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Whonix for privacy & anonymizations | Qubes OS Project https://www.qubes-os.


 Documentation

Whonix for Privacy & Anonymity

To improve your privacy & anonymity on the internet, you can install the Whonix Template
(/doc/templates/whonix/) on your Qubes machine.

Whonix ( is based on Debian ( and Tor

( and utilizes two VMs, a “gateway” and a “workstation”. Qubes security
architecture makes use of Whonix’s isolation by using the gateway as a ProxyVM to route all network traffic
through Tor, while the workstation is used for making AppVMs.

Getting Started with Whonix

To install Whonix, you must have a working Qubes machine already.

Install Whonix in Qubes (/doc/privacy/install-whonix/)

Updating Whonix in Qubes (/doc/privacy/updating-whonix/)

Customizing & Uninstalling Whonix

Customizing Whonix (/doc/privacy/customizing-whonix/)

Uninstall Whonix from Qubes (/doc/privacy/uninstall-whonix/)

The following links are on Whonix’s website and are technical.

Security Advice for after installing Whonix on Qubes (

How to set up Tor Bridges in Whonix on Qubes (
Using Multiple Whonix-Workstations with Whonix on Qubes (

Support for Whonix

The following links are on Whonix’s site.

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Whonix for privacy & anonymizations | Qubes OS Project

Whonix Support ( - General Whonix, Debian, Tor, etc…

related issues
Whonix Qubes Forum ( - Whonix specific issues

You can also use Qubes support (/help/), but not all Qubes users run Whonix.

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