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Answer Key

Class VI
Subject- English
Question Paper
Q.1 (1x8=8 marks)

1. Wood, oxygen etc

2. To make furniture, as a fuel
3. To plant at least one tree
4. by cutting trees
5. human beings,birds and animals
6. environmental pollution
7. a crucial role
8. best friends

Q2. (2x4=8marks)
1) The parents were depressed due to their son’s bad temper
2) The boy used to get angry very soon
3) He asked his son to hammer one nail to the fence every time he gets angry
4) In the next few days, the number of nails hammered reduced to half.
2 B (1 marks for each correct answer)
(i) depressed
(ii) unfortunately
2 C (1 marks for each correct answer)
(i) difficult
(ii) reduced
Q3. Content (2 Marks)
Accuracy& fluency (2 Marks)

Q4. Content /Creativity (4 Marks)

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Accuracy& fluency (2 Marks)
Expression& language (2 Marks)
Content /Creativity (4 Marks)
Accuracy & fluency (2 Marks)
Expression & language (2 Marks)
Q6. (1x3=3 marks)
(i) The storm rocked the ship violently.
(ii) Coffee is very popular in many parts of the world.
(iii) We offer prayer to God daily/ We daily offer prayer to God.

Q7 (1 mark for each correct answer)

1. The best way to avoid an unnecessary argument is to keep mum.
2. As ill luck would have it, the train I was trying to catch was cancelled.
3. He has been told not to take chances while driving a car through a crowded street.
Q8. (1 mark for each correct answer)

1. i) played ii) play

2. i) face ii) is facing
Q9 (1 marks for each correct answer)

1. food and dress

2. To hear some fresh and beautiful thing
3. Words
4. Wonderful (or any other suitable answer)
Q10 (1 marks for each correct answer)

1. A clock
2. The old man did not want a clock.
3. He made 15 rupees

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4. pleased
Q11. 2 marks for each correct answer
1. Algu…his best friend….would not go against him.
2. He did not get….costly prize….. lost all his money.
3. By staying …..underground burrows.
4. Had to….blind day, deaf day, dumb day and injured day.
5. 15 days,16 hours and 34 mins long….252 times… many experiments.
Q12. 2 marks for each correct answer .
1. Missed a companion.
2. Blood Pressre and temperature go down….heart beat becomes slower.
3. Boastfulness. Pushed him into meeting a ghost.
4. The king… to test his wisdom.
5. Jealous.
Q13. Children will express their own views. As per text child’s creativity must be given due
weightage 6 marks


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