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Little Apple Change these sentences

into the passive voice or

I’ll ask tomato if we can
catch up. Get it
Grandpa Lemon
ketchup??? Nya-nya-nya-nya!

1. Annoying Orange heckles all the fruits and vegetables.

2. The knife (no more Mr. Knife Guy) has sliced strawberries in half.
3. Last week squash squashed tomato to death. Pear
4. Today the blender is going to puree raspberries.
5. Little Apple considers Annoying Orange the most annoying creature on earth.
6. Annoying Orange is always calling Liam the Leprechaun- the Jolly Green Giant.
7. Annoying Orange mistook Pumpkin for an orange.
8. Liam the Leprechaun has lost his pot of gold.
9. Passion Fruit is going to buy Annoying Orange a birthday present.
10. Rapberry, the raspberry, will sing rap songs at the party.
11. One day Grapefruit burned a picture of Marshmallow’s mother, the unicorn.
12. The entire YouTube audience of Annoying Orange adores Marshmallow.
13. Annoying Orange has nicknamed Grapefruit- McChubby.
14. Knife was cutting Grandpa Lemon in two, when he fell asleep.
Zoom 15. Marshmallow takes photos of his/her mother, the unicorn.
16. Somebody had carved Plumpkin’s face into a Jack o’ Lantern.
17. Pear has often sent e-mails to Annoying Orange about his bad jokes. Passion
_____________________________________________________________________________ Fruit
18. If you drink Zoom, the energy drink, you can ride sheep at the speed of sound.
19. The fire had burned many fruits in the kitchen, before the fire extinguisher put it out.
20. A mad scientist created Frankenfruit using dead fruits and vegetables.
P.S. Watch Annoying Orange episodes on YouTube. (with English captions)
The Whole Gang


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