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 engaged students and facilitated learning

 aligned to learning goals and unit objectives
 allowed for student input
 reflected clear expectations that were age and grade level appropriate
 may need modification to further support student learning
 demonstrates possible gaps in your professional learning

Supervising teacher’s reflective comments on mid-point performance.

Strengths: Laura is well prepared for lessons, uses steps and stages to make sure students are understanding facts
and concepts. She engages students and modifies work to suit the class.

Areas for development during the rest of the placement: To increase confidence through increased familiarity with
content of courses. To have whole class listening at key points in the lesson.

Domain 1:- Professional Knowledge

Evidence of development and achievement

Laura is quick to inquire about the students she is teaching. She was able to give individual help to students or
modify a task or provide extra information and time to students where requested or required.
Focus for further development

Laura needs to gain further experience with pacing a lesson. She has adequate and varied tasks and experiences and
should gain further experience in pacing tasks.

Domain 2:- Professional Practice

Evidence of development and achievement

Laura is an effective practitioner in the classroom. She has good classroom management and is able to get the best
out of students in most situations. She is willing to use a variety of methodologies and strategies best suited to the
context being covered.

Focus for further development

To be aware of whole class (eyes everywhere). To further gauge if students are being left behind, before moving on
with knowledge or concepts.

Domain 3:- Professional Engagement

Evidence of development and achievement

Laura is able to incorporate quickly and efficiently suggestions that are made to her. She is well aware of teaching
theory and practices. She is willing to learn from her classroom experience and is able to modify practices effectively.

Focus for further development

Laura is well aware of limitations due to lack of experience, she can identify needs of the students, even though she
does not always have the solution. Laura is aware of the need for further and continued professional
Supervising teachers overall comments

Laura is a keen and enthusiastic teacher who is well aware of how students learn and achieve goals. She was quite
willingly made part of her prac two area’s that were out of her area of expertise (out of her comfort zone) –
(Electronics and Artificial Intelligence)

She is quite adaptable and is not easily distracted or put off when technology does not work properly. She is able to
think on her feet and adapt/modify a task/lesson.

Laura is aware that she can improve times and delivery. She is self aware and under no illusion that everything is
perfect already. Her enthusiasm and work ethic will greatly contribute to her being a very effective classroom

Laura needs to work on having her eyes constantly roving the classroom, this only needs minor improvement as she
is very interactive with the class and monitor them through each task.
ACU Tertiary Supervisor Comments:

Laura was polite, respectful and professional in her communications/emails with me and in her dealings with her
supervising teacher, Michael Said. He commended Laura for her willingness to challenge herself by learning about
new areas of electronics and Artificial Intelligence. It was obvious in conversation with Laura and her supervisor that
she is eager to learn and improve and receptive to advice.

In both the lessons observed, Laura demonstrated an enthusiastic, positive manner with the students. The lesson on
Artificial Intelligence had a variety of strategies – quiz, discussion, video clips, mind maps. In both lessons, her
knowledge of content was sound, but she showed signs of nerves and was tentative at times in her delivery. Timing
of activities was an issue in the lessons and she omitted part of what she had planned. Her nerves and confidence
showed some improvement by the second lesson, but it is important to continue to improve these areas.

Although her lessons were orderly, she sometimes allowed students to call out. It is important that Laura gives clear
instructions about what she expects students to do and she must ensure that everyone is listening before giving
information. She was advised to be more forceful in her discipline and to develop her awareness and vigilance in
managing students in a classroom.

She showed that she had good interpersonal skills with students and appropriately used humour on occasions,
However, she tended to over-use “guys” when referring to students and was advised to limit her use of informal
terms and develop a more formal manner with students.

Laura’s enthusiasm and diligence are commendable, and her teaching practices should improve as she develops

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