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The Official

DQ GMs Guide

December 2005

This GMs Guide is a collection of resources to assist a GM in running their game in the shared world of the
Seagate Adventurers Guild. Apart from some of this initial section, each and every resource is optional and
descriptive rather than prescriptive. While best efforts have been made, we cannot guarantee it is the most up-
to-date information in all instances.
The contributors to this guide would like to thank Andrew Withy for the extra effort in editing this guide.

Table of Contents
Introduction .........................................................................................................................................................3
Campaign Principles........................................................................................................................................3
First Session Checklist ....................................................................................................................................4
Awards and Character Growth ........................................................................................................................4
The Known World................................................................................................................................................7
Key to the Known World ..............................................................................................................................8
The Baronies................................................................................................................................................9
Duchy of Carzala ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Map of Seagate......................................................................................................................................... 11
Seagate City ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Campaign Resources....................................................................................................................................... 15
Kinlu.............................................................................................................................................................. 15
Kinlu Weapons.......................................................................................................................................... 15
Kenjutsu .................................................................................................................................................... 17
Kyujutsu .................................................................................................................................................... 18
Shinobi ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
Ships............................................................................................................................................................. 21
Example Ships .......................................................................................................................................... 23
Storm Priests ................................................................................................................................................ 25
Magical Gems............................................................................................................................................... 32
Magical Herbs............................................................................................................................................... 37
Demographics .............................................................................................................................................. 42
Real Estate ................................................................................................................................................... 46
Households................................................................................................................................................... 51
The Powers .................................................................................................................................................. 57
Avatars...................................................................................................................................................... 60
Minions...................................................................................................................................................... 61
Minion Design System .............................................................................................................................. 62
Agents....................................................................................................................................................... 63
Invocations................................................................................................................................................ 65
Bestiary ............................................................................................................................................................ 66
Reactions Table............................................................................................................................................ 66
Bestiary Classification Table ........................................................................................................................ 67
Common Land Mammals ............................................................................................................................. 68
Avians ........................................................................................................................................................... 76
Lizards, Snakes and Insects ........................................................................................................................ 77
Aquatics........................................................................................................................................................ 79
Creatures of Night & Shadow....................................................................................................................... 82
Humanoids ................................................................................................................................................... 83
Fantastical Monsters .................................................................................................................................... 91
Undead ......................................................................................................................................................... 95
Dragons ........................................................................................................................................................ 99
Summonables............................................................................................................................................. 102
Lesser Powers............................................................................................................................................ 104
Demons .......................................................................................................................................................... 106
Archangels ..................................................................................................................................................... 122
Tables............................................................................................................................................................. 128


This section is for both players and GMs, and Party and Campaign Balance
explains the aims and goals of the campaign, the Part of the GM's role involves generally adjudicating
reasoning behind some of the established nature of for the enjoyment of the majority. This does not mean
the campaign, and provides guidance on the just the GM's friends, the players in their current
campaign norms. specific game, or just new players etc. This means
everyone who plays and GMs in the campaign.
Campaign Principles GMs should (within reason) turn away characters if
The Guild campaign is intended to foster and promote they will greatly unbalance a party; the enjoyment of
enjoyable, co-operative, long-term fantasy role- the majority will generally be diminished if they find
playing within a multi-GM environment. themselves adventuring with Superman. If it is a
particular item that the character possesses that
Participation makes them unbalanced for the GM's game then
The Guild campaign is open to anyone who wants to consider asking them to leave it at home as an
play with us and is willing to follow the few restrictions alternative to being turned down.
placed on players and GMs in this campaign. In the same vein, when handing out treasure, GMs
Character Restrictions shouldn't feel the need to plug up all of the "holes" in
Some actions taken by characters against other a character for whom they are devising rewards. A
characters can easily spill over into ill feeling between character that has no weaknesses has little need to
players, and in extreme cases emotional distress. We adventure with other characters. Weaknesses provide
do not consider this desirable in the campaign and to an excellent rationalisation for players to form groups,
this end, some player character actions are not i.e. to shore up their areas of vulnerability, and often
condoned or supported within this campaign. It is not offer fertile role-playing options. Characters that are
considered appropriate for player characters to good at everything are often boring.
murder, sexually assault, assault, or steal from other
player characters.
Campaign Flavour
The in-game mechanism for controlling this is the
The primary flavour and genre of the Guild campaign
Guild and the Guild contracts. Within the campaign
is pseudo-medieval european fantasy. Within this
the Guild does not condone activities such as wilful
genre some GMs prefer heroic fantasy, while others
killing, theft, extortion etc., and any crimes committed
prefer lower key games. Even within heroic fantasy
against society will be answerable by the members
there are many different ideas of what constitutes this
concerned to that society. The Guild will not stand in
sub-genre. To some GMs and players a single
the way of the normal course of justice.
swordsman holding off three enemies is heroic, to
Within these strictures the campaign is intended to others heroic is the single warrior standing against
offer as wide as possible role-playing and 1000. Not everyone has the same idea as to what is
characterisation opportunities, so this doesn't mean fantasy, or good fantasy, and the Guild campaign
that all Guild characters have to be pleasant or good; tries to cover as wide a spectrum of styles as
they can be as unpleasant and unprincipled as you possible.
desire provided that they are prepared to honour the
Guild contract, and that their players understand that
the aim is for everyone to have an enjoyable role- The core shared world of the campaign is Alusia, with
playing experience, that the inter-character the Guild being based in Western Alusia which maps
restrictions are there to help ensure this, and that not (very loosely) to Europe in our world. Not all of Alusia
everyone will have the same aims or goals in role- is european; parts of it have cultures (somewhat)
playing that they do. analogous to the middle east, the orient, the new
world, and even the classical world. The GMs and
Within the game your character does not have to like, Players Guides have information about Alusia and the
or even wish to adventure with, certain of your fellow Guild's home base of Seagate. Additional information
guild members, but it is expected that they will avoid can be found on the Campaign's wiki site.
attacking, deserting, endangering, injuring, stealing
from, or withholding treasure from fellow guild Technology
members and avoid provoking other members into The technology level of Alusia ranges in the most part
performing such activities. from dark age through high medieval and into
renaissance, with some odd parts that have no simple
A breach of the standards of behaviour expected
historical analogue. Technology level aside,
between guild members will result in an investigation
gunpowder and many similar explosives fail to
using all the powers of the guild, and depending on
operate on Alusia (a campaign decision from early
the circumstances may be dealt with severely.
times) and that style of missile weaponry is not in use.


Off Alusia
Awards and Character Growth
There is considerable inter-planar access and travel
to and from Alusia, which allows GMs to run games Characters grow through play and the rewards gained
far and wide across many other worlds and planes. on adventure. There are several ''currencies'' in the
Some of these planes are similar to Alusia but give campaign of which the most common are Experience
the GM an opportunity to run their game outside of Points, Training Time and Treasure (which covers the
the main shared world, others are strange, weird, and monies, items and other loot gained from an
wonderful, and range from discs, to rings, to worlds in adventure). These currencies are controlled to a
perpetual night, to elemental planes, to the homes of greater or lesser degree in an attempt to regulate
the Gods and other Powers. character growth. Too little reward can lead to players
feeling frustrated, too much creates an unbalancing
Breaking the Atmosphere factor in a multi-GM campaign. GMs are expected to
Some things have a detrimental effect on the fantasy carefully consider the rewards guidelines and keep
flavour of the campaign, and the worst offender within campaign norms.
seems to be high technology. Many GMs have over
the years run games in worlds with a technology level Experience Points Awards
higher than Alusia. Items brought back from such
adventures risk significant damage to a fantasy Experience points in the Guild campaign are awarded
environment; nothing seems to break the mood more using a standard system.
than ray-guns and modern brand names. Experience points are a measure of a character's
GMs are expected to ensure that treasures they ability to learn or improve Statistics, Skills and Magic.
award are not mood breakers, and fit with the fantasy Experience is awarded to a player's character based
genre of the campaign. In some cases this can be as on the following four categories. Note that a Session
simple as a more fitting description. For example, eye is considered to be 3.5 to 4 hours of real time play
glasses or spectacles were known even in medieval and Sessions of greater or lesser duration should
times. Even tinted eye glasses are not a problem, but have their Experience Awards adjusted accordingly.
RayBan is going to break genre. Attendance and Preparation
GMs should also be aware that some players are not Potential Award: 0-500 EP / Session
keen on out of genre adventuring and would prefer to This category is awarded for turning up to game
avoid it. It is best if running an adventure of this sort sessions on time and prepared to play. The full award
to give players as much indication as possible during should be given to characters whose players turn up
adventure sign-up, so that they may opt out of the on time with character sheets completed and the
party if they so wish. necessary accessories for play. Courtesy by a player
in informing the Game-master when they may be late
or unable to play due to other commitments should
First Session Checklist result in some award. Beginning players should be
If the GM wishes they can fill in a GM's character given leeway in respect of not having complete
record so that they will have the characters' statistics character sheets. A player who is constantly
to hand during play. distracted or distracts others when they are trying to
play is not properly attending should be given a
reduced award.
The GM should have a look over each player's Guidelines: Full award for turning up on time and
character, and ensure that any awards from the last prepared to play. 75% award for incomplete character
time they played have been correctly spent. sheet. 50% award for no character sheet or unable to
attend but supplying character sheet. 25% award for
With new characters the GM should ensure that the expected non-attendance without supplying character
PC has been seen by the Character Tribunal, is a sheet. No award for unexpected non-attendance.
Guild member, and understands the House rules. The Lateness should result in an appropriate adjustment
GM may need to help with character generation if the to the entire experience award for the session
player does not yet have a character. dependent on the degree of lateness. (i.e. arriving 1
hour late should result in 75% of the total `normal'
Characters award for that session).
With the party together, a Guild Representative will Role-playing
ensure the adventure is properly set up. They will
Potential Award: 0-500 EP / Session
remind the party of the Guild Rules, suggest that a
This category is awarded for good role-playing, both
Party Leader and Military Leader be appointed, and
characterisation and player's enjoyment. It is possible
require that a Scribe be nominated.
to play an obnoxious or annoying character well but in
Once the Guild requirements are out of the way, such a fashion that other players `enjoy' the
characters can introduce themselves with character. This category is totally up to the Game-
descriptions. The GM can introduce the adventure master's judgement but should be based on
and the party can begin their preparations. consistency of motive and action and enjoyment by


the players and Game-master. Take into account how High Level – 900 EP
well the player differentiates between being in and out The characters will be confronted with high personal
of character and stays in-character when they should. risk, including the likelihood of death, with tough
opponents, e.g. greater undead, devils, powerful
Guidelines: Full award for believable and consistent
mages. Problems will be difficult and involve much
characterisation which was enjoyable by most
magic and/or ingenuity.
present. Half award for adequate role-playing or good
role-playing that annoyed players. No award when a Very High Level – 1,200 EP
block of wood could have done better or they The characters will be confronted with death, possibly
managed to seriously and continually annoy the irresurrectable, with very tough opponents, e.g.
Game-master or most of the players. powerful groups, individual dragons or Powers.
Problems will require thought, ingenuity and magic to
solve and will involve any (and probably all) magic.
Potential Award: 0-500 EP / Session
This category is awarded for taking part in the action Extreme Level (World-Saving) – 1,500 EP
of the session, either by providing ideas (or non- The characters will be confronted with almost certain
ideas) or by appropriate or innovative use of the death, probably irresurrectable, with virtually
abilities or possessions of the character. How much unbeatable opponents, e.g. groups of Powers,
did the player and / or their character contribute to the Empires. Problems will be all but unsolvable and will
game compared with how much they were able to involve any and all magic plus stuff not readily
contribute. possible within the rules.

Guidelines: Full award for consistently and Experience Point Awards for GMs
interestingly being a major contributor to the action Experience points are given to GMs if they do not
when possible and refraining from contributing when role-play in the same season that they GM.
unable to do so in-character. Half award for The Experience Award is a flat sum of 7,500 EP
contributing occasionally when able to and also
occasionally when unable to. No award for This EP can be spent on any Character by the GM.
consistently contributing when unable to and
hindering other players’ or characters’ appropriate
contributions. Time
Quest Level The Guild Campaign runs in close to real time. There
are four Guild sessions each game year (one for each
Potential Award: 0-1,500 EP / Session
season) and these correspond to one real year. In
This category is awarded based solely on the difficulty
normal play a party will start an adventure after a
and complexity of the quest. The adjudged level of
Guild meeting, the players will meet for 10-13 weeks,
difficulty and risk should be announced at the
one night a week, and the characters will return to the
beginning of the quest and the Game-master should
Guild before the next meeting. Training time equals
endeavour to abide by this level. This means not
the 13 weeks of the Guild session less the time taken
making things harder when the party is able to
on adventure.
overpower the quest and also not being easy on
younger and less experienced characters when the Time is perhaps the most tightly controlled of the
quest seems too tough for them. reward currencies in the campaign and GMs should
consider very carefully before making any additional
Quest Levels Guidelines
time available as treasure, whether through special
Very Low Level – 0 EP] training that takes less time than usual, or time
The characters will be confronted with little personal distortion effects, such as planes where time runs at a
risk, with death unlikely, low ability opponents, e.g. different rate than Alusia.
animals, low experience NPCs. Problems will have
readily obtainable solutions with little, low Rank magic
Money Limits
Low Level – 300 EP The maximum amount of monetary treasure, or
The characters will be confronted with some personal overall share value, that characters should earn from
risk with opponents of some ability, e.g. humanoid an adventure is dependent on the experience level:
monsters, NPCs with some experience. Problems will
have obtainable solutions with some low Rank magic • 1,000sp for low level
and a little, medium Rank magic involved. • 2,000sp for medium level
• 3,000sp for high level
Medium Level – 600 EP This amount is an average per playing session
The characters will be confronted with definite (approximately 3.5 to 4 hours of play time).
personal risk, and possible death, with opponents of
equal ability, e.g. undead, monsters, experienced
NPCs. Problems will require thought and include
magic, though little magic above medium Rank.


Expiry Date: While shaped items don't generally

Magic Items expire it can be worth put a date limitation on some
Powerful magic items can be quite a disruptive or items to encourage characters to use them before
unbalancing factor in the campaign as they move they lose them. It also helps to maintain a more
from one GM's game to another, or are sold by the balanced game economy and gives characters added
original owner and pass into other hands. GMs are motivation to adventure. Items that do not themselves
expected to exercise caution and restraint when expire may require recharging, which can be an
designing magic items, balancing them to the level of opportunity for a further adventure.
the characters they are being given to, and ensuring
Actions Required to Use: Consider the range and
that they are neither indestructible nor infallible. Even
type of actions that are available to a player, and
then items that are too tough should be avoided
under which circumstances the item can be used. If
because it can create an inflationary cycle with
the process of using the item takes a lot of time and
respect to game balance factors such as damage and
effort, then a character will most likely not use it in
damage avoidance.
situations when they are under time pressure, such
Make it clear for the next GM as combat. If the item can be used in Pulse time
Remember that another person will have to read your consider whether it will require a Pass action or a Fire
write-up, so it should be easy to read and understand. action to activate.
Write-ups that are difficult to understand make the Running Costs: This could mean that the item uses
administration of the game much more difficult. something (usually rare and expensive) to stay active,
Before you write up the item, take some time to think though if the cost or difficulty is too high then players
about what you are about to create. And make it clear may simply let the item lapse. Nevertheless, it can be
to the next GM what your intention is. a good idea to assign a running cost in cash (simple)
Flaws or items (less simple) to keep the item active.
It is generally best to add flaws (specific drawbacks) Exceeding Maximum Rank: Put a rank cap on the
to the items being designed - weaknesses that help item, and don't let the item's effects take attributes,
balance out their strengths, and reduce their overall skills, or spells, etc. beyond the normal limit. If they do
value. The only shaped items that are generally go beyond normal, make sure the effect is limited in
without any flaws are those of minor nature (e.g. breadth or scope.
amulets, +5% BC swords). Flaws in an item cannot
GM Headaches: Be aware that scrying, truth-telling,
be removed without also removing the useful abilities.
and detection items, for example, can easily destroy
Additionally, no shaped item should be indestructible, another GM's carefully constructed mystery
there should always be a way to destroy it. If any part adventure.
of a shaped item is broken then the magic is lost.
Items that are always on, and act in a passive manner
Generally the more powerful the magic of the item, (such as danger detection) can be an administrative
the worse will be the flaws. The difference between hassle for a GM who has to remember and allow for
the powers and the flaws will represent the value of the item at all times.
the magic in the item.
Items that give extra actions; besides being very
Maximum Value powerful, every additional action doubles the amount
As part of controlling powerful items, the maximum of time the GM takes to administer the character,
value that the Guild will place on any shaping is which often detracts from the enjoyment of the game
50,000sp. If you design an item that you feel should for other players as they sit around and wait for one
be valued at greater than 50k then seriously consider character to complete their actions.
removing some of its abilities and/or adding balancing Special Abilities
weaknesses. Fragility, weight and magical drawbacks
Although not technically magic "items", another form
should all be considered when valuing an item.
of similar award popular with both GMs and players is
Bear in mind that this is the value of the shaping, not special abilities.
necessarily of the item – a magical manor house
These can range from abilities that function like magic
might be valued at greater than 50k, even though the
items, but without the item (thus more valuable as
shaping is simply magical servants who clean it.
they cannot be easily lost or broken), to standard but
New GMs should have a look at items currently in the "out of college" spells, to unique rankable talents or
game to get a feeling for power and value, and should spells which are not part of the standard game.
get their items reviewed by a couple of established
Special abilities can personalise and differentiate a
GMs for their first few adventures.
character, but there is a danger that they can be
Other Limitations misused to cover the character weaknesses designed
Even apart from flaws, no item should always work into the game system or break game-balancing
under all circumstances, and should be designed to factors, and they should be designed much like magic
leave GMs with “wiggle room“. Some design factors items, with careful consideration for balance and the
that GMs may want to consider are: level of the character.


The Known World


Key to the Known World

13 Borovia
1 Five Sisters
14 Elfenburg
A Saktekorum
15 Alfheim - The Elven Lands
B Kirkul
16 Brandenburg
C Ajepbar
17 Eltrandor
D Izmiraldi
18 Artzdorf
E Sheapur
19 Flugelheim
2 Gatar Depression
20 Caledonia
3 Sea of Grass
21 Glissom
4 Waterford
22 Cauldersfield
5 Tuscana
23 Drakenburg
6 Brastor
24 Western Marches
7 Novadom
26 Alma Viva (Protectorate of Destiny)
8 Superstition Mountains - Dwarven Stronghold
27 Destiny
9 Newhaven
10 Carzala
For 28+ please see the DQ Wiki.
F Seagate, Home to the guild
11 Ranke Most states are human except: 15 Alfheim - Elves,
G Sanctuary and 46 Jotunheim - Giants, and some Dwarfs who
12 Western Kingdom have their own map.
H Duma
I Novalar
K Gracht
L Freetown


The Baronies


Duchy of Carzala

Key to Sites in Seagate
Building are generally 2 storied
There is room for a population of approx. 13000. This assumes 8 persons per building including vagrants, travellers and public buildings.
Code Name Area Notes GM/Player
34 Lady Katherine Blackened New Seagate High rank seamstress, appointments by introduction only G:Jono
1 Mortimer's Emporium New Seagate 2 Eden Close P:Martin
33 Jeren Stonemason Old Seagate Rk 3 Stonemason and carver
8 Alchemist Guild Southhill, New
2 Alphonse's Restaurant New Seagate
23 Dacaro's Herbal Ointments The Hovel
13 Tar and Feather brothel New Seagate run by Eidolon PiAndrew W
Fight 'N' Fuk Tavern New Seagate location variable as it is often closed down by the authorities
16 The Dead Dog tavern New Seagate
14 Winged Demon Inn New Seagate
15 Devil's Eye Hotel Old Seagate
5 Mother Gird's Hotel and Old Seagate
35 The Diamond Spider Tavern Old Seagate Proprieter S. Braz. Two story, with a lean to kitchen attached. G:Brent
28 Half-a-Loaf The Hovel
25 Hen Wen's The Hovel
22 Shadowmane's The Hovel
26 The Brass Door The Hovel
30 The Spinning Wheel The Hovel
3 Varley's Inn The Hovel
9 Fizzgig's House of Frippery New Seagate P:Adam
(Purveyors of Fine Silk)
* a shop which you could only Variable G:Adam
ever find once which sold
toys and other small intricate
devices of wondrous
11 Church of the Powers of New Seagate & Old
Light Seagate
20 Phaeton's Clinic/Soup New Seagate a converted warehouse on the Docks In Seagate, a small hospital/soup kitchen P:Keith
Kitchen/Church of Diancecht dedicated to Diencecht has been set up on the docks by Brother Phaeton.
Anyone is welcome there and payment is by donation or by volunteering
service. Since there is no Healers Guild in Seagate, an arrangement has been
made with the Adventurer's Guild for the training of new converts although
basic health classes are done at the temple.
17 Temple of the One Horned Old Seagate
18 Temple of Truth Old Seagate
4 Covered amphitheatre Between
21 A clock tower New Seagate New Market
19 Customs House New Seagate
7 Gloranthian Trade Embassy New Seagate

12 Silverfoot's Gallery New Seagate Run by Sebbcastion Silverfoot, financed by Logan Bury P:Terry
10 The Butler's Hideout New Seagate
6 The Seagate Orphanage New Seagate a converted Warehouse on the fringe of the Docks Quarter near Old Seagate. PrBrent
It was set up by a retiring adventurer called Yazmo in 1984 AP after generous
donations by Von Kroft (played by Russel Barke) and an anonymous
benefactor. Yazmo occasionally solicits for donations and volunteer workers at
Guild Meetings. Wilkinson (played by Helen Chessum/Dickson) has worked at
the orphanage since 1986 AP. Yazmo, an Earth mage, has concentrated on
three prime aims : 1) Provide to all children food, healing, and a clean
comfortable bed. (No meat is served, apart from eggs and fish). 2) Attempt to
find gainful employment for older children (10 to 15 years), eventually leading
to their taking up an apprenticeship. The orphanage also supplies "runners"
for the delivery of messages around the town. (Certain establishments are no
longer delivered to). 3) Take small groups on regular "wilderness trips" to a
forest camp North East of Stonesboro, in order to give the children knowledge
of and respect for nature.

29 Halt Shipping and Storage The Hovel

31 Maccadee's Office The Hovel G:Jon
24 Ruined Bell Tower The Hovel
32 The Pale Tower The Hovel A tower where a vampire dwelt G:Jon
27 The Windy Tower The Hovel
* a dark sphere in the sewers G:Adam
which very occaisionally was
a portal to another plane, but
it was an unstable gate
Seagate Summer 805

and strategy. In the summer of 740WK, Baron Bolton

Seagate City negotiated a peace with the barbarians and Carzala
has been a peaceful realm up until the encroachment
Seagate is a trading town of the Dark Circle.
positioned at the mouth of
In 751WK Brastor was founded originally as a trading
the Sweetwater River.
location for miners working the local hills, and grew as
foresters, farmers and other settlers headed for the
riches of unclaimed territory.
STATUS: Feudal Town
GOVERNMENT: Baron Bolton died in his bed in 771WK attended by
Duke Leto of Carzala his three surviving children and his grandson Leto.
31,300 (District)
25,230 (Settlement) The Town
The town of Seagate has always been the primary
Seagate City Taxes port for Carzala. Originally a small fishing village, the
Property Tax (Residential): 5% per annum town expanded dramatically when Chilton DeWinter
Property Tax (Guild): 3% per annum arrived and constructed the castle. After the peace
Hawking Licence Rate: 9% of goods' value with the barbarians had been established, the Baron
Bonding rate (per month): 1% of goods' value began the building of new wharves further upstream
Piloting Fee: 40sp (in or out) to handle the larger volumes of trade and an increase
Wharfage Fee: 2sp per foot per day in settlers to the region. Around the wharves grew the
Vessel Registry: 25sp per foot per year town known as New Seagate, and the Old Seagate
wharves returned to their previous use as a fishing
The principal settlement of Carzala. port.
Seagate has for a long time enjoyed being the main
trading port and access point to the Sea of Grass and Old Seagate
other areas to the east which are land-locked. On any The original town is where most of the industry is for
given day ships from many nations and ports can be Seagate and Carzala as a whole.
found moored in harbour. Of note a large amount of As such it is a bustling town heavy with the smells
trade happens to the south with ships from The Five from blacksmiths, tallow renderers and the fish
Sisters and Tycho City. Seagate is now more widely markets, and the bulk of the town is given over to
used and favoured than that of Sanctuary in Ranke. these manufacturers and cheap housing for workers
and the shops that supply them. The southern end of
the town near the river is one of the two exceptions to
History this as it has grown into a very high class suburb
Carzala had been primarily wilderness with a few where the wealthy merchants live close to the source
small fortified settlements up until about 1900AP of their wealth. The other exception is to the north
(700WK) when Chilton DeWinter, younger brother of where Dedication Road forms a temple district. This
Count Alexis of County Erisberg arrived at the well tended area is populated with a number of
settlement now known as Old Seagate with his family temples, mostly to the Powers that used to be
and retainers and started construction of Castle worshipped in Seagate before the rise of the Church
Chilton. of Light. Since the arrival of Church Knights in
Seagate around 798WK, many temples closed but
Six years later the Barony of Carzala was officially
the buildings are still in good condition and their
recognised by Bowcourt and Aquila when Baron
grounds well cared for.
Chilton of Carzala and his wife attended the mid-
summer festival in Bowcourt.
New Seagate
Baron Chilton was succeeded by his son Regar in New Seagate is a modern well-planned Town. With
727WK when he was killed in the Sweet Riding by most of the industry a couple of miles away in Old
raiding Barbarians. Seagate there are few of the odours and grime that
many other towns have. New Seagate is a
Baron Regar was reported to hate the Barbarians with
prosperous town with a large number of well cared for
a passion, he commissioned the construction of
taverns and merchants catering to the wealthy. These
Regar's Keep as a southern outpost for his Barony
merchants and the relative prosperity in turn make
and spent most of his life in the field driving the
Seagate one of the most popular markets in the West
Barbarian raiders out of the Sweet Riding.
of Alusia. The large number of people who arrive in
Baron Regar died without issue of wounds received in Seagate to seek their fortunes keeps the main roads
battle in 739WK. He was succeeded by his nephew swept and free of horse manure. The churches in
Bolton. New Seagate are almost exclusively dedicated to the
Church of Light as the building of the town coincided
Like his father, Baron Bolton was not a man of war
with the growth in popularity of the Church.
but he demonstrated a shrewd ability in diplomacy


The Hovel effects or for more serious crimes exile or death. The
This is part of Old Seagate and is the remains of the punishments often vary dependant on the Mage and
original fishing village. Dark narrow streets and small the Guild is often consulted in these cases.
cramped houses are the norm, and the population
(who are mostly still fishermen) are highly clannish, The Town Guard
with strangers unwelcome.
There are three Companies of guards that patrol
The Surrounds Seagate, Castle Chiltern, and the nearby district.
Seagate is set in relatively lush farmland, and large They rotate responsibilities regularly. Each company
commons were set aside by Baron Bolton to is divided into a number of watches.
commemorate the peace agreement. These Dragon company is commanded by Sir Edward
commons are often used by the townsfolk for large Abernathy, and run by Senior Sergeant Tarski.
markets on the high holidays as well as a training Phoenix Company is commanded by Sir Donald
area for the local garrison. Travellers and traders are Jameson, and run by Senior Sergeant Albrecht.
allowed to stay on the commons without cost for three Griffin Company is commanded by Sir Gordon
days, and a number of small holders are able to use Chisholm, and run by Senior Sergeant Boyce.
the land for their animals for a fee; however the
Duke’s men strictly control the number of animals. Black Watch: There is not a Black Watch and there
never has been. But rumour has it that they are a
Governance watch that is specially formed when required to deal
The current Duke of Carzala is Duke Leto, Baron with difficult and unusual situations. Guild members
Bolton’s grandson. The Duke has several hundred are rumoured to have been part of Black Watch.
retainers who handle the taxes, trade and justice
within the town and the Duchy. The bulk of these men Trade
and women work in a large building at the bottom of Trade is an important part of Seagate and, outside of
High Street. the Guild, the largest source of income for the Duke.
With land trade through the Sea of Grass from the
The Town Guard Lunar Empire as well as sea trade from the Five
The town guard is split into three companies. Sisters and Arabie, Seagate is a major hub of Trade
During most normal times one company will be on for the region. It is said that you can buy just about
duty in the towns, another will be in reserve at the anything in Seagate and anything you can’t buy is
barracks, and the third will be on-duty at Castle illegal and available in Sanctuary.
Each company is further divided into watches, and Artisans
the watches are split into patrols. The Guards are 1 Mortimer’s Emporium - Run by Mortimer Graves.
generally skilled men who benefit from the presence 2 Alphonses - High quality dining establishment, very
of the Guild by having invested items to assist them. popular with guild members and wealthy halflings.
The investeds are rarely attack spells but instead 7 Gloranthan Trade Embassy - GM: Scott Whitaker
comprise of strength boosts, weapon enhancements 8 Seagate Alchemists Guild.
and webs and walls to capture miscreants. However 12 Silverfoot's Gallery - Run by Sabastian Silverfoot
and financed by Logan
the presence of Guild members on the streets has left
16 Fizzgig's House of Frippery - Purveyors of fine
Seagate with little or no casual violent crime and the silks.
Guard deal mostly with large scale larceny or minor 34 Lady Katherine Blackened - High rank seamstress,
drunken scuffles. appointments by introduction only. (GM: Jono)

Mundane Crime Religion

With very little in the way of violent crime in Seagate, Citizens of Seagate predominantly follow the Church
theft is the main criminal activity and there is an active of Light and there are a number of places of worship
organisation amongst the thieves and beggars. This in the town. However there is still a number of other
has led to even major crimes being modest and places of worship in the town, most of them in Old
generally low enough not to incur the wrath of the Seagate, that are dedicated to other deities. While the
Duke. Any petty theft is punished by a brand on the Church of Light would like to see these buildings
back of the hand - more serious crime generally razed the Duke has indicated his displeasure at such
involves removal of the hand or life of the criminal. enthusiasm and so the churches survive and tithe
well to the Duke. This however is the cause of
Magical Crimes significant friction between the Church and the Duke
The use of Magic in Seagate is frowned upon and and is the cause of poor relations with Mordeaux.
there is an outright ban on offensive magic in the
town and environs. Any breach is taken very seriously
indeed and the guard carry cold iron manacles for the
purposes of restraining mages. Punishments for
crimes involving magic are generally punishable by
prison (cold iron cells), confiscation of property and


Religious Buildings
8 Temple of Truth.
11 Various churches dedicated to the powers of Light.
17 Church of The One Horned God
20 Phaeton's Clinic/Soup Kitchen/Church of
60 Church of Seir
61 Church of Uriel

The Adventurer’s Guild

The guild has a significant effect on Seagate and its
environs as befitting an establishment with the
magical resources the Guild can muster.

High Holidays
The seasonal nature of the Guild’s business also
affects the town and at the High holidays there are
huge markets with people having travelled from
hundreds of miles away. Most merchants will plan
routes such that they will be in Seagate on the high
holidays. These markets are complimented by
parades by the Guards and Local Guilds and
Churches. With the arrival of Guild members prior to
the Guild meeting ale sellers and temporary drinking
establishments will spring up in warehouses and on
street corners, and while the Dukes taxes are high on
these temporary retailers the profits can be excellent
during these holidays.

While the Guild avoids providing magical items and
investeds to the citizenry there is always someone
willing to trade things and so the levels of magic are
higher in Seagate than most other towns. This is
reflected in the abilities of the Guardsmen who need
to be able to cope with Magic when things get out of
hand. A 25% Tax exists for all Mages practicing in
Seagate - however this is waived for Guild members -
as such there are very few Mages in Seagate that are
not Guild members.


Campaign Resources
These weapons and skills are not an official part of the rules used by this campaign, but are offered here to
GMs to use if they wish, either in Kinlu or in any similar oriental-styled adventure location.

Kinlu Weapons
The chart below details the most common weapons in use in Kinlu that are substantially different from their
Western Alusian counterparts and require ranking as a separate weapon.
There are some Kinlu weapons that differ only from the Alusian ones in name, and for these the normal skills
and statistics apply. The Warrior column shows the weapon category for the purposes of the Warrior skill.
Weapon Wt PS MD SC DM Range Class Use Rk EM Warrior
Tanto 5/8 7 10 40 +0 P A MC 9 Dagger Shortswords
War Fan 1 8 15 40 -1 P A MC 10 Main-Gauche Shortswords
Sai 2 8 15 45 +1 6 A/C RMC 10 Main-Gauche Shortswords
Kodachi 2 11 17 45 +2 P B M 9 Estoc Shortswords
Ninjato (1-2) 3 14 17 45 +3 P B M 9 Estoc Oriental Swords
Wakizashi (2) 2 14 17 45 +3 P B M 10 Rapier Oriental Swords
Katana (2) 3 15 17 45 +4 P B M 10 Rapier Oriental Swords
Nodachi (2) 5 18 17 50 +6 P B M 8 Scimitar Oriental Swords
Tonfa 2 14 15 50 +0 P C MC 9 Quarterstaff Blunt
Tetsubo (2) 8 22 10 50 +7 P C M 5 War Club Blunt
Nunchaku (2) 3 14 17 45 +1 P C M 8 Scimitar Entangling/Chain
Bo (2) 3 12 16 55 +2 P C M 9 Quarterstaff B Class Pole
Hanbo (1-2) 1 10 16 55 +0 P C M 9 Quarterstaff Blunt
Shuriken 2oz 9 15 40 -1 12 A R 10 Dart
Yari (2) 4 13 17 45 +3 P A M 10 Javelin A Class Pole
Naginata (2) 5 14 18 55 +4 P B M 9 Glaive B Class Pole
Hankyu 4 14 15 45 +2 60 A R 8 Short Bow
Daikyu 6 16 15 55 +4 180 A R 8 Long Bow
Manriki-kusari (2) 6 14 19 40 +2 2 B RMC 10 Whip Entangling/Chain
Tetsubishi 1 5 15 40 -3 6 A R 4 Grenado
Kataran 2 12 16 35 -1 P C MC 9 Cestus Unarmed

Tanto: A Kinlu dagger, similar in shape to the larger Kodachi: A shortsword that may be worn and used
swords, and not suitable for throwing. This weapon by non-Samurai classes, such as Merchants. It is
uses the Dagger skill and need not be ranked common to see two Kodachi in one scabbard, one
separately. with the handle fittings, the second handle hidden as
the bottom part of the scabbard. When used this way
War Fan: Small folding war fans (tessen) are
the scabbard is normally worn on the back with the
designed to look like normal decorative fans and will
handles pointing out to the sides, allowing both
generally pass casual inspection as such. They may
Kodachi to be Prepared as a single action.
be used to strike or to distract an opponent and
increase the user's defence (see Shields). Ninjato: (also called Shinobigatana) are most
commonly used by the Shinobi clans and usually
Sai: May be used to either attack or deflect blows
consists of a wakizashi or cut-down katana blade,
(see Shields). When used in Melee or Close, Sai may
fitted with a full katana-length handle and placed in a
inflict either A or C class damage as the user
katana-length saya (scabbard). The intent is to
chooses. However, because of their size and weight
deceive one's opponents into miscalculating how
they cannot inflict C class Grievous Injuries. If a pair
quickly it can be drawn and also to conceal its nature
of Sai are used together to disarm (making neither
as a Shinobi weapon. The extra space in the saya
available for defence or another attack during the
may also be used to store or hide other equipment or
action), then if the Disarm is successful the opponent
goods. It can be used with only one hand on the hilt
does not receive a roll to retain their weapon and
(allowing the user to prepare shuriken, etc with the
must drop it. A variant with only a single side-prong is
other hand). No damage bonus is conferred for using
the Jitte; it has the same statistics and abilities.
it 2-handed, and no other Melee weapon can be used
in the off-hand unless the character has learnt the
NitoKenjutsu skill.


Katana & Wakizashi: are two different sized versions Shuriken is a generic term for any small edged
of the same weapon. They have slightly different uses throwing weapons. They come in a wide range of
in combat since the smaller Wakizashi can be more shapes but use the same characteristics.
easily used in confined spaces. The major difference
Hankyu: This is the Kinlu Short Bow. This weapon
however is cultural in that the Wakizashi is viewed as
uses the Short Bow skill and need not be ranked
a less hostile weapon and can be carried openly in
most situations, much as a dagger will often be
retained in Alusian society. It is only necessary to Daikyu: The asymmetric longbow of Kinlu. These
rank Katana once and the same rank will apply to weapons are very tall -- most Erelheine would use a
both these weapons. Both are listed as 2-handed Daikyu of around 8 feet -- but the grip is positioned at
weapons due to the fighting style they use. Strictly about one-third the distance from the lower tip. This
speaking they are 1-2 handed weapons and can be allows the bow to be used when mounted, and would
used with only one hand on the hilt, however no also allow a shorter figure (such as a Dwarf or
damage bonus is conferred for using them 2-handed, Halfling) to use the weapon if desired. The initial draw
and no other weapon can be used in the off-hand weight is less than that of a Western Alusian long
unless the character has learnt the NitoKenjutsu skill. bow, but the draw length is further, the release
occurring behind the archer's head. The unusual
Nodachi: A large sword of similar shape to the
shape and shooting style make this a separate
Katana, the Nodachi (Field Sword) is also known as
weapon from long bow.
the Horse Killing Sword as one of its uses is to allow
Samurai on foot to attack mounted opponents. The Manriki-kusari: Several similar weapons are covered
blade on a Nodachi is typically around 3 1/2 feet long under this skill, including the Manriki-kusari, Kusari-
(giving an overall length of 5 1/2 feet), and as the gama and Kyoketsu-shogi. All comprise a weighted
sword is too long to be worn at the side by a human chain or rope which may be used to Entangle, and a
or elven sized figure it is usually worn strapped bladed weapon such as a small sword or axe. Like a
across the back. whip these weapons may be used to Entangle and
damage in the same Pulse. This damage has a DM of
Tonfa: Consists of a handle with a knob,
-2. The damage on the weapon table is for the blade
perpendicular to a shaft that lies along the hand and
which may be used in melee and also against
forearm. When holding the handle, the shaft protects
opponents another hex away. The weapon can also
the forearm and hand from blows. In attack, the shaft
Trip in Melee. In close the weapon may be used as a
can be used to punch, or swung out to strike the
Garrotte. This is a complex and difficult weapon to
target with considerable momentum. The Tonfa is
use and GMs are encouraged to be inventive with
traditionally wielded in pairs, one in each hand, and
the techniques taught may only be combined with
Unarmed or another Tonfa as an off hand weapon. If Tetsubishi: are small, sharp caltrops scattered to
a Tonfa is not used to attack it may be used to deflect delay and deter pursuit. The weight shown is for a
blows (see Shields). single use of them and is enough to cover 1 mega-
hex. The Strike Chance is the chance of throwing
Tetsubo: An iron shod staff used in Kinlu by various
caltrops so that they scatter around a centre chosen
sects of religious warriors. It is constructed out of
by the player. In the case of a "miss" the GM should
heavy oak, plated with iron on the sides, and with
randomly determine their placement. It is possible to
large iron studs at the end. It is usually 6 to 7 feet in
carefully place the caltrops, or toss them into adjacent
hexes only with no chance of "missing".
Nunchaku: Due to the Nunchaku's extreme speed in
Kataran: are worn along the backs of the forearms
the hands of a Master, at Ranks 6 and above this
and need not be prepared to use, and may be used to
weapon may be used to Multi-hex Strike.
either attack or deflect blows (see Shields).
Bo: (also called rokushakubo - "6 foot staff") Bo are
the quarterstaves of Kinlu. This weapon uses the
Quarterstaff skill and need not be ranked separately. Shields
Hanbo: A short staff approximately half the length of All these weapons add to defence. Like Main Gauche,
a Bo. The fighting style is quite different from a long they provide to extra defence at Rank 0.
staff, and incorporates elements of sword techniques.
It can be used one or two handed, but the techniques Shield Weight Def / MD
taught may only be combined with Unarmed or Type Rank loss
another Hanbo as an off hand weapon. One variant of War Fan 1 2 -
the Hanbo is the Shakuhachi or Kinlu flute. These Sai 2 2 -
may be made of Bamboo, or more rarely of Bronze, Tonfa 2 2 -
Iron, Steel, or even Jade. They are fully functional Kataran 2 2 -1
musical instruments and may also be used as Hanbo.
Shuriken: Up to three Shuriken can be thrown at
one, two or three targets in one Pulse with no penalty.


Kenjutsu Yadomejutsu
Kenjutsu is the sword art of the warriors of Kinlu, and This sub-skill is the art of cutting missiles from the air.
is usable only with the following Kinlu swords: Katana, Whilst Evading, the student may attempt to deflect
Wakizashi, Nodachi, and Ninjato. missiles or thrown weapons with their sword or a bare
hand. The missile must either be aimed at the
Kenjutsu ranks as Warrior for time and EP. It is not
student, or aimed through the hex they occupy, and
possible to add both Warrior and Kenjutsu bonuses at
the student must be able to detect the missile.
the same time, but where bonuses from both skills
The Base Chance is: MD + Weapon Rank + 4/Rank
would apply the character gains the benefit of the
of Yadomejutsu.
• If the Strike Check is successful then the missile
The student's effective Kenjutsu rank may not be
has been deflected.
higher than the Rank they have with the swords being
used. • If the Strike Check results in an "Endurance" then
the missile may be "cut" and broken.
Base Benefits • If the Strike Check results in a "Specific Grievous"
The student's base chance with an appropriate sword then the missile may be caught.
is increased by 1% (+1/Rank). The student may attempt one missile deflection in a
The student gains a bonus to their engaged initiative Pulse.
whilst they have an appropriate sword prepared of 1 At Rank 4, 2 missiles deflections may be attempted in
(+1/Rank). a Pulse,
The student gains a bonus to their Defence whilst At Rank 8, 3 missiles,
they have an appropriate sword prepared of 1% At Rank 10, 4 missiles.
At Ranks 4 & 8 the student gains a bonus of +1 to the Iajutsu
Parry Calculation.
At Ranks 5 & 10, the student inflicts an extra +1 The Lightning Strike sub-skill allows a student to draw
damage. a sword and strike as a single action.
This will stack with either PS or weapon rank damage This attack is made at -30% (+2/Rank), and the
bonuses. student's dice roll is reduced by 1 per Rank, min. 0.

Special Benefits This is not cumulative with the Assassin ability to

cause Grievous Injuries.
Piercing Thrust This is a Special Attack but may be combined with a
This ability is gained at Rank 4. Piercing Thrust.
A Piercing Thrust does A class damage.
The attack is made with a penalty of -25% (+2/Rank)
If a Specific Grievous injury is achieved, roll 2D10 NitoKenjutsu
(rather than D100) to ascertain the exact injury.
This is a Special Attack, but may be combined with This sub-skill is designed around the use of 2 swords,
Reverse Cut or Iajutsu. either the Daisho (Katana & Wakizashi), or 2 Katana
or 2 Ninjato.
Reverse Cut The student may attack with one of the swords and
This ability is gained at Rank 8. defend themselves with the other as though it were a
It is an attack into any one of their flank or rear hexes. main-gauche.
The attack is made at -10% if made to a flank or rear-
side hex, and at -20% if made directly to the rear. The student gains 1/2 of this "main-gauche" defence
This is a Special Attack, but may be combined with against attacks made from their flank or rear.
Piercing Thrust. At Rank 4, the student learns the Okuden of Fire &
Kenjutsu contains 3 sub-skills, each of which must be The student may make an attempt to Disarm
ranked separately, and which rank for both time and using both swords (at the normal disarm
EP as per Main-Gauche. The student may not have penalties). Both swords are used for this Disarm
any of the sub-skills at higher Rank than they have attempt and cannot be used for defence or
Kenjutsu. These sub-skills are Yadomejutsu, Iajutsu, another attack during the action.
and NitoKenjutsu. If successful the defending weapon must either
be dropped or be broken. Some magical
weapons may not be broken in this manner but
will in that case certainly be wrenched from their
wielder's grasp.


Kyujutsu is the art of the bow as practiced by the
warriors of Kinlu, and is usable with the Kinlu Daikyu
(longbow) and Hankyu (shortbow) and also with
standard Alusian bows (Short, Long, etc). It cannot be
used with Crossbows.
Kyujutsu ranks as per Warrior for time and EP. It is
not possible to add both Warrior and Kyujutsu
bonuses at the same time, but should any bonuses
from both skills be applicable the character gains the
benefit of the greater.

Base Benefits
The student's base chance with a bow is increased by
1% (+1/Rank).
The student gains an “engaged” initiative, whilst
unengaged and with a bow prepared. This is
calculated in the normal way, [AG + PC + Weapon +
other bonuses], using bow rank for the weapon and
adding an additional 1 (+1 per 2 full Ranks) with this
skill. Using this initiative value the student may
choose to act in the engaged portion of a Pulse rather
than the unengaged portion, in order to fire into or
otherwise effect melee combat. Only their initiative Special Benefits
and the timing of their actions are altered, any and all Rank 4: the student gains the ability to stack an
action restrictions are still based on them being additional Aim action.
unengaged. Rank 5: the student gains an additional free action
every Pulse.
The Strike Chance penalty for shooting a target in a Rank 6: the Strike Chance penalty for shooting at
sheltered hex is reduced by 5% (+1 / Rank) provided long range is reduced to -2 per 5 hexes after first 5.
that the shelter is predominantly a linear obstacle Rank 7: the student may attempt a ranged Disarm
between the student and the target, and there is attack. This is calculated as for an engaged Disarm.
sufficient ceiling height for the student to arch their Rank 8: the student gains the ability to stack an
shot. additional Aim action.
Rank 9: the Strike Chance penalty for shooting at
long range is reduced to -1 per 5 hexes after first 5.
Rank 10: the student gains an additional free action
every Pulse.

Additional Aim Actions

No other actions may be taken between the Aim
Each additional Aim action increases their Strike
Chance by +10, and raises the chances of Endurance
and Specific Grievous damage by 5% of the modified
Strike Chance.
(e.g. at Rank 4 the student may use a Pass action to
Aim like any other archer, then follow that with
another Pass action to Aim again to gain a total of
+30 to Strike Chance and raise their chances of
Endurance and Specific Grievous damage to 25%
and 15% of modified Strike Chance respectively).

Additional Free Actions

Additional free actions granted by Kyujutsu ranks may
only be used to Load, Aim, Fire, Prepare, or
Unprepare a Bow.


Shinobi Shinobi-jutsu
The Shinobi, stealer-in clans, may be found in the Ranks as per Unarmed Combat.
mountainous areas of Kinlu. They work for the great
(note that ranking time is as a weapon).
houses undertaking reconnaissance, spying, and
assassination. A fully trained Shinobi will be skilled A character's Rank in Shinobi-jutsu may not be higher
with many weapons (several concealable), unarmed than their rank in Unarmed Combat).
combat, the Spy, Thief, & Assassin skills, Stealth,
Courtier (or Courtesan), and with Shinobi-jutsu, the
"art" of the Shinobi, and Shinobi-do, the "way" of the Basic Taijutsu
Shinobi Acts as a bonus to unarmed combat.

Shinobi-jutsu and Shinobi-do are quasi-mystical skills At Rank 0 the student may make Multi-hex Strikes
and may only be correctly acquired at Rank 0 from a using unarmed, provided that both of their hands are
Shinobi-sensei (Teacher). free and used for this purpose.
At Rank 4 the student's unarmed combat base
Once acquired the skills may be ranked normally,
either with the Sensei, or with a student of higher damage is raised to D-3; at Rank 8 it is raised to D-2.
Rank. It is not possible to increase rank in either skill This additional damage will stack with other skill or
PS bonuses.
without the tutelage of a Sensei or a higher ranked
student. All other aspects of unarmed combat are calculated
Should a character acquire the skills from a Shinobi normally from their Rank with unarmed.
who is not a Sensei they will have to pay double the
normal EP costs and will never be able to Rank the Iron Skin
skill above Rank 5. By tensing specific muscles and rolling with blows the
student is able to lessen damage to their body. This
ability is not cumulative with armour, but the student
will receive the better of the two protections. Providing
that they are Evading and are aware of the source of
the damage, the student suffers:
1/2 Ranks, min. 0 less damage from C class sources.
1/5 Ranks, min. 0 less damage from B class sources.

By learning how to fall and roll properly the student
may reduce damage from Falling or being Thrown
(such as by TK Rage) by 1 (+1/Rank).

Instant Stand
The student learns to jump up from Prone almost
instantly, providing that they are physically capable of
doing so (e.g. has not had a leg chopped off).
This does not require an action in combat but has a
Base Chance of AG (+7/Rank).
If the student fails their Instant Stand roll then
standing up will require a Pass action as normal.

Flips & Leaps

The student is able to leap 5 feet (+1/Rank) vertically.
This requires a run-up of twice the height to be
GM Note: These skills are intended to be rare. The jumped. If no run-up is available then the height that
privilege of acquiring these closely guarded skills may be achieved is halved.
should involve considerable character commitment.
Advanced forms of both skills are rumoured to exist During leaps it is possible for the student to change
but their secrets are well concealed by the Shinobi facing.
When leaping over a opponent, a comparison of IVs
is made. If the opponent's IV is at least the (student's
IV -10), they may attempt an attack on the student as
they pass over.


Shinobi-do By using the meditative technique of kuji kiri, "nine
Ranks as per Assassin. ways cutting", the student enters a form of trance.
The Base Chance of achieving this state is WP
Block Pain (+5/Rank), with each failed attempt wasting 1/2 hour.
The student learns to isolate pain within their mind.
Whilst meditating the student focuses and regains
They gain a bonus to recover from Stun of 2
their internal energies. Each hour spent meditating is
equal to 2 hours of restful sleep. Whilst meditating the
Note that this is an advanced form of the Erelheine student is oblivious to hunger, thirst, and harsh
Block Pain talent and is not cumulative with it, though (though not physically damaging) temperatures.
the higher of the two may be used.
In addition, a Rank 10 student who rolls a triple effect
for this skill will levitate a foot or so off the ground
All-round Sight during the trance.
The student becomes attuned to their surroundings
The student does become less aware of their
and is increasingly better at defending against attacks
surroundings and suffers the same penalties on
from their flank and rear.
surprise or initiative as if sleeping.
Provided that the student is capable of detecting an
A student may remain meditating for up to 1 hour
Attacker, the Attacker receives (3% x Rank) less
(+1/Rank), after which they may not use the
advantage for attacking through a flank or rear hex,
meditation ability for a period equal to half the time
minimum of 0% advantage.
spent meditating.
This ability is rumoured to have additional
Blind Fighting
applications if the student has acquired the advanced
The student trains for long periods either blindfolded
Shinobi skills.
or in darkened rooms, and develops the ability to fight
using other senses.
If the student cannot see their opponent, but the
opponent is not undetectable, the student has a
chance of sensing them of: PC (+5/Rank).
This is rolled at the start of a Pulse and if successful
the student's modifiers for lighting or vs. Invisible
opponent are reduced by 5% (+3/Rank) in Melee, or
2% (+2/Rank) in Ranged combat, minimum 0.

Resist Toxins
Through a mystical control of their body the student is
better able to resist the effects of disease and
The student's chance of resisting or throwing off a
disease or infection is increased by 5% (+5/Rank).
Damage taken from poisons is reduced by 1 (+1/2

No Sleep
The student is trained to go without sleep. They may
go for a period of up to 1 day (+1/3 Ranks) without
feeling adverse effects.
After the duration expires the student must rest for 10
hours (+4/each additional day without sleep).


Skiff / Dinghy Cutter
A skiff is a small open boat, with up to four pairs of A cutter is a one or two-masted coastal ship, usually
oars and often a single sail. This category includes lateen rigged, with a steering oar or rudder. It is
rowboats, tenders, the smallest sailing vessels, and designed to manoeuvre through shoals and reefs,
any boat carried on a larger ship. Skiffs vary between and be easy to operate with a limited crew. Cabins
10 and 20 feet in length, and have a draft of less than are small or absent, and the vessels often beach or
two feet. anchor at night. These boats, with regional variations,
exist across the baronies and are used for fishing,
short coastal journeys, smuggling, and other vital
River Boat economic activity. Arabia dhows and Azurian xebecs
A river boat is a smallish boat which is wide and
fall into the same general class of vessel. Cutters are
shallow, designed to take maximum cargo across usually from 30 to 60 feet in length, but can be larger.
placid waters. River boats are usually 18 to 30 feet
long, although coastal and lake versions may reach
40 feet or more. River boats will usually have several Cog
sets of oars, for pulling upstream or manoeuvring at Cogs are a true sea-faring sailing ship, inheriting
dock. The single stepable mast will have one square- some of the characteristics of the knarr, but are better
rigged, or two lateen-rigged sails. Square-rigged against the wind, and with more cargo space and
boats are slightly slower and have less manoeuvr- freeboard. They are also single-masted and square-
ability, but require significantly smaller crews. rigged, clinker-built, but have a keel, a square stern
and rudder. They are slow, but very safe in high seas,
and require few crew. Cogs are usually 40 to 70 feet
Canal Barge long.
A canal barge is not really a boat, but merely a
floating storage area. They have no sea-worthiness,
and can only be used on lakes and canals, where Large Cogs
they are usually pulled along the shore by oxen or The large cog is a scaled-up version of the small cog,
horses, or towed by more elegant vessels. These with fore and aft castles. It still only has one mast and
floating warehouses may reach lengths of 60 feet, are a single square-rigged sail. It has a full covered deck
flat-bottomed, and often nearly rectangular. and a hold. The great breadth of these ships, along
with their simplicity of handling, makes them useful for
bulk haulage up and down the baronies, but relatively
Knarr few cogs are built over 100 feet, as the crew size
A knarr is the merchant ship of the lands north of grows too large, and the advantages over the more
Destiny. The knarr is a one-masted square-rigged sophisticated carrack are lost at this scale.
broad-beamed ship, with a single sail and a steering
oar. There are no cabins; instead tarpaulins protect
the cargo and crew. They cannot sail against the Carrack
wind. Fishing knarrs may be 20-30 feet, coastal A carrack is a three or four-masted sailing ship
knarrs are typically 30-45 feet, and ocean-going or developed in the last century. It has a high rounded
long-distance traders may reach 60 feet in length. stern, with fore and aft castles and a bowsprit. It is
square-rigged on most masts, and lateen-rigged on
the rear or mizzenmast. The combination of sails
Longship gives flexibility, with the large square sails providing
A longship is the warship of the northern lands. They propulsion, and the smaller sails at bow and stern
are long and slender, with a single square-rigged
allowing manouvering and sailing across the wind.
massive sail, and up to 20 oars on a side. They Carracks are the only proper ocean-going ships
require very large crews, who double as rowers and outside Destiny: large enough to be stable in heavy
assault troops. Minimal cargo space is available.
seas, and roomy enough to carry crew, provisions
They are usually shallow and flat-bottomed so they and also cargo for long voyages. However, the large
may be beached during an attack. They cannot sail superstructures of these ships make them prone to
against the wind. The warships start at 60 feet, and
toppling in strong winds. Carracks are around 100
may reach more than 100 feet in length, although feet long.
seaworthiness and manoeuvrability suffer in
longships over 80 feet.


Caravel Junk
A caravel is a small, highly manoeuvrable multi- The junk is a huge ocean-going vessel devised in the
masted ship often used for long voyages of Orient. While far older in origin, it has similar
exploration. It is a specialised kind of carrack. properties to the caravel. The elliptical sails are lateen
Because of its relatively small size, the caravel is able rigged, but have battens at regular intervals, giving
to explore upriver in shallow coastal waters, and it more rigidity, flatter sails and more control of reefing.
can be sailed with the precision necessary for inshore The holds are wide, and up to 4 decks deep, and
surveying in unknown waters. Using the lateen sails it have multiple water-tight compartments. It is said that
can go speedily over shallow water, while with the Junks had the first rudders. Junks can vary between
square sails, the caravel is very fast. Its versitility, 100 and 300 feet long, and have between 4 and 8
speed, agility, and power makes the caravel the best masts. Smaller coastal junks are between 60 and 120
sailing vessel of its time. It generally carries two or feet, and have 3 to 5 masts.
three masts with lateen sails. It has the same rig as a
carrack, with a foresail, square mainsail and lateen
Elven Trimaran
mizzen, but minimal fore- and aft-castles. Caravels
The sea elves have ships consisting of three very
are usually 60 to 75 feet long.
long, thin hulls, and a platform joining them above the
waterline. They appear to be very fast and
Galleon manoeuvrable, with very large decks for troops,
The galleon is a standard Destinian design. The cargo, or deck parties. They are also very stable in
Destinians have always been radically advanced in high seas. It is unclear how this design works, as
ship building. A galleon is a large, multi-decked attempts to reproduce it have all failed. Presumably
sailing ship used for both military and trade purposes. magic is used in the construction, but the ships
The galleon differs from the conventional carrack themselves can be sailed without magic. They are
primarily by being longer, lower and narrower. usually lateen rigged, and often have multiple masts.
Galleons are purpose-built warships, and are They vary in size from multi-hull skiffs to hundreds of
stronger, more heavily armed, and around half the feet long, but are usually 50 to 100 feet in length.
time to build as a carrack, and are therefore a much
better vessel. Galleons can also be rigged to sail with
Magical Vessels
minimal crew; essential for taking prizes or after
There are a number of ships that can fly, travel over
casualties. Galleons are usually over 100 feet long.
land, or otherwise behave miraculously. Each ship is
unique, but is usually similar in appearance to the
Trireme standard water-based vessels of the ship-builder’s
The nations past the Isles of Adventure are in an culture. Crewing, manoeuvrability, and speed will
inland sea, with relatively peaceful waters. Dealing usually be vastly superior to a mundane ship.
with high seas and strong winds is not as important
as short-term speed for ramming. These factors led to
Magically Powered Vessels
a different kind of great ship, the trireme. This vessel
While a magically created and powered vessel may
is powered by three banks of oars, and is very
theoretically be of any shape, the vessels formed are
narrow, as it has no sails and therefore need not sail
usually those familiar to the Adept. Creating an
into the wind. Triremes are shallow in draft, so may
inherently unseaworthy vessel will have undesirable
land on beaches, need few skilled crew, no wind, and
consequences on open water, regardless of the
are highly manoeuvrable in combat. Triremes are 80
supporting magic. Powering a mundanely assembled
to 120 feet long. Smaller biremes only have two
vessel at extreme speeds can lead a vessel to stave
banks of oars, while quinquereme with five banks of
in and scuttle itself under the extreme forces.
oars are used for flagships.

Other ships
Ships made of bound reeds, hundred-foot canoes
The galley is an advanced Lunar Empire trireme with
carved from a single tree, rowboats of animal hide
a length of at least 100 feet, 18 to 24 oars, a single
and many other peculiar boat types exist in other
mast with either a square or lateen sail, and a square
cultures. Most of these are either rowed or use a
stern with a rudder. A cross between the galley and
single square-rigged sail. Of other races, dwarves
carrack, the larger galleass, with 30 or more oars a
and halflings have no naval tradition, while orcs tend
side, fore- and aft-castles and three masts, is
toward the simplest muscle-powered galleys or
currently being developed by the Azurian Empire. The
galliot is a small, light type of galley, around 60-80
feet long. All these vessels need vast quantities of
rowers, who are usually slaves or convicts.


Example Ships
While individual ships of each type will vary wildly, statistics for a typical example of each ship type is listed
below. The crew size is a recommended typical size – less will reduce performance and increase risks. The
speeds (in knots) are average speeds sustainable for an hour, under fair conditions, with an average crew and
a master (Rank 8) Navigator. Any greater speed may put undue strain on the boat – magical speeds without
magical protection can rip a boat asunder.

Vessel Length Beam Draft Weight Usage Crew Size Cost (sp)

Skiff 15 6 2 500 lbs anywhere 3 200

River Boat 30 11 2 6 tons river + lake 10 2,000
Barge 50 20 3 25 tons lake + canal 4 2,500
Knarr 40 12 3 10 tons coastal ocean 15 4,000
Longship 80 16 4 35 tons coastal ocean 70 10,000
Cutter 40 15 4 15 tons coastal 12 5,000
Cog 60 24 8 80 tons ocean 25 20,000
Large Cog 90 36 12 300 tons ocean 60 50,000
Carrack 100 35 10 500 tons ocean 100 100,000
Caravel 70 15 6 80 tons ocean + coastal 25 60,000
Galleon 120 34 9 300 tons ocean 40 140,000
Trireme 100 20 5 60 tons inland sea 120 20,000
Galley 130 26 6 120 tons inland sea 200 40,000
Junk 200 60 15 2000 tons ocean + coastal 250 N/A
Trimaran 80 60 7 10 tons anywhere 20 N/A

Best Best Best Good Maximum

Sail Angle to Oars / Rowing Distance Wind
Vessel Masts Sail Type Speed Wind Side Speed / Day Force

Skiff 0/1 either 6 70 2 3 40 5

River Boat 1 either 6 80 4 3 40 4
Barge 0 none -- -- 4 2 15 3
Knarr 1 square 8 90 8 3 50 7
Longship 1 square 9 90 16 5.5 70 7
Cutter 1 either 8 70 2 2 70 8
Cog 1 square 7 80 -- -- 50 9
Large Cog 1 square 7 80 -- -- 50 8
Carrack 3/4 both 9 70 -- -- 90 8
Caravel 3 both 9.5 60 -- -- 100 9
Galleon 3/4 both 11 60 -- -- 120 9
Trireme 0 square -- -- 50 6 60 6
Galley 1 square 9 80 80 5 80 6
Junk 3-8 lateen 12 60 -- -- 130 9
Trimaran 1-3 lateen 16 40 -- -- 180 10


Vessel Usage
• River Boats and Barges are used by all inland nations on rivers and lakes. The Western Kingdom,
Eltrandor & Ranke have large river networks with several lakes. Alfheim has magical canal barges.
• Knarrs and Longships are used by the nations north of Destiny, such as Norden and Svenway.
• Coastal cutters are used by all coastal baronies.
• Cogs are used by the less-adept seagoing nations. These includes Aladar, Aquilla, and Bowcourt.
• Carracks and Caravels are used at sea by Ranke, Carzala, Flugelheim / Artsdorf, and Azuria
• Galleons are used exclusively by Destiny and their colonies such as Bretonnia and Ebola.
• Triremes and Galleys are used by the Lunar Empire and Hellenic States and other sheltered coasts.
• Junks are used by the Five Sisters, Kin Lu and the drow of coastal Terranova.
• Trimarans are used by the Elvish Isles.

Five Sisters Junk

Aladarian Cog

Norden Knarr
Carzalan Caravel

Eltrandorian Cutter
Destinian Galleon


per Rank) per dose. The cost is 50 substances a potion which will
Storm Priests Silver Pennies. The Base Chance is increase the imbibers Physical
60% (+2 per Rank). Strength by 1 (+1 / 2 full Ranks) for 10
Storm Priests are practitioners of the minutes (+10 / Rank). The cost of
College of Witchcraft who have Distilling Love Philtres: The ability to ingredients is 200 silver pennies. The
dedicated themselves to Kukulak distil from a variety of substances a Base Chance is 30% (+3 / Rank).
(Khulian God of Storms) and Love Philtre which will cause the
concerned themselves especially with imbiber to fall in love with the first Whenever a Storm Priest wishes to
the destructive forces of nature. Storm entity upon whom he or she sets eyes distil potions they must spend [D+7]
Priests are affected by the same after drinking it (regardless of species hours with the appropriate equipment
Restrictions and Base Chance or sex). The Base Chance to prepare (fire, pot/cauldron, condenser, potion
Modifiers as other members of the the Philtre is 30% (+3 / Rank). The bottle etc.) and pay for ingredients.
College of Witchcraft, except that they cost of the materials will average 600 The quantity mixed does not effect the
gain an additional +5 to all Talent, silver pennies. The effects of the time required, but they are limited to
Spell, and Ritual Base Chances when substance will last for 1 week (+1 / the manufacture of one end product at
those magics are performed within a Rank), unless dispelled by the casting any time and a single success or
storm. In addition to the magics listed of the General Knowledge failure roll applies to the entire batch.
below a Storm Priest also learns the Counterspell of the College of
Witchcraft by the creator of the Love Making Amulets: The ability to make
Witchcraft General & Special the following amulets. The Adept gains
Knowledge Counterspells, Ritual Spell Philtre, or by the successful use of the
Curse Removal Ritual. In the latter the ability to make one amulet, of their
Preparation, and Ritual of Purification; choosing, per Rank of Talent.
and may learn the Ward Ritual, but case, the curse is treated as minor.
may not learn the Ritual of Investment. Distilling (In)Fertility Potions: The Amethyst: Wards bad dreams and
ability to distil from a variety of assists the wearer in achieving a
restful sleep. Increases the wearer’s
Talents substances a Potion of Fertility or
Fatigue recovery during sleep periods
Infertility that increases or decreases
Farsensing (T-1) by 10% (round down). Cost: 3000 sp
the chances of conception by 5% (+5 /
Rank). It has a 30% (+3 / Rank) Aquilegias: The wearer subtracts 10
Range: 15 feet + 15 / Rank
chance of working and may be from all rolls on the Fright Table. Cost:
Duration: Active Concentration
passively resisted by the imbiber. The 2400 sp
Experience Multiple: 150
effects of the Potion of Fertility last 1 Beryl: Increases the wearer’s ability to
Target: Familiar
day (+1 / 3 or fraction Ranks) whilst detect traps and ambushes by 5. Cost:
Effects: The Adept can, by remaining
that of the Potion of Infertility last 1 4000 sp
stationary and actively concentrating Betony: Decreases the wearer’s Base
for the duration of the talent’s week (+1 / 3 or fraction Ranks), unless
dispelled by the casting of the General Chance of infection by 15. Cost: 2200
workings, see, hear, taste, smell and
Knowledge Counterspell of the sp
feel the same things as their familiar,
College of Witchcraft by the creator of Bloodstone: Prevents miscarriage
provided that the familiar is within
Potion or a Ritual of Remove Curse is and decreases Base Chance of
range. This talent allows no special infection by 20. Cost: 3000 sp
communication with the familiar, employed. If the latter option is taken,
the curse is considered a Minor Curse. Carbuncle: Decreases damage done
merely the ability to use their senses. by poison by 2 points of damage per
The Adept must have already acquired The cost of ingredients is 100 silver
pennies. The Base Chance of pulse or day. Cost 9600 sp
a familiar through the use of the Chalcedony: No undead will willingly
Finding Familiar Ritual (Q-1) for this conception for player character races
may be found in the Character approach closer than 10 feet to the
talent to be effective. It takes 10
Generation section. A roll for wearer in most cases. Cost 4800 sp
seconds (-1 / Rank) for the Adept to Diamonds: all of the wearer’s Strike
tune in to the familiar’s senses. If the conception should not be made more
than once in 48 hours. Chances are increased by 2. Cost:
familiar is killed while the Adept is
8000 sp
using this Talent, the magical backlash Distilling Restorative Potions: The Elder Flowers: Makes the wearer
is harsher, due to the tighter link, and
ability to distil from a variety of proof against the Evil Eye. Cost: 400
the amount of magical damage
substances a potion which, when sp
incurred is increased by 5 points, see Hypericum: Increases the wearer’s
imbibed, subtracts 2 from Endurance
and restores 4 lost Fatigue. The Magic Resistance by 10 to any
Special Alchemy (T-2) amount subtracted from Endurance is magical act performed by a Demon or
increased by 1 and the amount of Daemonic being. Cost: 800 sp
Experience Multiple: 350 Fatigue restored is increased by 2 per Iron: No Demon or Daemonic being
Effects: The Adept gains certain Rank. The Fatigue so restored may will willingly approach closer than 10
knowledge of Alchemy. The specific have been lost through damage or feet to the wearer in most cases. Cost:
benefits accruing to the Adept are: tiredness, including spell casting. The 4000 sp
Distilling Venoms: The Adept gains potion will only restore lost Fatigue. Jade: No undead will willingly
the ability to distil venoms from such The Endurance damage caused by approach closer than 30 feet to the
plants as belladonna. The Adept this potion is physical damage and wearer in most cases. Cost: 4000 sp
functions as a Rank 1 Alchemist for thus may stun and can be healed by Jet: No Demon or Daemonic being will
this purpose. See the Alchemist Skill. normal means. The effects of drinking willingly approach closer than 50 feet
this potion may be passively resisted. to the wearer in most cases. Cost:
Distilling Toad’s Sweat: The ability to The ingredients for this potion cost 4800 sp
distil a dose of a potion of Toad’s 500 silver pennies. The Base Chance Luck: Made from tiger’s or alligator’s
Sweat that will remove blemishes, is 30% (+3 / Rank). teeth. It increases the wearer’s Magic
warts, corns, pimples, etc., at the rate Resistance by 3 and subtracts 2 from
of 1 disfigurement (wart, corn, etc.) (+1 Distilling Strength Potions: The
ability to distil from a variety of


any Strike Check made against the season they are familiar with. If they Healer); Periodic Muscle Spasms (-5
wearer. Cost: 2400 sp. have lived in the area for over one MD & reduce EN by half (round down)
Note that the “cost” is the cost of year they will receive a bonus in any until cured by a Rank 2 Healer).
material necessary to manufacture the season. 18-19 Total Muteness; Arthritic
amulet. Each amulet requires 3 days Enfeeblement (-4 MD & -3 AG &
to manufacture once the necessary Time Familiarity Bonus reduce Fatigue by half (round down)
materials have been gathered or 1 month Current season +5% † until cured by a Rank 3 Healer);
purchased. Amulets are usually sold at Creeping Senility (-10 to all Spell Base
(cost + 25%). The time taken to 1 year Complete +10% † Chances & -2 MA and an additional -2
prepare an Amulet is full-time work, † only one modifier applies MA for each full week).
and no training may be undertaken at 20 Total Amnesia (lose all skills,
the same time. Those amulets that knowledge, ranks and magical abilities
prevent the “willing approach” of General Knowledge Spells except native language for a period of
certain creatures create a “circle of Damnum Minatum (G-1) D10 days).
protection” around the wearer. The
creatures protected against will not Range: 15 feet +15 / Rank Darkness (G-2)
willingly cross the circle’s boundary, Duration: 10 seconds +10 / Rank
Range: 15 feet +15 / Rank
but if forced across it, for instance by Experience Multiple: 200
Duration: 15 minutes +15 / Rank
the approach of the wearer, are no Base Chance: 40%
Experience Multiple: 100
longer inconvenienced by the Resist: May be actively & passively
Base Chance: 60%
protection. resisted
Resist: May not be resisted
Storage: Ward, Magical Trap
Witchsight (T-3) Storage: Ward
Target: Entity
Target: Volume
Effects: The Adept curses any one
Experience Multiple: 200 Effects: The Adept creates a volume in
target within range with a particular
Base Chance: Perception +5 / Rank which non-magical light is partially
unpleasantness as listed below. If the
Effects: The Adept has a Base suppressed. The volume will be 1000
effects of the curse are doubled or
Chance equal to their Perception (+5 / cubic feet (+500 / Rank), and may be
tripled, the Adept may inflict 2 or 3
Rank) of seeing objects which are in any one contiguous area that the
different results. The curse is
normally invisible or which have been Adept desires, provided that no
permanent until a General Knowledge
rendered invisible by magical means dimension is smaller than 1 foot. The
Counterspell of the College of
(ie. such spells as Walking Unseen, entire volume must be visible and
Witchcraft is cast over the afflicted
Blending, and Invisibility). The Adept within range at the time of casting and
entity, a Ritual of Remove Curse is
may also see in dark and/or stormy may not be moved. At Ranks 0-5 the
employed, the duration expires, or the
conditions as a Human does on a amount of light within the volume is
effect is cured by a Healer of the
cloudy day, with an effective range of reduced to 10% (appears as though lit
appropriate Rank. Curses that have a
150 feet under the open sky, and 75 on a cloudy night), at Ranks 6-10 it is
duration, or which may be cured by a
feet elsewhere. reduced to 5% (as though a
Healer, are indicated in their
windowless room), at Ranks 11-15 it is
Storm Affinity (T-4) descriptions. If a Ritual of Remove
reduced to 1% (so dark that night
Curse is employed , the Damnum
Experience Multiple: 250 vision like that of a cat will take about
Minatum is considered a Minor Curse.
Effects: The Adept and their a minute to adjust), and at Ranks 16-
A separate Counterspell or Ritual of
possessions are completely protected 20 all light is banished (i.e. totally
Remove Curse must be used on each
from all forms of water damage. Due dark). Although infravision works off
separate curse. Identical Damnum
to their close association with the heat and elvish and dwarvish vision
Minatum effects are not cumulative.
environment, the Adept can modify the work in total darkness, it is still not
Note that the Adept may always
Force downwards and Gauge upwards possible to see at all at Ranks 16-20.
choose to inflict a curse of a lesser
on the Weather Scale Table by 1 per It will not aid in providing magical
Rank than their actual Rank. The
4 full Ranks, for themselves. Further bonuses for casting purposes, though
curses that the Adept may inflict are
more, they will not be harmed by it will reduce penalties due to natural
dependent on the Rank of the spell:
storms unless of a magical nature with light by up to 5% +1 / Rank. If the
a Rank greater than their Rank in this Rank Curse lighting conditions are lower than that
Talent (this includes the Spells of: 0-3 Boils 1 (+1 / Rank); Warts 1 (+1 provided by the spell, no effect will be
Whirlwind Vortex, Windstorm, / Rank). apparent. Note that because light is
Freezing Wind, Maelstrom, Rainstorm, 4-6 Clumsiness (-1 AG); Maladroit- only being suppressed, it may still
and Waterspout). ness (-1 MD). pass through, and no shadows are
7-9 Weakness (-2 PS); Poor Health generated. If it is possible to see
Predict Weather (T-5) (-3 EN); Cowardice (-3 WP & +5 to all through a darkness, all beyond it is
Experience Multiple: 50 Fright Table rolls); Total Deafness. perfectly visible. This spell can
Base Chance: 30% (+4 / Rank) 13-15 Partial Amnesia (-1 Rank from engender silhouettes of lit objects
Effects: The Adept may predict the all Magic and Skills); Insomnia (only against the darkness, though not
local weather over the next day (+1 / 3 regain half Fatigue (round up) during create shadows. Any of this volume
full Ranks). The Adept must be sleep periods for D10 weeks); Virulent may be overridden by a higher
outside or able to see the sky to use Skin Disease (intense pain and a Ranked Spell of Light, or neutralised
this ability. If the Adept has resided in hideous appearance, -10 PB & -3 WP (back to original conditions) by an
the area for a length of time they will until cured by a Healer - permanent equal Rank.
be more familiar with the local loss of -1 PB for each full week of
Evil Eye (G-3)
weather. If they have lived in the area infection as a result of scarring).
for over one month they will receive a 16-17 Total Blindness; Delirium Range: 15 feet +15 / Rank
bonus for predicting weather in the Tremens(-5 MD & -3 PC); Migraines (- Duration: 1 day +1 / Rank
1 WP & -3 MA until cured by a Rank 2 Experience Multiple: 300


Base Chance: 20% Target: Entity detected, but their mind will simply not
Resist: May only be passively resisted Effects: Unless successfully resisted, appear to be there when an attempt is
Storage: Ward, Magical Trap the Adept causes the target intense made to "read" it.
Target: Entity pain for the duration of the spell. The
Effects: By use of this spell, the Adept target must check to see if their Storm Calling (G-9)
curses the target with ill-fortune. concentration is broken and must Range: Works at any range
Unless the target resists, all their Base subtract 10 (+3 / Rank) from their Duration: 60 minutes +30 / Rank
Chances, Strike Chances, and their Strike Chances whilst suffering the Experience Multiple: 200
Magic Resistance are reduced by the pain. The difficulty multiplier for the Base Chance: 40%
Rank of the spell (1 if unranked). This Concentration Check is dependent on Resist: May not be resisted
spell is a minor curse. the Rank of the spell: Storage: Magical Trap
False Rumours (G-4) Rank 0 To rank 5 3 Target: Special
Rank 6 To rank 10 2½ Effects: The Adept may summon any
Range: 15 feet +15 / Rank Rank 11 To rank 15 2 storm front which may exist anywhere
Duration: 10 seconds +10 / Rank Rank 16 To rank 19 1 in sight. Upon reaching the spot
Experience Multiple: 100 Rank 20+ ½ occupied by the Adept at the time of
Base Chance: 40% casting, the storm front will slow and
Resist: May only be passively resisted No actual damage is inflicted as a finally cease moving and begin a
Storage: Ward, Magical Trap result of this spell. Note that Mind downpour (snow, rain, hail, sleet, or
Target: Entity or Area Mages will be somewhat unaffected by whatever else the GM feels the clouds
Effects: The Adept subdues the spirits this spell, and may halve the reduction may contain). Generally a storm front
of the air within range of the spell and to their Strike Chances. can be seen for 20 or 30 miles. If no
makes them set up aural illusions to front can be seen the spell may still be
mislead the enemy. Anyone within, or Hypnotism (G-7) cast, but the Base Chance is reduced
entering, the area must passively Range: 15 feet by 20. The storm front will take D × 3 -
resist or hear false rumours and the Duration: Concentration (maximum 5 1 / Rank minutes to arrive. Once the
sound of conspiratol whispering (or minutes +5 / Rank) duration has expired, the weather will
any other distortion from scraps of Experience Multiple: 200 gradually return to normal over a
conversation, the clank of armour, the Base Chance: 40% similar amount of time.
sound of falling bodies, of marching Resist: May be actively & passively
armies, of song etc., so long as the Walking Unseen (G-10)
noises are in some way threatening to Storage: None Range: 1 foot +1 / Rank
the listener). Alternately the Adept Target: Entity Duration: 1 hour +1 / Rank
may target a single entity, in which Effects: The Adept may lull an entity Experience Multiple: 100
case they need not remain within that is within range into a trance-like Base Chance: 60%
range but will be followed by air spirits state in which they will be subject to Resist: May not be resisted
and harassed with half-heard sounds suggestion. The spell may not be cast Storage: Potion, Ward, Magical Trap
for the duration of the spell. over a totally hostile entity. Once the Target: Entity
Fear (G-5) subject has been hypnotised, the Effects: The target of this spell may
Adept may make suggestions move unnoticed, not invisible. This
Range: 15 feet +15 / Rank (provided that they can communicate means that it will not transmit light. As
Duration: Immediate verbally with the subject) that will be a consequence the target will cast a
Experience Multiple: 350 readily accepted unless they directly shadow, which may or may not be
Base Chance: 20% conflict with the subject's best noticed, depending on the lighting
Resist: May be actively & passively interests. The subject will remain conditions, etc, and will have a
resisted suggestible so long as the Adept reflection in a mirror or other reflective
Storage: Ward, Magical Trap maintains concentration and the surface. However, the target may not
Target: Entity subject remains in range. The subject be noticed even if another entity is
Effects: The Adept instils in the target will continue to implement implanted looking directly at them. An entity will
an uncontrollable fear. Unless the suggestions for 3 hours (+3 / Rank) get a Perception check to notice the
target successfully resists they must after the suggestions have been target if the target becomes invasive to
roll on the Fright Table. If a double made, even when no longer the entity's senses (e.g. putting their
effect is achieved the Adept may hypnotised. The subject will never hands over the entity's eyes). Note
choose to modify the Fright Table roll have any idea where the suggestion that a Crystal of Vision or similar
up or down by an amount equal to the that it is implementing came from. means of viewing is considered direct
Rank of the spell. If a triple effect is viewing and is affected by this spell. If
achieved the Adept may modify the Mind Cloak (G-8) the target, or the target's possessions,
Fright Table roll by twice the Rank of Range: Self are touched by another entity, or an
the spell. See the Fright Table for the Duration: 1 hour +2 / Rank entity's possessions, then the spell is
exact results of Fear. Experience Multiple: 250 broken. Although not truly invisible, the
Base Chance: 30% target may be detected by using
Harm Entity (G-6) magical means to detect invisible
Resist: May not be resisted
Range: 15 feet +15 / Rank Storage: Potion entities (e.g. Witchsight).
Duration: 10 seconds +10 / Rank Target: Self Wind Whistle (G-11)
Experience Multiple: 200 Effects: The Adept creates a cloak
Base Chance: 20% around their own mind so that their Range: 25 feet +25 / Rank
Resist: May be actively & passively thoughts cannot be detected or read. Duration: 10 minutes +10 / Rank
resisted This spell does not prevent the Adept's Experience Multiple: 100
Storage: Ward, Magical Trap presence or emotions from being Base Chance: 40%


Resist: May not be resisted Concentration Check: None Ritual of Windspeak (Q-4)
Storage: Ward, Magical Trap Effects: The Adept may cast
Target: Area runestones to gain insight and Experience Multiple: 150
Effects: The Adept can affect the information. Rune Readings may be Base Chance: 2 × MA +3 / Rank
course and strength of airflow within used in one of two ways. Actions: None
range. By so doing they will be able to Materials: None
change the wind direction so that they Divining Enchantment: The Adept may Effects: The Adept can speak with the
can hear whispered conversation at 5 use their runestones to attempt to whispering spirits of the wind, learning
hexes (+1 / Rank), blow out candles or determine if an entity or object is what they have seen or heard and
lanterns, or spread the progress of a currently, or has recently been, subject even soliciting their aid. All winds
fire in a particular direction. They may to a magical effect. An object must be within 400 feet (+400 / Rank) can be
set the speed of the wind at up to 5 present, within 5 feet (+1 / Rank), for communed with in this manner. There
mph (+1 / Rank). The Adept may also the entire duration, or three drops of is no backfire.
use this spell to bring a pocketful of blood from the entity concerned must
be collected in a bowl containing the
breathable air to an airless room,
runestones. Upon successfully
Special Knowledge Spells
although they will not be able to use Ball of Lightning (S-1)
this spell to allow them to breath under performing this ritual the Adept gains
water. knowledge of all magics currently Range: 35 feet +10 / Rank
affecting the subject and all magics Duration: Immediate
that have been in effect during the Experience Multiple: 350
General Knowledge previous Rank weeks. The exact Base Chance: 30%
Rituals name and college of the magics are Resist: May only be passively resisted
revealed, or if non-colleged in origin, Storage: Ward, Magical Trap
Ritual of Finding Familiar (Q-1)
their general effects are revealed. Target: Entity or Object
Duration: Special Used in this way, the Ritual of Rune Effects: This spell creates a ball of
Experience Multiple: 250 Reading will not Backfire. lightning which shoots from the caster
Base Chance: 40% +4 / Rank to the target. The ball is utterly silent
Divining the Future: The Adept may
Resist: May not be resisted and moves in a straight line. Anything
attempt to learn something about
Target: Storm Devil standing between the caster and the
future events concerning those from
Cast Time: 1 hour target will be struck instead. Upon
which they have collected three drops
Actions: Concentration striking anything the ball explodes, in a
of blood. The Adept must decide on a
Materials: A storm must be present bright flash, causing [D-1] (+1 / Rank)
question to be posed or a general
Concentration Check: Standard electrical damage. If the target
course of action being considered
Effects: The Adept may attempt to successfully resists the damage is
before attempting the divination. The
summon a Storm Devil which will halved (round up). If the target fails to
GM may make the reading as simple
serve them as a familiar. This Ritual resist they are also blinded for Rank /
or as complex as they desire, but in all
must be performed within a storm, in 4 pulses (round down).
cases the information gained should
which case a Storm Devil will arrive at
be vague. Barrier of Wind (S-2)
the Adept’s location in (25 - Rank)
minutes. The Adept must promise to Example: If, for instance, the Adept Range: 5 feet +1 / Rank
protect the Storm Devil and show it a and companions were considering Duration: 30 minutes +30 / Rank
good time. The GM should roll a entering a ruined castle, that the GM Experience Multiple: 150
reaction check for the Storm Devil. If had determined to contain a Base Chance: 30%
the result is Enraged it will attack, if particularly nasty troll and a Resist: May not be resisted
Belligerent it leaves immediately, considerable sum of money, then the Storage: Ward, Magical Trap
otherwise it will agree to serve the reading might be: “Grave danger Target: Entity
Adept as a familiar. If the Adept guards the path to fortune.” Effects: This spell forms a swirling
mistreats it in any way, the Storm pattern of wind around an entity in all
Devil will run away and a new familiar If the Adept fails in this option the
reading will be gibberish and obviously directions. Thrown and missile
must be found. The Storm Devil will weapons passing through the barrier
serve the Adept to the best of its a failure, but if a Backfire occurs, a
sensible but otherwise false reading have a chance of being deflected from
ability, warning them of danger, and so their course, to impact harmlessly
forth. If the familiar is killed, the Adept will be gained.
elsewhere. The deflection adds 5 (+2 /
suffers [D+5] points of damage in the Ritual of Storm Dancing (Q-3) Rank) to defence against missiles.
form of a magical backlash. The This spell provides a bonus of 5 (+1 /
damage may not be resisted. An Experience Multiple: 350
Actions: Dancing Rank) to defence in Melee or Close
Adept may only have one familiar at a Combat.
time. Materials: A storm must be present
Effects: For every hour that the Adept Blessing Crops (S-3)
Ritual of Rune Reading (Q-2) spends dancing within a storm they
will be restored of [D10 + Rank/2 Range: Sight
Duration: Immediate (during ritual) Duration: 1 year +1 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 300 (round down) - 5] (minimum 1) points
of Endurance then Fatigue lost due to Experience Multiple: 125
Base Chance: 20% +3 / Rank Base Chance: 40%
Resist: May not be resisted damage or tiredness, including spell
casting. This ritual will also cure any Resist: May not be resisted
Target: Special Storage: None
Cast Time: 30 minutes infections and diseases, and repair
any damage, which could be healed Target: Area
Actions: Casting runestones Effects: This spell increases the
Materials: Bowl, runestones, and by a Healer of Rank/3 (round down).
richness of the soil of 1 acre (+1 /
drops of fresh blood from those Rank). For the duration of the spell
entities to be subject to the divination everything grown in that soil will be


proof against locusts, droughts, full 60 feet and will deflect off stone afflictions may have durations or
flooding, frost and other natural until it reaches its full extent. All conditions worded into them, in which
disasters. This spell will also dissipate targets that are in the path of the bolt case the curse is lifted when the
the effects of a Spell of Blighting suffer [D+5] (+1 / 3 Ranks) damage duration expires or the condition is
Crops which has previously been cast (save for half - round up). In addition met. Players should note that
on the target area of this spell. any target who fails to resist is afflictions are particularly capricious,
automatically stunned. and can never be relied upon to
Blessing on Unborn Child (S-4) operate in precisely the same manner
Creating Plague (S-7) twice. Some sample afflictions are:
Range: Sight
Duration: Until birth of target's child Range: 15 feet Target begins to age at 10 years per
Experience Multiple: 200 Duration: 1 day +1 / Rank day. Target may die of old age. Once
Base Chance: 20% Experience Multiple: 200 the curse is lifted the target will age
Resist: May be actively & passively Base Chance: 20% backwards to their correct age at the
resisted Resist: May be actively & passively same rate.
Storage: Potion, Magical Trap resisted
Target: Entity Storage: Potion, Ward, Magical Trap Target contracts a deadly disease
Effects: The Adept may curse or bless Target: Entity (including open, running sores) that
any unborn child whose mother is in Effects: This spell infects any one may not be cured by the arts of a
sight while she is pregnant. The Adept target with one of the following Healer.
may increase or decrease any one diseases:
characteristic of the child by 1 (+1 / 3 The target will not die of the disease, Target is transformed into a frog or
or fraction Ranks). This spell may only but will become habitually ill and all other small creature (but retain their
be cast on the same unborn child who come in contact with them own mind). Condition: the curse may
more than once if it is cast by different (except the Adept who cast the spell) be lifted by the kiss of a member of
Adepts, and is used on different may contract a potentially fatal dose of royalty of the opposite gender.
characteristics. The spell may raise the disease. In effect the target Target is cursed with lycanthropy
characteristics above normal racial becomes a carrier. This spell is a (random species).
maximums. If cast so as to curse, it is Major Curse. Note that if this spell is
a Major Curse and may only be made into a potion, the target of the Target will fall into a century long
removed before the child is born. Note spell is the imbiber. The imbiber may sleep (see Hibernation, College of Air
that if this spell is made into a potion, only passively resist the effects of the Magics).
the target of the spell is the imbiber. potion's magic. Ill Luck: Add two times the Rank of the
The imbiber may only passively resist Adept with this spell to any percentile
the effects of the potion's magic. Rank Disease
0-5 Measles dice roll involving the target's use of
Blighting Crops (S-5) 6-10 Consumption their abilities. This may never be
11-15 Typhoid applied favourably. Note that this is an
Range: Sight 16-18 Bubonic Plague addition to the dice roll, not a
Duration: 1 year +1 / Rank 19-20 Pneumonic Plague subtraction from Base Chances.
Experience Multiple: 125
Base Chance: 45% Damnum Magnatum Doom: A doom is a pronouncement,
Resist: May not be resisted by the Adept, upon an event which will
Storage: None Range: 20 feet +15 / Rank occur in the target's future, such as
Target: Area Duration: Special "You will die by the hand of a loved
Effects: This spell causes 1 acre (+1 / Experience Multiple: 600 one." The statement, which must be
Rank) of land which is within sight to Base Chance: 5% indefinite, will come true in not less
become sour and lose fertility. There is Resist: May be actively & passively than 24 - Rank weeks. The doom
a 20% (+1 / Rank) chance of future resisted remains until it is fulfilled, and may not
crops failing while this spell is in effect. Storage: Ward, Magical Trap be removed by a Remove Curse
Those years that the crops do not fail, Target: Entity Ritual, or even by the death of the
they will be stunted and approximately Effects: The Damnum Magnatum is a target, unless the death fulfils the
half a normal yield will be obtained. Major Curse and may take one of doom. The target is immediately
This spell is a Minor Curse. This spell three forms, as chosen by the Adept. aware of the nature of the doom, and
will also dissipate the effects of a Spell The Damnum Magnatum may its wording. A doom may be modified,
of Blessing Crops which has normally only be removed by the use so as to decrease its severity, make
previously been cast on the target of a Remove Curse Ritual, by a the time factor longer etc., by the
area of this spell. Counter Spell cast by the Adept who casting of a modified doom on the
laid the curse, or by the death of the same target, by an Adept with Rank in
Bolt of Lightning (S-6) target. This spell may not be this spell at least equal to the Rank at
dissipated. which the original doom was cast. The
Range: 60 feet
Duration: Immediate Affliction: The Adept may choose to exact effects of the doom must be
Experience Multiple: 225 torment or kill the target. If the effects decided by the GM, and players
Base Chance: 30% of the affliction are intended to be should note that two dooms, even if
Resist: May be actively & passively deadly, the target may not die as a worded the same, need not have
resisted result of the curse before (24 - Rank) precisely the same effects.
Storage: Ward, Magical Trap hours have passed. The Adepts player Darkeyes (S-9)
Target: Entity or Object states what the affliction is to do, and
Effects: The Adept may throw a single then the exact effects and results must Range: 15 feet +15 / Rank
bolt of lightning 60 feet long from their be decided by the GM. In addition to Duration: 1 hour +1 / Rank
finger-tips. The bolt must extend the the normal ways of lifting a curse, Experience Multiple: 100
Base Chance: 60%


Resist: May not be resisted look rather innocuous at a distance but Base Chance: 45%
Storage: Ward, Potion which would wreak just as much Resist: Special
Target: Entity havoc. After the spell duration expires, Storage: None
Effects: The target of this spell will be the water level will drop just as quickly Target: Livestock
able to see perfectly even in pitch as it rose. All those caught in the flow Effects: This spell may be cast on up
blackness to a range of 50 feet (+10 / must make a successful swimming roll to 5 (+1 / Rank) livestock that are
Rank). The limits of vision are the to avoid drowning. If a person is within sight. All livestock so cursed
same as for the target during the day, unhorsed they must make a that do not resist (individually) are
except that they will be able to detect horsemanship roll to stay with their infected. Any new stock which comes
infinitesimally small movements that horse, in which case they may use into contact with the infected stock
would normally not be noticed by a their horse's Rank in swimming while the curse is in effect must also
character during daylight. If a sudden (generally 8) to avoid drowning. resist (individually) or become
light is produced in front of a character infected. This spell is a Minor Curse
using this particular spell, they will be Lightning Strike (S-12) on each individual. This spell will also
blinded for D10 pulses. Range: 10 feet +10 / Rank dissipate the effects of a Spell of
Duration: Immediate Blessing on Livestock which has
Earth Tremor (S-10) previously been cast on the targets of
Experience Multiple: 675
Range: 15 feet + 15 / Rank Base Chance: 5% this spell.
Duration: 5 seconds +5 / Rank Resist: May only be passively resisted Summoning Storm Devils (S-16)
Experience Multiple: 350 Storage: Ward, Magical Trap
Base Chance: 20 % Target: Entity Range: 20 feet
Storage: Ward, Magical Trap Effects: The Adept calls forth from a Duration: 10 minutes +10 / Rank
Resist: May not be resisted storm bolts of lightning to strike 1 (+1 / Experience Multiple: 550
Target: Area 4 full Ranks) entities within range. Base Chance: 15%
Effects: By the use of this spell the Those struck by the lightning suffer Resist: May not be resisted
Adept causes the very earth to pitch [D+5] (+2 / Rank) damage (save for Storage: None
and roll uncontrollably as though in a half - round up). Any targets who fail to Target: Storm Devil(s)
tremendous earthquake. The area that resist are automatically stunned. This Effects: The Adept summons 1 (+1 / 5
may be affected is 5 feet diameter (+5 spell may only be cast outside when a full Ranks) storm devils to do their
feet / Rank). Any entities within the storm is present. bidding. They will remain for the
area must roll 1 × AG to retain their duration of the spell or until their
footing. Those who fail to remain Maelstrom (S-13) corporeal form is slain or they fail to
standing fall prone immediately and Range: 30 feet +30 / Rank resist a Witchcraft Special
may not rise for the duration of the Duration: 10 seconds +10 / Rank Counterspell. The storm devils will do
tremor. Objects within the area will Experience Multiple: 500 their best to carry out the instructions
tend to topple and roll around. if the Base Chance: 10% of the summoner, but they are not
spell is cast under part of, or all of, a Resist: May only be passively resisted terribly bright and have a malicious
building, wall, or other such Storage: Ward, Magical Trap streak. For each storm devil the Adept
construction, significant structural Target: Volume of water rolls D10 (+1 / 4 full Ranks) to
damage will occur, probably causing Effects: The Adept creates a horrifying determine its type: 1-5 Imp, 6-13 Half
partial or total collapse. watery vortex with a diameter of 10 Devil, 14-15 Devil; and D10 to
feet (+10 / Rank) which exists entirely determine its college: 1-4 Air, 5-8
Flash Flood (S-11) Water, 9-10 Ice. This spell may not be
within the spell's range. All objects and
Range: 600 feet +600 / Rank entities within 20 feet of the vortex re-cast while any storm devils
Duration: 30 seconds +30 / Rank must successfully resist or they are previously summoned remain on the
Experience Multiple: 500 sucked into the eye of the vortex and same plane as the Adept.
Base Chance: 2% down to the sea bottom. This spell will Thunderclap (S-17)
Resist: May not be resisted only be effective if cast over a large
Storage: Ward, Magical Trap body of water (sea, ocean or lake). Range: 20 feet +20 / Rank
Target: Watercourse Duration: Immediate (during Pulse)
Effects: The Adept causes a particular Mass Fear (S-14) Experience Multiple: 325
watercourse within range to swell and Range: 10 feet +15 / Rank Base Chance: 30%
burst its banks. The watercourse can Duration: 30 seconds +10 / Rank Resist: May only be passively resisted
be a stream, dry river bed, small or Experience Multiple: 400 Storage: Investment, Ward, M. Trap
large river (i.e. anywhere that might be Base Chance: 10% Target: Area
subject to such an occurrence Resist: May only be passively resisted Effects: This spell causes the air in the
naturally, including drains and Storage: Ward, Magical Trap targeted area to violently compress
sewers). The flood will occur with very Target: Area with a loud crash. The target area has
little warning. After 30 seconds of low Effects: This spell instils in all entities a diameter of 5' at Ranks 0-5, 15' at
rumblings, the water level will within range, other than the Adept and Ranks 6-12, 25' at Ranks 13-19, and
suddenly rise, sweeping all before it. those who successfully resist, an 35' at Rank 20. The entirety of the
The flood will wipe out any small unreasoning and uncontrollable fear. affected area must be within the
bridges and dams within range, wash All entities who fail to resist must roll caster's spell range for the spell to be
people away, unhorse riders, wash on the Fright Table. effective. All those within the area
wagons and carts away (chance of suffer [D+1] (+1 per 2 full Ranks)
destruction is dependent upon Pestilence (S-15) concussive damage (resist for half -
construction). The effects are most Range: Sight round up). Those failing to resist can
noticeable on small rivers and dry river Duration: 1 month +1 / Rank hear nothing except a loud ringing for
beds. On a large river, the flood might Experience Multiple: 150 Rank pulses. On a Double or Triple
appear as a large wave which would effect any entities who fail to resist are


also stunned (normal stun recovery Adept and extending out to the full Dead Man’s Candle (R-3)
applies). Note that this spell can be range of the spell. Once cast the
heard from a distance as per normal windstorm will not move. The winds in Duration: Special
thunder. the area of a windstorm are random Experience Multiple: None
and violent, they do not prevail in a Base Chance: Automatic
Virility (S-18) particular direction. All entities within Resist: None
this area except the Adept and those Target: Materials
Range: 5 feet + 5 / Rank Cast Time: Variable
Duration: 2 hours + 1 / Rank in the same hex must check against 2
- (Physical Strength + Agility) - 2 × Material: As detailed
Experience Multiple: 100 Actions: As detailed
Base Chance: 30% Rank, every pulse, to regain their feet
and/or remain upright. Every time an Concentration Check: None
Resist: None Effects: As per Wicca ritual of the
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical entity within the area falls prone, they
take [D-2] damage. This damage is same name.
Trap, Potion
Target: Male Entity physical. For the duration of the spell Hand of Glory (R-4)
Effects: The spell is cast over a male they have TMR halved. All entities
entity and greatly increases the attempting to use missile or thrown Duration: Permanent
target’s virility. In addition the chance weapons through or inside the area of Experience Multiple: None
of the target’s partner conceiving is effect have their Base Chance Base Chance: Automatic
increased by 5 (+ 5 / Rank). Note that reduced by 5 per every 2 hexes of Resist: None
if this spell is made into a potion, the windstorm travelled through. Target: Severed hand
target of the spell is the imbiber. Cast Time: Variable
Material: Murderer’s hand
Walk on Air (S-19) Special Knowledge Rituals Actions: As detailed
Controlling Weather (R-1) Concentration Check: None
Range: 5 feet +1 / Rank Effects: As per Wicca ritual of the
Duration: 30 minutes +30 / Rank Duration: 8 hours × Rank (minimum 1) same name.
Experience Multiple: 250 Experience Multiple: 300
Base Chance: 30% Base Chance: 30% + 3% / Rank Storm Riding (R-5)
Resist: May not be resisted Resist: None
Storage: Potion Range: 5 hexes
Target: Area
Target: Entity Duration: 1 hour +1 / Rank
Cast Time: 1 hour
Effects: This spell binds spirits of the Experience Multiple: 300
Material: None
air to support the targets weight. When Base Chance: 2 × MA +3 / Rank
Actions: Dance
the target transfers their weight to a Resist: May be passively resisted
Concentration Check: None
foot, the air will support that foot until Cast Time: 1 hour
Effects: The Adept may change one or
such time as the foot is lifted. This Effects: This ritual will summon a
more of the three components that
means that they may walk on air as if storm which will pick up the Adept,
make up the weather by performing a
it were a solid surface, steps, or such- and one other entity per Rank, in a
ritual dance. The three components of
like, and will not slip or fall as long as swirling vortex of air. The storm will
weather are: Precipitation, Tempera-
they maintain their balance on their then transport the affected entities at
ture, and Wind. The GM should
feet. 10 mph (+1 / Rank) for up to 1 hour
consult the Weather Table and advise
(+1 / Rank) to a location of the Adept’s
the player of the current level of each
Water Breathing (S-20) choosing. Maximum range is [Rank +
of the three components before they
10] × [Rank + 1] miles. The Adept
Range: Touch start dancing. The Adept may change
need not know the location; they may,
Duration: 1 hour +1 / Rank one component by Rank / 2 (round
for example, have the storm carry
Experience Multiple: 100 down), or two components by Rank / 3
them 90 miles North-West. Travelling
Base Chance: 25% (round down) levels each, or all three
within the storm is Strenuous
Resist: May not be resisted components by Rank / 4 (round down)
Exercise; reduced by one level for
Storage: Potion levels each. The changes are
every 4 full Ranks of the Aerial Affinity
Target: Entity independent and may be in any
or Storm Affinity Talents the rider has.
Effects: The target of this spell forms a direction. The weather will change
set of gills and a transparent film gradually over 30 minutes (-1 / Rank)
across their eyes. This allows the per level shifted. The area of the effect
target to breathe and see equally well is circular and the diameter is 2 miles /
under water as on land. The target Rank. This ritual counts as Strenuous
may cast spells subject to the activity and the Adept will lose
restrictions of their College. This spell Fatigue. This ritual may not Backfire.
does not affect the target's ability to
Creeping Doom (R-2)
operate on the surface.
Duration: Special
Windstorm (S-21)
Experience Multiple: 450
Range: 30 feet +30 / Rank Base Chance: 20% + 4% / Rank
Duration: 10 seconds +10 / Rank Resist: Special
Experience Multiple: 200 Target: Entity
Base Chance: 40% Cast Time: 2 hour
Resist: May not be resisted Material: 13 bones
Storage: Ward, Magical Trap Actions: Carving bones
Target: Area Concentration Check: None
Effects: The Adept creates a Effects: As per Wicca ritual of the
windstorm of Force 9 centred on the same name.


ALECTORIUS the wearer to become drunk. The

Magical Gems Market Value: None. Amethyst must be incised with the
Magic Value: 300 - 500. symbols for the sun and moon and
This section lists those rocks, stones, Description: Alectorius is a greenish fastened about the neck with a
and gems which are commonly stone found in black cocks. The stone necklace of peacock feathers.
considered to have special magical or inside the cock will only be found,
chemical properties which make them however, if the cock is killed and cured ANTIMONY
useful in the performance of magic, on an anthill for three days. Market Value: None.
manufacture of spells, or performance Effect: The stone is used to Magic Value: 100 - 700.
of alchemical rites. Any of these items manufacture the Amulet of Alectorius Description: A white, metallic element
may or may not have any actual effect lost to the College of Witchcraft. In usually found in powdered form or in
or market. addition to the wealth-increasing small pebbles.
properties of this amulet, it will prevent Effect: Antimony may be fashioned
These items may, for the most part,
thirst if held in the mouth and tends to into an amulet by an Adept of the
only be used by Adepts of the College
promote amicable feelings toward the College of Shaping Magics. The
of Witchcraft to create those amulets
wearer, especially as regards to the amulet increases the resistance of the
listed in T-3, by Adepts of the College
opposite gender. wearer versus magic of the College of
of Shaping Magics as vessels for their
Witchcraft, the College of Necromantic
magic, by astrologers to aid their arts,
AMBER Conjurations, and the College of
or by alchemists in preparing potions,
Market Value: 1 - 4. Ensorcelments and Enchantments by
elixirs and the like. Usually, player
Magic Value: 1 - 4. 5. It increases the resistance of the
characters will be able to dispose of
Description: A translucent or cloudy wearer versus any spell cast by a
most non-precious gemstones only to
yellow, green, or brownish fossil resin. demon by 10 (15 if the demon is
buyers interested in their magic
Acquires a negative electrical charge member of the College of Necromantic
when rubbed. Conjurations, the College of
AETITES Effect: Both Yellow Amber and Red Witchcraft, or the College of
Market Value: None. Amber (the brownish variety) may be Ensorcelments and Enchantments).
Magic Value: 100-200. fashioned into amulets by an Adept of
Description: A small yellowish stone the College of Shaping Magics. Red BERYL
found in the head, neck, or stomach of Amber makes the wearer immune to Market Value: 3 - 2500.
an eagle. the Evil Eye Spell (S-9 of the College Magic Value: 400 - 2500.
Effect: Aetites are used to make the of Witchcraft) and decreases the Base Description: There are 7 distinct types
Amulet of Aquilegus described in T-3 Chance of the wearer contracting a of Beryl, ranging in colour from a pale,
of the College of Witchcraft, a powerful disease or infection (natural, or via almost colorless green, yellow, or pink
amulet that brings good fortune and magic or minor curse) by 5. Yellow through a vibrant dark green or blue.
courage to the bearer. Amber decreases the Base Chance of Beryls are almost always faceted
the wearer contracting a disease or (though the Goshenite Beryl may be
AGATE infection by 10. Green Amber may be cabochon-cut). The types of Beryl,
Market Value: 1 - 100. held against any Type A (puncture) their colour and relative value follow:
Magic Value: 100-150. wound to stop the bleeding. The
Description: A variety of Chalcedony bleeding will begin immediately if the Type Colour Value
characterized by coloured bands Green Amber is removed from the Aquamarine Blue-Green 20-400
cutting through the body of the stone. wound. A special variety of Amber Black Star Deep Brown 50-2,500
Usually cabochon-cut. Comes in six (called Living Amber) contains Emerald Pale/Vibrant 10-1,500
varieties characterized by colour: Red fossilized insects or animals. This type Green
(or Blood Agate), Brown (Tawny of Amber may be used as the heart of Golden Yellow 5-1,000
Agate), Green (Sea Agate), Black, any type of golem except the flesh Beryl
Moss (Living Agate), and Grey (Dawn golem. Golems with hearts of Living Goshenite Opaque 3-100
Agate). Amber remain active for twice as long Green Beryl Pale Green / 5-500
Effect: Agates are used to as similar golems without such hearts Yellow
manufacture the Amulet of (multiply the total period of activation Morganite Pink / Pink 30-1,300
Chalcedony, described in T-3 of the by two).
College of Witchcraft. Three stones Only those gems which have a market
are required for this purpose, and they AMETHYST
value of at least 400 may be used in
must be set in the shape of a triangle. Market Value: 30 - 500. magic, the others being too inferior in
In addition to the normal effects of this Magic Value: 300 - 600.
weight or quality to be of value.
amulet, the wearer will be blessed, if Description: A purple gem-quartz. Effect: Beryls may be used by Adepts
the type of Chalcedony used is Agate, Usually faceted, but sometimes of the College of Witchcraft to create
with the special eloquence and a cabochon-cut. an Amulet of Beryl . The amulet has
general feeling of well-being. If a Effect: May be used by an Adept of
the side effect of making the wearer
serpent is engraved on the Agate, the the College of Witchcraft to make an
both impotent and totally uninterested
Base Chance of any poisonous insect Amulet of Amethyst . Amethyst may
in sexual activity. Beryl may be used
or snake striking the bearer is reduced also be ground and used in antidotes
by alchemists to create more powerful
by 20. If the amulet is placed on the to poisons. Used in this manner by an
antidotes to poison, salves, and
breast of a sleeping woman, she will alchemist, Amethyst doubles the
antipyretics (increase the potency of
talk in her sleep, truthfully answering efficiency of the potion versus
such creations by increasing their
all questions put to her. magically created poisons. An Adept
Base Chance of working by 10).
of the College of Shaping Magics may
use Amethyst to fashion an Amulet of
Sobriety which makes it impossible for


BEZOAR CHALCEDONY Effect: May be fashioned by a member

Market Value: None. Market Value: 1 - 100. of the College of Shaping Magics into
Magic Value: 300 - 500. Magic Value: 50 - 100. an amulet which will increase the
Description: This stone originates in Description: A type of milky Quartz, wearer's resistance versus the Evil
the stomach of a stag. generally white. Cabochon-cut or Eye Spell of the College of Witchcraft
Effect: May be powdered and mixed in carved. by 10. This amulet may also be used
a poison antidote. An antidote created Effect: May be employed by an Adept in the same manner as an Amulet of
with Bezoar functions as if it was of the College of Witchcraft to form an Carbuncle to monitor patients under
created by an Alchemist of two Ranks Amulet of Chalcedony. A minimum of the care of healers. The coral loses its
higher. three stones are necessary to form the colour as the patient wanes and
amulet. An Alchemist may grind the becomes more vibrant as he heals. If
BLOODSTONE stone up and dissolve it in water this amulet is dipped into a substance
Market Value: 5 - 100. blessed by a servant of the Powers of containing poison, it will permanently
Magic Value: 50 - 125. Light. The decoction will break all lose colour, the coral becoming bone
Description: A dark green Chalcedony fevers within one hour of drinking. One white. An Alchemist may grind Red
with red spherule. Also called ounce is required per dose. Coral into a powder useful in curing
Heliotrope. The Jasper spherules in impotence. One ounce is required per
the stone resemble drops of blood, CHELIDONIUS dose, and the powder must be
and it is from these that the gem takes Market Value: None. consumed in solution.
its name. Magic Value: 300 - 500.
Effect: Bloodstones may be used by Description: A red or black stone taken DIAMOND
an Adept of the College of Witchcraft from the craw of a swallow. Market Value: 20 - 20,000.
to create an Amulet of Bloodstone . Effect: The prime ingredient in all Magic Value: 100 - 20,000.
Five such stones set at the points of a potions designed to cure madness or Description: A brilliant, super-hard
pentagon are necessary to improve a failing memory. May be gem, usually clear with touches of
manufacture the amulet successfully. powdered and mixed by an alchemist colour ranging from pink or green-
into an antidote for senility. yellow through blue. Always faceted, if
CARBUNKLE faceting has been discovered in the
Market Value: 1 - 60. CHRYSOLITE culture in which adventure occurs.
Magic Value: 30 - 70. Market Value: None. There are actually 5 distinct type of
Description: A deep red gemstone, Magic Value: 100 - 200. diamonds, all of which may be used in
often classed as a type of Garnet. Description: Greenish-yellow magic.
Cabochon-cut. Often smoky. transparent type of magnesium iron However, such stones are extremely
Effect: May be used by an Adept of silicate. expensive and generally a maximum
the College of Witchcraft to create an Effect: Powdered and taken in large of one or two cheap or flawed
Amulet of Carbunkle. Often believed to quantities, it is said to be a restorative diamonds will be used in an amulet or
hinder lust, sadness, and dreams. Half and curative. An alchemist can make a talisman. Following is a list of
a dozen stones should be set in the dose out of three stones sufficient to diamonds by type which also gives
amulet to form a hexagon. If all of the temporarily check the progress of colour and value for each stone.
stone used are of the highest possible most diseases in a patient, but the
quality, the amulet will take on the manufacture of the medicine is Type Colour Value
additional attribute of monitoring the wearisome and time consuming. An Clear Transparent 20 - 12,000
wearer's life force, growing brighter as Adept of the College of Shaping Pink Pink 40 - 14,000
the wearer grows in strength and Magics can use a piece of the stone to Green Bright green / 40 - 14,000
energy and dulling as he tires. It is manufacture an Amulet of Chrysolite yellow
often used by healers as monitor on which will increase the wearer's Yellow Bright yellow 40 - 14,000
seriously ill patients for this reason. resistance versus magic of the College Blue- Light blue / 50 - 20,000
of Sorceries of the Mind by 5. White white
Market Value: 10 - 300. CHRYSOPRASE Effect: An Adept of the College of
Magic Value: 100 - 350. Market Value: 1 - 100. Witchcraft can fashion one or more
Description: A deep red quartz often Magic Value: 30 - 100. diamonds into an Amulet of Diamonds.
banded in white. Usually cabochon- Description: A bright green or In addition, Alchemists sometimes use
cut, but sometimes carved. greenish-yellow Quartz, which is water in which Diamonds have been
Effect: An Adept of the College of usually cabochon-cut. washed as the solution in which other
Shaping Magics may use this stone to Effect: An Adept of the College of ingredients are dissolved when
manufacture an Amulet of Carnelian, Shaping Magics may fashion this manufacturing medicines (increase the
which decreases the wearer's chances stone into an amulet which will medicine's effectiveness by 20). Clear
of contracting a disease or infection by increase the wearer's range of vision Diamonds worn in a ring may be used
5%. Any craftsman may fashion in the dark by 50%. by the wearer to increase his Base
Carnelian into a necklace which Chance of casting any spell by 2. The
halves the rate at which the wearer CORAL Diamond focuses mana and such
loses fatigue or endurance as a result Market Value: 1 - 250. rings may be made by any artisan.
of having his blood drained by a Magic Value: 25 - 250.
vampire. Description: A pink or red stone
manufactured by the secretion of
certain marine animals. Usually
cabochon-cut or cut into polished



Market Value: 10 - 1500. Almandite Purple/ 1 - 250 Market Value: 200 - 400.
Magic Value: 10 - 1500. Brown Magic Value: 300 - 400.
Description: A small Beryl ranging in Andradite Yellow- 1 - 900 Description: A red-orange Zircos, ruled
colour from pale green to vibrant green by the sun. Jacinth will change colour
green and always faceted. Grossular Brown/ 1 - 100 to reflect the weather, becoming paler
Effect: This gemstone may be used to Orange and more orange when storms
manufacture an Amulet of Beryl (see Pyrope Dark red 1 - 125 approach and becoming a more
Beryl). It also repels insects when Rhodolite Purple/ 1 - 700 vibrant red in bright sunlight. Always
worn around the neck (10% chance Red faceted.
that any insect landing on the wearer Spessartine Red/ 1 - 500 Effect: Jacinth may be fashioned by an
will fly away without attacking). Devils Orange Adept of the College of Shaping
and Imps are also repelled by Effect: Powdered Garnet is used to Magics into an Amulet of Jacinth
Emeralds, and there is a 5% chance cure skin diseases and an alchemist which will protect the wearer from
that any Devil or Imp who approaches may use it to make medicines for this fascination (+20 to resistance against
within 10 feet of anyone wearing an purpose. Such medicines will, in magic of the College of Sorceries of
Emerald or bearing an object addition, arrest (but not cure) leprosy the Mind and against all spells of
containing Emeralds (such as a jewel- (which is a Major Curse). Any figure binding, controlling, or summoning).
studded sword hilt) will immediately wearing a piece of Andradite on his
retreat as far as possible from that person will be immune to the effects of JADE
individual and will have to roll on the nightmares. Market Value: 40 - 750.
Fright Table. Snakes are affected in Magic Value: 40 - 100.
the same way as Devils and Imps, but GOLD NUGGETS Description: Green or black mineral,
have a 20% chance of being repelled. Market Value: 5 - 60. frequently mottled with white.
Magic Value: 10 - 1000. Cabochon-cut or carved.
FELDSPAR Description: Gold nuggets are usually Effect: Jade may be powdered and
Market Value: 1 - 10. small (less than an ounce) rough used in medicines to cure diseases or
Magic Value: 1 - 10. stones of a greenish-black colour with illnesses of the digestion, to help ward
Description: A milky-white green golden metallic flecks. infection (decrease the Infection
stone, highly brittle and characterized Effect: Gold nuggets are greatly prized Chance by 10), and to increase
by a smooth texture. by magicians far above their stamina. It may also be fashioned by
Effect: When worn as an necklace, numismatic worth. The same nugget an Adept of the College of Witchcraft
adds 10 to the wearer's resistance to which might fetch 10 Silver Pennies on into an Amulet of Jade. Note that only
all spells involving dazzling lights or the money market would fetch three or small Jade stones (usually the less
blindness. four times that from almost any Adept. valuable Nephrite rather than Jadette)
The larger the nugget, the greater the will be purchased for magical
FLINT discrepancy between numismatic and purposes and only in relatively small
Market Value: 1 - 2. magical value. It is said that a gold amounts. Jade is also a popular
Magic Value: 1 - 5. nugget worn about the neck will material for use in the manufacture of
Description: A hard black stone used reduce the rapidity of aging, but such ceremonial weapons. When Black
in conjunction with steel to strike fires. nuggets are primarily used by Adepts Jade is used for this purpose, it forms
Effect: Flint is a powerful ward against of the College of Shaping Magics to a weapon which affects demons, imps,
Incubi and Succubi. There is a 50% manufacture Amulets of the Sun (Gold incubi, and succubi in the same
chance that no Incubus or Succubus is governed by the Sun). Such an manner as a magical weapon.
will willingly approach within 5 feet of a amulet increases the luck of the
piece of flint unless it is covered (e.g., bearer as follows: in all D100 dice rolls JASPER
secured in a bag or draped with cloth). directly affecting the wearer, the dice Market Value: 1 - 1000.
roll number is adjusted by 3 in the Magic Value: 1 - 1000.
GALACTITE wearer's favour. If the wearer is solar- Description: An opaque Qartz tinted
Market Value: None. aspected, the die roll number is green. Cabochon-cut.
Magic Value: 50. adjusted by 8. Effect: Jasper may be fashioned by an
Description: A stone composed of Adept of the College of Shaping
nitrate of lime and appearing chalky in IRON Magics into an Amulet of Jasper which
composition. Market Value: 1 - 5. increases the wearer's ability to
Effect: A prime ingredient in Love Magic Value: 1 - 5. disbelieve illusions by 10. Rare stones
Philtres. Description: Iron ore is found in large flecked with red have the side-effect of
Should be powdered and dissolved in rocks (several pounds or more) of a inflicting the wearer with lycanthropy if
water along with other ingredients. reddish hue. worn when the moon is full. The
Effect: Iron ore is primarily used to lycanthropy passes immediately when
GARNET form objects of Cold Iron. The price of the Jasper is removed from the person
Market Value: 10 - 1300. Iron Ore is governed by its quality (the of the wearer.
Magic Value: 500 - 1300. actual iron contents in the ore) and the
Description: Small stone, usually prices given are for a small wagon JET
milky. Faceted (though Almandite, load. Iron may be fashioned, while in Market Value: 1 - 10,000.
Grossular, and Pyrope are often ore form, into an Amulet of Iron by an Magic Value: 1 - 10,000.
cabochon-cut). There are 6 distinct Adept of the College of Witchcraft. It Description: Jet usually refers to a
types of Garnet. They are listed along may also be smelted and used by an type of Agate, a deep black stone
with their colour and value. Only Adept of the College of Shaping superficially resembles coal (but much
Andarite has magical properties. Magics to make magical vessels harder). Can be polished to a sheen
(weapons and the like). like marble. Cabochon-cut.


Effect: Breathing the vapours of Jet OBSIDIAN upon the quality of the Opal used.
which has been powdered and burned Market Value: 5 - 1000. There is a 2% Chance that anyone
in a censor increases the ability of an Magic Value: 500 - 1000. using an Opal for this purpose will be
individual to disbelieve any illusion by Description: A black, shiny volcanic cursed with Ill Luck as a result. See
10 for eight hours thereafter. In glass. May have gold or white Major Curse for details.
addition, any Demon that breathes snowflake markings or a gold sheen.
such vapours must make an Sometimes used in jewellery in which QUARTZ
immediate roll on the Fright Table. An case it is cabochon-cut, but it will be Market Value: 1 - 2000.
Adept of the College of Witchcraft can used to make stabbing or cutting tools Magic Value: 50 - 2000.
fashion the stone into an Amulet of or weapons. Description: Usually translucent stone,
Jet. This Amulet will contain an Effect: Obsidian is a favourite material geometrically shaped. There are a
inverted cross on one side and a heart for the manufacture of ceremonial and score of types of this material, of
on the other and will be disk-shaped. sacrificial knives. When Obsidian is which only those discussed elsewhere
used for this purpose, it is classed as are discussed herein. The following list
LAPIS LAZULI a magical weapon, doing the same does not include enchantments on
Market Value: 20 - 150. damage as a dagger, but having the stones mentioned elsewhere
Magic Value: 20 - 30. capacity to wound or kill those entities (including stones aged or heated to
Description: A deep blue stone veined normally harmed only by magical give a different texture or hue). Each
with white or gold. May be cabochon- weapons. When used as a weapon stone is followed by a description by
cut, but will usually be found as a form outside of a ceremony, it is not colour and an estimate of Market
of inlay. classed a magical weapon. Only a Value. Almost invariably, Quartzes are
Effect: Lapis Lazuli may be ground designated sacrificial being which has cabochon-cut, though some types may
into a fine powder and burned in a been prepared for sacrifice may be be faceted. Stones which have been
censor. When breathed by an harmed by the knife during a ritual of cabochon-cut or faceted have no
individual, the fumes will have a 20% sacrifice. If an entity which can only be magical value unless they are large
chance of curing melancholia and a harmed by magical (or silvered) enough to be carved.
3% chance of at least partially curing weapons and which has not been
madness. prepared for sacrifice during a ritual Type Colour Value
were to interrupt that ritual, for Aquamarine Blue-green/ 1-20
LEAD example, the Obsidian knife would not Yellow
Market Value: 1 - 5. inflict any damage on that individual. Catseye Quartz Green/ 5-60
Magic Value: 1 - 5. Yellow/Red
Description: A dark dense, soft slate- OLIVINE Cacoxemite Clear/Violet/ 5-60
coloured stone found in small veins or Market Value: 10 - 25. Yellow
rocks. May be made into a soft alloy. Magic Value: 10 - 25. Citrine Red/Yellow 1-2,500
Effect: Lead may be used to form a Description: A yellow-green, opaque Rock Quartz Clear 1-500
shield against Demonic Presidents. It stone, usually cabochon-cut. Rutilated Clear/Gold 10-150
may also be powdered and used as an Effect: Olivine may be powdered and Quartz crisscrossed
ingredient in slow-acting, long-term dissolved in liquid by an Alchemist as Smokey Grey 1-300
poisons (see the Alchemist skill). a (10% effective) cure for impotence. Quartz
However, Lead is quite common and Star Quartz Clear 5-100
has very little real value to either OPAL
Tigereye Yellow-brown 1-100
magicians or merchants. The values Market Value: 5 - 10,000.
Tourmalinate Clear/Smokey/ 10-50
listed are for small wagonloads of the Magic Value: 300 - 12,000.
Quartz Black needles
substance. Description: Small, fairly dense stone
which comes in four types, each Carnelian Red/White 10-300
LODESTONE distinguished by a different colour and bands
Market Value: 5 - 20. internal "fire." Always cabochon-cut Moss Agate Translucent/ 1-1,000
Magic Value: 5 - 10. and highly polished. The four types green filament
Description: A natural Magnitite which include:
attracts iron. Effect: Quartz may be formed by an
Effect: Lodestone is used by Rangers Type Colour Value artisan into a clear polished seeing
and Navigators as an aid to plotting a White White 10-500 crystal for use in fortune telling by
course across the water or through Opal either Adepts or Astrologers. Only
low visibility areas (wilderness and the non-smoky Quartzes may be used for
Fire Opal Yellow/red 10-400
like). It may also be used by any this purpose. In addition, Quartz may
Catseye Yellow/green 5-100
character (not necessarily an Adept) to be shaped into ceremonial or
Black Grey/black 90-9,000
indicate the direction of some desired sacrificial daggers which operate in
goal or item. The individual should the same manner as Obsidian
Effect: All type of Opals, except daggers. Only large Quartzes may be
hold the Lodestone in his mouth for a Catseye, may be set and polished into
moment and then suspend it from a used for this purpose, and those
seeing rings or crystals by a interested in such things will pay three
string so that it can move freely. If competent jeweller or artisan. They
asked the direction of a place or or four times normal Market Value for
may then be used by an Astrologer of an appropriate-sized piece of
object, there is a 20% chance that the Rank 5 or higher to foretell the future
Lodestone will seem to turn and point otherwise relatively valueless Quartz.
with 5 - 25% greater accuracy. The
in the direction of that place or object, Astrologer looks into the "fire" present
or 10% chance that it will seem to do within the Opal and sees there an
so but will, in fact, be pointing in the image in answer to the question asked
wrong direction, and a 70% chance by him. The image will appear with
that nothing will happen. various amounts of clarity depending


Market Value: 50 - 6000. Market Value: 1 - 500.
Magic Value: 50 - 6000. Magic Value: 1 - 500.
Description: A vivid crimson stone, Description: Tourmalines may be one
faceted. of half a dozen colours or may be bi-
Effect: May be fashioned by an Adept coloured or multi-coloured. They are
of the College of Shaping Magics into usually faceted, but may be cabochon-
an Amulet of Protection, which will cut on occasion (especially Rubellites,
always glow more brightly as danger Indicolites, and Tourmalines proper).
draws near. There are five types of Tourmalines
which are listed together with their
SAPPHIRE colour and Market Value.
Market Value: 10 - 15,000.
Magic Value: 500 - 5000. Type Colour Value
Description: A (generally) bluish type Achroite Clear 3 - 20
of Corundum which may be cabochon- Dravite Brown 1 - 50
cut are faceted. There are 7 varieties Indicolite Blue/ 5 - 100
listed: Blue-green
Rubellite Violet/Red/ 5 - 500
Type Colour Value Purple
Black Black 50- Tourmaline Bi-coloured/ 1 - 70
Star 15,000 Proper Multicoloured
Blue Blue/Violet 10-2,000
Sapphire Effect: Tourmalines always shine with
Green Green/ 1-250 a brightness in direct proportion to
Sapphire Yellow-green perturbations in the flow of mana. The
Sapphire Red/Purple 20-300 greater the concentration of mana in
Purple an area, the greater the flow of
Orange Red/Orange 10-500 magical energy around the surface of
Sapphire the Tourmaline and the brighter it will
Star Red/Blue/ 50- shine. In Low Mana areas, the
Purple/green 10,000 Tourmaline becomes dull and lifeless.
Yellow Yellow/Gold/ 10-300 When in the presence of potent spells
Sapphire Orange (and always during the casting of a
spell by the wearer), the Tourmaline
Effect: Sapphires permanently fade to also shines exceedingly bright. For
dead black when immersed in most this reason, it is a great and valuable
poisons. Star Sapphires glow in the indicator of magic, but is not altogether
presence of treachery. Their reliable in that it does not distinguish
brightness increases as such between the presence of powerful
treachery approaches and dims as it magical spells, magical (fantastical)
recedes. beings, and concentrations of unused
mana. The higher the quality of the
TOPAZ Tourmaline (and the more expensive it
Market Value: 1 - 1000. is), the greater the likelihood (from 5%
Magic Value: 1 - 20. to 40%) that an individual will notice
Description: A gemstone composed of (or be able to differentiate and read)
silicate of aluminium. Always faceted. changes in the Tourmaline when not
May be purple, red, orange, bright specifically searching for such
yellow, blue, pale yellow, brown, or changes by scrutinizing the stone.
clear (in descending order of Market
Value). Brown Topaz always fades TURQUOISE
with time, becoming almost eventually. Market Value: 10 - 600.
All Topazes have the same Magic Magic Value: 10 - 600.
Value, which is more or less Description: A light, medium-blue
minuscule in comparison with Market stone spider-webbed with fine black
Value. lines. Cabochon-cut in all cases.
Effect: Topaz may be used in potions Effect: Turquoise may be fashioned
designed to stifle lust, make one into an Amulet of Turquiose by an
generous, or cure insanity (5% Adept of the College of Shaping
chance). When used in potions, the Magics. This Amulet will make the
Topaz is ground into powder and wearer immune to the Evil Eye Spell
dissolved in liquid by the Alchemist. (S-9) of the College of Witchcraft.
Topazes will increase the chance of a
potion being created successfully by


may use the incense, and anyone may AMARANTH

Magical Herbs use the Amulets. Anemone, Angelica, Availability: Uncommon.
Asatoetide, Euporbia, Garlic, Jasmine, Habitat: Fields, Woods.
Magical plants, trees, herbs, roots, Jimson Weed, Laurel, Lotus, Marigold, Potency Loss: Loses 40% of potency
leaves, nuts, fruits, and other magical Mistletoe, Moonwart, Myrrh, Saffron, within one hour of being picked and
plant products play an important role Sandlewood, Sunflower, Sweetflag 10% of remaining potency per week
in DragonQuest magic just as they do thereafter until reduced to 10% of
in all mythologies and magic systems. Poisonous Herbs original potency.
In the following list are the most well Poisons may only be distilled or Description: An herb with small red or
known properties. powdered by an Alchemist. Some white flowers often confused with a
poisons work in their raw state; these (seemingly) legendary plant of the
Many herbs can be used in only one and any distilled or powdered may be same name. The legendary Amaranth
manner, but a few have numerous used by any skilled individual. Anyone is said never to fade and to be the
uses. As a guide to players, the but an Assassin will find them hard to prime ingredient in an amulet which
following index divides the herbs into buy or handle safely and even harder causes the wearer never to age. The
four main groups. When a player to successfully introduce into anyone's plant described herein has no such
wishes to find an herb used for food. All the poisons must be ingested magical powers. Instead, the petals of
healing, for example, he would to cause harm. Listed with each the red variety may, when fresh, be
investigate any of those listed under poison is a "kill %." This is the Base made into a poultice, causing the
the Healing Herbs category. All herb Chance the poison will kill anyone who blood to clot and the bleeding to stop
descriptions should be examined, as ingests it, whether in distilled, within D+2 Pulses. It will heal 1
there are herbs, which fit into no powdered, or solution form. If in Endurance Point per day for D10
particular category, and a use may be solution, and that solution is drunk by days.
found for any. Also detailed in the more than one person, divide the
heading for each category are percentage by the number of people ANEMONE (Wind Flower)
instructions for using the specified ingesting (round down) and the result Availability: Uncommon.
type of herb. is the "kill %" applied to each drinker. Habitat: Woods.
If a person survives a poisoning Potency Loss: Loses 30% of potency
Potionable Herbs attempt, reduce his Fatigue to zero in the first 24 hours after picking and a
The following may all be distilled into until he gets a good night's sleep. continued loss of 10% of potency per
potions, which will have certain quasi- Aconite, Belladonna, Euphoria, week.
magical effects. Only an Herbalist may Hellbore, Hemlock, Henbane, Holly, Description: A tall, leafy stalk with
distill these and, once distilled, they Mandrake, Mistletoe. large rich purple flowers having black
may be used by anyone. All listed centres. Anemone can grow literally
effects are for the quaffing of one dose ACONITE (Wolf's Bane, Leopard's overnight. Steam from the boiling
(one vial). Angelica, Bloodroot, Bane, Monk's Hood) petals may provide anyone who
Cowslip, Cyclamin, Fern, Ginseng, Availability: Uncommon. breathes it with a +10 on any Base
Henbane, Hemlock, Laurel, Marigold, Habitat: Field, Marsh, Woods. Chance involving spells which predict
Saint John’s Wort, Sunflower, Vetch Potency Loss: Dried and powdered, the future. A poultice made of the
Aconite retains potency almost petals has an 80% chance of curing
Healing Herbs indefinitely. Decrease potency by 10% any blindness except that due to a
The following all work to heal damage, within 24 hours of its being picked, but major curse or to loss of eyes.
cure disease, infection, fever, and otherwise there should be no effect.
salve skin. Herbalists will produce Description: A poisonous plant easily ANGELICA
distillations or powders from those. A recognizable by its pale, hood-shaped Availability: Uncommon.
Healer may make use of any powder flower. Aconite is often believed to Habitat: Fields.
produced by Herbalists to aid their have been the first commonly used Potency Loss: Loses 5% of potency
own inherent powers. They expend 2 poison, and it is extremely lethal. within 24 hours of picking and 1% per
Fatigue Points when using a powder, Alchemists may powder it and it may week thereafter.
in order to activate the powers of the be sprinkled in food with a 95% Description: A leafy green herb which
herbs themselves. Rangers use these chance that the eater will die. It takes may be worn about the body when
herbs freshly picked, to make about two hours for the poison to take fresh as a protection against the evil
infusions, poultices, or tinctures and effect and several more hours for a eye. When worn in this fashion,
heal and salve in that manner. The fatality to occur. resistance to the Evil Eye Spell (S-9)
Healer will also make infusions and so of the College of Witchcraft is
forth, but will be using his powders to AGRIMONY increased by 5. An Alchemist may
do so. Agrimony, Amaranth, Availability: Common. distil potions designed to cure colds,
Anemone, Angelica, Basil, Betony, Habitat: Fields, Woods, Rough. infections, and add 10 to the user's
Black Hoarhound, Catgut, Catnip, Potency Loss: Loses 20% of its Magic Resistance for D5 hours.
Bryony, Chervil, Daffodil, Hellbore, potency within one day of being picked Tinctures of this herb brushed on a
Marjoram, Mistletoe, Mugwort, Sage, and 10% per day thereafter down to a wound will decrease the chance of
Saffron, Snakeroot, Satyr Orchid, level of 20% potency which it will infection by 20.
Valerian retain for 4-5 months after picking.
Description: A variety of bright yellow- ASATOETIDA
Magical Herbs flowered plant of the genus Agrimonia. Availability: Uncommon.
These herbs, when dried and then Agrimony will be an effective cure Habitat: Woods.
burned as incense or fashioned and (100% BC) for poisoning as a result of Potency Loss: Never loses any
worn as Amulets, produce a variety of snake bite when the leaves are freshly potency.
magical effects. Their use differs picked. An Alchemist can distil the
greatly from herb to herb. Any Adept anti-venom.


Description: A gum resin-bearing plant BLACK HOARHOUND CATNIP

found in deep woods and sometimes Availability: Uncommon. Availability: Common.
cultivated as a houseplant. The Habitat: Marsh. Habitat: Fields.
unpleasant odour of the resin (which Potency Loss: Never loses any Potency Loss: Loses 1% potency per
may be smeared on the body) is only potency. week.
annoying to most occupants of this Description: An herb which can be Description: An herb of the mint family,
plane, but Demons heartily dislike it brewed into a tea which works in the often domestically grown. Catnip can
and Incubi, Succubi, Devils, and Imps same manner as Betony to aid in the be distilled by an Alchemist into a
will not normally approach within 5 feet recovery of Fatigue. It can also be potion which will promote healing.
of an individual carrying the smell of fashioned by an Adept of the College Distilled by an Alchemist, it will heal 3
the resin. However, Hellhounds are of Shaping Magics into an Amulet of Endurance Points.
maddened by the smell and will Calmness which decreases all of the
immediately attack the wearer of this wearer's rolls on the Fright Table by CHERVIL
resin. 10. Availability: Common.
Habitat: Fields.
BASIL BLOODROOT Potency Loss: Loses 20% of potency
Availability: Common. Availability: Uncommon. within one hour and 1% thereafter until
Habitat: Fields. Habitat: Fields, Woods. distilled.
Potency Loss: Loses 30% of potency Potency Loss: Loses 1% potency per Description: An herb of the parsley
within an hour, 50% within 24 hours, week. family which can be made into an
and 100% of potency within a week. Description: A weed characterized by infusion and used to bathe wounds
Description: A common herb fibrous, liquid-bearing roots, the juice decreasing the chance of infection by
characterized by green waxy brittle from which can be used by an 10 and increasing the chance of the
leaves. Basil can be used to make a Alchemist to distil a potion which will body healing itself if it does become
poultice which will cure any type of act like a control spell on whoever infected by 10. An Alchemist can use it
insect, bee, or wasp bit or sting. The ingests it, causing him to obey the first to distil a healing potion, working in the
herb will cure 1 Endurance Point per sentient being he meets as if that same fashion.
day for D10 days. being were the caster of the spell.
BELLADONNA Deadly Nightshade BRYONY (Snake Grape) Availability: Common.
Availability: Rare. Availability: Uncommon. Habitat: Fields, Woods.
Habitat: Woods, Marsh. Habitat: Fields, Woods. Potency Loss: Loses 5% potency per
Potency Loss: Loses 10% potency Potency Loss: Never loses any week.
within 24 hours of picking. Loses 1% potency. Description: A yellow wildflower which
of potency each week thereafter for all Description: A flowering vine with often grows in pastures. Cowslip is
purposes except the manufacture of grape-like fruit and tendrils which can sometimes used by Alchemists to distil
poison. be distilled by an Alchemist into a Sleeping Potions and has from time to
Description: An herb characterized by potion which will heal broken bones if time been substituted for more potent
black berries and dark crimson leaves. drunk three times a day for seven ingredients in Sleep Dust by Adepts of
An Alchemist may use Belladonna to days. the College of Ensorcelments and
distil flying potions (lasting D10 Enchantments (with a 90% loss in the
minutes). Both Alchemists and Adepts CAPER effectiveness of the dust). The pollen
of the College of Witchcraft may distil Availability: Uncommon. of the flowers is the active ingredient.
a powerful poison from Belladonna Habitat: Fields, Rough.
(100% kill chance). Anyone may feed Potency Loss: Loses 1% potency per CYCLAMEN
the berries to a victim they desire to day. Availability: Uncommon.
poison, though their bitter taste will Description: Capers are the fruit of a Habitat: Woods, Marsh.
probably make the victim unwilling to small shrub which in bud form may be Potency Loss: Loses 40% of potency
eat enough to do serious harm. Death picked and used by an Alchemist to an hour after picking and 1% per hour
is by heart and respiratory failure manufacture a potion which will serve thereafter until distilled. Description: A
within several hours of ingestion. as an antidote to impotence (whether flowering herb which may be distilled
naturally or magically occurring). by an Alchemist into a Sleeping Potion
BETONY (Wood Betony) Capers are also a prime ingredient in or a Love Potion (both lasting D10
Availability: Uncommon. Love Philtres and Potions of Fertility. hours) or by an Adept of the College of
Habitat: Fields, Woods. Witchcraft into a Love Philtre.
Potency Loss: Loses 1% of potency CATGUT (Turkey Pea, Goat's Rue,
per week. Devil's Shoestring) DAFFODIL
Description: An herb of the mint family. Availability: Uncommon. Availability: Common.
Betony may be used by the College of Habitat: Woods, Rough. Habitat: Fields, Woods, Rough.
Shaping Magics in any type of amulet Potency Loss: Loses 10% of potency Potency Loss: Loses 20% of potency
involving an increase in the Physical an hour after picking and 1% per hour after one hour and 5% of potency per
Strength, Endurance, or Fatigue of the thereafter. hour thereafter until distilled.
wearer. Anyone may brew it into a tea Description: An herb whose tough Description: A yellow flower which
when freshly picked which will allow roots may be ground and brewed into may be made into a poultice and
the drinker to recover Fatigue as if he a tea which functions in the same applied to wounds to heal 1
had just eaten a hot meal. manner as Betony as an aid to the Endurance Point per day for D10
recovery of Fatigue. days. Daffodils may also be mashed
and their juices distilled into a Love
Philtre by an Adept of the College of


DAMIANA wearing of Garlic of use in preventing HOLLY

Availability: Uncommon. shipwrecks; but this is only a mere Availability: Uncommon.
Habitat: Woods, Rough. myth. The substance does have a Habitat: Fields, Woods, Marsh.
Potency Loss: Loses 10% potency per slight repellent effect on Greater Potency Loss: Loses 5% potency per
month. Undead other than Vampires, and no day. Immediately loses all remaining
Description: A leafy herb often used in one wearing Garlic can ever be potency if touched by Cold Iron.
teas designed to have a slight affected by the Evil Eye spell (S-9) of Description: A flowering, fruit-bearing
euphoric effect. An Adept of the the College of Witchcraft. Further, the plant held sacred by Druids. The
College of Witchcraft may use it in a resistance of the wearer versus all berries are a bright red, very attractive,
Love Philtre, but the Philtre will last spells of the College of Witchcraft is but bitter. They are also extremely
only a couple of months. increased by 5. poisonous, killing within hours (70%
kill chance). The leaves may be made
EUPHORBIA GINSENG into an Amulet of Luck by an Adept of
Availability: Rare. Availability: Uncommon. the College of Shaping Magics similar
Habitat: Woods. Habitat: Woods. to the Amulet of the same name of the
Potency Loss: Never loses any Potency Loss: Never loses any College of Witchcraft.
potency. potency.
Description: A poisonous plant (35% Description: A variety of plant, the root JASMINE
kill chance) often used by Alchemists of which can be ground and used by Availability: Uncommon.
in distilling synthetic poisons and by an Alchemist in the manufacture of Habitat: Fields.
Adepts of most Colleges for use along Love Potions (lasting D10 days). May Potency Loss: Loses 20% potency an
with various forms of incense and also be brewed into a tea which has hour after being picked and 10% per
precious oils to burn in censers while minor aphrodisiac qualities. week thereafter.
performing ritual magic. Description: A flowering shrub said to
HELLEBORE make a powerful ingredient for use in
FENNEL Availability: Rare. manufacturing Love Philtres. In
Availability: Common. Habitat: Woods, Marsh. actuality, it has no value at all except
Habitat: Fields. Potency Loss: Loses 2% potency per to make such liquids sweet smelling.
Potency Loss: Loses 10% of potency week once picked. However, Jasmine incense has some
per month. Description: A generally poisonous magical value in the performance of
Description: A feathery green plant which comes in two varieties; certain magical rituals, especially
flowering herb whose seeds may be Green and Black. The green variety is those having to do with summoning
used by an Adept of the College of used by Alchemists to distil potions and purifications (+2 to Base Chance).
Shaping Magics to manufacture an designed to cure madness (60%
amulet designed to repel Spectres. chance). The Black variety is used by JIMSON WEED
Used in this manner it will repel all Alchemists to distil a number of Availability: Uncommon.
Spectres who fail to resist its effect (by different types of poison (60% kill Habitat: Rough, Waste.
rolling twice Willpower or less on chance). Potency Loss: Loses 5% of potency
D100). per month.
HEMLOCK Description: A narcotic plant whose
FERN Availability: Rare. seeds and roots are often ingested as
Availability: Uncommon. Habitat: Woods, Marsh. part of mystical ceremonies. An
Habitat: Woods, Marsh, Caverns. Potency Loss: Loses 2% potency per Alchemist may use Jimson Weed to
Potency Loss: Loses 5% of potency week. distil potions that create hallucinations
per day once picked. Description: A variety of evergreen or make the drinker susceptible to
Description: A delicate, feathery plant whose bark is useable by Alchemists control or mental manipulation. It may
usually found in dimly lighted areas to create Flying Potions (lasting D10 also be fashioned by an Adept of the
(wooded glens, cave entrances, etc.). minutes) or a powerful poison (100% College of Shaping Magics into an
The male plant can be dried and kill chance) which causes slow Amulet of protection against spells of
powdered and used by adepts of the paralysis eventually causing the College of Witchcraft and the
College of Witchcraft to make Love cardiovascular failure. College of Ensorcelments and
Philtres. The female plant may be Enchantments (+5 to Magic
distilled by an Alchemist into a Potion HENBANE Resistance).
of Invisibility (for D10 hours). Availability: Rare.
Habitat: Fields. LAUREL
GARLIC Potency Loss: Loses 5% potency per Availability: Uncommon.
Availability: Common. week for most purposes. Habitat: Woods, Rough, Marsh.
Habitat: Fields. Description: A poisonous herb often Potency Loss: Loses 10% potency an
Potency Loss: Never loses any used by Alchemists in distilling hour after picking and 5% per week
potency for most purposes. poisons (50% kill chance) and Love thereafter.
Description: A purple-flowered Potions (lasting D5 days). Ingestion of Description: A small evergreen whose
member of the lily family. The flowers the untreated herb raw or cooked in leaves may be burned as a protection
may be used as a protection against food usually results in extreme against Incubi and Succubi (they will
Vampires, but they are not nearly as hallucinations followed within hours by not willingly enter a room in which the
effective as the plant's root which death. substance is being burned). The
forms bud- like rhizomes that may be leaves may also be distilled by an
eaten or strung into garlands that offer Alchemist to create a potion which
the best protection against the increases the drinker's ability to
attentions of such beings. See 74.2 for disbelieve illusions (+25 to success
details. Sailors consider the eating or percentage).


LOTUS MARIJUANA Description: A fern known for its

Availability: GM's discretion. Availability: Uncommon. crescent-shaped leaves. It is often
Habitat: Woods, Marsh. Habitat: Fields. used by Adepts of the College of
Potency Loss: Never loses any Potency Loss: Loses 3% of potency Witchcraft as an ingredient in Love
potency. per month. Philtres. Its greatest value, however, is
Description: A type of five-petalled Description: A flowering plant readily as a material for use in fashioning lock
flower which appears in several identifiable by the distinctive shape picks. The chances of anyone picking
distinct varieties. The White Lotus may and arrangement of its leaves. May be a lock are increased by 15 if the picks
be used in the production of Love used by anyone as a mild painkiller they are using are made of dried
Philtres by Adepts of the College of (with euphoric side effects) and is Moonwort stems. Moonwort should,
Witchcraft. The Yellow Lotus is often ingested (via smoking) for this however, be kept out of close
sometimes dried and used by Adepts purpose. An Alchemist can distil the proximity with Cold iron on which it
of the College of Shaping Magics in raw plant into a compact mash which exercises an extremely rapid oxidizing
the manufacture of Amulets of Luck is sometimes used in religious effect (loses 1% of the metal's strength
similar to the Amulet of the same ceremonies. In this form, the drug is for each hour that it is in contact with
name of the College of Witchcraft. The extremely powerful and causes Moonwort).
Pink Lotus is the most common type, hallucinations, disorientation, and a
but has no magical properties. The reduction in resistance to all magic (- MULLEIN
Purple Lotus is Rare and is often used 5), and especially to magic of the Availability: Rare.
in potions which increase the College of Sorceries of the Mind (-10 Habitat: Fields, Woods.
resistance of the drinker versus magic to Magic Resistance). Potency Loss: Never loses any
of the College of Sorceries of the Mind potency.
(+5 to Magic Resistance). The Black MARJORAM Description: A course-leafed weed.
Lotus is Very Rare and is the most Availability: Uncommon. The leaves may be used and
powerful of the five. The pollen from Habitat: Fields, Woods. fashioned by an Adept of the College
this flower is the active ingredient in Potency Loss: Loses 10% of potency of Shaping Magics into an Amulet
both Sleep Dust and (in larger per hour. designed to protect the wearer from
quantities) Poison Dust, the Description: An herb often used to enchanted monsters, who will not
manufacture of both substances being brew teas having calmative and approach the wearer closer than 20
part of the General Knowledge of the restorative powers. Drinking a cup of feet.
College of Ensorcelments and this tea will decrease subsequent die
Enchantments (and such a closely- rolls on the Fright Table (44.8) by 5 MYRRH
guarded secret that none except an and will allow the drinker to recover Availability: Rare.
Adept of this College has ever been Fatigue exactly as if he had just eaten Habitat: Fields.
able to duplicate either). The Black a hot meal. Potency Loss: Never loses any
Lotus is also a powerful ingredient in potency.
Alchemists' Aphrodisiacs, Love MISTLETOE Description: A resinous plant often
Potions, and Potions used to cause Availability: Uncommon. tapped for the sweet-smelling gum
hallucinations or gain control over the Habitat: Woods, Forests. which is one of the most important
drinker. Potency Loss: Loses 5% of potency ingredients in perfumes and in the
per hour. incense used in magical rituals
MANDRAKE Description: A parasitic shrub like (especially those having to do with
Availability: Rare. plant whose white berries are often summoning beings from other
Habitat: Rough, Waste. used by Adepts of the College of dimensions +2 to Base Chance).
Potency Loss: Never loses any Witchcraft in the creation of Love
potency. Philtres. Untreated, the berries are OPIUM POPPY
Description: A narcotic herb whose slightly poisonous (5% kill chance). Availability: Uncommon.
root forms the shape of a human The entire plant except the berries Habitat: Fields.
figure. The berries can be used as may be made into an infusion which is Potency Loss: Loses 2% of potency
either an aphrodisiac, a narcotic, or a used to wash fresh wounds, causing per month.
poison (30% kill chance), depending the subject to regain 2 points the Description: A type of poppy
on the dosage. the same applies to Fatigue and increasing the chances of characterized by bright red flowers.
the root. In addition, the root is often the body recovering from any non- The buds yield a gum used by
used by Adepts of the College of magical infection by 15. As a side- Alchemists in the manufacture of
Witchcraft in Love Philtres (lasting D10 effect of this healing phenomenon, the opium, a powerful narcotic ingested by
days) and Fertility Potions. subject will for the next several weeks smoking or by drinking while in
undergo an increase of several suspension of tea. Healers use the
MARIGOLD hundred percent in fertility or potency. drug to kill pain. It can, however, kill if
Availability: Common. A sprig of mistletoe used to make a ingested in large quantities. Frequent
Habitat: Fields. set of lock picks will increase by 10 the use leads to addiction and progressive
Potency Loss: Loses 5% of potency chance of anyone picking a lock with mental and physical deterioration.
per month. those picks. Ingestion of the herb produces mild
Description: A yellow-flowered plant and reoccurring hallucinations which
whose seeds are often powdered and MOONWORT develop into horrible fantasies in
made into incense for use in magic Availability: Rare. habitual users.
rituals. They may also be used by an Habitat: Woods.
Alchemist to distil Potions designed to Potency Loss: Loses 5% of potency
cause the drinker to speak only the per day.
truth and answer all questions asked.



Availability: Uncommon. Availability: Very Rare. Availability: Uncommon.
Habitat: Fields, Woods. Habitat: Woods, Forests. Habitat: Fields.
Potency Loss: Loses 5% of potency Potency Loss: Loses 50% of potency Potency Loss: Loses 5% of potency
per hour. after an hour and 10% per hour per week.
Description: A yellow-flowered herb thereafter. Description: Actually the plant, itself is
which may be brewed into a tea which Description: A green-flowered Orchid of no value. However, water which
allows the drinker to recover Fatigue which may be eaten as an aphrodisiac collect at the base of this tall, burred,
exactly as if he had just eaten a hot or stimulant. One flower will allow the red plant is an ingredient in Toad
meal. Has the side effect of making eater to recover 4 Fatigue Sweat Potions designed to remove
the drinker impotent for the ensuing 24 immediately. Any number of flowers blemishes (see 46.3). Alchemists also
hours. may be eaten, but there is a 10% sometimes use the water in beauty
chance (+20% for each flower above potions.
SAFFRON one) that eating the flower(s) will
Availability: Uncommon. Habitat: cause the eater to gradually (in D10 THYME
Fields, Woods. weeks + one day per Endurance Point Availability: Uncommon.
Potency Loss: Loses 1% of potency currently possessed by the victim) turn Habitat: Fields.
per week. into a Satyr. Treat this latter effect as a Potency Loss: Loses 5% of potency
Description: A variety of Crocus whose major curse. per week.
stamens may be powdered and used Description: An herb of the mint family
by Alchemists to distil Potions SNAKEROOT which may be brewed into a tea that
designed to cure blindness (75% Availability: Uncommon. will decrease the drinker's subsequent
chance) or disease (70% chance). Habitat: Woods, Rough. rolls of the Fright table within the next
Saffron stamens may also be used in Potency Loss: Loses 50% of potency 6 hours by 3.
the manufacture of incense for use in one hour after picking and 10%
magic rituals. potency per day thereafter. VALERIAN
Description: An herb whose root can Availability: Uncommon.
SAGE be chewed and spat into a snakebite Habitat: Woods.
Availability: Uncommon. neutralizing the poison of the snake Potency Loss: Loses 20% of potency
Habitat: Fields. within D-5 minutes. Alchemists distil it after one hour and 10% potency per
Potency Loss: Loses 2% of potency into a variety of Antidotes and Potions day thereafter.
per week. for healing diseases. Description: A flowering herb used by
Description: A leafy herb whose juices Alchemists to distil Sleeping Potions
are sometimes used by Alchemists in SUNFLOWER (Heliotrope) (lasting D5 hours). May be brewed into
the manufacture of Potions designed Availability: Common. Habitat: Fields. a tea which will allow the drinker to
to cure disease. The plant may also be Potency Loss: Never loses any recover 2 Fatigue exactly as if he had
brewed into a calmative tea which will potency. just eaten a hot meal. An Alchemist's
reduce die rolls on the Fright Table Description: A tall, bright-yellow flower distillation will heal 4 Endurance
(44.8) that day be 3. (often growing to above man height). Points immediately and also cure
Incubi, Succubi, Devils, Imps, and diseases. The tea has the side effect
SAINT JOHN'S WORT (Hypericum) Hellhounds will not enter a stand of of making the drinker extremely
Availability: Uncommon. Sunflowers, though individual flowers attractive to members of the opposite
Habitat: Woods, Marsh. have no effect on them. The seeds effect for a period of two hours after
Potency Loss: Never loses any may be eaten for food, but in large drinking.
potency. quantities they produce hallucinations
Description: An orange-flowered plant and visions of the future, some of VETCH
which may be distilled in an which (about 5%) will be accurate and Availability: Uncommon.
Alchemists Potion designed to valuable to the seer providing he can Habitat: Fields, Rough.
increase the resistance of the drinker decipher them. The juice from the Potency Loss: Loses 10% of potency
to magic of the College of Witchcraft seeds is sometimes used by per month.
and the College of Necromantic Alchemists to distil Potions which have Description: A purple-flowered clover
Conjurations (+10 for D10 hours). as their object the controlling of the often found in hilly or even
drinker, as Bloodroot. mountainous regions. Used by
SANDALWOOD Alchemists to distil Potions designed
Availability: Rare. SWEET FLAG to increase the Physical Strength or
Habitat: Woods, Forests. Availability: Uncommon. Habitat: Endurance of the drinker by 1 per
Potency Loss: Never loses any Fields. Rank for D10 minutes.
potency. Potency Loss: Loses 30% of potency
Description: A tree whose bark is per day.
valuable as an ingredient in most Description: A tall, bright flower which
incense used in magic rituals. is unpleasant to Wights, Wraiths, and
Night-Gaunts. Each of these types of
Undead must roll their Willpower or
less in order to approach a character
draped in Sweet Flag or cross a
threshold draped in Sweet Flag.


Creating a consistent flavour of society and No town has a self-sustaining population. Without
development across multiple GMs is difficult. This constant immigration from the countryside, towns
document is a baseline for towns and cities in the would wither and die. In famine, plague or war, there
baronies, which GMs can use as a point to deviate is insufficient spare food to sell in town markets, so
from or contrast with as they choose. towns empty as people return to the land. Conversely,
in times of plenty, less people are required to grow
Population Density
crops, and more opportunities exist in the big smoke.
In a stable, well-established and civilised region, Town populations thus fluctuate wildly, while villages
population density is primarily dependant on the change slowly.
terrain type, and to a lesser extent, the technology
and magic levels. The population levels in the
following table should be modified downwards for Age Distribution
areas recently at war or being settled. They should In the country, life expectancy is around 50. In town, if
also be modified by up to 20% up or down for unusual you get past 10, its about the same. The population is
levels of magic or technology. A society that is younger, and ages more quickly than a modern
primarily non-human will have distinctly different society. Child mortality is over 20%, mostly in the first
population levels. couple of years of life. On the other hand, nearly 40%
of people survive until 60, barring famines or plague.
The maximum sustainable population given up-to-
Less than 4%, usually the better off, survive past 80.
date agricultural techniques is around 200 people per
square mile. A country as a whole will rarely exceed The age distribution will be similar to the table below.
80 ppm, although fertile river valleys will be more
Age Group %age
densely populated. However, even the most densely
populated areas will usually have no more than half 0-4 10%
the land in cultivation. Within a region, the population 5-14 18%
will not be evenly distributed. Settlements will be 15-34 31%
more common near the coast and rivers, along major 35-54 25%
roads, and at cross roads and where rivers meet. 55-74 15%
75+ 1%
Dominant Terrain Popn / sqm
Fields / Rural 120 Children under 5 may be kept swaddled in the home,
Rolling Hills 90 be underfoot in a smithy, or anything in between.
Light Woods 70 Children under 15 may be employed, but usually are
Hills 60 working by their family or apprenticed out, and aren’t
Plains 60 expected to produce as much as an adult. By 45
Wooded Hills 40 many are effectively elderly and infirm; if lucky they
Wetlands / Marsh 30 are looked after by relatives.
Mountains 25
Barren / Broken 20
Urban Vs. Rural Religious employment is one of the most common
occupations outside agriculture. However, not all
Cities are inherently unhealthy and violent places. No clergy are equal. Only one in ten will be an ordained
city will sustain its population without immigration. priest. Maybe one in twenty of those is actually an
City dwellers will be several inches shorter than their Agent. Of the rest, most are lay brethren serving the
rural cousins, and will be weaker and less healthy. various churches and cults. In a village there will not
Disease and starvation is prevalent in the lower parts be an ordained priest, and in a town, there are far too
of any city. Up to a third of deaths in a city are from many activities for a priest to manage without vergers,
violence or accident. On the other hand, the curates, rectors, parsons, choir masters, grave
excitement of city life provides a lot more intensity diggers, candle bearers and acolytes.
and experience, enabling townsfolk to learn more and
work less. The country lifestyle is based on a constant In the baronies, the most common religion is the
routine, of hard work, which puts food on the table worship of the Powers of Light. However, there are
(more) reliably, but provides little excitement or also many worshippers of local or forgotten gods, or
opportunity for learning. of the Dark Powers, small cults of foreign gods, and
druids worshiping nature. All these people need
Typical city-dwellers will have 2-3 less PS and EN, 5 clergy. Those worshipping non-approved religions will
more PC and two to three times the EP spread over a not be obvious, and may not be specially garbed.
wider range of skills compared to country-folk. However, they still work hard for their congregations.


Settlement Types
A village is a bustling, thriving collection of 20-50
Around 5-10% of the population will be isolated, living households (150-500 people), full of activity and
in the wilderness, in a lone farm house, or otherwise gossip. A few specialist craftsmen and artisans will
not in a community. Up to 10% more will be living in exist, most likely including a blacksmith, priest, and a
towns and cities. The other 85% will be living in tavern. A leader such as a reeve or village elder will
villages and hamlets, usually of between 50 and 500 have some official tie to the nearby manor. There may
people. Using these figures, you will be unlikely to well be gentry in the village, such as a squire or other
generate huge cities – you will find the available influential person. Many villages will have a focus on
urban population simply isn’t available. a specific industry – they may be a mining, lumber,
A town is any settlement much over 500 people which wool or fishing village, or a trading post in the
can’t support itself purely through its agrarian base, wilderness. However most will be primarily
and that hosts a market to provide produce for its subsistence agriculture. In fertile areas, villages that
inhabitants. A city is any settlement over around are not overly-taxed can reach very comfortable
5,000 people that requires further infrastructure and standards of living, with abundant fresh produce, a
smaller satellite towns for its support. At around range of local crafts, an active community life, and
30,000 people, a city is shaping the economic enough people so you don’t have to marry your
direction of large country, and is almost completely cousin.
dependant on politics and international trade for its Town
survival. These mega-cities are very rare.
A town will contain some hundreds of households
Isolated Populace (1,000 to 5,000 people), and be big enough so that
Families or people living alone include woodcutters, not everyone knows each other. A town will be the
charcoal burners, rangers, hunters, trappers, focus of a number of villages, and act as a regular
shepherds, farmers in alpine valleys, bandits, hermits, market and trade conduit for them. The town will be
druids, as well as people who live outside of a village placed at a key point; either at a cross roads, on a
for peace and quiet. They will make up the fixed river, or near a defendable feature. Towns are often
population of wilderness or non-rural areas. walled. If on a bridgeable or fordable river, they often
have 20-40% of buildings on the far side of the river.
Transient Populace A town will usually have a town square, but the civic
Most people travel very little, and are tied to their buildings (town hall, churches, guard house, granary,
land. Those travelling more than a few miles include etc) may be scattered around the town. Towns either
mendicants and tinkers, priests, entertainers, traders, arise from commerce, in which case they will be run
merchant caravans, factors, younger children of by a council of wealthy gentry and merchants, or from
nobles, servants, and messengers. Occasionally a military need, where they will have a keep or castle,
refugees, skilled tradesmen, soldiers, scholars, and will be run by the military leader. The sorts of
mages, knights, and others may be seen on the businesses in a town are addressed in a table below.
Household A city will contain 500 to 5,000 households, or 5,000
A household can vary from 1 to 20 people, but will to 30,000 people. Cities are rare, and will be
average 6-10 in the baronies. In larger towns the transportation hubs near waterways. The rapid and
household will be smaller, and in hamlets, larger. easy supply of food from the surrounding countryside
Lands further east tend to larger households. A is one of the keys to a city’s survival. However, a city
household is an economic unit, with all goods and must also have a larger reason for existence, as a
money going through the hands of the head of the hub for politics, trade, and crafts. Each city will have a
household. Larger households may be an extended distinct flavour and focus. A city is not just a collection
family, including any of grandparents, children, of people and buildings, it has an attitude and an
grandchildren, apprentices, aunts, and servants. approach to the world. MMHS, Sanctuary and
Smaller households may be a couple without children Seagate are examples of cities with a focus. The
or a widow. range of businesses in a town are addressed in a
table below.
A hamlet is a sleepy cluster of up to a dozen Mega Cities
households, or around 100 people. Every household Cities over 30,000 people are rare enough that they
in a hamlet will make their living from farming, are all exceptions. While some Eastern countries
although individual members of some of the have very large cities, there are not many in the
households support the others with crafts such as baronies. Currently, they include MMHS, and the
weaving or smithing. There will be virtually no capitals of Aquila and Eltrandor. In another
specialist artisans. There is likely to be a lay priest, generation, Seagate may aspire to this status, due to
healer, herbalist or other mundane collector of its constant influx of population, inter-planar trade,
wisdom and healing. and continual generation of wealth.


Districts may include:

Town Design • Wealthy
Density • Mercantile
A medieval town has around 100-200 people to the • Artisan
hectare. Walled towns will usually be denser than • Foreign Quarter
unwalled, and old towns denser than new towns. This • Docks
will include open spaces and public buildings in the • Slums
town. Renaissance towns are often denser, at 200- • Markets
300 people per hectare. Cities are usually a little • Red Light
denser than towns. Towns also regularly grow and • Entertainment
shrink in population, depending on economic and • Animal Markets
political trends. • Any specialist districts
The above figures mean a city a mile across will hold Key Buildings
around 50-70,000 people. The following table gives a Key buildings should be included on any map of a
typical range of sizes for different city populations and town. These include a keep or castle, town square(s),
densities. The first number for each density is the main churches, markets, town or guild halls, town
radius in yards of a round city. The second is the gates, any landmark buildings, bridges, and large
number of hectares (100 yard squares) your city will open areas inside the town.
contain. Movement in Cities
Popn. Spacious Average Crowded While a medieval city or town may be quite small,
1,000 320 8 250 5 220 4 movement through the streets is remarkably slow.
3,000 530 22 420 14 360 10 The streets will be crowded, not just with people, but
5,000 670 35 540 23 470 17 with livestock, stalls, carts, goods and rubbish. Do not
10,000 920 67 750 44 650 33 expect to travel 100 yards in under five minutes, nor
20,000 1,270 127 1,050 86 910 65 to have a line of sight of more than 20 yards.
30,000 1,540 185 1,270 127 1,110 96 Magic
The level and availability of magic in a town varies
Districts wildly from region to region. Seagate is an extreme,
A city will have many faces, and even a small town is where 2-3% of the population are Guild mages, and
not homogeneous. People will live amongst others in there are a number of other commercial mages.
their social strata. Some cities insist all business of a
Broadly speaking, there are three types of mages.
certain type (e.g. moneylenders, temples, whores,
jewellers) are on a single street, for ease of taxation; The amateur mage has a small number of spells that
often similar businesses will cluster together anyway. they can or will cast. They have only partial mastery
This creates a distinct favour to that street or area. I of a college. This includes hedge witches, priests,
always decide what different “quarters” my city has. aristocratic dilettantes, and people who have picked
up odd spells relating to their profession. Some of
When I create a city schema or map, I first place any
their “spells” may be hocus-pocus. Most of these will
geographic features, such as harbours, rivers or hills.
not admit to spell casting.
Then place a keep or castle, if any. The water edge
often has docks, fishing boats, and odorous activities The generalist mage is a professional making their
such as tanning and rendering. Richer areas often are living from casting whatever spell is required. They
high on a high or near the keep, although sometimes will usually be Earth, E&E, or Witch, or Water on the
this is merely the oldest part of town, and not the coast. They will have a large number of spells at low
best. to competent ranks. Their services will often be
available to the general community like other
Within a district, there will always be exceptions. A
large town-house in a wealthy area may be run as a
tenement, and an up-and-coming merchant may stay The specialist mage is in the employ of a noble or
near the tanneries to look after her sick father. Priests merchant prince. They have specialised in a limited
and officials will be found everywhere. However, the range of magics, which they cast often and have at
district should have its own activities, sounds and high ranks. Colleges include Water or Air for ships,
smells, and its own distinctive vibe. Even a recent Celestials or Earth for elite forces, and Celestial, Air
visitor should be able to stand blindfolded in a street or Rune for travel. These people will not be
and pick the quarter they are in from the buzz of the accessible except via their employer, and will be part
lives around them. of a support unit for their employer’s operations.


Law Occupation 1 per N N/10000

Towns and cities will have law enforcement. As a rule Weavers 600 17
of thumb, there will be one town guard per 150 Scabbard-makers 650 15
people. On the frontiers, or in tyrannical towns, this Pastry cooks 700 14
ratio may be much higher. In a peaceful, prosperous Chandlers 700 14
town it may be lower. Town guards are usually not Saddlers 700 14
trained killers, although they have weapon training – Wine-Sellers 750 13
they are not the army. If an army is enforcing law in a Hat-makers 800 13
town, it is under martial law, and the following Coopers 850 12
paragraph may be dispensed with, along with justice. Water-carriers 1,000 10
Their behaviour and skills will depend largely on the Chicken Butchers 1,000 10
quarter they patrol and the level of corruption in the Blacksmiths 1,000 10
town. Their job is to keep the peace in the area that Purse-makers 1,100 9
they live. This means that they will know most locals Spice Merchants 1,100 9
and the street layout well. They will know who is a liar Inns 1,100 9
and who is honest; who to lean on, and where to find Priests/Priestesses 1,200 8
informants; when to drag someone out and thrash Butchers 1,200 8
them, when to lock them up overnight, and when to Fishmongers 1,200 8
dump them on their mother’s doorstep for a good Astrologers 1,200 8
telling-off. They will know the local criminals and Beer-sellers 1,400 7
ne’er-do-wells. They will have very little experience in Buckle-makers 1,400 7
foreign magical killers, and if neither treating them like Plasterers 1,400 7
normal citizens, nor bluff and bluster works, will Noble Families 1,500 7
usually only approach in overwhelming numbers. Painters 1,500 7
Artisans Locksmiths 1,500 7
The following list represents the make-up of a typical Doctors / Herbalists or
Healers Rank 5+ 1,700 6
mid-baronies town or city. Each town has a different
economy, and will have a slightly different make-up. Roofers 1,800 6
Coastal cities will have more fishmongers than inland, Bathers 1,900 5
and wool towns will have more weavers than grain Rope-makers 2,000 5
towns. However, this list is a place to deviate from. Tanners 2,000 5
Copyists 2,000 5
To use this table, divide the population of the city by Sculptors 2,000 5
the first column. This gives the number of artisans Generalist Adepts 2,000 5
plying that craft in the city. The second column gives Rug-makers 2,000 5
the number of artisans in a city of 10,000. Harness-Makers 2,000 5
Approximately one in ten of the populace will be
Bleachers 2,100 5
Hay Merchants 2,300 4
Occupation 1 per N N/10000 Cutlers 2,300 4
Clergy 120 83 Wood-sellers 2,400 4
Shoemakers 150 67 Glove-makers 2,400 4
Law Enforcement 150 67 Woodcarvers 2,400 4
Genteel Families 200 50 Weapon smiths 2,500 4
Maidservants 200 50 Alchemists 2,500 4
Tailors 200 50 Magic-Shops 2,800 4
Taverns / Restaurants 200 50 Bookbinders 3,000 3
Fishmongers 250 40 Illuminators 3,900 3
Amateur Mages 300 33 Assassins 4,500 2
Barbers 350 29 Booksellers 6,300 2
Medic/Herbalist / Surgeons / Healers
Healers Rank 3+ 350 29 Rank 7+ 8,000 1
Jewellers 350 29
In addition to these artisans there will be their
Old-Clothes 400 25
apprentices and journeymen. Not in this list are
Thieves 400 25 market gardeners and subsistence farmers, and
Advocates 450 22 service industries including entertainers, pawnshops,
Beast Masters 500 20 moneychangers, gamblers, whores, thugs, cowhands,
Masons 500 20 ostlers, food sellers, market stall holders, shysters,
Mercers 500 20 merchants, beggars, and visitors.
Carpenters 550 18
Bakers 600 17 Children, the frail elderly, and housewives make up
the remainder of the population.


Real Estate
Everyone has to live somewhere, and DQ characters Fee Simple and Fee Taile
are no exception. Given free reign, PCs may adopt Land that is held in fee-simple may be "owned" and/or
nomadic lifestyles, staying in inns and carrying their inherited by anyone, without regard to class. The
possessions on their backs. This is a rootless, sovereign retains fundamental rights, but fee-simple
expensive lifestyle, which real people adopt only in property can be bought and sold, more or less freely.
dire necessity. If only to give their PCs one more This is as close as anyone other than the monarch
headache, GMs should encourage then to establish can come to outright ownership.
households, somewhere to put up their feet after a
long bout of adventuring, a place to hang their helms Land that is held fee-taile can only be owned by
and call their own. persons of a specified class. Many landholders, from
great nobles to lowly peasants, hold their land in fee-
taile with the restriction that only an heir of the same
Choosing a Place to Live family who takes the appropriate oath(s) of homage
Characters do tend to travel, so they may have and fealty to the liege can inherit. Institutional land is
difficulty deciding what region to live in, let alone in usually fee-taile with the provision that it be held by
which town or district. Keeping in mind the need for the institution (e.g. a church) in perpetuity. Of course,
most guild members to attend the Guild meeting all grants can be negotiated and modified by mutual
every three months, close proximity to Seagate may consent of liege and holder.
be their only real option. For most guild characters, Some families claim to hold their land in fee-simple
birthplace is also a dominant consideration. but only mean that they can choose their own heirs
Characters with families might want to locate close without interference, provided they honour the
enough to stay in touch, or, depending on their succession laws/customs. Even then, the liege may
relationship with the families, as far away as possible. retain the right to bar an heir from inheritance, and
Another consideration is work, other than nearly always requires oaths of fealty or homage from
Adventuring. Everyone has to eat, and even PCs may the chosen heir.
have to resort to some kind of honest labour to get by Fee simple land remains within the governmental
from time to time. Many PCs start play with only lowly jurisdiction of the fief where it is located.
ranked skills, and a desire to improve or better one’s
self. Adventuring helps dictate a somewhat nomadic
lifestyle, and a rather variable standard of living, but Markets, Towns, and Charters
those with regular jobs (other then adventuring)
The marketplace is the heart of any successful town.
should not plan too long a commute. Even those who
In most jurisdictions, the right to hold a fair or market
prefer working only when absolutely necessary must
can be granted only by the crown. A town's charter
still consider local job markets before setting up
spells out its rights and privileges and invariably
includes the following features:
1. A crenulations licence to permit the building
Owning and Holding Land
of town walls.
Despite its relative abundance, land is the ultimate
2. Transformation of town jurisdiction of fee
measure of wealth. In feudal society, all land belongs
simple (instead of fee taile). While this has been the
to the monarch. Lesser lords do not own their land,
custom in most Northern Barony towns, there are
they hold it. This right of holding can be inherited,
feudal towns elsewhere with some or all fee taile land.
delegated, sometimes even bought and sold (usually
with restrictions) but the land remains the property of 3. Provision for government, taxation and
the crown which retains mineral, taxation, defence. These attributes determine whether the town
expropriation, and other rights. is a Freetown or feudal town.
Freetown charters are usually granted to associations
Restrictions On Land Transfer of guildsmen in exchange for substantial fees.
Freetowns are self-governing. Their charters remove
Feudal land is held in exchange for service/rent and
them from the feudal structure; they owe fealty
as long as the obligations attached to the land are
directly to the king (or the grantor of their charter).
honoured, the grantor may not care to whom the land
Such arrangements are unpopular with feudal lords,
passes. Nevertheless, feudal land grants forbid
especially if their land is expropriated for the purpose.
holders from alienating land without permission from
A town with a feudal charter remains within the
their lieges. Feudal estates are held in trust. The lord
jurisdiction of the lord on whose land it stands, who
governs and subinfeudates, exercises various
makes their own provision for taxation, defence and
delegated rights and virtually unlimited de facto
civic government.
power, but is always beholden to their liege.


Patterns of landownership in fee-simple towns vary a Leasing

great deal. In feudal-fee-simple towns, the charter
Leasing is simple renting with tenure. A lease is a
lord owns the property, and can rent/lease it for
contract. Its terms describe the duration of the
revenue, but there are usually other major land
leasehold, the rent, and any other obligations. Some
holders. These include churches, the Crown (which
lease contracts make the tenant responsible for
usually receives land in part payment for the original
maintenance and/or taxes (generally at less rent).
charter) various merchants, and the bestower of a
Seven, fourteen, twenty-one and ninety-nine years
Freetown also generally retains title to significant
are common leasehold terms. A lease may or may
parcels of land.
not be transferable; if it is, the landlord's permission is
usually required. Transferable leases have market
value, which declines as expiration draws nearer; the
decline is less if there is an option for renewal in the
Leaseholders usually have options to sub-let or rent
out the property although this does not diminish their
responsibilities. Some urban real estate is sub-let
several times over. Most rural "freeholders" are, in
effect, leaseholders with perpetual, heritable tenure.

Urban Property
Most urban land is held in fee simple by wealthy
gentlefolk or guildsmen. If the towns not a fee-town,
its lord usually keeps much of the land himself.
Buy, Rent or Lease Usurers have a tendency to accumulate urban
property in fee simple or leasehold. They appreciate
Choosing a household location also depends on the security of local real estate, and are able to obtain
whether characters intend to buy, rent or lease. If the property by foreclosure on mortgages and by
character wants to buy they will probably have to live investing profits.
in a town because that is where nearly all free
property is owned by wealthy gentlefolk or guildsmen
who lease or rent it out for revenue. The Litigants Guild
Fee simple land is almost unheard of in the In large settlements there are often litigants who
countryside where most land is held in exchange for specialize in realty, offering a range of services to
agricultural labour, military service, or rent. Rural land buyers and vendors. Litigants act as agents for
cannot be alienated without the consent of the person property sellers, earning commissions ranging from
from whom it is held (liege). In practice however, 5% to 15% when a sale is completed. They can also
peasants (even the unfree) often trade land, with the aid clients with leasehold and mortgage contracts,
tacit consent of their lords. transfer of title deeds etc. Litigant fees for such
service vary by location and expertise, but are
typically 12-36SP per day. Most real estate
Renting transactions can be completed in a single day.
Renting demands minimal capital, but tenants are at
the mercy of landlords and can evicted without notice The Masons Guild
(although a few days notice is usually given) if they
miss a payment or if the landlord simply wants them The Masons Guild is a dominant player in the urban
out. Laws protecting tenants are few and far between. real estate market. In response to guild pressure and
Many landlords shamelessly exploit the poor. Rents public demand for minimal safety standards, most
range from 1 to 3 percent of real property value (as civic authorities require that all buildings within their
opposed to assessed value) per month (12-36% per jurisdictions be constructed, repaired, and maintained
year). Landlords can seize chattels for non-payments by masons who usually sub-contract all or part of the
of rent. work to woodcrafters or other guildsmen. Some towns
permit only stone buildings. Those who circumvent
the Mason's monopoly, even if they manage to
convince (bribe) a civic official to grant an exception,
will find it almost impossible to get supplies from
guildsmen to build or repair a home. Persistent or
flagrant offenders of guild privilege can expect special


Mortgages Lot Values

A mortgage is any loan secured by real property. The size and shape of a lot can be designed by the
Most usurers require the would be borrower to own GM or read off the local map. Lots tend to be
the real property before it can be used as security for rectangular. Values is based on square footage and
a loan. The idea of mortgaging a house one does not neighbourhood, tending to be highest within walled
yet own has not caught on. In most cases, characters towns. Suburban land values outside town walls, but
will have to acquire the full purchase price of a still within civic jurisdiction, are 30-70% lower.
property before buying it. Once a character owns real
A lot’s basic value per square foot, according to its
property there is no reason why they should not
neighbourhood, can be read off the Real Estate Value
mortgage it to raise the money to buy additional
Table. Inflation is not a major factor in long-term
property values, but prices do fluctuate in the short
Most usurers deem real estate good collateral so and medium term, and show gradual gains over
mortgage interest is usually lower than it would be for decades and centuries. GMs should take political,
unsecured loans: 1-1.5% (12-18% per annum) geographical, agricultural, and other factors into
compounded monthly. account when haggling over home prices. For
reasonable fees (e.g. 13SP) litigants will proffer
Persons of good repute, those well-known to and
advice on the market situation.
trusted by the lender might obtain rates as low as half
a percent per month (6% per annum). Repayment of While vacant lots within the walls of most towns are
the mortgage is in monthly, quarterly, or annual hard to find, PCs may be able to acquire an empty lot
payments, but interest on the declining balance must to build a house of their own design. If there has
be paid each month or quarterly. In most civilized recently been a fire or war, or the town is fairly new or
jurisdictions, the mortgager has the right to seize the has recently extended its walls (a natural part of
property (including all goods therein) if one interest growth) there may be one or more empty lots here
payment is missed. One day's grace is required by and there.
law in most settlements. Obtaining a refund for
previous principal payments or negotiating the return
Demolition & Renovation
of seized household effects can prove difficult.
Most folk do not move house very often, so
cityscapes evolve slowly. Many of the buildings are
Title Deeds
centuries old. Characters may have to demolish or
While it is not mandatory, characters who are buying renovate an existing house if they hope for decent
will probably want a deed, provided by the vendor or living space.
their designated agent. It is a good idea to have the
The cost of demolition for any building is generally
deed transfer witnessed and sealed by an alderman
about half the cost of constructing a slum of the same
or registrar, depending on local government
square footage. Renovation, either to improve a
organization. These officials charge the buyer a fee
building's quality or to add space is rarely cheaper
for this service, ranging from 3 SP to 18 SP (perhaps
then building. Laws in many settlements require that
more for fast service).
masons do all demolitions.

Finding a House
Lot Value Fluctuation
Large towns consist of neighbourhoods or quarters.
Lot value is not easily changed by the owners alone,
The urban poor, most of the population, tend to rent
although a whole neighbourhood that upgrades itself
multi-story tenements in slum districts, typically low-
or neglects maintenance can have an effect. GMs
lying areas around docks and rivers, or areas furthest
who develop lot values for settlements where PCs live
from the market and city gates. Middle and upper
will produce dynamic, interesting situations: Divide
class neighbourhoods tend to be upwind, in higher
the town into neighbourhoods and modify lot values
parts of town, closer to public squares and markets,
for each neighbourhood according to random factors
with wider streets.
and known trends.
Better neighbourhoods may have special security:
extra patrols, private guards, or understandings with
the locale thieves guild. If the characters can protect
themselves, they may not mind living amid
neighbours who live by redistributing other peoples'
valuables and body parts.


Lot Value Trend Table and lot size are 600 square feet and it has 31/2 floors.
Inside, it is divided into three 600 square foot
The GM can use this table to modify neighbourhood
dwellings rented to three families, and a half-flat in the
lot values by on a monthly or yearly schedule.
attic occupied by a single person (or very poor
Alternately, lot values can be fluctuated quarterly
using either the Month or Year column.
Tax Summary
D100 Lot Value Trend Month Year
Area Value Taxes
01-02 Bust (Collapse in price) -1d3% -2d6%
Lot 600 sq ft 450 sp
03-10 Rapid Decline (Mild -1d2% -2d6% Building 2,100 sq ft 787 sp
Panic) Total 1,237 sp 99 sp
11-35 Slight Decline -1% -1d6%
36-60 Little to no change - +/- 1d3% Rent Summary
Area Rent
61-90 Slight Improvement +1% +1d6% Ground Floor 600 sq ft 80 sp
91-98 Major Improvement +1d2% +2d6% Second Floor 600 sq ft 96 sp
Third Floor 600 sq ft 82 sp
99-00 Boom (Rampant +1d3% +3d6% Attic 300 sq ft 42 sp
Total 2,100 sq ft 300 sp
Trend roll modifications
The Maximum modification is 1 (so boom & bust are The landlord is paying 8% property tax on an
always possible). If positive factors exceed negative assessed value of 1237 sp for a total of 99 sp per
ones, add one to the Trend Roll, if negative factors annum. An average landlord sets his total rents to
exceed positive, subtract one from the roll. With this bring in about 3 times his total taxes (on both the
system, the GM can establish and maintain price per building and lot); in this case 3 sp more than that. The
square foot for each neighbourhood. The following total rent for the building is divided among the tenants
factors may affect land prices (the Trend Roll); roughly in proportion to the size of their flats. In
practice, his assessed taxes would be lower than the
99 sp given, and his rents might also.
Property value in adjacent neighbourhoods.
Political situations (usually applies to whole towns)
Landlord / Speculator buying / Selling in the area.
Change in building quality and / or condition.

Building Size
Floors <2 2 2½ 3 3½ 4 4½ 5+
1d100 1- 11- 21- 36- 56- 81- 96- 101+
10 20 35 55 80 95 100

The typical urban building covers its whole lot,

sharing common walls with its neighbours. Gardens
are reserved for the wealthy. Local maps do not show Rural Properties
building height, which may be set by the GM or
Throughout the civilized Northern Baronies, most
randomly generated with the table (above) rolling
rural land is held (fee taile) by feudal nobility or
1d100 plus Market Size plus or minus 10 for
churches. Buying property in such situations is
Neighbourhood (poorer areas tend to have more
usually impossible, but the holders usually have the
multi-story buildings - rich people are less inclined to
right to grant freeholds (leaseholds). If a feudal
climb stairs). A 30x40 foot structure has a footprint of
landlord is dispossessed, existing leaseholds are
1,200 square feet; if it has 3 floors, its square footage
usually recognized by the new lord, but some tenants
is 3,600. A half-floor can be a 1/4 to 3/4 of a floor,
may be obliged to defend their right to hold their land
probably an attic (cellars are rarely lived in). With this
in court. In the (most extreme) case of an invasion,
data, GMs can easily create floor plans, and knowing
the conqueror may bring in his own people - only in
the building quality and neighbourhood the basic
the event of war or rebellion are there wholesale
building value is easily determined. The following
changes in landholding.
table describe an average slum building. Its footprint


Freeholds and Yeomanry Property Taxes

Those who locate beyond civic jurisdiction will likely The owner (landlord) is responsible for payment of
have to deal with manorial lords who may be less urban property taxes. This is traditionally an annual
profit-minded, but who often wish to impose service tax payable on the first working day of the new year.
obligations on tenants. The descendants of those who Tax is charged on the assessed value of real estate.
contracted to provide service in exchange for land Bribery of civic tax assessors to deflate values is
may find themselves judged bound to the land and, widespread. Tax rates vary by settlement, but are
therefore, unfree a generation or two later. Such lords typically around 6% of assessed value for a
may need cash rents or labour/service (to work their guildsman's place of work (including any residences
demesnes) or both, depending on land use is their attached thereto), and 8% for everyone else.
estates. Characters may fancy yeomanry or Properties outside the town walls, but under civic
freeholding, especially if they want to take advantage jurisdiction owe the same (or slightly lower rates) but
of high agriculture ranks. pay 30-70% less than in-wall taxes because their
property values are that much lower.
As a final option, characters can pioneer in the Quality and Condition
wilderness. However, few tracts of wilderness are
Landlords are responsible for maintenance and most
unclaimed – human or orc tribes inevitably dispute the
prefer to keep their investments from falling down. On
intrusion of pioneer households. Tribute of some kind
construction, each building is given a Building Quality
may be the only alternative to massacre (assuming
Factor (BQF), reflecting how well it has been built,
there is an alternative to massacre). Characters who
what materials have been used, etc. BQF ranges
do establish homesteads can avoid all kinds of
from 1(flimsy wooden shack) to 5 (solid, well built,
irritants – until civilization follows. Construction costs
stone building). An average townhouse has BQF3.
may be eliminated provided local materials are
employed and the characters provide their own A building's Condition factor reflects its current state
labour. Importing materials or labour to a wilderness of repair. A new building has a Condition of 100. Each
site would, of course, be very expensive. month, the GM rolls 1d6 to determine building
deterioration. If the roll is greater than BQF, Building
Condition deteriorates by one. The GM may order
PC Landlords
additional roll(s) if there is a storm earthquake, floor
Despite the reluctance with which most landholders etc. If Condition drops below 80 there are holes in
dispose of their land, almost anyone with enough roof/walls, creeping damp, etc.
money can acquire urban holdings, in fee simple or
If a building's condition drops below 50, some/all of it
leasehold, regardless of their social class, although it
may collapse (10% chance per month), and if it drops
can be more difficult in feudal (non free) towns.
below 25, the chance of collapse increases to 20%
Characters may wish to invest surplus this way. Real
per month. The market (real) value of a building is
estate values do not increase rapidly, but an
roughly equal to its original Value × (Condition/100).
earthquake, plague, fire, flood, war, depression or
Hence the value of a building the condition of which
other upheaval can have dramatic effects on short
has fallen to 43, is 43% of its original value. Of
term real estate values. Events generated by the
course, even an expert cannot expect to estimate
Random Event table often fluctuate values. Would-be
building value exactly - errors of plus or minus 5 to 15
landlords should consider all the factors. A lightly
percent are common.
defended town in the path of an advancing barbarian
hoard may have great real estate bargains, but...
Landlords are often unpopular people, feared and
hated by their tenants, envied and sabotaged by their Masonry skill is used to increase Building Condition.
peers. Property "tycoons" can becomes involved in all Most towns require that masons do the work. For
kinds of interesting situations. Many major landlords each man day of labour per 1,000 square feet the
protect their anonymity by hiring merchants to mason Rolls against 2 × MD + 5/Masonry Rank:
manage real estate.
> 90+Rank Reduce Condition by one (1)
Fail No effect on Building Condition
Success Increase Building Condition by Rank/2
<= Rank Increase Building Condition by Rank

A member of the Masons Guild can perform work on

their own buildings regardless of their rank. Non-
members are obliged to hire master masons.
This section is © Columbia Games.


Households The household's address. Few streets have signs and
Players sometimes question why their characters few houses have numbers. Hence an approximation
should be obliged to spend "hard-earned" money on such as Uraagh's Hall, Murder Alley, Uraagh's Way,
good food, un-torn clothes, pleasant accommodation, Newhaven is usually the best that can be managed.
and life in general.
In the Players Guide Monetary Matters section there Budget Date
is a description of the nine standards of living. It takes Theoretically, a household budget is compiled each
an amount of SP per day/week/month, to maintain month, but in practice, the Household Budget Form is
one of these living standards. only updated as needed. The month and year of the
The detail in this article exceeds that required by most most recent update is entered here and signed off by
DQ players and GMs. In DQ all PCs have to cross off the GM.
an amount of SP to maintain their basic living
standard. Using this system instead of just crossing Market Relationship Factor [MRF]
off the SP, means that the player will see where their
"hard-earned" money is going, and the results. It is a MRF reflects the household's relationship with local
small amount of work, and I believe it is more tradesmen. It is assigned and modified at GM
rewarding than just crossing off the SP and not discretion. The value of goods purchased on the
knowing what you get for it. household's behalf is partly determined by MRF.
Established households tend to have higher MRFs. In
It stands to reason that the time and cash characters general, MRF runs from 0.8 (unpopular with vendors)
invest on living in general profoundly affects their to 1.5 (popular). Typical housewives have MRFs
health, reputation and psychological well-being. This around 1.25.
should at least be considered in role-playing, and that
is one of the purposes of this article. Households which are perceived as wealthy by local
merchants are often charged more (because they can
Spending adequate cash wisely makes the household afford it) - reduce MRF. For a newly established
healthier and safer; spending too little exposes it to household, MRF may be set at 1.00. Hiring a popular
disease, malnutrition, and scorn. It is human nature to local housewife may (at GM discretion) influence
improve living standards to the limit of income MRF if she is in a position to do some/most of the
(despite what some players argue). marketing.
However much is spent, chores must be done and Option: assign discrete MRFs for each budget sector
household duties are labour intensive; for a resident where shopping is necessary (Food & Drink, Clothing,
of a medieval castle to attain a living standard Housekeeping, Luxuries). This represents individual
"reasonably" close to that enjoyed in the 20th century relationships between local merchants and the
North America or Europe, they would need 350 residents who deal with them. To calculate a sector-
servants, and lots of money. MRF determine which person does the most work in
that sector and derive their Merchant Skill PEF (using
Organising household budget form PEF Table). Then multiply this PEF by the general
household MRF above.
Each month the Household Head allocates funds and
labour to various operations. The amounts determine
indices which express the household's well-being, Residents
weather or not they have comfortable living space, Everyone living in the household should be entered
are eating well, look presentable, etc. These indices on the resident list (the upper half of the Household
in turn determine residents' susceptibility to disease, Budget Form). If there are more than twenty
social status, and so on. residents, additional form(s) are required. Enter each
All this is easily done by filling out the Household resident's position in the household (e.g.. Head,
Budget Form. The form need not be compiled every Spouse, Family, cook, etc.) with their wage (if any). It
month. In most households, things do not change is necessary to distinguish between family and other
very often, so modification is necessary only to reflect residents.
significant change. The system is intended more as a
yardstick than a strait-jacket. Division of Labour (Hours)
Three budget sectors (Food & Drink, Clothing, and
Name of Household Housekeeping) require labour and are dealt with in
A label by which the household is identified by the resident list. For those contributing labour (e.g..
Players and GMs. If there is a single Household doing some cooking), the number of Hours each
Head, the household may bear their name. PCs may contributes to each of the three tasks should be
choose any convenient name. entered on the Household Budget Form.


Household Skills Working Conditions

The three main budget sectors (Food & Drink, Assuming 30, 12-hour working days an adult could
Clothing, and Housekeeping), call for distinct skills: reasonably work 360 hours per month. While this
schedule is well within the capability of most people, it
Budget Sector Skill Required will keep few deliriously happy. Competent servants,
Food & Drink Artisan Cook whose employers wish to keep them, are treated
better. A contented servant serves better and longer
Clothing Artisan Tailor than one who is obviously unappreciated. Someone
Housekeeping Housekeeping who only has to work 150 hours a month usually
spends some of their free time on details which, while
they might not show in the calculations, make life
Cookery and Tailor are standard Artisan skills, but more pleasant for everyone. Contented servants are
there is no such skill as Housekeeping (who'd want to also less likely to find employment with the
learn it anyway?). So the GM assigns Housekeeping household's enemies as spies or saboteurs, and they
rank at the discretion based on player background. tend to steal less. Despite considerable expense, and
Rank 2, might be average for a young man, Rank 3 several other drawbacks, it is often a good idea to
for a young woman. Unless raised in the lap of luxury, employ domestic servants and treat them well.
Housekeeping is an automatic/family skill.
Housekeeping may be ranked in a similar fashion to
adventuring skills. Working Conditions Table
Hrs / Month Conditions Cont. PEF
Personal Effectiveness Factor [PEF]
420+(14+) Grossly Overworked 80% x0.85
A more effective/skilful worker Rk PEF
can achieve more in less time. 360+(12+) Overworked/Miserabl 90% x0.95
Therefore, in order to most 0 0.10 e
effectively assign household
1 0.40 300+(10+) Hardworking, tired 95% x1.00
tasks, it is necessary to
determine the Personal 2 0.65 240+(8+) Comfortable 97% x1.05
Effectiveness Factor (PEF) of
3 0.80 180+(6+) Casual and 99% x1.10
each resident performing Contented
household duties. 4 0.90
If a resident is contributing hours 5 0.95 The Working Conditions Table assesses working
in any sector, it is necessary to
conditions (contentment) based on total hours an
determine their PEF for that 6 1.00
individual actually works at all their activities (not just
sector and enter it on the 7 1.05 household chores). It also shows the effect of
Household Budget Form e.g. A
overwork and the likelihood that a given servant will
resident working in the Clothing 8 1.10
remain in service. The GM can roll D100 for each
sector needs a Clothing PEF; if
9 1.15 servant at the end of each month. If the roll is greater
they do some cooking, they also
than their Contentment rating (see working Conditions
need a PEF for Food & Drink. 10 1.20 Table), they quit, or threatens to - negotiation is
PEF is derived from the
applicable Skill Index (see 11 1.25
above) by means of the Table 12 1.30 The chance of a servant leaving also depends on
below. For example, a character their skill(s). Great cooks in large settlements are
with a Cooking rank of 5 would have a Food & Drink offered alternative employment just about every
PEF of 1.05, and a character with Textile rank of 4, month, while bad ones have difficulty finding new
would have a Clothing PEF of 0.90. jobs. Wages should also affect contentment.
Basic PEF may be temporarily or permanently
modified by overwork, advanced age, illness, injury, Effective Hours
laziness, etc. See PEF Modifications below.
In each main sector (Food & Drink, Clothing and
Housekeeping) each resident's Effective Hours are
Youth determined by multiplying their Hours by their PEF.
E.g., a resident with Clothing PEF of 1.25 contributing
Young people tend to have lower Ranks in their skills,
12 clothing hours is adding 12 x 1.25 = 15 Effective
and their characteristics are not yet fully developed. In
Clothing Hours. Once all residents' Effective Hours
general children under five years old are pretty
are entered, Total Effective Hours are entered for
useless, and really require constant supervision,
each main sector.
taking adults away from other household activities. A
nine-year-old has achieved effectiveness for basic
household chores.


Labour Demand Factor [LDF] Indices

LDF is the optimum of hours needed by a (main) As well as providing a record of household expenses
budget sector for one month. Actual/Effective hours and the hours of effort required to keep the household
need not, and usually will not match LDF. Each of the running, the Household Budget Form is used to
three main budget areas has a distinct LDF: generate several indices. These indices give the
GM/players a good indication of how they stand. Most
Food & Drink LDF 90 hours +4 hours per resident.
of the consequences of these indices are social. A
Clothing LDF 3 hours per family member household whose members wear rags or live in
2 hours per other resident squalor is generally unable to impress anyone or
Housekeeping LDF 1 hour per 20 square feet of advance socially. The uses for this kind of reference
living space +1 hour per in role-playing are extensive.

Labour Factor [LF] Food & Drink Index [FDI]

LF expresses the relationship between LDF and Total FDI reflects the quality and quantity of food and drink
Effective Hours in each main sector. There is a consumed by residents and determines the likelihood
distinct LF for each main Sector. To calculate LF, of starvation and/or malnutrition. In most poor urban
divide the sector's Total Effective Hours by its LDF. households the FDI hovers around 30. FDI is derived
from Food & Drink Value per Resident (Val/R) by
means of the Food & Drink Index Table.
Budget Summary
Budget information is compiled in the Budget
Summary section of the Household Budget Form. Food & Drink Index Table
Budget - Where there is a box for the purpose, the Val/R FDI Meaning
Household head enters a Gross budget (pence) for 1-15 1-15 STARVING - Householders are weak,
that sector. Obviously, the household cannot budget unmotivated, and hardly able to move.
more funds than are available. This level of nutrition for more then a few
days will begin causing deaths, at first
LF - Labour Factor is carried down from above for among the servants. Households are
each main sector. highly susceptible to disease, and could
easily die from colds or viruses. People
MRF - The household's Market Relationship Factor is are at Half FT & Half EN at this point.
carried down for each applicable sector. (If Optional
Discrete MRFs are used, they are distinguished 16-30 16-30 MALNOURISHED - Physical attributes and
skills are effectively reduced 10-50%.
Householders are weak, susceptible to
Num/R - Enter the total number of residents. disease, and preoccupied with food.
People are at Half FT.
TSF - Total Square Feet is the area of the household.
31-50 31-35 ADEQUATE – Everyone is receiving
Val/R - Value per Resident equals (Budget x LF x nutrition sufficient to their needs, over the
MRF) divided by Num/R. For Living Space, Val/R is medium to long term. However there may
square feet per resident. Note that when calculating be specific incidences of poor nutrition.
Luxuries Val/R only family members are counted. Food may be unappealing, and folk are
Domestic Wages - the sum of any/all wages.
51-90 36-40 AMPLE OR COMFORTABLE - Everyone
Mortgage/Rent - the mortgage or rent payments has plenty to eat and food is more than
owed each month. sufficient to meet nutritional needs, with a
good variety of pleasant victuals.
Taxes - If the household owns the property, enter the
amount of taxes due per month (as applicable). In
many cases, property taxes are paid annually. 91-160 41-45 VERY COMFORTABLE - Everyone has an
Maintenance - If the household owns the property, it Abundant supply of pleasant, nutritious
foods. No one goes hungry unless they
is also responsible for maintenance, which may be
want to.
recorded on the Household Budget Form.
161+ 46-50 NOBLE OR DECADENT - Everyone is
Once all monthly residential expenses are entered, conspicuously Very Comfortable, and with
the total Household outlay is easily totalled. far more than they need. Householders
may tend toward corpulence, and may
waste lots of food.


All residents are included in food & drink calculations, Clothing Condition Table
because any who are ill-fed tend to steal the
difference. (Moral philosophy is a full-stomach CLI Appearance/Condition of Clothing
activity.) This does not mean that servants eat as well 1-4 RAGGED - Dirty rags fit only for the urban
as family. Every resident eats according to their poor.
station, but too much disparity between the best off
and the worst off cannot long exist in practice. 5-8 PEASANT - Old, but probably clean garments
suitable for respectable peasants or poor
At values of 31 or less, Food & Drink Val/R equals
FDI; for example, if FV/P is 7, then FDI is also 7.
Effective Food value can be increased by up to 30% 9-12 DECENT - Garments that are usually clean
by skilful cooking. and mended, suitable for crafters and
Clothing Index [CLI] tradesmen.

Clothing Index indicates how Val/R CLI 13-16 MIDDLE CLASS - Clean & well-mended, not
well residents (especially ¼sp+ 1 too old garments suitable for the middle class.
family) are dressed. Clothing is ½sp+ 2 Not ostentatious.
of vital social importance. ¾sp+ 3 17-20 GOOD - Reasonably new, clean and mended
People are judged, and 1sp+ 4 garments suitable for the nobility or up and
accorded courtesy and respect 1¼sp+ 5 coming middle class.
according to the clothes they 1½sp+ 6
wear. Nothing is more 1¾sp+ 7 21+ DECADENT - Several sets of good, new
important in making a first 2sp+ 8 clothes in a condition and of quality that
impression. CLI is derived from speaks of high nobility, royalty, or great
2¼sp+ 9
Clothing Value per Resident wealth. Conspicuously lavish.
2¾sp+ 10
(Val/R) by means of the 3½sp+ 11
Clothing Index Table (Left).
4½sp+ 12
E.g.:, if Clothing Value/Person Housekeeping Index [HKI]
5¾sp+ 13
is 21d, then CLI=19.
7¼sp+ 14 HKI indicates household cleanliness. House-keepers
CLI is a maintenance level. 9sp+ 15 clean and do minor repairs. In larger households,
The true condition of clothing 11sp+ 16 these duties are divided between chamberlain(s),
worn by residents is more 13¼sp+ 17 butler(s), maid(s), etc. Housekeeping LDF also
accurately given by average 15¾sp+ 18 depends on available living space. HKI is derived
CLI over the previous twelve 18½sp+ 19 from Housekeeping Value per Resident (Val/R) with
months. (Medieval clothing is 21½sp+ 20 the same table used to derive Clothing Index, and
expected to last at least a year, 24¾sp+ 21 interpreted in the House Condition Table.
then be demoted to "second 28¼sp+ 22
best", then, after another year 32sp+ HKI Appearance/Condition of Residence
or two donated to the poor.) 1-7 HOVEL/SLUM – Filthy and unsanitary.
36sp+ 24
If family size does not exceed half the total number of Residents are highly susceptible to any
residents, it may be assumed that family CLI is one disease that appears. Combined with a
point higher and non-family CLI one lower than the FDI under 30, the household will not last
generated index. CLI is interpreted as follows: long.
8-14 GOOD – Reasonably Clean and healthy –
typical for rural peasants, some of the
urban poor and much of the middle class.
15-21 CLEAN AND HEALTHY – Health is not a
consideration. Visitors will refrain from
holding their noses.
21+ SPOTLESS – A level usually achieved
with lots of daily cleaning in households
where servants outnumber family.

Note: Standards of personal cleanliness in medieval

Europe declined as forests were denuded and the
supply of fuel (for hot water) grew scarcer. Newhaven
has relatively abundant fuel. Consequently, levels of
personal hygiene tend to be higher, at least among
the middle and upper classes.


Luxury Index [LXI] Summary

Luxuries are the little and not so little extras which This Households system is designed to work along
make life pleasant after necessities are provided. side the normal DQ Monetary Matters system of
They include beer, recreation, wine, food delicacies, maintaining a PC’s standard of living by just crossing
works of art comfortable furniture, and entertainment. of a set amount of SP.
When calculating Luxury Value per Resident (Val/R)
Num/R (number of residents) includes only Family
members. (All other indices count all residents).
Household LXI is derived from Val/R (Value per family
member) using the Luxury Index Table (See table).
Luxuries are of less benefit if the recipient(s) do not,
for example, eat or drink properly. A reasonable
proportion must be maintained. Therefore, LXI cannot
exceed 10% of the total Standard of Living Index (see
below). If LXI is greater than 10% of SLI, it is reduced
to 10% of SLI.

Living Space Index [LSI]

Available living space affects hygiene, comfort and
spiritual well-being. All residents count because
crowded servants infringe on family privacy. LSI
equals Total Square Feet (TSF) divided by the This section is © Columbia Games.
number of residents (Num/R), divided by 20, but the
maximum LSI is 20, so any LSI over 20 is reduced. Val/R LXI
LSI under five is considered cramped (except for
sailors at sea). LSI 5-10 is deemed average in town, 0sp+ 0
but tends to be greater in the countryside, where a 3sp+ 1
"typical" family might have 675 square feet and a LSI
of 6.75. 7sp+ 2
To get a good feel for the household environment, we 12sp+ 3
have provided a floor plan. GMs/players may wish to 18sp+ 4
alter or re-draw a floor plan (assigning rooms to
various functions). If so please give a copy to us for 25sp+ 5
the records. If the household contains several
33sp+ 6
unrelated PCs (unwilling to share beds) there are
constraints over and above those applying to normal 42sp+ 7
households. Sleeping arrangements may also limit
hiring live-in servants. 52sp+ 8
63sp+ 9
Standard of Living Index [SLI] 75sp+ 10
SLI is a general assessment of household living 88sp+ 11
standard on an open-ended scale. It is determined by
adding together FDI, CLI, HKI, LSI, and LXI. 102sp+ 12
Generally speaking, the higher the SLI the better.
117sp+ 13
SLI General Interpretation
133sp 14
0-45 Poorest of the poor – in danger
46-70 Low Income – but getting by
71-90 Reasonably comfortable and respectable
91-115 Quite Wealthy and comfortable
116+ Ostentatious – In the lap of luxury


Household Budget Form

Name of Household Location (Address) Budget Date MRF

if any. if any. Hours
Name of Resident Hours PEF EFH Hours PEF EFH Hours PEF EFH


Total Effective Hours:

Labour Demand Factor (LDF):

Labour Factor (LF):

- Budget Summary Section -

Budget Sector Budget LF MRF Num/R Val/Res INDEX

Food and Drink x x / = FDI

Clothing x x / = CLI

Housekeeping x x / = HKI

Luxuries x / = LXI

Living Space TSF / = LSI

Domestic Wages



Total Budget Standard of Living Index SLI

MRF: Market Relation Factor; PEF: Personal Effectiveness Factor; EFH: Effective Hours; LF: Labour Factor; Num/R: Total Residents;
Val/Res: Value per Resident; FDI: Food and Drink Index; CLI: Clothing Index; HKI: Housekeeping Index; LXI: Luxury Index;
TSF: Total Square Feet (area of residence); LSI: Living Space Index; SLI: Standard of Living Index.


The Powers Several pseudo-historical pantheons are already

Overview known to exist on Alusia; Norse, Celtic, and Greek.
This document contains information for GMs on the The Norse have been used as the Gods of both the
nature of the various types of great Powers within the people of the Norden lands of Western Alusia, and
DQ universe, their interactions with the game world, the same pantheon with variant names has been
and their abilities and limitations. It includes a design used as the “Old Gods” of the Dwarves. Some GMs
system for minions, those lesser beings that the have used the Celtic gods for the Elven peoples, and
Powers often send out to do their bidding, and also the Greek pantheon has been encountered on
information on the Powers' mortal Agents and the Thunor (the Mars analogue world) as well as other
pacts that bind the two together. places.

Gods and Great Powers Other Beings of Power

(commonly known as Gods, but also known as Pan-Dimensional Beings
Celestials, Eternals, or Divinities) There are a number of known beings that exist
across multiple dimensions or planes but do not
Gods are the greatest of the immortal beings and
appear to be either Gods or fit with the Lesser
most have existed from the very beginning of the
Powers. (Although it is always possible that they are
present universe, and predate all mortals by an
in fact Gods, and simply claim not to be).
immeasurable time. The DQ universe, and most of
the things in it, was created through the actions of These Pan-Dimensional beings, or “Pan-D's” as they
various Gods. are sometimes known, are almost always mysterious,
inscrutable, and from a mortal point of view, just plain
Following a devastating war amongst the Gods when
weird. None of the known Pan-D's appear to use
the universe was newly formed - a war that saw the
mortal Agents.
destruction of many material planes, and Gods alike -
the remaining Great Powers made a solemn Known Pan-D's include:
covenant that they would never again make war on • The Big J
one another directly. Respect for the Covenant is an • The Black Tower
issue on which the Gods’ attitudes do differ, some will • The Little White Duck
never willingly disobey it, while others will do
everything except defy it openly. Dragons
Most Gods have a specific sphere of interest and Oldest of the mortal races, the first dragons
influence, which defines their powers and often possessed powers that rivalled the Gods, and even
indicates their personalities. Some Gods are their much later, debased descendents are beings of
concerned with particular animals, objects or considerable power.
concepts, and have few interests outside of these,
whilst others have more wide-ranging goals and Power's Names
ambitions. The Gods vary widely in their natures, Powers may be aware when their names are spoken.
ranging from concepts and stances that mortals Those Powers that have a second "Response"
would call ethical and good, through to the blackest percentage listed after their name are aware when
evil. There are various hierarchies and groupings their listed common name or Individual True Name is
(often referred to as pantheons), amongst the Gods, spoken aloud. Most Powers will not respond in any
and they use many different minions. manner if their name is merely used in casual
conversation, or the like, but will do so if their name is
The Great Powers are in many ways similar to the being spoken as part of an Invocation. Those Powers
Lesser Powers but with two important differences: that have a second Response percentage listed have
1. Gods very seldom send Avatars into the material that chance of responding to the use of their name in
worlds, preferring instead to work through more casual conversation.
subtle means such as visions and prophecies. The Powers are not usually aware when their titles,
Some do use mortal Agents, but although sobriquets, or nicknames are spoken (which is why
appeals to the Gods can be made via Invocations these are often used). If their Individual True Name is
they very seldom offer much in the way of direct spoken, increase the chance by 25%. Those Powers
aid. Some even have Lesser Powers as favoured that have 0% listed as their second Response
servants to do their more direct bidding. percentage are aware that their name has been used
2. The power of Gods is in some way influenced by but never respond to that casual usage. Note that
the quantity and faith of their mortal worshipers, most Powers are not aware when their names are
although little is known about this process even used casually.
by the most learned sages, and unsurprisingly
little information is forthcoming from the Gods


and continue to fight their ancient battle in new and

Lesser Powers abstract ways.
(also known as Daimons, Daemons, Immortals, or
The Lesser Powers known on Alusia are divided into
two main factions; the Powers of Light and the
Since the creation of the material universe, various Powers of Darkness, but there are other beings that
Lesser Powers have come into being. The Lesser belong to neither of these groups.
Powers exist on spirit-planes adjacent to the material
world (or a group of such worlds), and can under
suitable conditions, extend their presence into the The Powers of Darkness
mortal worlds through Avatars (corporeal
Commonly referred to as the “Demons”, several of
representations), and various incorporeal methods,
this large faction of 70-80 powers (depending on the
such as dreams and visions.
source) are known to have once been potent and dire
Their interests intersect with the Alusian plane in Drow mages, or a "chimera" of several lesser mages,
unpredictable and often surprising ways. Primarily (whose life essences were fused together), and who
they seem to focus on the hearts, minds, souls and sacrificed the souls of many thousands in order to
life forces of sentient beings. gain power. Speculation surrounds the origins of
Some of these beings are known to have once been
mortal creatures, who have undergone an apotheosis Many Demons have retained the titles of their
to “transcend”, continuing their personal existence temporal power: Duke, Prince, etc., so whilst they
beyond death to become an immortal being of appear to have a hierarchy, it is largely a convention
considerable power. Some of them were originally dating from their time as mortals.
individual mortals, possessed of both great magical
The Powers of Darkness (PoD) are all generally
resources and enormous willpower. Others are the
chaotic in outlook and, by mortal standards, unethical
result of cults or groups of mages who merged to
in nature. Many appear manifestly evil beings who
become single powers.
have no regard for life, some utterly insane, and
Speculation and hypothesis surrounds the origins of others even appear quite urbane and outwardly
others of these beings. It is possible that they may be friendly. All have a well developed sense of self
creatures from distant planes, or even fallen Gods interest.
whose powers and mantles have been stripped away,
The motives of Demons are often inscrutable to
leaving them as lesser beings. It is believed that
mortals, and while their plans often involve bloodshed
some Lesser Powers have gone on to become "true"
and the suffering of sentient beings, the methods of
Gods, although almost nothing is known about how
some demons are more subtle than others. The
this might be accomplished.
ultimate reasons for their deep down inimical nature
Some sages claim that it is still possible today for a is not well understood, but all of their bargains should
strong enough mortal (or a group of like-minded be looked into carefully.
ones) to carry their personal existence beyond death,
Whilst the Agents of these powers are individuals
to become a new power. Others doubt that the
with their own motivations, it is generally true that
magical energy available in modern Alusia is
their personalities either reflect, or are influenced by
sufficient for this to occur, and point to the lack of any
their demonic masters, and they are seldom the most
reported transcendence in recent years.
pleasant or trustworthy of people.
Unlike Gods, the Lesser Powers do not appear to be
The minions of the Demons are well known to
nourished directly by faith or worshippers, but all
mortals, and include: Succubi/Incubi, Devils, Imps
seem interested in having mortals bind their souls to
and Hellhounds. The Powers of Darkness pursue
them, seeming to gain something from this. It has
their various goals in the material world through the
been suggested by sages that perhaps over time the
use of mortal Agents and cultists, although it is not
essence of a power fades, or leaks away, and that
unknown for them interfere directly.
new souls are needed to maintain them. It is known is
that sentient beings from Alusia can contact them (by
the use of Invocations and if their motives coincide
can form magical bonds with these Powers becoming
their Agents in the mortal realms.
Historians have traced the first appearance of these
Lesser Powers to the first ages of the mortal world,
the time of legendary battles amongst the ancient
dragons. Additional beings are known to have
appeared after the War of Tears and the destruction
of the ancient Elven empire; many new Demons and
the Powers of Light first appeared around this time,


The Powers of Light

The Powers of Light promote good works and There are five known great Powers of Light, called
encourage the sentient races to live good lives and Archangels, (or Archons by some philosophers), each
not fall prey to the blandishments of the Powers of with a broad sphere of influence. Each Archangel
Darkness. The goals of the Powers of Light on Alusia leads a host of lesser Powers, the Bene Elim,
are altruistic and tutelary. (sometimes called Angels), who fill subordinate
offices within the Archangel's sphere.
When the Elohim or their servants appear it is usually
in the form of winged humanoids, fair of face, comely These are in turn served by Elohim of decreasing
of shape, and similar to both elves and humans, power. The lowest tiers appear to form the servants
tending towards the taller height and fairer face of the (or minions) of the Elohim and are used as
elven race, but with the strength and build of the messengers, guides, mentors for Agents, etc. Each of
human. Their white feathered wings can send them the Archangels also has a animal that they will often
soaring through the skies, and although they can be use, and all of the Elohim are known to make use of
folded away when not in use, they will almost always sentient Pegasi as mounts and servants.
be quite noticeable.
Subordinate Offices
History & Background The offices of the other Elohim are specific sub-sets
It was in the last years of the Elven Empire, as the of the spheres of the Archangels. For example,
power of the Drow was rising, and elven culture was Azrael, "The Executioner", is a Bene Elim (or Angel)
stagnating in decadent luxury, that the group called of Uriel's host, whose office is the execution or
Noldanor was formed. In elven their name meant slaying of those condemned for their heinous crimes.
Knowledge of Light or Illuminated, and they Agents of the Powers of Light who are executioners
appointed themselves the task of stopping the spread or scourges, may have Azrael as their Patron, but still
of the decay that threatened their civilisation. They consider themselves Urielites.
believed in purity of spirit, and discipline of mind and
body. They saw the casual use of magic as one of
Elohim Names
the prime causes for the decadence of the elven
The Elohim invariably use the suffix -el with their
people, and counselled against it. In the end, the task
common names. This suffix may be roughly
proved too large, and their numbers too few. As the
translated as Lordly, and is used even by the servant
fall began, and the war spread, they fought to the last
with a bravery that has seldom since been seen in all
of the ages of the world.
Although all of the Noldanor perished in the fall, their
The Elohim seek mortal Agents to spread their
wisdom and beliefs did not completely leave the
teachings, and to work against the plans of the
world, for they had planned and trained for this
Demons. The Elohim usually prefer elven or human
outcome. The spirits of the Noldanor passed beyond,
Agents, but will accept those of any race provided
where, because of their dedication and training, they
they meet their stringent criteria. Each of the
retained traces of their former existence, and
Archangels looks for different abilities in their Agents,
eventually formed immortal beings, the Powers of
but all four only accept mortals who are pure of spirit,
Light, composites of the mortal beings that once
brave, dedicated, and completely committed to their
In the later ages of the world these Powers have
Because the Elohim see the irresponsible use of
sought to guide mortals, to prevent another fall, and
magic as one of the leading causes for the fall of the
to protect them against the designs of the Powers of
ancient elven world, they are deeply concerned for
Darkness, Demons who seek to seduce and use
those that delve in the magical arts. They counsel the
mortals for their own ends. It is mortals who have
limiting of magical training to only those who show
given to the Powers of Light the name by which they
integrity, strong morality, and personal responsibility.
are now known: Elohim, the Lordly ones.
Most of the Elohim's mortal Agents are followers of
one of the five Archangels. Relations between the
Archangels are usually cordial, although they do not
The Elohim possess a structured order and hierarchy
always agree on matters affecting the Elohim.
comprising of a number of tiers. The exact number is
Occasionally, Agents of one of the five may find that
disputed by Philosophers, but tends to be numbered
they are working for goals opposed to the wishes of
between 5 and 9. Philosophers also disagree as to
the other Archangels, and may find themselves in
the naming of the tiers. Some of the order names
conflict with other Powers of Light Agents. This
offered by Sages include: Authorities, Dominations,
conflict of interests seldom leads to violence, and
Eons, Erelim, Hosts, Innocents, Ishim, Martyrs,
Agents will usually strive for some compromise.
Ophanim, Powers, Principalities, Thrones, and


with their Sphere. These Avatars may possess any

Avatars magics consistent with their Sphere. Some Avatars
An Avatar is the physical manifestation of a Power possess far more magic than others. The Avatars of
into the mortal realms. It is not the whole Power, but scholarly or mystical Powers possess more magic,
rather a small portion of their essence fashioned into while those of more physically orientated Powers will
the shape of a being. It is real in much the same way have less. The individual Talents, Spells and Rituals
that a magically created Wall of Stone is real. A that a Power possesses may be considered as
Power cannot be killed by the destruction of its Colleged for the purposes of Counterspells and other
Avatar, and if an Avatar is “killed” it will dissipate back protections. The Avatar uses the Base Chance
to the home dimension of the Power. modifiers of the College to which the ability belongs.
The Avatars of the Greater and Lesser Powers are Cold Iron: Avatars are not prevented from exercising
reasonably equivalent in their attributes and abilities. their magical abilities by the presence of Cold Iron.
Whilst Gods certainly have more power and a wider
Ranks: The magical abilities of an Avatar are usually
influence than lesser Powers, they are limited by their
practised at Rank 20, although the Avatars of
covenant in the amount of raw power that they may
particularly physical Powers may practise their magic
manifest in the material worlds. Each Power has a
at lower Ranks.
sphere of influence, goals and motivations, a form or
forms that they commonly appear in, a code of ethics Physical Forms: An Avatar may use its magical
that they expect their followers to adhere to, along abilities regardless of the physical attributes of its form.
with a number of common physical properties. An Avatar's form need not be capable of vocalisation,
or of complex manual manipulation for the Avatar to
Manifestation: When a Power manifests in the material
exercise its magical abilities. However, in the case of
world, the manifestation is only a small portion of its
Demons, if the form can vocalise and/or complete
total being. Each Avatar may have slightly different
intricate hand manoeuvres, it must do so to cast its
portions of the Power inherent in it, giving it somewhat
magic. The outward form of a Power is cosmetic, and
different attributes and abilities. A Power may have
that while an animal may not have organs of speech,
only one Avatar manifest in any material world at any
this muteness does not apply to a Power in that form
one time. Avatars may be summoned to the material
unless explicitly so stated under the description of the
world by a variety of Spells or Rituals, or by the Call
individual Power.
Patron talent of an Agent. A Power may not send an
Avatar to the material world without a summoning or Changing Form: Avatars may change forms as a Pass
some other form of "portal" being available. In some action.
circumstances, a Power may cause minions to
manifest in the material world without such a "portal". Weapon Skills: Avatars will always possess maximum
Rank or better with any weapons that are part of their
Appearance: A Power may have a number of options Power's accoutrements. An Avatar will commonly
regarding the appearance of its Avatar. An Avatar may possess maximum Rank in several other weapons and
appear in any of the forms used by the Power, and high ranks in many more. Some particularly war-like
with or without any of all of the accoutrements Powers will manifest Avatars who possess maximum
associated with the Power. In addition, the Avatar may Rank (or better) in almost any form of weaponry.
be accompanied by a number of Beast minions of the
type commonly used by the Power. Some Powers will Languages: Avatars will usually possess maximum
arrive with additional minions or other followers. Rank in many languages, and will sometimes possess
maximum Rank in any other languages in the same
Death & Damage: Avatars may only be harmed by language group or groups. The Avatars of particularly
magic, weapons of magical nature, and by silver or scholarly Powers may possess more languages than
truesilver metals. Most Avatars cannot be Stunned or this, some possessing all known languages and
made unconscious. When an Avatar has taken dialects at maximum Rank.
sufficient damage that it would have been slain, had it
been mortal, it is dissipated back to its home Skills: Avatars will generally possess all the skills
dimension. Generally no physical body is left behind. If within the sphere of their Power at Rank 10 or above.
an Avatar is dissipated due to damage taken, or by If the Power that the Avatar represents is particularly
having the spell that summoned it to the material world tied to a skill, the Avatar may possess up to Rank 15
dispelled, counterspelled or dissipated, then the Power with that skill. The exact uses of certain skills at above
that formed it may not usually send another Avatar to Rank 10 are left to the discretion of the individual GM.
that material world for a period of about a month. If the Special Abilities: Many Avatars are possessed of
Avatar is sent back by its summoner, it may not special talents or abilities that are connected to their
reappear in the material world until the next day. Power's sphere, appearance or other attributes.
Magical Abilities: The magical abilities of an Avatar are Avatars may be horrendously ugly, inspiring fear in
different to those of mortals. The Avatars of lesser their viewers, or may dazzle the eye with their power
Powers usually have only one College, but Avatars of or beauty. They may have special teaching abilities
Gods that use magic are not restricted to the standard that violate the standard rules, or be able to bestow
College system and possess magic which is consistent abilities on their followers or Agents. An Avatar's
Special abilities will be detailed in its description.



A Power possesses a legion of lesser beings that are Magical Abilities: Minions are not bound by the
in effect, tiny fragments of their Patron power, and Magical Aptitude restriction that limits the number of
may correspond to individual mortals who have lowly ranked abilities that a mortal Mage may
bound themselves to the Power. There is at least one possess. Minions may not usually possess magic
known case of the soul of a former “Black Mage” from more than one College. Unless stated otherwise
returning in the form of an imp assigned to a later in the description of their particular Power, Minions
Agent of the same Power. may be of any College. The magical abilities of a
Minion are practised at the Rank listed in their
The legions of a Power, their supernatural servants
and followers, can generally be divided into four
categories: Greater minions, Lesser minions, Minor Cold Iron: Minions are not prevented from exercising
minions, and Beasts. In addition to these four types of their magical abilities by the presence of Cold Iron.
supernatural follower a Power may have one or more
types of natural Animal minion associated with it. Physical Form: A Minion may use its magical abilities
regardless of the physical attributes of its form. A
Both the Powers of Darkness and the Powers of Light Minion's form need not be capable of vocalisation, or
tend to use some “standard minions”. The PoD have of complex manual manipulation to exercise its
Incubi/Succubi, Devils, Imps, and Hellhounds. The magical abilities. However, if the form can vocalise
Powers of light have Malakim, Kerubim, Seraphim, and/or complete intricate hand manoeuvres, it must
and sentient Pegasi. The individual Demons employ do so to cast its magic. A Minion that possesses
a variety of natural animals, the exact type being magical abilities may use them in all of its forms. It
dependant on their personal "sphere". Although there takes a Pass action for a Minion to change from one
are major cosmetic differences between different form to another.
minions of the same level, the amount of power that
each wields is roughly equal. Their attributes are Experience: Minions may become more powerful
within similar ranges, and the only real difference is in over time. Minions that are sentient may gain
their appearance and special abilities. Imps, for experience and increase their abilities, as may
example, are tremendously ugly, possess a mortals. In this way, over an extremely long period,
poisonous attack with their tail, and cause fear, while Minor Minions may be "promoted" to Lesser, Lesser
Seraphim are inhumanly beautiful and gain some to Greater, and, over several aeons, a Greater Minion
measure of defence due to their dazzling aura. may even become a Power in its own right. The time
taken for a Minion to achieve these increases in its
Classes: The standard classes for minions are: home dimension is beyond even the lifespan of
Greater, Lesser, Minor, and Beast. Animal minions Elves, and even if the same Minion is encountered
are mortal, rather than supernatural, and the sections more than once in a character's life, little or no
on Death & Damage and other special abilities do not difference will be noted. The only exception to this is
apply to them. Not all Powers possess minions when a Minion is assigned to the material world for
corresponding to all of the standard classes. Some an extended length of time, such as an Agent's
Powers have "standard" minions, ones that are also Familiar or Companion. These posts are usually
found naturally or are used by more than one of the given to Minions who have pleased the Power in
Powers. Standard minions may be found detailed in some way, or who require training of some kind.
the Bestiary. Minions in the material world may learn and train in
exactly the same manner as mortals. The masters of
Death & Damage: The damage and "death" of a
Minions who are assigned as Familiars or
Minion is handled differently to that of a mortal.
Companions, may transfer up to 10% of the
Minions may only be harmed by magic, weapons of
Experience Points they gain, to their Familiar or
magical nature, and by silver and truesilver metals.
Companion. These Experience Points may then be
When a Minion has taken sufficient damage that it
spent by the Minion. Minions who are operating
would have been slain, had it been mortal, it is
independently may gain their own experience. It must
dissipated back to its home dimension, and usually
be noted that the abilities listed for Minions in the
leaves no lasting physical form behind (though they
Bestiary, or elsewhere, are for generic Minions and in
may appear to shatter, or turn to goo, or go up in
no way limit a particular Minion's learning capacity.
flames, etc). If a Minion is dissipated due to damage
taken, or by having the spell that summoned it to the
material world dispelled, counterspelled or dissipated,
it may not usually reappear in that material world for a
month. If the Minion is sent back by its summoner, it
may not reappear in the material world until the next


Minion Design System Minor Minions

Minions can be anything a GM dreams up, and the Forms: 1-2
system below is offered as assistance if desired. The Skills: are only possessed as Special Abilities. If
generic type for a Minion can be created in the format possessed are Rank 0-7.
detailed below, and will usually have abilities and Magic: 0-1 College only. May possess all College
Attributes within the designated ranges. It may have magic at Ranks 0-12.
magical abilities as detailed, and in addition, may be Special Abilities: 0-3
possessed of one or more Special Abilities. The Movement: 0-2 modes of locomotion with each form.
Special Abilities of a Minion may be of almost any A movement rate of beyond 500 yards per minute is a
nature and are commonly such things as: Attributes Special Ability.
beyond the specified ranges (e.g. extreme ugliness or Attributes: maximum value of 25. Primary statistics
beauty), spells possessed as Talents, poisonous should not exceed 100. FT may be figured from EN
attacks, knowing a Skill, or divinatory ability. as for Humans. Perception will be around 15, and PB
may not exceed 25, or cause Awe or Fear except as
the result of a Special Ability. TMR may be figured
Greater Minions
from Movement Rate and should also reflect Agility.
Forms: 1-3
Natural Armour 0-2 standard.
Skills: usually practised at Rank 10. May have 0-2
Weapons: Any weapons natural to the form at Ranks
Skills, more if taken as Special Abilities.
4-8 (but not over max). 0-2 other weapons at Ranks
Magic: 0-1 College only, usually possess all College
magic at Ranks 8-15. May also know non-College
Comments: As these Minions are granted to
abilities such as Ward or Geas.
characters as Familiars and Companions, random
Special Abilities: 0-5
methods may be offered for some of their abilities,
Movement: 0-3 modes of locomotion per form. A
when designing the generic type.
movement rate of beyond 500 yards per minute is a
Special Ability.
Beast Minions
Attributes: maximum value of 30. Beyond this value
Forms: 1
the Attribute is a Special Ability. Physical Beauty
Skills: None if non-sentient, else are only possessed
causing Awe or Fear is a Special Ability. Counting
as Special Abilities. 1 Skill per Special Ability. If
statistics above a value of 30 as 30, Primary statistics
possessed are Rank 0-8.
should not exceed 160. Fatigue should be reflective
Magic: None if non-sentient, else 1 College only,
of Endurance. Perception should be very high (25-
possessed as a Special Ability. May have Rank 0-9
30). TMR may be figured from Movement Rate and
with general magics and Rank 0-5 with special
should also reflect Agility. Greater Minions may have
0-6 points of Natural Armour as standard, more than
Special Abilities: 0-4
6 points constitutes a Special Ability.
Movement: 0-2 modes of locomotion. A movement
Weapons: Any natural weapons possessed by their
rate of more than 500 yards per minute is a Special
forms at Ranks 7-10 (but not over max). 0-10 other
weapon skills at Rank 0-max. Natural weapons that
Attributes: maximum value of 25. Primary statistics
do more than D+4 damage are Special Abilities.
should not exceed 110. FT should reflect EN. TMR
may be figured from Movement Rate and also reflect
Lesser Minions
AG. Perception is often high, around 20. PB may not
Forms: 1-2
exceed 25, or cause Awe or Fear except as the result
Skills: 0-1 Skills.
of a Special Ability. Natural Armour 0-5 is standard.
Magic: 0-1 College only. May possess all College
Weapons: Any weapons natural to their form at Rank
magic at Ranks 6-12. Non-college magic only as a
5-10 (but not over max). Will not usually be able to
Special Ability.
use other weaponry, but if allowed by the form may
Special Abilities: 0-4
have 0-3 weapons at Rank 0-5. Natural weapon
Movement: 0-3 modes of locomotion per form. A
damage in excess of D+4 is a Special Ability.
movement rate beyond 500 yards per minute is a
Special Ability.
Animal Minions
Attributes: maximum value of 30, but no more than
Special Abilities: 0-1. The only Special Ability that an
half of their primary statistics should exceed 26.
Animal Minion will have, beyond the normal abilities
Fatigue should be reflective of Endurance. Perception
of the animal itself, is sentience. Sentient Animal
should be high, (20-26). Physical Beauty causing
Minions have an MA of 0. The Animal Minions sent to
Awe or Fear is a Special Ability. Primary statistics
spy on, or communicate with an Invoker are usually
should not exceed 130. TMR may be figured from
Movement Rate and should also reflect Agility. 0-3
Comments: Animal Minions may be of any type of
points of Natural Armour standard.
material world creature that is normally non-sentient.
Weapons: Any weapons natural to the form at Ranks
They will have all of the normal abilities associated
6-10 (but not over max). 0-5 other weapons at Rank
with that creature. The animal may be Enchanted.


Agents Restrictions
Ancient Invocations
Many of the Powers of the DQ universe use mortals Only through the use of an Ancient Invocation may a
as Agents. These Agents serve in many diverse character become an Agent. If a character invokes a
capacities depending on the particular aims and Power without the use of an Ancient Invocation, they
goals of their Power: as priestly leaders of covens or may not become an Agent. The reaction of a Power
sects dedicated to the Power; as spies; provocateurs; to such a mistaken Invoking will vary with the Power's
instruments of justice or revenge; scourges; and personality. Many will direct the character to one of
recruiters. Not all of the mortal followers of a Power their present Agents, or to a cult or sect dedicated to
are necessarily Agents, some may simply be "lay the Power and led by one or more Agents, both of
followers", lacking the dedication or certain skills or whom must perforce possess an Ancient Invocation.
abilities demanded by the Power of its Agents. Some Powers will require the character to go on a
quest to find an Ancient Invocation, though they may
The Pact
give some clue as to where to find one. Others may
The link between a Power and an Agent is in the form
be sympathetic but unhelpful, or angry, or simply
of a contract where the Agent, a mortal sympathetic
condescending as to the character's amateur
to the cause, goals and motivations of a particular
Power, agrees to further that Power's interests in the
material world and to keep the tenets of its "faith", in Prohibited Abilities
return for a measure of guidance and protection, and An Agent may not possess abilities prohibited by its
usually for some security in their eventual fate in the Power. Should a character be accepted as an Agent,
afterlife. This is not a contract to be entered into they will immediately lose all magic, Skills and abilities
lightly, as it may influence the actions and general prohibited by the Power. In a few rare cases, some
behaviour of the Agent, and it is not easy to break form of compensation will be offered by the Power,
such a contract, once made, without risking the direst beyond those abilities usually granted by it, but this is
wrath of the renounced Power. certainly not the norm. It should be noted that a state
of at least cold war, exists between many of the
Becoming An Agent
Powers, and the College of Summoning Magics.
The process for becoming an Agent is solemn and
Those very few of the Powers who will accept
ancient. The character must first invoke the desired
Summoners as Agents, are so noted in their individual
Power using an Ancient Invocation. Should the Power
descriptions. In short, if it does not positively state that
choose to appear, the character must state that they
a Power will accept a Summoner as an Agent, then
wish to become an Agent for the Power. They must
they will reject them, or require that they quit that
also offer a token to the Power. This initial interaction
between the character and the Power is very serious,
and both the GM and the character's player should
carefully consider their actions. If the token is Benefits
acceptable to the Power, the character possess those Call Patron
skills or abilities required by the Power, and agrees to An Agent receives the ability to call their Patron. The
the Powers strictures relating to the behaviour of its ability received is a special form of invocation that may
Agents, the Power accepts them as an Agent. If the only be used by Agents. The ability works as a Racial
token is unacceptable, the reaction of the Power will Talent (EM: 300), and operates as follows:
depend on its personality and the reasons for the gift
The Agent may, by Invoking their patron Power,
being unacceptable. Reactions may range from a
attempt to call their plight to their patron's attention
sympathetic declining of the token, and perhaps a
and gain help, guidance or communication. The exact
hint as to a more acceptable one, through to an
nature of the help rendered is at the GM's discretion,
admonition to never Invoke the Power again, on pain
and may range from nothing, through to a full
of death.
manifestation of the patron's Avatar and
Tokens accompanying Minions. More usually it will consist of
The exact form that a token takes may vary widely. the arrival of one or more Minions of the patron, or an
The acceptability of a token will depend on its value insubstantial manifestation of the Power itself. The
to the character and the personality and motivations ability takes at least one Pulse to enact, during which
of the Power. It may take the form of an object, an time the Agent must verbally Invoke the Power, and
entity, a physical or spiritual attribute of the character, may not engage in any other activity that requires
an oath or undertaking, or even an insubstantial "gift". verbalisation. For example, an Agent could Call
Patron whilst engaged in combat, but not while
Even the most benevolent Powers dislike mockery,
and the choice of token to be offered is often difficult.
The Base Chance of the Power responding in some
Example: A Fire Mage wishing to become an Agent
way is their Response percentage to an Invocation,
of Aim, might choose to offer a captive Water Mage
as listed in their description, +3% per Rank achieved
as a sacrifice, or might perhaps set fire to a
with this talent. An Ancient Invocation may be used to
navigators guild and offer it to Aim as a "gift".
increase the chance, but will require its full time and


any materials. From +20 to -20 may be added at the Familiars

GM's discretion to the chance of the Power Some of the Powers grant their Agents the use and
responding, depending on the situation, the Power's companionship of a Minor Minion to serve as a
personality and the Agent's actions during the Familiar. This Familiar is a combination of guide,
Invocation. teacher, student, friend, henchling and political officer.
The Familiar feels great loyalty to the Agent, second
Example: After slaying one opponent and beginning
only to its Power, and will serve and help them in all
on their second, an Agent of Alloces uses their Call
ways. The Familiar begins as a standard Minor Minion
Patron talent. Alloces is the "Warrior Duke", and likes
of the patron Power. Unless otherwise stated in the
nothing better than bloodshed and carnage. The GM
Power's description, the Familiar's alternate (animal)
determines that the actions of the Agent are worth
form may be of any small non-sentient and
+10, increasing to +15 once they slay their next
unenchanted creature. The Agent may ask for a
particular form for their Familiar, but the Power makes
If the Power does not respond, the Agent may the final decision. The only additional ability of the
continue to Call Patron on the next and subsequent Familiar is that it knows all of the languages known by
Pulses. Each extra Pulse that they call increases the the Agent but at one less Rank. If this reduces the
chance of the Power responding by 1%. This roll is Rank below 0, the Familiar does not have that
made each Pulse until either the Power appears or language. There is a link between the Familiar and the
the Agent ceases to call. Once the Power responds Agent that keeps the Familiar in the material world. If
they may require a service, item or oath of the Agent the Agent dies, the Familiar is immediately dispelled
after, or even before, they offer any aid. This back to its own dimension. If the Agent is resurrected,
requirement will depend on the urgency and severity they may collect their Familiar by Invoking their patron.
of the Agent's need, how closely they have been The Power will then despatch the Familiar in response
following the strictures concerning their behaviour, to the Invocation. Depending on the circumstances
and how often they have called for help. Most patrons surrounding the Agent's death, some small token may
will ask for no service, or perhaps only a token one, if have to be paid to regain the Familiar. If the Familiar
the Agent has only called as a last resort, and has in "dies", it is dispelled back to its own dimension. The
all ways been faithful, but may levy a very severe Agent may usually only automatically gain a new
charge if the calling is for a trivial situation or the Familiar five years after the issue of the last one, and
Agent has in any way been false to their patron. only if their Familiar has died. Often however, it is
possible to gain a replacement Familiar in return for a
Special Abilities service to the Power. If the Agent wishes to have the
Some Powers grant various special abilities to their
same Familiar back, they will usually have to perform
Agents. These special abilities may be listed in the
another service, in addition to the one required to get
description of the individual Powers, or may be part of
any new Familiar. Much of this depends on the past
a larger and more elaborate Pact that the GM
behaviour of the Agent and the circumstance
prepares for the player. These abilities are usually
surrounding the "death" of the Familiar.
granted to a character immediately they become an
Agent, and are immediately lost if the character Companions
renounces their pact. Particularly complex pacts may Some Powers (such as the Powers of Light), grant a
have additional clauses and requirements. Companion to their Agents, rather than a Familiar.
Instead of accompanying the Agent, as does a
A fairly standard demonic arrangement is to offer
Familiar, the Companion may be summoned into the
additional power for more and more control over the material world by the Agent by Invoking it. This
Agent and even a direct claim on their soul when they Invocation will always succeed, and need not be rolled
die (even if they could normally be resurrected). This is
for. The Companion will take (D-2, min. 1) Pulses to
sometimes called the “Greater Pact” and should be appear, and will then do the bidding of the Agent. The
thought about carefully by any player considering it. Companion will accompany the Agent if requested to
When a character with a Greater Pact dies, then
do so, or will return to their home if dismissed by the
whether or not they would be recoverable, their Patron Agent. The major difference between a Companion
arrives and claims their soul as noted under and a Familiar, is that Companions seldom have an
“Vengeance” below. The character is then
inconspicuous form, and will be noticed and cause a
irresurrectably dead. major reaction. There is a link between the Agent and
Other Benefits the Companion, and the Companion will assist and
Agents generally gain the respect of all lay guard the Agent in all ways, putting their concerns
worshippers of their Patron. This may lead to other second only the Companion's patron Power.
benefits not detailed here. Agents of those Powers Recovering slain Companions works the same way as
who have structured organisations, such as the for Familiars. A newly assigned Companion is in all
Powers of Light, may be able to gain free board and ways a standard Minor Minion for the Power, except
training at the places dedicated to their Patron that it may only speak languages designated by its
Power, at least one of which will be known to the
Agent. The Ranks of the languages are designated by
the Power, one will usually be at Rank 8 or higher.


The death of an Agent may open a link to the patron Invocations
Power. When an Agent dies in a manner that is
irresurrectable, or after the time in which a dead Agent Simple Invocations
could have been resurrected has expired, a portal is The "Response" percentage listed amongst the
opened to the patron Power, so as to allow them to Power's attributes gives the chance on D100 that the
collect the essential lifeforce of the Agent. As a result Power will respond to their Common Name spoken
of this portal, the patron Power may send an Avatar to as part of an Invocation. In its simplest form, an
the material world. Powers are, as a rule, somewhat Invocation is merely the use of a Power's name in a
put out by the untimely demise of their Agents, and formal sense, along with the willingness for the Power
may seek restitution from the Agents slayers. If a to respond. A simple "I call upon the power of ...", or
character kills an Agent and then vacates the area, the the use of the Power's name as a chant or mantra is
patron may very well appear after 100 hours, but just as effective as the most elaborate ritual that the
decide against investigating. However, standing over Invoker can conceive. If it is the Power's Individual
the smoking remains of an Agent when their patron True Name that is being spoken, the percentage
appears, may be hazardous to the health. chance that they will respond should be raised by 25.
The Power's response may take one of three forms:
Renouncing Status
A character may renounce their status of Agent. 1. The Power may choose to despatch a Minor
Renouncing Agent status is a perilous task, only ever minion to spy on the Invoker, ask them the
undertaken in extreme circumstances. The process of purpose of their invocation, or even to slay them.
renunciation is ancient and invariable. First the Agent This minion will be of the common Minor type for
Invokes their patron Power by the use of an Ancient that Power and if intending to speak with or slay
Invocation. If a Minion is sent, the Agent informs the the invoker, they will appear within D-5 minutes.
Minion that they are renouncing their status as Agent. Their appearance is almost invariably "natural";
The Power will then appear in their insubstantial form. flying creatures will fly through a window,
The Agent then states that they are renouncing their creeping ones may crawl from behind furniture,
status of Agent, and demands the return of the token etc.
they offered when they became an Agent. If the token 2. The Power may despatch an animal Minion to
was an object, or some other physical thing, the serve the same purpose as above. This animal
Power must return it immediately. If it was a service, will be of a type commonly associated with the
an oath or some other form of insubstantial offering, Power, it will be sentient, but otherwise
the Power simply acknowledges its return. The unexceptional.
character immediately loses their Call Patron talent, 3. The Power may choose to project an
their Familiar or Companion, and any other abilities insubstantial image of themself. This image will
they may have gained as a result of becoming an usually be of their common form, and has no
Agent. They do not regain any abilities that they lost powers other than to communicate with the
due to their prohibition by the Power, but are freed invoker. If the Invoker used an Ancient
from any strictures on their behaviour. The Power Invocation, The Power can make the invoker an
then returns to its home dimension, and the character Agent, and confer the Call Patron Talent.
is no longer an Agent of that Power.
Ancient Invocations
The Power's reaction to the desertion of an Agent will
Powers will more often respond to Ancient
vary considerably, depending on the Power's
Invocations. Certain Invocations have gained great
personality, ethics and motives. Some Powers may
power through their extreme age, and have a greater
direct their Agents, cults or sects to hunt down and
chance of causing a Power to respond to their use.
slay the deserter, others may seek to punish or kill
These Ancient Invocations may be found in rare
the offender personally, when next summoned to the
books in arcane libraries, and usually only through a
material world. Still others may feel that the loss of
great deal of searching. The GM must determine the
their great patronage is punishment in itself. When
additional chance that an individual Invocation has of
deciding exactly what form of action a Power takes
causing the Power to respond, along with any special
against an ex-Agent, the GM should consider the
conditions or ingredients that are required to perform
reasons for the renunciation of Agent status, the
it as well as the amount of time required.
circumstances surrounding it, and the personality of
the Power. It is not possible to force an Agent to
Example: "Ritual for Invoking Aim, (The Fire Duke),
renounce their status. Such coercion will be noticed
+10%, requires a very large bonfire, 10 minutes".
by the Power and will invalidate the renunciation, not
to mention incurring the Power's wrath. Particularly
unwise Agents may use their Call Patron talent to
summon their Power so that they may renounce their
status. This will work, but it must be noted that when
the process of renunciation is complete, the offended
Avatar of the Power will be physically present, and
may immediately take direct action.


Bestiary Reactions Table

The Bestiary does not aim to provide a comprehensive list The reactions table can be used to determine random
of all fauna found in the DQ universe, only that portion reactions from unplanned encounters, but can also be used
which can bother or interest adventurers. Thus, carnivores as an indication of magical influences. A +30 Reaction Roll
and exotic or fantastical creatures are heavily emphasised. modifier will have unfriendly cityfolk behaving like pleasant
Most snakes are harmless, most mammals are peaceful villagers, while most villagers will seem charmed or
grazers, most bodies stay buried in perpetuity, and the enraptured, and the local outlaws at least willing to talk.
average human would never meet anything from the
second half of this bestiary. Negative Enraged – Irrational, will attack if any chance of
victory. Bear with cubs, racial enemies.
01-10 Belligerent – will attack unless mollified or scared
Common Animals By Terrain Type off. Bandits, rhinoceros, crocodile, hungry large
This is a list of common dangerous creatures in a given predators.
terrain. It is not intended to be an encounter table, but 11-20 Wary – cautiously hostile. Will avoid the party if
provides possible unplanned encounters to remove possible. Typical wild carnivore or snake, roaming
extraneous characters. outlaws.
21-30 Hunted – will avoid the party, including fleeing
Arctic Common: Fox, Human, Orc, Rat upon approach. Typical wild herbivore, those who
Uncommon: Bear, Goblin, Seal, Weasel, Wild have met adventurers before.
Cat, Wolf, Woolly Mammoth
31-40 Unfriendly – will communicate on a limited basis.
Caverns Common: Human, Orc, Rat Will not co-operate. City-folk, grumpy codgers &
Uncommon: Bat, Bear, Gnoll, Goblin, Troll, cats.
41-60 Neutral – Willing to communicate, or let the party
Coastal Common: Crocodile, Human, Orc, Rat by. No positive or negative feelings. Average
Uncommon: Basilisk, Eel, Gnoll, Goblin, townsfolk.
Octopus, Seal, Weasel, Wild Cat
61-80 Pleasant – Willing to communicate, including hints
Highlands Common: Human, Orc, Rat, Vulture about local events; still intent on their own
Uncommon: Bear, Boar, Dwarf, Eagle, Hyena, business. Friendly villager or dog.
Gnoll, Goblin, Raven, Troll, Weasel, Wild Cat,
Wolf, Wyvern 81-95 Friendly – Willing to communicate and provide
minor assistance, advice, etc. Seemingly barman,
Jungle Common: Dryad, Elephant, Human, Jackal, merchants, con men (actually all neutral).
Mongoose, Monkey, Orc, Rat
Uncommon: Bat, Chimpanzee, Gnoll, Goblin, 96-100 Charmed – Willing to assist the party in any way
Iguana, Tiger, Wild Cat, Wyvern that does not imperil their own interests. Camp
followers, courtiers, groupies.
Ocean Common: Dolphin
Uncommon: Barracuda, Eel, Manta Ray, Seal, 101+ Enraptured – Will totally identify with the party
Shark even to their own peril. Romantics, fools, those
magically charmed.
Plains Common: Antelope, Baboon, Camel, Dog,
Elephant, Fox, Human, Jackal, Mongoose, Orc,
Ox, Rat, Vulture Natural Weapons & Armour: Natural Armour works like
Uncommon: Centaur, Fire Ant, Hyena, Gnoll, normal armour - it protects against Fatigue damage but not
Goblin, Killer Bee, Lion, Raven, Tiger, Wild Cat Endurance or magical damage.
Natural Weapons always have the MD added to their Base
Rural Common: Donkey, Draft Horse, Fox, Housecat,
Chance, plus any bonus due to rank. Those using Unarmed
Human, Mule, Orc, Ox, Palfrey, Pony, Quarter-
use their AG, MD & PS to determine BC and damage as a
Horse, Rat
human would. Do not apply Unarmed rules unless
Uncommon: Bat, Brownie, Ghost, Ghoul, Gnoll,
specifically stated. Those using weapons will usually use
Goblin, Halfling, Owl, Satyr (Faun), Troll, War-
the weapons table. Example stats are included for some
Horse, Weasel, Wraith
more obscure weapons.
Waste Common: Camel, Dog, Fox, Human, Jackal, Teeth, tusks & most horns do A-class specific grievous
Orc, Rat, Vulture injuries.
Uncommon: Basilisk, Bear, Goblin, Hyena, Talons and claws do B- class specific grievous injuries.
Iguana, Killer Bee, Lion, Raven, Wild Cat, Hooves, trampling, & similar attacks do C- class grievous
Wyvern injuries.
Wetlands Common: Crocodile, Human, Mongoose, Orc,
Pike, Rat
Uncommon: Basilisk, Boar, Eel, Gnoll, Goblin,
Troll, Wild Cat, Wolf, Wyvern
Woods Common: Deer, Dog, Dryad, Fox, Human,
Monkey, Orc, Rat
Uncommon: Bat, Bear, Boar, Centaur, Elf, Gnoll,
Goblin, Owl, Satyr, Tiger, Weasel, Wild Cat, Wolf


Bestiary Classification Table

Animal Type Sentient Aspect Can Fear Can Stun Magic / Entity Type
Sasquatch Y S
Felines D
Small Land Mammals D
Owl D
Eel D
Kraken Y E
Crocodile F
Insects and Spiders D
Killer Bee B
Bat N B
Rat N A
Weres (in beast form) N Y
Troll D
Faerie Folk except Elves E
Dryad D special E
Earth Dwellers D
Shape-changer D special
Giant Amoeba N D
Chimera, Manticore, Minotaur, N
Hydra, Hippogriff, Basilisk,
Gargoyle, Harpy D
UNDEAD N D special N special M
Ghost, Revenant Y
Greater Undead Y
Hellhounds D Y N

Sentient: Is the creature Sentient.

Aspect: Is the creature Light or Dark aspected, or neither.
Can Stun: this creature can normally be stunned.
Can Fear: this creature can be affected by magical fear.
Magic or Silver: this creature can only be hit by magic or a silvered weapon.
Entity Type: For the purpose of some magical effects such as communication, all creatures fall into ONE of the following
A Animal (Earth)
B Bird (Air)
F Fish (Water)
E Enchanted, usually Sentient (E&E)
S Sentient, non-enchanted (Bard)
M Mana creature


Common Land Mammals

Apes Natural Habitat: Highlands, Woods
Frequency: Rare
All apes tend to be shy of humans and will usually dwell far
Number: 1-40 (20)
from civilisation. They have three times the stealth of an
Description: Male gorillas may reach 650 pounds and 6+
average human and are often adept at tracking and have
feet in height. They usually have arm spans when full grown
other talents associated with the Ranger skill.
of over 10 feet. Females usually weigh 200 pounds. Gorillas
tend to have black fur, but older males will often have grey
BABOON or silver fur. Occasionally they are entirely white. Both
Natural Habitat: Plains males and females have prominent canines and are vicious
Frequency: Common fighters. Due to their great weight, gorillas cannot brachiate
Number: 1-100 (2) in the manner of other apes.
Description: Baboons are medium-sized apes, usually no Comments: Gorillas will usually flee humanoids, but will
more than 4 feet tall, and 120 pounds in weight. They are occasionally attack if led by a large, powerful male
characterised by their large heads and long sharp fangs. Abilities: Gorillas have no special talents or skills. They are
Baboons generally have light brown fur, but may have not tool or magic users.
brightly coloured (orange, blue, purple or red) faces and/or Movement Rates: Running: 350
rumps. PS 30-40 MD 20-23 AG 14-17 MA None
Comments: Baboons tend to be vicious and unpredictable, EN 28-33 FT 33-38 WP 6-8 PC 12-18
attacking without warning. They are tribal in nature and do PB 3-7 TMR 7 NA Fur absorbs 3 DP
not fear men when with the rest of the tribe. They can Weapons: Gorillas may only attack via Close Combat.
sometimes be assuaged by food (usually meat). However, they may enter Close Combat with an entity
Abilities: Baboons possess no special talents or skills. whose combined modified Agility and Physical Strength is
They are neither magic users nor tool users and are only half or less their own by grabbing the victim and pulling
semi-intelligent. them into their hex. This manoeuvre is a Charge and Close
Movement Rates: Running: 350 Action (except that the victim is pulled out of their hex into
PS 12-18 MD 16-20 AG 18-22 MA None the gorilla's hex). Gorillas may bite or rend, but not in the
EN 6-10 FT 10-15 WP 7-9 PC 17-21 same pulse.
PB 6-9 TMR 7 NA Fur absorbs 2 DP Bite: BC 30%, [D – 2], Close, Rank 0.
Weapons: Baboons cannot attack except in Close Combat. Rend: BC 50%, [D + 6] , Close, Rank 0.
They will swarm over their victim, using their bite to kill by
increasing blood loss. MONKEY
Bite: BC 65%, [D + 4], Close, Rank 0.
Natural Habitat: Jungle, Woods
Frequency: Common
CHIMPANZEE Number: 1-3 (20)
Natural Habitat: Jungle Description: Monkeys are the smallest of the apes, ranging
Frequency: Uncommon is size from 6 inches to as much as 2 feet in height and
Number: 1-5 (40) weighing up to 25 pounds. They have small round faces,
Description: Chimpanzees are small humanoids, usually grey or brown fur, and are generally playful and curious
around 3 feet tall, and weigh 60-100 pounds. They have creatures. Monkeys use both their hands and feet to move,
brown fur, are quite social, and are excellent climbers. They climb, and run. They are also quite intelligent, and can be
usually forage for food in small groups, carrying their young. trained to perform many tasks and tricks for entertainment
They walk and climb on all fours, but can move bipedally. (or other) purposes. Monkeys are generally vegetarian,
Chimpanzees are omnivorous, but their diet consists mostly although they do eat small insects and rodents from time to
of fruit and plants. Occasionally, they will hunt and eat small time.
deer, snakes, or other woodland creatures. Comments: Monkeys can be valuable as pets, and
Comments: Chimpanzees are curious, social, and therefore an adult monkey captured will sell for as much as
generally friendly creatures. However, they will attack if their 200 Silver Pennies. A domesticated or trained monkey will
young are threatened. They are quite intelligent, and can be sell for three times this amount.
easily domesticated. Abilities: Monkeys have no special skills or magical
Abilities: Chimpanzees have no special talents or skills, abilities. However, they are apt climbers, and can use their
except their amazing ability to climb almost any surface. tails as a “fifth” hand, for climbing, holding, grabbing, etc.
Chimpanzees are nascent tool-users, and will use small Movement Rates: Running: 250; Climbing: 350
sticks or stones to crack open nuts or for other simple tasks. PS 3-8 MD 18-26 AG 20-28 MA None
Movements Rates: Running: 300; Climbing: 200 EN 4-8 FT 10-15 WP 10-12 PC 17-23
PS 18-25 MD 16-22 AG 18-23 MA None PB 7-12 TMR 5/7 NA Fur absorbs 1 DP
EN 5-12 FT 16-20 WP 8-12 PC 17-22 Weapons: Monkeys will only attack if they are completely
PB 8-10 TMR 6/4 NA Fur absorbs 2 DP cornered. Even when they are involved in combat, they will
Weapons: Chimpanzees fight with hands and teeth. simply look for the first chance they have of escaping and
Unarmed: BC 45%, [D – 2], Melee & Close, Rank 1-3. fleeing. They will bite if pressed.
Bite: BC 25%, [D – 2], Close, Rank 0. Bite: BC 55%, [D – 5], Close, Rank 0.


NEANDERTHAL and will often advertise its presence by a hunting scream as

Natural Habitat: Caverns, Highlands, Woods it leaps upon its victim.
Frequency: Rare Comments: Cheetahs are extremely fast over short
Number: 1-30 (8) distances, but tire rapidly. Their Movement should be
Description: Neanderthals are a species of pre-human quartered after their first minute at a dead run. If captured
characterised by sloping foreheads, hairy bodies, limited young, cheetahs are especially trainable. Cubs will
intelligence, and a semi-erect posture. They have prominent generally sell for 300-400 Silver Pennies each.
canines Abilities: Cheetahs have no talents or skills and are neither
Comments: Neanderthals fear other humanoids and will magic nor tool users.
flee them if possible. Some, however, are cannibals and will Movement Rates: Running: 1200
stalk other humanoids as prey. PS 20-23 MD 22-25 AG 30-34 MA None
Abilities: Neanderthals may have limited Beast Master EN 14-18 FT 20-25 WP 5-7 PC 18-23
skills and will possess most Ranger skills at Ranks 1-6 PB 6-9 TMR 24 NA Fur absorbs 2 DP
(some at higher Rank). They will have no talents and will Weapons: Cheetahs may use two claws in Melee Combat,
not be magic users. Neanderthals will have only a limited or one bite and four claws in Close Combat. They will
tool using capacity and will generally not use weapons more attempt to Charge & Close.
complicated than stones and clubs. Bite: BC 25%, [D – 2], Close, Rank 0.
Movement Rates: Running: 300 Claws: BC 30%, [D – 3], Melee & Close, Rank 1-5.
PS 18-25 MD 13-15 AG 12-14 MA None
EN 14-16 FT 20-24 WP 8-10 PC 13-18 HOUSECAT
PB 8-10 TMR 6 NA Skin absorbs 1 DP Natural Habitat: Rural
Weapons: Neanderthals will use rocks and sticks, and Frequency: Common
sometimes simple clubs and axes. They will bite and use Number: 1-20 (2)
weapons in Close Combat, and will always attempt to enter Description: House cats will tend to be 10-24 inches long
Close Combat. They will rarely pick up and use a dropped and weigh 12-35 pounds. The larger breeds of siamese and
weapon of a more complex nature. burmese cats are often bred for fighting ability and will
Stick: BC 30%, [D – 2] Close, Rank 0. appear more muscular and be much larger than the
Bite: BC 30%, [D – 3] Close, Rank 0. average house cat.
Comments: Familiars will frequently appear in the more or
SASQUATCH (YETI) less permanent shape of house cats.
Natural Habitat: Highlands, Woods Abilities: House cats have no talents, skills, or magic. They
Frequency: Very Rare are not tool users.
Number: 1-6 (1) Movement Rates: Running: 450
Description: The sasquatch is a large humanoid being, PS 3-4 MD 19-21 AG 22-24 MA None
very shy. It is covered in long brown fur, which allows it to EN 4-5 FT 8-10 WP 9-11 PC 18-20
survive in even the coldest climes. The sasquatch tends to PB 12-18 TMR 9 NA None
be shy of humans and will run or hide rather than attack Weapons: House cats cannot Melee. They get one
except when its lair is threatened. combined attack.
Comments: The sasquatch is a fairly docile creature, but Teeth & Claws: BC 20%, [D – 7], Close, Rank 0.
the yeti (the mountain-dwelling version of the species) tends
to be much larger and meaner, with more Physical Strength LEOPARD
& Endurance, and will attack instead of running when its Natural Habitat: Highlands, Jungle, Plains, Waste, Woods
privacy is invaded. Frequency: Rare
Abilities: The sasquatch is a natural tracker and forester Number: 1-4 (1)
and will possess the Ranger skill at Rank 1-8. The Description: Leopards usually appear as butter-coloured
sasquatch is sentient, however it will not possess any magic cats with 5 black spots. Some leopards, however, have
abilities and will not employ any skill involving tools or shiny black coats and are called black panthers. In either
weapons. case, they usually weigh 130-180 pounds. They hunt during
Movement Rates: Running: 300 both day and night, though they will usually be encountered
PS 24-30 MD 15-25 AG 14-18 MA 1-6 at night.
EN 25-35 FT 30-40 WP 10-15 PC 22-26 Comments: Leopards haunt game trails near rivers and
PB 5-8 TMR 6 NA Fur absorbs 3 DP streams (they sometimes eat fish). They are stealthier than
Weapons: Bare hands as per the Unarmed Combat rules. most other felines and will seldom be seen except when
Unarmed:BC 45%, [D], Melee & Close, Rank 0. they attack. The fur of adult leopards is worth 200-300
Silver Pennies.
Felines Abilities: Leopards have no special skills or talents and are
Felines are primarily nocturnal predators, and have neither tool nor magic users. They do have the ability to
excellent night-vision. All felines will possess four times the climb trees and move between branches with ease and will
stealth of the average human. follow prey into the upper branches of trees if necessary.
Movement Rates: Running: 400; Climbing: 200
CHEETAH PS 22-26 MD 24-30 AG 28-32 MA None
EN 15-18 FT 20-25 WP 6-8 PC 18-23
Natural Habitat: Plains, Waste PB 7-10 TMR 8/4 NA Fur absorbs 2 DP
Frequency: Rare Weapons: Leopards may use one bite or two claws in
Number: 1-4 (1) Melee Combat, or one bite and four claws in Close Combat.
Description: The cheetah is spotted, but without the Leopards will attempt to Close.
characteristic pattern of the leopard. It is possessed of Bite: BC 30%, [D – 2], Melee & Close, Rank 0.
retractable claws and is leggy and slender. Its head is dog- Claws: BC 30%, [D – 3], Melee & Close, Rank 1-3.
like in appearance. The cheetah is usually a daytime hunter



Natural Habitat: Plains, Waste Natural Habitat: Anywhere (except Rural)
Frequency: Uncommon Frequency: Uncommon
Number: 1-8 (2) Number: 1-6 (1)
Description: Lions are large, tan cats. The males usually Description: There is some form of wild cat in most climes.
have great black (or red) manes and will usually scare They will vary from 2 to 4 feet in length and from 25 to 90
game in the direction of the females who are the better pounds in weight. Most wild cats have blunt tails with black
fighters and hunters. tips. They often have tufted ears and are sometimes
Abilities: Lions possess no skills or talents and are neither spotted.
tool nor magic users. Comments: Wild cats will usually not stray far from their
Movement Rates: Running: 450 lair. They may be captured and sold as exotic pets in some
PS 25-30 MD 20-25 AG 25-30 MA None areas, but will usually not fetch more than 100-150 Silver
EN 20-25 FT 25-30 WP 12-16 PC 18-23 Pennies. There is a 70% chance that there will be several
PB 5-10 TMR 9 NA Fur absorbs 3 DP young in their lair.
Weapons: Lions may use one bite or two claws in Melee Abilities: Wild cats have no special talents or skills. They
Combat, or one bite and four claws in Close Combat. Lions are not tool or magic users.
will attempt to Close. Movement Rates: Running: 300-400
Bite: BC 35%, [D + 1], Melee & Close, Rank 0. PS 12-17 MD 14-20 AG 18-24 MA None
Claws: BC 45%, [D – 1], Melee & Close, Rank 2-6. EN 10-13 FT 5-18 WP 8-10 PC 16-21
PB 8-11 TMR 6-8 NA Fur absorbs 2 DP
Weapons: They may use one bite or two claws in Melee
Combat, or one bite and four claws in Close Combat. They
Natural Habitat: Arctic, Plains will attempt to Close.
Frequency: Rare Bite: BC 20%, [D – 5], Melee & Close, Rank 0.
Number: 1-8 (1) Claws: BC 25%, [D – 6], Melee & Close, Rank 1-4.
Description: Sabre-tooth tigers are huge, dark yellow or
dun coloured hunting cats with disproportionate fangs. Great Land Mammals
Comments: These cats have no fear of humanoids. If
hungry, they will readily attack a party of adventurers. They
are valuable as curiosities, and live cubs fetch 400-500 BEAR
Silver Pennies each, while mature cats fetch 3 times that Natural Habitat: Arctic, Caverns, Highlands, Waste, Woods
amount. Frequency: Uncommon
Abilities: Sabre-tooth tigers have no special talents or Number: 1-4
abilities and use neither tools nor magic. Description: Bears exist in any climate and have even
Movement Rates: Running: 600 been known to live in desert habitats. Arctic and mountain
PS 30-32 MD 18-20 AG 23-25 MA None bears will be white. Other bears may vary in colour from
EN 20-22 FT 33-36 WP 8-10 PC 21-25 brown to black, and some will have creamy or rust tinged
PB 7-10 TMR 12 NA Hide absorbs 5 DP fur. They will generally weigh between 500 and 1500
Weapons: They may use one bite or two claws in Melee pounds. They tend to walk on all four feet, but may stand on
Combat, or one bite and four claws in Close Combat. They their hind legs to fight.
will attempt to Close. Comments: Bears are omnivorous. They are also curious.
Bite: BC 50%, [D + 4], Melee & Close, Rank 0. They will, consequently, investigate and possibly attack a
Claws: BC 60%, [D + 3], Melee & Close, Rank 1-5. party of less than 6 humanoids. Larger parties will less likely
be bothered. In spring, they will have 1-2 cubs in their lair.
TIGER Each cub will fetch 400-800 Silver Pennies in an untrained
Natural Habitat: Jungle, Plains, Woods Abilities: Bears possess no special skills or talents. They
Frequency: Uncommon are not magic or tool users. However, shape-changer bears
Number: 1-4 (1) may use tools (and weapons) in their bear form.
Description: Tigers are usually orange with black stripes, Movement Rates: Running: 300
though some types have thick, pale fur. All were-tigers will PS 35-40 MD 10-15 AG 10-15 MA None
have the latter colouring when in their tiger form. Though EN 30-35 FT 35-40 WP 8-10 PC 18-22
varying greatly in size, most tigers will be between 4 and 7 PB 6-10 TMR 6 NA Fur absorbs 4 DP
feet in length and weigh several hundred pounds. Weapons: Bears may bite and claw while in Close Combat
Comments: Tigers are solitary, nocturnal hunters. They will or they can attempt to "hug" their victim. Bears may make
attack humanoids with little provocation, and some have two claw attacks in Melee.
been known to develop a positive craving for human flesh. Claws: BC 35%, [D + 2], Melee & Close, Rank 1-4.
They enjoy swimming and will be undeterred by a water Bite: BC 20%, [D + 4], Close, Rank 0.
barrier between them and their prey. Hug: BC 60%, [D + 8], Close, Rank 0.
Abilities: Tigers have no special talents or skills. They are
not tool or magic users.
Movement Rates: Running: 450 BOAR
PS 24-28 MD 22-26 AG 25-30 MA None Natural Habitat: Highlands, Wetlands, Woods
EN 20-24 FT 25-29 WP 8-10 PC 18-23 Frequency: Uncommon
PB 5-9 TMR 9 NA Fur absorbs 3 DP Number: 1-3 (1)
Weapons: Tigers may use one bite or two claws in Melee Description: Boars grow to 550 pounds, are covered in
Combat, or one bite and four claws in Close Combat. Tigers long, dark bristles and have long tusks. They tend to be
will attempt to Close. both stupid and vicious.
Bite: BC 45%, [D + 2], Melee & Close, Rank 0. Comments: Boars tend to be nocturnal and will seldom be
Claws: BC 30%, [D – 1], Melee & Close, Rank 1-2. encountered in daylight. They are omnivorous and will


devour anything they find laying about or will kill humanoids ELEPHANT
for food. Natural Habitat: Jungle, Plains
Abilities: Boars have no special skills or talents and use Frequency: Common
neither tools nor magic. Number: 1-50 (20)
Movement Rates: Running: 350 Description: Elephants are 10 to 14 feet high at the
PS 22-27 MD 14-18 AG 20-25 MA None shoulder and weigh between 4 and 8 tons (with "Indian"
EN 20-25 FT 25-30 WP 4-10 PC 12-16 elephants being much smaller on the average than "African"
PB 6-10 TMR 7 NA Bristles absorb 4 DP elephants). They tend to be grey in colour, but may appear
Weapons: Boars always attempt to Charge and Close, and brown, yellow or red, depending upon what type of mud
either gore them with their tusks or knock them to the they have been wallowing in. Elephants are four-hex
ground and trample them. monsters.
Gore: BC 50%, [D – 1], Close, Rank 1-2. Comments: Elephants will usually shy away from
Trample: BC 20%, [D – 3], Close, Rank 0. humanoids unless provoked (70% chance that provocation
short of attack will be ignored). If one elephant is attacked,
CAMEL all nearby elephants will come to their assistance,
Natural Habitat: Plains, Waste especially if the elephant is a cow or calf. Elephant tusks
Frequency: Common are valuable (500-800 Silver Pennies per tusk weighing
Number: 1-6 (3) around 100 pounds). Calves will sell for 1000 Silver
Description: A camel is a tawny, thin-legged creature often Pennies and adult bulls will sell for three times that if
used as a riding beast. Camels will have either one large unharmed. Adult females may fetch 1500 Silver Pennies if
hump on their back or two. If the latter is in the case, the still in their breeding years.
camel is called a dromedary. Abilities: Elephants have no talents or skills and are not
Abilities: Camels' metabolisms allow them to retain large magic or tool users. They are dextrous with their trunks and
quantities of fat and water, so they are able to survive for can often use them to lift large burdens, shake trees, crush
long periods without eating or drinking. On average, a or throw objects (like people) without much accuracy. They
camel can live for a week to ten days without water without have a highly developed sense of smell and poor eyesight.
suffering substantial ill effects. While valued for this trait, Movement Rates: Running: 450
they are difficult to train and so will bring little money in an PS 60-75 MD 15-18 AG 10-12 MA None
untrained state. Trained camels will bring 700-900 Silver EN 40-50 FT 45-55 WP 10-14 PC 10-12
Pennies. PB 6-8 TMR 9 NA Hide absorbs 5 DP
Movement Rates: Running: 600 Weapons: An elephant may use its tusks and trunk, or may
PS 25-30 MD 12-15 AG 11-14 MA None trample (four attacks). From a distance, it may charge with
EN 27-30 FT 20-25 WP 10-12 PC 14-18 its tusks.
PB 7-9 TMR 12 NA Hide absorbs 3 DP Charge: BC 60%, [D + 8], Melee, Rank 0.
Weapons: Camels may either bite or kick into their rear Tusks: BC 15%, [D + 2], Melee & Close, Rank 0.
hex. Trunk: BC 80%, [D – 2], Melee, Rank 0.
Bite: BC 30%, [D – 1], Melee & Close, Rank 0. Trample: BC 50%, [D + 6], Close, Rank 0.
Kick: BC 25%, [D + 4], Melee Rear, Rank 0.
DEER Natural Habitat: Plains
Natural Habitat: Plains, Woods Frequency: Rare
Frequency: Common Number: 1-16 (6)
Number: 1-5 (1) or 50-5000 (200) Description: Giraffes are giant antelope with long necks
Description: Deer are wild creatures, like thin, agile and a horse-like head. They can grow as tall as 18 feet,
horses. They generally have a tawny coat, but rare averaging 12 feet high at the shoulder, and can weigh over
specimens are black. Stags are male deer and have large 3000 pounds. They have long legs, round bodies, and are
racks of antlers. Antelope have straight, non-branching quite fast. Giraffes are vegetarian, feasting on the leafy tops
horns, and are usually a shade of grey or brown. of tall trees. Their fur ranges in color from golden to brown,
Comments: Deer are usually found in woods, while usually dotted with darker spots. Giraffes have two small
antelope are found in the plains. Deer travel singly or in flesh covered horns, valued for their alchemical properties.
pairs, and will be wary of humanoids, but will not flee them.. Giraffes travel in small herds, usually led by one dominant
Antelope travel in vast herds, and are not shy of man. male. They will generally flee from the presence of
Female antelope are as large as the males, while female humanoids who come closer than 200 yards. They are 2
deer are smaller and without antlers. Stag antlers and some hex monsters.
antelope horns are extremely valuable (worth 200-700 Comments: Giraffe horn is valuable to Alchemists. One
Silver Pennies). horn from a full grown Giraffe can sell for 100 Gold Shillings
Abilities: Deer have no special talents or skills and use or more. The horn is often used to make potions or as an
neither tools nor magic. item to be imbued with magical properties.
Movement Rates: Running: 750 Abilities: Giraffes have no special skills or talents, and are
PS 20-26 MD 19-24 AG 22-26 MA None not magic users.
EN 15-20 FT 20-25 WP 10-11 PC 20-25 Movement Rates: Running: 700
PB 12-13 TMR 15 NA Hide absorbs 3 DP PS 30-36 MD 14-18 AG 12-16 MA None
Weapons: Deer may either use their antlers or kick into EN 22-26 FT 30-35 WP 10-12 PC 18-22
their rear hex. PB 12-16 TMR 14 NA Fur absorbs 2 DP
Antlers: BC 30%, [D + 5], Melee & Close, Rank 1-4. Weapons: Giraffes can kick either forwards or backwards.
Kick: BC 50%, [D + 3], Melee Rear, Rank 0. Back Kick: BC 20%, [D + 8], Melee Rear, Rank 0.
Fore Kick: BC 40%, [D + 5], Melee, Rank 0.


HIPPOPOTAMUS (River Horse) generally not afraid of anything, including lions, tigers, or
Natural Habitat: Wetlands man. Additionally, they consume a great deal of food (about
Frequency: Rare 400 pounds per day). Rhinos will usually not attack unless
Number: 1-10 (4) provoked. They are 3 hex monsters.
Description: Hippos are huge aquatic mammals with long Comments: Rhinos are not shy, but they do have a short
round bodies, short ears, and large oblong snouts. They temper and will attack if annoyed. They are short-sighted
can grow to lengths of over 12 feet, and often weigh more and will often charge to displace creatures they can not
than 4 tons. Their skin is rough, usually dark brown or gray. identify. Courtesans have found use for rhino horns as an
They have round flat teeth, and horrible breath. Hippos aphrodisiac. Horns will sell for 25 Gold Shillings each in
sweat blood all over their body when they are about to most cities.
attack. They are 4 hex monsters. Abilities: Rhinos posses no special skills or magic. They
Comments: Hippos can breathe underwater, and are are not tool users.
treated as aquatics. While submerged, hippos are difficult to Movement Rates: Running: 350
spot, as usually only their nostrils and eyes protrude above PS 50-60 MD 10-12 AG 10-12 MA None
the water. They are territorial, and will challenge any EN 35-45 FT 45-50 WP 10-14 PC 12-14
creature or boat that comes too close to their young. They PB 5-8 TMR 7 NA Hide absorbs 7 DP
will attempt to surprise and capsize any craft that comes too Weapons: Rhinos will attempt to gore or trample (four
close or appears hostile. On land, hippos are slow and attacks).
virtually defenceless, and will hide in mud wallows to avoid Charge: BC 60%, [D + 6], Melee, Rank 0.
danger. They will retreat into water if threatened. Gore: BC 40%, [D + 2], Melee, Rank 0.
Abilities: These animals have no special skills except Trample: BC 25%, [D + 2], Close, Rank 0.
water-breathing and sweating blood.
Movement Rates: Running: 150; Swimming: 250 WOOLLY MAMMOTH
PS 40-50 MD 7-9 AG 7-10 MA None Natural Habitat: Arctic
EN 35-45 FT 40-45 WP 10-12 PC 14-18 Frequency: Uncommon
PB 6-9 TMR 3/5 NA Hide absorbs 4 DP Number: 1-10 (4)
Weapons: Hiipos may bite creatures 4' long or longer. Description: Mammoths are huge, hairy, evil-tempered
Smaller creatures are swallowed whole, inflicting no elephantine animals growing to twice the size of elephants.
immediate damage. Additionally, they can attempt to Mastodons are generally longer and lower to the ground,
capsize boats less than 20’ long. but otherwise similar to the mammoth. Both mammoths and
Bite: BC 25%, [D + 7], Melee, Rank 0. mastodons are four-hex monsters.
Comments: Mammoths tend to be more irritable than
OX elephants and will be quicker to attack, but are otherwise
Natural Habitat: Plains, Rural similar. Their tusks are valued the same as elephant tusks,
Frequency: Common but weigh only 50-80 pounds each.
Number: 1-20 (2) Abilities: Mammoths possess no talents, skills or magic.
Description: Oxen are literally castrated cattle. This They are not tool users.
heading subsumes all such forms of domesticated beasts Movement Rates: Running: 500
(water buffalo, caribou, etc.) used for pulling wagons, carts, PS 65-80 MD 15-18 AG 10-12 MA None
ploughs, etc., or for carrying burdens. Oxen generally have EN 50-60 FT 55-65 WP 10-14 PC 10-12
horns, but will seldom use them unless directly attacked. PB 5-7 TMR 10 NA Hide absorbs 6 DP
Comments: Wild ox, such as buffalo, bison and yak, are Weapons: A mammoth may use its tusks and trunk, or may
extremely territorial, and will attack in concert to drive off trample (four attacks). From a distance, it may charge with
predators. its tusks.
Abilities: Oxen have no special talent or skill and are Charge: BC 60%, [D + 9], Melee, Rank 0.
neither tool nor magic users. They will almost always be Tusks: BC 15%, [D + 3], Melee & Close, Rank 0.
trained to pull a plough or wagon. Trunk: BC 80%, [D – 1], Melee, Rank 0.
Movement Rates: Running: 250 Trample: BC 50%, [D + 7], Close, Rank 0.
PS 50-60 MD 7-9 AG 8-10 MA None
EN 25-30 FT 32-40 WP 7-9 PC 12-15
Small Land Mammals
PB 6-8 TMR 5 NA Hide absorbs 3 DP
Weapons: Oxen may attack with their horn, or trample (4 FOX
Horns: BC 20%, [D + 3], Melee, Rank 0. Natural Habitat: Arctic, Plains, Rural, Waste, Woods
Trample: BC 40%, [D + 5], Close, Rank 0. Frequency: Common
Number: 1-2 (1)
Description: Foxes are small sleek dogs, averaging 10
RHINOCEROS inches high at the shoulder, although they can grow larger.
Natural Habitat: Plains Male foxes can weigh as much as 15 pounds. They vary in
Frequency: Rare colour from bright orange to white. Their coat will usually
Number: 1-4 (1) match the colour of their environment. Foxes hunt mostly at
Description: A Rhino is a large land mammal with a huge night, preferring to sleep during the day, except during the
head, small eyes, and one or two horns protruding from winter. Fox are generally frightened of humans, although
their snout. Their skin is grey and thick, generally with short they do live near human settlements where small farm
abrasive hairs covering their head and neck. They can grow animals might be present. These creatures are difficult to
as large as 6 feet high at the shoulder, 10 feet long, and trap or tame. They also have an acute sense of smell.
weigh up to 3 tons. Rhinos are solitary herbivores, although Comments: A fox fur is quite valuable, and can sell for as
bulls will fight over females and territory during mating much as 100 Silver Pennies. An arctic fox fur will sell for
seasons: Spring and Autumn. These creatures are twice that amount.


Abilities: Foxes have no special talents, or skills. They do Abilities: Mongooses have no special skills or talents. They
not use magic or tools. They are incredibly cunning and are not tool or magic users.
wily. Movement Rates: Running: 400
Movement Rates: Running: 300 PS 2-3 MD 26-32 AG 26-32 MA None
PS 4-6 MD 18-20 AG 22-26 MA None EN 4-6 FT 6-8 WP 18-20 PC 20-24
EN 5-7 FT 10-12 WP 10-12 PC 22-26 PB 10-12 TMR 8 NA None
PB 10-14 TMR 6 NA Fur absorbs 1 DP Weapons: Mongooses may bite. They will always use their
Weapons: Foxes can bite. second action to defensively withdraw while in melee, giving
Bite: BC 50%, [D – 2], Close, Rank 0. an appearance of "dancing".
Bite: BC 80%, [D – 6], Close, Rank 0.
Natural Habitat: Highlands, Plains, Waste WARDOG
Frequency: Uncommon Natural Habitat: Rural
Number: 1-10 (6) Frequency: Uncommon
Description: Hyenas are light brown, short-jawed animals Number: 1-2 (1)
about 4 feet in length. Their hides are specked with large Description: A Wardog is any type of dog trained by
dark brown rings. They have short tails and rounded ears. humans for use in combat, hunting, or other difficult tasks.
The forelegs of a hyena are longer than the rear legs, so These dogs are larger and stronger than most dogs,
when the animal stands, it seems to slope downward from averaging 2 to 3 feet high at the shoulder and weighing 70-
its shoulders to its tail. At night, hyenas can be recognised 90 pounds. They tend to be wolf-like in appearance, and
by their barking howl. attitude.
Comments: Hyenas are mainly scavengers, preying on the Abilities: Wardogs have no special skills or talents, and
remains of carcasses left by the great cats and other they are not magic users. They have good stamina and
hunters. generally have an excellent resistance to cold weather.
Abilities: Hyenas have no special talents or skills. They do Comments: Wardogs are more likely to attack humans
not use tools or magic. than most dogs, but will usually not do so if their master is
Movement Rates: Running: 300 present, unless they are very hungry. They can be trained
PS 6-8 MD 19-21 AG 22-24 MA None to fight, hunt, and track. If the new master of a Wardog is
EN 7-9 FT 11-13 WP 8-10 PC 19-23 not a Beast Master, he must spend 1 week with the dog and
PB 6-8 TMR 7 NA Hide absorbs 3 DP the trainer learning the proper commands for directing its
Weapons: Hyenas may bite. actions, or two weeks if the old master is not available.
Bite: BC 60%, [D – 1], Close, Rank 0. Movement Rates: Running: 350
PS 10-12 MD 15-20 AG 16-20 MA None
EN 12-18 FT 22-25 WP 12-16 PC 20-24
PB 12-14 TMR 7 NA Fur absorbs 2 DP
Natural Habitat: Jungle, Plains, Waste Weapons: Wardogs may bite. They do [D + 2] in Close.
Frequency: Common Bite: BC 65%, [D + 1], Melee & Close, Rank 1-3.
Number: 1-8 (2)
Description: A jackal looks like a cross between a fox and
a wolf, has a speckled grey and brown coat, and is about 3 WEASEL
feet long. Natural Habitat: Arctic, Coastal, Highlands, Rural, Woods
Comments: Jackals, like hyenas, are scavengers, and are Frequency: Uncommon
none too courageous. They are curious, and will Number: 1-2 (1)
occasionally raid a human camp searching for food, but Description: Weasels have a brown coat during the
they will run at the first sign of danger. summer, which turns white as winter approaches. They are
Abilities: A jackal has no special talents or skills and does slim, and utterly vicious. The pelts if taken during winter are
not use tools or magic. worth 40-70 Silver Pennies each.
Movement Rates: Running: 300 Comments: Weasels are very curious, and they are thus
PS 5-7 MD 18-20 AG 22-24 MA None fairly easy to trap. If a pair of weasels is found in spring,
EN 6-8 FT 9-12 WP 7-9 PC 20-23 there is an 80% chance they will be accompanied by 4-8
PB 7-9 TMR 6 NA Fur absorbs 2 DP young. Weasels are bloodthirsty, and will gladly take on
Weapons: Jackals may bite. much larger creatures.
Bite: BC 60%, [D – 2], Close, Rank 0. Abilities: Weasels are the only animals that can stand the
gaze and breath of the basilisk, and thus they are often
trained to kill them. They are, however, difficult to train and
a trained basilisk killer is worth 4,000-6,000 Silver Pennies.
Natural Habitat: Jungle, Plains, Wetlands Other than this special ability, weasels have no talents or
Frequency: Common skills. They use neither tools nor magic.
Number: 1-20 (6) Movement Rates: Running: 250
Description: Mongooses have light grey fur and grow to a PS 1-2 MD 19-23 AG 25-29 MA None
length of about two feet. They are very common rodents in EN 1-2 FT 3-4 WP 18-23 PC 17-23
some parts of the world, and are valued as snake-killers. PB 10-13 TMR 5 NA Fur absorbs 1 DP
Comments: Mongooses are especially valued as house Weapons: Weasels may bite.
pets and a mongoose that is trained to remain in the vicinity Bite: BC 75%, [D – 4], Close, Rank 0.
of a dwelling (and protect against snakes, especially
cobras) will fetch 300-400 Silver Pennies. They are
relatively easy to train for this task.


WOLF Comments: Donkeys are common draft animals. They do

Natural Habitat: Arctic, Highlands, Wetlands, Woods not need good food, and will serve well unless mistreated.
Frequency: Uncommon They can carry burdens of up to 250 pounds with great
Number: 2-24 (6) endurance.
Description: The colour of wolves' fur varies greatly with Abilities: No special talents, magic, or other abilities. They
environment, but they will usually be coloured so as to are not tool users.
blend in with their surroundings. The thickness of the fur Movement Rates: Running: 500
depends on the season. PS 40-45 MD 11-14 AG 16-19 MA None
Comments: Wolves travel in packs, although lone wolves EN 18-22 FT 33-38 WP 10-12 PC 19-21
can occasionally be found. During the spring, a wolf's lair PB 9-11 TMR 10 NA 3 DP
will be occupied by from 3-12 cubs per female in the pack Weapons: Donkeys may either bite or kick into their rear
Abilities: Wolves have no skills, talents or magical abilities hex.
and are not tool users. Wolves have incredible stamina, Bite: BC 25%, [D – 3], Melee & Close, Rank 0.
however, and can run for literally days at a time. Kick: BC 40%, [D + 3], Melee Rear, Rank 0.
Movement Rates: All-out Run: 400; Steady Run: 250
PS 10-12 MD 18-20 AG 18-20 MA None DRAFT HORSE
EN 15-20 FT 30-35 WP 18-22 PC 20-24 Natural Habitat: Rural
PB 6-9 TMR 8 NA Fur absorbs 3 DP Frequency: Common
Weapons: Wolves may bite. They do [D + 3] in Close. Number: Not applicable
Bite: BC 60%, [D + 1], Melee & Close, Rank 0. Description: Draft horses are the largest of the horses,
growing to more than five and a half feet and weights of up
WOLVERINE to 2300 pounds. They have huge muscles and thick limbs,
Natural Habitat: Highlands, Woods and they will frequently have hairy feet of a different colour
Frequency: Rare than the rest of their body.
Number: 1-2 (1) Comments: Draft horses are bred to carry burdens without
Description: Wolverines resemble small bears. They have tiring. They can carry loads of up to 500 pounds, and have
dark grey or black fur, sharp teeth, and a vicious temper. great endurance. They can be ridden, although they are not
They will not hesitate to attack anything that annoys them. especially sensitive to a rider's wishes.
They are extremely territorial, and will charge a person who Abilities: Draft horses possess no special talents, skills, or
comes near them or their homes. They are about 3 feet magic. They are not tool users.
long, but can weigh as much as 80 pounds. Wolverines are Movement Rates: Running: 500
virtually impossible to tame. Wolverines are solitary, PS 60-65 MD 10-12 AG 13-15 MA None
nocturnal predators, who hunt most creatures in their EN 26-32 FT 55-63 WP 8-10 PC 14-18
domain. PB 8-10 TMR 10 NA Hide absorbs 3 DP
Comments: Wolverines have been known to kill bears and Weapons: Draft horses may either bite or kick into their
other creatures much larger than they are. They are rear hex.
commonly used for Bear-baiting by those who can afford Bite: BC 15%, [D], Melee & Close, Rank 0.
the price of their capture (usually around 1000 Silver Kick: BC 35%, [D + 4], Melee Rear, Rank 0.
Pennies for an adult). Wolverine fur is highly valuable, as it
repels water. A fur will sell for as much as 150 Silver MULE
Pennies. Natural Habitat: Rural
Abilities: Wolverines have no skills or talents, except that Frequency: Common
they are immune to natural and magical fear. They may go Number: Not applicable
berserk at will. Description: Mules are a usually sterile crossbreed of a
Movement Rates: Running: 250 mare and a jackass. A mule has a short mane, long ears,
PS 16-22 MD 18-22 AG 22-26 MA None small feet, and a tail with long hairs at the end. They are
EN 18-22 FT 20-25 WP 18-23 PC 17-23 usually brown, and are about four feet high at the
PB 4-8 TMR 5 NA Hide absorbs 3 DP shoulders.
Weapons: A wolverine will claw twice and bite with no Comments: Mules are excellent draft animals. They are
penalty. very strong, are sure footed, and have great endurance. A
Claw: BC 50%, [D + 2], Close, Rank 1-3. mule can carry loads of up to 300 pounds, although such
Bite: BC 75%, [D + 4], Melee & Close, Rank 2-4. burdens are rare. Mules are highly resistant to disease
(reduce the chance of infection by 10% if struck in combat).
Horses Mules generally work with little fuss unless mistreated, in
Mounts are generally not adept at fighting and will only which case they become stubborn and vicious.
attack if directly threatened or if panicked. Only trained war- Abilities: Mules possess no special talents, magic, or other
horses will intentionally enter close combat. abilities. They are not tool users.

Movement Rates: Running: 450

DONKEY PS 40-50 MD 12-15 AG 17-20 MA None
Natural Habitat: Rural EN 20-25 FT 40-45 WP 10-12 PC 18-20
Frequency: Common PB 9-11 TMR 9 NA Hide 3 DP
Number: Not applicable Weapons: Mules may either bite or kick into their rear hex.
Description: Donkeys are basically equine in form. They Bite: BC 20%, [D – 2], Melee & Close, Rank 0.
are usually grey with a darker stripe down the centre of their Kick: BC 40%, [D + 4], Melee Rear, Rank 0.
backs. They have very large ears and reach about four feet
at the shoulders.


Natural Habitat: Highlands, Plains Natural Habitat: Rural
Frequency: Rare Frequency: Common
Number: 1-50 (30) Number: Not applicable
Description: Mustangs are wild horses. They are smaller Description: These horses grow to five feet at the
than most domestic animals, usually about four and a half shoulders, and weigh about half a ton.
feet at the shoulder. Colours vary, but most mustangs have Comments: Quarterhorses are very useful as riding
very long manes and tails. animals. They can climb steep banks and ford water. They
Comments: Mustangs are generally afraid of men and will are extremely responsive to their rider if well trained and are
run away if they sense man's presence. They can be tamed able to stop or turn very quickly, suiting them for such tasks
if captured, however, and used either as riding horses or as rounding up herds. They do not have great endurance,
beasts of burden. They can carry loads of up to 400 however, and they can only maintain their maximum speed
pounds. for periods of a few miles. They can carry loads of up to 350
Abilities: Mustangs possess no special talents, skills, or pounds, but they are not intended to be beasts of burden,
magic. They are not tool users. and so their spirit will be quickly broken if they are used as
Movement Rates: Running: 600 such. If a quarterhorse's spirit is broken, its speed will be
PS 40-50 MD 13-16 AG 18-21 MA None decreased to TMR 9.
EN 18-23 FT 36-42 WP 11-13 PC 20-22 Abilities: Quarterhorses possess no special talents, skills,
PB 9-11 TMR 12 NA Hide absorbs 3 DP or magic. They are not tool users.
Weapons: Mustangs may either bite or kick into their rear Movement Rates: Running: 600
hex. PS 40-45 MD 13-15 AG 17-20 MA None
Bite: BC 25%, [D], Melee & Close, Rank 0. EN 18-23 FT 35-40 WP 9-10 PC 17-19
Kick: BC 45%, [D + 4], Melee Rear, Rank 0. PB 10-12 TMR 12 NA Hide absorbs 3 DP
Weapons: Quarterhorses may either bite or kick into their
rear hex.
Bite: BC 20%, [D – 1], Melee & Close, Rank 0.
Natural Habitat: Rural Kick: BC 45%, [D + 5], Melee Rear, Rank 0.
Frequency: Common
Number: Not applicable
Description: Palfreys are fine-featured riding horses. They WAR-HORSE
grow to a little more than five feet at the shoulders, and Natural Habitat: Rural
weigh about 1100 pounds. Frequency: Uncommon
Comments: These horses were bred for gentleness and Number: Not applicable
appearance. They were developed to be riding horses, and Description: War-horses are heavily built, thickly muscled
are highly responsive to their riders. They can carry up to and limber animals, bred to carry large burdens for
350 pounds, but, like the Quarterhorse, they are not usually extended periods. They are often five and a half feet at the
used to carry burdens. shoulder, and can weigh more than a ton.
Abilities: Palfreys possess no special talents, skills, or Comments: These are the most intelligent and (if properly
magic. They are not tool users. treated) the most loyal of the horses. They are responsive
Movement Rates: Running: 650 to a rider, but can also be used to carry heavy burdens (up
PS 38-43 MD 11-14 AG 16-19 MA None to 500 pounds). Using a war-horse as a draft horse will
EN 18-21 FT 30-35 WP 8-10 PC 16-18 generally lower the quality of their training for combat,
PB 11-13 TMR 13 NA Hide absorbs 3 DP however.
Weapons: Palfreys may either bite or kick into their rear Abilities: War-horses are specially trained for combat.
hex. They panic less frequently than other horses when faced
Bite: BC 20%, [D – 2], Melee & Close, Rank 0. with fire, sudden movements, or loud noises. A rider can
Kick: BC 40%, [D + 3], Melee Rear, Rank 0. also control a war-horse's actions in combat, making the
horse kick, bite, or attempt to trample an adversary. See
Mounted Combat. Other horses can be used in combat, but
they cannot be used to attack.
Natural Habitat: Rural Movement Rates: Running: 500
Frequency: Common PS 55-60 MD 11-14 AG 16-19 MA None
Number: Not applicable EN 25-30 FT 50-60 WP 9-11 PC 16-18
Description: Ponies are small horses less than five feet PB 9-11 TMR 10 NA Hide absorbs 3 DP
high. Most are between three and four feet high at the Weapons: War-horses may either bite or kick into their rear
shoulder. hex. War-horses will willingly enter Close Combat and
Comments: Ponies are especially gentle and easy to train. trample if directed.
They live longer than most horses, and do not need any Bite: BC 25%, [D + 2], Melee & Close, Rank 0.
food other than hay and grass. Loads of up to 150 pounds Kick: BC 45%, [D + 7], Melee Rear, Rank 0.
can be carried without great strain. Trample: BC 25%, [D + 8], Close, Rank 0.
Abilities: Ponies possess no special talents, magic, or
other abilities. They are not tool users.
Movement Rates: Running: 350
PS 19-24 MD 13-15 AG 13-15 MA None
EN 12-14 FT 20-22 WP 9-11 PC 16-19
PB 10-12 TMR 7 NA 3 DP
Weapons: Ponies may either bite or kick into their rear hex.
Bite: BC 15%, [D – 4], Melee & Close, Rank 0.
Kick: BC 20%, [D – 1], Melee Rear, Rank 0.


Movement Rates: Flying: 1100

Avians PS 4-6 MD 18-20 AG 20-22 MA None
EN 6-7 FT 9-11 WP 8-10 PC 19-23
PB 10-12 TMR 22 NA Feathers absorb 1 DP
Weapons: A goshawk may attack with beak and two talons
without penalty. They will Charge and Close from hundreds
Natural Habitat: Highlands, Plains, Waste of feet above without warning.
Frequency: Common Beak: BC 65%, [D – 4], Close.
Number: 1-60 (10) Talons: BC 80%, [D – 3], Close.
Description: These birds have dark brown plumage and
thin, featherless necks of a beige colour. Their beaks are
black and snub-tipped. They prey on the dead and near OWL
dead (especially if unconscious). Natural Habitat: Rural, Woods
Abilities: Vultures can see each other miles away, and thus Frequency: Uncommon
when one vulture descends for a meal, others soon follow. Number: 1-6 (1)
Except for their keen eyesight, vultures possess no special Description: Owls can be of several types, but in general
talents, skills or magic. They are not tool users. they are between one and two feet in length. Colouring
Movement Rates: Flying: 600 varies, but brown feathers speckled with grey is a common
PS 3-5 MD 15-17 AG 14-16 MA None coloration. Owls' eyes are both on the front of the head,
EN 6-7 FT 9-11 WP 8-10 PC 17-20 unlike most birds, and they tend to have large, dark rings
PB 8-10 TMR 12 NA Feathers absorb 1 DP around the eyes.
Weapons: A vulture may attack with its claws and beak. Comments: Owls are primarily nocturnal predators, hunting
Claws: BC 45%, [D – 5], Close, Rank 0. small mammals as well as birds. They are said to
Bite: BC 40%, [D – 6], Close, Rank 0. understand human speech and to be friendly to man, often
providing travellers with valuable information.
EAGLE Abilities: Owls see well in the dark and have excellent
hearing. They have no magical abilities, skills or talents and
Natural Habitat: Highlands are not tool users. They have incredible stealth and can
Frequency: Uncommon glide without sound.
Number: 1-20 (1) Movement Rates: Flying: 600
Description: Great eagles are among the largest of the PS 3-4 MD 18-20 AG 22-24 MA None
birds of prey. They have a wingspan of 7 feet when full EN 3-4 FT 5-7 WP 7-9 PC 20-22
grown. Their feathers are grey except around neck and PB 9-11 TMR 12 NA Feathers absorb 1 DP
head (which is white). Weapons: Owls may attack with beak and two talons
Comments: Eagles avoid humans except to occasionally without penalty.
steal goats or other small animals from human flocks. They Beak: BC 55%, [D – 6], Close.
will sometimes attack a party that ventures too near their Talons: BC 50%, [D – 7], Close.
Abilities: Eagles have no special talents or skills. They are
not magic users and do not use tools. They do have keen RAVEN
eyesight. Natural Habitat: Highlands, Plains, Waste
Movement Rates: Flying: 1200 Frequency: Uncommon
PS 12-16 MD 22-24 AG 19-23 MA None Number: 1-60 (15)
EN 9-12 FT 17-20 WP 11-13 PC 20-24 Description: Ravens are large black birds, standing two
PB 10-12 TMR 24 NA Feathers absorb 2 DP foot high, with a 5 foot wingspan..
Weapons: Eagles may attack with beak or two talons Comments: Unlike raptors, they will band together and
without penalty. They will Charge and Close from hundreds mob other birds, commonly driving other predators including
of feet above without warning. their great rival, the eagle, away from their territory. Ravens
Beak: BC 50%, [D – 1], Close, Rank 1-3. are not afraid of humans, and can be made pets. They like
Talons: BC 70%, [D + 1], Close, Rank 1-2. shiny baubles and sometimes collect small metal objects in
their nests. They can be trained to speak a few words.
Ravens are often used by evil forces as scouts.
Abilities: Ravens have no special talents or skills. They are
Natural Habitat: Anywhere (except Arctic) not magic users and do not use tools.
Frequency: Rare Movement Rates: Flying: 800
Number: 1-2 (1) PS 6-9 MD 18-20 AG 17-19 MA None
Description: Goshawks are the largest of the hawks. They EN 6-9 FT 12-14 WP 15-17 PC 16-20
are almost 2 ½ feet in length. The feathers of a goshawk PB 8-10 TMR 16 NA Feathers absorb 2 DP
are primarily brown, although the belly is pure white and Weapons: Ravens may attack with beak or two talons
some of the tail feathers are black. The sharp beak and without penalty. They will Close in great numbers, or attack
claws are black. the eyes if alone.
Comments: Like the other birds of prey, the goshawk can Beak: BC 45%, [D – 3], Close, Rank 0.
be trained to serve man in captivity. It will bring 700-1200 Talons: BC 75%, [D – 2], Close, Rank 1-4.
Silver Pennies as a Trained hunter. Other types of hawks
and falcons will have characteristics 1-2 less than the
goshawk, will fly at speeds of 100-200 yards per minute
less, and will have a value of 200-300 fewer Silver Pennies.
They will otherwise be similar.
Abilities: Other than their excellent eyesight, goshawks
have no special talents, skills, or magical abilities and are
not tool users.


Lizards, Snakes and Insects Natural Habitat: Waste
Frequency: Rare
Reptiles Number: 1-8 (1)
Description: Gila monsters are black and yellow lizards
Reptiles are unintelligent. Many of them are poisonous. If with short, thin limbs and a striped stubby tail.
their attack does effective damage, extra poison damage Abilities: The Gila monster has no special talents, skills, or
will result. Some reptiles only do effective damage for magic.
armour penetration - if the attack penetrates armour, poison Movement Rates: Running: 100
damage will result, but no physical damage from the attack. PS 3-4 MD 8-10 AG 7-8 MA None
EN 4-5 FT 8-10 WP 7-9 PC 15-17
CROCODILE PB 7-9 TMR 2 NA Hide absorbs 2 DP
Weapons: Gila monsters may bite. Poison occurs after
Natural Habitat: Coastal, Wetlands
effective damage.
Frequency: Common
Bite: BC 50%, [D – 3], Close, Rank 0.
Number: 1-50 (20)
Poison: 2 DP per pulse for D10 pulses.
Description: Crocodiles are heavily scaled lizards with
small sharp teeth. They attain lengths of 8 feet, and weights
of up to 180 pounds. Giant crocodiles may attain twice this IGUANA
length and ten times this weight, and have 20 more strength Natural Habitat: Jungle, Waste
and endurance. Their scales are a very dark greenish- Frequency: Uncommon
brown that blends in well with the muddy water that they Number: 1-4 (2)
love to inhabit. Description: Iguanas are large lizards, sometimes reaching
Comments: Crocodiles often lurk just below the surface of more than 3 feet in length. They are sandy to brown in
murky waters, waiting for a titbit to enter the water. On land, colour, and have ridges along their back. They have a short,
however, crocodiles are rather timid, and they will slip off thick tail and wrinkled skin around their neck. Giant iguanas
into the water if they sense something approaching. If a may be up to 3 times normal size and have double or triple
crocodile's jaws are grasped while they are still closed, it PS, EN, and FT.
only takes a PS of 12 to hold them closed, rendering the Abilities: Iguanas have no magical abilities or special
crocodile's bite useless. The crocodile's skin is used to talents.
make primitive armour (equal to leather) and the teeth Movement Rates: Crawling: 250
(about 60) are valuable (100 Silver Pennies each) as PS 9-11 MD None AG 14-16 MA None
charms. EN 4-6 FT 8-10 WP 6-8 PC 10-12
Abilities: Crocodiles have no special talents, skills or PB 6-8 TMR 5 NA Hide absorbs 3 DP
magic. Weapons: Iguanas may bite.
Movement Rates: Running: 50; Swimming: 150 Bite: BC 50%, [D + 4], Close, Rank 0.
PS 17-19 MD 5-8 AG 7-9 MA None
EN 7-9 FT 15-18 WP 7-9 PC 8-10 Snakes
PB 7-9 TMR 1/3 NA Scales absorb 6 DP
All snakes included in this section are non-intelligent and
Weapons: Crocodiles may claw twice and bite without
extremely hostile. Most are poisonous. Snakes tend to lie in
penalty. Giant crocodiles do twice normal damage.
wait for prey and will usually strike only from ambush or if
Bite: BC 10%, [D + 1], Close.
Claws: BC 50%, [D – 6], Close.

Natural Habitat: Plains, Rural
Natural Habitat: Coastal, Wetlands
Frequency: Rare
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-200 (1)
Number: 1-30 (6)
Description: The asp measures up to 2½ feet in length. It
Description: Giant tortoises have the form of an ordinary
has a triangular head, flattened towards the rear, and a
turtle, with a thick green shell and claws instead of webbed
short, thin tail.
digits. They are about 5 feet long, and weigh about 700
Comments: These snakes hibernate together during the
winter, and thus very large groups may be found during
Comments: Despite their name, tortoises spend much of
their time in the water, where they will frequently be found.
Abilities: Asps have no talents, skills or magic.
A tortoise is capable of carrying a large burden (up to 200
Movement Rates: Crawling: 150
lb.) if one is willing to keep a pace that the tortoise can
PS 2-3 MD None AG 16-19 MA None
EN 1-2 FT 3-4 WP 14-18 PC 14-17
Abilities: Giant tortoises can withdraw their head, tail, and
PB 8-10 TMR 3 NA None
limbs inside their shell in times of danger. They have no
Weapons: Asps may bite. Poison occurs after effective
magical or other special abilities. If the tortoise is not
withdrawn into its shell, there is an 80% chance that any
Bite: BC 65%, [D – 3] penetration only, Close, Rank 0.
blow will strike the shell anyway. If the tortoise is inside its
Poison: 2 DP per pulse.
shell, the shell will soften all strikes.
Movement Rates: Running or Swimming: 100
PS 20-25 MD None AG 5-7 MA None
EN 15-17 FT 22-24 WP 10-11 PC 13-15
PB 7-9 TMR 2 NA Shell absorbs 8 DP
Weapons: Tortoises may bite.
Bite: BC 25%, [D – 2], Close, Rank 0.



Natural Habitat: Plains, Waste Natural Habitat: Plains, Waste
Frequency: Rare Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-8 (1) Number: 1-2 (1)
Description: Growing to 20 feet, the king cobra is the Description: The spitting naja is a form of cobra, without
largest of all poisonous snakes. It is usually dark brown in the hood, but with the ability to spit their venom. Their
colour, With a collapsible hood behind its head with a sort of scales are usually dark brown in colour.
horseshoe marking on its back. The king cobra is the mortal Abilities: The spitting naja possesses no talents, skills or
enemy of the mongoose. magic.
Abilities: Cobras possess no talents, skills or magic. Movement Rates: Crawling: 150
Movement Rates: Crawling: 200 PS 10-12 MD None AG 16-18 MA None
PS 20-25 MD None AG 15-18 MA None EN 8-10 FT 12-17 WP 12-16 PC 11-16
EN 12-14 FT 15-20 WP 14-18 PC 12-17 PB 8-11 TMR 3 NA Scales absorb 1 DP
PB 7-9 TMR 4 NA None Weapons: The naja may bite or spit. Poison occurs after
Weapons: The king cobra may bite. Poison occurs after effective damage.
effective damage. Spit: BC 40%, [blinded until eye washed], Melee, Rank
Bite: BC 75%, [D + 4] penetration only, Close, Rank 0. 0.
Poison: 2 DP per pulse. Bite: BC 65%, [D – 2] penetration only, Close, Rank 0.
Poison: 1 DP per pulse.
MAMBA Insects and Spiders
Natural Habitat: Jungle, Plains The species included in this section tend to be non-lethal to
Frequency: Rare human-sized beings individually, but most will be found in
Number: 1-4 (1) large numbers.
Description: These snakes are not very large (less than 3
feet), but their poison is very strong, and they move very
rapidly. They come in either green or black, with the former BLACK WIDOW SPIDER
a plains dweller and the latter a forest snake. Natural Habitat: Plains, Rural, Waste
Abilities: Mambas possess no talents, skills or magic. Frequency: Very Rare
Movement Rates: Crawling: 400 Number: 1-4 (1)
PS 2-3 MD None AG 22-25 MA None Description: Black widows are small, black spiders with
EN 4-5 FT 6-8 WP 14-18 PC 12-16 thin hairless legs and a red hourglass marking on their
PB 8-11 TMR 8 NA None backs. They are 2-3 inches long.
Weapons: The mamba may bite. Poison occurs after Abilities: Black widows have no special talents, skills or
effective damage. magical abilities. They are not tool users, but they do spin
Bite: BC 50%, [D – 2] penetration only, Close, Rank 0. webs.
Poison: 4 DP per pulse. Movement Rates: Running: 75
PS 1 MD None AG 18-20 MA None
PYTHON EN 1 FT None WP 4-6 PC 10-12
PB 3-5 TMR 1 NA None
Natural Habitat: Jungle, Woods Weapons: A spider may bite. Poison occurs after effective
Frequency: Rare damage.
Number: 1-2 (1) Bite: BC 30%, [D] penetration only, Close, Rank 0.
Description: The python is green and black, and Poison: 3 DP per pulse for D10 pulses.
sometimes reaches a length of 33 feet.
Abilities: The Python can climb trees (large ones) although
slowly. It has no magical abilities, skills or talents. FIRE ANT
Movement Rates: Crawling: 150 Natural Habitat: Plains
PS 45-50 MD None AG 8-12 MA None Frequency: Uncommon
EN 25-30 FT 30-35 WP 12-16 PC 14-18 Number: 500-5000 (500)
PB 6-9 TMR 3 NA Scales absorb 3 DP Description: A fire ant is a bright red ant about 2 inches
Weapons: Pythons may bite or constrict in Close Combat. long.
It will only constrict after it have done effective damage with Comments: Fire ants tend to form into columns that eat
its bite. The constriction attack has the same special ability through anything in their way. These insects dislike the
as a garotte. smell of oil, and if it is put in the ants' path, they will go
Bite: BC 65%, [D + 6], Close, Rank 0. around it if possible.
Constrict: BC 80%, [D + 8], Close, Rank 0. Abilities: Fire ants have no magic, skills, talents or other
special abilities. They are not tool users, but they will use
twigs and leaves to cross bodies of water.
Movement Rates: Running: 150
PS 1 MD None AG 11-13 MA None
EN 1 FT None WP 5-7 PC 10-12
PB 2-4 TMR 3 NA None
Weapons: A fire ant may bite. Poison occurs after effective
Bite: BC 25%, [D] penetration only, Close, Rank 0.
Poison: 2 DP once.


Natural Habitat: Plains, Waste Aquatics
Frequency: Uncommon
All aquatics except dolphins and whales can breathe water
Number: 1-300 (200)
indefinitely. Dolphins and whales can remain submerged for
Description: A killer bee looks like a normal bee except
5 to 20 minutes only before having to rise to the surface for
that it is about an inch and a half long.
air. All aquatics move within the water the same way that
Abilities: Killer bees have no magic abilities or special
avians move through the air.
talents or skills. They are not tool users, but do build hives.
Movement Rates: Flying: 500 Fish
PS 1 MD None AG 20-22 MA None
EN 1 FT None WP 7-9 PC 15-17 All fish detailed below except piranha are found in oceans.
PB 6-8 TMR 10 NA None Piranha tend to be found in streams, rivers, marshes and
Weapons: A killer bee may sting. Poison occurs after lakes. Fish must keep a steady flow of water over their gills
effective damage. As soon as a bee hits a target (not in order to breathe, must move at least once per minute or
necessarily penetrating armour) it dies. take [D – 3] damage to Fatigue due to suffocation, They are
Sting: BC 50%, [D] penetration only, Close, Rank 0. non-intelligent, but may be hostile.
Poison: [D – 6] DP once.
SCORPION Natural Habitat: Ocean
Natural Habitat: Plains, Waste Frequency: Uncommon
Frequency: Rare Number: 1-6 (1)
Number: 1-20 (1) Description: Barracuda are predatory fish about 6 feet
Description: A scorpion is a black-coloured insect about 4 long.
inches long. The most prominent feature of a scorpion is its Comments: Barracuda will not generally attack man unless
tail, which stretches over its back. threatened or particularly hungry. They might, however,
Comments: An alchemist can use a scorpion's tail to distil mistake a person carrying jewellery or making quick
poison, and so a scorpion can be sold for about 50 Silver movements for another fish and attack for that reason.
Pennies in a major town. Abilities: Barracuda possess no magical abilities or other
Abilities: Scorpions have no special talents, skills or magic. special skills or talents.
Movement Rates: Crawling: 150 Movement Rates: Swimming: 350
PS 1 MD None AG 18-20 MA None PS 12-14 MD None AG 17-20 MA None
EN 1 FT 1 WP 8-10 PC 11-13 EN 6-8 FT 11-14 WP 8-10 PC 14-16
PB 4-5 TMR 3 NA None PB 4-7 TMR 7 NA 4 DP
Weapons: A scorpion may sting. Poison occurs after Weapons: Barracuda may bite.
effective damage. Bite: BC 50%, [D + 1], Close, Rank 0.
Tail: BC 65%, [D] penetration only, Close, Rank 0.
Poison: 4 DP per pulse for D5 pulses. MANTA RAY
Natural Habitat: Ocean
TARANTULA Frequency: Uncommon
Natural Habitat: Jungle, Waste Number: 1-100 (15)
Frequency: Rare Description: Manta rays are large, flat ocean creatures.
Number: 1-6 (1) Their bellies are white, while the top is dark blue. They are
Description: Tarantulas are large, hairy spiders about 4 triangular in shape, and reach sizes more than 20 feet
inches across. across, weighing up to 3000 pounds. The eyes are set
Abilities: Tarantulas have no special talents, skills, or forward in front of the body on two foot long protuberances,
magic abilities. They do not tool users and do not build between which rests the mouth. They have a long, very thin
webs. tail.
Movement Rates: Running: 75 Abilities: Manta rays possess no special talents, skills or
PS 1 MD None AG 16-18 MA None magic.
EN 1 FT None WP 4-6 PC 9-11 Movement Rates: Swimming: 200
PB 2-4 TMR 1 NA None PS 35-40 MD None AG 13-15 MA None
Weapons: Tarantulas may bite. Poison occurs after EN 16-19 FT 24-28 WP 10-12 PC 12-14
effective damage. PB 5-8 TMR 4 NA Skin absorbs 4 DP
Bite: BC 25%, [D] penetration only, Close, Rank 0. Weapons: Manta rays can deliver killing blows with their
Poison: [D – 4] DP once. massive fins, crushing the ribcages of swimmers, and
breaking in the sides of boats.
Fin: BC 65%, [D + 14], Melee, Rank 0.


Natural Habitat: Wetlands
Aquatic Mammals
Frequency: Common Aquatic mammals are generally moderately intelligent and
Number: 1-30 (1) neutral, or even friendly, to adventurers. They are air
Description: Pike are 2 to 4 foot long fish which specialise breathers, and cannot remain submerged indefinitely.
in the solitary hunting of other fish. They have needle-like
teeth and spiky fins and are covered with tough scales. DOLPHIN
Though usually not a danger to humans, they can be called
in large numbers by nixies and will attack at the nixies' Natural Habitat: Ocean
command. Frequency: Common
Abilities: Pike have no skills, magic, or talents. Number: 1-20 (4)
Movement Rates: Swimming: 300 Description: Dolphins are mammals of the sea. They grow
PS 8-11 MD None AG 20-25 MA None to 12 feet in length and are basically fish-like in form
EN 5-10 FT 10-15 WP 6-8 PC 14-16 (although their bodies are more cylindrical than most fish).
PB 5-6 TMR 6 NA 1 DP They have long, thin snouts, and are generally greyish in
Weapons: Pike may bite. Each group of ten get one attack. colour. Dolphins are two-hex monsters.
Bite: BC 70%, [D + 2], Close, Rank 0. Comments: Dolphins will sometimes aid humans in need,
and will remember with a vengeance those humans who
have harmed them in the past. They will never attack
PIRANHA humans unless provoked.
Natural Habitat: Wetlands Abilities: Dolphins have no talents, skills or magic.
Frequency: Rare Movement Rates: Swimming: 400
Number: 1-200 (50) PS 25-30 MD None AG 24-26 MA None
Description: Piranha are small fish with very sharp teeth EN 12-15 FT 20-25 WP 15-17 PC 14-17
and a vicious temper. PB 12-15 TMR 8 NA Skin absorbs 4 DP
Comments: Piranha are voracious. They can devour an Weapons: Dolphins may ram with their snouts as a
elephant in minutes, and will immediately attack anything Charge.
edible (primarily meat-bearing) which falls into the water Snout: BC 40%, [D – 1], Melee, Rank 0.
with them.
Abilities: Piranha have no magic abilities, talents or skills. GREAT WHITE WHALE
Movement Rates: Swimming: 300
PS 1-2 MD None AG 20-23 MA None Natural Habitat: Ocean
EN 1 FT 1-2 WP 4-5 PC 15-16 Frequency: Very Rare
PB 5-6 TMR 6 NA None Number: 1
Weapons: Piranha may bite. Each group of ten get one Description: These creatures are the largest mammals
attack. found on sea or on land. They reach lengths of 200-300
Bite: BC 80%, [D + 4], Close, Rank 0. feet, and are a truly spectacular sight when they rise three-
quarters of the way out of the water, sending spray
hundreds of yards in all directions. These whales are pure
SHARK white in colour.
Natural Habitat: Ocean Abilities: Great white whales cannot use magic and have
Frequency: Uncommon no special talents or skills.
Number: 1-50 (5) Movement Rates: Swimming: 700
Description: Sharks are long fish with very sharp teeth and PS 700-1000 MD None AG 8-9 MA None
tough skin. A shark's colour varies from light blue to white to EN 300-400 FT 500-600 WP 8-10 PC 12-15
orange, depending on the waters that they are swimming in. PB 4-6 TMR 14 NA Hide absorbs 8 DP
Sharks reach sizes in excess of 40 feet, at which point they Weapons: Great white whales may bite creatures 30' long
are threats to boats as well as to swimmers. Sharks are or longer. Smaller creatures are swallowed whole, inflicting
normally two-hex monsters. no immediate damage.
Comments: As soon as blood is drawn in waters containing Bite: BC 50%, [D + 10], Melee, Rank 0.
sharks (most waters do) there is a 60% chance that 10-60
sharks will be attracted. Shark teeth are fairly valuable (a KILLER WHALE
set might go for 100 Silver Pennies) as charms.
Abilities: Sharks can detect the presence of blood in the Natural Habitat: Ocean (prefers Arctic)
water from extremely long distances, and they will gather Frequency: Rare
around the blood, working themselves up into a killing Number: 1-25 (20)
frenzy. They can also sense motion in water, especially in Description: Killer whales are black on top and white on
the form of the types of disturbances caused by swimmers. their bellies. They have fins on either side of their body, as
Movement Rates: Swimming: 350 well as one fin which sticks up from their back much like the
PS 35-45 MD None AG 12-16 MA None fin of a shark. Large males reach 30 feet in length. Killer
EN 25-30 FT 40-50 WP 8-10 PC 9-12 whales are 14-hex monsters.
PB 6-8 TMR 7 NA Skin absorbs 7 DP Abilities: Killer whales have no special talents, skills, or
Weapons: Sharks may bite. magic.
Bite: BC 40%, [D + 8], Melee & Close, Rank 0. Movement Rates: Swimming: 400
PS 40-45 MD None AG 13-15 MA None
EN 35-40 FT 60-70 WP 12-13 PC 15-17
PB 10-12 TMR 8 NA Hide absorbs 3 DP
Weapons: Killer whales may bite.
Bite: BC 50%, [D + 10], Melee & Close, Rank 0.


Natural Habitat: Ocean, Arctic, Coastal Natural Habitat: Ocean
Frequency: Uncommon Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1-20 (20) Number: 1-2 (1)
Description: Seals are medium sized mammals with slick Description: Kraken are huge, black, fierce octupoids.
brown skin, flippers for swimming, and long tubular bodies. They have a pointed beak and large, red eyes. A kraken's
Seals can weigh as much as 300 pounds, and grow to body is 30-40 feet long, and its 8 tentacles are about as
lengths of up to 6 feet. long as its body. Their hide is thick and horny and they are
Abilities: Seals have no special skills or talents, and they 14-hex monsters.
cannot use magic. Seals can hold their breath for an hour, Comments: Kraken typically live by the shores of large,
and can dive to depths exceeding 1,000 feet. saltwater bodies, pulling swimmers and small vessels down
Comments: They are deft swimmers, and commonly spend to their demise. If a kraken's lair is found, it will frequently
their days hunting and playing in the waters near Arctic (80%) have a large treasure (25,000-35,000 Silver Pennies
coasts. They are intelligent animals, and will generally flee in value) stockpiled. Kraken tend to be unintelligent, but
to water if threatened, where they can usually avoid any grow larger and more intelligent in cold water.
predator. Seals eat fish and shellfish almost exclusively. Abilities: The kraken's most fearsome attribute is its ability
Seals are hunted for their skins, meat, and blubber. to rip ships apart with its hideously strong tentacles. It can
Movement Rates: Running: 100; Swimming: 350 usually handle ships up to 40 feet in length, shredding and
PS 10-14 MD 6-10 AG 14-18 MA None then entirely consuming them and their contents within (D +
EN 15-20 FT 20-25 WP 10-14 PC 15-18 2) minutes after it emerged from the depths. In addition, a
PB 10-12 TMR 2/7 NA Skin absorbs 4 DP kraken can use the maelstrom spell from the College of
Weapons: Seals can attack with their snouts or bite. Water Magics at rank 8-10.
Snout: BC 35%, [D – 2], Melee, Rank 0. Movement Rates: Swimming: 600
Bite: BC 30%, [D + 1], Closee, Rank 0. PS 100-200 MD 15-20 AG 12-14 MA 12-15
EN 60-80 FT 80-100 WP 25-30 PC 17-20
Other Aquatics PB 1-3 TMR 12 NA Hide absorbs 6 DP
These creatures are potentially intelligent and usually Weapons: A Kraken may attack with five tentacles. Each
hostile to adventurers. tentacle may crush or draw the victim towards the beak for
a bite.
Crush: BC 70%, [D + 4], Melee & Close, Rank 0.
EEL Bite: BC 30%, [D + 15], Close, Rank 0.
Natural Habitat: Coastal, Ocean, Wetlands
Frequency: Uncommon
Number: 1-4 (1)
Description: Eels are long, thin, greyish fish up to 7 feet in
Abilities: Eels have no special talents, skills, or magic.
Movement Rates: Swimming: 300
PS 18-20 MD None AG 14-17 MA None
EN 8-10 FT 14-16 WP 10-11 PC 17-20
PB 6-8 TMR 6 NA Skin absorbs 3 DP
Weapons: Eels may bite.
Bite: BC 50%, [D + 2], Close, Rank 0.

Natural Habitat: Ocean
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-10 (1)
Description: These creatures are bullet-shaped, with 10
tentacles streaming from the base of the bullet. They grow
to 50 feet in length, and their colour changes according to
the waters that they inhabit. The squid also has a beak and
large, round eyes. Squids are 14-hex monsters.
Comments: Large squid generally prefer very deep water,
and will rarely be found at the shallower depths. Squid are
carnivorous, and will eat almost any meat (including man)
that they can find.
Abilities: The squid has no magic or special skills or
Movement Rates: Swimming: 600
PS 60-70 MD 25-30 AG 10-13 MA None
EN 50-60 FT 65-70 WP 10-12 PC 10-12
PB 6-8 TMR 12 NA Hide absorbs 5 DP
Weapons: A Squid may attack with five tentacles. Each
tentacle may crush or draw the victim towards the beak for
a bite. Only one bite is possible.
Crush: BC 50%, [D – 1], Melee & Close, Rank 0.
Bite: BC 25%, [D + 12], Close, Rank 0.


Creatures of Night & Shadow Natural Habitat: Caverns, Rural, Woods
Frequency: Very Rare
The species listed here are primarily connected with night
Number: 1-8 (1)
and shadow and the Powers of Darkness. Other creatures
Description: In their natural form, doppelgangers appear
that may be nocturnal hunters or may be at their most
humanoid, with thin arms, and sharp teeth and claws. They
powerful at night are included elsewhere. Only the following
have thick, rubbery, grey skin, and glowing eyes.
species are affected by magic that calls, communicates
Comments: Once a doppelganger has imitated someone,
with, or controls Creatures of Night and Shadow.
they will try to kill that individual, attacking by surprise. They
will then replace that individual until they try the same
BAT manoeuvre with another member of the party.
Natural Habitat: Caverns, Jungle, Rural, Woods Abilities: Doppelgangers have the ability to form
Frequency: Uncommon themselves to look and act like any humanoid creature that
Number: 1-400 (100) is approximately their size and body weight (100-250 lb.).
Description: Bats are rodents with leathery wings. They Even the clothes and equipment of a person can be
are greyish-black in colour. They are found in dark places imitated, although magical properties will not, of course,
as they are afraid of light and fire. adhere to the duplicates. See the rules governing detecting
Abilities: Bats can determine directions in the dark by illusions in the College of Illusions. Doppelgangers read the
emitting high frequency "pips" which reflect off of the minds of the people they will later imitate so as to learn
surrounding walls. They have no magical abilities or other things they will need to know to duplicate the person
special talents and are not tool users. properly. Their mind reading is more complete than
Movement Rates: Flying: 500 Telepathy, for they learn the non-magical skills of the
PS 2-3 MD None AG 18-21 MA None creature they are imitating (at two ranks lower).
EN 1-2 FT 2-3 WP 6-8 PC 14-17 Movement Rates: Running: 250
PB 7-9 TMR 10 NA None PS 12-16 MD 14-17 AG 16-18 MA 20-25
Weapons: A bat may bite. A character bitten by a bat has a EN 8-10 FT 15-20 WP 22-25 PC 15-17
10% chance of contracting rabies or some other loathsome PB 4-8 TMR 5 NA Skin absorbs 4 DP
disease as well as infection. Weapons: Dopplegangers may bite in their natural form.
Bite: BC 40%, [D – 7], Close, Rank 0. Once having imitated something, they fight as it does, using
the same weapons at a Rank two less than the creature
they are imitating.
DIRE WOLF Bite: BC 50%, [D + 3], Close, Rank 0.
Natural Habitat: Highlands, Rural, Woods
Frequency: Rare RAT
Number: 1-10 (3)
Description: Dire wolves are wolves the size of ponies. Natural Habitat: Anywhere
Dire wolves will be in league with the Powers of Darkness Frequency: Common
and will have almost human intelligence. Their corpses Number: 1-100 (12)
disappear back into hell (from which they are said to have Description: Usually about eight inches long, these
sprung originally) if they are killed. animals can be any combination of shades of black, white,
Abilities: Dire wolves have no special abilities but they are or brown. Some larger strains of rats can grow to 18 inches
exceptional trackers. They also never forget a smell. They (with corresponding increase in the damage they can do
may possess knowledge of a limited number of spells of the and their Base Chance of biting during Close Combat - see
College of Ensorcelments and Enchantments or the College below).
of the Sorceries of the Mind. Comments: Rats are not tool-users, but they can dig holes
Movement Rates: Running: 400 and gnaw through substances as hard as sandstone and
PS 22-25 MD 24-26 AG 18-22 MA 8-12 lead, given enough time. When in combat they tend to head
EN 20-23 FT 25-30 WP 8-12 PC 19-23 for the eyes and other unprotected areas, so the armour
PB 4-8 TMR 8 NA Fur absorbs 5 DP protection Rating of characters defending against rats
Weapons: Dire wolves may bite. should be reduced by three or four points. A character has
Bite: BC 60%, [D + 6], Melee & Close, Rank 0. a 10% chance of contracting a disease if they are in contact
with rats for any period of time. If a rat bites a character,
increase chance of infection by 20.
Abilities: Rats have no special talents, skills, or magical
Movement Rates: Running: 100
PS 4-6 MD 15-20 AG 15-20 MA None
EN 1-2 FT 2-3 WP 8-16 PC 17-20
PB 4-8 TMR 2 NA None
Weapons: Rats may bite.
Bite: BC 75%, [D – 7], Close, Rank 0.


Comments: Weres are humans or humanoids who are Humanoids
afflicted with a specific disease: Lycanthropy. They are
adversely affected by the full moon and on nights when the Giants
moon is full they change shape, becoming one of 5 types of
creature. The were may become a bear, boar, tiger, snake Giants are lusty types, preferring nothing better than to go
or wolf. The actual type of beast the character becomes will through life brawling, drinking, and wenching. They tend to
depend on the type of beast from which they contracted gather together in a clan arrangement, building huge halls
their illness. The only way that a character can become a (or steadings) in out-of-the-way locations. They are not
lycanthrope is if they are damaged by the bite of a overly intelligent, and resent humans and elves particularly.
lycanthrope in beast form. The victim will then during the Giants enjoy riddling and bartering. Giant warriors favour
next full moon (and all succeeding full moons) assume the simple weapons scaled to their size. Giants possess
shape of the beast that bit them (wolf, snake, etc.). If a infravision (heat vision) to a range of 250 feet.
character is killed by a lycanthrope, they do not become a
lycanthrope; instead, they usually become dinner. A CLOUD GIANT
lycanthrope in were form is always a beast. They have the
Natural Habitat: Highlands
characteristics of the strongest specimen of the species
Frequency: Very Rare
whose form they have assumed. A werewolf would have the
Number: 1-4 (1)
highest possible characteristics for a dire wolf, for example.
Description: Cloud giants are huge humanoids between 15
A were-snake assumes the form of a python, but with the
and 20 feet tall. Cloud giants will often build sky-castles on
bile (and venom) of the king cobra. Were-bears, were-boars
mountaintops. These will seem to float on pillars of cloud
and were-tigers will have the highest possible
and can only be reached by a stone stairwell inside the
characteristics for their type of beast.
pillars on which it floats. The pillars and the clouds on which
When in their beast form, weres are semi-intelligent. Their
the castle rests will be substantial (capable of bearing
human side is suppressed and the character is played by
weight), though they will appear to be clouds. Cloud giants
the GM. Weres are primarily concerned with feeding and
are 3-hex figures.
simple survival. They will spend the entire period when the
Abilities: Cloud giants are linked with the element of air,
moon is full either laid up in a lair or hunting. They will
and gain +5% when casting air magics. This affinity leads
attack the character's friends as readily as any other prey.
most cloud giant adepts to be air mages. They may never
Once a were returns to their normal human shape, they will
learn earth magics. Their magic resistance is increased by
be enfeebled for [D + 4] hours, desiring only to sleep. Upon
10% except against earth magics, against which their magic
waking, they will usually remember what they did in beast
resistance is reduced by 20%.
form. A character can only be cured of Lycanthropy by
Movement Rates: Running: 600-700
removing the major curse as if it had a Magical Aptitude of
PS 24-44 MD 4-24 AG 3-23 MA 4-24
20. When in beast form, a were can only be harmed or
EN 30-50 FT 18-24 WP 4-24 PC 5-25
killed by magic or by silvered weapons. Pre-pubescent and
PB 6-22 TMR 12-14 NA None
post-menopausal individuals never suffer the effects of
Weapons: Cloud giants favour the club and the sword, and
Lycanthropy (though they may contract the disease).
will have Rank 2-4 with these weapons. They may use
human-type weapons of twice normal size (improve Base
Chance by 10%, double strength requirement, roll 2D10 for
damage). They will sometimes wear armour, although it is
rare to see a giant clothed in anything heavier than leather.
Giant Club: BC 50%, [D + 8], Melee, Rank 2-4.
Large Claymore: BC 60%, [2D + 4], Melee, Rank 2-4.

Natural Habitat: Caverns, Highlands, Waste
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-4 (1)
Description: Fire giants are large humanoids about 12 feet
Abilities: Fire giants are linked with the element of fire, and
gain +5% when casting fire magics. This affinity leads most
fire giant adepts to be fire mages. They may never learn ice
magics. Their magic resistance is increased by 10% except
against ice magics, against which their magic resistance is
reduced by 20%.
Movement Rates: Running: 400-500
PS 15-35 MD 4-24 AG 3-23 MA 4-24
EN 20-40 FT 18-24 WP 4-24 PC 5-25
PB 6-22 TMR 8-10 NA None
Weapons: Fire giants prefer the glaive and sword, and will
have Rank 1-3 with these weapons. Armour heavier than
leather is rare, although it does occur.
Giant Glaive: BC 65%, [D + 9], Melee, Rank 1-3.
2-Handed Sword: BC 55%, [D + 7], Melee, Rank 1-3.



Natural Habitat: Highlands Natural Habitat: Highlands
Frequency: Rare Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1-25 (6) Number: 1-3 (1)
Description: Frost giants are large humanoids between 15 Description: Storm giants are huge humanoids about 20
and 20 feet in height. Frost giants are 3-hex figures. feet tall. Storm Giants are 3-hex figures.
Abilities: Frost giants are linked with the element of ice, Comments: True to their name, storm giants enjoy
and gain +5% when casting ice magics. This affinity leads turbulent weather, and there will frequently be a
most frost giant adepts to be ice mages. They may never thunderstorm about their mountainous home.
learn fire magics. Their magic resistance is increased by Abilities: Storm giants can control the weather, bringing
10% except against fire magics, against which their magic rain, wind, thunderstorms, and even a fair sky. Depending
resistance is reduced by 20%. on the difference between the weather they are trying to
Movement Rates: Running: 600-700 create and the current weather, it will be from one to three
PS 24-44 MD 4-24 AG 3-23 MA 4-24 hours until the effects of their control become evident. Note
EN 25-45 FT 18-24 WP 4-24 PC 5-25 that storm giants are not particularly affiliated with any of
PB 6-22 TMR 12-14 NA None the elements. There is a 50% chance that a storm giant will
Weapons: Frost giants generally use swords and axes, and be a member of a College. If they are an Adept, a storm
will frequently achieve rank 4 or higher with these weapons. giant will typically have rank 3-7 with General Knowledge
They may use human-type weapons of twice normal size spells, and Rank 2-5 with those Special Knowledge spells
(improve Base Chance by 10%, double strength that they know. Storm giants' magic resistance is increased
requirement, roll 2D10 for damage). Frost giants will wear by 10%.
any type of armour, with metallic armour being common. Movement Rates: Running: 700-750
Giant Axe: BC 65%, [D + 10], Melee, Rank 4+. PS 27-47 MD 4-24 AG 3-23 MA 4-24
Large Claymore: BC 60%, [2D + 4], Melee, Rank 4+. EN 30-50 FT 18-24 WP 4-24 PC 5-25
PB 6-22 TMR 14-15 NA None
Weapons: Storm giants prefer edged weapons, particularly
axes. They may use human-type weapons of twice normal
Natural Habitat: Anywhere size (improve Base Chance by 10%, double strength
Frequency: Rare requirement, roll 2D10 for damage). They will have Rank 4
Number: 1-10 (5) or better with their favourite weapon. Storm giants prefer
Description: Hill giants are coarse featured humanoids chain mail, but will wear any sort of armour.
about nine feet tall with uncommonly gnarled features. A hill Giant Axe: BC 65%, [D + 10], Melee, Rank 4+.
giant has no patience for laborious learning. Large Battle Axe: BC 70%, [2D + 4], Melee, Rank 4+.
Abilities Note that a hill giant is not affiliated with any
element in particular, and thus has a choice of College.
Their mastery of a College, if any, can politely be described OGRE
as minimal (about Rank 3). Natural Habitat: Highlands, Jungle, Woods
Movement Rates: 350-400 Frequency: Rare
PS 12-32 MD 4-24 AG 3-23 MA 4-24 Number: 1-20 (4)
EN 13-33 FT 18-24 WP 4-24 PC 5-25 Description: Ogres are large, ugly humanoids. They are 8
PB 6-22 TMR 7-8 NA hide absorbs 1 DP feet tall, have flattened noses and large, sharp teeth. They
Weapons: Hill giants will use all weapons, although they will usually be wearing rags.
generally prefer simple crushing weapons like the club or Comments: Ogres eat those travellers that they waylay
mace. They will have rank 1-5 with these weapons. Hill and take their treasure. They are intelligent enough so that
giants rarely wear armour, although they will occasionally they will not attack a party if they are hopelessly outclassed,
wear chain mail or leather. but they are stupid enough so that they can also be easily
Giant Club: BC 50%, [D + 8], Melee, Rank 1-5. outwitted. Ogres will usually have treasure in the form of
Giant Mace: BC 50%, [D + 7], Melee, Rank 1-5. gold and gems.
Abilities: Ogres generally shun magic, although there is a
small chance that an ogre will belong to the College of
Earth Magics if they have MA 15. The highest rank that an
Natural Habitat: Caverns, Highlands ogre will ever attain with any spell is 6, and this only rarely.
Frequency: Rare Movement Rates: Running: 450
Number: 1-6 (3) PS 25-30 MD 11-13 AG 8-10 MA 10-15
Description: Stone giants are humanoids about 10 feet tall. EN 20-23 FT 28-30 WP 18-20 PC 11-14
Abilities: Stone giants are linked with the element of earth, PB 6-9 TMR 9 NA skin absorbs 4 DP
and gain +5% when casting earth magics. This affinity leads Weapons: Ogres prefer to use large clubs over other
most stone giant adepts to be earth mages. They may weapons. Ranged weapons are rare, but possible. Ogres
never learn air magics. Their magic resistance is increased will also use shields and wear armour 80% of the time. If
by 10% except against air magics, against which their they do wear armour, it will usually be chain mail or lighter.
magic resistance is reduced by 20%. Ogres can also bite.
Movement Rates: Running: 400-500 Club: BC 50%, [D + 8], Melee, Rank 1-3.
PS 13-33 MD 4-24 AG 3-23 MA 4-22 Bite: BC 65%, [D + 4], Close, Rank 0.
EN 15-25 FT 18-24 WP 4-24 PC 5-25
PB 6-22 TMR 8-10 NA None
Weapons: Stone giants prefer heavy weapons like TITAN
hammers and clubs. They will have rank 3-5 with these Natural Habitat: Highlands, Other Planes
weapons. They wear leather armour and carry shields. Frequency: Very Rare
Giant Club: BC 50%, [D + 8], Melee, Rank 3-5. Number: 1-2 (1)
Giant Mace: BC 50%, [D + 7], Melee, Rank 3-5.


Description: Titans appear basically human or elven, but Faerie Folk

they are between 20 feet and 24 feet tall. They are also
unusually muscular, and appear strikingly handsome or Faerie folk are all roughly related, though their natures have
beautiful. Titans are 3-hex figures. diverged since the time when they could claim a common
Comments: Titans are basically good in nature, and they ancestor. Brownies, leprechauns, nixies, pixies and sylphs
will help people on occasion. They are often very touchy, all take [D – 2] damage from physical contact with cold iron
however, and if they think a human is being insolent they (due to burning) in addition to any other damage that may
will not hesitate to kill them, although sometimes (30%) they be inflicted by a weapon made of that substance. Other
will just vanish. If a titan inhabits this plane for some reason, faerie folk do not suffer this effect, but prefer to use
it will have a large castle, very substantial treasure, and substances other than cold iron for tools and artefacts. Only
numerous storm giant guards. the elves have overcome their fear of the substance to the
Abilities: Titans are highly magical. They can turn invisible, extent of habitually forging and using fine iron and steel
disappear from this plane, and move through the air by weapons. All faerie folk have witch-sight.
willing it. They can also use spells, talents, and rituals of
any one College. They are protected from physical attack BROWNIE
by a magical aura that surrounds them. This aura also adds Natural Habitat: Rural
40 to their Magic Resistance. They will know all General Frequency: Uncommon
and Special Knowledge magic of their College at Rank 10 Number: 1-30 (6)
or above. Description: Brownies are "little people" similar to
Movement Rates: Running: 600; Flying: 300
leprechauns, but more sociable. They tend to be benevolent
PS 60-70 MD 12-16 AG 13-17 MA 19-26 toward those who are not of faerie (unlike their wilder
EN 30-40 FT 50-60 WP 17-20 PC 16-18
kindred who despise humans).
PB 19-21 TMR 12/6 NA Aura absorbs 12 DP Comments: Brownies will aid the human inhabitants of an
Weapons: Titans use human-type weapons of 4-times
area in exchange for food (a dish of milk left out each night).
normal size (improve Base Chance by 20%, multiply If disaffected, they will seek out and give information to the
damage by 4 after modification). They will sometimes wear household's enemies.
armour (which functions in addition to their aura) if they are Abilities: Brownies specialise in using minor magics to
doing something which is pre-meditated, and that they know assist in keeping order, repairing minor damage, and doing
will be very dangerous. light work around human dwellings. They can bless or curse
Hand & a ½: BC 80%, Damage [4D + 20], Melee, Rank 7. crops in the same manner as a Witch. Their small help can
also be turned to mischief if they are affronted in any way.
TROLL This might take the form of falling roof tiles, collapsing
Natural Habitat: Caverns, Highlands, Ruins, Rural, floorboards, or other small disasters.
Wetlands Movement Rates: Running: 150
Frequency: Uncommon PS 7-8 MD 20-25 AG 20-25 MA 17-19
Number: 1-3 (1) EN 4-5 FT 10-11 WP 17-19 PC 16-19
Description: Trolls are large green, vaguely humanoid PB 12-16 TMR 3 NA None
beings with greenish black heads and extremities. They are Weapons: Brownies have no natural weapons. They carry
well muscled and long-limbed with thick, leathery skin. Their small swords (treat as daggers), but do not use armour.
large teeth and claws are ideally suited to rending the They may also carry bows which will have the same
"manflesh" they so highly prize. A full-grown troll may stand characteristics as the self bow.
almost 15 feet high. Trolls are 3-hex monsters.
Comments: Trolls are not afraid of fire, but become CENTAUR
enraged by its presence and will kill anyone who uses it if Natural Habitat: Plains, Woods
possible. Trolls can reproduce themselves by losing a limb, Frequency: Uncommon
which regenerates into a new troll, but only once per Number: 2-20 (4)
decade or so. The only way to prevent this or to keep a troll Description: Centaurs are half-human, half-horse. They
from regenerating after death is to burn their corpse (and are human down to the hips, but they join the body of a
any stray pieces). A troll is unlikely to possess or guard horse where the neck would normally be. Their lower half
treasure, but may have a few "pretties" in their possession has hide, just as a horse's, while their top half is that of a
(gold or jewellery and such). The net worth of such items normal human.
will usually be no more than 500 silver pennies. Comments: Centaurs cannot resist alcohol and become
Abilities: Trolls possess no skills to speak of and are not violent when drunk. Centaurs will only rarely let a human
magic-users. They may use simple weapons, but may ride them, and only then at pressing need. They eat raw
never achieve any Rank with a weapon. Trolls possess the flesh (including human flesh), and will often abduct young
ability to regenerate themselves at the rate of 1 Damage maidens for food and immoral purposes.
Point each Pulse. Any damage inflicted by fire or acid is, Abilities: Centaurs can have all the abilities and skills of a
however, permanent and may not be healed by human. Centaurs in general are good with bows and at
regeneration. hunting, and have an affinity for healing and the art of
Movement Rates: Running: 300 prophecy.
PS 30-50 MD 10-14 AG 12-16 MA 5-8 Movement Rates: Running: 600
EN 30-40 FT 40-50 WP 18-25 PC 20-25 PS 10-30 MD 5-20 AG 10-23 MA 5-23
PB Always 0 TMR 6 NA Skin absorbs 5 DP EN 12-20 FT 20-30 WP 7-26 PC 10-30
Weapons: A troll may attack with its teeth and both hands PB 12-17 TMR 12 NA Hide absorbs 3 DP
without penalty. They may use a weapon, at least until they Weapons: Centaurs use weapons, favouring bows and
get angry. spears. They will usually have Rank 3-6 in one or more of
Club: BC 50%, [D + 8], Melee, Rank 1-3. their weapons.
Hands: BC 55%, [D + 6], Melee, Rank 0.
Teeth: BC 35%, [D + 4, Close, Rank 0.


DRYAD Movement Rates: Running: 150; Swimming: 100

Natural Habitat: Jungle, Woods PS 8-12 MD 18-20 AG 15-17 MA 12-14
Frequency: Common EN 8-10 FT 16-20 WP 16-18 PC 15-17
Number: 1-30 (10) PB 8-10 TMR 3/2 NA None
Description: Dryads are insubstantial spirits living within Weapons: Fossergrim often bite. They may also use small
the wood of a specific tree. They can leave their tree and simple non-missile weapons (knives, short swords, and the
wander about, but may never stray more than a mile from like).
the tree. They usually appear in small colonies. Bite: BC 40%, [D – 2], Close, Rank 0.
Comments: Dryads can only be harmed if their tree is killed
by chopping or burning it down. They are not usually LEPRECHAUN
inimical to man, though "Black Dryads" do exist who Natural Habitat: Plains, Woods
practice druidic rites (including blood sacrifice). They will Frequency: Very Rare
usually aid travellers, but are mainly concerned with the well Number: 1-30 (8)
being of their trees. Description: Leprechauns are similar in almost all ways to
Abilities: Dryads tend to be Adepts of the College of Earth brownies, but wilder and shyer of man. They tend to dress
Magics, though some may be members of the Colleges of in muted shades of brown and green and to seek out the
Illusion or the Sorceries of the Mind. They will not usually be deep woods where they are most at home. They have 3 to
very powerful in Colleges other than Earth, however. They 4 times the stealth of an average human and will, as a
have the special ability of being able to take refuge deep result, seldom be seen unless they wish to speak with a
within their tree if threatened. party.
Movement Rates: Running: 200 Comments: If a leprechaun is captured and cannot escape,
PS None MD None AG None MA 8-20 they will buy their freedom either by revealing the location of
EN None FT None WP 12-16 PC 12-15 their treasure (300-400 Gold Pieces) or by granting the
PB 16-24 TMR 4 NA None, but see below warder three wishes. The leprechaun will attempt to grant
Weapons: Dryads use no weapons of any kind. these wishes such that they turn to the disadvantage of the
recipient (usually in some really grisly way).
ELF Abilities: Leprechauns possess the same Talent Magic as
Natural Habitat: Anywhere (prefers Woods) brownies. In addition, they will usually be masters of either
Frequency: Uncommon the College of Illusions or the College of Earth Magics. They
Number: 1-200 (20) have the ability to teleport themselves limited distances (no
Description: An elf is a lithe humanoid. They are unusually more than a few yards) by blinking. Leprechauns also have
fair in appearance. special skill with the Spell of Sleeping (regardless of their
Abilities: Elves are nearly immortal, and tend to have an College) and add 10 to the Base Chance for the spell.
eclectic set of skills and magic at obscenely high ranks. Movement Rates: Running: 200
Over their life span they often pick up unique or unusual PS 7-8 MD 19-22 AG 25-28 MA 19-21
abilities and talents. EN 5-6 FT 10-12 WP 15-18 PC 14-17
Movement Rates: Running: 300 PB 9-14 TMR 4 NA None
PS 4-24 MD 5-25 AG 6-26 MA 6-26 Weapons: Leprechauns have no natural weapons. They
EN 4-24 FT 18-24 WP 6-26 PC 6-26 will usually have short swords (treat as daggers) and will
PB 10-26 TMR 6 NA None use self bows.
Weapons: Elves prefer bow weapons, and will have rank 6-
8 with them. Rapiers are also commonly used. Elves will not MERFOLK
generally wear metallic armour, although they may do so in Natural Habitat: Coastal, Ocean
unusual cases. Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-100 (1)
FOSSERGRIM Description: Merfolk are half human, half fish, the top half
Natural Habitat: Wetlands being the human half. Merfolk lose 3 points of Fatigue (and
Frequency: Very Rare Endurance when Fatigue is exhausted) for each hour they
Number: 6-12 (8) remain out of water. Merfolk are aquatics, and must keep a
Description: Fossergrim look much like gnomes and are flow of water over their gills in the same manner as fish.
about the same size. However, they are water dwellers and Comments: Merfolk will often sit on a beach, waiting to
have a water-breathing capacity in addition to their air- ensnare a human of the opposite sex, whom they will then
breathing capacity. They will always be found in or near bring down into the deeps with them as lovers. They give
their lairs, which will be located at the foot of waterfalls or the human a cap woven of gold, which has magical
rapids wherever possible. properties that allow the human to live, and breath under
Comments: Fossergrim are carnivores and especially water. Down under the sea, the merfolk will have cities and
delight in feasting on "the bigs" as they call humans, elves, societies much like those on the surface, with wars,
and their kindred. Except for their special magical abilities diplomacy, trade, etc. Great treasure will often be found in
which they use to lure the unwary into their halls, they the sea-peoples' underwater lairs, often including gold from
possess little magic and few skills or talents. What other sunken wrecks. The merfolk are not usually hostile to man,
magic they possess will be Water Magic. but they will occasionally force a boat to turn back if it is
Abilities: Fossergrim have the ability to cast very weak and trespassing on water they consider sacred or otherwise not
limited illusions over water so as to make shoals and rapids appropriate for man.
appear to be safe channels. They also have the ability to Abilities: Merfolk get along very well with the indigenous
cast a charm over an individual, causing them to swim into life of the sea, and they can summon fish of various types,
their lair (which will be in an underwater cave) and be although they will only rarely summon the larger predators.
drowned. This works like a talent. Victims must roll 2 × Some merfolk will have powerful magic, while others will be
Willpower or less or succumb to the charm. ignorant of magic. All breathe air and water.


Movement Rates: Swimming: 350 Abilities: Nymphs will have some abilities of either the
PS 10-25 MD 14-25 AG 16-21 MA 13-23 College of Illusions or of the College of Earth Magics. They
EN 12-14 FT 20-24 WP 13-18 PC 14-20 will have twice the stealth of humans. In addition, any male
PB 18-30 TMR 7 NA Skin absorbs 2 DP character who looks at a naked nymph must roll 4 × WP or
Weapons: The merfolk ride seahorses and can use less or he will be charmed and will desire only to spend his
weapons underwater. They prefer pole-type weapons days frolicking with the nymph (or her sisters).
(especially tridents) and stabbing knives and swords. They Movement Rates: Running: 250
will wear fish-skin armour (similar to leather armour) or PS 10-12 MD 14-18 AG 14-22 MA 18-22
seashell armour (similar to lamillar armour) when going to EN 8-12 FT 16-24 WP 18-24 PC 18-24
war. PB 25-33 TMR 5 NA None
Weapons: Nymphs do not use weapons or fight in any way.
They rely exclusively on their beauty and magic for
Natural Habitat: Coastal, Wetlands
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-40 (20) PIXIE
Description: Nixies are aquatic humanoids with pale skin Natural Habitat: Woods
(through which can often be seen green veins), golden hair, Frequency: Very Rare
webbed fingers and toes, and gills. They are recognisable Number: 1-100 (10)
by their sharp teeth, which are covered in green slime. Description: Pixies are small people about 2 feet in height,
Comments: Nixies are fond of human flesh, though they with transparent wings, pointed ears, and almond-shaped
will sometimes refrain from eating a particularly beautiful eyes.
humanoid member of the opposite sex in order to enjoy Comments: Pixies are very hard to hit in combat (+30 to
their company longer. They are capricious and cowardly their normal defence). They are highly mischievous, and
and prefer to destroy their prey by guile whenever possible. they will often play pranks to annoy the foolish traveller who
An invitation to a nixie feast is usually a prelude to enters a forest where pixies are said to dwell.
treachery. Abilities: Pixies are naturally invisible, but can become
Abilities: Nixies will almost always have limited abilities as visible at will. They can create full-fledged visible and
Adepts of the College of Water Magics. They will have no audible illusions, and can appear to change their form. They
skills to speak of, but will have the talent of being able to are also able to use most counter spells, read peoples'
automatically summon [D + 1] × Rank with their talent (1, if minds, and cause disorientation and the inability to think
unranked) large pike to their aid. Since these "water clearly in the victims of their pranks.
wolves", as they are called, have a special fondness for Movement Rates: Running: 150; Flying: 250
nixies, there will always be pike in the area. PS 3-4 MD 18-21 AG 17-20 MA 10-15
Movement Rates: Swimming: 350 EN 3-4 FT 8-10 WP 12-16 PC 10-14
PS 13-23 MD 10-20 AG 14-21 MA 10-18 PB 10-17 TMR 3/5 NA None
EN 10-18 FT 12-24 WP 14-20 PC 14-22 Weapons: Pixies use daggers. They may wear leather
PB 8-18 TMR 7 NA None armour. Their bows have a range of 50 feet, and fire three
Weapons: Nixies often bite. In addition, they will often carry types of arrows with BC 60%.
bone weapons and shields and may wear fish-skin armour Damage Arrow: [D – 6].
(similar to leather armour). Sleep Arrow: [sleep]. Resist 4 × WP.
Bite: BC 35%, [D – 2], Close, Rank 0. Amnesia Arrow: [amnesia D – 4 days ]. Resist 4 × WP.


Natural Habitat: Rural, Woods Natural Habitat: Rural, Woods
Frequency: Rare Frequency: Uncommon
Number: 1-30 (6) Number: 1-10 (6)
Description: Nymphs are beautiful female humanoids with Description: Satyrs are always males, and have the upper
goat-like lower limbs covered in soft curly hair. They halves of a man and the legs of a goat or horse. They have
generally prefer to go about naked, but will wear light robes bristly hair, and short, black horns. Their skin is a deep
in cold weather. mahogany in colour.
Comments: Nymphs dislike the intrusion of humans, but Comments: Satyrs are much like centaurs in mentality:
will attempt to charm and seduce a particularly handsome they enjoy drinking, dancing, and generally making merry.
man with their beauty (40% chance) if they do not first flee In general they dislike men, although they will occasionally
(50% chance) If they flee, they will attempt to punish those attempt to seduce human females. They will usually be
who frightened them. Nymphs can move from place to accompanied by nymphs.
place by entering the trunks of trees and then teleporting Abilities: Satyrs are somewhat magical. Their magical
from one trunk to another. It takes them 30 seconds to enter abilities are usually focused through a pipe, which they play
the trunk of a tree and one second to teleport to any other to charm, delight, or otherwise influence those around them.
trunk within 100 feet of the tree they currently occupy. They are also 3 times as stealthy as humans, and can
Nymphs have little sense of normal human anatomy or blend in with surrounding trees (90% chance they will be
capabilities and will kill a human lover with their demands undetected if they remain still. Satyrs have the same power
by permanently reducing his Fatigue or Endurance at the over women that nymphs have over men.
rate of 1 point from either (GM's choice) per week until the Movement Rates: Running: 400
lover dies or escapes. The lover may make a check against PS 12-22 MD 19-22 AG 18-20 MA 15-18
2 times his Willpower at the end of each week to see if he EN 10-18 FT 18-28 WP 15-18 PC 18-20
runs away from his sweet captors (leaving behind most of PB 9-12 TMR 8 NA Skin absorbs 2 DP.
his weapons, armour, and other possessions in his state of Weapons: Satyrs use simple weapons like spears. Usually
befuddlement). They will usually be accompanied by satyrs. they will have Rank 1-5 with the weapons they use.


SYLPH Comments: Gnolls are very disorganised and travel in

Natural Habitat: Highlands loose bands. They like to raid towns and travellers to gain
Frequency: Very Rare plunder, as they disdain to work themselves. Large bands
Number: 1-2 (1) will often have treasure that has been previously looted.
Description: Sylphs appear as human females, but have Abilities: Gnolls are good diggers if forced to do so, but
large, almost transparent wings. They are usually very they will rarely attempt mining on their own, even though
beautiful. they like caves. They have no magical abilities, although
Comments: Sylphs will aid a humanoid in need or befriend they will sometimes have magical items that they will rarely
one to whom they take a fancy. If somehow coerced they know how to use.
will have a large treasure with which they may buy their Movement Rates: Running: 250
freedom but it will usually be hidden on a mountaintop. It PS 20-23 MD 13-15 AG 12-14 MA 0
will be worth 2-3,000 silver pennies EN 12-14 FT 20-24 WP 10-12 PC 12-16
Abilities: Sylphs can turn themselves invisible, and they PB 6-9 TMR 5 NA Hide absorbs 2 DP
are usually able to sense a party's intentions towards them, Weapons: Gnolls tend toward the larger weapons, usually
and so avoid harm. Sylphs are also able magicians, axes. They will use ranged weapons, however, and any
specialising in the powers of the College of Air large contingent will have a fair number of archers. They
Magics.Movement Rates: Flying: 700; Running: 250 usually wear light armour (leather or cloth) but strong
PS 10-13 MD 18-22 AG 20-24 MA 18-20 members of a group will sometimes have better armour.
EN 9-12 FT 18-20 WP 14-18 PC 18-20
PB 21-25 TMR 14/5 NA None GNOME
Weapons: Sylphs do not use weapons or attack. They use Natural Habitat: Caverns, Highlands, Rural
only their magic to defend themselves. Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-200 (50)
Earth Dwellers Description: Gnomes are short, stocky humanoids, much
Earth dwellers are distantly related to the faerie folk, but like dwarves, but even shorter (3 feet). Typically they will be
usually dwell in caverns or earthen barrows, and tend to dressed in chain mail or leather armour, with a heavy
prefer cool shadows to bright sunlight. Most earth dwellers skullcap, although powerful gnomes occasionally wear
have dark vision or infravision, and do not see very well in heavier armour as they 'make light of a burden'. Gnomes
the light of day. are usually brownish in colour with hair between grey and
DWARF Comments: Gnomes have a strong dislike for goblins, and
will always attempt to attack them. Gnomes are organised
Natural Habitat: Anywhere (prefers Highlands) into bands, each of which is competitive with the others,
Frequency: Uncommon although not actually hostile. They are usually friendly to
Number: 1-500 (10) man, and they are very friendly with the dwarves, their
Description: Dwarves are stout 4 feet tall humanoids. They cousins, although they have a mild dislike of elves. Large
usually have long beards. bands of gnomes will often (80%) have a fair amount of
Comments: Dwarves form strong community ties, and are treasure. Gnomes found in their lair will have more treasure,
distrustful of strangers, especially those of other races. as gnomes are fond of hoarding.
Their strongest antipathies are towards orcs and elves. Abilities: Gnomes are excellent stoneworkers, and as such
Although dwarves are greedy by nature, they are essentially they can detect many things that have to do with the
honest and stand by their word. Dwarves covet precious construction of a building or the quality of a builder's job.
stones and metals, and appreciate fine, detailed Movement Rates: Running: 150
workmanship. Pride and attention to detail are important to PS 10-14 MD 10-13 AG 14-16 MA 13-17
dwarves. EN 8-10 FT 16-20 WP 19-22 PC 14-18
Abilities: Dwarves can see in the dark as a human does at PB 10-13 TMR 3 NA None
dusk. This is particularly effective deep underground. Weapons: Gnomes will use daggers, short swords, clubs,
Dwarves have an affinity with caverns and mountains, and and any other weapons that they can carry easily.
a natural dislike to being bested in bargaining. A dwarf’s
capacity for alcohol is twice that of a human.
Movement Rates: Running: 200 GOBLIN
PS 6-26 MD 5-25 AG 4-24 MA 3-23 Natural Habitat: Anywhere
EN 6-26 FT 17-24 WP 7-27 PC 6-26 Frequency: Uncommon
PB 5-21 TMR 4 NA None Number: 4-1000 (20)
Weapons: Dwarves delight in axes and hammers and they Description: Goblins are humanoid in form, but have large
will have Rank 4-7 with these weapons. They also fangs, pointed ears, and skin ranging from brown to pallid
commonly wear heavy armour, with chain mail being most grey. They are usually very ugly, have foul breath, and an
frequent, although plate is also occasionally used. unpleasant odour. They wear garments made out of dirty
cloth, and usually wear leather armour, carrying shields.
GNOLL More powerful goblins will sometimes carry better armour.
They are about 4 feet tall.
Natural Habitat: Anywhere (except Arctic or Waste) Comments: Goblins are highly evil, and will often waylay a
Frequency: Uncommon party, killing and looting. They love to cause discord, and
Number: 1-300 (40) will be deceitful where violence will not work. Their lair (and
Description: Gnolls are dog-faced humanoids about 7 feet treasure) will be well guarded. Goblins dislike sunlight, and
tall. They are very strong, and usually wear armour. Their fight at a reduction in the Base Chance of 10 when under a
skin is fuzzy, and yellowish-brown in colour. bright sun. They hate dwarves and gnomes, and will attack
them whenever possible. Goblins will usually be in league
with dire wolves if there are any in the neighbourhood.


Abilities: Goblins are good at working with stone if forced heads the clan, and fights for leader of the clan are
into it, and so they are good at detecting facts having to do common. Hobgoblins are often hired to lead bands of
with stone (40% chance of detecting anything unusual or goblins and orcs, as their strength and size ensures that
dangerous). They can see in the dark. They are excellent at discipline will be maintained.
torture, which they delight in. A goblin will in rare instances Abilities: Hobgoblins have goblins' stone-working ability
be an Adept of one of the Entity colleges. and their ability to see in the dark, but they do not dislike
Movement Rates: Running: 150 sunlight, and often go out in the day on raiding parties. They
PS 9-13 MD 8-12 AG 7-12 MA 10-18 have the same magical abilities as goblins.
EN 6-8 FT 10-13 WP 8-11 PC 7-12 Movement Rates: Running: 250
PB 8-10 TMR 3 NA Skin absorbs 1 DP PS 17-21 MD 14-16 AG 13-15 MA 12-20
Weapons: Goblins will use any sort of weapon that their EN 14-16 FT 20-23 WP 10-12 PC 14-16
strength allows, although they generally prefer simple PB 6-9 TMR 5 NA Hide absorbs 2 DP
swords, clubs, crossbows and slings. They may have Rank Weapons: Hobgoblins use all weapons, and will usually
1-3 with these weapons. use the largest weapon their strength allows. They like
whips and spears with long, barbed points that break off in
the wound. Hobgoblins rarely use bows, although they will
use slings and javelins. Hobgoblins will have Ranks 3-5 with
Natural Habitat: Rural their favoured weapons.
Frequency: Uncommon
Number: 1-50 (6)
Description: Halflings are small humanoids, around three KOBOLD
feet in height. They are inclined to be fat. Halflings are Natural Habitat: Caverns, Highlands, Rural
noted for their tough, hairy feet and usually go bare-foot. Frequency: Rare
Comments: Halflings appreciate the good life more than Number: 1-10 (5)
most; a successful halfling will arrange a schedule of much Description: Kobolds are small, elderly-appearing dwarvish
sleep, good food, and relaxed study or conversation. types who wear hoods of bright colours. They are about 2
Halflings are shy around other races, preferring to merge 1/2 feet tall, and have highly gnarled faces.
into the background. Amongst themselves they are a Comments: A kobold in the house is a blessing, for they
friendly folk who form into small communities where will perform all sorts of menial or semi-skilled tasks with
everyone knows every-one else’s business. While halflings great willingness and ability, where such is possible. They
take their social responsibilities seriously, they are will work for only shelter and food. While travelling, they will
renowned for their practical jokes and light fingers. Halflings most likely run away if they see a party at a distance, but
avoid the rigours of military life but when forced to defend there is a chance that they will be willing to trade
themselves they favour small weapons. A small percentage information and befriend a character. In general, kobolds
of halflings have adventuring in their blood, and tend get along with men better even than the dwarves. Kobolds
towards extreme speed, violence and ruthlessness when are one of the few earth dwellers that will tolerate faerie,
away from their familiar and tranquil surrounds. and will actively co-operate with brownies to look after a
Abilities: Halflings possess infravision (heat vision) to a household. Kobolds will almost never have treasure,
range of 100 feet. They are naturally soft-footed and light- although if they do it will usually be something of value only
fingered. Halflings may drop jewellery down active to them.
volcanoes without anyone thinking the worse of them, and Abilities: Kobolds are very useful around the house or
do so surprisingly often. farm, for they will perform many tasks relating to
Movement Rates: Running: 250 maintenance of property or animals. They have no special
PS 2-22 MD 8-28 AG 6-26 MA 4-24 magical powers, and they are not as good at working with
EN 3-23 FT 17-23 WP 6-26 PC 5-25 stone and at detecting unusual constructions as the
PB 6-22 TMR 5 NA None dwarves. They can see in the dark.
Weapons: Halflings prefer small weapons, dagger and Movement Rates: Running: 100
slings being the most common, although short swords and PS 7-9 MD 14-17 AG 15-18 MA None
hand axes will also sometimes be used. There is a 50% EN 6-8 FT 12-14 WP 14-17 PC 12-16
chance that a halfling will have skill of up to Rank 4 with at PB 8-11 TMR 2 NA None
least one of the weapons that they are carrying. Weapons: Kobolds carry daggers and hammers. They do
Adventuring halflings prefer weapons of maximal carnage, not wear armour.
and will usually be very skilled. Hammer: BC 30%, [D – 2], Melee & Close, Rank 0.

Natural Habitat: Anywhere Natural Habitat: Anywhere
Frequency: Rare Frequency: Common
Number: 1-500 (30) Number: 1-1000 (25)
Description: Hobgoblins are particularly large and vicious Description: An orc is a stoop-shouldered, surly humanoid
creatures of basically the same strain as goblins. They have and a pack member by nature, much like a goblin or
the same fangs and pointed ears as goblins, but they grow hobgoblin. Orcs are considered unattractive by other
to larger than man sized, almost 7 feet. They are also humanoid races.
usually equipped with better armour (chain mail being the Comments: Orcs are a cruel, violent folk, liking nothing
mean) as they are very strong and can more easily carry its better than to loot and pillage. Individuals test themselves
weight. Their skin is more hairy than goblins', although it is against their peers, bullying anything weaker but cowering
the same brown to greyish colour. away from anything stronger. A strong individual will form a
Comments: Hobgoblins are organised into clans, which are pack around them, and the pack leader’s word is law. Orcs
highly competitive with each other and with their relatives, enjoy the sensual pleasures of life, and reduce their already
the goblins and orcs. The strongest member of the group


short life spans through hard living. They have a robust Humans build great cities and are far more welcoming of
digestion and will eat foods that others turn their nose up at. other races than most. Outside of their own culture they are
Abilities: Orcs are the most versatile and intelligent of the social chameleons; adept at adapting their behaviour to
goblinoids, and can possess any skill or college. They have match local customs.
particular affinity for skills involving violence, and magics Abilities: Humans are the most versatile of all races, and
that cause suffering. can possess any skill or college. They have no affinity for
Movement Rates: 250 particular skills, and make better generalists than
PS 6-26 MD 5-25 AG 5-25 MA 3-23 specialists.
EN 6-26 FT 17-26 WP 3-23 PC 5-23 Movement Rates: Running: 250
PB 3-19 TMR 5 NA Hide absorbs 1 DP PS 5-25 MD 5-25 AG 5-25 MA 5-25
Weapons: The glaive, axe and scimitar are the favourite EN 5-25 FT 18-23 WP 5-25 PC 5-25
weapons of the orcs (Rank 5-7 is typical) although other PB 7-23 TMR 4-6 NA None
weapons will also be used. Crossbows are the most Weapons: Humans use a wide variety of weapons
common type of missile weapon. Orcs will wear armour, depending on their cultures. They are one of the few good
with leather being the prevalent type. Orcs will also horse-riding races, and many warrior cultures value the
commonly carry shields. lance or spear. City cultures value spear and large shield in
close formation, while frontier cultures relish bow, axe and
sword. They often adopt the fighting style and weapons of
neighbouring races.
Natural Habitat: Coastal, Jungle, Wetlands
Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-50 (8) SHAPE-CHANGER
Description: Saurime are basically humanoid, but they are Natural Habitat: Anywhere their animal dwells
reptilian in outward appearance. They have heavy scales Frequency: Rare
along the entire body, and have a long, heavy tail that they Number: 1-50 (4)
can use as a weapon to knock down their victims. They also Description: Shape-changers are a hidden race amongst
have claws and a long forked tongue. They are about 7 feet humans, with the ability to change into the form of a
tall, and are greenish-yellow in colour. particular animal (one of wolf, tiger, bear or boar). Shape-
Comments: Saurime will eat anything and they feed on changers are identical in appearance to humans when not
marsh birds and underwater creatures, but they have a in animal form. They are somewhat bestial in nature,
fondness for human flesh. adopting traits from their animal side.
Abilities: Saurime can fight normally under water, but they Comments: There exists a love/hate relationship between
must come up for air eventually, although they can hold humans and shape-changers: shape-changers possess
their breath for periods of more than 5 minutes. They have some degree of animal magnetism, but, if discovered, can
their own language, but will rarely speak anything expect severe treatment at the hands of humans. Shape-
comprehensible to men. They do not normally use magic, changers are, on the whole, bitter towards humans, and are
although intelligence varies widely. not above using humans to their advantage. There are very
Movement Rates: Swimming: 300; Running: 100 few ways to tell a shape changer from a human and these
PS 23-26 MD 8-11 AG 8-12 MA 10-15 vary by shape-changer type. Shape-changers are a ruthless
EN 14-16 FT 20-24 WP 14-18 PC 10-14 lot with a secret worth killing to preserve.
PB 8-11 TMR 6/2 NA Scales absorb 6 DP Abilities: Shape-changers have a controllable, racial talent
Weapons: Lizard men generally use simple weapons like of Lycanthropy (see Weres) which allows them to remain
spears or clubs. The larger the weapon, the more the sentient in both forms. A shape-changer can consciously
saurime prefer it as they greatly enjoy using their strength to change between human and animal forms and back once
the utmost. Saurime will use shields if they find them or per quarter of the moon phase between each dawn. The
capture them. In close, they disdain weapons and use their transformation takes 10 seconds during the day and 5
claws. seconds at night. During the day, there is a 1% / full 5
Claws: BC 35%, [D + 1], Melee & Close, Rank 0. minutes in animal form that they will become permanently
transformed. At night, they may remain in animal form for a
Other Humanoids time proportionate to the moon phase before they run this
risk. A shape-changer's animal and human characteristics
are proportional to each other within their respective racial
HUMAN ranges.
Natural Habitat: Anywhere In animal form: human inhibitions will be muted; they cannot
Frequency: Common be harmed except with silver or magic; beings with Physical
Number: 1-10,000 (50) Strength over 25 may harm them, but damage is reduced
Description: Humans have a great diversity of cultures, by 5; they regenerate 1 Endurance each minute. In human
languages and sub-racial traits, such as hair and eye colour form animal instincts will be dulled, but animal magnetism
or skin tone. will cause humans to be attracted to them. A shape-
Comments: Humans are by far the most common race on changer’s magic resistance is increased by 5%.
Alusia, frequenting most areas and climes. Human Movement Rates: Running: 250
behaviour is an odd mix. They can be superstitious and PS 5-25 MD 5-25 AG 5-25 MA 5-25
distrustful of the unknown, but they are also insatiably EN 5-25 FT 18-23 WP 5-25 PC 5-25
curious and look for new knowledge. Many also seek PB 8-24 TMR 4-6 NA None
personal fame and fortune as most human social structures Weapons: In animal form, shape-changers fight as that
are less rigid than those of non-humans and a person’s animal. They may gain ranks in their claws, bite and other
birth need not permanently define their place in society. natural attacks as per unarmed if they get training in their
This odd combination of attributes has led them to become use. In human form, they fight as a human, and may use
great explorers and sailors, and they will venture boldly into and rank any weapons, armour and shields. Shape-
unexplored areas in search of knowledge and wealth. changers avoid armour, as it hampers their transformations.


Fantastical Monsters Natural Habitat: Caverns, Ruins
Frequency: Rare
Fantastical Monsters include a number of beings of legend,
Number: 1-6 (1)
not often seen by humans and related species. They tend to
Description: A giant amoeba is a shapeless, flowing
make their homes in inaccessible areas where few men go.
creature between 6 inches and 6 feet in diameter.
Comments: If a giant amoeba is reduced to 0 endurance
BASILISK as a result of the attacks of normal (non-magical) weapons,
Natural Habitat: Coastal, Waste, Wetlands the amoeba merely splits into two amoebas, each with half
Frequency: Uncommon the size, endurance, and fatigue of the original amoeba.
Number: 1-2 (1) Magical weapons and magical attacks affect the amoeba
Description: The basilisk is a fat reptilian creature about 5 normally.
feet long and 2 feet in height. These are slow, heavily Abilities: A giant amoeba can sense any organic material
armoured lizards with limited intelligence. They have strong within 25 feet, and will move toward the closest such
jaws with two-inch fangs. They are man-eaters, but infinitely material that it can sense. Giant amoeba are able to eat
prefer fish when they can get it. Basilisks are usually anything they come in contact with. They can slip under
brownish in colour with lighter underbellies. doors and through very small cracks.
Comments: Basilisks are solitary creatures, but they are
willing to serve others in exchange for lavish supplies of Movement Rates: Crawling: 50
food (12 pounds or more per day). PS None MD None AG 3-4 MA None
Abilities: A basilisk has no skills or magical abilities except EN 10-12 FT 20-24 WP 6-8 PC 6-8
that it can turn a target to stone with a glance. If a basilisk's PB 3-5 TMR 1 NA None
gaze is reflected back at itself, it is killed. Weapons: Giant amoeba may consume. If a creature is
Movement Rates: Running: 125 fully consumed, only non-organic materials will be left
PS 6-12 MD None AG 7-11 MA None behind. This happens several minutes after death.
EN 12-14 FT 15-20 WP 12-16 PC 15-20 Consume: BC auto, [2 DP], Close.
PB 5-7 TMR 2 NA Skin absorbs 6 DP
Weapons: Basilisks may bite. They may gaze attack within GORGON (MEDUSA)
50 feet as a Throw action. They also breathe poison gas 5
Natural Habitat: Highlands, Jungle (lairs in Caverns)
feet long by 3 feet wide. They may use all three attacks
Frequency: Very rare
without penalty. Armour provides no protection against the
Number: 1-3 (1)
Description: Gorgons are physically humanoid, but boast a
Bite: BC 40%, [D + 3], Close, Rank 0.
headful of writhing green snakes of a venomous nature.
Gaze: BC 60%, [petrify], Ranged, Melee & Close, Rank 0.
They also have hypnotic, burning red eyes. Gorgons like to
Breath: BC auto, [D + 10] poison, Melee & Close.
appear as comely maidens and often wear the attire of
human females. They have large brazen claws and hog-like
CHIMERA teeth. They specialise in enticing males who they then turn
Natural Habitat: Caverns, Highlands, Ruins, Woods to stone.
Frequency: Very Rare Comments: The gorgon's eyes only become clearly visible
Number: 1-3 (1) at a range of 100 feet and she cannot turn a character to
Description: The chimera has the head of a goat, the stone beyond that range. The attempt to turn a character to
foreparts of a lion, and the rear section of a dragon. stone is automatic whenever a character faces the gorgon's
Chimera are large (up to 12 feet long) and breathe fire. front and requires no action
They are 3-hex monsters. Abilities: Gorgons possess no special skills or magic as a
Comments: Chimera thrive on ruin, and the area rule, but may learn human skills and magic. They have the
surrounding one of their lairs will be a burned wasteland. In special talent of turning those that look directly into their
the area surrounding the lair, or occasionally in the lair eyes to stone. Any character facing a gorgon must roll 4 ×
itself, there may be victims with some treasure, but Willpower each pulse that they face the beast or they
otherwise chimera do not hoard wealth as do dragons. succumb to her blandishments, look into her eyes and are
Abilities: The chimera can breathe a cone of fire. Other turned to stone.
than that, it has no special skills or magical ability. Movement Rates: Running: 250
Movement Rates: Running: 500 PS 10-13 MD 12-15 AG 10-14 MA 15-18
PS 28-32 MD 25-28 AG 15-20 MA None EN 10-14 FT 15-19 WP 16-20 PC 16-18
EN 20-22 FT 30-34 WP 14-19 PC 13-20 PB Always 0 TMR 5 NA None
PB 3-7 TMR 10 NA Hide absorbs 8 DP Weapons: A gorgon may claw, bite and attack with her hair
Weapons: Chimera may bite. They may breathe a cone of without penalty. Poison occurs after effective damage by
fire 50 feet long by 20 feet wide as a Fire action. They may her hair. In addition, a gorgon may gaze attack at any time.
only make one attack. Claw: BC 50%, [D + 4], Melee & Close, Rank 1-5.
Bite: BC 75%, [D + 8], Melee & Close, Rank 0. Bite: BC 30%, [D], Close, Rank 0.
Breath: BC auto, [D + 15], Ranged, Melee & Close. Hair: BC 30%, [D – 3] armour penetration only, Close,
Rank 0.
Poison: 2 DP per pulse.
Gaze: BC auto, [petrify], Ranged, Melee & Close, Rank 0.


Natural Habitat: Caverns, Wetlands Natural Habitat: Caverns, Coastal, Woods
Frequency: Very Rare Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1-3 (1) Number: 1-6 (1)
Description: A hydra is a nine-headed snake. They are 12 Description: Minotaurs are humanoid, with the head of a
to 15 feet long, and have thick green scales. Hydras also bull and a very hairy hide. They have a tail, just like that of a
have a foul smell and venomous breath. Hydras are four- bull.
hex creatures. Comments: Minotaurs are particularly vicious, and will
Comments: Hydras are vicious, but they are not overly attack virtually anything that their dim intelligence tells them
intelligent. They will attack anything that approaches their they have even a mediocre chance of beating. These
lair. A hydra's poison lasts even after the creature dies, and beasts generally like the dark, and will only rarely be found
can be absorbed through the skin without a puncture in the open after sun-up.
Abilities: If a hydra is hit in combat for four or more points Abilities: The minotaur has no special magical abilities or
of effective damage there is a 70% chance that one of the talents. They are tool users and will sometimes use simple
hydra's heads has been destroyed. Two pulses after a head weapons.
is destroyed, two more grow back, and on the beginning of Movement Rates: Running: 300
the next pulse after that they can attack in combat. One of PS 22-26 MD 18-20 AG 14-17 MA None
the hydra's original nine heads will be immortal. This head EN 14-16 FT 22-25 WP 14-16 PC 18-20
cannot be killed, and does not regenerate like the others. PB 4-7 TMR 6 NA Hide absorbs 6 DP
Instead, if a hydra has no Endurance remaining, the head is Weapons: A minotaur can attack by butting with their
assumed to have been cut off. If the head is cut off, it can horns, biting, or attacking with a weapon, or any two of
no longer move or attack except in Close Combat. The only these attacks without penalty. It will have Rank 1-5 with its
way to kill one of the hydra's mortal heads is to burn it while weapons. It uses its Bite in Melee at -20%.
it is regenerating (a successful strike with a torch will do Butt: BC 40%, [D + 3], Melee, Rank 0.
this). Each time a head regenerates, the Hydra gains three Bite: BC 50%, [D – 1], Melee & Close, Rank 0.
points of Endurance. (Note that this will occasionally mean
that a hydra will have more Endurance points at the end of
a battle than before). In any event, if a hydra's Endurance is
ever reduced to zero or below, every head dies except the Natural Habitat: Coastal, Wetlands
immortal one mentioned above. Frequency: Very Rare
Movement Rates: Crawling: 200 Number: 1-6 (1)
PS 18-22 MD 19-24 AG 14-16 MA None Description: Nagas are humanoid above the waist, and
EN 30-35 FT 40-45 WP 18-23 PC 14-17 have the body of a serpent below. Male nagas have the
PB 4-6 TMR 4 NA Scales absorb 7 DP upper half of a man, while female nagas have the upper half
Weapons: A hydra may bite with up to 6 heads without of a woman. Both types will usually be 10-12 feet long.
penalty. Poison occurs after effective damage. Only magic Comments: Nagas are often the guardians and keepers of
and antidotes specifically designed for hydra poison will be knowledge. They seek to preserve powerful knowledge
effective against their venom. from the use of those who would not use it properly, and at
Bite: BC 55%, [D + 2], Melee & Close, Rank 0. the same time they try to deliver it to those who could best
Poison: 5 DP per pulse for D10 pulses. use it for the cause of good. This knowledge might be
magical in nature, or of some other type. Nagas will use
force to defend the knowledge that they guard (which will
MANTICORE usually be in the form of a written tome) but will warn
Natural Habitat: Caverns, Highlands, Waste intruders beforehand, and allow them a chance to get away.
Frequency: Rare Abilities: Nagas are frequently (85%) members of one of
Number: 1-6 (1) the Colleges of Thaumaturgies. If a naga is a magic-user, it
Description: Manticores have the body of a lion, bat-like will have Rank 2-8 with each of the General Knowledge
wings, and the head of a human, although larger to fit their spells, talents, and rituals, and will have Rank 1-5 with
bodies. At the tip of their tail they have up to 12 spikes, those Special Knowledge spells and rituals that they know
which they can launch as weapons. The spikes regenerate (usually 5-10 will be known). Nagas can also read the
in about a day. minds of any that they can see, understanding both the
Comments: Manticores like to hunt, and their favourite prey thoughts and intentions of the subject. This talent cannot be
is man. They will lie in wait for a party, and then send their resisted.
spikes whirling into it. If the Manticore’s lair is found, there is Movement Rates: Swimming: 400; Crawling: 300
a chance that it will have dragged bodies with treasure on PS 20-25 MD 17-21 AG 12-16 MA 16-20
them into its cave. EN 25-32 FT 20-25 WP 20-24 PC 19-23
Abilities: Manticores have no magical properties, and no PB 13-17 TMR 8/6 NA Scales absorb 5 DP
special abilities other than the ability to launch their tail Weapons: Naga may use edged weapons at Rank 4-6,
spikes. their poisonous bite, constrict, or spit poison. The
Movement Rates: Flying: 500; Running: 350 constriction attack has the same special ability as a garotte.
PS 28-32 MD 20-25 AG 26-30 MA None The spit attack is a Throw action. Poison occurs after
EN 12-14 FT 20-25 WP 12-18 PC 12-18 effective damage from the bite attack. Only an antidote
PB 3-6 TMR 10/7 NA Fur absorbs 8 DP specifically designed for naga venom will neutralise the
Weapons: Manticores may claw twice, and prefer do so in poison.
Close. At range, they may launch up to 6 tail spikes without Constrict: BC 40%, [D + 8], Close, Rank 0.
penalty, as long as the targets are within 6 feet of each Bite: BC 55%, [D + 4], Melee & Close, Rank 0.
other. They have at most 12 spikes. Poison: 2 DP per pulse for D10 pulses.
Bite: BC 60%, [D + 5], Melee & Close, Rank 0. Spit: BC 30%, [D + 4], Ranged, Rank 0.
Spike: BC 60%, [D + 4], Ranged, Rank 0.


Natural Habitat: Other Planes, Waste Natural Habitat: Plains, Woods
Frequency: Rare Frequency: Rare
Number: 1-2 (1) Number: 1-8 (2)
Description: A salamander is a three foot long lizard, Description: Unicorns are white equines with a single, long
reddish brown in colour, with fiery red eyes. horn coming out of their forehead. They have a single black,
Comments: Salamanders love to set things on fire in a 2 foot long horn set in a deer's head, very thick feet, and the
seemingly random fashion. tail of a boar.
Abilities: Salamanders have the ability to set things on fire Comments: Unicorns are virtually untameable by ordinary
by concentrating their gaze. The action is deliberate, in that men, but a virgin can occasionally tame a unicorn, as
something will not be burnt unless the salamander wishes unicorns love purity and innocence.
to burn it. Only flammable items can be ignited. Abilities: Unicorns are immune to poison, and a character
Movement Rates: Running: 350 that possesses one of their horns is also immune. They are
PS 14-17 MD 8-10 AG 17-20 MA None also almost impossible to trap, as they are very intelligent
EN 12-14 FT 15-20 WP 21-24 PC 18-21 and wary. They are unable to cast spells in the usual sense.
PB 5-7 TMR 7 NA Scales absorb 4 DP Movement Rates: Running: 600
Weapons: A salamander may bite, or gaze as a Fire action. PS 55-60 MD None AG 16-19 MA 0
The gaze is effective on one target to 200 feet, but may be EN 25-30 FT 50-60 WP 20-25 PC 25-30
resisted for no effect. PB 18-20 TMR 12 NA Hide absorbs 4 DP
Bite: BC 40%, [D + 2], Close, Rank 0. Weapons: Unicorns may either gore with their horn, bite or
Gaze: BC auto, [D + 12], Ranged, Melee & Close. kick into their rear hex. Unicorns will willingly enter Close
Combat and trample.
Horn: BC 60%, [D + 7], Melee, Rank 0.
Bite: BC 25%, [D + 2], Melee & Close, Rank 0.
Natural Habitat: Waste Kick: BC 45%, [D + 7], Melee Rear, Rank 0.
Frequency: Very Rare Trample: BC 25%, [D + 8], Close, Rank 0.
Number: 1
Description: A sphinx has the body of a winged lion, with
the head and breasts of a woman. A sphinx is usually about WYVERN (MERE DRAGON)
12 feet tong. A sphinx has large, sharp teeth, and is a two- Natural Habitat: Highlands, Jungle, Waste, Wetlands
hex monster. Frequency: Uncommon
Comments: Sphinxes are proverbial riddle-lovers. They Number: 1-5 (2)
love to learn new riddles, and will sometimes let a passer- Description: Wyverns are distant cousins of dragons, but
by live in exchange for a good one. They also like to ask are smaller and not blessed with the intelligence of dragons.
riddles, however. When a sphinx asks a riddle, it will state Usually, 6 to 10 feet tall, the wyvern is portrayed as a one-
what will happen to a character who does not answer the hex character with its tail extending into its rear hex a short
riddle successfully, and what reward (usually just free distance (just enough so that it can knock a character
passage) will be given to those who do. A sphinx will always standing in that hex off their feet). Wyverns are slate grey in
try to keep its word as to what it will do if the riddle is colour and have tough armoured hides.
answered, although there is a small chance that it will Comments: Wyverns do not know magic, but crave
simply kill itself if the riddle is answered correctly. magical items and will often be found to be hoarding or
Abilities: Most sphinxes are accomplished members of a wearing them. Dragons despise wyverns and wyverns fear
College of Magic, usually one of the Thaumaturgies. They dragons and the two will never be found in each other's
will know all General Knowledge spells at Rank 6-9, and will company. Wyverns are, by nature, somewhat cowardly.
know all Special Knowledge spells at Rank 3-6. In addition, Abilities: Wyverns, unlike their larger cousins, are non-
a sphinx will know D10 counterspells from other Colleges. magical. Their shrivelled front limbs are not suitable for
Sphinxes also have excellent senses of smell. They will be grasping much except already subdued prey. The wyvern's
able track as if they had Rank 8 in the Ranger ability, and tail contains a scorpion-like sting, which may be used to
they will be able to detect the presence of hidden or infect a target in the hex the wyvern is facing with poison
invisible characters 75% of the time. (the sting is used in an over-the-head-attack). It may not be
Movement Rates: Running: 500; Flying: 600 used to attack characters behind it.
PS 30-35 MD 22-24 AG 17-19 MA 12-22 Movement Rates: Running: 75; Flying: 150
EN 40-50 FT 60-75 WP 20-23 PC 17-19 PS 20-30 MD 10-12 AG 12-16 MA 8-10
PB 4-6 TMR 10/12 NA Hide absorbs 6 DP EN 25-35 FT 30-40 WP 10-16 PC 18-25
Weapons: A sphinx can bite and claw twice without PB 3-5 TMR 1/3 NA Hide absorbs 8 DP
penalty. Weapons: Wyverns may either bite, sting, or trip with their
Bite: BC 75%, [D + 8], Melee & Close, Rank 0. tail.
Claw: BC 60%, [D + 4], Melee & Close, Rank 0. Bite: BC 40%, [D + 4], Melee & Close, Rank 0.
Sting: BC 45%, [D] armour penetration only, Melee, Rank
Poison: 4 DP per pulse for D5 pulses.
Trip: BC 40%, [D – 2], Melee Rear, Rank 0.


Fantastical Avians
Natural Habitat: Coastal, Highlands, Waste, Wetlands
Natural Habitat: Caverns, Crypts, Ruins, Rural Frequency: Rare
Frequency: Rare Number: 1-20 (6)
Number: 1-10 (2) Description: Harpies are vulture-like birds with the upper
Description: Gargoyles are humanoid in form, but they bodies of women. They have long claws, and pale, thin
have leathery wings, sharp claws, a horn, a tail, and spiked faces. They make a tremendous amount of noise flying, and
elbows and knees. Their skin is stony in appearance, and have a horrible smell.
upon contact it feels very rough. Gargoyles have deep-set Abilities: Harpies can speak, but have limited magical
eyes, and sharp, small teeth. abilities and no special skills or talents. They are
Comments: Gargoyles are hopelessly evil, and will attack occasionally prophetic, although they will only speak a
immediately any party that they think they have a fair prophecy if it is evil and they wish to torment the listener.
chance of handling. They can sometimes be found in the Movement Rates: Flying: 500; Running: 50
service of a highly evil character, in which case they will PS 14-20 MD 22-26 AG 26-30 MA 13-17
usually show more restraint. EN 8-10 FT 14-19 WP 17-20 PC 10-16
Abilities: Gargoyles possess no special skills or talents. PB 2-6 TMR 10/1 NA Feathers absorb 7 DP
They have only limited magical abilities in general but may Weapons: Unless cornered, harpies do not fight man. They
use tools and even weapons. may use two talons or any weapons they may have, which
Movement Rates: Flying: 400; Running: 200 will usually not be ranked.
PS 14-20 MD 13-18 AG 12-16 MA 10-12 Talons: BC 70%, [D + 5], Melee & Close, Rank 0.
EN 7-10 FT 18-20 WP 9-13 PC 12-16
PB 2-5 TMR 8 NA Hide absorbs 8 DP
Weapons: Gargoyles can use their horn, claws, bite or a HIPPOGRIFF
weapon to attack, or any combination of two of these Natural Habitat: Highlands
attacks without penalty. They will have Rank 1-5 with their Frequency: Very Rare
weapons. Number: 1-12 (2)
Bite: BC 45%, [D + 2], Melee & Close, Rank 0. Description: Hippogriffs are similar to pegasi in that they
Horn: BC 35%, [D + 1], Melee & Close, Rank 0. are basically winged horses, but their head is that of some
Claws: BC 50%, [D – 3], Melee & Close, Rank 0. great bird of prey, with a fearsome beak. The head differs
from that of an eagle in that it has large feathered ears,
almost like wings, at the back of the head. The front legs of
the hippogriff also resemble those of a bird of prey, with
Natural Habitat: Highlands, Plains huge talons and feathers.
Frequency: Very Rare Comments: Hippogriffs do not like people, and generally
Number: 1-7 (1) shun any area that is inhabited. They are trainable with
Description: The gryphon is a large beast with the body of difficulty. Their value is 3,000-4,000 Silver Pennies
a lion, the head and wings of an eagle and back covered untrained and 3 times that price trained. Hippogriff eggs are
with feathers. A gryphon's claws are so large that they can valuable (circa 800 Silver Pennies each) and very young
be made into serviceable drinking horns. A gryphon is about hippogriffs are even more so (1400-2000 Silver Pennies).
5 feet long and stands man-high when full-grown. Gryphon Abilities: Hippogriffs have no magical or other extra-
eggs (2-5 possible per nest) are solid agate and quite ordinary abilities, talents or skills, and are not tool users.
valuable (4000 - 6000 Silver Pennies apiece). Movement Rates: Running: 200; Flying: 400
Comments: Gryphons prefer solitude and will fly away PS 18-20 MD 19-22 AG 16-19 MA None
when approached if possible, but will always chase and EN 15-18 FT 25-30 WP 12-17 PC 17-20
attack horses (whose flesh they prize). They are extremely PB 8-11 TMR 4/8 NA Hide absorbs 4 DP
valuable for use as mounts and cost accordingly (16,000- Weapons: Hippogriffs can use their beak and two talons
20,000 Silver Pennies). They nest in cliff-sides and prefer to without penalty. They may use their beak in Close at -30%.
build their nests of spun-gold (value 8,000-10,000 Silver Beak: 65%, [D + 4], Melee & Close, Rank 0.
Pennies). Talons: 55%, [D + 2], Melee & Close, Rank 0.
Abilities: Gryphons have no special skills or magical
abilities, but their special talent is locating buried treasure
and their nest will quite often be built near such treasure, PEGASUS
which they will actively guard. A "domesticated'" gryphon Natural Habitat: Highlands
has a Base Chance of 60% of locating any buried treasure Frequency: Very Rare
within a radius of 250 feet of it. Gryphons make valuable Number: 1-6 (1)
steeds, once tamed. They are not magic or tool users. Description: Pegasi are winged horses with pure white
Movement Rates: Running: 200; Flying: 500 coats tinged with silver around mane and flowing tail. They
PS 30-36 MD 15-20 AG 15-20 MA 6-9 are intelligent for equines and are sometimes sentient.
EN 25-30 FT 30-35 WP 12-16 PC 16-22 Comments: Wild pegasi are tameable with difficulty. They
PB 0-5 TMR 4/10 NA Hide absorbs 6 DP will only allow themselves to be bridled with gold, however.
Weapons: Gryphons may use their beak and both claws They can carry up to 300 pounds flying. They are worth
without penalty. 4,000 to 5,000 Silver Pennies untamed and 5 times that
Beak: BC 65%, [D + 5], Melee & Close, Rank 1-3. amount tamed.
Claws: BC 60%, [D + 5], Melee & Close, Rank 1-4. Abilities: Pegasi have no special talents or skills except for
their flying ability. Sentient pegasi can often speak the
common tongue. They are not magic or tool users.


Movement Rates: Running: 300; Flying: 500

PS 55-60 MD 15-17 AG 15-18
MA None or Undead
EN 25-30 FT 50-60 WP 19-23 PC 16-20 Undead are creatures who are neither alive nor dead. They
PB 16-20 TMR 6/10 NA Hide absorbs 3 DP cannot be killed by normal means since they are not alive.
Weapons: Pegasi may either bite or kick into their rear hex. Instead, they may be destroyed by magic and by silvered
Pegasi will enter Close Combat and trample, but prefer to weapons, in most cases. Lesser undead include ghosts,
fly by and kick in passing. ghouls, revenants, skeletons and zombies. Greater undead
Bite: BC 25%, [D + 2], Melee & Close, Rank 0. include night-gaunts, spectres, vampires, wights, and
Kick: BC 45%, [D + 7], Melee Rear, Rank 0. wraiths. Greater undead have the power to drain life force
Trample: BC 25%, [D + 8], Close, Rank 0. (in the form of Endurance and Fatigue) from living victims.
They cannot affect other undead in this manner, nor can
they affect extra-dimensional beings (demons, devils, etc.).
PHOENIX It is possible for characters to become undead in certain
Natural Habitat: Plains, Waste cases. When this occurs, the character's abilities will be
Frequency: Very Rare altered somewhat, depending upon the type of undead they
Number: 1 become. Their characteristics may be decreased or
Description: The phoenix appears to be much like an increased to fall within the appropriate range for the class of
eagle in profile but is three times the size of an eagle. The undead to which they belong, but should be altered as little
bird's plumage is partly red and partly gold, and is as possible. A character who becomes sentient undead
dazzlingly beautiful. The phoenix is a four-hex monster. retains their Rank in all skills, talents and magic which are
Comments: Phoenix are famed for their longevity and their useable to them in an undead state. They may continue to
method of reproduction. When an old bird is nearing the acquire Experience and Rank, but all Experience costs are
end of its days (500 years) it builds a nest at the top of an doubled for undead characters. Undead beings recover
oak or palm tree, and makes a pile of cinnamon and automatically from being stunned at the beginning of each
spikenard in the nest upon which it lays itself down to die. A Pulse, if they have not already recovered.
worm springs out of the body of the dead phoenix, and after
the worm has matured, it becomes a phoenix itself. It then
bears the parent bird to the Altar of the Sun, where it is Lesser Undead
consumed in flames. Lesser Undead include all undead who do not have the
Abilities: The phoenix is highly intelligent, although it power to drain life force from the living of this plane.
cannot speak. It does not have any magical abilities. The
distinguishing ability of the phoenix is its ability to reproduce
itself. Other than that it has no special talents or skills. GHOST
Movement Rates: Flying: 2000 Natural Habitat: Anywhere (prefers Rural)
PS 17-20 MD 20-24 AG 17-20 MA None Frequency: Uncommon
EN 18-24 FT 30-35 WP 20-23 PC 16-20 Number: 1-36 (1)
PB 20-24 TMR 40 NA Feathers absorb 6 DP Description: A ghost is the insubstantial form taken by the
Weapons: Phoenix can use their beak and two talons spirit of a recently deceased individual. It may appear in
without penalty. exactly the form the individual himself took in life except for
Beak: BC 60%, [D + 8], Close, Rank 0. a certain shimmering quality and the fact that a ghost seen
Talons: BC 65%, [D + 6], Close, Rank 0. in direct sunlight will tend to fade into the background.
Ghosts are usually produced when an individual dies in
ROC particularly traumatic circumstances.
Comments: Ghosts can be sources of information that may
Natural Habitat: Highlands (mountain peaks) be wholly or partially false. They may aid characters that
Frequency: Rare are willing to assist them in finishing any business they may
Number: 1-2 (1) have left uncompleted in their former life and which is in
Description: Rocs are huge birds with wingspans of up to whole or in part the cause of their inability to find peace. For
250 feet. Except for their size, they much resemble eagles. example, they may seek revenge on the individual(s) who
Their body size is as a four-hex monster. brought about their end or may desire the welfare of a still
Comments: Rocs often swoop down from their nests to living former lover to be attended to. Ghosts are usually
pick up elephants, etc. to take back to their lair and eat. A chained to a place or object connected with their death or
roc will sometimes attempt to steal a party's cart animals or the fulfilment of their desires. They may not leave that place
riding animals, but will rarely carry off the people until put to rest unless wronged or cheated by a character.
themselves. They will then become tied to that character, following them
Abilities: Rocs have no special talents, skills or magic, and about, haunting them and warning their enemies of their
are not tool users. approach until they right the wrong they have done to the
Movement Rates: Flying: 2000 ghost. Ghosts have only one aim: to alter the circumstances
PS 200-300 MD 20-25 AG 16-20 MA None that have made them ghosts. They may temporarily assist
EN 150-200 FT 250-300 WP 16-20 PC 17-21 characters in their own goals as a means of getting the
PB 3-7 TMR 40 NA Feathers absorb 8 DP characters' assistance in their quest, but only in a very
Weapons: Rocs may attack with beak and two talons limited sphere. Once their problem has been solved, they
without penalty. They can engage in Melee Combat from a are laid to rest and immediately dissipate.
range of 3 hexes.
Beak: BC 75%, [D + 20], Melee & Close.
Talons: BC 70%, [D + 25], Melee & Close.


Abilities: Ghosts have no skills or magical powers and SKELETON

cannot harm living beings directly since they are Natural Habitat: Anywhere (prefers Rural)
insubstantial. However, they can frighten living beings Frequency: Rare
(especially the unwary) into flight. A character facing a Number: 3-12 (6)
ghost must roll 3 × Willpower or flee in panic from the Description: Skeletons are animated figures formed
ghost's presence. Add 20 to the dice roll if the ghost was magically from the bones of the dead. They are controlled
unexpected. and animated by the will of an Adept in the same manner as
Movement Rates: Flying: 250 zombies are. Often they will be clothed and armed.
PS None MD None AG None MA 5-25 Skeletons immediately fall apart and turn to dust whenever
EN None FT None WP 5-25 PC 5-25 they cease to be animated by an Adept. Skeletons may
PB 7-23 TMR 5-7 NA None never be stunned.
Weapons: Ghosts have no natural weapons and may not Comments: Skeletons are often found around old
use weapons. They cannot harm others directly and cannot battlefields and graveyards. They need to be animated
be harmed by physical means. before they can attack, though. The skeletons used by an
Adept need not be humanoid. They could animate any type
GHOUL of being which would then have attributes close to those it
Natural Habitat: Crypts, Ruins, Rural originally possessed while alive. Usually, however, human
Frequency: Uncommon skeletons are used since they are more easily animated.
Number: 3-30 (6) Abilities: Skeletons have no special talents, skills, or
Description: Ghouls are a form of undead who specialise magic. However, their special magical nature and skeletal
in devouring the flesh of the living or of recently dead construction make them immune to damage from weapons
characters. They are physically humanoid in all respects rated for A type damage (arrows, thrusting swords, stabbing
except that they may be ravaged by sickness or maimed by weapons). They may use weapons, including Ranked
the wounds that killed them. Their undead status has weapons, shields and armour.
robbed them of most of their intelligence and agility, but has Movement Rates: Running: 150
also made them fearless. PS 10-16 MD 14-18 AG 12-16 MA None
Comments: Ghouls, like trolls, hate fire and will EN 8-12 FT 5-10 WP 20-25 PC 14-18
immediately attack any character holding a torch in PB 1-2 TMR 3 NA None
preference to all other targets. Weapons: Skeletons attack using hands (unarmed). They
Abilities: Ghouls possess no skills or magic. They possess can use weapons.
two special characteristics: Any character bitten by a ghoul Hands: BC: 24-33%, [D – 4], Melee & Close, Rank 0.
will automatically die if the wound becomes infected and will
rise at dawn on the day after their death as a ghoul. Ghouls ZOMBIE
can only be killed by destroying their motor centre. Thus, Natural Habitat: Anywhere (prefers Rural)
they are unaffected by specific Grievous Injuries. Frequency: Rare
Movement Rates: Running: 150 Number: 6-24 (6)
PS 14-18 MD 8-12 AG 6-12 MA None Description: Zombies are another variety of living dead. In
EN 18-24 FT 25-30 WP 18-25 PC 10-14 this case, the dead are animated by a spell cast by a
PB 1-2 TMR 3 NA None member of the College of Necromancy. They may (when
Weapons: Ghouls may strike with their hands (as per newly dead corpses are used) appear nearly normal except
unarmed) and teeth. for a slight earthen hue. When old corpses are used,
Hands: BC: 12-27%, [D – 4], Melee & Close, Rank 0. however, the zombies may be no more than skeletons held
Teeth: BC 40%, [D – 4], Close, Rank 0. + 20 to Infection together by a few strands of sinew.
Checks. Comments: A zombie loses 1 point per day from their
Endurance for each day that they are not re-enchanted by
REVENANT their master.
Comments: A character that dies in circumstances Abilities: Zombies have no skills or talents and are not
conducive to the creation of a ghost may, at the GM's magic users. Like ghouls, they are unaffected by Grievous
discretion, become a revenant. Thereafter, the character Injury since their motor centre must be destroyed before
takes on the form of a ghost or night-gaunt (GM's they cease to be animated.
discretion) chained to the place of death. The GM always Movement Rates: Running: 150
plays the character. The revenant retains their previous PS 10-16 MD 6-10 AG 4-8 MA None
personality and those characteristics appropriate to their EN 16-22 FT 20-25 WP 18-25 PC 8-12
new form and gains those characteristics appropriate to PB 1-2 TMR 3 NA None
their undead state. Revenants can never be returned to life. Weapons: Zombies attack with hands (unarmed). They
never use weapons.
Hands: BC: 8-17%, [D – 4], Melee & Close, Rank 0.


Greater Undead Natural Habitat: Caverns, Crypts, Ruins, Rural
Greater undead include all those undead who have the Frequency: Rare
ability to drain life force from the living of this plane. Number: 1-6
Description: Wights are a form of ghost. They normally
NIGHT-GAUNT appear in their human form, but vary in substantiality in
Natural Habitat: Caverns, Crypts, Ruins direct proportion to the time of day. Bright sunlight makes
Frequency: Rare them fade into the spirit world while moonlight and starlight
Number: 1-5 (2) increases their corporeality. When in a corporeal state
Description: Night-gaunts are similar to wights, but (usually just after moonrise), they are capable of harming
weaker. They may be created whenever a wight drains the humans just as if they were alive.
last point of Endurance from a sentient or whenever a entity Comments: Wights are individuals who have died under a
dies while still under a geas or oath. Unlike other undead geas or oath that they have been unable to fulfil in life.
oath-breakers, they will not seek to fulfill their oath in death. Often, they are bound to a specific place by an oath to
Instead, they will serve evil in all ways. They wax and wane protect that place. They are often found guarding burial
substantial in the same manner as wights. sites, especially where treasure is buried along with the
Comments: Night-gaunts are similar to wights and are body of the master the wight has been set to guard. Only
usually found nearby a controlling wight. A night-gaunt can magic or silvered weapons can harm a wight and these
not create another night-gaunt or wight. Night-gaunts can things can destroy it. An individual whose last point of
only be harmed by magic or silver edweapons. Endurance is drained by a wight becomes a night gaunt
Abilities: Night-gaunts possess the same talents and skills upon the next moonrise, but will have all their normal
as they did when alive, but they cannot use any magics characteristics halved and will exist under the control of the
except Celestial Magics. They can use weapons, armour wight who killed them unless that wight has been destroyed.
and shields just as they did when they were alive. When a wight is destroyed (by magic or silver), all night
Movement Rates: Running: 250 gaunts under the wight's control are also destroyed.
PS 10-20 MD 10-18 AG 5-15 MA 15-30 Abilities: Wights may exhibit any and all human skills and
EN 10-20 FT 10-20 WP 20-25 PC 20-30 talents. They may use magic, but are limited to the Celestial
PB 3-10 TMR 5 NA None College at Rank 10 or above due to their unique status as
Weapons: Night-gaunts are treated as all ways as human beings who themselves wax and wane substantial in direct
when in a substantial state except that they cannot be proportion to the power of celestial bodies.
harmed by normal weapons. A night-gaunt may drain the Movement Rates: Running: 250
life-force of any entity with whom they come in contact. PS 15-30 MD 15-25 AG 10-20 MA 15-30
Draining damage is never absorbed by armour. EN 10-25 FT 15-30 WP 20-30 PC 20-30
Drain: [D]. PB 3-7 TMR 5 NA None
Weapons: Wights are treated as human when in a
substantial state except that normal weapons cannot harm
SPECTRE them Wights have no natural weapons other than their
Natural Habitat: Caverns, Crypts, Ruins touch. They can use weapons, armour and shields using
Frequency: Very rare the ranks they gained while alive. Draining damage is never
Number: 1-3 absorbed by armour.
Description: Spectres are undead beings half of this world Drain: [D + 2].
and half of another plane. They enter this world most fully at
night and may disappear entirely during the day. If exposed WRAITH
to direct sunlight, they permanently dissipate. Spectres are
humanoid in shape, but tend to show an easily discernible Natural Habitat: Caverns, Crypts, Ruins, Rural
blue glow when viewed in the shadowed areas they prefer. Frequency: Uncommon
Comments: The characteristics and power of spectres Number: 1-10 (l)
varies in direct proportion to their substantiality. The same Description: A wraith is much like a wight in that they
spectre that has a PS of 3 at noon would have a PS of 25- appears human and tends to wax and wane insubstantial.
30 at midnight. A spectre cannot physically harm a However, a wraith dissipates entirely in full sunlight and
character while insubstantial. They can perform magic. may never reform Consequently, wraiths stay in dark areas
Except for the few hours when the sun is highest, the where the sun does not penetrate and only come out at
spectre may choose whether to be insubstantial. It takes a night. The natural pallor of a wraith is replaced by a silvery
spectre 1 minute to change between these forms. Spectres aura in bright moonlight when its power is at its height.
can only be harmed by exposure to direct sunlight or by Comments: A wraith may not be harmed by weapons
magic. Magic does not affect spectres while incorporeal. (including enchanted weapons). It may only be destroyed
Abilities: Spectres may possess the entire gamut of human by magic spells or by exposure to direct sunlight.
talents and skills. They are also Dark Celestials. Their touch Abilities: Wraiths cannot harm living beings by physical
is ice cold and any character coming in contact with a means, nor can they engage in any physical skills.
spectre will be drained. A character who dies by being However, a wraith can, when its power is high, perform
drained by a spectre becomes a half-strength spectre. Celestial Magic at Rank 8 or above. Even at their most
Movement Rates: Running: 300 substantial, they are not otherwise physical beings.
PS 3-30 MD 3-25 AG 10-20 MA 17-30 Movement Rates: Running: 250
EN 20-30 FT 25-35 WP 20-30 PC 20-30 PS 2-5 MD 2-5 AG 25-35 MA 15-30
PB 3-20 TMR 6 NA None EN 15-30 FT 20-35 WP 20-30 PC 20-30
Weapons: Spectres have no natural weapons other than PB 5-20 TMR 5 NA None
their touch. They never use weapons. Draining damage is Weapons: Wraiths have no natural weapons other than
never absorbed by armour. their touch. They never use weapons. Draining damage is
Drain: [D + 3] Endurance. never absorbed by armour.
Drain: [D + 4].


VAMPIRE • The Kiss of the Undead allows a vampire to create a

Natural Habitat: Anywhere (prefers Caverns, Crypts, telepathic bond with a living victim by forcing the victim
Ruins) to drink blood from an open wound over the vampire's
Frequency: Very Rare heart. They will both have a limited knowledge of each
Number: 1-6 other's thoughts and location until one is destroyed.
Description: Vampires are human (or humanoid) beings • When a vampire feeds, they transfer either Fatigue or
who have entered the netherworld of "life-drinkers." They Endurance (their choice) from their victim at a rate of 1
support their existence by drinking the blood of the living (or per pulse. A vampire feeds by entering Close Combat
recently dead) members of their own species (but not with a character and drinking their blood (only possible
necessarily their own race). A character becomes a vampire with armour of leather or lighter), or by hypnotising the
only by performing a Ritual of Becoming Undead or by character into allowing them to drink the character's
being killed by a vampire who drains the character's last blood using a Spell of Hypnosis. Characters hypnotised
point of Endurance. A character that dies in this manner by a vampire will not resist a suggestion that they allow
rises at sunset of the third day after their death in the form the vampire to feed on them, and will loosen armour if
of a vampire and must, thereafter, be treated in all ways as greater than leather.
a vampire. Once the character's last point of endurance has Vampires have the following disadvantages:
been drained, the character may not normally be • Vampires lose 1 point from Fatigue, then Endurance,
resurrected or prevented from becoming a vampire. They each hour, replenishable only by feeding.
may be destroyed in the same way as a vampire once they • Vampires do not cast a shadow.
rise from the dead, but not before. Vampires always appear
• Their reflection does not show up in a silvered mirror.
to be the age they were at when they became vampires. All
• They may not cross running water (streams, rivers, and
physical wounds or disfigurements during life are, however,
the like).
removed. A character may sometimes be prevented from
becoming a vampire by being pinned in their coffin by a • They must sleep from sunrise to sunset in a bed of
stake driven through the heart. their own gravedirt.
• Vampires only enter an inhabited dwelling if invited by
Comments: A humanoid character bitten by a vampire its inhabitants.
becomes under the control of the vampire that bit them if • Relics and holy items associated with the Powers of
that vampire has any remaining capacity to control their Light are repellent to vampires. So is garlic. They will
victims. Otherwise, they become a vampire under no one's not willingly come in physical contact with such items
control. A master vampire may control (Willpower / 2) and will tend to flee them or at least stay 10 feet or
vampire minions. A vampire's control over their undead more away from them.
victims is not total and the victim has a 10% Base Chance • Vampires suffer [D – 5] damage from the touch of
of successfully disobeying any order of the master vampire consecrated objects, but will become infuriated and
which would lead to their injury or destruction or which attack instead of fleeing their presence.
would prevent them from feeding. This is increased by 5% • Vampires fear dogs with angel eyes (dark circles
for each additional minion. Control requires no around the eyes) and will generally flee from them.
Vampires cannot die. They can be destroyed in the
Abilities: Vampires retain all magical and racial skills following manner:
acquired during their life and may learn any number of new • By direct exposure to sunlight.
skills. They lose all magical knowledge except Mind magics. • By being staked through the heart while in their coffin.
All vampires are automatically Mind mages. An Adept • By hearing the crow of a cock at dawn while out of their
retains any Rank they achieved with Mind magics. coffin.
Vampires have the following special skills: • By having their heart pierced by a silvered weapon.
• They can change shape between the following forms: • By failing to replenish Endurance through feeding.
bat, rat, wolf, cloud of mist or their "natural" human
shape as a pass action. Note: A character that becomes a vampire can not normally
• Vampires are hypnotically attractive to members of participate in the game; and if allowed, would operate under
their own race. severe limits. They would, for example, be unable to travel
• They possess most of the characteristics that they did during the day except while locked in a coffin. They would
during their life except that their Physical Strength and be prevented from entering certain dwellings, travelling over
Willpower are both increased by 50% (round up). consecrated ground, etc.
• Vampires are not harmed by weapons other than Movement Rates: Running: 300.
silvered weapons. They may be harmed (but not PS 15-30 MD 15-25 AG 15-25 MA 15-25
destroyed) by magic. EN 15-25 FT 20-30 WP 25-30 PC 20-30
• They gain the ability to summon control and PB 12-25 TMR 6 NA None
communicate with all common land mammals and are Weapons: Vampires may fight unarmed, but also may use
especially adept at communicating with and weapons. The older vampires have had much time to
summoning bats, rats and wolves. This talent works master the arts of combat. They have no special weapons
like the appropriate general knowledge Earth spells except their ability to drink blood.
and ritual, with a Base Chance bonus of +20%.


Dragons Most dragons are greedy, and as they age they will
accumulate a tremendous hoard within their lair. Their
Dragons are the most ferocious creatures in the treasure will usually be gold, gems, and other items on
DragonQuest worlds. They have a long, thin, tapering body which the dragon will make its bed.
(about 25 feet long). They are generally reptilian in form, Movement
with sharp claws, a pointed tail, leathery wings, large fangs, Dragons can fly, and they can crawl, although
a long neck, and spiked ridges along their backs. Their eyes comparatively slowly. They can also hover motionless in the
glow with a shine of intelligence inherent in no ordinary air.
reptile, however. Dragons are seven-hex monsters. Numbers
Armour Dragons are usually encountered alone, although rarely a
Dragons have heavy scales all over their bodies, with the lair will be occupied by a female with [D – 6] young dragons
exception of their undersides, which are generally softer. As or [D – 2] eggs.
some dragons age, however, they accumulate and sleep on Dragon's Blood
a hoard of gem stones that will become embedded in them, Dragons' blood is highly corrosive; any time a weapon
making them as nearly invulnerable from below as from penetrates a dragon's armour and does damage to the
above. A dragon's Armour Protection will be between 10 creature itself there is a 30% chance that any weapon will
and 12 from the top, and will be between 2 and 15 on the be rendered useless, -10% per magical Rank inherent in
bottom, depending on the level of encrustation. the weapon. In addition there is a 30% chance that some of
Personality the blood will splatter onto the wielder of the weapon if the
All dragons are highly intelligent. Most dragons will be able weapon was used in Melee or Close Combat, doing [D + 2]
to speak 1-5 human tongues at Rank 10, and 10-15 other damage. Armour will absorb this type of damage, but the
human and humanoid languages at Rank 6-8. The least Armour Protection is reduced by 1 each time it is hit by the
intelligent of dragons will be as bright as an average blood.
human, and most will be ultra-intelligent by human Dragon Gaze
standards. With the exception of golden dragons, dragons A dragon's gaze is transfixing, and any creature that looks
are highly malicious, loving to cause as much pain and into a dragon's eyes must roll 3 × Willpower or remain
destruction as they can. They enjoy playing with humans, paralysed until the dragon removes their gaze.
manipulating and outwitting them. Their intelligence, Dragon Fear
however, gives them a sense of caution, and a dragon will All dragons may induce fear at will in those confronting
not hesitate to fly away from or attempt to verbally conciliate them. Characters must roll 3 × Willpower or run away in
a more powerful opponent. In times of rage, however, they panic, dropping weapons and packs in headlong flight.
sometimes become reckless, and it is at these times that Once a character has successfully resisted panic, they will
they are the most vulnerable. Dragons love puzzles and not have to check again for that encounter.
word games and anything else that challenges their Dragon Senses
intellect. They love riddles and trick questions. They also There is an 80% chance that any dragon encountered in its
enjoy flattery, although they will see through it almost all the lair will be sleeping, but dragons are very easily awakened.
time. Nevertheless, they will be better disposed toward a If any character is wearing metallic armour or makes a
flatterer than to one who is insolent. In general, dragons are noise exceeding a whisper they will awaken instantly. Even
very hot-tempered and quick to respond to insult. if a party is completely silent, there is a 50% chance that
Assistance their scent will be enough to awaken the dragon. Dragons
All dragons except the black dragon can occasionally be have incredibly acute senses of hearing, smell and sight.
persuaded to reveal information or perform a service for a They can see perfectly in the dark, and they have a 90%
character if enough wealth is offered. All save the golden chance per pulse of detecting physically hidden characters.
dragon will attempt merely to steal the treasure offered, if They have a 75% chance per pulse of detecting the
possible, unless it is well guarded or the character protects presence of invisible or otherwise magically hidden
themselves well in some other way, for dragons hate creatures. They will not know the exact location of invisible
servitude. Dragons can occasionally be coerced into service creatures, although they will be able to guess well enough
if they see that there is otherwise a good chance that they to hit the character with their breath weapon (if they have
will be killed. They will never submit gladly, and will try to one and want to use it).
rebel and kill their "master" at the earliest safe opportunity. Names
Lair All dragons know the generic true name of everything,
Dragons of all types generally prefer to live in caves, narrow profiting from such knowledge in the ways described in the
at their open ends, but gradually widening into long, deep Namer College. Powerful dragons also make it a point to
caverns. The mouth of the cavern will usually just be large learn the ITNs of the most important people around them in
enough for the dragon to pass with folded wings, while the case they should be needed at some future date.
main cavern will be spacious enough for the dragon to turn College Magic
easily. A dragon's lair will usually contain a number of wards All dragons are spell casters in addition to their many racial
to snare the unwary before they can approach the dragon. talents. All dragon magic functions exactly as the human
Dragons have a fierce territorial imperative, attacking any magic of the same name except that it can affect larger
creature that intrudes upon the area surrounding their lair. creatures. For range purposes, all spells are assumed to
The area around a dragon's lair will often be a wasteland, emanate from the dragon's head. Dragons can teach their
devastated by the creature. Dragon lairs themselves will spells to humans, but they will only do so for vast amounts
reek horribly, with solid rock floors melted and scarred by of treasure or in exchange for some highly valuable bit of
the creature's acidic excretions. The air surrounding a knowledge. Dragons can cast while flying or hovering. All
dragon is noxious; a dragon's breath is foul, and its aroma dragons know all special knowledge and general knowledge
sickening. Because of their smell, all creatures fight with 5 counterspells for all colleges at Rank 15, unless noted
taken off their Base Chance to hit the dragon. Golden otherwise. If a dragon is slain, it can cast a death curse
dragons are the exception to the above, with pleasant- (typically Rank 10) on its treasure.
smelling lairs surrounded by normal countryside.



The most deadly physical weapon of most dragons is their Natural Habitat: Anywhere (prefers Caverns)
ability to breathe fire. The breath will emerge as a cone Frequency: Very Rare
stretching from the dragon's mouth. In combat, the cone of Number: 1
fire is considered to be present until the dragon's next Description: Black dragons have reflective scales of a solid
action after breathing, with all creatures entering the cone black colour.
taking damage as if breathed upon. To breathe fire while in Comments: Black dragons are questers for knowledge,
combat a dragon must execute a Fire action. Damage from and they will occasionally release those in their grasp if they
a dragon's fire depends on the type of dragon, but all can give them rare or valuable bits of knowledge.
dragon fire will ignite anything flammable within the cone. Abilities: General abilities for all dragons, as noted above.
Non-magical weapons or armour have a 10% chance of A black dragon can also use all magic of the College of
being rendered useless if caught by dragon's fire. Dragon Ensorcelments and Enchantments or Illusions at Rank 20
fire cannot be absorbed by armour. and all counterspells at Rank 20.
Wind storms Movement Rates: Flying 850; Running: 300
Dragons can create windstorms with their wings (as a Pass PS 220-240 MD 20-22 AG 20-22 MA 30-35
action) if they are in an area large enough for their wings to EN 70-80 FT 100-120 WP 30-34 PC 28-32
reach their full span (30 feet). Any creature in front of or PB 2-4 TMR 17/6 NA scales absorb 10 DP
beneath a dragon creating a windstorm and within 25 feet of Weapons: At Range, a black dragon may use its transfixing
the dragon must roll 2 × Physical Strength or be blown gaze or fear, in addition to its dragons-fire or windstorm.
[D100 - 10] feet. All creatures will fall prone after being They may breathe a cone of fire 40 feet long by 20 feet
blown, and any creature which is blown a distance of 10 or wide as a Fire action [D – 6] times per day.
more feet will take [D – 4] damage. In Melee, a black dragon can attack with two claws, a bite
Age and a tail swipe without penalty. In Close, a dragon may roll
All characteristics given are for mature dragons. Young on all opponents in its hexes.
dragons will have half the ranks of mature dragons in all Breath: BC auto, [D + 15], Ranged, Melee & Close.
spells, talents, and rituals. They will breathe with a cone of Bite: BC 50%, [D + 12], Melee & Close, Rank ?.
half the width, depth, and damage of fully-grown dragons, Claw: BC 40%, [D + 10], Melee & Close, Rank ?.
and cannot produce windstorms. In combat, subtract 15 Tail: BC 50%, [D + 6], Melee Rear, Rank ?. Trip.
from all Base Chances and 4 from the damage of immature Roll: BC 80%, [D + 12], Close, Rank ?.
dragons. Very old dragons will have the same spell capacity
as mature dragons, but their cone of flame will be 20 feet
longer and 10 feet wider and will do 2 additional points of BLUE DRAGON
damage. The windstorm from a very old dragon will do 2 Natural Habitat: Anywhere (prefers Caverns)
additional points of damage, and all characters add 20 to Frequency: Very Rare
their D100 rolls to see if they blow away. In combat, very Number: 1
old dragons add 15 to their Base Chance and 4 points to all Description: Blue dragons are sky blue, making them
damage rolls. difficult to spot against a clear sky.
Comments: Blue dragons are more cunning than some of
their brethren and if they capture a character they will often
let them live in exchange for service in the outside world.
Rumours, contact with others, transport of goods, etc., will
be expected of any released, and if they attempt to evade
service, the dragon's wrath will be great.
Abilities: General abilities for all dragons as noted above.
A blue dragon can also use all magic of the College of
Illusions or of the Mind at Rank 18. A blue dragon cannot
breathe fire.
Movement Rates: Flying: 700; Running: 250
PS 230-250 MD 16-18 AG 15-17 MA 30-35
EN 75-85 FT 100-120 WP 30-34 PC 28-32
PB 2-4 TMR 14/5 NA scales absorb 11 DP
Weapons: At Range, a blue dragon may use its transfixing
gaze or fear, in addition to its windstorm. In Melee, a blue
dragon can attack with two claws, a bite and a tail swipe
without penalty. In Close, a dragon may roll on all
opponents in its hexes.
Bite: BC 50%, [D + 10], Melee & Close, Rank ?.
Claw: BC 45%, [D + 8], Melee & Close, Rank ?.
Tail: BC 55%, [D + 6], Melee Rear, Rank ?. Trip.
Roll: BC 80%, [D + 12], Close, Rank ?.



Natural Habitat: Anywhere (prefers Caverns) Natural Habitat: Anywhere (prefers Caverns)
Frequency: Very Rare Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1 Number: 1
Description: Golden dragons are bright gold in colour, Description: Red dragons are fiery coloured dragons, with
shining from a distance in a dazzling display. For one flecks of gold along their scales.
unfamiliar with dragons, however, there is a 50% chance Comments: Red dragons will play games with those they
that a golden dragon will be mistaken for a yellow dragon. encounter until they tire of their pitiful struggles and then
Note that golden dragons do not have the stench of other slowly kill them and take all their treasure. If a character
dragons. somehow impresses a red dragon, there is a 40% chance
Comments: Golden dragons are the only dragons that can they will be left alive.
be described as just. They will not attack unless provoked, Abilities: General abilities for dragons, as noted above.
and can be bargained with more readily than other dragons. They can also use all magic of the College of the Mind at
They generally despise evil dragons, and will frequently Rank 17.
attack them. Movement Rates: Flying: 750; Running: 250
Abilities: General abilities for all dragons as noted above. PS 250-300 MD 18-20 AG 16-18 MA 25-30
In addition golden dragons can use all magics of the EN 10-90 FT 110-140 WP 30-35 PC 21-30
College of the Mind or the College of Illusions at Rank 20, PB 2-4 TMR 15/5 NA scales absorb 12 DP
and all counterspells at Rank 20. Golden dragons cannot Weapons: At Range, a red dragon may use its transfixing
breathe fire. gaze or fear, in addition to its dragons-fire or windstorm.
Movement Rates: Flying: 850; Running: 300 They may breathe a cone of fire 80 feet long by 40 feet
PS 300-320 MD 20-24 AG 18-20 MA 32-37 wide as a Fire action [D + 3] times per day. In Melee, a red
EN 90-100 FT 140-160 WP 32-37 PC 30-35 dragon can attack with two claws, a bite and a tail swipe
PB 5-7 TMR 17/6 NA scales absorb 12 DP. without penalty. In Close, a dragon may roll on all
Weapons: At Range, a golden dragon may use its opponents in its hexes.
transfixing gaze or fear, in addition to its windstorm. In Breath: BC auto, [D + 15], Ranged, Melee & Close.
Melee, a golden dragon can attack with two claws, a bite Bite: BC 70%, [D + 10], Melee & Close, Rank ?.
and a tail swipe without penalty. In Close, a dragon may roll Claw: BC 50%, [D + 4], Melee & Close, Rank ?.
on all opponents in its hexes. Tail: BC 60%, [D + 2], Melee Rear, Rank ?. Trip.
Bite: BC 65%, [D + 11], Melee & Close, Rank ?. Roll: BC 80%, [D + 14], Close, Rank ?.
Claw: BC 50%, [D + 7], Melee & Close, Rank ?.
Tail: BC 70%, [D + 4], Melee Rear, Rank ?. Trip.
Roll: BC 80%, [D + 16], Close, Rank ?.
Natural Habitat: Anywhere (prefers Caverns)
Frequency: Very Rare
Natural Habitat: Anywhere (prefers Caverns) Description: Yellow dragons have yellowish scales. Note
Frequency: Very rare that when seen from distances of 100 feet or more there is
Number: 1 a 50% chance that this dragon will be mistaken for a golden
Description: Green dragons have outer scales the colour dragon, and vice-versa.
of dark pine needles. Comments: Yellow dragons have a particular fondness for
Comments: Green dragons are quite evil, although they gold over gems and other items of value
are curious and will question captives thoroughly before Abilities: General abilities for all dragons, as noted above.
disposing of them. After a green dragon dies, for the next Yellow dragons also use all magic of the College of the
hour or so a sip of its blood will allow permanent Mind or the College of Illusions at Rank 15 and all
comprehension and ability to speak with any normal animal counterspells at Rank 12.
or avian without damage to the drinker. Movement Rates: Flying: 700; Running: 300
Abilities: General abilities for all dragons, as noted above. PS 280-320 MD 20-22 AG 18-20 MA 24-27
Green dragons can also use all magic of the College of the EN 80-90 FT 110-140 WP 26-32 PC 27-30
Mind or the College of Illusions at Rank 12. PB 2-4 TMR 14/6 NA scales absorb 11 DP
Movement Rates: Flying: 700; Running: 250 Weapons: At Range, a yellow dragon may use its
PS 300-350 MD 19-21 AG 17-19 MA 22-25 transfixing gaze or fear, in addition to its dragons-fire or
EN 85-95 FT 120-150 WP 27-33 PC 27-30 windstorm. They may breathe a cone of fire 60 feet long by
PB 2-4 TMR 14/5 NA scales absorb 12 DP 30 feet wide as a Fire action [D + 1] times per day.
Weapons: At Range, a green dragon may use its In Melee, a yellow dragon can attack with two claws, a bite
transfixing gaze or fear, in addition to its dragons-fire or and a tail swipe without penalty. In Close, a dragon may roll
windstorm. They may breathe a cone of fire 60 feet long by on all opponents in its hexes.
30 feet wide as a Fire action [D] times per day. In Melee, a Breath: BC auto, [D + 12], Ranged, Melee & Close.
green dragon can attack with two claws, a bite and a tail Bite: BC 60%, [D + 10], Melee & Close, Rank ?.
swipe without penalty. In Close, a dragon may roll on all Claw: BC 45%, [D + 5], Melee & Close, Rank ?.
opponents in its hexes. Tail: BC 65%, [D + 3], Melee Rear, Rank ?. Trip.
Breath: BC auto, [D + 12], Ranged, Melee & Close. Roll: BC 80%, [D + 15], Close, Rank ?.
Bite: BC 60%, [D + 12], Melee & Close, Rank ?.
Claw: BC 50%, [D + 6], Melee & Close, Rank ?.
Tail: BC 70%, [D + 4], Melee Rear, Rank ?. Trip.
Roll: BC 80%, [D + 17], Close, Rank ?.


Abilities: An efreeti has all the talents and abilities of a fire

Summonables elemental summoned at Rank 12. In addition an efreeti can
grant three wishes under certain conditions (see below).
This section includes those entities that normally do not Efreet can also become invisible at will. Efreet cannot be
appear on this plane, but may be summoned from their own harmed by non-magical attacks.
dimension, excluding Demons. Generally, an entity Movement Rates: Flying: 750; Running: 350
summoned from another dimension will require up to a PS 40-45 MD 17-20 AG 15-18 MA 12-18
minute to materialise once summoned. EN 28-32 FT 45-50 WP 23-29 PC 16-21
PB 8-10 TMR 15/7 NA 6 DP
Weapons: Efreet use edged weapons of ordinary shape
but twice the normal size and weight. Improve the weapon's
Natural Habitat: Other Planes Base Chance by 10, and double any damage done. An
Frequency: Very Rare efreeti will have Rank 4 or higher with whatever weapon it
Number: 1 uses. An efreeti can immolate an opponent.
Description: A djinni is a male humanoid about ten feet tall, Large Great Axe: BC 75%, [2D + 12], Melee, Rank 4+.
with darkly tanned skin and a black beard. Immolate: BC 65%, [D + 10], Close, Rank 0.
Comments: If a djinni is discovered on this plane it will
either be in the service of some character or else be
trapped in some sealed container. If the container is Elementals
opened, the djinni will service whoever released it as a
slave, provided that it is not asked to do anything suicidal. Elementals are the physical manifestations of the primary
Having a djinni in a party can occasionally cause problems elements. They do not normally exist on this plane, but are
because other creatures, such as efreet (who are deadly summoned by members of the Elemental Colleges. They
enemies of the djinn) will be attracted to the party. will always be hostile to their summoner, and will attempt to
Abilities: A djinni has all the abilities of an air elemental kill them if they are released from their control. Elementals
summoned by a magician with Rank 8 in the Ritual of are impervious to attacks made with non-magical weapons.
Summoning Air Elementals. In addition, djinn can create Magic does affect them. Each is vulnerable to its opposite
matter weighing up to 200 pounds. This ability can be used element and can be damaged by attacks involving that
once per day. The material created will have varying opposite. Water and fire are opposite members, as are
permanence, depending upon its solidity. Wood, cloth and earth and air. An elemental's Endurance, Fatigue, and
other light materials will last for as long as a week, while Strength vary according to its summoner's Rank with the
steel, gold, or other hard substances will last only for hours. summoning magic. Endurance and Fatigue vary as
Djinn can only be harmed by magical weapons. described in the summoning magic, while an elemental's
Movement Rates: Flying: 700; Running: 350 Physical Strength equals a base number for each of the
PS 35-40 MD 20-24 AG 17-21 MA 12-18 Elementals plus five for each Rank the summoner has
EN 20-25 FT 30-38 WP 20-25 PC 16-21 attained in the summoning magic.
PB 11-14 TMR 14/7 NA Skin absorbs 6 DP
Weapons: Djinn prefer large, curved weapons, with a AIR ELEMENTAL
double-sized scimitar being the weapon most commonly Natural Habitat: Other Planes
used. Add 10 to the Base Chance of any weapon a Jinni Frequency: Very Rare
uses, and double damage done because of its size. Number: 1
Large Scimitar: BC 60%, [2D + 6], Melee, Rank 4+. Description: Air elementals appear as a whirlwind of a
height equal to their Endurance. They have facial features,
EFREETI which will appear on one side of the whirlwind.
Natural Habitat: Other Planes Abilities: All air elementals have a Rank, usually that of
Frequency: Very Rare their summoners rank in the summoning ritual. Air
Number: 1 elementals can predict weather with complete accuracy.
Description: Efreet are creatures of flame that have been They can increase the speed of winds up to the equal of
trapped on this plane. They are humanoid in form, about 12 their endurance, blowing in a line ten times their endurance
feet tall, and their dark-brown skin flickers as if it were about in width (measured in feet). They can also create
to burst into flame at any moment. windstorms per the Windstorm Spell (College of Air Magics)
Comments: If discovered on this plane, an efreeti will either at their Rank, as a talent.
Movement Rates: Flying: 500 + 50 / Rank
be in the service of some character, or trapped in a sealed
container, such as a bottle. If the latter is the case and the PS 15+5/Rk MD 25-30 AG 32-37 MA None
EN 5-50 FT 10-85 WP 14-18 PC 19-23
finder of the efreeti releases it from its captivity, there is a
95% chance that the efreeti will serve them willingly. The PB 10-12 TMR 10 + Rk NA None
Weapons: Air elementals can strike with two fists without
other 5% of the time the efreeti will attack. If the efreeti
decides to serve, it will either grant three wishes, or become penalty.
the character's slave for a period of 1001 days (at the Fist: BC 65%, [D (+ 1 / Rank)], Melee & Close.
liberator's option). If three wishes are chosen, they must be
used by the end of the day on which the efreeti was
released. If service is chosen, the efreeti will perform any
task asked of it that is not obviously suicidal. If a request
involves physical danger to the efreeti is made of the
efreeti, there is a 10% chance (+10 for each additional
request) that the efreeti will rebel against its master and
attack them. Efreet are creatures of fire, and thus they will
not go to or be found in frigid climates or underwater.



Natural Habitat: Other Planes Natural Habitat: Other Planes
Frequency: Very Rare Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1 Number: 1
Description: Earth elementals appear as humanoids with Description: Ice elementals appear as lean crystalline
dirt-coloured skin and gravely eyes. They will be as tall, in humanoids with frosty hair and silvery blue eyes. They are
feet, as their Endurance. half as tall, in feet as their Endurance.
Abilities: All earth elementals have a Rank, usually that of Abilities: All ice elementals have a Rank, usually that of
their summoners rank in the summoning spell. Earth their summoners rank in the summoning ritual. Ice
elementals can sink into any substance made of rock or dirt, elementals can disappear into ice with only a 10% chance
and remain hidden with only 5% chance of detection. They of being detected. They can freeze water within line of sight
have a chance equal to their Endurance of knowing the at a rate of PS cubic feet per pulse (entities within the area
location of any intelligent creature standing on earth or rock. get a 3 × AG check to avoid being caught and trapped while
They can move through the earth (without creating a tunnel ice forms around them). They can cast Ice Construction and
or disturbing it in any way). Earth elementals can destroy Wall of Ice at their Rank + 4. These are talents and cost no
stone structures by boring through stone at the rate of two fatigue. They may expend 2 fatigue to fire an Ice Bolt (as
cubic feet per five seconds for each point of Physical per the Spell) at their Rank. Since this is a physical attack
Strength available to the elemental. Rock bored through in formed from the ice elemental, the Ice bolt remains after
this way will be turned to dust incapable of supporting firing.
anything. Movement Rates: Running: 200 + 10 / Rank
Movement Rates: Running: 200; Tunnelling: 100 PS 20+5/Rk MD 20-25 AG 15-20 MA None
PS 30+5/Rk MD 10-15 AG 12-17 MA None EN 5-50 FT 10-85 WP 14-18 PC 15-20
EN 5-50 FT 10-85 WP 14-18 PC 16-20 PB 8-10 TMR 4 + (Rk/5) NA 5 DP
PB 5-8 TMR 4/2 NA 8 DP Weapons: Ice elementals can attack twice, stabbing with
Weapons: Earth elementals can strike with both fists their long icy fingers without penalty, or they can use one of
without penalty. their above abilities instead. All atacks are A-class.
Fist: BC 50%, [D + 6 (+ 1 / Rank)], Melee & Close. Fingers: BC 50%, [D + 3 (+ 1 / Rank)], Melee & Close.
Ice Bolt: BC 15% (+ 6 / Rank), [D + 4 (+ 1 / Rank)], Ranged.
Natural Habitat: Other Planes WATER ELEMENTAL
Frequency: Very Rare Natural Habitat: Other Planes
Number: 1 Frequency: Very Rare
Description: Fire elementals appear as leaping flames of a Number: 1
height in feet equal to their endurance. The flames are Description: Water elementals appear as waves, although
humanoid in form. the water does take on a basically humanoid form. The
Abilities: All fire elementals have a Rank, usually that of waves will be one-half as tall, in feet, as the elemental's
their summoners rank in the summoning ritual. Any endurance.
flammable substances (exclusive of human-size or larger Abilities: All water elementals have a Rank, usually that of
beings) that a fire elemental touches bursts into flames, their summoners rank in the summoning ritual. Water
while non-flammable substances will experience a rise in elementals can disappear into any body of water and
temperature equal to the elemental's Endurance for every become completely undetectable. They can increase the
10 seconds the elemental is in contact with the substance. size of waves and swells as per Wave Making at their Rank
Elementals can instantly extinguish any normal fire within + 4, and produce a Maelstrom at their Rank, as talents, but
100 feet. They can cause Smoke Creation at their Rank + only one can be maintained at a time.
10, and Wall of Fire at their Rank + 5, as talents. Only one Movement Rates: Swimming: 500 + 25 / Rank
wall of each type can be maintained at any one time, PS 25+5/Rk MD 17-23 AG 16-20 MA None
however. EN 5-50 FT 10-85 WP 14-18 PC 14-17
Movement Rates: Running: 400 + 10 / Rank PB 6-8 TMR 10 + (Rk/2) NA 4 DP
PS 20+5/Rk MD 20-25 AG 25-30 MA None Weapons: Water elementals form huge fists out of the
EN 5-50 FT 10-85 WP 14-18 PC 14-17 waves, and strike twice without penalty.
PB 5-7 TMR 8 + (Rk/5) NA 3 DP Fist: BC 50%, [D + 4 (+ 1 / Rank)], Melee & Close.
Weapons: Fire elementals can attempt to immolate a
target. They inflict double damage in Close.
Immolate: BC 70%, [D + 2 (+ 1 / Rank)], Melee & Close.


Movement Rates: Running: 350; Flying: 500

Lesser Powers PS 15-20 MD 13-17 AG 16-22 MA 22-26
EN 14-16 FT 22-28 WP 28-32 PC 16-25
This section includes those entities that may be summoned PB 3-5 TMR 7/10 NA 3 DP
from Hell or similar dimensions. An insubstantial extraplanar Weapons: Imps usually attack with both their horn and
entity has no power on this plane, but cannot be harmed. poisonous tail. Poison from their tail occurs after effective
damage. Imps may use other weapons, but may not wear
Lesser Demons Horn: BC 20%, [D – 1], Close, Rank 1-10.
Tail: BC 30%, [D], Melee & Close, Rank 1-9.
Poison: 2-4 DP per pulse.
Natural Habitat: Other Planes
Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1-10 (5) Natural Habitat: Other Planes
Description: Hellhounds have the outward appearance of a Frequency: Very Rare
Dire Wolf with reddish-brown fur and bright red eyes. Number: 1
Comments: Hellhounds are usually brought to this plane by Description: Devils appear as large muscular humanoids
a demon to guard some treasure although they are with massive bat wings, horns and fangs. They tend to have
occasionally released to wander the world and cause carmine skin and green eyes. Their tails are sharp and
misery as they may. Hellhounds are highly evil. They love to barbed and contain a poisonous sting.
kill and maim, burn crops, and ruin buildings. Comments: Devils are extremely powerful companions, but
Abilities: Hellhounds will have some ability in either the tend to serve only with reluctance. They will attempt to
College of Illusions or of the Sorceries of the Mind. bargain for their freedom in exchange for the use of their
Movement Rates: Running: 450 magic powers in any situation that does not involve
PS 14-16 MD 18-21 AG 19-22 MA 12-20 immediate danger of death or maiming of their master. They
EN 10-11 FT 20-22 WP 17-19 PC 25-30 are required to assist the master only in situations of
PB 4-6 TMR 9 NA Fur absorbs 6 DP imminent danger and so will usually be able to bargain
Weapons: Hellhounds may bite. They may breathe a cone successfully early in their service. They will never use this
of fire 20 feet long by 10 feet wide as a Fire action. They talent except in exchange for their release from service and
may only make one attack. return to their own plane.
Bite: BC 65%, [D + 6], Close, Rank 0. Abilities: Devils, like imps, may be members of any
Breath: BC auto, [D + 8], Ranged, Melee & Close. College (except the Entities) as determined by the GM.
Devils can only be harmed by silvered weapons or by
magic. Cold iron does not affect them. They have no skills,
IMP but possess Rank 10 with all magic of their College. Devils
Natural Habitat: Other Planes know a little of the past, present, and future of things (7%
Frequency: Very Rare chance of accuracy) and will speak truthfully to the best of
Number: 1 their knowledge in exchange for their freedom. They may
Description: Imps appear as three to four foot high not be bound or subjected to a Ritual of True Speaking.
humanoids, but with horns, bat's wings and barbed tails. Movement Rates: Running: 400; Flying: 500
They tend to be muscular, but pot-bellied. Their skin may be PS 25-30 MD 15-20 AG 18-24 MA 28-34
blue, green, or purple, but is usually red. They have yellow EN 25-30 FT 35-40 WP 24-28 PC 22-26
eyes, flecked with silver and their teeth (including prominent PB 2-3 TMR 8/10 NA 5 DP
incisors) are made of silver. Imps may also appear as Weapons: Devils may attack with their horn or bite, and
goats, spiders, bats or large rats, but these are insubstantial their poisonous tail sting. Poison from their tail occurs after
forms. The imp cannot use their powers in this plane except effective damage. They may use their Tail in Melee but at -
in their natural and substantial form. 20%. A devil may use weapons, but will never wear armour.
Comments: Imps are dangerous servants in that they have Bite: BC 30%, [D + 2], Close, Rank 1-10.
a cruel sense of humour that they are not averse to visiting Horn: BC 25%, [D + 3], Close, Rank 1-10.
upon their master and friends. They may not be bound or Tail: BC 50%, [D – 1], Melee & Close, Rank 8.
forced to speak true, so there is no way to really control Poison: 3-5 DP per pulse.
their actions. They will lie, steal, sow dissension, or play
practical jokes (magical or non-magical) on average once
per day. They will not knowingly get their master killed or
maimed but are otherwise not overly considerate of the Natural Habitat: Other Planes
master's well being. They will use their powers on the Frequency: Very Rare
master's behalf when it is demanded of them (though even Number: 1-6
here their sense of humour may have an effect) and will Description: Succubi are lesser spirits of the seventh
fight the master's enemies. Imps may be called upon as plane. They always appear in the form of tall, beautiful
needed and then returned to their own dimension. Given women with flowing hair that hides their small horns. They
their warped personalities, the wise master will keep them also possess membranous wings shaped like bat's wings
in their own dimension as much as possible. Imps have a that fold down so as to be all but invisible when not in use.
7% Base Chance of knowing past, present and future They have retractable fangs, which they can use to open
events, but will seldom speak truthfully of what they know. the veins of those individuals whose blood they drink.
Abilities: Imps may be members of any Colleges of Magic Incubi are exactly like succubi, except that they appear only
except the Entities as determined by the GM. Imps can only as males. They will tend to be 2-3 points stronger and will
be harmed by silvered weapons or magic. Cold iron does have 1-2 points less Endurance than succubi, but will
not affect them. They have no skills. They have Rank 5 with otherwise be much the same. The rest of this description
all magic of their college. applies to incubi as much as the more common succubi.


Comments: Succubi will, at the behest of their summoner, Description: Kerubim usually appear as extremely tall (7' -
attempt to meet, seduce, and then murder any individual of 7'6"), good-looking elven and human men and women, of
the summoner's choice. They will pursue their victim until Herculean or Amazonian stature. All have large feathered
returned to their own plane or until they succeed in killing wings, although they may choose to conceal these at will.
them. Their speciality is to gain the confidence of a male Kerubim radiate a strong inner light, and glow faintly in all
victim and then murder him in his bed. They cannot be lighting. They wear short robes (cut to reveal their muscled
harmed except by magic or by the touch of the Book of physique) or armour, in the colour of their Archangel, and
Toth, which immediately banishes them. usually appear armed with spear, sword and shield.
Abilities: Succubi possess Rank 10 in all spells and talents Comments: Kerubim are lesser minions of the Elohim.
of the College of the Mind. In addition they possess the Abilities: Kerubim of Raphael, Sammael and Uriel tend to
following skills: Assassin, Courtesan, Spy, Thief and be Mages. Some of Gabriel's kerubim are Mages; but most
Troubadour, typically at Rank 10. Succubi possess the of Michael’s are not. Kerubim Mages are almost all
following characteristics: Thaumaturges, with a few Elementalists. They will have
Movement Rates: Running 350; Flying 400 Ranks 10-12 with most of the magics of their College. Most
PS 16-21 MD 24-28 AG 28-32 MA 26-30 have at least 1 skill at Rank 9; this skill varies depending on
EN 12-16 FT 24-28 WP 26-30 PC 24-28 their calling. Non-mage kerubim will have the Warrior skill at
PB 26-34 TMR 7/8 NA 2 DP Rank 9.
Weapons: Succubi bite & suck. Succubi do not wear Movement Rates: Run: 400; Fly: 500
armour and carry only small weapons that are easily PS 28-30 MD 18-25 AG 22-28 MA 5-30
concealed. Their weapons will be envenomed. EN 28-34 FT 35-40 WP 22-28 PC 20-25
Once their bite succeeds, succubi will automatically inflict PB 20-26 TMR 8/10 NA 2 DP aura +9 Plate
damage each pulse by drinking blood, and will cease only Weapons: Kerubim usually have spear, and a sword and
when they are destroyed or their victim is dead. The bite shield at maximum ranks, and Warrior kerubim will know a
never inflicts specific Grievous Injuries. large number of other weapons. They may choose to
Bite: BC 40%, [D + 2], Close, Rank 1-10. appear in well-crafted plate armour of some lightweight
material, and will carry a spear, sword and shield of their
choice. When kerubim enter combat they become
Lesser Angels surrounded by a Rank 15 Coruscate.

SERAPHIM (Servant of Light) MALAKIM (King)

Natural Habitat: Other Planes Natural Habitat: Other Planes
Frequency: Very Rare Frequency: Very Rare
Number: 1-6 Number: 1-6
Description: Seraphim usually appear as tall and Description: Malakim (also known as Virtues) appear as
handsome elven and human men and women, although mighty humanoids, with the height and build of hill giants.
some are of other races. All have large feathered wings, They are however extremely good-looking, and appear
radiate an inner light and well being, and glow faintly in dim more like giant-sized elven and human men and women,
lighting. They wear robes or plate armour in the colour of with immense feathered wings. Malakim radiate a dazzling
their Archangel and are armed with sword and shield. inner light, and glow strongly in all lighting. They may
Comments: Seraphim are minor minions of the Elohim. choose to conceal their wings, shrink to 6 foot or so, and
There are many more Seraphim than any other type of reduce their glow. They may appear armoured for war, or
Elohim, for they are the manifestations of the individual wearing short robes (well tailored and cut to reveal their
souls of the original Noldanor, who died many aeons ago, powerful bodies). Their armour or clothes will tend to be in
and also of the many Agents of the Powers of Light who the colour of their Archangel. Malakim usually appear
have fought for their cause throughout the later ages of the armed with a giant bow, a giant spear, and a large sword
world. and shield. They may use these even when human size.
Abilities: Many seraphim are Thaumaturges, although Comments: Malakim are greater minions of the Elohim.
some are Elementalists. Seraphim of the Entities Colleges Abilities: Malakim of Uriel and Sammael are almost all
are very rare, but not unknown. They will have Ranks 6-12 Mages. Some of Raphael's and Gabriel's malakim are
with most magics of their College. Most have at least 1 skill Mages, but those of Michael are not. Malakim Mages are
at Rank 7; this skill varies depending on their calling. Non- almost all Thaumaturges, though Elementalists serving
mage seraphim may also have the Warrior skill, usually at Sammael are known. They will have Ranks 12-15 with all
Rank 8. magics of their College. All have 1 or 2 skills at Rank 10;
Movement Rates: Run: 350; Fly: 500 these skills vary depending on their calling. Non-mage
PS 18-26 MD 18-25 AG 22-27 MA 5-27 malakim will have the Warrior skill at Rank 10. The
EN 20-26 FT 22-24 WP 22-27 PC 15-25 presence of a malakim may cause Awe.
PB 18-25 TMR 7/10 NA 1 DP aura +8 Plate Movement Rates: Run: 450; Fly: 500
Weapons: Seraphim usually have 1 sword and 1 shield at PS 35-45 MD 18-25 AG 20-26 MA 5-30
maximum ranks, and Warrior seraphim will know a large EN 30-40 FT 45-50 WP 24-30 PC 25-30
number of other weapons. They may choose to appear in PB 27-28 TMR 9/10 NA 3 DP aura +10 Plate
well-crafted plate armour of some lightweight material, and Weapons: Malakim usually have giant bow, giant spear,
carrying weapons of their choice. When seraphim enter and 1 sword and shield at maximum ranks, and Warrior
combat they become surrounded by a Rank 12 Coruscate. malakim will know a large number of other weapons. They
may choose to appear in well-crafted plate armour of some
lightweight material, and carrying weapons of their choice.
KERUBIM (Servant of Knowledge) These weapons will be finely crafted and have bonuses to
Natural Habitat: Other Planes BC and/or damage. When malakim enter combat they
Frequency: Very Rare become surrounded by a Rank 20 Coruscate.
Number: 1-6


ALLOCES: The Warrior Duke

Demons Summoning base chance: 74% (may not be bound)
Chance of minions: 36%
Subjective Nastiness: 8/10
AGARES: The Duke of Changes Description: Alloces appears as a man with a lion's face
and eyes made of hot coals. He wears burnished armour
Summoning base chance: 50% and rides a great war horse. Alloces' flesh is like red gold.
Chance of minions: 31% His voice is harsh and booming. Those who look directly
Subjective Nastiness: 3/10 into his eyes see their own death and are blinded for D + 5
Description: Agares appears as an aged and enfeebled days afterward.
man riding on a giant tortoise. A crow perches on his right Abilities: Alloces is a practitioner of the arts of the college
wrist. He speaks with a voice that is brittle with age. of Celestial Magics. He possesses the following skills:
Abilities: Agares is an Adept of the College of Illusions. He Assassin, Navigator, Spy, Thief, Military Scientist.
possesses the following skills: Alchemist, Astrologer, Beast
Master, Healer, Merchant, Navigator, Spy. He inspires Comments: Alloces will gladly serve a master who
terror in enemies (and sometimes friends) - roll on the promises bloodshed, but will turn on his master if there is no
Fright Table. He is a linguist and a masterful teacher of fighting for a prolonged period and will attempt to drag them
languages. He may also cause earthquakes at will. He has into his mouth and devour them.
the power to find those who hide themselves. Minions: Dark Sphere, Devil, Half-devil, Chimera, Lion.
Comments: Agares has a 25% chance of locating any Movement Rates: Running: 450
individual (regardless of how far away the individual may PS 30 MD 28 AG 32 MA 29
be). He cannot, however, locate individuals on other planes EN 26 FT 38 WP 32 PC 29
of existence. The individual need not be hiding (they may PB 10 TMR 9 NA 3 DP MR 52
simply be lost, for example) in order for Agares to exercise Weapons: Alloces may bite, and is also armed as a knight
this power. with broadsword and buckler, also axe, mace and dagger.
Minions: Earth Elemental, Succubus/Incubus, Imp, Bite: BC 45%, [D + 3], Close, Rank 7.
Doppleganger, Crow.
Movement Rates: Running: 50
PS 9 MD 12 AG 11 MA 33 AMDUSIAS: The Unicorn Duke
EN 14 FT 26 WP 35 PC 36 Summoning base chance: 80% (may not be bound)
PB 10 TMR 1 NA 3 DP MR 55 Chance of minions: 29%
Weapons: Agares has no natural weapons. He is treated Subjective Nastiness: 1/10
as a human for purposes of unarmed combat. He may use Description: Amdusias appears as a silver unicorn. He will
weapons and wear armour. shed this insubstantial form and take on the shape of a tall,
thin man with a white beard after a few moments. His
AIM: The Fire Duke transformation is accompanied by the sound of trumpets.
Abilities: Amdusias is a practitioner of the arts of the
Summoning base chance: 63% College of Celestial Magics. He possesses the following
Chance of minions: 26% skills: Beast Master, Healer, Ranger, Spy. He has the
Subjective Nastiness: 7/10 power to command trees to do his bidding. He knows all
Description: Aim appears as a man with three heads. One Generic and Individual True Names, but will tell these only if
head is human, the second is that of a serpent, and the his summoner is in dire need.
third is that of a calf. He bears two stars on the forehead of Minions: Light Sphere, Devil, Imp, Unicorn, Pony.
his human head. In one hand he carries a ball of fire that is Movement Rates: Running: 350
eternally blazing. He rides a large lizard with scales of PS 23 MD 26 AG 24 MA 29
midnight blue. Wherever he goes, Aim is surrounded by EN 22 FT 35 WP 32 PC 31
billowing clouds of red-tinged smoke. PB 16 TMR 7 NA 3 DP MR 52
Abilities: Aim is a master of the College of Fire. He Weapons: Amdusias has no natural weapons. He is treated
possesses the following Skills: Alchemist, Military Scientist. as a human for purposes of unarmed combat. He refuses to
He can set fire to any combustible object by touching it with wear armour, but may use any weapon.
the hand which holds his fireball. The fireball may not be
Comments: Aim delights in all things having to do with fire AMON: The Marquis of Fire
and will gladly start a blazing inferno for the joy of watching Summoning base chance: 17%
the fire burn, even when bound. He must be watched Chance of minions: 40%
carefully for this reason. Subjective Nastiness: 6/10
Minions: Fire Elemental, Devil, Half-devil, Hellhound, Description: Amon appears as a wolf with a serpent's tail.
Salamander. In this form he has the capacity to spit fire balls to a
Movement Rates: Running: 350 distance of 20 feet. He may also appear as a raven-headed
man (often with a dog's teeth).
PS 22 MD 24 AG 23 MA 30 Abilities: Amon is a mage of the College of Fire Magics. He
EN 25 FT 35 WP 34 PC 26 has no Skills, but possesses the following powers: He may
PB 3 TMR 7 NA 3 DP MR 54 give a true account of events that have passed in the place
Weapons: Aim may bite in Close Combat with his non- he is standing and may guess accurately at what is to come
human heads. Aim may not wear armour. He may use a in that place. He also has the power to cause all but sworn
one-handed weapon. enemies to look upon each other as true friends and to
Serpent: BC 45%, [D + 2], Close, Rank 4. desire each other's company above others.
Calf: BC 30%, [D + 3], Close, Rank 2. Comments: Where two numbers are given for one of
Serpent poison: [D – 3] DP per pulse. Amon's characteristics, the first applies to him in wolf form,
the second in raven-man form.


Minions: Fire Elemental, Devil, Half-devil, Hellhound, ANDROMALIUS: Earl of Justice

Salamander. Summoning base chance: 45%
Movement Rates: Running: 400 Chance of minions: 36%
PS 26 MD 20 AG 29/23 MA 30 Subjective Nastiness: 1/10
EN 23 FT 35 WP 28 PC 31 Description: Andromalius appears as a large man of
PB 6 TMR 8/7 NA 3 DP MR 48 fearsome mein holding a viper in one hand. He dresses all
Weapons: In wolf form, Amon claws and bites and may in cloth of gold.
also spit a fireball. In man-raven form, he bites. Abilities: Andromalius is a member of the College of
Claws: BC 50%, [D + 2], Close, Rank 8. Naming Incantations. He possesses the following Skills:
Bite: BC 60%, [D + 3], Close, Rank 8. Alchemist, Astrologer, Beast Master, Healer, Mechanician,
Fireball: BC 40%, [D + 6], Ranged & Melee, Rank 9. Merchant, Navigator, Ranger, Spy. He also has the ability to
discover any hidden treasure within 200 feet of where he is
ANDRAS: Marquis of Discord standing.
Summoning base chance: 35% Comments: Andromalius is dedicated to the punishment of
Chance of minions: 30% thieves wherever he finds it and to the return of the victims'
Subjective Nastiness: 7/10 valuables. He will turn on any summoner who attempts to
Description: Andras appears as an angel with the head of steal while in his company. He may also react in the same
a raven. He rides a dire wolf and carries a magical sword manner to underhanded dealing even with non-humanoid
aloft in his right hand. The sword burns as with fire and beings.
drains 2 FT when it hits in addition to any other damage it Minions: Devil, Imp, Naga, Owl.
may cause. In all other respects, Andras' sword is treated Movement Rates: Running: 350
as a normal broadsword. PS 26 MD 23 AG 24 MA 29
Abilities: Andras is a mage of the College of the Mind. He EN 25 FT 35 WP 30 PC 33
possesses the following Skills: Assassin, Beast Master, PB 13 TMR 7 NA 3 DP MR 50
Military Scientist, Spy, Thief. His presence in a party will be Weapons: Andromalius has no natural weapons. He is
an automatic cause of disruption and discord since he treated as a human for purposes of unarmed combat. He
delights in such things and may not be made to cease will refuse to wear armour, but will use any weapons.
encouraging bad feelings even when bound.
Minions: fallen Seraphim, Dire Wolf, Raven. ASMODAY: The Infernal King
Movement Rates: Running: 400 yard per minute; Flying: Summoning base chance: 13% (may not be bound)
450 Chance of minions: 72%
PS 28 MD 30 AG 29 MA 30 Subjective Nastiness: 10/10
EN 27 FT 36 WP 25 PC 29 Description: Asmoday appears as a man with three heads
PB 31 TMR 8/9 NA 3 DP MR 45 (that of a man, a bull, and a ram). He has a serpent's tail
Weapons: Andras has no natural weapons. He is treated and breathes a cone of fire 6 feet long and 4 feet wide. His
as a human for purposes of unarmed combat. Andras may feet are webbed like those of a goose, and he comes riding
wear specially manufactured armour and carry weapons. upon a great infernal dragon and carries a heavy spear with
He will always use his sword, in preference to other a banner. The blade of his spear is poisoned.
weapons unless it is broken. Abilities: Asmoday is a master of the College of the Mind.
He possesses the following Skills: Alchemist, Beast Master,
ANDREALPHUS: The Beautiful Marquis Military Scientist, Mechanician, Merchant, Navigator,
Summoning base chance: 37% Healer. In addition, Asmoday has the power to locate any
Chance of minions: 30% treasure hidden within 50 feet of him. He also has the
Subjective Nastiness: 2/10 power to turn those who serve him into beasts for short
Description: Andrealphus appears initially as a great and periods if they so desire.
beautiful Peacock, but is insubstantial, and he is without Comments: Asmoday will not serve the summoner unless
power in that guise. He may adopt the form of a man. he is provided with a maiden upon whom he may visit his
Abilities: Andrealphus is a member of the College of carnal desires once his service is complete. He will
Illusions. He possesses the following Skills: Alchemist, immediately transport her to his own dimension upon
Mechanician, Merchant, Navigator. He is a great teacher of agreeing to serve the summoner.
all forms of measurement and celestial studies. An hour in Minions: Blue Dragon, Devil, Half-devil, Chimera, Bull.
his teaching will increase the pupil's abilities in counting and Movement Rates: Running: 400
measuring fourfold. PS 25 MD 30 AG 28 MA 35
Comments: For a payment of a human life, Andrealphus EN 25 FT 35 WP 36 PC 29
will turn the summoner into a bird for one hour. Each PB 4 TMR 8 NA 4 DP MR 56
individual transformation or hour of transformation must be Weapons: He may not wear armour, but will accept
purchased by the sacrifice of an additional human being. silvered weapons for use in addition to his spear. Asmoday
Andrealphus eats the souls of those sacrificed in this may make two horn attacks and breathe fire in addition to
manner. He must be present during the sacrifice. any other attacks. He may use his fiery breath in Melee at -
Minions: Succubus/Incubus, Imp, Roc, Peacock. 30%.
Movement Rates: Running: 350 Horn: BC 35%, [D + 2], Close, Rank 10.
PS 26 MD 25 AG 25 MA 30 Breath: BC 80%, [D + 4], Melee & Close, Rank 5.
EN 24 FT 35 WP 32 PC 25
PB 17 TMR 7 NA 2 DP MR 52
Weapons: Andrealphus has no natural weapons. He is
treated as a human in unarmed combat. Andrealphus may
wear armour and use weapons, but only if they are silvered.
He will not use any other kind of armour or weapons.


ASTAROTH: The Terrible Duke Description: Bael may appear as either a man, a toad, or a
Summoning base chance: 66% (may not be bound) cat, or he may appear as a man with the tail and claws of a
Chance of minions: 40% cat and the head of a toad. He is recognisable by his
Subjective Nastiness: 10/10 hoarse sinister voice. The form he most often adopts and
Description: Astaroth appears in the form of a dark angel that he uses in combat is that of the toad-headed man-cat.
all black and with a bloody mouth. He carries a viper coiled He may adopt a new form at will.
about his right hand and he rides an infernal Black Dragon. Abilities: Bael is a master of the College of Ensorcelments
He speaks gaily of horrible things and laughs readily at pain and Enchantments. He has the power to make himself
and disease. He is exceedingly cruel. totally, invisible at will.
Abilities: Astaroth is a practitioner of the arts of the College Minions: Devil, Half-devil, Chimera, Toad.
of Necromantic Conjurations. He possesses the following Movement Rates: Running: 350
skills: Alchemist, Assassin, Military Scientist, Navigator. He PS 25 MD 23 AG 25 MA 30
knows the Generic and Individual True Names of all things, EN 23 FT 35 WP 35 PC 30
but will only tell these if it pleases him and he thinks that PB 4 TMR 7 NA 3 DP MR 55
suffering may be increased thereby. He knows men's Weapons: Bael will not wear armour, but will use silvered
secrets and will tell them. weapons if provided. He will claw and bite.
Comments: Astaroth will readily serve his summoner, but Bite: BC 40%, [D – 1], Close, Rank 10.
only so long as he is pleased to do so. He will usually serve Claws: BC 45%, [D + 2], Melee & Close, Rank 10.
so long as his summoner is involved in much death and
cruelty and will depart when these cease. If a summoner BALAM: The Terrible King
attempts to bind him, Astaroth will turn on him and rend him Summoning base chance: 15%
and may claim his soul. Chance of minions: 40%
Minions: Black Dragon, fallen Seraphim, Spectre, Mamba. Subjective Nastiness: 9/10
Movement Rates: Running: 400 Description: Balam appears as a man with three heads
PS 27 MD 26 AG 28 MA 32 (one of a man, one of a bull, and one of a ram), the tail of a
EN 26 FT 35 WP 35 PC 26 serpent, and bright flaming red eyes that can be seen at a
PB 8 TMR 8 NA 3 DP MR 55 great distance. He usually comes riding upon a great bear,
Weapons: Astaroth's breath is poisonous to the same and carries a goshawk on one fist. He speaks with a hoarse
degree as chlorine and extends outward from his mouth 6 voice.
feet long in a cone 4 feet wide. He has no other natural Abilities: Balam is a mage of the College of the Mind. He
weapons, but will usually carry a heavy mace which he possesses the following Skills: Alchemist, Merchant, Spy,
uses in shattering the bones of his victims so that they will Troubadour. He also has the power to make men witty.
be crippled and take a long time dying. Minions: Dark Titan, Devil, Imp, Hydra, Bull.
Movement Rates: Running: 300
AVNAS: President of Fire PS 25 MD 23 AG 21 MA 34
Summoning base chance: 50% EN 22 FT 32 WP 30 PC 30
Chance of minions: 36% PB 3 TMR 6 NA 3 DP MR 50
Subjective Nastiness: 2/10 Weapons: Balam will refuse to wear armour, but will accept
Description: Avnas appears as a pillar of fire and smoke. and use silvered weapons if provided. He will not always
Those who look into the flames can see the panorama of return these weapons. Balam may make two horn attacks in
the history of other dimensions and can sometimes read the addition to any other attacks.
events of their own plane and even their own future. Avnas Horn: BC 30%, [D + 2], Close, Rank 10.
may abandon this insubstantial form and take on the form of
a small withered brown man. BARBATOS: Duke of Virtues
Abilities: Avnas is a mage of the College of Fire. He Summoning base chance: 53%
possesses the following Skills: Alchemist, Astrologer, Chance of minions: 30%
Healer, Mechanician, Merchant, Navigator. Avnas can Subjective Nastiness: 2/10
locate any treasure that is guarded by spirits, ghosts or Description: Barbatos appears as a hunter in the company
other undead and that is within 500 feet of him. of an insubstantial host of soldiers led by four kings. He
Comments: Avnas may be ordered to take form as a pillar wears a green hood fringed in scarlet and a grey cloak.
of fire at any time. However, in that state, he cannot act on Abilities: Barbatos is a member of the College of Naming
this plane and his fire will not burn those who touch it. It will Incantations. He possesses the following Skills: Assassin,
instead feel cold and dead and those who touch it will see Beast Master, Healer, Ranger and Spy. He is a linguist and
their own death. understands the speech of birds and beasts as well as men.
Minions: Fire Elemental, Devil, Half-devil, Hellhound, He can break an enchantment used to seal a place or
Salamander. treasure with his touch. He knows the Generic and
Movement Rates: Running: 300 Individual True Names of all things on earth.
PS 14 MD 26 AG 21 MA 38 Comments: Barbatos may not be compelled to tell the True
EN 19 FT 30 WP 40 PC 33 Name of anything, but he may choose to do so if the need
PB 12 TMR 6 NA 2 DP MR 60 is urgent.
Weapons: Avnas has no natural weapons. He is treated as Minions: Devil, Half-devil, Centaur, Kingfisher.
a human for purposes of unarmed combat. He may not Movement Rates: Running: 400
wear armour or use weapons. PS 23 MD 27 AG 29 MA 32
EN 25 FT 35 WP 34 PC 34
BAEL: The King in the East PB 16 TMR 8 NA 3 DP MR 54
Summoning base chance: 5% Weapons: Barbatos has no natural weapons. He is treated
Chance of minions: 66% as a human for purposes of unarmed combat. He refuses to
Subjective Nastiness: 5/10 wear armour, but may use any weapon.


BATHIN: The Pale Duke PS 28 MD 30 AG 23 MA 31

Summoning base chance: 62% EN 25 FT 37 WP 30 PC 30
Chance of minions: 30% PB 28 TMR 7/8 NA 3 DP MR 50
Subjective Nastiness: 1/10 Weapons: Belial has no natural weapons. Belial will
Description: Bathin appears as a pale and cadaverous demand gifts of silvered armour and weapons before he
man riding a pale horse. His voice is soft and sad and can can be bound to service. He will never return these to the
compel others to love him. summoner. He is treated as a human for purposes of
Abilities: Bathin is a practitioner of the arts of the College unarmed combat.
of the Mind. He possesses the following Skills: Alchemist,
Beast Master, Healer, Troubadour. He can transport men BERITH: The Savage Duke
from place to place through the air and knows all of the Summoning base chance: 65% (may not be bound)
virtues of herbs and stones. He is a patient teacher. Chance of minions: 26%
Minions: Devil, Imp, Naga, Asp. Subjective Nastiness: 9/10
Movement Rates: Running: 350 Description: Berith appears as a soldier dressed in red and
PS 23 MD 25 AG 24 MA 29 riding a red horse. His face is seamed with what appear to
EN 22 FT 30 WP 34 PC 26 be old scars and he has a black, bushy beard. His voice is
PB 13 TMR 7 NA 2 DP MR 54 subtle except when he is enraged. On his head is a crown
Weapons: Bathin has no natural weapons. He is treated as of gold which appears to flame when the demon is aroused.
a human for purposes of unarmed combat. He refuses to Abilities: Berith is a practitioner of the arts of the College of
wear armour, but may use any weapon. the Mind. He possesses the following Skills: Alchemist,
Assassin, Merchant, Military Scientist, Spy, Thief. He can
BELETH: The Mad King turn all metals to gold by touch. He also has knowledge of
Summoning base chance: 9% the past, present and future, but will only trade this
Chance of minions: 85% knowledge for a life of man or woman.
Subjective Nastiness: 9/10 Comments: Berith delights in torture and will usually agree
Description: Beleth always appears in the shape of a large to serve only upon being guaranteed that he can torture any
man riding a pale horse. He is preceded by music and prisoners the party may take. These he will transport to
appears in a rage - he will attempt to kill anything not within another plane once they are captured and bound over to
the summoner's circle of protection. He breathes a cone of him. There, he will torture them at his leisure. If anyone
fire 6 feet long and 4 feet wide at the far end. attempts to deny him this boon, he will attack them.
Abilities: Beleth is a master of the College of Fire Magics. Minions: Dark Titan, Devil, Half-devil, Were-Boar, Boar.
In addition, he is possessed of the talent of causing any Movement Rates: Running: 400
individuals to submit to the sexual desires of an entity until PS 28 MD 25 AG 26 MA 29
they are is sated. EN 25 FT 32 WP 31 PC 24
Minions: Fire Elemental, Succubus/Incubus, Imp, PB 11 TMR 8 NA 3 DP MR 51
Hellhound, Salamander. Weapons: Berith has no natural weapons. He is treated as
Movement Rates: Running: 350 a human for purposes of unarmed combat. Berith often
PS 22 MD 23 AG 22 MA 29 carries a rapier and a main-gauche, both of which he keeps
EN 24 FT 35 WP 30 PC 26 envenomed with a nerve poison. He will refuse to wear
PB 10 TMR 7 NA 3 DP MR 50 armour since this would cover his beautiful clothes, of which
Weapons: Beleth will wear silver armour and will use he is inordinately proud.
silvered weapons, if provided. He will claim these as gifts
before departing this plane. In addition, Beleth may breathe BIFRONS: Earl of the Dead
fire. He may breathe fire in Melee at -30%. Summoning base chance: 38%
Breath: BC 80%, [D + 4], Melee & Close, Rank 3. Chance of minions: 6%
Subjective Nastiness: 5/10
BELIAL: King of Fire Description: Bifrons may appear in insubstantial form as a
Summoning base chance: 19% (may not be bound) horned monster, but always appears as a handsome young
Chance of minions: 50% man when fully material.
Subjective Nastiness: 10/10 Abilities: Bifrons is a member of the College of
Description: Belial appears as a beautiful angel with a halo Necromantic Conjurations. He possesses the following
and wings of fire. He speaks with a comely voice. Skills: Alchemist, Assassin, Beast Master, Merchant,
Abilities: Belial is a mage of the College of Fire. He also Ranger, Spy, Thief. He is also a great Navigator. Whenever
possesses the following Skills: Merchant, Beast Master. He he passes a place of the dead at night candles will appear
will cause all but sworn enemies of the summoner to look lit on the graves.
upon the summoner as their true friend as per E&E Charm.
Comments: The services of Belial must be paid for in Comments: Bifrons has the power to make dead bodies
advance in the only coin he will accept: human suffering. As appear as they did when they were alive so that it cannot be
part of the Ritual of Summoning Belial, the summoner must told that they are dead and corrupted.
torture to death a human being (preferably an innocent child Minions: Succubus/Incubus, Half-devil, Wraith, Bull.
or a maiden since Belial prefers the suffering of innocents Movement Rates: Running: 400
and may refuse an offering of a warrior). Belial's chariot is PS 23 MD 26 AG 28 MA 32
currently in Barretskine hall (next to the skull of the Ruby EN 24 FT 31 WP 34 PC 32
Scourge). PB 22 TMR 8 NA 3 DP MR 54
Minions: Fire Elemental, fallen Seraphim, Hellhound, Weapons: Bifrons has no natural weapons. He is treated
Salamander. as a human for purposes of unarmed combat. Bifrons will
Movement Rates: Running: 350 yds/min; Flying: 400 wear any armour and use any weapons. He prefers
yds/min envenomed weapons.


BOTIS: The Ugly Earl Comments: Bune requires an offering of human life before
Summoning base chance: 25% he will serve. Each head must have a life (3 total) and only
Chance of minions: 60% lives which arc pleasing to the demon will be accepted. If
Subjective Nastiness: 3/10 dissatisfied with an offering. Bune can break any binding
Description: Botis will first appear as a large, horrible and will attack and devour the binder. He prefers new-born
snake of insubstantial form. He may take on human form, babies, but will accept maidens when in a jovial mood.
but with great teeth and sharp horns. He will be carrying an Minions: Green Dragon, Devil, Half-devil, Spectre, War
envenomed sword. Dog.
Abilities: Botis is a member of the College of Movement Rates: Running: 200 yds/min; Flying: 800
Ensorcelments and Enchantments. He possesses the PS 180 MD 9 AG 12 MA 30
following Skills: Alchemist, Astrologer, Beast Master, EN 90 FT 100 WP 32 PC 28
Navigator, Ranger, Spy. He has the power to make all but PB 2 TMR 4/16 NA 11 DP MR 52
bitter sworn enemies friendly to each other while in his Weapons: Bune is a 7 hex creature and may trample
presence. He also has the ability to tell what has transpired smaller figures. In addition, he may peck, bite, and claw.
in any place he occupies and part of what will (may) Gryphon peck: BC 35%, [D + 2], Melee & Close, Rank 3.
transpire there. Dog bite: BC 35%, [D + 2], Melee & Close, Rank 3.
Minions: Devil, Half-devil, Were-Snake, Basilisk. Talons: BC 50%, [D + 6], Melee & Close, Rank 10.
Movement Rates: Running: 350
PS 27 MD 24 AG 25 MA 30 CAMIO: The Thrush President
EN 25 FT 35 WP 30 PC 35 Summoning base chance: 47%
PB 11 TMR 7 NA 3 DP MR 50 Chance of minions: 30%
Weapons: He will wear any armour provided and employ Subjective Nastiness: 4/10
other weapons, but will prefer to use his sword, or bite and Description: Camio first appears as a small thrush, but
horn. then leaves this insubstantial form and takes on that of a
Bite: BC 35%, [D + 1], Close, Rank 4. yellow-skinned man. He carries in his hand a sharp sword
Horn: BC 30%, [D + 3], Close, Rank 6. smeared with venom. He does not speak, but is
Sword Venom: 6 DP / pulse. nonetheless a great disputer. His words appear before his
hearers as letters written in the air with fiery coals.
BUER: The Star President Abilities: Camio is a member of the College of Fire. He
Summoning base chance: 37% possesses the following Skills: Beast Master, Healer,
Chance of minions: 50% Ranger, Spy, Thief. Camio is a great linguist and will
Subjective Nastiness: 1/10 willingly teach his summoner the languages of birds and
Description: Buer appears always as a Centaur, armed mammals and also teach him to understand what has
with a great bow. His skin is silver and shimmers like passed in a place by reading the speech of running waters.
starlight. His hair is all white and his eyes are the colour of Comments: Camio will always give true answers to all
Mars. things.
Abilities: Buer is a master of the College of Celestial Minions: Fire Elemental, Devil, Half-devil, Hellhound,
Magics. He possesses the following Skills: Healer, Thrush.
Navigator, Ranger, Troubadour. Buer's touch can heal all Movement Rates: Running: 400
hurts and diseases, especially those which have been PS 18 MD 23 AG 26 MA 35
caused by magic. He is a great teacher of languages and EN 24 FT 35 WP 38 PC 36
will freely pass on his knowledge to others. PB 14 TMR 8 NA 2 DP MR 58
Minions: Light Sphere, Devil, Imp, Centaur, Pony. Weapons: Camio has no natural weapons. He is treated as
Movement Rates: Running: 600 a human for purposes of unarmed combat. Camio will wear
PS 38 MD 25 AG 28 MA 30 any armour and will carry other weapons, but will not use
EN 25 FT 35 WP 33 PC 32 them unless his sword is damaged.
PB 19 TMR 12 NA 4 DP MR 53
Weapons: Buer may use any weapons, but may not wear CIMEJES: Marquis of the Dark Continent
armour. He may also trample. Summoning base chance: 38%
Trample: BC 60%, [D + 4], Close, Rank 8. Chance of minions: 20%
Subjective Nastiness: 1/10
BUNE: The Dragon Duke Description: Cimejes appears as a powerful black man
Summoning base chance: 64% (may break binding) riding upon a black horse.
Chance of minions: 30% Abilities: Cimejes is a master of the College of
Subjective Nastiness: 9/10 Ensorcelments and Enchantments. He Possesses the
Description: Bune appears as a small green dragon with following skills: Alchemist, Beast Master, Healer, Merchant,
three heads: one that is seemingly human, one that is like a Military Scientist, Spy, Thief. He is a great linguist. He also
dog and one that is like a Gryphon. He speaks with a high- has the ability to find things that have been lost or hidden
pitched, but comely voice. His scales are jade and his (especially treasure) anywhere within 100 feet of him.
talons are silver. Minions: Dark Titan, Devil, Imp, Dire Wolf, Bat.
Abilities: Bune is a practitioner of the College of Movement Rates: Running: 350
Necromantic Conjurations. He possesses the following PS 26 MD 24 AG 24 MA 29
Skills: Alchemist, Beast Master, Merchant, Military Scientist. EN 27 FT 38 WP 31 PC 32
He is also a linguist and knows the Generic True Name of PB 18 TMR 7 NA 3 DP MR 51
all things. He will often bring his summoner presents in the Weapons: Cimejes has no natural weapons. He is treated
form of gems or silver in exchange for an early dismissal as a human in unarmed combat. He will wear any armour
from this plane. and any weapons, but will first insist that any armour be
lacquered black to match his skin.


CROCELL: Duke of the Bath DECARABIA: The Marquis in the Pentacle

Summoning base chance: 71% Summoning base chance: 39%
Chance of minions: 48% Chance of minions: 30%
Subjective Nastiness: 4/10 Subjective Nastiness: 1/10
Description: Crocell appears in the form of a dark angel Description: Decarabia will first appear as a bright star
with flowing silver hair and yellow cat's eyes. His voice is burning inside a pentacle of fire and will remain in this
great and all-pervading and he ever speaks of things insubstantial and powerless form until neccesary. Upon
mystical and hidden. adopting human form, Decarabia will appear naked and
Abilities: Crocell is a member of the College of Water remain so unless clothed by the summoner. He will always
Magics. He possesses the following Skills: Alchemist, be surrounded by a barely-detectable blue aura where his
Assassin, Astrologer, Healer, Merchant, Navigator, Spy, skin is exposed.
Troubadour. He has the power to warm or cool waters. He Abilities: Decarabia is a member of the College of the
can discover water even in the desert and can create the Mind. He possesses the following Skills: Alchemist, Beast
illusion of waters to fool the unwary. Master, Merchant, Ranger and Troubadour. He can
Minions: Water Elemental, fallen Seraphim, Kraken, command all types of birds by their Generic and Individual
Piranha. True Names in the same manner as a Namer, despite the
Movement Rates: Running: 400 yds/min; Flying: 500 fact that he is not a member of the College of Naming
PS 30 MD 28 AG 26 MA 30 Incantations.
EN 32 FT 40 WP 33 PC 25 Minions: Succubus/Incubus, Imp, Roc, Lark.
PB 11 TMR 8/10 NA 4 DP MR 53 Movement Rates: Running: 350
Weapons: Crocell has no natural weapons. He is treated PS 24 MD 25 AG 25 MA 31
as a human for purposes of unarmed combat. He may, EN 23 FT 34 WP 34 PC 37
however, carry a sword whose blade is of infernal ice that PB 26 TMR 7 NA 3 DP MR 54
can never melt and which inflicts burning wounds that later Weapons: Decarabia has no natural weapons. He is
turn white and waxy and eventually turn black and rot treated as a human in unarmed combat. He will wear any
unless cured by magic. He may also use any other armour and use any weapons.
weapons. He will not wear armour.
ELIGOS: The Knightly Duke
DANTALION: The Duke of Faces Summoning base chance: 55%
Summoning base chance: 82% Chance of minions: 60%
Chance of minions: 36% Subjective Nastiness: 5/10
Subjective Nastiness: 2/10 Description: Eligos appears in the form of a goodly knight
Description: Dantalion appears in whatever human form in black armour and riding a dark war-horse. In his right
he desires to put on and will wear the face of any man or hand he carries a banner on a lance. It bears a legend
woman in an ever changing pattern unless he is compelled which cannot be read except from another dimension. In his
to wear only one face. In his right hand he carries a heavy left hand he holds a curling serpent with ruby scales whose
book in which are written all the thoughts of all men or venom is acid.
women who have ever been, and only Dantalion can read Abilities: Eligos is a practitioner of the arts of the College of
the book. Necromantic Conjurations. He possesses the following
Abilities: Dantalion is a mighty mage of the College of the Skills: Assassin, Beast Master, Mechanician, Military
Mind. He possesses the following Skills: Assassin, Beast Scientist, Ranger and Spy. He has the ability to predict with
Master, Courtier, Healer, Spy. He knows the Generic and 25% accuracy when and how wars will come and battles
Individual True Names of all things, the thoughts of all will be lost and won. He can discover all things hidden
beings and all that has been or will be. He cannot speak of within 25 feet of him.
these things, however, and any attempt at compelling him Comments: Eligos is a great leader of men and inspires his
will lead to his return to his own plane. allies whenever he enters battle. No one allied with Eligos
Comments: Dantalion has great power, but there are limits will ever flee from combat so long as he is present.
placed on its use. He can employ his powers, but never Minions: Devil, Half-devil, Dire Wolf, Asp.
pass them on. He can reveal the things he discovers as a Movement Rates: Running: 350
result of his powers, but the knowledge which enables him PS 28 MD 24 AG 25 MA 29
to exercise those powers is forever hidden. He may never EN 26 FT 35 WP 31 PC 28
teach magic or Skills. He can never prophesy for others. PB 13 TMR 7 NA 3/13 DP MR 51
Minions: Succubus/Incubus, Imp, Doppleganger, Bat. Weapons: Eligos has no natural weapons. He is armed
Movement Rates: Running: 300 with a lance, sword, mace, battle-axe and an envenomed
PS 20 MD 22 AG 21 MA 30 poniard. He will always wear his black plate mail.
EN 20 FT 30 WP 35 PC 26
PB 23 TMR 6 NA 2 DP MR 55
FORAS: President and Lord of Seekers
Weapons: Dantalion has no natural weapons and is treated
as a human for purposes of unarmed combat. He may bear Summoning base chance: 42%
any weapons or wear armour, but prefers not to do so since Chance of minions: 29%
this makes it harder for him to alter his shape at will. Subjective Nastiness: 0/10
Description: Foras appears in the form of a strong man,
unarmed and mild seeming.
Abilities: Foras is a master of the College of Illusion. He
possesses the following Skills: Astrologer, Healer,
Mechanician, Merchant, Navigator, Troubadour. He is a
linguist and a teacher of language. He also has the ability to
discover things hidden (especially treasure) if he is within
50 feet of them.


Comments: Foras will grant long life (triple life span) to FURCAS: The Reaping Duke
those who will worship him and know no other gods or Summoning base chance: 72%
converse with other demons. Chance of minions: 20%
Minions: Gold Dragon, Devil, Imp, Brownie, Cat. Subjective Nastiness: 9/10
Movement Rates: Running: 400 Description: Furcas appears in the guise of a cruel old
PS 33 MD 28 AG 28 MA 32 man with a long, plaited beard, dressed in pale armour and
EN 27 FT 35 WP 34 PC 27 riding a pale horse. In his hand he carries a scythe with
PB 23 TMR 8 NA 3 DP MR 54 which he cuts down those he wishes to torment, for those
Weapons: Foras has no natural weapons. He is treated as who fall to his scythe become his slaves and serve him in
a human for purposes of unarmed combat. Foras may use his own dimension. He speaks harshly and is preceded by a
weapons and wear armour. sound like the rattling of old bones.
Abilities: Furcas is a master of the College of Necromantic
FORNEUS: Marquis of the Waters Conjurations. He possesses the following Skills: Alchemist,
Summoning base chance: 23% Assassin, Astrologer, Merchant, Military Scientist,
Chance of minions: 29% Navigator, Spy.
Subjective Nastiness: 5/10 Minions: Greater Vampire, Devil, Half-devil, Spectre, Rat.
Description: Forneus appears as a great monster of the
sea 30 feet long and 6 feet in diameter. His scales are Movement Rates: Running: 350
precious stones, his eyes are like fire and the flesh of PS 23 MD 25 AG 24 MA 29
drowned sailors clings to his teeth. EN 24 FT 36 WP 35 PC 24
Abilities: Forneus is the greatest mage of the College of PB 12 TMR 7 NA 2 DP MR 55
Water Magics. He possesses the following skills: Beast Weapons: Furcas has no natural weapons, but can call his
Master, Military Scientist and Navigator. He also is a great scythe to him from other dimensions at will. Only Furcas
linguist and may make men knowing in tongues. can wield the Scythe. He may use other weapons as well.
Comments: The Ritual of Summoning Forneus may only 2-handed Scythe: BC 40%, [D + 8], Melee, Rank 10.
be performed while at sea or on a coastline where Forneus
can remain in the water. He may never appear on land. FURFUR: Earl of Storms and Lightning
Minions: Water Elemental, Devil, Half-devil, Kraken, Shark. Summoning base chance: 32%
Movement Rates: Swimming: 600 Chance of minions: 26%
PS 150 MD None AG 28 MA 38 Subjective Nastiness: 7/10
EN 60 FT 80 WP 35 PC 25 Description: Furfur appears as a hart with a fiery tail. He
PB 2 TMR 12 NA 10 DP MR 55 may also take on an insubstantial form as an angel, but only
Weapons: Forneus is a 7 hex creature and may roll over when forced within a triangle and compelled by a Ritual of
one hex characters, using his entire body as a weapon. In True Speaking to utter truth instead of the falsehoods he
addition, he bites. Forneus may not wear armour. Since he prefers. Furfur speaks with a rough and grating voice that is
has no gripping members, he may not use weapons. extremely unpleasant.
Bite: BC 50%, [2D + 5], Melee & Close, Rank 10. Abilities: Furfur is a master of the College of Air Magics.
He possesses the following Skills: Alchemist, Mechanician,
FURCALOR: Duke of the Waters Navigator, Ranger, Spy. Furfur can raise thunder and
Summoning base chance: 68% lightning and cause great storms to form. He also is able to
Chance of minions: 30% influence men and women to make love and participate in
Subjective Nastiness: 9/10 perversions by the sound of his voice.
Description: Furcalor appears as a humanoid with Comments: Furfur knows many secrets of things that have
Gryphon's wings and green, scaly skin. His hair is like happened or will happen on the earth, but he will not speak
seaweed and he smells of death and the sea. His voice is a truthfully unless compelled by a Ritual of True Speaking.
whisper and is compelling when he suggests action to men. Minions: Air Elemental, fallen Seraphim, Unicorn, Stag.
Abilities: Furcalor is a practitioner of the College of Water Movement Rates: Running: 650
Magics. He possesses the following Skills: Astrologer, PS 32 MD 24 AG 28 MA 31
Beast Master, Merchant, Navigator. He has the power to EN 28 FT 34 WP 32 PC 33
command the beasts of the sea and to gather great storms PB 18 TMR 13 NA 3 DP MR 52
at sea, but he has no power away from water. He breathes Weapons: Furfur may use his horns and hooves. He will
both water and air. not use weapons or wear armour.
Comments: Furcalor is obsessed with slaying men by Horns: BC 45%, [D + 6], Melee & Close, Rank 8.
drowning them and he will pursue his calling ruthlessly at Hooves: BC 50%, [D + 4], Close, Rank 8.
every opportunity unless bound by his summoner. He may
only be summoned at sea or near the ocean. GAAP: The Servant Prince
Minions: Water Elemental, Devil, Half-devil, Merfolk, Shark. Summoning base chance: 52%
Movement Rates: Fly 600 yds/min; Swim 350 yds/min Chance of minions: 66%
PS 27 MD 25 AG 24 MA 33 Subjective Nastiness: 4/10
EN 27 FT 35 WP 35 PC 28 Description: Gaap appears as a man dressed in animal
PB 11 TMR 12/7 NA 4 DP MR 55 skins and accoutred for war. He is bronzed (as if by the
Weapons: Furcalor has no natural weapons. He is treated sun) and looks to be a man of the wilderness. Behind him
as a human for purposes of unarmed combat. He may wear come the insubstantial shades of four princes whom he
specially tailored armour (to fit around his wings) and may appears always to serve and guide.
employ any weapons.


Abilities: Gaap is a master of the College of Ensorcelments any moment in places that are far away. He can also see
and Enchantments. He possesses the following Skills: dimly into the future.
Alchemist, Assassin, Beast Master, Healer, Mechanician, Comments: Gusion's knowledge is never perfect. He only
Navigator, Ranger, Spy, Thief. He has the power to break catches glimpses of events past, present and future and
ties between a magician and his familiar and to send the one can easily be misled by him, but he will always tell the
familiar back to whence he came. He can teleport beings truth as he knows it.
within the plane by willing it. Minions: Devil, Half-devil, Naga, Owl.
Comments: Those who touch Gaap will have their senses Movement Rates: Running: 350
stolen for a number of minutes equal to D100. Thereafter, PS 23 MD 25 AG 24 MA 29
they will awaken to find that they love that which they EN 21 FT 30 WP 32 PC 21
formerly hated and hate that which they once loved. The PB 18 TMR 7 NA 2 DP MR 52
effect of Gaap's touch will last until dissipated (treat as an Weapons: Gusion has no natural weapons. He is treated
E&E Special Knowledge Spell). as a human for purposes of unarmed combat. He will not
Minions: Devil, Half-devil, Brownie, Weasel. wear armour, but will employ any weapons.
Movement Rates: Running: 400
PS 28 MD 26 AG 27 MA 31
HAAGENTI: The Winged President
EN 28 FT 36 WP 33 PC 35
PB 12 TMR 8 NA 3 DP MR 53 Summoning base chance: 45%
Weapons: Gaap has no natural weapons. He is treated as Chance of minions: 33%
human for purposes of unarmed combat. Gaap may wear Subjective Nastiness: 2/10
no armour. He uses any weapon provided. Description: Haagenti at first appears as a red bull with a
Gryphon's wings and horns tipped in gold, but this form is
insubstantial and may put on the shape of a red man with
GREMORY: The Duke of Songs black hair.
Summoning base chance: 76% Abilities: Haagenti is a mighty member of the College of
Chance of minions: 26% Ensorcelments and Enchantments. He possesses the
Subjective Nastiness: 6/10 following Skills: Alchemist, Healer, Merchant, Navigator.
Description: Gremory appears as a beautiful woman with Haagenti can change wine into water and water into wine
flowing auburn hair riding on a camel. She wears a fillet of with a touch. He can also transmute all metals into gold with
white gold and robes of black velvet trimmed in gold a touch.
threads. Her voice is rich and melodic.
Abilities: Gremory is a master of the College of Illusions. Comments: Haagenti's office is to make men wise and he
She possesses the following Skills: Assassin, Courtier, will instruct anyone and demand no fee if the lesson is well-
Healer, Merchant, Spy, Thief, Troubadour. She can procure learned, but will become enraged if he feels that the pupil
the love of women and can discover the location of has been lax and will turn on him and rend him with his
treasures that are hidden within 50 feet of her. She knows powerful hands.
the events of the past, present and future to a small degree Minions: Devil, Half-devil, Minotaur, Bull.
and will prophesy for gain (15% accuracy). Movement Rates: Running: 350
Comments: Gremory is a lover of beautiful women and will PS 40 MD 25 AG 23 MA 35
prophesy, speak of the past, seek treasure or any other EN 28 FT 40 WP 38 PC 24
thing desired in exchange for the love of a comely young PB 13 TMR 7 NA 4 DP MR 58
woman. Gremory usually tires of such liaisons after a few Weapons: Haagenti has no natural weapons. He is treated
months, however, and then may release her lover and as a human for purposes of unarmed combat. Haagenti
return her to her own plane or may devour her. may use weapons and wear armour.
Minions: Succubus/Incubus, Imp, Nymph, Vixen.
Movement Rates: Running: 400
HAVRES: The Leopard Duke
PS 20 MD 28 AG 29 MA 30
EN 19 FT 30 WP 36 PC 31 Summoning base chance: 78%
PB 28 TMR 8 NA 2 DP MR 56 Chance of minions: 36%
Weapons: Gremory has no natural weapons. She is treated Subjective Nastiness: 3/10
as a human for purposes of unarmed combat. She always Description: Havres first appears as a leopard with blazing
carries envenomed knives on her person and rings full of eyes, but this is an insubstantial form. He may adopt the
poison on her fingers. Her poisons are extremely swift- form of a dark man dressed in the skin of a leopard and with
acting (8-12DP/pulse). She will not wear armour, but may a terrible face and eyes which blaze with tongues of fire.
agree to carry silvered weapons. Abilities: Havres is a master of the College of Fire Magics.
He possesses the following Skills: Assassin, Beast Master,
Ranger. Havres has the power to create illusory fires which
GUSION: The Wise Duke will destroy those who believe them to be real, but will do no
Summoning base chance: 54% harm to those who successfully disbelieve them. He knows
Chance of minions: 40% something of the past, present and future and can see into
Subjective Nastiness: 1/10 places where there is/was/will be fire.
Description: Gusion appears in the guise of a mature and Comments: Havres normally has only a 10% chance of
strong man in a saffron robe. He speaks softly and his accurately telling of past or future events or events which
advice always seems good in consequence. are happening far away, but if these events are happening
Abilities: Gusion is a master of the College of the Mind. He close to fire, his chances improve greatly. The larger the fire
possesses the following Skills: Alchemist, Astrologer, and the closer it is to the event, the better Havres chances
Healer, Mechanician, Merchant, Military Scientist. He has of seeing the event.
the power to reconcile all but sworn enemies. He has Minions: Fire Elemental, Devil, Half-devil, Hellhound,
knowledge of past events and can say what is happening at Leopard.


Movement Rates: Running: 450 LERAJE: The Marquis of Archers

PS 30 MD 25 AG 32 MA 30 Summoning base chance: 19%
EN 28 FT 36 WP 33 PC 34 Chance of minions: 30%
PB 8 TMR 9 NA 3 DP MR 53 Subjective Nastiness: 6/10
Weapons: Havres has no natural weapons and is treated Description: Leraje appears as a man clothed in forest
as a human for purposes of unarmed combat. He may use green and carrying a great bow and quiver.
weapons, but will not wear armour. Abilities: Leraje is a member of the College of Earth
Magics. He possesses the following skills: Alchemist,
IPOS: The Prince of Fools Assassin, Beast Master, Military Scientist, Navigator,
Summoning base chance: 49% Ranger, Spy, Thief and Troubadour, He also possesses the
Chance of minions: 36% power to make wounds that have been inflicted by arrows
Subjective Nastiness: 6/10 or quarrels putrefy. Add 60% to the Infection Chance
Description: Ipos appears as an angel with a lion's head, whenever Leraje or anyone assisted by him inflicts damage
the feet of a goose and the tail of a hare. He has a sweet with arrows.
voice and is an accomplished musician. Comments: Leraje is a lover of strife and will attempt to
Abilities: Ipos is a master of the College of Illusions. He provide battle whenever possible. Chance encounters
possesses the following Skills: Healer, Spy, Thief and between normally neutral parties will usually end in a bloody
Troubadour. He can speak truly of what has happened or is combat to the death if Leraje is present and this should be
about to happen in a place he occupies. He has the talent taken into account by the GM.
of making men bold and will use this talent no matter how Minions: Earth Elemental, Devil, Half-devil, Dire Wolf,
he is bound. Those affected by the talent add 10 to their Hound.
Willpower in the presence of Ipos. Movement Rates: Running: 400
Comments: Ipos makes all men in his presence bold when PS 28 MD 30 AG 27 MA 28
he uses his talent. Further, men are more likely to fight than EN 24 FT 35 WP 26 PC 35
talk when they are in the presence of Ipos and come among PB 32 TMR 8 NA 4 DP MR 46
strangers. Those affected by Ipos will never flee danger and Weapons: Leraje possesses no natural weapons.
will fight to the death. However, the Greatbow he carries may only be pulled by
Minions: Succubus/Incubus, Imp, Giant Amoeba, Goose. him. He will not wear armour, but may carry other weapons.
Movement Rates: Running: 200 yds/min; Flying: 400 Leraje will always use his bow in preference to all other
yds/min weapons, however.
PS 24 MD 21 AG 18 MA 34 Bow: BC 75%, [D + 6], Range to 450 hexes (2250 feet),
EN 26 FT 35 WP 38 PC 29 Rank 10.
PB 11 TMR 4/8 NA 4 DP MR 58
Weapons: Ipos bites and tickles. He will not wear armour. MALPHAS: President of Deceivers
He will use any weapons. Summoning base chance: 45%
Bite: BC 45%, [D + 2], Close, Rank 4. Chance of minions: 40%
Subjective Nastiness: 9/10
LABOLAS: President and Master of Murderers Description: Malphas appears as a large crow, but this
Summoning base chance: 40% form is insubstantial and will melt away to reveal the form of
Chance of minions: 36% a dark man dressed in black velvet studded with precious
Subjective Nastiness: 9/10 gems. His voice will be rough, but deep and compelling.
Description: Labolas always appears in the form of a Abilities: Malphas is a member of the College of Celestial
winged mastiff. His wings are always those of a Gryphon Magics. He possesses the following Skills: Alchemist,
and bear him at great speeds. His mouth is covered in froth Assassin, Beast Master, Merchant, Ranger, Spy, Thief. He
from his slavering and gnashing of teeth. is also a master of spoken and written language. He knows
Abilities: Labolas is a member of the College of Illusions. the art of magically raising houses and high towers. He also
He possesses the following Skills: Assassin, Beast Master, knows the secret desires of the summoner's enemies and
Military Scientist, Ranger, Spy, Thief. He can teach any Skill will reveal those thoughts upon request.
of which he is possessed, but demands as his reward a life. Comments: Malphas will deceive the summoner knowingly
If the offering is not pleasing to him, he will take the life of and wilfully unless compelled to tell the truth by a Ritual of
the summoner instead. He prefers human lives to all others. True Speaking.
Comments: Labolas is capable of reconciling enemies Minions: Dark Sphere, Succubus/Incubus, Imp, Harpy,
when he so desires, but prefers strife and bloodshed. His Crow.
psychic life requires manslaughter and he will seek to Movement Rates: Running: 400
promote it at every opportunity, even among the PS 26 MD 25 AG 27 MA 29
summoner's family and companions. EN 25 FT 35 WP 30 PC 30
Minions: Dark Titan, Succubus/Incubus, Imp, Hellhound, PB 18 TMR 8 NA 2 DP MR 50
War Dog. Weapons: Malphas is treated as a human for purposes of
Movement Rates: Running: 350 yds/min; Flying: 500 unarmed combat. Malphas refuses to wear armour, but may
PS 18 MD 18 AG 15 MA 32 use any weapon.
EN 19 FT 30 WP 34 PC 31
PB 2 TMR 7/10 NA 4 DP MR 54
Weapons: Labolas may never wear armour or use
weapons. Instead, he may bite. His bite always becomes
Bite: BC 50%, [D + 2], Close, Rank 8.


MALTHUS: Earl of Death and Havoc Comments: Marbas is a speaker of truth and will never
Summoning base chance: 34% (may not be bound) knowingly deceive his summoner. He knows the Generic
Chance of minions: 26% True Names of all things and knows the Individual True
Subjective Nastiness: 8/10 Names of many beings who are wealthy and famous.
Description: Malthus appears in the form of a huge, filthy Minions: Succubus/Incubus, Half-devil, Manticore, Lion.
buzzard. His feathers are black as night and his eyes are Movement Rates: Running: 350
the colour of new blood. He carries about him the smell of PS 26 MD 29 AG 24 MA 29
carrion. EN 26 FT 38 WP 32 PC 25
Abilities: Malthus is a mage of the College of Necromantic PB 16 TMR 7 NA 2 DP MR 52
Conjurations. He possesses the following Skills: Alchemist, Weapons: Marbas has no natural weapons. He is treated
Assassin, Beast Master, Mechanician, Military Scientist, as a human for purposes of unarmed combat. Marbas may
Navigator, Spy, Thief. He is a great general and can build use weapons and wear armour.
strong forts and organise warriors to march and to slaughter
and can keep them supplied by his arts when they are in far MARCHOSIAS: Marquis of the Seventh Throne
places. Summoning base chance: 25%
Comments: Malthus will never be a willing servant. If he Chance of minions: 30%
does agree to serve, he will do so only under the condition Subjective Nastiness: 6/10
that he be allotted a daily portion of human flesh and will be Description: Marchosias appears as a great Ox with the
made free to eat the flesh of the summoner if the required wings of a Gryphon, the tail of a serpent and a breath of fire
diet is not forthcoming. shaped like a cone 6 feet long and 4 feet wide at the base.
Minions: Greater Vampire, Devil, Imp, Harpy, Vulture. He may take the shape of a man, but will be insubstantial
Movement Rates: Running: 100 yds/min; Flying: 600 and powerless in this form.
PS 25 MD 15 AG 14 MA 32 Abilities: Marchosias is a practitioner of the College of the
EN 22 FT 33 WP 33 PC 31 Mind. He possesses the following skills: Beast Master,
PB 4 TMR 2/12 NA 3 DP MR 53 Military Scientist and Ranger.
Weapons: Malthus may attack with beak and talons. Comments: Marchosias loves a good fight and will always
Malthus may never wear armour or use weapons. counsel attack in any situation, often disobeying his
Beak: BC 45%, [D + 1], Close, Rank 5. summoner in his desire to charge and rend the enemy.
Talons: BC 45%, [D + 3], Close, Rank 5. Minions: Fallen Erelim, Succubus/Incubus, Imp, Chimera,
MARAX: The Learned Earl Movement Rates: Running: 400 yds/min; Flying: 300
Summoning base chance: 27% PS 65 MD 12 AG 18 MA 28
Chance of minions: 30% EN 35 FT 45 WP 30 PC 25
Subjective Nastiness: 2/10 PB 6 TMR 8/6 NA 6 DP MR 50
Description: Marax appears as a bull with a man's face Weapons: Marchosias is a 2 hex creature, and will charge
and is exceedingly ugly. then trample when possible, otherwise he will gore and
Abilities: Marax is a mage of the College of Celestial breathe fire.
Magics. He possesses the following Skills: Alchemist, Beast Horns: BC 40%, [D + 4, Melee & Close, Rank 10.
Master, Healer, Merchant, Navigator, Ranger. He is Hooves: BC 45%, [D + 5], Close, Rank 5.
especially learned in the use of herbs and stones to Breath: BC 70%, [D + 10], Melee, Rank 3.
produce magic.
Minions: Succubus/Incubus, Imp, Minotaur, Bull. MURMUR: Duke of Thrones
Movement Rates: Running: 400 Summoning base chance: 75%
PS 60 MD 13 AG 20 MA 29 Chance of minions: 30%
EN 34 FT 42 WP 29 PC 24 Subjective Nastiness: 4/10
PB 3 TMR 8 NA 6 DP MR 49 Description: Murmur appears as a warrior in green armour,
Weapons: Marax is a 2 hex creature, and will charge with riding on a Gryphon and wearing a ducal crown. He is
his horns, then trample when possible. Marax will not use preceded by shades blowing trumpets.
weapons or wear armour. Abilities: Murmur is a practitioner of the arts of the College
Horns: BC 50%, [D + 6], Melee & Close, Rank 5. of Necromantic Conjurations. He possesses the following
Hooves: BC 50%, [D + 5], Close, Rank 4. Skills: Alchemist, Assassin, Astrologer, Beast Master,
Healer, Mechanician, Merchant, Military Scientist,
MARBAS: President and Master of the Seal Navigator. He also possesses the power to make the dead
Summoning base chance: 35% appear and speak to him of their lives and deaths and to
Chance of minions: 36% answer the questions he may put to them.
Subjective Nastiness: 5/10 Minions: Fallen Erelim, Devil, Half-devil, Gryphon,
Description: Marbas first appears as a tawny lion with a Hippogriff.
black mane and bloody muzzle, but this form is Movement Rates: Running: 350
insubstantial. He may adopt the guise of a golden-skinned PS 27 MD 23 AG 25 MA 29
man with a shock of black hair. EN 23 FT 35 WP 33 PC 31
Abilities: Marbas is a master of the College of Illusions. He PB 15 TMR 7 NA 3 DP MR 53
possesses the following Skills: Alchemist, Mechanician, Weapons: Murmur has no natural weapons. He is treated
Merchant, Military Scientist. He has the power to inflict on as a human for purposes of unarmed combat. He usually
men rotting diseases by the merest touch. He also may carries a heavy war hammer, a shield and a brace of
change the shape of men by his touch so that they become knives.
as wolves or bears. He has knowledge of many of the
secrets of the universe.


NABERIUS: The Valiant Marquis summoner may encounter. He will even permit the
Summoning base chance: 21% summoner to ride him as a horse.
Chance of minions: 19% Minions: Devil, Imp, Pegasus, Warhorse.
Subjective Nastiness: 1/10
Description: Naberius appears as a large black crane Movement Rates: Running: 500
which flutters around the summoner and speaks in a rough PS 65 MD 20 AG 20 MA 30
and grating voice. EN 35 FT 65 WP 32 PC 31
Abilities: Naberius is a master of the College of the Mind. PB 24 TMR 12 NA 4 DP MR 52
He possesses the following skills: Alchemist, Assassin, Weapons: Orobas may either bite or kick into his rear hex.
Healer, Mechanician, Merchant, Military Scientist, He will wear the barding of a war-horse if provided. He uses
Navigator, Spy, Thief and Troubadour. Naberius is a great no weapons.
teacher. Bite: BC 30%, [D + 3], Melee & Close, Rank 2.
Comments: Naberius has the special power to restore lost Kick: BC 50%, [D + 8], Melee Rear, Rank 6.
dignities by manipulating events to the summoner's Trample: BC 55%, [D + 9], Close, Rank 6.
advantage. A summoner who has lost favour at court might PALMON: King of Dominations
use the power of Naberius to help him regain his station. Summoning base chance: 7% (may not be bound)
Minions: Devil, Imp, Phoenix, Crane. Chance of minions: 100%
Movement Rates: Running: 250 yds/min; Flying: 350 Subjective Nastiness: 3/10
PS 20 MD 16 AG 18 MA 36 Description: Palmon appears as a man with a crown of
EN 20 FT 33 WP 34 PC 27 light on his head and is often seen riding a dromedary. His
PB 22 TMR 5/7 NA 3 DP MR 54 appearance will always be accompanied by the sound of
Weapons: Naberius may not wear armour. His claws may trumpets and cymbals played by an invisible band of
be used to grip weapons, or he may use his beak and both demonic musicians. His voice is heard as a roaring at first,
claws. but he can be compelled to speak understandably as a
Beak: BC 50%, [D + 3], Melee & Close, Rank 8. man.
Claw: BC 45%, [D + 1], Close, Rank 6. Abilities: Palmon is a master of the College of the Mind.
His Skills include: Alchemist, Astrologer, Beast Master,
Healer, Mechanician, Merchant, Military Scientist,
ORIAS: The Celestial Marquis
Navigator, Ranger, Troubadour.
Summoning base chance: 33% Comments: Palmon may be accompanied by two kings
Chance of minions: 30% (Abalim and Labal) who assist and protect him. Each will
Subjective Nastiness: 3/10 possess characteristics 2 to 3 points lower than Palmon's.
Description: Orias appears in the form of a lion, but with They will possess the same Skills and Magics, but only at
the tail of a serpent. He bears in his front claws a pair of Rank 10. Neither Palmon nor the two Kings may be bound.
great hissing serpents and rides a mightily-thewed war- Minions: Succubus/Incubus, Half-devil, Hydra, Camel.
horse. Movement Rates: Running: 350
Abilities: Orias is a mage of the College of Celestial PS 22 MD 24 AG 24 MA 34
Magics. He possesses the following Skills: Beast Master, EN 23 FT 34 WP 35 PC 35
Navigator. He can reconcile all but the most bitter enemies PB 25 TMR 7 NA 3 DP MR 55
and any summoner who finds his favour will be subject to Weapons: Palmon has no natural weapons. He is treated
assistance in acquiring honours and dignities. as a human for purposes of unarmed combat. He will use
Minions: Devil, Half-devil, Chimera, Manticore. weapons and armour that are silvered if provided.
Movement Rates: Running: 500 PHENEX: The Immortal Marquis
PS 35 MD 25 AG 30 MA 30
EN 34 FT 42 WP 32 PC 34 Summoning base chance: 27%
PB 18 TMR 10 NA 4 DP MR 52 Chance of minions: 20%
Weapons: Orias will claw and bite. He may not use Subjective Nastiness: 9/10
weapons or wear armour. Description: Phenex always appears as the great bird, the
Claws: BC 40%, [D + 4], Melee & Close, Rank 6. Phoenix. He speaks with the voice of a small child and
Bite: BC 45%, [D + 3], Close, Rank 4. sings sweetly and hypnotically to any who will listen.
Abilities: Phenex is a practitioner of the College of the
Mind. He possesses the following Skills: Alchemist, Beast
OROBAS: The Equine Prince Master, Healer, Mechanician, Merchant, Military Scientist,
Summoning base chance: 65% Navigator, Troubadour. The songs of Phenex will hypnotise
Chance of minions: 20% his victims (including the summoner) who will then willingly
Subjective Nastiness: 1/10 enter the demon's mouth to be devoured. Care must always
Description: Orobas appears in the form of a great black be taken when dealing with him.
stallion with a carmine main and flowing carmine tail. His Comments: Phenex is ever hungry for human flesh and will
hooves are silver and sharpened like those of a war-horse. attempt to sing except when bound so as to draw victims
He speaks in the squealing voice of a horse. close to his mouth where they can be devoured.
Abilities: Orobas is a practitioner of the arts of the College Minions: Dark Titan, Devil, Half-devil, Phoenix, Eagle.
of Naming Incantations. He possesses the following Skills: Movement Rates: Running: 200 yds/min; Flying: 400
Beast Master, Healer, Navigator, Ranger, Spy, Thief. PS 75 MD 16 AG 18 MA 30
Orobas knows the Generic and Individual True Names of all EN 26 FT 32 WP 33 PC 27
things of this plane. He will gladly permit his summoner to PB 34 TMR 4/8 NA 5 DP MR 53
acquire these names, but will provide them to no one else. Weapons: Phenex will claw and bite. He may not use
Comments: Orobas is a faithful retainer and, once bound, weapons or wear armour.
will look after the summoner's well being as if it were his Claws: BC 35%, [D + 4], Melee & Close, Rank 3.
own. He will be especially careful to protect the summoner Beak: BC 60%, [D + 6], Melee & Close, Rank 5.
from the powers and wiles of other demons or spirits the


PURSON: The Comely King Comments: Renove's tastes are not natural, and he will
Summoning base chance: 11% demand that the summoner either lie with him or procure
Chance of minions: 22% him others more to his taste in return for any lessons.
Subjective Nastiness: 5/10 Minions: Succubus/Incubus, Imp, Satyr, Cat.
Description: Purson appears as a muscular and well Movement Rates: Running: 400
proportioned man, but with the face of a lion and carries a PS 13 MD 26 AG 28 MA 35
viper in his hand. He is preceded by trumpets and often EN 19 FT 30 WP 35 PC 31
appears riding upon a bear. He may also appear in PB 30 TMR 8 NA 2 DP MR 55
insubstantial form as a pixie. Weapons: Renove has no natural weapons. He is treated
Abilities: Purson is a member of the College of Namers as a human for purposes of unarmed combat. Renove will
and knows the Generic True Name of all things on the wear any armour and use any weapon.
mundane Plane. He has an 80% chance of knowing the
Individual True Name of any being he encounters. He SALLOS: The Mighty Duke
possesses the following Skills: Alchemist, Astrologer, Summoning base chance: 57%
Healer, Mechanician, Merchant, Military Scientist, Chance of minions: 30%
Navigator. Subjective Nastiness: 3/10
Minions: Succubus/Incubus, Imp, Gryphon, Lion. Description: Sallos appears as a mighty knight in silver
Movement Rates: Running: 350 yds/min; Flying: 500 armour mounted on a crocodile and wearing a ducal crown
PS 21 MD 23 AG 23 MA 33 on his head. He comes in peace, though, and will fight only
EN 21 FT 35 WP 34 PC 35 with reluctance.
PB 12 TMR 7/10 NA 3 DP MR 54 Abilities: Sallos is a practitioner of the arts of the College of
Weapons: Purson will wear silvered armour and use Ensorcelments and Enchantments. He possesses the
silvered weapons if provided. He will also bite. following Skills: Beast Master, Healer, Military Scientist,
Bite: BC 40%, [D + 2], Close, Rank 8. Ranger, Troubadour. He has the talent to inspire love
RAUM: Earl of Theft and Destruction between men and women.
Summoning base chance: 36% Comments: Sallos would rather drink and wench than fight
Chance of minions: 30% and kill and is, perhaps, something of a coward. Once in
Subjective Nastiness: 7/10 combat, though, he will not flee until all his enemies are
Description: Raum first appears as a crow with bloody dead.
talons. He may divest himself of this insubstantial form and Minions: Succubus/Incubus, Imp, Nymph, Crocodile.
adopt that of a tall, gaunt man. Movement Rates: Running: 350
Abilities: Raum is a Magician of the College of Earth PS 24 MD 25 AG 25 MA 29
Magics. He possessed the following Skills: Assassin, Beast EN 26 FT 34 WP 32 PC 31
Master, Healer, Merchant, Ranger, Spy, Thief, Troubadour. PB 21 TMR 7 NA 3 DP MR 52
He has the power to cause the earth to quake and to make Weapons: Sallos has no natural weapons. He is armed
fall the walls of cities. He can make all but the summoner's with a sword and a main gauche.
sworn enemies love him and be willing to lay down their
lives in the service of the summoner.
SAMIGINA: Marquis of Dead Souls
Comments: Raum has some knowledge of what has been
and will be and will speak truthfully of what he knows about Summoning base chance: 15%
a place he occupies. Chance of minions: 30%
Minions: Earth Elemental, Succubus/Incubus, Imp, Harpy, Subjective Nastiness: 4/10
Crow. Description: Samigina appears as a small ass though he
Movement Rates: Running: 800 may take on human form.
PS 21 MD 28 AG 26 MA 29 Abilities: Samigina is a master of the College of
EN 26 FT 35 WP 33 PC 31 Necromantic Conjurations. He possesses the following
PB 14 TMR 8 NA 2 DP MR 53 skills: Alchemist, Healer, Mechanician, Merchant, Military
Weapons: Raum has no natural weapons. He is treated as Scientist, Navigator, Troubadour. He has the power to
a human for purposes of unarmed combat. Raum will wear converse with the dead, and can give an account of all
any armour and use any weapons. beings who have died except for servants of the Powers of
Comments: Where two numbers are given for one of
RENOVE: The Beautiful Earl Samigina's characteristics, the first is for his ass form, the
Summoning base chance: 30% second for his human form.
Chance of minions: 19% Minions: Devil, Half-devil, Wraith, Donkey.
Subjective Nastiness: 8/10 Movement Rates: Running: 350
Description: Renove first appears as a cloud of red mist, PS 30/23 MD 15/20 AG 20/25 MA 30
but may adopt human form. He then becomes a beautiful EN 30 FT 40 WP 30 PC 32
young boy with a melodious voice which is unbearably PB 10 TMR 10/7 NA 4 DP MR 50
sweet to the listener. Weapons: When in ass form, Samigina may bite, kick or
Abilities: Renove is a mage of the College of Illusions. He trample. Samigina will never agree to use weapons or wear
possesses the following Skills: Assassin, Beast Master, armour.
Courtier, Healer, Merchant, Navigator, Ranger, Spy, Thief, Bite: BC 50%, [D + 2], Close, Rank 10.
Troubadour. He also has a deep knowledge of rhetoric and Trample: BC 50%, [D + 4], Close, Rank 10.
is a master of spoken and written tongues. He has the Kick: BC 40%, [D + 4], Close, Rank 10.
ability to reconcile all but the bitterest of enemies and is a
great teacher of the young.


SAVNOK: Marquis of Corruption Comments: Shaz is an inveterate liar and deceiver. If

Summoning base chance: 30% commanded to reveal information or fetch items from his
Chance of minions: 50% hoard, there is only a 50% chance that he will speak entirely
Subjective Nastiness: 8/10 true or fetch the right items unless he is placed in a triangle
Description: Savnok appears as a great warrior with the and compelled by a Ritual of True Speaking.
head of a lion riding a pale horse. Minions: Succubus/Incubus, Imp, Harpy, Raven.
Abilities: Savnok is a member of the College of Earth Movement Rates: Running: 150 yds/min; Flying: 450
Magics. He possesses the following Skills: Beast Master PS 23 MD 24 AG 26 MA 30
and Military Scientist. In addition, he possesses the power EN 25 FT 35 WP 38 PC 35
to raise high towers, castles, and cities from out of earth PB 18 TMR 3/9 NA 3 DP MR 58
and stone and to shape for them furniture and armour. Any Weapons: Shaz will fight with beak and talons. He may not
wounds he inflicts will automatically become infected and use weapons or wear armour.
will not be cured except by magic. Beak: BC 50%, [D + 2], Melee & Close, Rank 8.
Comments: Savnok may start horrible plagues which Talons: BC 40%, [D + 1], Melee & Close, Rank 5.
cause their victims to break out in rotten sores full of worms,
which will ultimately lead to death unless cured by magic. SITRI: The Beautiful Prince
Minions: Earth Elemental, Devil, Half-devil, Gargoyle, Lion. Summoning base chance: 47%
Movement Rates: Running: 400 Chance of minions: 60%
PS 28 MD 30 AG 29 MA 30 Subjective Nastiness: 6/10
EN 26 FT 35 WP 33 PC 29 Description: Sitri appears as a large, muscular man with
PB 24 TMR 8 NA 4 DP MR 53 the head of a leopard and the wings of a Gryphon. He may
Weapons: Savnok may appear with any type of armour. He also appear in insubstantial form as a man who is
prefers axes, spears, and daggers, but will use other unbearably beautiful and well-formed or as a lovely woman
weapons if provided, and will bite. of sensual mien.
Bite: BC 50%, [D + 4], Close, Rank 4. Abilities: Sitri is a master of the College of Illusions. He
possesses the following Skills: Assassin, Beast Master,
SEIR: The Willing Prince Courtier, Spy, Thief, Troubadour. Sitri has the power to
Summoning base chance: 75% enflame men and women with the love of each other and to
Chance of minions: 26% cause them to show themselves naked and frolic with one
Subjective Nastiness: 0/10 another in unseemly ways.
Description: Seir appears as a handsome man with hair Comments: Sitri is a lover of all things carnal and will not
the colour of corn and eyes like ice riding a silver stallion be prevented from encouraging carnal activity or using his
with Gryphon wings. He speaks with a soft and cheerful special talents, no matter how he is bound.
voice and is of a good nature and always amenable to the Minions: Succubus/Incubus, Imp, Chimera, Leopard.
desires of the summoner. Movement Rates: Running: 400 yds/min; Flying: 400
Abilities: Seir is a practitioner of the College of Air Magics. PS 30 MD 25 AG 26 MA 33
He possesses the following Skills: Astrologer, Healer, EN 28 FT 35 WP 34 PC 25
Merchant, Navigator, Spy, Troubadour. He has knowledge PB 35 TMR 8/8 NA 3 DP MR 54
of all thieves and can sometimes tell where the loot is Weapons: Sitri may bite. He will wear armour if his
hidden. He can pass over the entire earth at the twinkling of summoner has it specially made for him and will use any
an eye and can carry others with him. He brings abundance weapons provided.
of things in his wake. Bite: BC 45% [D + 2], Close, Rank 4.
Comments: Characters in the company of Seir and his
summoner will always experience a flood of good luck so STOLAS: The Raven Prince
far as physical objects are concerned. The average value of Summoning base chance: 54%
treasure they may acquire will be 10% greater than what Chance of minions: 26%
they may acquire when not in company with Seir. Subjective Nastiness: 3/10
Minions: Air Elemental, Devil, Imp, Pegasus, Hound. Description: Stolas appears as a raven as large as an
Movement Rates: Running: 400 eagle with talons of silver and eyes rimmed with red. He
PS 25 MD 22 AG 26 MA 29 speaks with a cracked and horrible voice.
EN 24 FT 32 WP 31 PC 32 Abilities: Stolas is a mage of the College of Air Magics. He
PB 23 TMR 8 NA 3 DP MR 51 possesses the following Skills: Assassin, Beast Master,
Weapons: Seir has no natural weapons. He is treated as a Navigator, Spy, Thief. He knows the magical powers and
human for purposes of unarmed combat. Seir will not wear virtues of all herbs and stones and will speak the truth about
armour or carry any weapons except a quarterstaff. these when requested to do so.
Minions: Air Elemental, Devil, Imp, Harpy, Raven.
SHAZ: The Thieving Marquis Movement Rates: Flying: 500
Summoning base chance: 31% PS 14 MD 24 AG 22 MA 29
Chance of minions: 30% EN 21 FT 28 WP 32 PC 34
Subjective Nastiness: 6/10 PB 13 TMR 10 NA 3 DP MR 52
Description: Shaz appears as a great bird speaking with a Weapons: Stolas uses his beak and talons. He cannot
subtle voice. wear armour or use weapons.
Abilities: Shaz is a member of the College of Illusions. He Beak: BC 25%, [D + 2], Close, Rank 4.
possesses the following Skills: Assassin, Merchant, Ranger, Talons: BC 45%, [D + 3], Close, Rank 6.
Spy, Thief. He may curse an individual to lose his sight or
hearing or ability to comprehend the spoken word. He is an
accomplished thief and a hoarder of useful things
(especially fine horses) which he keeps in his dimension.


UVALL: Duke of Sands and Wastes VAPULA: The Lion Duke

Summoning base chance: 70% Summoning base chance: 77%
Chance of minions: 37% Chance of minions: 36%
Subjective Nastiness: 9/10 Subjective Nastiness: 4/10
Description: Uvall appears first as a large black Description: Vapula appears as a tawny lion with the wings
dromedary. He may leave this insubstantial form and adopt of a Gryphon and a red mane. He has great green eyes
the form of a man garbed in flowing robes and burned dark, which seem full of wisdom and his voice is a quiet rumbling.
like one of the wild dwellers in the wastelands. His voice is Abilities: Vapula is a member of the College of Earth
always hushed and he speaks with menace. Magics. He possesses the following Skills: Beast Master,
Abilities: Uvall is a practitioner of the arts of the College of Healer, Ranger.
Illusions. He possesses the following Skills: Alchemist, Minions: Earth Elemental, Succubus/Incubus, Half-devil,
Assassin, Beast Master, Merchant, Ranger, Spy, Thief. He Gryphon, Lion.
has the power to procure the love of women. He also can Movement Rates: Running: 450
cause others to love his summoner and become devoted to PS 35 MD 25 AG 30 MA 32
him. EN 28 FT 36 WP 34 PC 31
Comments: Uvall has a small knowledge of the past, PB 18 TMR 9 NA 4 DP MR 54
present and future of things and can be persuaded to speak Weapons: Vapula both bites and claws. He may not wear
(with 20% accuracy) by a gift of a young boy to serve him armour or use weapons. He may use his claws in Melee.
on his own plane. He is cunning and evil and will attempt to Bite: BC 40%, [D + 4], Close, Rank 5.
betray his summoner even when bound, though he will not Claws: BC 55%, [D + 6], Melee and Close, Rank 8.
directly attack them.
Minions: Yellow Dragon, Succubus/Incubus, Imp,
VASSAGO: Prince of Prophecy
Doppleganger, Camel.
Movement Rates: Running: 400 Summoning base chance: 45%
PS 25 MD 26 AG 27 MA 30 Chance of minions: 26%
EN 24 FT 38 WP 35 PC 34 Subjective Nastiness: 1/10
PB 13 TMR 8 NA 3 DP MR 55 Description: Vassago appears as an aged man riding a
Weapons: Uvall has no natural weapons. He is treated as a crocodile and carrying on his right wrist a Goshawk. His
human for purposes of unarmed combat. He usually comes eyes are hollow and see into other dimensions, but he is
armed with a scimitar, spear and a brace of sharp throwing blind in this dimension.
knives which break when they enter the victim's body and Abilities: Vassago is a mage of the College of Naming
leave splinters that must be removed or they will burrow Incantations. He possesses the following Skills: Alchemist,
their way to the heart and kill the victim in D + 3 days. Healer, Troubadour. Vassago has the ability to locate things
which have been hidden or lost if he is within 100 feet of
them. He also knows all Generic and Individual True
VALEFOR: The Duke of Thieves Names, but is reluctant to tell these names except to save
Summoning base chance: 52% the life of the summoner.
Chance of minions: 10% Comments: There is only a 40% chance that Vassago will
Subjective Nastiness: 7/10 reveal a True Name in the absence of physical danger to
Description: Valefor appears as a mountain lion with the the summoner. There is only a 50% chance that he will
head of an ass. He has a sharp, braying voice and an willingly tell the location of a hidden or lost object. He may
unpleasant manner. be compelled to speak of these things through the
Abilities: Valefor is a practitioner of the College of performance of a Ritual of True Speaking.
Ensorcelments and Enchantments. He possesses the Minions: Devil, Imp, Naga, Goshawk.
following Skills: Assassin, Ranger, Spy and Thief. He Movement Rates: Running: 150
sometimes represents himself as the god of thieves. PS 12 MD 13 AG 13 MA 35
Comments: Valefor will always counsel theft even where it EN 17 FT 28 WP 37 PC 19
involves stealing from companions and friends. He cannot PB 12 TMR 3 NA 2 DP MR 57
be broken of that habit, no matter how he is bound. His Weapons: Vassago has no natural weapons. He is treated
advice will tend to be persuasive. Further, he will steal as a human for purposes of unarmed combat. Vassago
objects from castles or inns where his summoner might stay cannot wear armour or use weapons.
and secret them in the summoner's belongings.
Minions: Succubus/Incubus, Imp, Chimera, Lion.
VEPHAR: The Sea Duke
Movement Rates: Running: 450
PS 30 MD 30 AG 32 MA 33 Summoning base chance: 69%
EN 29 FT 36 WP 35 PC 35 Chance of minions: 29%
PB 4 TMR 9 NA 4 DP MR 55 Subjective Nastiness: 7/10
Weapons: Valefor both bites and claws. He may not wear Description: Vephar appears as a mermaid with emerald
armour or use weapons. His claws do [D + 4] in Close. scales trimmed in silver and seaweed tangled in her hair.
Bite: BC 25%, [D + 1], Close, Rank 3. She may also appear at times to be a beautiful woman, but
Claws: BC 45%, [D + 2], Melee & Close, Rank 5. this shape is insubstantial and is used only to lure sailors to
their deaths. Her fingers are webbed and she has small gills
behind her ears.
Abilities: Vephar is a master of the College of Illusions.
She possesses the following Skills: Beast Master, Courtier,
Navigator. She can raise great storms at sea by willing it.
Vephar also has the ability to cause horrible wounds by
looking upon a man. These will appear as gashes, but will
putrefy and fill with worms and within three days the victim
will die unless cured by magic.


Comments: Vephar cannot exit the sea. She becomes VOSO: The Leopard President
totally insubstantial and melts into her own plane if she Summoning base chance: 49%
attempts to do so. She can guide ships through any waters Chance of minions: 30%
(even in the absence of sun and stars). Subjective Nastiness: 8/10
Minions: Devil, Half-devil, Merfolk, Barracuda. Description: Voso appears as a mighty leopard with
Movement Rates: Swimming: 600 terrible green eyes and spots tinged with carmine. He
PS 12 MD 19 AG 18 MA 30 speaks with a cunning voice, the better to fool his victims.
EN 18 FT 30 WP 34 PC 26 He will attempt to devour the summoner unless bound.
PB 28 TMR 12 NA 4 DP MR 54 Abilities: Voso is a great member of the College of
Weapons: Vephar has no natural weapons and is treated Ensorcelments and Enchantments. He possesses the
as a human for purposes of unarmed combat. She may not following Skills: Alchemist, Healer, Mechanician and
wear armour, but may employ weapons. Navigator. He has the power to change a man's form by
touch into another form so that his victim does not know
VINE: The Lion-Headed King that he has been ensorcelled and believes himself always
Summoning base chance: 12% to have had the form given him by Voso. He knows many
Chance of minions: 36% secrets.
Subjective Nastiness: 5/10 Comments: Voso knows the Generic and Individual True
Description: Vine always appears as a lion-headed man, Names of all things and beings. He will, however, reveal a
sometimes riding a great black horse and bearing a viper in True Name only if he is provided with a human victim
his hand. (preferably a maiden or child since their flesh is the most
Abilities: He is a mage of the College of Naming tender). A new victim must be provided for each True Name
Incantations. He also possesses the following Skills: the summoner wishes to acquire.
Alchemist, Merchant, Military Scientist, Navigator, Minions: Dark Titan, Succubus/Incubus, Imp,
Mechanician. Vine has the ability to control weather, create Doppleganger, Leopard.
earthquakes, detect the presence of magic, and Shape & Movement Rates: Running: 500
Bind earth permanently. PS 35 MD 30 AG 32 MA 35
Minions: Earth Elemental, Devil, Half-devil, Chimera, Lion. EN 29 FT 36 WP 37 PC 31
Movement Rates: Running: 350 PB 20 TMR 10 NA 4 DP MR 57
PS 23 MD 25 AG 25 MA 35 Weapons: Voso may use one bite or two claws in Melee
EN 22 FT 33 WP 32 PC 36 Combat, or one bite and four claws in Close Combat. Voso
PB 8 TMR 7 NA 3 DP MR 52 will attempt to Close. He will not use weapons or wear
Weapons: Vine will wear silvered armour and use silvered armour.
weapons if provided. He will also bite. Bite: BC 45%, [D + 2], Melee & Close, Rank 6.
Bite: BC 40%, [D + 3], Close, Rank 10. Claws: BC 60%, [D + 4], Melee & Close, Rank 8.

VOLAC: The Dragon President ZAGAN: The Winged King

Summoning base chance: 52% Summoning base chance: 17%
Chance of minions: 38% Chance of minions: 33%
Subjective Nastiness: 8/10 Subjective Nastiness: 5/10
Description: Volac appears as a child with the wings of an Description: Zagan appears as a great bull with Gryphon's
angel riding on the back of an infernal two-headed Red wings, but may choose to adopt human form at will.
Dragon. He speaks with a high pitched and silly voice, but Abilities: Zagan is a master of the College of Illusions. He
his words are always true, if not wise. possesses the following Skills: Alchemist, Merchant. He can
Abilities: Volac is a practitioner of the College of Naming change blood or water to wine and wine to blood at will. He
Incantations. He possesses the following Skills: Beast can shape all metals into coins of the realm, He makes men
Master, Ranger, Spy, Thief, Troubadour. He can locate witty and fools wise.
treasure hidden anywhere within 25 feet of him. Volac can Comments: Any character in the presence of Zagan may
also call serpents and cause them to obey him once they have his Willpower and Magical Aptitude increased by 10
have arrived. Volac knows and will tell the Generic True and his Perception increased by 5 at his discretion. This
Names of all things. effect lasts as long as the character remains in Zagan's
Minions: Red Dragon, fallen Seraphim, Wyvern, Cobra. presence. Where two numbers are given for a
Movement Rates: Running: 250 yds/min; Flying: 500 characteristic, the first is for the bull form.
PS 11 MD 18 AG 17 MA 36 Minions: Succubus/Incubus, Half-devil, Gryphon, Bull.
EN 18 FT 30 WP 39 PC 35
PB 26 TMR 5/10 NA 2 DP MR 59 Movement Rates: Running: 400 yds/min; Flying: 300
Weapons: Volac has no natural weapons. He is treated as PS 65/30 MD 13/25 AG 20/23 MA 30
a human for purposes of unarmed combat. He may use EN 35 FT 40 WP 28 PC 25
weapons, but will not wear armour. PB 6 TMR 8/6 NA 6 DP MR 48
Weapons: Zagan is a 2 hex creature, and will charge then
trample when possible, otherwise he will gore. Zagan will
agree to wear silvered armour while in his human form and
will employ silvered weapons in that form.
Horns: BC 40%, [D + 4, Melee & Close, Rank 10.
Hooves: BC 45%, [D + 5], Close, Rank 8.


ZEPAR: The Red Duke

Summoning base chance: 60%
Chance of minions: 26%
Subjective Nastiness: 7/10
Description: Zepar appears as a slight warrior with a
clubfoot dressed all in red armour. He is of a dark mien and
speaks in a grating voice filled with contempt for all who
inhabit this plane.
Abilities: Zepar is a practitioner of the arts of the College of
Illusions. He possesses the following Skills: Alchemy,
Assassin, Merchant, Military Scientist, Spy and Troubadour.
He is able to cause women to fall in love with men and so
allow themselves to be seduced. His touch, however,
makes women barren.
Comments: Zepar is an unfaithful servant who always
resents his summoner's ability to bring and hold him in this
plane. He will make common cause with his summoner's
enemies if they promise to return him to his own dimension,
even if he is bound. However, when bound, he cannot
directly attack his summoner and must act with guile.
Minions: Succubus/Incubus, Imp, Were-Tiger, Tiger.
Movement Rates: Running: 400
PS 18 MD 29 AG 28 MA 30
EN 26 FT 35 WP 32 PC 28
PB 13 TMR 8 NA 3 DP MR 52
Weapons: Zepar has no natural weapons. He is treated as
a human for purposes of unarmed combat. He may carry a
variety of weapons, but all will be smeared with foul venom
which inflicts horrible scarring injuries that may only be
cured by magic. Zepar's envenomed weapons do 2 DP/hour
to Fatigue or Endurance as a result of their poisonous


The five known Archangels are Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, They tend to view any Agents of other Powers with the
Uriel, and Sammael. Their spheres, personalities, Avatar gravest suspicion, but do accept that there are other good
abilities, and other information about them is listed below. Powers in the world. Michaelines have a well founded
reputation for being over zealous in the pursuit of their
MICHAEL: The Sword, Sword of Light goals.
Areas: Michael's Agents may be found in all areas, though
Summoning base chance: 15% they tend to be concentrated in borderlands and trouble
Chance of minions: 100% spots. In territories where the Elohim and their Agents are
Description: Michael always officially recognised, the Michaeline Order constructs
appears as a stunningly handsome chapter houses that serve as barracks and training facilities,
young, blond, human or elven and are usually fortified strongholds. These chapter houses
warrior, dressed all in red, and recruit "Knights of Michael", fighting lay members dedicated
armoured for war, wielding his great to the cause of the Elohim. Agents of Michael will always be
two-handed sword, Ira (Wrath), that blazes with the fire of able to get free board and weapons training at these
his righteous anger. Michael may appear with great chapter houses.
feathered wings, and may be riding a sentient pegasus. Colours & Symbols: Michaelines often wear red garments,
Sphere: Michael's office is that of warrior and he leads the or white robes edged with red, and their symbol is a flaming
Elohim's fight against the Powers of Darkness. He destroys sword (usually shown point downwards). They are seldom
and confounds the works of evil and the Demons whenever seen not wearing armour.
possible, and charges his Agents, the Michaelines, to do Avatar Summoning: Michael will seldom manifest except
the same. in the thick of battle, where he will immediately plunge into
Personality: Michael is rash and hot-headed and prefers to the combat wielding his great sword.
charge into battle, so as to defeat the unholy by strength of Abilities: Michael is a mighty Warrior, and a superb Military
arms. He impatiently awaits Nightfall (the resumption of the Scientist (even though he will tend to counsel attack in most
War of the Powers), and has been known to be involved in situations). Michael is very beautiful to look at and may
many plans to hasten its arrival. inspire Awe. Michael cannot cast magic but may initiate
Greater Minions: Malakim various magical talents upon himself as a Pass action.
Lesser Minions: Kerubim These include: Quickness, Coruscate, and ESP. Michael's
Minor Minions: Seraphim Magic Resistance is special, in that he has 99% MR
Beast Minions: Sentient Pegasi normally, and in addition has an automatic 52% Active
Animal Minions: Boar Resistance that is always operating even if he cannot see
Agents: Michael is suspicious of Mages and will seldom the Mage that has targeted him.
accept them as Agents. He expects all his Agents to be Movement Rates: Running: 400; Flying: 600
warriors (even the mages), and to fight courageously PS 30 MD 28 AG 32 MA 10
against the Powers of Darkness and their Agents and EN 26 FT 38 WP 32 PC 30
followers. Michaelines may be found investigating rumours PB 30 TMR 8/12 NA 3/13 DP MR 99/52
of Demonic cults, and the doings of "Black Mages". Once Weapons: Michael always wields his two-handed sword,
discovered they will attempt to convince civil authorities to which is of extraordinary quality, and with which he is Rank
deal with cults and covens, and will lend their martial 9. His sword is equivalent to Spectral Weapon Rank 20. He
prowess in eliminating them. They also help root out heresy has Rank 10 Unarmed Combat, and may use most other
and corruption in established churches, and are often found weapons at maximum Rank. He wears red plate armour of
acting as the martial arm of the Gabrielite inquisition. some light-weight material. Whenever he enters combat
Michael becomes surrounded by a Rank 20 Coruscate.

SAMMAEL: The Redeemed, The Light on the Dark

Summoning base chance: 15%
Chance of minions: 100%
Description: Sammael manifests as a
man of middle years but little touched by
age. His features are a blend of human
and elven, with pale skin and dark hair,
a trimmed and pointed dark beard,
pointed ears, and large, feathered white wings. He is
usually dressed in black and outfitted as a scholar or mage,
although he may at times appear in armour and bearing
weapons. He wears about his neck a chain bearing a gold
pendant in the form of a candle within a circle, which is his
symbol Lumen (Light/Life). He favours Ravens as animal
servants, and will often have one perched upon a shoulder.
If the place he appears in is darkened then lit candles will
manifest with him. These may be affixed to various surfaces
or may be floating as appropriate.


Sphere: Sammael's office is that of the guide of scholars, GABRIEL: The Herald, The Messenger
magicians and seekers after knowledge, and a light to those Summoning base chance: 15%
that walk in peril in dark places on the business of the Chance of minions: 100%
Elohim. Description: Gabriel manifests as either
Personality: Sammael is quiet and studious, and not prone a dazzling human youth, with almost
to rash action, but is courageous and willing to walk into feminine features, or as a young elven
great peril when circumstances dictate. His study of the woman of flawless beauty. Gabriel is
ways of Darkness led to his long demonic imprisonment. He always dressed in blue robes, and bears a
has become more careful because of this, but has also sword and an heraldic trumpet,and may in rare
gained a great sympathy for those that fall and wish to be circumstances appear in armour. The trumpet has a banner
redeemed. He is still viewed with some suspicion by both attached, on which its name, Veritas (Truth), is embroidered
Michael and Gabriel, but co-operates often with Raphael in gold. Gabriel may appear with great feathered wings, and
and Uriel. may be riding a sentient pegasus. Gabriel's voice is
Greater Minions: Malakim melodious and mellifluous.
Lesser Minions: Kerubim Sphere: Gabriel's office is that of herald, messenger,
Minor Minions: Seraphim evangelist, and inquisitor. Gabriel's agents, the Gabrielites,
Beast Minions: Sentient Pegasi are charged to spread the word of the Elohim, to convert
Animal Minions: Raven entities to the faith, and to root out heresy and evil-doing.
Agents: Sammael charges his Agents, the Sammaelites, Personality: Gabriel can be quite impulsive and sometimes
with the collection of knowledge to fight evil, to oppose makes rash decisions. Gabriel is closely associated with
ignorance, and the guidance of those who would learn the Michael, and often conspires with him on matters of policy.
mystical arts. Sammael prefers to accept Mages as Agents Followers of the Elohim state that Gabriel will one day
and expects his mages to demonstrate their understanding signal the resumption of the War of the Powers, and the
of the greater responsibility they bear because of the onset of Nightfall, with a mighty trumpet blast that will be
magical powers they possess. heard on all planes and dimensions. Other observers have
Areas: Sammaelites are usually found in civilized areas commented that Gabriel seems all too eager to discharge
where they are scholars, librarians, and magical tutors. If that particular duty.
found in wilderness areas they will usually be seeking Greater Minions: Malakim
ancient artefacts to further the cause of the Powers of Light. Lesser Minions: Kerubim
Colours & Symbols: Sammaelites almost always wear Minor Minions: Seraphim
black robes, and their symbol is a golden candle within a Beast Minions: Sentient Pegasi
circle. Sammaelites will wear armour when their path leads Animal Minions: Hawk
them into danger and darkness. Agents: Gabriel is somewhat suspicious of Mages, but
Avatar Summoning: Uriel can only be summoned into a accepts their worth and will accept as Agents those that
place of justice (court, prison, etc.), or to where a crime has have unequivocally proved their austerity and self discipline.
recently been committed. Gabrielites are often trained as scribes in their churches
Abilities: Sammael is a great Alchemist, Astrologer, and monasteries, and then sent out as missionaries to
Healer, Herbalist, and Philosopher, commands many preach to the heathen (those who do not follow the Elohim's
languages, and possesses various other lesser skills. teachings). They are also taught the arts of war, so as to aid
Sammael is very handsome to look at and may inspire Awe. in getting their point across. Gabrielites lead investigations
Sammael is a mighty Adept and practice many magics into the purity of the doctrine in established churches, and
drawn from a number of Colleges. Most of his magics are often work along side Michaelines as Inquisitors.
Celestial in nature, but he also possesses considerable Areas: Gabrielites are found both in civilised areas, where
ability with Fire and Light magics. Sammael's Magic they serve in the churches as clerks and preachers, and
Resistance is special in that if he can see the Mage that has also in the most untamed wilderness, where they seek out
targeted him, he can often cause the same spell to affect new converts, and look for cults and other signs of
the caster as well as himself. corruption. Because of their close association with the
Movement Rates: Running: 400; Flying: 600 Michaelines, Agents of Gabriel can usually get free board
PS 24 MD 24 AG 26 MA 34 and weapons training at Michaeline chapter houses.
EN 22 FT 32 WP 30 PC 26 Colours & Symbols: Gabrielites usually wears robes of
PB 27 TMR 8 NA 2/12 DP MR 75/45 * blue, or white edged with blue, and their symbol is an
Weapons: Sammael will prefer not to use weapons but if heraldic trumpet. They usually only wear armour when
forced to do so will fight with daggers or other light one- dealing with the heathen.
handed weapons. Any weapon he uses will ignore all Avatar Summoning: Gabriel may be summoned into any
magical defences on the target, whatever its other place of learning, or where heresy has been discovered.
properties may be. If Sammael appears outfitted for war the Abilities: Gabriel is a mighty Adept of the College of Bardic
weapons he bears are equivalent to Spectral Weapon Rank Magics, and possesses the skills of Courtier, Spy, and
20, and he will wear black plate armour of some light-weight Troubadour. Gabriel is stunningly beautiful to look at and
material. Whenever he enters combat Sammael becomes may inspire Awe. Gabriel may Charm as a Talent.
surrounded by Rank 20 Coruscate. Movement Rates: Running: 400; Flying: 600
PS 24 MD 24 AG 30 MA 30
EN 22 FT 32 WP 26 PC 26
PB 35 TMR 8/12 NA 2/12 MR 60
Weapons: Gabriel is not a great fighter, but will do so if
pressed, using a hand & a half sword at Rank 7. This sword
is of extraordinary quality, and is equivalent to Spectral
Weapon Rank 20. Gabriel may wear blue plate armour of
some light-weight material, although this is rare. Upon
entering combat Gabriel becomes surrounded by a Rank 20


RAPHAEL: The Shield, Defender of the Faithful URIEL: The Judge, Lady Justice
Summoning base chance: 15% Summoning base chance: 15%
Chance of minions: 100% Chance of minions: 100%
Description: Raphael usually Description: Uriel usually manifests as
appears as a handsome mature man, a beautiful, dark-haired human or elven
dressed in green and outfitted for war, woman, dressed in purple robes edged
with large feathered wings, and often in gold, and bearing a sword and her
seated upon a Pegasus., He bears a balances or scales, Jus (Law). Uriel has
lance and his shield Fidei (Faith). His shield is green and great feathered wings and may be riding a sentient
carries in gold the image of a crook, or crosier, reflecting his pegasus. She may appear wearing purple plate armour if
role as a shepherd and protector. He will often bring with she feels it warranted.
him a pack of hunting or war dogs. Sphere: Uriel's office is the gathering of souls, the judging
Sphere: Raphael's office is that of the defender of the of their behaviour, and the choosing of the final rewards
faithful, teacher and guide. He charges his Agents, the accorded to the followers of the Elohim in the afterlife. She
Raphaelites, with the protection and education of their charges her followers, the Urielites, with the dispensing of
followers. justice, and the punishment of criminal and unethical
Personality: Raphael is careful and cautious, and will behaviour.
seldom counsel attack, but rather a brave and stalwart Personality: Uriel is stern but fair, brooking no argument
defence. He often finds himself in opposition to the more with her judgements. She does know compassion, however,
extreme plans of both Michael and Gabriel, and co- and may reduce the severity of her judgement if she feels
operating with Uriel in matters of protection. that the subject had cause for their actions.
Greater Minions: Malakim Greater Minions: Malakim
Lesser Minions: Kerubim Lesser Minions: Kerubim
Minor Minions: Seraphim Minor Minions: Seraphim
Beast Minions: Sentient Pegasi Beast Minions: Sentient Pegasi
Animal Minions: Dog Animal Minions: Owl
Agents: Raphael will cheerfully accept Mages provided Agents: Uriel will often accept Mages as Agents, favouring
they can prove their bravery, loyalty, and discipline. His Thaumaturges. Those of her Agents that are Mages tend to
Agents may be found as guards, generals, or teachers, or be even more fervent than usual in finding and bringing to
as questing knights who seek to rid the world of dangers to justice criminals who use magic. Her Agents are often
their people, such as Dragons. Raphaelites tend to be the judges and advocates, but also jailers, guards, and even
least impetuous of the Agents of the Powers of Light, and executioners.
are more reserved and conservative, as befits those whose Areas: Urielites are usually found in civilised areas. In
office is defence. areas where the Powers of Light are very strong, the
Areas: Raphaelites are usually found in settled and civilised Agents and followers of Uriel are often accorded the legal
areas where they act in roles that help to protect their right to try and punish criminals. Urielites found in
people. When found in wilderness areas, Raphaelites will wilderness areas will almost certainly be hunting escaped
usually be on a mission to destroy a particular threat to the criminals, and may be accompanied by Michaelines or
safety of their "flock". Raphaelites.
Colours & Symbols: Raphaelites often wear robes of Colours & Symbols: Urielites often dress in the manner of
green, or white edged with green. Their symbol is a shield their patron, in gold edged purple robes, or in white robes
or a crook. Raphaelites often wear armour edged with purple, and sometimes have their armour
Avatar Summoning: Raphael can be summoned embossed with their symbol, a pair of scales. Urielites wear
whenever or wherever defence is needed. armour when it is fitting for their job or station, or when
Abilities: Raphael is a great Armourer, Mechanician, hunting criminals.
Military Scientist, Ranger, and Warrior, and possess lesser Avatar Summoning: Uriel can only be summoned into a
abilities as a Beast Master, Healer, and Weaponsmith. place of justice (court, prison, etc.), or to where a crime has
Raphael is very handsome to look at and may inspire Awe. recently been committed.
Raphael cannot cast magic but may initiate various magical Abilities: Uriel is a mighty practitioner of the College of
talents upon himself as a Pass action. These include: Sorceries of the Mind. She is a great debater and
Quickness, Coruscate, and ESP. Raphael's Magic Philosopher, Astrologer and Courtesan. Uriel is dazzlingly
Resistance is special, in that he has 95% MR normally, and beautiful and may inspire Awe. Uriel can always detect if
in addition he has his Active Resistance chance of 54% of someone is knowingly lying to her, and can cause a mortal
"parrying" an incoming spell with his shield, so that it to feel great pain every time that they lie. Uriel's Magic
rebounds and targets the caster instead. He can only do Resistance is special in that she will always resist magic
this if he can see the Mage that has targeted him. that is cast at her unjustly, or with criminal intent. Otherwise
Movement Rates: Running: 400; Flying: 600 her MR is 66.
PS 28 MD 26 AG 28 MA 10 Movement Rates: Running: 350; Flying: 600
EN 32 FT 38 WP 34 PC 36 PS 26 MD 22 AG 26 MA 28
PB 27 TMR 8/12 NA 5/15 DP MR 95/54 EN 22 FT 30 WP 36 PC 32
Weapons: Raphael may use most weapons at maximum PB 32 TMR 7 NA 2/12 DP MR 66 *
Rank, and prefers knightly weapons. He carries a lance and Weapons: Uriel is not a great fighter, preferring to work
hand & a half sword, which are of extraordinary quality, and through legal and diplomatic channels rather than open
with which he is Rank 6 & 8 respectively. These weapons combat. If forced into combat she uses her Hand & a half
are equivalent to Spectral Weapon Rank 20. He wears sword, which is of extraordinary quality, and with which she
green plate armour of some light-weight material. Whenever is Rank 7. Her sword is equivalent to Spectral Weapon
he enters combat Raphael becomes surrounded by a Rank Rank 20. She may wear purple plate armour of some light-
20 Coruscate. weight material. If she enters combat Uriel becomes
surrounded by Rank 20 Coruscate.


68-69 Magic Resistance reduced by 5, 142-143 Works, but on Caster.

Backfire Table 1 hour. 144-145 Fails, Caster suffers 3 EN
Effects are on the Caster unless 70-71 Forget all Skills, except damage internal haemorrhaging.
specified otherwise. weapons, 1 hour. 146-147 Works, but on a random
72-73 Contracts arthritis, 1 limb, 1 eligible target.
+50% For Special Knowledge Spell week. 148-149 Fails, Caster suffers 4 EN
+50% For Pulse Casting 74-75 Slowed D10 minutes. damage internal haemorrhaging.
All modifiers are cumulative 76-77 Contract temporary lycanthropy, 150-151 Works, but on Caster, and
until next full moon. only at 50% of expected strength.
<11 "No apparent effect". 78-79 Hands become arthritic, -1 DX, 152-153 Fails, Caster suffers 5 EN
11-13 The magic initially seems to D10 weeks. damage internal haemorrhaging.
work, but the effect is only cosmetic, 80-81 Spell becomes stored in nearby 154-155 Works, but on the Caster.
duration as for a normal cast. object, released by touch. 156-157 Effects reversed, but only at
14-15 Skin changes to random colour, 82-83 Become clumsy, -2 DX, 1 day. 50% of expected strength.
D10 days. 83-84 Forget all combat abilities, inc. 158-159 Effects reversed on the
16-17 Hair changes to random colour, Weapon skills, 1 hour. Caster at full strength.
immediate. 85-86 Mental distress Roll on attached 160-161 Works, at 150% of expected
18-19 Mental distress Roll on attached Insanity tables and apply the result. strength, usually non-beneficial.
Insanity tables and apply the result as 87-88 Magic Resistance reduced by 162-163 Works, but on a random
a mild case. 10, 1 hour. eligible target, at 150% of expected
20-21 Attracts flies and other small 89-90 Fails, Fatigue cost x 2, never strength.
nuisance insects, one day. drains EN. 164-165 Nightmares, may only
22-23 Eyes glow like hot coals, D1O 91-92 Fails, -3 Fatigue cost recover half normal FT from sleeping,
minutes. 93-94 Forget all Spells, 1 hour. minor curse.
24-25 Adept becomes highly charged 95-96 Works intermittently throughout 166-167 The magic initially seems to
with static, hair stands on end and can the duration, or at half effect if this is work, but the effect is only cosmetic,
charge others by touch. Lasts D1O not possible. duration as for a normal cast.
minutes. 99-100 Fails, Fatigue cost x 2, may 168-169 Effects reversed, at 150%
26-27 Voice randomly breaks, high drain EN. strength.
and low, 1 day. 101-103 The magic initially seems to 170-171 Effects reversed, on a
28-29 Adept smells like rotten eggs, 1 work, but the effect is only cosmetic, random eligible target, at 150%
hour. duration as for a normal cast. strength.
30-31 A coloured ray of light shoots 104-105 Intense migraine, 10 minutes. 172-173 Works, at 200% of expected
from caster to random target, no other 106-109 Sees random character or strength, usually non-: beneficial.
effect, immediate. object as terrifying, roll on Fright table, 174-175 Works, but on a random
32-33 Coloured smoke pours from 1 minute. eligible target, at 200% of' expected
mouth and/or nose, 1 Pulse. 110-111 Magic Resistance reduced by strength.
34-35 Forget all Reading & Writing 15, 1 hour. 176-177 Insomnia, may not recover
abilities, one day. 112-113 Next Spell or ritual cast FT from sleep, only rest, minor curse.
36-37 Hair moults, falling out in always Fails. 178-179 Effects reversed, at 200%
clumps, 1 hour. Hair will not return at 114-115 Painful stomach cramps, strength.
the end of the duration and must be D1O minutes. 180-181 Effects reversed, on a
grown back. 116-117 It works, but only at 50% of random eligible target, at 200%
38-39 A small non-magical metallic its usual strength. The exact effects strength.
possession transmutes, ~ usually to are left to the GM. 182-183 Creeping senility, -2 MA
lead, immediate. 118-119 Fails, Fatigue cost x 3, never immediately, then -2 MA per week,
40-41 Enveloped in cloud of random drains EN. minor curse.
coloured smoke, 1 hour. /, 120-121 Fails, Fatigue cost x 3, may 184-185 Extreme mental distress Roll
42-43 Fails, +1 Fatigue cost drain EN. on attached Insanity tables and apply
44-45 Acquire faerie-like allergy to 122-123 Effects reversed at full the result as a severe case.
iron, one day. strength on a random eligible target. 186-187 Caster struck mute by
46-47 Sneezing Fit, D10 minutes. 124-125 Fails, Caster suffers 1 EN damage to throat, until healed.
48-49 Coughing fit, D10 minutes. damage internal haemorrhaging. 188-189 Works, but on Caster, at
50-51 Uncontrollable hunger, until 126-127 Fails, Fatigue cost x 4, never 150% of expected strength.
stuffed. drains EN. Caster becomes stunned. 190-191 Effects reversed, on the
52-53 Mental distress Roll on attached 128-129 Magic Resistance reduced by Caster, at 150% strength.
Insanity tables and apply the result. 20, 1 hour. 192-193 Internal haemorrhaging
54-55 Fall asleep, may be awakened 130-131 Fails, Fatigue cost x 4, may damages spleen, 1 "EN, internal
normally. drain EN. bleeder.
56-57 Uncontrollable hiccups, D10 132-133 Fails, Caster suffers 2 EN 194-195 Works, but on Caster, at
minutes. damage internal haemorrhaging. 200% of expected strength.
58-59 Uncontrollable thirst, until 134-135 Effects reversed at full 196-197 Effects reversed, on the
slaked. strength. Caster, at 200% strength.
60-61 Uncontrollable trembling, 1 day. 136-137 Fails, Fatigue cost x 5, never 198-199 Internal haemorrhaging
62-63 Fails, +2 Fatigue cost drains EN. damages heart, FT may not be above
64-65 Strength +2, 1 hour, and then - 138-139 Works, but on a random 0 until healed.
2, 1 hour. eligible target, and only at 50%of 200+ Truly spectacular! Roll D5 times
66-67 Body becomes mostly numb, 1 expected strength. on this table, each at +100, (use only
day. 140-141 Fails, Fatigue cost x 5, may this modifier), and apply all results.
drain EN.


Insanity Tables Phobia Type Table Animal Phobias Table

<11 Generalized Anxiety 01-15 Miscellaneous 01-04 Aelurophobia Cats
12-14 Obsession 16-30 Animal 05-10 Agrizophobia Wild Animals
15-17 Obsessive-Compulsive 31-45 Positional 11-12 Alektorophobia Chickens
18-20 Panic Disorder 46-60 Sexual 13-15 Apiphobia Bees
21-23 Paranoia 61-90 Social 16-20 Arachnophobia Spiders
24-33 Phobia 91-00 Weather 21-22 Bacteriophobia Bacteria
34-35 Insomnia 23-24 Batrachophobia Frogs
36-37 Sleep-Schedule Disorder 25 Blennophobia Slimes
38-39 Sleep Terror Disorder 26-28 Botanophobia Plants
40-41 Sleepwalking Disorder Miscellaneous Phobias 29-32 Bogyphobia Bogeymen
42 Catatonia 01-02 Acousticophobia Noise 33-37 Bugphobia Insects
43-44 Delirium 03-04 Aichmophobia Knives 38-41 Cynophobia Dogs
45 Homicidal Mania 05-06 Algophobia Pain 42-50 Demonophobia Demons
46-48 Manic-Depressive Disorder 07-08 Alliumphobia Garlic 51-53 Equinophobia Horses
49-50 Melancholia 09-10 Amathophobia Dust 54 Featherphobia Feathers
51-52 Suicidal Mania 11-12 Amnesiophobia Amnesia 55-59 Helminthophobia Worms
53-54 Multiple / Split Personality 13-14 Anthophobia Flowers 60-63 Herpetophobia Lizards
55-56 Schizophrenia 15-16 Apeirophobia Infinity 64-65 Icthyophobia Fish
57-58 Dependent Personality Disorder 17-18 Ataxiphobia Chaos 66 Isopterophobia Termites
59-60 Delusion Grandeur 19-20 Carnephobia Meat 67-71 Murophobia Rats
61-63 Delusion Persecution 21-22 Catoptrophobia Mirrors 72-74 Musiphobia Mice
64-66 Delusion Poverty 23-24 Cherophobia Being happy 75 Myrmecophobia Ants
67-69 Delusion Thought Broadcasting 25-26 Clinophobia Beds 76-80 Ophidiophobia Snakes
70-71 Hallucinatory Disorder 27-28 Cnidophobia Stings 81-82 Ornithophobia Birds
72-74 Dipsomania 29-30 Dendrophobia Trees 83 Ostraconophobia Shellfish
75-77 Kleptomania 31-32 Erythrophobia Red things 84-85 Paraistophobia Parasites
78-80 Pyromania 33-34 Geliophobia Laughter 86-88 Phasmaphobia Ghosts
81-83 Pathological Gambling 35-36 Graphophobia Writing 89 Phthirophobia Lice
84-87 Pathological Liar 37-38 Hadephobia Hell 90-91 Spheksophobia Wasps
88-89 Exhibitionism 39-40 Haigophobia Religious objects 92-93 Taurophobia Bulls
90-91 Masochism 41-42 Harpaxophobia Being robbed 94-00 Zoophobia Animals
92 Necrophilia 43-44 Hedonophobia Pleasure
93-94 Nymphomania 45-46 Hematophobia Sight of Blood
95 Sadism 47-48 Homitophobia Sermons
96 Voyeurism Positional Phobias
49-50 Iatrophobia Doctors
97 Zoophilia 51-52 Ideophobia Ideas 01-03 Acrophobia Heights
98-00 Phobia 53-54 Iophobia Rust 04-06 Aeroacrophobia Open high
55-56 Kleptophobia Stealing places
57-58 Lachanophobia Vegetables 07-08 Aginaphobia Narrow places
59-60 Leukophobia White things 09-13 Agyiophobia Streets
61-62 Ligyrophobia Noise 14-19 Atephobia Ruins, dungeons
63-64 Linohophobia String 20-22 Aviatophobia Flying
65-66 Magophobia Magic 23-25 Basiphobia Walking
67-68 Megalophobia Large Things 26-31 Bathophobia Depths
69-70 Melophobia Music 32-38 Claustrophobia Confined space
71-72 Metalophobia Metals 39-40 Cenophobia Empty Rooms
73-74 Methyphobia Alcohol 41-42 Cleithrophobia Being locked in
75-76 Metrophobia Poetry 43-44 Climacophobia Stairs
77-78 Mysophobia Dirt 45-47 Coimetrophobia Cemeteries
79-80 Myxophobia Slime 48-49 Cremnophobia Cliffs
81-82 Necrophobia Dead bodies 50-51 Domatophobia Being in a house
83-84 Numerophobia Numbers 52-55 Dromophobia Crossing a street
85-86 Oenophobia Wine 56-60 Ecclesiophobia Churches
87-88 Oneirophobia Dreams 61-64 Gephyrophobia Bridges
89-90 Osmophobia Smells 65-71 Hodophobia Travel
91-92 Ouranophobia Heaven 72-80 Hypsiphobia Heights
93-94 Peccatiphobia Sinning 81-87 Koimoniphobia Rooms
95-96 Pediaphobia Dolls 88-93 Lygophobia Gloomy places
97-98 Pediophobia Children 94-00 Theatophobia Theatres
99-00 Phasmaphobia Ghosts


Female Sexual Phobias Social Phobias Weather Phobias

01-03 Agaraphobia Sexual Abuse 01-02 Ablutophobia Bathing 01-02 Achuluophobia Darkness
04-06 Algophobia Sexual Pain 03 Agorophobia Public places 03-04 Aerophobia Drafts & air
07-12 Androphobia Men 04 Amychophobia Being scratched 05-06 Aerophogiaphobia Swallowing
13-14 Anuptophobia Being single 05 Ankylophobia Immobility air
15-17 Aphenphobia Physical Contact 06 Anthrophobia People 07-08 Anemophobia Cyclones
18-22 Coitophobia Sex 07-10 Aphephobia Being touched 09-10 Antlophobia Floods
23-27 Coitus Oralis Oral sex 11-12 Automysophobia Being dirty 11-12 Astraphobia Lightning
28-33 Gamophobia Marriage 14-15 Basistasiphobia Standing up 13-14 Auroraphobia Auroral lights
34-42 Gymnophobia Naked bodies 16-17 Catapedaphobia Jumping 15-16 Brontophobia Thunder
43-50 Hedonophobia Pleasure 18 Cateptrophobia Mirrors 17-18 Burophobia Gravity
51 Heterophobia Heterosexuals 19 Cathisophobia Sitting 19-20 Cenophobia Barren ground
52-57 Homophobia Homosexuals 20 Chaetophobia Hair 21-22 Chionophobia Snow
58-60 Ithyphallophobia Erect penises 21 Chorophobia Dancing 23-24 Cometophobia Comets
61-63 Maieusiophobia Childbirth 22-23 Cibophobia Food 25-26 Cryophobia Cold
64-65 Malaxophobia Flirting 24-25 Decidophobia Decisions 27-28 Cymophobia Waves
68-69 Menophobia Menstruation 26-27 Demophobia Crowds 29-30 Dendrophobia Trees
70-74 Merinthophobia Being bound 28 Dromophobia Crossing streets 31-32 Dinophobia Whirlpools
75-77 Necrophobia Sex with the dead 29-32 Dishabillophobia Disrobing in 33-34 Electrophobia Electricity
78-84 Phallophobia Male genitalia public 35-36 Esophobia Dawn
85-93 Sexophobia Opposite Sex 33 Enissophobia Sin 37-38 Frigophobia Cold things
94-96 Teratophobia Bearing a monster 34 Eremophobia Solitude 39-40 Heliophobia Sunlight
97-00 Virgivitiphobia Rape 35-37 Ergophobia Work 41-42 Homichlophobia Fog
38-41 Gelophobia Laughter 43-44 Hydrophobia Water
42 Hypengyophobia Responsibility 45-46 Hygrophobia Dampness/Mists
43 Hypnophobia Hypnosis 47-48 Hylophobia Forests
Male Sexual Phobias 44 Isolophobia Solitude 49-50 Keraunophobia Lightning and
01-03 Agrophobia Sexual Abuse 45 Kakorrhaphiophobia Failure Thunder
04-06 Algophobia Sexual Pain 46 Katagelophobia Ridicule 51-52 Kymophobia Waves
07-09 Anuptophobia Being single 47 Kathisophobia Sitting down 53-54 Lilapsophobia Hurricanes
10-11 Aphenophobia Physical Contact 48 Kleptophobia Stealing 55-56 Limnophobia Lakes
12-14 Coitophobia Sex 49-52 Koinoniphobia Rooms full of 57-60 Meteorphobia Meteors
15-17 Coitus Oralis Oral sex people 61-62 Nephophobia Clouds
18-20 Cyprianophobia Prostitutes 53 Macrophobia Long waits 63-64 Ombrophobia Rain
24-25 Ejacuphobia Ejaculation 54 Mythophobia Lying 65-66 Pagophobia Frost & ice
26-28 Esodophobia Virginity 55 Nyctophobia Night 67-68 Photoangiophobia Glaring light
29-31 Eurotophobia Female Genitalia 56-57 Ochlophobia Crowds 69-70 Photophobia Light
32-37 Gamophobia Marriage 58-61 Ophthalmophobia Being stared 71-72 Potamophobia Rivers
38-39 Gymnophobia Naked Bodies at 73-74 Potomophobia Sheets of water
40-44 Gynophobia Women 62 Paraliphobia Neglect of duty 75-77 Psychrophobia Being cold
45-48 Hedonophobia Pleasure 63 Peccatiphobia Wrong doing 78-79 Pyrophobia Fire
49-53 Malaxophobia Flirting 64 Peladophobia Bald people 80-83 Sciaphobia Shadows
54-59 Medomalacophobia Losing an 65 Peniaphobia Poverty 84-87 Scotophobia Darkness
erection 66 Phagiophobia Eating 88-89 Selenophobia Moons
60-62 Merinthophobia Being bound 67-68 Phalacrophobia Being bald 90-91 Siderophobia Stars in the sky
63-67 Necrophobia Sex with the dead 69-70 Philemaphobia Kissing 92-94 Thalassophobia Seas
77-80 Parenthenophobia Young girls, 71 Philophobia Love 95-97 Thermaphobia Heat
usually virgins 72-74 Phobophobia Being alone 98-00 Zerophobia Dryness
93-95 Sarmassophobia Foreplay 75 Pogonophobia Beards
96-97 Sexophobia Opposite sex 76-77 Psellismophobia Stuttering
98-00 Venustaphobia Beautiful women 78-79 Sclerophobia Thieves
80-83 Scopophobia Being looked at
84-86 Stage Fright Performance
87-94 Vestiphobia Wearing clothing
95-00 Xenophobia Non-humans,


51 Grievous Injury Table

A class weapons do grievous injuries on rolls of 01 26–27 Bad luck! Your secondary hand has been sev- 70–74 A crushing blow smashes your helmet and
through 20. B class weapons do grievous injuries on ered at the wrist. Take 2 damage Points to En- causes a concussion. Take 3 Damage Points from
rolls of 21 through 80. C class weapons do grievous durance immediately and subtract 1 point per pulse Endurance and suffer a reduction of 4 in both MD
injuries on rolls of 70 through 100. from Fatigue thereafter (Endurance when Fatigue and AG lasting for 3 days.
is exhausted) until you are dead or the bleeding is
staunched by a Healer of Rank 0 or above. If you 75–80 A massive chest wound accompanied by bro-
01–05 Congratulations! It’s a bleeder in your pri- ken ribs and crushed tissues. Very ugly, this. Take
mary arm! Take 1 Damage Point from Endurance live, reduce your MD by 2.
5 Damage Points immediately from Endurance.
immediately and 1 per pulse thereafter until the 28–30 Worst luck! Your primary hand has been sev- Reduce your MD and AG by 3 each until this
flow is staunched by a Healer of Rank 0 or above ered. See result 26–27 for effects. wound heals (should take about 4 months). In-
or you die. crease your chance of infection by 10.
31–34 A minor wound. Your face is slashed open,
06–07 Oh no! Your opponent’s weapon has entered
ruining your boyish good looks and causing blood 81–84 A crushing blow smashes tissue and produces
your secondary arm’s elbow joint and the tip has
to spurt into your eyes. Reduce your PB by 4 per- internal injuries. You suffer 2 Damage Points im-
broken off. Take 2 Damage Points immediately
manently. mediately to Endurance and 1 per pulse thereafter
from Endurance and that arm is useless until the
sliver has been removed by a Healer of Rank 3 or 35 Your secondary arm is sliced off at the shoul- to Fatigue (Endurance when Fatigue is exhausted)
above. Also, increase the chance of infection by der. Take 5 Damage Points immediately from En- until unconscious or you receive the attention of a
30. durance and 1 per pulse thereafter from Fatigue Healer of Rank 2 or above.
08 A vicious puncture wound in your groin! Take 3 (Endurance when Fatigue is exhausted) until you 85–87 A jarring blow to your primary shoulder in-
Damage Points immediately from Endurance and are dead or the bleeding is staunched by a Healer flicts 2 Damage points immediately to Endurance.
reduce your TMR by 2 until fully recovered, which of Rank 1 or above. Reduce your MD by 2 and Roll D10; the result is the number of pulses the arm
will take two months. In addition, add 30 to your your AG by 1. is useless. You immediately drop anything held in
chance of being infected (assuming you live long 36 The same as 35, except it’s your good primary that hand.
enough for such things to matter). arm that has been lopped off. 88–89 Similar to 85–87 except it is your secondary
09–10 You have been stabbed in your secondary 37–40 You have been eviscerated! Take 4 Damage shoulder.
arm. Drop whatever you were holding in it Points immediately from Endurance and 1 point
and take 2 Damage Points immediately from En- per pulse from Fatigue thereafter (Endurance when 90–92 Your right hip is smashed horribly. Take 5
durance. It will take a full week for the arm to be Fatigue is exhausted) until you are unconscious. damage Points immediately to Endurance and fall
of any use to you whatsoever. Increase your chance of infection by 40. prone. You will be unable to walk until the dam-
11 Your aorta is severed and you are quite dead. Rest age has healed (takes about 6 months). Good fun.
assured your companions will do their best to con- 41–42 A glancing blow lays open your scalp and When healed, you will still have a limp which will
sole your widow(er). severs one ear (your choice as to which one). Take reduce your TMR by 1 and your AG by 2.
2 Damage Points immedately from endurance. Re-
12 A stomach puncture. Nasty. You suffer 3 Dam- duce your Perception by 2. 93–94 The same as 90–92 except it is your left hip
age Points immediately from Endurance and lose that is smashed.
2 from your TMR until fully recovered, whcih 43 A savage slash rips open your cheek and jaw.
will take two months. Also, you are automatically Take an automatic pass action next pulse due to 95–97 Your opponent’s weapon has come crashing
stunned for the next pulse (if you aren’t already), the shock of the blow. Your PB is increased by 1, down on your head and fractured your skull. You
after which you may recover. Add 20 to the chance since your disfigurement will bring out the mater- fall prone and are unconscious, and take 8 dam-
to be infected. nal/paternal instincts in the opposite gender. age Points to Endurance. If you survive, you lose
2 from AG, 2 from MD and 2 from Perception. It
13 Your opponent’s weapons has entered your eye; 44–50 A slash along one arm, and it’s a bleeder! will take a year in bed to recover.
roll D10. On a roll of 1, the weapon has entered Take 2 Damage Points immediately from En-
your brain and you are dead. On a roll of 2–5, durance and lose 1 point from Fatigue (Endurance 98–100 Crushing blow to your pelvis breaks bone
your left eye is blinded; on a roll of 6–10, your when Fatigue is exhausted) each pulse until the and tears tissue. Take 7 damage Points immedi-
right eye is blinded. If you are lucky enough to bleeding is stopped by a Healer of Rank 1 or above ately to Endurance and fall prone. Try to roll under
be blinded instead of killed, you have suffered 2 or you die. your WP on D100 to avoid falling unconscious. If
Damage Points to Endurance. In addition, a figure you survive, you will be unable to move for D10
51–52 Hamstrung! Roll D10. On a roll of 1–4, it is months.
who is blind in one eye suffers the following sub-
your left leg. On a roll of 5–10 its your right. Take
tractions: -1 from MD, -2 from PB, -4 from Per-
4 Damage Points immediately from Endurance and
ception. A figure blinded in one eye reduces their
fall prone. You may not stand unassisted until the Notes
base chance with any missile or thrown weapon by
wound is healed (which should take three months).
30. The suggested recovery times are a guideline for
Reduce your AG by 3 permanently.
14–18 Tsk, tsk. A wound of the solid viscera. Usu- the GM’s to use in determining how long characters
ally fatal. Take 3 Damage Points to Endurance 53–60 Your primary arm is crippled by a wicked should be kept out of action. The actions of a compe-
immediately and 1 per pulse thereafter until the slash! Take 2 damage Points immediately to En-
tent Healer may alter these times in some instances.
bleeding is stopped by a Healer of Rank 2 or above durance and drop anything you have in your pri-
or you die. Add 30 to the chance of infection. mary hand. The arm is unusable until healed, These Grievous Injuries are designed for combat be-
which should take 2 months. tween human-sized opponents; any injuries sustained
19–20 Take a stab in the leg (your choice as to which involving larger monsters should be applied judi-
one) resulting in a deep puncture of the thigh mus- 61–67 Your secondary arm is crippled; see 53–60
for details. ciously by the GM, taking into account size and mass
cle. Suffer 1 Damage Point to Endurance imme-
differences, etc. Simply stated, a halfling would be
diately and reducd your TMR by 1 until you heal, 68–69 A nasty slash in the region of the shoulder
which will take 4 weeks. hard put to drive their dagger into the eye of an ele-
and neck. Roll D10. On a roll of 1–3, your head phant, and in situations such as these, the GM may
21–25 A chest wound. Take 2 Damage Points to is severed and your corpse tumbles to the ground. have to disallow the Grievous Injury or change its ef-
Endurance immediately and reduce your TMR by On a roll of 4–6, your secondary collar bone is fects.
1 until recovered (about 2 months). Look on the crushed; on a roll of 7–10 your primary collar bone
bright side, though. Your attacker’s weapon is is crushed. If your collar bone is crushed, the re- Any damage which results from a Grievous Injury is
caught in your rib cage and has been wrenched sults are identical to 53–60, except you suffer 4 in addition to the Endurance damage already deter-
from their grasp. Damage Points to Endurance. mined.


52 Fumble Tables
52.1 Bows and Crossbows only 31–32 Poor balance; make 3 × AG or No Offense 00 Your bizarre but highly spectacular fumble is
until after the end of the next pulse. mistaken for an obscure martial technique. All en-
01–12 Bowstring snaps and lashes you; lose 2 EN. gaged melee opponents hastily elect to perform not
13 Bowstring snaps and lashes you in the eye; lose 33 Stumble; make 3 × AG or fall prone. to attack or cast magic on their very next action. If
2 EN; you are blinded in one eye for 3 weeks or un- 34–35 as per 31–32, but make 2 × AG. you have another action before they actually perform
til cured by a Rank 7 Healer. A figure who is blind their next action, you may choose to run away (retreat
in one eye suffers the following subtractions: 1 from 36 as per 33, but make 2 × AG. up to full TMR) as your action without the need for a
MD, 2 from PB, 4 from Perception; and reduces their 37–38 as per 31–32, but make 1 × AG. Withdrawal manoeuvre — you are no longer engaged
base chance with any missile or thrown weapon by with those particular opponents.
30. 39 as per 33, but make 1 × AG.
14–29 Bowstring snaps; no further penalty. 40 Broken weapon. 52.3 Notes
30 Traditional Hunting accident. Clumsy release 41–49 Damaged weapon. A broken weapon is useless until repaired; a shattered
causes arrow / quarrel to fly towards a random
50 Momentary dizziness; make 3 × EN or you may weapon is useless until reforged. Any combat spell
“friendly” back in approximately the same direction
not attack or cast magic until after the end of next on a broken or shattered weapon has been dissipated.
as you were aiming: Strike Chance = Weapon BC +
weapon bonuses + 30 - target’s defence. pulse. A damaged weapon is bent, dented, nicked, or simi-
51–52 Your vigorous swing causes a slight twinge. larly flawed. You may still use the damaged weapon
31–33 Clumsy release; bolt/arrow flies wide missing but it does 1–2 points less damage and has 0–20
friends and foes. Make 3 × EN or lose 2 FT.
penalty to its strike chance (GM decides these fig-
34–36 Brief twinge of pain in your arm or back; 53 Make 3 × EN or pull a groin muscle, lose 2 FT ures), until repaired.
Lose 1 EN. and have half Base TMR until healed. A damaged magical weapon must be repaired by a
37–39 as per 34-36, but lose 2 EN. 54–55 as per 51–52, but make 2 × EN. Weaponsmith of at least Rank 6. A damaged weapon-
smithed weapon loses all its weaponsmith bonuses to
40–59 dropped bolt or quarrel. 56 as per 53, but make 2 × EN. Strike chance and/or Damage, until repaired.
60–99 Bowstring snaps; no further damage. 57–58 as per 51-52, but make 1 × EN. Any self-inflicted damage ignores your armour (in-
00 Bowstring snaps and lashes you; lose 2 EN. cluding magic); it usually represents bruising, minor
59 as per 53, but make 1 × EN. strains, etc. Naturally, take EN damage if you have
52.2 All Other weapons 60 No effect unless you used a A- or B-class melee no FT available. If a specific injury is stated (e.g.
weapon against an opponent with a non-magical pulled groin muscle, or broken bones), then healing
The following results are generalised. Therefore the shield. In which case, you have spectacularly wedged requires a lot of time or the appropriate minimum
GM is free to ignore or downgrade any result which is you weapon into their shield. Make 1 × PS to imme- rank of Healer.
inapplicable to a specific case. Some outcomes out- diately wrench your weapon out, or it will be torn
comes are avoidable through a successful character- from your grasp in the fracas. Don’t worry if you fail 52.4 Special cases
istic check. — perhaps their shield is now useless? An innately magical weapon
61–62 Your melee weapon is stuck, caught, or en- • ignores asterisked results (*);
01–09 Shattered weapon. tangled in your opponent’s armour or gear (and you
10 Shattered weapon; some slivers fly at you, po- didn’t even hurt them). Make 3 × PS to immediately • does not break;
tentially causing you a grievous injury - roll on the disengage your weapon, or it will be yanked from • may shatter or be damaged, but less often;
Grievous Injury Table (§51), but ignore any result your grasp in the fracas.
over 13. • does not include any non-magical weapon
63 You palpably hit a tree, rock, wall-hanging, furni- merely under the effects of magic.
11–12 Shattered weapon, flying splinters; you and ture, or some other adjacent “scenery”. Make 3 × PS
your opponent(s) lose 1 EN each. to immediately disengage/extract your weapon. You
may try again, as a future action; but perhaps you Unarmed Combat
13 Playing the Roman fool? You just did yourself an
Endurance blow; fortunately you rolled a minimum should prepare a new weapon instead. • “Shattered” = broken bone(s); lose 2 EN; useless
damage (but don’t forget the extra damage from poi- 64–65 as per 61-62, but make 2 × PS. in combat until healed.
son, magic, etc). • “Broken” = Seriously bruised; lose 2 FT; may be
66 as per 63, but make 2 × PS.
14–16 Your wild swing possibly connects with used in combat, but (until healed) each success-
someone other than your intended target(s) or your- 67–68 as per 61-62, but make 1 × PS. ful blow does 2 damage points less to opponent
self – immediately make a strike check at your new and 2 FT to yourself.
victim, the nearest being in range other than you or 69 as per 63, but make 1 × PS.
• “Damaged” = Ouch! Lose 2 FT; no further ef-
your intended target(s). Hope you weren’t mounted. 70* Shattered weapon, if it is not at least Rank 1 fect.
17–18 Lose 1 EN. Feels as if you pulled something. weaponsmithed.
19 Lose 2 EN. You really pulled something. 71–73* Your weapon breaks unless you roll under Strike Chance over 100
its weaponsmith rank on D10. Indeed it shattered if
20 Oops! You’ve flung your weapon in a high If the fumble indicates a broken or damaged weapon,
you failed the roll by 5 or more.
parabolic arc. Normally a flung or dropped weapon but your modified Strike Chance was over 100, you
falls without hurting anyone - however, in this one 74–77 Twinge of pain. Take (D10 - rank in weapon) have also struck your opponent; roll [Fatigue] dam-
case, it falls on a random target, possibly even you, FT damage. age as normal.
and maybe hurts them: Strike Chance = [Weapon’s
B.C.] + [magical / weaponsmith bonuses] - [random 78–79 as per 74–77, but also you may not attack or
target’s defence]. cast magic for remainder of the pulse.

21–26 Butterfingers! Make 3 × MD to avoid your 80 Your weapon flies from your grasp. You may
weapon flying 2–3 hexes in a random direction. choose to drop whatever is in your other hand; in
which case, make 3 × MD to catch the weapon in
27–28 Klutz! Make 3 × MD to avoid dropping your that other hand.
weapon in your hex.
81–82 Butterfingers! Make 3 × MD to avoid your
29 Whoops! You’ve caught your weapon in your
weapon flying 2–3 hexes in a random direction.
own armour or gear. You may choose to automati-
cally free it next pulse; in which case, you may not 83 Klutz! Make 3 × MD to avoid dropping your
attack or cast magic until after the end of next pulse. weapon in your hex.
Or else you may wish to prepare another weapon in
your next action. 84–85 as per 81-82, but make 2 × MD.

30 Overly enthusiastic lunge. GM moves you to an 86 as per 83, but make 2 × MD.
unoccupied forward hex (make 3 × AG to choose 87–88 as per 81–82, but make 1 × MD.
your new facing) — but if no empty hex is available,
you just tried to close on an opponent, who gets a free 89 as per 83, but make 1 × MD.
chance to keep you out of close. If you did close, you 90 Broken weapon.
don’t have to drop any non-close weapon, but it may
not be used to attack effectively. 91–99 Damaged weapon.


53 Backfire Table
Extra Fatigue The following effects result in the 64 Blind for D10 days.
Adept losing extra Fatigue in order to contain the 65 Deaf for D10 pulses.
Backfire effect. If no Fatigue was expended during
the cast then there will be no apparent effect. If the 66 Deaf for D10 × D10 minutes.
Adept has insufficient Fatigue, then they lose all re- 67 Deaf for D10 × D10 hours.
maining Fatigue and re-roll on this table for each Fa-
tigue point they were unable to expend, with any fur- 68 Deaf for D10 days.
ther rolls of Fatigue loss taken as damage due to in- 69 Mute for D10 pulses.
ternal injuries. 70 Mute for D10 × D10 minutes.
01–09 Fatigue loss equal to that already expended. 71 Mute for D10 × D10 hours.
10–16 Fatigue loss equal to twice that already ex- 72 Mute for D10 days.
73 Lose smell and taste for D10 days.
17–21 Fatigue loss equal to 3 times that already ex-
pended. 74 Lose smell and taste for D10 × D10 days.

22–24 Fatigue loss equal to 4 times that already ex- 75 Lose tactile sense for D10 days.
pended. 76 Lose tactile sense for D10 × D10 days.
25 Fatigue loss equal to 5 times that already ex- 77 Insomnia such that only 1 Fatigue is recovered
pended. for each hour of sleep for D10 days.
Spell Awry The following effects result in the spell 78 Insomnia such that only 1 Fatigue is recovered
working in a manner that was not intended by the for each hour of sleep for D10 × D10 days.
Adept. The spell may still be resisted by the eventual 79–80 A virulent skin disease halves Physical
target, if the spell is resistible. Note that the Adept Beauty and causes intense itching which will in-
will not necessarily be aware of the outcome, since crease the difficulty of concentration checks by 1, un-
in many cases there will be no apparent effect. til stopped by Cure Disease.
26–30 The Adept becomes the target of the spell. 81 Wasting disease causes -1 Strength and -1 En-
31–32 The Adept becomes the target of the spell durance per day until stopped by Cure Disease. The
with some or all effects doubled. Strength and Endurance lost will be recovered at 1
point per day, or by being treated by Repair Muscles.
33 The Adept becomes the target of the spell with
some or all effects tripled. 82–83 Periodic muscle spasms lasting D10 pulses
cause a loss of 1 Fatigue each pulse. There is D10
34–35 The Adept becomes the target of the spell and × D10 minutes between spasms. This can be cured
the spell is delayed by D10 pulses. by Repair Muscles.
36 The Adept becomes the target of the spell and the 84 A deep sleep for D10 pulses.
spell is delayed by D100 pulses.
85 A deep sleep for D10 × D10 minutes.
37–39 The spell has opposite or different effect to
that which it was designed. 86–87 Recurring migraines cause a loss of 2 Magi-
cal Aptitude and 2 Willpower. Each minute of con-
40–41 The spell’s effects are delayed by D10 pulses. centration requires a 4 × Willpower concentration
42 The spell’s effects are delayed by D100 pulses. check. The effects can be treated by Soothe Pain and
cured by Repair Vital Organs.
43–45 The spell’s effects are intermittent with D10
pulses or minutes on, followed by D10 pulses or min- 88 Periodic hallucinations for D10 hours. Each hal-
utes off. lucination lasts D10 pulses and there is D10 × D10
minutes between them. Can be cured by Repair Vital
46–48 The spell affects a random target or area Organs.
within range, or goes in a random direction.
89–90 Arthritis causes -4 Dexterity, -4 Agility and
49 The spell affects a random target or area within increases by 1 per hour the Fatigue loss due to exer-
twice range. cise, until treated by Repair Tissues.
50 The spell affects a random target or area within 91–92 Enfeeblement causes -4 Strength, -4 En-
three times range. durance and doubles the Fatigue loss due to exercise,
51 The spell is cast at random as though the caster is until treated by Repair Muscles.
a random entity within D10 hexes. 93 Asthma causes TMR to be halved, doubles the
52–53 The spell affects a random target or area Fatigue loss due to exercise, and the Adept cannot
within range with some or all effects doubled. perform strenuous exercise until treated by Repair Vi-
tal Organs.
54 The spell’s effects are delayed by D10 pulses and
94–95 Creeping senility will cause a loss of 1 Mag-
affects a random target or area.
ical Aptitude every two days until treated by Regen-
55 The spell’s effects are delayed by D100 pulses erate Vital Organs.
and affects a random target or area.
96 Partial Amnesia causes the loss of all Magical
56–57 The spell works with some or all effects abilities for D10 days.
97 Partial Amnesia causes the loss of all Skills (ex-
58 The spell works as normal. cluding Magic and Weapons) for D10 days.
59 The spell works with some or all effects doubled. 98 Partial Amnesia causes the loss of all memories
from the past 2D10 months. The Adept will operate
60 The spell works with some or all effects tripled.
at lower ranks in the abilities that have been ranked
Minor Curses The following effects result in the during this period. The memories will return at a rate
Adept being afflicted by a minor curse. The Adept of 1 month each day.
may resist the curse by using their Magical Resis-
99 Total Amnesia causes the loss of all memories for
tance against non–College Magic. Some curses can
D5 × D5 days. All magic and skills other than the
be cured by healing skills, and all may be dispelled
primary language will be lost, and all weapon ranks
by a curse removal. Any result specifying a gradual
will be halved (round down) or lost if Rank 0. The
loss of statistics will also cause an immediate loss.
Adept’s original personality will come to the fore and
61 Blind for D10 pulses. they may need to make a reaction roll to determine
62 Blind for D10 × D10 minutes. their initial feelings towards each person.
00 Roll two more times and apply both effects.
63 Blind for D10 × D10 hours.


54 Fright & Awe Tables

54.1 Fright Table (Ver 1.0) 54.2 Awe Table
Dice Result 01–20 Target is slightly awed. Will not voluntarily approach the source of the
< 20 Wary The target will not voluntarily approach the source of their fear. Awe, unless requested to do so by the source. If not aware of the source, will
If they are not aware of the source they will be very cautious and seek to be slightly cautious.
optimise safety.
21–25 Target is completely enamoured of the source. Will do anything that the
21–25 Berserk They immediately charge to attack the object of their rage. If source requests, to the extent of attacking comrades and friends, but not to
the source is not apparent they will charge about noisily looking for it. Add the extent of killing themself if so requested. If the source is not apparent
+10 to Strike Chance and -10 to Defence. they will rush around noisily looking for it.
26–75 Panic They will attempt to maximise their safety in relation to the
source of their fear. This usually involves fleeing as rapidly as possible, but 26–76 Target is panicked by the Awe. They will attempt to maximise their safety,
could also include cowering in the centre of the party, curling up in a small as they perceive it. This may involve fleeing, cowering, hiding, pleading and
ball, hiding under a bed, etc. While a state of panic prevails, some sanity is whimpering. They will not usually further endanger themselves in their at-
present and the target would not normally do anything suicidal (e.g. running tempt to escape, by running off a cliff for example. Add +5 to subsequent
over the edge of a cliff) but they might use abilities to increase their safety Awe Table rolls.
(e.g. flying away). If the target wishes to use an ability, (e.g. casting a spell)
the GM should give a suitable negative modifier to their base chance (e.g. 77–90 Target is completely humbled and prostrates themself before the source
-20). of the Awe. They may take no other actions until they are snapped out of
76–90 Frozen They may take no action until snapped out of it, e.g. slapped on their grovelling by an outside agency, or by rolling less than or equal to their
the face, attacked, etc. The target can attempt to break out of it themselves Willpower on D100. They may attempt this roll every second Pulse after
by making a 1 × WP check per pulse. Once broken out of it the target rolls being affected. Add +10 to subsequent Awe Table rolls.
again at -30 (and no other modifiers) to determine their next action. Add +10
to subsequent rolls on the fright table. 91–95 Target becomes hysterical and falls to the ground, weeping, laughing,
singing and/or praying as appropriate until snapped out of it by an outside
91–95 Hysterical They stand and scream and may take no other action until agency. They may attempt to break out of it by themself, by rolling less than
snapped out of it (as for 76–90). On recovery roll again at -20 (with no other or equal to their Willpower on D100, at the end of each minute following the
modifiers). Add +10 to subsequent rolls on the fright table. affect. On recovery roll D100: 1–50 slightly awed (as for 1–20, this table),
96-100 Catatonic Target becomes catatonic. Their hair turns white and they 51–55 enamoured (as for 21–25), 56–100 panic (as for 26–76). Add +10 to
may take no other action until snapped out of it (as for 76–90). On recovery subsequent Awe Table rolls.
roll again at -20 (with no other modifiers). Add +10 to subsequent rolls on
the fright table. 96–100 Target collapses, becomes catatonic and may take no further action un-
101–110 Faints The target faints into unconsciousness and loses 5 Fatigue. At til snapped out of it by an outside agency. Upon recovery roll D100: 1–26
the end of each minute they roll 1 × WP in order to regain consciousness. slightly awed, 27–31 enamoured, 32–95 panic, 96–100 hysterical. Add +15
Add +10 to subsequent rolls on the fright table. to subsequent Awe Table rolls.
111-115 Collapses The target collapses into unconsciousness and loses all of 101–106 Target faints dead away and will remain unconscious for [D + 6] min-
their Fatigue. After (30 - Endurance) minutes, or being tended by a Healer, utes. Add +15 to all subsequent Awe Table rolls.
they will regain consciousness. All their Statistics and Ranks will be reduced
by 2, and they will not be able to recover Fatigue, until they have had com- 107–110 Target suffer a mild heart seizure. The result is the same as for 101–
fortable bed rest for (40 - Endurance - tending Healer Rank) hours. Add +10 106 except that the Target may not move about under their own power for the
to subsequent rolls on the fright table. remainder of the day and suffers a decrease of 2 to PS, MD, AG, EN, and FT,
116+ Heart Attack The target suffers a heart attack and must receive the at- until either they spend one month resting in bed, or their heart is repaired us-
tention of a Healer of at least Rank 3 within Endurance pulses or they are ing the Healer ability “Repair Tissues and Organs”. Add +15 to subsequent
dead. If they survive they will be on 0 Endurance and 0 Fatigue, and will be Awe Table tolls.
unconsciousness for (30 - Endurance) minutes. All their Statistics and Ranks
will be reduced by 5, and they will not be able to recover Fatigue or more 111+ Target suffers a severe heart attack and must have the attention of a Healer
than half their Endurance, until they have had comfortable bed rest for (60 - of at least Rank 2 within one minute (12 pulses) or they will die. Otherwise
Endurance - tending Healer Rank) hours. Add +10 to subsequent rolls on the this result is the same as for 107–110, except that +20 is added to subsequent
fright table. Awe Table rolls.

54.3 Notes Familiarity Difficulty

PB Factor
Rolls against this table can made as the result of 27–28 4.0
magic, when meeting entities who are extremely ugly 29 3.5
and occasionally in other extreme situations. 30 3.0
In both the cases of the extremely low and high 31 2.5
Modifiers beauty, the effects are reduced with familiarity with 32 2.0
the creature causing the fear or awe. Once a character 33 1.5
All modifiers are cumulative lasting 24 hours or un- has successfully made their Willpower check, or has 34 1.0
til 8 hours sleep, but each division only counts once. recovered from a failed check, they need not check 35+ 0.5
For example, a target gets feared 3 times. The first again (for an effect from the same creature) for the
is a hysterical which adds 10%; second is catatonic remainder of the encounter. If the same creature is
which adds 10%. Total so far is 20%. The third, how- encountered again another Willpower check must be
ever, is another hysterical but as a hysterical compo- made, but the GM may add 1 or more to the difficulty
nent is already included in the 20%, the total remains factor, thus making it easier to succeed. This bonus If this Willpower check is failed the character must
at 20%. A minor heart attack within 24 hours would should not be applied to encounters with other simi- then roll on the Awe Table (see §54.2) and apply any
push the total to 30%. lar creatures, only to the same ones. (It is not true to results before they take another action. They may at-
say that when you have seen one Troll, you have seen tempt to recover from being over-awed as indicated
PB Fright Checks them all). on the Awe Table. Awe can be caused by a creature
with a Physical Beauty greater than 26. The range of
Whenever characters encounter a creature whose the effect is line of sight to the creature. The charac-
Physical Beauty is less than 5, and whose descrip- ter will only be affected if the creature is within their
tion states a Fear causing ability, they must make a line of sight, and they are facing towards it. Once
Willpower check to determine if they are frightened. Effects of Awe seen, however, facing becomes irrelevant, i.e. if the
The difficulty factor for this test is equal to the crea- Target turns away, so as to run, they do not lose the
tures PB. Creatures whose PB is 0 cause a once dif- Awe effect simply because they are no longer facing
ficulty factor. If this test is failed, the character must the source. The effect will remain until the Target is
then roll on the Fright Table and apply any results Whenever characters encounter a creature whose out of line of sight of the source. Should the charac-
before they take another action. They may attempt to Physical Beauty is above 26, and whose descrip- ter return into line of sight of the source, the same re-
recover every pulse, by trying to succeed at the same tion states an Awe causing ability, they must make a sult as before will be applied, unless their Willpower
Willpower check. Until that time they will act as the Willpower check to determine if they are awed. The has increased, in which case, they receive another
Fright Table indicates. difficulty factor is dependent on the creatures PB: Willpower check to resist the effect of the Awe.


Spell Effects cover from the secondary effects of 76–90, 91– of 45 indicates panic. Rolf’s player thinks Rolf has 3
95 and 96–100. Once recovered from, the spell options:
1. Wall of Bones (Necromancy): A target is not af- has no further effect. The range of the spell only
fected by the wall until they touch it. If they fail determines the possible targets, so the target be-
to resist they are affected any time they are in 1. Run back to a clearing just left by the party.
ing more than this distance from the Adept will
line of sight of the wall but facing is not impor- not affect the duration. 2. Feeling no direction to be safe, Rolf clings to
tant (if a target turns to flee the wall then they do Hu’ug the giant’s leg and trembles.
not lose the fear because they are no longer fac- 3. Mass Fear (Necromancy, Wicca): has set range
ing it). If the target touches the same wall again and duration. Range is a sphere around the 3. Being a “If I can’t see them they can’t see me”
they make another resistance check. Duration is Adept. Targets going out of range of the spell believer, Rolf puts a sack over his head.
that of the spell; once the wall is gone so is the are no longer affected. Each time they re-enter
fear. the area of effect of the spell they make another Rolf’s player and the GM decide on percentages for
magic resistance (and roll on the Fright Table if the options and one is determined. In this case Rolf
2. Fear (Necromancy, Wicca, Celestial): single tar-
they fail). flees. The spell is Rank 7 so Rolf gets to attempt to
get spell. If duration is immediate then after
snap out of the fear each pulse after the first two. Six
(Rank of spell / 5) pulses, rounded up, the target
Example: A group of adventurers are in the middle pulses after the spell is cast, on his third try, Rolf suc-
may make a 3 × WP check each pulse to recover
of a forest. Rolf the Harrier gets struck by a Fear ceeds his 1 × WP check and may turn around and
from fear, otherwise the fear lasts the duration of
spell from Nasty the Necro, and fails to resist. A roll attack Nasty the Necro.
the spell. A further check may be required to re-


55 Experience Point Costs

55.1 Weapons
Sword 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Dagger 25 25 50 100 200 400 700 1500 3000 4000
Main-gauche 50 50 100 200 400 1100 1500 3000 3000 3000 4000
Short sword 100 100 200 400 700 1500 3000
Falchion 25 25 50 100 200 400 700 1500 3000
Scimitar 100 100 200 400 700 1500 3000 3000 3000
Tulwar 100 100 200 400 700 1500 3000 3000 3000
Rapier 200 200 200 200 200 500 500 2000 4000 4000 3000
Sabre 150 150 200 500 1000 2000 2000 2000
Broadsword 50 50 100 200 400 700 1500
Estoc 75 75 150 200 500 1000 2000 4000 4000 3000
Hand & a half 100 100 200 400 500 900 1700 2000
Claymore 50 50 100 200 400 700 1500 1800
Two-handed sword 50 50 100 200 400 700
Hafted weapons
Hand axe 100 100 200 500 1500
Battle axe 75 75 150 200 500 1000 2000 4000
Giant axe 75 75 150 200 500 1000 2000 4000
Great axe 150 50 100 200 500 1000 3000 5000
Crude club 25 25 50
War club 25 75 150 300 500 700
Giant club 25 75 150 300 500 700
Mace 50 50 100 200 400 700
Giant mace 50 50 100 200 400 700
War hammer 50 50 100 200 400 700
War pick 75 75 150 200 500 1000
Flail 25 25 50 100 200 400
Morningstar 100 100 200 400 700 1800
Mattock 50 50 100 200 400 700
Quarterstaff 75 75 150 200 500 1000 2000 4000 4000 3000
Sap 25 75 150 250
Pole arms
Javelin 50 50 100 200 400 800 1400 2000 2000 2000 3000
Spear 100 100 200 400 700 1800
Giant spear 100 100 200 400 700 1800
Pike 200 200 400 700 1500 3000
Lance 250 400 700 1000 1700 3500
Halberd 100 100 200 400 700 1500
Poleaxe 100 100 200 400 700 1500
Trident 200 200 400 800 1400 3000
Glaive 50 50 100 200 200 200 500 800 1500 3000
Giant glaive 50 50 100 200 200 200 500 800 1500 3000
Missile weapons
Sling 200 200 400 700 1500 3000 3000 3000 3000
Self bow 100 100 200 400 700 1500 3000 3000 3000
Short bow 100 100 200 400 700 1500 3000 3000 3000
Long bow 300 200 500 1000 2000 2000 2000 2000 3000
Giant bow 300 200 500 1000 2000 2000 2000 2000 3000
Composite bow 200 200 400 700 1500 3000 3000 3000 3000
Crossbow 100 100 200 400 800 1000
Heavy crossbow 100 100 200 400 800 1000
Spear thrower 25 25 50 100 200 400 700 1500 3000 4000 5000
Blowgun 25 25 50 100 200 400 700 1500 3000 4000 5000
Thrown weapons
Throwing dart 200 100 200 500 1000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Boomerang 100 300 500 1000 1200 1500 1500 1500
Grenado 25 50 75 100 150
Entangling weapons
Net 150 150 300 600 1300
Bola 200 200 400 700 1500 2000 5000
Whip 150 150 500 900 1400 2000 3500 4000 5000 5000 6000
Special weapons
Rock 25 25 100 150 200 300 500
Cestus 30 40 50 100 200 400 700 1500 3000 6000
Garotte 100 200 300 600
Shield 25 25 50 100 200
Unarmed 150 300 450 600 800 900 1500 3000 4000 5000 4000


55.2 Skills
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SubskillsB
§29 Adventuring skillsA 0 125 250 375 500 625 750 875 1000 1125 1250 NA
§30 Alchemist 800 350 1200 2650 4350 6500 8650 11100 12750 14500 17000 NA
§31 ArmourerC 600 300 800 1600 3000 5500 6200 7300 8800 10800 14000 5000
§32 Artisan 250 100 150 350 700 950 1500 1850 2500 3200 4000 NA
§33 Assassin 600 250 750 1700 2900 4200 5750 7550 9500 11700 14100 NA
§34 Astrologer 400 150 500 1150 2050 3100 4400 5900 7500 9400 11500 NA
§35 Beast Master 600 250 750 1650 2800 4300 5600 7350 9300 11400 13750 5000
§36 CourtierC 250 100 200 500 950 1450 2050 2800 3600 6300 8000 1000
§37 Healer 1000 400 1600 3500 5800 8400 11400 14700 18500 22500 26750 NA
§38 Herbalist 800 350 1200 2650 4350 6500 8650 11100 12750 14500 17000 NA
§39 Languages 200 75 125 300 550 850 1350 1700 2250 2900 3500 NA
§40 MechanicianC 600 250 650 1500 2600 3900 5300 7000 8850 10900 13000 2500
§41 Merchant 300 125 300 850 1400 2200 3400 4200 5300 6800 9500 4000
§42 Military Scientist 300 125 350 950 1500 2350 3100 4150 5400 6750 10000 3000
§43 Navigator 400 150 400 900 1550 2400 3350 4450 5750 7100 10500 NA
§44 Philosopher 1400 700 1400 2100 2800 3500 4200 4900 5600 6300 7000 NA
§45 Ranger 600 250 800 1650 2750 4100 5650 7350 9300 11400 13250 NA
§46 SpyC 500 200 600 1400 2400 3600 5000 6600 8400 10400 12600 2500
§29.6 Stealth 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 NA
§47 Thief 750 300 1050 2350 4000 5750 7900 10250 12900 14850 16000 NA
§48 Troubadour 250 100 200 500 1050 1450 2100 2800 3900 4600 7000 1000
§49 Warrior 600 250 750 1700 2900 4200 5750 7550 9500 11700 14100 NA
§50 WeaponsmithC 600 300 800 1600 3000 5500 6200 7300 8800 10800 14000 5000

Notes skill for details.

A Adventuring skills includes Horsemanship, Climbing, Flying, Swimming and C Depending on the characters personal characteristics, they may pay more or
Knowledge. Learning to use climbing claws has a one off cost of 1000ep. Simi- less ep to rise in Rank. See each skill for details.
larly, the use of ropes has a one off cost of 500ep. Knowledge is an adventuring
skill which takes 4 weeks and 500ep to learn Rank 0. It cannot be Ranked beyond 55.3 Characteristics
Rank 0. See the above table for Stealth.
Stat First Point Extra Points
B Some skills have subskills which may be gained at any rank for the ep cost Fatigue 2500 2500
given. These costs are discounted by 25% if the character has reached rank 8 in Endurance 5000 2500
the given skill, or by 50% if they have reached rank 10. Subskills gained in this Perception 1000 750
way are in addition to any gained by an increase in the rank of the skill. See each All others 5000 5000

56 Weapons, Shields and Armour Charts

Swords Wt PS MD SC DM Range Class Use Cost Rk
56.1 Weapons DaggerA 5
7 10 40 +0 8 A RMC 10 9
Weapons are normally wielded one-handed, and Main-gauche 1 8 15 45 +1 P A MC 20 10
the exceptions are noted with a (2) after the Shortsword 2 10 12 45 +3 P A M 40 6
name of the weapon. Some may be used either Falchion 4 12 11 50 +2 P B M 35 8
one or two-handed, and these are noted with a Scimitar 4 11 15 50 +3 P B M 60 8
(1–2). When weapons of this type are wielded Tulwar 4 13 15 50 +4 P B M 65 8
two-handed, increase their Damage Modifier by
Rapier 2 11 18 45 +3 P A M 35 10
Sabre 3 14 15 60 +3 P B M 40 7
Broadsword 3 15 15 55 +4 P B M 50 6
- indicates that a weapon has no Class for pur-
Estoc 2 15 17 45 +5 P A M 65 9
poses of Grievous Injuries; when a possible
Hand & a half (1-2) 6 17 16 60 +5 P B M 85 7
Grievous Injury is rolled, only damage affect-
ing Endurance results. Claymore (1-2) 5 16 13 50 +4 P B M 80 7
Two-handed sword (2) 9 22 14 55 +7 P B M 100 5
V indicates that the characteristic is variable. Katana (1-2) 3 14 17 60 +3 P B M 7
* The damage done by a blowgun dart depends Hafted weapons
upon the substance which coats the tip (poison, Hand axe 2 8 11 40 +1 8 B RMC 15 4
for instance; see Alchemist §30). Battle axe (1-2) 5 14 14 60 +4 6 B RM 20 7
Great axe (2) 6 19 17 65 +6 P B M 30 7
A When attacking a foe whose modified AG is Giant axeB 25 29 12 65 +10 6 B RM 50 7
between 12 and 9 (inclusive) the weapon may Crude club 4 16 10 45 +2 6 C RM 3 2
be used to attack twice in one pulse without War club 3 14 10 50 +2 7 C RM 5 5
penalty; if the modified AG is 8 or less, the Giant club 10 25 9 50 +8 9 C RM 10 5
weapon may attack three times in a pulse. TorchC 3 8 12 40 +1 P C M 1 -
B Only giants can use giant weapons. Mace 5 16 9 50 +4 5 C RM 15 5
Giant maceB 25 27 10 50 +7 8 C RM 40 5
C A torch is not actually a weapon, but may be War hammer 4 15 13 45 +3 6 C RM 15 5
used as such in emergencies. Also, brandishing War pick (1-2) 5 17 13 45 +4 P C M 20 5
a burning torch in the face of an animal may Flail 4 14 15 50 +2 P C M 15 5
cause it to flee. Any animal whose WP is 10
Morningstar (1-2) 5 18 15 60 +4 P C M 20 5
or less may be scared off if it fails a roll of 4
Mattock (2) 6 19 14 55 +6 P C M 18 5
× WP. A successful roll indicates the animal is
Quarterstaff (2) 3 12 16 55 +2 P C M 3 9
not impressed. No Rank may ever be achieved
with a torch. SapD 1 9 11 40 +1 P C MC 2 3
Thrown weaponsE
D The sap may only be used to knock out tar- Throwing dartF 3oz 9 15 40 +0 12 A R 1 10
gets wearing only leather, cloth or no armour. BoomerangG 1 11 15 40 +0 20 C R 2 7
Used by an assassin, any hit knocks out the tar- GrenadoH 2 9 15 40 V 15 - R V 4
get; for anyone else, any hit stuns and 4 or more Pole weapons
points of effective damage knocks out the tar- JavelinI 3 12 15 45 +2 12 A RM 4 10
get. This will not work on targets larger than
Spear (1-2) 5 15 14 50 +3 6 A RM 10 5
human size.
Giant spear(1-2)B 15 22 16 55 +7 12 A RM 20 5
E The following weapons also function as Pike (2)J 8 18 16 45 +5 P A M 15 5
thrown weapons: dagger, hand axe, battle axe, LanceK 7 16 18 45 +6 P A M 4 5
giant axe, crude club, war club, giant club, Halberd (2) 6 16 16 55 +3 P B M 15 5
mace, war hammer, javelin, spear, giant spear, Poleaxe (2) 6 18 15 55 +4 P B M 20 5
net, bola and rock. Trident (1-2) 5 14 16 45 +2 5 A RM 8 5
F Up to three darts may be thrown at one, two, Glaive (2) 7 16 18 55 +5 P B M 15 9
or three targets in one pulse with no penalty. Giant glaive (2)B 14 22 18 65 +9 P B M 30 9
Missile weaponsL
G A boomerang returns to the thrower if it
does not hit anything during its flight. Sling (2) 1 7 15 40 +1 60 C R 1 8
Self bow (2) 2 10 15 45 +0 30 A R 20 8
H A grenado is filled with any substance (man- Short bow (2) 4 14 15 45 +2 60 A R 20 8
ufactured by an alchemist) designed to burst Long bow (2)M 6 16 15 55 +4 180 A R 25 8
into flames on impact. These substances in- Composite bow (2) 8 17 15 55 +4 225 A R 80 8
clude greek fire, methane, and anything else the Giant bow (2)B 14 25 17 55 +7 45 A R 80 8
GM will allow. It bursts on landing (it need Crossbow (2) 7 14 14 60 +3 80 A R 15 5
not be thrown at a particular figure), and its Heavy crossbow (2) 10 20 14 60 +5 90 A R 20 5
effects are determinded by the substance con-
Spear thrower (2) 4 11 14 50 +2 15 A R 5 10
tained within. If a “miss” is rolled for the
Blowgun (2) 1 7 16 30 * 7 - R 3 10
strike check, the GM should randomly deter-
mine whether the grenado landed short, long, Entangling weapons
left, or right of the target (or any combination NetN 2 11 16 30 -5 5 - RM 4 4
thereof). BolaN 2 11 15 35 -3 10 - R 5 6
WhipN O 3 10 16 40 -3 P - M 6 10
Lasso (2) 4 12 18 30 -4 6 - RM 5 6
Special weapons
Rock V 5 10 30 -1 8 C RMC - 6
CestusP 3 12 14 35 -1 P C MC 15 9
Garotte (2)Q 1 12 15 30 +3 P - C 3 3
Shield V 10 12 40 -2 P C M V 4
UnarmedR 0 V -4 P C MC 10

Weapons AccessoriesS Number Wt Cost Notes I A javelin functions as a thrown weapon unless
Shot 20 4 1 Use in sling it is launched by a spear thrower, in which case
Dart 20 2 5 Use in blowgun the spear thrower’s characteristics are used and it
Arrows 20 2 10 Use in draw bows functions as a missile weapon.
Quarrels 20 7 15 Use in crossbows J A pike may be used to melee attack any figure
Cranequin 1 3 10 Use to cock crossbows; requires a PS of 11 and two within two hexes; its melee zone extends into what
free hands would normally be the first hexes of the figure’s
ranged zone.
56.2 Shields K A lance may be used only by a mounted figure.
Def / MD L All missile weapons must be loaded before fir-
Shield type Wt Rank loss Cost ing; this action is in addition to preparing the
Buckler 3 2% - 5 weapon itself. A pass action must be taken in
Small round 5 3% -2 8 order to load the sling, any draw bow, the spear
Large round 10 4% -3 10 thrower, and the blowgun. Two consecutive pass
Kite 15 5% -4 15 actions must be taken to load a crossbow (three if
Tower 25 6% -6 20 using a cranequin).
Main-gauche† 1 2% - 20 M Longbows may not be used while mounted,
nor by small figures, including Dwarves &
Weight The weight of the shield in pounds. †The main gauche does not subtract its defense
N The net, bola or whip may be used as a garrotte
from any fire attack, and cannot make a shield
Defense / Rank The percentage by which the fig- in Close Combat.
rush attack. The main gauche functions both as a
ure’s defense is increased per Rank while the weapon and a shield, and only one EP expenditure O The whip may be used to entangle and do
shield is prepared (Rank 0 is counted as a Rank). is used to rise in Rank in both. damage in the same pulse to the same target in
Manual Dexterity Loss The number of points When a shield is not prepared, it is considered melee combat. In close combat, it functions as a
the figure’s MD is reduced by for all purposes slung on the back of the figure carrying it. All garotte. Once the target is entangled, the attacker
while that shield is prepared. shields except the tower shield and main gauche may choose to leave them entangled (thus letting
are constructed of wood and hides and do not af- go of the whip), or disentangle the target themself,
Cost The cost in Silver Pennies for a shield of av- fect the flow of mana in regard to Adepts. and retain possession of the weapon.
erage workmanship. P Cesti are worn on the hands and need not be
prepared in order to be used.
Q The garotte is used to strangle the target and
56.3 Armour Chart with Guild Prices may only be used against human-sized or smaller
AG victims. When used by a trained assassin, once a
Armour Type Wt Prot mod Cost Stealth successful hit has been scored, it will continue to
Cloth 1 1 0 30 +5 do damage every pulse from then on util the vic-
tim is head or the assassin has taken effective dam-
Heavy Furs 2 2 0 40 +5
age from either the victim or an outside source. if
Soft Leather 3 3 0 50 0
the victim’s PS is greater than the assassin’s the
Leather 3 4 -1 50 0
GM may permit them to attempt to break the hold,
Scale† 4 5 -3 600 -5 similar to the attempt to restrain. If the attempt
Full Scale† 6 5 -2 750 -10 is successful, the hold is broken and the assassin
Chainmail† 7 6 -2 1,200 -10 will have to make another successful strike check
Partial Plate† 6 6 -2 1,500 -15 to continue the strangulation. Some types of plate
Full Plate† 8 7 -3 2,000 -20 armour may, at the GM’s discretion, prevent the
Improved Plate† 7 8 -3 2,850 -20 successful use of this weapon due to protection
Heavy Plate† 8 9 -3 3,500 -25 around the neck area. A non-assassin has to roll a
Jousting Armour† 9 10 -4 5,000 -30 strike check every pulse to see if any damage can
Heavy Jousting Armour† 15 15 -8 12,000 -50 be done.
Mithril 2 10 -2 Quest -10
R Unarmed has a base strike chance of 2 × AG
Dragon Skin 4 ‡ -1 Quest 0 + PS over 15. The damage modifier is [D - 4] (+ 1
for every 3 full points of PS over 15).
†Cold Iron ‡As per Dragon - 3
S All shot, darts, arrows, and quarrels come in
appropriate pouches or quivers of 20, the weight
Weight The number by which a figure’s size is Stealth Adjustment The amount by which a fig- and cost of the pouch or quiver is not included in
multiplied to find the weight of the armour in ure wearing that type of armour has their stealth the information given for the accessory.
pounds. Size number for the character races are: percentage adjusted.
Halfling (3); Dwarf (4); Elf (5); Orc (6); Human
(6); Hill Giant (9). For all others, the multiple is Note Cloth armour is worn underneath all other
their height in feet (round up). Females should armours and its protection and weight are factored
subtract 0.5 should from the multiples. into those armours.
Protection The number of Damage Points the ar-
1. Silvered Armour has the same protection –
mour absorbs.
cost is + 30,000 sp. Permits magic at -10%
Agility Loss The number of points the figure’s to Base Chance.
AG is reduced for all purposes when the armour
is worn. Does not include possible additional AG 2. True-silvered Armour has the same protec-
loss for the weight of the armour. tion – cost is + 180,000 sp. Permits magic
at no modification to Base Chance.
Cost The cost in Silver Pennies for the armour.
Costs assumes average workmanship and man- 3. Bronze Armour has 2 points less protec-
sized armour; larger or smaller armour should cost tion – cost is the same. Permits magic at
proportionally more or less. no modification to Base Chance.

57 Combat Tables
57.1 Action Summary
Actions allowed for Engaged figures
• Melee Attack 57.3 Strike Chance Modifiers Summary
• Close and Grapple
• Evade Close Combat Modifiers
• Offensive Withdraw +1 each point attacker’s PS is greater than target’s PS
• Defensive Withdraw +20 target has no Fatigue
+20 target is stunned
• Flee
• Pass
-1 each point target’s PS is greater than attacker’s PS
• Cast -20 attacker has no Fatigue
• Throw
• Recover from Stun Melee Combat Modifiers
IF IN CLOSE COMBAT +10 target has no Fatigue
+10 target is being attacked though a flank hex
• Grapple +15 target is stunned
• Withdraw +20 target is kneeling or prone
• Pass +20 attacker is charging with pole weapon or shield
+30 target is being attacked through rear hex
• Recover from Stun

Actions allowed of non-Engaged figures PENALTY FOR

• Move up to full TMR -4 each Rank the target has with prepared weapon if evading
-10 target is evading
• Step and Melee Attack -10 attacker has no Fatigue
• Charge -15 attacker is charging with non-pole weapon
-20 attack is Melee attacking while withdrawing
• Charge with Pole Weapon or Shield
• Charge and Close
Ranged Combat Modifiers
• Evade
• Retreat +10 target being attacked through a flank hex
• Pass +10 target is stunned
+10 attacker is kneeling
• Cast
+20 target is being attacked through rear hex
• Throw +20 aim (also affects Endurance & Specific Grievous chances)
• Fire
• Recover from Stun
-3 every hex through which a thrown weapon travels
-3 each five hexes (or fraction) after the first five through which a missile
weapon travels
57.2 Special Damage Chart -15 snapshoot
-5 target is currently moving
-10 target is kneeling or prone
-20 target is evading
01 . . . 09 - 01 -20 target occupies a sheltered hex
10 . . . 16 01 01 . . . 02
17 . . . 23 01 01 . . . 03 Visibility Condition Modifiers
24 . . . 29 01 01 . . . 04
30 . . . 36 01 . . . 02 01 . . . 05
-10 starry night or shadowy interior
37 . . . 43 01 . . . 02 01 . . . 06
-20 cloudy night
44 . . . 49 01 . . . 02 01 . . . 07
-30 cave or unlit interior
50 . . . 56 01 . . . 03 01 . . . 08
-40 pitch blackness
57 . . . 63 01 . . . 03 01 . . . 09
-50 target is invisible or undetectable
64 . . . 69 01 . . . 03 01 . . . 10
70 . . . 76 01 . . . 04 01 . . . 11
77 . . . 83 01 . . . 04 01 . . . 12 Miscellaneous Modifiers
84 . . . 89 01 . . . 04 01 . . . 13
90 . . . 96 01 . . . 05 01 . . . 14
97 . . . 103 01 . . . 05 01 . . . 15
-20 striking weapon held in attacker’s secondary hand
104 . . . 109 01 . . . 05 01 . . . 16
-10 multiple strike; attack with weapon in primary hand
110 . . . 116 01 . . . 06 01 . . . 17
-30 multiple strike; attack with weapon in secondary hand
117 . . . 123 01 . . . 06 01 . . . 18
-10 multiple strike; attack with each weapon if ambidextrous
124 . . . 129 01 . . . 06 01 . . . 19
-20 multiple strike with B class two-handed weapon
130+ 01 . . . 07 01 . . . 20
-20 attacking an airborne figure
Note: Though this charts list Modified Strike Chances -15 airborne figure attacking ground figure
of greater than 100, these are useful only in deter- -10 airborne figure attacking another avian
mining the range of damage affecting Endurance and
Grievous Injuries. The highest possible Strike Check is
100. A figure who rolls a 99 must check if the weapon Each modifier is added to the Strike Chance of the attacker in each instance where it applies;
has broken, and a figure who rolls a 100 must check if all modifications are cumulative.
they have dropped the weapon. Both checks are (3 ×
MD) or less on D100.

57.4 Combat Equation Summary

Initiative value for engaged figures PC + Modified AG + Rank with any pre- Shield rush 40% + attacker’s modified MD + (4 × Rank with shield) - oppe-
pared weapon. nent’s defense (Damage: [D - 2]).

Initiative for non-engaged figures D10 + (PC + 2 × Rank of Military Scien- Disarm -20 to strike chance.

Strike chance with ranked weapon Weapon’s Base Chance + attacker’s modi- Entangle Same as normal strike chance with weapon (Damage: [D - 4]).
fied Manual Dexterity + (4 × Rank with weapon) - Opponent’s Defense.
Knockout Must roll under (15% × strike chance).
Figure’s defense Modified AG + Shield defense + Magic.
Avoid weapon break or drop 3 × modified MD on D100.
Repulse a charge attack D10 verses Rank of repulser’s prepared weapon.
Stun recovery (2 × WP) + current Fatigue.
Withdraw from close combat (D10 + total friendly Physical Strength - total
hostile Physical strength) ≥ 10.
Parry result D10 + evader’s Rank - attacker’s Rank.
Strike chance to trip 40% + attacker’s Modified Manual Dexterity + (4 × Rank 3 or less: Successful parry; evader must pass next action.
with weapon) - opponent’s defense (Damage: D10). 4,5,6,7: Disarm, 1 EN damage.
8 or greater: Disarm plus a riposte; evader may melee attack, 1 EN damage.
Restrain 3 × ((PS + AG of attacker) - (PS + AG of defender)).

58 Miscellaneous Tables
58.1 Fatigue, Encumbrance and Movement Charts
PS Weight of Load (lbs) Max Tactical Movement Rate
3-5 0 0 5 14 21 30 37 45 50 Modified
Agility TMR
6-8 0 5 12 17 25 40 55 67 75
<1 0
9-12 5 12 17 25 40 60 75 90 100 1–2 1
13-17 12 17 25 40 60 80 95 112 125 3–4 2
18-20 17 25 35 50 75 105 125 140 150 5–8 3
21-23 25 40 55 70 100 140 165 185 200 9 – 12 4
13 – 17 5
24-27 35 50 65 85 120 160 185 202 225
18 – 21 6
28-32 45 65 85 105 140 180 205 230 250 22 – 25 7
33-36 55 80 110 140 180 220 245 262 275 26 – 27 8
37-40 65 85 135 170 207 247 280 307 325 > 27 †
Rate of Exercise †TMR = 9 + 1 for every two points of AG over 28, for
1 1 example AG 32 gives 11 TMR.
Light 0 0 0 2 2 1 2 3 5
1 1
Medium 0 0 2 2 1 1 3 4 6
1 1
Hard 2 2 1 1 2 3 5 6 8
Strenuous 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 9
Agility Loss in Combat
Loss 0 1 2 3 5 7 9 10 12

Weight of Load (lbs) The weight, in pounds, that a character is carrying, where period of time.
each value is the category maximum. Note: A mount can carry weight for a
Rate of Exercise See §5.4.
character while they are riding.
Agility Points Lost The temporary Agility Point loss suffered by a character tot-
Max The maximum load, in pounds, that a character can carry for a sustained ing the given weight in combat. Use the procedure in rule §5.4 to use this chart.

58.2 Overland Movement Rate movement rates are used. (-): Movement type impossible at this exercise rate.
TERRAIN LIGHT MEDIUM HEAVY STRENUOUS 1. Movement rates assume some sort of passable terrain; total swamp is im-
Cavern 5/- 10/- 15/- 20/- passable except (sometimes) by canoes.
Field 15/15 25/25 30/40* 35/50*
Marsh -/- 5/5 10/10* 15/15* 2. If terrain is mountainous, halve rates on foot and prohibit mounted move-
Plain 15/15 25/25 30/40* 40/50* ment.
Rough 10/5 15/10 20/15* 25/-
3. If terrain is desert, the GM should apply strictures regarding the effects of
Waste 10/5 15/10 20/10* -/-
heat, dehydration, etc.
Woods 10/5 15/10 20/15* 25/-
4. If terrain is deep woods, halve movement rates.
The number before the slash indicates movement in miles per day on foot; the
number following the slash indicates mounted movement (assuming horses).
Rates for other animals types must be adjusted by the GM. The day assumes a * In these exercise rate categories, horses’ maximum rates will deteriorate 33%
total of 8 hours marching. Effects of adverse weather must be adjudicated by per day. They can travel at these rates for approximately 4 consecutive days and
the GM. Any paths or roads negative the effect of other terrain, and the Plain then they will die.

This is a list of goods and services that are readily available in Seagate and their normal prices. The availability and price of items will differ in other
places, dependent on season and how far they have to travel to market. Seagate is a bustling coastal town with good agriculture nearby and a wide range of
goods available at very reasonable prices. Price differences will be particularly noticeable for food (which is very seasonal) and exotic items.
Most goods are of average quality (Rank 0). Where prices are quoted for better quality goods these will have been made at higher ranks as well as
including better ingredients.
Some goods have no weight quoted as single items have negligible weight. Large quantities of these should be given the nominal weight of 1/2 oz each.

Armour Grenado, Greek fire* 2lb 800 sp

5.1 Coinage Armour requires fitting to the wearer. This Grenado, methane* 2lb 400 sp
The value of a coin is determined by its weight takes between 1/2 an hour to several days. See *not always available
and metal of which it is made. Section 30.2 Armour for the details. Pole weapons
Name Weight Conv. Armour weights are calculated multiplying Javelin 3lb 4 sp
Copper farthing (cf) 1/5 oz the weight factor by the racial factor. Females Spear 5lb 10 sp
Silver penny (sp) 1/20 oz 4 cf should subtract 0.5 from their racial factor. Giant spear 15lb 20 sp
Gold shilling (gs) 1/20 oz 12 sp Race Racial factor Pike 8lb 15 sp
Truesilver guinea (tg) 1/10 oz 21 gs Elves 5 Lance 7lb 4 sp
Other common coins include the halfpenny, Dwarves 4 Halberd 6lb 15 sp
thrupence, and sixpence. The values and Halflings 3 Poleaxe 6lb 20 sp
weights of these coins correspond to those of Hill Giants 9 Trident 5lb 8 sp
the Silver Penny. Humans 6 Glaive 7lb 15 sp
Orcs 6 Giant glaive 14lb 30 sp
5.2 Measures Shape-changers 6 Missile weapons Weight Price
16 ounces = 1 pound Weight factor Price Sling 7lb 8 sp
14 pounds = 1 stone Cloth 1 30 sp Self bow 2lb 20 sp
112 pounds = 1 hundredweight Heavy Furs 2 40 sp Short bow 4lb 20 sp
Soft Leather 3 50 sp

2000 pounds = 1 ton Long bow 6lb 25 sp


Leather 3 50 sp Composite bow 8lb 80 sp

2 pints = 1 quart
Scale 4 600 sp Giant bow 14lb 80 sp
4 quarts = 1 gallon Full Scale 6 750 sp

8 gallons = 1 bushel Crossbow 7lb 15 sp

Chainmail 7 1,200 sp Heavy crossbow 10lb 20 sp
12 inches = 1 foot Partial Plate 6 1,500 sp
Spear thrower 4lb 5 sp
36 inches = 1 yard Full Plate 8 2,000 sp Blowgun 1lb 3 sp
1760 yards = 1 mile Improved Plate 7 2,850 sp

Heavy Plate 8 3,500 sp Entangling weapons

5280 feet = 1 mile Net 2lb 4 sp
Jousting Armour 9 5,000 sp
Heavy Jousting Armour 15 12,000 sp Bola 2lb 5 sp
5.3 Quick Shopping List Whip 3lb 6 sp
Silvered Armour +30,000 sp
All these items are also in the main lists. Lasso 4lb 5 sp
True Silvered Armour + 180,000 sp
Weight Price
Ammunition Weight Price Special weapons
1 days trail rations -average 1lb 1 sp
Arrows (20) 2lb 10 sp Cestus 3lb 15 sp
good 1lb 3 sp
Shot (20) 4lb 1 sp Garrotte 1lb 3 sp
Arrows (20) 2lb 10 sp
Dart (20) 2lb 5 sp Shield 10lb 4 sp
Blanket, Heavy 5lb 55 sp
Quarrels (20) 7lb 15 sp Silvered Weapons cost x 10
Blanket, Light 2lb 25 sp
Quiver (20 Arrows) 3lb 6 sp True Silvered Weapons cost x 180
Bucket, Canvas 5 gallon 3/4lb 5 sp
Camp Bed, Canvas 15lb 20 sp Swords Weight Price Shields
Canteen, pint 1/4lb 3 sp Dagger 10oz 10 sp Buckler 3lb 5 sp
Dagger 10oz 10 sp Main-gauche 1lb 20 sp Small round 5lb 8 sp
Dagger, silvered 10oz 100 sp Shortsword 2lb 40 sp Large round 10lb 10 sp
Fish Hook & Line 0 2 sp Falchion 4lb 35 sp Kite 15lb 15 sp
Flint & Steel 1/2lb 3 sp Scimitar 4lb 60 sp Tower 25lb 20 sp
Grappling Hook 1lb 15 sp Tulwar 4lb 65 sp
Hammock, Rope 1 lb 10 sp Rapier 2lb 35 sp 5.5 Accommodation & Meals
Ink cake, black 3oz 1 sp Sabre 3lb 40 sp A private room in a inn per night
Ladder, Rope 4lb 18 sp Broadsword 3lb 50 sp Poor 2 sp
Lantern Oil, pint (24hrs) 1 1/4lb 65 sp Estoc 2lb 65 sp Middle Class 4 sp
Oil Lantern 2lb 20 sp Hand & a half 6lb 85 sp Wealthy 6 sp
Oil Lantern, Shuttered 2 1/2lb 50 sp Claymore 5lb 80 sp Rich 12 sp
Paper 3’ x 3’ Sheet 2oz 3 cf Two-handed sword 9lb 100 sp A common room in a inn per person
Physiker’s Kit 1lb 20 sp Poor 1 sp
Hafted weapons
Rope, 1/2”hemp 50’ 3lb 10 sp Middle Class 2 sp
Hand axe 2lb 15 sp
Rope, Silk 50’ 2lb 55 sp A small meal (breakfast, small lunch)
Battle axe 5lb 20 sp
Sack, 20lb 3/4lb 2 sp Poor 1 cf
Great axe 6lb 30 sp
Soap, Plain 1/4lb 5 sp Middle Class 2 cf
Giant axe 25lb 50 sp
Spikes Iron x10 1lb 25 sp Wealthy 3 cf
Crude club 4lb 3 sp
String, 100’ 1/2lb 6 cf Rich 2 sp
War club 3lb 5 sp
Tarp 8lb 12 sp A large meal (large lunch, dinner)
Giant club 10lb 10 sp
Tent, Canvas, 2 person 30lb 55 sp Poor 2 cf
Torch 3lb 1 sp
Tinderbox 1lb 10 sp Middle Class 1 sp
Mace 16lb 5 sp
Torch, Pitch Coated 1lb 1 sp Wealthy 3 sp
Giant mace 25lb 40 sp
Waterskin, 1 gallon 1lb 8 sp Rich 6 sp
War hammer 4lb 15 sp
Waterskin, 5 gallon 2lb 15 sp
War pick 5lb 20 sp
Flail 4lb 15 sp
5.6 Food
5.4 Weapons & Armour
Morningstar 5lb 20 sp Trail Rations (per day) weight Price
Rank 0 goods from this section are readily Mattock 6lb 18 sp Average 1lb 1 sp
available, and up to rank 6 made be ordered. Quarterstaff 3lb 3 sp Good 1lb 3 sp
NB See the Rules, Section 54, for all other Sap 1lb 2 sp This includes a mix of dry and preserved
information regarding these goods.
Thrown weapons foods which will last up to 3 months after
Throwing dart 3oz 1 sp purchase.
Boomerang 1lb 2 sp
Version 2.0 Page 19
Vegetables per pound Chives 1 cf Poor 2 sp
In season out Cinnamon 10 cf Good 10 sp
Beans 1 cf 1 cf Endive 1 cf Fine 50 -1000 sp
Beets 1 cf 1 cf Elder flowers 2 cf Grain & Feedper bushel (50lbs)
Cabbage 1 cf 2 cf Fennel 4 sp Wheat 7 sp
Carrots 1 cf 1 cf Ginger 12 sp Oats 5 sp
Cucumbers 1 sp 2 sp Hazelnuts 1 cf Barley 6 sp
Garlic 2 cf 3 cf Hyssop 3 cf Rye 4 sp
Lentils 2 cf 2 cf Horehound 1 cf Hay 3 sp
Lettuce 2 cf — Juniper 2 cf Straw 7 cf
Onions 1 cf 1 cf Jasmine 10 cf Horses require 10lbs of grain and 20lbs of
Parsley (bunch) 2 cf 3 cf Mistletoe 10 cf hay per day, or 15lbs of wheat a day. Grain
Parsnips 1 cf 1 cf Mace 1 cf may also be used to make bread, in which case
Peas 1 cf 2 cf Mint 1 cf milling cost are incurred. The cost of flour is 2
Potatoes 1 cf 1 cf Marjoram 1 cf x the cost for the grain for equal weight.
Sauerkraut 2 cf 2 cf Nutmeg 1 cf
Squash 1 cf 2 cf Oregano 1 cf Oils per gallon
Turnips 1 cf 1 cf Olives 1 cf Cooking Oil, Average 2 sp
Mushrooms 3 cf — Poppy Seed 10 cf Cooking Oil, Good 5 sp
Watercress 2 cf — Rosemary 60 sp Olive Oil, Average 7 sp
Rue 1 cf Olive Oil, Good 10 sp
Fruit per pound Lard (per pound) 1 cf
In season out Saffron 120 sp
Apples 2 cf 3 cf Sage 1 cf
Thyme 1 cf 5.7 Clothing
Apricots 3 cf 3 sp
These items priced by cloth and quality, see
Berries 1 cf — Meat per pound
the modifiers at the end of the section. The
Cherries 3 cf — Beef
base price is for middle class un-dyed linen.
Crab-apples 1 cf 2 cf Roast 2 cf
Clothing is normally made to order but there
Dates 3 cf 5 cf Steak 3 cf
will be some items of up to Middle Class
Figs 2 sp 3 sp Other 2 cf
quality made up.
Grapes 1 cf 2 cf Chicken 2 cf
Lemons 2 cf 3 cf Chicken, 5lb 10 cf Weight Price
Duck 3 cf Dress 3lb 15 sp
Limes 2 cf 1 sp
Duck, 5lb 3 sp Hose 1/2lb 15 sp
Oranges 2 cf 2 sp
Goose 1 sp Pants Long 1 1/4lb 15 sp
Pears 3 cf —
Goose, Fatted 15lb 13 sp Pants Short 1lb 3 sp
Plums 1 cf 2 cf
Lamb 5 cf Shirt 3/4lb 6 sp
Strawberries 3 cf 3 sp
Mutton 2 cf Skirt 1 1/2lb 9 sp
Dried = 150% of In season price
Pork Tunic 3/4lb 9 sp
Candied = 200% of In season price
Loin 1 sp Footwear
Dairy and Misc. Sandals 1/2lb 3 sp
Butter 3 cf / pound other cut 3 cf
Bacon 3 cf Slippers 1/4lb 9 sp
Butter Salted 1 sp / pound Shoes 1lb 9 sp
Buttermilk 1 cf / quart Ham 5 cf
Veal 1 sp Low Boots 2lb 12 sp
Cheeses High Boots 3lb 18 sp
Common 2 cf / pound Suckling, 25lb 35 sp
Small Game Birds 1 sp Hip Boots 4lb 30 sp
Good 1 sp / pound Outer Wear
Fine 10 cf / pound Swan 6 cf
Swan, 10lbs 14 sp Hat / Hood 3/4lb 9 sp
Soft 2 sp / pound Short Cloak 2lb 15 sp
Cottage 1 cf / pound Venison 10 cf
Wild Boar 9 cf Long Cloak 5lb 24 sp
Cream 1 sp / pint Jacket 2lb 18 sp
Curds & Whey 1 cf / pound Fish per pound Full Length Coat 5lb 24 sp
Eggs 3 cf / dozen Common Fish 2 cf Belt 1/2lb 4 sp
Milk 1 cf / quart Good Fish 1 sp Girdle 1lb 12 sp
Preserved Food per pound Common Shellfish 3 cf Money Belt 3/4lb 8 sp
Black Bread 1 sp Clams/Crabs 1 sp Weapons Belt 1lb 10 sp
Hard Biscuits 3 cf Shrimps 2 sp Scabbard, long blade 1lb 10 sp
Salami 3 sp Bread per pound Scabbard, short blade 1/2lb 6 sp
Salt Beef 5 cf Brown Trencher 1 cf Backpacks
Salt Fish 3 cf Rye 1 cf Leather, 20lb 2lb 6 sp
Salt Pork 1 sp White 3 cf Leather, 40lb 5lb 16 sp
Smoked Salmon 10 cf White Rolls 1 sp Leather 60lb 8lb 40 sp
Smoked Sausages 6 cf White Trencher 2 cf Baldric 2lb 24 sp
Spiced Sausages 3 sp Whole Wheat 2 cf Scarf 1/4lb 3 sp
Gloves 1/2lb 6 sp
Seasonings and Misc. per pound Beverages per pint
Mittens 1/2lb 3 sp
Cocoa Beans 25 sp Ale 2 cf
Coffee (100 cups) 25 sp Cider 1 cf Quality Modifiers: Weight Price
Honey 10 cf Coffee (cup) 2 cf Winter Wear + 25% + 20%
Pepper 330 sp Distilled Spirits 5 sp+ Subsistence
Salt Sea 6 cf Beer Young 1 cf Un-dyed Homespun (wool) x1/4
Salt Rock 3 sp Beer 2 cf Poor
Sugar Lumps 5 sp Beer Double 3 cf Un-dyed Linen x1/2
Tea (225 cups) 56 sp Brandy (Good) 20 sp Dyed Linen x3/4
Brandy (Fine) 50 - 1000 sp Middle Class
Herbs, Nuts & Spices per ounce
Mead 1 sp Un-dyed Linen x1
Almonds 1 cf
Port (Poor) 3 cf Dyed Linen/Cotton x1 1/4
Aniseed 1 cf
Port (Good) 1 - 5 sp Wealthy or Rich
Aloes 2 cf
Port (Fine) 20 - 1000 sp Dyed Fine Linen/Cotton x3
Basil 3 cf
Porter 2 cf Silk/Satin x5
Camomile 1 cf
Stout 5 cf Fur Trim +50%
Catnip 1 cf
Tea (cup) 2 cf Fancy Trim
Caper 1 cf
Vinegar, 1 gallon 2 cf Lightly Embroidered +20%
Coriander 1 cf
Wines Richly Embroidered +50%
Cloves 2 cf
Bad 2 cf Silver Thread +50%

Version 2.0 Page 20

Gold Thread +100% Rope Cooks Knives 1/4lb 15 sp
Leather Items: 1/2”hemp 50’ 3lb 10 sp Drinking Vessels - Pottery
Poor x1/2 1”hemp 50’ 5lb 20 sp Cup 4oz 1 sp
Middle Class x1 Silk 50’ 2lb 55 sp Mug/tankard 5 oz 6 cf
Wealthy x2 Sacks Goblet 4 oz 2 sp
Rich x4+ 10lb 1/2lb 1 sp Drinking Vessels - Other
20lb 3/4lb 2 sp as per pottery but Weight Price
5.8 Tools Weight Price 40lb 1lb 3 sp Glass x 50% x 100+
Adze 2lb 30 sp Saws (Iron Blade) Gold x 120% x 80
Anvils, Portable 25lb 165 sp Straight Cut 3lb 40 sp Pewter x1 x 10
Anvils, Standard 50lb+ 250 sp Cross Cut 6lb 70 sp Porcelain x 50% x 50+
Auger 2lb 30 sp Double Ended 20lb 280 sp Silver x1 x 25
Axes Scythe 4lb 34 sp Wood x 75% x2
Hatchet 2lb 25 sp Sickle 2lb 22 sp Teapot (pottery) 3/4lb 10 sp
Pick 6lb 55 sp Shovel 4lb 24 sp Canteen, pint 1/4lb 3 sp
Wood 4lb 45 sp Spikes Iron x10 1lb 25 sp Canteen, quart 1/2lb 5 sp
Bellows, Small 5lb 40 sp Stake, Wooden 1lb 1 cf Canteen, 1/2 gallon 1lb 8 sp
Bellows, Large 25lb 70 sp String, 100’ 1/2lb 6 cf Drinking Horn, Plain 3oz 15 sp
Buckets, Tape/Cord, Waxed 100’ 1lb 20 sp Drinking Horn, Silver 5oz 45 sp
Canvas 5 gallon 3/4lb 5 sp Tarp 8lb 12 sp Waterskin, 1 gallon 1lb 8 sp
Leather 5 gallon 1lb 8 sp Tongs/Pliers, Small 2lb 15 sp Waterskin, 5 gallon 2lb 15 sp
Wooden 5 gallon 2lb 2 sp Tongs/Pliers, Large 6lb 28 sp Pots & Cauldrons etc (Iron)
Metal 5 gallon 2lb 15 sp Wedges Iron x3 1lb 6 sp 1 quart 2lb 9 sp
Carpenter’s Square 2lb 7 sp Wood Glue, 1 pint 1 1/2lb 4 sp 1/2 gallon 3lb 15 sp
Carpenter’s Level 2lb 32 sp Yardstick, Metal 2lb 24 sp 1 gallon 8lb 30 sp
Chain (per foot) Yardstick, Wooden 1lb 3 sp 10 gallon 50lb 265 sp
Standard 2lb 30 sp 25 gallon 125lb 330 sp
Heavy 5lb 50 sp 5.9 Household Goods 50 gallon 200lb 400 sp
Chisels Small Pan 2lb 9 sp
Containers Large Pan 5lb 24 sp
Wood 1lb 17 sp All weights given are for empty containers,
Masonry/Stone 1lb 22 sp Kettle, 5 gallon 25lb 100 sp
unless otherwise shown.
Cold Chisel 2lb 22 sp Metal Utensils 1/4lb 10sp
1 Gallon of water weighs 10 pounds. There
Crowbar 5lb 15 sp Copper cooking pots - 30% +25%
are 8 pints or 4 quarts to the gallon. 1 dose is
Crowbar, Heavy 10lb 28 sp Salt Cellar Pewter 1lb 80 sp
approximately 1/5 of a pint and weights 1/4 of a
Drills Salt Cellar Silver 1lb 230 sp
Rock 6lb 30 sp Salt Cellar Gold 1lb 2500 sp
Weight Price Gold/Silver Items may be alloy/plate for 30% /
Wood 2lb 30 sp Pottery Crock, 5 gallon 10lb 25 sp
Bits Iron x5 1lb 25 sp 50% cost
Wine Amphora, 12 gallon 35lb 40 sp
Fish Hook & Line 0 2 sp Wooden Casks Furniture Weight Price
Fish Net, Small 1lb 10 sp 12 gallon 10lb 25 sp Stool 5lb 4 sp
Fish Net, Medium 5lb 25 sp 25 gallon 25lb 35 sp Chair, basic 10lb 6 sp
Forge, Portable 100lb 300 sp 50 gallon 50lb 50 sp Chair, elaborate 50lb 30 sp
Forge 1000lb 450 sp Jars & Jugs Bench, 1 yard 15lb 6 sp
Grappling Hook 1lb 15 sp Pottery, 1 pint 1lb 2 sp Bench, 2 yards 30lb 8 sp
Hammers Pottery, 1/2 gallon 2lb 5 sp Throne 60lb 100 sp+
Armourer’s 3lb 24 sp Pottery, 1 gallon 4lb 8 sp Table 50lb+ 20 sp+
Blacksmiths 3lb 25 sp Glass, 1 pint 3/4lb 40 sp Beds
Carpenters 2lb 12 sp Glass, 1 quart 1lb 55 sp Mattress w/o Straw 2lb 2 sp
Wooden Mallet 2lb 2 sp Glass, 1/2 gallon 2lb 100 sp Sleeping Straw /week 5lb 1 cf
Iron Manacles 2lb 40 sp Glass, 1 gallon 4lb 1 65 sp Good 100lb+ 55 sp+
Ladder (per 10’) Vials Fine 150lb+ 2 65 sp+
Wooden 25lb 25 sp Pottery, 1 dose 1/4lb 3 sp Camp, Canvas 15lb 20 sp
Rope 4lb 18 sp Pottery, 5 dose 1lb 5 sp Camp, Leather 20lb 50 sp
Lumber Glass, 1 dose 1/4lb 25 sp Knockdown (Wood) 40lb 110 sp
Rough Cut (1cu.ft.) 50lb 1 sp Glass, 5 dose 1lb 65 sp Hammocks
Clean Cut (1cu.ft.) 50lb 2 sp Metal (Tin/copper) 1 dose1/4lb 10 sp Rope 1 lb 10 sp
Metals Metal (Tin/copper) 5 dose 1lb 25 sp Canvas 2lb 35 sp
Iron Ingot 25lb 34 sp Stone or bone, as per pottery, cost x2 Leather 5lb 80 sp
Copper Ingot 25lb 110 sp Silver; as per metal, cost x5 Chests
Lead Ingot 25lb 25 sp Fine Porcelain, as per pottery cost x5 Small Wood 10lb 10 sp
Tin Ingot 25lb 28 sp Large Wood 20lb 24 sp
Other Base Metals 25lb 20 sp Kitchen & Dining Weight Price Small Metal 20lb 48 sp
Silver Ingot 5lb 1600 sp Crockery
Earthenware 1/2lb 2 sp Heating Weight Price
Gold Ingot 5lb 19200 sp
Wooden 1/4lb 5 cf Charcoal 10lb 3 sp
Platinum Ingot 5lb 20800 sp
Pewter 5oz 10 sp Braziers
Truesilver Ingot 1lb 40320 sp
Enamelled Tin 5oz 9 sp Small Iron 2lb 20 sp
Silver 1/2lb 80 sp Tripod Iron 20lb 170 sp
Finishing x250 1lb 55 sp
Gold 1/2lb 900 sp Small Bronze 2lb 60 sp
Large x100 1lb 35 sp
Porcelain 1/2lb 55 sp Tripod Bronze 20lb 395 sp+
Whitewash 1 gallon 8lb 2 sp Pewter Mess Kit 1lb 45 sp Light: Weight Price
White 1 gallon 10lb 10 sp Serving Dishes x2 x3 Flint & Steel 1/2lb 3 sp
Coloured 1 gallon 10lb 15 sp+ Cutlery - Pewter Tinderbox 1lb 10 sp
Pitchfork 4lb 30 sp Forks 2oz 6 sp Rush-light x5 (1 hr. each) 1lb 1 cf
Plough Blade, Iron 25lb 185 sp+ Knives 2oz 5 sp Candle, Tallow (1hr) 3oz 2 cf
Plough, Full Mouldboard 100lb+ 800 sp+ Spoons 2oz 5 sp Candle, Wax (1hr) 3oz 3 cf
Pulleys Ladles 5oz 10 sp Torch, Pitch Coated 1lb 1 sp
100lb,1.5:1 3lb 30 sp Cutlery - Other Lanterns
100lb, 2:1 4lb 55 sp As per pewter but Weight Price Candle, glass 2lb 45 sp
100lb, 3:1 5lb 80 sp Bone x 50% x 50% Oil 2lb 20 sp
100lb, 4:1 6lb 165 sp Gold x1 x 80 Oil, Glass 3lb 110 sp
100lb, 5:1 7lb 250 sp Silver x1 x7 Oil, Shuttered 2 1/2 lbs 50 sp
per extra 100lb 1/2lb +10% Wooden x 75% x 20% Oil, Aladdin Type 1lb 6 sp

Version 2.0 Page 21

Lantern Oil, pint (24hrs) 1 1/4lb 65 sp Writing Tablet, Wax 1lb 5 sp Duck 10 cf
Candle Sticks Goose 12 sp
Wood 1/2lb 3 sp 1.10 Miscellaneous Weight Price Lamb 14 sp
Iron 1 1/2lb 15 sp 52 Card Common Deck 2oz 10 sp Pig 100 sp
Bronze 1 1/2lb 24 sp 78 Card Tarot Deck 3oz 30 sp Sheep 24 sp
Silver 1 1/2lb 300 sp Clocks Swan 13 sp
Gold 2lb 3500 sp Spring 5lb 1100 sp+ Suckling Pig 34 sp
Candelabra, as above plus Water 50lb+ 700 sp+ Other Animals
each additional spike 1/2lb +30% Pendulum 100lb+ 1500 sp+ Dog, Hunting 20 sp
Linen weight Price Hourglass 3lb 350 sp+ Dog, War 35 sp
Bed Hangings 10lb 55 sp+ Minute glass (1, 3 or 5) 1/4lb 75 sp+ Hawk 20 sp
Bed Hangings, Fine 20lb 250 sp+ Mirror, Small Metal 1lb 30 sp House Cat 1 sp
Blanket, Light 2lb 25 sp Mirror, Large Metal 20lb 85 sp Monkey 55 sp
Blanket, Heavy 5lb 55 sp Physiker’s Kit 1lb 20 sp Parrot 3 sp
Cushions 1lb 10 sp+ Soap, Plain 1/4lb 5 sp Weasel 2 sp
Mosquito Netting 4oz 55 sp Soap, Perfumed 1/4lb 25 sp
Sheets Spectacles 2oz 250 sp+ 5.15 Gems
Fine Woollen 1lb 65 sp Spyglass 5lb 300 sp+ Most costs are in carats, of which there are
Linen 1lb 165 sp Sundial 50lb 220 sp+ 120 in an ounce. A 120 carat (1oz) diamond
Silk/Satin 1lb 350 sp Sundial Ornate 100lb 550 sp+ measures approx. 8 cc (2cm x 2cm x 2cm).
Sleeping Furs 10lb 165 sp Tents These are prices for cut (facetted) gems.
Canvas, 2 person 30lb 55 sp Facetting is a relatively recent and many gems,
5.10 Sewing/Weaving Equipment Canvas, 4 person 60lb 110 sp (especially inherited stones) will be polished
Fabric Weight Price/yard Canvas, 8 person 90lb 220 sp rather than cut.
Wool Leather, 2 person 50lb 80 sp per carat
homespun 1/2lb 1 sp Leather, 4 person 100lb 150 sp Diamond 360 sp
un-dyed 1/2lb 2 sp Leather, 8 person 150lb 250 sp Ruby 300 sp
average dyed 1/2lb 3 sp Emerald 240 sp
fine 1/4lb 4 sp 5.13 Transport Equipment Price Sapphire 240 sp
heavy weight 1lb 5 sp Spurs, Plain 18 sp Jade (1/10 pound) 130 sp
Canvas (hemp) Spurs, Silvered 50 sp Opal 55 sp
bleached 1/2lb 2 sp Riding Crop 15 sp Pearl 115 sp
dyed 1/2lb 3 sp Driving Whip 25 sp Amber (1/10 pound) 60 sp
heavy weight 1lb 5 sp Tack Semiprecious 25 sp
Linen Bit/Bridle 20 sp Polished stones x 75%
bleached 6oz 2 sp Riding Saddle 105 sp Raw stones x 30%
dyed 6oz 3 sp Side-saddle 155 sp
fine 2oz 4 sp Saddle Blanket 15 sp 5.16 Essences & Perfumes per ounce
Cotton Horseshoe 6 sp Ambergris 1000 sp
bleached 1/4lb 3 sp Nosebag, 5lb 4 sp Black Lotus 600 sp
dyed 1/4lb 5 sp Draft Harness 35 sp Black Poppy 240 sp
Silk 2oz 10 sp+ Horse Collar 65 sp Black Rose 500 sp
Lace 1/4lb 15 sp+ Ox Yoke 45 sp Cherry Blossom 12 sp
Braid 1oz 2 cf Packs Frankincense 300 sp
Silk Ribbons 0 1 sp+ 10lb Saddle Bag 5 sp Lavender 18 sp
Lace Trim 0 3 sp+ 20lb Saddle Bag 12 sp Musk 50 sp
Thread 300lb Packsaddle 80 sp Myrrh 300 sp
pale or dark, 150’ 2oz 2 sp Carts Orchid 250 sp
coloured, 150’ 2oz 3 sp Pony Cart (500lb) 85 sp Peony 8 sp
Silver, 150’ 2oz 12 sp 1 Horse Cart (1000lb) 150 sp Poppy 50 sp
Gold, 150’ 2oz 30 sp 2 Horse Wagon (1 ton) 275 sp Purple Rose 200 sp
Needles (5) 0 8 sp 4 Horse Wagon (3 ton) 450 sp Rose 60 sp
Shears 1lb 20 sp Open Coach (2 Horse) 500 sp Sunflower 12 sp
Table Loom 25lb 40 sp Closed Coach (2 Horse) 650 sp
Floor Loom 100 lb + 250 sp Open Coach (4 Horse) 900 sp 5.17 Rare or Magical Ingredients
Spindle 1lb 1 sp Closed Coach (4 Horse) 1050 sp
Boats Many frequently used magical ingredients are
Carding Comb 1lb 2 sp
6’ Rowboat (4 Seat) 110 sp readily available. The price will be listed in the
appropriate skill or ability description.
5.11 Writing Materials 12’ Longboat (8 Seat) 350 sp
Rarely used or difficult to find ingredients
Weight Price 16’ Longboat (10 Seat) 500 sp
Canoe (2 Seat) 60 sp may be ordered or may require a quest to
Bindery Glue & Pot 1/2lb 2 sp
Book 7lb 200 sp+ Folding Leather Boat (4 Seat)250 sp
Book, Blank(30 x A4 pages) 7lb 100 sp Paddle 8 sp
Book Covers, pair 5lb 12 sp Oar 15 sp
Book, Illuminated ? 500 sp+ Galley Oar 25 sp
Chalk, Stick 2oz 1 cf Ships (see Ship Supplement)
Gold Leaf 4” x 4” Sheet 0 3 sp
Ink cake, black 3oz 1 sp
5.14 Animals & Livestock
Ink cake, other colours 3oz 1 sp Riding & Draft Animals each
Map Case 1lb 10 sp Donkey/Mule 200 sp
Paper 3’ x 3’ Sheet 2oz 3 cf Drafthorse 600 sp
Parchment 3’ x 3’ Sheet 2oz 2 sp Mustang 480 sp
Quill Pen 0 3 cf Oxen 280 sp
Seal, Personal 1/4lb 25 sp Palfrey 720 sp
Seal, Silver 1/4lb 100 sp Pony 385 sp
Seal, Gold 1/4lb 250 sp Quarterhorse 900 sp
Sealing Wax (Red) 2oz 6 sp War Horse 1050 sp
Stylus (for Wax Tablet) 2oz 3 sp
Vellum 3’ x 3’ Sheet 2oz 3 sp
Bull 300 sp
Writing Desk, Portable 10lb 18 sp
Calf 125 sp
Writing Desk, Large 100lb+ 55 sp+
Chicken 2 sp
Writing Tablet, Slate 1lb 3 sp
Cow 250 sp

Version 2.0 Page 22


LIVING IN A HOUSEHOLD healers, alchemists, astrologers or

mages, poor adventurers. Lower Class Lodgings: 2160 sp per
The necessities, comforts, and Food: as per previous tier, but of better annum (6 per day, 42 per week, 180
luxuries enjoyed by a person quality, plus white bread and meat or month) Done.
represent their standard of living. fish with most meals. Table wines. Status: most landed peasants, minor
Housing: 1-2 storey house. Furniture crafters, servants of those of wealth,
as previous tier plus, a good bed, peddlers, captains of large boats and
If players would like their characters to several tables and benches, 1-2 chairs, very small ships, assistant sorcerers,
live in a Household other than at the 1-2 wall decorations, or plastered walls. etc.
Guild or at an Inn then the following is Clothing: good quality linens and Food: turnips & sauerkraut, or beet
provided as a guide. All of the cottons, some use of expensive dyes, a soup, or potatoes & onions, or carrots &
Households below offer characters little fur trim, some jewellery. This is acorns, or a cereal, black bread, barley
different services. At Subsistence life is the first tier for which style is important. bread, cheese and eggs. Meat or fish at
poor, but as you spend more money Other: 1-2 servants and 1-2 mounts. least 1-2 times weekly. Drink is
you end up paying for grounds to be buttermilk, water, cheap wine, young
kept, servants to clean, stables to be Wealthy: 20,000 sp per annum (55 beer, ale.
maintained, your yearly clothes are per day, 385 per week, 1650 per Room: Single dwelling, furniture
paid for etc. month) includes a small chest, a table and
Status: senior crafters, moderately bench, rush lights, straw mattresses
All you need do is choose a level of life successful merchants, knights, thanes, and blankets.
style for the character and pay for it. other minor nobility, outstanding Clothing: your own responsibility.
healers, alchemists, astrologers and
Subsistence: 1095 sp per annum (3 mages, average adventurers. Middle Class Lodgings: 4,230 sp per
per day, 21 per week, 90 per month) Food: as per previous tier, but of much annum (12 per day, 84 per week, 350
Status: menials, prisoners, slaves, better quality, plentiful meat and fish month)
unskilled labourers, drafted common with all meals. Good wines. Status: master crafters, servants who
soldiers, beggars, recluses, etc. Housing: Great house, hall, manor command other servants or who have
Food: turnips & sauerkraut, or beet house, fortified manor house, or large other independent responsibilities,
soup, or potatoes & onions, or carrots & 2-3 storey townhouse. Fine furniture. professionals, minor merchants,
acorns, or a cereal, black bread. Little Clothing: high quality linens and cotton, traders, middle rank mechanicians,
or no meat in a non-rural area. Drink is some silks and satins, use of expensive healers, alchemists, astrologers or
buttermilk, water (if drinkable), watered and/or imported dyes, fur trim, good mages, poor adventurers.
wine, young beer. jewellery. Food: as per previous tier, but of better
Housing: perhaps none; maybe a tiny Other: 3-7 servants, 2-5 horses and/or quality, plus white bread and meat or
room or hut for a family; perhaps a a carriage, perhaps hunting animals. fish with most meals. Table wines.
blanket; no furniture. Lodgings: 1-2 storey Inn, Tavern or
Clothing: sackcloth, homespun, rude Rich: 60,000 sp per annum (165 per Boarding house. Private rooms
leathers, nudity. day, 1155 per week, 4950 per month) furniture is as previous tier plus, a good
Status: barons, less wealthy counts or bed, several tables and benches, 1-2
Poor: 3650 sp per annum (10 per earls, sheiks, secretaries and factotums chairs, 1-2 wall decorations, or
day, 70 per week, 300 month) to royalty, successful merchants, and plastered walls.
Status: most landed peasants, minor veteran adventurers. Clothing: You are expected to have:
crafters, civilized soldiers of rank Food: as per previous tier, plus plentiful good quality linens and cottons, some
corresponding to sergeant or even lieu- beef or other herbivores, fowl, shellfish, use of expensive dyes, a little fur trim,
tenant, servants of those of wealth, etc. Home made pastries and breads. some jewellery. This is the first tier for
peddlers, captains of large boats and Fine wines. Imported fruits and delica- which style is important.
very small ships, assistant sorcerers, cies.
etc. Housing: large multi-roomed dwelling or Better Class Lodgings: 8,820 sp per
Food: as per the previous income tier, castle housing the family and servants, annum (25 per day, 175 per week,
plus gruel, barley bread, cheese and guards, etc. Furnishings now include 740 per month)
eggs. Meat or fish at least 1-2 times thrones, chairs, valuable artworks, Status: senior crafters, moderately
weekly. Beer, ale, cheap wine and tapestries, panelling, and fine rugs. successful merchants, knights, thanes,
porter are available. Clothing: imported silks and satins, and other minor nobility, outstanding
Housing: single dwelling, protects decorative trims including silver and healers, alchemists, astrologers and
animals too. Furniture includes a chest gold thread. Such folk frequently set (or mages, average adventurers.
or two, a table and benches, rush always quickly follow) the latest fashion. Food: as per previous tier, but of much
lights, straw mattresses and blankets. Gold jewellery with gemstones. better quality, plentiful meat and fish
Clothing: linens, wool and leather, Other: Includes several to many with all meals. Good wines.
shoes, 1 new suit of clothes a year; servants and mounts, other staff, Housing: a fortified 2-3 storey large Inn,
winter clothes will be warm and wagons, guards, ships, animals, etc. Tavern or Boarding house, with a
protective. courtyard. Private rooms furniture is as
LIVING IN OTHER LODGINGS previous tier plus, a better bed, several
Middle Class: 8760 sp per annum tables and benches, 2-4 chairs, 3-6 wall
(24 per day, 168 per week, 720 per If players would like their characters to decorations, and plastered walls.
month) live in a Inn, Tavern or Boarding House Clothing: you are expected to have,
Status: master crafters, servants who and not in their own Household then high quality linens and cotton, some
command other servants or who have the following is provided as a guide. silks and satins, use of expensive
other independent responsibilities, and/or imported dyes, fur trim, good
professionals, minor merchants, All you need do is choose a level of life jewellery.
traders, middle rank mechanicians, style for the character and pay for it.

Other: your room has a servant on call, designed protectively around a

a may be carriage available. central courtyard, with stone walls
that are timber reinforced (and
CONSTRUCTION COSTS possibly windowless), on the outer
Often houses will be built with trade,
side. If in a rural area, it will be a
promise of trade, or promise of labour secondary fortification, next to the
and with only a small amount of the fortified manor houses and
cash needed. They are sometimes built castles. Size: 70' x 100' to 110' x
as community projects – like barn 130' with 1-4 stories. It requires 20
raisings. Often large extended families adults 5-8 months to build. The
will come for a few weeks in the cost is 6 Silver Pennies per square
summer to contribute to the event. foot x number of stories high.
Either way a large amount of coins is
not commonplace. Often the building of
a home will have been in the planning
stage for many years, with lumber and 70 x 100 foot 110 x 130
river stones already being stockpiled for foot
use. 2 floors 100,800 sp 206,000 sp
3 floors 151,200 sp 308,880sp
Slum Hut: 4 floors 201,600 sp 412,000 sp
The home of a common unskilled
labourer, beggar or poor peasant, the The price includes furnishings and
slum hut is constructed of wood and/or interior decoration all of good quantity.
mud & wattle, or salvaged materials, Full stabling accommodation is
with very few, if any, fixtures, and is included.
capable of sheltering a maximum of 5-6
adults. Size: 10' x 15' to 15' x 30'; and Prices for rental accommodation.
requiring 5 adults 2-5 days to build at
an average cost of 2 Silver Pennies per Wk Month Year
square foot. Large huts may have Slum Hut 5 21 260
accommodation for animals. 10 x 15 Peasant Cottage 15 64 780
foot = 300 sp, 15 x 30 foot = 450 sp Mid Class House Sm 25 107 1,300
Mid Class House Lg 65 279 3,380
Peasant's Cottage: Common Villa Small 80 343 3,160
The home of a landed peasant, minor Common Villa Medium 250 1,071 13,000
craftier, etc. Built of stone, with a well- Common Villa Large 577 2,473 30,000
thatched roof, and some timber
bracing. Size: 20' x 15' with 3 rooms to
20' x 35' with 5 rooms, requiring 5
adults 20 to 50 days to build at a cost of
6 Silver Pennies per square foot.
20 x 15 foot = 1,800 sp, 30 x 35
foot = 6,300 sp. Minimal
furnishings will add 10% to costs.
May have accommodation for

Middle Class House:

The home of a master craftier,
trader, etc. Built of wood and stone
with timber bracing, and perhaps a
tiled roof. Size: 30' x 50' to 40' x
70' with 1-2 stories, requiring 20
adults 3-5 months to build at a
cost of 6 Silver Pennies per
square foot x number of stories.
30 x 50 foot 40 x 70 foot
1 floor 10,800 sp 21,160 sp
2 floors 21,600 sp 40,340 sp
Includes standard furnishings and
interior decoration (plaster walls, etc.),
in the costs.

Common Villa:
The residence of a wealthy to rich
family, the common villa is usually

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