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25 Personality traits

1. Originality
2. Insecure
3. Openness to experience
4. Perseverance
5. Honest
6. Zest to learn
7. Compassionate
8. Suspicious
9. Self-control
10. Gratitude for things
11. Optimistic
12. Reliable
13. Trust-worthy
14. Emotionally unstable
15. Well organized
16. Hot tempered
17. Professional
18. Dependable
19. Loyal
20. Focused
21. Cooperative
22. Selfless
23. Diplomatic
24. Rational
25. Realistic
Personality Mask:

I am usually motivated by intimacy. Even being hot-tempered (as shown in the picture with “fire”), I am
a peace lover which is represented by the symbol on the head band. Leaving the hair open indicates
open-minded nature of mine and on the other side, where the hair is tied up denotes organizational
character. The left eye- which has been colored black, indicating that of camera lens, shows my focused
nature and the raised eyebrow tells about my continual suspicion. The hand over my shoulder indicates
my personality being dependable and loyal while my attire represents my professional ethics and
diplomacy. The right eye talks about acting humble and living down to earth, while the tears represent
my emotional instability. The left part of the lip-which is open- is to indicate the trait of being talkative
and openness to ideas while the right lip-which is closed- portrays focus and absolute perseverance. The
bubbles indicate my nature of being dreamy as well as imaginative while thinking out of the box.

Personality Tests:

Big five inventory test:

This test proves my nature of thinking out of the box and being open to new aspects. I am not an
extremely sociable person but I would like to explore beyond my limits. High extraversion is often
perceived as attention-seeking, and domineering.
MBTI personality test:

This test proves my nature of being enthusiastic. And also my nature of involving societal activities
hence focusing on cooperation and harmony. I try being imaginative, open-minded and curious and
prefer novelty over stability and focus on hidden meanings and future possibilities. Being emotionally
expressive is yet another trait proven by this test. Organizing and creating structured plans is yet
another aspect proved here.

Hartman personality test:

As shown in the Hartman Test, Blue is a color indicating my personality. It means being comfortable
around people and generally showing loyalty and being trustworthy.

Summary of my personality:

My personality is up and down while being sassy and cheeky! Someone truly said “Beauty gets attention
while personality gets the heart”. Personality traits of mine vary with the situation around. I would best
describe myself as somebody who is extremely down to earth while being diplomatic at the same time.
My emotions run all over indicating my emotional instability but also being humble. It’s not quite
possible to have a hot-headed person want peace, but I am an extreme peace lover in situations of
argument. I abide by laws and have a very professional outlook in various areas of life. Being an art lover
enables me to think out of box and imagine extremities.

Action plan:

My course of action for being angered easily will be my first priority to be resolved which I am gradually.
Emotional stability is what matters the most when dealing with extreme conditions. I would like to
challenge myself to a higher extent. I would avoid being too judgmental in the first meeting and seek
opportunities to think before judging. This would be my due course of action in the next months.

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