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Before get into the topic, I want to explain the title that tell about twisting weapon, we
can imagine the weapon twisting before shooting a bullet, probably approaching the circle
shape, but not for full shape of circle, can be ¼ shape, ½ shape, or ¾ of full shape. We can
see the image below that explain the circular motion of the weapon.

𝑣⃑ (m/s) this is where bullet came out

⃑⃑ ( rad/s)
ℓ (m)

The weapon with [ℓ] length tilt amount [θ] angle, the bullet will come out when the weapon
finish the curve track of [θ] angle with high angular of velocity, it is not impossible the bullet
will has a curve track after it. Because there is no external force around the weapon, the
angular momentum and energy will same before shot and after shot, that is we know as
conservative energy and momentum. But there is problem, along weapon is shooting the
bullet, the first question is, how much speed the weapon need to curve the bullet track? This
is imaginery phenomenon, and we all think it is impossible to curve the bullet with circularize
weapon, considering the bullet has a high velocity than the weapon, there is no chance to
curve a bullet track. This is the goals of this first topic, in this case the weapon will has
relation to circle shape, or circumference formula [ C = k.2πR ] with k is the shape of circle
constant that represent as how full the weapon was moving on circular motion. Furthermore,
the shape of circle was not enough to proof the weapon can curve the bullet’s track, angular
velocity will complementing the equation of this case. The equation will write as :

W ~ 𝑣 2 ............................i)

W ~ k.2πR…..…………ii)
[W] is Energy as a result from curve motion of the weapon and bullet, the equation is explain

how energy is directly proportional to the angular velocity and circle shape of weapon track.

The higher speed will causing high energy of the system, and so also on weapon
track, as weapon track increasing, energy will directly increasing. Thus, more high angular
velocity we give to the weapon, the probability of curving bullet’s track is more bigger
because the increasing energy. The graphic of that occasion can describe below, as Y
coordinat is [W] and X coordinat is 𝑣 2

W (Joule)

0 𝑣 (m/s)

The graphic shows that the energy will increasing slowly depending on how much angular
velocity was given to the weapon. It shows how difficult to curve a bullet, because the energy
is directly proportional to the angular velocity, the analogy is we must have a weapon with
high angular velocity approaching to the bullet’s velocity, or we just can write like this
equation [ ≈ 𝑣 ], 𝑣 can write as [𝑣 = 𝜔.ℓ ] where [ℓ] is the length of weapon, so the
equation above can be also written as [W ~ (ω. ℓ )2 ]. In this case, we use the general
Newton’s Second Law of Motion that can describe as [ 𝐹⃑ = 𝑑𝑡
]. Furthermore we use the
work equation [ W = ∫ 𝐹. 𝑑𝑠 ], because the energy is an easy thing we can observe on the
moving system, or different motion system etc. The condition after shooting is unpredictable,
the bullet can curve, and if the angular velocity does not enough, the bullet will go straight.
So, this paragraph just show how system condition before shot, and just preliminary of the
next paragraph.


𝑣⃑ (m/s) this is where bullet came out

⃑⃑ ( rad/s)
ℓ (m)

( The first condition )

ℓ (m)

( The Second Condition )

The blue line describe the bullet motion after shot, 𝑣⃑ (m/s)
It will be curve approaching 0 degree of linear line, it shows how difficult to curve a bullet
even with high angular velocity, but doesn’t mean it can’t curve the hypothesis shows we can
curve the bullet with high angular velocity.


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