Elements of Insurance - Oth SCH

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Register Number :

Name of the Candidate :

B.Com. (Computer Applications)
( PART - I )
( PAPER - I )
( Common with B.B.A. Computer Applications )
May ] [ Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks
SECTION - A (5 × 8 = 40)
Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
1. What do you understand by ?Insurable Interest? in life insurance ?
2. Explain any two policy conditions in life insurance.
3. What do you understand by implied warranty
of ?seaworthiness? ?
4. State the essential requisites of a valid contract
of Marine Insurance.
5. Distinguish between Single Vessel Policy and
Fleet Policy.
6. What do you understand by ?Marine
Losses? ?
7. What all persons can take fire insurance
claiming insurable interest in the subject -
matter ?
8. Distinguish between ?Death Claim? and
?Maturity Claim?.
SECTION - B (3 × 20 = 60)
Answer any THREE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
9. What does ?Indemnity? mean ? Why is it not
applicable to all classes of insurance ?
10. Describe the procedure for making death claim
on a life policy
11. What is meant by ?Deviation? and ?Change of
Voyage? ? When is deviation excused ?
12. What do you understand by physical and
moral hazards in fire insurance contracts ?
13. Write short notes on any FOUR :
(a) Endowment policy.
(b) Lapses and revivals.
(c) Double insurance and re - insurance.
(d) Proximate cause.
(e) Average loss.
(f) Surveys and inspections

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