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TRAD/INT I – Aumentar/Diminuir 7/20/2018 NCristina Martorana

AUMENTO (=INCREMENTO): (vide: aumentar)

TRAD/INT I – Aumentar/Diminuir 7/20/2018 NCristina

 increase (of / in –e.g.:  of 5% in stocks), boost (of/in), gain (of/in), growth;

appreciation (of/in) (real estate); spread (disease)

1. AUMENTAR (vide: ampliar):

(OBS.: NOT: augment, aggrandize, increment –because too much like Portuguese)

* INCREASE (vt./vi.) (em: in sth. by an amt.; extend (vt.) (payment terms)

para: to) fuel (vt.) (inflation, speculations, expectations;
* RISE (vi.) – RAISE (vt.) (expectations, concerns)
hopes; the standard) gain (vt.) (weight, strength, confidence, speed,
* GROW (vi.) (grow vt.: cultivar) popularity, influence, experience,
*(standard usage) knowledge, respect)

add (vt.) (benefits, value) (i.e.: somar, go up (vt.) (weak) (prices, costs)
acrescentar) heighten (vt.) (emotions, anger, effect,
add to (vt.) (one’s problems, one’s reputation, potential, importance, danger, degree,
one’s collection) awareness, expectations)

add up (vi.) (bills) hike (vt.) (prices)

amplify (sound; ref. electrical engineering) inch up (i.e.: crawl) (GDP: PIB)

appreciate (vi.) (value) intensify (vt.) (efforts, search)

boost (vt.) (capacity, consumption, sales, jack up (vt.) (prices)

energy, power, strength, confidence) lengthen (vt.) (payment terms; trip)
broaden (vt.) (gap, distance, knowledge, mind, lift (vt.) (level, standards)
horizons, prospects, experience)
mount (vi.) (see “build up”; bills)
build up (vt.) (courage, hopes, image, pick up (vi.) (i.e.: melhorar) (sales,
experience, reputation);
(vi.) (problems, work, tension, pressure,
pile up (vi.) (work, problems)
prolong (vt.) (life)
elevate (OBS.: not as idiomatic)
put up (vt.) (rent)
enhance (vt.) (performance, skills, quality,
beauty, value, taste, flavor) step up (vt.) (i.e.: acelerar) (production)

enlarge (vt.) (i.e.: ampliar) (facilities) strengthen (vt.) (security, ability, ties)

escalate (vi.) (debt, efforts, violence, protests) swell (vi.) (river; debt, sound, with pride)

expand (vi.) (i.e.: ampliar) (network) wax (vi.) (inflation)

widen (vt.) (distance, gap) (see: broaden)

TRAD/INT I – Aumentar/Diminuir 7/20/2018 NCristina Martorana

2. AUMENTAR extreme forms:

TRAD/INT I – Aumentar/Diminuir 7/20/2018 NCristina Martorana

boom (n./vi.) shoot up (vi.)

bound (vi.) skyrocket (vi.)

climb (vi.) snowball (vi.) (inflation; snowball or ripple

effect: efeito cascata)
hike (n./vt.) (price) [(vi./vt.) hike up, like a
skirt: subir) soar (vi.)

jump (vi.) spiral (vi.) (prices; inflation)

leap (vi.) spring

mushroom (vi.) (debt, concerns) (usu. neg. surge (demand)

upgrade (quality)
sharp (adj.) zoom

3. AMPLIAR (vide: aumentar)

ENLARGE(E) (facilities: instalações(E)) broaden (knowledge, horizons, views)

EXPAND(E) (network: rede(E)) magnify (fine/small print: letra miúda;

EXTEND(E) (terms: prazos(E))
turn up (volume)
blow up (pictures, a problem)
zoom in (on sth.) (a picture)
 decrease, fall, drop, lull ( –i.e.: temporary calm: –e.g.:  in a storm; soothing sound: -e.g.:  of
the waterfalls)

CAIR (vide: diminuir); ABAIXAR (vide: diminuir)

1. DIMINUIR (vide: conter):

* DECREASE appearances noise, laughter, strength; ref.
indicate –e.g.: storm) flowing
(vt./vi.) (em: in
smb.’s role in a backward, i.e.:
sth. by an amt.; dim (vt./vi.)
play) (i.e.: decline –e.g.:
para: to) (lights, chances) fortunes at a
- fazer pouco de,
* DROP (vi.) rebaixar –vide: diminish (vt.) low ebb)
* FALL (vi.) depreciar) (OBS.: implies ease (vt./vi.)
*(standard bridge (distance, gradually,  (pressure,
usage) gap) not with: controls,
abate (vi.) (storm, sharp/pronounc tension)
bring down (vt.)
pain) (i.e.: ed: acentuado,
(prices, fever) erode (vt.) (e.g.:
reduce in amt., crop (vt.) (i.e.: cut inflation 
no., intensity) (importance)
off, remove the salaries)
abridge (vide: dip (vi.) (level)
head or top of; extenuate (i.e.: (1)
conter) e.g. plant, downgrade make or (2) try
grass) (quality, to make seem
allay (vt.) (i.e.:
standards) less serious: 
calm, relieve: cushion (vt.) (a ing
fears, doubts; blow, impact) downsize (NH) circumstances,
relieve: pain; (ref. conter) a fault, an
cut down on
mitigate) droop (vi.) offense) (i.e.: (1)
paliar, escusar,
appease (vt.) (i.e.: spending) drop (vi.) (level) desculpar,
pacify: anger; dampen (vt.) mitigar; (2)
drop off
satisfy: hunger) (excitement, atenuar,
(vide: mitigar) spirits, suavizar,
dwindle (vi.) amenizar,
assuage (vt.) (i.e.: enthusiasm, (Note: abrandar)
make milder, expectations) gradual
less severe, decline) (i.e.: fade (vi.) (music,
dash (vt.) (hopes)
relieve, ease: undesirable sound)
decline (vi.) reduction, esp.
grief; allay: fall (vi.) (prices,
(popularity, in number –
hunger; soothe: level,
standards; e.g.: number of
fears) (vide: attendance)
interest rates; followers or of
aliviar) students:  to a (also: fall off
attenuate (vt.) handful; -esp. number)
deflate (vt.) (p$) become
(i.e.: weaken or flag (vi.) (i.e.:
reduce in force, defuse (vt.) reduced, shrink:
show loss of
(potential crisis, attendance,
intensity, effect, energy, vigor,
popularity; food
value –e.g.: tense situation) determination;
desire) (vide: weakening,
depreciate (in
ebb (vi.) (life failing,
atenuar) value) (vi.)
wasting or drooping; e.g.:
belittle (i.e.: (real estate) interest, sales,
fading away –
portray as less die down (vt.) e.g.: ebbing tide health)
important or (enthusiasm, of prosperity;
impressive than go down () (vi.)
sales levels;
grow dim (vi.) Exchange that reduce (size, slump (vi.) (sales,
(light) (see: dim finally lulled) number degree; market)
–vt.) minimize (risk, time) soften (vt.)
grow faint (vi.) losses) relax (controls, (harshness;
(voice) mitigate (vt.) (i.e.: restraints, brightness;
languish (vi.) (i.e.: lessen in force, pressure) intensity)
slacken in vigor, intensity, retrench (i.e.: cut stunt (or thwart)
vitality, down, reduce, (growth)
harshness of a
enthusiasm, punishment); curtail) subdue (vt.)
health, strength) (vi.) (i.e.: (expenses) (sound, light,
lessen (vt.) become milder, (vide: conter) color)
(burden: ônus, less severe) scale down (vt.)
(vide: mitigar) subside (vi.) (i.e.:
fardo, carga; (investments) sink to
importance, narrow (vt./vi.) low/lower level;
shorten (vt.) (pyt.
risk, impact, (difference, gap, become quiet or
terms, distance,
pressure) distance) less violent)
(heat, laughter,
let up (vi.) narrow down shrink (vi.) gale winds)
(tension), (vt.) (options,
let up on; choices, job taper (off) (vt./vi.)
attendance, the (i.e.: reduce
(OBS.: more candidates)
informal, more world, debt, gradually, by
formally: pare (vt.) value, degrees) (level
slacken, abate) (expenses, paycheck) of consumption
budget)  during off
lighten (vt.) sink below (a
(burden, load) peter out (colloq.) level) spending)
(i.e.: diminuir
limit (vt.) or slacken (vt./vi.)
até tone down (vt.)
confine within (tension; gale
desaparecer) (appearance,
limits (spread) winds:
(trend, voice; noise,
loosen (i.e.: relax movement) color)
speed; activity,
in strictness or trim (vt.) (budget,
play down (I.e.: business;
severity; e.g.: expenses)
make seem less demand; pace)
trade than actually is: turn down
restrictions) importance, slide (vi.) (share
(volume; heat)
risk) (  prices)
lower (vt.)
magnify slope down (vi.) wane (vi.) (i.e.: (1)
importance) decline in
standards, (a curve on a
(sentido power,
rates) graph) prosperity;
minimizar –
lull (i.e.: let up, vide) slow down decrease in
(vt./vi.) strength: –e.g.:
subside) (e.g.: push down (tax strength  ;
heated buying (production;
rates: alíquotas intensity;
activity in the speed, pace;
do imposto) influence;
economy) reputation; (2)
draw to a close, 2. DIMINUIR downward trend /
approach the extreme slope (adj. +
end: –e.g.:
forms n.)
summer  )
collapse (NH)
desmorona plummet (stock
r; market)
despencar) plunge
crash (stocks) sharp (adj.)
(vide: queda;
sink (down) (e.g.:
 to an
crumble (NH) unprecedented
(vide: level)
slash (vt.) (p$)
dive (down) slump (n./v.)
(also: take a
dive) (vide:
tumble (also: take
a tumble)
(vide: enxugar)

3. CONTER: consumption;
abridge (vt.) (i.e.: rights)
reduce in scope or cut (c$, spending)
extent; curtail)
cut down (on)
check (vt.) (vt.) (spending)
cut back (on) (vt.)
(foreign aid,
contain (vt.)
cut short (vt.)
curb (vt.) speech)
halt (vt.) (inflation,
curtail (vt.) propagação de
(inflation, uma doença)
hold back / down
speech, growth,
sp$, keep back / down
limit (vt.) (number of a person or
of guests, group –e.g.: the
Freemen were 
by the fed. gvt.);
pare (vt.) (i.e.: stop, arrest: a
trim) (ex$, cold,
budget) hemorrhage);
subdue, quell,
repress (emotions,
crush: revolt)
stop (see: conter)
restrain (i.e.: hold
back from trim (i.e.: pare)
action, keep in (ex$, budget)
check or under
control: crowd,
tears; repress,
deprive of
freedom, rights,
limit or hamper
activity, growth
or its effect: –
e.g.:  trade
with Cuba)
restrict (i.e.:
confine, keep
w/in limits:
space, action,
choice, number
of openings,
power, authority;
retrench (costs,
staunch (flow:
stem (the flow of
divisas; growth,

suppress (i.e.:
abolish: a
practice, custom;
stop, put an end
to the activities

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