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Putri Kurniawati

Structure stability of building can not be separated from the role of forming
elements structure. Foundation is part of bottom structure element which
functioned continue the burden on the supported and its own weight into the ground
and rocks lies underneath .A foundation must planned well by focusing into bearing
capacity and allowable settlement. Based on the results of soil investigation,
acquired the land characteristics is granule land. In foundation planning used
method depend on land characteristic. The end of the pile bearing capacity
calculation is using Meyerhof method (1976), the friction capacity of pile using
alpha (α) method. The settlement of single pile is calculated using semi empirical
method. Foundation is planned at the depth of 13 m with diameter foundation 0,4
m , 0,5 m and 0,6 m. Based on the calculation, pile foundation shaped circle with
diameter 0,4 m, the bearing capacity of the pile is 31,036 tons and the single pile
settlement is 0,014 m. Pile foundation diameter 0,5 m, the bearing capacity of the
pile is 41,909 tons and the single pile settlement is 0.016 m. Pile foundation
diameter 0,6 m, the bearing capacity of the pile is 54,026 tons and the single pile
settlement is 0,018 m. The total cost needed for circle pile foundation diameter 0,4
m is Rp1.555.485.059, the diameter 0,5 m is Rp1.910.055.666, and for diameter of
0,6 m Rp2.214.993.397. The Foundation which is recommended is circle pile
foundation with diameter 0,4 m. This is envisaged under the settlement of pile
foundation, the position of pile cap, and the cost of material used to make

Keywords : Pile Foundation, Dimension Of Foundation, Bearing Capacity,



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