me lejua, edhe me shti audiencën me fol

mujna pa than naj mendim tonin ashtu.

It's a big YES! MetDaan brings the story on Ireland repealing the abortion ban.

Making abortion illegal doesn’t stop abortions. It stops safe abortions.

Want abortion outlawed? How many children will you adopt?

Mind your own uterus!

In a world of war and struggle, the price of life has sky rocketed due to the selfishness of mankind. The
responsibilities and challenges women face throughout her life can be overwhelming, not leaving behind
natural occurrences such as pregnancy is. The most heavily debated burden women are put across
often, is the dreaded abortion. Each year, 46 million women worldwide experience an abortion, which
brings up the question, should abortion be legal.

The origin of the word abortion is from Latin abortus where “ab” means “amiss” and “oriri” means “likely
to be born, arise”. Such a simple word, yet complicated.

For long the issue of abortion has attracted a lot of attention and there should be lasting stands take
towards the whole aspect of pro-life or pro-choice abortion. The two rival sides of this topic have a
strong fire burning between them, making this one of the biggest political and moral debates of my

The trauma that comes along with abortion is not as lasting as one might think, it is researched that
giving up a child for an abortion is actually less traumatic than giving up a child for adoption.

The issue of abortion

reversing that decision in a landslide victory.

Let's end this

"We voted to look reality in the eye and we did not blink. We choose to provide companionship
where there was once a cold shoulder and medical care where we once turned a blind eye," Mr.

One popular proposal that's been floating around would make abortion legal in all cases during the first
12 weeks of pregnancy. Between 12 and 24 weeks, abortions would be limited to instances where the
life of the mother or long-term viability of the fetus were in danger. After 24 weeks, only pregnancies
involving fatal fetal abnormalities would qualify for an abortion. Additionally, people seeking abortions
would be subject to mandatory counseling and waiting periods.

part of the British royal family

Stunning Enough To Blow You Away! Tasty Enough Not To Resist!

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