Electrical Circuits - 2

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Electrical Circuits – 2

01․ Instantaneous power in inductor is proportional to the

product of the instantaneous current and rate of change of current.

square of instantaneous current.
square of the rate of change of current.
temperature of the inductor.

The instantaneous voltage across the inductor is expressed as the product of

inductance and rate of change of current through it. Power is expressed as the
product of current and voltage. Hence instantaneous power in an inductor is
proportional to the product of instantaneous current and rate of change of current
through it.

02․ The voltage induced in an inductor is represented as,\

product of its inductance and current through it.

ratio of its inductance to current through it.
ratio of current through it to its inductance.
product of its inductance and rate of change of current through it.

The instantaneous voltage across the inductor is expressed as the product of

inductance and a rate of change of current through it as it doesn't allow any
certain change of current through it. Voltage induced in an inductor is written as

03․ Absolute permittivity of dielectric medium is represented as


The relative permittivity (εr) of the medium is defined as the ratio of actual
permittivity of the medium to the absolute permittivity of air or vacuum. Absolute
permittivity of air or vacuum is expressed as ε0. Hence the absolute permittivity of
dielectric medium is represented as the product of relative permittivity of the
medium and absolute permittivity of air or vacuum.

04․ Magnetic flux has the unit of

Ampere turn

The unit of magnetic flux is called Weber in honor of famous scientist Wilhelm
Eduard Weber (1804 – 1891). Magnetic flux has also another unit named
Maxwell. 1 Maxwell = 10-8 Weber.

05․ If all the elements in a particular network are linear, then the superposition theorem
would hold, when the excitation is

DC only
AC only
Either AC or DC
An Impulse

Superposition theorem can be applied for both AC as well DC excitation to

calculate the voltage or current calculations. It holds for both DC and AC
excitation, if the circuit is linear. But superposition theorem is not applicable for
power calculations.

06․ In balanced bridge, if the positions of detector and source are interchanged, the
bridge will still remain balanced. This can be explained from which theoem

Reciprocity theorem
Thevinin's theorem
Norton's theorem
Compensation theorem

When response to excitation is constant even though we interchange the

excitation and responses then the reciprocity theorem is verified for the given

07․ If P is the power of a star connected system then what will be power of an equivalent
delta connected system?

None of the above

The power in both of the connections is same either it is connected in Star or


08․ Which of the followings is/are active element?

Voltage source
Current source
None of these.

Active elements are capable of delivering energy independently for long time or
ideally infinite time. Both voltage and current source are active element and they
can change energy level of a circuit.

09․ Which of the following are the passive elements?

None of these.
When the element is not capable of delivering energy independently, are called as
passive element. Both resistor and bulb are the passive elements and they can't
increase the energy level of a circuit.

10․ Power dissipation in ideal inductor is

A finite value

Internal resistance of ideal inductor is zero. As there is no resistance, there should

not be any dissipation of power. Pure inductor has no resistive component, so it
active power dissipation is zero.

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