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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English

Prepared by: Mark Louie B. Desoloc

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

a. Decode words with /ae/ sound;

b. Identify what are Reflexive and Intensive pronouns and their differences;
c. Write their own sentences using Reflexive and Intensive pronouns; and
d. Appreciate listening in stories.

II. Subject Matter

Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns
References: Journeying Through Literature and Language with World Literature 10
Grammar and Composition in Our Changing World 2
Materials: Powerpoint presentation, Picture Cards, Cartolina, Markers
Values: Develop love for reading and value family roots

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Learning Actvities

Good morning class! Good morning Sir Mark!

Before we start, may I ask someone to lead

a prayer before we start. Who would like to (A student will lead a prayer.)
lead a short prayer?

Okay! Before we start for today’s lesson, (Students will pick up pieces of papers and
let us not forget to make sure that our arm clean their places.)
rest or our desk table is clean, especially
under our chairs and tables.

So class, how are you? We are fine sir!

That is great! So before we start our lesson,

I will be telling a story for you this
morning. It is about my experience. I will
be showing pictures while I am telling a Yes sir!
story. So you are going to name the picture
that I will be showing it to you. Are you
ready class?
Okay class!

As I wake up early in the morning, I found A Glass sir!

myself in the mirror that is made of
_________. (showing a picture of a glass
mirror) What is this class?

Very good!

Then, I went to the window in my

bedroom. I opened it myself and saw a
________. (Picture of a cat) What is it? A cat sir!

Very Good!

So, as I woke up, I opened the cabinet

myself and I found my favorite _______.
(Show picture of a cap) What is it? A cap sir!

Very good!

While I am looking for my grandfather’s

____, I found myself holding a _____ of
soda. (showing pictures of a hat and a can)
What are these two objects? Hat and can sir!

Very good class!

Now, I went outside my house. As I went

outside, I myself wandered why there is a
______ right in front of our house. (show a
picture of a calf) What is it? A calf sir!

Very good!

And beside the calf itself is a _______.

(Showing a picture of a lamb) What do you
call the child or offspring of the sheep? A Lamb sir!

Very good!

Then, a ____ himself (showing a picture of

a man) walked with a ______. (Showing a Man and Cattle sir!
picture of a cattle) What is it?

Then, together with my family, we A bell sir!

ourselves heard the _______ ringing.
(showing a picture of a bell) What is it?

Very good!

And so, I just realized that I am in my

grandfather’s town. That ends the story.

What is the sound of these words? The /ae/ sound sir.

Very good!

Pronunciation Drill
Now class, kindly read the following 1. Glass
words. 2. Cat
3. Cap
4. Hat
5. Can
6. Calf
7. Lamb
8. Man
9. Cattle
10. Bell
Very good!

B. Lesson Proper

Present the sentences used in the

So class, these are the following sentences

in the storytelling. Kindly read the (Students will read the sentences)
following sentences. I found myself in the mirror that is made of

I went to the window in my bedroom. I

opened it myself and saw a cat.

I opened the cabinet myself and I found my

favorite cap.

While I am looking for my grandfather’s

hat, I found myself holding a can of soda.

As I went outside, I myself wandered why

there is a calf right in front of our house.

Beside the calf itself is a lamb.

A man himself walked with a cattle.

We ourselves heard the bell ringing.

As you have read the following sentences,
what have you observed? What are the
common words being used in each Words ending with self or selves sir.

Precisely! Do you have an idea what are (Students’ response may vary)
these words called?

Okay! So our lesson for today is all about

Reflexive and Intensive pronouns.

So class, for us to understand what
Reflexive and Intensive pronouns are, let (Students will read)
us read it altogether.

(The teacher will present the definition of

Reflexive and Intensive pronouns)

Reflexive Pronouns - are pronouns that refer back to the subject of a sentence. These
pronouns end with -self if the subject is singular and -selves if the subject is plural.

Singular Plural
Myself Ourselves
Yourself Yourselves
Himself, Herself, Itself Themselves

I gave myself plenty of time to get to work.
You should let yourself into the house.
They bought the shirts themselves.

Intensive Pronouns - are the same pronouns used to emphasize the subject of the
sentence. Usually, it appears right near the subject of the sentence.
I myself am sick of the heat.
You yourself are responsible for this mess!
The actors themselves wrote the lines.

In the following sentences presented in the
story, can you identify which sentence
where the pronoun is used as Reflexive and
which is used as Intensive? Yes sir!
Okay, let us try.

The first sentence, is the pronoun used as

Reflexive or Intensive? Reflexive sir!

Very good!

How about the second sentence? Is it used

as Reflexive or Intensive? Reflexive sir!

How about the third sentence? Is it used as

Reflexive or Intensive? Reflexive sir!

How about the fourth sentence? Is it used

as Reflexive or Intensive? Reflexive sir!

How about the fifth sentence? Is it used as

Reflexive or Intensive? Intensive sir!

How about the sixth sentence? Is it used as

Reflexive or Intensive? Intensive sir!

How about the seventh sentence? Is it used

as Reflexive or Intensive? Intensive sir!

How about the eighth sentence? Is it used

as Reflexive or Intensive? Intensive sir!

So therefore, a Reflexive pronoun is are
pronouns that refer back to the subject of a

While Intensive pronoun is are the same

pronouns used to emphasize the subject of
the sentence. Usually, it appears right near
the subject of the sentence.

We will divide the class into two groups. (Students will group themselves and will be
Each group will make five sentences. This given cartolina and markers to write their
group will make sentences using the sentences)
Reflexive pronouns and the other group
will make five sentences using Intensive (Students may vary in sentences presented)

IV. Evaluation

Direction: Read the following sentences. On the blank space provided before the number,
write RP if the pronoun used as Reflexive Pronoun, and IP if the pronoun used as
Intensive Pronoun. Write in a 1/2 crosswise sheet of paper.

_______1. The president himself appeared at the rally.

_______2. The children are able to dress themselves.
_______3. We treated ourselves to pizza.
_______4. You can make the pillow cases yourself.
_______5. The dog scratched itself.

V. Assignment
Direction: Read the following sentences first, and supply the correct reflexive or intensive
pronoun. Write it in a 1/2 crosswise sheet of paper.

1. I shall make ___________ a special blueberry cheesecake.

2. I __________ work for my family.
3. The family harvested the palay ____________.
4. My sister made ___________ a new scrapbook.
5. We hung the hammock ___________.

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