MHH Notes

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Newlands resolution

2nd treaty of annexation fails

congress didnt sign it
Newlands joint resolution was brought to congress
gave all power to US
make Hawaii a territory of the US
automatically made all citizens of the Republic citizens of the territory and
of the US

Effects of Newlands Resolution

Relaxed literacy and property requirements for voting giving all males over 21
right to vote
increased amount of hawaiians that could vote
posed a serious threat to the white oligarchy's control over hawaiian govt
and politics
Native hawaiians leaders still upset at overthrow
deeplu disgusted at the rule of the white oligarchy, home rule party

Home rule party

Opposed republicans party of the oligarchy
Weaker in the 1900 election
Robert Wilcox ran for delegate to congress
Wilcox and home rulers conducted aggressive campaign
Favored homestead lands for hawaiians
Native hawaiians supported the home rule party in 1900 election
Robert wilcox won as delegate to congress
home rule party captured 9 of the 13 seats in the Territorial senate
14 of the 29 seats in the territorial house of reps next 2 years serious
threat to the white oligarchy

White oligarchy 1902

regained control of the government
persuaded a respected and well liked Hawaiian, Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalaniana'ole, to
run for delegate to congress
Kuhio won and remained as delegate until 1921
During 20 years in officce, made important gains for Hawaiians
Kuhio faced many conflicts tried to balance the business intersts of oligarchy and
needs of Hawaiian people
Ruling oligarchy to maintianed political control in Hawaii for 40 years

Thought of homestead lands

Due to the death rate of Hawaiians being high
1/3 babies died before 1 yr old because toberculosis
Prince Kuhio thought only hope for Hawaiians was to return land
To deeply understnad the roots of the aina physically and spiritually
saw a chance when 1917 and 1921
the leases on the tracts of govt lands were able to expire
Without hawaiian vote, republican party could not maintain political control of
either territorial legialature or fofice of delegate to congress
Kuhio now held, couldn't hold into office without republican party
amended newlands resolution act to allow certain tracts of lands to be to
rehabilitate hawaiian people
Quid pro quo
each gave something to the other in return for something else
Joining forces
Kuhio and republican joined to lobby to congress
released some govt lands for homesteads for native hawaiians
Amended newlands resolution to provide land for his people
could not own more than 1000 acres of land
lease land for only 5 years at a time
wanted to remove the restricitons
went to washington dc

Ourcome of Watshington dc
203300 acres of land set as homestead lands
commussion was administered what is now called Hawaiian Home comission act
Oligarchy/sugar interests
got a lifting of restrictions on amount of land a plantation could be owned
lease changed 5->15 years
signed and approved by president Warren G Harding in 1921

Homestead Lands
1923, Hawaiian Home commission act amended the 203300 acres of land to only
residential, agriculture, and pastoral lots
no larger than 1 acre
Agricultural homestead no larger than 40 acres
Pastoral ranging grom 40-100 accres to be used for ranching

Requirements for homestead lands

21 yrs old
50% hawaiian
99 year lease for a $1 year
homeowners need to use it as home or farm
couldnt be sold
could only be transferred with approval of commission
pay all taxes on land
if you didnt have money you could borrow from a fund administered by commission
homesteader supposed to get technical help, advise on farming and ranching from
experts hired for that purpose

Immigration and economic status


Master and Servants act

Permitted the importation of plantation laborers under contracts binding them to
their employees
wages were low, work was hard
striggle for imigrants who came to Hawaii to provide the labor needed for economic
Declared unconstitutional when Hawaii became a territory

Life of a plantation worker

watned to find a better life then from their homes
revolved around the sugar
life was governed the plantation whistle
woke at 5 am
10 hour shift work day
Ate, took baths
Relaxed a few moments before 8 am, whistle signaled that it was time for bed

Plantatin pidgin
developed on plantations as a way to communicate among other immigrants who spoke
different language
contained all elements of english and many hawaiian words
other words from other languages later became part of pidgin
pidgin words
hanawai man
hapai ko
hoe hana
hole hole
liliko hapai
pau hana
pula pula

Rise of sugar
most dynamic force in hawaii economu was the rise of the sugar industry in 1900-
HSPA Hawaii sugar planters association in 1895
Sugar planters realized because usable land was limited, the way to increase
production of sugar and dramatically improved every stage of the process from field
to mill
success of sugar
increased tonnage of sugar produced
1890- avg sugar output was 3.2 tones/acre and 6.4 tons/employee
1940- 7.2 tons/acre and 33.0 tons/employee
1870- 425 acres
1956- 8198 acres
sugars had success in the increasing of the output in sugar
faced problems in refining, marketing, and distributing their product to the
continents due to the stiff competition from companies in the US;
hawaiian sigar growers in 1905 purchased a refinery in crockett, california
and organized the cooperative California and Hawaiian (C&H) Sugar refining co
Effects of sugar
1926 Matson Navigation co controlled by hawaii sugar growers, bought out competitor
company owned by Claus Spreckels and became the chief ocean carrier for the hawaii
to california trade
1930 HAwaiian sigar growers had gained control of the entire process of growing,
shipping, refining, marketing, putting hawaiian sugar on US tables, making sugar
the #1 industry in HI
Control of the sugar industry came to be concentrated in the hands of factors or
agents that assisted with the sugar plantations in financing, transportation, and

Big five
early 1900 sugar factors were so powerful and prosperous
Alexander & Baldwin
C Brewer & CO
Castle & cooke
Theo H Davies & co
American factories (Amfac)
Men who sat on boards of the big five also sat on boards of other businesses
in hawaii
controlled the economyu of the islands
they also controlled hawaii govt and politics belong to

Rise of pineapple
second to sugar production
failed to fultivate on large scale for export
1901 james dole organized the first successful pineapple operation on the islands
powerful busines not interested in financing doles operation
compete with sugar indistry
limited usage for land and water on islands
dole able to secure financial backing form us investors
1909, growing more pineapples than his small cannery in honolulu could handle
Effects of the pineapple
Invention of teh new ginaca machine could size, peel, core, cut pineapple <1 sec,
big 5 invested because success
pineapple growers realized teh benefits of cooperating in research, financing, and
1930 more than 12 mil cases of canned pineapples were produced in hawaii/year
~40% from dole plantation
1932 depresseion so verge of bankrupcy
dole company under new ownership of castle and cooke

Pearl Harbor

Martial Law
Hawaii governor Joseph Poindexter issued proclamation placing the islands
under martial law
Military rule remained in effect in Hawaii until 10/1944 when president
Roosevelt issued an order terminating it
Under martial law, 3 successive military commanders ran Hawaii govt by issuing
general orders had the effect of the law
Many civil liberties and rights were suspended and many daily activities were
Govt censored letters and phone calls, newspapers could not print articles
critical of military rule, the sale of food and gas was restricted and had a curfew
and blackout was in effect from 6 pm until 6 am
3 branches of hawaii territorial govt was replaced by the military governor and his
general orders
civilian court system was replaced by military judges
Everyone living hin HI were affected by Martial law during ww2 but the group
suuffered the most were japanese ancestry (americans and aliens)

Jap struggles
mistrust and suspicion, interrogated by loyalty boards
1942- roosevelt established war relocation authority and more than 120,000 of
japanese ancestry were taken from homes, communities and jobs to internment camps
didnt commit crime and without formal charges or trials they became prisoners
some military authorities wanted japanese to be sent to internment centers on the
only 1400 of the 160,000 japanese were sent to continents due to shortage of
ships to take them
Hostility and suspicion towards nisei men
Japanese clubs, societies, newspapers, schools, temples, radio stations closed down
coulndt own weapons, cameras, radios; investigators entered homes and destroyed
suspicious stuff
hostility towards japs were stronger on mainland than Hawaii
Lost homes, farms, businesses; not compensated
to prove themselves and loyalty to us
jap americans- 100th battalion and 442nd regiment
units saw extensive combat in europe and distinguished themselves as among
the best fighting units in the armed forces


March 1959- Eisenhower signed- election on june 27 if HI becomes a state

Votes accepting won
qualified voters were us citizens that resided in hawaii for >1 year
many migrated to US Europe Asia and other Pacific Islands due to annexation
US military that came for employment, ed, opportunities, escape
all uc citizens permitted to vote but if they refused to be citizen -> no
Ni'ihau rejected statehood
Became 50th state 8/21/59- presidential proclamation
portion of govt and crown lands ceded to usfg at time of annexationwas returned to
state to administer

Haleakala national park

1961- split off from volcanoes national park- one of the smallest parks in us but
containes some of the most threated plants and animals
Pu'uhonua o honaunau
1961- added as nat park- largest refuge place, last Hawaiian heiau to remain in
perfect condition, once held bones of revered chiefs

Merrie monarch
begun 1964 to attraact tourists
Wasnt successful until it reformed into a hula showcase
Originally sponsored by Hawaii Chamber of commerce
1968, festival taken over by Dorothy (Dottie) Thompson who served as
George Na'ope, one of the festivals original creators, worked with Thompson
to make the event a focal point of cultural rejuvination as well as testing ground
for serious kumu hula and students
Named after Kalakaua (called the merrie monarch) who encouraged a Hawaiian cultural
renaissance during reign and included hula performances in 1883 coronation
"Hula is the language of the heart and therefore the heartbeat of the
hawaiian people"
1971- first year of competitive dancing, 9 halau (wahine only) danced at Hilo Civic
1976- kane division introduced and event had grown so large it had to move to the
edith kanaka'ole tennis stadium
Each halau competes in kahiko and 'auana stules
miss aluha hula category open to women solo perfomers. first winner was Aloha Wong
festival takes place the week following easter

Polynesian voyaging society

prompted by debate among Thor Heyerdahl and others abt origins of ocean voyaging
uh antropologist Ben Finney, atrist-historian Herb Kane, Fomer director of Hawaii
Maritime center Tommy Holmes founded PVS in 1973 hoping to prove polynesians were
capable of purposeful voyaging
built a performance- accurated voyaging canoe Hokule'a and set about relearning non
instrumental nav
built voyaging tradition, sponsoring ed voyages among islands, and long distance
voyages through polynesia, inspired larger cultural revival
resurgence in interest in voyaging sparked relearning traditional hula, chant, ag,
aquaculture, healing arts, history, language

built a performance- accurated voyaging canoe Hokule'a and set about relearning non
instrumental nav
honolua bay hawaii -> tahiti 33 days on mayday
20,000 tahitians, guided by Mau Piailug, a Micronesian navigator from Satawal
Nainoa Thompson crewed and apprenticed himself to Mau
navigated to tahiti, 6000 mi round trip in 1980
PVS launched Voyage fo Rediscovery to Aotearoa (New zealand) and back
successful journey proved voyaging canoes could sail eastwind across prevailing
trade winds and currents
Hokule'a sailed to tahiti, cook islands, tonga, samoa, tuamotu archapelago

Hokulea to Rapa nui (easter island)

25th anniversary of hokulea and PVS 116 day voyage from HI to Rapa nui, 19 days
from Mangareva went last 1450 mi to rapa nui where canoe made landfall on the first

Apology Bill
Bill Clinton signed apology bill stated the wrongdoings of US
Senate resolution apologized "to native hawaiians for the overthrow to the kingdom
of Hawaii on 1/17/1893 with participation of agents and citizens of US"
Resolution took no step sto reparations or compensation, but acknowledged federal
responsibilities and a positive sign for Hawaiian Sovereignty movement

Hawaiian Sovereignty movement

percolating at low levels for years got an infusion of energy and inspiration when
the 100th anniversary of the overthrow arrived
1993 marked time of increased discussion, visibility, and possibility that
sollution could be hammered in years or decades rather than generations

Shape of sovereign entity fall into 4 basic categories

state within a state model
similar to county system, model would operate something like Office of
Hawaiian affairs (OHA) currently does
adherents see this model as a transition phase on the way towards greater
Established in 1978
Nation within a Nation model
similar to us govt relationship with indian and alaskan groups, independent
hawaiian nation wpuld have a direct relationship with usfg and be treated on equal
footing with other states including the state of HI
Free association model
based on UN resolution 1541, exists already in the pacific region including
republic of the Marshall Islands, the Federated states of Micronesia and the
Republic of Belau
Independence model
complete withdrawal from usfg including formal separation of part or all
Hawaiian islands and the establishment of a soverign state within a larger
community of nations

Protesters occupy Kaho'olawe

Protesting Navy use of Kaho'olawe as a shelling and bombing target, 8 hawaiians
ooccupied the island 1/4/76
Navy used island since 1941 and claimed it still played a vital role in maintaining
national defense
Protesters feld cultural connection w/ island and wished to preserve role as a
place of spiritual and cultural significance
Occupation of the island led to a compromise with Nave, regulated monthly visits by
non-military personell were allowed
Hawaiian Language
1896- education through Hawaiian language in public and private schools outlawed on
model of us policy towards the use of English in ed
Teachers would be terminated if they teach or speak to children
Corporal punishment for speaking hawaiian
Kamehameha schools, parents are opened to censor use of Hawaiian
1915- hawaiian newspaper editorials appear decrying the poor standard of Hawaiian
used by Hawaiian children in speaking with adults
called upon Hawaiians to counteract law by persisting on use of Hawaiian in
Home and in areas controlled by Hawaii like church and sunday schools
Hawaiian parents insist on addressing the children in Hawaiian and they respond in
1978 Hawaiia Constitution amended to include a mandate to
promote the study of Hawaiian culture, history, and language
state shall provide for a hawaiian education program consisting of language
culture and history in public schools (article X section 4)

Ka Leo Hawaii
1972- Hawaiian Language enrillments at uh manoa have several 100 ppl with 4 years
of hawaiian offered
Students initiate a hawaiian language talk show, Ka Leo Hawaii
Hosted by new faculty Dorothy Kahananui and former student Larry Kimura
Program featyres different native speaker guest each weekly broadcast

Aha Punana Leo

Maori of New Zealand started Kohanga Reo, languaged nest, centers wehre elders
interact all day with babies and preschoolers using Maori language
A founder Dr. Tamati Reedy, a former student of Hawaiian, brings news of
Kohanga Reo to Hawaii
1983- Hawaiian language teachers Ilei Beniamana, Kohulani Ceeland, Kauanoe Kamana,
Larry Kimura, No'eau Warner, Koki williams, Pila Wilson meet on Kauai to discuss
dismal state of Hawaiian language
Formed grassroots organization 'Aha punana leo "The language nest corporation
on 1/12 at cleelands home
1984- Punana leo preschool in Kehaka, Kauai. Punana Leo O Kauai is funded with
employment development funds assistance from the Hawaiian serving agencu Alu Like
All books must be translated to Hawaiian
1985- Punana Leo O Hilo opens
Method of teaching in honolulu and hilo is entirelu through hawaiian with no
english,. this method becomes established in all Puhaha Leo schools

HI state leg passes resolution calling upon state DOE to implement schools taught
throught ahwaiian
Legislature also passes a resolution calling US congress to develop policy
legislation in support of the survival of hawaiian and native american languages
Charles Toguchi appointed as superintendednt of Ed, along with Senator Clayton Hee
a bill to remove the ban on the use of hawaiian for public school instruction
Superintendant Toguchi agrees to support a 1-year trial of Punana Leo-type
education in public schools

Hawaii portrayed as paradise, people want to experience living here
Main resource of Hawaii economy besides military
sparked hawaiian renaissance in 1970s, attraced people for various leisure
Some events
Great Aloha run
Iron man race
Movie premiere
show premiere
special olympics fundraisers
make a wish
surfing competitions
polynesian cultural center
merrie monarch festival

Setbacks- high cost of living, debt, stereotypes (hula, grass shacks)

Necessary, without it sate will be in more debt

Land issues
1961- HI land use commussion is established
framework of land use management and regulation in which all lands in the
state of HI are claddified into one of four land use districts
composed of 9 members
appointed by gvnr and confirmed by state senate
1 from each county
5 at large
1967- Hawaii land reform act is passed
leads to buy the fee interest ot their leased land
1975- legislature passes shoreline protection act protecting hawaii shoreline

Homestead lands requirements

18 or 21 yrs
native hawaiian
descendant as "any descendant of not less than 1/2 part of the blood of ehte
races inhabiting the hawaiian islands previous to 1778
blood quantum of at least 50% Hawaiian

Lands recieved
apply for:
1 residential lot
1 ag
1 pastoral
1 res and 1 ag OR
1 res and 1 pastoral

Benefits of homestead lands

annual lease rent of $1/year
99 year lease
lease term which can be extended for additional 100 years
allowing you to pass your homestead from generation to generation
7 year exemption from real property tax
complete expemtion of tax on land
minimal real propertu tax after the first 7 years, only for residents on Kauai or
NAming successor
Minimul 50% blood quantum requirement
provide documentation fo successors native hawaiian blood quantum
at least 18 yrs old and
someone in your immediate family (spouse, child, parents, or siblings)
child successor
biological child and
legally adoped
presented and esablished sufficient documentationw which schows the child is
at least 50% hawaiian based on biological geneology

Sacred lands (eg mauna kea, haleakala)

Royal mausoleum- few places in state where american flag cant be raised

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