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FORMS A BROKEN CROSS! Updated October 9, 2002!

Subtitle: Updated Information: Satanic "calling card" left at the scene of one of the
shootings. Shooter left a "Death Tarot Card" at the scene inscribed with "I am God"
message. This Tarot Card proves our original premise that this shooting spree was satanic
in nature, a premise we arrived at by the Satanic symbol the shooting pattern left on the
ground after the first six shots. Now that 9 shots have been recorded, we may have a
satanic symbol within a symbol.

A study of the Maryland shootings reveals a pattern that tells a story the Illuminati has
been planning for years: the destruction of the Old World Order so the New can be
brought in, and the destruction of Christianity, an action taken during a celebration of one
of the major Black Virgin Goddesses.

The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New
World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it
progressing in your daily news!!

Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones!

Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the same way again.



Updated NEWS BRIEF: "Sniper Left Taunting Note, Police Say 'I Am God' Scrawled On Tarot
Card At School Site", By Christian Davenport and Jamie Stockwell, Washington Post Staff
Writers, Fox News Online, October 6, 2002.

"The sniper linked to nine area shootings left what appeared to be a taunting
message for authorities outside the Bowie school where a 13-year-old boy
was shot Monday morning, police sources confirmed last night. 'Dear
policeman, I am God,' the message said. Police said it was found on a Tarot
card known as the Death card, part of a deck used in fortunetelling. Sources
close to the investigation said it was spotted in a wooded area about 150
yards from the school entrance, where police also found a spent shell casing
and a matted area of grass that suggested that the gunman had lain in wait."

A "Death Card" in the Tarot Card pack is absolutely the most evil and most
dangerous card in the entire deck. It is highly significant that a "Death" Tarot
Card was left at the scene of the crime, and with a note that tied this card into the shootings.
Listen to its significance in the Tarot Card Deck:
"... in the Tarot deck, the thirteenth card is called 'Death' or the 'Skeleton Reaper'. In the [Arthur]
Waite pack, a skeleton in armor rides a white horse and carries a banner with a white rose
signifying life. On the horizon beyond him is the gateway to immortality. Most other packs show
a skeleton with a scythe, but the Death does not necessarily stand for physical death -- rather, for
the death of the old self followed by rebirth, renewal. Most occult fraternities' initiation rituals
include a symbolic death and rebirth ... so card '13' may also be said to symbolize initiation." [Dr.
Cathy Burns, "Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star", p. 274]

All of us know that the number '13' is Satan's number, standing for the extreme rebellion he
represents. In Seminar 2, "America Determines The Flow Of History", we demonstrate all the
many uses of the number '13' in official government symbols, especially hidden in the two
symbols of the back side of our One Dollar Bill! Satan and his followers revel in the number '13'.

This explanation also reports that the "death" called for in the "Death" card is not only physical
death, but an occult death, a "death of the old self followed by rebirth, renewal". Isn't this the
symbolism of the Phoenix Bird? Of course, it is. The old Phoenix Bird is to submit to self-
immolation so it can be reborn as a brand new Phoenix Bird, arising out of its own ashes. Once
again, we see the symbolism for which plan of the Illuminati, to knock down the old system so
the new can be established, can be reborn. [Read the following articles explaining the Phoenix
Bird and how it was secretly the original National Bird instead of the Bald Eagle: NEWS1259,
NEWS1380, NEWS1399, NEWS1493]

Interestingly, our occult Founding Fathers assigned the number '13' to the fledgling United States
of America, choosing to establish their new nation -- the New Atlantis -- once 13 states had been
formed. The United States will forever be linked to this nefarious number, one more symbol
demonstrating the fact that the occult seeds of our destruction were planted in 1776, and are just
now coming to full fruition.

Just as Charles Manson planted the "Hanged Man" Tarot Card -- the #12 card -- at the Sharon
Tate murders, so this shooter(s) has left a Tarot calling card. This demonstrates fully that this
event is a planned event with Satanists at its core. Now, you know why the first six shots left a
Broken Cross symbol on the ground!


At this point, Dr. Burns gives us another
tidbit of information about the basis of the
Tarot Card system that, upon examination,
provides really dynamite insight! On page
254 of Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star,
Dr. Burns states that the Sephiroth Tree of
Life form the "inner foundations upon which
Astrology, Tarot, Alchemy, Numerology,
Mythology, and Ceremonial Magic are

The Tarot Card is based upon the Tree of

Life symbol, shown here above? To get the
significance of this revelation, let us find out
more of the Tree of Life.

"The Tree of Life -- a diagram consisting of

ten circles connected by twenty-two 'paths;
is the heart of Qabalistic teaching ... The
Qabalah is one of the most ancient Western
philosophical systems ... the Cabala is a
medieval and modern system of Jewish
Theosophy, mysticism, and Thaumaturgy
marked by belief in creation through
emanation and a cipher method of
interpreting Scripture, and a traditional,
esoteric, occult, or secret matter.
Reincarnation, magical power of words and
signs, the power of amulets, divination,
conjurations of spirits, as well as other
occultic practices, play an important part on the Cabala and Cabalistic teachings ... Like most of
the occult systems within the European tradition of high magic, the Cabala included spells
designed to induce an unseen population of spirits to carry out the magicians' wishes." ["Hidden
Secrets of the Eastern Star", p. 253-255]

In other words, the Tree of Life is a critically important part of the powerful "High Magic" of the
Cabala that produces spells "designed to induce an unseen population of spirits to carry out the
magician's wishes." This information is very powerful, coming at a time when the Illuminati is
bending all its power to the creation of the New World Order, the Kingdom of Antichrist.

We have stated, in our original article, which appears below, that a Satanist places great
emphasis on creating Satanic symbols, and loves to place them on the ground. The original six
shots of this occult shooting formed the Broken Cross on the ground, with a Tarot's Death Card
left at the scene of the middle school shooting. However, since we now know that the Tarot
System is based upon the Sephiroth Tree of Life, we immediately think of the Tree of Life
symbol located on the ground just a few miles south of the shooting, in Washington, D.C.!
In NEWS1399, we revealed that all of Government Mall is shaped like a Sephiroth Tree of Life!
Further, in NEWS1040, we broke the story that the street layout connecting the White House
with the Capitol was originally laid out by Masonic architect, L'Enfant in 1792, so that the streets
formed the evil Goats Head of Mendes Pentagram encompassing the White House -- plus the
Masonic Compass, Square, and Rule from the White House to the Capitol. These street layouts
continue to this day. The Goats Head of Mendes Pentagram encompassing the White House
troubled us the most, since it is a 5-pointed star; occultists believe the number 5 is the number for
Death .

As we stated in NEWS1399, the occultist believes that symbols reverberate with inherent power
from the moment they are created, power that is made even more effective since only the Adepts
of Satanic societies and covens know the truth. Furthermore, most spells are not started until the
witch or wizard creates a Satanic symbol on the floor or the ground to use during the ceremony;
symbols created on the ground are deemed most powerful.

Now, we have a symbol on the ground formed by these Maryland shootings; these shootings are
now tied into the Tarot, a system of occult belief based on the Tree of Life, a symbol on the
ground just a few miles south, in Washington, D.C.


NEWS BRIEF: "Five Killed in Maryland County", Fox News, October 3, 2002.

"SILVER SPRING, Md. –– Five people were slain within a few miles, gunned down one by one
over 16 hours in public places in Washington's suburbs, authorities said Thursday. They said
there was a 'strong possibility' the killings were related ... Investigators had not found any
indication that the five victims, killed between 6 p.m. Wednesday and 10 a.m. Thursday, were
related in any way or had any conflict with anyone, Montgomery County Police Chief Charles
Moose said. Still, given the timing and location, 'there's a strong possibility that they are all
connected,' police spokeswoman Joyce Utter said."

Remember this statement by police spokeswoman, Joyce Utter: "given the timing and location,
'there's a strong possibility that they are all connected,' " This police department statement is
going to have a major impact on the facts in this article. Let us now examine the timeline of these
"connected" attacks.

NEWS BRIEF: "Timeline of Maryland Shootings", Fox News, October 4, 2002.

-- 5:20 p.m. Wednesday: Windows shot out at craft store in Aspen Hill area. No one hurt."
[NOTE: This attack began on October 2.]

-- 6:04 p.m. Wednesday: James D. Martin, 55, of Silver Spring killed in grocery store parking lot
in Wheaton.
-- 7:41 a.m. Thursday: James L. "Sonny" Buchanan, 39, of Arlington, Va., killed while cutting
grass at auto dealership in White Flint area. [NOTE: The attacks resumed on Thursday, October

-- 8:12 a.m. Thursday: Taxi driver Prenkumar Walekar, 54, of Olney killed as he pumped gas at
station in Aspen Hill area.

-- 8:37 a.m. Thursday: Sarah Ramos, 34, of Silver Spring killed outside post office in Silver

-- 9:58 a.m. Thursday: Lori Ann Lewis-Rivera, 25, of Silver Spring slain as she vacuumed her
van at a gas station in Kensington.

There were six shootings in all, with the first fatality occurring at the 6pm -- 1800 hours -- time
period. The first shot occurred on Wednesday, October 2, as did the first fatality. Then, the last
four shootings occurred the next day, Thursday, October 3.


This entire event seems steeped in occult lore and symbolism. Let us quickly review them here:

1. October 2-10 is a Satanic Holiday period devoted to the Black Virgin Goddess of Hinduism,
Durga Puja, also known as 'Kali'. In the mind of the Illuminati, Kali is very important because
she is a goddess of destruction of the old order so the new order can be established. Her primary
function is destruction.

2. The first shooting attack occurred at 5:20 pm on the first day of this time period, October 2.
However, the first fatality occurred just minutes after the 6pm hour, which is really 1800 Hours
according to the International and Military Clock. The Satanist will disguise a reference to '666'
through the use of '18', simply because 6+6+6 = 18.

3. The attack occurred in such a manner that the lines thus drawn represent a broken cross!

Let us now re-examine these three points so you can see that this shooting event was
undoubtedly contrived in order to deliver a very strong message.

1. October 2 Begins Satanic Celebration of Goddess Kali. Background: Kali -- "Durga, the
warrior queen...was the only one who could restore harmony and set the world at peace...the
gods sang her praises, called her the Queen of the Universe... I had come to find the Buddha
Tara, but instead I found the goddesses Durga, Kali... Kali, the death-dealer and life-giver, the
end and beginning of time. She was a deity of such proportions as I had heard only God the
Father in Christianity described. The fact that Kali is dark and female turned my Catholic
upbringing inside out...Some say she is black because black is the color in which all distinctions
are dissolved, others say she is black because she is eternal night." [New Age author, China
Galland, Longing For Darkness, P. 27]
This revelation establishes the truth that, in Hindu mythology, the Goddess Kali, is a "Warrior
Queen", the "only one who could restore harmony and set the world at peace". Her major
weapons are the ax and the sword, with which she will knock the existing paradigm down so a
new one could be restored. Isn't this exactly what the Illuminati plans to do? Of course, it is.

As Galland states, Kali is black, and she is called the "Queen of the Universe", the same term
applied to the Virgin Mary of Roman Catholicism. This direct tie-in is the reason Europe has a
number of black Virgin Madonnas; they are really Kali.

Now that you realize this fact, let us go to a further fact Galland reveals in her book, Longing
For Darkness, as she demonstrates even more of a tie between the Goddess Kali and the

We have studied that the drive to the New World Order was officially started on May 1, 1776, as
Jesuit priest, Adam Weishaupt, founded the Masters of the Illuminati. Listen to Galland
continue. "...St. Ignatius gave his sword to the Black Madonna of Montserrat in Spain, became a
priest, and founded the Jesuit Order..." (p.52). This unbelievable information ties the worship of
the Black Madonna to the Jesuit-based Masters of the Illuminati. Both the worship of the Black
Madonna and the Jesuit Order are completely Roman Catholic, and steeped in the occult.

And Kali is the ultimate, most powerful Black Madonna!

To fully understand the barbaric nature of "Kali", let us hear from a Hindu author, "Ma, India",
whose Home Page is located at:

Listen to the full explanation of Kali from "Ma, India":

"The Goddess Kali, is the fierce and all-compassionate black Mother who is blacker than any
evil and therefore absorbs all evil. She destroys ego with her sharp knife which slices through the
world's illusions. Kali removes the pain of her children, becoming darker and uglier in the
process with all that she removes from them. In her total desire to rid her children of ego, Mother
Kali is wild, wearing 52 skulls around her neck, representing the Sanskrit alphabet. She wears
hands around her waist which have been cut off so that they will commit no karmic action
against humanity. Kali is said to have been created from the third of eye of Mother Durga while
she was battling the demons Canda and Munda. Her consort is the great Lord Shiva who is often
shown lying prostrate at Kali's feet - completely still to counteract her constant movement."

Lord Shiva is also known for his violence and murderous ways. The two make a great couple.
Notice that the Goddess Kali wears a necklace of 52 human skulls, plus she wears human
severed hands around her waist! Finally, notice the huge sword Kali wields. It is not your
ordinary military sword, but a huge sword. The oversize nature of it reminds me of a Bible verse
set during the Tribulation Period. Listen:
"And when He broke the second seal, I heard the second living creature call out, Come! And
another horse came out, flaming red. And its rider was empowered to take the peace from the
earth, so that men slaughtered one another; and he was given a huge sword." [Parallel Bible,
KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary; Emphasis added]

Can Kali be the goddess in the occult realm that symbolizes this Second Seal of Revelation 6?
Since Adam Weishaupt directly tied his Masters of the Illuminati into the Black Virgin Madonna
-- Kali -- in Europe, I think this symbolism tie-in may be valid.

Thus, on the first two days of this annual Satanic celebration of Kali, the goddess of destruction
and death, we have the shootings in Maryland.

Now, let us study the pattern of this shooting event, and how the shooting pattern forms a
Broken Cross pictured at the far left

2. The first shot was fired at 5:20pm on the first day of the Satanic
celebration period, but the first fatality occurred at four minutes past
the 1800 hour point. As we stated earlier, the number '18' is sacred
to the Satanist because it is formed by adding three '6's together. In
fact, the number '18' is used many times to hide the more obvious
and very much more offensive, '666'.

3. These shots form a symbol on the ground that is highly Satanic,

the Broken Cross of Nero! Let us give you the details and then we
shall explain the significance. When you examine the Timeline map
provided by Fox News you will see several critically important details:

a. The exact spot of each shot, including the first shot that just hit a "Prayer of Jabez" book and
caused no fatalities.

b. Each shooting location is labeled as to the day and

the time. When you compare this information to the
Timeline Map, above, you will see that the sequence
of shooting looks like this:

Shot 1 -- Occurred 5:20pm on 10/2, at Michael's

Craft Store, causing no casualities. This point is
marked, "1" on the right hand arm of this symbol

Shot 2 -- Occurred 6:04pm on 10/2, at Shopper's

Mart, killing James D. Martin. This point is marked
"2" on the right hand arm of this symbol. Please note
that the shootings stopped temporarily, to be
resumed the next morning. At this point, the
shooters were out of position for the third shot.
Shot 3 -- Occurred 7:41am on 10/3, at White Flint, killing James L. "Sonny" Buchanan, Jr. as he
was mowing a lawn! This location is marked "3", and is on the left hand arm of this symbol.
Note that the shooters traveled some distance between Shots #2 and #3.

Shot 4 -- Occurred 8:12am on 10/3, as cabdriver Premkumar A. Walekar, is shot at a Mobil gas
station. This location is marked "4" on this symbol, and forms the nexus point of this symbol;
however, since Shot #5 was yet to come, this symbol was just two straight lines joined by Shot

Shot 5 -- Occurred 8:37am, on 10/3, in Silver Spring, killing Sarah Ramos while she was sitting
on a bench in front of a post office. This location is marked as "5" on the symbol and forms a
topmost point.

Shot 6 -- Occurred at 9:58am, on 10/3, in Kensington, killing Lori Lewis Rivera, as she was
vacuuming out her minivan. This location is marked as "6" on the symbol and forms a bottom-
most point of the symbol.

Once you take a straight edge to connect the dots, you get the
symbol shown at left. At first glance, it looks like a modern
swept-wing aircraft. However, since we know that this
shooting occurred on the first two days of the Satanic Holy
Days for the Goddess Kali -- the destroyer Goddess who
wears a necklace of 52 skulls from her victim and wields a
huge sword -- we may expect that the symbol formed by these
shootings might be occult as well.
As you can see by examining the Broken Cross created by connecting the shooting locations on
the Montgomery County
Shootings Map, shown on the left,
a Broken Cross truly is created!
How occult is this Broken Cross?

Indeed, the picture formed is very

Satanic! Occultists called it
"Nero's Broken Cross", or the
"Sign of the Broken Jew",
"Witch's Foot", or a symbol of the
coming Antichrist! [Dr. Cathy
Burns, "Masonic And Occult
Symbols Illustrated", p. 235]. Let
us allow Dr. Burns to give us more

"Throughout the last 2,000 years,

this symbol has designated hatred
of Christians ... This hideous event
resembled the Teutonic Cross and
became a popular pagan insignia
of the day ... The symbol's origin
in history proves it to be the visual
mystic character for 'Aum', (the
split 'Y'). This is the sacred word
to the Hindu. Chanting 'Aum' is
supposed to help awaken the 'serpent power of Brahma' at the base of the human spine." [Ibid.]

Don't you find it highly interesting that this symbol, formed on the ground, by these 6 shootings,
is a symbol of paganism's twin hatred of the Jew first and the Christian secondly? Emperor Nero
originated this symbol to demonstrate his belief that he could break the Christian movement with
his iron fist, with his unbelievable planned martyrdom's of Christian believers. Nero took the
standard cross and simply "broke" each arm, forcing each arm downward at an angle.

But, Satan was not finished with the Nero symbol; he ensured that the pagan Hindu religion also
utilized this symbol in a very important manner: by chanting the "Aum", the Hindu believer
awakened the "serpent power of Brahma" within his body! This is demon possession of the
highest order.

However, Dr. Burns noted that German witches found great spiritual power in the Broken Cross
as well. Listen:

"The Germanic tribes who used it attributed strange and mystical properties to the sign. Such a
'rune' is said to have been used by 'black magicians' in pagan incantations and
condemnations ... To this very day, the inverted broken cross -- identical to the socialists' 'peace
symbol -- is known in Germany as the 'todersrune' or 'death rune'. Not only was it ordered by
Hitler's National Socialists that it must appear on German death notices, but it was part of the
official inscription prescribed for the gravestones of Nazi officers of the dread 'SS'. The symbol
suited Nazi emphasis on pagan mysticism." [Ibid.; Emphasis in the original ]

Satan has ascribed much power to this Broken Cross, if it is used in ceremonies as an
incantation and condemnation! A symbol used as a condemnation is most powerful in Satan's
dark kingdom. Let us now hear from a former Satanist as he describes how the Broken Cross is
used today in Satanism:

"It is an ancient and powerful symbol of Antichrist. During the dark ages, it was used in Druid
Witchcraft and by Satanists of all sorts during the initiation of a new member to their order. They
would draw the magic circle, and give the initiate a cross. The initiate would then lift the cross
and turn it upside down. He would then renounce Christianity in all three dimensions of time
(past, present and future), and break the horizontal pieces downward forming the design of the
'Raven's Foot'. This ugly symbol is nothing short of blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. For one
to wear or display this symbol is to announce either knowingly or unknowingly that you have
rejected Christ. Remember, symbolism is a picture language, and a picture is worth a thousand
words." [Ibid., p. 236; Emphasis added]

Symbolism is also much more than just a language to the practicing Adept; it is conceived as a
transfer point of Satanic power from the demonic realm to this material realm. Once a symbol
is created -- either on paper or on the ground -- an occultist believes that it becomes a living,
throbbing, and most powerful transfer point of Satanic energy. Thus, our occult Founding
Fathers considered it most important to have the streets of Government Center, in Washington,
D.C., to be formed in the shape of the Goatshead Pentagram of Mendes, the Masonic Compass,
Rule, and Square, and the Sephiroth! [Read NEWS1040, and NEWS1399, NEWS1487, and
NEWS1493 for full details as to how our occult Founding Fathers deliberately established
Washington, D.C., as the new Babylon, complete with Satanic symbols throughout the city.]

By establishing America's Capitol as a new Babylon, attendant with so many Satanic symbols on
the streets and the buildings, our Founding Fathers believed the entire Government Center would
throb and reverberate with occult power 24 hours a day, seven days a week, gradually moving
this country into the New World Order, the Kingdom of Antichrist.

Therefore, a symbol is of supreme importance to the Satanist. Symbols drawn on the ground are
very, very powerful. This fact is the reason a witch will draw the required symbols on the ground
prior to the beginning of any particular ritual ceremony. A Broken Cross symbol has now forever
been established on the ground in Maryland Country, Maryland. It is the symbol of Antichrist,
and the murderous actions that were carried out, were accomplished on October 2-3, the
beginning days of the Satanic worship of Kali, the Goddess of destruction of the old system so
the new can be established!

Another Six Murders Forming A Satanic Symbol On The Ground

During the Clinton Administration, Americans endured a rash of school shootings that just
seemed to tear at our national fabric. We simply could not fathom how on earth school kids
could take guns to systematically slay their teammates. However, we got a break in our
understanding when a former Satanist -- now Born Again and a Cutting Edge subscriber -- found
a most revealing map of the United States as he perused a website he used to frequent before he
was gloriously saved. An occultist was boldly bragging that there was a master occult plan
behind the school shootings, and he claimed that this map proved it.

We issued our report on NEWS1344 and encourage you to read it in depth now.

On this map of the United States, we saw two intersecting lines at a very precise angle we
originally thought was a Pentagram, but which we later proved was a Hexagram; these
intersecting were drawn on a map of the United States, intersecting at Hope, Arkansas, an
intersection made bold by a big blue dot. Along each of these two lines, three school shootings
had occurred; however, they did not occur geographically according to time. Only after two
years, and six school shootings had occurred, did this pattern become completed.

However, later, two more school shootings occurred on this map. We asked a mathematician to
calculate the odds of eight events falling precisely along these two intersecting lines by accident.
This was his reply:

"... there are 360 degrees in a circle and since there are four lines that emanate from Hope,
Arkansas, you would divide that by 4 to say that the odds that one event would fall on any of
these four lines would be equal to 1 in 90. Two events would be 1 in 8,100; three events would
be 1 in 729,000 against; the odds that eight events would fall on any one of four lines emanating
from Hope, Arkansas are actually 1 in 4,304,672,100,000 against it being accidental. That is over
1 in 4.3 trillion against these events happening accidentally."

[NOTE: We encourage you to read all the articles we wrote on this subject. In addition to the one
mentioned above, we wrote NEWS1347, and NEWS1350.]

The chance that these six Maryland shootings occurred by accident in such way as to create a
symbol on the ground as this Broken Cross are astronomically against it. Gun Control is the #1
Domestic Priority of the Illuminati. No dictatorship in history has ever tolerated private gun
ownership, and every time a dictator took a while to establish his dictatorship, he systematically
took guns away from his people. For example, prior to establishing his absolute dictatorship in
1939, Adolf Hitler announced a gun confiscation preceded by the most lofty rhetoric possible, in
which he declared that he was making Germany safer for all its citizens. In reality, Hitler was
simply ensuring that no group of private citizens could rise up against him. Once the guns were
confiscated, Hitler clamped his dictatorship on the country and began to take the action that
began World War II.


The Washington Post map of the initial shootings demonstrate conclusively they were planned
ahead of time in order to produce a Satanic Broken Cross. This fact is so evident, we should
expect an official propaganda disinformation campaign designed to confuse and obfuscate the
truth. Already, we are hearing conflicting reports. In the October 6 Daily News Update, we see
two such conflicting reports. The first report says that officials may never be able to connect all
the shootings, while the second report states that the shooters were tied into Washington, D.C.
shootings. Cover-up and confusion has always proven the best methods of concealing the truth
from a gullible citizenry.

Once you understand the significance of these shootings being deliberately planned to form the
Broken Cross, then several oddities about this case cease being oddities and becoming fully

* Since the objective was to create a pattern on the ground that formed the Broken Cross, the
shooters were not concerned with whom they shot, for they were simply going by a map, looking
to create fatalities on the right geographical spot.

* Thus, the victims were not related by any common thread; they were just standing at the right
spot on the map. All the shooters needed was a victim -- any victim -- at the right spot on the

* Since the shooters were "skilled" riflemen, and working for the Illuminati, they have not been
apprehended. If past history is any reliable guide, these shooters may never be apprehended,
unless the Illuminati provides us with scapegoats to take the fall.

At the same time the world seems hurtling toward the End of the Age and the Kingdom of
Antichrist, what does this shooting pattern -- Broken Cross -- communicate to occultists
throughout the world? It communicates several things:

* That the plan to institute the Kingdom of Antichrist, a.k.a. the New World Order, is under way
and on schedule

* That the ultimate plan is to destroy Christianity. This has always been a cherished goal of the
Illuminati, all the way back to 1776, as the pyramid symbol on the back of your One Dollar Bill
demonstrates. [Seminar Two, "America Determines The Flow of History"].

* That the plan is continuing under the Bush Administration.

Truly, the End of the Age seems most close. Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you
adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first
understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect your
loved ones. Once you have been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means
to open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able to use it many times, and
have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times are also a time when we
can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference.

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your
spiritual walk with Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He
will instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Then, you need to
begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible Study.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His reality and the
approaching End of the Age, and want to accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do
so now, in the privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born
Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were already there. Then, you can rest assured that
the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually.

If you would like to become Born Again, turn to our Salvation Page now.

We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate and warn people, so
that they can see the coming New World Order -- Kingdom of Antichrist -- in their daily news.

Finally, we would love to hear from you.

You can contact us by mail or email.

God bless you.

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