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Bernie C Lechuga

Uniting Class

First Semi-Quarterly Examination

Science Grade 9

5 4 3 2 1 Total %

(Excellent) Good) (Good) (Fair) (Poor)
Instructions are clear, explicit, and unambiguous. 
Directions are placed at the beginning of each part of 
the examination.


Questions reflects learning objectives.  5 40%
Questions are clear and simple. 
Definite, eplicit and singular problem in each 
Wrong answers (distractors) are plausible. 
Length of response items is roughly the same for 
each question.
The length of response items eqaul in length. 
There are no grammatical clues to the correct answer. 
The order of correct answers in all items are 
randomly arranged.
Uniform number of options in each item. 


Neither to hard nor too easy. 
Questions are progressive in difficulty. 
Examination questions matched the average student’s 
ability level.
Questions are addressed to what the teacher wanted 
to evaluate.
Questions are based on taxonomy of cognitive 

PRACTICALITY (15%) 4.8 14.4%

Length of the examination. 
Easy to administer. 
Low cost. 

Easy to score. 
Appropriate in length for the allotted time. 


Page layout ( font size, font style, spacing and 
margin) is readable.
The examination is free from grammatical, 
punctuation and spelling error.
4.76 97.4 %
First Quarterly Examination
Science Grade 9

5 4 3 2 1 Total %

(Excellent) Good) (Good) (Fair) (Poor)
Instructions are clear, explicit, and unambiguous. 
Directions are placed at the beginning of each part of 
the examination.


Questions reflects learning objectives.  4.89 39.11%
Questions are clear and simple. 
Definite, eplicit and singular problem in each 
Wrong answers (distractors) are plausible. 
Length of response items is roughly the same for 
each question.
The length of response items eqaul in length. 
There are no grammatical clues to the correct answer. 
The order of correct answers in all items are 
randomly arranged.
Uniform number of options in each item. 


Neither to hard nor too easy. 
Questions are progressive in difficulty. 
Examination questions matched the average student’s 
ability level.
Questions are addressed to what the teacher wanted 
to evaluate.
Questions are based on taxonomy of cognitive 

PRACTICALITY (15%) 4.8 14.4%

Length of the examination. 
Easy to administer. 
Low cost. 

Easy to score. 
Appropriate in length for the allotted time. 


Page layout ( font size, font style, spacing and 
margin) is readable.
The examination is free from grammatical, 
punctuation and spelling error.
4.84 97.51%
Second Quarterly Examination
Science Grade 9

5 4 3 2 1 Total %

(Excellent) Good) (Good) (Fair) (Poor)
Instructions are clear, explicit, and unambiguous. 
Directions are placed at the beginning of each part of 
the examination.

CONTENT STRUCTURE (40 %) 4.78% 38.22%

Questions reflects learning objectives. 
Questions are clear and simple. 
Definite, eplicit and singular problem in each 
Wrong answers (distractors) are plausible. 
Length of response items is roughly the same for 
each question.
The length of response items eqaul in length. 

There are no grammatical clues to the correct answer. 

The order of correct answers in all items are 
randomly arranged.
Uniform number of options in each item. 


Neither to hard nor too easy. 
Questions are progressive in difficulty. 
Examination questions matched the average student’s 
ability level.
Questions are addressed to what the teacher wanted 
to evaluate.
Questions are based on taxonomy of cognitive 

PRACTICALITY (15%) 4.8 14.4%

Length of the examination. 
Easy to administer. 
Low cost. 

Easy to score. 
Appropriate in length for the allotted time. 


Page layout ( font size, font style, spacing and  3.5 7%
margin) is readable.
The examination is free from grammatical, 
punctuation and spelling error.
4.62 94.62%
Assessment for learning is best described as a process by which assessment information is used by
teachers to adjust their teaching strategies, and by students to adjust their learning strategies. Assessment,
teaching and learning are inextricably linked, as each informs the others. Assessment is a powerful process that
can either optimize or inhibit learning, depending on how it’s applied.

For teachers, assessment for learning helps teachers gather information to plan and modify teaching and
learning programmes for individual students, groups of students and the class as a whole, pinpoint students’
strengths so that both teachers and students can build on them identify students’ learning needs in a clear and
constructive way so they can be addressed involve parents, and families in their children's learning.

For student, assessment for learning provides students with information and guidance so they can plan
and manage the next steps in their learning. Assessment for learning uses information to lead from what has
been learned to what needs to be learned next.

Assessment for learning should use a range of approaches. These may include day-to-day activities
(such as learning conversations), a simple mental note taken by the teacher during observation, student self and
peer assessments, a detailed analysis of a student’s work, assessment tools (which may be written items,
structured interview questions or items teachers make up themselves). What matters most is not so much the
form of the assessment, but how the information gathered is used to improve teaching and learning.

In evaluating the test paper of the students in different major examinations, five point Likert scale was
used by the assessor. The criteria was 5-excellent, with a weighted average of 4.51-5.0, 4-very good with a
weighted average of 3.51-4.5, 3-good, with a weighted average of 2.51-3.5, 2-fair, with a weighted average of
1.51-2.5, 1-poor, with a weighted average of 1.0-1.5. The rubrics also used percentage distribution as follows:
instructions: 5%, content structure 40%, level of difficulty 30%, practicality 15% and over-all construction of
the examination 10% for a total of 100%.

Based from the data gathered, the examination is for Science of a grade 9 student, the first semi-
quarterly examinations weighted average mean is 4.76, which is excellent or 97.4%. Instruction, content
structure and and level of difficulty are all perfect based on the criteria that was presented. In terms of
practicality the weighted average is 4.8, the test paper have four pages which may cost few pesos for the
students, as claimed by the students that they the paying for it. The over-all construction of the test paper is
weighted at 4, the font size is a little small.
The second test paper that was assessed is for Science of the same grade level, on their first quarterly
examination. There is a little improvement in this test, the total weighted average is 4.84 or 97.51 %. Instruction
and level of difficulty scored perfectly at a weighted average of 5. But, in terms of content structure is at 4.89,
there are multiple numbers with multiple questions at one statement. Specifically in number 14, 16 and 22.
There are also 4 pages in this exam which is not cost effective. The spacing is not even but there is an
improvement the font size is bigger and easy to read.

Lastly, the third test paper is of the same subject and year level, on their second quarter, the total
weighted average is 4.62or 94.62 %, again the instruction and content standard are perfect with a weighted
average of 5, but one thing that was noticed by the assessor is the instruction letter D, which is right minus
wrong, for me this limits the capacity of the students to pass, because of the diffirence in cognitive level. As
evidenced by a failing mark of the assessed test paper. In terms of content structure, the weighted average is
4.78, there are visible patterns of the right answers. Just like the previous exam, there are also four pages. The
font size is small and there unequal spacing.

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