Meercat RiskView Mining Case Study

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"I was very impressed with the level of risk management maturity that

was visible during our visit ... every person engaged during the visit was
able to speak logically about risk and control and more importantly how
it impacted their work environment.”
Independent Auditor, ABC Mining, 2012

It is a great success when risk is handled smartly across all levels of a complex
business. ABC Mining (not its real name) had been striving to leverage best-
practice risk, compliance, operations and maintenance knowledge to improve
material risk management and general business performance.
Significant technical and administrative effort had been expended to align a
range of risk management data sources and processes across all operations, but
the tools used were fragmented and only increased the burden on risk practition-
ers and compromised risk governance, with failures evident in data collection,
alignment and distribution; dual accountability and gaps in the risk governance
Alex Apostolou, processes.
Meercat, 2012
Using the RiskView solution, Meercat and ABC Mining were able to col-
laborate on a new strategy to guarantee the integrity of risk management. After
implementing this step change, the Auditor’s Report stated the most notable
achievements as follows:
- The improvement in Risk governance and the control environment was significant
over an 18 month period.
- Standardisation of Risk Management, risk documents, risk governance and assur-
ance processes.
- Improvement in Critical control effectiveness
- Performance standards capability to link with the ERP (through a URL) as part of
the wider ERP roll-out project, hence ensuring no duplication and/or data integ-
rity issues with the transition into the ERP.
- Appointment of Critical control owners, and assignment of accountabilities within
RiskView under the My Controls and My Risks sections.
ABC Mining is a fully integrated mine to market business comprising mines,
and processing plants:
Site A – an open-cut mine and other facilities.
Site B – an underground mine and other facilities
Site C – a processing plant.
Site D – a second processing plant.
ABC Mining was so impressed with the achievements they prepared a detailed
case study for circulation within their broader corporate community. That case
study is presented here, with minimal changes to protect our client’s identity.
Case Study
Risk Management Change at ABC Mining

During the CY2010 company-wide audits, risk manage- Nine months later, the results in terms of speed of take-up,
ment at two of our Operations (Site D and Site B) were simplified processes, data uniformity, increased risk aware-
rated Require major improvement, and two (Site C, Site A) ness and accountability and improved performance are
were rated Require minor improvement. being realised.

Overall these gaps related to significant weaknesses in the An Independent Audit in March 2011, rated ABC Mining
risk management systems and processes, data integrity and Risk Management as Well-Controlled. The audit report stated
standardisation. as follows:

With the identified failures in data collection, alignment The Risk Management function at ABC “has undergone
and distribution, and risk management process integrity, significant positive change in the period leading up to our
a new strategy was developed with the objective to imple- internal audit”.
ment a step change to the risk management process at ABC The opportunity afforded by a restructuring of the func-
Mining. tion that was necessary to align with the Corporate operat-
The maturity curve below (on page 3) was re-assessed and ing model, and in response to previous audit findings of the
the new risk management strategy aligned to ensure top operations, ABC initiated a detailed project plan to improve
quartile risk management performances are achieved at the and standardise their risk management processes.”
end of FY15 (vs FY17 previously). In addition, ABC Mining Risk Management Group re-
During November 2010, the ABC Mining Risk Manage- ceived three comendations, of which one was the implemen-
ment Team began the process of consolidating all risk data, tation of RiskView.
optimising risk processes, and configuring RiskView to “To facilitate the required improvement in their Risk
deliver the business outcomes required, ensuring standardi- Management processes, ABC have approved the purchase
sation of the Risk Management system across all Operations. and implementation of RiskView, an integrated Risk Man-
The design principles of RiskView were aligned to the agement solution.
ABC mantra of Clarity, Ownership and Efficiency. During the audit, we were provided with the opportunity
With a host of early successes during the implementa- to assess the system’s capabilities in supporting ABC’s risk
tion, the Management Team made the decision to include management activities and maintaining compliance with
all other general business risks, with the result that we now ABC’s overall Risk Management framework.
have a simple, consistent, integrated and open platform The system can be accessed directly from the user’s desk-
which is shared with all employees across all operations. top, and provides the following functionality:
Employees now help themselves to risk and risk-related data,
accessing bowtie diagrams, reports, initiating Critical Con- a) a consolidated database of all risks, causes, impacts
trol Performance Standard reviews and the like, with little or and controls (separated into preventative and mitigating)
no training. identified within the business, which eliminates duplication

Page 2 Meercat RiskView Case Study

as risks are entered into the system and then the relevant both operations and maintenance activities, and to consoli-
causes and controls can be selected from the existing data- date the distribution of accountabilities.
base and linked to the risk where applicable;
Requirements Addressed
b) bow-ties and Control Self Assessments are presented
Implementing RiskView supports asset-wide compliance
in an identical format to that currently used within ABC;
with ABC’s Risk Management Policy, and specifically:
recording of designated owners for all
risks, controls and tasks/activities;
Risk Management Performance Improvement
c) monitoring and reporting of tasks
and activities, including the flagging of
those due or past due. Reminders of ac- 80
tions due are automatically presented to
the responsible person on their desktop 60
when the system is accessed; % Performance Standards Completed
% completed 40
d) a central repository for all risks % RM Standardisation Completed
that can be accessed by any delegated 20
user across the business, thereby provid- % Critical Controls > 80%
ing “one version of the truth” and








e) formal risk reporting for both
internal and Risk and Audit Committee
During the recent follow up audit at ABC Mining, four 1) The risk assessment process is used in all operational
recommended practices were noted. Three of these related areas and consistently by all levels of the business;
to Risk Management improvements, they are: 2) All risks analysis and evaluation processes in accord-
a) Standardised Risk Management processes across all ance with the defined risk assessment process.
operations 3) Management of risk controls has been streamlined
b) Documentation of Risk controls and performance with ownership being clearly demarcated, ratings
standards standardised, improvement tasks devised and tracked
where appropriate, and very importantly, all stakehold-
c) Implementation of Risk management plans across all
ers involved in risk management are focussed on the
same issues, using the same criteria and focussing on
The ABC Management Team visited Site C in March 2012. solving the same problems.
Following numerous material risk reviews, the following
Alignment with other Corporate Policies included:
feedback was provided to the Board:
a) Ensuring single point of accountability and compliance
“I was very impressed with the level of risk management
maturity that was visible during our visit to Site C. Every b) Alignment to Corporate reporting requirements, and
person engaged during the visit was able to speak logi- simplification of the monthly reporting processes
cally about risk and control and more importantly how it c) Inclusion of the IMT, EMT and Business Continuity
impacted their work environment. Perhaps most impres- management processes
sive was the immediate response to queries about the risk
process specific risk/control which always lead to an in depth d) Compliance with aviation risk requirements
conversation of improvement. It was very exciting to see the e) Catastrophic and fatal risks protocol requirements
ABC risk vision in action and playing an important part in integrated with risk management (incl. Performance
business success.” standards)
The key driver of all these improvements has been f) Standardised and integrated Corporate HSE reporting
achieved through the implementation and application of
g) 5 year planning process adopted for Risk Management
standardised risk management processes through RiskView.
process; and
Going forward, ABC Mining will further leverage its risk
h) Internal audit process compliance.
management process to simplify the management of our
business, to sustain performance improvements across the
compliance spectrum, to optimise change management in

Meercat RiskView Case Study Page 3

Tactical Benefits Project Implementation
The benefit of having the integrated risk management sys- The project commenced during November 2010. The
tem created greater understanding of the ABC Mining mate- planning was completed based on the following design
rial risk profile and critical control effectiveness. It is quick, principles:
real time and standardised and focuses the Risk and control
a) Focus on delivering a solution aligned with the Corpo-
owners on risk management activities and accountabilities.
rate Risk Management Policy
While the materiality of many risks has been re-assessed,
b) Clarity - Web based. Available anywhere, anytime,
and in some cases to a lower level, the key aspect of this
real-time data
activity has been the increase in the standardisation of the
materiality assessments, governance and overall control c) Accountability - No gaps and overlaps, single point of
effectiveness verification. All risks and their critical controls accountability for all risk and control owners
are now comparable using the same criteria, with the benefit d) Controlled - Transparency of information, single re-
that anomalies are now identified and either explained or pository and standardisation across all operations and
functions based on the design principles.
Four potential solutions were identified:
i) CURA (was an existing solution, but had significant is-
sues providing an integrated risk management solution)
ii) Bowtie XP (customisation of the solution was limited
compared to RiskView, and had issues providing a fully
integrated solution)
iii) Stature (had proved too costly when other sites imple-
mented it)
iv) RiskView (selected based on lower on-going invest-
ment, customisation options and support. Also provid-
ed a fully integrated risk management solution includ-
ing an action tracker interface with existing software).
The Implementation Project began in June 2011 and went
live in September 2011. Alignment with the Corporate fun-
damentals were as follows:
a) The Asset (Risk Manager) now providing risk govern-
ance, assurance and verification, system and process
b) The Operations now focussed on delivering Zero
Harm, Cost and Volume
c) Simplified processed to ensure effective and efficient
risk management processes
Fall from heights — governed by a
common performance standard c) No overlaps of responsibilities and accountabilities
d) No known gaps in our Risk management system any-
eradicated. Audits, recommendations and improvements are
now being resourced consistently across the whole business. e) Alignment with the ABC Corporate values
The overall risk of information integrity was removed and
a single repository meant that other sources of informa- Notable Achievements
tion (i.e. servers, CURA and MS Office spreadsheets) were The most notable achievements were;
decommissioned very soon after the RiskView go-live.
1) The improvement in Risk governance and the con-
trol environment. These improvements, as articulated
under the overview section, were significant as they
confirmed a significant improvement over an 18 month

Page 4 Meercat RiskView Case Study

2) Standardisation of Risk Management, risk documents, Due to a number of other initiatives underway at the same
risk governance and assurance processes time, resources were stretched, imposing deadline and cost
pressure. Because of the project team flexibility, we were able
3) Improvement in Critical control effectiveness
to adopt a “just-in-time” approach to switching resources as
4) Performance standards capability to link with the and when they became available. Having common structure
corporate ERP (through a URL) as part of the wider and data made balancing resources achievable.
ERP roll-out project, hence ensuring that there are no
Generally people struggle accepting system changes, but
duplication and/or data integrity issues with the transi-
with the implementation of RiskView, a thorough change
tion into the ERP
management process was followed to ensure alignment
5) Appointment of Critical control owners, and assign- across all the operations. It worked really effectively and all
ment of accountabilities within RiskView under the My operations were involved with the development and change
Controls and My Risks sections. over to RiskView.
The risk management process and maturity improvements The graph on the first page clearly indicates a significant
(following RiskView implementation) are reflected in the step change in the number of material risks identified, Con-
graph below. trol self-assessment performance improvements, as well as
the development of Performance standards for all identified
Challenges Overcome critical controls. These improvements are being managed
This project replaced a combination of legacy systems through RiskView.
(CURA, MS Office and shared servers). The old systems
were extremely resource intensive and not sustainable when Aligning the Benefits
managing a large material risk profile. They also created data As a result of implementing and operating the ABC Min-
accuracy issues and inconsistency in the risk management ing RiskView system, we have achieved alignment with our
approach across the different locations. Corporate Charter as follows:
Despite a history of common policies, there were signifi- Sustainability
cant differences in how each site interpreted their obligations
1) Quantifying the health, safety, environment and
and recorded their results, resulting in significant challenges
community risk inherent in all our business processes
in migrating data into a uniform structure based on consist-
and ensuring that sufficient resources are allocated to
ent definitions. This issue was alleviated by the initiation of a
achieve compliance with our objectives
Risk Asset Level Document and a series of site-based, paral-
lel projects with the objective to bring all risk and control 2) Standardised and integrated HSE risk management
assessments up to a standard review currency. processes and systems

Meercat RiskView Case Study Page 5

1) Targeting resources to the treatment of risk based on
the consistent application of criteria across all business
areas and processes
2) Significant improvements made in Critical control
effectiveness, Risk Management standardisation and
completion of Performance standards for each of the
370 critical controls at ABC Mining

1) Simplified our risk management processes to make
achieving compliance a goal that can be shared by all
2) Protecting long-term shareholder value by increasing
visibility and manageability of all risks, allowing the
prioritisation of resources based on simple, accountable
and sustainable principles
3) Risk management system runs of the Portal, accessible
to all employees
4) Very basic training required to operate and navigate
through RiskView
5) Reporting simplified to run “real-time” exportable to
MS Office and Adobe PDF

3) Risk management process through RiskView supports Accountability

integration of Risk Management with ERP 1) Clearly identifying, documenting and communicating
4) Standardised and integrated Critical control analysis in accountability pathways
RiskView (Ensuring visibility of Engineering/Systems 2) Critical control owners are all formally appointed by
controls, filtering between HSE and non-HSE critical the respective General Manager / Head of Department,
controls, and last review date) and the Performance standard is linked to the critical
1) Standardised risk management data, available through 3) Appointed Critical control owners are matched in
a browser, with document control ensuring data integ- RiskView and are held accountable to complete critical
rity, and availability at all times control effectiveness audits and verifications. These are
tracked in RiskView
2) Link Performance standards URL into the ERP, ensur-
ing one version of the truth
Leveraging the Lessons
3) Risk Management (MFL and RRR) assumptions
Any operation with material risks can use this system. It’s
aligned across ABC Mining and populated in RiskView,
easy to configure and customise and provides an end-to-end
displayed at the bottom of each Bowtie.
solution. Given the speed of implementation, the relatively
Respect low cost, and the necessity of performing the data and
1) Communicating openly with all our employees and process alignment to achieve a unified and compliant risk
encouraging them to help drive improvement across all register, applying this activity could easily and beneficially
our practices and processes transfer to other single or multi-site Assets. RiskView is also
available in Spanish.
2) The ABC Mining Risk Team now operates as a unit, all
working with the same information, sharing and learn-
ing and working together to standardise risk manage-
ment routines across ABC Mining

Page 6 Meercat RiskView Case Study

Summary Outcomes
Eight months since RiskView went live within ABC Mining, our risk
management, compliance and reporting landscape has improved dra-
matically. For example:
1) We all use one tool to identify, assessment, analyse, manage, audit
and report on material risks;
2) All communication about risks, controls, audits, performance stand-
ards uses the same terminology, definitions and performance crite-
ria, so we are getting down to solving problems faster;
3) Any employee can access and review the latest information from
any of our risks, improving our transparency, accountability and
4) Best-practice can be identified and shared in minutes across all our
5) Producing the monthly and quarterly Corporate material risk report
takes 20 seconds instead of 2 weeks;
6) We have one version of the truth across all sites and on all risk is-
7) The recent Corporate audit has confirmed that risk management is
now Well Controlled and that RiskView and its implementation has
been recommended as leading practice;
8) On-going roll-out costs are minimal as little or no training is re-
quired for new users;
9) Risk management productivity has been dramatically improved;
10) The ABC Mining Risk management maturity curve has been acceler-
ated by 2 years.

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