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Walker Orchestra Syllabus & Handbook 


Welcome to the start of a new school year! We are very excited to be working with 
the Walker Orchestra this year and to continue the tradition of excellent music-making. 
In the coming months, we look forward to developing our young musicians’ skills in 
creativity, discipline, teamwork, respect, responsibility, and work ethic through the study 
of their respective instrument and ensemble performance. We strive to create an 
environment that fosters comprehensive and challenging learning that is enjoyable for all 
This handbook contains the the following information:  
● orchestra calendar  ● concert policies 
● rehearsal rules  ● routines and procedures 
● required materials  ● extra credit opportunities 
● grading policy  ● and more!  
● attendance policy   
Please use this handbook to answer any questions you may have about the orchestra 
program. If there are further questions not answered by the handbook, please do not 
hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to working with you and your student! 
Emily Thomas Waters - Orchestra Director 
Brian Wahl - Orchestra Assistant 

Orchestra Class RULES 

For our team to be successful, we will… 

1. Be respectful of all people, instruments, and property. 

2. Refrain from talking or creating unnecessary noise while the teaching is working. 
3. Raise our hands and wait to be dismissed before leaving our seats. 
4. Refrain from bringing gum, food, or drinks to rehearsal.  
5. Maintain a positive environment where everyone is free to be creative and make 

1. Warning  
2. Student/Teacher Conference 
3. Student/Parent/Teacher Conference Call 
4. Office Referral and Parent Call  


You will need the following materials for orchestra class ​each day​: 

1. Instrument  
○ Violins and violas must be brought from home a ​ nd taken back home​ each 
day of orchestra class 
○ Cellos and basses are available to use during class if one is provided for home 
2. Music Folder 
○ Any sheet music or handouts given out by Ms. Waters 
3. Accessories: 
○ Violins/Violas: shoulder rest 
○ Cellos/Basses: rock stop 
○ Rosin 
○ Soft cloth for wiping instruments (optional) 
4. Pencil (​ no pens!) 
Grading Policy   
Tests 50% - Tests and Concert Attendance - ​Students will perform individual playing tests 
(two-three per nine week grading period) on pieces being performed in the upcoming concert or 
on supplementary material. A student may ask re-take his or her playing test by scheduling an 
appointment during lunch or after school if not satisfied with the initial grade. The students will 
be allowed to re-take their playing tests until they achieve a satisfying grade because the goal of 
the playing test is to master the material.  
Students must attend all orchestra concerts and performances. Excused absences include 
deaths in the family, extreme illness (documented by a doctor’s note), and major scheduling 
conflicts (family wedding, bar mitzvah, etc.). Written notice of scheduling conflicts must be given 
no later than one month before the performance. U ​ nexcused absences cannot be made-up. 
Concert dress must be worn to each concert.   
Quizzes 25% - Class Preparation, Participation and Quizzes ​- I​ t is of the utmost 
importance that students come prepared to class, and participate in class activities. Students will 
receive a weekly grade for preparedness based on a 100 point system. A list of possible point 
earning opportunities is as follows: follows class rule (+25 points), brings instrument (+25 points), 
brings music (+20), brings shoulder rest (+15 points), brings pencil (+15).​ ​Checks for materials will 
be conducted at the beginning of class to make sure students have all necessary materials. In 
addition, students will perform small weekly playing quizzes to ensure home practice is occuring.   
Classwork 15% - Rehearsals Skills - O
​ rchestra students will learn how to be play as part of a 
team and and therefore need to demonstrate proper rehearsal etiquette. Students will be 
assigned a grade for rehearsal skills based on the following rubric: 
A (90 - 100) The student meets expectations for preparing assignments, demonstrates understanding of skills learned, 
and exhibits a great learning attitude and professional posture. A significant amount of high-quality practice is evident. 
B (80-89) The student meets expectations for preparing assignments, demonstrates understanding of skills learned, 
and exhibits a learning attitude and good posture.  
C (70-79) The student strives to meet expectations for preparing assignments and maintains a positive attitude. Some 
practice is evident, but more is needed to keep pace with the class.  
D (60-69) The student shows little effort in preparing assignments and may not be able to fully participate, due to lack 
of preparation. They exhibit an inconsistent attitude toward learning and more home practice is needed. 
F (0-59) The student shows no effort in preparing assignments and often does not participate in class. They exhibit an 
inconsistent attitude toward learning and more home practice is needed. 
Homework 10% - Practice Records 
The homework for orchestra class is to practice at home! Students will be required to submit 
bi-weekly practice logs signed by a parent or guardian.  
Rehearsals and Performances 
Students are expected to attend A​ LL ​rehearsals and performances documented on the Walker 
Orchestra Calendar. Concert performances are much like a final exam or championship game for 
our orchestra class and are an essential part of the learning process. Each student’s participation 
and attendance affects the entire group. A missed concert will o ​ nly​ be excused in the case of 
illness or family emergency, in which case parents and guardians should contact the orchestra 
director in writing. A
​ n unexcused absence from a concert will result in the student’s orchestra 
grade being lowered by two letter grades.​ P​ lease let Ms. Waters know if you require 
assistance with transportation to and/or from a rehearsal or performance. 

Concert Uniform 
Boys   -White shirt or blouse 
-White, collared shirt (button front), tie  -Black (prefered) or very dark blue or gray 
optional (dark color please)  pants or skirt (skirt must cover knees  
-Black (prefered) or very dark blue or gray  when sitting) 
pants   -Black socks, nylons, or tights 
-Black socks  -Black (prefered) or very dark brown shoes 
-Black (prefered) or very dark brown shoes  (no tennis shoes or athletic shoes) 
(no tennis shoes or athletic shoes)   

Beginning Orchestra (5th & 6th graders)​ - will meet 3 - 4 Mondays before our performances -  
An unexcused absences​ from rehearsals will result in loss of performance privileges. 
Intermediate Orchestra (6th graders)​ - will meet 3 - 4 Tuesdays before our performances -  

An unexcused absences​ from rehearsals will result in loss of performance privileges. 
All ensemble rehearsals take place from​ ​3:15-4:30pm. Activity bus transportation is provided.

Orchestra Rehearsal & Concert Calendar   
11/19  Beginning Orchestra after-school rehearsal, 3:15-4:30 
11/26  Beginning Orchestra after-school rehearsal, 3:15-4:30 
11/27  Intermediate Orchestra after-school rehearsal, 3:15-4:30 
12/3 Beginning Orchestra after-school rehearsal, 3:15-4:30 
12/4  Intermediate Orchestra after-school rehearsal, 3:15-4:30 
12/10  Beginning Orchestra after-school rehearsal, 3:15-4:30 
12/11  Intermediate Orchestra after-school rehearsal, 3:15-4:30 
12/12  WALKER ORCHESTRA WINTER CONCERT, 6:15 call, 7:00 concert 
4/8  Beginning Orchestra after-school rehearsal, 3:15-4:30 
4/9  Intermediate Orchestra after-school rehearsal, 3:15-4:30 
4/15  Beginning Orchestra after-school rehearsal, 3:15-4:30 
4/16  Intermediate Orchestra after-school rehearsal, 3:15-4:30 
4/22  Beginning Orchestra after-school rehearsal, 3:15-4:30 
4/23  Intermediate Orchestra after-school rehearsal, 3:15-4:30 

4/26 Walker Music Department SPRING TRIP for 6th graders 
4/29 Beginning AND Intermediate Orchestra after-school rehearsal, 3:15-4:30 
4/30  WALKER ORCHESTRA SPRING CONCERT, 6:15 call, 7:00 concert

Parents and guardians can expect regular information to be sent home in students’ orchestra 

folders. P
​ lease check your child’s folder​ for updates. Additionally, orchestra information will be 
available on CANVAS and through Remind notifications. Please call or email if you have any 

Extra Credit 
● Attending a live performing arts event of any genre (bring in a program or ticket stub that 
has been signed by a parent, no limit) 
● Taking private lessons or after-school tutoring (bring note signed by private teacher or 
tutor, once per quarter) 
● Performing in a music group outside of school (bring in a program that has been signed by 
a parent, no limit) 

Private Lessons 
Students are encouraged to take private lessons on their instrument. Lessons are not only for 
students who are behind. Private lessons are a wonderful way for your child to get one-on-one 
instruction and to reach their full musical potential on their instrument. See Ms. Waters if you 
need help finding a teacher.  
Parents & Guardians: Please fill out the attached form (front and back) and sign below after 
reviewing this syllabus, and have your child give it to Ms. Waters. Thank you!  
Walker Orchestra 2018-2019 
Student Information Form 
Student Name: ​_________________________​ _
​ ________________________ 
First Name Last Name 
Grade: _
​ _________ Instrument: _
​ ___________________ 
Home Address: ​________________________________ ​ _
​ ______________ 
Street Apt. 
​___________________________​ ,​ VA _
​ ___________ 
City Zip Code 
Contact #1 Name: _
​ ______________________ ​ _
​ ______________________ 
First Name Last Name 
Relationship to student: ​____________________ 
Contact #1 Phone Number: (​ _____)______​-​________ (_____)______​-_
​ _______ 
​ Home Cell 
(​ _____)______​-​________  
Contact #1 Email: _ ​ ______________​ ​.​ ​_____ 
​ _____________________________​ ​@​ _
Prefered method of contact: ▢ Home Phone ▢ Cell Phone ▢ Work Phone ▢ Email 
Contact #2 Name: ​_______________________ ​ _
​ ______________________ 
First Name Last Name 
Relationship to student: ​____________________ 
Contact #2 Phone Number: (​ _____)______​-​________ (_____)______​-_
​ _______ 
​ Home Cell 
(​ _____)______​-_
​ _______  
Contact #2 Email: ​______________________________​ @ ​ ______________​ ​.​ ​_____ 
​ ​_
Prefered method of contact: ▢ Home Phone ▢ Cell Phone ▢ Work Phone ▢ Email 
I am willing to help the orchestra by: 
☐ Donating snacks or beverages for concert receptions 
☐ Organizing/chaperoning/setting up/cleaning up for concerts and receptions  
☐ Help students with transportation issues (get to/from orchestra concerts and  
I have read the attached information and understand the expectations and 
policies of the Walker Orchestra Program. I support the commitment that my 
son or daughter has made and will take an active role in supporting his or her 
musical development​. 
_________________________________________ ______________ 
Parent Signature   Date 
Student Signature 

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