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Food and Chemical Toxicology 46 (2008) 3333–3338

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Food and Chemical Toxicology

Safety assessment of Syzygium aromaticum flower bud (clove) extract with

respect to testicular function in mice
Raghav Kumar Mishra, Shio Kumar Singh *
Reproductive Endocrinology Laboratory, Department of Zoology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005, India

article info abstract

Article history: The flower buds of Syzygium aromaticum (clove), a common food flavor, have been used as indigenous medicine for the
Received 20 February 2008 treatment of male sexual disorders in Asian countries. However, the possible mecha-nism(s) by which it acts at testicular level
Accepted 11 August 2008 remain obscure. Therefore, to investigate its effect on testic-ular function, chronic oral exposure of hexane extract of flower
buds of Syzygium aromaticum in three doses (15 mg, 30 mg, and 60 mg/kg BW) were evaluated for a single spermatogenic
cycle (35 days) in Parkes (P) strain mice. The treatment did not induce systemic toxicity at the doses tested. Lower dose (15
Keywords: 5
mg) of the extract increased the activities of D 3 b-HSD and 17 b-HSD, and serum level of testos-terone. The higher doses
Syzygium aromaticum
(30 and 60 mg) of extract inhibited these parameters and induced non-uni-form degenerative changes in the seminiferous
Flowcytometry tubules associated with decrease in daily sperm production and depletion of 1C (round and elongated spermatids) population.
Spermatogenesis Taken together these results suggest biphasic action of hexane extract of Syzygium aromaticum flower bud on testicular func-
tion, thereby advocating a cautious use of the flower bud as an aphrodisiac in indigenous systems of medicine in Asian

2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction an ingredient in popular toothpastes and mouth fresheners in India (Banerjee

et al., 2006).
The World Health Organisation survey suggests that 70–80% of the world In Ayurvedic and Unani medicines of Asian countries the Syzyg-ium
populations rely on non-conventional medicine mainly of herbal sources in aromaticum (clove) is well known for its aphrodisiac property, and used to
their primary healthcare (Chan, 2003). Such in-crease in popularity has also treat male sexual disorders (Tajuddin et al., 2003; Sharma, 2001; Jain and
brought concerns and fears over the quality, quantity, safety, and efficacy of DeFilipps, 1991). It has been reported to produce a sustained increase in the
these herbal medicines especially of aphrodisiacs. The popularity of mounting frequency of normal male rat and mice (Tajuddin et al., 2004,
aphrodisiacs are more as males prefer such drugs to reign on bed without 2003). On the other hand, Eugenol, a chief constituent of clove oil, causes
proper knowl-edge of toxicity of such materials. In the last decades, there has desquamation of the inner secretory columnar cell layer and exerts adverse
been growing concern over the effects of either synthetic or natural products effects on secretory activity of seminal vesicle (Vanitakumari et al., 1998).
on the male reproductive health (Dalsenter et al., 2004). The oil of clove also shows spermicidal activity on ejacu-lated human
spermatozoa (Buch et al., 1988).
The flower bud of Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & Perry. (Fam-ily
Myrtaceae), commonly known as clove, is a well known food flavor for In spite of its wide use to cure male sexual disorders by the tra-ditional
exotic food preparations and a popular remedy for dental disorders, healers of Asian countries, effects of Syzygium aromaticum on testicular
respiratory disorders, headache and soar throat in tradi-tional medicines of function has not been investigated so far. Considering the medicinal
Australia, and Asian countries (Domaracky et al., 2007; Gurib-Fakim, 2006; importance of flower bud oil and its constituents we have used hexane extract
Sharma, 2001; Kim et al., 1998). In addition to its antimicrobial, antifungal (to extract fat soluble ingredients) of flower bud of Syzygium aromaticum.
and antiviral properties, clove oil possesses anti-inflammatory, cytotoxic, and We have evaluated the effect of chronic oral exposure of hexane extract of
anesthetic properties (Chaib et al., 2007). Because of its antiseptic and antibi- flower bud of Syzyg-ium aromaticum (SAx) for 35 days on liver and kidney
otic properties, clove is frequently used to treat toothache and as functions, testicular sperm production, different germ cell populations in-
volved in spermatogenesis by histology and flow cytometry, serum
testosterone level, and testicular enzymes (D 3 b-HSD and 17 b-HSD) assay
as a part of safety evaluation process of this indigenous medicine.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 542 6702532; fax: +91 542 2368174.
E-mail addresses: (R.K. Mishra), shioks@
(S.K. Singh).

0278-6915/$ - see front matter 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
3334 R.K. Mishra, S.K. Singh / Food and Chemical Toxicology 46 (2008) 3333–3338

2. Materials and methods to obtain single cell suspension, respectively. The suspension was centrifuged at 300 Xg for 5
min and the pellet was washed twice with medium. One aliquot of each cell suspension was
2.1. Chemicals and reagents stained with 0.2% trypan blue for the determination of via-bility. The cells were fixed in ice
cold 70% methanol and stored at 20L C for min-imum 24 h. After fixation cells were incubated
All the chemicals used in the present study were of analytical grade and were purchased with 0.25% RNase (Bangalore Genei, India) (37 LC, 20 min). After washing twice with PBS,
from HiMedia Laboratories, Mumbai or E. Merck India Ltd., Mumbai, un-less stated otherwise. DNA staining was carried out by Propidium Iodide (PI; Sigma, St. Louis, USA) solution (50
lg/ml in PBS), and placed in dark for 30 min at 4 LC. Enumerations of cells on the basis of their
DNA content was carried out in a Flow Cytometer (FACS Calibure, Becton-Dickinson, USA)
2.2. Preparation of plant material equipped with air-cooled 15 mW Argon ion laser at 488 nm and the emitted light from cells was
detected at 580 ± 30 nm on FL2 (ten thousand fluorescent events were recorded at a rate of
The sun dried unopened flower buds of Syzygium aromaticum were collected from Kerala approximately 150 fluorescent events per second). The DNA histograms were analysed by Cell
(South India), and were authenticated by the expert from the medicinal chemistry department of Quest (Becton-Dickinson, USA) software, Version 3.1s.
Banaras Hindu University. The flower buds were coarsely ground. For extraction of fat soluble
ingredients the ground plant material (250 g) was extracted with n-hexane (2.5 l) in a soxhlet
extractor for 24 h (12 2). The sol-vent was evaporated in solvent recovery apparatus to collect
the extract ( 25 g) as dark brown viscous oil. This extract was stored at 4 LC in an air tight 2.8. Testicular enzyme assay
container and dissolved in different concentrations as per doses in olive oil for animal treatment.
Three doses (15, 30, and 60 mg/kg BW) were chosen according to our preliminary observation To observe the effect of SAx treatment on steroidogenic pathway testicular D 3 b
and general prescription (1–2 g/dose) by traditional healers in Indian subcontinent (Mishra and hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD) and 17 b hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD) were
Singh, 2008; Sharma, 2001). measured according to the method of Talalay (1962) and Jarabek et al. (1962), respectively with
minor modifications. Briefly, one testis was homog-enized in 20% spectroscopic grade glycerol
containing 5 mM potassium phosphate and 1 mM EDTA at a tissue concentration of 100 mg/ml
and was centrifuged at 10,000g for 30 min. at 4 LC. The supernatant ( 950 ll) was used for
2.3. Animals and treatment
enzyme assay.
Forty adult (age 14–15 weeks, weight 32–34 g) male mice of Parkes (P) strain were
separated from existing colony of the departmental animal house facility. These animals were 3 b hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD) was measured by mixing 250 ll of the
maintained at 24 ± 2 LC with 12 L: 12D photoperiod and were provided standard balanced diet supernatant with 250 ll of 100 lM sodium pyrophosphate buffer, pH 8.9, 10 ll eth-anol
and drinking water ad libitum. Mice were divided into four groups (10 mice/group) in separate containing 30 lg DHEA (Sigma, St. Louis, USA) and 240 ll of 25 mg% BSA (Ban-galore
polypropylene cages (430 270 150 mm) with dry rice husk as bedding material. All procedures Genei, India). Enzyme activity was measured after addition of 50 ll of 0.5 lM NAD to the
were in conformation to the stipulations of the Animal Ethics Committee of Banaras Hin-du mixture in a spectrophotometer at 340 nm against a blank (without NAD). One unit of enzyme
activity was the amount causing a change in absorbance of .001/min at 340 nm.
University. The animals were treated orally by oral feeding tubes for 35 days (duration of one
spermatogenic cycle in mouse) as follows:
17 b HSD was measured by mixing 250 ll of the supernatant with 250 ll of
440 lM sodium pyrophosphate buffer (pH 10.2), 10 ll ethanol containing 0.3 lM testosterone
(Sigma, St. Louis, USA) and 240 ll of 25 mg% BSA. Enzyme activity was measured after
Group I: Vehicle controls (Olive oil 200 ll/mouse/day).
addition of 50 ll of 0.5 lM NAD to the mixture in a spectropho-tometer at 340 nm against a
Group II: Syzygium aromaticum extract (15 mg/kg body weight/day). blank (without NAD). One unit of enzyme activity was the amount causing a change in
Group III: Syzygium aromaticum extract (30 mg/kg body weight/day). absorbance of .001/min at 340 nm.
Group IV: Syzygium aromaticum extract (60 mg/kg body weight/day).
2.9. Serum testosterone level

2.4. Autopsy After decapitation, blood was collected for determination of serum testosterone levels.
Serum was separated after centrifugation (4500 rpm, 20 min, 4 LC) and fro-zen at 20 LC. Level
Animals were killed after 24 h of the last treatment by decapitation. At autopsy the body of testosterone in the serum (100 ll) was measured by RIA kit (Immunotech, Marseille, France)
weight of all animals were recorded and the trunk blood was collected. The testes were excised, as per the manufacturer instructions. Intra and inter assay coefficient of variation were 12% and
blotted free of blood and weighed to nearest 0.10 mg. One testis of each mouse was fixed for 15%, respectively.
histology. The contra lateral testis was immediately used for cell isolation for flow cytometry
(FCM). Testes of remaining five mice were processed for testicular sperm production and 2.10. Toxicological investigations
enzymatic studies.
To observe the effect of SAx treatment on liver and kidney function, serum ala-nine
2.5. Histology aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and creatinine were determined
using kits (Span Diagnostic Ltd., Surat, India) as per the manufacturer instructions. The enzyme
Testes were excised, blotted free of blood and then fixed for histological studies in freshly activity is expressed in units where one unit denotes lmoles of the product formed per hour.
prepared Bouin’s fluid, dehydrated in graded ethanol series, cleared in benzene and embedded
in paraffin wax. Tissue was sectioned (6 lm) and stained with periodic-acid-Schiff (PAS) and
counter stained with Harris haematoxylin. Stained slides were analysed by light microscope 2.11. Statistical analyses
(Leica, GmbH, Germany).
All data, except body weight were analysed by one-way analyses of vari-ance (ANOVA)
2.6. Daily sperm production followed by Newman–Keuls’s multiple range test. Body weight data were analysed by Student’s
t-test. Differences were considered significant at P < 0.05.
To observe the effect of SAx treatment on testicular sperm production, sonica-tion resistant
elongated spermatids (Step 14–16 spermatids) were counted accord-ing to Meistrich and van
Beek (1993). Briefly one testis was placed in 1 ml cold distilled water. After homogenizing, the
3. Results
tissue was sonicated for 1.5 min and sam-ple was counted in hemocytometer under a phase
contrast microscope at 40X. Developing spermatids spend 4.84 days in step 14–16 during
spermatogenesis in mice. Therefore, to calculate daily sperm production the number of step 14– 3.1. Body weight and testis weight
16 spermatids was divided by 4.84 (Izawa et al., 2007).
The SAx treatment had no effect on the body weight of animals, and all
the animals maintained a healthy appearance throughout the investigation.
2.7. Flow cytometry However, higher doses (30 mg and 60 mg) of SAx adversely affected the
weight of testis as compare to control (Table 1).
For quantitation of cell types involved in spermatogenesis after treatment, flow cytometric
analysis of testicular tissue was performed according to Katoh et al. (2002) with minor
modifications. Briefly the tunica albuginea was removed from testis, placed in ice cold nutrient
medium (Dulbecco’s modified eagle medium) and minced gently with razor. Then the tissue 3.2. Daily sperm production
was transferred to nutrient medium containing 0.25% collagenase (Type IA) (Sigma, St. Louis,
USA) for 30 min in a shak-ing water bath at 32.5 LC. The cell suspension was filtered through a
100 lm and 40 lm nylon mesh (BD Falcon, Bedford, USA) in order to discard tissue debris and Testicular sperm production in animals treated with lower
dose (15 mg) of the SAx did not differ significantly from the
R.K. Mishra, S.K. Singh / Food and Chemical Toxicology 46 (2008) 3333–3338 3335

Table 1 In case of severe damage the seminifereous tubules were lined by Sertoli cells
Effect of Syzygium aromaticum extract on body weight, weight of the testis, daily sperm
and few germ cells only (Fig. 1c and d).
production, and on percentage of affected seminiferous tubules in mice

Groups Body weight (g) Testis weight Daily Affected 3.4. Flowcytometry
(mg) sperm seminiferous
Initial Final
production tubules (%)
On the basis of DNA content, three main germ cell peaks could be
per testis
6 identified in control animals: 1C (round and elongated sperma-tids), 2C
( 10 )
(spermatogonia), and 4C (primary spermatocytes). The re-gion between 2C
I 32.00 ± 0.00 34.00 ± 1.21 105.51 ± 5.07 2.64 ± 0.26 14.27 ± 3.73
II 34.00 ± 0.00 34.00 ± 0.41 99.27 ± 4.18 2.34 ± 0.31 21.55 ± 5.90 and 4C peaks is composed of cells actively synthesizing DNA and is termed
III 34.00 ± 0.00 33.00 ± 1.73
97.28 ± 2.11
1.38 ± 0.34
64.64 ± 6.71 as S-phase (synthetic phase).
IV 34.00 ± 0.00 35.00 ± 1.21
93.13 ± 3.11
1.26 ± 0.22
80.83 ± 10.33 Treatment with different doses of SAx resulted in germ cell depletion as
Values are mean ± S.D. for five animals.
there was a gradual loss in 1C population concomitant with a parallel rise in
Significantly different from controls (p < 0.05). the 2C, S-phase, and 4C populations. Further administration of different doses
of SAx also resulted in significant alterations in various germ cells ratios (Fig.
2; Table 2).
whereas those treated with higher doses of the SAx showed signif-icant
decrease as compare to control (Table 1). 3.5. Serum testosterone level

3.3. Histology Serum level of testosterone in mice treated with lower dose (15 mg) of
SAx showed significant increase, whereas marked de-cline was noticed in
In histologic examination, no changes in testis were observed in the testosterone level in higher dose groups as compare to control (Table 3).
controls. (Fig. 1a) In lower dose (15 mg) group, majority of seminiferous
tubules exhibited active spermatogenesis, but there were loosening of
germinal epithelium or intraepithelial vacuola-tion in some seminiferous 3.6. Testicular enzyme assay
tubules (Fig. 1b). By contrast, marked alterations were noticed in testis of
mice treated with higher doses of the SAx. There were significant increases in 5
Testicular D 3 b-HSD and 17 b-HSD activities were increased in animals
percentage of af-fected seminiferous tubules in higher dose groups, and treated with lower dose (15 mg) of the SAx, while these parameters were
severity of the testicular damage showed dose dependency (Fig. 1c and d; decreased significantly in higher dose groups as compare to control (Table 3).
Table 1). Elongated and round spermatids were the most strongly depleted
cells in these treated groups. Intraepithelial vacuolation, loosening of
germinal epithelium, marginal condensation of chro-matin in round 3.7. Toxicological investigations
spermatids, and degeneration of other cell types were also observed in the
seminiferous tubules of treated animals. No differences were detected in ALT, AST and creatinine levels in serum
of mice treated with SAx as compare to control (Table 3).

Fig. 1. a–d are PAS-Haematoxylin stained sections of mouse testis. X 175. (a). Control testis showing normal appearance of seminiferous tubules. (b) Treated (SAx, 15 mg/kg BW/day for 35 days)
testis showing loosening of germinal epithelium and appearance of intraepithelial vacuoles in a seminiferous tubule ( ). (c) Treated (SAx, 30 mg/kg BW/ day for 35 days) testis showing marked
alterations in seminiferous tubules. Arrow indicates marginal condensation of chromatin of round spermatids. (d) Treated (SAx, 60 mg/kg BW/day for 35 days) testis showing atrophic appearance of
seminiferous tubules.
3336 R.K. Mishra, S.K. Singh / Food and Chemical Toxicology 46 (2008) 3333–3338

Fig. 2. Representative DNA histograms of testicular germ cells of mice treated with Syzygium aromaticum extract.

Table 2
Effect of Syzygium aromaticum extract on relative percentage of testicular germ cell populations, and on germ cell ratio of mice

Groups Spermatids (1C) Spermatogonia (2C) Primary spermatocytes (4C) S-phase 1C:2C 1C:4C 4C:2C 4C:S-ph
I 60.96 ± 5.48 20.4 ± 1.75 13.07 ± 2.67 3.82 ± 1.26 3.01 ± 0.49 4.90 ± 1.53 0.64 ± 0.12 3.59 ± 0.71
* * * * * * *
II 32.99 ± 1.28 37.08 ± 0.97 15.32 ± 2.33 12.24 ± 0.70 0.88 ± 0.01 2.19 ± 0.38 0.41 ± 0.07 1.26 ± 0.26
* * * * * * *
III 34.31 ± 1.12 41.95 ± 1.46 11.4 ± 2.71 9.42 ± 1.21 0.81 ± 0.03 3.12 ± 0.62 0.27 ± 0.07 1.24 ± 0.42
* * * * * * *
IV 9.02 ± 1.25 65.39 ± 1.40 11.25 ± 1.93 11.80 ± 0.86 0.13 ± 0.02 0.82 0.24 0.17 ± 0.03 0.96 ± 0.23
Values are mean ± S.D. for five animals.
Significantly different from controls (p < 0.05).

Table 3
Effect of Syzygium aromaticum extract on testicular D 3 b-HSD and 17 b-HSD and on serum level of testosterone, ALT, AST, and creatinine in mice
Groups D 3 b-HSD 17 b-HSD Serum Testosterone ALT AST Creatinine
Unit/mg of tissue/h Unit/mg of tissue/h ng/ml U/ml U/ml mg/100 ml
I 15.70 ± 1.53 19.34 ± 3.21 2.56 ± 0.28 24.10 ± 2.39 18.60 ± 3.63 2.61 ± 0.15
* *
II 17.16 ± 0.84 23.72 ± 3.79 3.23 ± 0.36 24.80 ± 1.88 18.64 ± 2.39 2.31 ± 0.47
* * *
III 6.65 ± 1.08 12.02 ± 1.41 1.56 ± 0.05 24.94 ± 1.56 17.37 ± 1.84 2.54 ± 0.45
* * *
IV 5.62 ± 1.30 8.00 ± 1.53 1.61 ± 0.18 24.82 ± 1.48 20.23 ± 2.91 3.02 ± 0.54
Values are mean ± S.D. for five animals.
Significantly different from controls (p < 0.05).

4. Discussion appearance of animals throughout experiment as well as lack of adverse effect

on the body weight or liver and kidney function sug-gest that SAx did not
Flower buds of Syzygium aromaticum (clove) have been used for induce any systemic toxicity at the doses tested. In mice treated with lower
treatment of male sexual disorders in Ayurvedic and Unani medi-cines of dose (15 mg) of SAx, the semi-niferous tubules presented almost normal
Asian countries. Although few studies have been carried out to find out the appearance, whereas higher doses (30 and 60 mg) of SAx caused non-uniform
effect of Syzygium aromaticum flower bud on male sexual behavior degener-ative changes in the seminiferous tubules; also with increasing dose
(Tajuddin et al., 2004, 2003), its effect on functional physiology of male of the treatment, the alterations in the seminiferous tubules increased in
reproductive organs has not been studied so far. Therefore, the present study severity. Similar observations have also been reported in testes of P mice after
was designed to evalu-ate the testicular effects of chronic exposure of hexane treatment with neem leaf extract (Mishra and Singh, 2005) and several
extract of Syzygium aromaticum (SAx) in mice. Three doses of SAx (15 mg, antispermatogenic agents (Singh and Chakravarty, 2003; Singh and Dominic,
30 mg, and 60 mg/Kg BW) were administered orally over 35 days (one 1995).Seminiferous tu-bules make up about 90% of the wet
spermatogenic cycle in mouse) to adult male mice in order to ascertain
weight of the normal testis, the testicular weight loss in
possible testicular effects.
higher doses groups may be attributed to the spermatogenic
Serum levels of transaminases (ALT and AST), and creatinine are good disruption and degeneration of germinal elements.
indicators of liver and kidney functions, respectively. Healthy
R.K. Mishra, S.K. Singh / Food and Chemical Toxicology 46 (2008) 3333–3338 3337

The major disadvantage of histopathologic evaluation is that it allows er bud as an aphrodisiac in indigenous systems of medicine in Asian
limited number of seminiferous tubules to be evaluated (Suter et al., 1998). countries.
Recently flow cytometry (FCM) has become a useful tool for objective
quantitation of the cell types involved in spermatogenesis and supplies Conflict of interest statement
therefore very valuable information for the detection of testicular toxicity
(Katoh et al., 2002; Suter et al., 1998). Treatment with different doses of SAx The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.
resulted in germ cell depletion as there was a gradual loss in 1C population
concomitant with a parallel rise in the 2C and S-phase populations. A similar Acknowledgement
reduction in 1C population and increase in 2C and S-phase cells has been
reported in the testicular cells of rat treated with different antispermatogenic Authors would like to thank Director C.D.R.I., Lucknow, India for
agents such as estradiol benzo-ate, gossypol, and CDRI 84/35 (Ojha et al., permission for flow cytometry usage. This work was supported by the
2008). Decline in 1C (round and elongated spermatids) population after Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi, in the form of
treatment in the present study indicates the sensitivity of post meiotic cells to SERC FAST Track Project (No. SR/FT/L-72/2005) to Raghav Kumar Mishra.
the treatment (Russell et al., 1990). The rise in 2C (spermatogonia) and S-
phase cells in treated mice may not indicate an increase in actual cell number
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